Experienced Researcher of Comparative Private Law
“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome
Department of Law and Economics
Viale Regina Elena, 295 - 00161 Roma
[email protected]
PhD, Comparative Law of Economics and Finance
Second University of Naples - Faculty of Law
Thesis on The development of Competition Law in the realm of electronic communications
Master, Legal information technology and Law of new technologies
University of Bologna - Faculty of Law
Postgraduate course, Law of Telecommunications
Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome - Observatory on Intellectual Property, Competition and
License to practice as a lawyer
Degree in Law, “La Sapienza” University of Rome - Faculty of Law
110/110 and honours (highest possible grade in the Italian system)
Thesis in Private Law
High school Leaving Certificate in classical studies
60/60 (highest possible grade in the Italian system)
Qualified Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law
Experienced Researcher of Comparative Private Law
From 2014 to date at “Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome
From 2005 to 2014 at Second University of Naples
to date
Research activities in the fields of Comparative Private Law, European Private Law, Law of Electronic
Communications and Information Technology, Intellectual Property Law, Competition Law, Sports Law, Tax
Main research areas: Comparative Law of network contracts; Comparative Sports Law; developments in
Intellectual Property Law in the digital era; developments in Competition Law and globalization of the markets;
Information and Communications Technology Law; processes of legal harmonization and unification in Europe
and around the world.
Research and study stays abroad, especially at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Participation in conferences, also as a speaker.
Participation in the following research projects, which have all been selected for funding:
University research project (“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome)
Business clusters as drivers of corporate innovation: legal and economic implications related to the introduction of
“network contracts”
Member of the research team
National and International scientific collaborations:
“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome (Italy); University of Sannio (Italy); LUISS University of
Rome (Italy); Universität Siegen (Germany); ACQR – Department of Business Clusters (Italy);
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (China)
University research project (Second University of Naples)
Sports for a global and inclusive society: legal solutions for a complete and effective fulfilment of the important social
function of sports
Principal Investigator
National and International scientific collaborations:
Second University of Naples (Italy); University of León (Spain); Carlos III University of Madrid
(Spain); San Pablo CEU University (Spain); University of Alicante (Spain); University of Valencia
(Spain); Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (China)
MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) PRIN (Research Projects of National 2013-2016
Interest) 2010/2011
Courts, doctrine and inclusive society: the impact of doctrinal legal foundations on supreme courts
Member of the research team
MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) PRIN (Research Projects of National 2007-2009
Interest) 2006
Jurisdiction and public and private economy. Historical and comparative analysis between the Ancien Régime and
contemporary age
Member of the research team
University research project (Second University of Naples)
A new concept of border
Member of the research team
University research project (Second University of Naples)
Relationships between legal systems when dealing with settlement procedures
Member of the research team
University research project (Second University of Naples)
Symbolic and political hermeneutics of art work
Member of the research team
University research project (Second University of Naples)
New frontiers of ownership
Member of the research team
University research project (Second University of Naples)
co-financed by the Campania Region (Regional Law n. 05/2002)
Social policies in the Campania Region. A legal assessment and impact analysis on family structure
Member of the research team
University research project (Second University of Naples)
Company law harmonization in European and Mediterranean countries, with a special focus on taxation criteria
Member of the research team
Comparative Private Law
“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome - Department of Law and Economics
Legal Systems and Geopolitics
Second University of Naples – Political Science Departments
Comparative Law of Sports Contracts
Second University of Naples – Political Science Departments
Private European Law
Second University of Naples – Political Science Departments
Comparative Competition Law
Second University of Naples – Department of Political Studies
Comparative Private Law
Second University of Naples – Department of Political Studies
e-Government and e-Commerce
Link Campus University of Malta – Rome
Member of the PhD board of Professors in Comparative law and integration processes
Second University of Naples – Department of Political Studies
2006 2014
Member of the academic coordination Committee for a two-year 2nd level Master’s 2006 course on Intellectual Property, Competition and Markets
Second University of Naples – Department of Political Studies
Coordinator of the PhD Committee
“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome - Department of Law and Economics
Member of the research Committee
“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome - Department of Law and Economics
to date
to date
Member of the assessment Committee – Legal studies subcommittee
“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome - Department of Law and Economics
to date
Member of the academic Committee – Working group on lectures and educational 2014
services delivered in English
to date
“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome - Department of Law and Economics
Member of the academic Committee – Working group on exams and thesis
“Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome - Department of Law and Economics
to date
Member of the National Committee for Biosafety and Biotechnologies
within the Office of the Italian Prime Minister (Ministerial Order of 14/11/2001)
2001 2004
Government consultant within Minister's Offices – Senior Legal expert in Law of new 2001 technologies of information and communication within the Legal Department of the 2003
Ministry for Innovation within the Italian Prime Minister’s office
(Ministerial Order n. 3215 of 11/12/2001)
Government Consultant within the Office of the Prime Minister – Department of 1999 Economic Affairs – Forum for the Society of Information, as Legal expert in judicial and legal 2001
(Ministerial Order of 31st of March 2000)
Consultant in the framework of the implementation of “Basitel”, an action plan for the Society 2001
of Information, promoted by the Basilicata Region – counter-pollution policies
Member of the Coordination Committee of a Law Journal “Temi Romana”
to date
Mazzei G., Problematiche giuridiche e ruolo sociale dello sport - Problemática jurídica y papel social del deporte, (Ed. with J.
Espartero Casado), E.S.I., 2014
Mazzei G., La comunicazione al pubblico dell'opera dell'ingegno nell'era digitale, E.S.I., 2012
Mazzei G., Pubblico dominio della conoscenza e tutela giuridica dell'innovazione estetica, E.S.I., 2011
Mazzei G., Digital Properties and Digital Consumers. Nuovi diritti e nuove tutele, (Ed. with G.M. Piccinelli, A. Tisci),
E.S.I., 2011
Mazzei G., Integrazione giuridica comunitaria e circolazione di modelli giuridici in materia di antitrust e proprietà intellettuale,
Scriptaweb, 2008
Mazzei G., Economia di mercato e diritti soggettivi nella evoluzione del diritto antitrust. Un'analisi di diritto comparato, E.S.I.,
Mazzei G., Problematiche giuridiche e ruolo sociale dello sport: introduzione. Il modello europeo e il modello statunitense dello sport
a confronto, in G. Mazzei e J. Espartero Casado (Ed.), Problematiche giuridiche e ruolo sociale dello sport - Problemática
jurídica y papel social del deporte, E.S.I., 2014
Mazzei G., Prefazione (with J. Espartero Casado), in G. Mazzei e J. Espartero Casado (Eds.), Problematiche giuridiche
e ruolo sociale dello sport - Problemática jurídica y papel social del deporte, E.S.I., 2014
Mazzei G., Questioni di analisi economica della proprietà industriale, in Questioni di diritto industriale, E.S.I., 2014
Mazzei G., Maternity, Parental, Newborn, Adoption and Additional Parental Leaves, in A. Borroni (Ed.), Commentary on
the Labour Code of Georgia, Tbilisi: Lawyers World, 2014
Mazzei G., Fondamento personalistico e fondamento utilitaristico nell'evoluzione del diritto d'autore euro-continentale e del copyright
anglo-americano, in La domanda di libertà, l'offerta di responsabilità. L'era di Antigone, FrancoAngeli, 2012
Mazzei G., L'era digitale e la crisi del modello proprietario nella tutela giuridica dell'innovazione, in G.M. Piccinelli, G.
Mazzei, A. Tisci (Eds.), Digital Properties and Digital Consumers. Nuovi diritti e nuove tutele, E.S.I., 2011
Mazzei G., La tutela della concorrenza nel mercato globale tra applicazione extra-territoriale del diritto, cooperazione
internazionale e armonizzazione giuridica, in Justice Cooperation Peace. La cooperazione di giustizia per lo sviluppo e la pace nel
Mediterraneo. Atti e contributi del Simposio scientifico internazionale. Palazzo Reale di Caserta, 16-17 novembre 2007, E.S.I.,
Mazzei G., Propiedad Intelectual y Dominio Público del Conocimiento, in Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado,
Mazzei G., Prospettive evolutive per una più efficace tutela del diritto d'autore, in Diritto ed economia dei mezzi di comunicazione,
Mazzei G., La prospettiva dei diritti fondamentali nell'evoluzione del diritto d'autore e del copyright, in Forum di Quaderni
costituzionali, Paper, 2012
Mazzei G., La tutela dell'autore nel cyberspace tra il diritto di riproduzione e il diritto di comunicazione al pubblico, in Temi
Romana, 1-2-3/2012
Mazzei G., Integrazione giuridica europea e circolazione di modelli giuridici “extra-europei”, in, 2012
Mazzei G., La libertà di espressione nella recente evoluzione del copyright in Canada. Un'inversione di tendenza?, in,
Mazzei G., Il potere economico sottoposto al controllo di diritto antitrust. Persistenti divergenze tra Stati Uniti, Unione europea,
Germania e Regno Unito, in, 2012
Mazzei G., La partecipazione dei parlamenti nazionali al processo legislativo europeo. Il modello britannico e il modello francese, in, 2012
Mazzei G., Lo sfruttamento dell'opera dell'ingegno tramite le reti informatiche e il diritto di comunicazione al pubblico, in, 2012
Mazzei G., Public interest and intellectual property, in Amministrativ@mente, 2012
Mazzei G., Questioni di analisi economica della proprietà intellettuale, in, 2012
Mazzei G., Riforma dell'ordinamento tributario in Italia e in Spagna, tra processi di armonizzazione e scelte divergenti, in Il
Fisco, 10/2003
Mazzei G., Internazionalizzazione dei rapporti economici e socio-culturali e nuove prospettive di integrazione giuridica e
istituzionale. La Comunità europea come tappa intermedia verso le nuove forme organizzative del domani, in Impresa Commerciale
e Industriale, 2/2003
Mazzei G., Possibili soluzioni al conflitto d'interessi nell'esercizio di pubbliche funzioni. Un'analisi di diritto comparato, in
Impresa Commerciale e Industriale, 2/2003
Mazzei G., L'armonizzazione fiscale UE, in Corriere tributario, 44/2002
Mazzei G., La legislazione antitrust in Italia. Raffronto dell'attuale normativa italiana con la legislazione vigente nei principali
paesi industrializzati e con i precedenti storici in materia, in Impresa Commerciale e Industriale, 11/2002
Mazzei G., Diritto d'autore del web designer e utilizzazione economica mediante immissione in Internet dell'opera protetta, in Il
Diritto industriale, 2/2001
Mazzei G., La creazione di un sito Internet tra tutela del diritto d'autore e utilizzazione economica dell'opera, in Impresa
Commerciale e Industriale, 5/2001
Mazzei G., Gap digitale: tutti i rimedi, in Rassegna sindacale, 2/2001
Mazzei G., Matrimonio e famiglia: il problema giuridico della famiglia di fatto, in Lessico di diritto di famiglia, 2/2000
Mazzei G., Famiglia di fatto e contratto di locazione, in Lessico di diritto di famiglia, 2/2000
Mazzei G., Agevolazioni fiscali per la crescita occupazionale a rischio tra irrazionalità e vincoli comunitari, in Il Fisco, 3/1999

Gabriella Mazzei CV - Unitelma Sapienza International