a.s. 2014-2015
Classe 4B
Programma svolto Lingua Inglese
Prof. Ambri Carla
Dal testo LITERARY HYPERLINKS (ed. Black Cat) vol. A
The Augustan Age:
The Great Fire of London; The rise of the middle class; the rise of the novel; the coffee-houses and the
newspapers: The Tatler, etc. novels published in instalments, circulating libraries. Difference between the term
novel and romance. Difference between the term plot and story.
Puritanism. Daniel Defoe, life and works, Robinson Crusoe; reading and comment of the extracts; interpretations.;
the true-like effect, style. Reference to Aphra Benn. The picaresque novel.
The epistolary novel; (su appunti) Samuel Richardson, Pamela or virtue rewarded., style and plot. Laurence
Sterne, life and works, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, style and innovations
The Romatic Age:
The Industrial Revolution: domestic system vs new factory system; the slums (anche brano su fotocopia) and the
new urban asset, the workhouses.
The American Declaration of Independence, main causes, (su fotocopia) estratto dalla Dichiarazione di
Pre-romanticism: Thomas Gray, life and works, (su fotocopia) versi 1-36 Elegy written in a country churchyard,
accenni all’ epitaffio.
Neoclassicism vs Romanticism; The Grand Tour. The poetic diction; Edmund Burke and the concept of sublime.
First generation of romantic poets; William Wordsworth, life and works; preface to Lyrical Ballads; I wandered
lonely as a cloud ; Sonnet composed upon Westminster Bridge; She dwelt upon the Untrodden Ways; accenni al
diario di Dorothy Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge life and works, pag 448-449-450-451-452-453-454 The
Rime of the Ancient Mariner;
William Blake, life and works, London; The Lamb, the Tyger;
The Gothic novel; (su fotocopia) brano da The Castle of Otranto Horace Walpole; (su fotocopia) brano da The
Mysteries of Udolpho Ann Radcliffe;
The short-story and its features in Edgar Allan Poe, (su fotocopia) The Black Cat ; e the Cask of Amontillado.
Per le vacanze estive 2015:
Lettura edizioni integrali in lingua inglese di
1) romanzo The Picture of Dorian Gray di Oscar Wilde, sottolineando i sostantivi, gli aggettivi e i verbi che
coinvolgono i 5 sensi.
2) romanzo Heart of Darkness di Joseph Conrad (esiste ediz. bilingue Oscar Mondadori), sottolineando i sostantivi
e gli aggettivi del campo semantico bianco/nero.
3) delle due short-stories Araby e Eveline di James Joyce tratte dalla raccolta Dubliners.
4) FACOLTATIVO: lettura romanzo The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde di R.L. Stevenson (esiste ediz.
bilingue Oscar Mondadori)
Massa, 5 giugno 2015
L’insegnante Carla Ambri
Gli alunni

4B INGLESE 2014-15 programma svolto