UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Master in Economics & Finance DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Academic year 2015/2016 ENTO DI ECONOMIA, Admission procedure for the E METODI QUANTITATIVI Scarica Marchio jpeg • Scarica Marchio vettoriale • Master in Economics & Finance Prerequisites To attend the study program of the Master in Economics & Finance it is necessary to have adequate knowledge of mathematics, economics and statistics at undergraduate level. To be admitted to the Master in Economics & Finance it is necessary to hold an italian degree (ex. DM 270 /04) of the following classes: • l-7 Ingegneria civile e ambientale • l-8 Ingegneria dell’informazione • l-9 Ingegneria industriale • l-16 Scienze dell’amministrazione e dell’organizzazione • l-18 Scienze dell’economia e della gestione aziendale • l-20 Scienze della comunicazione • l-30 Scienze e tecnologie fisiche • l-31 Scienze e tecnologie informatiche • l-32 Scienze e tecnologie per l’ambiente e la natura • l-33 Scienze economiche • l-35 Scienze matematiche • l-36 Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali • l-37 Scienze sociali per la cooperazione, lo sviluppo e la pace • l-41 Statistica or an italian degree (ex DM 509/99) in the classes equivalent to those listed above. Candidates can also enrol to the course from undergraduate classes other than those listed above after positive judment of the Admission Board if they substantively satisfy the access requirements. There are minimum ECTS requirements in order to be admited the this course. In particular, the requirement are as follows: a) at least 6 ECTS credits in the area of mathematics (MAT/01 - MAT/09, SECS-S/06) b) at least 6 ECTS credits for the statistical and econometric area (SECS-S/01 - SECS-S/05, SECSP05) http://www.mef.unimi.it FB: http://www.facebook.com/mefunimi Email: [email protected] Twitter: @mefunimi Via Conservatorio, 7 - 20122 Milan (IT) - Ph. +39 02 503 21527- Fax +39 02 503 21505 UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Master in Economics & Finance DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO c) at least 12 ECTS credits for the economic area (SECS-P/01 - SECS-P/03, SECS-P/06) d) evidence of computer skills (ECDL) or 3 ECTS credits of Computer Science (INF/01, ING-INF/05) ENTO DI ECONOMIA, Scarica Marchio jpeg • or equivalent diploma. E METODI QUANTITATIVI Scarica Marchio vettoriale • Students with foreign qualification are expected to meet the substantive requirements equivalent to the minimum requirements for students with an italian degree. Such checking of pre-requisites will be conducted by the Admission Board. Interview All students who meet the above requirements are admitted and required for an interview for admission (in English language). The interview, done remotely via Skype call or equivalent, is aimed at verify the motivations of the candidates, the above mentioned skills and the knowledge of the English language. The candidate should be prepared on the topics listed on this page: http://www.mef.unimi.it/admission/interviews/ Documents Each applicant must submit, along with their standard documentation required by the University of Milan, the following documents for admission: a short curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation and at least one letter of recommendation following the prescribed format which can be found at: http://www.mef.unimi.it/admission/how-to-enrol/ Please note: incomplete or multiple submissions will not be considered. The Curriculum Vitae and the Motivation letter should be uploaded during the application procedure explained in this page: http://www.unimi.it/ENG/courses/31188.htm The Recommendation letter should be sent by the sponsor (not by the applicant) to "[email protected]", specifying in the subject "Presentation of MEF candidate: LastName FirstName". Ranking of applicants and admission Admission to the Master in Economics & Finance is conditional on the formal ECTS requirements and on the assessment of the personal qualification of candidates made by the Admission Board taking http://www.mef.unimi.it FB: http://www.facebook.com/mefunimi Email: [email protected] Twitter: @mefunimi Via Conservatorio, 7 - 20122 Milan (IT) - Ph. +39 02 503 21527- Fax +39 02 503 21505 UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods Master in Economics & Finance DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO into account the documents submitted with the application and result of the interview. The assessment into account the following criteria: ENTO takes DI ECONOMIA, Scarica Marchio jpeg • E METODI QUANTITATIVI vettoriale • 1. Academic merit (length of duration and quality of the previous degree asScarica well asMarchio the final graduation score): max 60 points; 2. Recommendation letter(s): max 10 points for each letter; max 2 letters 3. Quality of the motivation letter: max 10 points; 4. Coherence between the academic curriculum and the learning objectives of the Master in Economics & Finance: max 5 points; 5. English knowledge Applicants with a minimum of 60 points will be admitted and allowed to enrol. In some cases applicants with more than 60 points, can enrol under the condition that he or she attends and passes the exam of some crash courses to be held in August 2015. Deadlines Application will start on March 1st 2015 and end on September 1st 2015. http://www.mef.unimi.it FB: http://www.facebook.com/mefunimi Email: [email protected] Twitter: @mefunimi Via Conservatorio, 7 - 20122 Milan (IT) - Ph. +39 02 503 21527- Fax +39 02 503 21505