Curriculum vitae
Neuroscience Section,
Dept of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Brescia.
Viale Europa 11 - 25123, Brescia, Italy
Phone off: (+39) 0303717-441; secretary: -455 Fax: -443
Cognitive Neuroscience Section,
The Saint John of God Clinical Research Centre – IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli.
Via Pilastroni 4 - 25125, Brescia, Italy
Phone off: (+39) 0303501-597, laboratory -594 -595 -596; Fax: (+39) 0303533513
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.cognitiveneuroscience.it
2013 July–present. Full Professor of Physiology: Human Neurophysiology. Department of Clinical and Experimental
Sciences, School of Medicine. University of Brescia, Brescia Italy
2000 March–present. Head of the Cognitive Neuroscience Section. Translational research fellowship from the
Italian Health Ministry. The Saint John of God Clinical Research Centre – IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio
Fatebenefratelli, Brescia Italy
2013 November–present. President of Italian society of Psychophysiology http://www.sipf.it
2013 November–present. Member of the PhD course in “Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience”
Bicocca University - Milan
2011 July–present. Research associate of the Neuroenhancement for Inequalities in Elder Lives NIEL Trinity College
Institute of Neuroscience (http://www.tcd.ie/Neuroscience/niel/people/)
2008 January–present. Long term collaborator Faculty Member, Sector of Cognitive Neuroscience, International
School for Advanced Studies (ISAS/SISSA), Trieste Italy http://www.sissa.it/cns/people.html
2007 September–present. Member of the International School for Advanced Studies Ethical Committee, Trieste
Publications in 18 years (1997-2015 – academic age 18): 146 in international peer reviewed journals. H-index:
Google Scholar: 53; Scopus: 46; Web of Science: 44; (G-index: 81). Sum of the time cited: ~8700. Editor of 3
international books. Author or co-author of 14 international book chapters and ~450 abstracts,
presentations to Congresses / Symposia / Seminars / Workshops / Schools.
Area of research:
SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity. SH4 4 Cognitive and experimental psychology: perception, action, and
higher cognitive processes.
LS5 Neurosciences and neural disorders: neurophysiology, neuroimaging, systems neuroscience, neurological
disorders. LS5 7 Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech).
Keywords: Cognitive Neuroscience; Cognitive Plasticity; Neuroplasticity; Connectivity; Learning; Memory; Noninvasive brain stimulation; NIBS; tES; tDCS; tACS; tRNS; TMS; rTMS; Electrophysiology; Behaviour; EEG.
2010 June Qualification for Full Professorship of Human Physiology, by a National committee at the School of
Medicine, Università degli Studi di Catanzaro, Italy
2004 January Qualification for Associate Professorship of Human Physiology, by a National committee at the
School of Medicine, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Italy
1999 February 19 . Ph.D. in Neuroscience. University of Verona, School of Medicine, Verona, Italy
1994 July 6 . Master of Science in Experimental Psychology "Laurea", University of Padua, School of Psychology,
Padua, Italy
2012 July – 2012 November. Research Affiliate, Faculty of Science, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
2012 November – 2015 May. Board Member of the Master on Neuropsychology, Catholic University, Milan, Italy.
2011 October – 2012 April. Visiting Professor, School of Psychology Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience,
Dublin, Ireland.
2009 October – 2013 October: Board Member of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology. Auditor 2009-2011;
President elected 2011–2013.
2008 January – 2013 December. Member of the National Institute of Neuroscience (INN), a consortium formed by
a number of neuroscience research university centres, http://www.ist-nazionale-neuroscienze.unito.it
2005 March – 2013 May. Associate Professor of Human Physiology, Neurophysiology, Department of Biomedical
Sciences and Biotechnologies, Physiology Section, School of Medicine, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
2005 January–2015 February. Coordinator for the “Psychologists Internship”, at The Saint John of God Clinical
Research Centre – IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia Italy.
2002 January – 2005 February. Coordinator of a full research line “Neuropsycophysiology” at The Saint John of God
Clinical Research Centre – IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia Italy.
2001 November – 2005 February. Aggregate Professor of Neurophysiology, School of Medicine, University of
Brescia, Brescia Italy
2001 January – 2008 February. Head of the Neuropsychology laboratory, The Saint John of God Clinical Research
Centre – IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia Italy.
2000 February – 2005 February. Head of the Neurophysiology laboratory, The Saint John of God Clinical Research
Centre – IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia Italy.
2000 January – 2013. Associate Member of the Department of Neurological, Neuropsychological Morphological
and Motor Sciences, Physiology Section, School of Medicine, University of Verona, Verona Italy.
1997 November – 2000 January. Research Associate and Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brain & Cognition
Laboratory, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford UK. Employed on a
Wellcome grant awarded to Prof. A.C. Nobre.
1994 November – 1997 October. PhD student, Department of Neurological Sciences and Vision, Human Physiology
Section, School of Medicine, University of Verona, Verona Italy. Tutor: Prof. C.A. Marzi.
1993 March – 1994 October. Internship, Department of Neurological Sciences and Vision, Human Physiology
Section, School of Medicine, University of Verona, Verona Italy. Tutor: Prof. C.A. Marzi and Dr M. Prior.
C. Miniussi
Carlo Miniussi was educated in Padua, where he received his, M.Sc. in Experimental Psychology in 1994, and in
Verona, where he was awarded a Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 1999. He has been a postdoctoral fellow at the
Department of Experimental Psychology at Oxford University for two years. In 2000 he moved to the IRCCS
Fatebenefratelli St. John of God in Brescia, Italy, where he became chief of the Neurophysiology Laboratory. In
2001 he was appointed aggregate Professor of Neurophysiology, at Brescia University. In 2002 he became the
scientific coordinator of the “Neuropsycophysiology” research line. In 2005 he was appointed Associate Professor
of Human Physiology and took up a chair in the School of Medicine, University of Brescia. At the same time he
established the Cognitive Neuroscience Section comprising the Neurophysiology, Neuropsychology and Sleep
laboratories. In 2007 he became a member of the Ethical Committee of the International School for Advanced
Studies, in Trieste, as well as long term collaborator Faculty Member, Sector of Cognitive Neuroscience for the
same school. In 2010, eleven years after his PhD, he was qualified as full Professor of Human Physiology. In the
2011 he becomes President elect of Italian society of Psychophysiology and Research Associate of
Neuroenhancement for Inequalities in Elder Lives, at the Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin. In 2012
he becomes board Member for the Master in Neuropsychology Catholic University Milan. He has been recently
appointed by Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, member of the
Group of Experts for the Evaluation of Universities in the Biological area 05. At present he coordinates the
Cognitive Neuroscience Section at IRCCS St. John of God in Brescia and at the University of Brescia.
Carlo Miniussi is an expert in the study of cognitive functions and in the use of electroencephalography and noninvasive brain stimulation techniques to explore and understand the neural systems that support cognitive
functions in the human brain. He has extensive experience in the development and application of behavioural and
cognitive paradigms, specifically in the area of attention and memory. He has also practical working experience
with multiple neuroimaging and neurophysiological methodologies (EEG, TMS), as well as integrated brain
functional imaging (co-registration TMS-EEG). During his training, he had the opportunity to set-up various
laboratories, so he is familiar with the basic requirements for establishing and coordinating a fully functioning
laboratory/working group.
In the last years he has published seminal papers on a) mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation, b) coregistration of transcranial stimulation and EEG, c) brain stimulation in cognitive neurorehabilitation and d) brain
stimulation in the understanding of cognitive functions. He has successfully pursued translational research
between plasticity studies in the laboratory and real world interventions. Two example of this work are his
interventions with brain stimulation in dementia, multiple sclerosis and in neuropsychiatry. In this respect he has
been invited to be guest editor for a special issue of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation on “Non invasive brain
stimulation: new prospects in cognitive neurorehabilitation” (2011). For Frontiers in Human Neuroscience as topic
host editor “Manipulative Approaches to Human Brain Dynamics” (2013). For European Psychologist “Non invasive
brain stimulation approaches in Psychology” (2015).
Editor for a reference book for “Transcranial Brain Stimulation” for CRC Taylor press. He has been part of a group
of experts who produced a consensus paper on the efficacy of brain stimulation in cognitive neurorehabilitation
(2008) and on combining transcranial stimulation with neuroimaging (2009). He was also among a group of experts
(Safety of TMS Consensus Group) preparing the Safety, Ethical Considerations, and Application Guidelines for the
Use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical Practice and Research. (2009). International Federation of
Clinical Neurophysiology Committee to prepare a report on “Non-invasive electrical and magnetic stimulation of
the brain, spinal cord, roots and peripheral nerves: basic principles and procedures for routine clinical and research
application (2015).
The core of his present activity is driven by the goal to understand if cortical plasticity can be induced and
manipulated by means of non-invasive brain stimulation in healthy and pathological adult brains, to understand
what is the relation between induced synaptic plasticity and cognitive plasticity, and how cognitive plasticity can be
sustained by the activity of a “functional neuronal network”. This is carried out by means of non invasive brain
stimulation techniques (i.e., TMS, rTMS, tDCS, tACS and tRNS) combined with other research methods (EEG, and
co-registration TMS-EEG), and these methodologies are used to: a) identify the neurophysiological and behavioural
consequences of brain stimulation, and characterize the functional role of cortical areas; b) to modulate the
activity in targeted brain regions in order to establish the causal link between brain rhythms (i.e., alpha, beta,
gamma, etc.) and specific aspects of a task; c) to study the effective connectivity between the stimulated area and
related cortical regions in a given functional network. Moreover this technique can be used not only to study the
causal relation between brain and cognition but also to ameliorate deficits in cognitive domain with long-lasting
effects. Additional lines of research are d) an investigation of the possible links between genetic profiles and the
response to non invasive transcranial stimulations aimed at inducing neuroplasticity. The implication of this is that
genetic variation in subjects could produce significant differences in the brain stimulation protocols.
C. Miniussi
2013 Behavioral Neurology Highlights in the Field -selected as- Paper presented at the American Academy
of Neurology.
2012 Honorary Member of the Italian Neuropsychological Association.
2011 Editor's Choice Award for the best paper published in Human Brain Mapping.
2001 Award best scientific contribution September; 3rd Congress of the AFaR.
1997 Project award; 12 months grant to examining the neurophysiological and behavioral correlates of
attention from the USL Verona.
1996 Travel award; NATO, Advanced Study Institute; to attend “The Role of the Humans Corpus Callosum in
Sensory Motor Integration: Anatomy, Physiology and Behavior; Individual Differences and Clinical
1996 Travel award; European Neuroscience Meeting.
1996 Travel grant award; Euroconference: Processing Modes in the mind/brain, at the International School
for Advanced Studies Trieste.
1995 Award best scientific contribution poster; Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience.
1995 Award best scientific contribution from the Italian Society of Neuropsychology.
1995 Awarded a four-year Italian Post-Graduate Research Scholarship.
Undergraduate Lectures
Present: Teaching of “Neurophysiology” to the following courses at the University of Brescia: School of
Medicine 30 hours of lecturing per year (from 2005); Degree in Psychiatric Rehabilitation 36 hours of
lecturing per year (from 2007); Degree in Physiotherapy 48 hours of lecturing per year (from 2006).
Specialization in Psychiatry (from 2007). Several lectures for PhD courses at Department of Psychology
University of Milano Bicocca. Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan, Italy.
“Cognitive plasticity” and “Non invasive brain stimulation”, Master in Neuropsychology diagnostic and
rehabilitation at the University Catholic del Sacro Cuore, Milan and Brescia 16 hours (from 2010).
“Methods for signal recordings module: Non invasive brain stimulation in neurorehabilitation”, Master in
Neuropsychology at the University of Padua 4 hours (from 2005).
Panel member and tutor or co-tutor of several students in the PhD Courses in “Neurosciences” University of
Brescia; “Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Sciences” University Campus Biomedico Roma;
“Psychology” University of Verona. Acting as opponent in PhD defence and member in PhD defence
committee for several thesis and entrance exams. Mentor for students during their training period.
Undergraduate: Teaching of “Neurophysiology” to the following courses at the University of Brescia: Degree
in Biotechnology 20 hours of lecturing per year (2003-2010); Degree in Professional Educator 24 hours of
lecturing per year (2001-2010).
Currently active:
Ministry of Health RF-2013-02356444. Principal Investigator (PI) Neuroplasticity and Alzheimer's disease:
integrated approach to identify biological and neurophysiological markers. € 413,251 (2015-2017).
Grant from Italian Health Ministry, renewed annually. PI of two independent projects € 200,000:
C. Miniussi
i) Human cortical plasticity in physiological and pathological aging manipulation and monitoring through
innovative approaches (2010-2015).
ii) Modification of cognitive functions in physiological and pathological aging (2010-2015).
Collaborator without founding Wellcome Trust Joint Investigator Program. Natural and modulated neural
communication: State-dependent decoding and driving of human Brain Oscillations to Prof. Gregor Thut
Completed research support/Past funding:
Foundation of Brescia Community. Intervention program for the induction of cognitive plasticity in healthy
and pathological aging. € 26,000 (20013-2015).
Research Fellowship University of Brescia 2 years. The effects of aerobic exercise on cortical plasticity and
learning in healthy adults € 46,000 (20012-2014).
Research Fellowship University of Brescia “Fondi per attività a carattere internazionale”, in 2005, 2013, and
2015 € 5,200.
PI of James S. McDonnell Foundation. 21st Century Science Initiative Grant: Understanding Human
Cognition. Planning grant "Non-invasive brain stimulation: new tools, new concepts, and an integrated
approach to cognitive neuro-rehabilitation" $ 50,000 (2010-2012).
PI of 2 national, two-years, collaborative projects (with six and ten units) founded by Italian Health Ministry,
"Ricerca Finalizzata".
Unit PI of 8 projects founded by Italian Health Ministry, "Ricerca Finalizzata".
PI of 9 independent annual projects founded by Italian Health Ministry "Ricerca Corrente".
Unit PI for 1, two-years, project founded by Fondazione Cariplo (private, grant making foundation).
Unit PI for 1, two-years, project founded by Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM).
PI of 6 one-year projects founded by Associazione Fatebenefratelli Ricerca (AFaR).
Dr. Nadia Bolognini, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Milano Bicocca.
Prof. Luigi DeGennaro, Laboratorio di Psicofisiologia del sonno, Facoltà di Psicologia1, Università la Sapienza,
Roma, Italy.
Dr. Flavia Mattioli, Neuropsychology Unit, Spedali Civili di Brescia, Italy.
Dr. Patrizio Pasqualetti, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Ospedale Fatebenefratelli Isola Tiberina, Roma.
Dr. Simone Rossi, Neurologia, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Università di Siena.
Prof. Paolo M. Rossini, Neurology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Roma.
Prof. Raffaella Rumiati, Sector of Cognitive Neuroscienze, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA),
Prof. Giuseppe Vallar, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Milano Bicocca.
Dr. Toni Cunillera, Department of Physiology II, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona – ICREA,
Barcelona, Spain.
Prof. Justin A. Harris, School of Psychology, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Irina Harris, School of Psychology, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Keiichi Kitajo RIKEN Brain Science Institute Tokyo, Japan.
Prof. Ian Robertson, School of Psychology and Institute of Neuroscience Trinity College Dublin, Irelan.
Dr. Manuela Ruzzoli, Department de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions, Universitat Pompeu
Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
Prof. Gregor Thut, Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Department of Psychology, University of Glasgow,
United Kingdom.
C. Miniussi
Debora Brignani PhD; Attention, working memory, perception (Research Assistant 2002; PhD student 20032006; Post-doc 2007-2008; Senior Researcher 2009-present).
Marta Bortoletto PhD; tES and neuroplasticity, mirror mechanisms, EEG-TMS coregistration (Post-doc 20072008; Researcher 2010-2012; Senior Researcher 2013-present).
Maria Concetta Pellicciari PhD; Neuroplasticity, EEG-Brain stimulation coregistration, Sleep (PhD student
2004-2007, Post-doc 2007-2010, Senior Researcher, 2011-2013; Senior Researcher, 2014-2017 Ministry
of Health Felloship).
Cornelia Pirulli PhD; tES and neuroplasticity, EEG-TMS coregistration, (Research Assistant 2007-2008; PhD
student 2009-2012, Post-doc 2012-present).
Anna Fertonani PhD; tES neuroplasticity and learning (Research Assistant 2007; PhD student 2008-2012,
Post-doc 2012-present).
Chiara Bagattini PhD; Working memory-attention, (Post-doc 2014-present).
Jesus Cespon PhD; Memory in aging and Alzhemer EEG-Brain stimulation coregistration, (Post-doc 2014present Mary Curie fellowship)
Claudia Fracassi MS; EEG (Research Assistant 2000-2004; 2008-present).
Piercarlo Mauri MS; tES, perception & brain oscillations (Research Assistant 2012; PhD student 2013present).
Laura Panizza MS; Aging (PhD student 2014-present).
Claudia Rodella MS; Neuroplasticity in Aging (Research Assistant 2014; PhD student 2015-present).
Michela Capogrosso; Physical activity & neuroplasticity (Research Assistant 2012-2014).
Domenica Veniero PhD; EEG and TMS coregistration (PhD student & Post-doc 2005-2011).
Toni Cunillera PhD; Perceptual lerning and tES (Post-doc 2011) University of Barcelona.
Manuela Ruzzoli PhD; TMS noise or signal strength (Research Assistant 2006-2007; PhD student 2008-2011).
Rosa Manenti PhD; TMS, fMRI, Memory and language (Research Assistant 2003-2004; PhD student 20052009).
Katiuscia Sosta PsyD; Neuropsychology (Reasearch Assistant, 2000-2009).
Marco Calabria PhD; Memory and Alzheimer (PhD student 2005-2009).
Arianna Fogliata MS; Memory and language TMS (Undergraduate 2004-2005; Research Assistant 20052009).
Marinella Rosato MS; Sleep (Research Assistant 2007-2008).
Anna Gazzoli PsyD; Clinical psychology (Reasearch Assistant 2003-2008).
Marco Sandrini PhD; Prefrontal cortex & memory (PhD student & post-doc 2002-2008).
Claudio Bonato MD, PhD; Brain oscillations, TMS-EEG (Post-doc 2002-2005).
Symposium: Neuroplasticity and Neurorehabilitation: The motor system. Brescia 5 December 2014.
Workshop: New Techniques in Psychophysiology; Florence – 26 November 2014.
Workshop: Transcranial Electric Stimulation Brescia 25-26 September 2014.
Symposium: The new frontiers of research in cognitive neuroscience: from neuromodulation to the NIRS;
Brescia, 26-28 June 2014.
International symposium “Non-invasive Electrical Brain Stimulation (tDCS, tACS, tRNS): Basic and Applied
Research” Brescia 30 September 2013.
Workshop Transcranial Electric Stimulation Brescia 8 July 2013.
Symposium: Multimodal Approach in the study of cortical connectivity Brescia 1 July 2013.
XIX Congress of Italian Psychophysiology Society (president and Organizer), Brescia, 14-16 November 2011.
Symposium. Cortical plasticity: new frontiers of neurorehabilitation, and High frequency brain oscillatory
activity; Congress of Italian Psychophysiology Society, Palermo, 24-26 November 2010.
Workshop. Transcranial electrical stimulation, new prospects: from bench to the bed site; Brescia, 12
November 2010.
C. Miniussi
Symposium. TMS-EEG co-registration and cortico-cortical connectivity; Congress of Italian Psychophysiology
Society, Siena, 28-31 October 2009.
Workshop. Physiological basis and clinical application of TMS and correlated methods; Roma, 26-27 October
Symposium. Cognitive psychology and Neurosciences; Congress of the Italian Experimental Psychology
Society, Como, 17-19 September 2007.
Workshop. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Cognitive Neurosciences; Brescia, 21 October 2005.
Workshop. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Cognitive Neurosciences; Brescia, 15 October 2004.
Books Editor:
● Transcranial Brain Stimulation (2013). Edited by Carlo Miniussi, Walter Paulus, Paolo Maria Rossini. Frontiers in
Neuroscience book series. Publisher: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group London. ISBN 9781439875704
● Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation: New Prospects in Cognitive Neurorehabilitation (2011). Edited by Carlo Miniussi
and Giuseppe Vallar. Publisher: Psychology Press Taylor & Francis Group London ISBN 10: 1848727569
ISBN-13: 9781848727564
● Ebook: Manipulative approaches to human brain dynamics (2015). Edited by K. Kitajo, T. Hanakawa, R.J.
Ilmoniemi, C. Miniussi. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience EPUB ISSN 1664-8714 ISBN 978-2-88919-479-7
DOI 10.3389/978-2-88919-479-7
Editorial Board:
2015–present Editorial Board: Scientific Reports
2015–present Editorial Board: Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience
2013–present Editorial Board: Brain Topography
2013–present Editorial Board: Journal of Neurorestoratology
2011 – 2015 Editorial Board: BioMed Research International – Physiology
2011 – 2015 Editorial Board: Neuropsychological Trends
2011 – 2014 Editorial Board: The Scientific World Journal – Neurology
2011 – 2013 Editorial Board: Open Journal of Medical Imaging
Guest Associate Editor:
● European Psychologist; ● Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; ● Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.
Ad hoc reviewer:
● Behavioural Neurology; ● BioMed Research InternaTonal; ● Brain and CogniTon; ● Brain Research
Bulletin; ● Brain STmulaTon; ● Brain Topography; ● Clinical Neurophysiology; ● Cognitive, Affective, and
Behavioral Neuroscience; ● Cognitive Brain Research; ● CogniTve Neuropsychology; ● CogniTve Science; ●
Cerebral Cortex; ● Cortex; ● Current Biology; ● Current DirecTons in Psychological Science; ● eLife; ●
European Journal of Neuroscience; ● European Psychologist; ● Experimental Brain Research; ● Expert
Review of Neurotherapeutics; ● FronTers in Behavioural Neuro; ● FronTers in Cellular Neuroscience; ●
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; ● FronTers in Neuropsychiatric Imaging and STmulaTon; ● FronTers in
Perception Science; ● FronTers in Psychology; ● Giornale Italiano di Psicologia; ● Human Brain Mapping; ●
JAMA Psychiatry; ● Journal of CogniTve Neuroscience; ● Journal of NeuroEngineering and RehabilitaTon; ●
Journal of Neurology; ● Journal of Neurophysiology; ● Journal of Neuroscience; ● Journal of Neuroscience
and Neuroengineering; ● Journal of Neuroscience Research; ● Neurobiology of Aging; ● Neurobiology of
Learning and Memory; ● NeuroImage; ● NeuromodulaTon: Technology at the Neural Interface; ●
Neuropsychologia; ● Neuropsychological Rehabilitation; ● Neuropsychology; ● NeurorehabilitaTon and
Neural Repair; ● Neuroscience; ● Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews; ● Neuroscience LeUers; ● PloS
ONE; ● Perceptual and Motor Skills; ● Psychological Reports; ● Psychological Research; ● Psychophysiology;
● RestoraTve Neurology and Neuroscience; ● Scientific Reports; ● Sleep Medicine; ● The InternaTonal
Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology; ● The InternaTonal Journal of Neuroscience; ● The ScienTfic World
Journal; ● Trends in Neurosciences.
Ad hoc grant and prize reviewer:
● Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) - Groups of
Experts of Evaluation Biological area 05 (GEV) VQR 2011-2014; Referee VQR 2004-2010; ●Associazione
C. Miniussi
Fatebenefratelli per la Ricerca (AfaR) - biomedical research grant; ● Associazione Italiana Psicologia (AIP) prize; ● Alzheimer’s AssociaTon (AA) - International Research Grant Program; ● Alzheimer Nederland, Dutch
Alzheimer’s Society; ● European Research Council ERC (Executive Agency); ● FoundaTon for Alzheimer
Research (SAO-FRA); ● Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS; ● Medical Research Council (MRC) Biomedical Catalyst: DPFS/DCS; ● Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Universita’ e della Ricerca Italiano (MIUR)–
Ministry of Education, Universities and Research revisore “peer”; ● Netherlands Organisation for Scientific
Research - Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vici; ● The French National Research Agency (ANR); ●
Ministero della Salute – Ministry of Health - biomedical research grant; ● Prinses Beatrix Fonds grant; ●
Swiss National Science Foundation; ● The British Academy; ● Vienna Science and Technology Fund Cognitive Sciences grant; ● Wellcome Trust - Main Project Grant; - Principal and Senior Research Fellowship;
- Postdoctoral Fellowship; - Training Fellowship; ● Weston Brain InsTtute - Early Phase Clinical Trials; - Rapid
Response Program.
International member as independent referee:
Professorship ● City College of New York, USA; ● University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; ● College of
Science Central University of Taiwan, Taiwan.
Final assessment for international PhD ● Queen's University Belfast, UK; ● University of Newcastle NSW
Australia; ● SISSA Triest, Italy
Italian PhD entrance and final assessments: University of Padua; University of Verona; University of Milan –
Bicocca; Catholic University; University of Pavia; University of Brescia; University of Trento; University of
Turin; SISSA Triest.
● Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sperimentale (AIP); ● International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
as SfN member; ● Società Italiana di Neurofisiologia Clinica (SINC); ● Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia
(SINP); ● Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia (SIPF); ● Society for Neuroscience (SfN); ● Società Italiana di
Riabilitazione Neurologica (SIRN).
● Elected Honorary Member of the Associazione Italiana di Neuropsicologia (AINp).
Past member: ● Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS); ● European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS); ●
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS); Società Italiana di Fisiologia (SIF).
C.S.Y. Benwell, G. Learmonth, C. Miniussi, M. Harvey, G. Thut (2015). Non-linear effects of
transcranial direct current stimulation as a function of individual baseline performance:
Evidence from biparietal tDCS influence on lateralized attention bias. Cortex, 69:152-65.
C. Miniussi (2015). A foreword on the use of non-invasive brain stimulation in Psychology.
European Psychologist, Accepted 13 May 2015
F. Mattioli, F. Bellomi, C. Stampatori, R. Capra, C. Miniussi (2015). Neuroenhancement
through cognitive training and anodal tDCS in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal,
Accepted 27 April 2015 pii: 1352458515587597
M.C. Pellicciari, C. Ferrari, G. Koch, C. Miniussi, M. Bortoletto (2015). Ongoing cumulative
effects of single TMS pulses on corticospinal excitability: an intra- and inter-block
investigation Clinical Neurophysiology, Accepted 10 March 2015 pii: S1388-2457(15)001662. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2015.03.002.
A. Fertonani, C. Ferrari, C. Miniussi (2015). What do you feel if I apply transcranial electric
stimulation? Safety, sensations and secondary induced effects. Clinical Neurophysiology,
Accepted 6 March 2015 doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2015.03.015
C. Civai, C. Miniussi, R.Rumiati (2015). Medial prefrontal cortex reacts to unfairness if this
damages the self: a tDCS study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10;8:1054-60,
doi: 10.1093/scan/nsu154
C. Miniussi
P. Mauri, C. Miniussi, M. Balconi, D. Brignani (2015). Bursts of transcranial electrical
stimulation increase arousal in a continuous performance test Neuropsychologia, 74:127-36
doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.03.006
K. Kitajo, T. Hanakawa, R.J. Ilmoniemi, C. Miniussi (2015). A contemporary research topic:
Manipulative approaches to human brain dynamics. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,
6;9:118. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00118.
M. Bortoletto, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Rodella, C. Miniussi (2015). The interaction with taskinduced activity is more important than polarization: a tDCS study. Brain Stimulation, 8;2:
269-76. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2014.11.006
10. S. Bonnì, G. Koch, C. Miniussi, M Stampanoni Bassi, C. Caltagirone, G. Gainotti (2015). Role
of the anterior temporal lobes in semantic representations: paradoxical results of a cTBS
11. M. Bortoletto, D. Veniero, G. Thut, C. Miniussi (2015). The Contribution of TMS-EEG
Coregistration in the Exploration of the Human Cortical Connectome. Neuroscience &
Biobehavioral Reviews, 49, 114-124.
12. P.M. Rossini, D. Burke, R. Chen, L.G. Cohen, Z.J. Daskalakis, Di Iorio R, Di Lazzaro V, Ferreri F,
Fitzgerald PB, George MS, Hallett M, Lefaucheur JP, Langguth B, Matsumoto H, C. Miniussi,
Nitsche MA, Pascual-Leone A, Paulus W, Rossi S, Rothwell JC, Siebner HR, Ugawa Y, Walsh
V, Ziemann U (2015). Non-invasive electrical and magnetic stimulation of the brain, spinal
cord, roots and peripheral nerves: basic principles and procedures for routine clinical and
research application. An updated report from an I.F.C.N. Committee. Clinical
Neurophysiology,126;6:1071-107. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2015.02.001.
13. R. Manenti, M. Petesi, M. Brambilla, S. Rosini, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani, C. Miniussi, M.
Cotelli (2015). Efficacy of semantic-phonological treatment combined with tDCS for verb
retrieval in a patient with aphasia. Neurocase, 21, 1, 109-119.
14. T. Cunillera, L. Fuentemilla, D. Brignani, D. Cucurell, C. Miniussi (2014). A simultaneous
modulation of reactive and proactive inhibition processes by anodal tDCS on the right
inferior frontal cortex. PloSONE;9 (11):e113537
15. N. Bolognini, A. Rossetti, M. Fusaro, G. Vallar, C. Miniussi (2014). Sharing social touch in the
primary somatosensory cortex. Current Biology, 24, 13 doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.05.025.
16. A. Fertonani, M Brambilla, M Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2014). The timing of cognitive plasticity in
physiological aging: a tDCS study of naming. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6:131. doi:
17. C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2014). Is neural hyperpolarization by cathodal
stimulation always detrimental at the behavioral level? Frontiers in Behavioral
Neuroscience, 8:226. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00226
18. D. Veniero, M. Bortoletto, C. Miniussi (2014). On the challenge of measuring direct cortical
reactivity by TMS-EEG. Brain Stimulation, doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2014.05.009.
19. M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, M. Petesi, M. Brambilla, M. Cosseddu, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi, A.
Padovani, B. Borroni (2014). Treatment of Primary Progressive Aphasias by Transcranial
Direct Current Stimulation Combined with Language Training. J Alzheimers Dis, 39 4, 799808.
20. M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, M. Brambilla, M. Petesi, O. Zanetti, S. Rosini, C. Ferrari, C. Miniussi
(2014). Anodal tDCS during face-name associations memory training in Alzheimer s
patients. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 19;6:38. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00038
C. Miniussi
21. S. Harty, I. Robertson, C. Miniussi, O. Sheehy, C.A. Devine, S. McCreery, R.G. O'Connnell
(2014). Transcranial direct current stimulation over right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
enhances error awareness in older age. Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 3646-36522013
22. C. Miniussi, J.A. Harris, M. Ruzzoli (2013). Modelling Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation in
Cognitive Neuroscience. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37, 8, 1702–1712.
23. N. Bolognini, C. Miniussi, S. Gallo, G. Vallar (2013). Induction of mirror-touch synaesthesia
by increasing somatosensory cortical excitability. Current Biology, 20; 23, 10, R436-7.
24. M.C. Pellicciari, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2013). Excitability Modulation of the Motor System
Induced by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: A Multimodal Approach. NeuroImage,
83, 569-580.
25. R. Manenti, M. Brambilla, M. Petesi, C. Miniussi, M. Cotelli (2013). Compensatory networks
to counteract the effects of aging on language. Behavioural Brain Research, 5; 249, 22-27.
26. M.C. Pellicciari, S. Cordone, C. Marzano, S. Bignotti, A. Gazzoli, C. Miniussi, L. De Gennaro
(2013). Dorsolateral prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with major
depression locally affects alpha power of REM sleep. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7,
27. A. Ragazzoni, C. Pirulli, D. Veniero, M. Feurra, M. Cincotta, F. Giovannelli, R. Chiaramonti,
M. Lino, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi (2013). Vegetative versus minimally conscious states: a study
using TMS-EEG, sensory and event-related potentials. PloSONE, 8, 2, e57069.
28. D. Brignani, M. Ruzzoli, P. Mauri, C. Miniussi (2013). Is transcranial alternating current
stimulation effective in modulating brain oscillations? PloSONE, 8, 2, e56589.
29. C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2013). The role of timing in the induction of
neuromodulation in perceptual learning by transcranial electric stimulation. Brain
Stimulation, 6, 4, 683–689.
30. G. Thut, C. Miniussi, J. Gross (2012). The Functional Importance of Rhythmic Activity in the
Brain. Current Biology, 21, 22, 16, R658-663.
31. D. Veniero, M. Bortoletto, C. Miniussi (2012). Cortical modulation of short-latency TMSevoked potentials. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6, 532, 1-7
32. M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, M. Brambilla, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2012). Naming ability changes
in physiological and pathological aging. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6, 120, 1-13. Invited
33. A. Rossetti, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi, N. Bolognini (2012). Visual Perception on Bodily
Interaction in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 3,
34. D. Basso, A. Pavan, E. Ricciardi, S. Fagioli, T.E. Vecchi, C. Miniussi, P. Pietrini (2012).
Touching motion: rTMS on the human middle temporal complex interferes with tactile
speed perception. Brain Topography, 25, 389–398
35. M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, A. Alberici, M. Brambilla, M. Cosseddu, O. Zanetti, A. Miozzo, A.
Padovani, C. Miniussi, B. Borroni (2012). Prefrontal cortex rTMS enhances action naming in
Progressive Non-Fluent Aphasia. European Journal of Neurology, doi:10.1111/j.14681331.2012.03699.x.
36. M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2012). Non-pharmacological intervention for
memory decline. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 46, 1-17.
37. R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, I.H. Robertson, C. Miniussi (2012). Transcranial brain stimulation
studies of episodic memory in young adults, elderly adults and individuals with memory
dysfunction: a review. Brain Stimulation, 5, 2, 103-109. Invited
C. Miniussi
38. C. Miniussi, D. Brignani, M.C. Pellicciari (2012) Combining transcranial electrical stimulation
with electroencephalography: a multimodal approach. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 43,
3, 184-191. Invited
39. M. Sandrini, A. Fertonani, L.G. Cohen and C. Miniussi (2012). Double dissociation of
working memory load effects induced by bilateral parietal modulation. Neuropsychologia,
50, 396-402.
40. M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, C. Maioli, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2012). Brain
stimulation improves associative memory in an individual with amnestic mild cognitive
impairment. Neurocase, 18, 3, 217-223.
41. M. Ruzzoli, C. Pirulli, D. Brignani, C. Maioli, C. Miniussi, (2012). Sensory memory during
physiological aging indexed by mismatch negativity (MMN). Neurobiology of Aging, 33, 3,
625.e 21-30.
42. A. Fertonani, C. Pirulli, C. Miniussi (2011). Random noise stimulation improves
neuroplasticity in perceptual learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 43:15416-23.
43. G. Thut, D. Veniero, V. Romei, C. Miniussi, P. Schyns, J. Gross (2011). Rhythmic TMS causes
local entrainment of natural oscillatory signatures. Current Biology, 21, 14: 1176-85.
44. M. Ruzzoli, S. Gori, A. Pavan, C. Pirulli, C.A. Marzi and C. Miniussi (2011). The neural basis of
the Enigma illusion: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Neuropsychologia, 49, 13:
45. C. Miniussi, G. Vallar (2011). Brain Stimulation and behavioural cognitive rehabilitation: a
new tool for neurorehabilitation? A foreword. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 21, 5:
46. D. Veniero, D.Brignani, G. Thut, C. Miniussi (2011). Alpha-generation as signature to
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) targeting the human resting motor cortex: a
TMS/EEG co-registration study. Psychophysiology, 48, 1381–9
47. M. Cotelli, A. Fertonani, A. Miozzo, S. Rosini, R. Manenti, A. Padovani, A.I. Ansaldo, S.F.
Cappa, C. Miniussi (2011). Persistent beneficial effects of anomia training combined with
transcranial magnetic stimulation in chronic aphasia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation,
21, 5: 717-41.
48. C. Cacciari, N. Bolognini, I. Senna, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi, C. Papagno (2011). Literal,
fictive and metaphorical motion sentences preserve the motion component of the verb. A
TMS study. Brain and Language, 119, 3: 149-57.
49. M. Ruzzoli, A. Abrahamyan, C.W.G. Clifford, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi and J.A. Harris (2011).
The effect of TMS on visual motion sensitivity: an increase in neural noise or a decrease in
signal strength? Journal of Neurophysiology, 106, 1: 138-43.
50. C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2011). Transcranial magnetic stimulation in cognitive
rehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 21, 5: 579-601.
51. E. Ricciardi, D. Basso, D. Bonino, L. Sani, T. Vecchi, P. Pietrini, C. Miniussi.(2011). Functional
inhibition of the human middle temporal cortex affects non-visual motion perception: a
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study during tactile speed discrimination.
Experimental Biology and Medicine, 236:138-44.
52. N. Bolognini, A. Rossetti, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi .(2011). Seeing touch in the
somatosensory cortex: a TMS study of the visual perception of touch. Human Brain
Mapping, 32, 12: 2104-14.
53. M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, O. Zanetti, S.F. Cappa, C. Miniussi (2011).
Improved language performance in Alzheimer disease following brain stimulation. Journal
of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 82, 7: 794-7.
C. Miniussi
54. M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi, M. Cotelli (2011). Objective and
subjective memory impairment in elderly adults: a revised version of the Everyday Memory
Questionnaire. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 23, 1, 1-7.
55. M. Calabria, S. Jacquin-Courtois, A. Miozzo, Y. Rossetti, A. Padovani, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi
(2011). Time perception in spatial Neglect: a distorted representation? Neuropsychology,
25, 2, 193–200.
56. F.I.M. Ferreri, P. Pasqualetti, S. Määttä, D. Ponzo, F. Ferrarelli; G. Tononi, E. Mervaala, C.
Miniussi, P.M. Rossini .(2011). Human brain connectivity during single and paired pulse
transcranial magnetic stimulation. NeuroImage, 54, 90–102.
57. R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi.(2011). Successful physiological aging and episodic
memory: a brain stimulation study. Behavioural Brain Research, 216, 153–158.
58. M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, M. Calabria, M. Brambilla, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi.(2010).
Action and object naming in physiological aging: an rTMS study. Frontiers in Aging
Neuroscience, 2, 151, 1-7.
59. D. Veniero, C. Maioli, C. Miniussi (2010). Potentiation of short-latency cortical responses by
high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology,
104, 1578-1588.
60. D. Brignani, M. Bortoletto, C. Miniussi, C.Maioli (2010). The when and where of spatial
storage in memory-guided saccades. NeuroImage, 52, 1611–1620.
61. D. Guzzon, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi, C.A. Marzi (2010). Orienting of attention with eye and
arrow cues and the effect of overtraining. Acta Psychologica, 134, 3, 353-362.
62. M. Ruzzoli, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi (2010). The neural mechanisms of the effects of
transcranial magnetic stimulation on perception. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103, 6, 29822989.
63. R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, C. Maioli, C. Miniussi (2010). The role of the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in retrieval from long-term memory depends on strategies:
an rTMS study. Neuroscience, 166, 2, 501-507.
64. A. Fertonani, S. Rosini, M. Cotelli, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2010). Naming facilitation
induced by transcranial direct current stimulation. Behavioural Brain Research, 208, 311–
65. C. Miniussi, G. Thut (2010). Combining TMS and EEG offers new prospects in cognitive
neuroscience. Review, Brain Topography, 22, 4, 249-256.
66. R. Manenti, M. Tettamanti, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi, S.F. Cappa (2010). The neural bases of
word encoding and retrieval: a fMRI-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Brain
Topography, 22, 4, 318–332.
67. C. Miniussi, M. Ruzzoli, V. Walsh (2010). The mechanism of Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation in cognition. Cortex, 46, 1, 128–130.
68. S. Rossi, M. Hallett, P.M. Rossini, A. Pascual-Leone and the “Safety of TMS Consensus
Group1” (2009). Safety, ethical considerations, and application guidelines for the use of
transcranial magnetic stimulation in clinical practice and research. Guidelines, Clinical
Neurophysiology, 120, 2008–2039. 1 Safety of TMS Consensus Group (in alphabetical order): G. Avanzini (I), S. Bestman (UK) A. Berardelli (I), C.
Brewer (USA), T. Canli (USA), R. Cantello (I), R. Chen (Can), J. Classen (Ger), M. Demitrack (USA), V. Di Lazzaro (I), C.M. Epstein (USA), M.S. George, USA, F. Fregni (USA), R. Ilmoniemi
(Fin), R. Jalinous (USA), B. Karp (USA), J. Lefaucheur (F), S. Lisanby (USA), S. Meunier (France), C. Miniussi (I), P. Miranda (Portugal), F. Padberg (Ger), W. Paulus (Ger), A. Peterchev
(USA), C. Porteri (I), M. Provost (USA), A. Quartarone (I), A. Rotenberg (USA), J. Rothwell UK), J. Ruohonen (Fin), H. Siebner (Den), G. Thut (UK), J. Valls-Solè (Spain), V. Walsh (UK), Y.
Ugawa (Jap), A. Zangen (Israel), U. Ziemann (Ger).
69. N. Bolognini, C. Miniussi, S. Savazzi, E. Bricolo, A. Maravita (2009). TMS modulation of
visual and auditory processing in the posterior parietal cortex. Experimental Brain
Research, 195, 4, 509-517.
C. Miniussi
70. M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi, P.M Rossini, L. De Gennaro (2009). Increased Cortical Plasticity
in Elderly: changes in the somatosensory cortex after Paired Associative Stimulation.
Neuroscience, 163, 1, 266-276.
71. M.C. Pellicciari, D. Veniero, C. Marzano, F. Moroni, C. Pirulli, G. Curcio, M. Ferrara, C.
Miniussi, P.M. Rossini, L. De Gennaro (2009). Heritability of intracortical inhibition and
facilitation. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 28, 8897-8900.
72. D. Veniero, M. Bortoletto, C. Miniussi.(2009). TMS-EEG co-registration: on TMS-induced
artifact. Clinical Neurophysiology, 120, 7, 1392-1399.
73. M. Calabria, M. Cotelli, M. Adenzato, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2009). Empathy and emotion
recognition in semantic dementia: a case report. Brain and Cognition, 70, 3, 247-252.
74. C. Babiloni, G.B. Frisoni, C. Del Percio, O. Zanetti, C. Bonomini, E. Cassetta, P. Pasqualetti, C.
Miniussi, M. De Rosas, A. Valenzano, G. Cibelli, F. Eusebi, P.M. Rossini (2009). Ibuprofen
treatment modifies cortical sources of EEG rhythms in mild Alzheimer's disease. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 120, 4, 709-718.
75. M. Calabria, C. Miniussi, P.S. Bisiacchi, O. Zanetti, M. Cotelli (2009). Face-name repetition
priming in semantic dementia: a case report. Brain and Cognition, 70, 2. 231-237.
76. G. Thut, C. Miniussi (2009). New insights into rhythmic brain activity from TMS-EEG studies.
Review Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13, 4, 182-189.
77. H.R. Siebner, T.O. Bergmann, S. Bestmann, M. Massimini, H. Johansen-Berg, H. Mochizuki,
D.E. Bohning, E.D. Boorman, S. Groppa, C. Miniussi, A. Pascual-Leone, R. Huber, P.C.J.
Taylor, R.J. Ilmoniemi, L. De Gennaro, A. Strafella, S. Kähkönen, S. Klöppel, G.B. Frisoni,
M.S. George, M.Hallett, S.A. Brandt, M.F. Rushworth, U. Ziemann, J.C Rothwell, N. Ward,
L.G. Cohen, J. Baudewig, T. Paus, Y.u Ugawa, P.M. Rossini (2009). Consensus paper:
Combining transcranial stimulation with neuroimaging. Brain Stimulation,2, 2, 58-80.
78. C. Papagno, A. Fogliata, E. Catricalà, C. Miniussi (2009). The lexical processing of abstract
and concrete nouns. Brain Research, 1263, 78–86.
79. D. Brignani, D. Guzzon, C.A. Marzi and C. Miniussi (2009). Attentional orienting induced by
arrows and eye-gaze compared with an endogenous cue. Neuropsychologia, 47, 370–381.
80. C. Babiloni, R. Ferri, G. Binetti, F. Vecchio, G.B. Frisoni, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, F. Nobili, G.
Rodriguez, F. Rundo, A. Cassarino, F. Infarinato, E. Cassetta, S. Salinari, F. Eusebi, P.M.
Rossini (2009). Directionality of EEG synchronization in Alzheimer's disease subjects.
Neurobiology of Aging, 30, 1, 93-102.
81. E. Saturno, C. Bonato, C. Miniussi, V. Di Lazzaro, L. Callea (2008). Motor cortex changes in
spinal cord injury: a TMS study. Neurological Research, 30, 10 1084-5.
82. C. Miniussi, S.F. Cappa, L. Cohen, A. Floel, F. Fregni, M. Nitsche, M. Oliveri, A. PascualLeone, W. Paulus, A. Priori, V. Walsh (2008) Efficacy of rTMS/tDCS in cognitive
neurorehabilitation. Consensus paper. Brain Stimulation,1, 4. 326-336.
83. M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, O. Zanetti and C. Miniussi (2008). Transcranial magnetic
stimulation improves naming in Alzheimer Disease patients at different stages of cognitive
decline. European Journal of Neurology, 15, 1286–1292.
84. A. Alberici, C. Bonato, M. Calabria, C. Agosti, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi, A. Padovani, P.M.
Rossini, B. Borroni (2008). The contribution of TMS to Frontotemporal Dementia Variants.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 118, 4, 275-280.
85. L. Bocchio-Chiavetto, C. Miniussi, R. Zanardini, A. Gazzoli, S. Bignotti, C. Specchia, M.
Gennarelli (2008). 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms and response to rTMS
treatment in drug resistant depression. Neuroscience Letters, 30, 437, 2,130-134.
C. Miniussi
86. C. Babiloni, G.B. Frisoni, M. Pievani, L. Toscano, C. Del Percio, C. Geroldi, F. Eusebi, C.
Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2008). White matter vascular lesions correlate with alpha EEG
sources in mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychologia, 46, 6, 1707-1720.
87. M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2008). Lateralized Contribution of Prefrontal Cortex
in Controlling Task-Irrelevant Information during Verbal and Spatial Working Memory
Tasks: rTMS Evidence. Neuropsychologia, 46, 7, 2056-2063.
88. I.M. Harris, C.T. Benito, M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi (2008). Effects of Right Parietal Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation on Object Identification and Orientation Judgments. Journal of
Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 5, 916-926.
89. J.A. Harris, C.W.G. Clifford and C. Miniussi (2008). The Functional Effect of Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation: Signal Suppression or Neural Noise Generation? Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 20, 4, 734-740.
90. R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2008). The role of prefrontal cortex in
sentence comprehension: a rTMS study. Cortex, 44, 337-344.
91. D. Brignani, P. Manganotti, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2008). Modulation of cortical
oscillatory activity during Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Human Brain Mapping, 29, 5
92. C. Repetto, R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, O. Zanetti, B. Borroni, A. Padovani, C.
Miniussi (2007). Right hemisphere involvement in non fluent Primary Progressive Aphasia.
Behavioural Neurology, 18, 4, 239-243.
93. D.V. Moretti, C. Miniussi, G.B. Frisoni, C. Geroldi, O. Zanetti, G. Binetti, P.M. Rossini (2007).
Hippocampal atrophy and EEG markers in subjects with mild cognitive impairment. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 118, 12, 2716-2729.
94. D.V. Moretti, C. Miniussi, G. Frisoni, O. Zanetti, G. Binetti, C. Geroldi, S. Galluzzi, P.M.
Rossini (2007). Vascular damage and EEG markers in subjects with mild cognitive
impairment. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118, 8, 1866-1876.
95. A. Fogliata, S. Rizzo, F. Reati, C. Miniussi, M. Oliveri, C. Papagno (2007). The time course of
idiom processing. Neuropsychologia, 45, 14, 3215-3222.
96. C. Repetto, R. Manenti, V. Sansone, M. Cotelli, D. Perani, V. Garibotto, O. Zanetti, G. Meola,
C. Miniussi. (2007). Persistent autobiographical amnesia: a case report. Behavioural
Neurology, 18, 1, 13-17.
97. D. Brignani, C. Maioli, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2007). Event-related power
modulations of the EEG preceding visually-guided saccades. Brain Research, 1136, 1, 122131.
98. S. Rossi, M. Ferro, M. Cincotta, M. Ulivelli, S. Bartalini, C. Miniussi, F. Giovannelli, S. Passero
(2007). A real electro-magnetic placebo (REMP) device for sham transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS). Clinical Neurophysiology, 118, 3, 709-716.
99. P.M. Rossini, C. Del Percio, P. Pasqualetti, E. Cassetta, G. Binetti, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, G.
Frisoni, P. Chiovenda, C. Miniussi, L. Parisi, M. Tombini, F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni (2006).
Conversion from MCI to Alzheimer's disease is predicted by sources and coherence of brain
EEG rhythms. Neuroscience, 13, 143, 3, 793-803.
100.M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, C. Geroldi, O. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi
(2006). Transcranial magnetic stimulation improves action naming in Alzheimer’s patients.
Archives of Neurology, 63, 1602-1604.
C. Miniussi
101.C. Bonato, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2006). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Cortical
Evoked Potentials: a TMS/EEG co-registration study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117, 8,
102.S. Rossi, P. Pasqualetti, G. Zito, F. Vecchio, S.F. Cappa, C. Miniussi, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini
(2006). Prefrontal and parietal cortex in episodic memory. An interference study by rTMS.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 793-800.
103.C. Babiloni, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, C. Del Percio, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B.Lanuzza, C.
Miniussi, D. Moretti, F. Nobili, R. Pascual-Marqui, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, S. Salinari, O.
Zanetti, and P.M. Rossini (2006). Donepezil effects on sources of cortical rhythms in mild
Alzheimer's disease: Responders vs. Non-Responders. NeuroImage, 15, 31, 4, 1650-1665.
104.C. Babiloni, G.B. Frisoni, M. Steriade, L. Bresciani, G. Binetti, C. Del Percio, C. Geroldi, C.
Miniussi, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, F. Zappasodi, T. Carfagna and P.M Rossini (2006). Frontal
white matter volume and delta EEG sources negatively correlate in awake subjects with
mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117, 5, 11131129.
105.C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, C. Del Percio, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, G. Frisoni,
K. Hirata, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, S.
Salinari, and P.M. Rossini (2006). Sources of cortical rhythms changes as a function of
cognitive impairment in pathological aging: a multi-centric study. Clinical Neurophysiology,
117, 2, 252-268.
106.C. Babiloni, R. Ferri, G. Binetti, A. Cassarino, G. Dal Forno, M. Ercolani, F. Ferreri, G. Frisoni,
B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, F. Rundo, C.J. Stam, T. Musha, F. Vecchio,
P.M. Rossini (2006). Fronto-parietal coupling of brain rhythms in mild cognitive
impairment. A multicentric EEG study. Brain Research Bulletin, 69, 1, 63-67.
107.C. Babiloni, F. Vecchio, S.F. Cappa, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2006).
Functional frontoparietal connectivity during encoding and retrieval processes follows
HERA model. A high-resolution EEG study. Brain Research Bulletin, 68, 4, 203-212.
108.C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, A. Cassarino, G. Dal Forno, C. Del Percio F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, G. Frisoni,
S. Galderisi, K. Hirata, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, A. Mucci, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani
and P.M. Rossini (2006). Sources of cortical rhythms in adult during physiological aging: a
multi-centric EEG study. Human Brain Mapping, 27, 2, 162-172.
109.C. Babiloni, L. Benussi, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, C. Del Percio, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri,
G. Frisoni, R. Ghidoni, C. Miniussi, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, R. Squitti, M.C. Ventriglia,
P.M. Rossini (2006). Apolipoprotein E and alpha brain rhythms in mild cognitive
impairment: A multicentric Electroencephalogram study. Annals of Neurology, 59, 2, 323134.
110.C. Miniussi, C.A. Marzi and A.C. Nobre (2005). Modulation of Brain Activity by Selective
Task Sets Observed using Event-Related Potentials. Neuropsychologia, 43, 10, 1514-1528.
111.C. Miniussi, C. Bonato, S. Bignotti, A. Gazzoli, M. Gennarelli, P. Pasqualetti, G.B. Tura, M.
Ventriglia and P.M. Rossini (2005). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) at
high and low frequency: an efficacious therapy for major drug-resistant depression?
Clinical Neurophysiology, 116, 5, 1062-1071.
112.M. Turatto, M. Sandrini and C. Miniussi (2004). The role of the right dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex in visual change awareness. Neuroreport, 15, 16, 2549-2552.
113.M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2004). The differential involvement of inferior
parietal lobule in number comparison: a rTMS study. Neuropsychologia, 42, 14, 1902-1909.
C. Miniussi
114.S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P. Pasqualetti, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini and S.F. Cappa (2004). Agerelated functional changes of prefrontal cortex in long-term memory. A repetitive
transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) study. Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 36, 79397944.
115.C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Vecchio, S. Salinari, G. Frisoni and P.M. Rossini
(2004). Cortical networks generating movement-related EEG rhythms in Alzheimer disease:
an EEG coherence study. Behavioral Neuroscience 118, 4, 698-706.
116.C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, S.F. Cappa, F. Cincotti, C. Del Percio, C. Miniussi, D.V.
Moretti, S. Rossi, K. Sosta and P.M. Rossini (2004). Human cortical rhythms during delayed
choice reaction time tasks. A high resolution EEG study on normal aging. Behavioural Brain
Research, 12, 153, 1, 261-271.
117.C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, F. Vecchio, B. Cola, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi and
P.M. Rossini (2004). Functional frontoparietal connectivity during short-term memory as
revealed by high-resolution EEG coherence analysis. Behavioural Neuroscience, 118, 4,
118.C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, D. Cerboneschi, G. Dal Forno, C. Del Percio F. Ferreri, R.
Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, G. Rodriguez,
G.L. Romani, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, O. Zanetti, F. Zappasodi and P.M. Rossini
(2004). Mapping distributed sources of cortical rhythms in mild Alzheimer’s disease. A
Multi-Centric EEG Study. NeuroImage, 22, 1, 57-67.
119.C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, S.F. Cappa, F. Cincotti, C. Del Percio, C. Miniussi, D.V.
Moretti P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, K. Sosta and P.M. Rossini (2004). Human cortical EEG
rhythms during long-term episodic memory task. A high resolution EEG study of the HERA
model. NeuroImage 21, 4, 1576-1584.
120.C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, F. Babiloni , F. Carducci, F.Cincotti, C.Del Percio, C. Fracassi, G.
Sirello, A.C. Nobre and P.M. Rossini (2004). Temporal attention as revealed by alpha
rhythms. A high resolution EEG study. Brain Research: Cognitive Brain Research 19, 3, 259268.
121.F. Cincotti, C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, F. Carducci, D. Moretti, S. Salinari, R. Pascual-Marqui,
P.M. Rossini and F. Babiloni (2004). EEG deblurring techniques in a clinical context.
Methods of Information in Medicine, 43, 1, 114-117.
122.D.V. Moretti, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza,
C. Miniussi, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, S. Salinari, P.M. Rossini (2004). Individual analysis of
EEG frequency and band Power in mild Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115,
2, 299-308.
123.C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, S.F. Cappa, F. Cincotti, C. Del Percio, C. Miniussi, D.V.
Moretti, S. Rossi, K. Sosta and P.M. Rossini (2004). Human cortical responses during one-bit
short term memory. A high-resolution EEG study on delayed choice reaction time tasks.
Clinical Neurophysiology, 115, 1, 161-170.
124.C. Miniussi, S.F. Cappa, M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini and S. Rossi (2003). The causal role of the
prefrontal cortex in episodic memory as demonstrated with rTMS. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 56, 32, 312-320.
125.M. Sandrini, S.F. Cappa, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2003). The role of prefrontal
cortex in verbal episodic memory: rTMS evidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15, 6,
126.I.M. Harris and C. Miniussi (2003). Parietal lobe contribution to mental rotation
demonstrated with rTMS. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15, 3, 315-323.
C. Miniussi
127.S.F. Cappa, M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini, K. Sosta and C. Miniussi (2003). Correspondence to
the Editor: The role of the left frontal lobe in action naming: rTMS evidence. Neurology, 60,
6, 1052.
128.C. Miniussi, A. Rao and A.C. Nobre (2002). Watching where you look: modulation of visual
processing of foveal stimuli by spatial attention. Neuropsychologia, 40, 13, 2448-2460.
129.I.C. Griffin, C. Miniussi and A.C. Nobre (2002). Multiple mechanisms of selective attention:
differential modulation of stimulus processing by attention to space or time.
Neuropsychologia, 40, 13, 2325-2340.
130.J.A. Harris, C. Miniussi, I.M. Harris and M.E. Diamond (2002). Transient Storage of a Tactile
Memory Trace in Primary Somatosensory Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 22, 19, 87208725.
131.S.F. Cappa, M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini, K. Sosta and C. Miniussi (2002). The role of the left
frontal lobe in action naming: rTMS evidence. Neurology, 59, 5, 720-723.
132.V. Florio, S. Fossella, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi and C.A. Marzi (2002). Interhemispheric
transfer and laterality effects in simple visual reaction time in schizophrenics. Cognitive
Neuropsychiatry, 7, 2, 97-111.
133.C.A. Marzi, M. Girelli, E. Natale and C. Miniussi (2001). What exactly is extinguished in
unilateral visual extinction? Neurophysiological evidence. Neuropsychologia, 39, 12, 13541366.
134.I.C. Griffin, C. Miniussi and A.C. Nobre (2001). Orienting Attention in Time. Frontiers in
Bioscience, 6, 660-671.
135.S. Rossi, S.F. Cappa, C. Babiloni, P. Pasqualetti, C. Miniussi, F. Carducci, F. Babiloni and P.M.
Rossini (2001). Prefrontal cortex in long-term memory: an “interference” approach using
magnetic stimulation. Nature Neuroscience, 4, 9, 948-952.
136.C.A. Marzi, M. Girelli, C. Miniussi, N. Smania, A. Maravita (2000). Electrophysiological
correlates of conscious vision: evidence from unilateral extinction. Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 12, 5, 869-877.
137.A.C. Nobre, G.N. Sebestyen and C. Miniussi (2000). The dynamics of shifting visuospatial
attention revealed by event-related potentials. Neuropsychologia, 38, 964-974.
138.C. Miniussi, E.L. Wilding, J.T. Coull and A.C. Nobre (1999). Orienting attention in time:
modulation of brain potentials. Brain, 122, 8, 1507-1518.
139.C.A. Marzi, D. Perani, G. Tassinari, A. Colleluori, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi, E. Paulesu, P.
Scifo, F. Fazio (1999). Pathways of interhemispheric transfer in normal and split-brain
subject. A positron emission tomography study. Experimental Brain Research, 126, 4, 451458.
140.C. Miniussi, M. Girelli and C.A. Marzi (1998). Neural site of the redundant target effect:
electrophysiological evidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 2, 216-230.
141.C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi, A. Maravita, L. Bertolasi, G. Zanette, J.C. Rothwell, J.N. Sanes
(1998). Transcranial magnetic stimulation selectively impairs interhemispheric transfer of
visuo-motor information in humans. Experimental Brain Research, 118, 3, 435-438.
C. Miniussi
142.P. Manganotti, C. Miniussi, E. Santorum, M. Tinazzi, C. Bonato, C.A. Marzi, A. Fiaschi, B.
Dalla Bernardina and G. Zanette (1998). Influence of somatosensory input on paroxysmal
activity in benign rolandic epilepsy with ‘extreme somatosensory evoked potentials’. Brain,
121, 4, 647-658.
143.P. Manganotti, C. Miniussi, E. Santorum, M. Tinazzi, C. Bonato, A. Polo, C.A. Marzi, A.
Fiaschi, B. Dalla Bernardina, G. Zanette (1998). Scalp topography and source analysis of
interictal spontaneous spikes and evoked spikes by digital stimulation in benign rolandic
epilepsy. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 107, 18-26.
144.P. Manganotti, G. Zanette, G. Beltramello, G. Puppini, C. Miniussi, A. Maravita, E.
Santorum, C.A. Marzi, A. Fiaschi, B. Dalla Bernardina (1998). Spike topography and
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in benign rolandic epilepsy with spikes
evoked by tapping stimulation. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 107,
145.M. Tinazzi, G. Zanette, D. Volpato, R. Testoni, C. Bonato, P. Manganotti, C. Miniussi and A.
Fiaschi (1998). Neurophysiological evidence of neuroplasticity at multiple levels of the
somatosensory system in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Brain, 121, 9, 1785-1794.
146.A.E. Ipata, M. Girelli, C. Miniussi, C.A. Marzi (1997). Interhemispheric transfer of visual
information in humans: the role of different callosal channels. Archives Italiennes de
Biologie, 135, 169-182.
Manipulative approaches to human brain dynamics. (2015). Edited by Keiichi Kitajo, Takashi Hanakawa,
Risto J. Ilmoniemi, Carlo Miniussi. Frontiers,
Transcranial Brain Stimulation (2012). Edited by Carlo Miniussi, Walter Paulus, Paolo Maria Rossini.
Frontiers in Neuroscience book series. Publisher: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group London. ISBN 10:
1439875707 ISBN 9781439875704
Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation: New Prospects in Cognitive Neurorehabilitation (2011). Edited by Carlo
Miniussi and Giuseppe Vallar. Publisher: Psychology Press Taylor & Francis Group London ISBN-10:
1848727569 ISBN-13: 978-1848727564
C. Miniussi (2015). Stimolazione cerebrale non-invasiva: Principi tecnici di base e meccanismi d’azione.
In "Stimolare il Cervello" a cura di Nadia Bolognini e Giuseppe Vallar. Il Mulino, Bologna. Only Italian
C. Miniussi, M Ruzzoli (2013). Transcranial stimulation and cognition. In: Brain stimulation. Handbook
of Clinical Neurology. Vol. 116 (3rd series) Edited by Andres M Lozano and Mark Hallett. Elsevier,
chapter 56. 116C:739-750.
C. Miniussi, M. Bortoletto, G. Thut, D Veniero (2012). Assessing cortical connectivity using TMS – EEG.
In: Cortical Connectivity: Brain Stimulation for Assessing and Modulating Cortical Connectivity and
Function. Section I: Methods to assess and modulate cortical connectivity and functions. Robert Chen
and John Rothwell (eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg chapter 5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-327674_5, 93-110.
C. Miniussi, G.G. Ambrus, M. C. Pellicciari, V. Walsh, A. Antal (2013). Transcranial magnetic and electric
stimulation in perception and cognition research. In Transcranial Brain Stimulation. Edited by Carlo
Miniussi, Walter Paulus, Paolo M Rossini. Frontiers in Neurosciences series, CRC Press Taylor & Francis
Group. chapter 13, 337-357.
C. Miniussi
M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi, O. Zanetti (2012). Riabilitazione cognitiva nella malattia di Alzheimer. In
Riabilitazione Neuropsicologica A Mazzuchi (ed.). Elsevier, chapter 18, 343-364. ISBN: 978-88-214-27985
C. Miniussi, M. Cotelli, R. Manenti (2010). Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the study of language
and communication. In: Neuropsychology of communication. Michela Balconi (ed.). Springer-Verlag,
chapter 3, 47-60.
C. Miniussi, M. Cotelli, S.F. Cappa (2009). May rTMS represent a novel treatment approach for cognitive
deficits? In: The repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the treatment and rehabilitation
of central nervous diseases. Judit Málly (ed.). Eurobridge Co. Publishers, chapter 12, 161-172.
C. Repetto, R. Manenti, S. Cappa, C. Miniussi, G. Riva.(2009). Semantic and gender priming in
frontotemporal dementia. Cyberpsychology & Behavior Volume: 12 Issue: 5 Pages: 648-650 Annual
Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine - Advanced Technologies in the Behavioral, Social and
Neurosciences. Edited by Brenda K. Wiederhold, Giuseppe Riva Studies in Health Technology and
Informatics,144, 237-239.
S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini, C. Babiloni and S.F. Cappa (2004). Transcranial Magnetic stimulation
of the prefrontal cortex: a complementary approach to investigate long-term memory. In: Prefrontal
Cortex: from Synaptic Plasticity to Cognition. Satoru Otani (ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Massachusetts, chapter 12, 269-288.
10. C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, D. Cerboneschi, G. Dal Forno, C. Del Percio F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B.
Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, S. Salinari,
F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, O. Zanetti, F. Zappasodi and P.M. Rossini (2004). Mapping distributed sources of
cortical alpha rhythms in mild Alzheimer’s disease. A Multi-Centric EEG Study. International Congress
Series 1, 1, 71-76.
11. C. Miniussi, A. Maravita and C.A. Marzi (2003). Interhemispheric transfer of visual information as a
function of retinal eccentricity: Evidence from Evoked Potentials. In: The Parallel Brain, The Cognitive
Neuroscience of the Corpus Callosum. E. Zaidel, M. Iacoboni (eds.). MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 220-223.
12. C.A. Marzi, M. Bongiovanni, C. Miniussi, N. Smania (2003). Effects of partial callosal and unilateral
cortical lesions on interhemispheric transfer. In: The Parallel Brain, The Cognitive Neuroscience of the
Corpus Callosum. E. Zaidel, M. Iacoboni (eds.). MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 287-295.
13. F. Babiloni, A. Basilisco, C. Babiloni, F. Carducci, P. M. Rossini, S. Salinari, C. Miniussi, and F. Cincotti
(2003). Estimation Of Cortical Sources Related To Short Term Memory In Humans With High Resolution
EEG Recordings And Statistical Probability Mapping M. Akay and B. He (eds.). Neural Engineering, Wiley
and sons, New York.
14. C.A. Marzi, A. Fanini, M. Girelli, A.E. Ipata, C. Miniussi, M. Prior, N. Smania (1997). Is extinction
following parietal damage an interhemispheric disconnection phenomenon? In: Parietal Lobe
Contributions to Orientation in 3D Space. P. Thier and H.-O. Karnath (eds.). Experimental Brain Research
series; Spriger-Verlag, Heidelberg, 431-445.
15. C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi, A.E. Ipata, M. Girelli (1996). Contributo dei potenziali evocati allo studio
dell`attenzione visiva spaziale. In: “I disturbi dell’attenzione”. B. Rossi, M. Vista, L. Provinciali (eds.).
S.Biagioni, F. Denoth e Area di Ricerca CNR, Pisa, 55-73.
TMS-EEG and connectivity. The brain and gliomas: when the connections are crucial. International meeting. Brescia 24-26 September.
The topology of brain networks; Non invasive brain stimulation and EEG Department of Health Sciences and Technology ETH Zurich,
Switzerland, 11 June.
New prospects of TMS-EEG in the exploration of the human connectome 9th Magstim Neuroscience Conference 2015, Oxford UK, 9-10
C. Miniussi
Perspectives of transcranial direct current stimulation and related techniques in the study and treatment of cognitive disorders 15th
international Science of Aphasia conference Aphasiology: past, present and future Venice Italy, 19-24 September.
Transcranial electric stimulation tES. Seminar, Department of Psychology, Åbo Akademi University, Turku Finland, 13 September.
TMS-EEG Coregistration in the Exploration of the Human Connectome. Lecturer Science Factory " Probing Brain Dynamics", Aalto
University Espoo, Helsinki; Finland 8–12 September.
Non-invasive brain stimulation in cognitive neuroscience: A “noisy explanation”. Invited talk symposium: TMS and tDCS as a tool in
cognitive neuroscience: How does transcranial stimulation influence behavior?. International Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (ICON)
Brisbane, Australia, July 27-31.
The Contribution of TMS-EEG Coregistration in the Exploration of the Human Connectome. Oral Presentation. International Cognitive
Neuroscience Conference (ICON) Brisbane, Australia, July 27-31
Non invasive brain stimulation effects on behavioral protocols facilitation vs. inhibition. Invited tolk satellite symposium:
Multidisciplinary and Translational Advances in Cognitive Control University of Newcastle, Australia, 21-22 July
The role of TMS-EEG in assessment of minimally conscious states. The 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN) of
the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) Berlin, Germany, 20-22 March.
Language rehabilitation and non-invasive brain stimulation. The 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN) of the
International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) Berlin, Germany, March 20-22.
Is neural inhibition by non-invasive brain stimulation always detrimental at behavioural level? European Workshop in Cognitive
Neuropsychology. Brixen, Italy, 28-31 January.
How non-invasive brain stimulation can be framed in cognitive neuroscience. Faculty lecturer on neurostimulation FENS-IBRO training
center, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9–12 September.
Transcranial direct current stimulation. Faculty lecturer. SISSA International Summer School in Social Cognitive Neuroscience (SCoNe)
2013 Triest 14-19 July.
Combining tDCS and TMS with EEG offers new prospects in neuroscience: basic protocols of a multimodal approach. Lecturer Science
Factory "Coupling to the dynamics of the human brain with TMS-EEG" Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational
Science, Aalto University Espoo, Finland 3–8 June.
rTMS applications on Alzheimer’s disease Biomedical Engineering Research Seminar Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 18 April.
Basic aspects of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Riverview Health Centre, Manitoba, Canada 19 April.
Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation In Cognitive Neuroscience. 5th International Conference on Non-invasive Brain Stimulation, Leipzig,
Germany 19–21 March.
Non-invasive brain stimulation in cognitive neurorehabilitation Seminar National Institute of Neuroscience The National Center of
Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan 28 February.
How non-invasive brain stimulation can be framed in cognitive neuroscience Seminar Rhythm-based brain information processing unit
RIKEN BSI - Toyota collaboration center RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako, Saitama Japan 27 February.
Combining electroencephalography and non-invasive brain stimulation offers new prospects in neuroscience Seminar RIKEN Brain
Science Institute Tokyo Japan 25 February.
Neuromodulation in the study of cognitive functions. Lecture Winter School IDEALAB International Doctorate for Experimental
Approaches to Language And Brain Rovereto, Italy 31 Jannuary.
Combining electroencephalography and non-invasive brain stimulation offers new prospects in neuroscience. Seminar. Queensland
Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, September 7.
Neuromodulation by transcranial electrical stimulation and perceptual learning. 4th Brain Plasticity Symposium, Brisbane, September 35.
Combining non-invasive brain stimulation and electroencephalography in neuroplasticity studies. Seminar. Institute of Neuroscience and
Medicine Cognitive Neuroscience, Research Center Jülich GmbH, June 29.
Combining non-invasive brain stimulation and electroencephalography. Seminar. School of Psychology Trinity College Institute of
Neuroscience, Dublin March 5.
Combining TMS and EEG offers new prospects in neuroscience. NWG Practical Course Transcranial Magnetic and Electrical Stimulation
(TMS/tDCS/tACS/tRNS). Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, February 21-23.
Stimulating the Brain for Research and Therapy. Plenary Lecture. Italy-Israel Dialogue on Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
Interdisciplinary Center IDC Herzliya - Embassy of Italy Tel Aviv, November 7.
Induced Synaptic Plasticity and Cognitive Plasticity in the Healthy and Pathological Adult Brain. Italy-Israel Dialogue on Cognitive and
Affective Neuroscience IDC Herzliya November 7.
Non invasive brain stimulation in cognitive neurorehabilitation. ENRC 1st European NeuroRehabilitation Congress. Meran, October 2022.
C. Miniussi
Novel assessment methods: Brain stimulation-EEG studies. III international Symposium in Neuromodulation. Sao Paulo, October 17-19.
The mechanism of transcranial magnetic stimulation in cognition. III international Symposium in Neuromodulation. Sao Paulo, October
Combining EEG and transcranial stimulation in neuroplasticity studies. Symposium: Unconventional use of EEG, BCI and TMS-EEG
coregistration. SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference FENS meeting. Lubjana, September 22-25.
Combining EEG and transcranial stimulation. 4th International Conference on TMS and tDCS. 14th European Congress of Clinical
Neurophysiology. Rome, July 14.
Combining EEG and non invasive brain stimulation offers new prospects in neuroscience. Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL. Institute of
Movement Neuroscience & Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders (UCL) seminar series. London, February
Non invasive brain stimulation offers new prospects in language recovery. Neuroimaging of cognitive functions in language recovery
session. 29th European Workshop in Cognitive Neuropsychology. Brixen, January 23-28.
Neuroplasticity: monitoring through EEG approaches. International Workshop on Synaptic Plasticity from Bench to Bed Side. Taormina,
April 28 – May 1.
Neural noise and TMS-induced effects in cognitive studies. TMS Summer School Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience ICN, London, May 2930.
Biological effects of TMS, animal models. Safety of TMS Consensus Group Meeting to establish the Safety, ethical considerations, and
application guidelines for the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation in clinical practice and research. Guidelines, Published in Clinical
Neurophysiology, 2009: 120, 2008–2039.
C. Bagattini, L. Panizza, C. Miniussi, C. Bonomini, V. Mazza, D. Brignani (2015). Multiple object processing in Alzheimer’s disease: behavioural and electrophysiological
evidence. 23t Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Lucca, November19-21.
C. Miniussi (2015). TMS-EEG and connectivity. The brain and gliomas: when the connections are crucial. International meeting. Brescia September 24-26.
C. Miniussi (2015). Connettività cerebrale in stati di alterazione della coscienza- Cerebral connectivity in altered states of consciousness. Fenomenologia e neurologia della
coscienza - Phenomenology and Neurology of Consciousness, Incontro dedicato a Giovanni Berlucchi - A meeting dedicated to Giovanni Berlucchi; Verona September 22.
M. Mancini, M.Concetta Pellicciari, D. Brignani, P. Mauri, C. De Marchis, C. Miniussi, S. Conforto (2015). Automatic artifact suppression in simultaneous tDCS-EEG using
adaptive filtering. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS); Milan August 25-29.
C. Miniussi (2015). Stimolazione elettrica transcranica (tES): Principi di base e meccanismi d’azione. Summer School Integrazione di metodi e tecniche per la ricerca, la
clinica e la riabilitazione in psicofisiologia e neuroscienze, Milan June 22-26.
C. Miniussi (2015).Stimolazione magnetica transcranica principi di base e meccanismi d’azione. Summer School Integrazione di metodi e tecniche per la ricerca, la clinica e
la riabilitazione in psicofisiologia e neuroscienze, Milan June 22-26.
C. Miniussi (2015). The topology of brain networks; Non invasive brain stimulation and EEG Department of Health Sciences and Technology ETH Zurich, Switzerland,
C. Miniussi (2015). New prospects of TMS-EEG in the exploration of the human connectome 9th Magstim Neuroscience Conference 2015, Oxford UK May 9-10.
C. Miniussi (2015). Trattamenti non farmacologici: stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva e neuroriabilitazi. Congress Alzhemer nuovi sviluppi diagnostici e terapeutici.
Bergamo, May 4.
C. Bagattini, L. Panizza, V. Mazza, C. Miniussi, D. Brignani (2015). Neural and cognitive dynamics of multiple-object processing in Alzheimer’s disease. SINdem Brixen,
January 21-23.
Fertonani A. Ferrari C. C. Miniussi (2014). A report of transcranial electrical stimulation induced sensations. 22 Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Florence,
November 27-29.
Mauri P., C. Miniussi, Balconi M. Brignani D. (2014). Bursts of high frequency random noise stimulation (tRNS) increase arousal in a discriminative reaction time task. 22nd
Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Florence, November 27-29.
Pirulli C. Ruzzoli M. Brignani D. C. Miniussi (2014). Sensory memory in physiological and pathological aging indexed by the mismatch negativity. 22
Society of Psychophysiology, Florence, November 27-29.
C. Rodella, C. Miniussi Miranda P.C. Bortoletto M. (2014). Reduced current spread by concentric round electrodes in transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). 22nd
Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Florence, November 27-29.
C. Miniussi (2014). TMS-EEG Applicazioni Cliniche e di Ricerca: prospettive. Worshop Nuove tecniche in psicofisiologia NIRS TMS-EEG organized by Italian Society of
Psychophysiology, Florence, November 26.
C. Miniussi (2014). Perspectives of transcranial direct current stimulation and related techniques in the study and treatment of cognitive disorders 15th international
Science of Aphasia conference Aphasiology: past, present and future Venice September 19-24
C. Miniussi (2014). Neuromodulazione: basi neurobiologiche e prospettive cliniche,Giornata mondiale dell’Alzheimer Brescia, September 19.
C. Miniussi (2014). Transcranial electric stimulation tES. Seminar, Dept Psychology and Logopedics, University of Turku Finland September 13.
C. Miniussi M Bortoletto (2014). TMS-EEG Coregistration in the Exploration of the Human Connectome. Lecturer Science Factory " Probing Brain Dynamics", Aalto
University Espoo, Finland 8–12 September.
C. Miniussi (2014). Non-invasive brain stimulation in cognitive neuroscience: A “noisy explanation”. Invited tolk symposium: TMS and tDCS as a tool in cognitive
neuroscience: How does transcranial stimulation influence behavior?. International Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (ICON) Brisbane, Australia, July 27-31.
C. Miniussi M Bortoletto (2014). The Contribution of TMS-EEG Coregistration in the Exploration of the Human Connectome. Oral Presentation. International Cognitive
Neuroscience Conference (ICON) Brisbane, Australia, July 27-31
C. Miniussi (2014). Non invasive brain stimulation effects on behavioral protocols facilitation vs. inhibition. Invited tolk satellite symposium: Multidisciplinary and
Translational Advances in Cognitive Control University of Newcastle, Australia, 21-22 July
C. Miniussi
Congress of Italian
Y. Mizuno, M. Kawasaki, M. Shimono, C. Miniussi, K. Ueno, C. Suzuki, T. Asamizuya, K. Cheng, K Kitajo (2014). Frequency-specific interhemispheric connectivity and
perceptual bias in apparent motion perception. Organization of Human Brain Mapping meeting (HBM), Berlin June.
C. Miniussi (2014). La stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva nel trattamento dei deficit cognitivi. Presentazione su invito convegno Stimolazione e Training Cognitivi nelle
Malattie Neurologiche, Brescia, May 15.
M. Bortoletto, M. Capogrosso, C. Miniussi, R. Perini (2014). Acute effects of moderate dynamic exercise on brain plasticity. The 30th International Congress of Clinical
Neurophysiology (ICCN) of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) Berlin March 19-23.
C. Miniussi, (2014 The role of TMS-EEG in assessment of minimally conscious states Invited talk The 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN) of the
International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) Berlin March 19-23.
C. Miniussi, A. Fertonani, R. Manenti, M. Cotelli (2014). Language rehabilitation and non-invasive brain stimulation. Invited talk The 30th International Congress of Clinical
Neurophysiology (ICCN) of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) Berlin March 19-23.
A. Fertonani, C. Pirulli, C. Miniussi (2013). Facilitatory effects in a perceptual learning task through an “inhibitory” stimulation. The 30th International Congress of Clinical
Neurophysiology (ICCN) of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) Berlin March 19-23.
C. Miniussi (2014). Traslazionalità: dalla ricerca di base alle sue applicazioni. Lecuture Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Scuola di dottorato in Psicologia, Milan, March
C. Miniussi (2014). Il sonno: Teoria e istruzioni per l’uso. Invited seminar Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Scuola di dottorato in Psicologia, Milan, March 7.
C. Miniussi (2014). La stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva (TMS e tDCS) nella neuroriabilitazione delle funzioni cognitive Invited talk. Convegnno Nazionale dell’AINp
(Associazione Italiana di Neuropsicologia) Torino, March 1.
C. Miniussi (2014). La stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva tra ricerca e terapia. Invited seminar Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facoltà di Psicologia, Milan, February
C. Miniussi (2014). Is neural inhibition by non-invasive brain stimulation always detrimental at behavioural level? Invited talk European Workshop in Cognitive
Neuropsychology. Brixen, January 22-24.
C. Miniussi (2014). TMS-evoked EEG/cortical potentials in normal and unsuccessful aging. Invited talk SINdem Brixen, January 22-24.
C. Miniussi (2013). Stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva nella Riabilitazione Cognitiva della Malattia di Alzheimer VII congresso SIRAS società Italiana Riabilitazione Alta
Specializzazione - Ricerca, innovazione e nuove tecnologie in riabilitazione Roma, November1 4-16.
C. Miniussi (2013). La stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva nella malattia di Alzheimer. Incontro. Alzhemer e territorio dai sintomi premonitori alla presa in carico. Verona
November 9.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2013). Facilitation effects of cathodal stimulation in a perceptual learning task: behind a simplistic approach of tES. XXI Conference of
the Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Lecce, October 24-26.
R. Perini, M. Capogrosso, M. Bortoletto, C. Miniussi (2013). Acute effects of moderate dynamic exercise on brain plasticity. XXI Conference of the Italian Society of
Psychophysiology, Lecce, October 24-26.
P. Mauri, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2013). Arousing auditory stimulus improves performance in a discriminative reaction time task. . XXI Conference of the Italian Society of
Psychophysiology, Lecce, October 24-26.
M. Bortoletto, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi (2013). Counter-effects of high-intensity long-lasting tDCS on motor learning. XXI Conference of the Italian Society of
Psychophysiology, Lecce, October 24-26.
D. Brignani, T. Cunillera, L. Fuentemilla, D. Cucurell, C. Miniussi (2013). Improvement of reactive inhibition and proactive control by means of transcranial direct current
stimulation. XXI Conference of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Lecce, October 24-26.
D. Brignani, T. Cunillera, L. Fuentemilla, D. Cucurell, C. Miniussi (2013). Improvement of reactive and proactive inhibition by means of transcranial direct current
stimulation. Workshop on “Non-invasive Electrical Brain Stimulation (tDCS,tACS, tRNS). Basic and Applied Research”, Brescia, September 30.
A. Fertonani M. Brambilla, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2013). Anodal tDCS improves language functions in young and elderly. Workshop on “Non-invasive Electrical Brain
Stimulation (tDCS,tACS, tRNS). Basic and Applied Research”, Brescia, September 30.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2013). Facilitation effects of cathodal stimulation in a perceptual learning task: behind a simplistic approach of tES. Workshop on “Noninvasive Electrical Brain Stimulation (tDCS,tACS, tRNS). Basic and Applied Research”, Brescia, September30.
C. Miniussi (2013). Combining electroencephalography and non-invasive brain stimulation offers new prospects in neuroscience. Invited talk. Società Italiana di Fisiologia.
Ancona, September 18-20.
C. Ferrari, M. Bortoletto, C. Miniussi, M.C. Pellicciari (2013). Can a tool used to measure a neurophysiological response also induce a modulation effect? SISMEC, Società
Italiana di Statistica Medica ed Epidemiologia Clinica La Sapienza - Università di Roma, Rome September 25-28.
C. Miniussi, Justin Harris, Manuela Ruzzoli (2013) Modelling non-invasive brain stimulation in cognitive neuro science. Simposio: Comportamento, cervello e stimolazioni
transcraniche. XIX Congresso AIP Di Psicologia Sperimentale Roma, September 16-18.
M. Bortoletto, M. C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi (2013) State-dependency of tDCS effects on motor learning. XIX Congresso AIP Di Psicologia Sperimentale Roma, September 1618.
D. Brignani, M. Ruzzoli, P. Mauri, C. Miniussi (2013) La stimolazione elettrica transcranica nello studio della relazione tra funzioni cognitive e attività oscillatoria cerebrale.
XIX Congresso AIP Di Psicologia Sperimentale Roma, September 16-18.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2013) La stimolazione catodica facilita l’apprendimento percettivo: al di là di un approccio semplicistico nell’utilizzo della tES. XIX
Congresso AIP Di Psicologia Sperimentale Roma, September 16-18.
Yuji Mizuno, Masahiro Kawasaki, Masanori Shimono, C. Miniussi, Kenichi Ueno, Chisato Suzuki, Takeshi Asamizuya, Kang Cheng, Keiichi Kitajo (2013) Individual differences
in interhemispheric neural synchrony in apparent motion perception Noyori Summer School Kobe, Hyogo, Japan September 6-7.
N. Bolognini, C. Miniussi, S. Gallo, G. Vallar (2013). The feeling of vision: Induction of mirror-touch synaesthesia by increasing of somatosensory cortical excitability. The
14th International Multisensory Research Forum, Jerusalem, June 3-6.
C. Miniussi, J.A. Harris, M. Ruzzoli (2013). Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation In Cognitive Neuroscience. Invited talk. 5th International Congress on Non-invasive Brain
Stimulation, Clinical Neurphysilogy Volume 124, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages e51 Leipzig, March 19-22.
M.C. Pellicciari, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi(2013). Excitability modulation of the motor system induced by transcranial direct current stimulation.5th International Congress
on Non-invasive Brain Stimulation, Leipzig, March 19-22.
M. Bortoletto, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi (2013). State-dependency of tDCS-induced plasticity in the motor cortex. 5th International Congress on Non-invasive Brain
Stimulation, Leipzig, March 19-22.
F. Mattioli, F. Bellomi, C. Stampatori, R. Capra, C. Miniussi (2013). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Efficacy in Treating Information Processing Impairment of
Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Oral presentation and Poster American Academy of Neurology 65th Annual Meeting, San Diego Convention March 16-23
C. Miniussi, A. Fertonani, R. Manenti, M. Cotelli (2012). Cognitive deterioration, language & non-invasive brain stimulation. Invited talk Neuromodulazione e riabilitazione
dei disturbi del linguaggio. 20th Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Venice, November 22-24.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2012). Which are the best parameters of transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) to potentiate Perceptual Learning? 20th Congress of
Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Venice, November 22-24.
A. Fertonani, M. Brambilla, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2012). tDCS-induced naming facilitation in healthy-aging subjects: The importance of timing. 20 Congress of Italian
Society of Psychophysiology, Venice, November 22-24.
C. Miniussi
M.C. Pellicciari, M. Bortoletto, P. Mauri, C. Miniussi (2012). Homeostatic modulation of tDCS-dependent plasticity. 20 Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology,
Venice, November 22-24.
P. Mauri, D. Brignani, C. Ferrari, M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi (2012). Nonlinear properties of visual perception: electrophysiological evidence in humans. 20th Congress of Italian
Society of Psychophysiology, Venice, November 22-24.
P. Mauri, D. Brignani, M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi (2012). Is transcranial alternating current stimulation effective in modulating brain oscillations? 20 Congress of Italian
Society of Psychophysiology, Venice, November 22-24.
C. Miniussi M Cotelli (2012). La stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva (TMS tDCS) nella riabilitazione delle funzioni cognitive. Invited talk. 3rd Congresso Nazionale dell’AINp
(Associazione Italiana di Neuropsicologia) Nuove tecnologie in neuroscienze per la diagnosi e la riabilitazione neuropsicologica. Montecatini Terme (PT), November 17-18.
C. Miniussi (2012). Neuromodulazione del linguaggio con stimolazione transcranica. Invited talk. Corso Residenziale “Basi neurobiologiche degli interventi neuroriabilitativi
e nuove tecnicheper promuovere il recupero. Milano, November 8-9.
M.C. Pellicciari, M. Bortoletto, P. Mauri, C. Miniussi (2012). tDCS combined with training not always gates motor cortical plasticity. 2nd Workshop on Synaptic Plasticity,
Taormina, September 29-October 01.
P. Mauri, M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi, D. Brignani (2012). Correlati elettrofisiologici della percezione del contrasto. 20th Congress of the Italian Psychological Association,
Chieti, September 20-22.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2012). La stimolazione elettrica transcranica offre nuove prospettive per studiare i meccanismi di neuroplsticità in un compito di
apprendimento percettivo visivo. 20 Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Chieti, September 20-22.
A. Fertonani, M. Brambilla, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2012). Il ruolo del timing nell’induzione di effetti di facilitazione linguistica: uno studio con stimolazione transcranica a
corrente continua. 20th Congress of the Italian Psychological Association, Chieti, September 20-22.
A. Fertonani, M. Brambilla, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2012). Indurre effetti di facilitazione linguistica nell’anziano grazie alla stimolazione transcranica a corrente continua: il
ruolo fondamentale del timing. 11 National AFaR Congress, Brescia, September 10-12.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2012). Induction of neuroplasticity in visual perceptual learning task: a study with transcranial electrical stimulation (tES). XI National
AFaR Congress, Brescia, September 10-12.
M.C. Pellicciari, C. Fracassi, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2012). Effects of the transcranial direct current stimulation treatment on cortical excitability in Alzheimer’s Disease. 11th
National AFaR Congress, Brescia, September 10-12.
P. Mauri, M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi, D. Brignani (2012). Prospettive di ricerca per possibili applicazioni della stimolazione elettrica transcranica a corrente alternata (tACS) in
ambito riabilitativo. 11th National AFaR Congress, Brescia, September 10-12.
C. Miniussi (2012). Combining electroencephalography and non-invasive brain stimulation offers new prospects in neuroscience. Invited talk Seminar. Queensland Brain
Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, September 7.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani1, C. Miniussi (2012). Neuromodulation by transcranial electrical stimulation and perceptual learning. 4 Brain Plasticity Symposium - Circuits,
Synapses and Behaviour, Brisbane, September 3-5.
P. Mauri, M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi, D. Brignani. Electrophysiological correlates of contrast perception. 35th European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, 2-6
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2012). Neuroplasticity induction in a perceptual learning task. Which is the best timing to apply tES? 35 European Conference on
Visual Perception, Alghero, September 2-6.
A. Fertonani, C Pirulli, C. Miniussi (2012). Perceptual learning can be improved by transcranial random noise stimulation. 35 th European Conference on Visual Perception,
Alghero, September 2-6.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, M. Petesi, M. Brambilla, S. Rosini, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2012). Face-name associations memory training during non-invasive brain stimulation
improves memory in Alzheimer’s patients. 5th Clinical Trials Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD), Monte Carlo, October 29-31.
C. Miniussi (2012). Combining non-invasive brain stimulation and electroencephalography in neuroplasticity studies. Invited talk Seminar. Institute of Neuroscience and
Medicine, Research Center Jülich, June 29.
M.C. Pellicciari, M. Cotelli, C. Fracassi, C. Miniussi (2012). Effects of the transcranial direct current stimulation treatment on cortical excitability in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Mantova, May 17-20.
D. Brignani, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi (2012).Measures of cortical plasticity after transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical
Neurophysiology, Mantova, May 17-20.
F. Ferreri, P. Pasqualetti, S. Määttä, D. Ponzo, F. Ferrarelli, G. Tonon, E. Mervaala, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2012). Human brain connectivity during single and paired pulse
transcranial magnetic stimulation. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Mantova, May 17-20.
A. Fertonani, M. Brambilla, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2012). Naming facilitation induced in healthy-aging subjects by transcranial direct current stimulation: the importance
of timing. Italian Society of Neuropsychology (SINP) Bologna May 4-5.
C. Miniussi (2012). Modulazione delle funzioni linguistiche con metodiche di stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva nella malattia di Alzheimer. Invited talk. VII SINdem
meeting, Napoli, March 22-24.
C. Miniussi (2012). Combining non-invasive brain stimulation and electroencephalography. Invited talk Seminar. School of Psychology Trinity College Institute of
Neuroscience, Dublin March 5.
C. Miniussi (2012). Combining TMS and EEG offers new prospects in neuroscience. NWG Practical Course Transcranial Magnetic and Electrical Stimulation
(TMS/tDCS/tACS/tRNS). Invited talk. Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, February 21-23.
A. Fertonani, C. Pirulli, C. Miniussi (2011). Random noise stimulation improves neuroplasticity in perceptual learning. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, Vol: 14, 3. 19
Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Brescia, November 14-16.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani1, C. Miniussi (2011). Neuroplasticity induction in a perceptual learning task. Which is the best timing to apply tES? Archives Italiennes de Biologie,
Vol: 14, 3. 19th Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Brescia, November 14-16.
D. Veniero, J. Gross, V. Romei, C. Miniussi P.G. Schyns, G. Thut (2011). Rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation locally entrains natural brain oscillations. Archives
Italiennes de Biologie, Vol: 14, 3. 19 Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Brescia, November 14-16.
M.C. Pellicciari, C. Fracassi, M. Cotelli, L. Laghetto, C. Miniussi (2011). Effects of the transcranial direct current stimulation treatment on spontaneous and evoked cortical
activity in Alzheimer’s disease. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, Vol: 14, 3. 19th Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Brescia, November 14-16.
D. Brignani, M. Ruzzoli, L. Laghetto, C. Miniussi (2011). Entrainment and cognitive processes. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, Vol: 14, 3. 19 Congress of the Italian Society
of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Brescia, November 14-16.
C. Miniussi (2011). Non invasive brain stimulation in cognitive neurorehabilitation. Invited talk. ENRC 1st European NeuroRehabilitation Congress. Meran, October 20-22.
C. Miniussi (2011). The mechanism of transcranial magnetic stimulation in cognition. Invited talk. III international Symposium in Neuromodulation. Sao Paulo, Brazil
October 17-19.
C. Miniussi (2011). Novel assessment methods: Brain stimulation-EEG studies. Invited talk. III international Symposium in Neuromodulation. Sao Paulo, Brazil October 1719.
C. Miniussi (2011). Combining EEG and transcranial stimulation in neuroplasticity studies. Unconventional use of EEG: BCI and TMS-EEG coregistration. Invited talk.
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference FENS meeting. Lubjana, September 22-25.
D. Brignani, M. Ruzzoli, L. Laghetto and C. Miniussi (2011). induction of alpha frequencies across visual areas impairs visual detection but not discrimination ECVP2011.
C. Miniussi
A. Rossetti, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi, N. Bolognini (2011). Visual Processing of touch of object and body parts in the primary somatosensory cortex: A rTMS study.
G. Thut, D. Veniero, V. Romei, C. Miniussi, P. Schyns, J. Gross (2011). Rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of parietal cortex causes the local entrainment of
oscillatory signatures of attention. Human Brain Mapping.
C. Pirulli, A. Ragazzoni, D. Veniero, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, M. Feurra, M. Cincotta, F. Giovannelli, R. Chiaramonti, M. Lino (2011). Cortico-cortical connectivity, Vegetative
State and Minimally Conscious State: an investigation by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Evoked Potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology 122, 1, S53. 14 European
Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology and 4 th International Conferences on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation. Rome, June 21-24.
M.C. Pellicciari, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2011). Transcranial direct current stimulation effects on spontaneous and evoked cortical activity: a combined TMS/EEG study.
Clinical Neurophysiology 122, 1, S123. 14 European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology and 4 International Conferences on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current
Stimulation. Rome, June 21-24.
D. Veniero, J. Gross, V. Romei, C. Miniussi, P. Schyns, G. Thut (2011). Rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation locally entrains natural brain oscillations. Clinical
Neurophysiology 122, 1, S144. 14 European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology and 4 International Conferences on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current
Stimulation. Rome, June 21-24.
F. Ferreri, P. Pasqualetti, S. Määttä, D. Ponzo, F. Ferrarelli; G. Tononi, E. Mervaala, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini .(2011). Human brain connectivity during single and paired
pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 122, 1, S179. 14th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology and 4th International Conferences on
Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation. Rome, June 21-24.
M.C. Pellicciari, M. Cotelli, C. Fracassi, L. Laghetto, C. Miniussi (2011). Effects of the transcranial direct current stimulation treatment on cortical excitability in Alzheimer’s
disease. Clinical Neurophysiology 122, 1, S123. 14th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology and 4th International Conferences on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct
Current Stimulation. Rome, June 21-24.
C. Miniussi (2011). Combining EEG and transcranial stimulation. Invited talk. Clinical Neurophysiology 122, 1, S180. 14 European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology
and 4 International Conferences on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation. Rome, June 21-24.
C. Miniussi (2011). La stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva negli stati vegetative. Invited talk. 2nd Convegno Etica-mente: scelte di fine di vita. Traumi cranici gravi e
meccanismi di recupero. Padua, May 20.
C. Miniussi (2011). La neuro modulazione cerebrale dopo ictus. Invited talk. Convegno Cervello e mente, dallo studio funzionale alla riabilitazione neuropsicologica. Alba,
May 14.
M. Sandrini, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2011). Double dissociation of working memory load effects induced by bilateral parietal modulation. Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Meeting San Francisco, April 2-5.
C. Miniussi (2011). L’imaging multimodale offre nuovi orizzonti di ricerca nell’ambito delle neuroscienze. Invited talk. University of Verona. Verona, March 1.
C. Miniussi (2011). Stimolazione transcranica e plasticità corticale: tra neuroscienze e neuroriabilitazione. Invited talk. CIRMANMEC. Padua, February 23.
C. Miniussi (2011). Combining EEG and non invasive brain stimulation offers new prospects in neuroscience. Invited talk. Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL.Institute of
Movement Neuroscience & Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders (UCL) seminar series. London, February 10.
C. Miniussi (2011). Non invasive brain stimulation offers new prospects in language recovery. Neuroimaging of cognitive functions in language recovery session. Invited
talk. 29th European Workshop in Cognitive Neuropsychology. Brixen,January 23-28.
C. Miniussi (2010). Stimolazione transcranica e plasticità corticale: quali nuove prospettive per la neuroriabilitazione cognitiva? Invited talk. NeuCoRe 2010 Il trattamento
dei disturbi cognitivi: Neuroriabilitazione, Neuromodulazione, Neuroplasticità, Rovereto, December 3-4.
C. Miniussi (2010). Lunch con l’esperto: Combining EEG and transcranial stimulation offers new prospects in clinical and basic neuroscience. 18 Congress of the Italian
Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Palermo, November 24-26.
M.C. Pellicciari, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2010). Transcranial direct current stimulation effects on spontaneous and evoked cortical activity: a combined TMS/EEG study.
18 Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Palermo, November 24-26.
M. Bortoletto, D. Veniero, C. Miniussi (2010). Low-frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) over premotor area reveals the cortical origin of short-latency TMSevoked potentials (TEPs). 18th Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Palermo, November 24-26.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2010). Plasticity effects in visual perceptual learning: a transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) study. 18th Congress of the
Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Palermo, November 24-26.
D. Brignani, C. Pirulli, M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi (2010). Sensory memory in physiological and pathological aging indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN). 18 Congress of
the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Palermo, November 24-26.
D. Veniero, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2010). Alpha-generation as signature to TMS targeting the human resting motor cortex. 18th Congress of the Italian Society of
Psychophysiology (SIPF), Palermo, November 24-26.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2010). Platicity effects in visual perception learning: a transcranical electrical stimulation (tES) study. Workshop Nuove
Prospettive della Stimolazione Elettrica Transcranica: tra sperimentazione e clinica. Brescia, November 12. Neuropsychological Trends, 8, 23.
M. Sandrini, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi (2010). Duble-dissociation in working memory load effects induced by differential bilateral hemispheric modulations: a parietal tDCS
study. Workshop Nuove Prospettive della Stimolazione Elettrica Transcranica: tra sperimentazione e clinica. Brescia, November 12.Neuropsychological Trends, 8, 24. 104106.
C. Miniussi, M.C. Pellicciari, P.M. Rossini (2010). New prospects of transcranial electrical stimulation (tES): from bench to bed side. Neuropsychological Trends, 8, 31-35.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, M. Brambilla, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2010). Brain stimulation in Alzheimer disease. Neuropsychological Trends, 8, 57-60.
D. Brignani, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi (2010). Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on electroencephalographic activity. Neuropsychological Trends, 8, 81-83.
C. Cacciari, M.C. Pellicciari, A. Fogliata, C. Miniussi, C. Papagno (2010). The motion component is preserved in metaphorical sentences. A TMS study. VERB2010
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Verbs. Pisa, November 4-5.
C. Miniussi, M. Bortoletto, D. Veniero (2010) Low-frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) over premotor area modulates short-latency TMS-evoked potentials
(TEPs). International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kobe, October 28 - November 1, Clinical Neurophysiology, 121, 1.
C. Miniussi, D. Brignani, D. Veniero (2010) High frequency rTMS induces α and β increase: limitations of classical high versus low frequency opposition. International
Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kobe, October 28 - November 1, Clinical Neurophysiology, 121, 1.
S. Rossi, A. Ragazzoni, C. Pirulli, D. Veniero, C. Miniussi, M. Feurra, M. Cincotta, F. Giovannelli, R. Chiaramonti, M. Lino (2010). Cortico-cortical connectivity, Vegetative
State and Minimally Conscious State: an investigation by TMS-Evoked Potentials (TEPs). International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kobe, October 28 - November
1, Clinical Neurophysiology, 121, 1.
F. Ferreri, P. Pasqualetti, S. Määttä, D. Ponzo, F. Ferrarelli, G. Tononi, E. Mervaal, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2010). Imaging human brain cortical effective connectivity
during single and paired pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation. International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kobe, October 28 - November 1, Clinical
Neurophysiology, 121, 1.
R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, S. Rosini, C. Maioli, O. Zanetti and C. Miniussi (2010). Brain stimulation improves associative memory in patient with amnestic mild
cognitive impairment. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, O. Zanetti, S.F. Cappa and C. Miniussi (2010). Improved language performance in Alzheimer disease following brain
stimulation. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
M. Brambilla, M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, M. Calabria, O. Zanetti and C. Miniussi (2010). Actions and object naming in healthy aging: a rTMS study. 9th Congress of
the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
C. Miniussi
C. Miniussi, D. Brignani, D. Veniero, (2010). High frequency rTMS induces α and β increase: limitations of classical high versus low frequency opposition. 9th Congress of
the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
S. Rosini, M. Cotelli, A. Fertonani, R. Manenti, M. Calabria, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani and C. Miniussi (2010). Combined brain stimulation and cognitive rehabilitation in
anomia. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
D. Brignani, M.C. Pellicciari C. Miniussi (2010).What happens in the EEG during tDCS application? 9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
M.C. Pellicciari, C. Marzano, C. Pirulli, P. Sammarco, C. Miniussi, L. De Gennaro (2010). Topografia corticale dell'EEG durante il sonno di pazienti Alzheimer. 9th Congress of
the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
M.C. Pellicciari, C. Marzano, C. Pirulli, S. Cordone, C. Miniussi, L. De Gennaro (2010). Variazioni topografiche dell’EEG di sonno in pazienti depressi sottoposti a
trattamento rTMS. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
M.C. Pellicciari, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2010). Transcranial direct current stimulation effects on motor cortical reactivity and connectivity: a combined TMS/EEG study.
9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
A. Fertonani, C. Pirulli, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2010). Plasticity effects in visual perceptual learning: a transcranial random noise stimulation study. 9th Congress of
the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
C. Pirulli, A. Ragazzoni, D. Veniero, S. Rossi, M. Feurra, M. Cincotta, F. Giovannelli, R. Chiaramonti, M. Lino, C. Miniussi (2010). Cortico-cortical connectivity, Vegetative
State and Minimally Conscious State: an investigation by TMS-Evoked Potentials (TEPs). 9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
D. Veniero, M. Bortoletto, C. Miniussi (2010). Low-frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) over premotor area modulates short-latency TMS-evoked potentials
(TEPs). 9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
D. Giuliano, M. Petesi, M. Brambilla, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani, M. Cotelli, and C. Miniussi (2010). Dissociation between transcoding of words and number-words: evidence
from an aphasic patient. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 27-29.
M. Bortoletto, D. Brignani, C. Maioli, C. Miniussi (2010). The when and where of spatial storage during an oculomotor working memory task. 9th Congress of the AFaR,
Brescia, September 27-29.
M. Brambilla, M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, M. Calabria, O. Zanetti and C. Miniussi (2010). Actions and object naming in healthy aging: an rTMS study. Second Meeting
of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Amsterdam, September 22-24.
R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, S. Rosini, C. Maioli, O. Zanetti and C. Miniussi (2010). Brain stimulation improves associative memory in patient with amnestic mild
cognitive impairment. Second Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Amsterdam, September 22-24.
S. Rosini, M. Cotelli, A. Fertonani, R. Manenti, M. Calabria, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani and C. Miniussi (2010). Combined brain stimulation and cognitive rehabilitation in
anomia. Second Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Amsterdam, September 22-24.
M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2010). Ruolo della corteccia parietale in un compito di memoria in un paziente MCI. Congress of the
Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Bologna, September 2-3
M. Brambilla, M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, M. Calabria, S. Rosini, P. Bisiacchi, C. Miniussi (2010). Denominazioni di oggetti ed azioni nell’invecchiamento fisiologico: Uno studio
con rTMS. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Bologna, September 2-3
R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2010). La memoria episodica nell’invecchiamento fisiologico: Uno studio con rTMS. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental
Psychology, Bologna, September 2-3
C. Miniussi (2010). Stimolazione transcranica e plasticità corticale: quali nuove prospettive in neuroriabilitazione? Invited talk Seminario University of Udine. Udine, July 2.
S.F. Cappa, M. Cotelli, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani (2010). Combined brain stimulation and cognitive rehabilitation in anomia. IARC2010 14th
International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference. Montreal, Canada, June 27-29.
M. Sandrini, A. Fertonani, L.G. Cohen and C. Miniussi (2010) Bilateral parietal tDCS shows a differential hemispheric involvement according to the verbal WM load.
TMS/tDCS summer school in Oxford June.
A. Rossetti, C. Miniussi, A. Maravita, N. Bolognini (2010). Seeing touch in the somatosensory cortex: a TMS study of visual perception of touch. 11th International
Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Liverpool, June 16-19
C. Miniussi (2010). La stimolazione magnetica transcranica: nuove prospettive d’intervento. Invited talk. 2nd Congress Neuroscience of addiction. Verona, June 7-9.
C. Miniussi, D. Brignani, D. Veniero (2010) La stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) induce una sincronizzazione nelle bande alfa e beta:implicazioni per
una teoria generale sugli effetti della stimolazione. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Siena, May 13-15.
A. Ragazzoni, C. Pirulli, D. Veniero, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, M. Feurra, M. Cincotta, F. Giovannelli, R. Chiaramonti, M. Lino (2010). Connettività intracorticale, Stato Vegetativo
e Stato di Minima Coscienza: uno studio mediante TMS-Evoked Potentials (TEPs). Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Siena, May 13-15.
F. Ferreri, P. Pasqualetti, S. Määttä, D. Ponzo, F. Ferrarelli, G. Tononi, E. Mervaal, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2010). Studio della connettività cortico-corticale effettiva
durante TMS a singolo e doppio stimolo. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Siena, May 13-15.
D. Brignani, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi (2010). Stimolazione elettrica ed eccitabilità corticale: un’indagine elettroencefalografica. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical
Neurophysiology, Siena, May 13-15.
M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, O. Zanetti , S.F. Cappa, C. Miniussi (2010). Improved language performance in Alzheimer disease following brain stimulation.
Spring session, Italian Society of Neuropsychology (SINP) Bologna, May 7-8.
C. Miniussi (2010). Neuroplasticity: monitoring through EEG approaches. Invited talk. International Workshop on Synaptic Plasticity from Bench to Bed Side, Taormina,
April 28 – May 1.
F. Ferreri, P. Pasqualetti, S. Määttä, D. Ponzo, F. Ferrarell, G. Tononi,, E. Mervaal, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini Imaging human brain cortical effective connectivity during single
paired pulse transcranical magnetic stimulation. International Workshop on Synaptic Plasticity from Bench to Bed Side, Taormina, April 28 – May 1.
M.C. Pellicciari, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2010). Transcranial direct current stimulation effects on motor cortical reactivity and connectivity: a combined TMS/EEG study T
International Workshop on Synaptic Plasticity from Bench to Bed Side, Taormina, April 28 – May 1.
D. Brignani, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi (2010). What happens in the EEG during and after tDCS application? International Workshop on Synaptic Plasticity from Bench to
Bed Side, Taormina, April 28 – May 1.
C. Pirulli, A. Fertonani, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2010) .Plasticity effects in visual perceptual learning: a transcranial random noise stimulation study. International
Workshop on Synaptic Plasticity from Bench to Bed Side, Taormina, April 28 – May 1.
J.Harris, M. Ruzzoli, A. Abrahamyan, C. Miniussi, C. Clifford (2010). Effects of Noise and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Sensitivity to Visual Motion. 37th
Australiasian Experimental Psychology conference. Melbourne, April 8-10
C. Miniussi (2009). Storia dell’impiego dei campi magnetici. Premesse di base per l’impiego della TMS. “La Stimolazione magnetica transcranica in Psichiatria: aspetti
Diagnostici e terapeutici”. Siena, January 21-22.
C. Miniussi, A Fertonani (2009) Un nuovo strumento di indagine nelle neuroscienze cognitive? Stimolazione transcranica a correnti continue (tDCS) Invited talk. Corso
teorico.paratico. Milano, December 3.
O Zanetti, M Cotelli, M Calabria, R Manenti, S Rosini, C Miniussi (2009). Ruolo della corteccia parietale sinistra in un compito di memoria associativa in un paziante affetto
da disturbo isolato di memoria: uno studio di stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS). Giornale di Gerontologia. 54° Congresso Nazionale SIGG Società
Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria. Florence, December 2-5.
C. Miniussi (2009). Storia dell’impiego dei campi magnetici. Premesse di base per l’impiego della TMS. “La Stimolazione magnetica transcranica in Psichiatria: aspetti
Diagnostici e terapeutici”. Brescia, November 26-27.
C. Miniussi
M.C. Pellicciari, C. Marzano, C. Pirulli, S. Cordone, C. Miniussi, L. De Gennaro (2009). Variazioni topografiche dell’EEG del sonno in pazienti depressi sottoposti a
trattamento con rTMS. XIV Riunione annuale Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno. Bologna, November 14-15.
C. Marzano, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Pirulli, B. Cossa, C. Miniussi, L. De Gennaro (2009). L’EEG di veglia in pazienti Alzheimer come predittore di decadimento cognitivo. XIV
Riunione annuale Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno. Bologna, November 14-15.
C. Marzano, M.C. Pellicciari, C. Pirulli, P. Sammarco, C. Miniussi, L. De Gennaro (2009). Topografia corticale dell’EEG durante il sonno di pazienti Alzheimer. XIV Riunione
annuale Società Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno. Bologna, November 14-15.
M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini1, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2009). Disturbi soggettivi e oggettivi di memoria nell’invecchiamento. Società Italiana di Psicologia
dell’Invecchiamento SIPI III Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento. Brescia, November 13-14.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, M. Brambilla, M. Calabria, S. Rosini1, P. Bisiacchi, C. Miniussi (2009). Denominazione di oggetti ed azioni nell’invecchiamento fisiologico uno studio
con stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS). Società Italiana di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento SIPI III Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento.
Brescia, November 13-14.
M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini1, O. Zanetti, S.F. Cappa, C. Miniussi (2009). Riabilitazione del linguaggio nella malattia di Alzheimer attraverso la stimolazione
magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS). Società Italiana di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento SIPI III Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento. Brescia,
November 13-14.
R. Manenti, A. Fogliata, S.F. Cappa e C. Miniussi (2009). La memoria episodica nell’invecchiamento fisiologico uno studio con stimolazione magnetica transcranica
ripetitiva (rTMS). Società Italiana di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento SIPI III Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento. Brescia, November 13-14.
R. Manenti, M. Calabria, M. Cotelli, P. Bisiacchi, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2009). Memoria per associazione viso-nome e invecchiamento: uno studio elettroencefalografico.
Società Italiana di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento SIPI III Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento. Brescia, November 13-14.
C. Miniussi (2009). La stimolazione magnetica nello studio della comunicazione. Invited talk. Comunicazione e Neuroscienze. Workshop Università Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore, Milano, October 9.
M. Calabria, M. Cotelli, M. Adenzato, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2009). Felling emotions without over recognition: a case of semantic dementia. International Conference on
Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD). Vien, July 11-16.
M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, R. Manenti, S. Rosini, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2009). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in Alzheimer disease: new therapeutic
prospective. International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD). Vien, July 11-16.
C. Miniussi (2009). Quali nuove prospettive offre la co-registrazioneTMS/EEG nelle neuroscienze cognitive. Invited talk. Seminario Università degli studi di Verona, Verona,
June 10.
A. Fertonani, S. Rosini, M. Cotelli, U. Boldi, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2009). Facilitation effects of tDCS in a naming task. TMS summer school. London, May 29-30.
M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini, L. De Gennaro (2009). Somatosensory cortical plasticity in physiological aging. TMS summer school, London, May 29-30.
C. Miniussi (2009). Neural noise and TMS-induced effects in cognitive studies. Invited talk. TMS Summer School ICN, London, May 29-30.
C. Miniussi (2008). Combining EEG and TMS offers new prospects in cognitive neuroscience. Invited talk. CIMeC Colloquium Series. University of Trento. Rovereto,
December 17.
D. Malgrati, M. Calabria, M. Ungaro, G. Santus, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani, C. Miniussi (2008). Rappresentazione temporale ed eminegligenza spaziale: un effetto distorsione?
MED PHYS 2008;44(Suppl. 1 to No. 3) Pag 1-2. 36 Congresso nazionale SIMFER società italiana di medicina fisica e riabilitativa, Roma, Novembre 16-20 EUR
C. Pirulli, M. Ruzzoli, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2008) La “Mismatch negativity” nello studio dell’invecchiamento cognitivo. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, October 16-18.
M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2008). Riabilitazione del linguaggio nella malattia di Alzheimer attraverso la stimolazione magnetica transcrancia ripetitiva.
9 Congress of the AFaR, Roma, October 16-18.
M. Calabria, C. Repetto, M. Adenzato, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi, M. Cotelli (2008). Riconoscimento delle emozioni nella demenza semantica un caso singolo. 9 Congress of
the AFaR, Roma, October 16-18.
M. Ruzzoli, C.A. Marzi. C. Miniussi (2008). Qaul’è l’effetto indotto dalla TMS, aumento del rumore neurale o riduzine dell’intensità del segnale? 9th Congress of the AFaR,
Roma, October 16-18.
A. Fertonani, M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, S. Rosini, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani, D. Malgrati, C. Miniussi (2008) TMS e tDCSnella riabilitazione dell’afasia: nuove prospettive
terapeutiche. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, October 16-18.
M.C. Pellicciari, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini, L. De Gennaro (2008). Plasticità corticale ed invecchiamento fisiologico. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, October 16-18.
A. Fertonani, S. Rosini, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2008) stimolazione transcranica e denominazione. 9 Congress of the AFaR, Roma, October 16-18.
F. Ferreri, P. Pasqualetti, D. Ponzo, S. Maatta, F. Ferrarelli, F. Zappasodi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2008). Inhibitory and excitatory intracortical circuits: a direct evaluation
by an EEG-ppTMS study. 9th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, October 16-18.
M. Ruzzoli, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi (2008). TMS: increase of neural noise or reduction of signal strength? Brain Stimulation. Vol. 1, Issue 3, Page 265. 3rd International
Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation, Goettingen, October 11-14.
M.C. Pellicciari, M. Rosato, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini, L. De Gennaro (2008). Plasticity in primary somatosensory cortex in young and older humans. Brain Stimulation. Vol.
1, Issue 3, Page 266. 3rd International Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation, Goettingen, October 11-14.
F. Ferreri, P. Pasqualetti, M. Massimini, D. Ponzo, S. Maatta, F. Ferrarelli, F. Zappasodi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2008). Inhibitory and excitatory intracortical circuits: a
direct evaluation by an EEG-ppTMS study. Brain Stimulation. Vol. 1, Issue 3, Page 270. 3 International Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current
Stimulation, Goettingen, October 11-14.
D. Veniero & C. Miniussi (2008) High frequency TMS induces changes in cortical excitability as revealed by EEG responses: a co-registration study. Brain Stimulation. Vol. 1,
Issue 3, Page 274. 3 International Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation, Goettingen, October 11-14.
A. Fertonani, S. Rosini, M. Cotelli, C. Miniussi (2008) stimolazione transcranica (tDCS) e denominazione. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology,
Padova, September 18-20.
C. Pirulli, M. Ruzzoli, D. Brignani, C. Miniussi (2008).Invecchiamento cognitivo e Mismatch Negativity (MMN). Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology,
Padova, September 18-20.
M. Calabria, C. Repetto, M. Cotelli, P. Bisiacchi, C. Miniussi (2008). Rappresentazione di visi e nomi nella demenza semantica. Congress of the Italian Society of
Experimental Psychology, Padova, September 18-20.
A. Fogliata, E. Notaristefano, C. Miniussi, C. Papagno (2008) Correlati neurali delle parole astratte e concrete. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology,
Padova, September 18-20.
M. Ruzzoli, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi (2008) Qual’è l’effeto indotto dalla TMS: aumento del rumore neurale o riduzione della forza del segnale? Congress of the Italian
Society of Experimental Psychology, Padova, September 18-20.
M. Calabria, C. Repetto, M. Cotelli, P. Bisiacchi, C. Miniussi (2008) When Marylyn Monroe name is not primed by his own face: insight from semantic dementia. First
Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Edinburgh, September 5-9.
M. Calabria, M. Ungaro, G. Santus, D. Malgrati, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani, C. Miniussi (2008). Temporal Perception in Spatial Neglect: A distorted representation? First
Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Edinburgh, September 5-9.
C. Miniussi (2008). Quali trattamenti per i disturbi della memoria? Il ruolo della TMS. Invited talk. Workshop “Memory and Amnesia”. Dipartimento di Scienze
Neurologiche Clinica Neurologica – Università di Bologna, April 4–5.
C. Miniussi (2008). Biological effects of TMS, animal models. Invited talk. International meeting “Present and future of TMS. Safety and Ethical Guidelines”. Pontignano,
March 6-8.
C. Miniussi
M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2008). Lateralized Contribution of Prefrontal Cortex in Controlling Task-Irrelevant Information during Verbal and Spatial Working
Memory Tasks: rTMS Evidence. 26 European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, January 20-25.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, M. Calabria, C. Geroldi, O. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2007). Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in
un compito di denominazione in pazianti con diversi liveli di gravità di malattia di Alzheimer. Giornale di Gerontologia. 52nd Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana
Gerontologia Geriatria, Firenze, November 28 December 1.
C. Miniussi (2007). Meccanismi di base della Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica. workshop “Basi fisiologiche ed applicazioni terapeutiche della TMS e tecniche
correlate”. Roma, October 26-27.
C. Miniussi (2007). Stimolazione magnetica transcranica. Invited talk. Corso di aggiornamento. Terapia della depressione: aggiornamenti. Torino, October 19.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, C. Geroldi, O. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2007). Transcranial magnetic stimulation could improbe naming abilities in Alzheimer’s
patients with different degrees of cognitive decliine. 20 Congresso Società Italiana di Neurologia Firenze, October 13-17.
L. Bocchio Chiavetto, C. Miniussi, R. Zanardini, A. Gazzoli, S. Bignotti, C. Specchia, M. Gennarelli (2007). SLC6A4 promoter (5-HTTLPR) and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms
are associated with response to rTMS treatment in depressed subjects. 20th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), Vienna, October 13-17.
M. Calabria, M. Ungaro, G. Santus, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani, P. Bisiacchi, C. Miniussi (2007). Rappresentazione temporale ed eminegligenza spaziale: un effetto distorsione?
11th INTINAD Annual Meeting, Olbia, October 4-6.
C. Miniussi (2007). Modulation of cortical oscillatory EEG activities by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Invited talk Symposium Congress of the Italian Society of
Neuroscience, Verona, September 27-30.
D. Veniero, C. Maioli, C. Miniussi (2007). High frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) modulates cortical and corticospinal responses: a TMS/EEG coregistration study. Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience, Verona, SAT-53 September 27-30.
C. Miniussi (2007). Transcranial magnetic stimulation: a new starting point for cognitive rehabilitation. Invited talk. Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop. Department of
Psychology, University of Florence, September 21-22.
D. Guzzon, D. Brignani, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi (2007) Correlati elettrofisiologici dell’orientamento attentivo indotto da diversi tipi di indizi centrali. Congress of the Italian
Society of Experimental Psychology, Como, September 17-19.
C. Miniussi, M. Bortoletto, D. Brignani, C. Maioli. (2007). Correlati neurofisiologici della memoria di lavoro visuospaziale rivelati dalla tomografia elettromagnetica a bassa
risoluzione. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Como, September 17-19.
D. Veniero, C. Miniussi (2007). La Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) ad alta frequenza induce un potenziamento delle risposte corticali evocate: uno
studio EEG/TMS. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Como, September 17-19.
D. Basso, C. Miniussi, E. Ricciardi, D. Bonino, L. Sani, M. Guazzelli, T. Vecchi, P. Pietrini (2007). rTMS inibitoria su Hmt+ interferisce con la discriminazione del flusso tattile.
Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Como, September 17-19.
S. Aggujaro, A. Fogliata, C. Papagno, C. Miniussi, C. Luzzatti (2006). Il ruolo del giro angolare nella lettura di parole e non-parole: uno studio rTMS. Congress of the Italian
Society of Experimental Psychology, Como, September 17-19.
M. Calabria, M. Ungaro, G. Santus, A. Miozzo, A. Padovani, P. Bisiacchi, C. Miniussi (2007). Rappresentazione temporale ed eminegligenza spaziale: un effetto distorsione?
Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Como, September 17-19.
J. Harris, C. Clifford and C. Miniussi (2007). Using noise to uncover the effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on perceptual processing. Perception, Vol. 36,
Supp. 136. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, Arezzo, August 27-31.
C. Miniussi (2007). Neuropsicologia e TMS quale futuro? Invited talk in “Neuropsicologia e Neuroimaging”, Trieste, May 25-26.
C. Miniussi (2007). Stimolazione magnetica ripetitiva e depressione: clinica e ricerca” Invited talk in “Nuove prospettive nelle tecniche di stimolazione cerebrale nel
trattamento non farmacologico della depressione”, Verona, April 18.
S. Aggujaro, A. Fogliata, C. Papagno, C. Miniussi, C. Luzzatti (2007). Lexical-orthographic representations in the angular gyrus: a TMS study. 25th European Workshop on
Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, January 22-26.
C. Miniussi, P. Manganotti, P.M. Rossini, D. Brignani (2006). Modulation of cortical oscillatory EEG activities by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. 14 Congress of the
Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Pisa, December 1-3.
C. Miniussi (2006). La stimolazione magnetica transcranica. Giornale di Gerontologia. Vol. 54, 5, 408-410. 5° Invited talk. Corso di Riabilitazione Cognitiva, Terapie non
farmacologiche nella malattia di Alzheimer nell’ambito del 51° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Gerontologia Geriatria, Firenze, November 28 December 1.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, C. Geroldi, O. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2006). Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in un compito
di denominazione in pazienti con malattia di Alzheimer. Giornale di Gerontologia. Vol. 54, 5, 478. 51st Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Gerontologia Geriatria,
Firenze, November 28 December 1.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, C. Geroldi, O. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2006). Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in un
compito di denominazione in pazienti con malattia di Alzheimer. Autumn session, Italian Society of Neuropsychology (SINP) Bologna, November 24-25.
M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2006). Il ruolo della corteccia prefrontale nell’inibizione dell’informazione irrilevante durante un compito di memoria di lavoro: uno
studio con stimolazione magnetica transcranica. Autumn session, Italian Society of Neuropsychology (SINP) Bologna, November 24-25.
L. Bocchio Chiavetto, A. Gazzoli, R Zanardini, S. Bignotti, C. Miniussi, M. Gennarelli (2006). Il polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR nel gene del trasportatore della serotonina e la
risposta al trattamento antidepressivo con stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS). 9 Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Genetica Umana (SIGU),
Venezia, November 8-10.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, C. Geroldi, O. Zanetti and C. Miniussi (2006). Transcranial magnetic stimulation improves action naming in Alzheimer’s patients. 2nd
Meeting of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Toulouse, October 18-20.
R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, S.F. Cappa, C. Miniussi (2006). The retrieval of face-name associations: a rTMS study. 2
Neuropsychology, Toulouse, October 18-20.
M. Calabria, R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Gurzì, P. Bisiacchi, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2006). Encoding and recognition of face-name associations: an ERP study. 2nd Meeting of
the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Toulouse, October 18-20.
C. Repetto, M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, V. Garibotto, D. Perani, O. Zanetti, V. Sansone, G. Meola, C. Miniussi (2006). An abrupt, unexplained case of autobiographic retrograde
amnesia. 2nd Meeting of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Toulouse, October 18-20.
F. Vecchio, C. Del Percio, P. Pasqualetti, E. Cassetta, G. Binetti, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, G. Frisoni, P. Chiovenda, C. Miniussi, L. Parisi, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini. (2006).
Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer disease could be predicted by sources and coherence analyses of cortical EEG rhythms. 37 SIN, Congresso
Nazionale Società Italiana di Neurologia. Bari, October 14-18.
C. Miniussi (2006). Plasticità corticale e modificazioni funzionali della memoria nell’invecchiamento. Invited talk. I congresso nazionale di psicologia dell’invecchiamento.
Simposio: Memoria e Cognizione. Padova, October 14-15.
S. Aggujaro, A. Fogliata, C. Papagno, C. Miniussi and C. Luzzatti (2006). The role of the angular gyrus in reading words and nonwords: a TMS study. The Mental lexicon,
Montreal, McGill University, Quebec, October 11- 13.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, G. Frisoni, R. Ghidoni, C. Miniussi, G. Rodriguez, F. Vecchio, P.M. Rossini (2006). Genotype
and EEG phenotype in Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment subjects. 17 ISBET Meeting of International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography. Chieti,
September 27-30
F. Vecchio, C. Del Percio, P. Pasqualetti, E. Cassetta, G. Binetti, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, G. Frisoni, P. Chiovenda, C. Miniussi, L. Parisi, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini. (2006).
Sources and coherence of cortical EEG rhythms could predict progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer disease. 17th ISBET Meeting of International Society
for Brain Electromagnetic Topography. Chieti, September 27-30
C. Miniussi
Meeting of the European Societies of
D. Brignani, D. Guzzon, C.A. Marzi and C. Miniussi, (2006). Attentional orienting triggered by different central cues: an ERPs study. Autumn School in Cognitive
Neuroscience. Oxford Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford, September 25-28.
M. Calabria, R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Gurzì, P. Bisiacchi, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2006). Episodic memory for face-name associations: an ERP study. Autumn School in
Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford, September 25-28.
C. Miniussi, D. Brignani, P.M. Rossini (2006). Modulation of cortical oscillatory EEG activities by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Acta Phyiologica, Vol. 188 Supp 652,
69. 57 Congresso fo the Italian Society of Physiology. September 25-27
R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Calabria, S. Cappa, C. Miniussi (2006) Recuperare il nome associato ad un viso: uno studio rTMS. 8th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September
A. Gazzoli, S. Bigotti, M. Gurzì, J. Perez, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2006). Comparazione tra due tipi di stimolazione magnetica transcranica nel trattamento della
depressione. 8 Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
S. Galluzzi, R. Riello, C. Testa, M. Pievani, L. Bresciani, R. Rossi, M. Bonetti, C. Miniussi, G. Binetti, G.B. Frisoni, (2006). Correlati strutturali cerebrali del disturbo soggettivo
di memoria negli adulti di mezza età: uno studio di morfometria voxel per voxel. 8th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
E. Canu, M. Boccardi, C. Testa, R. Ghidoni, L. Benussi, G. Binetti, C. Miniussi, G.B. Frisoni, (2006). Geni e morfologia cerebrale: il ruolo del polimorfismo A218G del gene
HOXA1. 8th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
M. Calabria, R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Gurzì, P. Bisiacchi, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi (2006) Basi neurofisiologiche della memoria episodica per associazioni visi e nomi. 8th
Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
A. Caroli, C. Testa, C. Geroldi, U.P. Guerra, M. Bonetti, C. Miniussi, G.B. Frisoni, (2006). Perfusione cerebrale nel disturbo cognitivo lieve: indicatori dei sottotipi. 8
Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
A. Caroli, C. Testa, C. Geroldi, F. Nobili, U.P. Guerra, M. Bonetti, C. Miniussi, G.B. Frisoni, (2006). Correlati di perfusione cerebrale dell’atrofia del lobo mesiale temporale e
delle iperintensità della sostanza bianca nel disturbo cognitivo lieve. 8 Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
M.G. Bevacqua, M. Ventriglia, A. Gazzoli, C. Miniussi, J. Perez, M. Fontana, M. Ribolsi and P.M. Rossini, (2006). Diagnosi della depressione resistente. 8 Congress of the
AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
M. Gurzì, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, D. Boschis, R. Carnaghi, C. Del Percio, G. Frisoni, D. Moretti, A. Pavonello, A. Prestia, P.M. Rossini, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi, (2006). Studio
dei modelli dell’attività cerebrale (ritmi EEG) correlata all’invecchiamento normale e patologico attraverso la costituzione di un archivio EEG-AFaR. 8 Congress of the
AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
L. Bocchio Chiavetto, R. Zanardini, A. Gazzoli, S. Bigotti, C. Miniussi, M. Gennarelli (2006). Polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR nel gene del trasportatore della serotonina e
stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva. 8th Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, C. Geroldi, O. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2006) Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in un
compito di denominazione in pazienti con malattia di Alzheimer. 8 Congress of the AFaR, Brescia, September 14-16.
M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi, I.M. Harris (2006). Lobo parietale destro e TMS: effetti sul riconoscimento di oggetti e sul giudizio di orientamento. Congress of the Italian Society
of Experimental Psychology, 264, 99. Trento, September 13-15.
C. Miniussi, C. Clifford, J. Harris (2006). L’effetto della Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS) sui processi visivi precoci. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental
Psychology, 261, 98. Trento, September 13-15.
D. Guzzon, D. Brignani, C. Marzi e C. Miniussi (2006). Orientamento dell’attenzione in presenza di indizi centrali direzionali e cognitivi. Congress of the Italian Society of
Experimental Psychology, Trento, September 13-15.
C. Lentini, M. Sandrini, C. Miniussi, R. Daini (2006). TMS on-line e off-line a confronto in un compito di digit Stroop. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental
Psychology, Trento, September 13-15.
M. Sandrini e C. Miniussi (2006). Il ruolo della corteccia prefrontale dorsolaterale nei processi di memoria di lavoro verbale e visuo-spaziale: uno studio con stimolazione
magnetica transcranica ripetitiva. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Trento, September 13-15.
F. Vecchio, C. Del Percio, P. Pasqualetti, E. Cassetta, G. Binetti, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, G. Frisoni, P. Chiovenda, C. Miniussi, L. Parisi, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini (2006).
Sources and coherence of cortical EEG rhythms could predict progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer disease. 28th International Congress of Clinical
Neurophysiology; Edimburg, September 10-14.
S. Aggujaro, A. Fogliata, C. Papagno, C. Miniussi and C. Luzzatti (2006). The role of the angular gyrus in reading words and nonwords: a TMS study. International
conference Science of Aphasia. 7 Annual Meeting, Alghero, September 7-12.
I.M. Harris, C.T. Benito, M. Ruzzoli, C. Miniussi (2006) Effects of Right Parietal Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Object Processing. 1st Symposium on Brain & Mind
Research in the Asia/Pacific (BMAP), Sydney, August 13-16.
C. Miniussi, R. Manenti, A. Fogliata, S.F. Cappa, C. Papagno, P.M. Rossini (2006). Physiological aging and episodic memory: a rTMS study. 4 international conference on
memory (ICOM), Sydney July 16-21.
M. Sandrini and C. Miniussi (2006). Dissociating the contribution of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in working memory for letters and locations: a rTMS study. European
Society for Cognitive Psychology, Summer school on human memory. Bubión-Las Alpujarra, Granada, June 11-24.
D. Brignani, D. Guzzon, C.A. Marzi and C. Miniussi, (2006). Attentional orienting triggered by different central cues: an ERPs study 12 Human Brain Mapping meeting
(HBM), Florence June 11-15.
R. Manenti, A. Fogliata, S.F. Cappa, C. Papagno, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi, (2006). Physiological aging and episodic memory: a rTMS study. 12th Human Brain Mapping
meeting (HBM), Florence June 11-15.
M. Calabria, R. Manenti, M. Cotelli, M. Gurzì, P. Bisiacchi, O. Zanetti and C. Miniussi, (2006). Encoding and recognition of face name associations: an ERP study. 12
Human Brain Mapping meeting (HBM), Florence June 11-15.
C. Miniussi, (2006). Anno accademico 2006-2007, docente per affidamento di modulo per il Corso di perfezionamento “Assessment e training cognitivo”. Strumenti e
strategie per valutare e potenziare i processi di pensiero” con sede presso la Facoltà di Psicologia dell’Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore di Milano.
F. Vecchio, C. Del Percio, P. Pasqualetti, E. Cassetta, G. Binetti, G. Dal Forno, F Ferreri, G. Frisoni, P. Chiovenda, C. Miniussi, L. Parisi, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini. (2006)
Sources and Coherence of Cortical EEG Rhythms Could Predict Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer Disease. 12th Human Brain Mapping meeting
(HBM), Florence June 11-15.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, G. Frisoni, R. Ghidoni, C. Miniussi, G. Rodriguez, P.M. Rossini. (2006) Genotype and EEG
Phenotype in Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Subjects. 12 Human Brain Mapping meeting (HBM), Florence June 11-15.
C. Repetto, M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, V. Garibotto, D. Perani, V. Sansone, G. Meola, O. Zanetti, C. Miniussi. (2006) An abrupt, unexplained case of autobiographic retrograde
amnesia. (2006) 10th INTINAD Annual Meeting Roma, June 8 – 10.
M. Gurzì, P.M. Rossini, C. Bonato e C. Miniussi (2006). Co-registrazione elettroencefalografica con stimolazione magnetica transcranica. Oral Presentation Congress of the
Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, 31; Torin, May 11-13.
F. Vecchio, C. Del Percio, P. Pasqualetti, E. Cassetta, G . Binetti, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, G. Frisoni, P. Chiovenda, C. Miniussi, L. Parisi, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini (2006).
Analisi di sorgente e coerenza spettrale di ritmi corticali EEG possono predire la progressione da lieve deficit cognitivo ad Alzheimer. Congress of the Italian Society of
Clinical Neurophysiology, Torin, P55, 27, May 11-13.
F. Vecchio, C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, G. Frisoni, R. Ghidoni, C. Miniussi, G. Rodriguez, P.M. Rossini (2006). Genotipo
e fenotipo EEG nella malattia di Alzheimer e in soggetti con lievi deficit cognitivi. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Torin, P56, 27, May 11-13.
I.M. Harris and C. Miniussi (2006). Effects of right parietal TMS on object recognition. 6th Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS), Sarasota Florida, D29 429, May 5-10,
Journal of Vision, 6(6), 324a, http://journalofvision.org/6/6/324/, doi:10.1167/6.6.324.
C. Miniussi
J. Harris, C. Clifford and C. Miniussi (2006). The Effect of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) on Early Visual Processing. 33 Australian Experimental Psychology
Conference, Brisbane April 20-23.
O. Zanetti, M. Cotelli, R. Manenti, M. Calabria, C. Repetto, C. Miniussi (2006). Transcranial magnetic stimulation: An approach to cognitive rehabilitation Neurobiology of
Aging 27: S24-S24 104 Suppl. 1, April.
C. Miniussi, R Manenti (2005). Cortical plasticity and functional modification of memory in physiological aging, Invited Invited talk, Psicofisiologia della plasticità. 13
Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Marina di Carrara, December 2-4.
C. Miniussi (2005). Cognitive Neuropsychology and Transcranical Magnetic Stimulation. Invited talk Workshop “Stimolazione Magnetica: 20 anni di esperienza” Pavia,
November 18-19. Published in Functional Neurology 2006; 21, 2: 109-123.
C. Miniussi (2005). TMS e neuroscienze cognitive. II Workshop “La stimolazione magnetica transcranica (TMS) nelle neuroscienze cognitive” Brescia, October 21.
M. Sandrini, C. Lentini, C. Miniussi, R. Daini (2005). La rappresentazione numerica nel lobo parietale: uno studio rTMS. 7 Congress of the AFaR, Benevento, September
C. Miniussi, R. Manenti, A. Fogliata, S.F. Cappa, C. Papagno, P.M. Rossini (2005). La memoria episodica nell’invecchiamento fisiologico: uno studio con stimolazione
magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS). 7 Congress of the AFaR, Benevento, September 22-24.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, L. Benussi, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, R. Ferri, R. Ferreri, G. Frisoni, R. Guidoni, C. Miniussi, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, R. Squitti, P.M.
Rossini (2005). L’Apolipoproteina e agisce sui ritmi cerebrali elettroencefalografici in soggetti con impoverimento cognitivo. 7th Congress of the AFaR, Benevento,
September 22-24.
C. Repetto, M. Cotelli, R. Vanenti, V. Garibotto, D. Perani, V. Sansone, G. Meola, C. Miniussi (2005). Amnesia autobiografica retrograda: case report. 7 Congress of the
AFaR, Benevento, September 22-24.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, L. Bresciani, C. Geroldi, G. Frisoni, C. Miniussi, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, F. Zappasodi, P.M. Rossini (2005). Volume cerebrale frontale e le
sorgenti elettroencefalografiche delta frontali correlano negativamente in soggetti con impoverimento cognitivo e malattia di Alzheimer. 7 Congress of the AFaR,
Benevento, September 22-24.
D. Brignani, G. Barbati, C. Bonato, C. Porcaro, C. Miniussi, PM. Rossini (2005). Coregistrazione EEG-TMS: correzione dell’artefatto mediante analisi a componenti
indipendenti (ICA). 7th Congress of the AFaR, Benevento, September 22-24.
M. Calabria, M. Cotelli, C. Geroldi, A. Alberici, G. Alaimo, M. Ettori, R. Rossi, S. Amadori, C. Bonomini, C. Calcagna, E. Rosa, A. Fogliata, R. Manenti, C Repetto, K. Sosta, C.
Stampatori, G. Binetti, G. Frisoni, C. Miniussi, S.F. Cappa and O. Zanetti (2005). Training cognitivo nell’anziano normale (“BRAINGin”): risultati preliminari 7 Congress of
the AFaR, Benevento, September 22-24.
C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, C. Bonato, D. Boschis, G. Busonero, R. Carnaghi, C. Del Percio, G. Foresti, G.B. Frisoni, J. Gordon, M. Gurzì, A. Mancuso, C. Miniussi, D. Moretti, A.
Prestia, PM. Rossini, K. Sosta, O. Zanetti (2005). Studio dei modelli dell’attività cerebrale (ritmi EEG) correlata ad attività specifiche nell’invecchiamento normale e
patologico attraverso la costituzione di un archivio EEG-AFaR. 7 Congress of the AFaR, Benevento, September 22-24.
A. Prestia, D. Boschis, R. Carnaghi, M.C. Valentini, C. Miniussi, C. Babiloni, C. Del Percio, L. Bocchio, L. Benussi, C. Testa, G.B. Frisoni (2005). Correlati morfostrutturali e
neurofisiologici in pazienti con decadimento cognitivo afferenti ad una “Memory Cllinic”: Razionale e metodi. 7th Congress of the AFaR, Benevento, September 22-24.
C. Miniussi, R. Manenti, A. Fogliata, S.F. Cappa, C. Papagno, P.M. Rossini (2005). La memoria episodica nell’invecchiamento fisiologico: uno studio con stimolazione
magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS). Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Cagliari, September 18-20.
D. Brignani, C. Maioli, P.M. Rossini, and C. Miniussi (2005). Il ruolo dell’attenzione selettiva in un compito di working memory spaziale. Congress of the Italian Society of
Experimental Psychology, Cagliari, September 18-20.
M. Sandrini, C. Lentini, C. Miniussi e R. Daini (2005). La rappresentazione numerica nel lobo parietale: uno studio rTMS. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental
Psychology, Cagliari, September 18-20.
D. Brignani, C. Maioli, P.M. Rossini, and C. Miniussi (2005). Covert Attentional Shift and Saccade Preparation in a Spatial Working Memory Task. IX International
Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Cuba, September 5-8.
M. Sandrini, C. Miniussi, C. Lentini e R. Daini (2005). The role of parietal lobe in numerals and quantities processing: rTMS evidence. NUMBRA / ESCoP Summer School
"Neuroscience of number processing", Erice, July 3-10.
C. Miniussi, C. Bonato, P.M. Rossini (2005). Coregistrazione EEG TMS applicazioni. Invited talk Simposio, Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Roma,
May 27-29.
M. Gurzì, G. Busonero, C. Miniussi, C. Bonato, P.M. Rossini (2005) Modulazione spontanea dell’eccitabilità corticospinale in pazienti affetti da disturbi del tono
dell’umore. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Roma, May 27-29.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, L. Benussi, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, R. Ferri, G. Frisoni, R. Ghidoni, C. Miniussi, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, R. Squitti, P.M. Rossini.
(2005) " Apolipoproteina E" e ritmi cerebrali in soggetti con impoverimento cognitivo: uno studio EEG. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Roma,
May 27-29.
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, S. Cappa, B. Cola, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2005). Functional frontoparietal connectivity during encoding and retrieval
processes follows HERA model. a high-resolution study. 12th ECCN European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Stockholm, May 8-12.
C. Miniussi, (2005). SMT ripetitiva e modulazione delle funzioni cognitive, Invited talk Corso di formazione sulla Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica, Peschiera, April 29.
G. Rodriguez, C. Babiloni, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, R. Ferri, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, S. Salinari, A. Strambi, P. Vitali, P.M. Rossini (2005).
Cortical EEG rhythms in Alzheimer and vascular dementia. Jourmal of Neurological Sciences, 229: 306 Sp. Iss. SI, March 15.
C. Miniussi, (2005). The role of prefrontal cortex in episodic memory as demonstrated with rTMS. Invited talk ISAS/SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies,
Trieste, February 7.
C. Miniussi, (2004). Attività cerebrale e attenzione spaziale. Invited talk Workshop “Robotica e Neuroscienze”. Siena, December 4.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, S. Cappa, F. Cincotti, A. Ferretti, C. Del Gratta, C. Del Percio, S. Della Penna, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, V. Pizzella, G.L. Romani, S. Rossi,
K. Sosta, P.M. Rossini (2004). Serial and parallel cortical processes during human working memory. Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Rome.
Journal of Psychophysiology 18 (1): 388.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini (2004). Cortical functional asymmetry
related to visuospatial episodic long-term memory. A multi-modal RTMS-EEG study. Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Rome. Journal of
Psychophysiology 18 (1): 44.
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, S.F. Cappa, F. Cincotti, B. Cola, C. Miniussi, S. Rossi, K. Sosta, P.M. Rossini (2004). Functional frontoparietal connectivity
during working memory as revealed by high resolution EEG coherence analysis. Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Rome. Journal of
Psychophysiology 18 (1): 49-50.
C. Miniussi, C. Babiloni, S.F. Cappa, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini (2004). La memoria episodica nell’invecchiamento fisiologico, studiata attraverso l’impiego della
stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS). 6 Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
D. Brignani, C. Maioli, C. Babiloni, C. Del Percio and C. Miniussi (2004). Neurofisiologia delle memory-guided saccades rivelata dai potenziali evocati e dalla tomografia
elettromagnetica a bassa risoluzione. 6th Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
C. Fracassi, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2004). Attenzione spaziale ed estinzione unilaterale nella malattia d’Alzheimer. 6 Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
C. Bonato, P. Brambilla, G. Busonero, C. Miniussi, S. Monchieri, J. Perez, P.M. Rossini (2004). Possibile ruolo della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva nel
trattamento delle discinesie tardive. 6th Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, S.F. Cappa, B. Cola, F. Babiloni, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2004). L’accoppiamento funzionale fronto-parietale durante
processi di codifica e richiamo in memoria segue il modello HERA. Studio di coerenza spettrale. 6 Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
C. Miniussi
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, D. Moretti, S. Salinari, G. Frisoni, P.M. Rossini (2004). Ritmi EEG movimento-correlati nella malattia di Alzheimer. Uno studio di
coerenza EEG. 6 Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
C. Babiloni, L. Benussi, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. DalForno, C. Del Percio, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, G. Frisoni, R. Guidoni, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2004). Ritmi
cerebrali nella demenza. 6th Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
M. Gurzì, G. Busonero, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini, C. Bonato (2004). Modulazione spontanea dell’eccitabilità corticospinale in pazienti affetti da disturbi del tono
dell’umore. 6 Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
C. Bonato, G. Busonero, M. Gurzì, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2004). Co-registrazione elettroencefalografia con stimolazione magnetica transcranica esperienze preliminari e
potenzialità clinico scientifiche. 6 th Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
A. Gazzoli, C. Miniussi, S. Bignotti, C. Bonato, G. Busonero, S. Monchieri, G.B. Tura, P.M. Rossini (2004). Stimolazione magnetica transcranica (TMS): applicazioni cliniche
in psichiatria. 6 Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, P.M. Rossini C. Miniussi. (2004). Memoria di lavoro e comprensione linguistica uno studio rTMS. 6th Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
M. Sandrini and C. Miniussi (2004). Stimolazione magnetica trancranica (TMS) e funzioni cognitive: quali possibili applicazioni riabilitative? 6th Congress of the AFaR,
Milano, November 4-6.
C. Babiloni, L. Benussi, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, C. Del Percio, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, G. Frisoni, R. Ghidoni, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, G.
Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, F. Tecchio, R. Squitti, F. Zappasodi, P.M. Rossini. (2004). Ritmi alpha frontomediali nei dementi durante “visual delayed response tasks” uno studio
MEG. 6 Congress of the AFaR, Milano, November 4-6.
C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, D.Cerboneschi, G.Dal Forno, C.Del Percio, F.Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F.Nobili, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, G.
Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, O. Zanetti, F. Zappasodi, Rossini P.M. (2004). “Mapping Distributed Sources of Cortical Alpha Rhythms in Mild
Alzheimers Disease. A Multi-Centric EEG Study” in Supplements to 15th ISBET World Congress of the International Society of Brain Electromagnetic Topography, manuscript
no. 1270003.
C. Miniussi (2004). Introduzione alla TMS. Workshop “La stimolazione magnetica transcranica (TMS) nelle neuroscienze cognitive” Brescia, October 15.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, S. Cappa, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, S. Rossi, K. Sosta, P.M. Rossini (2004). Human cortical rhythms during
visual delay choice reaction time task. A high-resolution study on normal aging. Acta Phyiologica, Vol. 188 Supp 652, 190. 55th Congresso fo the Italian Society of
Physiology. Pisa, October 4-7
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, B. Cola, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2004). Functional frontoparietal connectivity during short-term
memory as revealed by high-resolution EEG coherence analysis. 35th SIN Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Neurologia, Genova, September 25-29.
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, S. Salinari, G. Frisoni, Rossini PM. (2004). Cortical networks generating movement-related EEG rhythms in Alzheimer
disease. A coherence EEG study. 35 SIN Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Neurologia, Genova, September 25-29.
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, S. Cappa, B. Cola, F. Babiloni, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2004). Functional frontoparietal connectivity during encoding and
retrieval processes follows HERA model. A high-resolution study. 35th SIN Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Neurologia, Genova, September 25-29.
C. Miniussi (2004). L’impiego della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) nello studio della memoria episodica. Invited talk Simposio: La stimolazione
magnetica in psicologia e neuroscienze cognitive. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Sciacca, September 18-20.
K. Sosta, C. Maioli, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2004). La memoria di lavoro nell’invecchiamento normale e patologico: uno studio con i movimenti oculari saccadici.
Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Sciacca, September 18-20.
L. Falciati, M. Marangon, M. Calabria, L. Perini, M. Losio, C. Miniussi and C. Maioli (2004). Modificazioni dell’eccitabilità della corteccia motoria indotte dall’agopuntura.
Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology, Sciacca, September 18-20.
R. Manenti, S.F. Cappa, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2004). Corteccia prefrontale e comprensione linguistica: uno studio rTMS. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental
Psychology, September 18-20.
M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2004). Il ruolo del lobulo parietale inferiore nell’elaborazione della grandezza numerica: uno studio rTMS. Congress of the Italian
Society of Experimental Psychology, Sciacca, September 18-20.
C. Fracassi, P.M. Rossini, C. Miniussi (2004). Attenzione spaziale ed estinzione unilaterale nella malattia d’Alzheimer. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental
Psychology, Sciacca, September 18-20.
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, B. Cola, S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini. (2004) Frontoparietal information flow durino short-term memory as
revealed by high-resolution EEG analyses. Neuroimage, Vol. Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Ontario, June 12-16.
C. Miniussi (2004). Il sistema attentivo, evidenze elettrofisiologiche e comportamentali. Invited talk Corso teorico-pratico: I potenziali evocati cognitivi. Coccaglio, June 15.
F. Vecchio, C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, D. Moretti, S. Salinari, G. Frisoni and P.M. Rossini (2004). Networks corticali generanti ritmi EEG movimento-correlati nella malattia di
alzheimer. Uno studio di coerenza EEG. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Montesilvano, May 21-23.
C. Miniussi (2004). I sistemi di memoria. Corso su Aspetti e Tecniche diagnostiche delle demenze e delle malattie mentali, IRCCS San Giovanni di Dio FBF, Brescia, April 26.
C. Miniussi, S. Rossi, P. Pasqualetti , C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini, S.F. Cappa (2004). Age-related functional changes of prefrontal cortex in episodic memory. 1st Congress of
the European Neuropsychological Societies, Modena, April 18-20.
M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini, and C. Miniussi (2004). The differential involvement of inferior parietal lobule in number comparison. 1
Neuropsychological Societies, Modena, April 18-20.
C. Miniussi, C. Bonato, S. Bignotti, A. Gazzoli, M. Gennarelli, P. Pasqualetti, P.M. Rossini (2004). Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS): a therapy for major
drug-resistant depression? International Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Sydney, February 9-13
C. Miniussi, C. Bonato, P. Brambilla; J. Perez, S. Monchieri and P.M.Rossini (2004). Temporary Improvement of tardive dyskinesia induced by rTMS International Congress
of Biological Psychiatry, Sydney, February 9-13
D. Brignani, C. Maioli, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2003). Memoria operativa visuospaziale: studio mediante ERP 11th Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology
(SIPF), Pisa, December 14-16.
M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2003). Il ruolo del lobulo parietale inferiore nell’elaborazione della grandezza numerica: uno studio rTMS. Autumn session,
Italian Society of Neuropsychology (SINP) Bologna, November 21-22.
C. Miniussi (2003). Applicazioni terapeutiche della Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica (TMS). “Incontri scientifici ECM”, IRCCS San Giovanni di Dio FBF, Brescia, October
C. Miniussi (2003). Invited talk Simposio Attenzione ed apparati sensoriali. 5 Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, D. Cerboneschi, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, R. Pascual-Marqui, G. Rodriguez, G.L.
Romani, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, O. Zanetti, F. Zappasodi, P.M. Rossini (2003). Mappaggio di sorgenti disribute di ritmi corticali nella malattia di Alzheimer lieve. 5th
Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
M. Sandrini, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2003). Il ruolo del lobulo parietale inferiore nell’elaborazione della grandezza numerica: uno studio rTMS 5 Congress of the
AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
A. Basilico, C. Babiloni, F. Carducci, P.M. Rossini, S. Salinari, C. Miniussi, F. Cincotti, F. Babiloni (2003). Stima delle sorgenti corticali da registrazione ad alta risoluzione EEG
mediante tecniche di statistical probability mapping. 5 Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
C. Dal Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Paqualetti, S. Rossi P.M. Rossini (2003). Uno studio multimodale rTMSEEG sull’asimmetria emisferica durante un “task” di memoria visuospaziale a lungo termine. 5th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
D. Brignani, C. Miniussi, K. Sosta, G. Busonero, M. Marangon and C. Maioli (2003). Memoria di lavoro visuospaziale uno studio mediante i potenziali evento relati. 5th
Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
Congress of the European
C. Miniussi
Babiloni C., Galderisi S., Mucci A., Miniussi C., Fracassi C., Pioli R., Rillosi L., Beneduce R., Moretti D.V. and Rossini P.M.(2003). Sorgenti di ritmi cerebrali in soggetti affetti
da schizofrenia uno studio EEG multicentrico. 5th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
K.Sosta, C. Maioli, G.B. Frisoni, G. Binetti, C. Geroldi, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2003). Studio dei movimenti oculari saccadici in un compito di memoria di Lavoro
nell’invecchiamento normale e patologico. 5th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
C. Dal Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C.Del Gratta, A. Ferretti, S. Della Penna, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, V. Pizzella, S. Rossi, K. Sosta, G.L.
Romani, P.M. Rossini (2003). Uno studio multimodale rTMS-EEG-fMRI su processi corticali durante working memory. 5 Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
A. Gazzoli, C. Miniussi, S. Bignotti, C. Bonato, G. Busonero, S. Monchieri, R. Pioli, G.B. Tura and P.M. Rossini (2003). Stimolazione magnetica Transcranica: un approccio
efficace per il trattamento della depressione? 5th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
C. Fracassi, P.M. Rossini, O. Zanetti and C. Miniussi (2003). Integrazione d’informazioni spazio-temporali nell’invecchiamento normale e patologico. 5 Congress of the
AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
D.V. Moretti, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, S. Salinari, P.M. Rossini
(2003). Individual amalysis of EEG rhythms and relative band power in mild Alzheimer’s disease. 5th Congress of the AFaR, Roma, September 25-27.
D. Brignani, C. Maioli, K. Sosta, G. Busonero, M. Marangon and C. Miniussi (2003). Correlati elettrofisiologici della memoria di lavoro visuo-spazile in un compito di
movimenti saccadici. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology. Bari, September 21-23.
D.V. Moretti, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, C. Miniussi, F. Nobili, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, G. Rodriguez, F. Tecchio, O. Zanetti, F.
Zappasod, and P.M. Rossini (2003). Mapping distributed sources of cortical rhythms in mild Alzheimer’s disease. An EEG multicentric study. 13 International Congress of
Clinical Neurophysiology. San Francisco, September 16-21.
D.V. Moretti, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C Miniussi, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, S. Salinari and P.M. Rossini (2003).
Individual Analysis Of EEG Frequency And Band Power In Mild Alzheimer’s Disease. 13th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology. San Francisco, September 1621.
S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P. Pasqualetti, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini, S.F. Cappa (2003). Hemispheric asymmetries during episodic memory. An rTMS study along physiological
ageing. Biomedical Engineering, Vol.48, 2, 245. 4th International Symposium on Nonivasive Functional Source Imaging. Chieti, September 10-13.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S.F. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini (2003).A, multi-modal rTMS-EEG
study on cortical functional asimmetry related to visuospatial episodic long-term memory. Biomedical Engineering, Vol.48, 2, 210-211. 4 International Symposium on
Nonivasive Functional Source Imaging. Chieti, September 10-13.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S.F. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti,, C. Del Gratta, A. Ferretti, S. Della Penna, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, V. Pizzella, S. Rossi, K. Sosta,
G.L. Romani, P.M. Rossini P.M. (2003). A, multimodal EEG-MEG-FMRI study on parallel cortical processes during short term memory. Biomedical Engineering, Vol.48, 2,
212-213. 4 International Symposium on Nonivasive Functional Source Imaging. Chieti, September 10-13.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S.F. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Del Gratta, A. Ferretti, S. Della Penna, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, V. Pizzella, S. Rossi, K. Sosta,
G.L. Romani and P.M. Rossini (2003). Parallel cortical processes during working memory, a multimodal EEG-MEG-fMRI Approach. Neuroimage, Vol.19, 2, 151 Human Brain
Mapping, New York, NY, June 18-22.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S.F. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini (2003). Cortical Functional
Asymmetry Related to Visuospatial Episodic Long-Term Memory. A Multi-Modal rTMS-EEG Study. Neuroimage, Vol.19, 2, 152 Human Brain Mapping, New York, NY, June
C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, D. Cerboneschi, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, G. Rodriguez, G.L.
Romani, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, O. Zanetti, F. Zappasodi and P.M. Rossini (2003). Mapping distributed sources of cortical rhythms in mild Alzheimer’s disease: a
multi-centric EEG study. Neuroimage, Vol.19, 2 1234. Human Brain Mapping, New York, NY, June 18-22.
M. Sandrini, S.F. Cappa, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2003). The role of prefrontal cortex in verbal episodic memory: rTMS evidence. 2nd International TMS and
tDCS Symposium, Goettingen, June 11-14,1191,1144.
C. Bonato, F. Tecchio, F. Zappasodi, P. Pasqualetti, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2003). Spontaneous modulation of cortical excitability by TMS. 2
tDCS Symposium, Goettingen, June 11-14, 258, 369-370.
C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, M. Cesari, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, G. Rodriguez, G.L.
Romani, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, O. Zanetti, F. Zappasodi and P.M. Rossini (2003). Mappatura delle sorgenti distribuite dei ritmi corticali in malati lievi di Alzheimer.
Uno studio di EEG Multicentrico. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Firenze, June 8-10.
D.V. Moretti, C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, S. Salinari, P.M. Rossini (2003). Analisi
della frequenza e della potenza di banda individuale nella malattia di Alzheimer lieve. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Firenze, June 8-10.
F. Babiloni, A. Basilico, C. Babiloni, F. Carducci, P.M. Rossini, G.L. Romani, S. Salinari, C. Miniussi, F. Cincotti (2003). Stima delle sorgenti corticali da registrazione ad alta
risoluzione EEG e MEG mediante tecniche di statistical probability mapping. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Firenze, June 8-10.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini (2003). Asimmetria corticale
funzionale associata alla memoria visuospaziale episodica a lungo termine. Uno studio multimodale rTMS-EEG. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology,
Firenze, June 8-10.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Del Gratta, A. Ferretti, S. Della Penna, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, V. Pizzella, S. Rossi, K. Sosta. G.L.
Romani, P.M. Rossini (2003). Processi corticali paralleli durante working memory. Uno studio multimodale EEG-MEG-fMRI. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical
Neurophysiology, Firenze, June 8-10.
C. Miniussi, C. Bonato, S. Bignotti, A. Gazzoli and P.M. Rossini (2003). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a new therapeutic approach in psychiatry? Invited talk
Simposio Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Firenze, June 8-10.
C. Bonato, F. Tecchio, P. Pasqualetti, F. Zappasodi, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2003). “Spontaneous corticospinal excitabilty levels to transcranial magnetic stimulation”.
Caratteristiche di modulazione spontanea dell’eccitabilità corticale. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Firenze, June 8-10.
C. Miniussi (2003). L’utilizzo della rTMS in Neurospsichiatria. Invited talk Gruppo di studio. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Firenze, June 8.
C. Miniussi (2003). Il ruolo della corteccia frontale nella memoria episodica, studiato con la Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica. Invited talk Ciclo di Incontri Scientifici
del Dipartimento di Psicologia. Università degli Studi Di Milano Bicocca May 22.
C. Babiloni, G. Binetti, E. Cassetta, D. Cerboneschi, G. Dal Forno, F. Ferreri, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, G. Rodriguez, G.L.
Romani, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, O. Zanetti, F. Zappasodi and P.M. Rossini (2003). Mapping distributed sources of cortical rhythms in mild Alzheimer’s disease. A
multicentric EEG study. 7th INTINAD Annual meeting, Sorrento, May 22-24.
I.M. Harris and C. Miniussi (2003). Parietal lobe involvement in mental rotation: time course and laterality demonstrated with rTMS. 20th Meeting of the Cognitive
Neuroscience Society, New York, NY, March 30-April 1.
C. Miniussi (2003). Mente e musica. Invited talk I° Corso di musicoterapia Opedale San Giovanni di Dio FBF, Brescia, March 27.
C. Miniussi (2003). Trattamenti non famacologici: Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica. Invited talk Simposio “Irriducibili” Spedali civili di Brescia, Presidio Ospedaliere di
Montichiari, Brescia, January 31.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, S. Cappa, F. Cincotti, A. Ferretti, C. Del Gratta, C. Del Percio, S. Della Penna, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, V. Pizzella, G.L. Romani, S. Rossi,
K. Sosta, P.M. Rossini (2002). Serial and Parallel Cortical Processes during Human Working Memory. 10th Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Roma,
December 5-7.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini (2002). Cortical Functional
Asymmetry Related to Visuospatial Episodic Long-Term Memory. A Multi-Modal rTMS-EEG Study. 10 Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Roma,
December 5-7.
C. Miniussi
International TMS and
F.Vecchio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, S. Cappa, F. Cincotti, B. Cola, C. Miniussi, S. Rossi, K. Sosta, P.M. Rossini (2002). Functional Frontoparietal Connectivity
during Working Memory as Revealed by High Resolution EEG Coherence Analysis. 10 Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Roma, December 5-7.
C. Maioli, K. Sosta, D. Brignani, M. Marangon and C. Miniussi (2002). Electrophysiological correlates of memory-guided saccades in humans. 32nd meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, Orlando, FL, November 2-7, Vol. 28, No. 373.4.
C. Miniussi and C.A. Marzi (2002). An electrophysiological study of Inhibition of Return.32 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, FL, November 2-7, Vol. 28,
No. 476.8.
S.F. Cappa, M. Sandrini, C. Miniussi, K. Sosta, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini (2002). The role of prefrontal cortex in verbal episodic memory: a rTMS study. 32nd meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, FL, November 2-7, Vol. 28, No. 324.8.
D. Brignani, C. Maioli, K. Sosta, G. Busonero, M. Marangon and C. Miniussi (2002). Correlati elettrofisiologici della memoria di lavoro visuo-spazile in un compito di
movimenti saccadici. 4 Congress of the AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
C. Fracassi, K. Sosta, O. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2002). Invecchiamento normale e patologico nei meccanismi d’integrazione d’informazioni spazio temporali.
4th Congress of the AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
A. Gazzoli, C. Bonato, S. Bignotti, G. Busonero, S. Monchieri, R. Pioli, P.M. Rossini, G.B. Tura and C. Miniussi (2002). Stimolazione magnetica transcranica (TMS):
applicazioni cliniche in psichiatria. 4th Congress of the AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
C. Bonato, F. Tecchio, F. Zappasodi, P. Pasqualetti, C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini (2002). Modulazione spontanea dell’eccitabilità della corteccia motoria in risposta alla
stimolazione magnetica transcranica: rumore o ritmo?. 4 Congress of the AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
M. Sandrini, S.F. Cappa, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini and C. Miniussi (2002). Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in un compito di memoria verbale
a lungo termine. 4th Congress of the AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
K. Sosta, C. Miniussi, G. Binetti and C. Maioli (2002). Valutazione del sistema saccadico in un compito di memoria di lavoro visuo-spaziale in anziani normali e pazienti
Alzheimer. 4 Congress of the AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, D. Capanni, E. Cassetta, D. Cerboneschi, P. Chiovenda, F. Cincotti, F. Ferreri, R. Fini, G. Dal Forno, M. Ercolani, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C.
Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, R. D. Pascual-Marqui, P. Pasqualetti, G. Rodriguez, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, F. Zappasodi, P.M. Rossini (2002). Sorgenti corticali di
ritmi EEG nello stadio lieve della malattia di Alzheimer. 4th Congress of the AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
C. Del Percio, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, A. Ferretti, C. Del Gratta, S. Della Penna, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, V. Pizzella, G.L. Romani, S. Rossi,
K. Sosta and P.M. Rossini (2002). Rappresentazione emisferica di processi corticali durante working memory. Uno studio multimodale EEG, MEG e fMRI. 4 Congress of the
AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
D.V. Moretti, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, F. Vecchio, 0. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini (2002). Network corticali generatori di ritmi motori EEG nella
malattia di Alzheimer. Uno studio di coerenza EEG. 4 Congress of the AFaR, San Maurizio Canavese (TO), November 14-16.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa. F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Del Percio, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, P.M. Rossini (2002). Cortical functional asymmetry
related to visuo-spatial episodic long term memory. A multi-modal rTMS-EEG study. Brain Topography ISBET 13th World Congress International society for brain
electromagnetic topography. Naples, October 27-29.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, A. Ferretti, C. Del Gratta, C. Del Percio, S. Della Penna, C. Miniussi, D. Moretti, V. Pizzella, G.L. Romani, S. Rossi, K.
Sosta and P.M. Rossini (2002). Parallel cortical processes during working memory. Brain Topography ISBET 13th World Congress International society for brain
electromagnetic topography. Naples, October 27-29.
S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P. Pasqualetti, C. Babiloni P.M. Rossini and S.F. Cappa (2002). Role of the prefrontal cortex in visuospatial long-term memory along physiological
ageing: a rTMS approach. Brain Topography. ISBET 13th World Congress International society for brain electromagnetic topography. Naples, October 27-29.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, E. Cassetta, D. Cerboneschi, P. Chiovenda, F. Cincotti, F. Ferreri, R. Fini, G. Dal Forno, M. Ercolani, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V.
Moretti, F. Nobili, R. D. Pascual-Marqui, P. Pasqualetti, G. Rodriguez, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Vitali, F. Zappasodi, and P.M. Rossini. (2002). Cortical EEG rhythms in mild
dementia. ISBET 13th World Congress International society for brain electromagnetic topography. Brain Topography Naples, October 27-29.
M. Sandrini, C. Miniussi, S.F. Cappa (2002). Prefrontal cortex and episodic memory: a rTMS study. Joint Meeting of the Italian and French Neuropsychological Societies
(SINP-SNLF). Paris, October 17-18.
M. Sandrini, K. Sosta, S.F. Cappa and C. Miniussi (2002). Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in un compito di memoria verbale a lungo
termine. Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Psychology. Bellaria (RM), September 16-18.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, D.V. Moretti, C. Flora, C. Miniussi, F. Vecchio, S. Salinari, O. Zanetti, P.M. Rossini (2002). Movement-related EEG coherence
in Alzheimer disease. 11th ECCN European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Barcellona, August 25-28.
D.V. Moretti, C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Miniussi, F. Vecchio, S. Salinari, O. Zanetti and P.M. Rossini (2002). Cortical networks generating
movement-related EEG rhythms in Alzheimer disease. A coherence EEG study. 11 ECCN European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Barcellona, August 25-28.
C. Miniussi, S. Bignotti, C. Bonato, A. Gazzoli, P.M. Rossini (2002). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): clinical applications in Psychiatry. Invited talk XIII Congress of
the Italian Society of Psychopharmacology. Symposium on “the Role of TMS in neurology and psychiatry”.S6.5 p 82-83 Milan, July 9-12.
C. Miniussi, C.A. Marzi (2002). Electrophysiological Correlates of Inhibition of Return. European Journal of Neuroscience, Suppl., Vol. ,p114 No.108.9. 3rd Forum of the
European Neuroscience, Paris, June 13-17.
C. Bonato, G. Berlucchi, C. Miniussi, P. Pasqualetti, F. Tecchio, F. Zappasodi, C. Salustri and P.M. Rossini (2002). Spontaneous and activity dependent modulation of
human motor cortex excitability to transcranial magnetic stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience, Suppl., Vol. ,p366 No.021.4. 3rd Forum of the European
Neuroscience, Paris, June 13-17.
S. Bignotti, C. Miniussi, C. Bonato, A. Gazzoli, G.B. Tura, R. Pioli, G. Busonero, S. Monchieri, L. Rillosi, P.M. Rossini (2002). High and low frequency repetitive Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS): a novel therapeutic approach for major, drug-resistant depression. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 5,
Supplement 1, June 2002, page S202
C. Miniussi (2002). Contributo dei potenziali evocati allo studio dell'attenzione visiva. Invited talk Department of Psychology, University Vita Salute San Raffaele, Milan,
June 4.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S.F. Cappa. F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Del Percio, R. Iannuccillo, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, S. Rossi, K. Sosta and P.M. Rossini (2002).
Which kind of involvement of prefrontal cortex in episodic long-term memory? A multi-modal TMS-high resolution EEG study. Neuroimage, Vol., No.10382, Human Brain
Mapping, Sendaj, June 2-6.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, S.F. Cappa, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Del Gratta, C. Del Percio, S. Della Penna, A. Ferretti, R. Iannuccillo, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, S.
Pignotti, V. Pizzella, G.L. Romani, S. Rossi, K. Sosta, K. Torqati, P.M. Rossini (2002). Human Cortical Responses to Visuomotor Working Memory and no Working Memory
Tasks: A multi-modal fMRI-EEG-MEG study. Neuroimage, Vol., No.10384. Human Brain Mapping, Sendaj, June 2-6.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, D. Cerboneschi, P. Chiovenda, F. Cincotti, G. Dal Forno, M. Ercolani, F. Eusebi, R. Ferri, B. Lanuzza, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili,
RD. Pascual-Marqui, P. Pasqualetti, F. Pauri, N. Quattrini, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, S. Salinari, F. Tecchio, P. Valdés-Sosa, P. Vitali, F. Zappasodi and P.M. Rossini (2002).
Abnormal parallel cortical generation of high and low EEG rhythms in Alzheimer Disease: a multi-centric LORETA study. Neuroimage, Vol., No.10103, Human Brain
Mapping, Sendaj, June 2-6.
C. Miniussi (2002). Memoria, teoria ed istruzioni per l’uso. Seminario presso “ULCB”, Brescia, May 22.
C. Miniussi (2002). Stimolazione Magnetica Transcranica Ripetitiva (rTMS): nei disturbi psichiatrici con componente farmaco-resistente. “Seminari del Lunedì”, IRCCS San
Giovanni di Dio FBF, Brescia, February 25.
V. Florio, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi and C.A. Marzi (2002). Deficit dell’emisfero sinistro in pazienti schizofrenici: una correlazione significativa con i sintomi positivi. Congress
of the Italian Society of Psychopathology (SOPSI), Rome, February 19-23.
M. Sandrini, C. Miniussi, K. Sosta, P.M. Rossini and S.F. Cappa (2002). The role of left frontal lobe in action naming: rTMS evidence. 20th European Workshop on Cognitive
Neuropsychology, Bressanone, January 20-25.
C. Miniussi
C. Miniussi, S. Bignotti, C. Bonato, A. Gazzoli, G. Busonero, G.B. Tura, P.M. Rossini (2002). Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS): a novel therapeutic
approach for major drug-resistant depression. 9 Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Milan, January 18-19. Journal of Psychophysiology 16 (4): 221222.
S. Rossi, C. Miniussi, P. Pasqualetti, C. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini and S.F. Cappa (2002). Age-related functional changes of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in visuospatial
long term memory: a rTMS study. 9 Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Milan, January 18-19. Journal of Psychophysiology 16 (4): 218.
C. Bonato, C. Miniussi, G. Berlucchi and P.M. Rossini (2002). Spontaneous and activity-dependent modulation of human motor cortex excitability to Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation: normative data in healthy subjects and possible applications in neuropsychiatric diseases. 9th Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF), Milan,
January 18-19. Journal of Psychopysiology 16 (4):
M. Sandrini, C. Miniussi, K. Sosta, P.M. Rossini and S.F. Cappa (2001). Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in un compito di denominazione di
oggetti ed azioni. Autumn session, Italian Society of Neuropsychology (SINP) Bologna, November 30 - December 1.
P.M. Rossini, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Del Percio, F. Eusebi, S. Menichetti, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, P. Pasqualetti, F. Pauri, G.L. Romani and C. Babiloni
(2001). Quantitative EEG/MEG analysis for objective assessment of Alzheimer disease: from diagnosis to treatment evaluation. Conference of Telethon 2001. Riva del
Garda, Novembre.
S. Rossi, S.F. Cappa, C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, P. Pasqualetti, F. Carducci, F. Babiloni, P.M. Rossini (2001). Approccio "interferenziale" con stimolazione magnetica ripetitiva
(rTMS) allo studio di meccanismi della memoria a lungo termine. Italian Society of Neurology (SIN) Cortona, October 12-13.
C. Miniussi, S. Bignotti, C. Bonato, A. Gazzoli, G. Busonero, S. Monchieri, R. Pioli, G.B. Tura, C. Altamura and P.M. Rossini (2001). Approccio terapeutico con stimolazione
magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) nel trattamento della depressione: uno studio preliminare. 3 Congress of the AFaR, Monguzzo, September 30 - October 2.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Del Percio, F. Eusebi, C. Miniussi, K. Sosta, D.V. Moretti, G.L. Romani, P. Pasqualetti, F. Pauri, F. Tecchio and P.M. Rossini
(2001). Progetto Alzheimer database “on-line”: uno studio multicentrico internazionale. 3rd Congress of the AFaR, Monguzzo, September 30 - October 2.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, C. Del Percio, S.F. Cappa, C. Miniussi, K. Sosta, D.V. Moretti, G.L. Romani, P. Pasqualetti, F. Pauri, F. Tecchio, S. Rossi and
P.M. Rossini (2001). Ritmi elettroencefalografici correlati alla memoria a breve e lungo termine. 3 Congress of the AFaR, Monguzzo, September 30 - October 2.
M. Sandrini, C. Miniussi, K. Sosta and S.F. Cappa (2001). Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in un compito di denominazione di oggetti ed
azioni. 3rd Congress of the AFaR, Monguzzo, September 30 - October 2.
C. Miniussi, P.M. Rossini and I.M. Harris (2001). Effetti della stimolazione magnetica transcranica ripetitiva (rTMS) in un compito di rotazione mentale. 3 Congress of the
AFaR, Monguzzo, September 30 - October 2.
C. Bonato, C. Miniussi, G. Berlucchi and P.M. Rossini (2001). Modulazione spontanea dell’eccitabilità della corteccia sensorimotoria indagata mediante stimolazione
magnetica transcranica. 3rd Congress of the AFaR, Monguzzo, September 30 - October 2.
C. Bonato, C. Miniussi, G.P. Zanette, A. Fiaschi and P.M. Rossini (2001). Modulazione attività-dipendente dell’eccitabilità della corteccia sensorimotoria valutata mediante
stimolazione magnetica transcranica. 3 Congress of the AFaR, Monguzzo, September 30 - October 2.
V. Florio, S. Fossella, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi and C.A. Marzi (2001). Left hemisphere impairment in simple visual reaction time in Schizophrenic patients. The World
Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Suppl. 1, Vol. 2, 240. 7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Berlin, July 1-6.
S. Bignotti, C. Altamura, L. Bocchio, C. Bonato, M. Gennarelli, C. Miniussi, R. Pioli, A. Polese, S. Rossi, G.B. Tura and P.M. Rossini (2001). Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation (rTMS) as treatment for depression: a preliminary study. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, Suppl. 1, Vol. 2, 343. 7th World Congress of Biological
Psychiatry, Berlin, July 1-6.
C. Babiloni, F. Babiloni, F. Carducci, F. Cincotti, F. Eusebi, R. Ferri, C. Miniussi, D.V. Moretti, F. Nobili, P. Pasqualetti, F. Pauri, G. Rodriguez, G.L. Romani, F. Tecchio, P.
Vitali, P.M. Rossini (2001). Quantitative EEG/MEG Analysis for Objective Assessment of Alzheimer Disease: The Project “Alzheimer Database On-line”. Neuroimage, Suppl.
Vol13, No.6, Part 2 770. Human Brain Mapping, Brighton, June 10-14.
S. Rossi, C. Babiloni, P. Pasqualetti, P.M. Rossini, F. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, F. Carducci and S. Cappa (2001). The Role of the prefrontal cortex in long term memory: an
interference approach with repetitive transcranial stimulation. 24 International Epilepsy Congress, Buenos Aires, May 12 – 17.
S.F. Cappa, P. Pasqualetti; P.M. Rossini, C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, S. Rossi (2000). Functional asymmetry of the prefrontal cortex during memory encoding and retrieval: an
interference approach with repetitive transcranial stimulation. 30th meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, November 4-9, Vol. 26, No. 305.4
I.C. Griffin, J.T. Coull, V. Walsh, C. Miniussi, A.C. Nobre (2000). Differential parietal involvement in visual search and visual spatial orienting. 30th meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, November 4-9, Vol. 26, No. 595.8
C. Miniussi, A.C. Nobre (2000). Watching where you look: visual processing of foveal stimuli is asymmetrically modulated by spatial attention. 8
Perception and Cognition Trieste, October 19-21.
Symposium on
C. Miniussi, A.C. Nobre (2000). Spatial attention modulates foveal stimuli asymmetrically. The Acting Brain, Interdisciplinary Workshop Trieste, September 21-22.
S. Rossi, P. Pasqualetti, P.M. Rossini, C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi and S. Cappa (2000). Functional asymmetry of prefrontal cortex during visuospatial encoding and retrieval
operation: an interference approach with repetitive transcranial stimulation. The Acting Brain, Interdisciplinary Workshop Trieste, September 21-22.
C. Miniussi and A.C. Nobre (2000). Looking straight ahead while your brain goes sideways. Hemispheric asymmetry in the modulation of event-related potentials of foveal
stimuli by selective spatial attention. European Journal of Neuroscience, Suppl., Vol. 12, No.11, 488. 2nd Forum of the European Neuroscience, Brighton, 24-28 June.
S. Rossi, S. Cappa, C. Babiloni, C. Miniussi, P. Pasqualetti, A. Polese, F. Carducci, F. Babiloni, I. Benaglio, K. Sosta, P.M. Rossini (2000). Approccio "interferenziale" con rTMS
allo studio dei meccanismi di memoria episodica. 2 Congress of the AFAR, Rome, June 22-25.
C. Miniussi, S. Rossi, S. Cappa, C. Babiloni, P. Pasqualetti, A. Polese, F. Carducci, F. Babiloni, I. Benaglio, P.M. Rossini (2000). Approccio "interferenziale" con rTMS allo
studio dei meccanismi di memoria episodica. Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Bergamo, May 31-June 3.
I.C. Griffin, C. Miniussi and A.C. Nobre (1999). Orienting Attention to Space or Time: ERP Comparisons. 29 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami Beach, FL,
October 23-28, Vol. 25, No. 653.9
C.A. Marzi, M. Girelli, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi, N. Smania (1999). ERP correlates of consciousness: Clues from visual extinction following right hemisphere damage.
Psychophysiology, Supp. 36, 76 Society for Psychophysiological Research, Granada, October 7-10.
C. Miniussi and A.C. Nobre (1999). Temporal Selective Attention: behavioural and electrophysiological correlates. Perception, Suppl., Vol. 28, 12. ECVP, Trieste, August 2226.
A.C. Nobre, J.T. Coull, C. Miniussi, E.L. Wilding (1999). Selective Attention to Time Intervals: Brain Imaging and Electrophysiology. Neuroimage, Vol. 9, No. 6, 760. Human
Brain Mapping, Düsseldorf, June 23-26.
C. Miniussi and A.C. Nobre (1999). Electrophysiological Correlates of Selective Attention to Time Intervals. Neuroimage, Vol. 9, No. 6, 758. Human Brain Mapping,
Düsseldorf, June 23-26.
A.C. Nobre, J.T. Coull, C. Miniussi (1999). Selective Attention to Time Intervals. 3rd Vision Research Conference (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, May 7-8, 127.
C. Miniussi (1999). Attenzione selettiva temporale: uno studio con potenziali evocati. Invited talk Department of Neurological Sciences and Vision, University of Verona,
February 18 .
A. Maravita, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi, N. Smania, M. Girelli (1999). Visual extinction occurs at an early stage of visual processing: an event-related potential (ERP) study. 17th
European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, January 24-29.
A. Maravita, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi, N. Smania, M. Girelli (1999). Perdita precoce di informazioni nell'estinzione visiva: uno studio con i potenziali evocati (ERP). Spring
session Italian Society of Neuropsychology (SINP) Bologna, May 1-2.
C.A. Marzi, A. Maravita, M. Girelli, C. Miniussi and N. Smania (1998). Event-related potential (ERP) evidence that unilateral extinction occurs at an early attentional stage in
right hemisphere patients. 28th meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Los Angeles, CA, November 7-12, Vol. 24, No. 202.4
C. Miniussi
C.A Marzi, D. Perani, G. Tassinari, A. Colleluori, A. Maravita, C. Miniussi, E. Paulesu, F. Fazio (1998). Brain imaging studies of callosal transmission. International Journal of
Psychophysiology 30 (1-2): 192 Sp. Iss. 1, September.
C. Miniussi, E. Wilding and A.C. Nobre (1998). Orienting attention in time: a study combining reaction times and event related potentials. European Journal of Neuroscience, Suppl.,
Vol. 10, No.10, 259. Forum of the European Neuroscience, Berlin, June 27-July 1.
C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi, G. Tassinari, A. Colleluori, E. Paulesu, T. Schnur, D. Perani (1997). Pathways of interhemispheric transfer of visuomotor information in normal and split
brain subjects: a PET study. 27 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, October 25-30, Vol. 23, No.872.10.
M. Tinazzi, G. Zanette, C. Miniussi, A. Fiaschi (1997). Neurophysiological markers of short and long-term plasticity at multiple levels of the somatosensory system in humans.
Trends in Neurosciences, Suppl., Vol. 20, No. 9, 5. 7th Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience, Brescia, September 20-23.
V. Florio, S. Fossella, C. Miniussi and C.A. Marzi (1997). Interhemispheric transfer of visuo-motor information in schizophrenic patients. Trends in Neurosciences, Suppl., Vol. 20,
No. 9, 58. 7 Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience, Brescia, September 20-23.
A. Maravita, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi, J. Rothwell, J. Sanes, L. Bertolasi and G. Zanette (1997). Interhemispheric transfer of visuo-motor information in normal human subjects
is selectively impaired by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Trends in Neurosciences, Suppl., Vol. 20, No. 9, 45. 7th Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience, Brescia,
September 20-23.
A. Maravita, C.A. Marzi, C. Miniussi, J. Rothwell, J. Sanes, L. Bertolasi and G. Zanette (1997). Transcranial magnetic stimulation selectively impairs interhemispheric transfer
of visuo-motor information in normal human subjects. Experimental Brain Research, Suppl., Vol. 117, 53. 29th meeting of the European Brain and Behaviour Society,
Tutzing, September 15-18.
P. Manganotti, C. Miniussi, E. Santorum, C. Bonato, M. Tinazzi, C.A. Marzi, A. Fiaschi, B. Dalla Bernardina and G. Zanette (1997). Influence of afferent input on paroxysmal
activity in rolandic epilepsy. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 103, No. 1, 175. 14th Congress of EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology, Florence,
August 24-29.
G. Beltramello, P. Manganotti, G. Zanette, C. Miniussi, A. Maravita, E. Santorum, A. Polo, C.A. Marzi, A. Fiaschi, B. Dalla Bernardina (1997). Coregistration of EEG and fMRI
in rolandic epilepsy with evoked spikes by peripheral tapping stimulation. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 103, No. 1, 83. 14 Congress of EEG
and Clinical Neurophysiology, Florence, August 24-29.
C.A. Marzi, M. Girelli, A.E. Ipata, and C. Miniussi (1996). The neural site of the redundant-targets effect: evidence from event-related potentials. 26th meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., November 16-21, Vol. 22, No.1.271.
C.A. Marzi, A. Fanini, M. Girelli, A.E. Ipata, C. Miniussi, M. Prior, N. Smania (1996). Electrophysiological correlates of neglect and extinction. European Journal of
Neuroscience, Suppl., No. 9, 4. 2nd meeting of the European Neuroscience, Strasbourg, September 24-28.
C. Miniussi, M. Girelli, A.E. Ipata and C.A. Marzi (1996). Electrophysiological correlates of the redundant target effect. European Journal of Neuroscience, Suppl., No. 9,
102. 2 meeting of the European Neuroscience, Strasbourg, September 24-28.
C.A. Marzi, A. Fanini, G. Gambina, A.E. Ipata, C. Miniussi, N. Smania, G. Tomelleri (1995). Reflex saccades in patients with unilateral visual extinction. 25 Meeting of the
Society For Neuroscience, San Diego, California, November 11-16, Vol. 21, No.1989.
A. Fanini, C. Miniussi, A.E. Ipata, G. Gambina, G. Tomelleri, N. Smania, C.A. Marzi (1995). Uninstructed saccadic movements as a correlate of visual extinction. European
Journal of Neuroscience, Suppl., No. 8, 50. 1 meeting of the European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, September 3-7.
A.E. Ipata, M. Girelli, C. Miniussi, C.A. Marzi (1995). Electrophysiological evidence of different mechanisms of callosal transmission. European Journal of Neuroscience,
Suppl., No. 8, 133. 1st meeting of the European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, September 3-7.
C. Miniussi, M. Girelli, A.E. Ipata, N. Smania, C.A. Marzi (1995). Impaired interhemispheric transmission in patients with unilateral visual extinction. European Journal of
Neuroscience, Suppl., No. 8, 136. 1 meeting of the European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, September 3-7.
A.E. Ipata, M. Girelli, C. Miniussi, C.A. Marzi (1995). Correlati elettrofisiologici dei diversi meccanismi della trasmissione transcallosale. Ricerca scientifica ed educazione
permanente, Suppl., No. 99, 98. 7th Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience, Milan, June 25-28.
C. Miniussi, A. Fanini, A.E. Ipata, G. Gambina, G. Tomelleri, N. Smania, C.A. Marzi (1995). Movimenti oculari saccadici “riflessi” in pazienti con estinzione visiva. Ricerca
scientifica ed educazione permanente, Suppl., No. 99, 99. 7 Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience, Milan, June 25-28.
C. Miniussi, A.E. Ipata, G. Tomelleri, G. Gambina, N. Smania, A. Fanini, M.C. Martini, C.A. Marzi (1995). Movimenti oculari saccadici “involontari” in pazienti con
estinzione. International meeting on Leonardo Bianchi and the functions of the frontal lobes, Naples, Oral comunication. May 5-6.
Carlo Miniussi
C. Miniussi

Curriculum vitae - Cognitive Neuroscience Section