PMI EMEA Congress 2011 - Session PRJ11
Milano, 25 settembre 2015
Le competenze
ai vertici from Constraints
the PMI
Michela Ruffa, PMP© - Director at Large – PMI © Northern Italy Chapter
© - Director at Large – PMI © Northern Italy Chapter
Stefano Morpurgo, Director, Ernst & Young Italy
Cosa sta accadendo nel mondo?
Due fenomeni apparentemente contrastanti:
Luis Bettencourt & Geoffrey West: “A unified theory of
urban living”, Nature 467, 912–913 (21 October 2010)
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
La letteratura sulla Leadership non
sta a guardare…
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Una nuova onda…
Controller Leadership ‘Control leads to Efficiency’
Therapist Leadership ‘A happy worker is a more productive worker’
Messiah Leadership ‘Visionary leaders and strong cultures’
Eco-leadership Connectivity, Inter-dependence and Distributed Leadership
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Spinta da un vento impetuoso:
la «Rivoluzione Copernicana»
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Con tutti i suoi corollari
“Coping with competition”, as argued by legendary guru Professor Michael Porter, is now
obsolete: the essence of strategy is about adding value to customers
The uni-directional value chain is being replaced by the concept of multi-directional networks, in
which interactions with customers play a key role
Supposed distinctions between leaders and managers, as argued by leadership guru Professor
John Kotter, are dissolving: managers are leaders and leaders must be able and willing to get
their hands dirty and manage
Whereas the traditional management pursued an ethos of efficiency and control, a new paradigm
is being pursued by many firms that thrives on the ethos of imagination, exploration,
experiment, discovery, collaboration and self-organization
Whereas traditional management often treated both employees and customers as inanimate
“things” to be manipulated, the new management paradigm respects employees and customers
as independent, thinking, feeling human beings.
The new management embraces the increased complexity inherent in the shift as an opportunity
to be exploited, rather than a problem to be avoided
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Il ruolo eroico del «Leader» viene
• Nel complesso mondo di oggi non c’è più modo per il singolo di
avere tutte le qualità per guidare una grande organizzazione
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Il concetto di «Leadership» viene
profondamente rivisto:
• La leadership
• Non è la qualità di un individuo ma è una proprietà
emergente di una rete di individui interagenti
• E’ più della somma delle parti
• Richiede la creazione delle condizioni ambientali in cui
• Si abbandona quindi il concetto di leadership “Eroica” per
passare a quello di leadership “Distribuita”
• Con l’obiettivo di ottenere il miglior contributo da ognuno
• "Leaders don't create followers they create more leaders" - Tom
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Le «condizioni ambientali»
e le «narrazioni»
• Il focus si sposta da processi e regole (~burocrazia) a
condizioni ambientali (~città)
• E qual’è la condizione ambientale che “tiene insieme” l’azienda,
il team, la città, la nazione?
• La “narrazione”:
• humans (…) ability to construct and unify small groups behind
certain “fictions” – everything from national legends and organised
religion to modern value systems like human rights, and the
modern limited liability company with thousands of employees and
vast credit lines at its command (Yuval Noah Harari)
• Leadership quindi non come visione del singolo ma “narrazione
collettiva” che “tiene insieme” il gruppo
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Un esempio antico: le crociate
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Un esempio moderno: Dubai
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Un esempio «eterno»: Creazionismo
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved
Strumenti e modalità
• Fate un Communication Plan e tenetelo aggiornato
• Abbandonate l’eroe, imparate ed insegnate a raccontare
• Utilizzate “Speeches, stories, ceremonies, and symbols”
(Nancy Duarte: “The Torchbearer”)
• Costruite una narrazione collettiva con l’aiuto di tutti – le cose
interessanti avvengono sempre sui margini
• Create spazio per tutti: valorizzate, immaginate, guardate
• Ricordatevi della Rivoluzione Copernicana: il cliente (cioè il
cliente finale in primo luogo, ma anche il Project Team) è al
Le Competenze ai Vertici, the PMI Talent Triangle – Milano, 25/09/2015
PMI-NIC, Project Management Institute – Northern Italy Chapter, all rights reserved

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