Master in Economics (M.Sc.)*
Laurea Magistrale in Economia, Finanza e Integrazione Internazionale, Percorso
Industrial Organization and Market Strategies*
1. Year: Universität Hohenheim
Compulsory basic modules
60 EP
2. Year: Università degli Studi di Pavia
18 EP
Compulsory major modules
 Methods in Economics 1 (4,5 EP)
 Methods in Economics 2 (4,5 EP)
 Theoretical Foundations 1 (4,5 EP)
 Theoretical Foundations 2 (4,5 EP)
Major Modules
Major Modules
27 EP
 Applied Industrial Organization (9 EP)
 Behavioral Economics and Finance (9 EP)
 Competition Policy and Market Regulation (6 EP)
 Economics, Organization and Management (6 EP)
 Decisions and choices (9 EP)
 Energy Economics (9 EP)
 Applied Statistics (9 EP)
 International Entrepreneurship and Organizational
Behavior (6 EP)
 Economics and society (6 EP)
 Environmental Economics (6 EP)
 Applied Econometrics ( 6 EP)
 Business Cycle Analysis (6 EP)
 Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics (6
 International Economics and Policy (9 EP)
 Innovation Management (6 EP)
 International Accounting (6 EP)
30 EP
 Econometrics
 Economics of Innovation
 Financial Econometrics
 Health Economics
 Industrial Organization & Competition Theory
 International Trade
 Markets and Consumption
 Public Economics
12 EP
2 elective modules (6 EP each module) from the whole
curriculum of the Master in Economics
Additional elective courses
* This study plan refers to the curricula of the Master
programs „Master in Economics“ und „Laurea Magistrale
in Economia, Finanza e Integreazione Internazionale,
Percorso Industrial Organization and Market Strategies“.
24 EP
***Second year: in addition to “Competition Law” students
must obtain 30 credits in courses. Besides the Major
Modules students can choose any other elective module
from the curriculum of the “Laurea Magistralis in
Economia, Finanza e Integreazione Internazionale,
Percorso Industrial Organization and Market Strategies”.
** Each major field consists of 2 courses + 1 seminar per
Students have to choose either Industrial Organization
& Competition Theory 1 (“Advanced Industrial
Organization”) in Hohenheim or “Competition Policy and
Market Regulation” in Pavia.
Students have to choose business courses worth 12 EP
during the 2 years.
Students have to choose either “Innovation Economics
1 or 2“ in Hohenheim or „Economics of Innovation and
Industrial Dynamics“ in Pavia.
9 EP
 Competition Law (6 EP)
 Foreign Language (3 EP)
Students choose 5 Modules à 6 EP out of the following 8
major fields**:
Elective Modules
60 EP
A learning agreement must be approved by the home and
the host university.
