Eurasian Art and Archaeology Including important concentrations on Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Northern Asia The Library of Prof. Dr. Maurizio Tosi Director, Dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna-Ravenna Additions from the library of Professor Robert H. Dyson, Jr., University of Pennsylvania (with books originally in the library of Lauriston Ward) 1715 titles in ca. 2,000 physical volumes Prof. Dr. Maurizio Tosi Curriculum Vitae Professore ordinario dal 1981, Maurizio Tosi ha coperto fino al 1994 la cattedra di Preistoria e Protostoria dell'Asia presso l'I.U.O. di Napoli e dal 1994 ad oggi la cattedra di Paletnologia presso l'Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali. La sua principale specialità sono i processi formativi delle società complesse e lo sviluppo della ricerca archeologica per la definizione di tali processsi. Dal 1967 ha diretto progetti di ricerca sul campo per l'IsIAO spesso in collaborazione con numerosi Istituti Europei ed Americani in Iran, Oman, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Yemen e nelle regioni asiatiche della Federazione Russa. Dal 1985 ad oggi M.T. è co-direttore di un programma di ricerca internazionale mirato allo studio dell'origine della navigazione e del commercio di lunga distanza nell'Oceano Indiano. Studioso di paleoeconomia e dell'organizzazione sociale dei popoli asiatici nella preistoria, M.T. ha indirizzato dal 1985 gran parte delle sue attività allo studio del rapporto tra popolazione e risorse nella ricostruzione sistematica dei paesaggi antichi. Le Pubblicazioni più recenti 1. SALVATORI S., TOSI M. The Archaeological Map of the Murghab Delta III. The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the Margiana Lowlands: Facts and Methodological Proposal for a Redefinition of the Research Strategies, (BAR International Series), Oxford (2008) 2. RINALDI G., TOSI M., Caulking Technologies of ‘Black Boats of Magan'. Some New Thoughts on Bronze Age Water Transport in Oman and Beyond from the Impressed Bitumen Slabs of Ra's al Junayz. in E.M. Raven (ed), South Asian Archaeology 1999. (Gonda Indological Studies XXV). Groningen, pp. 159-165 (2008) 3. CLEUZIOU S., TOSI M., In the Shadow of the Ancestors. The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman. Muscat (2007) 4. RONDELLI B., TOSI M., GIS and Silk Road Studies monitoring Landscape and Population change at Samarkand and in the Middle Zeravshan Valley. in Reading Historical Spatial Information from around the World: Studies of Culture and Civilization Based on Geographic Information Systems Data. 24th International Research Symposium, Kyoto 7-11/2/2005. Soubundo, pp. 459-489 (2006) 5. FRENEZ D., TOSI M., The Lothal Sealings: records from an Indus Civilization town at the eastern end of the maritime trade limits across the Arabian Sea. in M. Perna (ed), Studi in onore di Enrica Fiandra. Contributi di archeologia egea e vicinorientale. Studi egei e vicinorientali 1. Napoli-Paris, pp. 65-103 (2005). 6. GAULTIER M., GUY H., MUNOZ O., TOSI M., USAI D., "Settlement Structures and Cemetery at Wadi Shab-GAS1, Sultante of Oman: Report on the 2002 and 2003 Field Seasons", Rivista: Arabian Archeology and Epigraphy, Volume: 16: 1, pp.: 1-20 (2005) 7. LA CECLA F., TOSI M., Le frontiere dell'Afghanistan. Bologna (2005) 8. PANEI L., RINALDI G., TOSI M., Investigations on ancient Beads from the Sultanate of Oman (Ra's al-Hadd – Southern Oman). Rivista: Revue d'Archéométrie, Volume 29 pp. 151-155 (2005) 9. SALVATORI S., TOSI M., Shahr-i Sokhta Revised Sequence. in C. Jarrige (ed), South Asian Archaeology 2001, Paris, pp. 281-292 (2005) 10. CATTANI M., TOSI M., TUSA S., La carta archeologica di Pantelleria. Sperimentazione di metodo e nuove prospettive sull'evoluzione della complessità sociale e politica nelle isole del Mediterraneo centrale. In Atti del 1° Convegno sulla Preistoria e Protostoria Siciliana, Corleone, luglio 1997. Corleone, pp. 121133 (2004) 11. CERASETTI B., TOSI M., Development of the ‘Open Frontier' between Iran and Central Asia: the Murghab Defensive Systems in Antiquity and the Variants of the Silk Road across the Karakum. In Parthia and Beyond. Cultural interconnections in the Classical Period. Papers in honour of G. A. Koselenko. Rivista: Parthica, Volume 6, pp. 101-106 (2004) EDUCAZIONE Studi universitari presso la Facoltà di Lettere dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 1963-67; laurea in Lettere Classiche conseguita il 11 luglio 1967. Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia Orientale presso l'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 1967-70 ATTIVITA' PROFESSIONALI POSIZIONE ATTUALE: Professore di Ruolo I Fascia di Paletnologia, Università degli Studi di Bologna (Dipartimento di Archeologia), dal 1994. POSIZIONI PRECEDENTI: • Visiting-Professor presso il Dipartimento di Antropologia dell'Università di Harvard, Cambridge, USA, gennaio-giugno 2002 • Direttore del Progetto Archeologico Italiano in Uzbekistan "Samarcanda e la Media Valle dello Zeravshan", 1999-presente • Direttore del Progetto "Carta Archeologica di Pantelleria" per il Dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna, in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza ai BBCCAA della Provincia di Trapani, 1996-presente • Direttore del Progetto Congiunto Italo-Russo-Turkmeno "Carta Archeologica del Delta del Murghab, Turkmenistan, 1990-2006 • Addetto presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New Delhi, India 1989-92; con funzione di direttore: settembre 1991-dicembre 1992 • Coordinatore centrale del Progetto ERASMUS sull'Insegnamento Universitario della Paletnologia, con la partecipazione delle Università di Aachen, Amsterdam, Cambridge, Colejo de Jaen (Universidad de Granada), London (Queen Mary College), Padova, Paris I, Roma "La Sapienza", 1989-92. • Visiting-Professor presso il Dipartimento di Antropologia dell'Università del Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 1987 • Co-Direttore del Progetto internazionale "Joint Hadd Project" nel Sultanato di Oman, 1985-presente • Membro del Progetto Italiano di Cooperazione Archeologica nella Repubblica Araba Yemenita, 1983, 1985-87, 1989 • Co-Direttore del Progetto congiunto Italo-Tedesco a Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan), 1983-86 • Professore di Ruolo I Fascia di Preistoria e Protostoria dell'Asia presso l'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1981-94. • Visiting-Professor presso il Dipartimento di Antropologia, Wellesley College, USA, 1978-79 • Direttore della Spedizione Archeologica Italiana in Beluchistan e nella Penisola di Oman, 1977-1996 • Ispettore Archeologo presso il Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale di Roma, 197781 • Ricercatore (Chargé de Recherche) presso il CNRS-Parigi per l'Unità di Ricerca Archeologica (URA) n.10, Parigi, 1977-78 • Professore Associato di Preistoria e Protostoria dell'Asia presso l'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1975-81 • Membro della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Iraq, 1974 • Professore Incaricato di Storia dell'Archeologia Orientale presso l'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 1972-73 • Membro della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Perù, 1968, 1970 • Direttore della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Iran, 1967-73; membro 197478; Direttore 1978-86 • Ricercatore volontario presso l'Istituto di Paletnologia dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", 1966-68 MEMBRO DELLE SEGUENTI ASSOCIAZIONI SCIENTIFICHE: • Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Roma (socio ordinario) 1975- • Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana, Roma (socio) 1967-80 • Current Anthropology Association, Chicago (socio) 1968-85 • Società Italiana di Antropologia ed Etnologia, Firenze (socio) 1970- • Deutsch-Orient Gesellschaft, Berlin (socio) 1971- • Society for South Asian Archaeology, London (socio) 1973- • Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Berlin (socio corrispondente)1979- • Society for Archaeological Science, (membro) 1982- • American Anthropological Association, Washington DC (membro) 1978- • American Archaeological Society, Washington DC (membro)1978- • Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC (ricercatore associato) 1986-89 • Indian Archaeological Society, New Delhi (socio a vita) 1989- • Indian Prehistorical and Quaternary Society, Pune (socio a vita) 1989- • Società Italiana degli Orientalisti (membro 1993-presente • International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, Moscow (membro corrispondente 1994-presente • Society of Antiquaries, London (Honorary Fellow) 1999-presente BORSE DI STUDIO • British Council Research Grant: Gennaio-Maggio 1969 • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: borsa triennale 1.2.1970-31.1.1973 • Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.: borsa triennale no. 3070. · G. Gulbenkian Foundation Research Grant per lo studio degli antichi sistemi di pesca nel Sultanato dell'Oman. Primo periodo 1981-82, secondo periodo 1982-83. · A.v.Humboldt-Stiftung Forschung-Stipendium, rilasciato in tre periodi: GiugnoSettembre 1981 alla Frei Universitaet, Berlin; Giugno-Settembre 1982 e GiugnoSettembre 1985 alla Rheinische-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule, Aachen · Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.: borsa triennale n. 4636, dal 29 Maggio 1985 per ricerche sull'adattamento costiero delle popolazioni preistoriche del Sultanato di Oman. · National Geographic Society,: finanziamento per "Studies of Craft Organization and Labour Specialization at Mohenjodaro, Pakistan", 1985. RICERCHE SCIENTIFICHE • 1965-66 Grotta della Madonna (Cosenza), Italia,. Scavi dei livelli dal Paleolitico al Neolitico. • 1966 Pyrgi, Italia. Scavo del porto e del tempietto etrusco. • 1966 Castel d'Asso (Viterbo), Italia. Ricognizione delle tombe etrusche a grotta. • 1967 Závist (Prague), Czechoslovakia. Scavo di fortificazione celtica. • 1967 Cadbury Hill, Great Britain. Sito dal neolitico all'alto medioevo. • 1967 Coppa Nevigata (Foggia), Italia. Sito perilacustre italiano. • 1967-84 Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran. Complesso protourbano dell'età del bronzo; il progetto continua annualmente fino al 1978. • 1968-70 Cajamarquilla, Peru. Sito dell'Orizzonte Medio nella bassa Valle del Rimac. • 1968.4, Chavin de Huantar, Peru. Tempio dell'orizzonte Antico nella Huaraz Sierra. • 1969 Fivemiletown, Ireland. Fortificazioni del I sec d.C. • 1970 Ricognizione dei siti preistorici dell'area di Damin e Bampur, Iran. • 1973-2003 Ricognizione e scavo dei siti epipaleolitici e mesolitici dell'area di Capo San Vito con scavo della Grotta dell'Uzzo. Nel secondo periodo nella Grotta Perciata, Macari in collaborazione con l'Università di Trento e la Soprintendenza Archeological Regionale della Provincia di Trapani • 1974 Studio di materiale antico sumero presso l'Iraq Museum di Baghdad. • 1974 Hasanlu, Iran. Sito dell'età del ferro, scavi della University of Pennsylvania sotto la direzione di R.H. Dyson jr. Raccolta di dati paleobotanici. • 1975 Prima visita al Sultanato di Oman. Ricognizone generale per l'identificazione di siti adatti a futuri scavi. • 1975 Tepe Yahya, Iran. Scavo di sito frequentato dal neolitico condotto dalla Harvard University sotto la direzione di C.C. Lamberg Karlovsky. Raccolta di dati paleobotanici. • 1976 Tepe Hissar, Iran. Sito del calcolitico-età del bronzo. Direzione congiunta con R.H.Dyson jr. della University of Pennsylvania. • 1977 Ra's al-Hamra, Oman. Scavo di salvataggio di RH-4, sito del V-IV millennio a.C. • 1977-82 Naqadah, Egypt. Sito pre-proto dinastico in collaborazione con C. Barocas e R. Fattovich del Dipartimento di Studi Africani dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. • 1980-84 Viaggio di ricognizione nel Baluchistan settentrionale e alto Sind, Pakistan • 1980-83 Tortoreto (Teramo), Italia. Sito dal neolitico all'età del ferro: scavi per studio di nuove strategie di ricerca a forte formalizzazione. · 1981 Viaggio di studio nella Repubblica Popolare di Cina, su invito dell'Accademia di Scienze Sociali. · 1981-2000 Ra's al-Hamra, Oman. Scavi e ricognizione per esplorare i siti medioolocenici dell'area di Qurum (RH-5, RH-6 e RH-10). • 1982-86 Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan. Città dell'età del bronzo. Co-direzione con M. Jansen del Politecnico di Aachen (Germania) in un programma di ricerca di superficie per lo studio dell'attività artigianale, di prospezione geofisica, studi di ecologia e documentazione architettonica. • 1983-88 Ungheria. Ricognizione dei siti connessi alle culture nomadi protostoriche per l'avvio di un progetto congiunti italo ungherese. • 1983-99 Sistan, Iran. Missione di recupero dei dati di scavo delle precedenti campagne e di consegna materiali. Visita a diversi siti (Tepe Siyalk, Tepe Hissar, Tureng tepe, etc.). • 1983 Viaggio di studio e di ricognizione preliminare nella Repubblica Araba dello Yemen, altopiani del Khawlan. • 1984-2004 Ricognizione delle coste dell'Oman per esplorare i sistemi di economia di pesca preistorica e le sue relazioni con le entità protostatali dell'Iran e della valle dell'Indo. • 1985 Kuwait. Viaggio di studio delle collezioni protostoriche del National Museum e inizio del progetto di studio delle aree di attività nell'isola di Failaka. • 1985-89 Yemen. Ricognizione nella piana della Tihamah, tra Mokha e Selif, centrata nel wadi Surdud e wadi Rimah. Scavi nel sito preistorico di Ash-Shumah (SHM-1). • 1985-2009 Ra's al-Junayz, Oman. Co-direzione con S. Cleuziou† del CNRS francese del Joint Hadd Project per lo studio delle navigazioni preistoriche e gli scambi tra l'India e l'Oman del III millennio a.C. • 1986 Iran. Visita di studio al Dipartimento delle Antichità, Teheran per trasferimento di dati di Shahr-i Sokhta. • 1987-2000 Viaggio di studio in U.S.A. per di visitare centri di ricerca, tenere conferenze, partecipare a convegni SAA e AAA e visionare collezioni di confronto sull'Iran protostorico. • 1987-94 Viaggi di studio in Mongolia seguiti da elaborazione di protocolli di cooperazione scientifica. • 1988-2000 Breve visita di studio in Kuwait, Bahrain & Abu Dhabi. • 1989-9112 Viaggi di studio nell'India del Nord nel Moharashty (Pune) e nel Tamil Nadu. • 1989-2000 Direzione del Progetto di ricerche italo-russo-turkmeno "Carta Archeologica del Delta del Murghab" in collaborazione con l'Istituto di Archeologia dell'Accademia Russa delle Scienze e l'Università Statale del Turkmenistan. • 1992 Viaggio di studio in Vietnam e Cambogia come esperto nel Ministero degli Affari Esteri per la preparazione di progetti di conservazione a Hanoi e Angkor. • 1993 Voronezh, Russia. Ricognizione e scavo del sito scitico nell'area di Ostrogorsk sul medio Don • 1995 Viaggio in India come membro del Consiglio India-Italia per la Cooperazione Universitaria e lo studio dellecollezioni del Museo di Lothal (Gujarat). • 1996-97 Viaggi di studio ed organizzazione di progetti UE in Kazakhstan e Uzbekistan. • 1996-2009 Direttore del Progetto Carta Archeologica di Pantelleria in collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna e la Soprintendenza BBCCAA della Provincia di Trapani. • 1996 Missione UNESCO in Turkmenistan per la definizione preliminare del master plan. • 1997 Missione ICCROM in Israele e Territorio Palestinese per definire linee di programmi. • 1997 Visita in Kazakhstan per valutare le oppurtunità di ricerca sul campo. • 1998-99 Viaggio di studio in Tunisia per valutare le opportunità di ricerca sul campo. • 1999-2009 Programma archeologico a Samarcanda e nella media valle dello Zeravshan, Uzbekistan, per la ricostruzione della città al tempo di Emir Timur e Ulug Beg (1400-50 AD), e l'esplorazione della regione, in collaborazione con l'Istituto di Archeologico dell'Accademia delle Scienze dell'Uzbekistan. ELENCO DELLE PUBBLICAZIONI I. OPERE MONOGRAFICHE ED EDIZIONI: 1. Iran, l'alba della civilta', Milano, 1972 2. Prehistoric Sistan, (IsMEO Rep. Mem. XIX, 1), Rome, 1983 3. Oman Studies (Orientalia Romana 7), Rome, 1989 (in collaborazione con P.M. Costa). 4. The Prehistory of Asia and Oceania (Colloquia 16). UISPP Forlì 814/09/1996 Forlì, 1996 (in collaborazione con G.E. Afanas'ev, S. Cleuziou e J.R. Lukacs) 5. The Archaeological Map of Murghab Delta (IsIAO Serie Minor 3), Rome 1998 (in collaborazione con A. Gubaev e G. Koshelenko) 6. Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997. Vol. I, Pre- and Protohistory (BAR International Series 717), Oxford 1998 (in collaborazione con M. Pierce) 7. Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997. Vol. II, Classical and Medieval (BAR International Series 718), Oxford 1998 (in collaborazione con M. Pierce) 8. Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997. Vol. III, Sardinia (BAR International Series 719), Oxford 1998 (in collaborazione con M. Pierce) 9. Bruce Chatwin: viaggio in Afghanistan, Torino 2000 (in collaborazione con F. La Cecla) 10. Essays on the Late Prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula, (Serie Orientale Roma XCIII), Roma 2002 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou e J. Zarins) 11. Le frontiere dell'Afghanistan, Bologna 2005 (in collaborazione con F. La Cecla) 12. In the Shadow of the Ancestors. The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman, Muscat 2007 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou) 13. The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the Margiana Lowlands. Facts and Methodological Proposal for a Redifinition of the Research Strategies. The Archaeological Map of the Murghab Delta. Studies and Reports, III. Rome. British Archaeological Reports. International Series. Oxford 2008 (in collaborazione con S. Salvatori e B. Cerasetti). II. ARTICOLI E NOTE : 1. "Excavations at Shahr-i Sokhta, a Chalcolithic Settlement in Iranian Sistan, Preliminary Report on the First Campaign October-December 1967", East & West XVIII, 1968, pp. 9-66. 2. "Lo scavo di Shahr-i Sokhta." Archeologia 51, 1969, pp.182-190. 3. "Excavations at Shahr-i Sokhta. Preliminary Report on the Second Campaign, September-December 1968", East & West XIX, 1969, pp. 283-386. 4. "On the Route for Lapis Lazuli", Illustrated London News, part. I, vol. 256, n. 6808, Jan. 24 1970, pp. 24-25; part. II, vol. 256, n.2810, Feb. 7 1970, pp. 24-25. 5. "A Tomb from Damin and the Problem of the Bampur Sequence in the Third Millennium B.C.", East & West XX, 1970, pp. 9-50. 6. "Ceramica Iranica dell'Età del Ferro", Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale (Schede 4), Roma, 1970. 7. "Sahr-e Suxte”, Bastan Chenassi va Honar-i Iran IV, 1970, pp. 20-32 (in persiano). 8. "Dilmun", Antiquity XLV, 1971, pp. 21-35. 9. "Materiale vario dell'Età del Ferro da Hurvin (Iran)", Arte Orientale in Italia III, 1971, pp. 5-12. 10. "Ceramica di Siyalk III", Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale (Schede 5), Roma, 1971. 11. "Seistan v bronzovom veke. Raskopki v Sahri-Sohte", Sovetskaja Arheologija 1971, 3, pp. 15-30. 12. "Shahr-i Sokhta: un insediamento protourbano nel Sistan Iraniano", Atti del Convegno Internazionale sul tema: "La Persia nel Medioevo" (Roma, 31 marzo-5 aprile 1970), Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, quaderno 160, 1971, 3, pp. 15-30. 13. "Un contributo italiano alla più antica storia del Vicino Oriente: gli scavi di Shahr-i Sokhta". La Parola del Passato 142-244, 1972, pp. 186-208. 14. "The Fullol Hoard: a New Find from Bronze Age Afghanistan", East & West XXII, 1972, pp. 9-17. 15. "Shahr-i Sokhta and Tepe Yahya: Tracks towards the Earliest History of the Iranian Plateau", (in collaborazione con C.C. Lamberg-Karlowsky), East & West XXIII, 1973, pp. 21-57. 16. "The Early Urbanization and Settlement Patterns in the Indoiranian Borderland", in C. Renfrew (ed.), The Explanation of Cultural Charge, London, 1973, pp. 429-46. 17. "L'industria litica e la lavorazione degli elementi di collana a Shahr-i Sokhta", Rivista di Geo-Archeologia 1, 1973, pp. 23-29. 18. "Lithic Technology behind the Ancient Lapis Lazuli Trade", Expedition 1973, pp. 15-23, (in collaborazione con M. Piperno). 19. "The Cultural Sequence of Shahr-i Sokhta", Bulletin of the Asian Institute of Pahlavi University 3, 1973, pp. 64-80. 20. "The Lapis Lazuli Trade across the Iranian Plateau in 3rd Mill. B.C.", Gururajamanjarika, Miscellanea in onore di Giuseppe Tucci, Napoli, 1974, pp. 3-22. 21. "Bampur: a Problem of Isolation", East & West XXIV, 1974, pp.29-50. 22. "L'armamentario militare nei piu' antichi stati del Vicino Oriente", in Armi ed Armature Asiatiche, Milano, 1974, pp. 13-58. 23. "Archaeological Discoveries and Methodological Problems in the Excavations of Shahr-i Sokhta, Sistan", South Asian Archaeology 1973, Leiden, pp. 12-52, 1974, (in collaborazione con R. Biscione et alii). 24. "Some Data for the Study of Prehistoric Cultural Areas on the Arabian Gulf", Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies IV, 1974, pp. 145-71. 25. "Gedanken ueber den Lasursteinhandel des 3. Jahrtausends v.u.2. ins Iranischen Raum", Acta Antiqua XXIII, 1-4, 1974, pp. 33-43. 26. "The Graveyard of Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran", Archaeology XXVIII, pp. 186-97, (in collaborazione con M. Piperno). Ripubblicato in Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran, 1975, pp. 121- 141. 27. "Methodological Proposals for Palaeobiological Investigation in Iran", Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran, pp. 311-31, (in collaborazione con L. Costantini). 28. The Northeastern Frontier of the Ancient Near East. Marginal Notes to V.M. Masson and V.I. Sarianidi, "Central Asia", Mesopotamia VIII-IX, 1975, pp. 17-75. 29. "The Problem of Turquoise in the 3rd Millennium B.C. Trade across the Iranian Plateau", Memorie dell'Istituto di Paleotologia Umana II, Roma, 1975, pp. 147-162. 30. "Tepe Hasanlu Project: Palaeobotanical Survey", Iran XIII, 1975, pp. 185-86. 31. "Notes on the Distribution and Exploitation of Natural Resources in Ancient Oman", Journal of Oman Studies 1, 1975, pp. 187-206. 32. "The Dialects of State Formation in Mesopotamia Iran and Central Asia", Dialectical Anthropology I, 1975, pp. 173-80. 33. "Una campionatura ceramica dalla valle di Quetta donata da D.H. Gordon", Arte Orientale in Italia IV, 1976, pp. 55-70. 34. "Shahr-i Sokhta", Iran XIV, 1976, pp. 167-8. 35. "A Topographical and Stratigraphical Periplus of Shahr-i Sokhta", Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran, 1976, pp. 130-158. 36. "Tepe Yahya Project: Palaeobotanical Survey", Iran XIV, 1976, pp. 173-4. 37. "Typology of Prehistoric Settlement in Eastern Iran", Traditions Architecturals en Iran II, 1976, pp. 20-32. 38. "Fission Track Ages of The Remains Excavated at Shahr-i Sokhta and Kangavar, Iran", VIth International Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology Memorial Volume, Tehran, 1976, pp. 281-85. (in collaborazione con S. Nishimura). 39. "The Dating of the Umm an-Nar Culture and a Proposed Sequence for Oman in the Third Millennium B.C.", Journal of Oman Studies 2, 1976, pp. 81-92. 40. "Umwelt, Wirtschaft und besiedlung im vorgeschichtlichen Sistan", in K. Fischer, D. Morgenstern and V. Thewalt (eds.), GelŠndebegehungen in Sistan 1955-1973 und die Aufnahme von dewal-i Khodaydad 1970, Nimruz 1, Düsseldorf 1976, pp. 266-268. 41. "A Turquoise Neck-stone of King Ninurta-Apal-Ekur", Sumer XXXII, 1-2, 1976, pp. 105-111, (in collaborazione con B.K. Ismail). 42. "Shahr-i Sokhta: l'abitato protostorico e la sequenza cronologica", in AA.VV. La Città Bruciata nel Deserto Salato, Venezia, 1977, pp. 77-112, (in collaborazione con R. Biscione e S. Salvatori). 43. "Popolamento e risorse naturali nel Sistan protostorico" ibidem, pp. 277-293 (in collaborazione con L. Costantini). 44. "The Archeological Evidence for Protostate Structures in Eastern Iran and central Asia at the End of the 3rd Millennium B.C.", in J. Deshayes (ed.), Le Plateau Iranien et l'Asie Centrale des Origines à la Conquete Islamique, Paris, 1977, pp. 45-66. 45. "Typology and Socioeconomical Implications of Entomological Finds from Some Ancient Near Eastern Sites", Paléorient III, 1975-77, pp. 247-258 (in collaborazione con L. Costantini e A. Vigna Taglianti). 46. "La lavorazione ed il commercio delle pietre semipreziose nella città dell'Iran protostorico (3200-1800 a.C.)", Geo-Archeologia 1-2, 1977, pp. 37-50 (in collaborazione con G.M. Bulgarelli). 47. “The Aceramic Shell Middens of Ra's al-Hamra: a Preliminary Note”, Journal of Oman Studies 3, 1977, pp. 137-162 (in collaborazione con S. Durante). 48. "The Camel: its Distribution and State of Domestication in the Middle East during the Third Millennium B.C. in Light of Finds from Shahr-i Sokhta", in R.H. Meadow, M.A. Zeder (eds.), Approaches to Faunal Analysis in the Middle East, (Peabody Museum Bulletin 2), Cambridge (Mass.), 1978, pp. 91-104 (in collaborazione con B. Compagnoni). 49. "The Environment of Southern Sistan in the 3rd Millennium B.C. and its Exploitation by the Proto-Urban Hilmand Civilization", in W.C. Brice (ed), The Environmental History of the Near and Middle East since the Last Ice Age, London, 1978, pp. 165-183 (in collaborazione con L. Costantini). 50. "Ricerche archeologiche sulla protostoria del Sistan", in Un Decennio di Ricerche Archeologiche (Quaderni de "La Ricerca Scientifica" 100), Roma, 1978, pp. 519-548. 51. "L'area iranica", in Archeologia. Culture e Civiltà del passato nel mondo europeo ed extraeuropeo, Milano, 1978, pp. 477-506. 52. "Protostoria degli Stati Turanici", Supplemento n. 20 Annali IUON XXXIX, 3, Napoli, 1979, (in collaborazione con R. Biscione). 53. "The Proto-Urban Cultures of Eastern Iran and the Indus Civilization. Notes and Suggestions for a Spatio-temporal Frame to Study the Early Relation between India and Iran", in M. Taddei (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples, 1979, vol. I, pp. 149171. 54. "The Natural Resources of Mundigak. Some Observations on the Location of the Site in relation of its Economical Space", in H. Haertel (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1979, Berlin, 1981, pp. 115-142 (in collaborazione con C. Jarrige). 55. "Per una finalizzazione dei dati archeologici allo studio delle basi dei materiali dell'economia tradizionale nella penisola araba", in Atti del Convegno su la Presenza Culturale Italiana nei Paesi Arabi: Storia e Prospettive. 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Arte ed Archeologia Cinese dalle Origini alla Dinastia Han, Milano, 1983, pp. 61-67 (anche in inglese). 62. "The Relevance of Prehistoric Non-Farming Economies in the Formative Process of the Central Asian Civilizations", Journal of Central Asia VI, 1, 1983, pp. 1-28. 63. "Shahr-i Sokhta: 5000 Jahre Staedtische Kultur in der Seistan-Wueste", Bild der Wissenschaft, July 1983, pp.46-62 (in collaborazione con G. Gerster). 64. "The Notion of Craft Specialization and its Representation in the Archaeological Record of the Early States in the Turanian Basin", in M. Spriggs (ed.), Marxist Perspectives in Archaeology, Cambridge University Press, London, 1984, pp. 22-52. 65. "Qurum: a Case Study of Coastal Archaeology in Northern Oman", World Archaeology 16, 1, 1984, pp. 43-61 (in collaborazione con P. Biagi, W. Torke e H.-P. Uerpmann). 66. "Paleoeconomical Perspectives for the Use of the Archaeological Evidence in the Study of the Early State .and the Formation of the Relative Surplus", in W. 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Reports of the Restudy Project, 1976, Firenze 1989, pp. 13-24. 86. "The Stratigraphic Sequence of Squares DF88/89 on South Hill, Tappeh Hesar", in R.H. Dyson Jr. & S.M. Howard (eds), Tappeh Hesar. Reports of the Restudy Project, 1976, Firenze 1989, pp. 35-53 (in collaborazione con G.M. Bulgarelli). 87. "Prehistoric Archaeology in Oman: the First Thirty Years, in P.M. Costa e M. Tosi (eds), Oman Studies (Orientalia Romana 7), Rome 1989, pp. 135-161. 88. "The Southern Frontier of the Ancient Near East, in K. Frifelt & P. Soerensen (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1985, London 1989, pp. 15-48 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou). 89. “Comunicazione ed evoluzione sociale nella preistoria”. In AA.VV., La Comunicazione nella Storia. Un itinerario nello sviluppo dei rapporti sociali. SARIN, Roma 1989, pp. 29-61 90. "The Slippery Streets of Moenjodaro", Quaderni "Prospezioni Archeologiche" 1, 1990, pp. 7-12 91. "4th Millennium BC Lapis Lazuli Working at Mehrgarh, Pakistan", Paléorient 16:2, 1990, pp. 89-99 (in collaborazione con M. Vidale) 92. "Black Boats of Magan. Some Thoughts on Bronze Age Water Transport in Oman and beyond from the Impressed Bitumen Slabs of Ra's al-Junayz", in A. Parpola and P. Koskikallio (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1993, Helsinki 1994, pp. 745-761 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou) 93. "Cachets inscrits de la fin du IIIe millénaire av. notre ére à Ra's al-Junayz, Sultanat d'Oman.", Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1994, pp. 453-468 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou, G. Gnoli e C. Robin) 94. "The Egualitarian Foundations of Steppe Empires", in B. Genito (ed), Archaeology in the Steppes. Work, Methods and Strategies, Naples 1995, pp. 557-566 95. "Il fiume scomparso. La Sarasvati nell'età del Bronzo: da disastro ecologico a fonte di salvazione" Saecularia Nova 12 th Annual 1995, Bologna, 1996, pp. 93-101 (in collaborazione con B. 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Cattani) 100. “La carta archeologica di Pantelleria”, OCNUS 5, 1997, pp. 243-248 (in collaboration with M. Cattani) 101. “Missione Archeologica Italiana nel Sultanato di Oman”, OCNUS 5, 1997, pp. 249-254 (in collaborazione con M. Cattani) 102. “Hommes, climats et environments de la Péninsule arabique à l'Holocène”, Paléorient 23:2, 1998, pp. 121-135 (in collaborazione con S: Cleuziou) 103. “La Missione archeologica nel Sultanato di Oman”, in Missioni Archeologiche Italiane. La ricerca archeologica, antropologica, etnologica, Roma, 1998, pp. 231-234 104. “La carta archeologica del delta del Murghab”, in Missioni Archeologiche Italiane. La ricerca archeologica, antropologica, etnologica, Roma, 1998, pp. 381-384 105. “Introduction. From the Atlantic to the Urals and beyond: the many Dimensions of Archaeology”, in M. Pierce and M: Tosi (eds), Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997. Vol. I-3, (BAR International Series 717-719), Oxford 1998, p. V (in collaborazione con M. Pierce) 106. “Un village de pêcheurs néolithiques de la péninsule ‘Oman: Suwayh 2 (SWY2), première campagne de fouille”, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 28, 1998, pp. 21-37 (in collaborazione con V. Charpentier e O. Blin) 107. “Le trasformazioni nell'industria delle perle nello sviluppo delle società complesse”, in G. Lombardo (ed), Perle orientali. Tradizione antica e artigianato moderno nella lavorazione delle pietre semipreziose in Medio Oriente. Mostra, Museo Nazionale d'Arte orientale, Roma, 1998, pp. 31-43 (in collaborazione con M. Vidale). 108. “Ra's al-Jins and the Prehistoric Coastal Cultures of the Ja'lan”, Journal of Oman Studies 11, 2000, pp. 19-73 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou) 109. “Missione archeologica nel Sultanato di Oman "Joint Hadd Project". Campagna di ricerca 2000-2001”. Ocnus 9-10, 2001-2002, pp. 357-366 (in collaborazione con M. Cattani, A. Curci, L.G. Marcucci e D. Usai). 110. "Interventi archeologici in Uzbekistan". 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Convegno in ricordo di Mario Bussagli, Pisa 2002, pp. 284-288 115. “Introduction”, in Essays on the Late Prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula, (Serie Orientale Roma XCIII), Roma 2002, pp. 9-27 (in collaborazione con S. Cleuziou e J. Zarins) 116. "U-series and Radiocarbon Dates on Mollusc Shells from the Archaeological Site of KHB-1, Oman." 33rd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Amsterdam 2226/04/2002. Abstracts: Dating, n. 229: pp. 154-155 (in collaborazione con M. Neri, P.Bartolomei, M. Esposito and G.Sartorelli). 117. "Preliminary Report on the Excacations at Wadi Shab, Area 1, Sultanate of Oman", Arabian Archeology and Epigraphy 14: 1, 2003, pp. 8-23 (in collaborazione con D. Usai) 118. “Land behind Samarkand.” In S. Pagani (ed), Italo- Uzbek Scientific Cooperation in Archaeology and Islamic Studies: An Overview. Rome, January 30, 2001. Rome 2003, pp. 13-41 (in collaborazione con T. Shirinov). 119. “The Murghab Delta in Central Asia 1990-2001: GIS from a Research Resource to a Reasoning Tool for the Study of Settlement Change in Long-Term Fluctuations”. In M. Doerr and A. Sarris (eds), Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 30th Conference, Heraklion, 2-6/4/2002. Hiraklion 2003, pp. 125-131 (in collaborazione con M. Cattani, B. Cerasetti e S. Salvatori) 120. “Development of the ‘Open Frontier' between Iran and Central Asia: the Murghab Defensive Systems in Antiquity and the Variants of the Silk Road across the Karakum”. Parthia and Beyond. Cultural interconnections in the Classical Period. Papers in honour of G. A. Koselenko.Parthica 6, 2004, pp. 101-106 (in collaborazione con B. Cerasetti). 121. “La Missione Archeologica Italiana in Oman”. in A. Coralini, E. Govi and M.T. Guaitoli (eds), Scoprire. Scavi del Dipartimento di Archeologia. Guida alla Mostra, Bologna, S. Giovanni in Monte 18/5-18/6/2004. (Percorsi di Archeologia 2) Bologna 2004, pp. 50-51 122. “La carta archeologica di Pantelleria. Sperimentazione di metodo e nuove prospettive sull'evoluzione della complessità sociale e politica nelle isole del Mediterraneo centrale”. In Atti del 1° Convegno sulla Preistoria e Protostoria Siciliana, Corleone, luglio 1997. Corleone 2004, pp. 121-133 (in collaborazione con M. Cattani e S. Tusa). 123. "Settlement Structures and Cemetery at Wadi Shab-GAS1, Sultante of Oman: Report on the 2002 and 2003 Field Seasons", Arabian Archeology and Epigraphy 16: 1, 2005, pp. 1-20 (in collaborazione con M. Gaultier, H. Guy. O. Munoz and D. Usai) 124. “Shahr-i Sokhta Revised Sequence”. in C. Jarrige (ed), South Asian Archaeology 2001, Paris 2005, pp. 281-292 (in collaborazione con S. Salvatori) 125. “Investigations on ancient Beads from the Sultanate of Oman (Ra's al-Hadd – Southern Oman)”. Revue d'Archéométrie 29, 2005, pp. 151-155 (in collaborazione con L. Panei e G. Rinaldi) 126. “The Lothal Sealings: records from an Indus Civilization town at the eastern end of the maritime trade limits across the Arabian Sea”. in M. Perna (ed), Studi in onore di Enrica Fiandra. Contributi di archeologia egea e vicinorientale. Studi egei e vicinorientali 1. Napoli-Paris 2005, pp. 65-103 (in collaborazione con D. Frenez). 127. “GIS and Silk Road Studies monitoring Landscape and Population change at Samarkand and in the Middle Zeravshan Valley”. in Reading Historical Spatial Information from around the World: Studies of Culture and Civilization Based on Geographic Information Systems Data. 24th International Research Symposium, Kyoto 7-11/2/2005. Soubundo 2006, pp. 459-489 (in collaborazione con B. Rondelli). 128. “Ricerca archeologica a Cossyra – Pantelleria nel tempo ed attraverso il tempo. in E. Acquaro e B. Cerasetti (eds). Pantelleria Punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e riflessioni storiche per una nuova generazione di ricerca. (Studi e Scavi n.s. 15) Bologna 2006, pp. 13-18 (in collaborazione con S. Tusa). 129. “Introduction”. in S. Messineo, Lessons of Italian Cultural Heritage Legislation. Tashkent 2007, pp 3-8, 9-15 130. “Samarkand and its Territory: from Archaeological Map to Cultural Landscape Management”. in Bulletin IICAS 3, 2007, pp. 1-13 (in collaborazione con A. Berdimuradov, F. Franceschini, D. Giorgetti, S. Mantellini e B. Rondelli) 131. “La Carta Archeologica della Media Valle dello Zeravshan: strategie e metodi per la storia del popolamento nella regione di Samarcanda”. in The Role of Samarkand in the History of World Civilization. Material of the International Scientific Symposium devoted to the 2750th Anniversary of the City of Smarkand, Samarkand 5/24-26/2007. Tashkent 2007, pp. 68-732007 (in collaborazione con A. Berdimuradov, F. Franceschini, D. Giorgetti, S. Mantellini e B. Rondelli) 132. “Caulking Technologies of ‘Black Boats of Magan'. Some New Thoughts on Bronze Age Water Transport in Oman and Beyond from the Impressed Bitumen Slabs of Ra's al Junayz”. in E.M. Raven (ed), South Asian Archaeology 1999. Gonda Indological Studies XXV. Groningen 2008, pp. 159-165 (in collaborazione con G. Rinaldi) III. RECENSIONI E BREVI NOTE : 1. Recensione di K. Jettmar"I popoli delle steppe", in Origini I, 1967, pp. 324-28. 2. Recensione di M. Salvini, "Nairi e Ur(u)atri", in Origini II, 1968, pp. 375-77. 3. Recensione di R.H. Dyson, "The Archeological Evidence of the Second Millennium B.C. on the Iranian Plateau", ibidem 1968, pp. 363-365. 4. Recensione di J.M. Casal, "La civilization de Indus et ses enigmes", in Origini IV, pp. 292-295 e East & West ibidem, 1970, pp. 382-85. 5. Recensione di V.M. Masson, "Raskopky na Altyn-depe V 1969 g.", ibidem, pp. 295300 e East & West XX, 1970 pp. 323-85. 6. Recensione di C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, "Excavations at Tepe Yahya, Iran, 196769", ibidem 1972, pp. 323-29. 7. Recensione di B. De Cardi, "Excavations at Bampur a Third Millennium Settlements in Persian Baluchistan", in Origini V, 1972, pp. 316-23. 8. Recensione di D. P. Agrawal, S. Kusumgar, Prehistoric Chronology and Radiocarbon Dating in India, New Delhi, 1974, in Annali IUON XXXVI, 1976, pp. 2814. 9. Reallexicon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaeologie, Band V, 3/4 Lieferung, Voci Jade & Lapis, Munchen-Berlin, 1977, pp. 232-33, 269-270. 10. Dizionario Enciclopedico Italiano, voci: Takht-i Sulaiman (p. 575), Tepe Yahya (p. 621). 11. Reallexicon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaeologie, Band V, 5/6 Lieferung, voci: Kalkstein (pp. 323-326); Karneol (pp. 448-452); Band VI, 3/4 Lieferung, voce: Koralle (p. 212), München-Berlin, 1980. 12. Current Anthropology Commento a A. Gilman, "The Development of Social Stratification in Bronze Age Europe", Current Anthropology 22:1, Chicago1981, pp. 1516. 13. Intervento in N. Cuomo di Caprio, Ancora in tema di "New Archaeology" in Italia, Sibrium 18, 1985-86, pp. 7-11. IV. POSTERS: 1. Mariani L. and Tosi M. (2001), The Topographical Layout of the City as Devised from Surface Evidence and the Cardinal Orientation of Buildings. Perspectives for Research on Shahr-i Sokhta and its Civilization, Part 3. Poster to International Seminar on Iranian Archaeology: South Eastern Region. Zahedan, April 28-30, 2001 and XVI International Conference on South Asian Archaeology, Paris, July 2-6, 2001. 2. Tosi M. (2001), The Shoe-Maker Kit of Room LVIII. Perspectives for Research on Shahr-i Sokhta and its Civilization, Part 9. Poster to International Seminar on Iranian Archaeology: South Eastern Region. Zahedan, April 28-30, 2001 and XVI International Conference on South Asian Archaeology, Paris, July 2-6, 2001. 3. Bronze Age adobe bricks from Tureng Tepe (eastern Iran): mineralogical and geochemical characterisation. EXRS 2006. Liliana PANEI1; Gilberto RINALDI2; Maurizio TOSI3 4. Panei L., Rinaldi G. and Tosi M., Ancient Beads from Sultanate of Oman. SAA 2007, Ravenna 2-7/7/2007. Professor Robert H. Dyson, Jr Robert H. Dyson, Jr. received his PhD from Harvard University in 1966. He directed the Hasanlu Project from 1956 to 1977. Before working in northwestern Iran, he participated in research projects in Africa and at Jericho, Nippur, Susa and Bahrain Island, as well as in the United States. He served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania from 1979 to 1982. From 1982 to 1994, he was the Director of the University of Pennsylvania Museum. He was president of the Archaeological Institute of America and he is a member of the American Philosophical Society. Dr. Dyson has written numerous articles on ancient Iran, especially the sites of Hasanlu Tepe and Tepe Hissar. Robert Dyson holding up the golden bowl from Hasanlu He is pictured here holding aloft a golden bowl from the site of Hasanlu, Iran in 1958. Life magazine, January 12, 1959, 55–60, in an article entitled "The Secrets of a Golden Bowl." Philadelphia Inquirer - May 12, 1994 A Digger Bows Out With A Fanfare Archaeologist Robert Dyson Is Retiring As Head Of The University Museum. By Leonard W. Boasberg, INQUIRER STAFF WRITER Posted: May 12, 1994 Robert Dyson, archaeologist who is stepping down after 12 years as director of the University Museum, is an Indiana Jones fan. "I love them," he says of the adventure-packed films. But an archaeologist's life, he quickly adds, "is a lot tamer than that normally." It can have its hairy moments, though. Such as the moment that he found himself looking down the wrong end of a gun barrel. It happened in 1958, during the second of his 21 digs in Hasanlu, in northwest Iran. He and T. Cuyler Young Jr., a member of the team of archaeologists from the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, had gone to pick up a truck in a town about 60 miles away. Returning at night, they ran into a roadblock. A band of sinister-looking men, pointing rifles at them, ordered them to get out. "The roads were very unsafe in those days," Dyson recalled Friday in his office, and "we didn't know who these guys were." Those guys turned out to be gendarmes, who arrested the two archaeologists and took them to the gendarme post nearby. There they interrogated them as to why they were traveling without papers and locked them up for the night. What had happened, Dyson later learned, was that the Iranian government, nervous over the overthrow of King Faisal in neighboring Iraq, had suddenly imposed travel controls, of which, of course, he and his colleague knew nothing. Then there was the time, a few years later in Guatemala, when he awoke at 3 in the morning to find about a dozen huge scorpions crawling on the floor next to him. What did he do? "I stayed very carefully in my bed," he said slowly. Dyson's most exciting moment occurred the same year as the roadblock episode. It was his discovery at Hasanlu, a site largely unoccupied since the Urartians destroyed it in about 800 B.C., of the remains of an Iron Age warrior who was still clutching the nowfamous golden bowl of Hasanlu. The find was a startling revelation of the existence of a rich and sophisticated culture, hitherto unknown. But perhaps the most moving moment in Dyson's 44-year career as an archaeologist occurred May 4 at the annual black-tie dinner of the board of overseers of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania. For more than a year, unbeknown to Dyson, overseers and museum staff members had been planning the evening as a tribute to Dyson and the "12 Challenging Years" in which he had served as museum director. At the dinner, in the museum's Lower Egyptian Gallery, a 12-minute video featuring highlights of his career was shown. Mary Virginia Harris, a friend and colleague of Dyson's for more than 30 years, presented him with a book she had organized; it contained more than 100 letters of admiration and appreciation from friends, colleagues and scholars around the world. And A. Bruce Mainwaring, chairman of the board of overseers and toastmaster of the evening, announced the endowment of a $1.25 million Robert H. Dyson chair in Near Eastern archaeology at the museum. "That's something I've always dreamed about," Dyson, a slim 6-footer with chiseled features and an engaging smile, said two days later as he escorted a visitor around the museum to which he has devoted so much of his life. "It's very exciting because it's so important to the museum in order to stabilize our finances." Finances are one of the challenges that Dyson had to meet when he took over as museum director in 1982. The place was leaking financially and the roof was leaking, Mainwaring recalled at the dinner. So practically the first challenge Dyson had to meet was to raise the money, $3.4 million, to put a new roof on the historically certified building, which opened in 1899 at 33d and Spruce Streets. Other challenges he successfully met included modernizing the building to put it in conformity with the city's building code; installing alarm systems and security devices; renovating, and opening up storage areas. He restructured the administrative staff. He rejuvenated the museum's educational programs and its corps of volunteers - the guides who show visitors the museum's holdings from every inhabited continent in the world and the "mummy- dusters" who work in the storage areas and help in conservation. He computerized the museum's vast collection and records. And he reinvigorated the museum's exhibit program, attracting thousands to shows on Egyptian mummies, Alaskan natives, the ancient Mayan people of Tikal, Guatemala, and the ancient peoples of China, among the many. He also launched a traveling-exhibitions program - hundreds of artifacts from the museum's ancient Nubian collection are being shown in the Bowers Museum of Cultural Art in Santa Ana, Calif. In the last dozen years, the museum's endowment has gone from $3 million to more than $13 million. For Penn's $1 billion capital campaign, the museum set a goal of $18 million, reached it more than a year ago, raised its goal to $22 million and exceeded that. It is, though, not as an administrator and fund-raiser but an archaeologist that Dyson is known worldwide. "He has inspired and trained a generation of new leaders," Claire Fagin, interim president of the University of Pennsylvania, said at the dinner. Indeed, at one time the directors of three major archaeological institutions in North America were former students of his: William A. Sumner of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky of the Peabody Museum at Harvard, and Young, his former colleague who later became director of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Sumner, who flew in from Chicago to attend the dinner, said, "The thing about Bob which always impressed me is that he could seem remote, but every time we reached some critical point he would step in and solve the problem." The problem could be anything from identifying unfired mud-brick walls that dated from 6000 B.C. to shaking loose from the Iranian Ministry of Culture a permit to dig. Dyson, an only child born in York, Pa., was only 13 when he made up his mind to become an archaeologist. He made a list of all the things he was interested in - botany, zoology, geology, paleontology, archaeology, history and geography - and "I decided archaeology was the obvious area because it would allow me to do all these other things." When he was 4, his father, an air- conditioning engineer, moved the family to New York, where the young Dyson learned to take the subway to the American Museum of Natural History. In 1940, the family moved to Toronto, where Dyson would spend hours at the Royal Ontario Museum. After a stint in the Navy, Dyson graduated magna cum laude from Harvard in 1950. He taught there for four years and, in 1954, came to the University of Pennsylvania as a field archaeologist. He obtained his doctorate from Harvard in 1966. While teaching at Penn, he also served as curator of the Near East Section of the University Museum. Penn named him dean of its Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1979 and, three years later, director of the museum. In addition to Hasanlu, Hissar, Susa and Malyan in Iran and Tikal in Guatemala, Dyson, a bachelor, has gone digging in such far-flung places as Jericho; Nippur in southern Iraq; Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, and Gordion in Turkey. As a graduate student, he spent three months as a cultural anthropologist in the Kalahari Desert in Namibia. Stepping down as director means that Dyson at last will have time to do some of the things he has been wanting to do for years, including learning more about computers and writing up the research work he did in his 21 expeditions to Hasanlu. In archaeological digs, people are working in close quarters, often in remote areas, getting fried by the sun during the day and having nothing to do at night, and sometimes they get edgy. Hence "turtle days," which Dyson innovated at Hasanlu. The idea was that if you knew you were having a down day you would announce it, and everybody was supposed to leave you alone. "Turtle days" became a tradition at Dyson digs, and they're still observed at the museum. Does Dyson ever have them himself? Not often, but when he does, "I just clam up and go to work." Lauriston Ward Lauriston Ward received his BA from Harvard College in 1903 and his AM from Harvard University in 1934. Ward was Curator of Asiatic Archaeology at Harvard from 1937-1960 and served as President and Founder of the Council for World Archaeology from 1953-1960 and Chairman of the American School of Prehistoric Research from 1954-1960. Ward was very involved in archaeology, not as a dirt archaeologist per se, but as a creative organizing force. His main interests focused on establishing the major outlines in prehistoric Asiatic archaeology and linking the archaeology of several sub-areas of Asia ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 1 ABAKAROV, A.I. & DAVUDOV, O.M. Arkheologicheskaia karta Dagestana. 322, (14)pp. 1 lrg. folding map, loosely inserted, as issued. 53 text illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1993. 2 ABDAKIMOV, ABDIZHAPAR. Istoriia Kazakhstana (s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh dnei). 235pp. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Almaty (RIK), 1994. 3 ABDULLAEV, T., ET AL. Pesn’ v metalle: Narodnoe iskusstvo Uzbekistana. / Ma”danga bitilgan qushiq: Uzbekiston khalq san”ati./ A Song in Metal: Folk Art of Uzbekistan. [By] T. Abdullaev, D. Fakhretdinova, A. Khakimov. 251, (1)pp. 179 illus. Tall 4to. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in Uzbek, Russian, and English. Toshkent (Ghafur Ghulom nomidagi Adabiët va San”at Nashriëti), 1986. 4 ABDUSHELISHVILI, M.G., ET AL. Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of Central Asia and the Caucasus. By M.G. Abdushelishvili, V.V. Ginzburg, N.N. Miklashevskaia and T.A. Trofimova. With contributions by P.P. Afansyenko, V.P. Alekseev, O. Ismagulov, T.I. Kiyatkina, B. Mamyatov, R.A. Nyedviga, S.P. Poliakov, Iu.G. Rychkov and N.G. Zalkind. Edited by Henry Field. (Russian Translation Series of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Vol. 3#2.) xvi, 480pp. 233 plates. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (The Peabody Museum), 1968. 5 ABJADIYAT. / Abgadiyat. Vol. 1. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Alexandria (Maktabat al-Iskandariyah, Markaz al-Khutut), 2006. 6 ABRAMOVA, Z.A., ET AL. Paleolit Eniseia. [By] Z.A. Abramovam S.N. Astakhov, S.A. Vasil’ev, N.M. Ermolova, N.F. Lisitsyn. 155, (5)pp. 51 plates. 4to. Wraps. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1991. 7 ACQUARO, ENRICO. I fenici fra Oriente e Occidente. A cura di Mariavittoria Antico Gallina. (Civilità Mediterranee.) 142, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Slipcase. Milano (Silvana Editoriale), 2003. 8 ACQUARO, ENRICO & CERASETTI, BARBARA (EDITORS). Pantelleria punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e riflessioni storiche per una nuova generazione di ricerca. (Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Archeologia: Studi e Scavi. Nuova serie. 15.) 349pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Bologna (Ante Quem), 2006. 9 ADAMEC, LUDWIG W. (EDITOR). Mazar-i-Sharif and North-Central Afghanistan. (Historical and Political Gazetteer of Afghanistan. 4.) xviii, 693, (3)pp., 43 maps. 2 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Graz (Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt), 1979. 10 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. The Evolution of Urban Society: Early Mesopotamia and Prehispanic Mexico. (The Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures, 1965 presented at The University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.) ix, (3), 191, (5)pp. Cloth. D.j. Chicago (Aldine Publishing Company), 1966. 11 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. Heartland of Cities: Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain of the Euphrates. xx, 362pp. 1 lrg. folding plan, loosely inserted, as issued. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1981. 12 ADAMS, ROBERT MCC. Land Behind Baghdad: A History of Settlement on the Diyala Plains. xvi, 187, (5)pp., 23 plates, 9 maps. 25 tables, figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1965. 13 ADLER, WOLFGANG. Kamid el-Loz. 11. Das ‘Schatzhaus’ im Palastbereich. Die Befunde des Königsgrabes. Mit Beiträgen von D.P. Hansen und Chr. Lilyquist. (Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde. 47.) 237, (3)pp., 54 plates (partly folding; partly loose, in rear pocket, as issued). 39 text figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Bonn (Dr. Rudolf Habelt), 1994. 14 ADZHIGALIEV, S.I. Genezis: Traditsionnoi pogrebal’no-kul’tovoi arkhitektury Zapadnogo Kazakhstana: Na oznove issledovaniia maykh form. 269pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Almaty (“Ylym”), 1994. 15 AFANAS’EV, G.E. Donskie alany. Sotsial’nye struktury alano-asso-burtasskogo naseleniia basseina Srednego Dona./ The Alans of the Don.... (Arkheologiia Epokhi Velikogo Pereseleniia Narodov i Rannego Srednevekov’ia. 1.) 178, (14)pp. 50 illus. 4to. Wraps. English-language summary. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1993. 16 AFANAS’EV, G.E. Naselenie lesostepnoi zony basseina Srednego Dona v VIII-X vv.: Alanskii variant SaltovoMaiatskoi kul’tury). (Arkheologicheskie Otkrytiia na Novostroikakh. 2.) 199, (1)pp. 86 illus. 4to. Buckram. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1987. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 2 17 AFRASIAB. Materialy Afrasiabskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii: Sbornik statei. Vols. 1 - 4 (all published). Prof. illus. Buckram. Tashkent (Akademiia Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, Institut Arkheologii/ Izdatel’stvo “FAN”), [1969]-1975. 18 [AGEEVA, E.I. (EDITOR).] Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia na servnykh sklonakh Karatau. (Akademiia Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR: Trudy Instituta Istorii, Arkheologii i Etnografii imeni Ch.Ch. Valikhanova. 14.) 219, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 buckram. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR), 1962. 19 [AGEEVA, E.I., ET AL.] Arkheologicheskaia karta Kazakhstana: Reestr. 2 vols. 449, (5)pp., 9 plates. 40 text illus.; 40 maps, loose in portfolio, as issued. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Rare. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR), 1960. 20 AGRAWAL, D.P. The Archaeology of India. (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies. Monograph Series. 46.) (12) , 294pp. 161 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. London/Malmö (Curzon Press), 1982. 21 AGRAWAL, D.P. & CHAKRABARTI, DILIP K. (EDITORS). Essays in Indian Protohistory. (Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies: History and Archaeology Series. 5.) xvi, 392pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies/ B.R. Publishing Corporation), 1979. 22 AGRAWAL, D.P. & PANDE, B.M. (EDITORS). Ecology and Archaeology of Western India. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, February 23-26, 1976. xxi, (1), 253pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Delhi (Concept Publishing Company), 1977. 23 AGUSTÍN, JUAN & NAVARRETE, GONZÁLEZ. Escultura ibérica de Cerrillo Blanco. Porcuna, Jaén. 229pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Jaén (Diputación Provincial de Jaén, Instituto de Cultura), 1987. 24 AIDOGDYEV, M. Turkmeny Irana v 60-70-e ff. XX v. Edited by Kh. Ataev. 175, (3)pp. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1992. 25 AKHINZHANOV, S.M. Kypchaki v istorii srednevekovo Kazakhstana. 294, (2)pp. Buckram. Almaty (“Gylym”), 1999. 26 [AKHMEDZHANOV, M.A., ET AL.] Dokembrii Srednei Azii. 260, (2)pp. 23 illus. Buckram. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1982. 27 AKHUN-BABAEV, KH.G. Dvorets ikhshidov Sogda na Afrasiabe. 111, (3)pp. 110 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Samarkand (Mezhdunarodnyi Institut Tsentral’noaziatskikh Issledovanii), 1999. 28 AKISHEV, K.A. Kazakisztán ösi aranyikincsei. 188, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Cloth. D.j. Budapest (Corvina Kiadó), 1983. 29 AKISHEV, K.A. Kurgan Issyk: Iskusstvo Sakov Kazakhstana. / Issyk Mound: The Art of Saka in Kazakhstan. 130pp. 132 illus. (44 color). Sm. folio. Buckram. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Moskva (“Iskusstvo”), 1978. 30 [AKISHEV, K.A. (EDITOR).] Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia v Otrare. 143, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1977. 31 AKISHEV, K.A. (EDITOR). Drevnosti Kazakhstana. 166, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1975. 32 [AKISHEV, K.A. (EDITOR).] Proshloe Kazakhstana po arkheologicheskim istochnikam. 234, (2)pp. Illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1976. 33 AKKERMANS, PETER M.M.G. Villages in the Steppe. Later neolithic settlement and subsistence in the Balikh Valley, Northern Syria. (International Monographs in Prehistory: Archaeological Series. 5.) xv, (1), 351pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Ann Arbor (International Monographs in Prehistory), 1993. 34 AKKERMANS, PETER M.M.G. & SCHWARTZ, GLENN M. The Archaeology of Syria from Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies (c. 16,000-300 BC). (Cambridge World Archaeology.) xviii, 467pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 2003. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 3 35 AKSIT, ILHAN. The Istanbul Archaeological Museum. (50)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. [Istanbul}, n.d. 36 AKURGAL, EKREM. Urartäische und altiranische Kunstzentren. (Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan. VI. seri, no. 9.) vi, (2), 144, (2)pp., 43 plates. 106 figs. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1968. 37 AKURGAL, EKREM. Urartu medeniyeti. / Urartäische Kunst. (Extrait d’Anatolia, Revue annuelle de l’Institut d’Archéologie de l’Universitée d’Ankara, IV-1959.) (48)pp., 28 plates. 156 text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and German. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Ankara (Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakültesi/ Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1959. 38 AL AIN. AL AIN MUSEUM. Al Ain Museum. [Prepared by Suhail Al Kasses, Fazel Raheem, Salwa Mooj]. (48)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Al Ain, [1976]. 39 ALAGARSWAMI, K. Production of Cultured Pearls. vi, (2), 1112pp. 46 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. New Delhi (Publications and Information Division, Indian Council of Agricultural Research), 1991. 40 ALBRIGHT, W.F. The Amarna Letters from Palestine. Syria, the Philistines, and Phoenicia. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapters XX & XXXIII.) 58, (2)pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1966. 41 ALBRIGHT, W.F. & LAMBDIN, T.O. The Evidence of Language. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. I, Chapter IV.) 40pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1966. 42 (ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM FOXWELL) RUNNING, LEONA GLIDDEN & FREEDMAN, DAVID NOEL. William Foxwell Albright: A Twentieth-Century Genius. xi, (3), 447pp. Frontis. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (The Two Continents Publishing Group/ Morgan Press), 1975. 43 ALEKSEEV, N.A. Shamanizm tiurkoiazychnykh narodov Sibiri. Opyt areal’nogo stravnitel’nogo issledovaniia. Edited by I.S. Gurvich. 232pp., 22 plates. 8 figs. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1984. 44 ALEKSEEV, V.P. (EDITOR). Paleolit i neolit Mongol’skogo Altaia. K kongressu INQUA (Kitai, 1991)./ Mongolyn Altain paleolit ba neolit. (Kamennyi vek Mongolii.) 644, (2)pp. 148 plates. 1 lrg. folding map, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 67 text illus. Tall 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (“Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1990. 45 ALEKSEEV, V.P., ET AL. Perspectives in Archaeological Research in the USSR. Three lectures by V.P. Alekseev, G.A. Koselenko and R.M. Muncaev. (Conferenze IsMEO. 4.) 68pp. 16 illus. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1991. 46 ALESKEROV, IU.N. Samarkand: Stranitsy istorii. 222, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “Uzbekistan”), 1967. 47 ALGAZE, GUILLERMO. The Uruk World System. The dynamics of expansion of early Mesopotamian civilization. xii, 162pp. 47 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1993. 48 ALI, HAQIQAT. Trekkers Guide to Hunza. (Karakuram Series. 1.) (6), 93pp. Illus. Wraps. Slight waterdamage. Karachi (The Author), [1984]. 49 ALIMZHANOV, A., ET AL. (EDITORS). Pamiatniki istorii i kul’tury Kazakhstana. Sbornik materialov podgotovlen Tsentral’nym sovetom Obshchestva okhrany pamiatnikov istorii i kul’tury Kazakhskoi SSR. Vols. [1] - 2. 87, (1)pp., 16 plates; 116, (4)pp ., 16 plates. 4to. Wraps. Alma-Ata (“Oner”), 1984. 50 ALIZADEH, ABBAS. Excavations at the Prehistoric Mound of Chogha Bonut, Khuzestan, Iran: Seasons 1976/77, 1977/78, and 1996. With contributions by Naomi F. Miller, Richard W. Redding, and Arlene Miller Rosen. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Publications. 120.) xxxii, 159, (3)pp., 26 plates with facing captions. 47 figs. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/Tehran (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago/ Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization), 2003. 51 ALLCHIN, BRIDGET & ALLCHIN, RAYMOND. The Rise of Civilization in India and Pakistan. (Cambridge World Archaeology.) 379, (1)pp. Text figs. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge/London (Cambridge University Press), 1982. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 4 52 ALLCHIN, F. R. The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia: The Emergence of Cities and States. With contributions from George Erdosy, R.A.E. Cunningham, D.K. Chakrabarti and Bridget Allchin. xvii, (1), 371pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1995. 53 ALLCHIN, F. R., ET AL. (EDITORS). Lewan and the Bannu Basin. Excavation and survey of sites and environments in North West Pakistan. Edited by F.R. Allchin, B. Allchin, F.A. Durrani and M. Farid Khan. (Cambridge-Peshawar Universities Joint Expedition, 1977-78./ British Archaeological Mission to Pakistan Series. 1./ BAR International Series. 310.) 284pp. Text figs. 4to. Wraps. Oxford (BAR), 1986. 54 ALMAGRO-GORBEA, M. & RUIZ ZAPATERO, G. (EDITORS). Paleoetnología de la península ibérica. Actas de la Reunión celebrada en la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad Complutense. Madrid, 13-15 diciembre de 1989. (Complutum. 2-3.) 517pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by G. Ruiz Zapatero. Madrid (Departamento de Prehistoría y Etnología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid), 1992. 55 ALP, SEDAT. Zylinder- und Stempelsiegel aus Karahöyük bei Konya. (Türik Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. Series V, Vol. 26.) xvi, 310, (2)pp., 254 plates with 783 illus. 275 text illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1968. 56 ALPYSBAEV, KH.A. Pamiatniki nizhnego paleolita Iuzhnogo Kazakhstana. O drevneishem zaselenii Kazakhstana pervobytnym chelovekom./ Lower Palaeolithic Monuments of Southern Kazakhstan.... 207pp. 43 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. English-language summary. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1979. 57 ALSTER, BENDT. Proverbs of Ancient Sumer: The World’s Earliest Proverb Collections. 2 vols. xxxvi, (2), 548, (2)pp., 133 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Bethesda, Maryland (CDL Press), 1997. 58 [AMANOV, D., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Meliorativnye issledovaniia v Turkmenistane. / Turkmenistanda meliorativ barlaglar. 183, (3)pp. Figs. Boards, 1/4 cloth (stained). Ashkhabad (“Ylym”), 1970. 59 AMIET, PIERRE. Art of the Ancient Near East. 618pp. 1,076 illus. (158 color). Sm. stout folio. Cloth. D.j. New York (Harry N. Abrams), 1980. Marmor/Ross I82 60 AMIRAN, RUTH. Ancient Pottery of the Holy Land. From its beginnings in the neolithic period to the end of the iron age. With the assistance of Pirhiya Beck and Uzza Zevulun. 305, (1)pp. 101 plates, over 300 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Brunswick (Rutgers University Press), 1970. Arntzen/Rainwater P283 61 AMIRANASHVILI, SH. Istoriia gruzinskogo iskusstva. Vol. 1 [all published]. 524pp. 200 plates. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo “Iskusstvo”), 1950. 62 AMIRKHANOV, KH.A. Neolit i postneolit Khadramauta in Makhry. / The Neolithic and Postneolithic of the Hadramaut and Mahra. 263pp. 64 illus. Wraps. English-language summary. Moskva (Nauchnyi Mir), 1997. 63 ANARBAEV, A. Blagoustroistvo srednevekovogo goroda Srednei Azii: V-nachalo XIII v. 119pp. 34 illus. Wraps. (worn). Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1981. 64 ANARBAEV, A.A., ET AL. (EDITORS). Uzbekiston tarikhi modii madaniiat va ëzma manbalarda. / Istoriia Uzbekistana v arkheolgicheskikh i pis’mennykh istochnikakh. 288, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Toshkent (Uzbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiiasi “FAN” Nashriëti), 2005. 65 ANARBAEV, A.A. & MAKSUDOV, F.A. Drevnii Margilan: Iz istorii zemledel’cheskoi i gorodskoi kul’tury Fergany. 160pp. 72 illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. English-language summary. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Akademii Nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan), 2007. 66 ANATI, EMMANUEL. Palestine Before the Hebrews. A history, from the earliest arrival of man to the conquest of Canaan. xx, 453, (1), xvii, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. New York (Alfred A. Knopf), 1963. 67 ANCIENT ASIA. JOURNAL OF SOCIETY OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGY. Vol. 1. 180pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Mumbai, 2006. 68 ANCIENT INDIA. Bulletin of the Archaeological Survey of India. Vols. 1 - 22 (all published). 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather; orig. wraps. bound in. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 5 New Delhi, 1946-1966 [published 1973]. Prause p. 18; Nievo/Girard pp. 66-67 69 ANDERSSON, J. GUNNAR., Children of the Yellow Earth: Studies in Prehistoric China. xxi, (1), 345pp., 32 plates, 1 double-page map. 147 figs. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. New York (Macmillan), 1934. 70 [ANDREEVA, ZH.V. (EDITOR).] Neolit Iuga Dal’nego Vostoka. Drevnee poselenie v peshchere Chertovy Vorota. 223, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1991. 71 ANDREEVA, ZH.V., ET AL. Iankovskaia kul’tura. [By] Zh.V. Andreeva, I.S. Zhushchikhovskaia, N.A. Kononenko. Edited by V.D. Len’kov. 213, (3)pp. 69 illus. Wraps. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1986. 72 ANISIUTKIN, N.K. Must’erskaia epokha na iugo-zapade Russkoi ravniny. 308, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. English-language summary. Sankt-Peterburg (Evropeiskii Dom), 2001. 73 ANKARA. ANADOLU MEDENIYETLERI MÜZESI. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations: Gods and Goddesses. 213, (3)pp. 182 color illus., 182 catalogue figs. 4to. Wraps. Ankara (Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Monuments and Museums), 1992. 74 ANKARA. ANADOLU MEDENIYETLERI MÜZESI. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations: Metal Vessels. 225, (3)pp. 159 color illus., figs. 4to. Wraps. Ankara (Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Monuments and Museums), 1992. 75 ANKARA. ANADOLU MEDENIYETLERI MÜZESI. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations: Roman Coins. 170, (6)pp. 292 color illus. 4to. Wraps. Ankara (Turkish Republic, Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Monuments and Museums), 1992. 76 ANNALI DEL SEMINARIO DI STUDI DEL MONDO CLASSICO. SEZIONE DI ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA ANTICA. Vols. 1 - 6. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1979-1984. 77 ANTIQUITIES OF BAHRAIN./ ATHAR AL-BAHRAYN. 19, 17pp., 1 map. 23 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in English and Arabic. Manama (Jam‘iyat al-Bahrayn lil-Athar/ Qism al-Athar), 1971. 78 ANTONINI, SABINA. Fabrateria Vetus: Un’indagine storico-archeologica. (Studi e Ricerche sul Lazio Antico. [1].) 89pp. 26 plates, 6 text figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Roma (Edizioni Quasar), 1988. 79 ANTONOVA, E.V. Ocherki kul’tury drevnikh zemledel’tsev Perednei i Srednei Azii. Opyt rekonstruktsii mirovospriiatiia. 260, (2)pp. 27 illus. Boards. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1984. 80 APPUNTI SUL BUCCHERO: ATTI DELLE GIORNATE DI STUDIO. A cura di Alessandro Naso. (Museo Civico “Gustavo VI Adolfo,” Comune di Blera, Università Agraria di Blera, Centro di Studi Archeologia Sperimentale Antiquitates.) 332pp. Prof. illus Oblong 4to. Wraps. Firenze (All-Insegna del Giglio), 2004. 81 ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES: PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY FOR PREHISTORIC AND QUATERNARY STUDIES AND THE INDIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY HELD AT BHARAT KALA BHAVAN, BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY DURING DECEMBER 23-25, 1986. viii, 109pp., 21 plates. Figs. 4to. Wraps. Varanasi (Bharat Kala Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University), 1988. 82 L’ARCHÉOLOGIE DE LA BACTRIANE ANCIENNE: ACTES DU COLLOQUE FRANCO-SOVIÉTIQUE DUSHANBE (U.R.S.S.), 27 OCTOBRE-3 NOVEMBRE 1982. 362pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1985. 83 L’ARCHÉOLOGIE FRANÇAISE À L’ÉTRANGER: RECHERCHES ET DÉCOUVERTES. 418, (6)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations/ A.D.P.F.), 1985. 84 ARIK, REMZI OGUZ. Les fouilles d’Alaca Höyük entreprises par la Société d’Histoire Turque. Rapport préliminaire sur les travaux en 1935. (Publications de la Société d’Histoire Turque. V. seri, no. 1.) (2), iii, (1), ccc pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth (discolored). ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 6 Ankara, 1937. 85 ARQUEOLOGÍA ESPACIAL. Vols. 1 - 5, 7, 9 - 11. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Teruel (Seminario de Arqueología y Etnología Turolense, Colegio Universitario de Teruel), 1984-1987. 86 ARSHAVSKAIA, Z.A., ET AL. Srednevekovye pamiatniki Sukhandar’i. [By] Z.A. Arshavskaia, E.V. Rtveladze, Z.A. Khakimov. 147, (5)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards (slightly worn). Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Literatury i Iskusstva imeni Gafura Guliama), [1982]. 87 THE ART OF CENTRAL ASIA. 175pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. D.j. Bournemouth (Parkstone Press/Aurora), 1996. 88 ARTAMONOV, M.I. Sokrovishcha Sakov. Amu-Dar’inskii klad, altaiske kurgany, minusinskie bronzy, sibirskoe zoloto. (Pamiatniki Drevnego Iskusstva.) 278, (2)pp. 306 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Moskva (“iskusstvo”), 1973. 89 [ARTAMONOV, M.I. (EDITOR).] The Dawn of Art: Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age Remains Found in the Territory of the Soviet Union: The Hermitage Collection. / Drevnee iskusstvo: Pamiatniki paleolita, neolita, bronzovogo i zheleznogo veka na territorii Sovetskogo Soiuza: Sobranie Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha. 194pp. 114 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in English and Russian. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Avrora”), 1974. 90 ARTAMONOV, M.I. (EDITOR). Trudy Volgo-Donskoi Arkheologicheskoii Ekspeditsii. Tom I. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 62.) 425, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1958. 91 ARTAMONOV, M.I. (EDITOR). Trudy Volgo-Donskoi Arkheologicheskoii Ekspeditsii. Tom II. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 75.) 389, (3)pp., 25 plates. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 92 ARTAMONOV, M.I. (EDITOR). Trudy Volgo-Donskoi Arkheologicheskoii Ekspeditsii. Tom III. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 109.) 529, (3)pp., 5 folding plans, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 93 ARTEMENKO, I.I. Plemena verkhnego i srednego podneprovi’ia v epokhu bronzy. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 148.) 134, (4)pp. 78 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1967. 94 ARTS OF THE EURASIAN STEPPELANDS. A colloquy held 27-29 June 1977. Edited by Philip Denwood. (Colloquies on Art & Archaeology in Asia. No. 7.) 232, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. London (University of London, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art), 1977. Marmor/Ross R31 95 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. (EDITOR). Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii Moskvy. Tom I. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 7.) 178, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1947. 96 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. (EDITOR). Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii Moskvy. Tom II. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 12.) 310pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1949. 97 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. & KOLCHIN, B.A. (EDITORS). Trudy Novgorodskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom I. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 55.) 248, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1956. 98 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. & KOLCHIN, B.A. (EDITORS). Trudy Novgorodskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom II. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 65.) 362, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 99 ARTSIKHOVSKII, A.V. & KOLCHIN, B.A. (EDITORS). Zhilishcha drevnego Novgoroda. Trudy Novgorodskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom IV. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 123.) 296, (20)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 100 ASHIYA. TEKISUI BIJUTSUKAN. Perushiya kodai toki ten. / Exhibition of Ancient Persian Pottery. Sponsored by the Tekisui Museum in cooperation with The Asia Institute, Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran. (60)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Japanese and English. [Ashiya], n.d. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 7 101 L’ASIE CENTRALE ET SES RAPPORTS AVEC LES CIVILISATIONS ORIENTALES, DES ORIGINES À L’ÂGE DU FER. Actes du colloque franco-soviétique...Paris, 19-26 novembre 1985. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale. 1.) 290pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Paris (De Boccard), 1988. 102 ASKAROV, A. Drevnezemledel’cheskaia kul’tura epokhi bronzy Iuga Uzbekistana. 230, (2)pp. 68 plates, 37 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1977. 103 ASKAROV, A.A. & AL’BAUM, L.I. Poselenie Kuchuktepa. 110, (2)pp. 26 plates, 20 text figs. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the authors. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1979. 104 ATAGARRYEV, E. Srednevekovyi Dekhistan. Istoriia i kul’tura goroda Iugo-Zapadnogo Turkmenistana. Edited by V.M. Masson. 172, (4)pp. 52 illus. Wraps. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1986. 105 ATAGARRYEV, E. & KHOJANYIAZOV, T. Turkmenistan on the Great Silk Roads: A Guide. 29, (3)pp. Illus. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR/ Sh. Batyrov Institute of History), 1990. 106 ATAMAMEDOV, N.V., ET AL. (EDITORS). Turkmenskaia Sovetskaia Sotsialisticheskaia Respublika. / Turkmenistan Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikasy. 584pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Ashkhabad (Glavnaia Redaktsiia Turkmenskoi Sovetskoi Entsiklopedii), 1984. 107 ATHARIYYAT (ARCHAEOLOGY): A RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION, PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN. Vol. 1 (all published). 232pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Peshawar, 1997. 108 ATTI DEL SEMINARIO “GEOFISICA PER L’ARCHEOLOGIA,” PORANO, 11-23 SETTEMBRE 1988. (Quaderni dell’Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali. 1.) xi, (1), 307pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), 1990. 109 AUBET, MARIA EUGENIA. The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade. xviii, 348pp. 70 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1997. 110 AUBOYER, JEANNINE. Introduction à l’étude de l’art de l’Inde. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: Serie Orientale Roma. 31.) (2), 138, (4)pp., 73 plates. 23 figs. hors texte. 4to. Cloth. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1965. 111 AUBOYER, JEANNINE. La vie publique et privée dans l’Inde ancienne (IIe siècle avant J.C.-VIIIe siècle environ). Fasc. VI: Les jeux et les jouets. (Publications du Musée Guimet, Paris. Recherches et Documents d’Art et d’Archéologie. Vol. 6.) xi, 51, (10)pp., 13 plates loosely inserted at end. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Presses Universitaires de France), 1955. 112 AURENCHE, OLIVIER. La maison orientale. L’architecture du Proche Orient ancien des origines au milieu du quatrième millénaire. (Institut Français d’Archéologie du Proche Orient, Beyrouth-Damas-Amman. Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique. 109.) 3 vols. I: Texte. (4), 324pp. 216 figs. II: Documents. 312, (2)pp. 282 plates. III: Tableaux et cartes. 63pp., 29 double-page maps. 37 tables. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Paul Geuthner), 1981. 113 AVETTA, CARLO (EDITOR). La città fortificata di Radicofani. Storia, trasformazioni e restauro di un castello toscano. 345pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Siena (Nuova Immagine Editrice), 1998. 114 [AZIZKHODJAEV, ALISHER (EDITOR).] Bukhara: An Oriental Gem. 223, (7)pp. 162 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Tashkent (“Sharq”), 1997. 115 BABAEV, A.G., ET AL. Turkmenistan. Avtory: A.G. Babaev, E.M. Murzaev, A.O. Orazov, Z.G. Freikin. Edited by V.N. Kunin. (Sovetskii Soiuz.) 276pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Mysl’”), 1969. 116 BABOO, BALGOVIND. Economic Exchanges in Rural India. A comparative spatio-cultural study in Orissa. vii, (5), 304pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Delhi/Jaipur (Manak Publications), 1992. 117 BACHARACH, JERE L. (EDITOR). The Restoration and Conservation of Islamic Monuments in Egypt. ix, (1), 194pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Leatherette. D.j. Cairo (The American University in Cairo Press), 1995. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 8 118 BADER, O.N. Balanovskii mogil’nik: Iz istorii lesnogo Povolzh’ia v epokhu bronzy. 368, (4)pp. 165 illus., figs. Cloth. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 119 BADER, O.N. Bassein Oki v epokhu bronzy. 172, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1970. 120 BADER, O.N. Poseleniia turbinskogo tipa v Srednem Prikam’e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 99.) 196, (4)pp. 129 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 121 [BADER, O.N., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Arkheologicheskaia karta Bashkirii. 261, (1)pp. 17 plates, 9 maps. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1976. 122 BADER, O.N., ET AL. (EDITORS). Epokha bronzy lesnoi polosy SSSR. Edited by O.N. Bader, D.A. Krainov, M.F. Kosarev. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 470, (2)pp. 147 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka), 1987. 123 BADER, O.N. & KHALIKOV, A.KH. Pamiatniki balanovskoi kul’tury. (Arkheologiia SSSR. Svod Arkheologicheskikh Istochnikov. ) 165, (3)pp. 52 plates, 9 maps. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1976. 124 BAFFIONI, CARMELA. La tradizione araba del IV libro dei ‘Meteorologica’ di Aristotele. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 23 agli Annali - vol. 40 [1980], fasc. 2.) 102, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1980. 125 BAHSALIYEV, VELI. Nahçivan arkeolojisi. / The Archaeology of Nakhichevan. (Deneme, elestiri, ve tarih dizisi. 18.) 128pp., 29 color plates. 39 text illus. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and English. Galatasaray, Istanbul (Arkeholoji ve Sanat Yayinlari), 1997. 126 BAIGENT, MICHAEL. Il cielo di Babilonia. (Saggi. 314.) 287pp. Wraps. Milano (Il Saggiatore), 2007. 127 BAIPAKOV, K.M. The Margulian Institute of Archaeology. A short history of the work, scientific achievements, perspectives. 30, (2)pp., 18 plates. Wraps. Almaty (“Gylym”), 1998. 128 BAIPAKOV, K.M. Srednevekovye goroda Kazakhstana na Velikom Shelkovom puti. / The Medieval Towns of Kazakstan Along the Great Silk Road. 212, (4)pp., 16 color plates. Numerous text illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. English-language summary. Almaty (“Gylym”), 1998. 129 BAIPAKOV, K.M. & NASYROV, RAKIP. Po Velikomu Shelkovomu puti. / Along the Great Silk Road. 311, (9)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Alma-Ata (“KRAMDS-Reklama”), 1991. 130 BÁLINT, CSANÁD (EDITOR). Kontakte zwischen Iran, Byzanz und der Steppe im 6.-7. Jahrhundert. (Varia Archaeologica Hungarica. 10.) 329, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Budapest, 2000. 131 BALKAN, KEMAL. Kanis Karum’unun kronoloji problemleri hakkinda müsahedeler. / Observations on the Chronological Problems of the Karum Kanis. (Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan. VII. seri, no. 28.) (10), 101, (1)pp., 6 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and English. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1955. 132 BALKAN, KEMAL. Letter of King Anum-hirbi of Mama to King Washama of Kanish. (Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan. VII. No. 31a.) viii, 70pp. 24 illus. hors texte Sm. 4to. Wraps. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1957. 133 BALL, WARWICK. Syria. A historical and architectural guide. (6), 216pp., 16 color plates with 32 illus. 34 figs. Wraps. Buckhurst Hill, Essex (Scorpion Publishing/ MCS), 1994. 134 BALL, WARWICK & GARDIN, JEAN-CLAUDE. Archaeological Gazetteer of Afghanistan. Catalogue des sites archéologiques d’Afghanistan. Asie Centrale. (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations. Synthèse no. 8.) 2 vols. 559, (5)pp. 142 maps. Sm. folio. Wraps. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations), 1982. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 9 135 BALL, WARWICK & HUTT, ANTONY. Persian Landscape: A Photographic Essay. (8)pp., 59 color plates with facing commentary. Lrg. oblong 8vo. Cloth. D.j. London (Scorpion Publications), 1978. 136 BALOCHISTAN REVIEW. Nos. 1 - 2/3. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Quetta (Balochistan Study Centre, University of Balochistan), 1998-1999. 137 BALTY, JEAN CH. Guide d’Apamée. 224pp. 244 illus. (partly color). Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Bruxelles (Centre Belge de Recherches Archéologiques à Apamée de Syrie), 1981. 138 BANAJA, A.A., ET AL. Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Suez Canal. A bibliography on oceanographic and marine environmental research. Edited by Selim A. Morcos and Allen Varley. Compiled by A.A. Banaja, A.I. Beltagy and M.A. Zahran. With scientific contributions by M.Kh. El-Sayed, R.W. Girdler, S.A. Morcos, and H. Thiel. xxxiii, (1), 198pp., 1 plate. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Jeddah/Paris (ALECSO-PERSGA/ UNESCO), 1990. 139 BANERJEE, N.R. Nagda, 1955-57. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India. 85.) 290pp. 35 plates, 64 figs. Lrg. 4to. Boards. New Delhi (Archaeological Survey of India), 1986. 140 BANNERTH, ERNST. Islamische Wallfahrtsstätten Kairos. (Schriften des Österreichischen Kulturinstituts Kairo. 2.) (2), 131pp. 12 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Cairo (Österreichisches Kulturinstitut), 1973. 141 BAR-YOSEF, O., ET AL. Neue Forschungen zur Altsteinzeit. Von O. Bar-Yosef, G. Corvinus, J. Hahn, H.H. LoofsWissowa, H. Müller-Beck, A. Ono, K. Paddayya, V.A. Ranov. (Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 4.) x, 652pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1984. 142 BARBER, ELIZABETH WAYLAND. The Mummies of Ürümchi. 240pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. New York/London (W.W. Norton & Company), 1999. 143 BARCA, NATALE. Al tempo dei Ramessidi: Stato faraonico e civiltà del bronzo. (Seshat. Collana Scientifica di Egittologia.) 381pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Torino (Ananke), 2008. 144 BARCA, NATALE. Sovrani egizi predinastici. (Seshat. Collana Scientifica di Egittologia.) 239pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Torino (Ananke), 2006. 145 BARFIELD, THOMAS J. The Central Asian Arabs of Afghanistan. Pastoral nomadism in transition. xxii, 182pp. 2 maps, 6 figs., 3 tables. Cloth. D.j. Austin (University of Texas Press), 1981. 146 BARNETT, R.D. Phrygia and the Peoples of Anatolia in the Iron Age. (The Cambridge Ancient History. 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Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1984. 150 BASELLO, GIAN PIETRO, ET AL. (EDITORS). Sulla punta di uno spillo. Rapporto scientifico sulla Prima Missione Etnolinguistica nella valle dello Yaghnob (Repubblica del Tagikistan), 31 luglio 2007-23 agosto 2007. Con uno studio monografico di Antonio C.D. Panaino. A cura di Gian Pietro Basello, Daniele Guizzo, Paolo Ognibene. 204, (4)pp., 32 plates. Text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Ravenna/Milano, 2008. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 10 151 BASHAM, A.L. The Origins and Development of Classical Hinduism. Edited and annotated by Kenneth G. Zysk. xix, (1), 159, (1)pp. 47 illus. hors texte. Frontis. New full leather; orig. wraps. bound in. New York/Oxford (Oxford University Press), 1991. 152 BASS, GEORGE F. Cape Gelidonya: A Bronze Age Shipwreck. With the collaboration of Peter Throckmorton, Joan Du Plat Taylor, J.B. Hennessy, Alan R. Shulman, and Hans-Günter Buchholz. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. New Series. Vol. 57, Part 8.) 177pp. 162 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Philadelphia (The American Philosophical Society), 1967. 153 BATEMAN, C.A., ET AL. Preservation and Reproduction of Clay Tablets and the Conservation of Wall Paintings. By C.A. Bateman, Vaughn E. Crawford, George F. Dales, L.J. Majewski. (Colt Archæological Institute.) (2), 36pp., 24 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. London (Bernard Quaritch), 1966. 154 BAUMER, CHRISTOPH. Die südliche Seidenstrasse - Inseln im Sandmeer. Versunkene Kulturen der Wüste Taklamakan. (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie. Sonderbände der Antiken Welt.) (4), 108pp. 131 illus. (113 color), 10 figs. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 2002. 155 BAUTZE, JOACHIM K. & CIMINO, ROSA M. (EDITOR). Ratnamala. Garland of Gems: Indian Art Between Mughal, Rajput, Europe and Far East. (European Association of South Asian Archeologists: 19th International Conference, Ravenna, July 26, 2007.) 200pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Ravenna (Edizioni del Girasole/ Fondazione Flaminia), 2010. 156 BAZIN, MARCEL. Le Tâlech. Une région ethnique au nord de l’Iran./ Talish, mantaqah-yi qawmi dar shamal-i Iran. (Recherche sur les Grandes Civilisations: Synthèse no. 1./ Institut Français d’Iranologie de Téhéran: Bibliothèque Iranienne. 23.) 2 vols. 219pp.; 314, (3), 7pp. 68 plates hors texte. 162 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Summary in Farsi. Paris (Éditions ADPF), 1980. 157 BEEK, MARTIN A. Atlas of Mesopotamia. A survey of the history and civilisation of Mesopotamia from the Stone Age to the fall of Babylon. Edited by H.H. Rowley. 164pp. 22 maps, 296 illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. London (Nelson), 1962. 158 THE BEGINNINGS OF CIVILIZATION IN THE ORIENT. A symposium at the meeting of the American Orient Society, Baltimore, April 13, 1939. (Journal of the American Oriental Society: Supplement. 4.) 61pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Texts by Hermann Ranke, E.A. Speiser, W. Norman Brown, Carl W. Bishop. Baltimore (The American Oriental Society), 1939. 159 BEGLEY, VIMALA. The Ancient Port of Arikamedu: New Excavations and Researches 1989-1992. Volume One. [By] Vimala Begley, Peter Francis, Jr., Iravatham Mahadevan, K.V. Raman, Steven E. Sidebotham, Kathleen Warner Slane, Elizabeth Lyding Will. (Publications de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient: Mémoires Archéologiques. 22.) xxxiii, (1), 400pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Pondichérry (Centre d’Histoire et d’Archéologie, École Française d’Extrême-Orient), 1996. 160 BEGLEY, W.E. & DESAI, Z.A. (EDITORS). Taj Mahal, the Illumined Tomb. An anthology of seventeenth-century Mughal and European documentary sources. liv, (2), 310pp. 22 color plates, 167 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture), 1989. 161 BEHM-BLANCKE, MANFRED ROBERT. Das Tierbild in der altmesopotamischen Rundplastik. Eine Untersuchung zum Stilwandel des frühsumerischen Rundbildes. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Baghdad: Baghdader Forschungen. 1.) xiv, 93, (7)pp., 34 plates. 107 text illus,. Sm. folio. Cloth (slightly spotted). With a letter from the author inserted. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1979. 162 BELENITSKII, A.M. Mittelasien: Kunst der Sogden. 239pp. 100 illus., numerous text figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Leipzig (E.A. Seemann), 1980. 163 BELENITSKII, A.M. (EDITOR). Trudy Tadzhikskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii Instituta Instituta Arkheologii AN SSSR, Instituta Istorii im. A. Donisha AN Tadzhikskoi SSR i Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha. Tom IV: 1954-1959 gg. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 124.) 298, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1964. 164 BELLAFIORE, GIUSEPPE. Architettura in Sicilia nella età islamica e normanna (827-1194). (La Civiltà Siciliana. Storia dell’Arte in Sicilia. 1.) 366pp. 223 illus., text figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Palermo/Siracusa (Arnaldo Lombardi Editore), 1990. 165 BELLELLI, GLORIA M. Vasi iranici in metallo dell’Età del Bronzo. (Prähistorische Bronzefunde. Abteil II, Band 17.) xi, (1), 161, (3)pp., 32 plates. 4to. Cloth. Stuttgart (Franz Steiner Verlag), 2002. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 11 166 BELLI, OKTAY. The Capital of Urartu: Van, Eastern Anatolia. Third edition. 79, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Istanbul (Net Turistik Yayinlar), 1988. 167 BELLI, OKTAY & BAHSALIYEV, VELI. Nahçivan Bölgesi’nde orta ve son tunç çagi boya bezemli çanak çömlek kültürü. / Middle and Late Bronze Age Painted Pottery Culture in the Nakhichevan Region. (Deneme, elestiri, ve tarih dizisi. 25.) 120pp. 59 color illus. hors texte. 34 figs., 1 map. Sm. 8vo. Wraps. English-language summary. Galatasaray, Istanbul (Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayinlari), 2001. 168 BELLIENI, STEFANO. Notes on the History of the Left-Wing Movement in Meiji Japan. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 21 agli Annali - vol. 39 [1979], fasc. 4.) (6), 68pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1979. 169 BELLONI, PAOLO, ET AL. Tutankhamon: Immagini e testi dall’ultima dimora. [By] Paolo Belloni, Myra Bentivegna, Paolo Bondielli, Andrea Vitussi. (Seshat. Collana Scientifica di Egittologia.) 127pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Torino (Ananke), 2007. 170 BELLONI, STEFANIA. Petra: The Pink City of the Desert. 96pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Stiff wraps. Narni, Terni (Plurigraf), 1995. 171 BENDEZU-SARMIENTO, JULIO. De l’âge du bronze à l’âge du fer au Kazakhstan, gestes funéraires et paramètres biologiques: Identités culurelles des populations Andronovo et Saka. Avec la collaboration de Ainagul Ismagulova, Karl M. Bajpakov, Zainullah Samashev. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale. 12.) 602pp. 42 plates, 24 figs., tables. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. English-language summary. Paris (E. de Boccard), 2007. 172 BENSI, GIOVANNI. La Cecenia e la polveriera del Caucaso. Popoli, lingue, culture, religioni, guerre e petrolio fra il Mar Nero e il Mar Caspio. (Le Terre. 25.) 405, (1)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Rovereto (Nicolodi Editore), 2005. 173 BENVENISTE, É. Tîtres et noms propres en iranien ancien. (Travaux de l’Institut d’Études Iraniennes de l’Université de Paris. 1.) 132, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Librairie C. Klincksieck), 1966. 174 BENY, ROLOFF. Iran: Elements of Destiny. Editorial direction by Shahrokh Amirarjomand. 391pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Toronto (McClelland and Stewart), 1978. 175 BEREGOVAIA, N.A. Paleoliticheskie mestonakhozhdeniia SSSR. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 81.) 216pp., 5 folding maps. 18 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 176 BERGHE, LOUIS VANDEN. Archéologie de l’Iran ancien. Avec une préface de R. Ghirshman. (Documenta et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui. 6.) xix, (3), 285, (3)pp., 173 plates, 3 folding plans. 42 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1966. 177 BERGHE, L. VANDEN. La nécropole de Khurvin. (Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul. 17.) (2), 70pp., 50 plates, 3 plans (1 folding). Text figs. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Istanbul (Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut in het Nabije Oosten), 1964. 178 BERGONZI, MAURO. Il concetto di ‘mente’ nell’opera di Dhiravamsa. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 58 agli Annali - vol. 49 [1989], fasc. 1.) viii, 62pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1989. 179 BERKALIEV, Z.T. Gidrologicheskii rezhim rek Tsentral’nogo, Severnogo i Zapadnogo Kazakhstana. 277, (3)pp., 4 folding maps. 2 very lrg. folding maps, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 40 figs. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR), 1959. 180 BERLIN. SCHLOSS CHARLOTTENBURG, GROSSE ORANGERIE. Palast der Götter: 1500 Jahre Kunst aus Indien. March-June 1992. 244, (6)pp. 4to. Wraps. Berlin (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Indische Kunst), 1992. 181 BERLIN. STAATLICHE MUSEEN. Das Vorderasiatische Museum. 256pp. 229 illus. (214 color). 4to. Cloth. D.j. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1992. 182 BERMANT, CHAIM & WEITZMAN, MICHAEL. Ebla: A Revelation in Archaeology. x, (2), 244pp. 31 illus. hors texte. 12 figs. Cloth. D.j. New York (Times Books), 1979. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 12 183 BERNARD, P. & FRANCFORT, H.-P. Études de géographie historique sur la plaine d’Aï Khanoum (Afghanistan). (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Centre de Recherches Archéologiques. Centre Régional de Frappe de Sophia-Antinopolis. Publication de l’U.R.A. no. 10./ Mémoire no. 1.) 106pp., 5 maps (1 folding). 4to. Wraps. Paris (Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1978. 184 BERNSHTAM, A.N. Istoriko-arkheologicheskie ocherki tsentral’nogo Tain-Shania i Pamiro-Alaia. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 26.) 346pp., 4 folding maps and charts. 160 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1952. 185 BERTEL’S, E.E. & BAKOEV, M. Alfavitnyi katalog rukopisei, obnaruzhennykh v Gorno-Badakhshanskoi Avtonomoi Oblasti ekspeditsiei 1959-1963 gg. / Alphabetic Catalogue of Manuscripts Found by 1959-1963 Expedition in GornoBadakhshan Autnomous Region. Edited by B.G. Gafurov and A.M. Mirzoev. 118, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Later buckram. Englishlanguage summary. The biggest group of manuscripts catalogued here consists of Ismaili literature, of which at least 30 are unique. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1967. 186 BIANCOFIORE, FRANCO & COPPOLA, DONATO. Scamuso: Per la storia delle comunità umane tra il VI ed il III millennio nel basso Adriatico. (Alla ricerca dei più antichi agricoltori dell’Occidente mediterraneo. 1.) 346pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j. Roma (Dipartimento di Storia dell’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata,” Paletnologia), 1997. 187 BIBBY, GEOFFREY. Looking for Dilmun. ix, (7), 383, (1), vii, (7)pp., 32 plates. Text illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Alfred A. Knopf), 1969. 188 BIBIKOV, S.N. Rannetripol’skoe poselenie Luka-Vrublevetskaia na Dnestre. K istorii rannikh zemledel’cheskoskotovodcheskikh plemen na Iugo-Vostoke Evropy. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 38.) 460pp. 116 plates, 9 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1953. 189 BIBLIOGRAFIIA IZDANII AKADEMII NAUK TURKMENSKOI SSR. / Turkmenistan SSR ylymlar akademiiasynyng neshirlerining bibliografiiasy. Vols. [1], 3 pt. 1; 4 pts. 1-2; 6. Orig boards & wraps. Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo “Ylym”), 1971-. 190 BIDZILIA, V.I., ET AL. Istoriia chernoi metallurgii i metalloobrabotki na territorii USSR, III v. do n.e.-III v. n.e. [By] V.I. Bidzilia, G.A. Voznesenskaia, D.P. Nedopako, S.V. Pan’kov. 108, (4)pp. 41 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Kieva (Naukova Dumka), 1983. 191 BIERS, WILLIAM R., ET AL. Lost Scents: Investigations of Corinthian “Plastic” Bases by Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry. (MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology. 11.) ix, (1), 60, (2)pp. 17 illus. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (MASCA, The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania), 1994. 192 BISCIONE, RAFFAELE, ET AL. (EDITORS). The North-Eastern Frontier Urartians and Non-Urartians in the Sevan Lake Basin. I. The Southern Shores. Edited by Raffaele Biscione, Simon Hmayakyan and Neda Parmegiani. With contributions by R. Biscione, A. Gevorkyan, H. Hakobyan, S. Hmayakyan, N. Parmegiani, M. Poscolieri, M. Salvini, H. Sanamyan, Y.V. Sayadyan, G. Tumanyan, N. Yengibaryan. (Documenta Asiana. Collana di Studi sull’Anatolia e l‘Asia Anteriore Antica. 7./ Pubblicazioni dell’Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà dell’Egeo e del Vicino Oriente del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.) 474pp. 1 lrg. folding map, loosely inserted, as issued. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Roma (CNR/ Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà dell’Egeo e del Vicino Oriente), 2002. 193 BISSON DE LA ROQUE, F., ET AL. Le trésor de Tôd. [Par] F. Bisson de la Roque, G. Contenau, F. Chapouthier. (Documents de Fouilles de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire. 11.) 42, (4)pp., 50 plates. 16 figs. Sm. folio. Wraps. (front cover detached). Cairo (Imprimerie de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale), 1953. 194 BITTEL, KURT. Prähistorische Forschung in Kleinasien. (Istanbuler Forschungen. 6.) 145, (3)pp., 21 plates, 1 folding map. 2 figs. 4to. Wraps. (spine chipped). From the library of Lauriston Ward. Istanbul (Archäologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches, Abteilung Istanbul), 1934. 195 BLAVATSKII, V.D. Antichnaia polevaia arkheologiia. 205, (3)pp. 91 illus. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1967. 196 BLAVATSKII, V.D. & GRAKOV, B.N. (EDITORS). Materialy po arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomor’ia v antichnuiu epokhu. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 19.) 291, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1951. 197 BLUNT, WILFRID. The Golden Road to Samarkand. 280pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (The Viking Press), 1973. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 13 198 BOARDMAN, JOHN. The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity. (The A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, 1993. The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.) 352pp, 422 illus., 9 maps. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (Thames and Hudson), 1994. Arntzen/Rainwater R1; Marmor/Ross I101 199 BOCHUM. DEUTSCHES BERGBAU-MUSEUM. Persiens antike Pracht: Bergbau, Handwerk, Archäologie. Herausgeber: Thomas Stöllner, Rainer Slotta, Abdolrasool Vatandoust. Nov. 2004-May 2005. 2 vols. 844pp. 567 illus. (mostly in color). CD loosely inserted, as issued. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Lacking the CD. Bochum, 2004. 200 BODENHEIMER, F.S. Animal and Man in Bible Lands. (Collection de Travaux de l’Académie Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences. 10.) 232pp. Frontis. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Text only. Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1960. 201 BÖHL, FRANZ M.TH. Das Zeitalter Abrahams. (Der Alte Orient. Vol. 29#1.) 55, (1)pp. Wraps. Leipzig (J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung), 1931. 202 BOEHMER, RAINER MICHAEL. Uruk: Kampagne 38, 1985. Grabungen in J-K/23 und H/24-25. Mit Beiträgen von Ricardo Eichmann und Hans-Joachim Gregor, Berndt Günther, Ilka Krempel-Eichmann, Harald Meller, Barbara Miller, Claus Wilcke. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Baghdad: Ausgrabungen in Uruk Warka. Endberichte. 1.) viii, (4), 99, (3)pp., 111 plates with 1455 illus. (1 color), 3 plans (1 folding). 9 text illus., 49 tables. Folio. Cloth. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1987. 203 BOGDANOV, O.P. Presmykaiushchiesia Turkmenii. / Türkmenistanyng süirenijileri. 233pp. 43 illus. 4to. Cloth. Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR), 1962. 204 BÖKÖNYI, SÁNDOR (EDITOR). Neolithic of Southeastern Europe and Its Near Eastern Connections. International Conference 1987, Szolnok-Szeged. (Varia Archaeologica Hungarica. 2.) 316pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Budapest (Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 1989. 205 BOLOGNA. BIBLIOTECA COMUNALE DELL’ARCHIGINNASIO. L’Alma Mater e l’antico: Scavi dell’Istituto di Archeologia. Mostra fotografica. Catalogo a cura di Maria Teresa Guaitoli e Giuseppe Sassatelli. Nov. 1991. 103, (1)pp. 46 illus., 1 map. Lrg. sq. 8vo. Wraps. Boogna (Editrice CLUEB), 1991. 206 BOLOGNA. UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA. PALAZZO POGGI. I nuovi scavi dell’Università di Bologna nella città etrusca di Marzabotto. Mostra fotografica. A cura di Giuseppe Sassatelli e Anna Maria Brizzolara. April 1990. 47pp. 12 color plates, 15 figs. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Bologna (Editrice CLUEB), 1990. 207 [BONDAR’, I.V.] Drevnee zoloto iz sobraniia Muzeia Istoricheskikh Dragotsennostei USSR. / Orfèvrerie ancienne de la collection du Musée des Trésors Historiques d’Ukraine. (198)pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Cloth. Slipcase. Parallel texts in Russian and French. Moskva (“Iskusstvo”), 1975. 208 BONGARD-LEVIN, G.M. & VIGASIN, A. The Image of India: The Study of Ancient Indian Civilisation in the USSR. 270, (2)pp., 32 plates. Numerous text figs. Cloth. Moscow (Progress Publishers), 1984. 209 BONN. RHEINISCHES LANDESMUSEUM. Frühe Phöniker im Libanon. 20 Jahre deutsche Ausgrabungen in Kamid eLoz. 191, (1)pp. 195 illus. (41 color). Sq. 4to. Cloth. Mainz (Philipp von Zabern), 1983. 210 BONOMI, JOSEPH. Nineveh and Its Palaces. The discoveries of Botta and Layard, applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. Second edition, revised. xx, (2), 429pp., 6 plates. 273 illus. (partly hors texte). Contemporary leather (slightly rubbed). London (Ingram, Cooke & Co.), 1853. 211 BONORA, GIAN LUCA, ET AL. (EDITORS). Kazakhstan: Religions and Society in the History of Central Eurasia. Edited by Gian Luca Bonora, Niccolò Pianciola and Paolo Sartori. (Istituto per le Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa, Onlus-Vicenza.) 303pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Boards. D.j. Torino (Umberto Allemandi & C.), [2009]. 212 BORGNA, ELISABETTA & CÀSSOLA GUIDA, PAOLA (EDITORS). Dall’Egeo all’Adriatico: Organizzazioni sociali, modi di scambio e interazione in età postpalaziale (XII-XI sec. a.C.). / From the Aegean to the Adriatic: Social Organisations, Modes of Exchange and Interaction in Postpalatial Times (12th-11th B.C.). Atti del Seminario internazionale (Udine, 1-2 dicembre 2006). (Studi e Ricerche di Protostoria Mediterreanea. 8.) 414pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Quasar), 2009. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 14 213 BORISKOVSKII, P.I. Ocherki po paleolitu basseina Dona. Maloizuchennye poseleniia drevnego kamennogo veka v Kostenkakh. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 121.) 229, (3)pp. 142 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 214 [BORISKOVSKII, P.I. (EDITOR).] Paleolit Kavkaza i Severnoi Azii. / The Palaeolithic of Caucasus and Northern Asia. (Paleolit Mira. Issledovaniia po Arkheologii Drevnego Kamennogo Veka.) 268, (2)pp. Illus. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1989. 215 BORISKOVSKII, P.I. (EDITOR). Paleolit SSSR. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 381, (3)pp. 134 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1984. 216 BOTTÉRO, JEAN. The Oldest Cuisine in the World: Cooking in Mesopotamia. xii, 134pp. Figs. Lrg. 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 2004. 217 BOTTÉRO, JEAN, ET AL. (EDITORS). The Near East: The Early Civilizations. Editors: Jean Bottéro, Elena Cassin, Jean Vercoutter. (Delacorte World History. II.) xv, (3), 456pp. 47 illus. hors texte. 10 figs., maps. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. New York (Delacorte Press), 1967. 218 BOUVAT, LUCIEN. L’empire mongol (2ème phase). (Histoire du Monde. VIII, 3.) 364pp. Lrg. 8vo. New marbled boards, 3/4 cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (E. de Boccard), 1927. 219 BOWEN, RICHARD LEBARON, JR. & ALBRIGHT, FRANK P. Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia. With contributions by Berta Segall, Joseph Ternbach, A. Jamme, Howard Comfort, Gus W. van Beek. With foreword by Wendell Phillips. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man. 2.) xvii, (1), 315pp., 1 folding map. 214 illus. (partly hors texte). 4to. Cloth. Baltimore (The Johns Hopkins Press), 1958. 220 BOYLE, KATIE, ET AL. (EDITORS). Ancient Interactions: East and West in Eurasia. Edited by Katie Boyle, Colin Renfrew & Marsha Levine. (McDonald Institute Monographs.) xii, 344pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Cambridge (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge), 2002. 221 BRAIDWOOD, LINDA S., ET AL. (EDITORS). Prehistoric Archeology Along the Zagros Flanks. Edited by Linda S. Braidwood, Robert J. Braidwood, Bruce Howe, Charles A. Reed and Patty Jo Watson. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Publications. 105.) ix, (1), 695pp. 235 illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. Chicago (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago), 1983. 222 BRAIDWOOD, ROBERT J. & HOWE, BRUCE. Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan. With contributions by Hans Helbaek, Frederick R. Matson, Charles A. Reed, Herbert E. Wright, Jr. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations. 31.) xxviii, 184, (2)pp., 29 plates. 8 figs. Lrg. 4to. New cloth. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1960. 223 BRASHINSKII, I.B. Szkíta kincsek nyomában. 118, (4)pp. 92 illus., figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. [Budapest] (Helikon Kiadó), [1985]. 224 BREDON, JULIET. Peking. A historical and intimate description of its chief places of interest. Second edition, revised and enlarged. x, (4), 478pp., 6 maps (1 lrg. folding). 24 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 8vo. Orig. dec. cloth. Shanghai (Kelly & Walsh), 1922. 225 BRENTJES, BURCHARD. Chane, Sultane, Emire. Der Islam vom Zusammenbruch des Timuridenreiches bis zur europäischen Okkupation. 310, (2)pp., 1 folding map. 155 illus., figs. Sm. sq. 4to. Boards. Leipzig (Koehler & Amelang), [1974]. 226 BRENTJES, BURCHARD. Von Schanidar bis Akkad. Sieben Jahrtausende orientalischer Weltgeschichte. Second edition. 263, (1)pp. 128 illus. hors texte (35 color). Numerous text figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Leipzig (Urania-Verlag), 1968. 227 BRIANT, PIERRE. L’Asie Centrale et les royaumes proche-orientaux du premier millénaire (c. VIIIe-IVe siècles avant nôtre ère). (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations. “Mémoire” no. 42.) 118pp. 4 figs. Lrg. 4to. New cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations), 1984. 228 BRIANT, PIERRE. From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire. xx, 1196pp. Stout 4to. Boards. Winona Lake, Indiana (Eisenbrauns), 2002. 229 BRIGGS, L. CABOT. Archaeological Investigations near Tipasa, Algeria. With geological comments by Charles E. Stearns. (American School of Prehistoric Research, Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Bulletin 21.) v, (1), 31, (1)pp. 22 illus. (partly hors texte). 4to. Wraps. 15 ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI Cambridge (Peabody Museum), 1963. 230 BRIGGS, ROY W. ‘Chinese Wilson.’ A life of Ernest H. Wilson, 1876-1930. Foreword by Roy Lancaster. (The Great Plant Collectors.) xiii, (1), 154pp. 21 color illus., 4 maps, numerous text figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (HMSO), 1993. 231 BRITT TILIA, ANN. Studies and Restorations at Persepolis and Other Sites of Fars. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Centro Studi e Scavi Archeologici in Asia. Reports and Memoirs. 16, 18.) 2 vols. xvii, (1), 416pp. 211 plates, 26 text figs.; xv, (1), 107pp., 60 plates. 8 figs. Folio. Wraps. Rome (IsMEO), 1972-1978. 232 BROOKES, IAN A. The Physical Geography, Geomorphology and Late Quaternary History of the Mahidasht Project Area, Qara Su Basin, Central West Iran. (ROM Mahidasht Project. 1.) 48, (2)pp., 5 plates (2 loose in rear pocket, as issued.) 33 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Toronto (Royal Ontario Museum), 1989. 233 BROOKS, ROBERT R.R. & WAKANKAR, VISHNU S. Stone Age Painting in India. xi, (1), 116pp. Prof. illus. (partly color). 4to. Cloth. New Haven/ London (Yale University Press), 1976. 234 BRUXELLES. MUSÉES ROYAUX D’ART ET D’HISTOIRE. Civilisations anciennes du Pakistan. Feb.-May 1989. 307pp. 222 illus., 353 catalogue figs. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Bruxelles, 1989. 235 BRYANT, EDWIN F. & PATTON, LAURIE L. (EDITORS). The Indo-Aryan Controversy: Evidence and Interference in Indian History. xi, (1), 522pp. Maps. Sm. 4to. Wraps. ISBN 0700714626 London/New York (Routledge), 2005. 236 BRYKINA, G.A. Iugo-zapadnaia Fergana v pervoi polovine I tysiacheletiia nashei ery. 194, (4)pp. 42 plates, 65 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1982. 237 BUCHERER-DIETSCHI, PAUL & JENTSCH, CHRISTOPH (EDITORS). (Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica. 4.) 492, (2)pp. Figs. Wraps. Liesthal (Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica), 1986. 238 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PREHISTORIC RESEARCH. In affiliation with the Archaeological Institute of America. Nos. 1 - 16, bound in 4 vols. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Reprint of the 1926-1948 edition. New York (Kraus Reprint Corporation), 1968. 239 BUNBURY, E.H. A History of Ancient Geography. Among the Greeks and Romans from the earliest ages till the fall of the Roman Empire. With a new introduction by W.H. Stahl. Second edition. 2 vols. xxxvi, 666, (4)pp., 10 maps; xviii, (2), 743pp., 10 maps (partly folding). Cloth. Reprint of the 1883 edition. New York (Dover Publications), 1959. 240 BUNKER, EMMA C., ET AL. Ancient Bronzes of the Eastern Eurasian Steppes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections. [By] Emma C. Bunker with Trudy S. Kawami, Katheryn M. Linduff, Wu En. 401pp. Over 790 illus. (150 color), 50 figs., 10 maps. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (The Arthur M. Sackler Foundation/ Harry N. Abrams), 1997. 241 BURIAKOV, IU.F. Genezis i etapy razvitiia gorodskoi kul’tury Tashkentskogo Oazisa. 210, (2)pp. 19 figs. Buckram. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1982. 242 [BURIAKOV, IU.F. (EDITOR).] Drevnii i srednevekovyi gorod Vostochnogo Maverannakhra. 128pp. 47 illus. 4to. Boards. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1990. 243 BURIAKOV, IU.F., ET AL. Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki Tashkentskoi oblasti. [By] Iu.F. Buriakov, M.R. Kasymov, O.M. Rostovtsev. 112, (4)pp. 12 illus. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1973. 244 BURKHANOV, A.A. Drevnosti Amulia: Oblast’ Amulia v drevnosti i rannem srednevekov’e. Edited by G.A. FedorovDavydov. 212, (38)pp. 82 plates. Boards. Edition limited to 100 copies. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1993. 245 BURNEY, CHARLES. From Village to Empire. An introduction to Near Eastern archaeology. 224pp. 163 illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Oxford (Phaidon), 1977. Afghanistan: Ländermonographie. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 16 246 BURNEY, CHARLES & LANG, DAVID MARSHALL. The Peoples of the Hills: Ancient Ararat and Caucasus. (History of Civilization.) xv, (1), 323, (1)pp. 113 illus. hors texte. 6 maps. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York/Washington (Praeger), 1971. 247 BURROWS, S.M. Report on Archaeological Work in Anurádhapura and Pollonnaruwa. (Archaeological Survey of Ceylon. X, 1886.) 13pp. Sm. folio. Buckram. Colombo (George J.A. Skeen), 1886. 248 BURTON BROWN, T. Excavations in Azarbaijan, 1948. xiv, (2), 279pp., 17 plates. 44 figs. Tall 4to. Cloth. London (John Murray), 1951. 249 BUSSAGLI, MARIO. Central Asian Painting. (Treasures of Asia.) 135, (3)pp. 68 color illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Geneva/New York (Skira/ Rizzoli), 1979. Arntzen/Rainwater M517; Rowland p.51 250 BUSSE, HERIBERT. Untersuchungen zum islamischen Kanzleiwesen an Hand turkmenischer und safawidischer Urkunden. (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo. Islamische Reihe.1.) viii, 257, (3)pp., 55 plates. Sm. folio. Wraps. Cairo (Sirovic Bookshop), 1959. 251 BUTZER, KARL W. & HANSEN, CARL L. Desert and River in Nubia: Geomorphology and Prehistoric Environments at the Aswan Reservoir. With contributions by Egbert G. Leigh, Jr., Madeleine Van Campo, and Bruce G. Gladfelter. xxi, (1), 562pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Madison/Milwaukee (The University of Wisconsin Press), 1968. 252 BYRD, BRIAN F. The Natufian Encampment at Beidha: Late Pleistocene Adaptation in the Southern Levant. Foreword by Diana Kirkbride with contributions by John Field, Suzanne K. Fish, Howard M. Hecker, and David S. Reese. (Excavations at Beidha. 1./ Jutland Archaeological Society Publications. XXIII:1.) 125pp. 40 illus. Tall 4to. Boards. Presentation copy, inscribed by D. Kirkbride. Højbjerg/Århus (Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab, Moesgård/ Aarhus University Press), 1989. 253 BYRON, ROBERT. The Road to Oxiana. vii, (1), 341pp., 16 plates. 1 map. Cloth. D.j. London (Jonathan Cape), n.d. 254 CAHEN, CLAUDE. Pre-Ottoman Turkey. A general survey of the material and spiritual culture and history, c. 1071-1330. xx, (2), 458pp. 72 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Taplinger Publishing Company), 1968. 255 CAIRO. HAYAT AL-ATHAR AL-MISRIYAH. The Citadel of Salah el-Din al-Ayoubi (572-579 Hegire) (1176-1183 A.D.) (204)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in English, French, and Arabic. Presentation copy, inscribed by Labib Habachi. Cairo, [1983]. 256 CALLIERI, PIERFRANCESCO. Seals and Sealings from the North-West of the Indian Subcontinent and Afghanistan (4th Century BC - 11th Century AD): Local, Indian, Sasanian, Graeco-Persian, Sogdian, Roman. With contributions by Elizabeth Errington, Riccardo Garbini, Philippe Gignoux, Nicholas Sims-Williams, Wladimir Zwalf. (Istituto Universitario Orientale: Dissertationes. 1.) 413, (3)pp., 67 plates. Sm. folio. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale/ Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente), 1997. 257 CALLIERI, PIERFRANCESCO, ET AL. (EDITORS). Valli della memoria: Antiche genti, luoghi e immagini dello Swat. 50 anni della Missione Archeologica Italiana dell’IsIAO in Pakistan. A cura di Pierfrancesco Callieri, Luca Colliva, Marco Galli, Roberto Micheli, Emanuele Morigi, Luca Maria Olivieri./ Valleys of Memory: Ancient People, Sites and Images from Swat.... (60)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Italian and English. Roma (IsIAO), 2006. 258 CALVET, YVES & GACHET, JACQUELINE (EDITORS). Failaka: Fouilles françaises 1986-1988. (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient. 18.) 337, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. New cloth. orig. wraps. bound in. Lyon/Paris (GDR - Maison de l’Orient/ de Boccard), 1990. 259 CALVET, YVES & SALLES, JEAN-FRANÇOIS (EDITORS). Failaka: Fouilles françaises 1984-1985. Avec la collaboration de Dominique Beyer, Olivier Callot, Rémi Danlongeville, Jacqueline Gachet, Jean-Jacques Glassner, Pierre Lombard, Jean Marcillet-Jaubert, Marielle Pic, Christian Robin, Maurice Sznycer. (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient. 12.) 333pp. 142 illus. Lrg. 4to. New cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. Lyon/Paris (GS - Maison de l’Orient/ de Boccard), 1986. 260 ÇAMBEL, HALET & ÖZYAR, ASLI. Karatepe-Aslantas: Azatiwataya. Die Bildwerke. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.) xx, 164pp., 232 plates, 5 folding plans, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 152 text illus. Folio. Cloth. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 2003. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 17 261 CAMERON, CATHERINE M. & TOMKA, STEVE A. (EDITORS). Abandonment of Settlements and Regions. Ethnoarchaeological and archaeological approaches. (New Directions in Archaeology.) xv, (3), 201pp. Illus. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1996. 262 CAMERON, MARGARET BELL. Letters from Egypt and Iraq, 1954. (Oriental Institute Special Publication 71.) 72pp. Illus. Wraps. Chicago (Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago), 2001. 263 CANBY, JEANNY VORYS. The “Ur-Nammu” Stela. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: University Museum Monograph 110.) xiv, (2), 58, (2)pp., 65 plates. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2001. 264 CANFIELD, ROBERT LEROY. Faction and Conversion in a Plural Society: Religious Alignments in the Hindu Kush. (Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan: Anthropological Papers. 50.) viii, (2), 142pp. 3 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Ann Arbor (The University of Michigan), 1973. 265 CARTOLANI, SOTA. K istorii nagor’ia Zapadnoi Gruzii doklassovoi epokhi. 167pp., 48 plates, 1 folding map. 23 text figs. Sm. 4to. Leatherette. English-language summary. Hinges cracked. Tbilisi (“Metsniereba”), 1989. 266 CASAL, JEAN-MARIE. La civilisation de l’Indus et ses énigmes: De la Mésopotamie à l’Inde. (Résurrection du Passé.) 225pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Paris (Fayard), 1969. 267 CASAL, JEAN-MARIE. Fouilles de Mundigak. (Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan. 17.) 2 vols. 260pp., 1 folding chart. Text figs.; 13, (1)pp., 140 figs., 45 plates. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (Librairie C. Klincksieck), 1961. 268 CASALE MONFERRATO. PALAZZO SANNAZZARO. Ur Sunu: Grandi dottori dell’Antico Egitto. Malattie e cure nella terra dei faraoni. A cura di Sabina Malgora. Sept.-Dec. 2008. 319pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editor. Casale Monferrato, 2008. 269 CASSON, LIONEL. Ancient Egypt. (Great Ages of Man.) 192pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. New York (Time-Life Books), 1971. 270 CASTEL, GEORGES & SOUKIASSIAN, GEORGES. Gebel el-Zeit. I: Les mines de Galène (Égypte, IIe millénaire av. J.C.). Avec un chapître de Georges Pouit et la collaboration de Jean-François Gout, David Leyval et Pierre Lévy. (Fouilles de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale. 35.) (2), 140, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Wraps. Cairo (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire), 1989. 271 CATANZARO. COMPLESSO MONUMENTALE DI SAN GIOVANNI. Magna Græcia: Archeologia di un sapere. A cura di Salvatore Settis, Maria Cecilia Parra. June-Oct. 2005. (Università degli Studi Magna Graecia di Catanzaro.) 475pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Boards. Milano (Electa), 2005. 272 CATLING, H.W. Cyprus in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Periods. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. I, Chapter IX [c]; Vol. I, Chapter XXVI [b]; Vol. II, Chapter IV [c]; Vol. II, Chapter XXII [b].) 78pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1966. 273 CAUBET, ANNIE & POUYSSEGUR, PATRICK. The Ancient Near East: The Origins of Civilization. 207pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Terrail), 1998. 274 CELENTANO, GIUSEPPE. Due scritti medici di al-Kindi. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 18 agli Annali vol. 39 [1979], fasc. 1.) 75, (3)pp., 12 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1979. 275 CELENTANO, GIUSEPPE. L’Epistola di al-Kindi sulla sfera armillare. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 33 agli Annali - vol. 42 [1982], fasc. 4.) 60, (2)pp., 4 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1982. 276 CENTRAL ASIA CULTURAL VALUES. Journal of Central Asia Archaeology, Ethnology, Architectural Heritage, Culture & Fine Arts. Vols. 1 - 3. 4to. Wraps. Trebaseleghe Pd (Il Punto), 2002-2004. 277 CERVÍCEK, PAVEL. Rock Pictures of Upper Egypt and Nubia. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 46 agli Annali - vol. 46 [1986] fasc. 1.) viii, (2), 115, (3)pp. 50 illus. hors texte. Text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 18 Napoli/Roma (Istituto Universitario Orientale/ Herder), 1986. 278 CHAKRABARTI, DILIP K. (EDITOR). Indus Civilization Sites in India: New Discoveries. (Marg Publications. Vol. 55#3.) 108pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Mumbai (Marg Publications), 2004. 279 CHAKRAVORTY, BANKABEHARI. The Message of Indus Script. 122pp. 14 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Calcutta (Indian Publications), 1976. 280 CHAMPDOR, ALBERT. Kunst Mesopotamiens. 46, (2)pp., 231 plates, 1 map. Sm. folio. Cloth. Leipzig (VEB E.A. Seemann), 1964. 281 CHANG, KWANG-CHIH. The Archaeology of Ancient China. xvii, (2), 346pp., 17 plates. 33 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Haven/ London (Yale University Press), 1963. 282 CHANG, KWANG-CHIH. Shang Civilization. xvii, (1), 417pp. 93 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1980. 283 CHANG, KWANG-CHIH, ET AL. The Formation of Chinese Civilization: An Archaeological Perspective. [By] Kwangchih Chang, Xu Pingfang, Lu Liancheng, Shao Wangping, Wang Youping, Yan Wenming, Zhang Zhongpei with Xu Hong and Wang Renxiang. Edited and with an introduction by Sarah Allen. Foreword by Peter J. Ucko. (Culture & Civilization of China.) xiv, (4), 363pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. New Haven/Beijing (Yale University Press/ New World Press), 2005. 284 CHARD, CHESTER S. Northeast Asia in Prehistory. xvi, 214pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Madison (The University of Wisconsin Press), 1974. 285 CHAVAILLON, JEAN & PIPERNO, MARCELLO (EDITORS). Studies on the Early Paleolithic Site of Melka Kunture, Ethiopia. 2 vols. xv, (3), 735pp. Prof. illus.; 29 plates, loose in portfolio, as issued. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Slipcase. Firenze (Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria), 2004. 286 [CHERNENKO, E.V., ET AL.] Skifskie pogrebal’nye pamiatniki stepei Severnogo Prichernomor’ia. Texts by E.V. Chernenko, S.S. Bessonova, Iu.V. Boltrik, S.P. Polin, S.A. Skoryi, N.M. Bokii, Iu.S. Grebnnikov. 365, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Kiev (Naukova Dumka), 1986. 287 CHERNETSOV, V.N., ET AL. Drevniaia istoriia Nizhnego Priob’ia. [By] V.N. Chernetsov, V.I. Moshinskaia, I.A. Talitskaia. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 35.) 357, (3)pp. 4 folding charts, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1953. 288 CHERNIKOV, S.S. Vostochnyi Kazakhstan v epokhu bronzy. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 88.) 271, (1)pp. 77 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 289 CHERNOV, G.A. Atlas arkheologicheskikh pamiatnikov Bol’sjezemel’skoi tundry. Edited by V.F. Starkov. 168pp. 25 plates, 17 maps, 49 figs. Wraps. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1985. 290 CHERNYKH, E.N. & KUZ’MINYKH, S.V. Drevniaia metallurgiia Severnoi Evrazii (Seiminsko-Turbinskii fenomen). / Ancient Metallurgy in the Northern Eurasia (Seyma-Turbino Phenomenon). Edited by H.Ia. Merpert. 317, (3)pp. 110 plates. Buckram. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1989. 291 CHILDE, V. GORDON. The Most Ancient East: The Oriental Prelude to European Prehistory. xiv, 257, (1)pp., 24 plates. 86 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. London (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.), 1928. 292 CHILDE, V. GORDON. New Light on the Most Ancient East. xiii, (3), 255, (1)pp., 39 plates. 111 figs., 1 double-page map. Cloth. Originally published 1928; rewritten 1952. London (Routledge & Kegan Paul), 1952. 293 CHILDE, V. GORDON. New Light on the Most Ancient East: The Oriental Prelude to European Prehistory. xviii, 326, (2)pp., 32 plates, 1 map. 102 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. London (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.), 1935. 294 (CHILDE, V. GORDON) TRIGGER, BRUCE G. Gordon Childe: Revolutions in Archaeology. 207pp. 33 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 19 New York (Columbia University Press), 1980. 295 CHINESE ARCHAEOLOGY. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Vols. 1 - 3. Tall 4to. Wraps. Beijing (Archaeology Publications, China Social Sciences Press), 2001-2003. 296 CHIOFFI, MARCO E. & RIGAMONTI, GIULIANA. Antologia della letteratura egizia del Medio Regno. Vol. II: Le avventure di Dinuhe, I racconti di re Kheope (Papiro Westcar). Presentazione di Valerio Massimo Manfredi; commenti di Bernard Matthieu. (Seshat. Collana scientifica di Egittologia.) 390pp. Illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Torino (Ananke), 2008. 297 CHIOFFI, MARCO E. & RIGAMONTI, GIULIANA. Antologia della letteratura egizia del Medio Regno. Vol. III: Il racconto del Naufrago, La stele di Ikherneferet, La biografia di Imeni, Un dispaccio da Mirgissa. (Seshat. Collana scientifica di Egittologia.) 279pp. Illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Torino (Ananke), 2009. 298 CHRISTENSON, ANDREW L. (EDITOR). Tracing Archaeology’s Past: The Historiography of Archaeology. (Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale: Publications in Archaeology.) xi, (1), 252pp. Illus. Cloth. Carbondale/Edwardsville (Southern Illinois University Press), 1989. 299 CHVYR’, L.A. Uigury Vostochnogo Turkestana i sosednie narody v kontse XIX-nachale XX v. Ocherki istorikokul’turnykh sviazei. 303pp. 33 illus. Boards. Moskva (“Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1990. 300 CIACCI, ANDREA, ET AL. (EDITORS). Archeologia della vite e del vino in Etruria. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Studi, Scansano, Teatro Castagnoli, 9-10 settembre 2005. A cura di Andrea Ciacci, Paola Rendini, Andrea Zifferero. 280pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Siena (Ci.Vin), 2007. 301 ÇILINGIROGLU, ALTAN & SALVINI, MIRJO (EDITORS). Ayanis I: Ten Years’ Excavations at Rusahinili Eiduru-kai, 1989-1998. With contributions by E. Abay, L. Castelletti, Ö. Çevik, A. Çilingiroglu, Z. Derin, G. Kozbe, P.I. Kuniholm, A. Maspero, O.W. Muscarella, M.W. Newton, L. Peña Cocharro, A. Rigamonti, I. Reindell, H. Saglamtimur, M. Salvini, E.C. Stone, P. Zimansky. (Documenta Asiana. Collana di Studi sull’Anatolia e l‘Asia Anteriore Antica. 6./ Pubblicazioni dell’Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà dell’Egeo e del Vicino Oriente del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.) 396pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Roma (CNR/ Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà dell’Egeo e del Vicino Oriente), 2001. 302 CIMINO, ROSA MARIA. Kailash, la montagna degli dèi. Pellegrinaggio in Tibet sulle orme di Giuseppe Tucci. (Collana di Studi sull’Oriente. 1.) 164, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Roma (IsIAO/ De Luca), [2006]. 303 CLEUZIOU, SERGE, ET AL. Fouilles à Umm Jidr (Bahrain). [Par] Serge Cleuziou, Pierre Lombard, Jean-François Salles. (Recherche sur les Grandes Civilisations. Mémoire no. 7./ Histoire du Golfe./ C.N.R.S. Centre de Recherches Archéologiques, U.R.A. No. 30./ Mission Archéologique Française Abou Dhabi.) 63pp. 8 plates with 15 illus., 15 figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by S. Cleuziou. Paris (Éditions A.D.P.F.), 1981. 304 CLEUZIOU, SERGE, ET AL. (EDITORS). Essays on the Late Prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula. Edited by Serge Cleuziou, Maurizio Tosi and Juris Zarins. Text arrangements by Victoria de Castéja. (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente: Serie Orientale Roma. 93.) 438pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente), 2002. 305 CLEUZIOU, S., ET AL. (EDITORS). Protohistoire de l’oasis d’Al-Aïn, Travaux de la Mission archéologique française à Abou Dhabi (Emirats arabes unis): Les sépultures de l’âge du Bronze. S. Cleuziou, S. Méry, B. Vogt (eds.). (BAR International Series. 2227./ Maison de l’archéologie René Ginouvès-Nanterre/ Abou Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage [ADACH].) iii, (1), 232pp. Prof illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. Oxford (B.A.R.), 2011. 306 CLEVELAND, RAY L. An Ancient South Arabian Necropolis. Objects from the second campaign (1951) in the Timna‘ cemetery. With a foreword by Wendell Philipps. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man. Vol. 6.) x, (4), 187, (1)pp., 120 plates with many illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. Baltimore (The Johns Hopkins Press), 1965. 307 COLLEONI, ALDO (EDITOR). Mongolian Shamanism. 306pp. 23 figs. 4to. Wraps. [Trieste (University of Trieste/ Italy-Mongolia Association), 2007]. 308 COLLEONI, ALDO (EDITOR). Petroglyphs of Javkhlant Mountain (Mongolia). 203pp. 100 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Torino (EUT, Edizino Università do Trieste), 2005. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 20 309 COLLON, DOMINIQUE. First Impressions: Cylinder Seals in the Ancient Near East. 208pp. 966 illus. 4to. Wraps. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1987. 310 COLLON, DOMINIQUE. Near Eastern Seals. (Interpreting the Past.) 64pp. 45 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. London (British Museum), 1990. 311 COMPARETI, MATTEO. Samarcanda, centro del mondo: Proposte di lettura del ciclo pittorica di Afrasyab. 265pp. 85 illus. Wraps. Milano/Udine (Mimesis/ Simory), 2009. 312 CONKEY, MARGARET W. & HASTORF, CHRISTINE A. (EDITORS). The Uses of Style in Archaeology. (New Directions in Archaeology.) ix, (1), 124pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1990. 313 CONVERSANO. MUSEO CIVICO. Il popolamento antico nel Sud-Est Barese. Catalogo a cura di D. Coppola, V. L’Abbate, F. Radina con saggi introduttivi di E.M. De Juliis, M. Maggiore. 104pp. Prof. illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Wraps. N.p. (Grafiche Colucci Monopoli), [1981]. 314 COQUIN, FRANÇOIS-XAVIER. La Sibérie. Peuplement et immigration paysanne au XIXe siècle. (Collection Historique de l’Institut d’Études Slaves. 20.) 789pp., 9 plates, 1 folding map. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Institut d’Études Slaves), 1969. 315 CORPUS OF INDUS SEALS AND INSCRIPTIONS. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Sarja B, nide 239-240, 359./ Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India. 86. [Vol. 2:] Memoirs of the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Pakistan. 5]. Vol. 3.1: Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India. 96.) Vols. 1 - 3.1, as follows: 1: Collections in India. Edited by Jagat Pati Joshi and Asko Parpola with the assistance of Erja Lahdenperä and Virpi Hämeen-Anttila. xxxii, 392pp. Most prof. illus. 2: Collections in Pakistan. Edited by Sayid Ghulam Mustafa Shah and Asko Parpola in collaboration with Ahmad Nabi Khan, M. Rafique Mughal, F.A. Durrani, M.A. Halim, George F. Dales, Michael Jansen, M. Tosi, Walter A. Fairservis and Giorgio Stacul and with the assistance of Jyrki Lyytikkä, S.M. Ilyas, Arto Vuohelainen and Petteri Koskikallio. xxxii, 448pp. Most prof. illus. 3.1: New Material, Untraced Objects, and Collections Outside India and Pakistan. Edited by Asko Parpola, B.M. Pande and Petteri Koskikallio. Part 1: Mohenjo-daro and Harappa. In collaboration with Richard H. Meadow and J. Mark Kenoyer and with the assistance of Erja Lahdenperä, Jyrki Lyytikkä and Arto Vuohelainen. lx, 443pp. 412 plates with 1156 illus. (125 color). Sm. folio. Boards. Helsinki (Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia), 1987-2010. 316 COTTRELL, LEONARD. The Quest for Sumer. 222pp., 16 plates. Cloth. New York (G.P. Putnam’s Sons), 1965. 317 COUPLAND, GARY & BANNING, E.B. (EDITORS). People Who Lived in Big Houses: Archaeological Perspectives on Large Domestic Structures. (Monographs in World Archaeology. 27.) (4), 185pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Madidson, Wisconsin (Prehistory Press), 1996. 318 COURTOIS, LILIANE. Examen au microscope pétrographique des céramiques archéologiques. (Centre de Recherches Archéologiques: Notes et Monographies Techniques. 8.) 49pp. Wraps. Paris (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1976. 319 CRAWFORD, HARRIET. Dilmun and Its Gulf Neighbours. xiii, (3), 170pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1998. 320 CRAWFORD, HARRIET. Sumer and the Sumerians. Second edition. x, 252pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 2004. 321 CREEL, HERRLEE GLESSNER. The Birth of China. A survey of the formative period of Chinese civilization. 395, (1)pp., 16 plates, 2 diagrams. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. London (Jonathan Cape), 1936. 322 CREEL, HERRLEE GLESSNER. Studies in Early Chinese Culture. First series [all published]. (American Council of Learned Societies: Studies in Chinese and Related Civilizations. 3.) xxii, 266pp., 1 plate. 4to. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Baltimore (Waverly Press), 1937. 323 CREMONINI, STEFANO & AMALDI, MARIAGIULIA (EDITORS). Romanità della pianura: L’ipotesi archeologica a S. Pietro in Casale come coscienza storica per una nuova gestione del territorio. Giornata di studio, S. Pietro in Casale 7/8 aprile 1990. xxiv, 481, (5)pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Bologna (“Lo Scarabeo”), 1991. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 21 324 CULTURE AND ART OF ANCIENT UZBEKISTAN: EXHIBITION CATALOGUE. / Kul’tura i iskusstvo drevnego Uzbekistana: Katalog vystavki. General editors: K.A. Abdullaev, E.V. Rtveladze, G.V. Shishkina. 2 vols. 220, (2)pp.; 216pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Parallel texts in English and Russian. Moskva, 1991. 325 CURTIS, J.E. & READE, J.E. (EDITORS). Art and Empire: Treasures from Assyria in the British Museum. With contributions by D. Collon, J.E. Curtis, I.L. Finkel, A.R. Green, H. McDonald, J.E. Reade, and C.B.F. Walker. 224pp. 252 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (The British Museum Press), 2008. 326 CURTIS, JOHN. Ancient Persia. Second edition. 96pp. 103 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. London (British Museum Press), 2000. 327 CURTIS, JOHN (EDITOR). Fifty Years of Mesopotamian Discovery. The work of the British School of Archaeology in Iraq 1932-1982. Introduction by Seton Lloyd. 123, (1)pp. 109 illus. (21 color hors texte). Sm. 4to. Wraps. London (The British School of Archaeology in Iraq), 1982. 328 CURTIS, J.E., ET AL. (EDITORS). New Light on Nimrud. Proceedings of the Nimrud Conference 11th-13th March 2002. Edited by J.E. Curtis, H. McCall, D. Collon and L. al-Gailani Werr. xvii, (1), 297, (1)pp., 7 plans. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. London (British Institute for the Study of Iraq/ The British Museum), 2008. 329 CURTIS, JOHN & KRUSZYNSKI, MIROSLAW. Ancient Caucasian and Related Material in The British Museum. Appendix on metallurgy by Alistair Pike. (The British Museum: Occasional Paper no. 121.) 128pp. 20 plates, 43 figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. London (The British Museum), 2002. 330 CURTIS, JOHN & TALLIS, NIGEL (EDITORS). Forgotten Empire: The World of Ancient Persia. With contributions by Béatrice André-Salvini, Barbara Armbruster, Agnès Benoit, Pierre Briant, Vesta Sarkosh Curtis, Irving Finkel, Peter Higgs, Zahra Jafar-Mohammadi, Andrew R. Meadows, Shahrokh Razmjou, Ann Searicht, St. John Simpson, Neal Spencer, Matthew W. Stolper, Alexandra Villing. 272pp. 473 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at The British Museum, London. London (The British Museum Press), 2005. 331 CURTIS, VESTA SARKHOSH, ET AL. (EDITORS). The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Persia. New light on the Parthian and Sasanian empires. xvi, 191, (1)pp., 22 plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London/New York (I.B. Tauris Publishers), 1998. 332 DALES, GEORGE FRANKLIN, JR. Mesopotamian and Related Female Figurines: Their Chronology, Diffusion, and Cultural Functions. xxv, (1), 265 ff. 225 figs. Cloth. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1960, in microfilm photocopy. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Ann Arbor (University Microfilms), 1980. 333 DALES, GEORGE F. New Excavations at Nadi-i Ali (Sorkh Dagh), Afghanistan. (Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, University of California, Berkeley: Research Monograph Series. 16.) ii, 121pp. 36 plates. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Berkeley (Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, University of California), 1977. 334 DALES, GEORGE F. & KENOYER, JONATHAN MARK. Excavations at Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan: The Pottery. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: University Museum Monographs. 53.) xxi, (1), 586pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1986. 335 DALES, GEORGE F. & LIPO, CARL P. Explorations on the Makran Coast, Pakistan: A Search for Paradise. (Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility. 50.) xii, 274pp. 96 plates, 69 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Berkeley (University of California Archaeological Research Facility), 1992. 336 DAL MASO, LEONARDO B. & VIGHI, ROBERTO. Archeological Latium. xxxii, 286pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Firnze (Bonechi), 1979. 337 DALY, R.H., ET AL. Interim Report on the Results of the Oman Flora and Fauna Survey, Dhofar 1977, Sultanate of Oman. 56pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Muscat (Government Adviser for the Conservation of the Environment, Ministry of Royal Diwan Affairs, Sultanate of Oman), 1979. 338 DAMASCUS. DEUTSCHES ARCHÄOLOGISCHES INSTITUT, ORIENT-ABTEILUNG, AUSSENSTELLE DAMASKUS. Tartus und sein Hinterland. Archäologische Forschungen in der syrischen Küstenregion von der Antike bis ins Mittelalter. 87, (65)pp. 55 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in German and Arabic. Damascus, 2001. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 22 339 DAMASCUS. DEUTSCHES ARCHÄOLOGISCHES INSTITUT, ORIENT-ABTEILUNG, AUSSENSTELLE DAMASKUS. Zehn Jahre Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Syrien, 1989-1998. 111, (1), 54pp. 66 plates. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in German and Arabic. Damascus, 1999. 340 DAMASCUS. DEUTSCHES ARCHÄOLOGISCHES INSTITUT, ORIENT-ABTEILUNG, AUSSENSTELLE DAMASKUS. Die Residenz des Harun al-Raschid in Raqqa. Texts by Jan-Christoph Heusch and Michael Meinecke. (18)pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Self-wraps. Parallel texts in German and Arabic. Damascus, 1989. 341 D’AMORE, PAOLA (EDITOR). Il Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale in Palazzo Brancaccio. 263pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Livorno (Sillabe), 1997. 342 DANDAMAEV, MUHAMMAD A. & LUKONIN, VLADIMIR G. The Culture and Social Institutions of Ancient Iran. English edition by Philip L. Kohl with the assistance of D.J. Dadson. xv, (1), 463pp. 45 plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1989. 343 DANDEKAR, R.N. Harappan Bibliography. (Government Oriental Series. Class B, No. 15.) xi, (1), 495pp. Buckram. D.j. Poona (Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute), 1987. 344 DANTI, MICHAEL D. The Ilkhanid Heartland: Hasanlu Tepe (Iran) Period I. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: University Museum Monographs. 120./ Hasanlu Excavation Reports. II.) xii, (6), 94pp. 16 plates, 29 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2004. 345 DARDANO, PAOLA & MARAZZI, MASSIMILIANO. Textindex zum Chicago Hittite Dictionary (Volume L-N, 1980-1989). (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Indices. 2.) 87pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1996. 346 D’ASARO, LEONARDO. Elimi: I miti e la storia. Nuovi studi sulla problematica dell’area Elima. 120, (6)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Corleone (Archeoclub d’Italia, Sede di Corleone/ Comune di Corleone, Assessorato. BB. CC.), 1995. 347 DASH, BHAGWAN & DOBOOM TULKU. Positive Health in Tibetan Medicine. Based on Sman-’tsho-ba’i mdo (VaidyaJiva-sutra). (Indian Medical Science Series. 13.) xxxi, (1), 115pp. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Delhi (Sri Satguru Publications), 1991. 348 DEBAINE-FRANCFORT, CORINNE. Du néolithique à l’âge du bronze en Chine du nord-ouest: La culture de Qiji et ses connexions. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale. 6.) 435pp. 145 illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations), 1995. 349 DEBETS, G.F. (EDITOR). Trudy Kirgizskoi Arkheologo-Etnograficheskoi Ekspeditsii, I. 181, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademi Nauk SSR), 1956. 350 UN DECENNIO DI RICERCHE ARCHEOLOGICHE. (Quaderni de “La Ricerca Scientifica.” 100.) 2 vols. 625pp.; 666pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), 1978. 351 DEETERS, G., ET AL. Armenisch und kaukasische Sprachen. Mit Beiträgen von G. Deeters, G.R. Solta, Vahan Inglisian. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten. Siebenter Band.) (4), 272pp. 4to. Wraps. Leiden/Köln (E.J. Brill), 1963. 352 DEIANA, GIOVANNI. L’J-Essere forte nel semitico del nord-ovest e nella bibbia masoretica. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 41 agli Annali - vol. 44 [1984], fasc. 4.) ix, (3), 87pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1984. 353 DE JESUS, PRENTISS S. The Development of Prehistoric Mining and Metallury in Anatolia. (BAR International Series. 74.) 2 vols. (10), 495pp. 23 plates, 29 figs., 21 maps. Tall 4to. Wraps. Oxford (B.A.R.), 1980. 354 DELCROIX, G. Caracterisation des matériaux de construction en terre crue. (Centre de Recherches Archéologiques: Notes et Monographies Techniques. 3.) 22pp. Figs. Wraps. Paris (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1972. 355 DELITZSCH, FRIEDRICH. Babel und Bibel. Ein Vortrag. 52pp. 50 illus. Orig. boards. Leipzig (J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung), 1902. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 23 356 DE MARCO, GIUSEPPE. Contributo alla storia delle pubblicazioni periodiche dell’I.U.O.: Cento anni dopo (18941994). Indici a Annali “Sez. Orientale”, Annuario, L’Oriente, Memorie. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Indices. 1.) xviii, 429, (5)pp. 4 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1996. 357 DE MARCO, GIUSEPPE. I “Kusana” nella vita del Buddha. Per una analisi del rapporto tra potere politico e religione nell’antico Gandhara. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 34 agli Annali - vol. 43 [1983], fasc. 1.) 63, (5)pp. 21 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1983. 358 DEMKO, GEORGE J. The Russian Colonization of Kazakhstan, 1896-1916. (Indiana University Publications: Uralic and Altaic Series. 99.) viii, (18), 271pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Bloomington/The Hague (Indiana University/ Mouton & Co.), 1969. 359 DEMOULE, JEAN-PAUL & LANDES, CHRISTIAN (EDITORS). La fabrique de l’archéologie en France. Préface de JeanPaul Jacob. 301, (1)pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. “Les textes rassemblés dans cet ouvrage sont issus du colloque “La fabrique de l’archéologie en France” organisé par l’Inrap et l’INHA...à Paris, les 14 et 15 février 2008.” Paris (La Découverte), 2009. 360 DEO, SHANTARAM BHALCHANDRA & ANSARI, ZAINUDDIN DAWOOD. Chalcolithic Chandoli: Report on the Excavations at Chandoli 1960. (Deccan College. Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series. 39.) xv, (1), 206pp. 82 illus. 4to. New buckram. Poona (Deccan College, Postgraduate & Research Institute), 1965. 361 DEO, S.B. & PADDAYYA, K. (EDITORS). Recent Advances in Indian Archaeology: Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Pona in 1983. vii, (1), 115, (1)pp. 28 illus. hors texte. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editors. Poona (Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute), 1985. 362 DEPALMAS, ANNA. La Domus de Janas n. 2 di Iloi. Con contributi di Paolo Baldaccini, Paolo Mulè, Giovanni Dettori, Alessandra Celant, Giacomo Oggiano, Franco Germanà, Salvatore Improta. (Progetto Iloi. Sedilo: I materiali archeologici. Tomo II [Sedilo 5]./ Antichità Sarde. Studi & ricerche. 4/I-V.) 190pp. 50 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Sassari (Università degli Studi di Sassari), 2000. 363 DEREVIANKO, A.P. Novopetrovskaia kul’tura Srednego Amura. Edited by A.P. Okladnikov. 204pp. 53 illus. 4to. Cloth. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1979. 364 DEREVIANKO, A.P. Paleolit Dal’nego Vostoka i Korei. Edited by R.S. Vasil’evskii. 215pp. 71 plates, 58 text figs. 4to. Boards. Nvosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1983. 365 DEREVIANKO, A.P. Priamur’e (I tysiacheletie do nashei ery). Edited by A.P. Okladnikov. 383pp. 105 plates, 86 text illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1976. 366 DEREVIANKO, A.P. Rannii zheleznyi vek Priamur’ia. Edited by A.P. Okladnikov. 352, (2)pp. 78 illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1973. 367 DEREVIANKO, A.P. Troitskii mogil’nik. Edited by V.E. Medvedev. 222, (2)pp. 59 plates, 118 illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1977. 368 DEREVIANKO, A.P., A.P., ET AL. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia v Mongolii: Obshchie svedeniia. Preprint. [By] A.P. Derevianko, D. Dorzh, V.E. Larichev, S.V. MArkin, V.T. Petrin. 8 fascicles, bound in 1 vol. Prof. illus. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Novosibirsk, 1984. 369 DEREVIANKO, A.P., ET AL. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia Rossiisko-Mongol’sko-Amerikanskoi Ekspeditsii v Mongolii v 1995 g. / A [sic] Archaeological Studies Carried Out by the Joint-Russian-Mongolian-American Expedition in Mongolia in 1995. [By] A.P. Derevianko, D. Olsen, D. Tsevendorzh, V.T. Petrin, A.N. Zenin, A.I. Krivoshapkin, R.U. Rivs, E.V. Deviatkin, V.P. Myl’nikov. 327pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo Institut Arkheologii i Etnografii SO RAN), 1996. 370 DEREVIANKO, A.P., ET AL. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia v Mongolii: Obshchie svedeniia. Preprint. [By] A.P. Derevianko, D. Dorzh, R.S. Vasil’evskii, V.E. Larichev, V.T. Petrin. 17 fascicles, bound in 1 vol. Prof. illus. Stout 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Novosibirsk, 1985. 371 DEREVIANKO, A.P., ET AL. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia v Mongolii v 1986 godu: Obshchie svedeniia. Preprint. [By] A.P. Derevianko, D. Dorzh, R.S. Vasil’evskii, V.E. Larichev, V.T. Petrin. 10 fascicles, bound in 1 vol. Prof. illus. Lrg. stout 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 24 Novosibirsk, 1987. 372 DEREVIANKO, A.P. & MARKIN, S.V. Paleolit Chuiskoi kotloviny: Gornyi Altai. Edited by V.T. Petrin. 111, (1)pp. 54 plates, 10 text figs. 4to. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirdsko), 1987. 373 DEREVIANKO, A.P. & NATSAGDORZH, SH. (EDITORS). Arkheologicheskie, etnograficheskie i antropologicheskie issledovaniia v Mongolii. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. (Sovmestnaia Sovetsko-Mongol’skaia Istoriko-Kul’turnaia Ekspeditsiia.) 191, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (“Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1990. 374 DEREVIANKO, A.P. & NATSAGDORZH, SH. (EDITORS). Arkheologiia, etnografiia i antropologiia Mongolii. 257, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1987. 375 DEREVIANKO, E.I. Ocherki voennogo dela plemen Priamur’ia. 224pp. 25 plates. 28 figs. Boards. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1987. 376 DESHMUKH, P.R. Indus Civilisation, Rigveda and Hindu Culture. xi, (1), 699pp. Lrg. 8vo. Buckram. D.j. Nagpur (Saroj Prakashan), 1982. 377 DEUTSCHES ARCHÄOLOGISCHES INSTITUT. Ausgrabungen, Funde, Forschungen. (Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt. Sonderband.) 258pp. 128 illus. (1 color), 13 maps. Lrg. sq. 8vo. Boards. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1983. 378 DEUTSCHES ARCHÄOLOGISCHES INSTITUT. Neue deutsche Ausgrabungen im Mittelmeergebiet und im Vorderen Orient. Foreword by Erich Boehringer. Texts by Hanns Stock, and 16 other contributors. xi, (1), 365, (1)pp., 5 color plates, 14 folding maps & plans. Text illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Berlin (Gebr. Mann), 1959. 379 DEVLET, M.A. Petroglify Mugur-Sargola. / Petroliphs [sic] of the Mugur-Surgol. 269, (3)pp. 76 plates, 36 text illus., figs. Sm. 4to. Boards. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1980. 380 DEVLET, M.A. Petroglify Ulug-Khema. 119pp. 76 plates, 22 figs. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1976. 381 [DEVLET, M.A. (EDITOR).] Nekotorye problemy sibirskoi arkheologii. 114pp. Figs. Wraps. Moskva (Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Arkheologii AN SSSR), 1968. 382 [DEVLET, M.A. (EDITOR).] Problemy izucheniia naskal’nykh izobrazhenii v SSSR. 239, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Moskva (Institut Arkheologii Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1990. 383 DEWACHTER, MICHEL. La collection égyptienne du Musée Champollion. Préface: Martin Malvy. Introduction: Jean Leclant. 99pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Figeac (Musée Champollion), 1986. 384 DHAVALIKAR, M.K. Cultural Imperialism: Indus Civilization in Western India. x, (2), 247pp. Illus. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Books & Books), 1995. 385 DHAVALIKAR, M.K., ET AL. Excavations at Inamgaon. [By] M.K. Dhavalikar, H.D. Sankalia, Z.D. Ansari. Vols. 1 - 2, in 3 parts, as follows: Vol. I, Part i - ii. xx, 1044pp. Most prof. illus. Vol. II: The Physical Anthropology of Human Skeletal Remains. Part i: An Osteobiographic Analysis, by John R. Lukacs and Subhash R. Walimbe. (18), 323, (1)pp. 155 illus. hors texte. 59 text illus., 1143 tables. Lrg. 4to. Orig. cloth. Edition limited to 500 copies. Pune (Deccan College Post-Graduate Research Institute), 1988; 1986. 386 DHAVALIKAR, M.K., ET AL. Excavations at Kaothe. By M.K. Dhavalikar, Vasant Shinde, Shubhangana Atre. (4), 283pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Edition limited to 500 copies. Pune (Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute), 1990. 387 [D’IAKONOV, I.M. (EDITOR).] Drevniaia i srednevekovaia istoriia i filologiia stran perednego i srednego vostoka. (Peredneaziatskii Sbornik. 4.) 248, (2)pp. Illus. Buckram. English-language summaries. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1986. 388 [D’IAKONOV, I.M. (EDITOR)]. Drevnii Vostok i mirovaia kul’tura. 181, (3)pp. 96 illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1981. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 25 389 D’IAKOVA, O.V. Rannesrednevekovaia keramika Dal’nego Vostoka SSSR kak istoricheskii istochnik IV-X vv. Edited by A.P. Derev’ianko. 201, (7)pp. 56 plates. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1984. 390 DICK, MICHAEL B. (EDITOR). Born in Heaven, Made on Earth: The Making of the Cult Image in the Ancient Near East. xii, 243pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Winona Lake, Indiana (Eisenbrauns), 1999. 391 DIETRICH, A., ET AL. Orientalische Geschichte von Kyros bis Mohammed. Lieferung 2. Mit Beiträgen von A. Dietrich, G. Widengren, F.M. Heichelheim. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten. Zweiter Band: Keilschriftforschung und alte Geschichte Vorderasiens. Vierter Abschnitt.) (4), 368pp. 4to. Wraps. Leiden/Köln (E.J. Brill), 1966. 392 DIGARD, JEAN-PIERRE. Techniques des nomades baxtyâri d’Iran. (Collection Production pastorale et société.) 273pp. 186 illus., figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Cambridge/Paris (Cambridge University Press/ Éditions de la Masion des Sciences de l’Homme), 1981. 393 DIKOV, N.N. Chiniiskii mogil’nik: K istorii morskikh zveroboev Beringova Proliva. / Chini Cemetery.... Edited by A.P. Okladnikov. (Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Dal’nevostochnyi Nauchnyi Tsentr. Trudy Severo-Vostochnogo Kompleksnogo Nauchno-Issledovatel’skogo Instituta. Vyp. 47.) 166, (2)pp. 47 plates, 68 figs. Boards. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1974. 394 DIKSHIT, K.N. Prehistoric Civilization of the Indus Valley. (Sir William Meyer Lectures. 1935.) (6), 53, (3)pp., 15 plates. Stiff wraps. Reprint of the Madras 1939 edition. Karachi (Indus Publications), 1988. 395 DIRASAT AL-ATHARIYAH AL-ISLAMIYAH. / Islamic Archaeological Studies. (Arab Republic of Egypt, Egyptian Organisation of Antiquities, Museums Service.) Vol. 1. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Cairo, 1978. 396 DONATO, G. & FONDELLI, M. (EDITORS). L’impiego dei mezzi di rilevazione ed elaborazione dei dati ai fini della gestione di un'anagrafe dei beni culturali. Seminario tenuto presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano 5-24 maggio 1974. (Consiglio Nazionale dell Ricerche. Scienze sussidiarie dell’Archeologia. 72.1.) 162, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Laboratorio Fototecongrafico del CNR), 1974. 397 DONG, ZUOBIN. Fifty Years of Studies in Oracle Inscriptions. [By] Tung Tso-pin. vi, 148, (2)pp., 22 plates. Maps, figs. Cloth. D.j. Tokyo (Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies), 1964. 398 DREVNIAIA I RANNESREDNEVEKOVAIA KUL’TURA KIRGIZSTANA. 132, (2)pp. Illus. Wraps. Frunze (Izdatel’stvo “Ilim”), 1967. 399 DREWS, ROBERT. The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C. xii, (2), 252pp. 10 plates, 4 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1993. 400 DRIEUX, CHRISTIANE & BASSET, CHRISTIAN. Tamgat, nomade mongol. (Collection Horizons d’Aventures.) 143, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Oblong 4to. Boards. Xonrupt-Longemer/Paris (Anaka Éditions/ Éditions Peuples du Monde), n.d. 401 DROWER, MARGARET S. Syria, c. 1550-1400 B.C. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapter X.) 2 vols. 65pp.; 64, (2)pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1970, 1969. 402 DROWER, MARGARET S. Ugarit. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapter XXI [b], §§ IV and V.) 36, (2)pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1968. 403 DU MESNIL DU BUISSON, ROBERT, COMTE. Baghouz, l’ancienne Corsôtê. Le tell archaïque et la nécropole de l’âge du bronze. Avec une préface de Ch. Virolleaud. (Documenta et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui. 3.) xii, 93, (3)pp., 84 plates (partly folding). 11 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1948. 404 DUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN, JACQUES. The Hymns of Zarathustra. Being a translation of the Gathas together with introduction and commentary. (The Wisdom of the East Series.) xi, (1), 162pp. Sm. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. London (John Murray), 1952. 405 DUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN, JACQUES. La religion de l’Iran ancien. (Mana. Introduction à l’Histoire des Religions. 1./ Les Anciennes Religions Orientales. 3.) 411pp. Wraps. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 26 Paris (Presses Universitaires de France), 1962. 406 DUCOS, PIERRE. Tell-Mureybet (Syrie, IX° - VII° millénaires): Étude archéozoologique et problèmes d’écologie humaine. 1 [all published to date]: Les niveaux I-XVII (fouilles van Loon) et la phase IV (fouilles Cauvin). Avec les contributions de Paul Delannoy et Daniel Helmer. (Travaux de l’Équipe de Recherche 166 du C.N.R.S., C.R.E.P., SaintAndré-de-Cruzières.) 145pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Paris (Éditions du CNRS), [1978]. 407 DUKE, KH. Tuiabuguzskie poseleniia burguliukskoi kul’tury. 93, (3)pp. 18 illus. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1982. 408 DUPREE, LOUIS. Deh Morasi Ghundai: A Chalcolithic Site in South-Central Afghanistan. (Anthropological Papers of The American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 50, Part 2.) (78)pp., 12 plates. 30 text figs. 4to. Wraps. New York (The American Museum of Natural History), 1963. 409 DUPREE, LOUIS. Prehistoric Research in Afghanistan (1959-1966). In collaboration with J. Lawrence Angel, Robert H. Brill, Earl R. Caley, Richard S. Davis, Charles C. Kolb, Alexander Marshack, Dexter Perkins, Jr., Alan Solem. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. New Series. Vol. 62, Part 4.) 84pp. 156 illus. Lrg. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Philadelphia (The American Philosophical Society), 1972. 410 DUPREE, LOUIS. Shamshir Ghar: Historic Cave Site in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. (Anthropological Papers of The American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 46, Part 2.) (172)pp., 32 plates. 102 figs., 17 tables. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. New York (The American Museum of Natural History), 1958. 411 DURING CASPERS, ELISABETH C.L. The Bahrain Tumuli. An illustrated catalogue of two important collections. (Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul. 47.) (4), 49pp., 42 plates. 8 figs. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Leiden (Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten), 1980. 412 DURRANI, F.A. & ALI, IHSAN (EDITORS). The Glory That Was Pakistan: 50 Years of Archaeological Research in Pakistan. A photographic exhibition, February-March 1998. (2), ii, 116pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Upper right corner waterdamaged. Peshawar (Department of Archaeology, University of Peshawar/ National Heritage Foundation), 1998. 413 DUTTA, PRATAP C. The Bronze Age Harappans. A bio-anthropological study of the skeletons discovered at Harappa. xi, (1), 157pp., 4 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Calcutta (Anthropological Survey of India, Government of India), 1983. 414 DUTTA, PRATAP C., ET AL. Ancient Human Remains from Rupar. [By] Pratap C. Dutta, Anadi Pal, Pabitra Gupta, Bimal C. Dutta. (Anthropological Survey of India: Memoir 77.) viii, (6), 62pp., 12 plates. 2 figs. Cloth. D.j. Calcutta (Anthropological Survey of India, Department of Culture, Government of India), 1987. 415 DUTZ, WERNER. Das Gebet des Königs. Fotographie: Brigitte Becker-Mokhtarzadeh. Introduction by R.N. Frye. 220pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. (shaken). D.j. Tehran (The Author), 1971. 416 DYSON, ROBERT H., JR. & HOWARD, SUSAN M. (EDITORS). Tappeh Hesar: Reports of the Restudy Project, 1976. (Monografie di Mesopotamia. 2.) (4), 151, (1)pp., 7 lrg. folding plans. Prof. illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Firenze (Casa Editrice Le Lettere), 1989. 417 EARLY MAN NEWS: NEWLETTER FOR HUMAN PALECOLOGY. (Commission for the Palecology of Early Man of International Union for Quaternary Research.) Vols. 1 - 5/6. Tall 4to. Wraps. Tübingen, 1976-1980/1981. 418 EDMONDS, C.J. Kurds, Turks and Arabs. Politics, travel and research in North-Eastern Iraq, 1919-1925. xiiii, (1), 457p., 17 plates, 3 folding maps. 2 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. (very slightly chipped at edges). London (Oxford University Press), 1957. 419 EGGERT, PETER. Die frühere Sozialordnung Moolkhos und Turkhos (Chitral). (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung, Südasien-Institut, Universität Heidelberg. 134.) vii, (1), 271, (9)pp. Figs. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Stuttgart (Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden), 1990. 420 EHLERS, ECKART. Traditionelle und moderne Formen der Landwirtschaft in Iran. Siedlung, Wirtschaft und Agrarsozialstruktur im nördlichen Khuzistan seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Mit einem Beitrag von Grace Goodell, “Agricultural Production in a Traditional Village of Northern Khuzestan.” (Marburger Geographische Studien. 64.) x, 289, (9)pp. 45 illus. 12 folding charts, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 27 Marburg/Lahn (Selbstverlag des Geographischen Institutes der Universität Marburg), 1975. 421 EHRICH, ROBERT W. (EDITOR). Chronologies in Old World Archaeology. Contributors: William F. Albright, Donald F. Brown, Kwang-chih Chang, George F. Dales, Robert H. Dyson, Jr., Robert W. Ehrich, Marija Gimbutas, Donald P. Hansen, Helene J. Kantor, Machteld J. Mellink, Edith Porada, Homer L. Thomas, Patty Jo Watson, Saul S. Weinberg. xii, 557pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1965. Arntzen/Rainwater I51 422 EHRICH, ROBERT W. (EDITOR). Chronologies in Old World Archaeology. Third edition. 2 vols. x, 515pp.; (2), 588pp. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1992. 423 EILERS, WILHELM. Die Gesetzesstele Chammurabis. Gesetze um die Wende des dritten vorchristlichen Jahrtausends. (Der Alte Orient. Vol. 31#3/4.) 83, (3)pp. Frontis. Wraps. Leipzig (J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchandlung), 1932. 424 EISSFELDT, OTTO. Palestine in the Time of the Nineteenth Dynasty. (a): The Exodus and Wanderings. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapter XXVI (a).) 32pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1965. 425 ELFENBEIN, JOSEF. A Baluchi Miscellanea of Erotica and Poetry: Codex Oriental Additional 24048 of the British Library. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 35 agli Annali - vol. 43, fasc. 2.) (4), 156, (2)pp., 29 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1983. 426 ELLIS, MARIA DEJ. Agriculture and the State in Ancient Mesopotamia. An introduction to problems of land tenure. (Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund. 1.) xiii, (1), 194pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1976. 427 ENGBERG, ROBERT M. & SHIPTON, GEOFFREY M. Notes on the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Pottery of Megiddo. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. 10.) xiii, (1), 91pp., 1 lrg. folding chart. 25 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. (back-cover detached). From the library of Lauriston Ward. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1934. 428 ENGLISH, PAUL WARD. City and Village in Iran: Settlement and Economy in the Kirman Basin. xx, (2), 204pp., 12 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Madison (The University of Wisconsin Press), 1966. 429 ENGLUND, ROBERT K. Archaic Administrative Texts from Uruk: The Early Campaigns. With a contribution by Rainer M. Boehmer. (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. 15./ Archaische Texte aus Uruk. 5.) 232, (6)pp., 153 plates. 12 figs. 1 computer disk (3 1/2 in. high-density) in rear pocket. Folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Berlin (Gebr. Mann Verlag), 1994. 430 ENGLUND, ROBERT K. & NISSEN, HANS J. Archaische Verwaltungstexte aus Uruk: Die Heidelberger Sammlung. Mit einem Beitrag von Rainer M. Boehmer. (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. 17./ Archaische Texte aus Uruk. 7.) 72pp., 102 plates. Folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Berlin (Gebr. Mann Verlag), 2001. 431 ENGLUND, ROBERT K. & NISSEN, HANS J. Die lexikalischen Listen der archaischen Texte aus Uruk. Unter Mitarbeit von Peter Damerow. (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka. 13./ Archaische Texte aus Uruk. 3.) 327, (5)pp., 109 plates. 19 figs. Folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Berlin (Gebr. Mann Verlag), 1993. 432 ERDÉLYI, ISTVÁN (EDITOR). Les anciens Hongrois et les ethnies voisines à l’Est. (Studia Archaeologica. 6.) 359pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Budapest (Akadémiai Kiadó), 1977. 433 ERDOSY, GEORGE. Urbanisation in Early Historic India. (BAR International Series. 430.) iii, (1), 211pp. Maps. Lrg. 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Oxford (B.A.R.), 1988. 434 EREMENKO, V.E. “Kel’tskaia vual’” i zarubinetskaia kul’tura. Opyt rekonstruktsii etnopoliticheskikh protsessov III-I vv. do n. e. v Tsentral’noi i Vostochnoi Evrope. 230, (2)pp. 70 illus. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (Izdatel’stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta), 1997. 435 ESHONKULOV, U. Istoriia zemledel’cheskoi kul’tury Gornogo Sogda (s drevneishikh vremen do nachala XX v.). Nauchnoie izdanie. 847, (3)pp. 156 figs. Stout 8vo. Leatherette. Dushanbe (Respublika Tadzhikistana, Naucho-Issledovatel’skii Tsenty “Orienfar”), 2007. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 28 436 ESIN, UFUK. Heinrich Schliemann kazi raporlari ve mektuplarindan seçme parçalarla: Troya. Çeviriler: H. Gönü Egeli, Nilgün Dede, Nur B. Atli. (Sandoz kültür yayinlari. 13.) 88pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Istanbul (Güzel Sanatlar Matbaasi), 1991. 437 ESS, MARGARETE VAN. Heliopolis Baalbek, 1898-1998: Forschen in Ruinen. 69, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition in Baalbek. Berlin/Beirut (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Orient-Abteilung/ Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban), 1998. 438 ESSEN. VILLA HÜGEL. 7000 Jahre Kunst in Iran. Feb.-April 1962. 199, (5)pp., 86 plates (3 color), 1 folding map. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Essen, 1962. 439 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS. MEETING (3RD : 1997 : RAVENNA). I celti e il mondo greco. / The Celts and the Greek World. 3rd Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists. Session 21. Ravenna, 24-28 settembre 1997. A cura di Daniele Vitali. 100pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Bologna (Dipartimento di Archeologia), 2008. 440 EUROPEAN COLLOQUIUM OF IRANOLOGY (1ST : 1983 : ROMA). The First European Colloquium of Iranology (Rome, June 18th-20th, 1983). Edited by Gherardo Gnoli. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: Serie Orientale Roma. 57./ Orientalia Romana. 6.) xxi, (1), 115pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1985. 441 FACCENNA, DOMENICO. A Guide to the Excavations in Swat (Pakistan) 1956-1962. 77, (3)pp., 18 plates (2 folding). New buckram, 3/4 leather; orig. wraps. bound in. Roma (Department of Archaeology of Pakistan/ Istituto Italiano per Il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1964. 442 FAENZA. MUSEO INTERNAZIONALE DELLE CERAMICHE. Le ceramiche egee, nuragiche, fenicio-puniche e magnogreche. A cura di Giuseppe Sassatelli. Testi di Maria Giovanna Bertani, Carla Del Vais, Elisabetta Govi, Marinella Marchesi, Chiara Mattioli, Laura Pini, Licia Re, Giuseppe Sassatelli, Caterina Taglioni. (Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza: Catalogo Generale delle Raccolte. 9.) 250, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. Faenza (Publialfa), 1995. 443 FAIRSERVIS, WALTER A., JR. Archaeological Surveys in the Zhob and Loralai Districts, West Pakistan. (Anthropological Papers of The American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 47, Part 2.) (172)pp., 26 plates. 584 figs., 7 tables. 4to. Wraps. New York (The American Museum of Natural History), 1959. 444 FAIRSERVIS, WALTER A., JR. Archaeological Studies in the Seistan Basin of Southwestern Afghanistan and Eastern Iran. (Anthropological Papers of The American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 48, Part 1.) 128pp., 19 plates. 143 figs., 7 tables. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. New York (The American Museum of Natural History), 1961. 445 FAIRSERVIS, WALTER A., JR. Excavations in the Quetta Valley, West Pakistan. (Anthropological Papers of The American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 45, Part 2.) (234)pp., 26 plates. 71 illus., 15 tables. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. New York (The American Museum of Natural History), 1956. 446 FAIRSERVIS, WALTER A. The Harappan Civilization and Its Writing. A model for the decipherment of the Indus script. viii, (2), 239pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. New Delhi (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.), 1992. 447 FAKHRETDINOVA, D.A. Iuvelirnoe iskusstvo Uzbekistana. 204pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Literatury i Iskusstva imeni Gafura Guliama), 1988. 448 FARHANG-I MI‘MARI-I IRAN. / Traditions architecturales en Iran. Vols. 1 - 4 (all published). Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Tihran (Sazman-i Milli-i Hifazat-i Azar-i Bastani-i Iran), 1354-1355 [i.e. 1975-1976]. 449 FARISELLI, ANNA CHIARA. I mercenari di Cartagine. (Biblioteca della Rivista di Studi Punici. 1.) xx, 542, (2)pp., 13 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. La Spezia (Agorà Edizioni), 2002. 450 FATTOVICH, RODOLFO, ET AL. The Aksum Archaeological Area: A Preliminary Assessment. [By] Rodolfo Fattovich, Lorenzo Petrassi, Kathryn A. Bard, Vincenzo Pisano. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi e Ricerche su Africa e Paesi Arabi, Laboratorio di Archeologia: Working Paper 1.) 102, (2)pp., 25 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi per l’Archeologia), 2000. 451 FAVARETTO, IRENE & TRAVERSARI, GUSTAVO. Tesori di scultura greca a Venezia. Raccolte private del ‘500 al Museo Archeologico. 159, (7)pp. 63 illus. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by G. Traversari. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 29 Venezia (Cartotecnica Veneziana Editrice), [1993]. 452 FEDELE, FRANCESCO. Un’archeologia per la valle Orco: Preistoria alpina e altro. (Rapporti Orco. 1./ Contributo n. 11 del Progetto Orco-Alto Canavese.) xi, (1), 178pp. 34 illus. hors texte. Wraps. Torino (Piero Dematteis), 1981. 453 FEDOSEEVA, S.A. Ymyiakhtakhskaia kul’tura Severo-Vostochnoi Azii. Edited by V.E. Larichev. 222, (2)pp. 106 illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1980. 454 [FERSMAN, A.E. & BERG, L.S. (EDITORS).] Turkmeniia. / La Turkomanie. 3 vols. bound in 1. 167pp. 6 illus., 5 maps; 194pp. 20 illus., 3 maps; 150pp. 25 illus., 3 maps. 4to. Cloth. French-language summaries. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1929. 455 FESTSCHRIFT SYED MUZAFER ALI. Studies in Applied and Regional Geography: In Commemoration of Professor Syed Muzaffar Ali. Edited by Mohammad Shafi, Mehdi Raza. (2), vii, (1), 312pp. Frontis., 57 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Texts by 20 contributors. Aligarh (Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University), [1971]. 456 FESTSCHRIFT LOUIS VANDEN BERGHE. Archaeologia iranica et orientalis: Miscellanea in honorem Louis Vanden Berghe. Edenda curaverunt L. de Meyer et E. Haerinck. 2 vols. xlv, (1), 1054pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 67 contributors. Bibliography. Gent, 1989. 457 FESTSCHRIFT CHARLES BURNEY. A View from the Highlands: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Charles Burney. Edited by Antonio Sagona. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Supplement 12.) (16), 741pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Texts by 39 contributors. Herent (Peeters), 2004. 458 FESTSCHRIFT PETER CALMEYER. Variatio delectat: Iran und der Westen. Gedenkschrift für Peter Calmeyer. Herausgegeben von Deinhard Dittmann, Barthel Hrouda, Ulrike Löw, Paola Matthiae, Ruth Mayer-Opificius, Sabine Thürwächter. (Alter Orient und Altes Testament. 272.) xvii, (1), 768, (4)pp. 2 folding plates, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Münster (Ugarit-Verlag), 2000. 459 FESTSCHRIFT V. GORDON CHILDE. Craft Specialization and Social Evolution: In Memory of V. Gordon Childe. Bernard Wailes, editor. (The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania: Museum Monographs. 93./ University Museum Symposium Series. VI.) xii, 239, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editor. Philadelphia (The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania), 1996. 460 FESTSCHRIFT GEORGE F. DALES, JR. From Sumer to Meluhha: Contributions to the Archaeology of South and West Asia in Memory of George F. Dales, Jr. Edited by Jonathan Mark Kenoyer. (Wisconsin Archaeological Reports. 3.) xxxii, 346pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 32 contributors. Bibliography. Madison (Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin), 1994. 461 FESTSCHRIFT ENRICA FIANDRA. Studi in onore di Enrica Fiandra: Contributi di archeologia egea e vicinorientale. A cura di M. Perna. (Studi Egei e Vicinorientali. 1.) 409, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Texts by 30 contributors. Bibliography. Napoli/Paris (Institute for Aegean Prehistory, Istituto Banco di Napoli-Fondazione/ de Boccard), 2005. 462 FESTSCHRIFT G.F. KOROBKOVA. Peterburgskaia trasologicheskaia shkola i izuchenie drevnikh kul’tur Evrazii v chest’ iubileia G.F. Korobkovoi. 344pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Texts by 41 contributors. Bibliography. Sankt-Peterburg (Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk), 2003. 463 FESTSCHRIFT MARIJA GIMBUTAS. Proto-Indo-European: The Archaeology of a Linguistic Problem. Studies in honor of Marija Gimbutas. Edited by Susan Nacev Skomal and Edgar C. Polomé. 396, (4)pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Originally published 1987. Texts by 18 contributors. Bibliography. Washington, D.C. (Institute for the Study of Man), 1994. 464 FESTSCHRIFT RAM GOPHNA. In Quest of Ancient Settlements and Landscapes: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Ram Gophna. Edited by Edwin C.M. van den Brink and Eli Yannai. 288pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 32 contributors. Bibliography. Tel Aviv (Ramot Publishing/ Tel Aviv University), 2002. 465 FESTSCHRIFT HELENE J. KANTOR. Essays in Ancient Civilization Presented to Helene J. Kantor. Edited by Albert Leonard, Jr. and Bruce Beyer Williams. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. 47.) xxxix, (1), 387, (7)pp. 72 plates, 52 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 25 contributors. Bibliography. Chicago (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago), 1989. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 30 466 FESTSCHRIFT I.N. KHLOPIN. Fortifikatsiia v drevnosti i srednevekov’e: Materialy metodologicheskogo seminara IIMK pamiati Igoria Nikolaevicha Khlopina. / Ancient and Medieval Fortification.... 124pp. Illus. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury), 1995. 467 FESTSCHRIFT DICKRAN K. KOUYMJIAN. Between Paris and Fresno: Armenian Studies in Honor of Dickran Kouymjian. Edited by Barlow Der Mugrdechian. (Armenian Studies Series. 13.) lxii, 761pp. Illus. Stout 4to. Buckram. D.j. Texts by 48 contributors, including Peter Balakian, Michael E. Stone, Hilary Richardson, Christina Maranci, Marco Brambilla, Levon Chookaszian, Edda Vardanyan, Helmut Buschhausen, Roberta Ervine, Marielle Martininiani-Reber, Yolande Crowe, Boghos Levon Zekiyan, Robert W. Thomson, Claude Cox, James Clackson, Gabriella Uluhogian, Joseph M. Alexanian, Jos J.S. Weitenberg, Bert Vaux, Eric P. Hamp, Giusto Traina, Mikaël Nichanian, Gérard Dédéyan, Azat Bozoyan, Claude Mutafian, Sebouh Aslanian, George A. Bournoutian, Rouben Paul Adalian, Barbara J. Merguerian, Christopher Young, Henning Lehmann, Cahram Shemmassian, Rochard G. Hovannisian, Christopher J. Walker, Vartan Matiossian, Lorne Shirinian, S. Peter Cowe, Barlow Der Mugrdechian, David Stephen Calonne, Artsvi Bakchinyan, Harry Keyishian, Micah Jendian, H. Aram Veeser. Bibliography. Costa Mesa, California (Mazda Publishers), 2008. 468 FESTSCHRIFT C.C. LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY. Ingenious Man, Inquisitive Soul: Essays in Iranian and Central Asian Archaeology for C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday by a Selection of His Students, Colleagues and Friends. Edited by D.T. Potts. (Iranica Antiqua. 37.) viii, 436pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 20 contributors. Gent/Leuven (Iranica Antiqva/ Peeters), 2002. 469 FESTSCHRIFT LIONELLO LANCIOTTI. Orientalia venetiana, I: Volume in onore di Lionello Lanciotti. A cura di Mario Sabattini. vii, (1), 400, (2), xiv pp., 5 plates. Wraps. Texts by 14 contributors. Firenze (Leo S. Olschki), 1984. 470 FESTSCHRIFT LIONELLO LANCIOTTI. Studi in onore di Lionello Lanciotti. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Series minor. 51.) 3 vols. xliv, 1496pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 71 contributors. Bibliography. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1996. 471 FESTSCHRIFT BORIS I. MARSHAK. Eran ud Aneran: Studies Presented to Boris Il’ic Marsak on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. Edited by Matteo Compareti, Paola Raffetta, Gianroberto Scarcia. 718pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 46 contributors. Bibliography. Venezia (Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina), 2006. 472 FESTSCHRIFT VADIM MIKHAILOVICH MASSON. Problemy kul’turogeneza i kul’turnogo naslediia. Sbornik statei k 80letiiu Vadima Mikhailovicha Massona. 264pp. Figs. Wraps. Texts by 17 contributors. Sankt-Peterburg (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury), 2009. 473 FESTSCHRIFT PEDER MORTENSEN. From Handaxe to Khan: Essays Presented to Peder Mortensen on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. Edited by Kjeld von Folsach, Henrik Thrane & Ingolf Thuesen. 332pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 24 contributors. Århus (Aarhus University Press), 2004. 474 FESTSCHRIFT DAVID OATES. Of Pots and Plans: Papers on the Archaeology and History of Mesopotamia and Syria Presented to David Oates in Honour of His 75th Birthday. Edited by Lamia al-Gailani Werr, John Curtis, Harriet Martin, Augusta McMahon, Joan Oates and Julian Reade. xi, (1), 401pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Leatherette. D.j. Texts by 41 contributors. Bibliography. London (Nabu Publications), 2002. 475 FESTSCHRIFT JEAN PERROT. Contribution à l’histoire de l’Iran: Mélanges offerts à Jean Perrot. Textes réunis par François Vallat. xxi, (1), 320pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Texts by 35 contributors. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations), 1990. 476 FESTSCHRIFT RALPH PINDER-WILSON. Cairo to Kabul: Afghan and Islamic Studies Presented to Ralph PinderWilson. Edited by Warwick Ball and Leonard Harrow. 259pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 30 contributors. London (Melisende Books), 2002. 477 FESTSCHRIFT VIKTOR SARIANIDI. Na puti otkrytiia tsivilizatsii: Sbornik statei k 80-letiiu V.I. Sarianidi. / On the Track of Uncovering a Civilization: A volume in honor of the 80th-anniversary of Victor Sarianidi. (Trudy Margianskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. 3.) 695, (1)pp., 16 color plates. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Texts by 52 contributors. Sankt-Peterburg (Aleteiia), 2010. 478 FESTSCHRIFT A.P. SMIRNOV. Pamiatniki Evrazii skifo-sarmatskoi epokhi. Posviashchaetsia 90-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. Edited by V.A. Mogil’nikov. 116pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Texts by 15 contributors. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1995. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 31 479 FESTSCHRIFT WILLIAM M. SUMNER. Yeki bud, yeki nabud: Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honor of William M. Sumner. Edited by Naomi F. Miller and Kamyar Abdi. (The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles: Monography no. 48.) xi, (1), 340pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. Texts by 34 contributors. Los Angeles/Philadelphia (The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles/ The American Institute of Iranian Studies and The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2003. 480 FESTSCHRIFT S.P. TOLSTOV. Istoria, arkheologiia i etnografiia Srednei Azii. K 60-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia...S.P. Tolstova. 366, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Texts by 44 contributors. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1968. 481 FESTSCHRIFT GIUSEPPE TUCCI. Gururajamañjarika: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Tucci. 2 vols. xv, (1), 770pp., 188 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 43 contributors. Bibliography. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1974. 482 FESTSCHRIFT MORTIMER WHEELER. Frontiers of the Indus Civilization: Sir Mortimer Wheeler Commemoration Volume. Editors: B.B. Lal, S.P. Gupta, Shashi Asthana. xiii, (1), 545pp. 223 illus. hors texte. Numerous text figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Numbered edition. Janakpuri/New Delhi (Books & Books/ Indian Archaeological Society), 1984. 483 FESTSCHRIFT RODNEY S. YOUNG. From Athens to Gordion: The Papers of a Memorial Symposium for Rodney S. Young. Held at The University Museum the third of May, 1975. Edited by Keith DeVries. (University of Pennsylvania, The University Museum: University Museum Papers. 1.) xix, (1), 168, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Texts by 12 contributors. Bibliography. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1980. 484 FETTICH, NÁNDOR. Bronzeguss und Nomadenkunst auf Grund der ungarländischen Denkmäler. Mit einem Anhang von L. Bartucz über die anthropologischen Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen von Mosonszentjános, Ungarn. (Skythika. 2.) 96, (4)pp., 17 plates. 16 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. (front cover detached). Edition limited to 500 copies. Prague (Seminarium Kondakovianum), 1929. 485 FIELD, HENRY. An Anthropological Reconnaissance in West Pakistan, 1955. With appendixes on the archaeology and natural history of Baluchistan and Bahawalpur. (Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Vol. 52.) xii, 332, (12)pp. 144 illus. (mostly hors texte). 8 folding maps, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 118 tables. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Peabody Museum, Harvard University), 1959. 486 FIELD, HENRY. Arabian Desert Tales: Between the Two Great Wars. viii, 172, (2)pp. Figs. Wraps. D.j. Santa Fe, New Mexico/Coconut Grove, Florida (Synergetic Press/ Field Research Projects), 1976. 487 FIELD, HENRY. Contributions to the Anthropology of the Caucasus. (Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Vol. 48#1.) x, 154, (2)pp., 24 plates, 1 folding plan. 9 graphs. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Cambridge (Peabody Museum, Harvard University), 1953. 488 FIELD, HENRY. Contributions to the Anthropology of the Soviet Union. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 110#13./ Publication 3947.) vii, (1), 244pp., 5 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Signed by the author on the front cover. Washington, D.C. (Smithsonian Institution), 1948. 489 FIELD, HENRY. Trail Blazers: Chicago to Moscow. Edited by Jude Bagatti. x, 215pp. Wraps. Coconut Grove, Florida (Field Research Projects), 1980. 490 FIELD, HENRY & LAIRD, EDITH M. Bibliography on the Physical Anthropology of the Peoples of India. vi, 82pp. 4to. Wraps. Coconut Grove, Florida (Field Research Projects), 1968. 491 FIGEAC. MUSÉE CHAMPOLLION. Les savants en Égypte d’hier à demain. July-Sept. 1999. (1799-1999: Bicentenaire de la Découverte de la Pierre de Rosette.) 47, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Figeac, 1999. 492 [FILANOVICH, M.I. (EDITOR).] Arkheologicheskie raboty na novostroikakh Uzbekistana. 237, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Cloth. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” UzSSR), 1990. 493 [FILANOVICH, M.I. (EDITOR).] Kul’tura drevnebukharskogo oazisa III-VI vv. n. e. 124, (4)pp. 40 illus. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1983. 494 FIORI, CESARE & VANDINI, MARIANGELA (EDITORS). Ravenna musiva: Conservazione e restauro del mosaico antico e contemporaneo. Atti del primo convegno internazionale. Ravenna 22-24 ottobre 2009. 575pp. Prof. illus. CD-ROM in rear pocket. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Bologna (Ante Quem), 2010. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 32 495 FIROUZ, ESKANDAR. Environment Iran. 51, (1)pp., 2 maps. Prof. illus. Wraps. Tehran (The National Society for the Conservation of Natural Resources and Human Environment), 1974. 496 FISCHER, KLAUS, ET AL. Architektur des indischen Subkontinents. [By] Klaus Fischer, Michael Jansen, Jan Pieper. viii, 264pp. 275 illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Darmstadt (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), 1987. 497 FITZ, JENÖ. The Great Age of Pannonia (A.D. 193-284). 80pp. 105 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Budapest (Hereditas/ Corvina Kiadó), 1982. 498 FITZGERALD, C.P. China: A Short Cultural History. Edited by C.G. Seligman. xviii, (2), 615, (1)pp., 21 plates. 66 illus., 19 maps. Sm. 4to. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. London (The Cresset Press), 1935. 499 FONTANA, MARIA VITTORIA & VENTRONE VASSALLO, GIOVANNA (EDITORS). La ceramica medievale di San Lorenzo Maggiore in Napoli. Atti del Convegno La Ceramica medievale di San Lorenzo Maggiore in Napoli nel quadro della produzione dell’Italia centro-meridionale e i suoi rapporti con la ceramica islamica, Napoli, Basilica di San Lorenzo Maggiore, 25-27 giugno 1980. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Series minor. 21.) 2 vols. 548pp., 263 plates. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1984. 500 FORBES, THOMAS B. Urartian Architecture. (BAR International Series. 170.) viii, (2), 157pp. 76 illus. Lrg. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Oxford (B.A.R.), 1983. 501 FOREST, JEAN-DANIEL. Les premiers temples de Mésopotamie (4e et 3e millénaires). (BAR International Series. 765.) (4), 139pp. 43 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Oxford (B.A.R.), 1999. 502 LA FORMAZIONE DELLA CITTÀ PREROMANA IN EMILIA ROMAGNA. Atti del Convegno di studi, Bologna-Marzabotto 78 dicembre 1985. (Convegni e Colloqui. Nuova Serie. 8.) 299, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Bologna (Università di Bologna, Centro Studi sulla città antica/ Istituto per la Storia di Bologna), 1988. 503 FORMOZOV, A.A. Peshchernaia stoianka starosel’e i ee mesto v paleolite. Edited by O.N. Bader. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 71.) 123, (3)pp. 60 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1958. 504 FRANCE. MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES ÉTRANGÈRES. Archéologies: Vingt ans de recherches françaises dans le monde. 734pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Paris (Maisonneuve et Larose/ ADPF.ERC), 2005. 505 FRANCFORT, HENRI PAUL. Les fortifications en Asie Centrale de l’âge de bronze à l’époque kouchane. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques: Travaux de l’Unité de Recherches Archéologiques. 10.) 95pp. 18 figs. (partly folding) hors texte. Tall 4to. Wraps. Paris (Unité de Recherches Archéologiques), 1979. 506 FRANCFORT, HENRI-PAUL. Fouilles de Shortughaï: Recherches sur l’Asie Central protohistorique. Avec des contributions de Ch. Boisset, L. Buchet, J. Desse, J. Echallier, A. Kermorvant, G. Willcox. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale. 2.) 2 vols. 517pp. Frontis. in color; 42 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Paris (De Boccard), 1989. 507 FRANCFORT, HENRI-PAUL (EDITOR). Prospections archéologiques au nord-ouest de l’Inde: Rapport préliminaire 1983-1984. (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations. “Mémoire” no. 62./ Travaux de la Mission Archéologique Française en Inde. 1.) 111, (1)pp. 31 plates, 34 figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations), 1985. 508 FRANCHINO, GIAN LUCA. Alla ricerca della tomba di Amenhotep I. (Seshat. Collana Scientifica di Egittologia.) 158pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Torino (Ananke), [2007]. 509 FRANK, BERNARD. Le panthéon bouddhique au Japon. Collections d’Émile Guimet. 335pp. 222 illus., 50 figs. Lrg. 4to. Stiff wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet, Paris. Paris (Réunion des Musées Nationaux), 1991. 510 FRANKFORT, HENRI. Iraq Excavations of The Oriental Institute 1932/33: Third Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. 17.) ix, (1), 92pp. 83 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1934. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 33 511 FRANKFORT, HENRI. Oriental Institute Discoveries in Iraq, 1933/34: Fourth Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. With a chapter by Thorkild Jacobsen. (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. 19.) xi, (1), 103pp., 1 lrg. folding plan. 107 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1935. 512 FRANKFORT, HENRI. Progress of the Work of the Oriental Institute in Iraq 1934/35: Fifth Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. 20.) xi, (1), 108pp., 8 plates, 1 folding table. 85 text illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1936. 513 FRANKFORT, H. Stratified Cylinder Seals from the Diyala Region. (The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications. 72.) xi, (1), 78, (2)pp., 96 plates with extensive facing commentary (partly folding), 2 charts. Sm. folio. Cloth. Second printing. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1964. 514 FRANKFORT, HENRI. Tell Asmar, Khafaje and Khorsabad: Second Preliminary Report of the Iraq Expedition. (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. 16.) ix, (1), 102pp. Frontis., 66 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1933. 515 FRANKFORT, HENRI, ET AL. Tell Asmar and Khafaje: The First Season’s Work in Eshunna, 1930/31. By Henri Frankfort, Thorkild Jacobsen and Conrad Preusser. (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. 13.) viii, (2), 112pp. 54 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1932. 516 FRANKLIN, ALAN D., ET AL. (EDITORS). The Search for Ancient Tin. Editors: Alan D. Franklin, Jacqueline S. Olin, Theodore A. Wertime. 63pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. “A seminar organized by Theodore A. Wertime and held at the Smithsonian Institution and the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., March 14-15, 1977.” Washington, D.C. (U.S. Government Printing Office), [1978]. 517 FREEMAN, MICHAEL & WARNER, ROGER. Angkor: The Hidden Glories. 253pp. Most prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Boston (Houghton Mifflin Company), 1990. 518 FRICK, FRANK S. Tell Taannek 1963-1968. IV/2: The Iron Age Cultic Structure. (Publications of the Palestinian Institute of Archaeology: Excavations and Surveys. IV: Miscellaneous. 2.) viii, 352pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Birzeit (Palestinian Institute of Archaeology, Birzeit University), 2000. 519 FRYE, RICHARD N. Greater Iran: A 20th-Century Odyssey. xiv, 368pp. 57 illus., 1 map. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Costa Mesa, California (Mazda Publishers), 2005. 520 FRYE, RICHARD N. The Heritage of Central Asia: From Antiquity to the Turkish Expansion. (Princeton Series on the Middle East.) (2), 264pp. 21 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Princeton (Markus Wiener Publishers), 1998. 521 FUGMANN, E. Hama: Fouilles et recherches, 1931-1938. II, 1: L’architecture des périodes pré-hellénistiques. (Nationalmuseets Skrifter. Større beretninger. IV.) xi, (5), 282, (7)pp., 10 plates. 350 illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. København (Nationalmuseet/ Fondation Carlsberg), 1958. 522 FUSSMAN, GÉRARD. Surkh Kotal. Tempel der Kuschan-Zeit in Baktrien. (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 19.) 82pp. 24 illus., 5 plans. Sm. 4to. Wraps. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1983. 523 [GABIASHEV, R.S., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Arkheologicheskaia karta Tatarskoi ASSR: Predkam’e. 209, (1)pp. , 2 folding maps. 19 plates. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1981. 524 GABRIEL, ALFONS. Die Erforschung Persiens. Die Entwicklung der abendländischen Kenntnis der Geographie Persiens. viii, 359pp. 7 maps (partly folding), 30 illus. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Wien (Verlag Adolf Holzhausens Nfg.), 1952. 525 GADD, C.J. The Cities of Babylonia. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. I, Chapter XIII.) 60pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1962. 526 GADD, C.J. Hammurabi and the End of His Dynasty. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapter V.) 62pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1965. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 34 527 GADD, C.J. The Stones of Assyria. The surviving remains of Assyrian sculpture, their recovery and their original positions. xvii, (1), 252, 14pp., 48 plates, 2 folding plans. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (Chatto and Windus), 1936. 528 GADZHIEV, A.G. Antropologiia malykh populiatsii Dagestana. 366, (4)pp. Illus. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Makhachkala (Dagestanskii Filial Akademii Nauk SSSR, Institut Istorii, Iazyka i Literatury im. G. Tsadasy), 1971. 529 GADZIATSKAIA, O.S. Pamiatniki fat’ianovskoi kul’tury: Ivanovsko-gor’kovskaia gruppa. (Arkheologiia SSSR. Svod Arkheologicheskikh Istochnikov. V1-21.) 133, (3)pp. 35 plates, 21 tables. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1976. 530 GAFUROV, B.G. Tadzhiki: Drevneishaia, drevniaia i srednevekovaia istoriia. Second edition. 2 vols. 383pp.; 480pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Dushanbe (“IFRON”), 1989. 531 GAFUROV, B.G. & LITVINSKII, B.A. (EDITORS). Drevnost’ i srednevekov’e narodov Srednei Azii: Istoriia i kul’tura. 120, (8)pp., 51 plates. 4to. Buckram. English-language summaries. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1978. 532 GAFUROV, B.G. & LITVINSKII, B.A. (EDITORS). Sredniaia Aziia v drevnosti i srednevekov’e: Istoriia i kul’tura. 190, (4)pp., 44 plates. 4to. Cloth. English-language summaries. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1977. 533 GAIDUKEVICH, V.F. (EDITOR). Nekropoli Bosporskikh gorodov. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 69.) 321, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 534 GAIDUKEVICH, V.F. & MAKSIMOV, M.I. (EDITORS). Bosporskie goroda. I: Itogi arkheologicheskikh issledovanii Tiritaki i Mirmekiia v 1935-1940 gg. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 25.) 421, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1952. 535 GALANINA, LIUDMILA KONSTANTINOVNA & GRACH, NONNA LEONIDOVNA (EDITORS). Skythische Kunst: Altertümer der skythischen Welt. Mitte des 7. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert v.u.Z. Introduction by Boris Piotrovskii. 182, (2)pp. 288 color illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Leningrad (“Avrora”), 1986. 536 GALDIERI, EUGENIO. A Few Conservation Problems Concerning Several Islamic Monuments in Ghazi (Afghanistan). Technical report and notes on a plan of action. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Centro Restauri.) 77pp. 23 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (IsMEO), 1978. 537 GALLOTTA, ALDO. Il turco ‘Osmanli del XVI sec. secondo il “Gazavat-i Hayreddin Pasa.” (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 39 agli Annali - vol. 44 [1984], fasc. 2.) 84pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1984. 538 GARAM, ÉVA. Das awarenzeitliche Gräberfeld von Kisköre. (Fontes Archaeologici Hungariae.) 106, (2)pp., 42 plates. 25 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Budapest (Akadémiai Kiadó), 1979. 539 GARBINI, GIOVANNI. Storia e problemi dell’epigrafia semitica. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 19 agli Annali - vol. 39 [1979], fasc. 2.) (2), 100, (2)pp., 2 plates. 16 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1979. 540 GARDIN, J.-C. Céramiques de Bactres. (Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan. 15.) 129, (5)pp., 24 plates (1 folding). 38 figs. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. From the libraries of Lauriston Ward and Robert H. Dyson, Jr. Paris (Librairie C. Klincksieck), 1957. 541 GARDIN, J.-C. (EDITOR). Prospections archéologiques en Bactriane orientale (1974-1978). Volume 1: Données paléogéographiques en fondements de l’irrigation. Par Pierre Gentelle avec des contributions de Carmine Marinucci, Fabienne O. Vallino et Jean Trichet. Cartographie de Madeleine Sintes-Aioutz. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale. III.) 217pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Paris (De Boccard), 1989. 542 GARROD, DOROTHY A.E. & CLARK, J.G.D. Primitive Man in Egypt, Western Asia and Europe. In Palaeolithic Times, by Dorothy A.E. Garrod. In Mesolithic Times, by J.G.D. Clark. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Volume I, Chapter III.) 61pp. Wraps. Cambridge (University Press), 1965. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 35 543 GARSTANG, JOHN. The Hittite Empire. Being a survey of the history, geography and monuments of Hittite Asia Minor and Syria. xvii, (1), 364pp., 53 plates. 45 figs., 3 plans. 12 maps (partly hors texte). Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. London (Constable and Company), 1930. 544 GAUR, R.C. Excavations at Atranjikhera: Early Civilization of the Upper Ganga Basin. (Centre of Advanced Study, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University.) xxiii, (1), 518, (2)pp., 149 plates. 132 figs. (partly folding and hors texte). Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Motilal Banarsidass), 1983. 545 GAZZOLA, P. & PERRIN, J.B. Afghanistan: Protection et mise en valeur de la vallée de Bamiyan. 4-19 juillet 1970. 32, (2)pp., 4 maps. 14 illus. hors texte. 4to. Stapled wraps. Mimeograph. Paris (UNESCO), 1971. 546 GEIGER, BERNHARD, ET AL. Peoples and Languages of the Caucasus: A Synopsis. By Bernard Geiger, Aert H. Kuipers, Tibor Halasi-Kun, Karl H. Menges. (Janua Linguarum. Studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata. 6.) 77pp., 1 folding map. Wraps. ‘s-Gravenhage (Mouton & Co.), 1959. 547 GENITO, BRUNO (EDITOR). Pastori erranti dell’Asia: Popoli, archeologia e storia nelle steppe dei Kirghisi. 140pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at Museo Nazionale Archeologico, Napoli, MayAug. 2002. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Napoli (Electa Napoli), 2002. 548 GENITO, B. & MÁDARAS, L. Archaeological Remains of a Steppe People in the Hungarian Great Plain (The Avarian Cemetery at Öcsöd Büdös Halom MRT 59-Central Hungary). Materials and Problems. (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale,” Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Series Maior. 10.) xiii, (3), 171, (3)pp., 324 plates, 1 double-page map. 98 illus. hors texte. Folio. Wraps. D.j. Napoli (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale,” Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 2005. 549 GENT. CENTRUM VOOR KUNSTAMBACHTEN, ANCIENNE ABBAYE SAINT-PIERRE & BRUXELLES. MUSÉES ROYAUX D’ART ET D’HISTOIRE. Art iranien ancien: Préhistoire, protohistoire. May-June/ July-Aug. 1966. 149, (5)pp., 38 plates, 1 folding map. Wraps. (shaken). Gent/Bruxelles, 1966. 550 GEORGIEVSKAIA, G.M. Kitoiskaia kul’tura Pribaikal’ia. Edited by A.K. Konopatskii. 151pp. 70 illus. Wraps. (back-cover damaged). Edition limited to 950 copies. Novosibirsk (“Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1989. 551 GHIRSHMAN, ROMAN. The Arts of Ancient Iran. From its origins to the time of Alexander the Great. (The Arts of Mankind. Vol. 5.) xxi, (3), 439, (3)pp., 1 folding map. 585 illus. (partly in color). Lrg. 4to. Cloth. New York (Golden Press), 1964. Arntzen/Rainwater I4 & I78 552 GHIRSHMAN, R. Fouilles de Sialk, près de Kashan 1933, 1934, 1937. (Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités Orientales: Série archéologique. 4-5.) 2 vols. viii, 152pp., 97 plates (1 color; partly folding). 11 figs.; 257, (3)pp., 102 plates (1 color). 22 figs. Folio. Orig. boards, 1/4 cloth. Paris (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner), 1938-1939. 553 GHIRSHMAN, ROMAN. Persian Art: The Parthian and Sassanian Dynasties, 249 B.C.-A.D. 651. (The Arts of Mankind. 3.) (10), 401, (3)pp., 1 folding map. 449 illus. (partly in color). Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Golden Press), 1962. Arntzen/Rainwater I4 & I78a 554 GHIRSHMAN, ROMAN. Tchoga Zanbil (Dur-Untash). Vol. I: La ziggurat. Avec la collaboration de T. Ghirshman et de M. Haeny, Jacquet, Vicari, Siebold, Sixtus, Weatherhead, Auberson et Gasche. (Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique en Iran. 39./ Mission de Susiane.) (2), 134, (2)pp., 100 plates. 3 lrg. folding plans, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Frontis., 67 text figs. Folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Paris (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner), 1966. 555 GHOSH, A. The City in Early Historical India. (4), 90pp. Cloth. D.j. Simla (Indian Istitute of Advanced Study), 1973. 556 GHOSH, A., ET AL. Human Skeletal Remains from Harappa. Foreword: Nirmal Kumar Bose. The Archaeological Background, [by] A. Ghosh. Demographic Notes on Harappa Skeletons, [by] J.M. Datta. Human Remains from Harappa, [by] P. Gupta, P.C. Dutta, A. Basu. (Anthropological Survey of India. Memoir 9.) vii, (1), 188, (2)pp., 72 plates, xc pp. 111 figs. Folio. New buckram,. Calcutta (Anthropological Survey of India, Government of India), 1962. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 36 557 GIARDINO, CLAUDIO. I metalli nel mondo antico. Introduzione all’archeometallurgia. Nuova edizione ampliata. xii, 338pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Roma/Bari (Editori Laterza), 2010. 558 GIMBUTAS, MARIJA. Bronze Age Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe. 681, (3)pp., 115 plates. 462 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. The Hague (Mouton & Co.), 1965. 559 GINZBURG, V.V. & TROFIMOVA, T.A. Paleoantropologiia Srednzei Azii. 370, (2)pp. 61 illus. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1972. 560 GIORGETTI, DARIO (EDITOR). Le fornaci romane di Alcamo: Rassegna ricerche e scavi 2003/2005. Prefazione di Antonio Carile. Testi di Claudio Capelli, Cesare Fiori, Joseph Franzò, Dario Giorgetti, Z. Xavier González Muro, Giacomo A. Orofino, Michele Piazza. (Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche. 182.) 208, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editor. Roma (Aracne), 2006. 561 GIORNATA DI STUDI NUBIANI (1ST : 1998 : ROMA). Atti della prima giornata di studi nubiani, Roma, 24 aprile 1998. A cura di Luisa Bongrani e Serena Giuliani. (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente: Studi e Ricerche. 15.) 126pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente), 2001. 562 GIUDICE, FILIPPO, ET AL. La collezione archeologica del Banco di Sicilia. [A cura di] Filippo Giudice, Sebastiano Tusa, Vicenzo Tusa. (44)pp. 19 double-page color plates. Figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Edition limited to 1000 numbered copies. Palermo (Edizioni Guida), 1992. 563 [GLINKA, G.V. (EDITOR).] Aziatskaia Rossiia. III: Prilozheniia. clv pp. Lrg. 4to. Orig. dec. cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. S. Peterburg (Izdanie Pereselencheskago Upravleniia, Glavnago Upravleniia Zemleustroistva i Zemledieliia), 1914. 564 GLUBOK, SHIRLEY (EDITOR). Digging in Assyria. Abridged and adapted from “Nineveh and Its Remains,” by Austen Henry Layard. 124, (4)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editor. London (Macmillan), 1970. 565 GNOLI, GHERARDO. Iranian Studies. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: Serie Orientale Roma. 52./ Orientalia Romana: Essays and Lectures. 5.) (4), 145pp. 21 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1983. 566 GNOLI, GHERARDO. Le iscrizioni giudeo-persiane del Gur (Afghanistan). (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: Serie Orientale Roma. 30.) ix, (1), 70, (4)pp., 8 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1964. 567 GNOLI, GHERARDO. Zoroaster’s Time and Homeland: A Study on the Origins of Mazdeism and Related Problems. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Series minor. 7.) xxiii, (1), 279, (1)pp., 1 folding map. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1980. 568 GNOLI, GHERARDO (EDITOR). Atti del convegno sul tema: Mircea Eliade e le religioni asiatiche. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: Serie Orientale Roma. 64.) x, 172pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1989. 569 GNOLI, GHERARDO (EDITOR). Il manicheismo. (Scrittori Greci e Latini.) Vols. I - II, as follows: I: Mani e il manicheismo. Con la collaborazione di Luigi Cirillo, Serena Demaria, Enrico Morano, Antonello Palumbo, Sergio Pernigotti, Elio Provasi, Alberto Ventura, Peter Zieme e con l’assistenza di Andrea Piras. Second edition. lxxxix, (3), 414, (10)pp 1 double-page map. II: Il mito e la doctrina. I testi manichei copti e la polemica antimanichea. Con la collaborazione di Carlo G. Cereti, Riccardo Contini, Serena Demaria, Sergio Pernigotti, Andreas Piras, Alberto Ventura e con l’assistenza di Andrea Piras. lxii, 350, (10)pp. Cloth. D.j. Milano (Fondazione Lorenzo Valla/ Arnoldo Mondadori Editore), 2003-2006. 570 GNOLI, GHERARDO & ROSSI, ADRIANO V. (EDITORS). Iranica. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Seminario di Studi Asiatici: Series minor. 10.) (8), 452, (4)pp., 42 plates (partly folding). Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1979. 571 GODARD, ANDRÉ. Bronzes du Luristan. Avec un avant-propos de René Dussaud. (Ars Asiatica. 17.) 112, (2)pp., 68 plates with 246 collotype illus. 42 figs. Folio. Buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (Les Éditions G. van Oest), 1931. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 37 572 GÖTZE, ALBRECHT. Das Hethiter-Reich: Seine Stellung zwischen Ost und West. Zweite Auflage. (Der Alte Orient. Vol. 27#2.) 45, (1)pp. Wraps. Leipzig (J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung), 1929. 573 GOLDSMID, JOHN (EDITOR). Eastern Persia: An Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission 1870-71-72. 2 vols. I: The Geography. With narratives by majors St. John, Lovett, and Euan Smith and an introduction by major-general Sir Frederic John Goldsmid. lviii, 443pp., 2 lithographic plates (1 tinted), 3 folding maps. II: The Zoology and Geology. By W.T. Blanford. viii, 516pp., 28 lithographic plates (18 colored), 1 folding chart. Figs. Lrg. 8vo. Orig. green cloth. Ex-library copy, with stamps on plates. London (Macmillan and Co.), 1876. Wilson p. 82 574 GOLDSTEIN, MELVYN C. & BEALL, CYNTHIA M. Nomads of Western Tibet. The survival of a way of life. 191, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (Serindia Publications), n.d. 575 GORDON, CYRUS H. The Pennsylvania Tradition of Semitics. A century of Near Eastern and Biblical studies at the University of Pennsylvania. (Society of Biblical Literature: Biblical Scholarship in North America.) (2), 79pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Atlanta (Scholars Press), 1986. 576 GORDON, D.H. Pre-Historic Background of Indian Culture. Second edition. (8), 199, (1)pp., 32 plates. 25 figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Bombay (N.M. Tripathi), 1960. 577 GORIUNOVA, E.I. Etnicheskaia istoriia Volgo-Okskogo mezhdurech’ia. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 94.) 264, (4)pp. 106 illus. (partly hors texte). Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademiia Nauk SSSR), 1961. 578 GOROKHOVA, G.S. Mongol’skie istochniki o Daian-khane. 133, (3)pp. Wraps. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1986. 579 GÖTZELT, THOMAS. Ansichten der Archäologie Süd-Turkmenistans bei der Erforschung der ‘mittleren Bronzezeit’ (‘Periode’ ‘Namazga V’). (Archäologie in Eurasien. 2.) x, 317, (1)pp., 126 plates. Sm. folio. Cloth. Espelkamp (M. Leidorf), 1996. 580 GRABAR, OLEG, ET AL. City in the Desert: Qasr al-Hayr East. An account of the excavations carried out at Qasr al-Hayr East on behalf of The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at the University of Michigan, with the help of Harvard University and The Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago. [By] Oleg Grabar, Renata Holod, James Knustad, William Trousdale. With contributions by Ulkü Bates, Hayat Salam, and others. (Harvard Middle Eastern Monograph Series. 23-24.) 2 vols. ix, (5), 215, (1)pp.; vii, (1), 296pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University), 1978. 581 GRAKOV, B.N. Kamenskoe gorodishche na Dnepre. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 36.) 237, (3)pp. 25 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1954. 582 GRANET, MARCEL. Festivals and Songs of Ancient China. (The Broadway Oriental Library.) ix, (1), 281pp. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. New York (E.P. Dutton & Company), 1932. 583 GRANT, ERIC (EDITOR). Central Places, Archaeology and History. 122pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Sheffield (University of Sheffield, Department of Archaeology and Prehistory), 1986. 584 GRAY, BASIL. Early Chinese Pottery and Porcelain. (The Faber Monographs on Pottery and Porcelain.) 48pp., 100 plates (3 color). Sm. 4to. Cloth. London (Faber and Faber), 1953. Arntzen/Rainwater P364; Ehresmann 296 585 GRENET, FRANTZ (EDITOR). Cultes et monuments religieux dans l’Asie Centrale préislamique. 97, (7)pp. 58 plates. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1987. 586 GRYAZNOV, MIKHAIL P. The Ancient Civilization of Southern Siberia. (Ancient Civilizations.) 250pp. 170 illus. (78 color). Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. New York (Cowles), 1969. 587 GRIAZNOV, M.P. Drevnee iskusstvo Altaia. / L’art ancien de l’Altaï. 94, (2)pp. 64 plates. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Russian and French. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Leningrad (Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh), 1958. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 38 588 GRIAZNOV, M.P. Istoriia drevnikh plemen verkhnei Obi po raskopkam bliz s. bol’shaia rechka. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 48.) 160, (6)pp., 64 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1956. 589 GRISHIN, IU. S. Pamiatniki neolita, bronzovogo i ranngeo zheleznogo vekov lesostepnogo Zabaikal’ia. 201, (3)pp. 69 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1981. 590 GRÖTZBACH, ERWIN (EDITOR). Neue Beiträge zur Afghanistanforschung. Vorträge auf der 7. Arbeitstagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Afghanistan in Eichstätt, 13./14. November 1987. Mit Beiträgen von Daniel Balland, Rolf Bindemann, Siegmar-W. Breckle, Richard Breuer, Paul Bucherer-Dietschi, Micheline Centlivres-Demont, Pierre Centlivres, Erhard Franz, Karl Viktor Freigang, Marek Gawecki, Erwin Grötzbach, Herbert Huss, Robert Kostka, Gerhard Moltmann, Ali Ohadi, Asta Olesen, Carl Rathjens, Dietrich Wiebe. (Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica. 6.) 239pp. 1 folding map, loosely inserted, as issued. Figs. Wraps. Liestal (Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica), 1986. 591 GROPP, GERD. Archäologische Funde aus Khotan, Chinesisch-Ostturkestan. Die Trinkler-Sammlung im ÜberseeMuseum, Bremen. (Monographien der Wittheit zu Bremen. 11./ Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Asien Expedition 1927/28. 3.) 409pp. 232 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Minor waterstaining. Bremen (Verlag Friedrich Röver), 1974. 592 GUBAEV, A. Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki rabovladel’cheskogo obshchestva Iuzhnogo Turkmenistana: Uchebnoe posobie. Edited by M. Khodzhaniiazov. 120pp. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Ministerstvo Vysshego i Srednego Spetsial’nogo Obrazovaniia Turkmenskoi SSR), 1984. 593 GUBAEV, A. Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki sasanidskogo vremeni Iuzhnogo Turkmenistana (III-VII vv.): Uchebnoe posobie. Edited by T. Khodzhaniiazov. 123pp. New cloth; orig. wraps. mounted. Edition limited to 500 copies. Ashkhabad (Ministerstvo Vysshego i Srednego Spetsial’nogo Obrazovaniia Turkmenskoi SSR), 1987. 594 GUBAEV, A. Arkheologiia Turkmenistana. Edited by G.A. Koshelenko. 303, (1)pp. 30 illus. Boards, 1/4 buckram (front inner hinge cracked). Ashkhabad (“Magaryf”), 1989. 595 GUDKOVA, A.V. Tok-kala. / Tuqqal”a. 152, (6)pp., 17 plates. 40 illus. (partly folding and hors texte). Lrg. 8vo. Buckram. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1964. 596 GUIDI, ALESSANDRO. Subiaco. La collezione Ceselli nel Monastero di Santa Scolastica: Materiali delle età del bronzo e del ferro. (Cataloghi dei Musei Locali e delle Collezioni del Lazio. 1.) 40pp., 15 plates. 4to. Wraps. N.p. (Comitato per l’Archeologia Laziale), [1980]. 597 GUIDI, FEDERICA (EDITOR). Adriatico di molte genti: Novità archeologiche tra Veneto, Marche, Abruzzo e Puglia. Ciclo di conferenze Ravenna, Casa Traversari, maggio 2008. (Centro Studi per l’Archeologia dell’Adriatico: Quaderni. 2.) 109pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Bologna (Ante Quem), 2009. 598 GUILAINE, JEAN (EDITOR). Communautés villageoises du Proche-Orient à l’Atlantique (8000-2000 avant notre ère). Séminaire du Collège de France. (Collection des Hespérides.) 279, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Éditions Errance), 2001. 599 GURINA, N.N. Drevniaia istoriia severo-zapada evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 87.) 584, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. German-language summary. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 600 GURINA, N.N. Drevnie kremnedobyvaiushchie shakhty na territorii SSSR. 176, (2)pp. 63 illus. 4to. Buckram. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1976. 601 GURINA, N.N. Iz istorii drevnikh plemen zapadnykh oblastei SSSR. (Po materialam Narvskoi Ekspeditsii). (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 144.) 205, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1967. 602 GURINA, N.N. (EDITOR). U istokov drevnikh kul’tur (epokha mezolita). (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 126.) 238, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1966. 603 GUSEV, O.K. Sviashchennyi Baikal: Zapovednye zemli Baikala. / Lake Baikal: Baikal Nature Reserve Areas. 183pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards (foot of spine chipped). Moskva (Agropromizdat), 1986. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 39 604 GUSLITSER, B.I. & KANIVETS, V.I. Peshchery Pechorskogo Urala. 132, (2)pp. 36 illus. Wraps. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1965. 605 [GVOZDEV, E.V. (EDITOR).] Zhivotnye Kazakhstana v fotografiiakh. 208pp. 239 illus. Tall 4to. Cloth. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1987. 606 HAAS, VOLKERT, ET AL. Das Hurritologische Archiv (Corpus der hurri(ti)schen Sprachdenkmäler des Altorientalischen Seminars der Freien Universität Berlin. Von Volkert Haas, Hans-Jochen Thiel et al. 268pp. 30 figs. Wraps, 1/4 cloth. Berlin (Altorientalisches Seminar), [1975]. 607 HALL, H.R. & WOOLLEY, C. LEONARD. Ur Excavations. Volume I: al-‘Ubaid. A report on the work carried out at al‘Ubaid for the British Museum in 1919 and for the Joint Expedition in 1922-3. With chapters by C.J. Gadd and Arthur Keith. (Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia.) xii, 244pp., 68 plates (partly folding). 80 figs. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Oxford (Oxford University Press), 1927. 608 HALLADE, MADELEINE. Arts de l’Asie ancienne. Thèmes et Motifs. I: L’Inde. (Publications du Musée Guimet.) 99, (3)pp. 19 plates. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Presses Universitaires de France), 1954. 609 HAMBURG. MUSEUM FÜR KUNST UND GEWERBE. Massada. Jan.-Feb. 1971. 44pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps. Hamburg, 1971. 610 HAMILTON, ANGUS. Afghanistan. xxi, (1), 562pp., 1 folding map. Prof. illus. Lrg. stout 8vo. Orig. dec. red cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. London (William Heinemann), 1906. 611 HANDCOCK, PERCY S.P. Mesopotamian Archæology. An introduction to the archæology of Babylonia and Assyria. xvi, 423pp., 33 plates (1 color), 2 folding maps. 115 text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. London (Macmillan and Co.), 1912. 612 HANNESTAD, LISE. Ikaros: The Hellenistic Settlements. Volume 2: The Hellenistic Pottery from Failaka. With a survey of Hellenistic pottery in the Near East. (Danish Archaeological Investigations on Failaka, Kuwait./ Jutland Archaeological Society Publications. XVI: 2.) 2 vols. 138pp. 9 illus.; 128pp. 78 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Aarhus (Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab), 1983. 613 HANSEN, E. Afghanistan: Conservation et restauration des monuments historiques. 3 septembre-12 novembre 1970. 26, (4)pp. 20 illus. hors texte. 4to. Stapled wraps. Mimeograph. Paris (UNESCO), 1971. 614 HARDEN, DONALD. The Phoenicians. Second edition. (Ancient Peoples and Places. 23.) 336pp. 50 plates with 115 illus., 69 figs., 3 maps, 1 table. Cloth. D.j. New York (Frederick A. Praeger), 1962. Arntzen/Rainwater I79 615 HARGREAVES, H. Excavations in Baluchistan 1925, Sampur Mound, Mastung and Sohr Damb, Nal. With an appendix by R.B. Seymour Sewell and B.S. Guha. (Memoirs of the Archæological Survey of India. 35.) (2), iv, 89, (1), viii pp., 24 plates. Folio. Orig. wraps. (disbound). Calcutta (Government of India, Central Publication Branch), 1929. 616 HARP, ELMER, JR. (EDITOR). Photography in Archaeological Research. (School of American Research: Advanced Seminar Series./ A School of American Research Book.) xxiii, (1), 380pp. 112 illus., 22 tables. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Albuquerque (University of New Mexico Press), 1975. 617 HARPER, PRUDENCE OLIVER, ET AL. The Royal City of Susa. Ancient Near Eastern treasures in the Louvre. xix, 316pp. 280 illus. (76 color). Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nov. 1992-March 1993. New York (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), 1992. Marmor/Ross I86 618 HARRER, HEINRICH. Ladakh: Gods and Mortals Behind the Himalayas. 171pp. 154 illus., 1 map. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Himalayan Books), 1988. 619 HAYES, WILLIAM C., ET AL. Chronology. Egypt-to End of Twentieth Dynasty, by William C. Hayes. Ancient Western Asia, by M.B. Rowton. The Aegean Bronze Age, by Frank H. Stubbings. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Volume I, Chapter VI.) 85pp. Wraps. Cambridge (University Press), 1962. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 40 620 HEDIN, SVEN. My Life as an Explorer. 544pp. Prof. illus. Sm. stout 4to. Orig. cloth (slightly shaken; tear along one edge of spine. Garden City, New York (Garden City Publishing Co.), 1925. 621 HEISSIG, WALTHER & MÜLLER, CLAUDIUS C. (EDITORS). Die Mongolen. 279, (5), 225, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, München, March-May 1989. Innsbruck/Frankfurt (Pinguin-Verlag/ Umschau-Verlag), 1989. 622 HERMAN, C. FRANK. Bronze-Age Complexes in Gujarat Before the Harappan Urbanization Expansion: A Working Hypothesis. Master’s thesis...University of Pennsylvania. viii, 194, (21)ff., 1 map. Lrg. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Philadelphia, 1991. 623 HERRMANN, ALBERT. An Historical Atlas of China. New edition. General editor: Norton Ginsburg. Prefatory essay by Paul Wheatley. xxxii, 88pp. 64 color maps. 4to. Cloth. Chicago (Aldine Publishing Company), 1966. 624 HIEBERT, FREDRIK T. Origins of the Bronze Age Oasis Civilization in Central Asia. Foreword by C.C. LambergKarlovsky and preface by V.I. Sarianidi. (American School of Prehistoric Research. Bulletin 42.) xxxvi, (2), 200pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University), 1994. 625 HIEBERT, FREDRIK T. & DI COSMO, NICOLA (EDITORS). Between Lapis and Jade: Ancient Cultures of Central Asia. (Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia. Vol. 34#4.) 104pp. Illus. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by F.T. Hiebert. Armonk, New York (M.E. Sharpe), 1996. 626 HIEBERT, FREDRIK T. & KURBANSAKHATOV, KAKAMURAD. A Central Asian Village at the Dawn of Civilization, Excavations at Anauk, Turkmenistan. Foreword by Robert H. Dyson, Jr. and contributions from Hubert Schmidt, Katherine M. Moore, Ogul’sona Lollekova, Langdon Warner, Naomi F. Miller, Alexandra Golyeva, N.M. Ermolova, Ann Forsten, James Adovasio and Jeffery Illingworth. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: University Museum Monograph 116.) xviii, 238pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by F.T. Hiebert. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2003. 627 HILDINGER, ERIK. Warriors of the Steppe. A military history of Central Asia, 500 B.C. to 1700 A.D. x, (2), 260pp., 16 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Sarpedon), 1997. 628 HILL, HAROLD D., ET AL. Old Babylonian Public Buildings in the Diyala Region. (The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications. 98.) Part One: Excavations at Ishchali. [By] Harold D. Hill and Thorkild Jacobsen. Part Two: Khafajah Mounds B, C, and D. [By] Pinhas Delougaz. With contributions by T.A. Holland and Augusta McMahon. xxxiii, (1), 235, (1)pp., 69 plates. 31 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago), 1990. 629 HILPRECHT, H.V. The Excavations in Assyria and Babylonia. (The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series D: Researches and Treatises. 1.) xx, 577pp. 2 folding maps, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 122 illus. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (Department of Archæology of the University of Pennsylvania), 1904. 630 HILPRECHT, H.V. Explorations in Bible Lands During the 19th Century. With the co-operation of Dr. Benzinger, Prof. Dr. Hommel, Prof. Dr. Jensen, Prof. Dr. Steindorff. xxiv, 807, (1)pp. 4 folding maps, loose in pockets, as issued. Nearly 200 illus. 4to. Orig. dec. cloth (front inner hinge partly cracked). Philadelphia (A.J. Holman and Company), 1903. 631 HINNELLS, JOHN R. Persian Mythology. New revised edition. (Library of the World’s Myths and Legends.) 143pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Peter Bedrick Books), 1985. 632 HINZ, WALTHER. Persia c. 1800-1550 B.C. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapter VII.) 37pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1964. 633 HIRTH, FRIEDRICH. The Ancient History of China: To the End of the Chóu Dynasty. xx, 383, (1)pp., 1 lrg. folding map. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. New York (The Columbia University Press), 1908. 634 HISTORY OF CIVILIZATIONS OF CENTRAL ASIA. I: The Dawn of Civilization: Earliest Times to 700 B.C. Editors: A.H. Dani, V.M. Masson. 535pp. Prof. illus. Sm 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Motilal Banarsidass Publishers), 1999. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 41 635 HOFFMANN, ADOLF & KERNER, SUSANNE (EDITORS). Gadara-Gerasa und die Dekapolis. (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie. Sonderbände der Antiken Welt.) 150, (2)pp. 153 illus. (146 color), 45 figs. Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 2002. 636 HØJLUND, FLEMMING & ANDERSEN, H. HELLMUTH. Qala’at al-Bahrain. Volume 1: The Northern City Wall and the Islamic Fortress. With contributions by O. Callot, J. Cataliotti-Valdina, J. Eidem, P.-L. Gatier, A. Hauptmann, P. Kjærum, W. Van Neer, P. Northover, A. Parpola, C.J. Salter, M. Uerpmann, H.-P. Uerpmann and G. Willcox. (The Carlsberg Foundation’s Gulf Project./ Jutland Archaeological Society Publications. XXX:1.) 511pp. Sections A-X and plans 1-11, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 2105 figs. Sm. folio. Cloth. ISBN 8772885742 Højberg/Aarhus (Jutland Archaeological Society, Moesgaard/ Aarhus University Press), 1994. 637 HOLE, FRANK. Studies in the Archeological History of the Deh Luran Plain: The Excavation of Chagha Sefid. Contributions by M.J. Kirkby, Colin Renfrew. (Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan. 9.) xiv, 369pp. 55 plates, 119 figs. 4to. Wraps. Ann Arbor (Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan), 1977. 638 HOLE, FRANK, ET AL. Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Deh Luran Plain: An Early Village Sequence from Khuzistan, Iran. By Frank Hole, Kent V. Flannery, James A. Neely. Paleoethnobotany by Hans Helbaek. Contributions by Cyril S. Smith, Colin Renfrew, I.W. Cornwall. (Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan. 1.) xv, (1), 438, (2)pp., 43 plates. 143 figs. 4to. Wraps. Ann Arbor (Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan), 1969. 639 HOOTON, E.A. & BATES, NATICA I. (EDITORS). Varia Africana IV. Edited by E.A. Hooton, Natica I. Bates. (Harvard African Studies. 8.) vi, 227pp., 144 plates. Stout 4to. Boards, 3/4 cloth. Contains: Bates, Oric & Dunham, Dows. Excavations at Gammai; Bates, Oric. Excavations at Marsah Matruh; Derry, Douglas E. A Study of Crania from the Oasis of Siwah; Kidder, H.H. Notes on the Pigmentation of the Skin, Hair, and Eyes of the Kabyles. Library stamp on title-page. Cambridge (Peabody Museum of Harvard University), 1927. 640 HOROWITZ, WAYNE. Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography. (Mesopotamian Civilizations. 8.) xiv, 410pp. 10 plates. 4to. Boards. Winona Lake, Indiana (Eisenbrauns), 1998. 641 HOURANI, GEORGE FADLO. Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times. (Princeton Oriental Studies. 13.) viii, (2), 131pp., 8 plates. 7 maps. Cloth. The original edition. Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1951. 642 HOVHANNISYAN, KOSTANDIN. Arkhitektura Erebuni po materialam raskopok 1950-1959 gg. (Arkheologicheskie Raskopki v Armenii/Hnagitakan peghumnere Hayastanum. 9./ Arin-berd. 1.) 113, (3)pp. 63 illus. (partly hors texte). 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Erevan (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Armianskoi SSR), 1961. 643 HOVHANNISYAN, KOSTANDIN. Erebooni. / Erebuni. 69, (3)pp. 48 illus. hors texte (partly folding). Wraps. Englishlanguage text with parallel title in Armenian. Erevan ("Hayastan" Hratarakch‘ut‘yun), 1973. 644 HROZNY, BEDRICH. Die älteste Geschichte Vorderasiens und Indiens. Zweite, neubearbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. 259, (3)pp., 1 folding map. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Prague (Melantrich), [1943]. 645 HUART, CLÉMENT. Ancient Persia and Iranian Civilization. (The History of Civilization.) xix, (1), 249, (5)pp., 4 plates, 1 map. 35 text illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Reprint of the New York 1927 edition. London/Henley (Routledge & Kegan Paul), 1972. 646 HUCKER, CHARLES O. China’s Imperial Past. A introduction to Chinese history and culture. xii, (6), 474pp. 45 illus. 7 maps. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Stamford (Stanford University Press), 1975. 647 HUOT, JEAN-LOUIS. Persia I. From the origins to the Achaemenids. (Archaeologia Mundi.) 218, (2)pp. 154 illus. (partly color). 4to. Cloth. Cleveland/New York (The World Pub. Co.), 1965. 648 HUTT, ANTHONY & HARROW, LEONARD. Iran 1. (Islamic Architecture.) 191, (1)pp. 24 color plates, 136 illus. Lrg. oblong 8vo. Wraps. London (Scorpion Publications Limited), 1977. 649 IAKOBSON, A.L. Rannesrednevekovyi Khersones. Ocherki istorii material’noi kul’tury. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 63.) 362, (2)pp., 19 plates. 187 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 42 650 IAKUBOVSKII, A.IU. (EDITOR). Trudy Tadzhikskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii Instituta Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury AN SSSR, Instituta Istorii, Arkheologii i Etnografii AN Tadzhikskoi SSR i Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha. Tom II: 1948-1950 gg. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 37.) 314, (4)pp., 12 plates (1 folding). Numerous text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1953. 651 IANNACCONE, ISAIA & TAMBURELLO, ADOLFO (EDITORS). Dall’Europa alla Cina: Contributi per una storia dell’Astronomia. (Università degli Studi “Federico II.”/ Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli.) vii, (1), 256pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. “Nel presente volume sono inclusi gli atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi su Astronomia Europea e Cinese: Una duplice storicità a confronto, organizzato nei giorni 26 e 27 febbraio 1988 dall’Istituto Universitario Orientale e dall’Università degli Studi di Napoli, presso la sede della Società Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti e dell’Accademia Pontaniana in Napoli.” Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli), 1990. 652 IAZBERDYEV, A., ET AL. Pustyni Turkmenii i ikh khoziaistvennoe osvoenie: Ukazatel’ literatury (1950-1965). Sostaviteli: A. Iazberdyek, L.K. Karadzhaeva, L.I. Klippa i A.Ia. Stepanov./ Türkmenistanïng chölleri ve olarïng khojalïk özleshdirilishi: Ëdebiyat görkezijisi (1950-1965). 434, (2)pp. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo “Ylym”), 1972. 653 IESSEN, A.A. (EDITOR). Srednevekovye pamiatniki Azerbaidzhana. Trudy Azerbaidzhanskoi (Oren-Kalinskoi) Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom III. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 133.) 109, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. French-language summaries. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1965. 654 IESSEN, A.A. (EDITOR). Trudy Azerbaidzhanskoi (Oren-Kalinskoi) Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom I: 1953-1955 gg. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 67.) 452, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 655 [IL’IN, A.A.] Vstrech’ solntsa: Istoriia osvoeniia Dal’nego Vostoka. K Vostochnomu Moriu. V novom svete. Amurskoe delo. Na rubezhe vkov./ Towards the Sun: The History of Development of the Far East.... 375pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Boards. D.j. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Vladivostok (Izdatel’stvo “Utro Rossii”), 1998. 656 IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDIA, PROVINCIAL SERIES: BALUCHISTAN. xvi, 216pp., 1 folding map. Cloth. D.j. Reprint of the Calcutta 1908 edition. Haryana (Vintage Books), 1989. 657 INDIAN ARCHAEOLOGY: A REVIEW. Years: 1953/1954 [i.e. Vol. 1] - 1984/1985. 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather; orig. wraps. bound in. New Delhi (Director General, Archaeological Survey of India), 1954-1987. 658 INDIAN CONFERENCE ON MARINE ARCHAEOLOGY OF INDIAN OCEAN COUNTRIES (1ST : 1987 : JAMNAGAR). Marine Archaeology of Indian Ocean Countries. Proceedings of the First Indian Conference on Marine Archaeology of Indian Ocean Countries - Oct. 1987. Editor: S.R. Rao. xliv, (2), 192pp. 57 plates, maps, figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Donna Paula, Goa (National Institute of Oceanography), 1988. 659 INDIIA I TURKMENISTAN: ZHIVOE NASLEDIE. 138, (2)pp. Figs. Wraps. New Delhi/Ashkhabad (Embassy of the Republic of India in Turkmenistan), 1998. 660 INDO-SOVIET SEMINAR ON SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL EXCHANGES BETWEEN INDIA AND SOVIET CENTRAL ASIA IN MEDIEVAL PERIOD (1981 : BOMBAY). Indo-Soviet Seminar on Scientific and Technological Exchanges Between India and Soviet Central Asia in Medieval Period. Bombay: November 7-12, 1981. Proceedings. Edited by B.V. Subbarayappa. xi, (1), 289pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Indian National Science Academy), 1985. 661 INGRAVALLO, ELETTRA. Lontano nel tempo: La preistoria nel Salento. (Kairós.) 57pp. Prof. illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Wraps. Lecce (Argo), 1999. 662 INGRAVALLO, ELETTRA (EDITOR). Fonti di informazione e contesto archeologico: Manufatti ceramici e neolitizzazione meridionale. Atti del Ciclo Seminariale, Lecce 1998. (Università di Lecce, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, Settore Storico-Archeologico: Seminari e Discussioni. 1.) 127pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Galatina (Mario Congedo Editore), 1999. 663 INTERIM REPORTS: REPORTS ON FIELD WORK CARRIED OUT AT MOHENJO-DARO, PAKISTAN BY THE ISMEOAACHEN-UNIVERSITY MISSION. Edited by M. Jansen and G. Urban. Vols. 1 - 3 (all published), as follows: Vol. 1: 1982-83. 205, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Vol. 2: 1983-84. 185pp. Prof. illus. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 43 Vol. 3: Leonardi, Giovanni. Moenjodaro: From Surface Evaluation to Ground Testing. With integrative texts of Claudio Balista and Massimo Vidale. 138, (2)pp., 4 folding plates. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Aachen/Roma (German Research-Project Mohenjo-Daro, RWTH Aachen/ Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), [1984]-1988. 664 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS (1ST : 1971 : CAMBRIDGE, ENG.) South Asian Archaeology. Papers from the First International Conference of South Asian Archaeologists held in the University of Cambridge. Edited by Norman Hammond. Foreword by Sir Mortimer Wheeler. xii, 308pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Park Ridge, N.J. (Noyes Press), 1973. 665 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS (4TH : 1977 : NAPOLI). South Asian Archaeology 1977. Papers from the Fourth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples. Edited by Maurizio Taddei. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Seminario di Studi Asiatici: Series minor. 6.) 2 vols. xvi, 938pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1979. 666 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS (5TH : 1979 : BERLIN). South Asian Archaeology 1979. Papers from the Fifth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe held in the Museum für Indische Kunst der Staatlichen Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. Edited by Herbert Härtel. 527, (1)pp., 1 folding map. Numerous text figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Berlin (Dietrich Reimer Verlag), 1981. 667 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS (6TH : 1981 : CAMBRIDGE, ENG.) South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe held in Cambridge University, 5-10 July 1981. Edited by Bridget Allchin (with assistance from Raymond Allchin and Miriam Sidell). (University of Cambridge: Oriental Publications. 34.) ix, (1), 346, (2)pp. Numerous text figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1984. 668 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS (7TH : 1983 : BRUSSELS). South Asian Archaeology 1983. Papers from the Seventh International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe held in the Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Brussels. Edited by Janine Schotsmans and Maurizio Taddei. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Series minor. 23.) 2 vols. xix, (3), 992pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 1985. 669 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS (8TH : 1985 : MOESGAARD MUSEUM, DENMARK). South Asian Archaeology 1985. Papers from the Eighth International Conference of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held at Moesgaard Museum, Denmark, 1-5 July 1985. Edited by Karen Frifelt and Per Sorensen. (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies. Occasional Papers. 4.) xiii, (1), 496pp. Numerous text figs. 4to. Boards. From the library of James Harle. London (Curzon Press), 1989. 670 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS (10TH : 1989 : PARIS). South Asian Archaeology 1989. Papers from the Tenth International Conference of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, Musée National des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet, Paris, France, 3-7 July 1989. Edited by Catherine Jarrige with the assistance of John P. Gerry and Richard H. Meadow. (Monographs in World Archaeology. 14.) xx, (2), 483pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Madison, Wisconsin (Prehistory Press), 1992. 671 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGISTS (12TH : 1993 : HELSINKI). South Asian Archaeology 1993. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists held in Helsinki University 5-9 July 1993. Edited by Asko Parpola & Petteri Koskikallio. (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia./ Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Sarja B, 271.) 2 vols. 887, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Helsinki (Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia), 1994. 672 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND ETHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES (12TH : 1988 : ZAGREB). Abstracts: 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, 24-31 July 1988. (Collegium Anthropologicum. Vol. 12, Supplement.) 428pp. 4to. Wraps. Zagreb (Croatian Anthropological Society), 1988. 673 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND ETHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES (12TH : 1988 : ZAGREB). Programme: 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, 24-31 July 1988. (Collegium Anthropologicum. Vol. 12, Supplement.) 230, (4)pp. 4to. Wraps. Zagreb (Croatian Anthropological Society), 1988. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 44 674 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ORIENTALISTS (26TH : 1964 : NEW DELHI ). Archaeological Remains, Monuments & Museums. 2 vols. v, (1), 355, (3)pp., 96 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Texts by Y.D. Sharma, Krishna Deva, K.R. Srinivasan, and H. Sarkar. New Delhi (Organising Committee, XXVI International Congress of Orientalists), 1964. 675 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF STUDIES ON CULTURES OF THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (3RD : 1981 : HAWMAT AL-SUQ). L’homme méditerranéen et la mer. Actes du Troisième Congrès International d’études des cultures de la Méditerranée Occidentale (Jerba, avril 1981)./ The Mediterranean Man and the Sea.../ al-Insan wa-al-bahr fi rubu’ alBahr al-Abyad al-Mutawassit. Edited by Micheline Galley and Leïla Ladjimi Sebai. xxx, 685, (2), 35pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Tunis (Association Internationale d’Étude des Civilisations Méditerranéennes/ Institut National d’Archéologie et d’Art de Tunis), 1985. 676 INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS CONFERENCE ON ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN ECONOMIES (2ND : 1996-1997 : NEW YORK/ST. PETERSBURG). Urbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East. A colloquium held at New York University, November 1996, and The Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 1997. Edited by Michael Hudson and Baruch A. Levine. (Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Peabody Museum Bulletin 7.) 495pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Cambridge (Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University), 1999. 677 INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON THE SILK ROADS (1990 : MUSCAT). Papers Submitted at the International Seminar on the Silk Roads held at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 20-21 November 1990. Compiled by Malallah bin Ali Habib Al-Lawaty. (Sultanate of Oman, Ministry of National Heritage & Culture. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] Project to Study the Silk Routes.) 127pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. [Muscat] (The Ministry of National Heritage and Culture), 1992. 678 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOMETRY (23RD : 1983 : NAPOLI). Symposium on Archaeometry, Castel dell’Ovo, Naples: Abstracts. Organizer: R.E. Linington. 18th-23rd April 1983. 128, (4)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. N.p., n.d. 679 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR QUATERNARY RESEARCH. CONGRESS (13TH : 1991 : BEIJING). Arkheologiia i paleoekologiia paleolita Gornogo Altaia. (Ekskursiia no. 1). Putevoditel’ Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma “Khronostratigrafiia paleolita severno, tsentral’noi, vostochnoi Azii i Ameriki (paleoekologicheskii aspekt).” K XIII kongressu INQVA (Kitaiskaia Narodnaia Respublika, 1991). 155, (5)pp. Illus. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie AN SSSR), 1990. 680 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR QUATERNARY RESEARCH. CONGRESS (13TH : 1991 : BEIJING). Khronostratigrafiia paleoliticheskikh pamiatnikov srednei Sibiri (Bassein Eniseia). (Ekskursiia no. 2). Putevoditel’ Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma “Khronostratigrafiia paleolita severno, tsentral’noi, vostochnoi Azii i Ameriki (paleoekologicheskii aspekt).” K XIII kongressu INQVA (Kitaiskaia Narodnaia Respublika, 1991). 183pp. Illus. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1990. 681 INVERNIZZI, ANTONIO & LIPPOLIS, CARLO (EDITORS). Nisa partica: Ricerche nel complesso monumentale arsacide, 1990-2006. (Centro Ricerche Archeologiche e Scavi di Torino per il Medio Oriente e l’Asia: Missione in Turkmenistan. 1./ Monografie di Mesopotamia. 9.) 2 vols. 401, (3)pp., 37 color plates. 357 text illus.; 8 lrg. folding plans, loose in portfolio, as issued. Folio. Boards & wraps. Firenze (Le Lettere), 2008. 682 IONESOV, VLADIMIR I. The Struggle Between Life and Death in Proto-Bactrian Culture: Ritual and Conflict. (Mellen Studies in Anthropology. 5.) xvi, 220, (2)pp. 69 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Lewiston/Queenston (The Edwin Mellen Press), 2002. 683 IRAN: JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PERSIAN STUDIES. Vols. 1 - 37. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. London, 1963-1999. 684 IRAN NAMAH. A Persian Journal of Iranian Studies. (Foundation for Iranian Studies.) Vols. 1 - 20#1. 4to. Wraps. Washington/Bethesda, 1982-2002. 685 IRAQ. MUDIRIYAT AL-ATHAR AL-QADIMAH AL-‘AMMAH. Dalil Mathaf al Athar al-‘Arabiyah fi Khan Marjan biBaghdad. / A Guide to the Arab Museum at Khan Marjan in Baghdad. 47, (1)pp., 38 plates. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Baghdad (Matba‘at al-Hukumah), 1938. 686 ISAKOV, A.I. Tsitadel’ Drevnego Pendzhikenta. 198, (2)pp. 72 illus. Wraps. Dushanbe (Izdatel’stvo “Donish”), 1977. 687 ISAMIDDINOV, M.KH. Istoki gorodskoi kul’tury Samarkandskogo Sogda. Problemy vzaimodeistviia kul’turnykh traditsii v epokhu rannezheleznogo veka i v period antichnosti. 255pp. 171 illus. Tall 4to. Buckram. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 45 Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Narodnogo Naslediia imeni A. Kadyri), 2002. 688 ISAMIDDINOV, M.KH. & SULEIMANOV, R.KH. Erkurgan: Stratigrafiia i periodizatsiia. 158, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Boards. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1984. 689 ISLAMIC ART. An annual dedicated to the art and culture of the Muslim world. Vols. 1 - 4. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. New York/Genova, 1981-1991. Marmor/Ross Q215 690 ISLAMIC CAIRO: ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE HISTORIC CENTRE. Proceedings of a seminar organised by the Goethe-Institute, Cairo (October 1-5, 1978). Edited by Michael Meinecke. (AARP. Art and Archaeology Research Papers.) (4), 106pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. London (AARP), 1980. 691 ISLAMOV, U.I. Obishirskaia kul’tura. 147, (13)pp., 20 plates. Sm. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1960. 692 [ISLAMOV, U.I. (EDITOR).] Kamennyi vek Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana: Tezisy dokladov soveshchaniia. 102pp. Wraps. Edition limited to 1000 copies. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1972. 693 ISLAMOV, U.I. & KRAKHMAL’, K.A. Paleoekologiia i sledy drevneishego cheloveka v Tsentral’noi Azii. 218, (2)pp. 29 plates. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Akademii Nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan), 1995. 694 ISTORIIA MATERIAL’NOI KUL’TURY UZBEKISTANA. / Uzbekiston moddii madaniiati tarikhi. Vols. 4, 8 - 17, 19 - 27, 35. Boards, 1/4 cloth; cloth & orig. wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR), 1963 - Samarkand (Izdatel’stvo “Registan”), 1996. 695 [ITINA, M.A. (EDITOR).] Kochevniki na granitsakh Khorezma. (Trudy Khorezmskoi Arkheologo-Etnograficheskoi Ekspeditsii. 11.) 189, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1979. 696 [ITINA, M.A., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Kul’tura i iskusstvo Drevnego Khorezma. 269, (3)pp. 51 illus. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1981. 697 ITINA, M.A. & IABLONSKII, L.T. Mavzolei Severnogo Tagiskena: Pozdnii bronzovyi vek Nizhnei Syrdar’i. / Mausoleums of the Northern Tagisken: The Late Bronze Age of the Low Syr-Darya River. 294, (2)pp. 124 plates, 8 text illus. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Firma “Vostochnaia Literatura” RAN), 2001. 698 IUSUPOV, KH. Drevnosti Uzboia. Edited by B.I. Vainberg. 222, (2)pp. 52 illus. Sm. 8vo. Wraps. (worn). Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1986. 699 IVASHINA, L.G. Neolit i eneolit lesostepnoi zony Buriatii. 154, (6)pp. 82 illus. 4to. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1979. 700 IZUCHENIE KUL’TURNOGO NASLEDIIA VOSTOKA: KUL’TURNYE TRADITSII I PREEMSTVENNOST’ V RAZVITII DREVNIKH KUL’TUR I TSIVILIZATSII. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi Konferentsii v Sankt-Peterburge (23-25 noiabria 1999 g.)./ The Study of the Cultural Heritage of the East: Cultural Traditions and Continuity in the Development of Ancient Cultures and Civilizations.... 163, (3)pp. Figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (Evropeiskii Dom), 1999. 701 JACOBSON, JEROME (EDITOR). Studies in the Archaeology of India and Pakistan. xx, 327pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Warminster/[New Delhi] (Aris & Phillips/ American Institute of Indian Studies), 1987. 702 JAFFAR, S.M. Historical Wealth of the North-West Frontier Province (Pakistan). With a foreword by Khan Ghulam Ishaq Khan. (8), 77, ix pp. 20 plates. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Peshawar (Manager, Government Printing and Stationery Department, North-West Frontier Province), 1954. 703 JANOT, CHRISTIAN & DELCROIX, PIERRE. Caractérisation de matériaux archéologiques par spectrométrie Mossbauer. (Centre de Recherches Archéologiques: Notes et Monographies Techniques. 4.) 23pp. 6 figs. Wraps. Paris (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1974. 704 JANSE, OLOV R.T. Archaeological Research in Indo-China. (Harvard-Yenching Institute. Monographie Series. 7.) I: The District of Chiu-Chên During the Han Dynasty. General Considerations and Plates. xl, 73, (3)pp., 169 plates with facing commentary. 58 text figs. Sm. folio. Cloth (slightly spotted). Frrom the libraries of Lauriston Ward and Robert H. Dyson, Jr. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 46 Cambridge (Harvard University Press), 1947. 705 JANSEN, MICHAEL. Architektur in der Harappakultur. Eine kritische Betrachtung zum umbauten Raum im Industal des 3.-2. Jahrtausends. (Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Orientalische Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Bonn. Reihe B: Antiquitates Orientales. 2.) xiv, 346, (6)pp. 114 illus., 1 map. Tall 4to. Wraps. Bonn (Rudolf Habelt Verlag), 1979. 706 JAROS, KARL. Kanaan, Israel, Palästina. Second edition. (Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt. 51.) 186, (2)pp. 58 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1994. 707 JARRIGE, JEAN-FRANÇOIS, ET AL. Fouilles de Pirak. (Publications de la Commission des Fouilles Archéologiques. Fouilles du Pakistan. 2.) 2 vols. I: Texte. Par Jean-François Jarrige et Marielle Santoni. Avec des contributions de Monique Lechevallier, Lorenzo Costantini et Richard Meadow et la collaboration de Catherine Jarrige. xii, (2), 411pp. II: Étude architecturale et figures. Par Jean-François Enault. Planches de Catherine Jarrige. 36, (2)pp., 121 figs. (partly folding), 56 plates. 4 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. English-language summary. Paris (De Boccard), 1979. 708 JETTMAR, KARL. Cultural Heritage of the Northern Regions of Pakistan Down to the Islam. A photographic exhibition arranged by the Department of Archaeology & Museums, Government of Pakistan, in collaboration with Heidelberg Academy for Humanities and Sciences. 22pp., 36 color plates. Sq. 4to. Wraps. Karachi (Department of Archaeology & Museums, Government of Pakistan), 1992. 709 JETTMAR, KARL. Mittelasien und Sibirien in vortürkischer Zeit. (Sonderdruck aus: Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten. 5. Band: Altaistik. 5. Abschniit: Geschichte Mittelasiens.) 105pp., 5 folding maps. Sm. 4to. New cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. Leiden/Köln (E.J. Brill), 1966. 710 JOCHELSON, WALDEMAR. Peoples of Asiatic Russia. 277pp. 52 illus., 10 maps. Sm. 4to. Wraps. (front cover detached). From the library of Lauriston Ward. New York (The American Museum of Natural History), 1928. 711 JOHNSON, GREGORY ALAN. Local Exchange and Early State Development in Southwestern Iran. (Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan: Anthropological Papers. 51.) 205, (1)pp., 20 plates. 41 figs., 42 tables. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Ann Arbor (Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan), 1973. 712 JORDAN, JULIUS. A Guide Through the Ruins of Babylon and Borsippa. (Mudiriyat al-Athar al-Qadimah al-‘Ammah.) 21pp., 18 plates, 2 folding maps. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Baghdad (Government Press), 1937. 713 JORNADAS SOBRE EL MUNDO IBÉRICO (1ST : 1985 : JAÉN). Iberos: Actas de las I Jonadas sobre el Mundo Ibérico, Jaén, 1985. Edición coordinada por Arturo Ruiz y Manuel Molinos. 361, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Jaén/Sevilla (Ayuntamiento de Jaén, Universidad Popular Municipal/ Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, Dirección General de Bienes Culturales), 1987. 714 JOSHI, JAGAT PATI. Excavation at Surkotada 1971-72 and Exploration in Kutch. With contributions by A.K. Sharma, Arun Kuar, C. Margabandhu, H.N. Singh, K. Raghava Chary, S.N. Raghunath, Vishnu Mittre & V.V. Rao. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India. 87.) xiii, (1), 435, (3)pp., 124 plates (4 color). 103 text figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (The Director General, Archaeological Survey of India), 1990. 715 JOSHI, RAMCHANDRA VINAYAK. Stone Age Cultures of Central India. [Report on the excavations of rock-shelters at Adamgarh, Madhya Pradesh.] (Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute. Publication DC: M-181.) vii, (5), 96pp., 21 plates. 21 text figs. Sm. 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Poona (Deccan College, Post-Graduate and Research Institute), 1978. 716 JOURNAL OF INDIAN OCEAN ARCHAEOLOGY. Nos. 1 - 5. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. New Delhi (Centre for Research and Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeoenvironment, Indian Archaeological Sociey), 2004-2008. 717 THE JOURNAL OF OMAN STUDIES. / Majallat al-dirasat al-‘Umaniyah. Vols. 1 - 2, 3 Part 2, 4 - 8, 13-14 . Lrg. 4to. Orig. wraps. & new leather. With: The Journal of Oman Studies: Special Report. The Scientific Results of the Oman Flora and Fauna Survey 1975. 267pp., 1 lrg. folding map. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Muscat, n.d. Muscat (Ministry of Information and Culture, Sultanate of Oman), 1975-2007. 718 KABACINSKI, JACEK & USAI, DONATELLA. Late Palaeolithic Chert Assemblages from the Upper Egyptian Nile Valley. (African Archaeological Records. 1.) 62pp. 32 figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Poznan (Poznan Prehistoric Society), 1999. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 47 719 KABANOV, S.K. Kul’tura sel’skikh poselenii Iuzhnogo Sogda, III-VI vv. Po materialam issledovanii v zone Chimkurganskogo vodokhranilishcha. 127, (1)pp. 60 illus. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1981. 720 KABANOV, S.K. Nakhsheb na rubezhe drevnosti i srednevekov’ia (III-VII vv.). 135, (5)pp., 44 plates. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Edition limited to 500 copies. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1977. 721 KADYRBAEV, M.K. Naskal’nye izobrazheniia Khrebta Karatau. / Petroglyphs of the Mountain Range Karatau. 229, (3)pp. 111 illus. Buckram. English-language summary. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1977. 722 [KADYRBAEV, M.K. (EDITOR).] Novoe v arkheologii Kazakhstana. 157, (3)pp. Illus. Wraps. (spine chipped). Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1968. 723 KADYRBAEV, M.K. & KURMANKULOV, ZH. Kul’tura drevnikh skotovodov i metallurgov Sary-Arki. 244, (4)pp. 159 illus. Boards. Alma-Ata (“Gylym”), 1992. 724 KALANTARIAN, A.A. Rannesrednevekovye bully Dvina. / Dvini vaghmijnadaryan knk‘adroshmnere. (Arkheologicheskie Pamiatniki Armenii/ Hayastani hnagitakan hushardzannere. 13./ Srednevekovye pamiatniki/ Mijnadaryan hushardzanner. 5.) 67, (1)pp., 19 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Summaries in Armenian and English. Erevan (Izdatel’stvo AN Armianskoi SSR), 1982. 725 KALTER, JOHANNES. The Arts and Crafts of Turkestan. 167pp. 188 illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Boards. London (Thames and Hudson), 1984. 726 KALTER, JOHANNES & PAVALOI, MARGARETA (EDITORS). Usbekistan. (Erben der Seidenstrasse.) 368pp. 712 illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition. Stuttgart (edition hansjörg mayer/ Linden-Museum), 1995. 727 [KAMALOV, S.K. (EDITOR).] Drevniaia i srednevekovaia kul’tura Iugo-Vostochnogo Ustiurta. 326, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Buckram. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1978. 728 KANIUTH, KAI. Metallobjekte der Bronzezeit aus Nordbaktrien. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Eurasien-Abteilung: Archäologie in Iran und Turan. 6.) 259pp. 596 illus., 40 tables. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Summaries in English and Russian. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 2006. 729 KANSU, SEVKET AZIZ. Türk Tarih Kurumu tarafindan yapilan Etiyokusu hafriyati raporu (1937). / Les fouilles d’Etiyokusu (1937), entreprises par la Société d’Histoire Turque. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. V. seri, no. 3.) x, (2), 112pp. 101 illus. Figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Texts in Turkish and French. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1940. 730 KAPCSOLATOK ÉSZAK-DÉL KÖZÖTT. Történeti, kulturális és kereskedelmi kapcsolatok az európai borostyánkö utak mentén az i. e. I évezredtöl a római császárkor végéig : Nemzetközi Kollokvium 1982, Bozsok-Szombathely./ Nord-Süd Beziehungen. Historische und kulturelle Zusammenhänge und Hendelsbeziehungen die europäischen Bernsteinstrassen entlang vom I. Jahrtausend v.u.Z. bis zum Ende der römischen Kaiserzeit. Internationales Kolloquium 1982, BozsokSzombathely. Edited by Gábor Bándi and Vajk Cserméyi. (Savaria. A Vas Megyei Múzeumok Értesítóje. 16.) 360pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Szombathely (Vas Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága), 1983. 731 KAPEL, HOLGER. Atlas of the Stone-Age Cultures of Qatar. / Atlas thaqafat al-‘Asr al-Hajari fi Qatar. (Reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to the Arabian Gulf. I./ Jutland Archaeological Society Publications. 6.) 42, 43, (1)pp., 58 plates. Text illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. Parallel texts in English and Arabic. Århus (Aarhus University Press), 1967. 732 KAPLIN, V.G. (EDITOR). Metody izucheniia biogeotsenozov peschanoi pustyni: Na primere pustyni Karakumy. Sbornik statei. 179, (3)pp. Figs. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1990. 733 KARAKUMSKIE DREVNOSTI. (Akademiia Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, Institut Istorii im. Sh. Batyrova.) Vols. 1 - 5, 8. New cloth; orig. boards & orig. wraps. Ashkhabad, 1968-1979. 734 KARTTUNEN, KLAUS. Indian in Early Greek Literature. (Studia Orientalia. 65.) (2), 293, (1)pp., 3 maps. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Helsinki (Finnish Oriental Society), 1989. 735 KASHYAP, P.C. Surviving Harappan Civilization. xiv, (2), 94pp., 33 plates. 43 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. 48 ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey (Humanities Press), 1984. 736 KAVKAZ V SISTEME PALEOMETALLICHESKIKH KULTUR EVRAZII: MATERIALY I SIMPOZIUMA - “KAVKAZ I IUGOVOSTOCHNAIA EVROPA V EPOKHU RANNEGO METALLA,” TELAVI-SIGNAKHI 1983. 364, (2)pp. 60 plates. Buckram. D.j. Edition limited to 500 copies. Tbilisi (“Metsniereba”), 1987. 737 K‘AVT‘ARAZE, GIORGI. K khronologii epokhi eneolita i bronzy Gruzii. 153, (3)pp. Wraps. Tbilisi (Izdatel’stvo “Metsniereba”), 1983. 738 KEALHOFER, LISA (EDITOR). The Archaeology of Midas and the Phrygians: Recent Work at Gordion. vi, 258pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2005. 739 KEISER, CLARENCE ELWOOD. Neo-Sumerian Account Texts from Drehem. Introduction and indices by Shin Theke Kang. (Babylonian Inscriptions in the Collection of James B. Nies, Yale University. 3.) (4), 89, (3)pp., 90 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1971. 740 [KEMBAEV, B.A., ET AL.] Kazakhstan. Spravochnik biznesmena. Izdanie 3-e, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe. 139, (3)pp. Illus. Wraps. Almaty (Kazakhskii Gosudarstvennyi Nauchni-Isledovatel’skii Institut Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoi Informatsii), 1994. 741 KENNEDY, KENNETH A.R. & POSSEHL, GREGORY L. (EDITORS). Studies Palaeoanthropology of South Asia. viii, 144pp. Illus. 4to. Cloth. New Delhi (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co./ American Institute of Indian Studies), 1984. 742 KENOYER, JONATHAN MARK. Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. 260, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Asia Society, New York, Feb.-May 1998. Karachi/Islamabad (Oxford University Press/ American Institute of Pakistan Studies), 1998. 743 KENYON, KATHLEEN M. Digging up Jericho. The results of the Jericho excavations 1952-1956. 272pp. Frontis., 64 illus., 18 figs. (1 folding hors texte). Cloth. New York (Frederick A. Praeger), 1957. 744 (KENYON, KATHLEEN M.) DAVIS, MIRIAM C. Dame Kathleen Kenyon: Digging Up the Holy Land. (Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London.) 280pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Walnut Creek, California (Left Coast Press), 2008. 745 KHAKIMOV, AKBAR (EDITOR). Samarqand Muzeii durdonalari: Uzbekiston Madaniiati Tarikhi Davlat Muzeii. / Masterpieces of the Samarkand Museum: The State Museum of History of Culture of Uzbekistan./ Shedevry Samarkandskogo Muzeia: Gosudarstvennyi Muzei Istorii Kul’tury Uzbekistana. 318pp. 559 illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in Uzbek, English, and Russian. Toshkent (Moziydan Sado), 2004. 746 KHALIFA, ‘ABD ALLAH IBN KHALID & HAMIR, ‘ABD AL-MALIK YUSUF. Bahrain Through the Ages. / al-Bahrayn ‘abra al-tarikh. Vol. I. xiii, (1), 131pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. al-Bahrayn (al-Matba‘ah al-Hukumiyah li-Wizarat al-A‘lam, Dawlat al-Bahrayn), [1969]. 747 KHALIKOV, A.KH. Prikazanskaia kul’tura. (Arkheologiia SSSR. Svord arkheologicheskikh istochnikov. V1-24.) 128, (2)pp., 1 lrg. folding map. 61 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1980. 748 KHAN, F.A. The Glory That Was Harappa. (36)pp. Illus. Wraps. Karachi (Department of Archaeology & Museums, Government of Pakistan), n.d. 749 KHAN, FARID, ET AL. Explorations and Excavations in Bannu District, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan, 1985-1988. [By] Farid Khan, J.R. Knox and K.D. Thomas. (British Museum. Occasional Paper no. 80.) viii, 151pp. 21 plates, 71 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. London (British Museum, Department of Oriental Antiquities), 1991. 750 KHAN, MUHAMMAD ISHTIAQ (EDITOR). Archaeology of Sind. A catalogue of the exhibition on the occasion of the International Seminar on “Sind Through the Centuries.” (4), 96pp., 24 plates, 1 folding map. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Karachi (Dept. of Archaeology and Museums, Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan), 1975. 751 KHANSARI, MEHDI & YAVARI, MINOUCH. The Persian Bazaar: Veiled Space of Desire. Foreword: Oleg Grabar. Preface: Gérard Grandval. Introduction: Marcel Bazin. 118, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. oblong 4to. Cloth. D.j. Washington, D.C. (Mage Publishers), 1993. in the Archaeology and ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 49 752 KHANZADIAN, EMMA. Metsamor 2. La nécropole. Vol. I: Les tombes du bronze moyen et récent. (Académie Nationale des Sciences d’Arménie. Institut d’Archéologie et d’Ethnographie.) xi, (1), 110pp., 68 plates (8 color), 1 map. 41 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Neuchâtel/Paris (Recherches et Publications), 1995. 753 KHARIN, N.G., ET AL. Aridnyi Tsentr Sbora i Obrabotki Kosmicheskoi Informatsii. Kontseptsiia, tekhnicheskoe, informatsionnov i programmoe obespechenie. Metodicheskie ukazaniia po organizatsii tsentra. [By] N.G. Kharin, M.G. Dmitriev, N.S. Orlovskii, G.A. Alferov, V.A. Shul’gin, A.P. Grebennik. Edited by A.G. Babaev. 111, (1)pp. Figs. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Akademiia Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Pustyn’), 1989. 754 KHEIRABADI, MASOUD. Iranian Cities: Formation and Development. xiv, (4), 132pp. 37 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Austin (University of Texas Press), 1993. 755 KHLOPIN, I.N. Eneolit Iugo-Zapadnogo Turkmenistana. (Trudy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. 20.) 301pp. 126 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Occasional highlighting. Sankt-Peterburg (Evropeiskii Dom), 1997. 756 KHLOPIN, I.N. Eneolit iuzhnykh oblastei Srednei Azii. Chast’ I: Pamiatniki rannego eneolita Iuzhnoi Turkmenii. (Arkheologiia SSSR. Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov. B 3-8.) 28, (2)pp. 9 text illus. + 35 plates, loose in portfolio, as issued. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 757 KHLOPIN, I.N. Epokha bronzy Iugo-Zapadnogo Turkmenistana. / Bronze Age of South-West Turkmenistan. (Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie.) 334pp. 134 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. English-language summary. Sankt-Peterburg (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury), 2002. 758 (KHLOPIN, I.N.) Igor’ Nikolaevich Khlopin: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’. 26pp. Frontis. Wraps. N.p. (Gosudarstvennyi Institut Kul’turnogo Naslediia Narodov Turkmenistana, Tsentral’noi Azii i Vostoka pri Prezidente Turkmenistana), 2004. 759 KHLOPIN, I.N. Jungbronzezeitliche Gräberfelder im Sumbar-Tal, Südwest-Turkmenistan. (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 35.) 136, (2)pp. 116 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1986. 760 KHOJANYIAZOV, T. Gadymy Baktriia topragynda. / V zemliakh Drevneii Baktrii. 123, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Ashgabat (“Ylym”), 1982. 761 KIIATKINA, T.P. Materialy k paleoantropologii Tadzhikistana. Edited by T.A. Trofimova. 186, (2)pp. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Dushanbe (Izdatel’stvo “Donish”), 1976. 762 KIM, WONYONG. Recent Archaeological Discoveries in the Republic of Korea. xi, (1), 79, (1)pp. 28 color illus. hors texte. 53 text illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Tokyo/Paris (The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies/ Unesco), 1983. 763 KIPARSKY, PAUL. Panini as a Variationist. Edited by S.D. Joshi. (Current Studies in Linguistics Series. 7./ Current Studies in Sanskrit Grammar. 12./ Publications of the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit. Class B. No. 6.) x, (4), 304pp. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Signed by the editor. From the library of Daniel H.H. Ingalls. Cambridge/Pune (The MIT Press/ Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Unidersity of Poona), 1979. 764 KIRCHO, L.B. K izucheniiu pozdnego eneolita Iuzhnogo Turkmenistana. (Osnovy klassifikatsii raspisnoi keramiki i neopublikovannye materialy poseleniia Ak-depe). 120pp. 22 illus., 13 figs. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury), 1999. 765 KIRCHO, LIUBOV’ BORISOVNA. Kul’tura rannei bronzy Iuzhnoi Turkmenii. Voprosy proiskhozhdeniia po materialam, a keramicheskikh kompleksov. Avtoreferat.... 19, (1)pp. Wraps. Edition limited to 150 copies. Lenigrad (Akademiia Nauk SSR, Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Arkheologii, Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1980. 766 KIRCHO, L.B., ET AL. Tekhniko-tekhnologicheskii potentsial eneoliticheskogo naseleniia Altyn-Depe kak osnova stanobleniia rannegorodskoi tsivilizatsii. / The Technical and Technological Potential of the Eneolithic Population of Altyn-Depe as the Basis of the Rise of an Early Urban Civilization. [By] L.B. Kircho, G.F. Korobkova, V.M. Masson. (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury: Trudy. 28.) 370pp. 172 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Sankt-Peterburg (Evropeiskii Dom), 2008. 767 KIRK, G.S. The Homeric Poems as History. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapter XXXIX [b].) 35pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1964. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 50 768 KIRPICHNIKOV, A.N. & RIABININ, E.A. (EDITORS). Drevnosti slavian i finno-ugrov. Doklady sovetsko-finliandskogo simpoziuma po voprosam arkheologii 16-22 maia 1986 g. 183, (9)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (“Nauka,” S.-Peterburgskoe Otdelenie), 1992. 769 KISELEV, S.V. (EDITOR). Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii Sibiri. Tom I. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 24.) 156, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1952. 770 [KISLIAKOV, N.A. & VOROB’EVA, M.G. (EDITORS).] Material’naia kul’tura narodov Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana. 170, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1966. 771 KISS, ATTILA. Das römerzeitliche Wagengrab von Kozármisleny (Ungarn, Kom. Baranya). Mit einem Anhang von Sándor Bökönyi: Die Pferdeskelette des römischen Wagengrabes von Kozármisleny. (Régészeti Füzetek. Ser. II. No. 25.) 143, (3)pp. 52 illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Budapest (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum), 1989. 772 KLEISS, WOLFRAM. Bastam II: Ausgrabungen in den urartäischen Anlagen 1977-1978. Mit Beiträgen von Joachim Boessneck, Maria Hopf, Mostefa Kokabi, Stephan Kroll, Mirjo Salvini, Ursula Seidl, Alfred Selmeier, Ulrich Willerding, Paul Zimansky. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Teheran: Teheraner Forschungen. 5.) 328, (2)pp., 48 plates. Numerous text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Berlin (Gebr. Mann Verlag), 1988. 773 KLENGEL, HORST. Handel und Händler im alten Orient. 247pp. 54 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Leipzig (Koehler & Amelang), 1979. 774 KLENGEL, HORST. Syria antiqua. Vorislamische Denkmäler der Syrischen Arabischen Republik. 207pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Leipzig (Edition Leipzig), 1971. 775 KLENGEL, HORST. Zwischen Zelt und Palast. Die Begegnung von Nomaden und Sesshaften im alten Vorderasien. 238, (2)pp. Illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Wien (Verlag Anton Schroll & Co.), 1972. 776 KLENGEL-BRANDT, EVELYN (EDITOR). Mit sieben Siegeln versehen. Das Siegel in Wirtschaft und Kunst des Alten Orients. xii, 163, (5)pp., 11 color plates with 33 illus. 169 illus. (1 color), 1 map. Sm. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, May-Sept. 1997. Berlin (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Vorderasiatisches Museum), 1997. 777 KLENGEL, EVELYN & KLENGEL, HORST. Die Hethiter und ihre Nachbarn. Eine Kulturgeschichte Kleinasiens von Catal Hüyük bis zu Alexander dem Grossen. 245, (3)pp., 1 folding map. 68 plates, text figs. Sq. 4to. Boards. Leipzig (Koehler & Amelang), [1970]. 778 KLIMBURG-SALTER, DEBORAH E. The Kingdom of Bamiyan: Buddhist Art and Culture of the Hindu Kush. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici. Series Maior. 5./ Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.) xviii, (4), 226, (2)pp., 90 plates. Frontis., 2 maps. Folio. Orig. wraps. Napoli/Roma (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici/ Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1989. 779 KOCH, HEIDEMARIE. A Hoard of Coins from Eastern Parthia. (Numismatic Notes and Monographs. 165.) x, 64, (2)pp., 12 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. New York (American Numismatic Society), 1990. 780 KÖLN. JOSEF-HAUBRICH-KUNSTHALLE. Schätze indischer Kunst. Text by Herbert Härtel and Wibke Lobo. Aug.-Nov. 1986. 228pp. 124 illus. (partly color). Sq. 4to. Boards. From the library of James Harle. Köln, 1986. 781 KÖLN. RAUTENSTRAUCH-JOEST-MUSEUM. Zwischen Gandhara und den Seidenstrassen. Felsbilder am Karakorum Highway. Entdeckungen deutsch-pakistanischer Expeditionen, 1979-1984. 36pp., 24 color plates. 62 figs., 3 maps. Sq. 4to. Boards. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1985. 782 KOGAN, SH.I., ET AL. Vodoemy Iuzhnogo Turkmenistana. Al’goflora, vysshaia vodnaia rastitel’nost’, antropogennoe evtrofirovanie. [By] Kh.I. Kogan, Iu.E. Liubeznov, Kh.S. Sadykov, A.P. Taipova, M.E. Kravchenko, M. Kemzhaev. Edited by I.G. Rustamova. 221, (1)pp. 27 figs. Sm. 8vo. Boards. Edition limited to 500 copies. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1985. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 51 783 KOHL, PHILIP L. Central Asia: Palaeolithic Beginnings to the Iron Age. / L’Asie Centrale des origines à l’âge du fer. Avec de contributions de H.-P. Francfort et J.-C. Gardin. (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations. Synthèse no. 14./ Asie Centrale.) 313pp. 24 plates, 24 figs., 23 maps. Tall 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations), 1984. 784 KOHL, PHILIP L. The Making of Bronze Age Eurasia. (Cambridge World Archaeology.) xxiii, (1), 296pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 2007. 785 KOHL, PHILIP L. (EDITOR). The Bronze Age Civilization of Central Asia: Recent Soviet Discoveries. Afterword by C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky. xl, 399pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Armonk, New York (M.E. Sharpe), 1981. 786 KOHLER, ELLEN L. The Gordion Excavations (1950-1973) Final Reports. Vol. II: The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli. Part 1: The Inhumations. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: University Museum Monograph 88.) xxxv, (1), 262pp., 85 plates. 72 figs. hors texte. Frontis. in color. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1995. 787 KOLCHIN, B.A. (EDITOR). Drevniaia Rus’: Gorod, zamok, selo. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 429, (3)pp. 171 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka), 1985. 788 KOLDEWEY, ROBERT. Das wieder erstehende Babylon. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse der deutschen Ausgrabungen. Dritte Auflage. (6. Sendschrift der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft.) vii, (1), 328pp. 255 illus. (7 color; partly hors texte). 4to. Cloth. Leipzig (J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung), 1914. 789 KOL’TSOV, L.V. (EDITOR). Mezolit SSSR. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 349, (3)pp. 122 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1989. 790 KONOPATSKII, A.K. & KHUDIAKOV, IU.S. (EDITORS). Arkheologiia Severnoi Azii. 176, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1982. 791 KONOVALOV, P.B. (EDITOR). Po sledam drevnikh kul’tur Zabaikal’ia. 150, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1983. 792 KORENEVSKII, S.N. Pamiatniki naseleniia bronzovogo veka Tsentral’nogo Predkavkaz’ia (nezhenskie kurgany epokhi bronzy) raiona Kavkazskikh mineral’nykh vod. 174pp. 54 plates. 4to. Wraps. Edition limited to 300 copies. Moskva (Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Arkheologii AN SSR), 1990. 793 KORFMANN, MANFRED. Tilkitepe. Die ersten Ansätze prähistorischer Forschung in der östlichen Türkei. Mit Anhängen von K. und S. Lake, P.J. Watson und M. Özbek. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Istanbul: Istanbuler Mitteilungen. Beiheft 26.) 233, (3)pp., 19 plates. 5 plans, 28 figs. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Tübingen (Verlag Ernst Wasmuth), 1982. Arntzen/Rainwater Q155 794 KORGUN, V.G. Intelligentsiia v politicheskoi zhizni Afganistana. 196, (2)pp. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1983. 795 KORN, LORENZ. Ayyubidische Architektur in Ägypten und Syrien. Bautätigkeit im Kontext von Politik und Gesellschaft 564-658/1169-1260. (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo. Islamische Reihe. 10.) 2 vols. I: Text. 239pp. II: Katalog: 300, (2)pp., 48 plates. Sm. folio. Wraps. Heidelberg (Heidelberger Orientverlag), 2004. 796 KOROBKOVA, G.F. Orudiia truda i khoziaistvo neoliticheskikh plemen Srednei Azii. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 158.) 214, (2)pp. 12 plates, 41 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Orig. buckram. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1969. 797 KOSAMBI, D.D. Myth and Reality. Studies in the formation of Indian culture. x, (2), 187pp. Illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Originally published 1962. Bombay (Popular Prakashan), 1983. 798 KOSAY, HÂMIT ZÜBEYR. Alaca Höyük kilavuzu. / Guide d’Alaca Höyük. Çeviren: Sema Inal. (T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi Eski Eserler ve Müzeler Genel Mürdürlügü. Seri I, sayi 16.) 30, (2)pp., 24 plates. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and French. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1965. 799 KOSAY, HÂMIT ZÜBEYR. Alaca-Höyük: Das Dorf Alaca-Höyük. Materialien zur Kunst und Volkskunde von Anatolien. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. VII. seri, no. 21./ Anadolu’nun etnografya ve folklorina dair malzeme. 1.) vi, 105, (1)pp., 38 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 52 Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1951. 800 KOSAY, HÂMIT ZÜBEYR. Türk Tarih Kurumu tarafindan yapilan Alaca Höyük kazisi: 1937-1939 daki çalismalara ve kesiflere ait ilk rapor. / Les fouilles d’Alaca Höyük entreprises par la Société d’Historie [sic] Turque: Rapport preliminaire sur les travaux en 1937-1939. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. V. seri, no. 5.) vii, (1), 198, (6)pp., 207 plates, 9 folding plans. 6 figs. Folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Parallel texts in Turkish and French. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1951. 801 KOSAY, HÂMIT ZÜBEYR & AKOK, MAHMUT. Türk Tarih Kurumu tarafindan yapilan Alaca Höyük kazisi: 1940-1948 deki çalismalara ve kesiflere ait ilk rapor. / Ausgrabungen von Alaca Höyük: Vorbericht über die Forschungen und Entdeckungen von 1940-1948. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. V. seri, sa. 6.) (2), 230, (2)pp., 157 plates (6 color). Folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Parallel texts in Turkish and German. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1966. 802 KOSAY, HÂMIT ZÜBEYR & VÁRY, HERMANN. Güzekiva kazisi. / Ausgrabungen von Güzelova. (Atatürk Üniversitesi yayinlari. 46./ Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Arastirmalari. Serisi 20.) 54, (2)pp., 79 plates. Folio. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and German. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1967. 803 KOSAY, HÂMIT ZÜBEYR & VÁRY, HERMANN. Pulur kazisi: 1960 mevsimi çalismalari raporu. / Die Ausgrabungen von Puluk: Bericht über die Kampagne von 1960. (Atatürk Üniversitesi yayinlari. 24./ Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Arastirmalari. Serisi Nr. 9.) (4), 109, (3)pp., 113 plates (3 color). text figs. Folio. Wraps. (spine chipped). Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1964. 804 KOSHELENKO, G.A. Grecheskii polis na ellinisticheskom Vostoke. 291, (5)pp. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1979. 805 KOSHELENKO, G.A. (EDITOR). Drevneishie gosudarstva Kavkaza i Srednei Azii. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 493, (3)pp. 169 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1985. 806 KOSHELENKO, G.A., ET AL. (EDITORS). Antichnye gosudarstva Severnogo Prichernomor’ia. Redaktory: G.A. Koshelenko, I.T. Kruglikova, V.S. Dolgorukov. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 391, (1)pp. 167 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1984. 807 KOVAL', P.V., ET AL. Regional’naia petrokhimiia mezozoiskikh intruzii Mongolii. / Mongol orny mezozoin intruziv chuluulguudyn regional petrokhimi. [By] P.V. Koval’, V.M. Iakimov, V.A. Naigebauer, A.V. Goregliad. (Sovmestnaia Sovetsko-Mongol’skaia Nauchno-Issledovatel’skaia Geologicheskaia Ekspeditsiia: Trudy. 34.) 206, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1982. 808 KOVPANENKO, G.T. Kurgany ranneskifskogo vremeni v basseine r. Ros’. 157, (3)pp. 64 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Kiev (“Naukova Dumka”), 1981. 809 [KOZHIN, P.M., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Pamiatniki drevneishei istorii Evrazii. 271pp. Prof. illus. Boards. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1975. 810 KRADIN, N.N., ET AL. Sotsial’naia struktura khunny Zabaikal’ia. [By] N.N. Kradin, S.V. Danilov, P.B. Konovalov. 105pp. Wraps. English-language summaries. Vladivostok (Dal’nauka), 2004. 811 [KRADIN, N.N., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Sotsial’naia struktura rannikh kochevnikov Evrazii: Monografiia. / Social Structure of Early Nomads in Eurasia. Edited by N.N. Kradin, A.A. Tishkin, A.V. Kharinsky. (Mezhregional’nye Issledovaniia v Obshchestvennykh Naukah.) 311pp. Figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Irkutsk (Izdatel’stvo Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta), 2005. 812 KRAINOV, D.A. Peshchernaia stoianka Tash-Air I kak osnova periodizatsii poslepaleoliticheskikh kul’tur Kryma. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 91.) 188, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 813 KRAMER, CAROL. Village Ethnoarchaeology: Rural Iran in Archaeological Perspective. (Studies in Archaeology.) xx, (2), 302, (4)pp. 1 lrg. folding map, loosely inserted, as issued. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. New York/London (Academic Press), 1982. 814 KRAMER, CAROL (EDITOR). Ethnoarchaeology. Implications of ethnography for archaeology. (4), 292pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Columbia University Press), 1979. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 53 815 KRAMER, SAMUEL NOAH. Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta. A Sumerian epic tale of Iraq and Iran. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: Museum Monographs.) (2), 55, (1)pp., 28 plates. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1952. 816 KRAMER, SAMUEL NOAH. From the Tablets of Sumer. Twenty-five firsts in man’s recorded history. xxv, (3), 293, (1)pp. 80 illus. (mostly hors texte). Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Indian Hills, Colorado (The Falcon’s Wing Press), 1956. 817 KRAMER, SAMUEL NOAH. In the World of Sumer. An autobiography. 253, (3)pp. Text illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Detroit (Wayne State University Press), 1986. 818 KRAMER, SAMUEL NOAH. Iraqi Excavations During the War Years. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: University Museum Bulletin. Vol. 13#2.) 32pp. 20 illus. Wraps. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1948. 819 KRAMER, SAMUEL NOAH. The Sacred Marriage Rite. Aspects of faith, myth, and ritual in ancient Sumer. xv, (3), 170pp. 4 plates. Cloth. D.j. Bloomington/London (Indiana University Press), 1969. 820 KRAMER, SAMUEL NOAH. The Sumerians. Their history, culture, and character. xiv, 355pp., 16 plates. Figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1963. 821 KRASNOV, IU.A. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskaia karta Rossii: Brianskaia oblast’. 301, (3)pp. 170 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1993. 822 KRASNOV, IU.A. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskaia karta Rossii: Ivanovskaia oblast’. 224, (2)pp. 64 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1994. 823 KRASNOV, IU.A. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskaia karta Rossii: Kaluzhskaia oblast’. 157, (3)pp. 26 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1992. 824 KRASNOV, IU.A. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskaia karta Rossii: Moskovskaia oblast’. Chast’ 1: Balashikhinskii, Domodedovskii, Krasnogorskii, Leninskii, Liuberetskii, Mytishchinskii, Oditsovskii, Podol’skii, Pushkinskii, Khimkinskii, Shchelkovskii raiony. 319pp. 93 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1994. 825 KRASNOV, IU.A. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskaia karta Rossii: Orlovskaia oblast’. 94, (2)pp. 20 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1992. 826 KRASNOV, IU.A. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskaia karta Rossii: Riazanskaia oblast’. Chast’ 1: g. Riazan’, Riazanskii, Zakharovskii, Kasimovskii, Klepikovskii, Rybiovskii, Spasskii raiony. 260, (8)pp. 7 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1993. 827 KRASNOV, IU.A. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskaia karta Rossii: Riazanskaia oblast’. Chast’ 2: Ermishinskii, Kadomskii, Pitelinskii, Putiatinskii, Sapozhkovskii, Saraevskii, Sasovskii, Ukholovskii, Chuchkovskii, Shatskii, Shilovskii raiony. 215, (1)pp. 41 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1994. 828 KRETZOI, MIKLÓS & DOBOSI, VIOLA T. (EDITORS). Vértesszölös: Site, Man and Culture. 554, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Budapest (Akadémiai Kiadó), 1990. 829 KRISTIANSEN, KRISTIAN & PALUDAN-MÜLLER, CARSTEN (EDITORS). New Directions in Scandinavian Archaeology. (Studies in Scandinavian Prehistory and Early History. 1.) 271pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. {København] (The National Museum of Denmark), [1978]. 830 KRIUKOV, M.V. & KUZNETSOV, A.I. (EDITOR). Tipologiia osnovnykh elementov traditsionnoi kul’tury. 252, (2)pp. Figs. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1984. 831 [KRIVOSHAPKIN, M.A., ET AL.] Geologia i poleznye iskopaemye Kazakhstana: Bbiliograficheskii spravochnik. Period 1956-1960. Vyp. I [all published?]: Pechatnye raboty. (Trudy Kazakhskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel’skogo Institut Mineral’nogo Syr’ia.) 334, (2)pp. Orig. buckram. Alma-Ata (Gosudarstvennyi Geologicheskii Komitet SSSR, Kazakhskii Nauchno-Issledovatel’skii Institut, Mineral’nogo Syr’ia), 1964. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 54 832 KROPOTKIN, V.V. (EDITOR). Mogil’niki cherniakhovskoi kul’tury. 183, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1988. 833 KRUCHERUK, V.V. (EDITO). Mlekopitaoiushchie Turkmenistana. Tom I [all published]: Khishchnye, lastonogie, kopytnye. 315, (3)pp. Illus. 4to. Buckram. Ashgabad (Ylym), 1995. 834 [KRUGLIKOVA, I.T. (EDITOR).] Drevniaia Baktriia. [1]: Materialy Sovetsko-Afganskoi Ekspeditsii 1969-1973 gg. 190, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. French-language summaries. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Nauka”), 1976. 835 KRUPNOV, E.I. (EDITOR). Drevnosti nizhnego Povolzh’ia. (Itogi rabot Stalingradskoi arkheologicheskoi ekspeditsii). Tom I. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 60.) 597, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 836 KRUPNOV, E.I. (EDITOR). Srednevekovye pamiatniki Severnoi Osetii. (Trudy Severo-Kavkazsko Ekspeditsii 1958-1960 gg., tom II). (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 114.) 161, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Slightly waterdamaged. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 837 KRUPNOV, E.I. & SMIRNOV, K.F. (EDITORS). Drevnosti nizhnego Povolzh’ia. (Itogi rabot Stalingradskoi arkheologicheskoi ekspeditsii). Tom II. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 78.) 307, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 838 KUBAREV, V.D. Kurgany Iustyda. 186, (6)pp. 71 plates, 34 figs. Buckram. Novosibirsk (“Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1991. 839 KUCHERA, STANISLAV. Kitaiskaia arkheologiia 1965-1975 gg.: Paleolit-epokha In’. Nakhodki i problemy. 266, (4)pp. 13 color illus. hors texte. 69 text illus., 18 plans. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1977. 840 KUHRT, AMÉLIE. The Ancient Near East, c. 3000-330 BC. (Routledge History of the Ancient World.) 2 vols. xxviii, xix, (1), 782pp. 45 plates, 17 maps. Sm. 4to. Wraps. London/New York (Routledge), 1998. 841 KUKHARENKO, IU. V. (EDITOR). Drevnie slaviane i ikh sosedi. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 176.) 154, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1970. 842 KUKLICK, BRUCE. Puritans in Babylon: The Ancient Near East and American Intellectual Life, 1880-1930. x, (6), 253, (1)pp. 16 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1996. 843 KUL’TURNOE NASLEDIE TURKMENISTANA: GLUBINNYE ISTOKI I SOVREMENNYE PERSPEKTIVY. Materialy k mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi conferentsii./ Türkmenistanyn medeni mirasy: Gadymy çesmeler we häzirki zamany n mümkinçilikleri..../ Turkmenistan Cultural Heritage: The Remote Sources and Modern Perspectives. (Prezidentskaia Programma Rukhname.) 244pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Ashgabat/Sankt-Peterburg (Evreopeiskii Dom), 2000. 844 KURINSKY, SAMUEL. The Glassmakers: An Odyssey of the Jews. The first three thousand years. xxiii, (1), 434pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. New York (Hippocrene Books), 1991. 845 KUSHKAKI, BURHAN AL-DIN KHAN. Qataghan et Badakhshân. Description du pays d’après l’inspection d’un ministre afghan en 1922. Par Mawlawi Borhân al-din Khân Koshkaki. Traduit par Marguerite Reut. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques: Publications de l’URA. 10./ Mémoire no. 3./ Travaux de l’Institut d’Études Iraniennes de l’Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle. 10.) 3 vols. I: Traduction. xiv, 341, (1)pp. II: Texte persan. (120)pp. III: Cartes. 70 maps (mostly folding), loose in portfolio, as issued. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1979. 846 KUSHNAREVA, K.KH. & CHUBINISHVILI, T.N. Drevnie kul’tury Iuzhnogo Kavkaza (V-III tys. do n.e.). 189, (3)pp. 55 illus. 4to Wraps. D.j. English-language summary. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1970. 847 KUSHNAREVA, K.KH. & MARKOVIN, V.I. (EDITORS). Epokha bronza Kavkaza i Srednei Azii. Ranniaia i sredniaia bronza Kavkaza. (Arkheologiia.) 382, (2)pp., 8 color plates. 110 plates in text. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1994. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 55 848 KUWAIT. WIZARAT AL-IRSHAD WA-AL-ANBA. IDARAT AL-ATHAR WA-AL-MATAHIF. Taqrir shamil ‘an al-hafriyat alathariyah fi Jazirat Faylaka, ‘am 1958-1963. / Archaeological Investigations in the Island of Failaka 1958-1964. 161pp. 8 maps, 93 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. English-language captions. al-Kuwayt, n.d. 849 KUZ’MINA, E.E. Drevneishie skotovody ot Urala do Tian’-Shania. 132, (2)pp. 38 plates. Boards. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Frunze (Izdatel’stvo “Ilim”), 1986. 850 KUZNETSOVA, T.M. Etiudy po skifskoi istorii. 150pp. 24 illus. Wraps. Edition limited to 500 copies. Moskva (Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Istitut Arkheologii AN SSSR), 1991. 851 [KUZNETSOVA, T.M. (EDITOR).] Skify: Khrestomatiia. 303, (1)pp. Figs. Buckram. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editor. Moskva (Vysshaia Shkola), 1992. 852 KYZLASOV, I.L. Askizskaia kul’tura Iuzhnoi Sibiri X-XIV vv. (Arkheologiia SSSR. Svod Arkheologicheskikh Istochnikov. E 3-18.) 126, (2)pp. 38 plates, 38 text figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1983. 853 KYZLASOV, L.R. Drevniaia Tuva: Ot paleolita do IX v. 204, (2)pp. 156 illus., figs. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta), 1979. 854 LACHEMAN, ERNEST R. Excavations at Nuzi Conducted by the Semitic Museum and the Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University, with the Coöperation of the American School of Oriental Research at Baghdad. Vol. VII: Economic and Social Documents. (Harvard Semitic Series. 16.) xii, 139pp., 2 plates. 4to. Cloth. Cambridge (Harvard University Press), 1958. 855 LÆSSØE, JØRGEN. People of Ancient Assyria: Their Inscriptions and Correspondence. xx, 169pp., 16 plates. Cloth. D.j. London (Routledge & Kegan Paul), 1963. 856 LÆSSØE, JØRGEN. The Shemshara Tablets: A Reliminary Report. (Arkæologisk-kunsthistoriske Meddelelser udgivet av Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Bind 4, nr. 3.) 103pp., 1 folding plan. 12 figs. Wraps. København (Ejnar Munksgaard), 1959. 857 LAGRANGE, MARIE-SALOMÉ & BONNET, CHARLES. Les chemins de la “memoria.” Nouvel essai d’analyse du discours archéologique. (Centre de Recherches Archéologiques. Centre régional de frappe de Sophia-Antipolis. Publications du C.R.A: Notes et Monographies techniques. 10.) viii, 55, (1), iv pp. 3 plates, 1 fig. Tall 4to. Wraps. Summaries in English and German. Paris (Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1978. 858 LAL, B.B. The Earliest Civilization of South Asia (Rise, Maturity and Decline). xxi, (1), 308, (2)pp., 56 plates (16 color). Numerous text figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. New Delhi (Aryan Books International), 1997. 859 LAL, B.B. Piecing Together: Memoirs of an Archaeologist. xviii, 266pp. 44 illus. hors texte. 11 figs. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. New Delhi (Aryan Books International), 2011. 860 LAL, B.B., ET AL. Excavations at Kalibangan: The Early Harappans (1960-1969). [By] B.B. Lal, Jagat Pati Joshi, B.K. Thapar, Madhu Bala with contributions from B.N. Tandon, B.B. Lal, S. Banerjee, R.N. Mukerjee, B. Nath, Vishnu Mittre & R. Savithri. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India. 98.) xiii, (1), 340pp. 62 plates, 75 figs. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. New Delhi (The Director General, Archaeological Survey of India), 2003. 861 LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY, CARL C. Beyond the Tigris and Euphrates: Bronze Age Civilizations. / Me-`evar la-Ferat ula-Hidekel: Tekufat ha-bronzah ve-tarbuyoteha. (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: Beer-Sheva. Studies by the Department of Bible and Ancient Near East. 9.) (4), 286pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Beer Sheva (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press), 1996. 862 LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY, C.C. Excavations at Tepe Yahya, Iran, 1967-1969. Progress Report I. (American School of Prehistoric Research, Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Bulletin. 27./ The Asia Institute of Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran. Monograph no. 1.) (4), 134pp. 44 plates, 56 figs. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge, 1970. 863 LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY, C.C. (EDITOR). Archaeological Thought in America. viii, 357pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editor. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1989. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 56 864 LAMBTON, ANN K.S. Continuity and Change in Medieval Persia. Aspects of administrative, economic and social history, 11th-14th century. (Bibliotheca Persica: Columbia Lectures on Iranian Studies. 2.) (10), 424pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Albany, New York (Bibliotheca Persica/ State University of New York Press), 1988. 865 LAMPL, PAUL. Cities and Planning in the Ancient Near East. (Planning and Cities.) 128pp. 165 illus. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. New York (George Braziller), 1968. Arntzen/Rainwater J56; Marmor/Ross J118 866 LANFRANCHI, GIOVANNI B., ET AL. (EDITORS). Continuity of Empire (?): Assyria, Media, Persia. Edited by Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, Michael Roaf, Robert Rollinger. (History of the Ancient Near East: Monographs. 5.) xi, (1), 468, (2)pp., 22 plates. Text figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Padova (S.a.r.g.o.n. Editrice e Libreria), 2003. 867 LAPP, NANCY L. (EDITOR). The Third Campaign at Tell el-Fûl: The Excavations of 1964. With contributions by John A. Graham, Howard M. Jamieson, Nancy L. Lapp, and Walter E. Rast. (The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 45.) xvii, (1), 313pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Cambridge (American Schools of Oriental Research), 1981. 868 LAPPO-DANILEVSKII, A. & MAL’MBERG, V. Drevnosti Iuzhnoi Rossii: Kurgan Karagodeuashkh. (Materialy po Arkheologii Rossii, isdavaemye Imperatorskoiu Arkheologicheskoiu Kommissieio. 13.) (2), ii, 191, (1)pp., 9 plates. 88 text illus. Folio. Marbled boards (worn), 1/4 leather. Faint marginal waterstaining at rear. Sanktpeterburg (Tipografiia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk), 1894. 869 LARICHEV, V.E. (EDITOR). Drevnosti Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka. / The Antiquities of Siberia and the Soviet Far East. (Istoriia i Kul’tura Vostoka Azii.) 120, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1987. 870 [LARICHEV, V.E. (EDITOR).] Paleolit Srednei i Vostochnoi Azii: Istoriia i kul’tura Vostoka Azii. / Paleolit of Middle and East Asia: History and Culture of the East of Asia. 167pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. (spine chipped). Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1980. 871 LARICHEV, V.E. (EDITOR). Vostochnaia Aziia i sosednie territorii v srednie veka. / East Asia and Adjacent Regions in the Middle Ages. 110, (2)pp. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1986. 872 LARSEN, MOGENS TROLLE. The Conquest of Assyria: Excavations in an Antique Land, 1840-1860. xiv, 390pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London/New York (Routledge), 1996. 873 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. The Chinese: Their History and Culture. Second edition revised. 2 vols. in 1. xvi, (2), 506, 389pp., 1 folding map. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. New York (Macmillan), 1942. 874 LATTIMORE, OWEN. Inner Asian Frontiers of China. (American Geographic Society: Research Series. 21.) lxi, (1), 585, (3)pp. 11 maps. Lrg 8vo. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Irvington-on-Hudson/New York (Capitol Publishing Co./ American Geographical Society), 1951. 875 LAUMULIN, M.T. & BEISEMBIEV, T.K. Zarubezhnye issledovateli Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana: Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel’. 98pp. Wraps. Almaty (Tsentr Vostokovedeniia NAN RK), 1994. 876 LEBEDYNSKY, IAROSLAV. Les scythes: La civilisation nomade des steppes, VIIe-IIIe siècles av. J.-C. 267pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Éditions Errance), 2001. 877 LECHEVALLIER, MONIQUE. Abou Gosh et Beisamoun. Deux gisements du VIIe millénaire avant l’ère chrétienne en Israël. Contributions de Baruch Arensburg, Patricia Smith et Regina Yakar, Hélène Balfet, Simon Davis, Pierre Ducos, William R. Farrand, Denise Ferembach, Albert Hesse, Alain Le Brun, Henk K. Mienis, Isadore Perlman et Joseph Yellin, Odile Soliveres. Dessins de Daniel Ladiray et Odile Daune. (Mémoires et Travaux du Centre de Recherches Préhistoriques Français de Jérusalem, Mission Permanente du C.N.R.S. 2.) 289pp. 36 plates, 111 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Association Paléorient), 1978. 878 LE COQ, ALBERT VON. Von Land und Leuten in Ostturkistan. Berichte und Abenteuer der 4. Deutschen Turfanexpedition. vii, (1), 183pp. 156 illus. (48 hors texte), 5 maps. Sm. 4to. Orig. illus. wraps. (slightly chipped). Leipzig (Verlag der J.C. Hinrichs’schen Buchhandlung), 1928. Yakuchi L68 ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 57 879 LEGRAIN, L. Ur Excavations. Volume III: Archaic Seal Impressions. With an introductory note by Leonard Woolley. (Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia.) viii, 49, (3)pp., 58 plates. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. London/Philadelphia (The British Museum/ Museum of the University of Pennsylvania), 1936. 880 LEICK, GWENDOLYN. A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Architecture. xix, (1), 261pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London/New York (Routledge), 1988. Marmor/Ross J135 881 LE MAITRE, JACQUES. La rationalisation des systèmes de traitement de l’information documentaire en archéologie. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques, Centre régional de frappe de Sophia-Antipolis: Publications du C.R.A. Mémoires no. 1.) 211, (5)pp. Figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Paris (Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1978. 882 LE MAITRE, JACQUES, ET AL. Le RIDA: Réseau d’Information et de Documentation Archéologiques: Essai de réalisation (1974-1979). Par Jacques Le Maitre, Brigitte Lequeux, Anne-Marie Richaud, Dominique Trousson-Liberatore. (Recherche sur les Grandes Civilisations.) 77, (181)pp. Figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. N.p. (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Sémiologie et Informatique/ Éditions ADPF), 1980. 883 LENINGRAD. HERMITAGE MUSEUM. Antichnaia torevtika: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. 201pp. 59 plates. Wraps. Leningrad, 1986. 884 LENINGRAD. HERMITAGE MUSEUM. New Archaeological Materials Relating to the History of the Soviet East. Compiled by S. Sorokin. July-Aug. 1960. 15, (1)pp. 12mo. Orig. wraps. [Leningrad] (1960). 885 LENZI, FIAMMA (EDITOR). Rimini e l’Adriatico nell’età delle guerre puniche. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Rimini, Musei Comunali, 25-27 marzo 2004. (Centro Studi per l’Archeologia dell’Adriatico/ Istituto per i Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna: Archeologia dell’Adriatico. 2.) 378pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Bologna (Ante Quem), [2006]. 886 LEONARDI, GIOVANNI. Materiali preistorici e protostorici del Museo di Chiampo Vicenza. (Collezioni e Musei Archeologici del Veneto.) 349pp. 153 plates. Lrg. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Venezia (Alfieri), 1973. 887 LEONI, DANTE & MONTANARI, GIOVANNI. Storia di Longastrino in età medioevale e moderna (secoli XI-XVIII). 431pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Cesena (Società Editrice “Il Ponte Vecchio”), 2002. 888 LEOSPO, ENRICA. Saqqara e Giza. (Documenti d’Arte.) 74, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Novara (Istituto Geografico De Agostini), 1982. 889 LESKOV, A.M. Kurgany: Nakhodki, problemy. 167, (1)pp. 32 illus. hors texte. 36 text figs. Wraps. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1981. 890 LESKOV, A. Treasures from the Ukrainian Barrows: Latest Discoveries. / Novye sokrovishcha kurganov Ukrainy. 150, (2)pp. 42 color plates, 16 illus. Lrg. sq. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in English and Russian. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Avrora”), n.d. 891 LE STRANGE, GUY. The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate. Mesopotamia, Persia, and Central Asia from the Moslem conquest to the time of Timur. xvii, (3), 536pp. 10 maps. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Originally published London 1905. London (Frank Cass & Co.), 1966. 892 LEVADNIUK, A.T. Peschanye massivy severnoi chasti zapadno-turkmenskoi nizmennosti. / Gunbatar-Turkmen pesligining demirgazük bölegining chäge massivleri. 140, (4)pp. 25 figs. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR), 1963. 893 LEVIN, M.G. & POTAPOV, L.P. (EDITORS). The Peoples of Siberia. viii, 948pp. 1 lrg. folding map, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Prof. illus. Sm. stout 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1964. 894 LEVINE, LOUIS D. & YOUNG, T. CUYLER, JR. (EDITORS). Mountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mespotamia. (Bibliotheca Mesopotamica. Primary Sources and Interpretive Analyses for the Study of Mesopotamian Civilization and Its Influences from Late Prehistory to the End of the Cuneiform Tradition. 7.) x, 405, (5)pp., 26 plates. Text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Signed by a large number of the authors. Malibu (Undena Publications), 1977. 895 LEVRERO, ROBERTA. Hic sunt leones: L’Africa dei popoli antichi. Prefazione di Willy Fassio. (Abadir. 7.) 215, (1)pp. 9 maps, 5 figs. Wraps. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 58 Torino (Ananke), 2000. 896 LEWY, HILDEGARD. Assyria, c. 2600-1816 B.C. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. I, Chapter XXV.) 50pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1966. 897 LI JI. Anyang. [By] Li Chi. xviii, (2), 304pp., 20 color plates. 65 text figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Seattle (University of Washington Press), 1977. 898 LI JI. The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization. Three lectures illustrated with finds at Anyang. [By] Li Chi. xvii, (1), 123pp. 49 plates. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. Seattle (University of Washington Press), 1957. 899 LI JI, ET A. Ch’êng-tzu-yai: The Black Pottery Culture Site at Lung-shan-chên in Li-ch’êng-hsien, Shantung Province. Li Chi (editor-in-chief), Liang Ssu-yung and Tung Tso-pin (editors), Fu Ssu-nien, Wu Chin-ting, Kuo-Pao-chün, and Liu Yü-hsia; translated by Kenneth Starr. (Yale University Publications in Anthropology. 52.) 232pp., 54 plates. 12 figs., 25 tables. Sm. 4to. Wraps. New Haven (Yale University Press), 1956. 900 LI, XUEQIN. Eastern Zhou and Qin Civilizations. Translated by K.C. Chang. (Early Chinese Civilizations Series.) xvi, 527pp. 212 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1985. 901 LIAPUSHKIN, I.I. Dneprovskoe lesostepnoe Levoberezh’e v epokhu zheleza. Arkheologicheskie razyskaniia o vremeni zaseleniia Levoberezh’ia slavianami. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 104.) 381, (3)pp. 167 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 902 LIAPUSHKIN, I.I. Goirodishche Novotroitskoe. O kul’ture vostochnykh slavian v period slozheniia Kievskogo gosudarstva. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 74.) 327pp. 93 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1958. 903 LIAPUSHKIN, I.I. Slaviane Vostochnoi Evropy nakanune obrazovaniia drevnerusskogo gosudarstva (VIII-pervaia polovina IX v.). Istoriko-arkheologicheskie ocherki. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 152.) 189, (3)pp., 3 folding maps. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1968. 904 [LIBEROV, P.D. & GULIAEV, V.I. (EDITORS).] Problemy skifskoi arkheologii. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 177.) 219, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1971. 905 LIEBLEIN, J. Handel und Schiffahrt auf dem rothen Meere in alten Zeiten: Nach ägyptischen Quellen. 150pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Repint of the Christiania 1886 edition. Osnabrück (Reinhard Kuballe Verlag), 1985. Beinlich-Seeber 12225 906 LIGABUE, GIANCARLO. Per piste dimenticate: Scritti. 258, (6)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Venzia (Centro Studi Ricerche Ligabue/ Il Punti Edizioni), [2005]. 907 LIGABUE, GIANCARLO & ARBORE-POPESCU, GRIGORE (EDITORS). I cavalieri delle steppe: Memoria delle terre del Kazakhstan. 351, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Milano (Electa), 2000. 908 LIGABUE, GIANCARLO & ROSSI-OSMIDA, GABRIELE (EDITORS). Sulla via delle oasi: Tesori dell’Oriente antico. Testi di: Pierre Amiet, Agnès Benoit, Anatoly Mushmakin, Paolo Fiorina, Henri-Paul Francfort, [C.C.] Lamberg Karlovsky, Giancarlo Ligabue, Gabriele Rossi-Osmida, Massimo Vidale. 291pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Trebaseleghe Pd (Il Punto Edizioni/ Centro Studi Ricerche Ligabue), 2007. 909 LIGABUE, GIANCARLO & SALVATORI, SANDRO (EDITORS). Bactria: An Ancient Oasis Civilization from the Sands of Afghanistan. [Texts by]: Lamberg-Karlovsky, Vercellin, Tosi, Biscione and Bondioli, Sarianidi, Amiet, Hakemi and Sajjadi, Salvatori. (Centro Studi Ricerche Ligabue, Venezia: “Studies and Documents.” III.) 244, (8)pp. 116 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Venezia (Erizzo Editrice), [1988]. 910 LIMPER, KLAUDIA. Uruk: Perlen, Ketten, Anhänger. Grabungen 1912-1985. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Baghdad: Ausgrabungen in Uruk Warka. Endberichte. 2.) (6), 193, (3)pp., 61 plates (1 color) with 537 illus. 55 text illus., 486 figs. Folio. Cloth. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1988. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 59 911 LINZ. STADTMUSEUM NORDICO. Syrien: Von den Aposteln zu den Kalifen. Dec. 1993-April 1994. Edited by Erwin M. Ruprechtsberger. 520pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Linz, 1993. 912 LITVINSKII, B.A. Kangiuisko-sarmatskii farn. K istoriko-kul’turnyi sviaziam plemen Iuzhnoi Rosii i Srednei Azii. 119, (1)pp., 6 plates. Wraps. English-language summary. Edition limited to 700 copies. Dushanbe (Izdatel’stvo “Donish”), 1968. 913 LITVINSKII, B.A. (EDITOR). Sredniaia Aziia, Kavkaz i Zarubezhnyi Vostok v drevnosti. 179, (5)pp. 38 plates, maps. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1983. 914 LITVINSKII, B.A. (EDITOR). Vostochnyi Turkestan i Sredniaia Aziia v sisteme kul’tur drevnego i srednevekovogo Vostoka. 251, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth (shaken). Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1986. 915 LITVINSKII, B.A. & SEDOV, A.V. Tepai-shakh: Kul’tura i sviazi kushanskoi Baktrii. 236, (4)pp. 34 plates (2 color hors texte), 24 text illus. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1983. 916 LITVINSKII, BORIS A. & SOLOV’EV, V.S. Kafyrkala: Frühmittelalterliche Stadt im Vachs-Tal, Süd-Tadzikistan. (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 28.) 106, (2)pp. 29 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1985. 917 LITVINSKII, B.A. & SOLOV’EV, V.S. Srednevekovaia kul’tura Tokharistana v svete raskopok v Vakhshskoi doline. 262, (2)pp. 29 plates, 60 text illus. 4to. Buckram. English-language summary. Moskva (IUzdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1985. 918 LIU, LI. The Chinese Neolithic: Trajectories to Early States. (New Studies in Archaeology.) xvi, 310, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 2007. 919 LIU, XINRU. Ancient India and Ancient China. Trade and religious exchanges, AD 1-600. xxi, (1), 231pp. 7 maps & 7 figs. hors texte. Cloth. Delhi (Oxford University Press), 1988. 920 LIVERANI, MARIO (EDITOR). Aghram Nadharif: The Barkat Oasis (Sha‘abiya of Ghat, Libyan Sahara) in Garamantian Times. With contributions of F. Alhaique, G. Artioli, E.S. Azzebi, G. Bosi, S. Bruni, F. Buldrini, R. Castelli, M. Cremaschi, E. Cristiani, M. Dapiaggi, F. Felici, L. Forlani, M.C. Gatto, V. Guglielmi, G. Guida, L. Laddaga, C. Lemorini, A.M. Mercuri, L. Mori, M. Munzi, C. Ottomano, C. Putzolu, G. Trevisan Grandi, M. Vidale, D. Zampetti. With a foreword by S. Di Lernia and comments by P. Breunig and D.J. Mattingly. (The Archaeology of the Libyan Sahara. II./ Arid Zone Archaeology. Monographs. 5.) xxxii, 517, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Wraps. D.j. Arabic-language summary (Hafriyyat mawqi‘ Agram Nadarif wa-qimatuha fi tarih as-sahra al-libiyya). Firenze (Edizioni all’Insegna del Giglio), 2005. 921 LO CASCIO, PIPPO, ET AL. Profilo storico ed archeologico di Campofiorito. [A cura di] Pippo Lo Cascio, Gaspare Maniscalco, Francesca Mercadante, Alberto Scuderi, Angelo Vintaloro. 77, (3)pp., 16 color plates. 26 text illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Corleone (Archeoclub d’Italia, Sede di Corleone), 2001. 922 LÖRINCZ, LÁSZLÓ. Histoire de la Mongolie des origines à nos jours. 292, (3)pp., 35 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Budapest (Akadémiai Kiadó), 1984. 923 LOHUIZEN-DE LEEUW, J.E. VAN. Folia Indica. A collection of essays on various South and South-East Asian subjects, some of them hitherto unpublished, with a bibliography of the author’s printed works. xxiii, (1), 93pp., 28 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Naples (Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe), 1990. 924 LO IACONO, GIUSEPPE & MARCONI, CLEMENTE. L’attività della Commissione di Antichità e Belle Arti in Sicilia. (Quaderni del Museo Archeologico Regionale “Antonino Salinas.” Supplemento. 3-5.) 3 vols. Parte I: 1827-1835. 191pp. Parte II: 1835-1845. 278pp. III: 1852-1860. 125pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Palermo (Regione Siciliana, Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali e della Pubblicà Istruzione), 1997-1999. 925 LONDON. BRUNEI GALLERY. Traces of Paradise: The Archaeology of Bahrain, 2500 BC-300 AD. July-Sept. 2000. 223pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. London, 2000. 926 LONGERSTAY, MONIQUE. Les tombes rupestres à Auge du Maghreb antique. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 61 agli Annali - vol. 49 [1989], fasc. 4.) 53, (3)pp., 3 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 60 Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1989. 927 LOON, MAURITS NANNING VAN. Urartian Art. Its distinctive trait in the light of new excavations. (Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul. 20.) xv, (1), 190, (4)pp., 43 plates. 22 figs. 4to. New cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. Istanbul (Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut), 1966. 928 LORDKIPANIDZE, OTAR. Nasledie drevnei Gruzii. 435, (1)pp., 32 color plates. 185 illus. 4to. Leatherette. Tbilisi (“Metsniereba”), 1989. 929 LOS ANGELES. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Nomads of Eurasia. Edited by Vladimir N. Basilov. Feb.-April 1989. 191, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Seattle/London (University of Washington Press), 1989. 930 LUBO-LESNICHENKO, E.I. Privoznye zerkala Minusinskoi kotloviny: K voprosu o vneshnikh sviaziakh drevnego naseleniia Iuzhnoi Sibiri. S prilozheniem staty I.V. Bogdanovoi-Berezovskoi. (Kul’tura Narodov Vostoka: Materialy i Issledovaniia.) 164, (4)pp. 109 illus. hors texte. Wraps. D.j. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1975. 931 LUKONIN, V.G. Iran v III veke. Novye materialy i opyt istoricheskoi rekonstruktsii. (Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh.) 173, (3)pp. 19 plates, 28 illus. Wraps. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1979. 932 LUKONIN, VLADIMIR G. Persia II. (Archeologia Mundi.) 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cleveland/New York (The World Pub. Co.), 1967. Arntzen/Rainwater I3 933 [LUNIN, B.V. & MIRKHASILOV, S. (EDITORS).] Vsesoiuznoe arkheologo-etnograficheskoe soveshchanie po itogam polevykh issledovanii 1972 goda: Tezisy dokladov i soobshchenii po etnografii. 118pp. Wraps. Tashkent (Akademiia Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR), 1973. 934 LUNINA, S.B. Goroda Izuchnogo Sogda v VIII-XII vv. Edited by G.A. Pugachenkova. 126, (4)pp., 32 plates. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1984. 935 LUPPOV, N.P., ET AL. (EDITORS). Geologiia SSSR. Tom XXII: Turkmenskaia SSR. Chast’ I: Geologicheskoe poisanie. Edited by N.P. Luppov, M.P. Sukacheva, L.V. Neronova. 658pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Nauchno Tekhnicheskoe Izdatel’stvo Literatury po Geologii i Okhrane NEDR), 1957. 936 LYMAREV, V.I. Berega Aral’skogo moria-bnutrennego vodoema aridnoi zony. 251pp. 61 illus. Wraps. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1967. 937 LYONS, ELIZABETH & PETERS, HEATHER. Buddhism: History and Diversity of a Great Tradition. With contributions by Chang Ch’eng-mei, Gregory Possehl. 64pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1985. 938 MCCOWN, DONALD E. The Comparative Stratigraphy of Early Iran. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. 23.) xvi, 65pp., 1 folding map. 18 figs., 2 tables (mostly hors texte). Lrg. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Annotated by Robert H. Dyson, Jr. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1942. 939 MACKAY, ERNEST J.H. Chanhu-daro Excavations, 1935-36. (American Oriental Series. 20.) xv, (1), 338, (2)pp., 96 plates. Sm. folio. Cloth. New Haven (American School of Indic and Iranian Studies and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, by American Oriental Society), 1943. 940 MACKENZIE, NEIL D. Ayyubid Cairo: A Topographical Study. vii, (1), 209pp. 3 folding maps, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cairo (The American University in Cairo Press), 1992. 941 MÀDARO, ADRIANO. La Cina nel settimo centenario di Marco Polo. (30)pp., 105 color plates. Folio. Cloth. D.j. N.p. (Edizioni Bepi Grich), 1983. 942 MADHIVANAN, R. Indus Script Among Dravidian Speakers. General editor: N. Mahalingam. (4), 109, (1)pp., 16 plates, 1 folding map. Figs. Wraps. D.j. Guindy, Madras (International Society for the Investigation of Ancient Civilizations), 1995. 943 MAHALINGAM, T.V. Report on the Excavations in the Lower Kaveri Valley (Tirukkampuliyur and Alagarai) [19621964]. (Madras University Archaeological Series. 2.) (8), 134, (2)pp., 27 plates. 27 text figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Madras (University of Madras), 1970. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 61 944 MAIR, VICTOR H. (EDITOR). The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia. / Chung Ya tung pu ch‘ing t‘ung ho tsao ch‘i t‘ieh ch‘i shih tai ti chü min. (Journal of Indo-European Studies: Monograph Series 26.) 2 vols. I: Archeology, Migration and Nomadism, Linguistics. II: Genetics and Physical Anthropology, Metallurgy, Textiles, Geography and Climatology, History, and Mythology and Ethnology. (16), 899pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Washington, D.C./Philadelphia (The Institute for the Study of Man/ The University of Pennsylvania Museum Publications), 1998. 945 MAJD, MOHAMMAD GHOLI. The Great American Plunder of Persia’s Antiquities, 1925-1941. (4), 275, (1)pp. Sm. 4to. Leatherette. Lanham, Maryland (University Press of America), 2003. 946 MAJID’ZADAH, YUSUF. Excavations at Tepe Ghabristan, Iran. (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Centro Scavi e Ricerche Archeologiche/ Università di Napoli “L’Orientale,” Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Reports and Memoirs. New Series. 7.) 184pp. 26 plates, 76 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Roma (IsIAO), 2008. 947 MAJUMDAR, N.G. Explorations in Sind. Being a report of the exploratory survey carried out during the years 1927-28, 1929-30 and 1930-31. (Memoirs of the Archæological Survey of India. 48.) ix, (3), 172, (2)pp., 46 plates. 4to. Buckram. Reprint of the Delhi 1934 edition. Karachi (Indus Publications), 1981. 948 MAJUMDAR, R.C. Ancient India. xvi, (2), 538pp., 19 plates. Cloth. D.j. Originally published Varanasi 1952. Delhi (Motilal Banarsidass), 1991. 949 MALIK SHAHMIRZADI, SADIQ. Nuqrah’karan-i Siyalk: Guzarish-i fasl-i duvvum-i Tarh-i baz’nigari-i Siyalk. / The Silversmiths of Sialk. (Silsilah-i Guzarishha-yi Bastan’shinasi. 2.) 286, (2), 24pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Englishlanguage summary. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Tihran (Sazman-i Miras-i Farhangi-i Kishvar, Pizhuhishkadah-i Bastan’shinasi, Mu‘avanat-i Pizhuhishi), 2003. 950 MALIK SHAHMIRZADI, SADIQ. Zigurat-i Siyalk: Tarh-i baznigari-i Siyalk, guzarish-i fasl-i yakum. / The Ziggurat of Sialk: Sialk Reconsideration Project. Report No. 1. (Silsilah-i Guzarishha-yi Bastan’shinasi. 2.) 214, 6pp. 16 plates, numerous text illus. 4to. Wraps. English-language introduction. Tihran (Sazman-i Miras-i Farhangi-i Kishvar [Pizhuhishgah], Mu’avanat-i Ma’rifi va Amuzish), 2002. 951 MALLORY, J.P. & MAIR, VICTOR H. The Tarim Mummies. Ancient China and the mystery of the earliest peoples from the West. 352pp. 190 illus. (13 color). 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (Thames & Hudson), 2000. 952 MALLOWAN, MAX E.L. Early Mesopotamia and Iran. (Library of the Early Civilizations.) 142pp. 142 illus., 1 map. Cloth. D.j. New York (McGraw-Hill), 1965. 953 MALONE, CAROLINE & STODDART, SIMON (EDITORS). Territory, Time and State: The Archaeological Development of the Gubbio Basin. With contributions from Francesco Allegrucci, Catherine Backway, Edoardo Biondi, Gillian Clark, Mauro Coltorti, Peter Finke, Rachel Fulton, Jenny Harding, Rupert Housley, Christopher Hunt, Dorica Manconi, James McVicar, Timothy Reynolds, Mirjam Schomaker, Rene Sewuster, Jan Sevink, Erik van Waveren, Nicholas Whitehead, James Whitley and John Wilkins. xii, 232pp. 1 lrg. folding map, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1994. 954 MAMEDOV, M.A. & MURADOV, R.G. Arkhitektura Turkmenistana: Kratkaia istoriia. / The Architecture of Turkmenistan: A Concise History. 128pp., 31 plates with 121 color illus. Numerous text illus. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Moskva (Interstamo), 1998. 955 MAMEDOV, MUKHAMMED. Drevniaia arkhitektura Baktrii i Margiany. / Mi‘mari-i qadim.... 139, (7)pp. 73 illus. Wraps. English-language summary. Ashkhabad (Kul’turnyi Tsentr Posol’stva Islamskoi Respubliki Iran v Turkmenistane), 2003. 956 MAMEDOV, MUKHAMMED. Said Jamal ad-Din: Cult Complex at Anau, Turkmenistan. / Seiit-Dzhamal ad-Din: Kul’tovyi kompleks v Anau, Turkmenistan. 78, (2)pp. 50 illus. (partly in color) hors texte. Wraps. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Sankt-Peterburg (Dmitrii Bulanin), 2010. 957 MANDEL’SHTAM, A.M. Kochevniki na puti v Indiiu. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 136./ Trudy Tadzhikskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii Instituta Arkheologii AN SSSR i Instituta Istorii im. A. Donisha AN Tadzhikskoi SSR. Tom V.) 230, (2)pp. 64 plates. Lrg. 4to. Orig. buckram. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1966. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 62 958 MANDEL’SHTAM, A.M. Pamiatniki epokhi bronzy v Iuzhnom Tadzhikistane. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 145./ Trudy Tadzhikskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii Instituta Arkheologii AN SSSR i Instituta Istorii im. A. Donisha AN Tadzhikskoi SSR. Tom VI.) 182, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1968. 959 [MANDEL’SHTAM, A.M. (EDITOR).] Pervobytnaia arkheologiia Sibiri. 218, (6)pp. Illus. 4to. Buckram. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1975. 960 MANFREDI, LORENZA-ILIA. Monete puniche: Repertorio epigrafico e numismatico delle leggende puniche. (Bollettino di Numismatica. Monografia 6. Rep.) 490, (16)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Roma (Ministerio per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali; Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Ambientali, Architettonici, Archeologici, Artistici e Storici), 1995. 961 MANFREDI, LORENZA-ILIA. La politica amministrativa di Cartagine in Africa. (Atti della Accademia Nazionale die Lincei. Anno CCCC-2003. Classe di scienze morali, storice e filologiche. Memorie. Serie IX, volume XVI, fascicolo 3.) (206)pp. 14 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Accademia dei Lincei), 2003. 962 MANIK, SHAMSUZZOHA & CHANCHAL, SHAMSUL ALAM. The Aryans and the Indus Civilization. iii, (1), 167pp. Boards. D.j. With a letter from S. Manik inserted. Dhaka (Dinratri Prakashani), 1995. 963 MANNIN, ETHEL. South to Samarkand. 355pp. Illus. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Third impression. London (Jarrolds), 1936. 964 MANSUELLI, GUIDO A. & SUSINI, GIANCARLO (EDITORS). Il contributo dell’Università di Bologna alla storia della città: L’Evo Antico. Atti del 1° Convegno, Bologna, 11-12 marzo 1988. (Istituto per la Storia di Bologna: Convegni e Colloqui. Nuova serie. 9.) 366, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Boogna (Comune di Bologna, Istituto per la Storia di Bologna), 1989. 965 MANTOVA. PALAZZO TE. L’uomo d’oro: La cultura delle steppe del Kazakhstan dall’età del bronzo alle grandi migrazioni. A cura di Grigore Arbore Popescu, Chiara Silvi Antonini, Karl Baipakov. April-July 1998. 253pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Wraps. Milano (Electa), 1998. 966 MANZINI, RICCARDO. Complessi piramidali egizi. Piramidi: genesi ed evoluzione. (Seshat. Collana Scientifica di Egittologia.) 319pp. 55 plates, figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Torino (Ananke), 206. 967 MANZO, ANDREA. Culture ed ambiente: L’Africa nord-orientale nei dati archeologici e nella letteratura geografica ellenistica. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 87 agli Annali - vol. 56 [1996], fasc. 2.) (6), 86pp. 3 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1996. 968 MANZO, ANDREA. Échanges et contacts le long du Nil et de la Mer Rouge dans l’époque protohistorique (IIIe et IIe millénaires devant J.-C.). Une synthèse préliminaire. (BAR International Series. 782./ Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology. 48.) (4), 168, (2)pp. 61 illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Oxford (B.A.R.), 1999. 969 MARAINI, FOSCO. Where Four Worlds Meet: Hindu Kush, 1959. 290pp. 163 illus. 4to. Cloth. London (Hamish Hamilton), 1965. 970 MARAZZI, UGO. Altïn Arïg: A Xaqas Epic Poems. Translation from the Xaqas, introduction and notes. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Series minor. 60.) xxvii, (3), 182, (6)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici), 2000. 971 MARAZZI, UGO. La grande madre in Siberia e Asia Centrale. Aspetti del principio femminile nella religiosità arcaica. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 60 agli Annali vol. 49 [1989], fasc. 3.) 47pp. 1 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1989. 972 MARCUS, MICHELLE I. Emblems of Identity and Prestige: The Seals and Sealings from Hasanlu, Iran. Commentary and catalogue. (The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania: University Museum Monograph 84./ Hasanlu Special Studies. III.) xxviii, 171, (5)pp., 48 plates. 116 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania), 1996. 973 MARFOE, LEON. Kamid el-Loz. 14. Settlement History of the Biqa‘ up to the Iron Age. Revised by Rudolf Hachmann and prepared for publication by Christine Misamer and Michelle Froese. (Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde. 53.) 285, (3)pp., 1 folding plate. 53 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Bonn (Dr. Rudolf Habelt), 1998. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 63 974 MARGUERON, JEAN-CLAUDE. Mesopotamia. (Archaeologia Mundi.) 211pp. 130 plates. Sm. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Cleveland/New York (The World Publishing Company), 1965. 975 MARGUERON, JEAN-CLAUDE. Recherches sur les palais mésopotamiens de l’âge du bronze. (Institut Français d’Archéologie du Proche Orient, Beyrouth-Damas-Amman. Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique. 107.) 2 vols. I: Texte. xi, (1), 635pp. II: Figures. (2)pp., 276 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Paul Geuthner), 1982. 976 MARH, BHUPINDER SINGH. Geomorphology of the Ravi River. x, (4), 86pp. 14 illus. hors texte. Numerous text figs. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Inter-India Publications), 1986. 977 MARKOVICH, V.I. Kul’tura plemen Severnogo Kavkaza v epokhu bronzy (II tys. do n.e.). (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 93.) 148, (4)pp. 51 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 978 MARSHALL, JOHN. A Guide to Taxila. Fourth edition. x, 187, (1)pp., 22 plates. 15 illus. hors texte (partly folding). Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1960. 979 MARTINSON, G.G. Pozdnemelovye molliuski Mongolii: Sistematika, stratigrafiia, tafonomiia. / Mongolyn deed tserdiin molliuskuud.... (Sovmestnaia Sovetsko-Mongol’skaia Paleontologicheskaia Ekspeditsiia: Trudy. 17.) 80, (2)pp., 16 plates. 10 figs. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1982. 980 MARTIROSIAN, A.A. Gorod Teishebaini po raskopkam 1947-1958 gg. 157, (5)pp., 19 plates. 58 figs. 4to. Cloth. Erevan (Izdatel’stvo AN Armianskoi SSR), 1961. 981 MARTYNOV, A.I. & MOLODIN, V.I. (EDITORS). Skifo-sibirskii mir: Iskusstvo i ideologiia. 177, (7)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1987. 982 MASHKUR, MUHAMMAD JAVAD. Tarikh-i Urartu va sangnibishtah’ha-yi Urarti dar Azarbayjan. / The History of Urartu and the Discovery of a Few Urartu Inscriptions in Iranian Azerbaijan. 8, 98, 15pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Englishlanguage summary. Tihran (Muassasah-i Mutala‘at va Bar’rasiha va Kavish’ha-yi ‘Ilmi va Hunari va Tarikhi-i Iran-i Bastan), 1966. 983 MASIMOV, I.S. Keramicheskoe proizvodstvo epokhi bronzy v Iuzhnom Turkmenistane: Po materialam raskopok poseleniia Altyn-Depe. Edited by V.M. Masson, V.N. Pilipko. 112pp. 16 plates. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo “Ylym”), 1976. 984 MASSON, CHARLES. Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab; Including A Residence in Those Countries from 1826 to 1838. Vols. I-II. xxvii, (3), 471pp., 2 lithographic plates. 1 wood-engraved fig.; xvi, 464pp., 2 lithographic plates (including a view of the Buddhas at Bamyan). 9 wood-engraved figs. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Intermittent wear and browning. London (Richard Bentley), 1842. Abbey Travel 512 985 MASSON, EMILIA. Le panthéon de Yazilikaya: Nouvelles lectures. (Recherche sur les Grandes Civilisations: Synthèse no. 3.) 77pp. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Paris (Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes/ Éditions ADPF), 1981. 986 MASSON, M.E. Akhangeran: Arkheologo-topograficheskii ocherk. 143, (1)pp. 55 illus. 4to. Cloth. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk UzSSR), 1953. 987 MASSON, M.E. Observatoriia Ulugbeka. 47, (1)pp. 8 illus. Wraps. (slightly stained). Very rare. No copy listed in OCLC. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo UzFAN), 1941. 988 [MASSON, M.E. (EDITOR).] Perechen’ opublikovannykh rabot i materialov po tematike Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologichgeskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. K XXV-letiiu ee deiatel’nosti, 1946-1970. 44pp. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Akademiia Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR), 1970. 989 MASSON, M.E., ET AL. Mavzolei Ishratkhana. [By] M.E. Masson, G.A. Pugachenkova, B.N. Zasypkin, V.I. Viatkin, V.N. Kononov, S.A. Kudrina. 166, (2)pp. 20 plates (mostly folding; 8 color), loosely inserted, as issued. 45 text illus. 4to. Orig. dec. buckram. Tashkent (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Khudozhestvennoi Literatury Uzbekskoi SSR), 1958. 64 ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 990 MASSON, V.M. Altyn-Depe. (Trudy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. 18.) 171, (5)pp. 34 plates, 34 text figs. 4to. Buckram. English-language summary. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1981. 991 MASSON, V.M. Altyn-Depe. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: University Museum Monograph 55.) xviii, (2), 149, (1)pp., 44 plates (1 color). 34 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth (dusty). Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 1988. 992 MASSON, V.M. Drevnezemledel’cheskaia kul’tura Margiany. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 73.) 215, (1)pp. 44 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 993 MASSON, V.M. Drevnie zemledel’tsy na Iuge Turkmenistana. drevnezemledel’cheskoi kul’tury. 38, (2)pp. 1 map, text figs. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Turkmenskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo), 1959. 994 MASSON, V.M. Egy kökori település Közép-Ázsiában: Dzsejtun. A termelo gazdálkodás kezdetei. 195, (3)pp., 8 plates. Text figs. Boards. Budapest (Gondolat), 1978. 995 MASSON, V.M. Das Land der tausend Städte. Die Wiederentdeckung der ältesten Kulturgebiete in Mittelasien. Mit einem Vorwort von Klaus Schippmann. 239, (1)pp. 71 illus., 3 maps. Cloth. D.j. München (Udo Pfriemer Verlag), 1982. 996 MASSON, V.M. Merv - Margiananïng paytagtï. / Merv - stolitsa Margiany. 72, (4)pp., 8 plates. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkoman and Russian. [N.p. (Turkmenistan SSR-ning Metbugat Baradakï Dëvlet Komiteti), 1991]. 997 MASSON, V.M. Old Nisa-A Parthian Royal Residence. / Staraia Nisa-rezidentsiia parfianskikh tsarei. 12pp. 7 illus. Wraps. Parallel texts in Russian and English. [Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1985]. 998 MASSON, V.M. Paleoliticheskoe obshchestvo Vostochnoi Evropy: Voprosy paleoekonomiki, kul’turogeneza i sotsiogeneza. / Palaeolitic Society of Eastern Europe.... 71pp. 18 illus. 4to. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk), 1996. 999 MASSON, V.M. Pervye tsivilizatsii. 274, (6)pp. 67 illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. English-language summary. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1989. Kratkii putevoditel’ po pamiatnikam 1000 MASSON, V.M. Poselenie Dzheitun: Problema stanovleniia proizvodiashchei ekonomiki. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 180.) 207, (1)pp. 42 plates, 43 text figs. 4to. Buckram. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1971. 1001 MASSON, V.M. Srednevekovye torgovye puti iz Merva v Khorezm i v Maverannakhr (v predelakh Turkmenskoi SSR). (Trudy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. 13.) 296, (4)pp. 78 illus. (partly hors texte). 4to. Buckram. Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo “Turkmenistan”), 1966. 1002 MASSON, V.M. Strana tysiachi gorodov. 147, (1)pp., 16 plates. Text illus. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1966. 1003 MASSON, V.M. & ATAGARRYEV, E. (EDITORS). Turkmenistan v epokhu rannezheleznogo veka. / Turkmenistan in the Early Iron Age. 124, (2)pp. Illus. New buckram, 3/4 leather. English-language summary. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1984. 1004 MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR). Arkhitektura turkmenskogo narodnogo zhilishcha. (Trudy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. 3.) 82, (2)pp. 62 illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Literatury po Stroitel’stvu i Arkhitekture), 1953. 1005 [MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR).] Drevniaia Baktriia: Predvaritel’nye soobshcheniia ob arkheologicheskikh rabotakh na Iuge Uzbekistana. 93, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1974. 1006 MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR). Drevnie kul’tury Srednei Azii i Indii. 186, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Boards. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1984. 1007 [MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR).] Kul’tura Turkmenii v srednie veka. (Akademiia Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, Institut Istorii: Trudy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskaia Arkheologicheskaia Kompleksnaia Ekspeditsiia. 17.) (2), 159, (5)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Ashkhabad (“Ylym”), 1980. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 65 1008 [MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR).] Materialy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. Vols. 1 - 2, bound in 1, as follows: 1. 204pp. Prof. illus. 2. D’iakonov, I.M., et al. Nalogovye parfianskie dokumenty II veka do n. e. iz Nisy. [By] I.M. D’iakonov, M.M. D’iakonov, V.A. Livshits, M.E. Masson. 64, (4)pp. 17 illus. 4to. Cloth. Ashkhabad (Turkmenskii Filial Akademii Nauk SSR), 1949 - Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1951. 1009 [MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR).] Materialy po antropologii i etnografii Iuzhnogo Turkmenistana (Trudy IuzhnoTurkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. 9.) 372, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram (front inner hinge cracked). Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR), 1959. 1010 [MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR).] Metodika arkheologicheskogo issledovaniia i zakonomernosti razvitiia drevnikh obshchestv: Tezisy soveshchaniia, oktiabr’ 1980 g. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1980. 1011 MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR). Novye arkheologicheskie otkrytiia v Turkmenistane. 149, (3)pp. Illus. Wraps. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1982. 1012 MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR). Novye issledovaniia na poselenii Dzheitun: Predvaritel’nye soobshcheniia o rabotakh sovetsko-angliiskoi ekspeditsii. (Materialy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. 4.) 109, (3)pp. Figs. Wraps. Edition limited to 500 copies. Ashgabat (Ylym), 1992. 1013 [MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR).] Novye issledovaniia po arkheologii Turkmenistana. 152, (4)pp. Prof. illus. New buckram, 3/4 leather; orig. wraps. bound in. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1980. 1014 [MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR).] Pamiatniki kul’tury kamennogo i bronzovogo veka Iuzhnogo Turkmenistana. (Trudy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. 7.) 459, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram (front inner hinge cracked). Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR), 1956. 1015 MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR). Trudy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. Tom II. 447, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth (front inner hinge cracked). Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR), 1951. 1016 [MASSON, V.M. (EDITOR).] Trudy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. Tom V. 257, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Ashkhabad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR), 1955. 1017 [MASSON, V.M., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Izuchenie kul’turnykh vzaimodeistvii i novye arkheologicheskie otkrytiia: Materialy plenuma IIMK, 11-14 aprelia 1995 goda. / Cultural Interactions Studies and New Arhaeological [sic] Discoveries: Plenarian Meeting Papers, April 11-14, 1995. (Arkheologicheskie Izyskaniia. 22.) 104pp. Figs. Wraps. Edition limited to 300 copies. Sankt-Peterburg (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury), 1995. 1018 [MASSON, V.M. & KIRCHO, L.B. (EDITORS).] Osobennosti proizvodstva poseleniia Altyn-Depe v epokhu paleometalla. (Materialy Iuzhno-Turkmenistanskoi Arkheologicheskoi Kompleksnoi Ekspeditsii. 5.) 212pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury), 2001. 1019 MASSON, V.M. & MERPERT, N. IA. (EDITORS). Eneolit SSSR. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 359pp. 99 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1982. 1020 MASSON, V.M. & SARIANIDI, V.I. Central Asia: Turkmenia Before the Achaemenids. (Ancient Peoples and Places. 79.) 219pp. 53 illus., 43 figs., 3 maps. Cloth. D.j. London (Thames and Hudson), 1972. 1021 MASSON, V.M. & SARIANIDI, V.M. Karakumy: Zaria tsivilizatsii. (Seriia “Iz Istorii Mirovoi Kul’tury.”) 165, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1972. 1022 MASSON, V.M. & SARIANIDI, V.I. Sredneaziatskaia terrakota epokhi bronzy: Opyt klassifikatsii i interpretatsii. (Kul’tura Narodov Vostoka: Materialy i Issledovaniia.) 208, (2)pp., 44 plates. 23 figs. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1973. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 66 1023 MATBABAEV, B.KH. K istorii kul’tury Fergany v epokhu rannego srednevekov’ia. Po materialam pogrebal’nykh i gorodskikh pamiatnikov. 123pp. 98 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “Tafakkur”), 2009. 1024 MATERIALY PO ARKHEOLOGII UZBEKISTANA. (Akademiia Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR: Trudy Instituta Istorii i Arkheologii.) Tom I [all published ?]. 157, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Orig. wraps. (chipped). Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo AN UzSSR), 1948. 1025 MATHESON, SYLVIA A. Persia: An Archaeological Guide. (Archaeological Guides.) 330pp. 63 illus. hors texte. Text figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Park Ridge, New Jersey (Noyes Press), 1973. 1026 MATHIESEN, HANS ERIK. Ikaros: The Hellenistic Settlements. Volume 1: The Terracotta Figurines. (Danish Archaeological Investigations on Failaka, Kuwait./ Jutland Archaeological Society Publications. XVI: 1.) 94pp. 79 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. København (Gyldendalske Boghandel), 1982. 1027 [MATIUSHENKO, V.I., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Arkheologiia Sibiri: Istoriografiia. Mezhvedomstvennyi sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Chast’ pervaia. 99, (1)pp. Wraps. Edition limited to 250 copies. Omsk (Izdanie OmGU), 1995. 1028 MAXWELL-HYSLOP, K.R. Western Asiatic Jewellery, c. 3000-612 B.C. (Methuen’s Handbooks of Archaeology.) lvi, 286pp., 4 color plates. 259 illus. hors texte. 167 text figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (Methuen & Co.), 1971. 1029 MAYER, WOLFGANG & SPEISER, PHILIPP. A Future for the Past: Restorations in Islamic Cairo 1973-2004. With contributions by Nairy Hampikian, Silvie Denoix, Nelly Hanna, May al-Ibrashy and Giorgio Nogara. 166, (4)pp. 184 illus. (137 color). Sq. 4to. Boards. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 2007. 1030 MAZIN, A.I. Taezhnye pisanitsy Priamur’ia. Edited by E.I. Derevianko. 259, (1)pp. 97 plates, 47 text illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1986. 1031 MEADOW, RICHARD H. (EDITOR). Harappa Excavations, 1986-1990. A multidisciplinary approach to third millenium urbanism. (Monographs in World Archaeology. 3.) x, 262pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Madison, Wisconsin (Prehistory Press), 1991. 1032 MECQUENEM, R. DE., ET AL. Archéologie susienne. Par R. de Mecquenem, G. Contenau, R. Pfister et N. Belaiew. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique en Iran. 29./ Mission de Susiane.) 207, (1)pp., 12 plates. Numerous text figs. Sm. folio. Wraps. Paris (Presses Universitaires de France), 1943. 1033 MECQUENEM, R. DE, ET AL. Archéologie susienne. Par R. de Mecquenem, L. Le Breton et M. Rutten. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique en Iran. 30./ Mission de Susiane.) 228, (2)pp., 12 plates. 123 text figs. Sm. folio. Wraps. (front cover torn). Paris (Presses Universitaires de France), 1947. 1034 MECQUENEM, R. DE & RUTTEN, M. Épigraphie proto-élamite. Par R. de Mecquenem. Archéologie susienne, par M. Rutten. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique en Iran. 31./ Mission de Susiane.) 167pp. 70 plates. Sm. folio. Wraps. Paris (Presses Universitaires de France), 1949. 1035 MEDAS, STEFANO. La marineria cartaginese: Le navi, gli uomini, la navigazione. Presentazione di Enrico Acquaro. (Sardegna Archeologica. Scavi e Ricerche. 2.) xi, (1), 330pp. 95 illus. 4to. Boards. Sassari (Carlo Delfino editore), 2000. 1036 MEDER, OSKAR G. Klimaökologie und Siedlungsgang auf dem Hochland von Iran in vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit. (Marburger Geographische Schriften. 80.) (8), 221pp. 50 illus. (partly hors texte). Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Marburg/Lahn (Selbstverlag des Geographischen Instituts der Universität Marburg), 1979. 1037 MEDVEDEV, G.S. & LUPPOVA, A.N. (EDITORS). Nasekomye nizovii Murgaba (Iugo-vostochnaia Turkmeniia). Fauna, ekologiia, khoziaistvennoe znachenie. 144, (3)pp. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Ashkhabad (Turkmenskoe Izdatel’stvo), 1965. 1038 MEDVEDEV, V.E. Korsakovskii mogil’nik: Khronologiia i materialy. Edited by E.I. Derevianko. 173, (3)pp. 87 plates, 12 text illus. 4to. Wraps. Novosibirsk (“Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1991. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 67 1039 MEDVEDEV, V.E. Priamur’e v kontse I-nachale II tysiacheletiia: Chzhurchzhen’skaia epokha. Edited by Iu.S. Khudiakov. 205, (5)pp. 69 illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1987. 1040 MEDVEDEV, V.E. Srednevekov’ye pamiatniki ostrova Ussuriiskogo. Edited by A.P. Okladnikov. 216pp. 96 plates, 63 text illus. (partly folding and hors texte). 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1982. 1041 MEDVEDEV, V.E. (EDITOR). Arkehologiia Iuga Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka. 171, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1984. 1042 MEDVEDEV, V.E. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskii poisk (Severnaia Aziia). 205, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1980. 1043 MEDVEDSKAIA, I.N. Iran: Iron Age I. (BAR International Series. 126.) (6), 130, (10)pp., 15 plates. Lrg. 4to. New cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. Oxford (B.A.R.), 1982. 1044 MEDZHITOVA, EL’MIRA, ET AL. Turkmenskoe narodnoe iskusstvo. / Turkmen Folk Art. Avtory teksta: El’mira Medzhitova, Maia Dzhumaniiazova, Evgenii Grushin. 287, (17)pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. English-language summary. Ashkhabad (“Turkmenistan”), 1990. 1045 MEEN, V.B. & TUSHINGHAM, A.D. Crown Jewels of Iran. Photographed by Leighton Warren. 159pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Toronto (University of Toronto Press), 1974. 1046 MEHTA, R.N. & MOMIN, K.N. Excavation at Kanewal. Report of excavations conducted at Kanewal Taluka Khambhat Dist Kheda, Gujarat from 6th January, 1977 to 30th January, 1977. Technical studies by D.R. Shah. (Maharaja Sayajirao University Archaeology Series. 17.) (6), 76pp., 13 plates. 28 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Edition limited to 500 copies. Vadodara (Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Faculty of Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda), 1980. 1047 MEILLET, A. Les dialectes indo-européens. Nouveau tirage avec une introduction nouvelle et des additions. (Collection Linguistique publiée par la Société de Linguistique de Paris. 1.) 138, (2)pp. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Librairie Ancienne Édouard Champion), 1950. 1048 MEINECKE, MICHAEL. Die mamlukische Architektur in Ägypten und Syrien (648/1250 bis 923/1517). (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo. Islamische Reihe. 5.) 2 vols. I: Genese, Entwicklung und Auswirkungen der mamlukischen Architektur. xiv, 243, (3)pp., 142 plates. 155 figs. (partly hors texte). II: Chronologische Liste der mamlukischen Baumassnahmen. x, 576pp. Sm. folio. Cloth. Glückstadt (Verlag J.J. Augustin), 1992. 1049 MEINECKE, MICHAEL. Die Restaurierung der Madrasa des Amirs Sabiq ad-Din Mitqal al-Anuki und die Sanierung des Darb Qirmiz in Kairo. Mit Beiträgen von: Flemming Aalund, ‘Abd ar-Rahman ‘Abd at-Tawwab, as-Sayyid al-‘Arabi alMisri, Dietger Grosser, Peter Grossmann, Claus-Peter Haase, Heinz Halm, Christel Hein, Klaus Kreiser, Klaus Peter Kuhlmann, Hannelore Marschner, Viktoria Meinecke-Berg, Josef Riederer und Salih Ahmad Salih. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo. Archäologische Veröffentlichungen. 29.) 174pp., 44 plates, 1 folding plan. 66 text illus. Folio. Cloth. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1980. 1050 MEISSNER, BRUNO. Babylon und Assyrien. (Kulturgeschichtliche Bibliothek. I. Reihe: Ethnologische Bibliothek mit Einschluss der altorientalischen Kulturgeschichte. 3.) 2 vols. vii, (1), 466, (2)pp., 1 folding map. 223 illus. hors texte. 138 text figs.; vii, (1), 493, (7)pp., 2 folding maps. 55 illus. hors texte. 46 text figs. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Heidelberg (Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung), 1920-1925. 1051 MEISSNER, BRUNO. Die babylonisch-assyrische Literatur. (Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft.) 103pp., 2 tipped-in plates. 96 illus. Lrg. 4to. New cloth. Wildpark-Potsdam (Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion), 1930. 1052 MELIS, PAOLO (EDITOR). Lodè: Testimonianze archeologiche. 157, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Lodè/Sassari (Comune di Lodè/ Università di Sassari, Dipartimento di Storia), [2009]. 1053 MELIUKOVA, A.I. Krasnokutskii kurgan. 110, (2)pp. 30 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1981. 1054 MELIUKOVA, A.I. (EDITOR). Stepi evropeiskoi chasti SSSR v skifo-sarmatskoe vremiia. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 463, (1)pp. 116 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1989. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 68 1055 MELLAART, JAMES. The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Ages in the Near East and Anatolia. 212pp., 11 maps (partly folding), 24 plates. 61 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Beirut (Khayats), 1966. 1056 MENEN, AUBREY. Cities in the Sand. 272pp. 184 illus. (partly in color). 4to. Cloth. New York (The Dial Press), 1973. 1057 MERHART, GERO VON. Bronzezeit am Jenissei. Ein Beitrag zur Urgeschichte Sibiriens. (Bücher zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte. 1.) 189, (3)pp., 12 plates. 65 figs. Sm. 4to. New cloth. Wien (Verlag von Anton Schroll & Co.), 1926. 1058 MERPERT, N. IA. (EDITOR). Abashevskaia kul’tura v srednem povolzh’e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 97.) 226, (3)pp., 13 plates. 72 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 1059 MERV V DREVNEI I SREDNEVEKOVOI ISTORII VOSTOKA IV: MERV I SEL’DZHUKSKAIA EPOKHA. Tezisy dokladov nauchnoi konferentsii. 64pp. Wraps. Ashgabat (Ylym), 1993. 1060 MESHCHANINOV, I.I. Grammaticheskii stroi urartskogo iazyka. Chast’ pervaia: Imennye chasti rechi. 149, (1)pp.l Buckram. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1958. 1061 MESHKERIS, V.A. Koroplastika Sogda. Edited by N.A. Belinskaia. 123, (3)pp., 32 plates, 1 folding map. 10 text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Dushanbe (Izdatel’stvo “Donish”), 1977.. 1062 MESSERSCHMIDT, LEOPOLD. Die Entzifferung der Keilschrift. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. (Der Alte Orient. Vol. 5#2.) 3pp. 3 illus. Wraps. Leipzig (J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung), 1910. 1063 MEYER, GERHARD RUDOLF. Altorientalische Denkmäler im Vorderasiatischen Museum zu Berlin. 52pp., 185 plates (partly color). 4 tipped-in color text illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Leipzig (VEB E.A. Seemann), 1970. 1064 MICHAEL, HENRY N. The Neolithic Age in Eastern Siberia. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. N.S. Vol. 48, Part 2.) 108pp. 99 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Philadelphia (The American Philosophical Society), 1958. 1065 MICHALOWSKI, PIOTR. The Lamentation over the Destruction of Sumer and Ur. (Mesopotamian Civilizations. 1.) xvi, 219, (5)pp., 24 plates. 13 figs. 4to. Cloth. Winona Lake, Indiana (Eisenbrauns), 1989. 1066 MICHAUD, ROLAND & MICHAUD, SABRINA. Mirror of the Orient Foreword by Najim ud-Din Bammat. (120)pp. 80 color illus. Oblong 4to. Wraps. Boston (New York Graphic Society), [1981]. 1067 MICHAUD, ROLAND. & MICHAUD, SABRINA. La route d’or de Samarkand. (20)pp., 88 color plates. Text figs. Oblong 4to. Cloth. D.j. Paris (Chêne), 1983. 1068 [MIKHEREVA, A.S. (EDITOR).] Rospisi Afrasiaba. (48)pp. 57 color illus. 4to. Wraps. Originally published in L.I. Al’baum, “Zhivopis’ Afrasiaba,” Tashkent, 1975. Tashkent (“FAN”), [1976]. 1069 MILLER, MOLLY. The Thalassocracies. (Studies in Chronography. 2.) xii, 185pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Albany (State University of New York Press), 1971. 1070 MILLER, NAOMI F. (EDITOR). Economy and Settlement in the Near East: Analyses of Ancient Sites and Materials. (MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology. Supplement to vol. 7.) 88pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Philadelphia (MASCA, The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania), 1990. 1071 MINNS, ELLIS H. Scythians and Greeks. A survey of ancient history and archaeology on the North coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus. xl, 720pp. 9 plates, 351 illus. 9 maps and plans. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Cambridge (University Press), 1913. 1072 MINORSKY, V. Persia in A.D. 1478-1490. An abridged translation of Fadlullah b. Ruzbihan Khunji’s Tarikh-i ‘Alam-ara-yi Amini. (Royal Asiatic Society Monographs. 26.) vii, (1), 136pp. Boards. London (The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland/ Luzac and Co.), 1957. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 69 1073 MISHKAH: AL-MAJALLAH AL-MISRIYAH LIL-ATHAR AL-ISLAMIYAH. / Mishkah: Egyptian Journal of Islamic Archaeology. Vol. 1. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Cairo, 2006. 1074 MISRA, VIRENDRA NATH. Pre- and Proto-History of the Berach Basin, South Rajasthan. (Deccan College: Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series. 41.) xix, 216pp., 10 plates. 67 text illus., 42 tables. 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Poona (Deccan College, Postgraduate & Research Institute), 1967. 1075 MISRA, V.N. & BELLWOOD, PETER (EDITORS). Recent Advances in Indo-Pacific Prehistory. Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Poona, December 19-21, 1978. xxv, (5), 525pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.), 1985. 1076 MISRA, V.N. & MATE, M.S. (EDITORS). Indian Prehistory : 1964. (Deccan College: Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series. 32.) xxii, (2), 266pp. Figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. “Proceedings of the Seminar on Indian Prehistory and Protohistory, held at the University Department of Archaelogy [sic], Deccan College, Poona, May 24-31, 1965 [i.e. 1964].” Poona (Deccan College, Postgraduate & Research Institute), 1965. 1077 MOCHANOV, IU.A. Drevneishie etapy zaseleniia chelovekom Severo-Vostochnoi Azii. 262, (2)pp. 88 illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1977. 1078 MOCHANOV, IU.A. Mnogosloinaia stoianka Bel’kachi I i periodizatsiia kammenogo veka Iakutii. 253, (3)pp. 49 plates, 22 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1969. 1079 [MOCHANOV, IU.A., ET AL.] Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki Iakutii: Basseiny Viliuia, Anabara i Oleneka. 74, (2)pp., 150 plates. 5 text figs. Sm. 4to. Leatherette. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1991. 1080 [MOCHANOV, IU.A., ET AL.] Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki Iakutii: Basseiny Aldana i Olëkmy. 391pp., 2 folding charts. 286 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth (front inner hinge slightly cracked). Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1983. 1081 MOHANTY, RABINDRA KUMAR & SMITH, MONICA L. Excavations at Sisupalgarh, Orissa. (Indian Archaeological Society. Special Report No. 2.) 72pp. 31 color illus., numerous text figs. 4to. Wraps. New Delhi (Indian Archaeological Society), 2008. 1082 MOISEEV, V.A. & AMETOV, M.B. Priroda Karakalpakii. 174, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Nukus (“Karakalpakstan”), 1986. 1083 MOLINARI, ITALO M. Un articolo d’autore cinese su Marco Polo e la Cina. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 30 agli Annali - vol. 42 [1982], fasc. 1.) 72, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1982. 1084 MOLINOS MOLINOS, MANUEL, ET AL. Un problema de fronteras en la periferia de Tartessos: Las Calañas de Marmolejo. [Por] Manuel Molinos Molinos, Carmen Rísquez Cuenca, Josá Luís Serrano Peña, Salvador Montilla Pérez. (Monografías de Arqueología Histórica.) 205, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Jaén (Universidad, Secretariado de Publicaciones), 1994. 1085 MOLODIN, V.I. (EDITOR). Arkheologicheskie issledovaniia v raionakh novostroek Sibiri. 215, (1)pp. Illus. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1985. 1086 MOLODIN, V.I. (EDITOR). Istochniki po arkheologii Severnoi Azii (1935-1976 gg.). 229, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1980. 1087 MOLODIN, V.I., ET AL. Aidashinskaia peshchera. [By] V.I. Molodin, V.V. Bobrov, V.N. Ravnushkin. 207, (1)pp. 63 plates. Boards. Novosibirsk (Sibirskoe Otdelenie Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1980. 1088 MOLODIN, V.I., ET AL. Baraba v epokhu pozdnego srednevekov’ia. [By] V.I. Molodin, V.I. Sobolev, A.I. Solov’ev. Edited by E.I. Derevianko. 259, (5)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1990. 1089 MONGAIT, A.L. Staraia Riazan. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 49./ Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii Drevnerusskikh Gorodov. IV.) 228pp. 152 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1955. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 70 1090 MONTERENZIO. CASA DELLA CULTURA. Monterenzio e la valle dell’Idice: Archeologia e storia di un territorio. Catalogo della mostra a cura di Daniele Vitali. Ristampa emendata. 446, (8)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editor. Bologna (University Press Bologna), 1990. 1091 MONTERENZIO. MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO “LUIGI FANTINI.” Bere e mangiare tra etruschi, celti e romani nella valle dell’Idice. (Quaderni del Museo Archeologico “Luigi Fantini.” 2.) 28pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Monterenzio, 2008. 1092 MOOKERJEE, AJIT. Kali, The Feminine Force. 112pp. 104 illus. (18 color). 4to. Stiff wraps. London (Thames and Hudson), 1988. 1093 MOORTGAT, ANTON. Die Kunst des Alten Mesopotamien. Die klassische Kunst Vorderasiens. (DuMont Dokumente. Eine Sammlung von Originaltexten, Dokumenten und grundsätzlichen Arbeiten zur Kunstgeschichte, Archäologie, Musikgeschichte und Geisteswissenschaft.) I: Sumer und Akkad. 252, (2)pp. 238 illus., 62 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Köln (DuMont Buchverlag), 1982. 1094 MOORTGAT, ANTON. Die Kunst des Alten Mesopotamien. Die klassische Kunst Vorderasiens. Überarbeitete Neuausgabe. (DuMont Dokumente. Eine Sammlung von Originaltexten, Dokumenten und grundsätzlichen Arbeiten zur Kunstgeschichte, Archäologie, Musikgeschichte und Geisteswissenschaft.) II: Babylon und Assur. 239, (5)pp. 117 illus., 84 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Köln (DuMont Buchverlag), 1984. 1095 MOORTGAT, ANTON. Tell Chuera in Nordost-Syrien: Bericht über die dritte Grabungskampagne 1960. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. 24.) 43, (13)pp., 5 folding plans. 31 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Köln/Opladen (Westdeutscher Verlag), 1962. 1096 MOORTGAT, ANTON. Tell Chuera in Nordost-Syrien: Bericht über die vierte Grabungskampagne 1963. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. 31.) 53, (15)pp., 6 folding plans. 36 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Köln/Opladen (Westdeutscher Verlag), 1965. 1097 MORALES, VIVIAN BROMAN. Figurines and Other Clay Objects from Sarab and Cayönü. With preface by R.J. Braidwood. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. 25.) xv, (1), 92pp. 30 plates, 1 map. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Chicago (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago), 1990. 1098 MORENZ, SIEGFRIED. Prestige-Wirtschaft im alten Ägypten. (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophischhistorische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte. Jahrgang 1969, Heft. 4.) 61pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. München (Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften), 1969. 1099 MORET, PIERRE & CHAPA, TERESA (EDITORS). Torres, atalayas y casas fortificadas: Explotación y control del territorio en Hispania (s. III a. de C.-s I d. de C.). 220pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. [Jaén] (Universidad de Jaén/ Casa Velázquez), 2004. 1100 MORETTI, GUIDO. Abitare il deserto. (Territorio e Ambiente.) 135pp. 106 color illus. Lrg. sq. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Bologna (Edizioni Tipoarte), 2007. 1101 MORGAN, JACQUES DE. La préhistoire orientale. Ouvrage posthume publié par Louis Germain. 3 vols. I: Généralités. xxxv, (1), 352, (2)pp. 53 illus., 1 map. II: L’Égypte et l’Afrique du Nord. vi, 438pp., 5 color plates. 455 illus. III: L’Asie antérieure. vi, 458pp., 3 color plates. 380 illus. 4to. Vols. I-II orig. wraps.; vol. III new cloth. Paris (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner), 1925-1927. Beinlich-Seeber 14066 1102 MORTENSEN, INGE DEMANT. Nomads of Luristan: History, Material Culture, and Pastoralism in Western Iran. (The Carlsberg Foundation’s Nomad Research Project.) 413pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (Thames and Hudson/ Rhodos International Science and Art Publishers), 1993. 1103 MOSHKOVA, M.G. (EDITOR). Stepnaia polosa azitskoi chasti SSSR v skifo-sarmatskoe vremiia. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 493, (3)pp., 8 color plates. 128 plates, figs. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1992. 1104 MOSHKOVA, M.G. & GENITO, BRUNO (EDITORS). Statisticheskaia obrabotka pogrebal’nykh pamiatnikov Aziatskoi Sarmatii. Vyp. I: Savromatskaia epokha. 223pp. 1 double-page map, loosely inserted, as issued. 11 figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Edition limited to 1000 copies. Presentation copy, inscribed by M.G. Moshkova. Moskva/[Napoli] (Institut Arkheologii Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk/ Ital’ianskii Institut Srednego i Dal’nego Vostoka), 1994. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 71 1105 MOSKVA. GOSUDARSTVENNYI MUZEI ISKUSSTVA NARODOV VOSTOKA. Mify i legendy v iskusstve stran IugoVostochnoi Azii: Indoneziia, V’etnam, Kambodzha, M’ianma, Tailand, Laos. 111, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 49 color illus., figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Moskva (VRIB “Soiuzreklamkul’tura”), 1990. 1106 MOVIUS, HALLAM L., JR. Excavation of the Abri Pataud, Les Eyzies (Dordogne). Contributors: Hallam L. Movius, Jr., Sheldon Judson, William R. Farrand, Jean Bouchud, S. Peter Dance, Joakim J. Donner, Joan F. Wilson, William H. Drury, Harvey M. Bricker, Ginette Billy, Pierre Legoux. (American School of Prehistoric Research, Peabody Museum, Harvard University: Bulletin No. 30.) x, (2), 305pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University), 1975. 1107 MÜLLER-KARPE, HERMANN. Neolithische Siedlungen der Yangshao-Kultur in Nordchina. Nach den Arbeiten von Shi Xingbang, Jin Xueshan, Yang Jianfang, Chen Lixin, Gong Qiming, Wang Zhijun, Zhang Ruiling u.a. dargestellt. (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 1.) 52pp. 25 illus. (partly hors texte). Sm. 4to. Wraps. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1982. 1108 MÜLLER-KARPE, HERMANN (EDITOR). Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archäologie als Forschungsgegenstand. (Kolloquien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 1.) vi, (2), 205pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1981. 1109 MÜLLER-KARPE, HERMANN (EDITOR). Archäologie und Geschichtsbewusstsein. (Kolloquien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 3.) 124, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1982. 1110 MÜNCHEN. PRÄHISTORISCHE STAATSSAMMLUNG. Urartu: Ein wiederentdeckter Rivale Assyriens. Herausgegeben von Hans-Jörg Kellner. Sept.-Dec. 1976. (Ausstellungskataloge der Prähistorischen Staatssammlung. 2.) 120pp. 14 plates, 67 illus. Lrg. 8vo. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. München, 1976. 1111 MUGHAL, MOHAMAD RAFIQUE. Ancient Cholistan: Archaeology and Architecture. 170pp. 136 illus. (mostly in color), 24 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Rawalpindi/Lahore (Ferozsons Ltd.), 1997. 1112 MUGHAL, M. RAFIQUE. The Dilmun Burial Complex at Sar. The 1980-82 excavations in Bahrain. xvi, 540pp. 54 plates, 30 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. [Manama] (State of Bahrain, Ministry of Information, Directorate of Archaeology & Museums), 1983. 1113 MUJUMDAR, GANESH GANGADHAR. Ashmound Excavations at Kupgal. (Deccan College. Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series. No. 56.) 60pp., 10 plates. 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Bound with: Ansari, Zainuddin Dawood & Mate, Madhukar Shripad. Excavations at Dwarka. (Deccan College Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series. 44.) xiv, (2), 103, (1)pp., 8 plates. 34 text figs. Poona (Deccan College, Postgraduate & Research Institute), 1966. Pune (Deccan College, Postgraduate & Research Institute), 1966. 1114 MUKHAMEDZHANOV, A.R. Istoriia orosheniia Bukharskogo Oazisa (s drevneishikh vremen do nachala XX v.). 291, (5)pp. 46 illus. Lrg. sq. 8vo. Buckram. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1978. 1115 MUKHERJEE, B.N. Disintegration of the Kushana Empire. (Monographs of the Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology, Banaras Hindu University. 8.) xiii, (3), 108pp. Lrg. 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Varanasi (Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology, Banaras Hindu University), 1976. 1116 MUMINOV, I.M. (EDITOR). Istoriia Samarkanda. I: S drevneishikh vremen do Velikoi Oktiabr’skoi Sotsialisticheskoi Revoliutsii. 481, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Orig. cloth. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1969. 1117 MUNCHAEV, R.M. Drevneishaia kul’tura Severo-Vostochnogo Kavkaza. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 100.) 165, (3)pp., 23 plates. 49 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 1118 MUNCHAEV, R.M. & MERPERT, N. IA. Rannezemledel’cheskie poseleniia Severnoi Mesopotamii: Issledovaniia Sovetskoi Ekspeditsii v Irake. / Earliest Agricultural Settlements in Northern Mesopotamia: The Investigations of Soviet Expedition in Iraq. 319, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. Presentation copy, inscribed by the authors. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1981. 1119 MURADOVA, E.A. Poseleniia arkhaicheskogo Dakhistana. Edited by V.M. Masson. 144, (4)pp. 50 illus. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1991. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 72 1120 MUSCARELLA, OSCAR WHITE. The Catalogue of Ivories from Hasanlu, Iran. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: Museum Monographs. 40./ Hasanlu Special Studies. II.) xi, (1), 231, (5)pp. Frontis., 293 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1980. 1121 MUSTAFA, SALI LAM‘I. Madrasa, Hanqah und Mausoleum des Barquq in Kairo mit einem Überblick über Bauten aus der Epoche der Familie Barquq. Mit einem Beitrag von Felicitas Jaritz. (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo. Islamische Reihe. 4.) 194, (2)pp., 95 plates (partly folding). 1 text fig. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Glückstadt (Verlag J.J. Augustin), 1982. 1122 MUSTAFAVI, MUHAMMAD TAQI. Persian Architecture at a Glance. By Syed Mohamed Taqi Mostafavi. 96pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Buckram. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Tihran (Tehran Cement Company/ Shemal Cement Company), 1967. 1123 MYHRMAN, DAVID W. Sumerian Administrative Documents Dated in the Reigns of the Kings of the Second Dynasty of Ur from the Temple Archives of Nippur Preserved in Philadelphia. (The Babylonian Expedition of The University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts. Edited by H.V. Hilprecht. Vol. III, Part I.) xii, 146pp., 82 plates. Sm. folio. New cloth. Philadelphia (Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania), 1910. 1124 NAGARAJA RAO, M.S. & MALHOTRA, KAILASH CHANDRA. The Stone Age Hill Dwellers of Tekkalakota: Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tekkalakota. (Deccan College. Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series. 31.) xviii, (2), 164pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Edition limited to 500 copies. Poona (Deccan College, Postgraduate and Research Institute), 1965. 1125 NAMKHAI NORBU. Viaggio nella cultura dei nomadi tibetani. 104pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Arcidosso, GR (Shang-Shung Edizioni), 1990. 1126 NAPOLI. MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO NAZIONALE. Altyn adam. L’uomo d’oro. La cultura delle steppe del Kazakhstan dall’età del bronzo alle grandi migrazioni. A cura di Chiara Silvi Antonini, Karl Bajpakov. April-July 1999. (14), 255pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Napoli, 1999. 1127 NARA. NARA KOKURITSU HAKUBUTSUKAN. Shiruku Rodo dai bunmei ten. / The Grand Exhibition of Silk Road Civilizations. April-Oct. 1988. 3 vols. [I]: Bukkyo bijutsu denrai no michi./ The Route of Buddhist Art. 240, (6)pp. Prof. illus. [II]: Oashisu to sogen no michi./ The Oasis and Steppe Routes. 270, (6)pp. Prof. illus. [III]: Umi no michi./ The Sea Route. 227, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Slipcase. Narshi (Nara Shiruku Rodohaku Kyokai), 1988. 1128 NARODNOE KHOZIAISTVO TURKMENSKOI SSR V 1987 GODU: STATISTICHESKII EZHEGODNIK. 278, (2)pp. Wraps. Ashkhabad (“Turkmenistan”), 1988. 1129 NASEEM, MOHAMMAD. The Neolithic Cultures of Northwestern Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent. Foreword by Lallanji Gopal. xii, 208pp., 12 plates, 18 figs. Buckram. D.j. New Delhi (Ramanand Vidya Bhawan), 1982. 1130 NATIONAL SEMINAR ON QUATERNARY ENVIRONMENTS (1ST : 1977 : BARODA). First National Seminar on Quaternary Environments: Papers. Baroda, November, 1977. Edited by S.S. Merh. (Recent Reesearches in Geology Series. 9.) ix, (1), 443pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Hindustan Publishing Corporation), 1982. 1131 NAYEEM, M.A. Bahrain. With a foreword by Abdul Rahman T. al-Ansary. (Prehistory and Protohistory of the Arabian Peninsula. 2.) xix, (1), 443pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Hyderabad (Hyderabad Publishers), 1992. 1132 NAYEEM, M.A. Qatar. Prehistory and protohistory from the most ancient times (ca. 1,000,000 to end of B.C. Era). (Prehistory and Protohistory of the Arabian Peninsula. 5.) xxi, (1), 281pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. New cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. Hyderabad (Hyderabad Publishers), 1998. 1133 NEELY, JAMES A. & WRIGHT, HENRY T. Early Settlement and Irrigation on the Deh Luran Plain: Village and Early State Societies in Southwestern Iran. (University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology: Technical Report 26.) vii, (1), 228, (4)pp., 4 maps. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology), 1994. 1134 NIGAHBAN, ‘IZZAT ALLAH. Haffari-i Haft Tappah-i dasht-i Khuzistan. (Sazman-i Miras-i Farhangi-i Kishvar. 18.) 596pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Tihran (Sazman-i Miras-i Farhangi-i Kishvar), 1993. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 73 1135 NEGAHBAN, EZAT O. Metal Vessels from Marlik. (Prähistorische Bronzefunde. Abteilung II, Band 3.) viii, (2), 100, (2)pp., 5 plates (2 color). 63 illus. (partly in color). 4to. Cloth. München (C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung), 1983. 1136 NEGAHBAN, EZAT O. A Preliminary Report on Marlik Excavation, Gohar Rud Expedition, Rudbar, 1961-62. / Guzarish-i muqaddimati-yi hafriyat-i Marlik.... (Joint Publication of the Iranian Archaeological Service and The Institute of Archaeology, University of Tehran.) (8), 55, (3), (8), 72pp., 17 color plates. 144 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Parallel texts in English and Farsi. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Tehran (Ministry of Education/ Iranian Archaeological Service & The Institute of Archaeology, University of Tehran), 1964. 1137 NEGMATOV, N.N. (EDITOR). Problemy istorii kul’tury Tadzhikskogo naroda. 93, (1)pp. Wraps. [Dushanbe] (Respublika Tadzhikistana, Gissarskii Istorio-Kul’turnyi Zapovednik), [1992]. 1138 [NEGMATOV, N.N. & RANOV, V.A. (EDITORS).] Po sledam drevnikh kul’tur Tadzhikistana. 189, (1)pp. 44 illus. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by N.N. Negmatov. Dushanbe (Izdatel’stvo “Irfon”), 1978. 1139 NEMTSEVA, N.B. & SHVAB, IU.Z. Ansambl’ Shakh-i Zinda. Istoriko-arkhitekturnyi ocherk. 160, (8)pp. 188 illus. 4to. Cloth (front inner hinge cracked). Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Literatury i Iskusstva imeni Tafura Guliama), 1979. 1140 NETZER, EHUD. Nabatäische Architektur: Insbesondere Gräber und Tempel. Unter Mitarbeit von Judit Garner und Rachel Laureys. (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie. Sonderbände der Antiken Welt.) (2), 190pp. 196 plates (180 color), 124 figs. Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 2003. 1141 NEW ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES IN ASIATIC RUSSIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. Editorial council: A.G. Kozintsev, V.M. Masson, N.F. Solovyova, V.Yu. Zuyev. (Archaeological Studies. 16.) 95, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (Institute of History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences/ World Achaeological Congress), 1994. 1142 NEW YORK. ARIADNE GALLERIES. Treasures of the Eurasian Steppes: Animal Art from 800 BC to 200 AD. MarchApril 1998. 176pp. 196 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York, 1998. 1143 NEW YORK. ASIA SOCIETY. Ancient Art from Afghanistan. Treasures of the Kabul Museum. By Benjamin Rowland, Jr. Jan.-March 1966. 144pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. New York, 1966. Arntzen/Rainwater I500 1144 NEW YORK. ASIA SOCIETY. “Animal Style” Art from East to West. Jan.-March 1970. By Emma C. Bunker, C. Bruce Chatwin, Ann R. Farkas. 185, (1)pp. 178 illus. (some color). 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. New York, 1970. 1145 NEW YORK. ASIA SOCIETY. Shah ‘Abbas & the Arts of Isfahan. Oct.-Dec. 1973. [By] Anthony Welch. 152pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York, 1973. 1146 NEW YORK. THE IRANIAN INSTITUTE. Guide to the Exhibition of Persian Art. Second edition. Catalogue by Phyllis Ackerman; introduction by Arthur Upham Pope. (6), xi, (1), 562, xi, (3)pp. 45 illus. (1 color). Later cloth; orig. wraps. bound in. From the libraries of Lauriston Ward and Robert H. Dyson, Jr. New York, 1940. 1147 NEW YORK. J.J. LALLY & CO. Ancient Chinese Ceramics and Tomb Sculptures. March-April 2000. (46)pp. 22 color plates. 4to. Wraps. D.j. New York, 2000. 1148 NEW YORK. J.J. LALLY & CO. Bronze and Gold in Ancient China. March-April 2003. (68)pp. 34 color illus. 4to. Wraps. New York, 2003. 1149 NEW YORK. J.J. LALLY & CO. Chinese Archaic Jades and Bronzes. From the estate of Professor Max Loehr and others. June 1993. (110)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York, 1993. 1150 NEW YORK. THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. Ancient Art from the Shumei Family Collection. With texts by Dorothea Arnold, Joan Aruz, Kim Benzel, Virginia Bower, Stefano Carboni, Heather Colburn, Rikke Foulke, Prudence O. Harper, Trudy S. Kawami, Boris I. Marshak, Jennifer Noering McIntire, Carlos A. Picón, Catharine A. Roehrig, Dylan Smith, Zhixin Sun, Nancy Thomas, Daniel Walker, James C.Y. Watt, Jie Xu and Jean-François de Lapérouse, Lisa Pilosi, Pieter Meyers. June-Sept. 1996. xii, 210pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 74 New York, 1996. 1151 NEW YORK. THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. Art of the First Cities: The Third Millenium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus. Edited by Joan Aruz with Ronald Wallenfels. May-Aug. 2003. xxiv, 540pp. 712 illus. (535 color), maps. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. New York/New Haven (The Metropolitan Museum of Art/ Yale University Press), 2003. 1152 NEW YORK. THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. From the Lands of the Scythians. Ancient treasures from the museums of the U.S.S.R., 3000 B.C.-100 B.C. Text by Boris Piotrovsky. 160pp. Prof. illus. (33 color plates). Lrg. 4to. Wraps. New York, 1975. 1153 NIELSEN, INGE (EDITOR). The Royal Palace Institution in the First Millennium BC. Regional development and cultural interchange between East and West. (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens. 4.) 317pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Århus (Aarhus University Press), 2001. 1154 NIKOL’SKAIA, T.N. Kul’tura plemen basseina verkhnei Oki v I tysiacheletii n.e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 72.) 150pp. 52 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 1155 NISSEN, HANS J. The Early History of the Ancient Near East, 9000-2000 B.C. xiv, 215pp. 75 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1988. 1156 NISSEN, HANS J., ET AL. Archaic Bookkeeping: Early Writing and Techniques of Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East. [By] Hans J. Nissen, Peter Damerow, Robert K. Englund. xi, (1), 169pp. 130 illus. Sm. oblong 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by H.J. Nissen. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1993. 1157 NÖLDEKE, A., ET AL. Neunter vorläufiger Bericht über die von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in UrukWarka unternommenen Ausgrabungen. Von Arnold Nöldeke, A. Falkenstein, A. v. Haller, E. Heinrich und H. Lenzen. (Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Jahrgang 1937. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. 11.) 39, (1)pp., 40 plates (partly folding). Text figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Berlin (Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften), 1938. 1158 NÖLDEKE, A., ET AL. Siebenter vorläufiger Bericht über die von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in UrukWarka unternommenen Ausgrabungen. Von Arnold Nöldeke, Heinz Lenzen, Arndt von Haller und Werner Göpner. (Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Jahrgang 1935. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. 4.) 57, (1)pp., 40 plates (partly folding). Text figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Berlin (Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften), 1936. 1159 NOVGORODOVA, E.A. Alte Kunst der Mongolei. 278pp. 224 illus., text figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Leipzig (E.A. Seemann Verlag), 1980. 1160 NOVYE ISSLEDOVANIIA ARKHEOLOGOV ROSSII I SNG: MATERIALY PLENUMA IIMK RAN, 28-30 APRELIA 1997 G. / New Investigations of Russian and UIS Archaeologists: Plenarian Meeting Papers, April, 28-30, 1997. Eited by V.M. Masson, L.B. Kircho, S.V. Beletskii. (Arkheologicheskie Izyskaniia. 42.) 164pp. Illus. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Istorii Material’noi Kul’tury), 1997. 1161 OATES, DAVID, ET AL. Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 1: The Mitanni and Old Babylonian Periods. By David Oates, Joan Oates and Helen McDonald. With contributions by Robert H. Brill and Hiroshi Shirahata, Mike Charles and Amy Bogard, Jesper Eidem, Elizabeth B. French, Julian Henderson, Peter Ian Kuniholm, Donald Matthews, Wendy Matthews, C.A.I. French, T. Lawrence, D.F. Cutler and M.K. Jones, K.R. Maxwell-Hyslop, Graham Philip, Colin Shell and Bruce Velde. (McDonald Institute Monographs.) xxi, (1), 296pp. 239 figs. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Cambridge/London (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research/ British School of Archaeology in Iraq), 1997. 1162 OATES, DAVID & OATES, JOAN. The Rise of Civilization. (The Making of the Past.) 151pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Elsevier - Phaidon), 1976. 1163 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Ancient Art of the Amur Region: Rock Drawings, Sculpture, Pottery. 158, (2)pp.146 color illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Leningrad (Aurora Art Publishers), 1981. 1164 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Ancient Population of Siberia and Its Cultures. (Russian Translation Series of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Vol. 1#1.) vii, (1), 96pp. 24 plates, 3 maps. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (The Peabody Museum), 1959. 1165 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Drevnee poselenie Kondon (Priamur’e). Edited by A.K. Konopatskii. 159pp. 82 plates, 91 figs. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Faint waterstaining. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1984. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 75 1166 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Drevnie poseleniia Baranova mysa. Edited by R.S. Vasil’evskii. 213pp. 28 plates, text illus. 4to. Cloth. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1971. 1167 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Keramika drevnego poseleniia Kondon (Priamur’e). Edited by A.K. Konopatskii. 123pp. 70 plates. 4to. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1984. 1168 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Neolit i bronzovyi vek Pribaikal’ia. Istoriko-arkheologicheskoe issledovanie. Chast I i II. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 18.) 411pp. 128 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1950. 1169 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Neoliticheskie pamiatniki Nizhnei Angary (ot Serovo do Bratska). 326, (2)pp. 170 plates, 69 illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1976. 1170 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Neoliticheskie pamiatniki Srednei Angary (ot ust’ia r. Beloi do Ust’-Udy). 315, (3)pp. 149 plates, 39 text figs. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1975. 1171 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Paleolit Mongolii. Edited by R.S. Vasil’evskii. (Izbrannye Trudy.) 231pp. 215 plates. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1986. 1172 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Paleolit Tsentral’noi Azii: Moiltyn am (Mongoliia). Edited by R.S. Vasil’evskii. 459, (3)pp. 339 illus., 20 text figs. 4to. Cloth. English-language summary. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1981. 1173 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. Petroglify Chulutyn-Gola (Mongoliia). 181, (3)pp. 91 plates, 97 illus. 4to. Boards. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1981. 1174 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. (EDITOR). Paleolit i neolit SSSR. T. 4. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 79.) 288, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1175 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. (EDITOR). Trudy Dal’nevostochnoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom I. Drevnie kul’tury Dal’nego Vostoka. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 86.) 243, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1176 [OKLADNIKOV, A.P., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Petroglify doliny reki Elangash (Iug Gornogo Altaia). Edited by A.P. Okladnikov, E.A. Okladnikova, V.D. Zaporozhskaia, E.A. Skorynina. 136pp. 95 plates. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Presentation copy, inscribed by A.P. Okladnikov. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1979. 1177 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. & KIRILLOV, I.I. Iugo-vostochnoe Zabaikal’e v epokhu kamnia i rannei bronzy. 175, (3)pp. 68 plates, text figs. 4to. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1980. 1178 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. & MARTYNOV, A.I. Sokrovishcha Tomskikh pisanits. Naskal’nye risunki epokhi neolita i bronzy. (Pamiatniki Drevnego Iskusstva.) 255, (5)pp., 37 plates. Numerous text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Iskusstvo”), 1972. 1179 OKLADNIKOV, A.P. & MARTYNOV, A.I. Szibériai sziklarajzok. A bevezeto tanulmányt Hoppál Mihály írta. 200, (18)pp. 17 illus. hors texte. 259 illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Boards. D.j. Budapest (Corvina Kiadó), [1983]. 1180 OLCESE, GLORIA (EDITOR). Ceramica romana e archeometria: Lo stato degli studi. Atti delle Giornate Internazionali di Studio, Castello di Montegufoni (Firenze), 26-27 aprile 1993. (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti, Sezione Archeologica-Università di Siena. 37.) 319, (7)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Firenze (Edizioni all’Insegna del Giglio), 1994. 1181 OLCOTT, MARTHA BRILL. The Kazakhs. Second edition. (Studies of Nationalities.) xxiii, (1), 388pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Stanford (Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University), 1995. 1182 OLIVER, PAUL. Dwellings: The House Across the World. 256pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Austin (University of Texas Press), 1987. 1183 OLIVIER, LAURENT. Le sombre abîme du temps: Mémoire et archéologie. (La Couleur des idées.) 301, (11)pp. Wraps. Paris (Éditions du Seuil), 2008. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 76 1184 OL’KHOVSKII, V.S. & EVDOKIMOV, G.L. Skifskie izvaianiia VII-III vv. do n.e. 185, (3)pp. 89 illus., figs. 4to. Wraps. Summaries in English, French, German and Italian. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Arkheologii), 1994. 1185 OPPENHEIM, A. LEO. Ancient Mesopotamia. Portrait of a dead civilization. ix, (3), 433, (3)pp. 1 lrg. folding map, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 14 plates, 4 maps. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1964. 1186 OREN, ELIEZER D. (EDITOR). The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: University Museum Monograph 108./ University Museum Symposium Series. 11.) xx, 360pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 2000. 1187 ORLICH, LEOPOLD VON. Travels in India, Including Sinde and the Punjab. Translated from the German, by H. Evans Lloyd. 2 vols. xv, (1), 278pp.; vii, (1), 314pp. 2 frontis., numerous text illus. Cloth. D.j. Reprint of the London 1845 edition. New Delhi (Usha), 1985. 1188 OROFINO, GIACOMELLA. Contributo allo studio dell’insegnamento di Ma ccig Lab sgron. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 53 agli Annali - vol. 47 [1987], fasc. 4.) (4), 87pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1987. 1189 OSTEN, HANS HENNING VON DER. Discoveries in Anatolia, 1930-31. With the collaboration of Richard A. Martin and John A. Morrison. (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. No. 14.) xi, (1), 149pp. 134 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1933. 1190 OSTEN, HANS HENNING VON DER. Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor, 1927-28. (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. No. 6.) vii, (1), 153pp. 163 text illus., 9 maps. Sm. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1929. 1191 OSTEN, HANS HENNING VON DER. Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor, 1929. (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications. No. 8.) vii, (1), 196pp. 163 text illus., 9 maps. Sm. 4to. Wraps. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1930. 1192 OSTROVSKII, I.M. Rel’ef peskov zapadnoi chasti Nizmennykh Karakumov. 92, (2)pp. 23 figs. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1193 ÖZGÜÇ, NIMET. Kanis Karumu Ib kati mühürleri ve mühür baskilari. / Seals and Seal Impressions of Level Ib from Karum Kanish. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlari. Serie 5, no. 25.) viii, 74, (2)pp., 40 plates. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Parallel texts in Turkish and English. [Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1968]. 1194 ÖZGÜÇ, NIMET. Kültepe mühür baskilarinda Anadolu grubu. / The Anatolian Group of Cylinder Seal Impressions from Kültepe. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. V. seri, no. 22.) viii, (4), 86, (2)pp., 35 plates. 7 text figs. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Parallel texts in Turkish and English. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1965. 1195 ÖZGÜÇ, TAHSIN. Altintepe: Mimarlik anitlari ve duvar resimleri. / Architectural Monoments [sic] and Wall Paintings. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. V. seri, no. 24.) x, (2), 63, (1)pp. 34 plates (3 color, 3 folding). 44 text illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in Turkish and English. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1966. 1196 ÖZGÜÇ, TAHSIN. Kültepe-Kanis: Asur ticaret kolonilerinin merkezinde yapilan yeni arastirmalar. / New Researches at the Center of the Assyrian Trade Colonies. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. V. seri, sayi 19.) 113, (3)pp., 50 plates, 11 plans (mostly folding). 91 figs. Folio. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and English. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1959. 1197 ÖZGÜÇ, TAHSIN & AKOK, MAHMUT. Horoztepe. Eski tunç devri mezarligi ve iskân yeri./ An Early Bronze Age Settlement and Cemetery. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlarindan. V. seri, no. 18.) viii, (2), 61, (3)pp., 19 plates. 120 figs. Sm. folio. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and English. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1958. 1198 PAINE, SHEILA. Embroidered Textiles: Traditional Patterns from Five Continents. 192pp. 279 illus. (171 color). Sm. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Rizzoli), 1990. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 77 1199 PALAEOCLIMATIC AND PALAEOENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES IN ASIA DURING THE LAST 4 MILLION YEARS. Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, India, 15-21 December 1986. (8), 291pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. New Delhi (Indian National Science Academy), 1988. 1200 PALERMO. MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO REGIONALE DI PALERMO. Di terra in terra: nuove scoperte archeologiche nella provincia di Palermo. April 1991. xi, (1), 316pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Palermo, 1991. 1201 PALERMO. MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO REGIONALE ANTONINO SALINAS. Palermo punica. Dec. 1995-Sept. 1996. 445pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Palermo (Sellerio editore), 1995. 1202 PALESTINE AND TRANSJORDAN. DECEMBER 1943. (B.R. 514. Geographic Handbook Series.) xv, (1), 621pp. 154 illus. hors texte. 1 lrg. folding map, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 62 text figs. Lrg. 8vo. Orig. cloth (slightly soiled). London (Naval Intelligence Division), 1943. 1203 PALLIS, SVEND AAGE. The Antiquity of Iraq: A Handbook of Assyriology. xv, (1), 814pp., 2 folding maps, 2 folding charts. Lrg. stout 4to. Cloth. Copenhagen (Ejnar Munksgaard), 1956. 1204 PALUMBI, GIULIO. The Red and Black. Social and cultural interaction between the Upper Euphrates and Southern Caucasus communities in the fourth and third millenium B.C. (Sapienza, Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Archeologiche e Antropologiche dell’Antichità: Studi di Preistoria Orientale. 2.) xvi, 343pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Sapienza, Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Archeologiche e Antropologiche dell’Antichità), 2008. 1205 PANHWAR, M.H. Chronological Dictionary of Sind: From Geological Times to 1539 A.D. xxvii, (1), 395, (1), 66, 70pp. 119 illus. & 60 maps and charts (partly folding; mostly hors texte). 4to. Cloth. D.j. Jamshoro (Institute of Sindhology, University of Sind), 1983. 1206 PARIS. GRAND PALAIS. Avant les Scythes: Préhistoire de l’art en U.R.S.S. Feb.-April 1979. 222pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Paris, 1979. 1207 PARIS. GRAND PALAIS. Or des Scythes: Trésors des musées soviétiques. Oct.-Dec. 1975. 225, (5)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. New York, 1975. 1208 PARIS. GRAND PALAIS. La route de la soie. Les arts de l’Asie centrale ancienne dans les collections publiques françaises. Feb.-March 1976. Preface by Jeannine Auboyer. Introduction by Francine Tissot and Robert Jera-Bezard. 113, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris, 1976. 1209 PARIS. GALERIES NATIONAL DU GRAND PALAIS. Sérinde, terre de Bouddha: Dix siècles d’art sur la Route de la Soie. Oct. 1995-Feb. 1996. 430pp. Prof. illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Paris, 1995. 1210 PARIS. MUSÉE DU LOUVRE. Le Département des Antiquités Orientales: Guide sommaire. Par André Parrot. Nouvelle édition, revue et complétée. 65, (3)pp., 16 plates. Wraps. Paris, 1954. 1211 PARIS. MUSÉE DU LOUVRE. Faïences de l’antiquité de l’Égypte à l’Iran. Sous la direction d’Annie Caubet et Geneviève Pierrat-Bonnefois. June-Sept. 2005. 206pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Paris, 2005. 1212 PARIS. MUSÉE DU LOUVRE. CABINET DES ANTIQUITÉS ORIENTALES. Une mission en Perse, 1897-1912. Sous la direction de Nicole Chevalier. Oct. 1997-Jan. 1998. (Les Dossiers du Musée du Louvre./ Exposition-dossier du Département des Antiquités Orientales. 52.) 214, (2)pp., 12 color plates. 160 illus., catalogue figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. The Jacques de Morgan Mission to Persia. Paris, 1997. 1213 PARIS. MUSÉE NATIONAL DES ARTS ASIATIQUES GUIMET. Art ésoterique de l’Himâlaya. Catalogue de la donation Lionel Fournier. Par Gilles Béguin. Oct. 1990-Jan. 1991. 198, (6)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Stiff wraps. Paris, 1990. 1214 PARIS. MUSÉE NATIONAL DES ARTS ASIATIQUES-GUIMET. Chine: Des chevaux et des hommes. Donation Jacques Polain. Oct. 1995-Jan. 1996. 198, (2)pp. 67 color plates, text illus. 4to. Wraps. Summaries in Chinese and English. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 78 Paris, 1995. 1215 PARIS. MUSÉE NATIONAL DES ARTS ASIATIQUES GUIMET. Les cités oubliées de l’Indus: Archéologie du Pakistan. Nov. 1988-Jan. 1989. 208pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Paris, 1988. 1216 PARIS. PETIT PALAIS. Sept mille ans d’art en Iran. Oct. 1961-Jan. 1962. (32), 209, (3)pp., 120 plates. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Paris, 1961. Arntzen/Rainwater I547 1217 PARMENTIER, HENRI. Angkor: Guide. 148, (2)pp., 49 plates. 12mo. Wraps. D.j. Saigon (Albert Portail), [1957]. 1218 PARPOLA, ASKO. Deciphering the Indus Script. xxii, 374pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1994. 1219 PARRINI, PAOLO L. (EDITOR). Science and Conservation. 171pp. 75 illus., 11 tables. 4to. Wraps. Milano (Arcadia Edizioni), 1986. 1220 PARROT, ANDRÉ. Archéologie mésopotamienne. (Sciences d’Aujourd’hui.) [I]: Les Étapes. 542pp., 16 plates. 150 text illus.; Wraps. Paris (Albin Michel), 1946. 1221 PARROT, ANDRÉ. The Arts of Assyria. (The Arts of Mankind.) xviii, 380pp. 396 illus. (partly in color). Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. New York (Golden Press), 1961. Arntzen/Rainwater I4 & I74 1222 PASSEK, T.S. Rannezemledel’cheskie (tripol’skie) plemena Podnestrov’ia. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 84.) 221, (7)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 1223 PASSEK, T.S. (EDITOR). Neolit i eneolit Iuga Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 102.) 149, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1962. 1224 PASTNER, STEPHEN & FLAM, LOUIS (EDITORS). Anthropology in Pakistan: Recent Socio-Cultural and Archaeological Perspectives. (South Asia Occasional Papers and Theses, South Asia Program, Cornell University. 8.) v, (1), 230pp. 4to. Wraps. [Ithaca, New York] (South Asia Program, Cornell University), 1982. 1225 PEACOCK, DAVID P.S. La ceramica romana tra archeologia e etnografia. A cura di Giuseppe Pucci. (Temi e Luoghi del Mondo Antico. 5.) xviii, (2), 241pp. 120 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. S. Spirito (Ba) (Edipuglia), 1997. 1226 PEARSALL, DEBORAH M. & PIPERNO, DOLORES R. (EDITORS). Current Research in Phytolith Analysis: Applications in Archaeology and Paleoecology. (MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology. Vol. 10.) 212pp. Text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (MASCA, The University Museum of Archaology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania), 1993. 1227 PEDDE, FRIEDHELM. Keramik aus Nord-Belutschistan. Die Sammlungen Noetling und Henckmann im Museum für Indische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Teheran: Materialien zur iranischen Archäologie. 1.) 59, (3)pp., (34)ff., 40 plates. Text figs. Folio. Wraps. Berlin (Verlag von Dietrich Reimer), 1993. 1228 PENN-PARIS-DUMBARTON OAKS COLLOQUIA (3RD : 1980 : LA NAPOULE). Prédication et propagande au Moyen Age: Islam, Byzance, Occident. Penn-Paris-Dumbarton Oaks Colloquia, III. Session des 20-25 octobre 1980. Organisée par George Makdisi, Dominique Sourdel et Janine Sourdel-Thomine./ Preaching and Propaganda in the Middle Ages: Islam, Byzantium, Latin West.... 279pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editors. Paris (Presses Universitaires de France), 1983. 1229 PENSABENE, PATRIZIO & BONANNO, CARMELA (EDITORS). L’insediamento medievale sulla Villa del Casale di Piazza Armerina. Nuove acquisizioni sulla storia della Villa e risultatio degli scavi 2004-2005. 223pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Galatina (Congedo Editore), 2008. 1230 PEPE, CARLA (EDITOR). Rotte dei tonni e luoghi delle tonnare nel Mediterraneo dalla preistoria a oggi. (Quaderni della Ricerca Scientifica: Serie Beni Culturali. 5.) 159pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. [Napoli] (Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa), 2006. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 79 1231 PEREPLESNIN, M. & GRACHEV, A. Vsadniki v Karakumakh. 155, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Ashkhabad (“Magaryf”), 1989. 1232 PERKINS, ANN LOUISE. The Comparative Archaeology of Early Mesopotamia. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. 25.) xix, (1), 200, (2)pp. 3 folding tables, 1 folding map. 20 figs. (mostly folding and hors texte). 4to. Wraps. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1949. 1233 PERNIGOTTI, SERGIO & ZECCHI, MARCO (EDITORS). Fayyum Studies. 1 (2004). (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Archeologia.) 86pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Bologna (Ante Quem), 2004. 1234 PESERICO, ANNA. Le brocche “a fungo” fenicie del Mediterraneo: Tipologia e cronologia. (Istituto per la Civiltà Fenicia e Punica: Collezione di Studi Fenici. 36.) 239, (9)pp. 10 lrg. folding plates, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 40 figs., 3 maps. Tall 4to. Wraps. Roma (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), 1996. 1235 PETECH, LUCIANO. The Kingdom of Ladakh, c. 950-1842 A.D. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente: Serie Orientale Roma. 51.) xii, 191pp. Sm. 4to. New full leather. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1977. 1236 PETERKIN, GAIL LARSEN, ET AL. (EDITORS). Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia. Editors: Gail Larsen Peterkin, Harvey M. Bricker and Paul Mellars. Contributions by C.A. Bergman, K.V. Boyle, H.M. Bricker, A. Burke, S.E. Churchill, G.A. Clark, F.B. Harrold, H. Knecht, S.L. Kuhn, D.E. Lieberman, P. Mellars, S. Mithen, M.P. Neeley, D.I. Olszewski, M. Otte, G.L. Peterkin, A. Pike-Tay, T.D. Price, P. Rowley-Conwy, J.J. Shea, M.C. Stiner, L.G. Straus. (Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association. 4.) vii, (1), 248, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. N.p. (American Anthropological Association), 1993. 1237 PETERS, ECKHART W. Alisam. Ein Beitrag zur anonymen Kerpiç-Architektur in Ostanatolien. (Institut für Bauen und Planen in Entwicklungsländern: Mitteilungen. 1.) 166pp., 2 lrg. folding plans. 80 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Hannover (Institut für Bauen und Planen in Entwicklungsländern), 1976. 1238 PETRIN, V.T. & TAIMAGAMBETOV, ZH.K. Kompleksy paleoliticheskoi stoianki Shul’binka iz Verkhnego Priirtysh’ia. / Zhogharghy ertis mangyndaghy paleolittik Shul’binka Turaghynyng Keshenderi./ Complexes de la station paléolithique Choulbinka de Haut-Priirtychie. 167pp. 27 illus. Wraps. Almaty (Kazakhskii Gosudarstvennyi Natsional’nyi Universitet imeni Al’-Farabi, Institut Istoricheskikh Issledovanii), 2000. 1239 PETROV, IU.M. Samarkand, klimat i pogoda. 100, (4)pp. Figs. Wraps. Leningrad (Gidrometeoizdat), 1982. 1240 PHILIPPOT, J.-CL. & DELCROIX, G. Analyse non destructive d’éléments majeurs et de traces: Étude de cinq céramiques médiévales. (Centre de Recherches Archéologiques: Notes et Monographies Techniques. 1.) 16pp. 2 figs. Wraps. Paris (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1972. 1241 PHISIT CHAROENWONG & BRONSON, BENNET (EDITORS). Prehistoric Studies: The Stone and Metal Ages in Thailand. (Papers in Thai Antiquity. 1.) 135, (1)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Bangkok (Thai Antiquity Working Group), 1988. 1242 P’IANKOV, I.V. Drevnii Samarkand (Marakandy) v izvestiiakh antichnykh avtorov. Soibranie otryvkov i kommentarii. Edited by B.A. Litvinskii. 59, (1)pp. Wraps. Dushanbe (Izdatel’stvo “Donish”), 1972. 1243 PIDAEV, SH.R. Poseleniia Kushanskogo vremeni severno Baktrii. 143, (1)pp. 21 plates, 31 figs. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1978. 1244 PIGOTT, VINCENT C. (EDITOR). The Archaeometallurgy of the Asian Old World. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: University Museum Monograph 89./ University Museum Symposium Series. VII./ MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology. 16.) (4), 206, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1999. 1245 PILIPKO, V.N. Poseleniia Severo-Zapadnoi Baktrii. Edited by G.A. Koshelenko. 213, (3)pp. 53 plates. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1985. 1246 PIOTROVSKII, B.B. Iskusstvo Urartu VIII-VI v.v. do n.e. 122, (6)pp., 36 plates. 81 text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha), 1962. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 80 1247 PIOTROVSKII, B.B. Karmir Blur. (42)pp., 9 color plates. 115 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in English and Russian. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Avrora”), n.d. 1248 PIOTROVSKY, BORIS. Urartu. (Ancient Civilizations.) 221, (1)pp. 69 color plates, 59 text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Leatherette. D.j. London (Barrie & Rockliff: The Cresset Press), 1969. 1249 PIOTROVSKII, B.B. Urartu: The Kingdom of Van and its Art. viii, 111, (1)pp., 34 plates (4 color). 65 figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York/Washington (Frederick A. Praeger), 1967. 1250 PIOTROVSKII, B.B. Vadi Allaki - put’ k zolotym rudnikam Nubii. Drevneegipetskie naskal’nyke nadpisi. Rezul’taty rabot arkheologicheskoi ekspeditsii AN SSSR v Egipetskoi Arabskoi Respublike 1961-1962, 1962-1963 gg. 181, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Boards (spine defective). Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1983. 1251 PIOTROVSKII, B.B. Vanskoe tsarstvo (Urartu). 282, (2)pp., 56 plates. 88 text illus. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Vostochnoi Literatury), 1959. 1252 PIOTROVSKII, B.B. & BONGARD-LEVIN, G.M. (EDITORS). Ancient Civilisations of East and West. 338, (6)pp., 112 plates. Sm. sq. 4to. Boards. D.j. Moscow (Progress Publishers), 1988. 1253 [PIOTROVSKII, B.B. & BONGARD-LEVIN, G.M. (EDITORS).] Tsentral’naia Aziia. Novye pamiatniki pis’mennosti i iskusstva. Sbornik statei. 373, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1987. 1254 PIOTROVSKII, B.B. (EDITOR). Drevnie plemena i narodnosti Kavkaza. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 68.) 195, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1958. 1255 [PIOTROVSKII, B.B. (EDITOR).] Iuzhnaia Araviia. Pamiatniki drevnei istorii i kul’tury. Vyp. I. 70, (4)pp. 83 illus., 23 + 55 figs., 11 plans hors texte. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Kul’tury), 1978. 1256 PIOTROVSKII, B.B., ET AL. Ourartou, Neapolis des Scythes, Kharezm. [Par] B.B. Piotrovsky, P.N. Schultz, et V.A. Golovkina, S.P. Tolstov. (L’Orient Ancien Illustré. 8.) 166, (6)pp. 32 illus., 4 maps. Wraps. Paris (Librairie A. Maisonneuve), [1954]. 1257 PIPERNO, MARCELLO & SALVATORI, SANDRO. The Shar-i Sokhta Graveyard (Sistan, Iran): Excavation Campaigns 1972-1978. With an appendix by Alessandra Lazzari. With the collaboration of Elisabetta Valento. (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Centro Scavi e Ricerche Archeologiche/ Università di Napoli “L’Orientale,” Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Reports and Memoirs. N.S. 6.) 390pp. 838 illus., figs, Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Roma (IsIAO), 2007. 1258 PITTMAN, HOLLY. Art of the Bronze Age: Southeastern Iran, Western Central Asia, and the Indus Valley. With commentaries on style and iconography by Edith Porada. 99, (1)pp. 38 illus. (2 color). New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. New York (The Metropolitan Museum of Art), [1984]. 1259 LE PLATEAU IRANIEN ET L’ASIE CENTRALE DES ORIGINES À LA CONQUÊTE ISLAMIQUE: LEURS RELATIONS À LA LUMIÈRE DES DOCUMENTS ARCHÉOLOGIQUES. Paris, 22-24 mars 1976. (Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 567.) 348pp. Prof. illus. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1977. 1260 PLETNEVA, S.A. Ot kochevii k gorodam: Slatovo-maiatskaia kul’tura. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 142.) 195, (5)pp. 50 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1967. 1261 PODOSINOV, A.V. Proizvedeniia Ovidiia kak istochnik po istorii Vostochnoi Evropy i Zakavkaz’ia. Teksty, perevod, kommentarii. Edited by V.T. Pashuto and V.L. Ianin. (Drevneishie Istochniki po Istorii Narodov SSSR.) 286, (2)pp. Buckram. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1985. 1262 POPOV, G., ET AL. Prospection écologique: Rapport sur les études faites en Inde, au Pakistan et en Iran en 19631964. Par G. Popov, W. Zeller et J. Cochemé. (Projet du Fonds Spécial des Nations Unies Relatif au Criquet Pèlerin.) 251, (3)pp. 82 illlus. hors texte. 6 lrg. folding charts, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Text figs. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture), 1965. 1263 POPOV, K., ET AL. Gornyi Turkmenistan. Nauchno-populiarnye ocherki o prirode. [By] K. Popov, A Kolodenko, A. Bushmakin. 138, (2)pp. 24 illus. Wraps. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 81 Ashgabat (“Turkmenistan”), 1992. 1264 POPOVA, U.G. Eveny Magadanskoi oblasti. Ocherki istorii, khoiaistva i kul’tury evenov Okhotskogo poberezh’ia, 19171977 gg. 303, (1)pp. 19 illus. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1981. 1265 POSENER, GEORGES, ET AL. Syria and Palestine, c. 2160-1780 B.C. Relations with Egypt (§§I-III), by G. Posener. Relations with Mesopotamia (§IV), by J. Bottéro. The Archaeological Sites (§§V-VII), by Kathleen M. Kenyon. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Volume I, Chapter XXI.) 70pp. Wraps. Cambridge (University Press), 1965. 1266 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. Indus Age: The Writing System. xiv, (2), 244pp., 16 plates. 76 illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. D.j. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Press), 1996. 1267 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. The Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective. xi, (1), 276pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Walnut Creek, California (Altamira Press), 2002. 1268 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. Indus Civilization in Saurashtra. xvi, (4), 264pp. 41 figs., 10 tables. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Delhi (B.R. Publishing Corporation), 1980. 1269 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. Meluhha. Paper presented at a conference titled: The Indian Ocean in Antiquity. Held at the British Museum, July 4-8, 1988. Draft. 107 ff. 72 figs. 4to. Wraps. Mimeograph. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. [Philadelphia], 1988. 1270 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. Meluhha. (Offprint from: The Indian Ocean in Antiquity. Edited by Julian Reade.) (76)pp. 34 illus. 4to. Wraps., GBC-bound. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. London (Kegan Paul International/ The British Museum), 1996. 1271 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. Scientific Dates for South Asian Archaeology. (Occasional Publications of the Asian Section, The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.) (74)ff. 4to. Plastic wraps. Mimeograph. Philadelphia (The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 1990. 1272 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. (EDITOR). Ancient Cities of the Indus. xv, (1), 422pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. New Delhi (Vikas Publishing House), 1979. 1273 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. (EDITOR). Harappan Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective. ix, (7), 440pp. Most prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi/Bombay (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co./ American Institute of Indian Studies), 1982. 1274 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. (EDITOR). Harappan Civilization: A Recent Perspective. Second revised edition. xv, (5), 595, (3)pp., 42 plates. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi/Bombay (American Institute of Indian Studies/ Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.), 1993. 1275 POSSEHL, G. (EDITOR). South Asian Archaeology Studies. x, 266pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.), 1992. 1276 POSSEHL, GREGORY L. & RAVAL, M.H. Harappan Civilization and Rojdi. With contributions by Y.M. Chitalwala, Charles Frank Herman, Victoria Stack Kane, Vishnu-Mittre, Steven A. Weber. xv, (1), 197, (3)pp., 45 plates. 85 figs., 39 tables. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by G.L. Possehl. New Delhi (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co./ American Institute of Indian Studies), 1989. 1277 POSTGATE, J.N. Early Mesopotamia. Society and economy at the dawn of history. xxxiii, (3), 367pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. London/New York (Routledge), 1992. 1278 POTAPOV, L.P. Altaiskii shamanizm. 319, (3)pp. 5 plates. Buckram. English-language summary. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1991. 1279 POTTIER, MARIE-HÉLÈNE. Matériel funéraire de la Bactriane méridionale de l’âge du bronze. Dessins de Guy Samoun. (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations. “Mémoire” no. 36./ Age du Bronze.) 232pp. 45 plates with 332 illus., 47 figs. Tall 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Paris (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations), 1984. 1280 POTTS, D.T. The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State. (Cambridge World Archaeology.) xxviii, (2), 490pp. Most prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1999. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 82 1281 POTTS, D.T. Miscellanea Hasaitica. (The Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies. CNI Publications. 9.) 95pp. 130 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. København (The Carsten Niebuhr Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Copenhagen/ Museum Tusculanum Press), 1989. 1282 PRANATHA VIDYALANKARA. Inscriptions of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. ([Asian Arts and Archaeology Series. 2.]/ Contributions to the History and Antiquities of Egypt and of the Ancient Middle East. 1.) 2 parts. I: [Text]. 4, (2)pp. Wraps. II: [Plates]. 6 lrg. folding plates, loose in portfolio, as issued. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Ties. Contents loose in portfolio, as issued. Reprint of the Benares 1939 edition. Delhi (Sri Satguru Publications), 1986. 1283 [PRASOLOV, L.I., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Pochvy Turkmenskoi SSR i ikh ispol’zovanie. 658pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. Numbered edition. N.p. (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1953. 1284 PRESERVATION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS AT MOENJODARO. 39, (1)pp., 4 plates. 4to. Wraps. Karachi (The Department of Archaeology), 1970. 1285 PRIAKHIN, A.D. Pogrebal’nye abashevskie pamiatniki. 166, (2)pp. 21 plates. Wraps. Voronezh (Izdatel’stvo Voronezhskogo Universiteta), 1977. 1286 PRITCHARD, JAMES B. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. xxi, (1), 542, (2)pp. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1955. 1287 PROBLEMS OF LARGE SCALE, MULTI-DISCIPLINARY REGIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH: THE MALYAN PROJECT. A symposium presented at the annual meeting of The Society for American Archaeology, Philadelphia, May 1, 1980. (80)ff. Illus. 4to. New cloth. Mimeograph. Columbus, Ohio (William M. Sumner), n.d. 1288 PTOLEMY. Ancient India, as Described by Ptolemy. Being a translation of the chapters which describe India and Central and Eastern Asia in the Treatise on Geography written by Klaudios Ptolemaios, the celebrated astronomer, with introduction, commentary and index by J.W. McCrindle. Edited by Ramchandra Jain with conculturuum, reference & appendices. liii, (1), 468pp. Buckram. D.j. Originally published Calcutta 1885 (1884) edition. New Delhi (Today & Tomorrow’s Printers & Publishers), n.d. 1289 PUGACHENKOVA, G.A. Chefs-d’oeuvre d’architecture de l’Asie Centrale, XIVe-XVe siècle. [Par] Galina A. Pougatchenkova avec la collaboration de C. Adle, F. Bagher-Zadé Danechdoust, B. Firagu, Z. Hakimov, L. Mankovskaya, Michaud, C. Mustamendy, M. Salimov, A. Tadjividi, E. Youditsky, P. Zahidov. 194pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Les Presses de l’UNESCO), 1981. 1290 PUGACHENKOVA, G.A. Drevnosti Miankalia. Iz rabot Uzbekistanskoi Iskusstvovedcheskoi Ekspeditsii. (Poiski i Otkrytiia.) 203, (1)pp. 87 illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1989. 1291 PUGACHENKOVA, G.A. Iskusstvo Baktrii epokhi Kushan. (Iz Istorii Mirovogo Iskusstva.) 247pp. 252 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Moskva (“iskusstvo”), 1979. 1292 PUGACHENKOVA, G.A. Iskusstvo Turkmenistana. Ocherk s drevneishikh vremen do 1917 g. 325, (3)pp., 14 color plates. 158 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. French-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Iskusstvo”), 1967. 1293 PUGACHENKOVA, G.A. Shedevry Srednei Azii. 220, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Literatury i Iskusstva imeni Gafura Guliama), 1986. 1294 PUGACHENKOVA, G.A. Sredniaia Aziia: Spravochnik - putevoditel’. 424, (4)pp. 356 illus., figs. Cloth. D.j. Moskva (Iskusstvo/ Editsion Leiptsig), 1983. 1295 [PUGACHENKOVA, G.A.] Les trésors de Dalverzine-Tépé. / Khudozhestvennye Sokrovishcha Dal’verzin-Tepe. 98, (4)pp. 80 plates (mostly in color). 4to. Boards (foot of spine chipped). Parallel texts in French and Russian. Leningrad (Avrora), 1978. 1296 [PUGACHENKOVA, G.A. (EDITOR).] Iz istorii antichnoi kul’tury Uzbekistana. Kniga podgotovlena Institutom Iskustsstvoznaniia im. Khamzy Khakim-zade Niiazi Ministerstva Kul’tury UzSSR. 132, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Literatury i Iskusstva im. Gafura Guliama), 1973. 1297 PUGACHENKOVA, G.A. & REMPEL, L.I. Vydaiushchiesia pamiatniki izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva Uzbekistana. 326, (2)pp. 231 illus. 4to. Dec. cloth. Tashkent (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Khudozhestvennoi Literatury UzSSR), 1961. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 83 1298 PUMPELLY, RAPHAEL. Explorations in Turkestan, Expedition of 1904: Prehistoric Civilizations of Anau. Origins, growth, and influence of environment. (Carnegie Institution of Washington: Publication no. 73.) 2 vols. xxxv, (1), x, (2), 494, x pp., 97 plates. 548 illus. Folio. Orig. cloth (vol. I shaken). From the libraries of A.V. Kidder and Robert H. Dyson, Jr. Washington, D.C. (Carnegie Institution of Washington), 1908. 1299 QAZMU KHABARSHYSY./ VESTNIK KAZGU: SERIIA INFORMATIONNAIA. 4to. Wraps. Almaty (al-Farabi Atyndaghy Qazak Memlekettik Ulttyk Universitet), 1994. 1300 QOIGELDIEV, MAMBET. Alash qozghalysy. 365, (3)pp. Boards. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Almaty (“SANAT”), 1995. 1301 QUICK, JENNIFER (EDITOR). Magnificent Objects from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Essay by Deborah I. Olszewski. viii, 214, (2)pp. Frontis., 190 color plates. 4to. Wraps. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2004. 1302 RABY, JULIAN & FITZHERBERT, TERESA (EDITORS). The Court of the Il-khans, 1290-1340. (Oxford Studies in Islamic Art. 12.) 218pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Texts by Thomas T. Allsen, Reuven Amitai-Preiss, Sheila S. Blair, Tereza Fitzherbert, Charles Melville, Abolala Soudavar. Oxford (Oxford University Press/ Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford), 1996. Marmor/Ross R78 1303 RADT, WOLFGANG. Katalog der Staatlichen Antikensammlung von Sana und anderer Antiken in Jemen. Aufgenommen von der Deutschen Jemenexpedition 1970. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.) 21, (3)pp., 44 plates. 4to. Cloth. Berlin (Wasmuth), 1973. 1304 RAHIMI, FAHIMA. Women in Afghanistan. / Frauen in Afghanistan. With a 1985 update/mit einem Vorwort von Nancy Hatch Dupree. (Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica. 5.) 110pp. Illus. Wraps. Parallel texts in English and German. Liestal (Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica), 1986. 1305 RAHUL, RAM. Mongolia Between China and the USSR. viii, 74pp. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers), 1989. 1306 RA’IN, ISMAIL. Kitabnamah-i Khalij-i Fars. 5, 128pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. N.p. (Pazhuhishgah-i ‘Ulum-i Insani), [197-?]. 1307 RAINEY, FROELICH. Reflections of a Digger: Fifty Years of World Archaeology. xviii, 309pp., 16 plates. Text figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Philadelphia (The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania), 1992. 1308 RAMACHANDRAN, K.S. Radiocarbon Dates of Archaeological Sites in India. (Archaeological Series. 42.) iv, 146, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Buckram, 3/4 leather. Hyderabad (The Government of Andhra Pradesh), 1975. 1309 RANDHAWA, M.S. A History of Agriculture in India. Vol. I: Beginning to 12th Century. xxxv, (1), 541pp. 204 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Indian Council on Agricultural Research), 1980. 1310 RANOV, V.A. & NESMEIANOV, S.A. Paleolit i stratigrafiia antropogena Srednei Azii. 159, (3)pp. 49 figs., 16 tables. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Dushanbe (Izdatel’stvo “Donish”), 1973. 1311 RAO, S.R. Lothal, a Harappan Port Town (1955-62). With contributions by S.S. Sarkar, B.B. Lal, V.K. Chari, Bholanath, G.V. Srinivasa Rao & Krishna Lal. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India. 78.) 2 vols. xii, xvi, 711, (3)pp., 304 plates (partly folding). 151 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. New Delhi (Director General, Archaeological Survey of India), 1979-1985. 1312 RAPOPORT, IU.A. Iz istorii religii Drevnego Khorezma (ossuarii). (Trudy Khorezmskoi Arkheologo-Etnograficheskoi Ekspeditsii. 6.) 124, (4)pp. 56 illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1971. 1313 RAPPOPORT, P.A. Ocherki po istorii russkogo voennogo zodchestva X-XIII vv. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 52.) 181, (1)pp., 1 folding map. 106 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1956. 1314 RAPPOPORT, P.A. Ocherki po istorii voennogo zodchestva Severo-Vostochnoi i Severo-Zapadnoi Rusi X-XV vv. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 105.) 246, (2)pp. 141 illus., 3 maps. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 84 Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 1315 RASPOPOVA, V.I. Zhilishcha Pendzhikenta: Opyt istoriko-sotsial’noi interpretatsii. 204, (4)pp. 2 folding plates, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 92 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1990. 1316 RATHBUN, TED A. A Study of the Physical Characteristics of the Ancient Inhabitants of Kish, Iraq. vii, (1), 255, (157)pp. 2 plates, 8 figs. 4to. Wraps. Coconut Grove, Florida (Field Research Projects), 1975. 1317 RAUSHENBAKH, V.M. Srednee Zaural’e v epokhu neolita i bronzy. Edited by A.Ia. Briusov. (Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Istoricheskogo Muzeia. 29.) 148, (2)pp., 22 plates. 3 maps. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Kul’turno-Prosvetitel’noi Literatury), 1956. 1318 RAVENNA. MUSEO NAZIONALE. L’avventura archeologica di Giuseppe Gerola dall’Egeo a Ravenna. Mostra fotografica. A cura di Isabella Baldini con la collaborazione di Monica Livadiotti, Giulia Marsili e Devora Pellacchia. Oct. 2011-Jan. 2012. (Biblioteca di Felix Ravenna. 14.) 158pp. 100 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Ravenna (Edizioni del Girasole), 2011. 1319 RAWLINSON, H.G. Bactria: The History of a Forgotten Empire. (Probsthain’s Oriental Series. 6.) xxiii, (1), 175, (1)pp., 7 plates and maps. Cloth. From the libraries of Langdon Warner, Lauriston Ward, and Robert H. Dyson, Jr. London (Probsthain & Co.), 1912. 1320 RAWSON, JESSICA (EDITOR). Mysteries of Ancient China: New Discoveries from the Early Dynasties. 303pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. London (British Museum Press), 1996. 1321 READE, JULIAN. Assyrian Sculpture. 72pp. 105 illus. (partly color). Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Cambridge/London (Harvard University Press/ British Museum), 1983. 1322 RENFREW, JANE M. Palaeoethnobotany. The prehistoric food plans of the Near East and Europe. xviii, 248, (4)pp., 49 plates (1 color). 130 figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Columbia University Press), 1973. 1323 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE JOINT UNESCO/ICOMOS REVIEW MISSION TO THE KATHMANDU VALLEY WORLD HERITAGE SITE, NEPAL, 14-30 NOVEMBER 1993. 33pp., 45 plates. 33 figs. hors texte. 4to. Stapled wraps. Mimeograph. N.p., n.d. 1324 RICE, PRUDENCE M. Pottery Analysis: A Sourcebook. xxiii, (1), 559pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1987. 1325 RICE, TAMARA TALBOT. The Scythians. (Ancient Peoples and Places. 2.) 255pp. 62 illus., 65 figs., 4 maps. Cloth. D.j. New York (Frederick A. Praeger), 1957. 1326 RICE, TAMARA TALBOT. The Seljuks. (Ancient Peoples and Places. 20.) 280pp. 80 illus., 56 figs., 2 maps. Cloth. D.j. New York (Frederik A. Praeger), 1961. 1327 RICH, CLAUDIUS JAMES. Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan, and on the Site of Ancient Nineveh; With journal of a Voyage Down the Tigris to Bagdad and an Account of a Visit to Shiaruz and Persepolis. Edited by his widow. 2 vols. xxxiii, (1), 398pp., 1 folding map; viii, 410pp., 1 folding map. Illus. Cloth (head of spine of vol. II bumped). Reprint of the London 1836 edition. Westmead, Farnborough, Hants. (Gregg International Publishers), 1972. 1328 RICQ, J.C. Essai de sélection des éléments chimiques particulièrement propres à caractériser un groupe de céramiques. (Centre de Recherches Archéologiques: Notes et Monographies Techniques. 5.) 20pp. 7 figs. Wraps. Paris (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1974. 1329 RIEMSCHNEIDER, KASPAR K. Lehrbuch des Akkadischen. (Lehrbücher für das Studium der orientalischen und afrikanischen Sprachen. 16.) 312pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Leipzig (VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie), 1969. 1330 RIEMSCHNEIDER, MARGARETE. Die Welt der Hethiter. Mit einem Vorwort von Helmuth Th. Bossert. 3. Auflage. (Grosse Kulturen der Frühzeit.) 259, (1)pp., 1 folding map. 108 plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Stuttgart (Gustav Kilpper Verlag), 1954. 1331 RÍHOVSKY, JIRÍ. Lovcicky: Jungbronzezeitliche Siedlung in Mähren. (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 15.) (2), 44pp. 17 illus. (2 hors texte). Sm. 4to. Wraps. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1982. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 85 1332 RIIS, P.J. Hama: Fouilles et recherches, 1931-1938. II, 3: Les cimetières à crémation. (Nationalmuseets Skrifter. Større beretninger. I.) xvi, 260, (2)pp., 12 color plates. 242 illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. København (Nationalmuseet/ Fondation Carlsberg), 1948. 1333 RIIS, P.J. & POULSEN, VAGN. Hama: Fouilles et recherches, 1931-1938. IV, 2: Les verreries et pôteries médiévales. Avec le concours de E. Hammershaimb. (Nationalmuseets Skrifter. Større beretninger. III.) viii, (4), 316, (2)pp., 5 color plates. 1123 illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. København (Nationalmuseet/ Fondation Carlsberg), 1957. 1334 RISSE, MARTINA (EDITOR). Volubilis. Eine römische Stadt in Marokko von der Frühzeit bis in die islamische Periode. Mit Beiträgen von Hassan Limane, Abdelfattah Ichkhakh, Detlev Kreikenbom, Rachid Bouzidi und Sigurd Müller. (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie. Sonderbände der Antiken Welt.) 120pp. 173 illus. (157 color), 15 figs. Lrg. 4to. Boards. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 2001. 1335 RISSMAN, PAUL C. & CHITALWALA, Y.M. Harappan Civilization and Oriyo Timbo. With contributions from Gregory L. Possehl, M.H. Raval, D.P. Mehta, Gail E. Wagner, K.T.M. Hedge. xi, (1), 155pp. 55 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi/Bombay (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co./ American Institute of Indian Studies), 1990. 1336 RITTER, HELLMUT. Orientalia I [all published]. (Archæologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches, Abteilung Istanbul: Istanbuler Mitteilungen. 1.) (4), 88, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. intermittent minor wear. Quite rare. Istanbul (Devlet Matbaasi), 1933. Arntzen/Rainwater Q155 1337 RIVISTA DI ARCHEOLOGIA. Diretta da Gustavo Traversari. Vols. 1 - 5. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Giorgio Bretschneider Editore), 1977-1981. 1338 RIZVI, ARIF H. (EDITOR). Contemporary West Asian Scene. A selection of papers presented at a seminar held at Aligarh. xiii, (3), 255, (1)pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Aligarh (Centre of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim University), 1980. 1339 RIZZI, GIOVANNI (EDITOR). Schweigende Felsen: Das Phänomen der Schalensteine im Brixner Talkessel. / Rocce silenti: Il fenomeno delle coppellazione rupestre nella conca di Bressanone. 237pp. 74 plates. Sm. 4to. Boards. Parallel texts in German and Italian. Brixen (Suedmedia Verlag Vahrn), 2007. 1340 ROLLE, RENATE. The World of the Scythians. 141pp. 22 color illus. hors texte. 98 figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Berkeley/Los Angeles (University of California Press), 1989. 1341 ROMA. ACQUARIO ROMANO. L’immagine tibetana del tempo. Il mandala di Sabbie colorate di Kalachakra. June-July 1993. Texts by Maria Laura Polichetti Di Mattia, Massimiliano A. Polichetti, Paola Mortari Vergara, Fosco Maraini. 55pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Roma, 1993. 1342 ROMA. ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER IL MEDIO ED ESTREMO ORIENT, CENTRO SCAVI E RICERCHE ARCHEOLOGICHE IN ASIA. Italian Archaeological Researches in Asia. Exhibition of discoveries of the missions in Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1956-1959. 69, (3)pp., 33 plates. Wraps. Waterdamaged. Roma (IsMEO), 1960. 1343 ROMA. ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER L’AFRICA E L’ORIENTE. Il contributo dell’Istituto allo studio della civiltà iranica. Una breve presentazione. 27, 34pp. Wraps. Parallel texts in Italian and Farsi. Roma (IsIAO), 1999. 1344 ROMA. MUSEO NAZIONALE D’ARTE ORIENTALE. Archeologia e arte della Corea. A cura di Roberto Ciarla, Maria Luisa Giorgi. (Guide del Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale ‘Giuseppe Tucci.’) 71pp. 52 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Englishlanguage summary Roma (Artemide), 2010. 1345 ROMA. MUSEO NAZIONALE D’ARTE ORIENTALE. Arte del Tibet e del Nepal. A cura di Massimiliano A. Polichetti. (Guide del Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale ‘Giuseppe Tucci.’) 48pp. 24 illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. English-language summary. Roma (Artemide), 2010. 1346 ROMA. MUSEO NAZIONALE D’ARTE ORIENTALE. Arte orientale in Italia I-II. Scritti miscellanei del Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale Roma. A cura di Maurizio Taddei. (Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale. 2-3.) 84pp. Text illus.; 57, (3)pp. 32 text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma, 1971. 1347 ROMA. MUSEO NAZIONALE D’ARTE ORIENTALE. Quattro sculture da T’ien-lung-shan. (Schede. 3.) 32pp. 9 plates. 12mo. Wraps. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 86 Roma, 1969. 1348 ROMA. MUSEO NAZIONALE D’ARTE ORIENTALE. Splendori d’Asia. ‘Frammenti di diamante’ opere esemplari da una donazione. A cura di Donatella Mazzeo. May-Sept. 2005. xv, (1), 198pp. 254 illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Roma (Artemide Edizioni), 2005. 1349 ROMA. MUSEO NAZIONALE DELLE ARTI E DELLE TRADIZIONI POPULARI. I tesori dei kurgani del Caucaso settentrionale. Nuove scoperte degli archeologi sovietici nell’Adygeja e nell’Ossezia settentrionale. Dec. 1990-Feb. 1991. 199pp. Prof. illus. With: Vicino orientale e Caucaso. Supplemento al catalogo.... 86pp. 19 color plates, 14 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Leonardo-De Luca Editori), 1990. 1350 ROMA. PALAZZO VENEZIA. I bronzi del regno di Dian: Dian, Yunnan, Cina (secoli VI/I aC). Oct.-Nov. 1987. 144pp. 100 illus., figs. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Roma, 1987. 1351 ROMA. PALAZZO VENEZIA. I tesori della steppa di Astrakhan. A cura di Larissa Anisimova, Gian Luca Bonora, Claudio Franchi, Lyudmila M. Karaeva, Viacheslav V. Plakhov. March-May 2005. 183pp. 152 color plates, text illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by G.L. Bonora. Milano (Electa), 2005. 1352 ROSENBAUM, ELISABETH, ET AL. A Survey of Coastal Cities in Western Cilicia: Preliminary Report. By Elisabeth Rosenbaum, Gerhard Huber, Somay Onurkan. With an excursus by Roderich Regler. (Türk Tarih Kurumu yayinlari. VI. seri, no. 8.) x, 94, (2)pp., 21 plates. 42 figs. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi), 1967. 1353 ROSSI OSMIDA, GABRIELE. Adji Kui Oasis, III-II mill. BC. Vol. I: La cittadella delle statuette. / The Citadel of the Figurines./ Heýkelleriñ sitadeli. 214pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Parallel texts in Italian, English, and Turkmen. Venezia (Centro Studi Ricerche Ligabue), n.d. 1354 ROTHMAN, MITCHELL S. Tepe Gawra: The Evolution of a Small, Prehistoric Center in Northern Iraq. With an appendix by Brian Peasnall. (University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: University Museum Monograph 112.) xxii, 494pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2002. 1355 ROUSE, IRVING. Migrations in Prehistory: Inferring Population Movement from Cultural Remains. 202pp. 30 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Highlighting. New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1986. 1356 ROUX, E.J. Le cheval barbe: Destrier de l’antique Libye et de la conquête musulmane. Sa descendance et son expansion en Amérique. Son harnachement. 173pp. 34 illus. (partly hors texte). Sm. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Adrien Maisonneuve), 1987. 1357 ROY, ASHIM KUMAR & GIDWANI, N.N. Indus Valley Civilization: A Bibliographic Essay. (6), 264pp. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.), 1982. 1358 RTVELADZE, E.V. Aleksandr Makedonskii v Baktrii i Sogdiane. Istoriko-geograficheskie ocherki. 181, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Russian-language text with parallel titile-pages in Uzbek and English. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Tashkent (Akademiia Khudozhestv Respubliki Uzbekistan, Otdel Istorii Iskusstv NII Iskusstvoznaniia), 2002. 1359 RTVELADZE, E.V. & AMINOV, MURODZHON. Surkhondarë. / Surkhandar’ia./ Surkhandaria. 219pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to Boards. Parallel captions in Uzbek, Russian, and English. Toshkent (Qomsular Bosh Tahririyäti), 1996. 1360 [RTVELADZE, E.V. (EDITOR).] Karschi. 159pp. Prof. illus. Buckram. D.j. [Tashkent] (“Ma’naviyat”), 2006. 1361 [RTVELADZE, E.V. (EDITOR).] Qarshi./ Karshi./ Qarshi. 363, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j. Toshent (Ma”naviyat), 2006. 1362 RUBEL, PAULA G. The Kalmyk Mongols. A study in continuity and change. (Indiana University Publications: Uralic and Altaic Series. 64.) xiv, 282pp. Lrg. 8vo. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Bloomington/The Hague (Indiana University/ Mouton & Co.), 1967. 1363 RUDENKO, S.I. Drevneishie v mire khudozhestvennye kovry i tkani iz oledenelykh kurganov Gornogo Altaia. (Pamiatniki Drevnego Iskusstva.) 131, (5)pp., 104 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Summaries in English, French, and German. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Iskusstvo”), 1968. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 87 1364 RUDENKO, SERGEI I. Frozen Tombs of Siberia: The Pazyryk Burials of Iron Age Horsemen. Translated and with a preface by M.W. Thompson. xxxvi, 340pp., 180 plates (33 color). 146 text figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Berkeley/Los Angeles (University of California Press), 1970. 1365 RUDENKO, S.I. Kul’tura naseleniia Gornogo Altaia v skifskoe vremia. 401, (3)pp., 120 plates. 197 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1953. 1366 RUDENKO, S.I. Der zweite Kurgan von Pasyryk. Arbeitsergebnisse der Expedition des Institutes für Geschichte der materiellen Kultur der Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR v. J. 1947./ Vtoroi pazyrykskii kurgan. (Sowjetwissenschaft. 16. Beiheft.) 96, (3)pp., 29 plates. 28 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Berlin (Verlag Kultur und Fortschritt), 1951. 1367 RUIZ RODRÍGUEZ, ARTURO, ET AL. Arqueología en Jaén: Reflexiones desde un proyecto arqueológico no inocente. [Por] Arturo Ruiz Rodríguez, Manuel Molinos Molinos, Francisca Hornos Mata. (Colección: Investigación.) 112pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Jaén (Diputación Provincial de Jaén, Instituto de Cultura), 1986. 1368 RUSSELL, JOHN MALCOLM. The Writing on the Wall: Studies in the Architectural Context of Late Assyrian Palace Inscriptions. (Mesopotamian Civilizations. 9.) xii, 348pp. 114 illus. 4to. Boards. Winona Lake, Indiana (Eisenbrauns), 1999. 1369 RYBAKOV, B.A. (EDITOR). Cherniakhovskaia kul’tura. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 82.) 345, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1370 RYBAKOV, B.A. (EDITOR). Slaviane nakanune obrazovaniia Kievskoi Rusi. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 108.) 385, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSR), 1963. 1371 RYBAKOV, B.A. & SYMONOVICH, E.A. (EDITORS). Drevnosti epokhi slozheniia vostochnogo slavianstva. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 116.) 361, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1964. 1372 SADER, HÉLÈNE, ET AL. (EDITORS). Baalbek: Image and Monument, 1898-1998. Edited by Hélène Sader, Thomas Scheffler and Angelika Neuwirth. (Beiruter Texte und Studien. 69.) xiv, 350pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Beirut/Stuttgart (Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft/ Franz Steiner Verlag), 1998. 1373 SAGDULLAEV, A.S. Usad’by drevnei Baktrii. Edited by G.A. Pugachenkova. 108, (6)pp., 35 plates. Boards (extremities of spine chipped). Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1987. 1374 SAGGS, H.W.F. Babylonians. (Peoples of the Past.) 192pp., 8 color plates, 1 map. 84 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Norman (University of Oklahoma Press), 1995. 1375 ST. PETERBURG. STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM. Iran v Ermitazhe: Formirovanie kollektsii. Katalog vystavki. JuneAug. 2004. Catalogue by A.T. Adamova and A.B. Nikitin. 255pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg, 2004. 1376 ST. PETERSBURG. STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM. Ancient Glass in the Hermitage Collection. Written and compiled by Nina Kunina. (The Art Treasures of Russia.) 339, (21)pp. 219 color illus., 434 catalogue figs., maps. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. St. Petersburg (The State Hermitage Arts Publishers), 1997. 1377 SALI, S.A. Daimabad, 1976-79. With contributions by S.N. Rajaguru, Vishnu Mitre, Aruna Sharma, Chanchala, R.V. Joshi, B.C. Deotare, Anupama Kshirsagar, S.R. Walimbe and V.D. Gogte. (Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India. 83.) (12), 745pp. 181 plates, 140 figs. Lrg. 4to. Boards. New Delhi (Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India), 1986. 1378 SALJUQI, FIKRI. Gazargah: Qismati az tarikh-i Herat-i bastan. 4, 91pp. Illus. Wraps. (extremities of spine chipped). The burial ground of ‘Abd Allah ibn Muhammad Ansari al-Haravi (1006-1089), and other Afghan elite buried in its vicinity. Kabul (Da Matbu‘ato Mustaqil Riyasat, da Korinayo Khparawano Loy Mudiriyat), 1962. 1379 SALVATIERRA CUENCA, VICENTE, ET AL. El baño árabe del Naranjo y la formación del edificio “Los Caños.” [Por] Vicente Salvatierra Cuenca, Juan Castillo Amenteros, José Luís Castillo Armenteros. 157, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Jaén (Grupo de Arqueología y Patrimonio, Universidad de Jaén), 1993. 1380 SALZMAN, PHILIP CARL. Kin and Contract in Baluchi Herding Camps. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici: Baluchistan Monograph Series. II.) 109pp. 15 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici/ Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1992. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 88 1381 SAMARKAND. SAMARKANDSKII ORDENA TRUDOVOGO KRASNOGO ZNAMENI GOSUDARSTVENNYI UNIVERSITET IMENI ALISHERA NAVOI, NAUCHNAIA BIBLIOTEKA IMENI ABDURAKHMANA DZHAMI & PROBLEMNAIA LABORATORIIA PO IZUCHENIIU VOSTOCHNYKH RUKOPISEI. Opisane fiziko-matematicheskikh rukopisei i litografii Vostochnogo Otdela Nauchnoi Biblioteki SamGU. Chast’ 1 [all published ?]. 144pp. Wraps. Edition limited to 200 copies. Samarkand, 1992. 1382 SAMARQAND SHAHRINING UMUMBASHARIY MADANIY TARAQQIYAT TARIKHIDA TUTGAN ORNI: SAMARQAND SHAHRINING 2750 YILLIK IUBILEYIGA BAGHISHLANGAN KHALQARO ILMIY SIMPOZIUM MATERIALLARI. / The Role of Samarkand in the History of World Civilization: Materials of the International Scientific Symposium Devoted to the 2750th Anniversary of the City of Samarkand./ Rol’ goroda Samarkanda v istorii mirovogo kul’turnogo razvitiia.... 461, (1)pp. Illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. Toshkent/Samarqand (Ozbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi “FAN” Nashriëti), 2007. 1383 SAMI, ‘ALI. Persepolis (Takht-i Jamshid). Second edition. (Learned Society of Pars: Publication No. 2.) (10), 90pp., 92 plates. 1 text illus. Wraps. Shiraz (Mousavi Printing Office), 1955. 1384 SAN FRANCISCO. M.H. DE YOUNG MEMORIAL MUSEUM. Ancient Sculpture From India. May-July 1964. Text by Sherman E. Lee. 21, (3)pp., 117 plates. Sq. 4to. Wraps. Cleveland (The Cleveland Museum of Art), 1964. 1385 SANKALIA, H.D. Ramayana, Myth or Reality? vi, (2), 82pp., 1 folding map. Sm. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (People’s Publishing House), 1991. 1386 SANKALIA, HASMUKH DHIRAJLAL & DEO, SHANTARAM BHALCHANDRA. Report on the Excavations at Nasik and Jorwe 1950-51. With topical contributions by A.V. Naik, K.D. Banerji, Zainuddin Dawood Ansari, H.C. Ray, A.S. Rajagopalaiengar & J.C. George. (Deccan College Monograph Series. No. 13.) xx, 178pp., 35 plates. 85 text figs. 4to. New boards, 3/4 leather. Pune, 1955. 1387 SANKALIA, HASMUKH DHIRAJLAL & DIKSHIT, MORESHWAR G. Excavations at Brahmapuri (Kolhapur) 1945-46. (Deccan College Monograph Series. 5.) xv, (1), 154pp., 37 plates (2 color). 29 figs. 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Pune (Deccan College, Postgraduate and Research Institute), 1952. 1388 SANKALIA, HASMUKH DHIRAJLAL, ET AL. Chacolithic Navdatoli: The Excavations at Navdatoli, 1957-59. By Hasmukh Dhirajlal Sankalia, Shantaram Bhalchandra Deo, Zainuddin Dawood Ansari. (Deccan College Research Institute and M.S. University Publications. 2.) xxvi, 460pp., 36 plates. (4 color). 124 illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Poona/Baroda (Deccan College Research Institute/ M.S. University), 1971. 1389 SANKALIA, HASMUKH DHIRAJLAL, ET AL. Excavations at Ahar (Tambavati). By Hasmukh Dhirajlal Sankalia, Shantaram Bhalchandra Deo, Zainuddin Dawood Ansari. (Deccan College. Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series. 45.) xxii, (2), 245, (3)pp. 4to. Boards, 3/4 leather. Pune (Deccan College Postgraduate & Research Institute), 1969. 1390 SANKALIA, HASMUKH DHIRAJLAL, ET AL. The Excavations at Maheshwar and Navdatoli 1952-53. By Hasmukh Dhirajlal Sankalia, Bendapudi Subbarao, Shantaram Bhalchandra Deo. (Deccan College Research Institute and M.S. University Publication No. 1.) xxvi, 257, (3)pp., 20 plates (3 color), 5 folding plans. 118 figs. Lrg. 4to. Orig. cloth. Pune/Baroda (Deccan College/ M.S. University of Baroda), 1958. 1391 SANTANGELO, PAOLO. Alcuni elementi della società cinese nel periodo Ming e Qing. (Opera Universitaria, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli: Serie didattica. 2.) (8), 554, (4)pp. 1 map. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1987. 1392 SANTANGELO, PAOLO. Le manifatture tessili imperiali durante le dinastie Ming e Qing con particolare attenzione a quelle di Suzhou. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 38 agli Annali - vol. 44 [1984], fasc. 1.) 69pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1984. 1393 SARIANIDI, V.I. Afganistan: Sokrovishcha bezymiannykh tsarei. 157, (1)pp., 48 plates. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1983. 1394 [SARIANIDI, VICTOR.] Bactrian Gold from the Excavations of the Tilly-Tepe Necropolis in Northern Afghanistan. 258, (2)pp. 420 illus. (166 color). Folio. Cloth. D.j. Slipcase. Leningrad (Aurora), 1985. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 89 1395 SARIANIDI, V.I. Baktriia skvoz’ mglu vekov. 157, (3)pp., 34 plates (mostly in color). Text figs. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Moskva (“Mysl’”), 1984. 1396 SARIANIDI, V.I. Drevnie zemledel’tsy Afganistana. Materialy Sovetsko-Afganskoi Ekspeditsii, 1969-1974 gg. 167, (5)pp., 4 color plates. 66 illus. 4to. Leatherette. English-language summary. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1977. 1397 SARIANIDI, V.I. Drevnosti strany Margush. Edited by A.A. Rosliakov. 313, (3)pp. 108 plates, 36 text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Boards. Ashkhabad (Ylym), 1990. 1398 SARIANIDI, WIKTOR. Gonurdepe: Salaryn we hudaýlaryn säheri. / Gonur-Depe: Gorod tsarei i bogov./ Gonur-Depe: City of Kings and Gods. 321, (7)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. D.j. Parallel texts in Turkmen, Russian, and English. Asgabat (Miras), 2005. 1399 SARIANIDI, V.I. Khram i nekropol’ Tilliatepe. 236, (4)pp. 59 plates, 47 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Boards. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1989. 1400 SARIANIDI, VIKTOR. Die Kunst des Alten Afghanistan. 347, (1)pp. 171 illus. (numerous color). Cloth. D.j. Leipzig (VEB E.A. Seemann Verlag), 1986. 1401 SARIANIDI, VIKTOR. Margus: Beýik medeniýetin syrlar dünýäsi we onun hakyky kesbi. / Margush: Taina i pravda velikoi kul’tury./ Margush: Mystery and Truth of the Great Culture. 341, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Parallel texts in Turkmen, Russian, and English. Asgabat (Türkmen dôwlet nesirýat gullugy), 2009. 1402 SARIANIDI, WIKTOR. Margus: Murgap derýasynyn köne hanasynyn aýagyndaky gadymy gündogar salygy. / Margush: Drevnevostochnoe tsarstvo v staroi del’te reki Murgab./ Margush: Ancient Oriental Kingdom in the Old Delta of the Murghab River. 355, (5)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. D.j. Parallel texts in Turkmen, Russian, and English. Asgabat (Türkmendöwlethabarlary), 2002. 1403 SARIANIDI, VICTOR. Necropolis of Gonur. 337, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Athens (Kapon Editions), 2007. 1404 SARIANIDI, V.I. Raskopki Tillia-tepe v Severnom Afganistane. Vyp. 1 [all published]. (Materialy k Arkheologicheskoi Karte Severnogo Afganistana.) 35, (3)pp., 57 plates. Sm. 8vo. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1972. 1405 SARIANIDI, V.I. Tainy ischeznuvshego iskusstva Karakumov. (Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Institut Arkheologii: Seriia “Iz Istorii Mirovoi Kul’tury.”) 106, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1967. 1406 SARIANIDI, VIKTOR. V poiskakh strany Margush. 362pp. 36 plates. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Moskva (The Author), [1993]. 1407 SARIANIDI, VIKTOR. Zadolgo do Zaratushtry: Arkheologicheskie dokazatel’stva Protozoroastrizma v Baktrii i Margiane. / Long Before Zaratushtra: Archaeological Evidences of Protozoroastrianizm in Bactria and Margiana. 167, (1)pp., 32 color plates. Numerous text figs. Wraps. Parallel texts in Russian and English. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Etnologii i Antropologii im. N.N. Muklukho-Maklaia/ Margianskaia Arkheologicheskaia Ekspeditsiia), 2010. 1408 SARRE, FRIEDRICH. Die Kunst des alten Persien. (Die Kunst des Ostens. 5.) ix, (1), 75, (3)pp., 152 plates. 10 text illus. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Berlin (Bruno Cassirer), 1923. Chamberlin 2432 1409 SASSATELLI, GIUSEPPE. La città etrusca di Marzabotto. 92, (4)pp. 39 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna) (Grafis Edizioni), 1992. 1410 SATYA SHRAVA. The Sakas in India. xvi, 159, (1)pp., 54 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Text originally published Lahore 1947. New Delhi (Pranava Prakashan), 1981. 1411 SAVEL’EVA, T.V. Osedlaia kul’tura severnykh sklonov Zailiiskogo Alatau v VIII-XIII vv.: Po materialam raskopok gorodishcha Talgar i pamiatnikov ego periferii. 167, (1)pp., 44 plates. Wraps. Almaty (“Gylym”), 1994. 1412 SAVORY, ROGER. Iran Under the Safavids. x, 277pp. 35 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 90 Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1980. 1413 SAVVATEEV, IU.A. Zalavruga: Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki nizov’ia reki Vyg. Chast’ pervaia: Petroglify. 441, (3)pp. 110 illus. 4to. Cloth. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1970. 1414 SCAVI NELLA CONCA DI BOLZANO E NELLA BASSA ATESINA 1976-1985. 269pp. 69 plates, 46 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Bolzano (Centro di Coordinamento Attività Archeologiche Altoatesine), n.d. 1415 SCHAEFFER, CLAUDE F.-A. Stratigraphie comparée et chronologie de l’Asie Occidentale (IIIe et IIe millénaires). Syrie, Palestine, Asie Mineure, Chypre, Perse et Caucase. xiii, (3), 653, (1)pp., 70 plates, 9 lrg. folding charts, 1 lrg. folding map. 324 figs. hors texte. Stout 4to. Cloth. Oxford/London (The Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum/ Oxford University Press), 1948. 1416 SCHAUENSEE, MAUDE DE. Two Lyres from Ur. xix, (3), 125pp. 51 plates (partly in color). Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2002. 1417 SCHAUENSEE, MAUDE DE (EDITOR). Peoples and Crafts in Period IVB at Hasanlu, Iran. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: Museum Monograph 132./ Hasanlu Special Studies. 4.) xxxiv, 214pp. Prof. illus. CD loosely inserted in rear pocket. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2011. 1418 SCHEIL, V. Textes de comptabilité proto-élamites: Troisième série. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique de Perse. 26./ Mission en Susiane.) xiv pp., 65 plates. Text figs. Sm. folio. Wraps. (dusty). From the library of F.W. König. Paris (Librairie Ernest Leroux), 1935. 1419 SCHERPENZEEL, ERIK VAN. Oman, Then and Now. / ‘Uman al-madi wa-al-hadir. (240)pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in English and Arabic. The Hague (SPB Academic Publishing), 2000. 1420 SCHLICHTHERLE, HELMUT. Die Sondagen 1973-1978 in den Ufersiedlungen Hornstaad-Hörnle I. Befunde und Funde zum frühen Neolithikum am westlichen Bodensee. (Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland. I./ Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg. 36.) 221, (3)pp., 69 plates. 3 lrg. folding plans, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 113 text figs. Tall 4to. Cloth. D.j. Stuttgart (Konrad Theiss Verlag), 1990. 1421 SCHMANDT-BESSERAT, DENISE. Before Writing. Foreword by William W. Hallo. 2 vols. I: From Counting to Cuneiform. xv, (3), 269pp. 115 illus., catalogue figs. II: A Catalog of Near Eastern Tokens. xxxvi, 416pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Austin (University of Texas Press), 1992. 1422 SCHMIDT, ERICH F. Anatolia Through the Ages: Discoveries at the Alishar Mound, 1927-29. (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago: Oriental Institute Communications.) ix, (1), 165pp. 213 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1931. 1423 SCHMIDT, ERICH F. Excavations at Tepe Hissar, Damghan. With an additional chapter on The Sasanian Building at Tepe Hissar, by Fiske Kimball. (Publications of the Iranian Section of the University Museum.) xxi, (1), 478pp. 79 plates, 177 illus. Sm. folio. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania/ The University of Pennsylvania Press), 1937. 1424 SCHMIDT, ERICH F. Flights Over Ancient Cities of Iran. (Special Publication of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.) xxii, (2), 104pp., 119 photogravure plates (partly with overlays), 4 maps. Folio. Orig. dec. cloth. Slightest bit of waterstaining in margin of a few pages. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1940. 1425 SCHMIDT, ERICH F. Persepolis. (The University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications. 68-70.) 3 vols. I: Structures. Reliefs. Sculptures. xxviii, (2), 297, (3)pp., 206 plates. 1 lrg. folding plan, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 123 figs. II: Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries. xx, (2), 166, (2)pp., 90 plates. 29 figs. III: The Royal Tombs and Other Monuments. xxiv, 118, (2)pp., 106 plates (partly folding). 38 figs. Lrg. folio. Cloth. Minor marginal waterstaining in vol II. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1953-1970. 1426 SCHMIDT, E.F. Tepe Hissar Excavations 1931. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: The Museum Journal. Vol. 33#4.) (172)pp. 98 plates, 3 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. (crudely rebacked). Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1933. 1427 (SCHMIDT, ERICH F.) GÜRSAN-SALZMANN, AYSE. Exploring Iran: The Photography of Erich F. Schmidt, 1930-1940. x, 102pp. 63 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 91 Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology), 2007. 1428 SCHMÖKEL, HARTMUT. Ur, Assur und Babylon. Drei Jahrtausende im Zweistromland. (Grosse Kulturen der Frühzeit.) 301, (3)pp.,1 folding map. 118 plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Stuttgart (Gustav Kilpper Verlag), 1955. 1429 SCHOFF, WILFRED H. The Periplus of the Erythræan Sea. Travel and trade in the Indian Ocean by a merchant of the first century. Translated from the Greek and annotated. (4), 323, (1)pp., 1 folding map. Lrg. 8vo. Orig. cloth. London (Longmans, Green, and Co.), 1912. 1430 SEDOV, A.V. Kobadian na poroge rannego srednevekov’ia. 197, (3)pp. 34 plates, 35 text illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1987. 1431 SEDOV, V.V. Sel’skie poseleniia tsentral’nykh raionov Smolenskoi zemli (VIII-XV vv.). (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 92.) 156, (2)pp. 72 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1432 SEDOV, V.V. Vostochnye slaviane v VI-XIII vv. Edited by B.A. Rybakov. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 324, (4)pp. 78 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1982. 1433 SEDOV, V.V. (EDITOR). Finno-ugryi balty v epokhu srednevekov’ia. (Arkheologiia SSSR.) 509, (3)pp. 137 plates, maps. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1987. 1434 SEMENOV, S.A. Pervobytnaia tekhnika. (Opyt izucheniia drevneishikh orudii i izdelii po sledam raboty). (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 54.) 240pp. 106 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1957. 1435 SEMENOV, S.A. Razvitie tekhniki v kamennom veke. 359, (5)pp. 74 illus. 4to. Buckram. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1968. 1436 SEMENOV, S.A. & KOROBKOVA, G.F. Tekhnologiia drevneishikh proizvodstv: Mezolit-eneolit. 252, (4)pp. 51 plates. Buckram. English-language summary. Leningrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1983. 1437 SEMENOV, VL.A. Neolit i bronzovyi vek Tuvy. 135, (1)pp. 49 illus. Wraps. Sankt-Peterburg (LNIAO), 1992. 1438 SEMENOVICH, V.V., ET AL. (EDITORS). Novye dannye po geologii Turkmenskoi SSR. Pod redaktsiei V.V. Semenovicha, F.Kh. Dikenshteina, E.I. Ptushkina. 270, 92)pp., 18 plates with facing commentary. Text figs. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoe Izdatel’stvo Neftianoi i Gorno-Toplivnoi Literatury), 1963. 1439 SEMICHOV, B.V., ET AL. Kratkii tibetsko-russkii slovar’: 21000 slov. Sostavili: B.V. Semichov, Iu.M. Parfionovich, B.D. Dandaron. 581, (3)pp. Sm. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Inostrannykh i Natsional’nykh Slovarei), 1963. 1440 SER-ODZHAV, N. Baian-ligiin khadny zurag. Edited by D. Dorzh. 161pp. 35 plates, 118 figs. Frontis. Wraps. Englishlanguage summary. Ulaanbaatar (Shinzhlekh Ukhaany Akademiin Khevlel), 1987. 1441 SERDAROGLU, ÜMIT. Assos (Behramkale). (Antique Cities Series. 1a.) 97, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Galatasaray, Istanbul (Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayinlari), 1995. 1442 SETHNA, K.D. Karpasa in Prehistoric India. A chronological and cultural clue. Introduction by H.D. Sankalia. xi, (1), 203pp. Frontis. Cloth. New Delhi (Biblia Impex Private Ltd.), 1981. 1443 SEVERTSOV, N.A. Pamirskoi gornoi sistemy. Orograficheskii ocherk. Introduction by M. Menzbir. xix, (1), 383, (3)pp., 29 plates (2 folding). Frontis. Sm. 4to. New buckram. Very rare. No copy listed in OCLC. Sanktpeterburg (Tipografiia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk), 1886. 1444 SEVIN, VELI & KAVAKLI, ERSIN. Bir erken demir çag nekropolü Van/Karagündüz. / Van/Karagündüz: An Iron Age Cemetery. (Kazi monografileri dizisi. 4.) 63pp. 39 color illus. Tall 8vo. Wraps. Parallel texts in Turkish and English. Galatasaray, Istanbul (Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayinlari), 1996. 1445 SHAFFER, JIM G. Prehistoric Baluchistan: With Excavation Report on Said Qala Tepe. (Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies: History and Archaeology Series. 3.) xx, 195pp. 38 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies/ B.R. Publishing Corporation), 1978. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 92 1446 SHALEV, SARIEL. Swords and Daggers in Late Bronze Age Canaan. (Prähistorische Bronzefunde. Abteilung IV, Band 13.) xi, (1), 97, (3)p., 27 plates, 1 map. 4to. Cloth. Stuttgart (Franz Steiner Verlag), 2004. 1447 SHARMA, G.R., ET AL. Beginnings of Agriculture: From Hunting and Food Gathering to Domestication of Plants and Animals (Epi-Palaeolithic to Neolithic: Excavations at Chopani-Mando, Mahadaha and Mahagara). [By] G.R. Sharma, V.D. Misra, D. Mandal, B.B. Misra and J.N. Pal. (Studies in History, Culture and Archaeology. 4.) xix, (1), 238pp., 88 plates. Numerous figs. (partly hors texte and folding). Lrg. 4to. Cloth (shaken). Allahabad (Abinash Prakashan), 1980. 1448 SHARMA, RAM SHARAN. Urban Decay in India (c. 300-c. 1000). xii, (4), 235pp., 2 folding maps. 23 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Munshiram Manoharlal), 1987. 1449 SHARMA, RAM SHARAN (EDITOR). Survey of Research in Economic and Social History in India. xviii, 283pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Ajanta Publications), 1986. 1450 SHCHUKIN, I.S. Geomorfologiia Srednei Azii. 430, (2)pp. 51 plates. Boards, 1/4 cloth (slightly rubbed). Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta), 1983. 1451 SHELOV, D.B. Nekropol’ Tanaisa (paskopki 1955-1958 gg.). (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 98.) 94, (3)pp., 49 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 1452 [SHELOV, D.B. (EDITOR).] Antichnye drevnosti Podon’ia-Priazov’ia. 284, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1969. 1453 SHERSTENNIKOVA, L.N. Turkmeniia. Turkmenskaia Sovetskaia Sotsialisticheskaia Respublika. 271, (9)pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Planeta”), 1987. 1454 SHIGA-KEN KOKA-GUN SHIGARAKI-CHO. MIHO MUSEUM. Miho Museum, South Wing. 383pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Texts by Pieter Meyers, Arielle P. Kozloff, Martha L. Carter, Karen Manchester, Takashi Koezuka, Emma C. Bunker, Toh Sugimura. Shiga-ken Koka-gun Shigaraki-cho, [1997]. 1455 SHIRINOV, T.SH. & ISOMIDDINOV, M.KH. Kuhna Samarkand arkheologiiasi. / Arkheologiia Drevnego Samarkanda./ Archeology of Ancient Samarkand. 160pp. Prof illus. Sm. folio. Boards. Parallel texts in Uzbek, Russian, and English. [Tashkent] (Uzbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiiasi/ IUNESKO Ishlari Buiicha Uzbekiston Respublikasi Millii Komissiiasi), [2008]. 1456 [SHISHKIN, V.A. & NIL’SEN, V.A.] Observatoriia Ulugbeka. (Akademiia Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, Institut Istorii i Arkheologii: Trudy Instituta Istorii i Arkheologii. 5.) 127, (1)pp. 42 illus. Wraps. Rare. No copy listed in OCLC. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk UzSSR), 1953. 1457 SHISHKINA, G.V. Glazurovannaia keramika Sogda (vtoraia polovina VIII-nachalo XIII v.). 72, (4)pp., 85 plates (4 color). 4to. Buckram. D.j. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1979. 1458 SHOKOOHY, MEHRDAD. Bhadresvar: The Oldest Islamic Monuments in India. With contributions by Manijeh BayaniWolpert and Natalie H. Shokoohy. (Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture. Supplements to Muqarnas. 2.) 65, (1)pp., 58 plates. 41 text figs. 4to. Cloth. Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1988. Marmor/Ross R95 1459 SHOOLBRAID, G.M.H. The Oral Epic of Siberia and Central Asia. (Indiana University Publications: Uralic and Altaic Series. 111.) viii, (4), 176pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Bloomington (Indiana University), 1975. 1460 SHRAMKO, B.A. Bel’skoe gorodishche skifskoi epokhi: Gorod Gelon. 180, (4)pp. 74 illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. Slight discoloration at rear. Kiev (Naukova Dumka), 1987. 1461 SIDDIQI, IDRIS. Thatta. Fourth edition. 17, (3)pp., 28 plates. 12 text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. N.p. (Department of Archaeology & Museums, Government of Pakistan), 1979. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 93 1462 SILVESTRI, DOMENICO (EDITOR). Lineamenti di storia linguistica della Campania antica. I [all published]: I dati etnotoponomastici. (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli: Annali del Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione Linguistica. Series minor. Quaderno n. 1.) 122pp. 1 map. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1986. 1463 SILVI ANTONINI, C. & STACUL, G. The Proto-Historic Graveyards of Swat (Pakistan). Part 1: Description of Graves and Finds. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Centro Studi e Scavi Archeologici in Asia: Reports and Memoirs. VII.) 2 vols. xvi, 536pp., 263 plates (1 color), 1 folding map. 40 figs. (partly hors texte). Folio. Wraps. Roma (IsMEO), 1972. 1464 (SIMA, QIAN) WATSON, BURTON (TRANSLATOR). Records of the Grand Historian of China. Translated from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch’ien. (Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies. 65.) 2 vols. I: Early Years of the Han Dynasty, 209 to 141 B.C. xi, (1), 563pp. II: The Age of Emperor Wu, 140 to Circa 100 B.C. viii, 543pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York/London (Columbia University Press), 1961. 1465 SINGAPORE. THE EMPRESS PLACE. Treasures from the Han. May 1990-May 1991. Exhibition curators: Grace Wong, Yang Yang, Lei Cong Yun. 119, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps. Singapore, 1990. 1466 SINGH, PURUSHOTTAM. Neolithic Cultures of Western Asia. xii, 240pp. Frontis. in color, 74 illus. (partly folding and hors texte). Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London/New York (Seminar Press), 1974. 1467 SINGH, RAVINDRA N. Ancient Indian Glass: Archaeology and Technology. 238pp., 37 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Delhi (Parimal Publications), 1989. 1468 SINGH, UDAI VIR (EDITOR). Archaeological Congress and Seminar : 1972. Papers presented at the VI Annual Congress of the Indian Archaeological Society and the Seminar on “The Late Harappan and Other Chalcolithic Cultures of India: A Study in Inter-relationship” held at Kurukshetra from the 19th to 21st Nov., 1972. xix, (5), 177, (1)pp., 11 plates. Text illus. Sm. 4to. New buckram, 3/4 leather; orig. wraps. bound in. Kurukshetra (B.N. Chakravarty University), 1976. 1469 SINICA. Zeitschrift für Chinakunde und Chinaforschung. Vols. 1 - 11. 4to. Boards, 3/4 cloth. Vol. I published under the title: Chinesische Blätter für Wissenschaft und Kunst. With: Sinica-Sonderausgabe. Jahrgang 1934-1935. And: ChinesischDeutscher Almanach. Years: 1926/1927-1927/1928, 1929/1930-1935. 4to. Wraps. Frankfurt, 1925/27-1936. Prause p. 525 1470 SINOR, DENIS (EDITOR). The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia. x, 518pp. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1990. 1471 SKOTOVODY I ZEMLEDEL’TSY LEVOBEREZHNOGO KHOREZMA: DREVNOST’ I SREDNEVEKOV’E. Vyp. 2. 146pp., 20 plates. Wraps. Moskva (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Etnologii i Antropologii), 1992. 1472 [SKRIPKIN, A.S., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Drevniaia i srednevekovaia istoriia Nizhnego Povolzh’ia: Mezhvuzovskii nauchnyi sbornik. 132, (2)pp. Figs. Wraps. Saratov (Izdatel’stvo Saratovskogo Universiteta), 1986. 1473 SMAGULOV, E., ET AL. Ocherki po istorii i arkheologii srednevekovogo Turkestana. [By] E. Smagulov, F. Grigor’ev, A. Itenov. 231, (1)pp. 58 illus. Buckram. Almaty (“Ylym”), 1999. 1474 SMIRNOV, A.P. Die Skythen. 214, (2)pp. 66 illus. hors texte. Wraps. Dresden (Verlag der Kunst), 1979. 1475 SMIRNOV, A.P. Zheleznyi vek Chuvashskogo povolzh’ia. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 95.) 169, (3)pp. 32 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 1476 SMIRNOV, A.P. (EDITOR). Istoriia skotovodstva v Severnom Prichernomor’e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 53.) 164, (2)pp. Illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1477 SMIRNOV, A.P. (EDITOR). Naselenie Srednego Dona v Skifskoe vremia. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 151.) 143, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1969. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 94 1478 SMIRNOV, A.P. (EDITOR). Trudy Kuibyshevskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom I. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 42.) 505, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1954. 1479 SMIRNOV, A.P. (EDITOR). Trudy Kuibyshevskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom II. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 61.) 458, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1958. 1480 SMIRNOV, A.P. (EDITOR). Trudy Kuibyshevskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom III. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 80.) 250, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1481 [SMIRNOV, A.P. (EDITOR).] Trudy Kuibyshevskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Tom IV. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 111.) 272, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1962. 1482 SMIRNOV, A.P., ET AL. Kul’tura drevnikh plemen Priural’ia i Zapadnoi Sibiri. [By] A.P. Smirnov, V.I. Moshinskaia, V.N. Chernetsov, I.M. Zolotareva. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 58.) 250, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1957. 1483 SMIRNOV, A.P. & TRUBNIKOVA, N.V. Gorodetskaia kul’tura. (Arkheologiia SSSR. Svod Arkheologicheskikh Istochnikov. D-1-14.) 39pp. & 21 plates (1 folding), loose in portfolio, as issued. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1965. 1484 SMIRNOV, K.F. Vooruzhenie Savromatov. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 101.) 160, (8)pp. 58 plates, 3 folding charts. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 1485 SMIRNOV, K.F. (EDITOR). Drevnee poselenie v Podmoskov’e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 156.) 206, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1970. 1486 SMIRNOV, K.F. (EDITOR). Pamiatniki epokhi bronzy i rannego zheleza v Severnom Prichernomor’e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 96.) 224, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1961. 1487 SMITH, ADAM T. & RUBINSON, KAREN S. (EDITORS). Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond. (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. Monograph 47.) v, (1), 270pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Los Angeles (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California), 2003. 1488 SOLECKI, ROSE L. An Early Village Site at Zawi Chemi Shanidar. (Bibliotheca Mesopotamica. Primary Sources and Interpretive Analyses for the Study of Mesopotamian Civilization and Its Influences from Late Prehistory to the End of the Cuneiform Tradition. 13.) (4), 85, (3)pp., 16 figs. (partly folding), 13 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. From the library of N.S. Kramer. Malibu (Undena Publications), 1981. 1489 SOLOMONIK, E.I. Novye epigraficheskie pamiatniki Khersonesa. 193, (3)pp., 24 plates. 108 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author to Georges Daux. Kyïv (Naukova Dumka), 1964. 1490 SOOBSHCHENIE OB ISSLEDOVANII PROTOINDIISKIKH TEKSTOV. PROTO INDICA: 1972. 2 vols. 375, (3)pp. Figs. Wraps. Edition limited to 400 copies. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1972. 1491 SOOBSHCHENIE OB ISSLEDOVANII PROTOINDIISKIKH TEKSTOV. PROTO-INDICA: 1970. 106pp. Wraps. Edition limited to 500 copies. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1970. 1492 SOPER, ALEXANDER C. Chinese, Korean and Japanese Bronzes. A catalogue of the Auriti Collection donated to IsMEO and preserved in the Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale in Rome. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. Serie Orientale Roma. 35.) xii, 79, (3)pp., 86 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1966. 1493 SORLEY, H.T. The Former Province of Sind (Including Khairpur State). (The Gazetteer of West Pakistan.) (34), 809, (1), clii pp. Illus. Stout 4to. Cloth. [Karachi (West Pakistan Government Press), 1968]. 1494 SOROKIN, V.S. Mogil’nik bronzovoi epokhi Tasty-Butak 1 v Zapadnom Kazakhstane. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 120.) 206, (2)pp. 63 plates, 2 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 95 Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1962. 1495 SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONGRESS (3RD : 1988 : ISLAMABAD). Proceedings of Third South Asian Archaeological Congress, Islamabad-1988. Edited by Ahmad Nabi Khan. 290pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Karachi (The Department of Archaeology & Museums, Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Government of Pakistan), 1988. 1496 SÖZEN, METIN (EDITOR). Cappadocia. 591pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Istanbul (Ayhan Sahenk Foundation), 1998. 1497 SPADONI, CLAUDIO & KNIFFITZ, LINDA (EDITORS). San Michele in Africisco e l’età giustinianea a Ravenna. Atti del convegno “La diaspora dell’arcangelo. San Michele in Africisco e l’età giustinianea.” Giornate di studi in memoria di Giuseppe Bovini, Ravenna, Sala dei Mosaici, 21-22 aprile 2005. (Biblioteca d’Arte. 12.) 423pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Milano (Silvana Editoriale), 2007. 1498 SPEGAL’SKII, IU. P. Pskovskie kamennye zhilye zdaniia XVII v. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 119.) 174, (4)pp. 126 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 1499 SPIEGEL, FR. Erânische Alterthumskunde. 3 vols. I: Geographie, Ethnographie und älteste Geschichte. xii, 760pp. II: Religion, Geschichte bis zum Tode Alexanders des Grossen. xii, 632pp. III: Geschichte, Staats- und Familienleben. Wissenschaft und Kunst. Mit vollständigem Register über alle drei Bände. iv, 863, (1)pp. 4to. Marbled boards, 1/4 buckram (slightly rubbed). The rare original edition. Title-pages partly renewed. From the libraries of J.G. Müller (1800-1875) and Paul Horn. Leipzig (Wilhelm Engelmann), 1871-1878. Wilson p. 213 1500 SREJOVIC, DRAGOSLAV. Europe’s First Monumental Sculpture: New Discoveries at Lepenski Vir. (New Aspects of Antiquity.) 216pp. 100 plates (13 color), 58 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Stein and Day), 1972. 1501 STAVISKII, B.IA. Die Völker Mittelasiens im Lichte ihrer Kunstdenkmäler. Archäologische Reise durch die Geschichte Alt-Mittelasiens (vom Paläolithikum bis zur Islamischen Eroberung). 222, (2)pp. 70 illus. hors texte. 19 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Bonn (Keil Verlag), 1982. 1502 STAVISKII, B.IA., ET AL. Buddiiskie peshchery Kara-Tepe v Starom Termeze. Osnovnye itogi rabot 1963-1964 gg. Nadpisi, terrakoty, kamennye rel’efy. (Materialy Sovmestnoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii na Kara-Tepe.) 231pp. 44 illus. Wraps. Texts by B.Ia. Staviskii, Ia. Kharmatta, V.G. Lukonin, V.A. Lifshits, V.A. Meshkeris. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1969. 1503 STEIN, AUREL. Archaeological Reconnaissances in North-Western India and South-Eastern Iran. Carried out and recorded with the support of Harvard University and the British Museum. Antiques examined and described with the assistance of Fred. H. Andrews and analysed in an appendix by R.L. Hobson. xix, (1), 267, (1)pp., 34 plates. 2 lrg. folding maps, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 88 text illus., 18 plans, 2 maps. Sm. folio. Orig. dec. cloth. From the libraries of Lauriston Ward and Robert H. Dyson, Jr. London (Macmillan and Co.), 1937. 1504 STEIN, AUREL. Old Routes of Western Iran. Narrative of an archaeological journey carried out and recorded by Sir Aurel Stein. Antiquities examined, described and illustrated with the assistance of Fred H. Andrews. xxviii, 432pp., 31 plates with folding commentary. 1 lrg. folding map, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 112 text illus., 25 plans, 7 maps. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. Reprint of the London 1940 edition. New York (Greenwood Press), 1969. 1505 STEIN, AUREL. On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks. Brief narrative of three expeditions in innermost Asia and northwestern China. xxiv, 342pp., 1 lrg. folding map. 147 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Orig. dec. cloth. London (Macmillan and Co.), 1933. Rowland p. 52 1506 STEIN, M. AUREL. Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan. Personal narrative of a journey of archæological and geographical exploration in Chinese Turkestan. xl, 503pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Orig. dec. cloth. Uncut. “Cheaper edition.” From the libraries of Lauriston Ward and Robert H. Dyson, Jr. London (Hurst and Blackett), 1904. 1507 (STEIN, AUREL) MIRSKY, JEANNETTE. Sir Aurel Stein, Archaeological Explorer. xiii, (1), 585pp. 34 illus. hors texte. Text figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Chicago/London (The University of Chicago Press), 1977. 1508 STERN, EPHRAIM. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible. Vol. II: The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods, 732-332 BCE. (The Anchor Bible Reference Library.) xlix, (7), 666pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. Vol. I was published by Amihay Mazar in 1990. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 96 New York (Doubleday), 2001. 1509 STOLIAR, A.D. Proiskhozhdenie izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva. 298pp. 258 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. French-language summary. Moskva (“Iskusstvo”), 1985. 1510 STRIKA, VINCENZO. La “cattedra” di S. Pietro a Venezia. Note sulla simologia astrale dell’arte islamica. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 15 agli Annali - vol. 38 [1978], fasc. 2.) (4), 89, (1)pp., 24 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1978. 1511 STRIKA, VINCENZO & KHALIL, JABIR. The Islamic Architecture of Baghdad. The results of a joint Italian-Iraqi survey. Introduzione di Giorgio Gullini. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 52. agli Annali - vol. 47 [1987], fasc. 3.) xxiv, (2), 79, (3)pp., 22 plates. 19 figs. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1987. 1512 STRONACH, DAVID & MOUSAVI, ALI (EDITORS). Irans Erbe in Flugbildern von Georg Gerster. Mit Beiträgen von Elisabeth Beazley, Georg Gerster, Michael Harverson, Dietrich Huff, Ali Mousavi, David Stronach, William M. Sumner and Tony J. Wilkinson. (Sonderbände der Antiken Welt.) 192pp. 114 illus. (107 color). Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 2009. 1513 STUBBINGS, FRANK H. The Recession of Mycenaen Civilization. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. II, Chapter XXVII.) 21pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1965. 1514 STUDIES ON ISFAHAN: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ISFAHAN CONFERENCE. Sponsored by the Fogg Museum of Art, held at Harvard University, January 21-24, 1974. Renata Holod, editor. (Iranian Studies. 7.) 2 vols. 755pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Boston (The Society for Iranian Studies), 1974. 1515 STUTTGART. FORUM FÜR KULTURAUSTAUSCH & ZÜRICH. UNIVERSITÄT. VÖLKERKUNDEMUSEUM. Bergvölker im Hindukusch. Eine Dokumentation des Instituts für Auslandsbeziehungen und des Linden-Museums. Katalogtext: Friedrich Kussmaul, Peter Snoy. 104pp. Prof. illus. Sm. sq. 4to. Wraps. Stuttgart/Zürich, 1972. 1516 SUBBARAO, BENDAPUDI. The Personality of India: Pre and Proto-Historic Foundation of India and Pakistan. With a foreword by Mortimer Wheeler. Second edition, revised and enlarged. (M.S. University Archaeology Series. 3.) xvi, 193pp., 11 plates. 43 figs. (partly folding and hors texte.) Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Edition limited to 750 copies. Baroda (Faculty of Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda), 1958. 1517 SULEIMANOV, R.KH. Drevneii Nakhshab. Problemy tsivilizatsii Uzbekistana VII v. do n. e.-VII v. n. e. Edited by E.V. Rtveladze. 341, (3)pp. 201 illus. hors texte. Sm. folio. Boards. Samarkand/Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Akademii Nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan), 2000. 1518 SULIMIRSKI, TADEUSZ. Prehistoric Russia: An Outline. xxiii, (1), 449pp., 40 plates. 91 figs., 32 maps. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Minor staining. London (John Baker/ Humanities Press), 1970. 1519 SULMONA. PALAZZO DELL’ANNUNZIATA. Centri fortificati preromani nel territorio dei Peligni: Mostra documentaria. Catalogo a cura di Ezio Mattiocco. 81, (3)pp., 31 plates (partly folding). Sm. 4to. Wraps. Sulmona, 1981. 1520 SUMMERS, JOHN. Road to Samarkand. (Impressions of the USSR.) 163, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Boards. D.j. Moscow (Progress Publishers), 1986. 1521 SUNCHUGASHEV, IA.I. Drevniaia metallurgiia Khakasii: Epokha zheleza. 191, (1)pp. 32 illus. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1979. 1522 SVESHNIKOV, I.K. Kul’tura sharovidnykg amfor. (Arkheologiia SSSR. Svod Arkheologicheskikh Istochnikov. V 1-27.) 85, (3)pp. 25 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1983. 1523 SYCHEVSKAIA, E.K. Presnovodnaia paleogenovaia ikhtiofauna SSSR i Mongolii. / ZSBNKhU, BNMAU-yn paleogenii tsengeg usny zagas. (Sovmestnaia Sovetsko-Mongol’skaia Paleontologicheskaia Ekspeditsiia: Trudy. 29.) 157, (3)pp., 16 plates. 25 figs. 4to Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1986. 1524 [SYMONOVICH, E.A. (EDITOR).] Mogil’niki cherniakhovskoi kul’tury. 204pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1979. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 97 1525 SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN IRAN (2ND : 1973 : TEHRAN). Proceedings of the IInd Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran. 29th October-1st November 1973 [Muzeh-e Iran-e Bastan]./ Guzarish’ha-yi Duvvumin Majma‘-i Salanah-i Kavish’ha va Pizhuhish’ha-yi Bastanshinasi dar Iran, haftum ta dahum-i Aban’mah-i 1352. Editor: Firouz Bagherzadeh. x, 306, (14), 67, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Tehran (Iranian Centre for Archaeological Research), 1974. 1526 SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN IRAN (3RD : 1974 : TEHRAN). Proceedings of the IIIrd Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran. 2nd-7th November 1974 [Muzeh-e Iran-e Bastan]. Editor: Firouz Bagherzadeh. x, 334, (8), 180pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. (disbound). Tehran (Iranian Centre for Archaeological Research), 1975. 1527 SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN IRAN (4TH : 1975 : TEHRAN). Proceedings of the IVth Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran. 3rd-8th November 1975 [Muzeh-e Iran-e Bastan]. Editor: Firouz Bagherzadeh. xiii, (3), 338, (16), 16pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. (slightly rubbed). Tehran (Iranian Centre for Archaeological Research), 1976. 1528 SYRIA. APRIL 1943. (B.R. 513. Geographical Handbook Series.) xv, (1), 485pp. 148 illus. hors texte. 1 lrg. folding map, loose in rear pocket, as issued. 68 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth (slightly spotted). [London] (Naval Intelligence Division), 1943. 1529 SZABO, GEORGE & BARFIELD, THOMAS J. Afghanistan: An Atlas of Indigenous Domestic Architecture. Foreword by Eduard F. Sekler. xxiv, 264pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Austin (University of Texas Press), 1991. 1530 SZABÓ, MIKLÓS & CZAJLIK, ZOLTÁN (EDITORS). L’habitat de l’époque de La Tène à Sajópetri - Hosszú-dülö. Avec la collaboration de András Bödöcs, Jean-Paul Guillaumet, Dániel Szabó, Károly Tankó, Lörinc Timár et la participation de László Bartosiewicz, Rita Mohai, Ferenc Molnár. 358, (4)pp., 159 plates. 3 lrg. folding maps, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Text figs. Folio. Wraps. Budapest (L’Harmattan/ L’Institut Archéologique de l’Université Eötvös Loránd), 2007. 1531 TACHDJIAN POLGROSSI, ALICE. Hayastan: Diario di un viaggio in Armenia. Prefazione di Tino Dalla Valle; introduzione di Antonia Arslan. II edizione. (Girasole Documenti.) 334pp., 16 color plates. Sm. 4to. Stiff wraps. Ravenna (Edizioni del Girasole), 2002. 1532 TAHQIQAT-I KUSHANI. Majallah-i sih mahah-i ‘ilmi va tahqiqi./ Journal [of the] International Center of Kushan’s Studies. Vol. 1. 4to. Wraps. Kabul (Akadimi-i ‘Ulum-i J.D.A., Markaz-i Bayn al-Milali-i Tahqiqat Kushan), 1978. 1533 TAIMAGAMBETOV, ZH.K. Paleoliticheskaia stoianka im. Ch.Ch. Valikhanova. 124, (4)pp. 55 illus. Wraps. Englishlannguage summary. Alma-Ata (“Nauka” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1990. 1534 [TAIZHANOVA, G.E. (EDITOR).] Kazakhi. Istoriko-etnograficheskoe issledovanie. 350, (2)pp., 32 color plates. Text figs. Boards. Almaty (Kazakhstan), 1995. 1535 TAKAYAMA, MASAHISA. Maikohama iseki. (Takayama Rekishigaku Kenkyujo bunkazai chosa hokokusho. Dai 4-satsu.) 18, (2)pp., 17 plates (2 color). Text figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. English-language summary. Osaka-fu Habikino-shi (Takayama Rekishigaku Kenkyujo), 1995. 1536 TAKSAMI, CH.M. Osnovnye problemy etnografii i istorii nivkhov, serednia XIX-nachalo XX v. 234, (6)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. English-language summary. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1975. 1537 TAMARI, SHMUEL. Qal‘at al-Tina in Sinai. An historical-architectural analysis. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 16 agli Annali - vol. 38 [1978], fasc. 3.) (2), 78, (2)pp., 15 plates. 5 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1978. 1538 TAMBURELLO, ADOLFO (EDITOR). Nell’impero del sol levante: Viaggiatori, missionari e diplomatici in Giappone. Atti del convegno. A cura di Adolfo Tamburello. [Testi di] Cristiana Bertoldi, Giuseppe Brancaccio, Piero Corradini, Silvana De Maio, Tiziana Iannello, Franco Mazzei, Giuseppe Pittau, Mario Scalise, Adolfo Tamburello, Claudio Zanier. (Fondazione Civiltà Bresciana: Annali. 12.) 205, (3)pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Brescia (Fondazione Civilità Bresciana, Camera di Commercio di Brescia), 1998. 1539 TASHKENBAEV, N.KH. & SULEIMANOV, R.KH. Kul’tura drevnekamennogo veka doliny Zarafshana. 100, (4)pp., 45 plates. 11 figs., 15 tables. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the authors. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1980. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 98 1540 THAPAR, B.K. Recent Archaeological Discoveries in India. xiii, (1), 159, (1)pp. 25 color illus. hors texte. 89 text illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Tokyo/Paris (The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies/UNESCO), 1985. 1541 THAPAR, ROMILA. Somanatha: The Many Voices of a History. xi, (1), 260pp., 8 plates. 2 maps. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (Penguin/ Viking), 2004. 1542 THOMAS, R. HUGHES (EDITOR). Memoirs on Sind. Introduction entitled “The Discovery of Sind” by Mahmudul Hasan Siddiqi. (Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government. 17. New Series.) 2 vols. xlix, (1), 774, (2), 78pp. Cloth. Reprint, limited to 250 copies, of the Bombay 1855 edition. Karachi (Karimsons), 1979. 1543 THOMAS, WERNER. Probleme der Übertragung buddhistischer Texte ins Tocharische. (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. Abhandlungen der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Jahrgang 1989, Nr. 10.) 36pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Mainz/Stutgart (Akademie der Wisenschaften und der Literatur/ Franz Steiner Verlag), 1989. 1544 THORNTON, CHRISTOPHER PETER. The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Metallury of Tepe Hissar, Northeast Iran: A Challenge to the “Levantine Paradigm.” Dissertation...University of Pennsylvania. xix, 481pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Philadelphia, 2009. 1545 THUREAU-DANGIN, FRANÇOIS. Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon (714 av. J.-C.). (Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités Orientales.) xx, 87, (3)pp., 20 plates, 1 folding map. Lrg. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Ties. Contents loose in portfolio, as issued. Paris (Librairie Paul Geuthner), 1912. 1546 TIBERI, IDA (EDITOR). Sant’Anna (Oria-Br): Un sito specializzato del VI millenio a.C. (Università di Salento, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali: Collana del Dipartimento. 14.) 228, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. D.j. Galatina (Le) (Congedo Editore), 2007. 1547 TIKHANOVA, M.A. (EDITOR). Drevnosti severo-zapadnykh oblastei RSFSR v I tysiacheletii n.e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 76.) 451, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1548 TIKHONOV, B.G. & GRISHIN, IU. S. Ocherki po istorii proizvodstva v Priural’e i Iuzhnoi Sibiri v epokhu bronzu i rannego zheleza. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 90.) 206, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1549 [TIKHVINSKII, S.L. (EDITOR).] Tataro-mongoly v Azii i Evrope. Sbornik statei. 473, (3)pp. 1 map. Lrg. 8vo. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1970. 1550 TISSOT, FRANCINE. Kaboul, le passé confisqué: Le Musée de Kaboul 1931-1965. Photographies: Dominique Darbois. 140, (4)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Paris (Paris Musées, Éditions Findakly), [2002]. 1551 TITE, M.S. Methods of Physical Examination in Archaeology. (Studies in Archaeological Science.) xxx, 389pp. 124 figs. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. London/New York (Seminar Press), 1972. 1552 TODOROVA, HENRIETA. Kupferzeitliche Siedlungen in Nordostbulgarien. (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 13.) (4), 233pp. 192 figs. Sm. 4to. Wraps. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1982. 1553 TOKYO. THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. An Official Guide to Eastern Asia. Trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia. Vol. I: Manchuria & Chosen. lxxxvi, 350pp., 18 (of 19) folding maps. Prof. illus. Orig. cloth. Ex library. Lacking the General Map of Asia which was loosely inserted in rear pocket. Tokyo, 1913. 1554 TOKYO. THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. An Official Guide to Eastern Asia. Trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia. Vol. IV: China. cxxiv, 414, (2)pp., 23 folding maps and plans (1 lrg. folding, loose in rear pocket, as issued). Prof. illus. 8vo. Orig. cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. Tokyo, 1915. 1555 TOKYO. THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. An Official Guide to Eastern Asia. Trans-continental connections between Europe and Asia. Vol. V: East Indies. Including Philippine Islands, French Indo-China, Siam, Malay Peninsula, and Dutch East Indies. xxx, 5129pp., 26 maps and plans (1 lrg. folding, loose in rear pocket, as issued). Prof. illus. 8vo. Orig. cloth. From the library of Lauriston Ward. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 99 Tokyo, 1917. 1556 TOKYO. TOKYO UNIVERSITY. INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL CULTURE. Taq-i Bustan. I: Plates. By Shinji Fukai and Kiyoharu Horiuchi. (Tokyo. Tokyo Daigaku. Iraku Iran Iseki Chosadan. Hokokusho 10./Tokyo University. Institute of Oriental Culture. The Tokyo University Iraq-Iran Expedition. Report 10.) (2), 7, (1), vii, (1)pp., 104 plates (2 tipped-in color). Folio. Cloth. Slipcase. Texts in Japanese and English. Tokyo, 1969. 1557 TOLSTOV, S.P. & VAINBERG, B.I. (EDITORS). Koi-Krylgan-Kala - pamiatnik kul’tury drevnego Khorezma IV v do n.e.IV v. n. e. (Trudy Khorezmskoi Arkheologo-Etnograficheskoi Ekspeditsii. 5.) 347pp. 34 plates, 129 text illus. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1967. 1558 TOMEI, MARIA ANTONIETTA (EDITOR). Subiaco. La collezione Ceselli nel Monastero di Santa Scolastica: Materiali di età romana. Testi di Riccardo Santangeli Valenzani, Maria Antonietta Tomei, Rita Volpe. 234pp. 110 illus. 4to. Wraps. [Subiaco (Roma)] (Monastero di S. Scolastica), [1989]. 1559 TONAMI, MAMORU. The Shaolin Monastery Stele on Mount Song. Translated and annotated by P.A. Herbert. Edited by Antonino Forte. (Italian School of East Asian Studies: Epigraphical Series. 1.) xvii, (1), 61, (1)pp. 14 illus. hors texte. 4to. Wraps. Kyoto (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Scuola di Studi sull’Asia Orientale), 1990. 1560 TOSI, MAURIZIO (EDITOR). Prehistoric Sistan. 1 (all published). (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Centro Studi e Scavi Archeologici in Asia: Reports and Memoirs. Vol. 19#1.) xxi, (1), 355pp., 12 plates. 10 lrg. folding maps and plans, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Numerous text figs. Folio. Wraps. Roma (IsMEO), 1983. 1561 TÓTH, ELVIRA H. & HORVÁTH, ATTILA. Kunbábony: Das Grab eines Awarenkhagans. 295pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Cloth. D.j. Kecskemét (Museumsdirektion der Selbstverwaltung des Komitats Bács-Kiskun), 1992. 1562 TRENTO. CASTELLO DEL BUONCONSIGLIO. Ori dei cavalieri delle steppe: Collezioni dai Musei dell’Ucraina. A cura di Gian Luca Bonora, Franco Marzatico. June-Nov. 2007. 381, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Wraps. Milano (Silvana Editoriale), 2007. 1563 TRET’IAKOV, P.N. (EDITOR). Materialy po arkheologii Verkhnego Povolzh’ia. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 13.) 177, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1950. 1564 TRET’IAKOV, P.N. (EDITOR). Novye dannye o zarubinetskoi kul’ture v Podneprov’e. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 160.) 168, (4)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1969. 1565 TRET’IAKOV, P.N. (EDITOR). Pamiatniki zarubinetskoi kul’tury. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 70.) 190, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1959. 1566 TRET’IAKOV, P.N. (EDITOR). Trudy Gor’kovskoi Arkheologicheskoi Ekspeditsii. Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki verkhnego i srednego Povolzh’ia. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 110.) 273, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1963. 1567 TROITSKAIA, T.N., ET AL. Arkheologicheskaia karta Novosibirskoi Oblasti. [By] T.N. Troitskaia, V.I. Molodin, V.I. Sobolev. Edited by I.V. Assev. 182, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1980. 1568 TROUSDALE, WILLIAM. The Long Sword and Scabbard Slide in Asia. (Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology. 17.) 332pp. 24 plates. 99 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Washington, D.C. (Smithsonian Institution Press), 1975. 1569 TRUDY INSTITUTA ISTORII, ARKHEOLOGII I ETNOGRAFII. (Akademiia Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR.) Tom I: Arkheologiia. 267pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR), 1956. 1570 TRUDY MARGIANSKOI ARKHEOLOGICHESKOI EKSPEDITSII. TOM 2. / Transactions of Margiana Archaeological Expedition. Edited by V.I. Sarianidi, P.M. Kozhin, M.F. Kosarev, N.A. Dubova. 252pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Moskva (Institut Etnologii i Antropologii im. N.M. Miklukho-Maklaia RAN, Margianskaia Arkheologicheskaia Ekspeditsiia), 2008. 1571 TSALKIN, V.I. K istorii zhivotnovodstva i okhoty v Vostochnoi Evrope. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 107.) 129, (11)pp. Text illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 100 Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1962. 1572 TSUBOI, KIYOTARI & TANAKA, MIGAKU. The Historic City of Nara: An Archaeological Approach. xvii, (1), 157, (1)pp. 18 color illus. hors texte. 70 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Paris/Tokyo (UNESCO/ The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies), 1991. 1573 TSULTEM, N. Dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo Mongolii. / Mongolian Arts and Crafts. (20)pp., 136 color plates. 22 text illus. Tall 4to. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in Russian, English, French, and Spanish. Ulan-Bator (Gosizdatel’stvo), 1987. 1574 TSULTEM, N. Mongol’skaia natsional’naia zhivopis’ “Mongol Zurag.” / Development of the Mongolian National Style Painting “Mongol Zurag” in Brieg. (32)pp., 192 color plates. 26 text illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Parallel texts in Russian, English, French, and Spanish. Ulan-Bator (Gosizdatel’stvo), 1986. 1575 TÜBINGEN. UNIVERSITÄT. Arktische Waljäger vor 3000 Jahren: Unbekannte sibirische Kunst. Herausgegeben von A.M. Leskov, H. Müller-Beck. 2. Auflage. April-May 1993. (4), 208pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Mainz/München (v. Hase & Koehler Verlag), 1995. 1576 TUCCI, GIUSEPPE. On Swat: Historical and Archaeological Notes. With an introduction by Domenico Faccenna. xx, 348pp. Illus. Sm. folio. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente/ Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan), 1997. 1577 TUSA, SEBASTIANO. L’insediamento dell’età del bronzo con bicchiere campaniforme di Marcita. Castelvetrano [Trapani]. Con parti di Luigi Lentini e Ignazio Valente ed appendice antropologica di Rosaria Di Salvo. 104pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Boards. Trapani (Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali/ Corrao Editore), 1997. 1578 UDEUMURADOV, B.N. Altyn-Depe i Margiana: Sviazi, khronologiia, proiskhozhdenie. Edited by V.M. Masson. 147, (1)pp. 41 figs. Wraps. Ashgabat (Ylym), 1993. 1579 [UMAROV, N.SH. (EDITOR).] Drevnii Zaamin: Istoriia, arkheologiia, numizmatika, etnografiia. 117, (1)pp. 26 plates. Wraps. English-language summary. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Akademii Nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan), 1994. 1580 UNGER, ECKHARD. Das Stadtbild von Assur. (Der Alte Orient. Vol. 27#3.) 42, (2)pp. Frontis. , 3 figs. Wraps. Leipzig (J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung), 1929. 1581 UNITED NATIONS REGIONAL CARTOGRAPHIC CONFERENCE FOR ASIA AND THE FAR EAST (7TH : 1973 : TOKYO). Seventh United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East, Tokyo, 15-27 October 1973. 2 vols. I: Report of the Conference. iv, 49pp. II: Tehnical Papers. xiv, 531pp.Prof. illus. Numerous maps, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. New York (United Nations), 1974. 1582 ROTHMAN, MITCHELL S. Uruk Mesopotamia & Its Neighbors: Cross-Cultural Interactions in the Era of State Formation. Edited by Mitchell S. Rothman. (School of American Research: Advanced Seminar Series.) xxi, (3), 556, (6)pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Santa Fe/Oxford (School of American Research Press/ James Currey), 2001. 1583 USPEKHI SREDNEAZIATSKOI ARKHEOLOGII. Vols. 1 - 3, bound in 1. vol. Sm. 4to. New full leather. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1972-1975. 1584 VADETSKAIA, E.B. Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki v stepiakh Srednego Eniseia. Edited by M.P. Griaznov and L.Ia. Krizhevskaia. 177, (1)pp. 11 plates. 4to. Buckram. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1986. 1585 VADETSKAIA, E.B. Skazy o drevnikh kurganakh. Edited by V.E. Larichev. (Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie. Seriia “Stranitsy istorii nashei rodiny.”) 112pp. 22 illus. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1981. 1586 VAIDYANATH, R. The Formation of the Soviet Central Asian Republics. A study in Soviet nationalism policy, 19171936. xiii, (3), 297, (3)pp. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi (People’s Publishing House), 1967. 1587 VAN BUREN, E. DOUGLAS. The Fauna of Ancient Mesopotamia as Represented in Art. (Analecta Orientalia. Commentationes Scientificae de Rebus Orientis Antiqui.) xi, (1), 113, (3)pp. 108 illus. hors texte. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Unopened. Roma (Pontificium Institutum Biblicum), 1939. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 101 1588 VASIL’EVSKII, R.S. (EDITOR). Drevnie kul’tury Mongolii. 231, (3)pp. Illus. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1985. 1589 VASIL’EVSKII, R.S. (EDITOR). Drevnie kul’tury Sibiri i Tikhookeanskogo basseina. 221, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1979. 1590 VASIL’EVSKII, R.S. & KHOLIUSHKIN, IU.P. (EDITORS). Problemy rekonstruktsii v arkheologii. 158, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Novosibirsk (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Sibirskoe Otdelenie), 1985. 1591 VASSALLO, STEFANO (EDITOR). Colle Madore: Un caso di ellenizzazione in terra sicana. (Beni Culturali Palermo: Collana d Studi e Ricerche.) xxxiii, (3), 331pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Palermo (Regione Siciliana, Assessorato dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali e della Pubblica Istruzione), 1999. 1592 VAUX, R. DE. Palestine During the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. I, Chapter IX[b], §§ V-VIII.) 48pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1966. 1593 VAUX, R. DE. Palestine in the Early Bronze Age. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. I, Chapter XV.) 33pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1966. 1594 VELDE, PIETER VAN DE. On Bandkeramik Social Structure. An analysis of pot decoration and hut distributions from the Central European neolithic communities of Elsloo and Hienheim. Proefschrift...Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. viii, (2), 246pp. 66 illus. 4to. Wraps. Leiden (Universitaire Pers), 1979. 1595 VELICHKO, A.A. (EDITOR). Late Quaternary Environments of the Soviet Union. H.E. Wright, Jr., and C.W. Barnofsky, editors of the English-language edition. xxvii, (3), 327, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Minneapolis (University of Minnesota Press), 1984. 1596 VERARDI, GIOVANNI. Excavations at Gotihawa and Pipri, Kapilbastu District, Nepal. With contributions by Federica Barca, Stefano Coccia, Daniela De Simone, Giulio Di Anastasio. 358, (4)pp., 102 plates (mostly in color). 433 text illus. Folio. Boards. D.j. Roma (IsIAO), 2007. 1597 VERARDI, GIOVANNI. Harigaon Satya Narayana, Kathmandu: A Report of the Excavations Carried Out in 1984-1988. With contributions by Maria Ferraris, Oscar Nalesini, Carl Ronchetti, Stefano Tuzzato, Ornella Volpicelli, and Patrizia Zolese. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Centro Scavi e Richerche Archeologiche: Reports and Memoirs. 22.) ix, (1), 181pp. 147 illus. (partly folding and hors texte). Folio. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Roma (IsMEO), 1988. 1598 VERARDI, GIOVANNI. Homa and Other Fire Rituals in Gandhara. (Istituto Universitario Orientale. Supplemento n. 79 agli Annali - vol. 54 [1994], fasc. 2.) (2), 88pp. 37 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Napoli (Istituto Universitario Orientale), 1994. 1599 VICKERS, MICHAEL. Scythian and Thracian Antiquities in Oxford. (Ashmolean Handbooks.) 80pp. 29 color plates, 2 figs. Wraps. Oxford (Ashmolean Museum), 2002. 1600 VIDALE, MASSIMO. The Archaeology of Indus Crafts. (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Centro Scavi e Ricerche Archeologiche./ Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici.) 165pp. 54 figs. Tall 4to. Wraps. Roma (IsIAO), 2000. 1601 VINOGRADOV, A.V. Neoliticheskie pamiatniki Khorezma. 176, (4)pp. 62 illus. Sm. 4to. New cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1968. 1602 [VINOGRADOV, A.V., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Etnografiia i arkheologiia Srednei Azii. 178, (2)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1979. 1603 VINOGRADOVA, N.M., ET AL. Pamiatniki Kangurttuta v Iugo-Zapadnoi Tadzhikistane (epokha neolita i bronzovyi vek). [By] N.M. Vinogradova, V.A. Ranov, T.G. Filimonova. 469, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (IV RAN), 2008. 1604 VINTALORO, ANGELO & SCUDERI, ALBERTO. Corleone archeologica. I [all published to date]: Studi storicoarcheologico sul territorio corleonese. 82pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Corleone (Città di Corleone, Ass. alla Cultura/ Archeoclub d’Italia, Sede di Corleone), 1995. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 102 1605 VISHNEVSKAIA, O.A. Kul’tura sakskikh plemen nizov’ev Syrdar’i v VII-V vv. do n. e. Po materialam Uigaraka. (Trudy Khorezmskoi Arkheologo-Etnograficheskoi Ekspeditsii. 8.) 159pp. 29 plates, 48 text illus. 4to. Buckram. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1973. 1606 VITALI, DANIELE & VERGER, STÉPHANE (EDITORS). Tra mondo celtico e mondo italico: La necropoli di Monte Bibele. 358pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. “Atti della Tavola-Rotonda tenutasi presso la sede dell’École française de Rome...nei giorni 3 e 4 ottobre 1997.” Bologna (Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Archeologia), 2008. 1607 VOIGT, MARY M. Hajji Firuz Tepe, Iran: The Neolithic Settlement. Faunal Remains, by Richard H. Meadow. Contributions by Jean Turnquist, John Winter, and Eric Parkinson. (The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania: University Museum Monograph 50./ Hasanlu Excavation Reports. I.) xxviii, 431, (1)pp., 43 plates. 143 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania), 1983. 1608 VOIGT, MARY M. & DYSON, ROBERT H. Gahnigari-i Iran as hudud-i hasht hizarta du hizar pish as milad. / Chronology of Iran, ca. 8000-2000 B.C. 211, (17)pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Tihran (Nasl-i Baran), 2003. 1609 VORONIN, N.N. (EDITOR). Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii Moskvy. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 44.) 363, (1)pp. 3 lrg. folding plans, loose in rear pocket, as issued. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1955. 1610 [VOSTROV, V.V. & ARGYNBAEV, KH. (EDITORS).] Materialy i issledovanii po etnografii kazakhskogo naroda. (Akademiia Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR: Trudy Instituta Istorii, Arkheologii i Etnografii imeni Ch.Ch. Valikhanova. 18.) 169, (5)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR), 1963. 1611 VOZA, CETTINA. Da Lamis a Lampedusa: Nella terra del mito. Fotografie di Lamberto Rubino. 134pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. [Siracusa] (Erre Produzioni), 2002. 1612 VSESOIUZNOE SOVESHCHANIE “PROBLEMY ISSLEDOVANIIA SREDNEVEKOVOI ARKHEOLOGII KAZAKHSTANA I SREDNEI AZII, XIII-XVIII VV.” (1981 : ALMA-ATA). Srednevekovaia gorodskaia kul’tura Kazakhstana i Srednei Azii. Materialy Vsesoiuznogo Soveshchaniia 13-15 maia 1981 g. g. Alma-Ata. Edited by B.A. Tulepbaev, et al. 230, (2)pp. Illus. Lrg. 8vo. Buckram. Alma-Ata (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Kazakhskoi SSR), 1983. 1613 VYSOTSKAIA, T.N. Pozdnie skify v iugo-zapadnoi Krymu. 190, (2)pp. 12 illus. hors texte. 52 text figs. Wraps. Kiev (Izdatel’stvo “Naukova Dumka”), 1972. 1614 WADDELL, L.A. The Indo-Sumerian Seals Deciphered. Discovering Sumerians of Indus Valley as Phoenicians, Barats, Goths & famous Vedic Aryans, 3100-2300 B.C. 146pp., 1 plate. 38 figs., 2 maps. Cloth. D.j. Reprint of the London 1925 edition. Varanasi (Indological Book House), 1972. 1615 WALLINGA, H.T. Ships and Sea-Power Before the Great Persian War: The Ancestry of the Ancient Trireme. (Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum. 121.) xv, (1), 217, (5)pp. 26 illus. hors texte. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1993. 1616 WASHINGTON. FREER GALLERY OF ART. Chinese Art of the Warring States Period: Change and Continuity, 480222 B.C. Oct. 1982-Feb. 1983. By Thomas Lawton. 202pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Washington, 1982. Marmor/Ross I529 1617 WASHINGTON. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART. Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul. Edited by Fredrik Hiebert and Pierre Cambon. May-Sept. 2008. 303pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. sq. 4to. Stiff wraps. Washington, 2008. 1618 WASHINGTON. ARTHUR M. SACKLER GALLERY. A Jeweler’s Eye: Islamic Arts of the Book from the Vever Collection. [By] Glenn D. Lowry with Susan Nemazee. 240pp. 76 color plates, 26 figs. 4to. Wraps. Washington, 1988. Marmor/Ross M116 1619 WASHINGTON. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 7000 Years of Iranian Art. 1964/1965. 183pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. Washington, 1964. Arntzen/Rainwater I549 ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 103 1620 WASHINGTON. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION TRAVELING EXHIBITION SERVICE. Ebla to Damascus: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Syria. An exhibition from the Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums, Syrian Arab Republic. Edited by Harvey Weiss. 542, (2)pp. 281 plates, 93 text illus. Sq. 4to. Wraps. Presentation copy, inscribed by the editor. Washington, 1985. 1621 WASON, PAUL K. The Archaeology of Rank. (New Studies in Achaeology.) xiv, 208, (2)pp. Frontis. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1994. 1622 WATERS, MATTHEW W. A Survey of Neo-Elamite History. (State Archives of Assyria Studies. 12.) xviii, 319pp. 1 map. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Helsinki (The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, Institute for Asian and African Studies, University of Helsinki), 2000. 1623 WATSON, WILLIAM. Archaeology in China. 32, (2)pp. 132 illus. hors texte. 1 map. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (Max Parrish), 1960. 1624 WEBER, STEVEN A. Plants and Harappan Subsistence. An example of stability and change from Rojdi. xii, 200pp. Numerous figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Delhi/Bombay (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co./ American Institute of Indian Studies), 1991. 1625 WEIDNER, ERNST FRIEDRICH. Politische Dokumente aus Kleinasien. Die Staatsverträge in akkadischer Sprache aus dem Archiv von Boghazköi. (Boghazköi-Studien. 8-9.) 2 parts in 1 vol. vii, (1), 151, (1)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Reprint of the Leipzig 1923 edition. Hildesheim/New York (Georg Olms Verlag), 1970. 1626 WEINBERG, S.S. The Stone Age in the Aegean. (The Cambridge Ancient History. Revised Edition of Volumes I & II: Vol. I, Chapter X.) 68pp. Wraps. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press), 1965. 1627 WELLARD, JAMES. Samarkand and Beyond: A History of Desert Caravans. 205pp., 13 plates. 5 figs. & maps. Cloth. D.j. London (The Travel Book Club), 1978. 1628 WELLS, BRYAN. Epigraphic Approaches to Indus Writing. (American School of Prehistoric Research Monograph Series.) xix, (1), 243pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards. Oxford/Oakville (Oxbow Books), 2011. 1629 WERTIME, THEODORE A. & MUHLY, JAMES D. (EDITORS). The Coming of the Age of Iron. xix, (1), 555pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1980. 1630 WHEELER, MORTIMER. Archaeology from the Earth. xi, (1), 221, (1)pp., 22 plates. Cloth. D.j. Reprint of the Oxford 1954 edition. New Delhi (Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers), 2004. 1631 WHEELER, MORTIMER. Charsada: A Metropolis of the North-West Frontier. Being a report on the excavations of 1958. x, (2), 130pp., 45 plates. 52 text figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Oxford (Oxford University Press for The Government of Pakistan and The British Academy), 1962. 1632 WHEELER, MORTIMER. Early India and Pakistan to Ashoka. (Ancient Peoples and Places. 12.) 241, (1)pp. 57 illus. 25 figs. 7 maps. Cloth. D.j. New York (Frederick A. Praeger), 1959. 1633 WHEELER, MORTIMER. Early India and Pakistan to Ashoka. (Ancient Peoples and Places. 12.) 241, (1)pp. 57 illus. 25 figs. 7 maps. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. London (Readers Union/ Thames and Hudson), 1963. 1634 WHEELER, R.E.M. Five Thousand Years of Pakistan: An Archaeological Outline. With a preface by Fazlur Rahman. 149, (3)pp., 23 plates. 19 text figs. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. From the library of Lauriston Ward. London (Christopher Johnson), 1950. 1635 WHEELER, MORTIMER. The Indus Civilization. (The Cambridge History of India. Supplementary Volume.) 98pp., 24 plates, 2 folding plans. 13 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Cambridge (University Press), 1953. 1636 WHEELER, MORTIMER. The Indus Civilization. Second edition. (Supplementary Volume to The Cambridge History of India.) xi, (1), 106, (2)pp., 26 plates, 2 folding plans. 14 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (University Press), 1962. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 104 1637 WHEELER, MORTIMER. The Indus Civilization. Third edition. (Supplementary Volume to The Cambridge History of India.) xi, (1), 143, (5)pp., 34 plates, 3 folding plans. 16 figs. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (University Press), 1968. 1638 WHEELER, MORTIMER. Still Digging: Interleaves from an Antiquary’s Notebook. 236pp., 17 plates. Cloth. London (Michael Joseph), 1955. 1639 WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE: THE INDO-EUROPEANS AND THE PRE-INDO-EUROPEANS. The Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Lake Como, Italy, February 8-13, 1988. Presented by T.J. Markey & John A.C. Greppin. (4), 401pp. 4to. Wraps. Ann Arbor, Michigan (Karoma Publishers), 1990. 1640 WHITE, WILLIAM CHARLES. Tomb Tile Pictures of Ancient China. An archaeological study of pottery tiles from tombs of Western Honan, dating about the third century B.C. (The Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology: Museum Studies. 1.) xx, 69, (5)pp., 127 plates. 30 figs., 2 maps. 4to. Cloth (slightly spotted). Toronto (The University of Toronto Press), 1939. 1641 WHITEHOUSE, DAVID & WHITEHOUSE, RUTH. Archaeological Atlas of the World. 272pp. 103 maps. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London (Thames and Hudson), 1975. 1642 WHITTAKER, C.R. Frontiers of the Roman Empire: A Social and Economic Study. xvi, (2), 341, (1)pp. 51 illus. Boards, 1/4 cloth. D.j. Baltimore/London (The Johns Hopkins University Press), 1994. 1643 WIESEHÖFER, JOSEF. Ancient Persia from 550 BC to 650 AD. xiv, 329pp., 32 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. London/New York (I.B. Tauris), 1996. 1644 WILBER, DONALD NEWTON. Persian Gardens and Garden Pavilions. 239pp. 119 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Rutland, Vermont/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1962. Cf. Marmor/Ross J558 1645 WILDUNG, DIETRICH. Ägypten vor den Pyramiden: Münchner Ausgrabungen in Ägypten. 42, (4)pp. 46 plates (12 color). Sq. 4to. Boards. Published in conjunction with exhibitions at the Prähistorische Staatssammlung and the Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, München, March-Nov. 1981. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1981. 1646 WILHELM, GERNOT (EDITOR). Zwischen Tigris und Nil. 100 Jahre Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Vorderasien und Ägypten. (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie. Sonderbände der Antiken Welt.) 144pp. 232 illus. (144 color). Lrg. 4to. Boards. D.j. Mainz (Verlag Philipp von Zabern), 1998. 1647 WILLIAMS, MARTIN A.J. & FAURE, HUGUES (EDITORS). The Sahara and the Nile. Quaternary environments and prehistoric occupation in northern Africa. 607pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Rotterdam (A.A. Balkema), 1980. 1648 WILSON, J.V. KINNIER. Indo-Sumerian: A New Approach to the Problems of the Indus Script. (4), 55pp., 1 plate. Figs. Wraps. Oxford (Clarendon Press), 1974. 1649 WINEGRAD, DILYS PEGLER. Through Time, Across Continents: A Hundred Years of Archaeology and Anthropology and the University Museum. xv, (3), 226pp. 10 plates, 151 illus. Folio. Cloth. D.j. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1993. 1650 WINKELMANN, SYLVIA. Seals of the Oasis from the Ligabue Collection. With an introduction by Pierre Amiet and a Postscriptum by Gabriele Rossi-Osmida. 201, (5)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. N.p. (Il Punto), [2004]. 1651 WINTER, IRENE J. A Decorated Breastplate from Hasanlu, Iran. Type, style, and context of an equestrian ornament. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: Museum Monographs. 39./ Hasanlu Special Studies. I.) 105, (7)pp., 1 folding plate. Frontis. in color, 79 figs. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1980. 1652 WOOD, HERBERT. The Shores of Lake Aral. xxvii, (1), 352pp., 1 (of 2) folding maps. New buckram, 3/4 leather. Lacking the map which was originally loosely inserted under back cover. London (Smith, Elder, & Co.), 1876. 1653 WOOLLEY, C. LEONARD. Ur Excavations. Volume II: The Royal Cemetery. A report on the Predynastic and Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931. With chapters by E.R. Burrows, Arthur Keith, L. Legrain and H.J. Plenderleith. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 105 (Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia.) 2 vols. Text: xx, 604pp., 3 folding plans. 81 figs. Frontis. in color. Plates: 275 plates with hundreds of illustrations, predominantly in collotype (37 color). Sm. folio. New buckram. London/Philadelphia (The British Museum/ Museum of the University of Pennsylvania), 1934. 1654 WOOLLEY, C. LEONARD. Ur Excavations. Volume IV: The Early Periods. A report on the sites and objects prior in date to the third dynasty of Ur discovered in the course of the excavations. (Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia.) (6), 225, (1)pp., 83 plates (partly collotype, numerous folding plans). Folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. London/Philadelphia (The British Museum/ Museum of the University of Pennsylvania), 1955. 1655 WOOLLEY, C. LEONARD. Ur Excavations. Volume IX: The Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods. With a contribution by M.E.L. Mallowan. (Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia.) xii, 139, (1)pp., 72 plates. 1 text fig. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. London/Philadelphia (The British Museum/ Museum of the University of Pennsylvania), 1962. 1656 WOOLLEY, C. LEONARD. Ur Excavations. Volume V: The Ziggurat and Its Surroundings. (Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia.) xiv, 150, (2)pp., 88 plates (63 collotype, numerous folding plans). Folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. London/Philadelphia (The British Museum/ Museum of the University of Pennsylvania), 1939. 1657 WOOLLEY, LEONARD. Ur Excavations. Volume VI: The Buildings of the Third Dynasty. (Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia.) x, 110pp., 62 plates. 22 figs. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. London/Philadelphia (British Museum/ Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia), 1974. 1658 WOOLLEY, LEONARD & MALLOWAN, MAX. Ur Excavations. Volume VII: The Old Babylonian Period. Edited by T.C. Mitchell. (Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia.) xvii, (1), 260, (2)pp., 129 plates. 43 figs. Sm. folio. Boards, 1/4 cloth. London (British Museum Publications.), 1976. 1659 WRIGHT, HENRY T. The Administration of Rural Production in an Early Mesopotamian Town. Contributions by Sandor Bökönyi, Kent V. Flannery, John Mayhall. (Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan: Anthropological Papers. 38.) xiii, (1), 162pp. 28 figs., 15 tables. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Ann Arbor (The University of Michigan), 1969. 1660 WRIGHT, HENRY T. (EDITOR). Archaeological Investigations in Northeastern Xuzestan, 1976. With contributions by Mohammed Ismael Bayani, Haydeh Eqbal, Yahya Kossary, Richard W. Redding, Mansur Sajjidi, Elahe Shahideh, Henry T. Wright, Ismael Yaghma’i. (Ministry of Culture and Arts, Iranian Centre for Archaeological Research: Survey Report No. 1./ Museum of Anthropology, The University of Michigan: Technical Reports. 10./ Research Reports in Archaeology. Contribution 5.) x, 130, (10)pp. 52 figs. 4to. Wraps. Ann Arbor (Museum of Anthropology, The University of Michigan), 1979. 1661 WU, G.D. Prehistoric Pottery in China. xi, 180, (4)pp., 64 plates with 67 illus., 1 map. 4to. Cloth. London (The Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London/ Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.), 1938. 1662 WULFF, HANS E. The Traditional Crafts of Persia. Their development, technology, and influence on Eastern and Western civilizations. xxiv, 404pp., 1 map. 423 illus. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge/London (The M.I.T. Press), 1966. 1663 YATE, C.E. Khurasan and Sistan. xi, (1), 442pp., 26 plates, 1 folding map. Sm. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Reprint of the Edinburgh/London 1900 edition. New Delhi (Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers), 2004. 1664 YEMEN. STUDI ARCHEOLOGICI, STORICI E FILOLOGICI SULL’ARABIA MERIDIONALE. Vol. 1 (all published). 148pp. Prof. illus. Tall 4to. Wraps. Roma (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente), 1992. 1665 YOUNG, RODNEY S. The Gordion Excavations Final Reports. Vol. I: Three Great Early Tumuli. With contributions to the text by K. DeVries, E.L. Kohler, J.F. McClellan, M.J. Melling, G.K. Sams. E.L. Kohler, editor. (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: University Museum Monograph 43.) xxxvii, (1), 326pp. Frontis. in color, 101 plates. 143 figs. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Philadelphia (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania), 1981. 1666 YU, YINGSHI. Trade and Expansion in Han China. A study in the structure of Sino-barbarian economic relations. ix, (5), 251pp. Cloth. Ex-library. Berkeley/Los Angeles (University of California Press), 1967. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 106 1667 YULE, PAUL. Tepe Hissar: Neolithische und kupferzeitliche Siedlung in Nordostiran. Nach den Arbeiten von E.F. Schmidt dargestellt. (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 14.) (2), 45pp. 25 illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1982. 1668 YULE, PAUL. Tepe Hissar: Neolithische und kupferzeitliche Siedlung in Nordostiran. Nach den Arbeiten von E.F. Schmidt dargestellt. (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 14.) (2), 45pp. 25 illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1982. 1669 ZADNEPROVSKII, IU. A. Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki iuzhnikh raionov Oshskoi oblasti (seredina I tysiacheletiia do n. e.-seredina I tysiacheletiia m. e.) 173pp. 100 illus. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Frunze (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Kirgizskoi SSR), 1960. 1670 ZADNEPROVSKII, IU. A. Drevnezemledel’cheskaia kul’tura Fergany. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 118.) 327, (1)pp. 78 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva/Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1962. 1671 ZADOK, RAN. The Ethno-Linguistic Character of Northwestern Iran and Kurdistan in the Neo-Assyrian Period. 164pp. 4to. Cloth. Jaffa (Archaeological Center Publications), 2002. 1672 ZAIBERT, V.F. Atbasarskaia kul’tura. Edited by I.B. Vasil’ev. 220, (2)pp. 64 plates, 23 figs. Leatherette. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author. Ekaterinburg (Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Ural’skoe Otdelenie), 1992. 1673 ZAITSEV, N.S. & KOVALENKO, V.I. (EDITORS). Evoliutsiia geologicheskikh protsessov i metallogeniia Mongolii. / Mongol orny geologiin protsessuudyn khygzhil ba metallogeni. (Sovmestnaia Sovetsko-Mongol’skaia NauchnoIssledovatel’skaia Geologicheskaia Ekspeditsiia: Trudy. Vyp. 49.) 235,(7)pp. 1 folding plan, loosely inserted, as issued. Text figs. 4to. Wraps. Moskva (“Nauka”), 1990. 1674 ZANDER, GIUSEPPE (EDITOR). Travaux de restauration de monuments historiques en Iran. Rapports et études préliminaires. (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Centro Studi e Scavi Archeologici in Asia: Reports and Memoirs. 6.) xv, (1), 491pp. Prof. illus. Folio. Wraps. Roma (IsMEO), 1968. 1675 ZARINS, JURIS. The Land of Incense: Archaeological Work in the Governorate of Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman, 19901995. (Sultan Qaboos University Publications. Archaeology & Cultural Heritage Series. 1.) 192pp. 73 illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. [Muscat] (Sultan Qaboos University), 2001. 1676 ZAV’IALOV, V.A. Kushanshakhr pri Sasanidakh: Po materialam raskopok gorodishcha Zartepa. / Kushanshar under the Sasanians: On the Results of Excavations of the Zartepa Site. 293, (3)pp., 32 color plates. 106 illus. Sm. 4to. Boards. English-language summary. Sankt-Peterburg (Fakul’tet Filologii i Iskusstv, Sankt-Peterburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta), 2008. 1677 [ZDANOVICH, D.G., ET AL. (EDITORS).] Arkaim, 1987-1997: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’. Edited by D.G. Zdanovich, E.I. Kogan, N.N. Orlova. 118, (2)pp., 8 color plates. 12mo. Wraps. Cheliabinsk (Cheliabinskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, Prirodno-Landshaftnyi i Istoriko-Arkheologicheskii Tsentr “Arkaim”), 1999. 1678 ZEEST, I.B. Keramicheskaia tara Bospora. (Materialy i Issledovaniia po Arkheologii SSSR. 83.) 177, (5)pp. 41 plates. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR), 1960. 1679 ZEHREN, ERICH. The Crescent and the Bull. A survey of archaeology in the Near East. ix, (1), 366pp., 10 plates. 4to. Cloth. D.j. New York (Hawthorn Books), 1962. 1680 ZHENG, DEKUN. Archaeological Studies in Szechwan. Conducted under the auspices of the Harvard-Yenching Institute and The West China Union University. [By] Chêng Tê-k’un. xx, (2), 320, (20pp. 118 plates, 5 maps. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (University Press), 1957. 1681 ZHENG, DEKUN. Archaeology in China. [By] Chêng Tê-kun. 3 vols. I: Prehistoric China. xix, (1), 250pp., 44 plates. 30 figs. II: Shang China. xxviii, 368pp., 56 plates. 53 figs. III: Chou China. xxxii, 430pp., 44 plates. 43 figs. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Cambridge (W. Heffer & Sons Ltd.), 1959-1963. Arntzen/Rainwater I512 ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 107 1682 ZHENG, DEKUN. An Introduction to Chinese Civilization: Man and Culture in China. By Chêng Tê-K’un. (Reprinted from “The Orient” [Hongkong].) 10 parts in 1 vol. Illus. Sm. 4to. Orig. buckram. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author to Lauriston Ward. N.p., ca. 1950. 1683 ZIMANSKY, PAUL W. Ecology and Empire: The Structure of the Urartian State. (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations. 41.) xv, (1), 141, (1)pp., 30 plates, 1 map. Lrg. 4to. New buckram; orig. wraps. bound in. Chicago (The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago), 1985. 1684 [ZLATKOVSKAIA, T.D. & MELIUKOVA, A.I. (EDITORS).] Drevnie frakiitsy v Severnom Prichernomor’e. 189, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1969. 1685 ZONY I ETAPY URBANIZATSII: TEORETICHESKIE ASPEKTY PROBLEMY “GOROD I PROTSESS URBANIZATSII V SREDNEI AZII.” Tezisy dokladov regional’noi konferentsii, Namangan, 1989 g. 135pp. Wraps. Tashkent (Izdatel’stvo “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR), 1989. 1686 ZORZI, ALVISE, ET AL. Mongolia: Nelle steppe di Cinghis Khaan. Texts by Alvise Zorzi, Viviano Domenici, Antonio Paolillo, Ivana Grollova, Adriano Màdaro, David Sneath, N. Tsültem, Giancarlo Ligabue, Mario Polia, Philippe Taquet, Rinchen Barsbold. (Esplorazioni e Ricerche. 13.) 409pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Venezia (Erizzo Editore), 1992. 1687 ZUFAROV, K.A., ET AL. (EDITORS). Uzbekskaia Sovetskaia Sotsialisticheskaia Respublika. / Uzbekiston Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikasi. 555, (5)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Cloth (slightly shaken). D.j. Tashkent (Glavnaia Redaktsiia Uzbekskoi Sovetskoi Entsiklopedii), 1981. ADDENDA 1688 AALTO, PENTTI. Indus Script and Dravidian. (Finnish Oriental Society: Studia Orientalia. 55:21.) 16pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Helsinki (Finnish Oriental Society), 1984. 1689 AHMED, AKBAR S. Pukhtun Economy and Society. Traditional structure and economic development in a tribal society. (International Library of Anthropology.) xvi, (4), 406, (2), 15pp. 48 illus. hors texte. 7 maps, 24 figs., 19 tables. Cloth. D.j. London (Routledge & Kegan Paul), 1980. 1690 (AINI, SADRIDDIN) BRAGINSKII, I.S. Haët va ejodiëti Sadriddin Aini. Boards, 1/4 cloth. Dushanbe (Nashriëti “Irfon”), 1968. 1691 (AINI, SADRIDDIN) NIIAZOV, KH.N. Put’ Sadriddina Aini-poeta. 141, (3)pp. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1965. 1692 BASKAKOV, N.A. O proekte edinoi foneticheskoi transkriptsii dlia tiurkskikh iazykov. 24pp., 9 plates. Wraps. Moskva (Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Institut Iazykoznaniia), 1959. 1693 BASKAKOV, N.A., ET AL. (EDITORS). Tiurkskie iazyki. Edited by N.A. Baskakov, N.A. Azimov, G.I. Donidze, S.K. Kenesbaev, L.A. Pokrovskaia, V.V. Reshetov, E.V. Sevortian, E.R. Tenishev, E.I. Ubriatova, M.Ia. Khamzaev, M.Sj. Shiraliev, K.K. Iudakhin. (Iazyki Narodov SSSR. 2.) 529, (3)pp. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1966. 1694 BERGER, HERMANN. Das Burushaski - Schicksale einer zentralasiatischen Restsprache. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Jahrgang 1992, Bericht 1.) 25pp. 4to. Wraps. Heidelberg (Carl Winter Universitätsverlag), 1992. 1695 [BRAGINSKII, I.S. (EDITOR).] Gurugli: Tadzhikskii narodnyi epos. / Gurughli: Epos khalqii tojik. 702pp. Sm. 4to. Leatherette. English-language summary. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 108 MJoskva (Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1987. 1696 CURZU, SILVIA, ET AL. Tehran - Kabul: “A Tale of Two Cities.” A cura di S. Curzu, L.S. Loi, G. Scarcia. (Quaderni del Seminario di Iranistica, Uralo-Altaistica e Caucasologia dell’Università degli Studi di Venezia. 11.) 61, (3)pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Venezia (Seminario di Iranistica, Uralo-Altaistica e Caucasologia dell’Università degli Studi di Venezia), 1980. 1697 DAVYDOV, A.D. Sel’skaia obshchina i patronimiia v stranakh Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka. 133, (3)pp. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1979. 1698 GHULAM GHOPUR. Uyghur shiviliri sözlügi. (4), 13, (1), 296pp. Wraps. Colophon title in Chinese: Jian ming Weiwu’er yu fang yan ci dian. Beyjing (Millatlar Nashriyati : Shinkhua Kitapkhanisi taripidin tarqitilidu), 1986. 1699 HARMATTA, JÁNOS. De la question concernant la langue des Avars; Inscriptions runiques turques en Europe orientale. (Atatürk Kültur Merkezi yayini. 27./ Türk kültüründen görüntüler dizisi. 13./ Gleanings from Turkish Culture. 13.) 48pp. Illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. Ankara (Türk Tarih Kurumu Basim Evi), 1988. 1700 HAYIT, BAYMIRZA. Sovyetler Birliginde’ki Türklügün v Islamin bazi meseleleri. (Türk Dünyasi Arastirmalari Vakfi yayini. 43.) 264pp. 4to. Wraps. Aksaray, Istanbul (Türk Dünyasi Arastirmalari Vakfi), 1987. 1701 HÊMÎT-Î ASAVAHISTÂN. Rivayat-i Hemit-i Asawahistan: A Study in Zoroastrian Law. Edition, transcription and translation by Nezhat Safa-Isfehani. (Harvard Iranian Series. 2.) xxiii, 320pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps. Cambridge (Harvard College), 1980. 1702 IMART, GUY G. Islamic and Slavic Fundamentalisms: Foes or Allies? (The Turkestanian reagent). (Papers on Inner Asia. 5.) 42pp. 4to. Wraps. Bloomington (Indiana University, Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies), 1987. 1703 KARMYSHEVA, B.KH. Ocherki etnicheskoi istorii iuzhnykh raionov Tadzhikistina i Uzbekistana. Po etnograficheskim dannym. 321, (3)pp. 15 illus. Boards, 1/4 cloth. English-language summary. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1976. 1704 MANZHIGEEV, I.A. Buriatskie shamanisticheskie i doshamanisticheskie terminy: Opyt ateisticheskoi interpretatsii. 125, (3)pp. Wraps. Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”), 1978. 1705 MENGES, KARL H. (EDITOR). Drei Schamanengesänge der Ewenki-Tungusen Nord-Sibiriens. Aufgezeichnet von Konstantin Mixajlovic Ryckov in den Jahren 1905-1909. Herausgegeben, übersetzt und mit einem grammatischetymologischen Kommentar versehen. (Abhandlungen der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 89.) 339pp. 4to. Wraps. Opladen (Westdeutscher Verlag), 1993. 1706 MENGES, KARL HEINRICH (EDITOR). Volkskundliche Texte aus Ost-Türkistan: Aus dem Nachlass von N. Th. Katanov. Mit einem Vorwort zum Neudruck von Karl Heinrich Menges und einer Bibliographie der Schriften Menges’ von Georg Hazai. (Aus den Sitzungsberichten der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse. 1933 und 1936.) xviii, (2), 123, (1), 185pp. 4to. Cloth. Reprint of the 1933 and 1943 editions. Leipzig (Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik), 1976. 1707 MORONY, MICHAEL G. Iraq After the Muslim Conquest. (Princeton Studies on the Near East.) ix, (3), 689pp. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Princeton (Princeton University Press), 1984. 1708 NOVIKOVA, K.A. Ocherki dialektov evenskogo iazyka: Ol’skii govor. [Chast’ 2]: Glagol, sluzhebnye slova, teksty, glossarii. 242, (2)pp. 4to. Wraps. Lemingrad (“Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1980. 1709 OVDIENKO, IVAN KHARITONOVICH. Economic-Geographical Sketch of the Mongolian People's Republic. (The Mongolia Society: Occasional Papers. 3.) 125pp., 1 folding map. Figs. Wraps. Bloomington, Indiana (The Mongolia Society), 1965. 1710 RAIS, RASUL BAKHSH. War Without Winners. Afghanistan’s uncertain transition after the Cold War. xi, (1), 286pp. Frontis. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth. D.j. Karachi (Oxford University Press), 1994. 1711 SABIT, ABDURESHIT, ET AL. Hazirqi zaman Uighur adabi tilining imla lughiti. Shinjang Uighur Aptonom Rayonluq Millatlar Til-Yeziq Khizmiti Komiteti tüzgan; [tüzgüchilar...Abdureshit Sabit...[et al.]; Mirsultan Osmanov, masul muharrir]. 51, 889pp. Lrg. 8vo. Plastic covers. Chinese colophon title: Xian dai Weiwu’er wen xue yu yan zheng zi ci dian. ARS LIBRI THE LIBRARY OF PROF. DR. MAURIZIO TOSI 109 Ürümchi (Shinjang Khalq Nashriyati), 1985. 1712 SHAH, IKBAL ‘ALI, SIRDAR. Escape from Central Asia. 179pp. Cloth. Dj. London (The Octagon Press), 1980. 1713 SKORIK, P.IA., ET AL. (EDITORS). Mongol’skie, tunguso-man’chzhurskie i paleoaziatskie iazyki. Edited by P.Ia. Skorik, V.A. Avrorin, T.A. Bertagaev, G.A. Menovshchikov, O.P. Sunik, O.A. Konstantinova. (Iazyki Narodov SSSR. 5.) 522, (2)pp. 4to. Cloth. D.j. Leningrad (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Leningradskoe Otdelenie), 1968. 1714 UNDELAND, CHARLES & PLATT, NICHOLAS. The Central Asian Republics: Fragments of Empire, Magnets of Wealth. xiii, (1), 143pp. Figs. Wraps. New York (The Asia Society), 1994. 1715 WITTFOGEL, KARL A. & FÊNG CHIA-SHÊNG. History of Chinese Society, Liao (907-1125). With the assistance of John De Francis, Esther S. Goldfrank, Lea Kisselgoff, and Karl H. Menges. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 36.) xv, (1), 752pp., 2 maps. 43 plates. Lrg. 4to. Wraps. Philadelphia/New York (The American Philosophical Society/ Macmillan), 1949.