Splendid Isolation SENSE OF AKASHA Press release 09.08.2011 SENSE OF AKASHA Präsentation des neuen Albums „SPLENDID ISOLATION“ am 10.09.2011 in der Festung Franzesfeste (BZ-IT) Eine Aufführung in Zusammenarbeit mit Giancarlo Lamonaca, Gustav Willeit, Marco Masante. „Splendid Isolation“ (wörtlich „Großartige Isolation“) – ein Begriff, der sich stets in den verschiedensten Bereichen wie Kunst und Politik manifestiert hat. Sein Wesen war jedoch nie festgeschrieben und ist bis heute wandelbar. Im späten 19. Jahrhundert war „Splendid Isolation“ unter dem Premierminister Robert Cecil die Vergegenwärtigung und die Nutzung der geografischen Insellage Großbritanniens, mit dem Hauptziel der Aufrechterhaltung des europäischen Mächtegleichgewichts. Die Dichotomie des Begriffes zeigte sich später z.B. bei dem bekannten Künstler Gustav Mahler. Missgestimmt von der Gesellschaft und dem politischen Treiben seiner Zeit und bekannt als seltener steinerner Gast in den Wiener Salons, fand Mahler bei seinen wenigen Vertrauten seine berühmte „Splendid Isolation“: Blicken wir gemeinsam aus dem Fenster der Hütte, hinüber zum anderen Ufer des Sees und spüren die friedliche Idylle, die „Großartige Isolation“ Mahlers. In dieser Abgeschiedenheit entstehen die wahrscheinlich großartigsten Melodien des 20. Jahrhunderts. Doch der Drang das gesellschaftspolitische und künstlerische Treiben dieser Zeit zu beeinflussen, bleibt bestehen. einer Isolation zu durchleben und in Folge fotografisch und videotechnisch festzuhalten. Zu finden in Politik, Gesellschaft, Kunst und in der persönlichen Individuation, ist die Thematik aktueller denn je. Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, den Prozess der Abkapselung als Reaktion auf zwischenmenschliche, soziale und politische Verhältnisse zu verstehen und darzustellen. Die Präsentation Die Album-Präsentation zu „Splendid Isolation“ am 10.09.2011 ist eine audiovisuelle Produktion der Band „SENSE OF AKASHA“ in Zusammenarbeit mit den vorher genannten Künstlern. Als Location wurde ein besonders intimer Ort in der Festung „Franzensfeste“ ausgesucht, weshalb nur limitierete 100 Sitzplätze zur Verfügung stehen, ausschliesslich mit Vorreservierung . Der Ticketpreis von 25,00 Euro beinhaltet den Eintritt zur Veranstaltung inklusive dem Album in CD Format. Am 22. August startet die Platzreservierung über die Internetseite der Band. Offizieller Release Abend am 10.09.2011: Einlass: 20.00 Uhr Vorband: 20.30 Uhr Einen weiteren Zugang zum Wesen findet die Band Sense of Akasha: 21.30 Uhr „Sense of Akasha“. Seit Beginn des Jahres beschäftigt sie sich zusammen mit den Künstlern Giancarlo La- Pre-Release Abend am 09.09.2011: monaca (Fotografie), Gustav Willeit (Video, Fotografie) Für Vertreter der Presse und Kultur sowie Gastmuund Marco Masante (Video) damit, die Prozesse der siker findet am 09. September 2011 ein exklusives Isolation audiovisuell aufzuarbeiten. Pre-Release Konzert statt. Beginn: 20.00 Uhr. Nur mit Einladung. Das Konzeptalbum „Splendid Isolation“, an dem die Band bereits seit dem Sommer 2010 arbeitet, baut auf Links: den vier Stadien Verwirrung, Angst, Mut und Freiheit www.senseofakasha.com auf und spiegelt deren Stimmungen in Musik und Lyrik www.lamonaca.it wieder. Um diesen Prozess authentisch nachzubilden, www.guworld.com begab sich das Kollektiv Anfang Mai 2011 eine Woche Album-teaser: lang in die Festung „Franzensfeste“, um die Stimmungen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=238edZsxw2w SENSE OF AKASHA Presentazione del nuovo album “SPLENDID ISOLATION” 10 Settembre 2011 - Forte di Fortezza (BZ-IT) Spettacolo in collaborazione con Giancarlo Lamonaca, Gustav Willeit, Marco Masante. „Splendid Isolation“ è il titolo del secondo album ufficiale dei SENSE OF AKASHA. L’espressione “Splendid Isolation” è usata in varie discipline come l’arte e la politica. Il suo preciso significato non è tuttora stato “definito”, ed è ancora oggi in trasformazione. Alla fine del XIX secolo in Gran Bretagna il Primo Ministro Robert Cecil utilizzò questo termine per definire il vantaggio della posizione isolata del suo paese. L‘area geografica dell’isola era infatti di importanza strategica al fine di mantenere in equilibrio i vari poteri nel continente europeo. La dicotomia del concetto emerge negli anni successivi attraverso l‘artista Gustav Mahler. E’ noto che l’artista vivesse con malumore la società ed anche il panorama politico dei suoi tempi nei quali non si riconosceva. Venne infatti spesso ricordato come ospite “pietrificato” durante le rare occasioni in cui frequentò i saloni viennesi. Il compositore riuscì solo a trovare la sua “Splendida Isolazione” solo nelle poche persone di fiducia a lui vicine. Durante questo “isolamento”, Gustav Mahler ha realizzato tra le melodie più significative del XX secolo. Il nuovo album dei Sense of Akasha elabora un ulteriore avvicinamento alla natura di questo concetto. Per tutto l‘anno 2010 il gruppo ha lavorato a stretto contatto con gli artisti Giancarlo Lamonaca (concetto artistico), Gustav Willeit (video e fotografia) e Marco Masante (video) per tradurre in linguaggio audio/video i diversi processi dell‘isolamento. per una settimana nel Forte di Fortezza (BZ) in cui ha vissuto una forte atmosfera di isolamento. Tutto è stato documentato fotograficamente e in sequenze video. La tematica trattata é attuale più che mai. L’obiettivo era rappresentare il processo di isolamento come reazione ai rapporti interpersonali, sociali e politici. La presentazione La presentazione dell’album “Splendid Isolation” il 10.09.2011 è una produzione audio-visuale del gruppo Sense of Akasha in collaborazione con gli artisti sopra citati. L‘intimo sito scelto all‘interno della fortezza per questo evento ha una capienza limitata di 100 posti a sedere che vengono riservati su prenotazione. Il biglietto al prezzo di 25,00 Euro comprende l‘entrata e l‘album in supporto CD. Dal giorno 22 agosto è possibile prenotare attraverso il sito ufficiale del gruppo. Serata ufficiale Release 10.09.2011: Entrata: ore 20.00 Supporto: ore 20.30 Sense of Akasha: ore 21.30 Serata Pre-Release 09.09.2011: Per la stampa e rappresentanti della scena culturale si terrá il giorno 09.09.2011 un esclusivo pre-release con inizio alle ore 20.00. Solo su invito. Links: www.senseofakasha.com L‘album, al quale il gruppo Sense of Aksaha lavora www.lamonaca.it dall’estate del 2010, si basa su quattro stadi: confusi- www.guworld.com one, paura, coraggio e libertà. Questi sono stati tra- Album-teaser: dotti in musica e testi. Per rendere autentico questo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=238edZsxw2w processo, nel Maggio 2011 il collettivo si è trasferito SENSE OF AKASHA Presentation of their new album „SPLENDID ISOLATION“ Habsburg Fortress “Fortezza” (BZ-IT) on September, 10th 2011 Show in collaboration with Giancarlo Lamonaca, Gustav Willeit, Marco Masante “Splendid Isolation” is the title of SENSE OF AKASHA’s second official full-length album. „Splendid Isolation“ is a term buzzing around in various areas such as arts and politics since decades. Without ever having been defined its meaning still mutates up to the present day. In the late 19th century the term “Splendid Isolation” was first used by premier minister Robert Cecil to emphasize Great Britain’s unique geographical position within Europe with the ultimate aim to maintain the innerEuropean balance of power. The dichotomy of the term though, is shown later with the famous artist and composer Gustav Mahler. Disappointed by society and political mischief during his days, Mahler was known as a rare and apathetic observer in Vienna’s saloons. He found his “Splendid Isolation” only among a few intimates and far away from public life: Let us imagine to look out of the window of Mahler’s lonesome lodge, across the lake until we are reaching the other side where we can find this peaceful idyll, his “Splendid Isolation”. It is in this solitude where probably the most wonderful melodies of the 20th century are born. Nevertheless, his urge to influence society and its artistic output remains in place. the moods of isolated life and capture them with photoand video cameras. Nowadays appearing in political life, art, society and individual development, the issue of isolation is more topical than ever. It is the aim of this project to picture the process of isolation as a reaction to interpersonal, social and political relations. The Presentation The presentation of the album “Splendid Isolation” on September 10th is going to be an audio-visual production by “SENSE OF AKASHA” in collaboration with the earlier mentioned artists. The venue, a small and intimate location within the Fortress of „Fortezza“ allows only a limited number of 100 seats, reservable via the website of the band. The ticket cost of 25,00 Euros includes the entrance fee as well as a copy of the album in CD-format. The reservation can be made via the website of the band starting from August 22nd. Official release-night on 10.09.2011: Doors open: 8 p.m. Another approach to explore this concept takes the Support: 8.30 p.m. band “SENSE OF AKASHA”. Since the beginning Sense of Akasha: 9.30 p.m. of 2010 they are collaborating with the visual artists Giancarlo Lamonaca (art direction), Gustav Willeit Pre-release evening on September 9th 2011: (Video, Photography) and Marco Masante (Photogra- Representatives of press and culture as well as guestphy) in order to audio-visually elaborate the processes musicians on the album are invited to join an exclusive that take place in isolation. pre-release show on the evening of the 9th September 2011 (8.p.m., invitational). The concept album “Splendid Isolation”, the band is working on since Summer 2010, builds upon four stages: Links: Confusion, fear, audacity and freedom. All these stage www.senseofakasha.com are reflected by music and lyrics. www.lamonaca.it In order to reproduce these stages as authentically as www.guworld.com possible the collective moved into the unoccupied Album-teaser: Habsburg Fortress of “Fortezza” to personally experience http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=238edZsxw2w Sense of Akasha 2011 © GC Lamonaca - direct download: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3280/5859863235_c2238596bd_o.jpg Fortezza Map © panoramio.com Album cover of „Splendid Isolation“ by Giancarlo Lamonaca 2011 © Sense of Akasha Contact: www.senseofakasha.com [email protected]