Università degli Studi di Perugia
The Re et or
D.R. n.
Considering art. 4 of Law 3.7.1998, no. 210;
XXX Cycle
A.Y. 2014/2015
PhD programs
Cali for
Law 30.12.2010, no. 240 on "Norms
relating to
organization of thè universities, of employment procedures, along with
mandate to thè Government to enhance thè quality and thè efficiency of thè
university System";
Considering University Statute issued by Decree no.889 on 28.5.2012;
Considering thè General Regulations of thè University, issued by D.R.
(Rector's Decree) no. 470 on 29.3.2013;
Considering D.P.R. (President of thè Republic's Decree) 28.12.2000, no. 445
and subsequent modifìcations and integrations;
Considering Law 12.11.2011, no. 183 in particular art. 15;
Considering thè decree by thè Minister of Education, University and
Research (MIUR) "Regulations concerning thè modality of accreditation of
institutions and doctoral programs and criteria for establishing doctoral
programs by accredited institutions", no. 45 on 8.2.2013;
Considering Università degli Studi di Perugia PhD courses Regulation issued
by D.R. no.1548 on 07.08.2013;
MIUR annotation protocol no. 436 on 24.3.2014, which
establishes research doctorates accreditation guidelines;
Considering MIUR annotation protocol no. 10475 on 16.4.2014 which
establishes A.Y. 2014/2015 research doctorates accreditation operational
indications procedures ;
Considering MIUR annotation protocol no. 2900 on 12.02.2014, with which
MIUR has allocateti University funds for a total of € 831.824,00 - to cover
grants that have already been positively evaluated by ANVUR for XXIX cycle
within young researchers fund;
Considering Rectoral Decree no. 11965 on 18.04.2014, which established
A.Y. 2014/2015 XXX cycle PhD programs proposals application requirements;
Considering deliberation of thè Academic Senate on 21.05.2014, which
granted thè establishment and implementation of research
programs XXX cycle - academic year 5014/2015;
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mall: [email protected]
Considering thè deliberation of thè Administration Council on 21.05.2014,
which approved thè proposals to establish and implement research doctoral
programs for thè academic year 2014/2015 (XXX cycle) and approved thè
budget to fund six scholarships for each doctoral program except for thè
implemented thè tota! number of reserved posts (covered by grants);
Considering that during thè above mentioned section thè Administration
Council approved thè following convention to cover scholarships:
Ospedale San Raffaele - Phd "Biotechnologies" no.l grant ;
Fondazione per la ricerca sul diabete ONLUS - Phd "Translational Medicine
and Surgery" no. 2 grants;
Considering that during thè above mentioned section thè Administration
Council also took note of thè grant for Phd program in "Translational Medicine
and Surgery" covered by "Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche e biomediche";
Considering MIUR annotation protocol no. 20285 on 22.07.2014 concerning
A.Y. 2014/2015 PhD courses accreditation an'd thè possibility of publishing
PhD Cali for application before D.M. accreditation, as long as accreditation
procedures take piace after thè formai accreditation of thè above mentioned
Considering D.R. no. 1438 on 25.07.2014 which established thè allocation
of financial requirements for applying and attending courses during thè
academic year 2014/2015, to be approved by thè appointed authorities
entities at thè earliest convenient session;
Considering Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia deliberation on 12.05.2014
concerning no. 4 grants for thè PhD in "Science and Technology for Physics
and Geology" and relevant commitment established on 28.05.2014;
Considering Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche Decree on
25.07.2014, concerning no. 1 grant for thè Phd in "Pharmaceutical Science";
Considering that thè increase of no. 4 grants for thè Phd in "Science and
Technology for Physics and Geology" allowes for thè increasing of a position
without grant, notwithstanding thè 75% limit relevant to thè positions with
financial support in relation to thè total amount of available posts;
Considering XXX Cycle PhD Coordinators annotations and/or involved
Dipartments Directors annotations concerning Application Cali indications;
Considering D.R. no. 1492 del 4.8.2014 concerning a.y. 2014/2015 XXX
cycle PhD activated programs here mentioned with legai address at thè
University of Perugia, to be approved by thè appointed authorities entities at
thè earliest convenient session;
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
A public selection is issued for admission to Research Doctoral programs of thè
XXX cycle for thè academic year 2014/2015, with legai address at thè
University of Perugia (see Annex 1, which constitutes an integrai part of this
Cali). Admission to thè Research Doctoral programs is granted through
application procedures in accordance with art.15 of thè Regulation of Research
Doctoral Programs of this University, issued by Rectoral Decree no.1548 of
7.8.2013 and specified, for each doctoral program, in thè aforementioned
Annex 1.
Admission requirements
To be able to apply for selection procedures specified in thè previous article,
regardless of their citizenship, candidates must :
by thè expiration date of thè present Cali have either a master's
degree ('Laurea Magistrale'), obtained in accordance with Ministerial Decree
270/2004, a master's degree ('Laurea specialistica') obtained in accordance
with Ministerial Decree 509/1999 or a University Diploma ('Laurea Vecchio
Ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace before thè
Ministerial Decree 509/1999, from an Italian University, in compliance with
thè indicatìons, for each doctoral program reported in Annex 1 to thè
present Cali pertaining thè required degrees for admission;
or, by thè expiration date of thè present Cali , have an equivalent
academic qualification pursued abroad and declared equivalent,
motivated and documented deliberation by thè examìning Commission of thè
selection as requested by thè candidate, and submitted along with thè
application to participate in thè admissions selection and thè appropriate
Equivalence with thè foreign qualification, which is valid for thè sole purpose
of thè admission selection, is admitted in compliance with thè specific
regulating norms in Italy and in thè countrie's where thè qualification was
issued and according to thè treaties or international agreements for thè
acknowledgement of academic degrees. Candidates with foreign academic
qualifications must submit thè documents indicated on art.3;
or obtain thè admission required title, to avoid exclusion. by thè
deadline of October 31st 2014. In this case candidates are admitted with
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
reservation. Officiai documents must be submitted by thè deadline of
Novemberthe 14th 2014 in order to avoid exclusion.
Candidates must fili out thè application forms with ali thè information
required in Attached forms A and Al (thè latter only in case of equivalences),
which are to be considered integrai parts of thè herein Cali for applicants.
Ali candidates are admitted to thè selection with reservation until background
checks, as required in thè Cali, are completed. Therefore thè Administration
has thè authority to exclude any candidate from thè selection procedure at
any time. Furthermore, thè Administration will automatically verify thè
legitimacy of thè candidates' substitute certification statements.
The efficacy of thè selection presented herein is contingent upon thè
PhD Courses accreditation D.M. in Annex 1:
in particular, as for Miur annotation prot. no. 20285 on 22.07.2014, actual
PhD programs actuation procedure will not be carried out before formai
adoption of relevant D.M. accreditation.
Above mentioned selection procedures are also subordinated
DD.RR. no. 1438 on 25.7.2014 and no. 1492 on 4.8.2014 ratification
mentioned in thè Preface by this Universìty appointed authorìties
Admission application
The admission applications, complied in replacement of an issued statement
or notarized certificate, in accordance with art. 46 and 47 of D.P.R.
445/2000, as in (Annex A - Annex Al in case of equivalence application),
duly compiled and signed (mandatory requirements for admission)
ìncluding ali thè required documentation must be sent to thè Magnifico
Rettore of thè University of Perugia - Piazza dell'Università n.l - 06123 Perugia and must arrive before thè deadline of September thè llth
The followìng methods for submittal are allowed:
- direct submission at thè front desk of thè Reception at thè Central Offices
(Palazzo Murena) - P.zza Università, 1 - Perugia - during is opening days
and hours;
- via registered maìl with return signature to thè Rector of thè University at
thè aforementioned address; applications received after thè deadline will not
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
be accepted even if posted before thè deadline. On thè envelope containing
thè application and documents thè following should be written:"Domanda dì
ammissione al corso di dottorato di ricerca in...
dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia - XXX CICLO", ("Application to thè
research doctoral program in
of thè university of Perugia - XXX Cycle")
along with thè sender's address;
- via email with certified mail to thè PEC address protocollotoìcert.unipg.it. of
Annex A (and of Annex Al in case of equivaìence request)- along with a
photocopy of an identity document - properly filled as follows, signed and
scanned and saved as PDF, that is signed digitally, along with pertinent
documentation and signed where required and then scanned and saved as
PDF, or signed with electronic signature; any documentation received from a
non-certified electronic address or sent to another email address of thè
university; analogousiy, documents sent in formats other than Pdf will not be
accepted; in thè subject line of thè emaii thè following should be wrìtten:
"D.R. n
ricerca in
domanda di ammissione al corso di dottorato di
XXX ciclo".("Rectoral Decree no
of .... Application for
admission to thè research doctoral program in .... XXX Cycle") (Please note:
in order to avoid transmission issues, thè following is advised: thè application
should be sent in one single email, any Pdf file should be scanned in black
and white and with low resolution, thè total size of thè email should not
exceed 20 MB and piease read carefully operational instructions posted on
- via fax at 075/5852067 - 075/5852267 with relevant documentation
properiy compiled as above mentioned;
Please be advised that in order to be accepted, ali applications must
be received by thè deadline of 11.9.2014 and thè postai stamp will be
proof and evìdence of arrivai at thè Protocol Office of thè University.
Therefore, applications and relative documentation received after thè
deadline, will not be considered, even if posted beforehand.
To avoid exciusion thè application must be signed without notarization in
front of thè appointed cierk at thè moment of submission or signed and
presented alonq with a photocopy of an I.D. If thè I.D. has expired, in
accordance with art. 45 of D.P.R. 445/2000 thè candidate will declare on thè
photocopy that ID data bave not changed since its issuance.
dei Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: ufficio.concorsi@unipg.ìt
The candidate applying for thè selection procedures partecipation
must declare under his/her own responsibility and in accordance
with articles 46 and 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000:
1. His/her name date and piace of birth, residence and mailing address for
thè Cali (specifying thè zip code) and, if possible, telephone number, fax
number, and email address or PEC certified email address; candidates are
obliged to communicate any changes to this information,
For foreign
candidates within and outside of thè European Community, an Italian address
or their Embassy in Italy address is required;
2. The exact name of thè doctoral program for which thè candidate is
3. His/her citizenship;
4. Adequate knowledge of Italian language (only for foreign EU or not EU in
thè event that is not possible to carry out tests in a language different from
Italian, in accordance with thè indications in Appendix 1 of thè selection
5. The awarded degree, required in accordance with art.2 of this Cali and
specified in detail in Annex 1, along with thè date of award and thè name of
thè awarding University and thè final mark, or thè degree which will be
awarded by thè 31th October 2014, or thè degree for which thè equivalence
is being requested, if awarded at a foreign unìversity;
6. The foreign language which will be tested during thè orai examination
(applicable only for those who apply for doctoral programs for which it is
possible to choose among several foreign languages) as specifìed in Annex 1;
be conducted
videoconference and identification of a valid contact address for this purpose
(only for doctoral programs for which this is possible);
8. Reserved position application form indicatìng relevant requirement as
indicated in Appendix 1 and therefore indicating proof of reserved places
holding requirement (only for PhD programs for which there are reserved
9. Only for thè disabled people: equipment or aid needed, and whether
additional time is deemed to be needed to complete thè examination in
accordance with Law 05/02/1992, no.104 and no. 170/2010 concerning
ADHD/ADD (a medicai certificate in origina! or notarized copy stating thè
nature of thè disability which authorizes thè additional benefits, must be
submitted along with thè application).
Lackìng thè aforementioned documentation thè requested benefits
cannot be allowed.
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
10. To authorize, in case thè Administration receives motivated request to
i j
access officiai documents relating to thè procedure and thè candidate is thè
person against whom this request is made, thè submission, via electronic
email to thè emaii address specified in thè application, in accordance with art.
3 of thè D.P.R. 184/2006, of thè copy of thè request with which access to thè
archives is performed and thè possibility to challenge, with a rightful
mottvation, this request, also via electronic email, within ten days after
receiving thè request.
11. To accept ali terms in this Cali.
Please note: In order to properly fili out thè application and to submit thè
required documents for admission to thè present competition and also to
evaluate thè
qualifications, ali substitute
Certifìcation statements , in
accordance with art. 46 of D.P.R. 445/2000 (with which personal status/data
and listed facts according to art. 46 can be declared) and replacement
declarations of notarized acts in accordance with art. 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000
(with which personal status/data and facts that thè candidates are aware of
can be declared and thè compliance of a thè photocopy of thè originai of a
document, a publication, an academic degree, or a service certificate to thè
originai) can be validly submitted in accordance with art. 3 of D.P.R.
445/2000, by Italian citizens and by citizens of thè European Union; thè
citizens of Countries outside of thè European Union legally residing in Italy
can use replacement declarations in accordance with articìes. 46 and 47
limitedly to thè countries, thè personal features and thè certifiable (or
verifiabie by Italian public officials) facts, provided that thè laws or
regulations regarding immigration and thè condition of thè foreigner do not
state otherwise and also that thè use of these replacement declarations be
authorized through international agreements between Italy and thè country
of origin and within thè limits of these conditions.
The replacement declarations of certifications and notarized acts are
considered submitted if they are subscribed by thè candidate in front of thè
appointed clerk, or if
they are subscribed and presented along with a
photocopy of thè candidate's form of identification, in accordance with art.
38, 3° comma, of D.P.R. 445/2000 to be valid and effective (a scheme of
these declarations ìs attached: Annex B).
The Administration is obliged to perform checks (also randomly) and in ali
doubtful cases regarding thè truthfulness of ali replacement declarations as
per articìes. 46 and 47 of D.P.R.
no. 445/2000.
checks reveal
untruthfulness of thè contents in thè declaration, thè candidate will lose any
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-maìl: [email protected]
benefits accrued on thè bases of these declarations in accordance with art. 75
of D.P.R. 445/2000, under conditions in art. 76 of thè same D.P.R.
Ali applicatìons
should include (in accordance with art. 15 of Law
183/2011, Public Administrations cannot accept certifìcates issued by other
Public Administrations):
a photocopy of an identity document.
Receipt of payment of € 60,00 made using thè appropriate form
(one for each doctoral program) downloadable at
under "Dottorati di ricerca" - "Bandi, avvisi e modulistica". Candidates
who are abroad and cannot use thè abovementioned form to make thè
payment, may send a bank transfer for that amount to thè Università
degliStudi di Perugia at UNICREDIT S.P.A. - Agenzia dì Perugia Università IBAN IT70J0200803043000029407189 -
; please specify as follows: " Application for admissions selection to thè
doctoral program in
at thè University
of Perugia XXX cycle
This sum will not be reimbursed under anv cìrcumstance whatsoever.
Degrees as follows:
For those who were awarded a degree in Italy:
The actual title, in originai or authenticated copy, or copy which has been
declared equal to thè originai by filling in Annex B, in accordance with articles
19 and 47 as per D.P.R. 445/2000,
that is self-certified by means of a
substitute certifìcation statement, using Annex B in accordance with art. 46,
D.P.R. 445/2000, which certifies thè degree awarded, required in accordance
with art.2 of this Cali and detailed in Annex 1 as requisite for admission along
with date thè degree was awarded, thè awardìng University and thè final
mark (for those who have been awarded a degree from thè University of
Perugia, this documentation can be directly downloaded from thè students'
portai by logging into thè private area);
• for those candidates who have a foreign degree: thè title in originai or
authenticated copy, complete with thè officiai translation in Italian legally
certified (where necessary) and relative declaration of vaìue issued by thè
Italian Consulate or Diplomatic Representation in thè country where thè
degree was awarded along with documentation which is necessary for thè
jury Commission to ascertain thè equivalences (see Notes.). If thè above
mentioned documentation cannot be presented together with thè admission
form, candidates will be admitted with reservation notwithstanding that if
declared winners they wil! lose thè rights of being matriculated by lack of
dei Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
documentation if thè documentation does not arrive on time to ascertain thè
equivalences by thè deadlines.
application (see Annex 1 of this Cali), in order to be evaluated must
be presented as follows:
a)- origina! or authenticated copy;
b)- (limited to thè subjects authorized to do so, see Notes) copy declared
equal to originai, in accordance with art. 19 as per D.P.R. no. 445/2000, by
means of a certification statement of thè notarized certificate as per art. 47 of
thè D.P.R. no. 445/2000, by using Annex B;
e)- (limited to thè subjects authorized to do so, see Notes.) self-certification
of degrees, by means of replacement declaration or notarized act, in
accordance with articles 46 and 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000, using Annex B. (in
case thè candidate intends to self-certify using a Curriculum Vitae, thè latter
must be completed with a replacement certificate or notarized act in
accordance with articles 46 and 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000, using Annex B, in
he/she declares that "thè Curriculum Vitae states only factual
The modalìtv for submittal as specified in ci cannot be used for certain titles
fe.g. dissertations and publicationsì which need to be read in order to be
evaluated. and therefore must be sent bv usino thè modalities specified in ai
and b):
d)- for degrees or titles in a language other than Italian, French, English,
German or Spanish, an Italian translation must be submitted and certified by
a diplomatic representative or consulate to be equal to thè foreign document,
or by in officiai translation or, where this is permitted (see Notes), translated
by thè candidate and declared to be equal to thè originai document by using
a substitute certification statement, in accordance with art. 47 of D.P.R. no.
445/2000, using Annex B.
can be submitted for evaluation
(including printed
excerpts), provided they are submitted by following thè instructions
in this document.
Publications, printed in Italy before 2.9.2006 (when Regulations as per D.P.R.
no . 252/2006 wereput in piace), must have been done by following
instructions as per Decree "Luogotenenziale" no. 660/1945; if printed in Italy
after this date, thè legai deposit must have been duly performed as per
D.P.R. no. 252 on 3.5.2006.
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: -i- 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
References cannot be made to documents or publications presented to this or
other administrations or to documents attached to other applications for
other competitions.
Applications and documentations which - albeit foreseen in this Cali - are not
submitted by using thè conditions specified in this cali will not be considered.
More information or clarification regarding submission procedures can be
forwarded to thè Ufficio Concorsi (tei. 075/5852219 - 2308 - 2368 - e-mail:
[email protected]. [email protected] ).
The Adminìstration cannot be held liable in case contact is not possible
between thè parties (whether for thè impossibiiity to reach thè candidate,
wrong address, failure on thè candidate's part to timely inform this university
of any changes in his/her address or contact information). Furthermore, thè
Administration will not be held liable in case "Communications are impeded
due to postai or technical hurdles, a third party, a fortuitous occurrence or
circumstances beyond one's contrai.
If thè candidate wishes to apply for more than one doctoral program,
he/she must submit an application for each and submit thè necessary
Please be advised that it may not be possible to
participate in each selection due to thè fact that examination dates
may overlap. Should this be thè case, thè payment made will NOT be
reimbursed in any case.
Evaluation procedures
To guarantee a complete evaluation of each applicant, thè selection
procedure will be administered according to thè guidelines in art.15 of thè
Regutation of Research Doctoral programs of this University, and specifically,
for each doctoral program, according to thè indications presented in Annex 1
of this Cali.
In generai, please note that:
- thè minimum mark (if foreseen) to pass each test (evaluation of
qualifications, written test and/or interview) is indicated in Annex 1;
- eligibility is obtained with a total mark indicated in Annex 1;
- thè Commission, in an initial meeting, will identify and report thè criteria
and marking System for qualifications, written test and/or interview;
- qualifications will be evaluated by thè Commission before thè written test or
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
- if minimum mark is required on evaluation of qualifications, thè list of
candidates admitted to thè written test and/or interview will be posted at
least 3 days before thè written test and/or thè interview; if minimum mark is
not required on evaluation of qualifications, each candidate will receive thè
score on their qualifications before thè interview;
- thè Commission will report thè marks of thè written examination (if
foreseen) and post them outside thè venue of thè interviews and before thè
latter begin;
- thè Commission will rank only thè eligible candidates (Annex 1) by
summing thè scores of their evaluation of qualifications, written test (if
foreseen) and interview.
The schedule of thè examinations for each doctoral program is reported in
Annex 1 of this cali. The aforementìoned schedule is to be consìdered as a
formai convocatìon. No private Communications on this matter will be sent to
thè candidates.
On September thè 16th 2014 an announcement will be published on thè
University webpage (www.unipq.it/didattica under "Dottorati di ricerca" "Bandi, avvisi e modulistica") and on thè University online billboard either
confirming or changing thè venue, thè dates and/or time of meetings, or any
other communication deemed necessary.
Failure to show on thè day, time and piace of thè examination will
entail expulsion from thè selection, regardless of thè motivation.
To be allowed to sit thè examination, candidates must have one of thè
fotlowing forms of identity: identity card (with picture), passport, driver's
license, nautica! license, pensìon document, thermai management System
operating license, weapon license, ID cards provided they have a photograph
a seal
equivalent stamp,
a governmental
The above documents shall not have expired.
If a candidate has proof of identity which has expired, thè form of ID must
anyhow be exhibited and thè candidate shall" sign a photocopy of it which
states that thè information in thè ID has not changed since thè date of
Once thè admission procedures have been compieteti, thè acts and records
will be either approved with a managerial provision or sent back to thè
Commission in order to regularize and/or integrate them. Candidates are
admitted to thè program if they are ranked accordìngly with thè terms of
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
www.unipQ.it/didattica under "Dottorati di ricerca" - "Bandi, avvisi e
modulìstica" and on thè University public online billboard (no private
Communications on this matter will be sent to thè candidates).
Candidates will bave access to ali formai acts accordingly with Law
n.241/1990 and with thè University Regulation regarding administrative
procedures and access rights. The Administration can postpone access rights
till after thè selection is complete.
The results of thè selection procedures in this decree are subordinate
to thè approvai of thè DD.RR. no. 1438 on 25.07.2014, no. 1492 on
04.08.2014 mentioned in thè ìntroductìon by thè authorizing entìties
of this University.
Commissions for admissions selection to research doctorates will be formed and
appointed in compliance with art. 17 of thè Regulation of thè Research
Doctorate Programs of this University.
The Commìssions must complete their evaluation by thè thirtieth day after thè
beginning of thè first examination.
Admission to courses
Candidates are admitted to courses accordingly to how they ranked on thè
merit list, up to thè maximum number of positions available for each doctoral
program. In case of a draw, thè younger candidate will be selected.
In case a candidate is elìgìble in more than one list, at thè moment of
enrolment, thè candidate must opt for one doctoral program only.
In case thè candidate has applied for more than one doctoral program
structured in curricula, at thè time of enrolment must opt for one only.
The Administration will then proceed to collect ali matriculation documents
required to formaliy enrol those who are eligible according to how they ranked
on thè merit list.
In accordance with thè decree activating thè research doctorate programs- XXX
cycle - as per thè present Cali, thè candidate admitted to thè program have to
submit thè documents to thè 'Ufficio Scuole di dottorato e Assegni di ricerca'
(Office of thè School of Research Doctorate and Research') by thè date that will
be indicated in thè decree of approvai and merit list and that will be posted at
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
www.unipg.it/didattica under "Dottorati di ricerca" - "Bandi, avvisi e
modulistica" (no private Communications on this metter wìll be sent to
thè candidates), or by thè date of reception of thè communication sent by thè
'Ufficio Scuole di dottorato e Assegni di ricerca' in case of ranks changes. The
relevant forms are available at http://unipa.it/didattica/dottorati-di-ricerca .
In case a candidate renounces or enrolment ìs not made before program
inception, thè following candidate in line will become eligible. Beyond this date,
and in any case not after December 31st 2014, this admission will be contingent
to thè decision of thè Board of Teachers of thè Doctorate Program Committee.
In order to complete thè procedures of Admissions and following thè officiai
appointment of thè scholarships, previously approved by thè Board of Teachers
Doctoral Program Committee,
aforementioned scholarships will be made officiai by Managerial Decree and thè
list of candidates wi!l be approved, including those as per Comma 2, lett. G of
art.16 of thè Regulation of thè Doctorate Program of thè University of Perugia.
In accordance with thè decree activating thè research doctoral programs- XXX
cycle - as in thè present Cali, scholarships awarded in order to attend thè
Research Doctorate programs are annual and can be renewed for thè second
and thè third year provided that thè graduate student has completed thè
requìrements for thè previous year, and this is verified accordingly with thè
procedures established by thè Regulations of thè Program, and provided that
thè scholarshìp is assigned after having verified that thè previous year
requirements have been met.
Scholarship amount, to be corresponded monthly, is determined as established
with D.M. 18/06/2008 and subsequent modifications and integrations.
The amount of thè scholarships is increased to a maximum of 50% on thè total
number and accordingly with thè budget both for those funded by thè Central
Administration and for those of thè single departments, for professional
development abroad pending authorization from thè Board of teachers, for
periods under 18 months. This increase is granted only after having completed
thè aforementioned period of research activity abroad and upon submittal of a
statement issued by thè hosting agency director. The time interval of stay must
be specified in thè statement. In those cases where thè period of time spent
abroad is longer than two months, thè increment can be provided in monthly
payments during thè period abroad and upon thè graduate student's request
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 3 9 0 7 5 5 8 5 5 1 6 8
E-mail: [email protected]
along with a statement on behalf of thè director of thè organization hosting thè
From thè second year, each graduate student is awarded extra funds for
research (limited to thè approved financia! resources), both in Italy and abroad;
these funds are additional to thè scholarship thè amount of which is determined
for each program for a total of 10% of thè gross year amount of thè agency,
except for financiaf additions on thè allotted operational funds within thè
administrative department of thè program.
The Doctoral program scholarship is taxable for social security "INPS a gestione
separata" as per art. 2, comma 26, of Law 8 August 1995, no.335 and
subsequent modifications and integrations, in thè following percentages: twothirds in charge of thè administration and one third of thè student.
Scholarships funded by other universities or public entities can be limited to
specific research areas. The scholarships which fall in this category will oblige
thè student to focus on these areas in compliance with thè conditions foreseen
in thè agreement. The Board of Teachers will be tasked with verifying that
these conditions are met.
For thè Research Doctoral Programs established and activated in virtue of
cooperation agreements with other prestigious and internationally renowned
universities and foreign research entities as per art. 10 of D.M. 45/2013, thè
norms relating to thè scholarships will be defined in thè agreements.
The norms in thè present Cali are not applicable to foreign students or
beneficiaries of financial aid in specific mobility programs for which there is
specific regulation.
The scholarships for Doctoral Programs cannot be utilized in conjunction with
other scholarships granted for whatever reason, with thè exceptìon of those
granted by national or foreign institutions for. thè purpose to complete thè
recipients' research and learning activity training in thè programs.
Those who are recipient of a scholarship, even if only partially, to attend
another doctoral program at any other Italian University cannot be granted
Fees to access and attend thè program
The doctoral students who are not recipìents of either scholarships or doctoral
research grants must pay fees in thè amount established each year by thè
Administration Council after having received thè Academic Senate's approvai.
The doctoral students who are recipients of a scholarship and nave either lost
thè right to thè scholarship of nave renounced for whatever reason, will be
exempt from fees.
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
The annual fee to attend thè program is established on thè bases of income as
defined in D.R. no. 1438 del 25/07/2014, as follows:
A. A. 2014/15
instalment* II
< €10.000,00
€10.000,01 < €15.000,00
€ 367,27
€15.000,01 < €20.000,00
€20.000,01 < €25.000,00
€25.000,01 < €30.000,00
€30.000,01 < €40.000,00
€ 889,63
€40.000,01 < €50.000,00
€ 996,28
€50.000,01 < €60.000,00
€60.000,01 < €70.000,00
> €70.000,01
I instalment*
Sole category matricules *
Doctora! students who are not recipients of scholarships and those who are
recipients of grants and have an ISEE/ISEEU coefficient equal or less than
Euro 70.000,00 can request that thè second instalment be reduced by
submitting relevant documentation (ISEE) concerning 2013 income, certified
by a Caf or registered accountant in order to receive a partial reduction of
due fees.
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
, The ISEEU must be submitted if thè doctoral student falls in thè categories of
, art. 41, comma 3 of thè Regulation of procedure for terms and taxes,
; downìoadable at http://www.unipg.it/studenti .
i Requests for reductions will not be considered if submitted after 31/12/2014;
therefore, failure or tardiness in submitting thè ISEE/ISEEU will result in
being assigned to thè highest income category.
Disabied doctoral students with percentage of disability equal or above 66%,
can request exemption from paying thè second instalment by submitting thè
form "declaration of disability
equa! or above 66%", and enclosing
appropriate certification which states thè disability, to thè 'Ufficio Scuole di
dottorato e assegni di ricerca' before 31/12/2014.
Art. 9
Rights and obligations of doctoral students and reasons for exclusions
As per thè rights and obligations of doctoral students and thè reasons for
2xclusion, please see arts. 19 and 20 of thè Regulation of Research Doctoral
^rograms of thè University of Perugia and art. 4 of D.R. 1492 del 4/08/2014.
Art. 10
Award of title
^Vs per thè decree which establishes thè doctoral program- XXX cycle - of thè
^resent Cali, thè award of thè title of Research Doctor is conferred by thè
Rector, as established in thè "Regolamento dei corsi di dottorato di ricerca
dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia".
Return of thè documentatici! submitted with thè application
The candidates can request, four months after thè decree stating thè approvai
òf thè competition procedures is published on thè University public online
billboard (thè deferrai period for judicial Terms is not to be considered) and
within thè following two months that their documentation be given back.
Documentation will be returned in thè aforementioned terms and provided no
iitigations are in progress, directly to thè applicant or by authorized proxy, After
these deadlines, thè University will not be liable for thè conservation and return
òf thè documentation.
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
Personal data treatment
As per art 13 of thè legislative decree 30.6.2003, no, 196, thè personal data
provided by thè candidates will be collected by thè University of Perugia, for thè
purposes of this selection and will be entered in an electronic database.
Applicants must submit these data in order for thè board of selection to be able
to evaluate them, and failure to do so will result in exclusion.
The candidates have thè rights as per art. 7 of thè above mentioned legislative
decree no. 196/2003 and in particular to gain access to their personal data, to
fequest modifications, updates or deletion if thè aforementioned data are
incomplete, incorrect, or obtained in violation of thè Law, as well as to contest
its treatment for legitimate reasons, by presenting an officiai request to thè
University of Perugia.
Art. 13
Appointed officiai in charge of thè procedures
The person to contact for reasons pertaining to this decree is Dr. Rossana Ragni
r e-mail: [email protected], tei. 075/5852219 - fax 075/5855168.
Art. 14
Jhis decree
Public disclosure
be published online
on thè
www.uniDq.it/didattica under "Dottorati di ricerca - Bandi, avvisi e
modulistica" and on thè officiai university public online billboard. Also, it will
be published on thè MIUR website and thè European website Euraxess.
The announcement will also be published in thè 'Gazzetta Ufficiale della
Repubblica Italiana - IV serie speciale - Concorsi ed Esami'.
Possìble modifications, updates and Communications relating to thè
present Cali will only be available on thè University website. Therefore,
candidates are required to consult thè aforementioned website at
www.unipg.it/didattica under "Dottorati di ricerca" - "Bandi, avvisi e
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università i
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
Art. 15
Final dìspositions
Por ali that is noi included in this Cali, please consult thè norms and regulations
for research Doctorates and thè Regulations of thè Courses for Research
Doctorates of thè University of Perugia, issued with D.R. no.1548 of 7.8.2013.
II Resrf. dell'Ufficio
Trasmesso per la firma il:
del Personale
Palazzo Murena
Piazza dell'Università 1
06123 Perugia
Area: Procedure Selettive e
Personale Docente
Ufficio: Concorsi
Tei: + 39 075 585 2219-2308
Fax: + 39 075 585 5168
E-mail: [email protected]
Appendìx 1 of D.R.{Rector's decree) no.
1 A. i-i
~ w
PhD program name: *
* ~ A60, 2014
3 years
Without a grant
Re se rv ed positions
Genomics and genetics of host-pathogen agent relationship
Translational immune-metabolism, immune-genetics and immunology
In convention with
Imperiai College - UK
Deqrees reouired for admìssion
Any Master's degree {'Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministeria! decree D.M. 509/1999,
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004,
Any University diploma (xLaurea Vecchio ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace
before thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force, deemed comparable to thè Master's degrees (
'Laurea Specialistica' or'Laurea Magistrale') indicated above, in conformity with thè current regulations on
comparison of qualifications for thè purpose of participation in state competitive examinations.
Selectìon procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of qualifications and interview (out of a tota! of sixtv: 30 + 30Ì
Evaluation of qualifìcations will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publìcations (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifìcations you have, with ali elements that can help in evaluating them,
including grades obtained within each course).
The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration of a research project to be developped during thè three year course
on themes which will be dealt with in PhD course curricula; thè draft of this research project must be presented
with thè application form to partìcipate in thè selection competition.
To avoid thè risk of not beino evaluated thè qualifìcations must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The interview will regard thè subject matter of thePhD curricula and will aim at verifying thè candidate's
aptitude towards research, his/her availabilty to carry out perìods of research experience abroad and thè scientific
interest of thè candidate. For this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application. The candidate may choose to be interviewed in English.
For interviews held in Italian there will also be verification of thè English language knowledge .
The minimum mark to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Eliqibility is obtained with a tota I mark equa! to or above 30/60.
Exam dates:
The interview will take piace:
Octoberthe 2nd 2014 starting at 3:00pm. in thè "Aula 1 del Polo di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università degli Studi
di Perugia, Edificio B, Piano -2", P.le Gambuli, S. Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia.
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved positions
1) Medicai Biotechnologies
2) Molecular and Cellular Biotechnologies
Biomaterials and bio-devices
In convention with
4) Industriai biotechnologies
Degrees reauired for admission
Master's degree ("Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 in: 6/S
"Bìology", 7/S "Agricultural Biotechnologies", 8/S "Industriai Biotechnologies", 9/S "Medicai, Veterinary and
Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies", 14/S "Pharmacy and Industriai Pharmacy", 20/S "Physics", 23/S "Computer
Science", 26/S "Biomedicai Engineering", 27/S "Chemical Engineering", 33/S "Energy and Nuclear Engineering",
35/S "Computer Engineering", 36/S "Mechanical Engineering", 38/S "Environmental and Territorial Engineering",
46/S "Medicine and Surgery", 47/S "Veterniary Medicine", 52/S "Dentistry and Dentai Prosthesis", 61/S "Material
Science and Engineering", 62/S "Chemical Sciences", 68/S "Nature Sciences", 69/S "Human Nutritìon Sciences",
77/S "Agricultural Science and Technology", 78/S "Agro-food sciences and technologies", 79/S "Agro-zootechnical
sciences and technologies", 82/S "Science and Technology for thè environment and territory";
Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale')
in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004 in: LM-6
"Biology", LM-7 "Agricultural Biotechnology", LM-8 "Industriai Biotechnology", LM-9 "Medicai, Veterinary and
Pharmaceutical biotechnologies", LM-13 "Pharmacy and Industriai Pharmacy", LM-17 "Physics", LM-18 "Computer
LM-21 "Biomedicai
LM-22 "Chemical Engineering",
LM-30 "Energy
Engineering", LM-32 "Computer Engineering", LM-33 "Mechanical Engineering", LM-35
and Nuclear
"Environmental and
Territorial Engineering", LM-41 "Medicine and Surgery", LM-42 "Veterinary Medicine", LM-53 "Materials Science
and Engineering"/ LM-54 "Chemical Sciences", LM-60 "Nature Sciences", LM-61 "Human Nutrition Sciences", LM69 "Agricultural Science and Technology", LM-70 "Food Sciences and Technologies", LM-71 "Industriai Chemistry
Sciences and Technologies", LM-75 "Science and Technology for thè Environment and Territory";
Any University diploma ("Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace
before thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force, deemed comparable to thè Master's degrees
( 'Laurea Specialistica' or 'Laurea Magistrale') above indicateti, in conformity with thè current regulations on
comparison of qualifications for thè purpose of participation in state competitive examinations.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluatìon of qualifications and interview f out of a tota I of sìxty: 30 + 30 ì
Evaluation of qualifications will regard university education, as well as any further educational or professional
and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to attach and/or
declare ali of thè qualifications you have, complete with ali elements that can help in evaluating them, including
grades obtained within each educational course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration by thè candidates
of a research project to be developped during thè three year period of thè course on a theme which wìll be dealt
with PhD course curricula; this research project must be presented with thè application to participate in thè
Ig_aVQid_th_e risk of not beino evaluated thè qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to PhD Curricula
and will also aim at verifying thè
candidate's aptitude towards research, his/her availability to spend research experience periods abroad as well as
thè scientific interests of thè candidate. Por this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to
illustrate thè research project he/she presented with thè application form.
The candidate may choose to be interviewed in English. Por interviews held in Italian there will also be verification
of thè English language knowledge .
No minimum mark is required in orderto pass thè interview.
Eliqibìlitv is obtained with a tota! mark equal to ora bove 36/60.
Exam dates:
The interview will take piace:
October thè 13th 2014 startina at 10:00am , in thè "Aula Magna del Polo di Biotecnologie dell'Università degli
Studi di Perugia, via del Giochetto, Perugia.
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved posi ti o ns
In convention with
Deqrees required for admissìon
Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 in 22/S
"Law", 84/S "Business Economie Sciences";
Master's degree ("Lauree Magistrali') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004 in LMG/01
"Law" ; LM-16 "Finance", LM-77 "Business Economics Science", LM-83
"Actuarial, Financial and Economìe
Any Uni versi ty diploma ('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace
before thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force, deemed comparable to thè Master's degrees
( 'Laurea Specialistica' or 'Laurea Magistrale') above ìndicated, in conformity with thè current regulations on
comparison of qualifications for thè purpose of participation in state competitive examinations.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of qualifications, written test and interview (out of a tota] of ninety: 30 + 30 + 30)
Evaluation of qualifications will regard university education, as 'well as any further educational and/or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientifìc publications (attach and/or
declare ali of thè qualifications you have, with ali thè elements that can help in evaluating them, including grades
obtained within each educational course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration by thè candidates of a
research project to be developped during thè three year period of thè course on a theme which will be dealt with
thè PhD course curriculum; this research project must be presented with thè application to participate in thè
To avoid thè risk of not being evaluated thè qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The written test will consist in thè writing of a paper chosen by thè candidate from thè titles proposed by thè
Commission and will regard subject matter pertaining to thè PhD Curriculum (IUS/01, IUS/04, IUS/05, IUS/16).
The written test will be carried out in Italian.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè written test is 21/30.
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to thè PhD Curriculum (IUS/01, IUS/04, IUS/05, IUS/16) and
will also aim at verifying thè candidate's aptitude towards research, his/her availability to spend research
experience periods abroad as weìl as thè scientifìc interests of thè candidate. Por this purpose, during thè
interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè research project he/she presented with thè application
The candidate may choose to be interviewed in English.
Por interviews held in Italian there will also be verifìcatìon of English or Spanish language knowledge.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Eligibility is obtained with a tota 1 mark equal to or above 60/90.
Exam dates: The tests will take piace as follows:
Written exam:
October 23rd 2014 startinq at 9:00am. at "Dipartimento di Economia dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, Sede
di Terni, Via Papa Zaccaria, 10, Località San Valentino (dose to thè Basilica), Terni".
October 24th 2014 startinq at 9lOOarn, at "Dipartimento di Economia dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, Sede
di Terni, Via Papa Zaccaria, 10, Località San Valentino (dose to thè Basilica), Terni".
Please Note: Consumer Law PhD students must compulsorilv carry out a period of one year research at
thè University of Salamanca and thè doctoral thesis must be written in two languages (Italian /
English or Italian / Spanish).
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved positions
In convention with
Economics and institutions
Economics and business
Quantitative methods for economics
Deqrees required for admission
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree ("Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any University diploma ("Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of aualifications and intervìew fout of a total of sixtv: 30 + 30)
The evaluation of qualifications will regard university education, as well as any further educational and/or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any sdentine publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, complete with ali elements that can help in evaluating
them, including grades obtained within each educational course). The evaluation will also regard thè drafting of a
research project by thè candidate to be developped during thè three years of thè course on one of thè themes of
PhD curricula, thè draft of thè research project must be presented with thè application to take part in thè selection
To avoid thè risk of not beino evaluated thè qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in artìcle 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
Minimum mark required on evaluation of qualifications in order to acceed to thè interview is 15/30.
At least 3 days before thè interview, thè list of candidates admitted to thè interview,inticating thè marks obtained
on qualifications evaluation ,will be posted onlìne on thè website www.unipq.it/didattica under "Dottorati di
ricerca" - "Bandì, avvisi e modulistica".
The interview will regard subject matter pertainìng to PhD curricula and will also aim at verifying thè candidate's
aptitude towards research, his/her availabìlity to spend research experience periods abroad as well as thè scientific
interests of thè candidate. For thìs purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application (form). The candidate may choose to be interviewed in
English. For interviews held in Italian there will also be verificatìon of thè English language knowledge .
The interview can be carried out via videoconference. In this case thè applicant must specify this choice when
he/she applies, indicating a valid contact on thè application form. The candidate must contaci thè Coordinator of
thè course to arrange a time at which thè interview may take piace, on thè same date/s indicateti for thè
interview. The candidate must make sure he/she is available at thè address that he/she indìcated on thè
application form at thè arranged time and for thè two following hours. If thè candidate is not available for three
times/attempts by thè examining commission, he/she will be considered definitely not present at thè interview.
At thè beginning of thè interview thè candidate will be requested to show his/her I.D. (ID card/passport). The
University of Perugia takes no responsibility for thè impossibilìty for thè interview to take piace for technical
problems that may arìse.
The minimum mark to pass thè interview ìs 21/30.
Eliqìbilitv is obtained wìth a tota! mark equal to or above 36/60.
Exam date: The interview will take piace starting on October thè 6th 2014 at 10:QOam at "Dipartimento di
Economia dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, Via A. Pascoli, 20- Perugia" and will go on in accordance with thè
schedule indicated by Commission together with thè candidates list.
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved positions
In convention with
Energy and its effect on human health
Energy, agricultural and terrìtorial resources
Degrees required for admission
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any University diploma
('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into foncé.
Selectìon procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of qualifications, written test and interview (out of a total of ninetv: 30 + 30 + 30Ì
The evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational and/or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you nave, complete with ali elements that can help in evaluating
them, including grades obtained within each accademie course).
To avoid thè risk of not being evaluated ali qualifications must be presented according to thè conditìons described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The written test will consist in thè writing of a paper chosen by thè candidate from thè titles proposed by thè
Commission and will regard subject matter pertaining to thè PhD curricula. The candidate may choose to wrìte thè
paper either in Italian or English.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè written test is 21/30.
The interview
will regard subject matter pertaining to PhD curricula and thè candidate may choose to be
interviewed in English. For interviews held in Italian there will also be verification of thè English language
knowledge .
The minimum mark in order to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Eliqìbilitv is obtained with a total mark equal to or above 54/90
Exam dates: The tests will take piace as follows:
Written exam:
October thè lst 2014 startinq at 12:00 noon. at "Aula 5 Dipartimento dì Engineering dell'Università degli Studi di
Perugia, piano terra, via G. Duranti 67, Perugia".
October thè 2nd 2014 startinq at IQiOOam. at "Aula didattica del Centro di Ricerca sulle Biomasse dell'Università
degli Studi di Perugia, I piano, via G. Duranti 63, Perugia".
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved posi ti o ns
1. Information Engineering
2. Industriai Engineering
In conventìon with
Deorees reauìred for admission
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree ("Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any University diploma ('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of auaMfìcations and interview fout of a total of sixtv: 30 + 30)
The evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational and/or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, complete with ali elements that can help in evaluating
them, including grades obtained within each accademie course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration by
thè candidates of a research project to be developped during thè three year period of thè course on a theme which
will be dealt with thè PhD course curriculum; this research project must be presented with thè application to
participate in thè selection.
To avoid thè risk of not beino evaluated ali qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to PhD curricula and will also aim at verifying thè candidate's
aptitude towards research, his/her availability to spend research experience periods abroad as well as thè scientific
interests of thè candidate. For this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application (form). Only candidates resident abroad may choose to be
interviewed in English. Por interviews held in Italian there \e . also be verifìcation of thè English language
The minimum mark in order to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Elìqibilitv is obtained with a total mark equa I to or above 25/60.
Exam dates: The interview will take piace as follows:
October thè Ist 2014. start i nq at IQiOOam, at "Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli
Studi di Perugia, via G. Duranti, Perugia"
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved positions
In convention with
Pathology and clinical atherosclérosis
Surgìcal science
Biotechnologies in human bone marrow transplant
Deorees reauired for admìssion
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any University diploma
('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force.
Selectìon procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of qualificatìons, written test and interview (out of a total of nìnetv: 30 + 30+ 30)
The evaluation of qualificatìons will regard thè university education, as weli as any further educational and/or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any sdentine publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualificatìons you have, complete with ali elements that can help in evaluating
them, including grades obtained within each accademie course).
To avoid thè risk of not being evaluated ali qualificatìons must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The written test will consist in thè writing of a paper chosen by thè candidate from thè titles proposed by thè
Commission and will regard subject matter pertaining to thè curricula thè PhD is composed of. The candidate may
choose to write thè paper either in Italian or English.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè written test is 21/30.
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to PhD curricula and thè candidate may choose to be
interviewed in English. For interviews held in Italian there will also be verifìcation of thè English language
knowledge .
The minimum mark in order to pass thè interview ìs 21/30.
Eliqibilitv ìs obtained with a tota! mark equa! to or above 48/90
Exam dates: The tests will take piace as follows:
Written exam:
October thè 7th 2014 startinq at 9:00am. at "Aula 'Grande', Blocco L, Piano -1, Ospedale Santa Maria della
Misericordia, Piazzale Menghini 1, Sant1 Andrea delie Fratte, Perugia".
Interview: October thè 13th 2014 startina at 12:00noon. at "Direzione della Sezione di Medicina Interna,
Angiologia e Malattie da Arteriosclerosi (M.I.A.M.A.) del Dipartimento di Medicina, Blocco L, Piano 3, Ospedale
Santa Maria della Misericordia - Piazzale Menghini 1, Sant' Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia".
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved positions
1) Translational medicine
2) Translational surgery
In convention with
Dearees reauired for admission
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree (^Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any Uni ver si ty diploma ("Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of qualifications. wrìtten test and interview (out of a total of ninety: 30 + 30+ 3O)
The evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational and/or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you nave, complete with ali elements that can help in evaluating
them, including grades obtained within each accademie course).
To avoid thè risk of not being evaluated ali qualifications must be presented according to thè conditìons described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The written test will consist in thè writing of a paper chosen by thè candidate from thè titles proposed by thè
Commission and will regard subject matter pertaining to thè curricula thè PhD is composed of. The candidate may
choose to write thè paper either in Italian or English.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè written test is 21/30.
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to PhD curricula (Translational medicine and surgery) and will
also aim at verifying thè candidate's aptitude towards research, his/her availability to spend research experience
periods abroad as well as thè scientific interests of thè candidate. Por this purpose, during thè interview, thè
candidate must be prepared to illustrate a research proposai of a maximum of two pages regarding one of PhD
curricula subjects (Translational medicine and surgery) to be presented together with thè application form.
The candidate may choose to be interviewed in English. Por interviews held in Italian there will also be verification
of thè English language knowledge.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Eliaibilitv is obtaìned with a total mark e guai to or above 50/90
Exam dates: The tests will take piace as follows:
Written exam:
September 22nd 2014 startinq at 3:00pm, at "Polo didattico Sant' Andrea delle Fratte dell'Università degli Studi di
Perugia - Piazzale Gambuli - edificio B - Sant' Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia".
September 23rd 2014 startinq at 2:OQpm, at "Polo didattico Sant' Andrea delle Fratte dell'Università degli Studi di
Perugia - Piazzale Gambuli - edificio B - Sant' Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia".
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved positions
1) Democracy transformation
2) Democracy and new welfare
3) Democracy and globalization
In conventìon with
Deqrees required for admissìpn
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree ("Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any University diploma ('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of gualìfìcations. written test and interview (out of a total of ninetv: 30 + 30+ 30)
The evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university educatton, as well as any further educational and/or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publicatìons (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, complete with ali elements that can help in evaluating
them, including grades obtaìned within eacri accademie course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration by
thè candidates of a research project to be developped during thè three year period of thè course on a theme which
will be dealt with thè PhD course curriculum; this research project must be presented wìth thè application to
participate in thè selection.
To avoid thè risk of not beino evaluated ali qualifications must be presented according to thè conditìons described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The written test will consist in thè writing of a paper chosen by thè candidate from thè titles proposed by thè
Commission and will regard subject matter pertaining to thè curricula thè PhD is composed of. The candidate may
choose to write thè paper either in Italian or English.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè written test is 21/30.
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to PhD curricula and will also aim at verifying thè candidate's
aptitude towards research, his/her availability to spend research experience periods abroad as well as thè scientifìc
interests of thè candidate. Forthìs purpose, during thè interview, thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project presented together with thè application form.
The candidate may choose to be interviewed in English. Por interviews held in Italian there will also be verìfication
of thè English language knowledge.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Eliqibilitv is obtained with a total mark eoual to or above 50/90
Exam dates: The tests will take piace as follows:
Written exam:
October thè 20th
2014 startinq at 3:00pm. at "Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell'Università degli Studi di
Perugia (ex Dipartimento Istituzioni e Società, Sezione di Studi Sociali) Via Elee di sotto, Perugia".
October thè 22nd 2014 startinq at 9:OQam. at "Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell'Università degli Studi di
Perugia (ex Dipartimento Istituzioni e Società, Sezione di Studi Sociali) Via Elee di sotto, Perugia".
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved posi ti o ns
In convention with
Biotechnology applied to veterinary science
Veterinary public health and food hygiene
Clinical and diagnostic veterinary science
Deqrees reauìred for admission
Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica')
in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 in: 6/S
Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale')
in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004 in: LM-6
University diploma ("Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace
before thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force, deemed comparable to thè Master's degrees (
'Laurea Specialistica' or 'Laurea Magistrale') indicated above, in conformity with thè current regulations on
comparìson of qualifications for thè purpose of participation in state competitive examinations.
Selectìon procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out in thè following manner:
Evaluation of qualifications, written test and intervìew fout of a tota! of ninety: 30 + 30 + 30)
The evaluation of qualifications will regard university education, as well as any further educational or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publicatìons (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, complete with ali elements tnat can help in evaluating
them, including grades obtained within each course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration by thè
candidates of a research project to be developped during thè three year period of thè course on thè themes
indicated on PhD webpage (http://5anim.unipq.it/home/tematiche-di-ricerca); further information will be available
on http://sanim.unipg.it or
To avoid thè risk of not beinq evaluated thè qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The written test will consist in thè writing of a paper chosen by thè candidate from thè titles proposed by thè
Commission and will regard subject matter pertaining to thè PhD curricula. The candidate may choose to write thè
paper either in Italian or English.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè written test is 21/30.
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to PhD curricula and will also aim at verifying thè candidate's
aptitude towards research, his/her availability to spend research experience periods abroad as well as thè scientific
interests of thè candidate. For this purpose, during thè interview, thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate a
research proposai to be presented together with thè application form.
The candidate may choose to be interviewed in English. For interviews held in Italian there will also be verification
of thè English language knowledge.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Elìgìbìlitv is obtained with a total mark equal to or above 50/90
Exam dates: The tests will take piace as follows:
Written exam:
September 24th
2014 startinq___at 9:30am f at
"Polo didattico del Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria
dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, via S. Costanze n. 4, Perugia".
October thè Ist 2014 starting at 9:00am. at
"Polo didattico del Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria
dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, Unità di Patologia e Igiene Veterinaria", via S. Costanze n. 4, Perugia".
PhD program name:
3 years
1 (DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E GEOLOGIA) titled "Impiego di tecniche
di diffrazione e spettroscopia di fasci di radiazione di sincrotrone e
particene per lo studio di materiali innovativi- Use of diffraction and
spectroscopy of beams of synchrotron radiation and particles for thè
study of innovative materials ";
Interazioni fondamentali- Physics of Fundamental Interactions ";
1 (DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E GEOLOGIA) titled "Comunicazione e
disseminazione della cultura scientifica nel settore della fisicaCommunication and dissemination of scientific culture in thè field of
1 (DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E GEOLOGIA) dal titolo "Analisi dei
processi di frazionamento per diffusione durante i processi di
mescolamento caotico dei magmi- Analysis of thè processes of
fractionatìon by diffusìon during thè process of chaotic mixing of
Without a grant
Reserved posìtions
2 Positions reserved to thè winners of public competition for research
grants in accordance with DD.RR. no. 1292 e 1293 dated 4/07/2014
holding European project FP7-PEOPLE-2013 International Training
Network VERTIGO - Scientist in Charge per UniPG -requirements
Curri cui a
Earth sdences and geo-technology
In convention with
Deqrees requìred for admissìon
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any University diploma
('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carrìed out as follows:
Evaluation of Qualifications and ìnterview C o ut of a total of sìxtv: 30 + 30)
Evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, with ali elements that can help in evaluating them,
including grades obtained within each course).The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration of a research project
to be developped during thè three year course on themes which will be dealt with in PhD course curricula; thè
draft of this research project must be presented with thè application form,
To avoid thè risk of not beino evaluated al! qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in artìcle 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
Minimum mark required on evaluation of qualifications in order to acceed to thè interview is 18/30.
At least 3 days before thè interview, thè list of candidates admitted to thè interview,inticating thè marks obtained
on qualifications evaiuation ,will be posted online on thè website www.unipq.it/didattica under "Dottorati di
ricerca" - "Bandi, avvisi e modulistica".
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to PhD curricula and wil! also aim at verifying thè candidate's
aptitude towards research, his/her availability to spend research experience periods abroad as wel! as thè scientific
interests of thè candidate. For this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application (form). The candidate may choose to be interviewed in
English. For interviews held in Italian there will also be verification of thè English language knowledge .
The interview can be carried out via videoconference. In this case thè applicant must specify this choice when
he/she applies, indicating a valid contact on thè application form. The candidate must contact thè Coordinator of
thè course to arrange a time at which thè interview may take piace, on thè same date/s indicated for thè
interview. The candidate must make sure he/she is available at thè address that he/she indicated on thè
application form at thè arranged time and for thè two following hours. If thè candidate is not available for three
times/attempts by thè examining commission, he/she will be consìdered definitely not present at thè interview.
At thè beginning of thè interview thè candidate will be requested to show his/her I.D. (ID card/passport).
The University of Perugia takes no responsibility for thè impossibility for thè interview to take piace for technical
problems that may arise.
The minimum mark to pass thè interview is 21/30.
ElìgibHìtv is obtained with a total mark equal to or above 39/60.
Exam dates:
The interview will take piace:
Octoberthe 13th starting at 10:00am. at "Aula A del Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia dell'Università degli Studi di
Perugia, Via Pascoli, Perugia".
In relation to thè Reserved positions it shall be understood that:
- in order to apply for a reserved post thè candidate must be thè winner of one of thè two research grants in
accordance with FP7 People-Marie Curie Actions - ITN 2013-VERTIGO project: Volcanic ash: Field, experimental
and numerical investigations of processes during its lifecycle,
1) Numerica! modeling and fra età I
analysis of magma fragmentation based on grain-size distributions of naturai pyroclastic deposits 2)
High-resolution geochemical mapping of volcanic ash: constraining thè effect of syn-eruptive magma
mixing on eruptive style and ash distribution;
- thè Commission will acquire thè final graded list for thè attribution of thè research grants- above mentioned
VERTIGO project and will approve a separate graded list for thè reserved positions indicating thè candidates that
were present also on thè previous list;
Please Note: In accordance with D.M. n. 45/2013 and art. 15 of University of Perugia PhD Regulation, not
attributed reserved positions can be released for ordinary procedure.
PhD program name:
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved positions
1) Agro-environmental, food and zootechnical bìotechnologies
2) Agricultural, environmental and sustainable developmental sciences
In convention with
Degrees required for admission
Any Master's degree ("Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministeria! decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any University diploma ('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of qualifìcatìons and interview (out of a total of sixtv: 30 + 30)
Evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, with ali elements that can help in evaluating them,
including grades obtained within each course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration of a research project
to be developped during thè three year course on themes which will be dealt with in PhD course curricula; thè
draft of this research project must be presented with thè application form.
To avoìd thè risk of not beino evaluated ali qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The interview
will regard subject matter pertaining to thè curricula thè PhD is composed of and will aim at
verifying thè candidate's aptitude towards research and his/her availabilty to carry out periods of research
experience abroad. For this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application (form). The candidate may choose to be interviewed in
English. For interviews held in Italian there will also be verification of thè English language knowledge .
The minimum markto pass thè interview ìs 18/30.
Eiigìbility is obtained with a total mark equa! to or a bove 36/60.
Exam dates:
The interview will take piace:
October thè 20th starting at 9.3Qam. at "Aula "Cesare Sempio" del Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e
Ambientali dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, via Borgo XX Giugno 74 - Perugia".
PhD program name:
Le tight
3 years
Without a grant
Reserved posi ti o ns
1) Molecular System structure and dynamic
2) Molecules and materials for catalysìs and energy
3) Materials and methods for thè protection of thè envìronment and
cultural heritage
In conventìon with
Deorees required for admissìon
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999;
Any Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004;
Any University diploma ("Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') according to thè regulations before thè
ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluatìon of Qualifications and interview fout of a total of sixtv: 30 + 30)
Evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, with ali elements that can help in evaluating them,
including grades obtained within each course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration of a research project
to be developped during thè three year course on themes which will be dealt with in PhD course curricula; thè
draft of this research project must be presented with thè application form.
To avoid thè risk of not being eyaluated ali qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The interview
will regard subject matter pertaining to thè curricula thè PhD is composed of and wi!l aim at
verifying thè candidate's aptitude towards research and his/her availabilty to carry out periods of research
experience abroad. For this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application (form).
The candidate may choose to be interviewed in
English. For interviews held in Italian there will also be verification of thè English language knowledge .
The interview can be carried out via videoconference. In this case thè applicant must specify this choice when
he/she applies, indicating a valid contact on thè application form. The candidate must contact thè Coordinator of
thè course to arrange a time at which thè interview may take piace, on thè same date/s indicated for thè
interview. The candidate must make sure he/she is available at thè address that he/she indicated on thè
application form at thè arranged time and for thè two following hours. If thè candidate is not available for three
times/attempts by thè examining commission, he/she will be considered definitely not present at thè interview.
At thè beginning of thè interview thè candidate will be requested to show his/her I.D. (ID card/passport). The
University of Perugia takes no responsibility for thè impossibility for thè interview to take piace for technical
problems that may arise.
The minimum mark to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Eliqibilitv is obtaìned with a total mark equal to or above 31/60.
Exam date:
The interview will take piace:
October thè 13th 2014 startinq at 10:OQam at "Biblioteca della Sezione di Chimica Organica del Dipartimento di
Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, via Elee di sotto, 8, Perugia".
PhD program name:
3 years
With o ut a grant
Reserved posi ti o ns
1. Chemical and pharmaceutical information
2. Pharmaceutical Technology
3. Nutraceuitical
4. Bio-organic chemicals
In convention with
Degrees required for admission
Master's degree ("Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 in: 6/S
"Biology",9/S "Medicai, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies", 14/S "Pharmacy and Industriai
Pharmacy", 62/S "Chemical Sciences", 69/S "Human Nutrition Sciences", 78/S "Agro-food sciences and
Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale')
in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004 in: LM-6
"Biology", LM-9 "Medicai, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical biotechnologies", LM-13 "Pharmacy and Industriai
Pharmacy", LM-54
"Chemical Sciences", LM-61 "Human Nutrition Sciences", LM-70 "Food Sciences and
Any University diploma ('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace
before thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne ìnto force, deerned comparable to thè Master's degrees
( 'Laurea Specialistica' or 'Laurea Magistrale') above indicated, in conformity with thè current regulations on
comparison of qualifìcations for thè purpose of partìcipation in state competitive examinations.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of Qualifìcations and interview fout of a total of sixtv: 30 + 30)
Evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you nave, with ali elements that can help in evaluating them,
including grades obtained within each course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration of a research project
to be developped during thè three year course on themes which will be dealt with in PhD course curricula; thè
draft of this research project must be presented with thè application forrn.
To avoid thè risk of not beino evaluated ali qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The interview
will regard subject matter pertaining to thè curricula thè PhD is composed of and will aim at
verifying thè candidate's aptitude towards research and his/her availabilty to carry out periods of research
experience abroad. Por this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application (form). The candidate may choose to be interviewed in
English. Por interviews held in Italian there will also be verification of thè English language knowledge .
The minimum mark to pass thè interview is 18/30.
Eliqibilitv ìs obtained with a total mark equa I to or above 36/60.
Exam date:
The interview will take piace:
October thè 6th 2014 startinq at 3.30pm at "sala riunioni de! Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche dell'Università
degli Studi di Perugia, via Fabretti, 48, Perugia".
PhD program name:
3 anni
Without a grant
Reserved positions
Public law
Construction of legai traditions
Legai protection and subiective legai situations
In convention with
Degrees required for admission
Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 in:
Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale')
in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004 in: LMG/01
Any University diploma ('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace
before thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force, deemed comparable to thè Master's degrees
( 'Laurea Specialistica' or 'Laurea Magistrale') above indicateci, in conformity with thè current regulations on
comparison of qualifications for thè purpose of participation in state competitive examinatìons.
The selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out in thè following manner:
Evaluation of qualifications, written test and interview fout of a total of ninetv: 30 + 30 + 301
The evaluation of thè qualifications will regard university education, as well as any further educational and/or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, complete with ali elements that can help in evaluating
them, including grades obtained within each educational course).
The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration of a research project (that must be attached to thè application
form) to be developped during thè three years PhD course about one of thè curricula themes hereby listed:
1) Legai traditions and European Law
2) Individuai and Goods Law
3) Law and Globalization. Space and Territory governance
- PUBLIC LAW curriculum:
1) Public and Compared Law
2) Constitutional Law
3) Administrative Law
1) Subjective lega! sìtuations and fundamental rights
2) Civil process and A.D.R.
3) Administrative procedure and process
To avoid thè risk of not beinq evaluated thè qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The written exam will consist in thè writing of a paper chosen by thè candidate from thè titles proposed by thè
Commission and will regard subject matter pertaining to thè PhD curricula, more exactly it will regard thè
forementioned curricula themes (see above) already chosen as objects for thè research project. The candidate
may choose to write thè paper either in Italian or English.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè written test is 18/30.
The interview will regard subject matter pertaining to thè curricula thè PhD is composed of, more exactly it wili
regard thè forementioned curricula themes (see above) already chosen as objects for thè research project. The
will also aim at verifying thè candidate's aptitude towards research, his/her availability to spend
research experience periods abroad as well as thè scientific interests of thè candidate. For this purpose, thè
candidate is required to draw up a proposai for a research project which must be presented with thè application
form to participate in thè selection. During thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate this research
project. The candidate may choose to be interviewed in English. For interviews held in Italian there will also be
verification of knowledge of a foreign language indicateti on thè application form by thè candidate, among thè
following languages: English, French, German, Spanish.
The minimum mark in order to pass thè interview is 18/30.
ElÌQibilitv ìs obtained with a total mark eoual to or above 54/90
Exam dates: The tests will take piace as follows:
Written exam:
October thè 7th 2014 starting at ll:30am. at thè Law school of thè Unìversity of Perugia, "Facoltà di
Giurisprudenza dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia" in Via Pascoli, 33 Perugia.
October thè 8th 2014 startinq at 2:30pm at thè Law school of thè University of Perugia, "Facoltà di
Giurisprudenza dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia" in Via Pascoli, 33 Perugia.
Marne of thè PhD course:
3 years
Without a grant
Posts rese r ve d
In convention with
pedagogical and psychological
Degrees required for admission
Master's degree ("Laurea Specialistica')
in conformity with thè Ministerial Decree D.M. 509/1999 In:
"Cultural Anthropology And Ethnology", 5/S Library Studies, 10/S "Conservation Of Architectural Heritage And
Environment, 11/S "Conservation Of Scientifìc And Industriai Heritage", 12/5 "Conservation And Restoration Of
Cultura! Heritage", 13/S "Publishing, Multimedia Communication And Journalism", 15/S "Philology And Classica!
Lìterature", 16/S "Modern Philology", 17/S "Philosophy And History Of Science", 18/S "Theoretical, Moral Politicai
And Aesthetic Philosophy", 19/S "Finance", 21/S "Geography", 22/S "Law" , 24/S "Computer Science For
Humanities", 40/S " Italian Language And Civilisation, 41/S "African And Asian Languages And Literatures", 42/S
"Modern European And American Languages And Literatures", 43/S "Foreign Languages For Internationa!
Communication", 44/S "Linguistics", 48/S "Methods For The Analysis Of Complex Systems", 49/S "Empirical
Research Methods For Social Sciences", 51/S "Musicology And Musical Heritage", 54/S "Ragionai, Urban And
Environmental Planning", 55/S "Tourism Development And Management", 56/S "Plannìng And Management Of
Education And Training Services", 57/S "Planning And Management Of Social Services", 58/S "Psychology", 59/S
"Advertising And Business Communtcation", 60/S "International Relations", 64/S "Economie Sciences", 65/S "Adult
And Continuing Education", 67/S "Social And Institutional Communication Studies", 70/S "Politica! Science", 71/5
"Public Sector Administration", 72/S "Religion studies", 73/S "Performing arts and multimedia production", 77/S
"Agriculture", 78/S "Food industry", 82/S "Environmental and land sciences and technology", 83/S "Economics for
environment and culture", 84/S "Management studies", 87/S "Education sciences", 88/S "Cooperation and
development studies", 89/S "Sociology", 90/S "Social statistics and demography", 91/S "Actuarial, financial and
economie statistics", 92/S "Statistics for experimental research", 93/S "Ancient history", 94/S "Contemporary
history", 95/S "History of art", 96/S "History of philosophy", 97/S "Medieval history", 98/S "Modern history", 99/S
"European studies", 100/S "Techniques and methods for thè Information Society", 101/S "Communication theory",
102/S "Theory and techniques of legai texts", 104/S "Translation of literary and technical texts", DS/S "Defence
and security", LMG/01 "Law";
Master's degree ("Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004 in:
LMG/01 "Law", LM-1 "Cultural anthropology and ethnology", LM-2 "Archaeology", LM-5 "Library studies", LM-10
"Conservation of architectural heritage and environment", LM-11 "Conservation of scientific and industriai
heritage", LM-14 "Modern philology", LM-15 "Philology and classical literature", LM-36 "African and Asian
languages and literatures", LM-37 "Lingue e letterature moderne europee e americane", LM-38 "Foreign languages
for International communication and International cooperation", LM-39 "Linguistice", LM-43 "Computer science for
humanities", LM-45 "Musicology and musical heritage", LM-48 "Ragionai, urban and environmental planning", LM49 "Tourism development and management", LM-50 "Planning and management of education and training
services", LM-51 "Psychology, LM-52 "International relations", LM-56 "Economie Sciences", LM-57 "Adult and
continuing education", LM-59 "Social and institutional communication studìes", LM-60 "Nature sciences", LM-61
"Nutrition and health sciences", LM-62 "Politicai science", LM-63 "Public sector administration", LM-64 "Religion
studies", LM-65 "Performing arts and multimedia production", LM-69 "Agriculture", LM-70 "Food industry", LM-75
"Environmental and land sciences and technology", LM-76 "Economics for environment and culture", LM-77
"Management studies", LM-78 "Philosophy", LM-81 "Cooperation and development studies", LM-82 "Statistics",
LM-83 "Actuarial, financial and economie statistics", LM-84 "History", LM-85 "Education sciences", LM-87 "Social
work and Polito", LM-88 "Socioiogy and social research", LM-89 "History of art", LM-90 "European studies", LM91 "Techniques and methods for thè Information Society", LM-92 "Communication theory", LM-93 "Theory and
techniques of e-learning and media education", LM/SC "Criminal science for investigation and security", LM/DS
"Defense and security", LMR/02 "Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage", LM-85 BIS "Education sciences
and teacher education", LM-14. "Modern philology (A043 qualification)", LM-37. "Modern European and American
languages and literatures (A045 qualification)", LM-45. "Musicology and musical heritage (AQ32 qualification)";
Any University diploma ('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace
before thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force, deemed comparable to thè Master's degrees (
'Laurea Specialistica' or 'Laurea Magistrale') indicated above, in conformity with thè current regulations on
comparison of qualifìcations for thè purpose of participation in state competitive examinations.
Selection procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluation of qualifications and interview (out of a tota I of sixty: 30 + 3O)
Evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational or
professional and research experience thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, with ali elements that can help in evaluating them,
inciuding grades obtained within each course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration of a research project
to be developped during thè three year course on themes which will be dealt with in PhD course curncula; thè
draft of this research project must be presented with thè application form to participate in thè selection
To avoid thè risk of not beino evaluated thè qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
Minimum mark required on evaluation of qualifìcations in order to acceed to thè interview is 15/30.
At least 3 days before thè interview, thè list of candidates admitted to thè interview,inticating thè marks obtained
on qualifications evaluation ,will be posted online on thè website www.unipg.it/didattica under "Dottorati di
ricerca" - "Bandi, avvisi e modulistica".
The interview
will regard thè subject matter of thePhD curricula and will aim at verifying thè candidate's
aptitude towards research, his/her availabilty to carry out periods of research experience abroad and thè scientific
interest of thè candidate. For this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application. The interview will be held in Italian. There will also be
verification of knowledge of a foreign language indicated on thè application form by thè candidate, among thè
following languages: English, French, German, Spanish.
The interview can be carried out via videoconference. In this case thè applicant must specify this dioice when
he/she applies, indicating a valid contact on thè application form. The candidate must contaci thè Coordinator of
thè course to arrange a time at which thè interview may take piace, on thè same date/s indicated for thè
interview. The candidate must make sure he/she is avallatile at thè address that he/she indicated on thè
application form at thè arranged time and for thè two following hours. If thè candidate is not available for three
times/attempts by thè examining commission, he/she will be considered'definitely not present at thè interview.
At thè beginning of thè interview thè candidate will be requested to show his/her I.D. (ID card/passport). The
University of Perugia takes no responsibility for thè impossibility for thè interview to take piace for technical
problems that may arise.
The minimum mark to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Eiiciibìlitv is obtained with a tota][mark equal to or above 36/60.
Exam dates:
The interview will take piace:
October thè 8"1 2014 startinq lliQQam, at "Dipartimento di Filosofia, Scienze sociali, umane e della formazione
dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, Palazzo Stocchi, Piazza Morlacchi, 30, Perugia".
Name of thè PhD course:
3 years
Without a grant
Posts re se r ve d
1. Ancient history
2. Art and History from Medieval to Modern World
3. Modern and comparative literature
In convention with
Deqrees requìred for admission
Master's degree ('Laurea Specialistica7)
Laurea specialistica ai sensi del D.M. 509/1999: 1/S "Cultural anthropology and ethnology", 2/S "Archaeology",
5/S "Library studies", 10/S "Conservation of architectural heritage and environment", 12/S "Conservation and
restoration of cultural heritage", 13/S "Publishing, multimedia communication and journalism", 15/S "Philology and
classica! literature", 16/S "Modern philology", 17/S "Phìlosophy and history of science", 18/S "Theoretical, moral
politicai and aesthetic philosophy", 21/S "Geography", 24/S "Computer Science for humanities", 40/S "Italian
language and civilisation", 41/S "African and Asian languages and literatures", 42/S "Modern European and
American languages and literatures", 43/S "Foreign languages for
"Linguìstics", 51/S "Musicology and musical herìtage", 60/S "International relations", 70/S "Politicai science", 72/S
"Religion studies", 73/S "Performing arts and multimedia production", 93/S "Ancient history", 94/S "Contemporary
history", 95/S "History of art", 96/S "History of philosophy", 97/S "Medieval history", 98/S "Modern history", 99/S
"European studies", 101/S "Communication theory", 104/S "Transiation of literary and technical texts";
Master's degree ('Laurea Magistrale') in conformity with thè ministerial decree D.M. 270/2004 in: LM1 "Cultural anthropology and ethnology", LM-2 "Archaeology", LM-5 "Library studies", LM-10 "Conservation and
restoration of cultural heritage", LM-11 "'Conservation of architectural heritage and environment", LM-14 "Modern
philology", LM-15 "Phiiology and classical literature", LM-19 "Editoria! System and Information", LM-36 "African
and Asian languages and literatures", LM-37 "Foreign languages for international communication", LM-38 "Foreign
languages for internationa! communication and cooperation", LM-39 "Linguistics", LM-45 "Musicology and musical
heritage", LM-52 "Musicology and musical heritage", LM-57 "Adult and continuing education", LM-59 "Advertising
and business communication", LM-62 "Politic Science", LM-65 "Performing arts and multimedia productìon", LM78 "Philosophy", LM - 80 "Geography", LM-81 "Social sciences for- co-operation", LM-84 "History", LM-85
"Education sciences", LM-89 "History of art", LM-90 "European studies", LM-92 "Communication theory" , LM-93
"Theory and techniques of e-learning and media education, LM/94 Specialistic translation and interpreting",
LMR/02 "Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage", LM-14. "Modern philology (A043 qualification)", LM37. "Modern European and American languages and literatures
(A045 qualification)", LM-45. "Musicology and
musical heritage (A032 qualification)";
Any University diploma ('Laurea Vecchio ordinamento') obtained in accordance with regulations in piace
before thè ministerial decree D.M. 509/1999 carne into force, deemed comparable to thè Master's degrees (
'Laurea Specialistica' or 'Laurea Magistrale') indicated above, in conformity with thè current regulations on
comparison of qualifications for thè purpose of participation in state competitive examinations.
Selectìon procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out as follows:
Evaluatìon of qualifications and interview (out of a total of sìxty: 30 + 30i
Evaluation of qualifications will regard thè university education, as well as any further educational or
professional and research experìence thè candidate has gained and any scientific publications (you are advised to
attach and/or declare ali of thè qualifications you have, with ali elernents that can help in evaluating them,
including grades obtained within each course). The evaluation will also regard thè elaboration of a research project
to be developed during thè three year course on themes which will be dealt with in PhD course curricula; thè draft
of this research project must be presented with thè application form to partecipate in thè selection competition.
To avoid thè risk of not beìnq eyaluated thè qualifications must be presented according to thè conditions described
in article 3 of thè selection announcement ("Bando").
The interview
will regard thè subject matter of thè PhD curricula and will aim at verifying thè candidate's
aptìtude towards research, his/her availabilty to carry out periods of research experience abroad and thè scientific
interest of thè candidate. For this purpose, during thè interview thè candidate must be prepared to illustrate thè
research project he/she presented with thè application. The interview witl be held in Italian. There will also be
verificatìon of knowledge of a foreign language indicated on thè application form by thè candidate, among thè
following languages: English, French, German, Spanish.
The minimum mark to pass thè interview is 21/30.
Eliaibilitv is obtained with a total mark eciual to or above 39/60.
Exam dates:
The interview will take piace:
October thè 8th 2014 startino 10:00am, at "Sala Riunioni del Dipartimento di
Lettere - Lingue, Letterature e
Civiltà antiche e moderne dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia, Palazzo San Bernardo, Via degli Offici, 14,

ALLEGATO AL D.R* * - AGO. ZOtt - Università degli Studi di Perugia