The Governance of Venture Capital-Backed Firms
Fields of Research
Law & Economics
Financial Contracting Theory
Corporate & Securities Law
Contract Theory
Additional Research Interests
Legal History
January ’13 - present: Ph.D. Candidate, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (RM), Italy;
October ‘12 - present: M. Sc. Management, Finance and Accounting Candidate, Il Sole 24
Ore Business and School, Milan (MI), Italy (with ongoing research about minority discounts
in the event of withdrawal under Italian company law);
September ’11 - December ’12: Corporate and Securities Laws Master Degree, LSE
– London School of Economics and Political Sience (GL), United Kingdom;
January ’10 - August ’10: Corporate and Securities Law Research Assistant, LSE – London
School of Economics and Political Sience (GL), United Kingdom;
June ’11: Summer School “Corporate Governance and the Financial Crisis”, Pavia Institute
for Advanced Legal Studies (PV), Italy
November ‘00 - October ’06: Law Degree Summa cum Laude, Università degli Studi di
Perugia, Perugia (PG), Italy
September 95 - July ’00: Humanistic Studies Degree with Honors, at Liceo Classico “G.
Garopoli”, Corigliano Calabro (CS), Italy
Academic Appointments and Fellowships
October ’13 - present: Corporate and Securities Law Research Assistant for Prof. Luca
Enriques, LUISS Guido Carli Law Department, Rome (RM), Italy;
March ’13 - September ’13: Academic Advisor at LUISS University Law Department, Rome
(RM), Italy;
January ’13 - present: Corporate and Securities Law Researcher within PRIN 2011-related
activities (with research assignment on start-up governance, SMEs accounting EU regulatory
harmonization, and crowdfunding comparative regulation);
November ‘12 - present: Corporate and Securities Law Research Assistant for Prof.
Giandomenico Mosco, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (RM), Italy;
October ’09 - September ’12: Corporate and Securities Law Researcher within PRIN 2011related activities, Perugia University Law School (PG), Italy (with research assignment on
hedge funds comparative regulation);
March ’10 - September ’10: Corporate and Securities Law Lecturer, Perugia University Law
School (PG), Italy (with teaching and academic advising tasks, as well as research
assignments on Italian limited liability partnerships regulation);
September ‘09 - March ’10: Corporate and Securities Law Lecturer, Perugia University Law
School (PG), Italy (with teaching and academic advising tasks, as well as research
assignments on retail investors MiFID-based protective regime);
July ’09 - November ’09: Corporate and Securities Law Researcher, Perugia University Law
School (PG), Italy (with research assignments on local anti-money laundering regulations)
October ’06 - present: Corporate and Securities Law Research Assistant for Prof. Enrico
Tonelli, Perugia University Law School (PG), Italy (with seminaries teaching tasks and
research assignment on general corporate and securities law issues);
October ’06 - October ’12: Banking and Financial Law Research Assistant for Prof. Filippo
Parrella, Perugia University Law School (with seminaries teaching tasks and research
assignment on “anatocismo”, ie, compound interest in bank accounts).
Main Publications
1. “Securities door-to-door sales and the investor's right to <<rethink>> as to her
investment decision” (original title: “Le Sezioni Unite e la vis expansiva della disciplina dello
jus poenitendi”), in Nuova giur. civ. comm., 2014, I, issue 1, pp. 61-85 (Comment on
Supreme Court decision of June 3, 2013, n. 13905), Cedam, Padova;
2. “Is the financial intermediary under any (ex lege) duty to provide the investor
with new information where the rating falls? Evidences from the MiFID Review Documents”
(Original title: “Ancora sulla configurabilità di un generale obbligo di alert di fonte legale:
spunti di riflessione dalla MiFID Review”), in Nuova giur. civ. comm., I, issue 10, pp. 884898 (Comment on decision of First Instance Court of Trapani, April 3, 2013), Cedam, Padova
settembre 2013;
3. “Hegde Fund Regulation in the US: from LCTM Near-collapse to the Dodd-Frank Act”,
(original title: “La regolamentazione degli hedge funds negli Usa: dal quasi-collasso
di Long-Term Capital Management al Dodd-Frank Act, pp. 185-353 (with G. ROMANO), in
V. SANTORO (Ed.), Crisi dei mercati finanziarie: analisi e prospettive, Giuffrè, Milano, 2012;
4. “The contractual provision enabling the silent partner to advice general partners
about some specific transactions: validity and re-qualification of the legal status of the
company” (original title: La clausola sui pareri e le autorizzazioni degli accomandanti tra
ingerenza, nullità parziale per violazione del relativo divieto e riqualificazione
rapporto contrattuale), in Giur. comm., II, 2011, pp. 697-722 (Comment on decision
of First Instance Court of Perugia (ord.), March 16, 2009; e (sent.) December 29, 2009),
Giuffrè, Milano;
5. “Contractual inter-links, with specific regard to consumer credit transactions”
(original title: “Collegamento contrattuale legale e volontario, con particolare riferimento alla
(vecchia e nuova) disciplina del credito ai consumatori”), in Giur. it., 2011, pp. 308-318
(Comment on Supreme Court decision February 16, 2010, n. 3589), Utet, Torino;
6. “Notes as to the consequences of right abuse (with a view to a systematic emancipation from
the notion of good faith)” (original title: “Brevi note in tema di abuso del
diritto (anche per un tentativo di emancipazione dalla nozione di buona fede)”), in Giust.
civ., 2010, I, pp. 2547-2565 (Comment on Supreme Court decision of Septembr 18, 2009, n.
20106), Giuffrè, Milano;
7. “Can the trading order be the source of the financial intermediary's (contractual) duty to
inform the client as to specific downgrading events?” (original title: “L’ordine di
negoziazione quale fonte dell’obbligo di informare il cliente nel caso di downgrading:
osservazioni (parzialmente critiche) a margine di un singolare case-law”), in Nuova giur. civ.
comm., I, 2011, pp. 667-681 (Comment on the decision of First Instance Court of Torino,
December 22, 2010), Cedam, Padova;
8. “The death of the corporation: do ex-shareholders succeed in the firm’s place
under Italian Company Law?” (original title: “Attivo sopravvissuto o sopravvenuto a seguito
della cancellazione della società e successione del socio (anche) nel titolo esecutivo: note
critiche”), in Dir. fall., 2010, II, pp. 564-581 (Comment on First Instance Court of Rome,
February 24, 2009 - ord.), Cedam, Padova;
9. “Firms as retail client under the new transparency banking regime?” (original
title: “La determinazione dei dati dell'impresa cliente-retail nella nuova disciplina
sulla trasparenza bancaria”), in Le Società, 2010, pp. 887-896 Milano, Ipsoa;
10. “ ‘Drafts’ and ‘letters of understanding’ within the conceptual framework relating to contract
conclusion” (“«Minuta» e «puntuazione» nel contesto della formazione progressiva del
contratto, in I Contratti, 2010, issue 8/9, p. 841-852, Ipsoa, Milano;
11. “The ‘minimum guaranteed amount’ rule and the marginalization of patronage
letter peculiarities” (original title: “La regola dell’«importo minimo garantito» e la
svalutazione delle peculiarità del patronage”), in Nuova giur. civ. comm., 2010, n. 7/8, I, pp.
762-774 (Comment on Supreme Court decision of January 26, 2010, n. 1520), Cedam,
12. “Door-to-door sales of financial instruments in Italy: Does the Investor Need
Such a Protection? Insights from Law, Law & Economics, and Behavioral Finance” (original
title: “Offerta fuori sede di strumenti finanziari: l’investitore ha davvero bisogno di
questa protezione? Spunti dall’analisi legale, dall’analisi economica e dalla finanza
comportamentale”), forthcoming;
13. “Door-to-door sales of financial instruments in Italy: Does the Investor Need
Such a Protection? Insights from Law, Law & Economics, and Behavioral Finance”,
forthcoming in Eu Company Law, 2014, Wolters Kluwer, Amsterdam;
14. The Role of Financial Intermediaries in the Crowdfunding Investing Chain: Mere Executors
or Investment Advisors? Some Policy- and Rule-making Implications, with V. SANTORO and
I.K. HYSI, in Eu Company Law (Special Issue on Equity-based Crowdfunding Regulation in
Itay), 2014, Wolters Kluwer, Amsterdam;
15. “Made in Italy” Equity Based-Crowdfunding: Models, Players, Processes, Interests, and
Regulation, with G. MOSCO and R. MANGIONE, Eu Company Law (Special Issue on Equitybased Crowdfunding Regulation in Itay), 2014, Wolters Kluwer, Amsterdam, in Eu Company
Law (Special Issue on Equity-based Crowdfunding Regulation in Itay), 2014, Wolters
Kluwer, Amsterdam;
16. An Agenda for Future Research on Equity-based Crowdfunding: Shifting from Securities
Law Analysis to Corporate Governance Issues, with S. BARTMAN and P. MASOUROS,
17. “Drag-along Provisions: a Legal and Economic (Preliminary) Analysis” (original title:
“Studio preliminare sulle clausole di trascinamento azionario: profili di analisi legale ed
economica), with G. ROMANO, forthcoming;
Additional Information
Languages: Italian (native), English (fluent), French (low-intermediate), German (basic)
Current Occupation: Start-ups Legal Advisor;
Past Occupations:
Chiomenti Studio Legale, Rome: September ’10 - June ‘11
Chiomenti Studio Legale, Rome: October ’09 - March 2010
Scassellati Sforzolini Int’l Law Firm, Perugia: October ‘05 - October ‘09
June ‘13 - present: European Corporate Governance Academic Member
April ’13 - present: Italian Crowdfunding Network Scientific Board
June ’13, LUISS University Law School, Business Law Research Assistance 3-month
March ’13, LUISS University Law School, Temporary Academic Advisor 6-month
October ‘12, MIUR (Ministry for Education, University and Research) PhD Research
Full Scholarship;
November ’10, Bar Admission, Perugia Court of Appeal Best Marks Award (“Toga
March ’10, University of Perugia Law School, 6-month Corporate Law Junior
Researcher Part-time Scholarship
September ’09, University of Perugia Law School, 6-month Corporate Law Junior
Researcher Part-time Scholarship
July ’09, University of Perugia Law School, 3-month Economic Criminal Law Full-Time
Ongoing Research Projects:
June ’13 - present: Rethinking Crowdfunding Portals' Role in the Capital-raising Process
(with Claudio Iovieno);
September ’13 - present: A Comparative Analysis of Directors' Duty to Monitor Their
Peers throughout Firms' Lifecycle (with Costanza Alessi)
[email protected]
Current as of January 1st, 2014

Dissertation The Governance of Venture Capital