finiture core finishes ON ottone naturale NATURAL BRASS NL nichel LUCIDO POLISHED NICKEL NSV nICHEL sabbiato verniciato SANDED BLACK PAINTED AL argento lucido SHINY SILVER NESV nERO sabbiato verniciato BLACK.COATED SAND OV OB ottone verniciato PAINTED BRASS ottone brunito BURNISHED BRASS NS NI nichel invecchiato aged nicKel CSV cromo sabbiato verniciato SANDBLASTED CHROME PAINTED ASV argento sabbiato verniciato FROSTED SILVER PAINTED OLV ORO LUCIDO VERNICIATO POLISHED GOLD Barthel provides its Clients a wide range of choiches in core finishes. All of them are created according to the traditional tecniques of Flrentine craftworks. This wideness of choiche allows Barthel's designer maximum felxibility in designing any kind of project. nichel satinato SATIN NICKEL CL cromo lucido POLISHED CHROME La ditta Barthel offre una vasta scelta di finiiture elavorazione dell'ottone, tutte realizzate nel rispetto delle antiche tecniche artigiane, in modo da garantire la massima versatilità e personalizzazione nella realizzazione del progetto. NELV on ov ob nl ni ns nsv cl csv al asv nelv nesv olv osv nero lucido verniciato BLACK POLISHED OSV ORO SABBIATO VERNICIATO GOLD-COATED SAND Lo schema sopra riportato indica la disponibilità della finitura con una campitura grigia e la mancanza della finitura con l’assenza della campitura. The previously shown scheme shows weather a core finisch is or is not availavble, according to the dot being grey or whithe. ON Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina OV Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina OB Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina NL Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina NI Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina NS Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina NSV Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina CL Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina CSV Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina AL Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina ASV Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina NELV Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina NESV Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina OLV Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina OSV Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina Non laquered brass is hand polished and if cleaned regurarly will maintain a pure brass finish.If left to weather of itsown accord the brass will forma patina