a.s. 2014-105
Docente: Monica Rizzo Docente di Conversazione: Giovanna De Paola
Textbook: Think English 1 & 2 – Oxford Grammar: New Inside Grammar – Macmillan
Learning Unit 4: Making plans (Think English 1)
Unit 13
Functions: talking about future intentions, plans and ambitions, making predictions about the future
Grammar: going to, after, before, when, while, as soon as, about to, was going to
Vocabulary: life events, plans and ambitions, on the phone
Skills: R U a mobile addict? Is your mobile etiquette good enough? Mobile phone use. Me and my mobile.
Unit 14
Functions: talking about future arrangements, timetables and schedules, how things happen
Grammar: present continuous as future, present simple as future, going to, adverbs and comparative adverbs
Vocabulary: animals
Skills: My A-Z of Scotland, Exchanging information on Scotland, An A-Z of Italy
Unit 15
Functions: talking about obligations, talking about rules and laws
Grammar: have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t, must or have to?, mustn’t vs don’t have to
Vocabulary: jobs in the house, rules and regulations
Skills: Don’t give up into peer pressure, two teens talking about scooters and the law, teens and the law, my
opinion on the smoking ban
Unit 16
Functions: talking about life experiences, making decisions, offers, requests and promises
Grammar: present perfect simple (1), ever, never, past participles, been and gone, present perfect vs past
simple, will, shall
Vocabulary: vehicles and transport, life experiences, airports
Skills: The man who lives in an airport, lost luggage, air travel and environment
Learning Unit 1: New experiences (Think English 2)
Unit 1
Functions: talking about recent actions and events, explaining the purpose of things
Grammar: present perfect simple (2), already, just, still, yet, infinitive of purpose: to, purpose for + -ing
Vocabulary: everyday objects
Skills: Ireland, a timeline and The Emerald Isle, Irish emigration to the USA, Italy, a timeline or a report on
unification of Italy or Italian emigration to the USA
Unit 2
Functions: talking about unfinished actions and situations, making and responding to polite offers, requests
and instructions, booking in to a campsite or hotel
Grammar: present perfect simple (3), How long…?, for, since, present perfect vs past simple, How long…?,
would like
Vocabulary: holidays, campsites and hotels
Skills: Goodbye Brighton, three teens talking about their best and worst holidays, my best and worst holiday
Unit 3
Functions: talking about processes and facts, talking about everyday activities
Grammar: present simple passive, by, make vs do, get
Vocabulary: the environment, recycling
Skills: Environmental problems and solutions, three teens talking about protecting the environment,
environmental solutions
Unit 4
Functions: talking about situations and results, talking about future possibilities
Grammar: will, may, might, modifying adverbs maybe, perhaps, probably, definitely, certainly, Zero and
First conditional, if, when, unless
Vocabulary: reading material, emotions
Learning Unit 2: New friends
Unit 5
Functions: talking about actions in progress in the past, talking about permissions and obligations
Grammar: past continuous, past continuous and past simple, when, while, as, make, let, be allowed to
Vocabulary: freedom and parental control
Skills: London for free (or nearly!), radio quiz about London, things to do for free in my town, a tourist
Unit 6
Functions: describing and giving information about people and things, asking for and giving advice
Grammar: defining relative clauses, who, which, that, omission of the relative pronoun, prepositions in
relative clauses, relative pronoun whose, modals should, ought to, had/’d better
Vocabulary: parts of the body, appearance and self-image, exercise and fitness
Unit 7
Functions: giving extra information about people and things, making deductions
Grammar: non-defining relative clauses who, which, whose, modals must, can’t, may, might, could, must vs
Vocabulary: school and university, accessories
Skills: Woodley Park Secondary – a recipe for success, school uniforms, school experiences and problems,
problems at school
Unit 8
Functions: talking about unfinished actions, talking about past abilities, applying for a job
Grammar: present perfect continuous, How long…?, for, since, p.p.c. vs p.p.s., could, couldn’t, managed to
Vocabulary: job qualifications and skills
Skills: a job advertisement and applications, a job interview, a letter of application
Learning Unit 3: Getting ready
Unit 9
Functions: talking about imaginary and hypothetical situations, making wishes
Grammar: second conditional, would, could, might, If I were you, first vs second conditional, wish + past
simple, on (my) own
Vocabulary: money and finances, outdoor activities
Skills: A dollar a day, money and poverty, a letter campaigning about child poverty
Unit 10
Functions: talking about states and habitual actions in the past, using common verb patterns
Grammar: used to, verb + -ing or + to, stop, remember, forget, so, such (a/an)
Vocabulary: describing places
Skills: 10 Reasons to visit New Zealand, the Maori Haka, reasons to visit or live in Italy
Project: la classe ha aderito al progetto Together in Expo sviluppando in team le varie ‘missions’ proposte
dalla piattaforma Expo per le scuole. Tutti gli studenti hanno partecipato attivamente al progetto lavorando
su testi in English, immagini e video sui temi dell’Expo: cibo e nutrizione, il futuro del pianeta.
Further works and readings:
- Lettura integrale of the short story The Black Cat by E. A. Poe, cui è seguita una lettura ed un
commento dell’opera in classe a cura della docente e di tutti gli studenti;
- Lettura integrale of the short story The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde seguita da lettura e commento
in classe;
- Visione del film in lingua originale Romeo and Juliet del regista Carlo Carlei presso il cinema
Barberini. La visione ha comportato un lavoro di preparazione in lingua inglese sul plot, setting and
characters of the tragedy ed un’analisi critica dell’opera.
Roma, 5 giugno 2015
la docente
gli studenti