Publications by Kari Elisabeth Børresen Sexual Difference in Christian Doctrine and Symolism: Historical Impact and Feminist Critique In: Ulrich Schmiedel and James M. Matarazzo, Jr. (eds.): Dynamics of Difference: Christianity and Alterity. A Festschrift for Werner Jeanrond, 161-171 London 2015 Male-Centered Christology and Female Cultic Incapability: Women’s Impedimentum Sexus In: Geoffrey D. Dunn, Wendy Mayer (eds.) Christians Shaping Identity from the Roman Empire to Byzantium. Studies. Inspired by Pauline Allen. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, Vol 132, 478-501 Leiden, Boston 2015 Impedimentum Sexus: The Cultic Impediment of Female Humanity In: Anne Hege Grung, Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, Anna Rebecca Solevåg, (eds.): Bodies, Borders, Believers. Ancient Texts and Present Conversation, 243-268 Eugene, OR 2015 The High Middle Ages Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.): The Bible and Women, volume 6,2 Atlanta, GA 2015 Female metaphors, From Scripture to Julian’s Showings In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.): The High Middle Ages. The Bible and Women, volume 6,2, 167-179 Atlanta, GA 2015 Scripture in Birgitta’s Revelations In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.): The High Middle Ages. The Bible and Women, volume 6,2, 255-266 Atlanta, GA 2015 Las mujeres en la mirada de los antiguos escritos cristianos. Siglos I-VII Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Emanuela Prinzivalli (eds.): La Biblia y las Mujeres 10. Los padres de la Iglesia Estella (Navarro) 2014 Modelos de género en Augustin In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Emanuela Prinzivalli (eds.): Las mujeres en la mirada de los antiguos escritos cristianos. Siglos I-VII. La Biblia y Las Mujeres 10. Los padres de la Iglesia, 201-217 Estella (Navarro) 2014 Matristics In: Angelo Di Bernadino et al. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity, Volume two F-O, 730-735 Downers Grove, IL 2014 Weibliche Metaphern von der heiligen Schrift zu Julian von Norwichs Offenbarungen In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.): Frauen und Bibel im Mittelalter. Rezeption und Interpretation. Die Bibel und Die Frauen. Mittelalter 6,2, 185-197 Stuttgart 2013 Die Heilige Schrift in Birgittas Offenbarungen In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.) Frauen und Bibel im Mittelalter. Rezeption und Interpretation. Die Bibel und Die Frauen. Mittelalter 6,2, 262-273 Stuttgart 2013 Frauen und Bibel im Mittelalter . Rezeption und Interpretation Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.) Die Bibel und die Frauen. Mittelalter 6.2 Stuttgart 2013 Prestevielse av kvinner og andre forbrytelser In: Også vi er Kirken, Nyhetsbrev nr. 2. 16-19 Oslo 2013 Challenging Augustine in Feminist Theology and Gender Studies In: Karla Pollmann, Willemien Otten (eds.): The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine, Volume 1, 135-141 Oxford 2013 Le Donne nello squardo degli antichi autori cristiani. L'uso dei testi biblici nella construzione dei modelli femminili e la riflessione teologica dal I al VII secolo Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Emanuela Prinzivalli (eds.): La Bibbia e le Donne, vol. 5.1 Trapani 2013 1 Modelli di genere in Agostino In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Emanuela Prinzivalli ( eds.): Le Donne nello sguardo degli antichi autori cristiani. L'uso dei testi biblici nella construzione dei modelli femminili di genere. .La Bibbia e le Donne, vol. 5.1, 191-207 Trapani 2013 Medioevo II ( siglos XII-XV). Entre recepción e interpretación Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.): La Biblia y las Mujeres 14. Medioevo y comienzo de la Edad Moderna Estella (Navarro) 2012 Las metáforas femeninas desde las S agradas Escrituras hasta las Revelaciones de Juliana de Norwich In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.): Medioevo II (siglos XII-XV). Entre recepción e interpretación. La Biblia y las Mujeres 14. Medioevo y comienzo de la Edad Moderna, 169-182 Estella (Navarro) 2012 La Sagrada Escritura en las Revelaciones de Brígida de Suecia In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.): Medioevo II. (siglos XII-XV). Entre recepción e interpretación. La Biblia y las Mujeres 14. Medioevo y comienzo de la Edad Moderna, 251-263 Estella (Navarro) 2012 Religiøse kjønnsmodeller i konflikt med sekulære menneskerettigheter: fundamental utfordring til Romerkirkens antropologi In: Per Kværne, Anne Helene Utgaard (eds.): Hellig uro. 50 år etter Det annet Vatikankonsil, 49-70 Oslo 2012 El impacto de las Neurociencias sobre la Teologia y los Gender Studies In: Pius-Ramón Tragan (ed.): ¿Neurosciencias y espíritu: abiertos a una vida eterna?, 167-185 Estella (Navarro)2012 Donne e Bibbia nel Medioevo (secoli XII-XV). Tra Ricezione e Interpretazione Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valerio (eds.): La Bibbia e le Donne, vol. 6.2 Trapani 2011 Metafore femminili dalla Scrittura alle Rivelazioni di Julian da Norwich. In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valero (eds.): Donne e Bibbia nel Medioevo (secoli XII-XV). Tra Ricezione e Interpretazione, La Bibbia e le Donne, vol. 6.2, 171-183 Trapani 2011 La Scrittura nelle Rivelazioni di Brigida di Svezia. In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Adriana Valero (eds.): Donne e Bibbia nel Medioevo (secoli XII-XV). Tra Ricezione e Interpretazione, La Bibbia e le Donne, vol. 6.2, 253-264 Trapani 2011 In Memoriam Anne Jensen (July 4, 1941 - August 13, 2008) In: Ökumenisches Forum, vol. 30/31, 2007/2008, 292-307 Graz 2011 "The mind is what the Brain does": Felles utfordring til teologi og kjønnsforskning Årbok, Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi 2010, 233-250 Oslo 2011 Image of God and Gender Models in the Christian Tradition In: Alberto Melloni, Riccardo Saccenti (eds.): In the Image of God. Foundations and Objections within the Discourse on Human Dignity. Published in Honour of Pier Cesare Bori, 359-367 Christianity and History, Vol. 8 Berlin 2010 Formation and Significance of Christian Gender Models in European Culture In: Historia Religionum 2, 147-153 Pisa, Roma 2010 Slør i kryssild In: Bulletine 1, 40-41 Oslo 2010 Prestevielse av kvinner og andre forbrytelser Katolsk studentlag Oslo 8-10-2011 Femme In: André Vauchez (ed.): Dictionnaire du Christianisme, 224-226 Paris 2010 2 Gender Models in the Christian Tradition In: Irmtraud Fischer, Christoph Heil (eds.): Geschlechterverhältnisse und Macht. Lebensformen in der Zeit des frühen Christentums, 13-32 Münster, Hamburg, London 2010 Nicolaus Cusanus' De Pace Fidei. Om Trosfreden Oppdatert elektronisk utgave av min oversettelse og kommentar, Platonselskabets skriftserie, bind 8, Oslo 1983 In: Kristen Skriver Frandsen (ed.): Folkekirke & Religionsmøde Løgumkloster 2009 Santa Brigida di Svezia In: Elio Guerriero (ed.): Santi Patroni d'Europa, 158-182, 236 Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) 2009 Modelli di genere nella tradizione cristiana In: Giovanni Filoramo (ed.): Le Religioni e il Mondo Moderno, vol. IV, 319-340 Torino 2009 Gender, Religion and Human Rights in Europe In: Lene Sjørup, Hilda Rømer Christensen (eds.): Pieties and Gender, 55-64 Leiden, Boston 2009 Matristics: Medieval and Early Modern God-language In: Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 33, 1-2, 100-109 Oslo 2009 Christian and Islamic Gender Models: The European Challenge In: Daniela Bredi et al. (eds.): Scritti in Onore di Biancamaria Scarcia Amoretti, Vol. I, 177-186 Roma 2008 Defending Women’s Cultic Incapability: Impedimentum Sexus In: Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo 5, 543-549 Brescia 2008 Il femminismo religioso: una sfida alla teologia cattolica In: Marinella Perroni, Sandra Mazzolini (eds.): Teologhe – in quale Europa, 45-56 Cantalupa (Torino) 2008 Kjønnsmodeller i kristendom og Islam In: St. Sunniva 15, 1-2; 5-13 Oslo 2007 Christine, Reine de Suède: Autonomie et foi rationelle In: Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research 15, 163-176 Leuven 2007 Mannsvridd frigjøringsteologi og pontifikal feminologi In: Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift 108, 3, 187-191 Oslo 2007 One God and Two Sexes. Gender Models in Formative Christianity and Islam In: Sofia Boesch Gajano, Enzo Pace (eds.): Donne tra Saperi e Potere nella Storia delle Religioni, 89-98 Brescia 2007 Kjønn og religion i Europa: Kristendom og islam In: NIKK Magasin 1, 11-15 Oslo 2007 Matristica In: Angelo Di Berardino (ed.): Nuovo Dizionario Patristico e di Antichità Cristiana, vol. II, 3149-3156 Genova 2007, 2nd edition Modelli di genere nelle religioni e diritti umani delle donne In: Giovanna Fiume (ed.): Donne, Diritti, Democrazia, 121-133 Roma 2007 Sexologie religieuse et droits humains des femmes In: Yearbook of the European Society of Women in Theological Research 14, 119-131 Leuven 2006 3 Converts ab Aquilone: Queen Christina and Nicolaus Steno In: Roger Jensen, Dag Thorkildsen, Aud V. Tønnessen (eds.): Kirke, protestantisme og samfunn, 103112 Trondheim 2006 Gender, Religion, Human Rights in Europe Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Sara Cabibbo (eds.) Roma 2006 Bibsys: Religious Gender Models versus Women's Human Rights In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Sara Cabibbo (eds.): Gender, Religion, Human Rights in Europe, 3-11 Roma 2006 Religious Gender Models and Women's Human Rights In: Richard Valantasis (ed.): The Subjective Eye. Essays in Culture, Religion and Gender, 195-206 Eugene, OR 2006 Kjønnsmodeller i kristendom og islam In: Tilman Hartenstein, Elisabeth Skjervum Hole (eds.): P2-Akademiets Bokserie 33, 9-21 Oslo 2005 Religion confronting Women's Human Rights : the Case of Roman Catholicism In: Tore Lindholm, Bahia Tahzib-Lie, W. Cole Durham, Jr (eds.): Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Desk Book, 545-560 Leiden 2004 Bibsys: Link: Christian and Islamic Gender Models in Formative Traditions Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.) Roma 2004 Bibsys: La féminologie d'Augustin : création, chute et résurrection In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.): Christian and Islamic Gender Models in Formative Traditions, 67-99 Roma 2004 Bibsys: L'esperienza di una protagonista In: Cettina Militello (ed.): Donne e Teologia. Bilancio di un secolo, 131-142 Bologna 2004 Ressourcement matristique In: Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique 99, 434-438 Leuven 2004 Birgitta av Sverige: kirkemoder og europeisk vernehelgen In: Helge Nordahl, Asbjørn Aarnes (eds.): Hjertet heter Vadstena. Til belysning av den hellige Birgitta, 131-144 Oslo, 2004 Religious Feminism in the Middle Ages: Birgitta of Sweden In: Louise D'Arcens, Juanita Feros Ruys (eds.): Maistresse of My Wit. Medieval Women, Modern Scholars. Making the Middle Ages, vol. 7, 295-312 Turnhout, 2004 La féminologie d'Augustin et les droits humains des femmes In: B. Bruning, J. Lam Cong Ouy (eds.): Mélanges offerts à T.J. van Bavel. Augustiniana 54, 325-341 Leuven 2004 Cristianesimo e diritti umani delle donne: impedimentum sexus In: Dinora Corsi (ed.): Le donne cristiane e il sacerdozio. Dalle origini all'età contemporanea, 261-271 Roma 2004 Jean-Paul II et les femmes In: Lumière et Vie 52, 57-69 Lyon 2003 Le portrait de Christine de Suède selon ses Ecrits In: Olivier Bonfait (ed.): Les portraits du pouvoir entre art et histoire. Actes du Colloque à l'Académie de France à Rome, 67-75, 104-105 Paris 2003 4 Den hellige Birgitta In: Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift 103, 188-191 Oslo 2002 Some approaches to Niels Stensen's Theology In: Karen Ascani, Hans Kermit, Gunver Skytte (eds.): Niccolò Stenone (1638-1686) Anatomista, geologo, vescovo. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, Supplementum XXXI,70-76 Romae 2002 Theologin: Spätmittelalter In: Elisabeth Gössmann et al. (eds.): Wörterbuch der Feministische Theologie, 595, 604-606 Güthersloh 2002, Neue Auflage From Patristics to Matristics: Selected Articles on Christian Gender Models by Kari Elisabeth Børresen Øyvind Norderval, Katrine Lund Ore (eds.) Roma 2002 Bibsys: An updated edition of articles published earlier in French or English, including La féminologie d’Augustin, 61-89, not previously published. Religious Feminism and Catholic Theology In: Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm, Gunhild Winqvist Hollman (eds.): The Relevance of Theology. Nathan Söderblom and the Development of an Academic Discipline, 143-156 Uppsala 2002 Gender and Religion / Genre et religion. European studies / Études européennes Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Sara Cabibbo, Edith Specht (eds.) Roma 2001 Matristics: Ancient and Medieval Church Mothers In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Sara Cabibbo, Edith Specht (eds.): Gender and Religion, 203-218 Roma 2001 Bibsys: Female Godlanguage in Christian Spirituality In: Ursula King (ed.): Spirituality and Society in the New Millenium, 35-49 Portland 2001 A Immagine di Dio. Modelli di genere nella tradizione giudaica e cristiana Roma 2001 Translation of The Image of God. Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition, Minneapolis MN 1995 Bibsys: The Gender of Religion: Women's Studies of the Christian Tradition In: Anette Warring (ed.): Køn, religion og kvinder i bevægelse, 20-38 Roskilde 2000 Jesus - som mor In: Halvor Moxnes (ed.): Jesus - år 2000 e.Kr., 114-130, 290-291 Oslo 2000 Religious Feminism and Female Godlanguage: From Hildegard von Bingen to Thérèse de Lisieux In: Marie-Louise Rodén (ed.): Ab Aquilone. Nordic Studies in Honour and Memory of Leonard E. Boyle, O.P. Suecoromana VI, 197-222 Stockholm 2000 Matristics: Female Godlanguage in the Middle Ages In: Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique 95, 342-362 Louvain-la-Neuve, Leuven 2000 Gender and Exegesis in the Latin Fathers In: Augustinianum 40, 65-76 Roma 2000 Når kvinner blir mennesker - patristikk og matristikk In: Øivind Andersen (ed.): Paideia - Humanitas - Dannelse, 119-128 Oslo 1999 Kjønnsmodeller i senantikk og middelalder In: Dagny Kaul, Anne Hilde Laland, Solveig Østrem (eds.): Feministteologi på norsk, 133-141 Oslo 1999 5 Kjønn og religion i Europa In: Kvinneforskning, KILDEN 23, 2, 5-8 Oslo 1999 La religion de Christine de Suède In: Börje Magnusson (ed.): Cristina di Svezia e Roma, Suecoromana V, 9-21 Stockholm 1999 Augustin og Thomas Aquinas: Gudsbilde, mannsbilde, kvinnebilde In: Hilde Bondevik, Linda M. Rustad (eds.): Kjønnsperspektiver i filosofihistorien, 53-62 Oslo 1999 Bibsys: Feminisme et Christianisme In: Fiorenza Taricone (ed.): E maschio e femmina li creò, 83-99 Verona 1998 Kjønn og religion In: Inger Marie Ruud, Sigurd Hjelde (eds.): Enhet i mangfold?, 220-238 Oslo 1998 Bibsys: Brigida di Svezia In: C. Leonardi, A. Riccardi, G. Zarri (eds.): Il Grande Libro dei Santi. Dizionario Enciclopedico, I, 344348 Milano 1998 Giuliana di Norwich In: C. Leonardi, A. Riccardi, G. Zarri (eds.): Il Grande Libro dei Santi. Dizionario Enciclopedico, II, 968970 Milano 1998 Nourrir la tradition par inculturation continuée: Innovation patristique et accomplissement matristique In: Bulletin ET, Zeitschrift für Theologie in Europa 9, 115-127 Nijmegen 1998 Gudsbilde og menneskesyn - en matristisk fornyelse In: Notto R. Thelle, Nils Jøran Riedl (eds.): ”Gud”. Etterutdanning for prester 4, 103-113 Oslo 1998 Recent and Current Research on Women in the Christian Tradition In: Elizabeth A. Livingstone (ed.): Studia Patristica XXIX, 224-231 Leuven 1997 Christina's Discourse on God and Humanity In: Marie-Louise Rodén (ed.): Politics and Culture in the Age of Christina. Suecoromana IV, 43-53 Stockholm 1997 Kvinneteologi i middelalderen In: Middelalderforum 1, 13-23 Oslo 1996 Gudsbegrep og menneskesyn i matristisk teologi In: Ole Gunnar Winsnes (ed.): Praksis - Teori - Praksis, 25-30 Oslo 1996 Concordia Discors. La pensée de Christine de Suède sur Dieu et l' humanité In: Augustinianum 36, 237-254 Roma 1996 Women's Studies of the Christian Tradition: New Perspectives In: Ursula King (ed.): Religion and Gender, 245-255 Oxford 1995 Bibsys: Matristikk og ortodoksi In: Samuel Rubenson (ed.): Patristica Nordica 4. Religio 44, 75-91 Lund 1995 Bibsys: 6 Kjønnsmodeller i senantikk og middelalder In: Konstituering av kjønn fra antikken til moderne tid, 74-83 Oslo 1995 Subordination and Equivalence. A Reprint of a Pioneering Classic Kampen 1995 Updated edition of Subordination and Equivalence. The Nature and Role of Woman in Auqustine and Thomas Aquinas, Washington DC 1981 Kristendom og feminisme In: Svein Åge Christoffersen, Trygve Wyller (eds.): Arv og utfordring, 231-245 Oslo 1995 Bibsys: Kristendom og feminisme In: Ung Teologi 28 (3), 29-38 Oslo 1995 The Image of God. Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.) Minneapolis MN 1995 Bibsys: Imago Dei as Inculturated Doctrine In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.): The Image of God. Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition, 1-4 Minneapolis MN 1995 God' s Image, Man' s Image? Patristic Interpretation of Gen.1,27 and I Cor.11,7 In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.): The Image of God. Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition, 187-209 Minneapolis MN 1995 God's Image, is Woman Excluded? Medieval Interpretation of Gen.1,27 and I Cor.11,7 In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.): The Image of God. Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition, 210-235 Minneapolis MN 1995 Matristikk: Kirkemødre i senantikk og middelalder In: Kyrkohistorisk Årsskrift, 33-41 Uppsala 1994 Bulletin Matristique In: Yearbook of the European Society of Women in Theological Research 2, 126-132 Kampen 1994 Bibsys: Italian Research on Women in Christian Antiquity In: Augustinianum 34, 503-511 Roma 1994 Patristic “Feminism”, the Case of Augustine In: Augustinian Studies 25, 137-152 Philadelphia PA 1994 Discours sur Dieu: patristique et matristique In: P. Merino, J.M. Torrecilla (eds.): Charisteria Augustiniana. Iosepho Oroz Rota dicata. Augustinus 38, 121-135 Madrid 1993 Women's ordination: tradition and inculturation In: Theology Digest 40, 15-19 St. Louis MO 1993 Women's Studies of the Christian and Islamic Traditions. Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Foremothers Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Kari Vogt Dordrecht 1993 Bibsys: 7 Ancient and Medieval Church Mothers In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Kari Vogt: Women's Studies of the Christian and Islamic Traditions. Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Foremothers, 245-275 Dordrecht 1993 Bibsys: Birgitta of Sweden: a Model of Theological Inculturation. Brigida di Svezia come modello di inculturazione teologica In: Tekla Famiglietti (ed): Santa Brigida, profeta dei tempi nuovi. Saint Bridget, Prophetess of New Ages. Atti dell' incontro internazionale di studio, Roma, 3-7 ottobre 1991. Proceedings of the international study meeting, Rome, October 3-7, 1991. Roma 1993, 188-215 Also in Børresen and Vogt, 1993, 277-294 Julian of Norwich: a Model of Feminist theology In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen, Kari Vogt: Women's Studies of the Christian and Islamic Traditions. Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Foremothers, 295-314 Dordrecht 1993 Caritas Pirckheimer (1467-1532) et Vittoria Colonna (1490-1547) In: Gregorio Piaia (ed.): Concordia discors. Studi su Niccolò Cusano e l'umanesimo europeo offerti a Giovanni Santinello, 505-527 Padova 1993 Also in Børresen and Vogt, 1993, 315-339 Image ajustée, typologie arrêtée: analyse critique de 'Mulieris dignitatem' In: Joseph Doré, Christoph Theobald (eds.): Penser la foi. Recherches en théologie aujourd' hui. Mélanges offerts à Joseph Moingt, 799-808 Paris 1993 Also in Børresen and Vogt, 1993, 343-357 Matristics: Ancient and Medieval Church Mothers In: Theodor Schneider, Helen Schüngel-Straumann (eds.): Theologie zwischen Zeiten und Kontinenten. Für Elisabeth Gössmann, 64-83 Freiburg Br 1993 Le Madri della Chiesa. Il medioevo Napoli 1993 Bibsys: Ny forskning om drottning Kristina av Sverige In: Signum 19, 105-107 Uppsala 1993 Immagine aggiornata, tipologia arretrata In: Maria Antoinetta Macciocchi (ed.): Le Donne secondo Wojtyla, 197-212 Milano 1992 Imagen actualizada, tipología anticuada In: Maria Antoinetta Macchiocchi (ed.): Las mujeres según Wojtyla, 181-194 Madrid 1992 Bulletin matristique In: Augustinianum 32, 433-441 Roma 1992 The Ordination of Women: to nurture tradition by continuing inculturation In: Studia Theologica 46, 3-13 København 1992 Theologin. Spätmittelalter and frühe Neuzeit In: Elisabeth Gössmann et al. (eds.): Wörterbuch der Feministischen Theologie, 407-415 Gütersloh 1991 Birgitta's Godlanguage: Exemplary Intention, Inapplicable Content In: Tore Nyberg (ed): Birgitta, hendes værk og hendes klostre i Norden. Birgitta, her Works, and her Five Abbeys in the Nordic Countries, 21-72 Odense 1991 Bibsys: 8 Image of God and Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.) Oslo 1991 Bibsys: Imago Dei as Inculturated Doctrine In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.): Image of God and Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition, 7-10 Oslo 1991 Bibsys: God' s Image, Man' s Image? Patristic Interpretation of Gen.1,27 and I Cor.11,7 In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.): Image of God and Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition, 188207 Oslo 1991 Bibsys: God's Image, is Woman Excluded? Medieval Interpretation of Gen.1,27 and I Cor.11,7 In: Kari Elisabeth Børresen (ed.): Image of God and Gender Models in Judaeo-Christian Tradition, 208227 Oslo 1991 Bibsys: Julia Kristevas fiktive mariologi: Kommentar til Sigrid Bø Grønstøls artikkel om 'Stabat Mater' In: Nytt om kvinneforskning 15 (2), 151-152 Oslo 1991 Kvinneteologi i middelalderen In: Nytt om kvinneforskning 15 (4), 108-110 Oslo 1991 L'ordinazione delle donne: una questione aperta. Come alimentare la tradizione mediante una continua inculturazione In: Cettina Militello (ed.): Donna e Ministero. Un dibattito ecumenico, 245-263 Roma 1991 In Defence of Augustine: how femina is homo In: B. Bruning, M. Lamberigts, J. van Houtem (eds.): Collectanea Augustiniana. Mélanges T.J. van Bavel, 411-428 Leuven 1990 Immagine di Dio e modelli di genere nella tradizione cristiana In: Sandro Spinsanti (ed.): Maschio femmina: dall’uguaglianza alla reciprocità, 113-125 Milano 1990 Women's Studies of the Christian Tradition In: Guttorm Fløistad, Raymond Klibansky (eds.): Contemporary Philosophy. A New Survey, vol. 6, Philosophy and Science in the Middle Ages, 901-1001 Dordrecht, Boston, London 1990 Enlarged version in Børresen and Vogt, 1993, 13-127 L' inculturazione patristica, le nostre precorritrici medioevali et la teologia femminista In: Donna Woman Femme 10/11, 145-156 Roma 1990 Eva-Maria. Kvinnesyn i kristen middelalder In: Karin Kryger, Søren Kaspersen, Louise Lillie (eds.): Kvindebilleder. Eva, Maria og andre kvindemotiver i middelalderen, 49-59 København 1989 Bibsys: Théologiennes au Moyen Age In: Revue Théologique des Louvain 20, 45-48 Louvain 1989 Patristic Inculturation, Medieval Foremothers and Feminist Theology In: Religio 30, 157-172 Lund 1989 9 Kvinner og reformasjon: Caritas Pirckheimer og Vittoria Colonna In: Asbjørn Aarnes, Liv Bliksrud (eds.): Spor etter mennesket. Minneskrift for Andreas H. Winsnes, 219-231, 332-334 Oslo 1989 Bibsys: Maria in der katholischen Theologie In: Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel, Hans Küng, Jürgen Moltmann (eds.): Was geht uns Maria an?, 72-87 Gütersloh 1988 Kvinneteologi og tradisjonsformidling In: Nytt om kvinneforskning 12 (1), 25-30 Oslo 1988 Kvinnoteologi på medeltiden In: Signum 14, 157-159 Uppsala 1988 Interaksjon mellom skriftgrunnlag og senantikk antropologi: Kirkefedres tolkning av I Mos. 1,27 og I Kor.11,7 In: Platonselskapet, symposium i Göteborg 8.-11. juni 1983, 117-132 København 1985 Imago Dei, privilège masculin? Interprétation augustinienne et pseudo-augustinienne de Gen.1,27 et I Cor.11,7 In: Augustinianum 25, 213-234 Roma 1985 Equivalencia y subordinación según san Agustín. Naturaleza y papel de la mujer In: Augustinus 30, 97-197 Madrid 1985 Kvinnesynet i middelalderen In: Kari Vogt et al. (ed.): Kvinnenes kulturhistorie 1, 88-92 Oslo 1985 Bibsys: Julian av Norwich In: Kari Vogt et al. (ed.): Kvinnenes kulturhistorie 1, 101-102 Oslo 1985 Bibsys: Reformator og doctor ecclesiae: Teresa av Avila In: Kari Vogt et al. (ed.): Kvinnenes kulturhistorie 1 , 176-178 Oslo 1985 Bibsys: Kvinneteologi – norsk og internasjonal In: Nytt om kvinneforskning 8 (3), 73-74 Oslo 1984 Male/Female Typology in the Church In: Theology Digest 31, 23-26 Duluth MN 1984 Nicolaus Cusanus' dialog De pace fidei. Om trosfreden Oslo 1983 Bibsys: Marie dans la théologie catholique In: Concilium 19, 93-106 Paris 1983 God's Image, Man's Image? Female Metaphors describing God in the Christian Tradition In: Temenos 19, 17-32 Helsinki 1983 “Gud vår mor” - Julian of Norwich In: Kari Vogt (ed.): Den Skjulte tradisjon. Skapende kvinner i kulturhistorien, 72-83 Bergen 1982 Bibsys: 10 L'usage patristique de métaphores féminines dans le discours sur Dieu In: Revue Théologique de Louvain 13, 205-220 Louvain 1982 Femmes et hommes dans la création et dans l'Église In: Concilium 17, 101-111 Paris 1981 Subordination and Equivalence. The Nature and Role of Woman in Auqustine and Thomas Aquinas Washington D.C. 1981 Translation of Subordination et Equivalence. Nature et rôle de la femme d'après Augustin et Thomas d'Aquin, Oslo, Paris 1968 Updated and reprinted in Kampen 1995. Bibsys: L'anthropologie théologique d'Augustin et de Thomas d'Aquin. La typologie homme-femme dans la tradition et dans l'Eglise d'aujourd'hui In: Recherches de science religieuse 69, 393-407 Paris 1981 L'antropologia teologica di Agostino et di Tommaso d'Aquino. 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