Technische Universität Braunschweig | Doctoral Exchange Program
Beethovenstraße 51 | 38106 Braunschweig | Deutschland
Technische Universität
Institut für Stahlbau
Beethovenstraße 51
38106 Braunschweig
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Thiele
Short Protocol of the 26th Plenary Meeting,
5 - 7th November 2014 at the University of Firenze
Tel. +49 (0) 531 391-3377
Fax +49 (0) 531 391-4592
[email protected]
Participants: Students from the Italian side: Alzayd Rana, Annis Antonio, Arrighi
Datum: 2014-11-11
Chiara, Baggio Sebastiano, Banti Erika, Banushi Gersena, Barchi Licia, Bellandi
Giacomo, Bendoni Michele, Boschi Sonia, Buffi Giulia, Chiarello Valentina, Ciabatta
Luca, Comanducci Gabriele, Crema Ilaria, Dario Pelli, De Cicco Pina, Dominici
Franco, Donato Vincenzo, El Basri Emanuele, Getuli Vito, Giaccherini Francesca,
Giachetti Andrea, Giometto Marco G., Giusti Alessandro, Giusti Ilaria, Gulec
Armagan, Ierimonti Laura, Loccarini Federica, Marsili Francesca, Martinez-Espejo
Zaragoza Isabel, Massai Tommaso, Miceli Serena, Monchetti Silvia, Mosca
Alessandro, Mussini Nicola, Nardi Laura, Nocentini Alessandro, PacettiTommaso,
Pellis Davide, Perria Elena, Pianigiani Maria, Pigolotti Luca, Pratesi Fabio,
Ramaccini Giovanna, Riccardi Chiara, Sguanci Sara, Simonetti Irene, Sinicropi
Daniela, Spennati Francesco, Stabile Giovanni, Stacul Stefano, Taglialegne Luca,
Ticci Sara, Venturi Sara. Professors from Italian network: Aminti Pierluigi, Babalis
Diana, Barsotti Riccardo, Bazzocchi Frida, Bennati Stefano, Biagini Carlo, Borri
Claudio, Capone Pietro, Caporali Enrica, Cappietti Lorenzo, Caroti Gabriella,
Castelli Fabio, Croce Pietro, Cozzi Mauro, De Stefano Mario, Di Naso Vincenzo,
Domenichini Lorenzo, Fagone Mario, Galeotti Marcello, Gioffre Massimiliano, Gori
Riccardo, Grazzini Giuseppe, La Torre Francesca, Leandri Pietro, Lo Presti Diego, Losa Massimo, Lubello Claudio, Lucchesi Massimiliano, Manciola Piergiorgio, Manfrida Giampaolo, Marradi Alessandro, Marsili
Libelli Stefano, Morbidelli Renato, Munz Giulio, Nardi Fernando, Orlando Maurizio, Paradiso Michele,
Ranocchiai Giovanna, Saetta Anna, Salciarini Diana, Salvatore Walter, Squeglia Nunziante, Solari Luca,
Tamagnini Claudio, Tucci Grazia, Ubertini Filippo, Vannucchi Giovanni, Vignoli Andrea, Zani Nicola.
Secretariat: Cartei Serena. Professors from the German Side: Aizpuruo Aldasoro, De Lorenzis Laura, von
Kienlin, Krafczyk Manfred, Matthies Hermann, Niemeier Wolfang, Peil Udo, Siefer Thomas, Thiele Klaus.
Student from the German side: Schulz Gunnar. Secretariat: Wißmann Yvonne.
Wednesday 5th November
Welcome addresses Prof. Borri and Prof. Thiele
Presentation of the second year student: Perria Elena, (10’) and third year students Daniela Sinicropi, Maria
Pianigiani. (20’)
Presentation of the first year students: Erika Banti, Vito Getuli, Andrea Giachetti, Federica Loccarini, Isabel
Martínez-Espejo Z., Dario Pelli, Chiara Riccardi, Stefano Stacul. (5’)
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Stahlbau
Presentation of the second year students: Sebastiano Baggio, Gersena Banushi, Francesca Giaccherini,
Ilaria Giusti, Armagan K.S. Gulec, Alessandro Nocentini, Luca Pigolotti, Fabio Pratesi, Giovanni Stabile,
Sara Ticci. (10’)
Thursday 6th November
Chair Prof. Castelli and Prof. Thiele
Presentation of first year students: Pina Nicoletta De Cicco, Emanuele El Basri, (5’) second year students:
Chiara Arrighi, Chiarello Valentina, Irene Simonetti, (10’) third year students: Rana Alzayd (20’)
Presentation of the third year students: Michele Bendoni, Sonia Boschi, Gabriele Comanducci, Ilaria Crema,
Irene Barbara Finozzi, Alessandro Giusti, Tommaso Massai, Serena Miceli, Sara Sguanci. (20’)
16.00 –Lecture of Prof. Peil: “The big dome of Florence – statics and intuition in the 15th century”
Friday 7th November
Chair Prof. Castelli and Prof. Thiele
09.15 - 10.45
Examination of Vincenzo Donato
The commission judges his examination with Very Good”
11.15 - 13.15
Examination of Marco G. Giometto
The commission judges his examination with “Outstanding”
14:05 Lecture of Prof. Ibrahimbegovic: “Steel structures: large strain plasticity, localized failure, size effect
and fire resistance”
15:45 Presentation of the students: Francesca Marsili and Schulz Gunnar. The report of Marta Baldi was
presented by her Italian Tutor.
16:00 Flash presentation of the 17 new students: Antonio Annis, Giacomo Bellandi, Giulia Buffi, Luca
Ciabatta, Franco Dominici, Laura Ierimonti, Silvia Monchetti, Alessandro Mosca, Nicola Mussini, Laura
Nardi, Tommaso Pacetti, Davide Pellis, Laurenzo Piscitelli, Giovanna Ramaccini, Francesco Spennati, Luca
Taglialegne, Sara Venturi.
Board of teachers with students
- The next plenary meeting will be organized in Braunschweig May 11-13/14th 2015
- The 10 potential candidates Giuseppe Vazzana, David Döhrmann, Marta Baldi, Michele Bendoni, Sonia
Boschi, Tommaso Massai, Gabriele Comanducci, Daniele Sinicropi, Maria Piangiani, Sirena Miceli who plan
to apply for the doctoral examination in May 2015 must apply for it in Braunschweig till January 9th 2015
(incoming date Braunschweig), see the attached important information with the deadlines.
- The plenary meeting after next will be organized in Perugia November 11-13/14th 2015
- The 3 candidates Sara Sguanci, Irene Finozzi and Gunnar Schulz plan to apply for the doctoral
examination in November 2015.
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Stahlbau
- The 4 candidates Rana Alzayd, Alessandro Giusti, Alessio Deroma, Ilaria Crema will postpone the
examination to 2016.
- The 2 candidates Ferdinando Adorno and Giovanni Guccini renounced.
Social Dinner
Saturday 8th November
10.00 – 12.00 Visiting tour to the Duomo of Firenze.
Important information concerning promotional procedure in Braunschweig, Faculty 3,
for the candidates having their doctoral examination at the plenary meeting in Braunschweig,
May 11 – 13/14th 2015:
The latest incoming date at the faculty 3 in Braunschweig for the delivery of the documents to open the
promotion procedure in Braunschweig is January 9th, 2015.
The needed documents are:
One requests (including name and the private address of the candidate) for the promotion process
(informal, signed)
CV (including date and signature) + your passport photo
List of scientific publications
Diploma and certificate from an Italian or German or equivalent foreign university and from the high
school included all transcripts (not necessary if you showed already your original diplomas and
certificates in the faculty). All certificates must be delivered original and copied. The originals will be
returned. Not acceptable are scanned documents by email.
Summary of the dissertation (1 DIN A4 page including the name of the candidate).
Please note: the mentioned thesis title in the summary must be the same as the title in the
printed submitted thesis copies.
Affirmation of the independent production of the work in full specification of used tools and a statement that previously no promotion attempt has taken place
Declaration of acceptance of the German tutor.
The documents are to be directed to:
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Fakultät 3, Mrs. Stefanie Theil, Pockelsstraße 4, 38106
Braunschweig, GERMANY
For your examination in May 2015, your German tutor has to introduce your thesis to the
Promotionsgremium (board of professors in faculty 3), right after January 14th 2015. He will do so only when
knowing your work well and agreeing to the main scientific content. Please contact your German tutor early
to confirm. If necessary, send the current state of your thesis, or further information. This is your
The latest receiving date of the printed submitted thesis (not electronically) + the pdf of the thesis on CD in
Braunschweig is March 16th, 2015.
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Stahlbau
The latest receiving date of the original and signed tutor reports (not electronically) in Braunschweig is
April 25th, 2015.
Please note: The thesis title in the tutor reports must be the same as the thesis title in the summary
and the printed submitted thesis.
These deadlines are mandatory for the examination process at the faculty 3 of TU Braunschweig.
The secretariat
Ms Y. Wissmann and Ms S. Cartei
The Coordinators
Prof. K. Thiele and Prof. F. Castelli

Minutes_26th Plenary Meeting