GUARNIZIONI PRINCIPALI / KIT - MAIN GASKETS / SET MOTORE / ENGINE: 8210.22V Dati tecnici: / Technical data: Montato su: / Fitting on: N° Cyl: 6 L Ø 137.00 mm Cilindrata/Capacity: 13798 cc Turbo Intercooler EUROTRAKKER E31 Denominazione articolo Item (190/380/400/720) LE.MA ref. Adattabile a: Suitable for: Notes Q.ty Illustrazione Illustration SERIE GUARNIZIONI MOTORE / ENGINE GASKETS SET Mot. → 438825 38255.00 1908358 incl. TC / CHG 12265.20 1 Coppa olio/Oil pan 25233.00 Mot. 438826 → 456043 COMPLETA con TC + PARAOLI FULL with CHG + OIL SEALS 38256.00 1908691 incl. TC / CHG 12265.20 1 Coppa olio/Oil pan 25220.00 Mot. 456044 → 38256.01 1908819 incl. TC / CHG 12266.00 1 Coppa olio/Oil pan 25220.00 Mot. → 438825 40255.00 1 Coppa olio/Oil pan 25233.00 COMPLETA con PARAOLI senza TC FULL with OIL SEALS - w/o CHG Mot. 438826 → 40256.00 1 Coppa olio/Oil pan 25220.00 Mot. → 438825 43255.00 1 Coppa olio/Oil pan 25233.00 COMPLETA senza PARAOLI e TC FULL w/o OIL SEALS and CHG Mot. 438826 → 43256.00 1 Coppa olio/Oil pan 25220.00 44255.00 1907848 Mot. → 438825 1 incl. TC / CHG 12265.20 SMERIGLIATURA con TC CYL. HEAD GASKET SET with CHG 44256.00 1908690 Mot. 438826 → 456043 1 incl. TC / CHG 12265.20 44256.01 1908818 Mot. 456044 → 1 incl. TC / CHG 12266.00 46255.00 Mot. → 438825 1 46256.00 Mot. 438826 → 1 SMERIGLIATURA senza TC CYL. HEAD GASKET SET w/o CHG GUARNIZIONI MOTORE / ENGINE GASKETS Serigraf./Silicone lining 99435791 Mot. → 456043 99460467 incl. in kit 12265.20 2 38/44255.00-38/44256.00 TESTA CILINDRI CYLINDER HEAD GASKET (CHG) Serigraf./Silicone lining 12266.00 99465715 Mot. 456044 → 2 incl. in kit 38/44256.01 COPERCHIO VALVOLE VALVES COVER 20233.00 COLLETTORE ASPIRAZIONE INTAKE MANIFOLD 21124.00 1 98480127 Serigraf./Silicone lining 4829433 Lamierino Gommato 99440847 Rubberized sheet 2 6 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. GUARNIZIONI PRINCIPALI / KIT - MAIN GASKETS / SET MOTORE / ENGINE: 8210.22V Dati tecnici: / Technical data: Montato su: / Fitting on: N° Cyl: 6 L Ø 137.00 mm Cilindrata/Capacity: 13798 cc Turbo Intercooler EUROTRAKKER E31 (190/380/400/720) Denominazione articolo Item LE.MA ref. Adattabile a: Suitable for: COLLETTORE SCARICO EXHAUST MANIFOLD 21568.00 98409494 6 ENTRATA ARIA TURBINA TURBOCHARGER AIR INLET 21854.00 4512366 1 TUBAZIONE DI SCARICO EXHAUST PIPE 21857.00 42075987 1 Notes Q.ty Illustrazione Illustration Coppa in ghisa Cast iron pan 25220.00 98493262 1 Armstrong (1.60 mm) incl. in kit 38/40/43256.00/01 COPPA OLIO OIL PAN Sughero/Cork (3.00 mm) 25233.00 4791426 1 incl. in kit 38/40/43255.00 Coppa in alluminio 25245.00 98414688 Aluminium pan 1 Armstrong (0.80 mm) SERIE GUARNIZIONI TURBOCOMPRESSORE / TURBOCHARGER GASKETS SET senza PRIGIONIERI / without STUDS 21775.00 1 HOLSET 4863360 21775.04 Mot. 299112 → con PRIGIONIERI / with STUDS 1 GARRETT 4854264 21775.05 Mot. → 296979 1 SERIE IMPIANTO ACQUA / WATER SYSTEM SET REVISIONE IMPIANTO ACQUA WATER SYSTEM OVERHAUL 50255.00 1 SOSTITUZIONE POMPA ACQUA WATER PUMP REPLACEMENT 53255.00 1 SERIE IMPIANTO OLIO / OIL SYSTEM SET 70262.00 Mot. → 418754 1 70263.00 Mot. 418755 → 1 REVISIONE SCAMBIATORE HEAT EXCHANGER OVERHAUL REVISIONE POMPA OLIO OIL PUMP OVERHAUL 70265.00 1 SERIE GUARNIZIONI COMPRESSORE / AIR COMPRESSOR SET ACX69 Solo GUARNIZIONI / Only GASKETS 27818.00 93161970 1 93161411 1 SERIE GUARNIZIONI COMPRESSORE / AIR COMPRESSOR SET ACX83 Solo GUARNIZIONI / Only GASKETS 27823.00 MONTAGGIO COMPRESSORE AIR COMPRESSOR INSTALLATION 27870.00 2 1 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. GUARNIZIONI PRINCIPALI / KIT - MAIN GASKETS / SET MOTORE / ENGINE: 8210.22V Dati tecnici: / Technical data: Montato su: / Fitting on: N° Cyl: 6 L Ø 137.00 mm Cilindrata/Capacity: 13798 cc Turbo Intercooler EUROTRAKKER E31 Denominazione articolo Item (190/380/400/720) LE.MA ref. Adattabile a: Suitable for: Notes Q.ty Illustrazione Illustration SERIE GUARNIZIONI CAMBIO / GEARBOX GASKETS SET ZF 16S-151/181/221 ECOSPLIT con PARAOLI / with OIL SEALS 60290.00 1 senza PARAOLI / w/o OIL SEALS 63290.00 93161691 1 solo PARAOLI / only OIL SEALS 63290.05 93161692 1 ANTERIORE MOTORE FRONT CRANKSHAFT 12014700 40100303 70x90x10 1 POSTERIORE MOTORE REAR CRANKSHAFT 12015780 98494987 140x165x13 1 POMPA INIEZ. / INJECTION PUMP 12015242 98494989 45x75x10 1 450071 6167354 71 °C 1 450075 4831780 75 °C 1 450079 98420718 79 °C 1 83 °C 1 PARAOLI / OIL SEALS TERMOSTATI / THERMOSTATS TERMOSTATI / THERMOSTATS 450083 3 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo. All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures, models and descriptions used in this catalogue are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers. PART 2 v ALTRE GUARNIZIONI / MISCELLANEOUS GASKETS EuroTech E42 Turbo Intercooler.......................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E42 Turbo Intercooler........................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E47 Turbo Intercooler - EuroTrakker E47 Turbo Intercooler............. (Mot. 8210.42M) EuroTrakker E31 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.22V) EuroTrakker E37 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42K) EuroTrakker E42 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for SERIE / SET 31587.00 Serie riduttore ruote posteriori Planetary carrier, overhaul set 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Illustrazione / Illustration LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for adattabili a / suitable for IVECO Illustrazione / Illustration 24055.00 4863951 Attacco tubazioni acqua scambiatore Heat exchanger, water pipes Mot. 418754; Mot. 460458 4x / EuroTech-EuroStar-EuroTrakker Mot. 418755 460457 1x / EuroTech-EuroStar-EuroTrakker MONOBLOCCO / CRANKCASE 22090.00 Distribuzione Timing system 98476488 Mot. 438825 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 22091.00 Distribuzione Timing system 99450903 Mot. 438826 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 22566.00 Piastra distribuzione Timing system plate 4679630 Mot. 438825 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 24103.00 99435380 Tubazioni acqua motore Water system, pipes 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 24121.00 4863497 Tubazioni acqua compressore 2-cil. 2-cyl. air compressor, water pipes 4x / EuroTech E42 4x / EuroStar E42-E47 4x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 24125.00 4863538 Tubazione aria compressore bicilindrico 2-cyl. air compressor, air pipe 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Altern. al / Alternat. use with 22567.00 Fibra cellulosica / Paper 22567.00 Piastra distribuzione Timing system, plate 99431449 Mot. 438826 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 24141.00 61318850 Attacco tubazione alla pompa acqua Water pump, pipe 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Altern. al / Alternat. use with 22566.00 Armstrong 23061.00 4863958 Coperchio laterale motore Engine, lateral cover 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 IMPIANTO ACQUA / WATER SYSTEM 24051.00 98415624 99434106 Collettore acqua Water system, manifold 11x / EuroTech E42 11x / EuroStar E42-E47 11x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 24154.00 61318823 Da pompa acqua al compressore aria Water pump, pipe to air compressor 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 IMPIANTO OLIO / OIL SYSTEM 26126.00 4863948 Tubaz.e aria compressore maggiorato Oversized air compressor, air pipe 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures and names are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers 553 PART 2 v ALTRE GUARNIZIONI / MISCELLANEOUS GASKETS adattabili a / suitable for IVECO LEMA ref. EuroTech E42 Turbo Intercooler.......................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E42 Turbo Intercooler........................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E47 Turbo Intercooler - EuroTrakker E47 Turbo Intercooler............. (Mot. 8210.42M) EuroTrakker E31 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.22V) EuroTrakker E37 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42K) EuroTrakker E42 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) adattabile a suitable for Illustrazione / Illustration LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for 26196.00 4864034 Attacco tubazione pompa olio Oil pump, pipe 4x / EuroTech E42 4x / EuroStar E42-E47 4x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 26274.00 Coperchio sfiato motore Engine vent, cover 26204.00 4643729 Attacco pompa olio Oil pump, connection 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 26292.00 4863970 Coperchio scambiatore di calore Heat exchanger, cover 26207.00 4864036 Attacco succhieruola Suction strainer, connection 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 26294.00 Uscita olio turbina Turbocharger, oil outlet 26210.00 Coperchio laterale motore Engine, lateral cover 26298.00 Entrata olio turbina Turbocharger, oil inlet 4863963 Mot. 438826 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 26256.00 Entrata olio turbina Turbocharger, oil inlet 61318303 GARRETT 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E37 26265.00 Uscita olio turbina Turbocharger, oil outlet 61318304 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Mot. 418754; Mot. 460458 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42 1x / EuroTrakker E37-E42-E47 4863967 HOLSET 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 VARIE / MISCELLANEOUS 27023.00 4864032 Attacco compressore bicilindrico 2-cyl. air compressor, connection 2x / EuroTech E42 2x / EuroStar E42-E47 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 27293.00 Coperchio compressore bicilindrico 2-cyl. air compressor, cover 26271.00 4863957 Attacco corpo e supporto sfiato motore Engine vent, connection 27294.00 Testa compressore bicilindrico 2-cyl. air compressor, head cover Mot. 438825 ACX83 A/B 554 4863965 HOLSET ACX83 A/B 2x / EuroTech E42 2x / EuroStar E42-E47 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 4863959 Mot. 438825 GARRETT 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Illustrazione / Illustration 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures and names are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers PART 2 v ALTRE GUARNIZIONI / MISCELLANEOUS GASKETS EuroTech E42 Turbo Intercooler.......................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E42 Turbo Intercooler........................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E47 Turbo Intercooler - EuroTrakker E47 Turbo Intercooler............. (Mot. 8210.42M) EuroTrakker E31 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.22V) EuroTrakker E37 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42K) EuroTrakker E42 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for ASSALI / WHEELS 31583.00 42118478 Raggiera riduttori ruote posteriori Rear wheels, reduction gears 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 O-RINGS 101650 4459785 OR differenziale O-ring, differential 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Illustrazione / Illustration LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for 103150 98461197 OR tubaz. uscita acqua scambiatore O-ring, heat exchanger, water pipe 106290 42026473 OR riduttori ruote posteriori O-ring, rear wheels, reduction gears 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 103295 98461200 OR attacco corpo pompa acqua O-ring, water pump 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 107020 98469337 OR tubaz. scambiatore di calore O-ring, heat exchanger, water pipe 104935 42102397 OR scatola differenziale O-ring, differential housing 1x / EuroTrakker 260/330/340E37/42 1x / EuroTrakker 380/720E31/37 1x / EuroTrakker 410E37/42-440E37/42 1x / EuroTrakker 720E31 115025 104970 42114757 OR interno semiassi ruote posteriori O-ring, rear wheels axle 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 121035 17277781 OR grano basamento (viton) O-ring, cylinder block, dowel pin (FPM) 2x / EuroTech E42 2x / EuroStar E42-E47 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 Illustrazione / Illustration 106280 98465113 OR valvole termostatiche O-ring, thermostats 2x / EuroTech E42 2x / EuroStar E42-E47 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 106285 42118229 OR mozzo ruote posteriori O-ring, rear wheels, hub 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 IVECO 105025 98458442 OR tubazione acqua testata O-ring, cylinder head, water pipe 4x / EuroTech E42 4x / EuroStar E42-E47 4x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 103120 98461196 OR tubazione acqua compressore O-ring, air compressor, water pipe 2x / EuroTech E42 2x / EuroStar E42-E47 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42-E47 Mot. 418755 460457 adattabili a / suitable for Mot. 418755 460457 4x / EuroTech E42 4x / EuroStar E42-E47 4x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 2981388 8833393 OR tubazione pompa olio (Silicone) O-ring, oil pump, pipe (Silicone) 4x / EuroTech E42 4x / EuroStar E42-E47 4x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures and names are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers 555 PART 2 v ALTRE GUARNIZIONI / MISCELLANEOUS GASKETS adattabili a / suitable for IVECO EuroTech E42 Turbo Intercooler.......................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E42 Turbo Intercooler........................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E47 Turbo Intercooler - EuroTrakker E47 Turbo Intercooler............. (Mot. 8210.42M) EuroTrakker E31 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.22V) EuroTrakker E37 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42K) EuroTrakker E42 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for Illustrazione / Illustration LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for 121055 17277981 OR asta livello olio motore (viton) O-ring, engine oil dipstick (FPM) 123115 17282581 OR supporto scambiatore (viton) O-ring, heat exchanger, support (FPM) Mot. 405777 Mot. 418754; Mot. 460458 121090 17278581 OR porta polverizzatori (viton) O-ring, nozzles holder seat (FPM) 6x / EuroTech E42 6x / EuroStar E42-E47 6x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 123120 17282681 OR tubazione olio turbina (viton) O-ring, turbocharger, oil pipe (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 121110 17278981 OR astuccio portainiettori (viton) O-ring, nozzles holder seat (FPM) 12x / EuroTech E42 12x / EuroStar E42-E47 12x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 123165 17283581 OR interno scambiatore di calore (viton) O-ring, heat exchanger, inner (FPM) 122665 61317171 OR attacco pompa idroguida (viton) O-ring, power steering, oil pump (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 123205 98465109 OR supporto sfiato motore (viton) O-ring, rngine vent support (FPM) 123070 17281981 OR raccordo tubo sfiato motore (viton) O-ring, engine vent, pipe (FPM) 123220 17284681 OR tubazione uscita aria turbina (viton) O-ring, turbocharger, air outlet (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37 Mot. 438825 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 123085 98465103 OR tappo scarico coppa olio (viton) O-ring, oil sump, drain plug (FPM) OR piastra albero a camme (viton) O-ring, camshaft plate (FPM) 1+1x / EuroTech E42 1+1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1+1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 2x / EuroTech E42 2x / EuroStar E42-E47 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 Mot. 418754; Mot. 460458 4x / EuroTech E42 4x / EuroStar E42 4x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 Mot. 438826 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 123250 17285281 OR ingranaggi pompa acqua (viton) O-ring, water pump gears o-ring (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 123110 17282481 OR scambiatore di calore (viton) O-ring, heat exchanger (FPM) 124340 98438032 OR supporto sfiato motore (viton) O-ring, engine vent (FPM) Mot. 418755 460457 Mot. 438826 2x / EuroTech E42 2x / EuroStar E42-E47 2x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 556 Illustrazione / Illustration 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures and names are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers PART 2 v ALTRE GUARNIZIONI / MISCELLANEOUS GASKETS EuroTech E42 Turbo Intercooler.......................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E42 Turbo Intercooler........................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) EuroStar E47 Turbo Intercooler - EuroTrakker E47 Turbo Intercooler............. (Mot. 8210.42M) EuroTrakker E31 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.22V) EuroTrakker E37 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42K) EuroTrakker E42 Turbo Intercooler...................................................................... (Mot. 8210.42L) LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for 124410 2443252 OR scatola differenziale (viton) O-ring, differential housing (FPM) 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 Illustrazione / Illustration LEMA ref. adattabile a suitable for adattabili a / suitable for IVECO Illustrazione / Illustration 125310 93162006 OR superiore ed inferiore radiatore olio scambiatore di calore (viton) O-ring, heat exchanger, oil radiator, upper and lower o-ring (FPM) Mot. 418755 460457 4x / EuroTech E42 4x / EuroStar E42-E47 4x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 124535 93191088 OR base compressore (viton) O-ring, air compressor base (FPM) WABCO - 2 cylinders 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 124635 7981661 OR comandi interni cambio (viton) O-ring, gearbox selector forks (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 125335 17292481 OR supporto pompa iniezione (viton) O-ring, injection pump, support o-ring (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 127035 500349805 OR tubazione pompa acqua (viton) O-ring, hater pump, pipe (FPM) Mot. 299141 5x / EuroTech-EuroStar-EuroTrakker Mot. 299142 7x / EuroTech-EuroStar-EuroTrakker 125170 17290181 OR tubazione pompa acqua (viton) O-ring, water pump, pipe (FPM) Mot. 299141 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42 1x / EuroTrakker E42 125245 14465281 98464890 OR albero a camme (viton) O-ring, camshaft (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 125290 17291481 OR tubazione intercooler (viton) O-ring, intercooler pipe (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E37-E42 127150 OR bilanciere (viton) O-ring, rocker arm (FPM) 2x / EuroTrakker 17298081 127290 OR bilanciere (viton) O-ring, rocker arm (FPM) 2x / EuroTrakker 17299681 129205 98464798 OR volano motore (viton) O-ring, engine flywheel (FPM) 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42-E47 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 125305 17291881 OR attacco scambiatore (viton) O-ring, heat exchanger (FPM) Mot. 418754; Mot. 4460458 1x / EuroTech E42 1x / EuroStar E42 1x / EuroTrakker E31-E37-E42 Tutti i nostri particolari non sono originali ma con essi intercambiabili. I riferimenti originali, le figure, i modelli sono esposti a semplice titolo indicativo All original equipment manufacturer numbers, pictures and names are for reference only, and it isn’t implied that any parts listed is the product of these manufacturers 557