Date of Birth: 09.08.1970
Nationality: German
since 2011 Private Practice, Berlin, Germany in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reproductive medicine
and gynaecological endocrinology center as Consultant
2010 City Hospital Auckland, New Zealand, Maternal fetal Department as Observer
2009-2010 Emergency, NGO, Afghanistan, Panjshir Valley Hospital , Maternity as Gynecologist
2007-2009 Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln, Berlin, Germany, Department of Obstetrics, Perinatology
center level I , as Consultant
2006 Medecins sans frontieres, NGO, Africa, Liberia, Monrovia, Benson Hospital Mother and Child as
2003-2005 Westpfalzklinikum Kaiserslautern, Germany, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Perinatology center level I , Breastcenter, oncological center, as Resident
2002-2003 Instituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, Italy, Department of Senology as Fellow
2001-2002 Private Practice Saarland, Germany, Obstetrics and Gynecology as Resident
1999-2001 Caritas Hospital and St. Theresia Klinik, Saarbrücken, Germany, Department of Obstetrics
and Gynaecology, Laparoscopic center, Breast center, as Resident
1996-1998 Medical student, V. Department of Obstetrics, Prenatal Unit,University of Milan, Italy
1998 Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Milan, Italy, Università degli Studi di Milano
1988 Bachelor Degree, Saarbrücken, Germany, Deutsch-Französisches Gymnasium
2010 Sub specialization in Perinatology and fetal medicine, Berlin, Germany
2009 DEGUM level I , Member of German Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2006 Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rhenian Palatinate, Germany
1998 Diploma in Medicine and Surgery, experimental doctoral thesis, “Human spine changes and
posture in pregnancy. A non-invasive 3D analysis“. University of Milan, Italy
Languages: German, French, Italian, Bulgarian, English, and a little bit of Dari ( Persian)..
Publications/ Abstracts
”Different strategies of movements. Evaluation of “Sit to stand” in pregnancy”.
Dell'Avanzo M., Miranda I., Veltcheva R., Agosti S., Capetta P.
5th Dept. of Obst.-Gynecol. University of Milan
XV figo world congress of gynecology and obstetrics, Copenhagen 1997. Abstracts book.
“Human spine changes and posture in pregnancy. A non invasive 3D analysis”.
Miranda I., Veltcheva R., Dell'Avanzo M., Bernini S., Agosti S., Capetta P.
5th dept. of obst.-gynecol. university of Milan
3rd World Congress Of Perinatal Medicine, San Francisco 1996 Abstracts Book.
”Studio sulle modificazioni della colonna vertebrale e della postura nella donna gravida”.
Miranda I., Veltcheva R., Dell'Avanzo M., Amoruso P., Capetta P.
5th Dept. Of Obst.-Gynecol. University of Milan - modena - medicina fetale1996. cic edizioni
”Strategie di movimento nella donna gravida. Valutazione di sit to stand”.
Dell'Avanzo M., Miranda I., Amoruso P., Bernini S., Veltcheva R., Agosti S., Capetta P.
5th Dept. of Obst.-Gynecol. University of Milan- modena - medicina fetale1996. cic edizioni
“Effetti della gravidanza sulla colonna vertebrale: modificazioni statiche e dinamiche”.
Veltcheva R., Amoruso P. and Capetta P.
5th Dept. Of Obst.-Gynecol. University of Milan - Roma - medicina fetale 1997. cic edizioni
“Studio dell' attegiamento corporeo e dell' equilibrio posturale nella donna gravida”
Amoruso P.,Veltcheva R.,Capetta P.
5th Dept. of Obst.-Gynecol. University of Milan – - Roma - medicina fetale 1997. cic edizioni
“Posture and equilibrium strategies: biomechanical evaluation in pregnant women” .
Amoruso P., Dell’ Avanzo M., Veltcheva R., Miranda I., Agosti S., Capetta P.
5th Dept. of Obst.-Gynecol. University of Milan.
The fetus as a patient- XIV international congress - Amsterdam 1998. Abstracts book
“Posture control in humans during pregnancy”.
Agosti S., Galli M., Miranda I., Veltcheva R., Dell ‘Avanzo M., Amoruso P., Capetta P.
5th Dept. of Obst.-Gynecol. University of Milan.
18th international symposium on neonatal intensive care - Milano 1998. Abstracts book.
Training and Congress
1995 Wien, Austria: Ultraschall in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.
1996 Segrate, Italy: Seminario, Fisiopatologia delle riproduzione umana 19. Edizione.
1996 Milan, Italy: Seminario nazionale “Autoimmunità e riproduzione umana.”
1998-99 Homburg, Germany: Grundkurs, Aufbaukurs und Abschlusskurs für Doppler-Sonographie in
Gyn. und Geburtshilfe.
1999 Homburg, Germany: 4. Homburger Intensiv-Kurs Ultraschall in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.
1999 Paris, France: Cour européen d' imagerie gynécologique de consultation
2000 Saarbrücken, Germany. Hormontherapie beim Mammakarzinom
2001 Saarbrücken, Germany: “Propädeutik in der modernen Fortpflanzungsmedizin- State of the
2001 Saarbrücken,
Germany: “ Diabetes und Schwangerschaft- Diagnostik und Therapie”
2001 Homburg, Germany: “Homburger Onkologie Seminar: Schwierige Therapiesituationen Mammaund Ovarialkarzinom”
2001 Heidelberg, Germany: Akupunktur Pro Mediko- Intensiv –Praxis-Kurs 10H
2001 Homburg, Germany: Mammasymposium anlässlich der Gründung des Brustzentrums
2001 Berlin, Germany : 21.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Senologie
2001 Paris, France: XXV èmes Journées nationales de gynécologie et obstétrique
2002 Weissensee, Austria: Akupunktur Pro Mediko Grundkurs 50H
2002 Milan, Italy: Istituto Europeo di Oncologia:”Tumore della mammella.Tecnica e risultati della
biopsia del linfonodo sentinella”
2002 Milan, Italy 4 th Milan Breast Cancer Conference
2002 Milan, Italy: Scuola italiana di senologia:„ Chirurgia senologica: nuove strategie"
2002 Milan, Italy: Istituto Europeo di Oncologia: Tumori del collo dell’utero. Screening citologico
2003 Milan, Italy Istituto Europeo di oncologia: La chirurgia radioguidata nei tumori della mammella
2003 Milan, Italy: Istituto Europeo di oncologia: Oncologic and reconstrutive surgery
2003 San Gallen, Switzerland: 8 th International Conference. Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer
2003 Milan, Italy: 5 th Milan Breast cancer Conference
2003 Venice, Italy: 8 th World Congress for infectious and immunological diseases in obstetrics and
2003 Berlin, Germany: 8.Repertitorium
für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
2003 Berlin, Germany: 15. Deutscher Kongress der Gesellschaft für Inkontinenzhilfe
2003 Berlin, Germany: 21. Deutscher Kongress für Perinatale Medizin und Kurs „Einsatz des
Kurs “infektionen in der
2004 Kaiserslautern, Germany: Mammakarzinom (aktuelle Studien und Therapie)
2005 Kaiserslautern, Germany: Basisreanimation
2005, Düsseldorf, Germany: Fortbildungskongress der FBA . Kurs "operative Hysteroskopie"
Kurs " Fetales Monitoring mittels CTG Kurs: "Geburtsmechanik"
2005 Berlin, Germany: Anaemie Management with Neorecormon
2005 Homburg, Germany: 6.Post-Asco Update Neue Therapien in der Gynäkologischen Onkologie
2005 Hamburg, Germany: Norddeutsches Onkologie Forum, aktuelle Aspekte des Mammakarzinoms
2005 Berlin, Germany: 10.Repertitorium für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
2006 Hassocks, England: Preparation Primary Departures course, Doctors without borders
2006 Berlin: 56.Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG )
2006 Berlin: 11. Repetitorium für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
2007 Berlin, Neukölln CIRS Risikomanagement und Fehlermeidung
2007 Berlin, Humboldt Ultraschall in der Schwangerschaft , Richtlinien zeitgemäß?
2007 Berlin, am Urban Workshop on reconstructive breast surgery.
2007 Berlin, Charité Virchow : Vorzeitigen Wehen und Frühgeburt
2007 Berlin, Neukölln Neugeborenenreanimation
2007 Berlin, Neukölln Schulterdystokie und erschwerte Schulterentwicklung
2007 Berlin, Neukölln: Beckenendlage
2007 Berlin, Neukölln: CTG Interpretation
2007 Berlin, Neukölln: Fruchtwasserembolie
2007 Berlin, Neukölln: HIV und Schwangerschaft
2007 Berlin: BFA, Brustkrebs
2007 Berlin : 23. Deutscher Kongress für Perinatalmedizin
2008 Hamburg : 58. Kongress der r Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe( DGGG
2010:New Zealand Auckland IELTS Englisch Kurs
2011 Königswusterhausen: Hysteroskopie and Laparoskopie Kurs ( MIC I), AGE
2011Greifswald: Kolposkopie Kurs update

Dr. Rossana VELTCHEVA, MD Date of Birth: 09.08.1970 Nationality