Monday October 5 - morning / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - mattina
Central Hall / Sala Centrale
Chair / Presidente: Raffaello Cossu (IT)
9:00 - 10:00
Welcome Addresses / Saluti di benvenuto
Supporting Universities:
Raffaello Cossu, University of Padova (IT)
Pinjing He, Tongji University (CN)
Peter Kjeldsen, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Yasushi Matsufuji,Fukuoka University (JP)
Debra Reinhart, University of Central Florida (US)
Rainer Stegmann, Hamburg University of Technology (DE)
Invited Institutions:
Luisa Prista, European Commission (BE)
Donatella Spano, Regional Sardinian Council (IT)
Andrea Nurchi, PAM - Parliamentary Assembly of the
Mediterranean (MA)
Cao Jianye, Science & Technology Council, Chinese
Embassy in Italy (CN)
Emilio Ambasz, Emilio Ambasz & Associates (US) - videomessage
Opening Lectures / Relazioni di apertura
10:00 - 10:50
Liz Bachhuber, Bauhaus University, Weimar (DE)
The Bauhaus project
10:50 - 11:20
Chinese Coffee Break
A Life for Waste Award winners:
11:20 - 11:50
Werner Bidlingmaier, Bauhaus University, Weimar (DE)
The forgotten Hierarchy
11:50 - 12:20
Bernd Bilitewski, Dresden University of Technology (DE)
40 years of modern waste management and its future
China Special Guest Country:
12:20 - 13:00
Pinjing He, Tongji University (CN)
Waste Management in China: emerging challenges and new
Monday October 5 - afternoon / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION A1 - Central Hall
Waste management policies and strategies
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Sanja Kalambura (HR)
D. Numata (JP)
Policy instruments in deposit-refund systems
N.E. Owen, B. Mayne, A.D. Read (GB)
The impact of levies on single use carrier bags - A UK perspective
C. Scharff, B. Barth, E. Janda, U. Bernhard (AT)
Optimising the separate collection of packaging from households through the
Sinus-Milieu® approach and through mobile crowd behaviour analysis
M. Gharfalkar, Z. Ali, G. Hillier (GB)
Resource effectiveness indicator: a decision making tool for reducing waste and
resource consumption
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION A2 - Central Hall
Role of public sector in waste management
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Michael Nelles (DE)
R. Clarke, A. Read (GB)
Taking the public with you when restructuring services: overcoming opposition
and changing behaviours
S. Kalambura, N. Jovicic, S. Cerni (HR)
Implementation of the educational project “Edu Zadar” for county waste management centre
P. Pickerin, P.J. Shaw (GB)
Age and ageing as factors influencing waste management behaviour
A. Read, S. Widdowson (GB)
The impact of austerity measure on public sector waste recycling and street cleansing services in the UK and Ireland - Rising to the challenge, innovation in the
public sector
Monday October 5 - afternoon / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION B1 - Central Hall/2
Landfill processes
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Anders Lagerkvist (SE)
R. Rafiee, L. Obersky, W.P. Clarke (AU)
Study of waste degradation processes in active landfill cells
W.J. Sun, M. Sun, M.A. Barlaz (US)
Methods to measure the hydrogen sulfide production potential of sulfate-containing wastes disposed in landfills
W.J. Lu, S. Xu (CN)
Spatial variation of bacterial community structure and diversity of a landfill in
Beijing, China, as revealed by high throughput sequencing
L. Obersky, R. Rafiee, S. Xie, S. Golding, W.P. Clarke (AU)
Determining the simultaneous rates of anaerobic digestion, composting and
methane oxidation in shallow waste in an active landfill cell
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION B2 - Central Hall/2
Landfilling: policies and strategies
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Toshihiko Matsuto (JP)
B. Batinic, G. Vujic, N. Stanisavljevic, D. Ubavin (RS)
Development of model for projection of amounts of biodegradable municipal
waste as a support to successful implementation of EU landfill directive: a case
study of Serbia
T.J. Heimovaara, A. Bun, A. Van Turnhout (NL)
Water balance modelling and estimation of emission potential using a dataassimilation approach
S. McCarthy, D. O’ Riordan, J. Moriarty (IE)
Environmental liabilities - New methods for determining amounts of financial
E. Brand, A.C.M. De Nijs, R.N.J. Comans, J.J. Dijkstra (NL)
New policy developments on sustainable landfill management
Monday October 5 - afternoon / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION C1 - Panorama Hall
Special waste management
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Kaimin Shih (HG)
A. Rapisardi, G. Preda, R. Galessi, R. Macchini, R. Salvetti, E. Slavik, D. Vanni (IT)
Waste minimization and reuse maximization in dredged sediment management:
experimental activities results at pilot scale
H. Azaizeh, U. Shanas, Y. Gerchman (IL)
Production of a biofilter from olive mill solid wastes for the removal of heavy metals from contaminated road runoffs
L.H. Ren, H. Liu, P. Wang, Y.X. Chong (CN)
Synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates from waste frying oil by cupriavidus necator
M.M. Abdibattaeva, G.P. Kalimbetov, T.J. Zhumagulov, A.A. Rysmagambetova
Alternative method of heat treatment of oily waste
A. Igunnu, R. Smith, J. Robinson, R.L. Gomes (GB)
Bioproduct generation from artemisia annua L and the waste streams generated
during the production of artemisinin
F. Ugolini, L. Massetti, F. Sabatini, G. Masciandaro (IT)
Another future for hydro ways sediments
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION C2 - Panorama Hall
Industrial waste management
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Evangelos Gidarakos (GR)
S.V. Santos, C.C. Amorim, L.N. Andrade, M.C.V.M. Starling, F.F.B. Nóbrega,
M.M.D. Leão (BR)
Oil droplets adsorption using siderurgical waste: adsorption mechanisms and
adsorbent regeneration capacity
B. Guo, S. Zhang, D. Pan, B. Liu, Y. Ding (CN)
Immobilization of lead fuming furnace slag in fly ash-based geo-polymer
M. Haupt, C. Vadenbo, C. Zeltner, S. Hellweg (CH)
Quality-dependent impacts of steel recycling: scrap from municipal solid waste
incineration bottom ash vs normal scrap grades
Y. Ding, B. Liu, S. Zhang, D. Pan, B. Guo (CN)
A clean route for recycling tin from the silver separated residue
A. Grinys, D. Vaiciukynienė, V. Sasnauskas, A. Augonis (LT)
The using of aggressive waste, generated from the marine repair production, to
the concrete technology
I. Mikhailov, S. Komarov, V. Levina , A. Gusev, D. Kuznetsov (RU)
Recycling of blast furnace sludge by complex ultrasonic-assisted leaching with
nanoscale zero-valent iron as fenton reagent
Monday October 5 - afternoon / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION D1 - Naturista Room
Decision support models in waste collection
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Shinya Suzuki (JP)
G. De Feo, R. Iannone, C. Scaffidi Domianello (IT)
Optimization of MSW kerbside separate collection systems through a decision
support model
P. Beigl, S. Salhofer (AT)
How can we make packaging collection more efficient? A LCA based comparison of collection schemes for light-weight packaging in rural and urban regions
in Austria
Y. López, V. Gutiérrez, F. Collantes, D. Gil, R. Revilla, J.L. Gil (ES)
Development of software for the evaluation of street cleanliness and waste collection services
F. Di Maria, C. Micale, A. Monsignori, G. Sassaroli, L. Sisani, C. Tufo (IT)
Enhanced material recovery by source collection and mechanical treatment: results of the LIFE EMARES project
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION D2 - Naturista Room
Emissions in waste collection
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Ezio Ranieri (IT)
C. Boardman, S. Burnley, V. Gauci, T. Gladding (GB)
Greenhouse gas emissions from non-recyclable residual household waste within
domestic wheeled bins
Y. Zhao, W. Lu, H. Wang (CN)
Odour pollution evaluation in transfer stations of municipal solid waste in China
M. Vilms, V. Voronova, E. Loigu (EE)
The problems of municipal waste collection in city centres and air pollutants formed in the process
T.L. Gladding (GB)
Extended storage of residual waste and bioaerosols
Monday October 5 - afternoon / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION E1 - Le Dune Room
Generation of WEEE
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Silvia Fiore (IT)
C. Clarke, D.A. Turner, I.D. Williams, (GB)
Flows of WEEE through the UK network 2010-2030 and associated carbon footprints
X. Pierron, I.D. Williams, P. Shaw, F. Ongondo (GB)
The potential for developing urban mines from household stockpiled small
J. Hobohm, C. Voigt, K. Kuchta (DE)
Increasing the detection rate of resources relevant WEEE by optimization of collection
J. Snyman, K. Vorster, S.J. Jacobs, B. Mouton (ZA)
E-waste assessment in South Africa: a situational analysis of e-waste management
T. Trentinella (JP)
E-waste recycling: comparing Japanese and Brazilian laws
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION E2 - Le Dune Room
WEEE characterization and management
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Stefan Salhofer (AT)
T. Shirahase, A. Kida, F. Takahashi (JP)
39 element contents of a waste personal computer measured by assembly parts
and combustion residue analysis
M. Ikhlayel, T. Tasaki (JP)
A Jordanian case study of WEE inventory and material flow analysis in the MENA
region: examining different estimation methods
R.G. Souza, J.N. Clímaco, A.P. Sant’Anna, T.B. Rocha, R.A.B. Valle, O.L.G.
Quelhas (BR)
Sustainability assessment of WEEE management options in Rio de Janeiro,
Y. Chen, J. Li, S. Li (CN)
Recommendations on collection and recycling schemes on WEEE in typical
Asia-Pacific developing countries
Monday October 5 - afternoon / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION F1 - Ex Wine Bar Room
Workshop: Food waste
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Thomas Astrup (DK)
Food waste from households, institutions, and commercial entities gains increasing attention as a waste fraction that may be efficiently utilized e.g. through anaerobic digestion and biogas production. Compared to mixed organic household
waste, food waste may contain fewer contaminants and have higher potential for
biogas production. As such, in many countries food waste can be expected to
play an increasingly prominent role in the waste management system. The workshop will address key aspects of food waste such as composition, variability,
resource potential and management approaches.
Introductory lectures:
F. Girotto, L. Alibardi, R. Cossu (IT)
Food waste management: a review
M.E. Edjabou, C. Petersen, C. Scheutz, T.F. Astrup (DK)
Seasonal generation of food waste in Denmark
S. Paixão, P. Melo, A. Ferreira (BR)
Food waste in canteen trays of primary schools in the center of Portugal
M. Hrad, G. Obertseiner (AT)
Assessment of food waste generation in Austrian food service institutions
A. R. Pizarro, C. Cimpan, M. Münster, H. Ravn (DK)
Optimal sorting and treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
depending on future energy scenarios
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION F2 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Workshop: GHG emissions from biological waste treatment
Chair / Presidente: Charlotte Scheutz (DK)
Biological treatment of organic wastes entails generation of various gases such
as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia.
Some of these gases are greenhouse gases (GHGs), thus contributing to global
warming. Currently, only very few GHG emission data from biological treatment
facilities are available. In this workshop the results of full scale projects in Denmark and Austria for the determination of GHG emissions from biological waste
treatment plants will be presented to introduce the following discussion on current challenges for emission control and prevention.
Introductory lectures:
M. Huber-Humer, M. Hrad, M. Piringer (AT)
Determination of methane emissions from waste-to-energy biogas plants
M. Bang Jensen, J. Mønster, J. Møller, C. Scheutz (DK)
Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from a biological waste treatment facility
Monday October 5 - afternoon / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION G1 - Pineta Room
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Workshop: Waste management and impacts on health
Chair / Presidente: Massimo Federico (IT)
According to many studies available in the literature on possible illnesses on
employees of waste facilities and on the resident population, the evidence of
adverse health outcomes for the general population living near landfill sites, incinerators and composting facilities is usually insufficient and inconclusive.
During the workshop, current issues related to the evaluation of direct and indirect impact of waste management activities on human health will be presented
and discussed.
17.10 - 17.40
17.40 - 18.00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION G2 - Pineta Room
Workshop: EU Proposals and projects
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Marco Devetta (IT)
The workshop will target a wide range of companies and universities and is primarily conceveid as a networking event addressed to experts interested in developing and sharing new project ideas and finding potential collaboration on
specific issues within the upcoming EU calls.
Following the high number of proposals received for inclusion in this session, it
has been decided to organize a full-day parallel event on Tuesday 6th entirely
devoted to in-depth discussion of each single project selected. For the detailed
schedule of the day see pages 86-87
H. Boysen (DE)
Utilization of residues from biogas plants to generate valuable products within a
microalgae-based biorefinery concept
V. Funari (IT)
Bio-hydrometallurgic development for critical raw materials exploitation
C. Ün (TR)
The usability of municipal waste plastic and medical waste plastic fuel production
at transport
M. Gharfalkar (GB)
Modelling and simulation tools to quantify material flows and “circularity” for greater resource efficiency in manufacturing and society
D. Chen (CN)
Carbon paper from straw and other herbaceous wastes as filtration material for
particulate separation
A. Otsuki (FR)
Integrated process for the critical/valuable metal extraction and plastic valorization from waste printed circuit boards
Monday October 5 - afternoon / Lunedì 5 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSIONE H1 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Workshop: AIA e valutazione del rischio ambientale nella gestione dei rifiuti
Chair / Presidente: Ezio Ranieri (IT)
Saranno affrontati e dibattuti casi di studio connessi all’applicazione dell’analisi del rischio ambientale sanitaria e al rilascio dell’autorizzazione integrata ambientale (AIA). In particolare, sarà mostrato come le difficoltà dell’applicazione
dell’analisi di rischio ambientale sanitaria principalmente associate con la presenza di numerose sorgenti di inquinamento e vie di trasporto possano essere
superate con l’uso del GIS. Per quanto riguarda l’AIA, l’entrata in vigore del DLgs
46/14 ha introdotto nuovi argomenti ed opportunità in termini di prevenzione, abbattimento e riduzione integrata dell’inquinamento, definendo nuovi requisiti che
saranno discussi nel corso del workshop.
Relazioni introduttive:
M.F. Milazzo, R. Lisi (IT)
Valutazione del rischio ambientale per la salute umana derivante da siti contaminati mediante l’utilizzo di strumenti GIS
G. Di Marco, G. Battistella, F. Bonaiuti, C. Carlucci (IT)
La gestione dei rifiuti negli impianti soggetti ad AIA statale: evoluzione tecnica e
novità normative
17.10 - 17.40
17.40 - 18.00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSIONE H2 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
Gestione delle emissioni
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Salvatore Masi (IT)
L. Capelli, S. Sironi, F. Lucernoni (IT)
Valutazione dell’impatto olfattivo tramite modellazione della dispersione atmosferica: un confronto di diversi approcci per la stima delle emissioni di odore da
superfici di discarica
R. Greco, S. Bilardi, P.S. Calabrò, N. Moraci (IT)
Materiali reattivi innovativi per il pre-trattamento del percolato di discarica
I. Minardi, E. Giovenali, F. Tassi, T. Rizzo (IT)
Applicazione di metodi di Source Apportionment (principal component analisi)
per il riconoscimento del contributo alla qualità dell’aria di un impianto di trattamento meccanico biologico
I. Pecorini, F. Baldi, A. Corti, E. Carnevale (IT)
Previsione del potenziale di emissione residuo di gas dalle discariche mediante
l’utilizzo di modelli di decadimento del primo ordine e risultati di produzione di
meatno da campioni di rifiuti estratti
Tuesday October 6 - morning / Martedì 6 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION A3 - Central Hall
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Waste management guidelines and regulations
Chair / Presidente: Luciano Butti (IT)
N.E. Owen, K. Warren, A. Read (GB)
Policy impacts on global EFW development
T. Trentinella (JP)
Japanese waste management legal framework: a paradigm for developing
F. Paglietti, B. Conestabile Della Staffa, S. Malinconico, S. Bellagamba, P. De
Simone (IT)
Italian guidelines for classifying and managing asbestos-containing waste
P.A. Martins, S.H. Wang, E.G.Fernandes (BR)
Brasilian policies for medical waste: challenges for recycling
C.L. Rodrigues, I. Andrade (PT)
Why regulate waste management services? The Portuguese case
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION A4 - Central Hall
Waste management and circular economy
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Bernd Bilitewski (DE)
L. Prista (BE)
Present EU strategy on waste within a circular economy
A. Bartl (AT)
Withdrawal of the circular economy package: a wasted opportunity or a new
L. Pannett, A. Read, S. Widdowson (GB)
Teep and lessons learned from the UK approach to EU compliance
K. Reh, M. Franke, H.G. Baum, M. Faulstich (DE)
Disposal of lightweight and metal packaging waste in Germany and Austria - A
comparison of eco-efficiency
T. Trentinella (JP)
EPR for product stewardship: who is to win this combat? The environmental
agreement frameworks in Brazil, Australia and Singapore as comparative references
G. Ferreira, C.M.L.J. Santos (BR)
Environmental dimension of solid waste: epistemological premise for economic
sustainable development towards a new perspective in terms of a general theory
of environmental private law
Tuesday October 6 - morning / Martedì 6 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION B3 - Central Hall/2
Bioreactor landfills
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Rainer Stegmann (DE)
A.A. Siddiqui, D.J. Richards, W. Powrie (IN)
Flushing bioreactor landfill - A laboratory study
L. Morello, R. Cossu, G. Cerminara, R. Raga (IT)
The Semi-aerobic, ANaerobic, Aerobic (S.A.N.A.) hybrid bioreactor landfill
J. Li, C. Han, J. Wu (CN)
A laboratory scale test on MSW bioreactor landfilling process with new structure
A. Białowiec, D. Wiśniewski, J. Pulka, B. Jakubowski (PL)
The optimisation of leachate recirculation in first Polish large scale landfill bioreactor
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION B4 - Central Hall/2
Landfill design & engineering
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Raffaello Cossu (IT)
S. Lenz, K. Böhm, E. Binner, M. Huber-Humer (AT)
Innovative analysis for monitoring abandoned and operating landfills
H. Aurinko, R. Soukka, M. Horttanainen (FI)
Risk assessment execution modern landfill structures in Finland
G. Biolatti (IT)
Trend of leachate production in closed landfills: forecasting models on the basis
of real cases
A. Khatami (US)
Formulation for optimizing landfill base slopes and maximizing airspace
F. Alam, A.S.M. Riyad, M. Alamgir (BD)
Characterization of leachate generated from landfill lysimeter: effects of clay liner
and solid waste composition
Tuesday October 6 - morning / Martedì 6 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION C3 - Panorama Hall
Waste characterization biotests
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Cristina Macci (IT)
D. Komilis, P.S. Calabrò, A. Evangelou, R. Greco (GR)
Respiration activity of eight organic substrates: comparison of stability indices at
different scales
N. Almeira, D. Komilis, R. Barrena, T. Gea, A. Sánchez (GR)
Effect of different aeration flowrate and modes on the dynamic respiration activity
of solid organic residues
S. Stiernström, O. Wik, D. Bendz (SE)
Critical evaluation of methods for hazard classification of waste ecotoxic properties
P. Hennebert, F. Rebischung, P. Pandard (FR)
Hazard property HP 14 ‘ecotoxic’: correspondence of classification of waste by
the European list of waste, by chemical composition and by an ecotoxicological
test battery
P.A. Kuryntseva, P.Ju. Galitskaya, S.Ju. Selivanovskaya (RU)
Changes of hazardous properties of organic wastes in the process of their biological treatment
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION C4 - Panorama Hall
Home composting: design and emissions
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Michael Quintern (NZ)
O. Larsen, V.S. Rotter (DE)
Impact of compostable plastic bags on greenhouse gas emissions from home
G. Setyamukti, V.S. Rotter, M.A. Siebel, H.J. Gijzen (DE)
The design and performance of the indoor household composter
E. Ermolaev, C. Sundberg, M. Pell, H. Jönsson (SE)
Early methane and nitrous oxide emissions from food waste composting as affected by moisture
F. Tatàno, G. Pagliaro, P. Di Giovanni, E. Floriani, F. Mangani (IT)
Biowaste home composting: experimental process monitoring and quality control
Tuesday October 6 - morning / Martedì 6 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION D3 - Naturista Room
Methodologies in LFG emission measurement
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Marlies Hrad (AT)
L. Fjelsted, C. Scheutz, A. Christensen, P. Kjeldsen (DK)
Development of an innovative UAV-mounted screening tool for landfill gas emissions
O. Bour, I. Zdanevitch, E. Bietlot, C. Collart, M.H. Garcia, J.B. Mathieu, V. Garcia
Software development of a multistep workflow for assessing landfill gas surface
emissions from sampling design to geostatistical modeling
S. Jeong, A. Nam, T. Kim, J.Y. Kim (KR)
Effect of hot spots and required grid size of flux chamber network for estimation
of surface methane emission from landfills
F. Innocenti, R.A. Robinson, T.D. Gardiner, A. Finlayson, A. Connor, J. Few (GB)
Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) measurments of landfill methane emissions
E. Bridi, L.A. Bressani, E. Ritter (BR)
Biogas emission measurement in landfill cover layer inserted in a remaining coal
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION D4 - Naturista Room
Perspectives in LFG emission monitoring
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Gerhard Rettenberg (DE)
P. Kjeldsen, C. Scheutz (DK)
Suggested guidelines for gas emission monitoring at Danish landfills
M. Bourn, A. Jones, R. Robinson (GB)
Regulating landfills using measured methane emissions: a UK perspective
R. Lewicki, M. Askin, P. Manczarski (GB)
ACUMEN project - Emissions from installations applied to mitigating residual
methane at closed landfill sites
P.F.S. Borba, E. Ritter, E.M. Martins, S.M. Correa (BR)
Gas emission assessment in Seropedica landfill - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tuesday October 6 - morning / Martedì 6 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION E3 - Le Dune Room
Perspectives in WEEE management
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Kerstin Kuctha (DE)
B. Steuer, S. Salhofer, R. Linzner (AT)
The winner takes it all - Why is informal waste collection in urban China successful?
R. Souza, E. Herbeck, M. Spitzbart, D. Jakubowicz, S. Salhofer (BR)
Economic drivers for the development of e-waste management in East Africa
and Brazil
N. Mannie, L. Foster (ZA)
The digital revolution - An onslaught of even more WEEE!
S. Zhang, Y. Ding, B. Liu, D. Pan (CN)
Challenges to achieving the sustainability of critical metals in WEEE
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION E4 - Le Dune Room
WEEE: technologies for metal recovery
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Francesco Vegliò (IT)
R. Cayumil, R. Khanna, V. Sahajwalla (AU)
Concentration of precious metals during their recovery from electronic waste
S. Guignot, N. Menad, D. Morin, S. Bostyn, Y. Graz, I. Gökalp, J. Poirier, M.
Trabuc, C. Thomas (FR)
Supercritical water extraction of metals from printed circuit boards - A feasibility
A. Alzate, M.E. López, C. Serna (CO)
Recovery of gold from electrical and electronic waste by a novel methodology
using ammonium persulfate
P. Hense, K. Reh, M. Franke, J. Aigner, D. Mayer, A. Hornung, A. Contin (DE)
Pyrolysis - A key component for the recovery of metals and energy
R. Saini, R. Khanna, R.K. Dutta, R. Cayumil, M. Ikram-Ul-Haq, R. Rajarao, V.
Sahajwalla, V. Agarwala (AU)
A novel approach for reducing toxic emissions during high temperature processing of electronic waste
A. Otsuki, G. Dodbiba, T. Fujita (FR)
Two-liquid flotation for separating mixtures of ultra–fine rare earth fluorescent
powders for material recycling - A review
Tuesday October 6 - morning / Martedì 6 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION F3 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Workshop: Economic assessment of separate collection
Chair / Presidente: Salvatore Masi (IT)
Separate collection is considered unavoidable in any modern waste management strategy. Door to door systems have achieved broad diffusion; however,
in many cases administrators fear the transition from traditional waste collection
systems because of a possible increase in waste fees and a subsequent loss of
electoral support. In this workshop novel methods for the assessment of the impact of door to door collection on the service costs will be presented and results
of case studies discussed.
Introductory lectures:
C. Robu (IT)
Door to door collection and disposal alternatives in Italy: analysis of an average
cost function
M. Bocciarelli, M. Donati, C. Bertolotti, M. Bergonzoni (IT)
Pilot project for the traceability of waste in a hilly area of the province of Parma
for the optimization of door-to-door waste sorting
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break
SESSION F4 - Ex Wine Bar Room
IWWG Workshop: Biological H2 production
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chairs / Presidenti: Aldo Muntoni (IT)
The workshops will address the most recent and relevant novelties in the field
of Hydrogen Production from biomass and waste, focusing in particular on the
integration of the biological process with other treatment options and on the real
possibilities and current challenges for scaling-up the process and its full application.
Introductory lectures:
L. Alibardi, R. Cossu, A. Muntoni, A. Polettini (IT)
Waste and biorefinery - A new boost for dark fermentation?
C. Nino-Navarro, E.I. Garcia-Pena, J.I. Chairez-Oria, J. Ramirez-Munoz (MX)
Hydrodynamic characterization of a pilot reactor used for hydrogen production
from organic solid waste
Tuesday October 6 - morning / Martedì 6 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION G3 - Pineta Room
h. 9:00 - 10:40
IWWG Workshop: Industrial waste management - New opportunities
Chair / Presidente: Evangelos Gidarakos (GR)
Industrial waste production is significantly larger than Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW) production. In some cases, industrial wastes can contain and release
pollutants that are potentially harmful to the environment and population so they
are considered to be hazardous waste. In the past, the inadequate management
and disposal of such waste has caused severe environmental impacts, and continues to be so today in some cases (particularly in developing countries).
Over time, industrial waste has come to be viewed as a potential source for industry, and now it has been included in the concept of urban mining: also industrial
residues should be minimized, reused and recycled before handling and treatment prior to final disposal.
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break
SESSION G4 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Leaching tests in decision making
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chairs / Presidenti: Hans van der Sloot (NL), D. Kosson (US)
When considering long-term impacts from either landfilling or beneficial use, the
major concern will be on heavy metals and persistent organic contaminants. For
an MSW landfill, the gas emissions are a relatively short term issue, whereas
leaching of inorganic and persistent organic contaminants from MSW will continue for a long time and hence potentially poses significant long-term risk. Recent
regulatory developments focus on release from construction products, which
more and more are produced with alternative materials used as coarse and fine
aggregates, fillers, etc. In many cases such alternative materials were formerly
waste materials. Therefore alternative materials are judged for their hazardous
nature in the EU (Hazardous Waste Directive) and by options to classify waste
as non-critical by End-of-Waste criteria. Products produced with alternative materials need to be considered based on their environmental performance, as well
as their technical performance. Recently adopted leaching test methods in US
EPA and EU ( CEN, Waste and Construction) in combination with a sophisticated
geochemical modelling tools allow a more integrated evaluation of long-term release behaviour taking changes in material behaviour due to external influences
(organic matter interaction, carbonation, oxidation,..) into account.
Tuesday October 6 - morning / Martedì 6 Ottobre - mattina
SESSIONE H3 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
Aspetti geotecnici nelle discariche
h. 09:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Paolo Carrubba (IT)
D. Cazzuffi, S. Baravalle (IT)
Situazione attuale degli standard sui geosintetici: dalla legislazione europea sui
prodotti da costruzione alla legislazione tecnica nazionale
D. Cazzuffi, P. Recalcati (IT)
Sistemi di drenaggio per la copertura delle discariche: test sperimentali per un
miglioramento tecnico e una corretta progettazione
M. Schepis, S. Busana, G. Cortellazzo, M. Favaretti, M.C. Mandaglio, N. Moraci (IT)
Valutazione sperimentale della conducibilità idraulica di barriere minerali compattate
A. Angeloni, G. Giovane, M. Maroni, P. Simone (IT)
Esempio applicativo di una bonifica con rimozione di rifiuti interrati sotto il sedime
di una discarica autorizzata in fase di coltivazione e contestuale verifica delle
caratteristiche prestazionali del sistema di impermeabilizzazione rimosso
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSIONE H4 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Workshop: CTD - Linee guida e nuova normativa lombarda
Chair / Presidente: Raffaello Cossu (IT)
Le recenti Linee Guida per la progettazione e gestione sostenibile delle Discariche della Regione Lombardia discariche costituiscono una fondamentale innovazione a livello Europeo nella visione del ruolo della discarica nell’ambito
dei sistemi di gestione dei rifiuti. Per la prima volta infatti è stabilito chiaramente
che le discariche devono essere progettate, realizzate e gestite nel rispetto del
principio della sostenibilità ambientale. Questo significa che opportune misure
devono essere previste già in fase progettuale per tendere al raggiungimento
di una qualità finale del deposito, individuata da valori obiettivo che il progetto,
la gestione operativa e post-operativa devono perseguire. In tal modo, la discarica assume il ruolo di chiudere il ciclo della materia, con tecniche e procedure
atte a massimizzare l’immobilizzazione e l’innocuizzazione degli elementi e delle
sostanze contenute nei rifiuti e a minimizzare per converso la loro mobilità e
reattività. Nel corso del workshop saranno presentate le principali innovazioni
introdotte dalle Linee Guida, con particolare riferimento agli effetti scaturiti a un
anno dalla pubblicazione.
Tuesday October 6 - afternoon / Martedì 6 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION A5 - Central Hall
Waste Re-Use
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Stefan Salhofer (AT)
G. Obersteiner, A. Oberscheider, E. Schmied (AT)
Re-use potential of municipal waste management compared to existing re-use
O. Krüger, C. Adam (DE)
Re-use of secondary phosphates as fertilizers - Harmonization of analytical methods
E. Schmied, G. Obersteiner, G. Raab (AT)
Waste management based re-use activities suported by an online tool
J.L. Hanson, N. Yesiller, K.B. Kopp, C.M. Cooledge, S.J. Kaufman-Martin (US)
Beneficial reuse of wastes for thermal insulation in underground construction
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION A6 - Central Hall
Recycling strategies and efficiency
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Martijn van Praagh (SE)
A. Bartl, B. Appelqvist (AT)
Evaluating the recycling efficiency and quality
A. Read, S. Rymill, S. Widdowson (GB)
Recycling rates plateau - Lessons from the United Kingdom
E. Van Eygen, J. Feketitsch, D. Laner, J. Fellner (AT)
Development of plastic flows and stocks in Austria
T. Fill, S. Pow, A. Read (GB)
Transition economy waste strategies and the energy-recycling debate
G. Obersteiner, C. Walzer (AT)
Green festivals and their impact to waste management
Tuesday October 6 - afternoon / Martedì 6 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION B5 - Central Hall/2
Mechanical aspects and stability in landfilling
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Nicola Moraci (IT)
I.R. Fleming (CA)
Insitu evaluation of physical properties of landfilled waste
H. Li, T.L.T Zhan, X. Xu, S. Wang, Y. Chen (CN)
Development of degradation-compression-permeation experimental system for
municipal solid wastes
R. Cossu, P. Carrubba, E. Clò, L. Morello (IT)
Geotechnical and biochemical studies on pre-treated MSW produced in central
F.J.P. De Oliveira, T.S.M.M. Kamiji, A.E.S. De Abreu (BR)
Slope stability back-calculation for the landslide in São João sanitary landfill, in
B.J. Ramaiah, G.V. Ramana, E. Kavazanjian Jr, B.K. Bansal (IN)
Shear strength and stiffness of municipal solid waste from large-scale triaxial
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION B6 - Central Hall/2
Landfill barriers
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Daniele Cazzuffi (IT)
A. Witzsche, J. Weiß (DE)
New and alternative barrier systems - Invention, approval, realization and quality
assurance standards during construction
H. Xie, H. Yan, S. Feng, Z. Qiu, Y. Chen, C. Zhang (CN)
Analytical models for contaminant transport in landfill clay liners considering coupled effect of consolidation, diffusion and degradation
M. Schepis, S. Busana, G. Cortellazzo, M. Favaretti, M.C. Mandaglio, N. Moraci
Experimental evaluation of hydraulic conductivity of compacted soil liner
A. El-Zein, A. Ghavam-Nasiri, R.K. Rowe (AU)
Brine ponds on coal-seam gas extraction sites: are geosynthetic clay liners at
risk of desiccation?
Tuesday October 6 - afternoon / Martedì 6 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION C5 - Panorama Hall
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Waste management policies in developing countries
Chair / Presidente: Muhammed Alamgir (BD)
E.M. Mukhtar, I.D. Williams, P.J. Shaw (GB)
Evolution of waste management systems in developed and developing cities
A. Rodríguez, M.L. Castrejón Godínez, M.L. Ortiz Hernández, E. Sánchez Salina
Management of municipal solid waste in Mexico
M. Clark, J. Palfreman, J. van Rhyn (GB)
Where there’s muck there’s brass: a market systems approach to conceptualising solid waste management in Mombasa, Kenya
T.M. Ismail, E.A. Masouad, E.H. Hefny, I. Taha (EG)
Strategic planning of municipal solid waste management in developing countries
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION C6 - Panorama Hall
Waste collection in developing countries
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Mario Andres Gandini (CO)
S. Mucyo (RW)
Solid waste collection in low income urban areas: Kigali City
R. Ramusch, S. Salhofer (AT)
Estimating informal municipal waste recycling activities in urban China
V. Yadav, H. Mishra, S. Karmakar, A.K. Dikshit (IN)
Feasibility study of transfer stations siting: a case study on city of Nashik, India
M.L. Castrejón-Godínez, A. Rodríguez, M.L. Ortiz-Hernández, E. SánchezSalinas (MX)
Contribution of greenhouse gases by municipal solid waste in Mexico
Tuesday October 6 - afternoon / Martedì 6 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION D5 - Naturista Room
LFG generation: measurements and modelling
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Lidia Lombardi (IT)
S. Arnold, J. Stalleicken, M. Bourn, A. Jones (GB)
Review of landfill emissions modelling in the UK
S. Yadav, P. Hettiaratchi, P. Jayasinghe, E. Bartholameuz (CA)
An evaluation of biochemical methane potential assay for landfill solid waste
Z. Mou, C. Scheutz, P. Kjeldsen (DK)
Landfill gas generation and emission at Danish waste disposal sites receiving
waste with a low organic waste content
I. Pecorini, F. Baldi, A. Corti, E. Carnevale (IT)
Prediction of the remaining landfill gas potential using first order decay models
and methane yield results for excavated waste samples
A. Pukhnyuk, P. Mostbauer, K. Boehm, M. Huber-Humer (UA)
Investigation and modelling of methane generation at unmanaged municipal solid waste landfills: case study Ukraine
M. Capodici, G. Ciraolo, D. Di Trapani, G. Viviani (IT)
Remote sensing analysis coupled to field measurements for the evaluation of
methane emissions from a landfill site: a case study
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION D6 - Naturista Room
LFG modelling
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Gianni Andreottola (IT)
J. Fellner, C. Brandstätter, D. Laner (AT)
Landfill gas migration modelling - A prequiste for determining environmentally
compatible gas generation rates
M.M. Santos, C. Romanel, A.G.H.P. Van Elk (BR)
Comparative analysis between the monitoring data and methane generation prediction in a Brazilian landfill
N. Turgeon, C. Niedzwiedz, Y. Le Bihan, R. Simoneau, S. Bugay (CA)
Evaluation of methane and GHG emissions from Quebec city municipal landfill:
comparison between field measurements and model
D. Di Trapani, G. Mannina, S. Nicosia, G. Viviani, G. Contino, K. Babikova, S.
Indelicato (IT)
Modelling biogas generation and release from municipal solid waste landfills
Tuesday October 6 - afternoon / Martedì 6 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION E5 - Le Dune Room
Contaminated soils
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Carlo Moretto (IT)
J. Lee, J.Y. Kim (KR)
Methane production of crop residues from contaminated and uncontaminated
G. Masciandaro, S. Doni, C. Garcia, M.T. Hernandez, P. Rocchio, M. Losa, C.
Macci (IT)
Innovative technique to recover contaminated river sediments (CLEANSED LIFE
L.F. Delgado-Ramírez, M.F. García-Valtierra, A. Ávila-Tlatelpa, F. Shultz-Morales, M. Beltrán-Villlavicencio, A. Vazquez-Morillas (MX)
Rizhotron design for the study of contaminated soils with wastes
M.F. Milazzo, R. Lisi (IT)
Environmental human health risk assessment of contaminated sites using a simple GIS-based tool
P. Galitskaya, L. Biktasheva, A. Saveliev, T. Grigoryeva, E. Bulygina, S. Selivanovskaya (RU)
Fungal and bacterial successions in the process of co-composting of organic
wastes as revealed by 454 pyrosequencing
M. Lega, O. Maio, P. Bishop (IT)
Environmental pollution surveying: contaminated land assessment using remote/
proximal sensing tools and markers
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION E6 - Le Dune Room
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Bottom ash: characterization and environmental impact
Chair / Presidente: Ole Hjelmar (DK)
A. van Zomeren, T. Klymko, H.A. van der Sloot (NL)
Application of multiple analytical methods, leaching and geochemical modelling
for waste classification of MSWI boiler ash
A. Maresca, T.F. Astrup (DK)
Column leaching from biomass combustion ashes
N. Saqib, M. Bäckström (SE)
Waste incineration: impact of input waste fuel composition on trace element distribution and chemical speciation in fly and bottom ashes
M. Di Gianfilippo, G. Costa, I. Verginelli, F. Lombardi (IT)
Assessment of the risk to groundwater related to disposal vs. reuse of different
types of waste thermal treatment bottom ash
Tuesday October 6 - afternoon / Martedì 6 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION F5 - Ex Wine Bar Room
IWWG Workshop: Waste and Art
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Rainer Stegmann (DE)
The practice of making art from waste and unusual material is widely spread. This
is in response to the need for artists, designers and academic institutions to engage
with new forms of creativity but also to be part of a move towards waste reduction
awareness. Why is this significant to waste experts? The utilization of waste materials in art does not necessarily result in a substantial increase in recycling or in the
reduction of waste but it can change the way in which waste is perceived. Bringing
waste back to people in an attractive form can challenge the thinking of the waste
experts and awaken an interest in those unaware of waste management problems.
Introductory lectures:
C. van der Westhuyzen (ZA), R. Stegmann (DE)
From waste to art and from art to waste
D. Reinhart, S. Bolyard (US)
Art and engineering students work together: project ICUBED, University of Central Florida
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION F6 - Ex Wine Bar Room
IWWG Workshop: Nanomaterials
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chairs / Presidenti: Pierre Hennebert (FR ), Marion Huber-Humer, Florian Part (AT)
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are currently used in over 1,600 consumer
products. As these ENM-laden materials and/or products reach the end of their
useful life, the development of appropriate end-of-life management strategies to
manage the ENMs is critical to minimize human and/or environment exposure.
Currently, there are significant knowledge and data gaps associated with the fate
of these embedded ENMs in waste management processes, limiting our ability to
develop appropriate end-of-life strategies. This workshop will consist of presentations and discussions related to ENM fate in waste management processes, as
well as the identification of research needs and challenges.
Introductory lectures:
F. Part, K. Hänel, M. Huber-Humer (AT)
Material flow analysis of six consumer products containing engineered nanomaterials - A case study from Austria
P. Hennebert, P. Merdy, A. Anderson (FR)
Mineral nanoparticles in waste: potential sources (France 2014), occurrence in
some engineered nanomaterials leachates, in municipal sewage sludges and in
municipal landfill sludges
S. Bolyard, D. Reinhart, S. Santra (US)
Behavior of engineered nanoparticles in landfill leachate
S. Suzuki, F. Part, M. Huber-Humer, Y. Matsufuji (JP)
Dynamic material flow analysis of specific nanomaterials in C&D waste in Japan
Tuesday October 6 - afternoon / Martedì 6 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION G5 - Pineta Room
h. 15:30 - 17:10
IWWG Workshop: Aftercare completion decision making
Chair / Presidente: Heijo Scharff (NL)
Aftercare completion is the moment at which a landfill site can be considered
functionally stable, thus entering post-regulatory minimal care. From that moment, the remaining risk and emission potential is transferred from the landfill
operator to the society. The main issue is represented by the difficulty to use
available data to predict stability of waste in the landfill body after completion,
due to changes (e.g. build-up of a leachate table in the site) which may invalidate
models used.
The workshop will consist of short and focused presentations, aimed to better understand the role of assessment of long-term emissions, including data needed
and criteria to be used for a further development in completion procedures.
Introductory lectures:
O. Hjelmar (DK)
The need for a site-specific risk-based approach
A. Van Zomeren (NL)
Site-specific criteria for three Dutch landfills
T. Heimovaara (NL)
Relevant questions for completion procedures
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION G6 - Pineta Room
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Workshop: Long term waste data management
Chair / Presidente: Howard Robinson (GB)
The extended periods of time over which putrescible landfill sites need to be managed means that data and information relating to the sites have to be passed to
successive future generations. Among the topics to consider is the media used
to store information. Modern paper and inks have a short life, and paper records
are vulnerable as well as expensive to store. Electronic storage would seem a
cost effective way to pass on site histories, but this brings with it concerns about
formats, security and protection. In addition, completely electronic management
of (for example) analytical data can easily lead to inadequate routine scrutiny
of those results, although on the other hand, use of “trigger values” can rapidly bring non-compliances to the attention of an operator. There are currently
no standards or guidelines on how information should be collected, stored and
made available in the future and this workshop provides an opportunity to discuss the issues involved, which have wider application to data management for
all waste installations.
Introductory lecture:
K. Wilson (GB)
Closed landfill sites - Managing the information legacy
Tuesday October 6 - afternoon / Martedì 6 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION H5 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
Compostaggio e digestione anaerobica
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Aldo Muntoni (IT)
S. Fiore, B. Ruffino, G. Campo, M.C. Zanetti (IT)
Valutazione dell’effetto di scala della digestione anaerobica di rifiuti derivanti da
aziende di trasformazione dei prodotti alimentari
M. Canditelli, M. Coronidi, N. Faustini, M. Gravagno, F. Musmeci, E. Trinca. C.
Alisi, M.R. Montereali, S. Manzo, A. Salluzzo (IT)
Compostaggio di comunità: gestione sostenibile degli scarti umidi da valorizzare in loco
A. Vidoni, G. Angelucci, A. Matteazzi, M. Sacchini (IT)
Valutazione delle potenzialità e analisi delle problematiche legate all’utilizzo in
agricoltura dei fanghi da digestione anaerobica in provincia di Bolzano
F. Di Maria, M. Barratta (IT)
Codigestione anaerobica dei rifiuti organici: correlazione fra le condizioni interne,
le prestazioni e le popolazioni microbiche del digestore
A. Dall’Ara, S. Serranti, G. Bonifazi, C.G. Izquierdo (IT)
Produzione di un fertilizzante innovativo derivante da compost, rifiuti agricoli organici e carbone vegetale
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION H6 - Chiesa Room
h. 18:00 - 19:40
New approaches in waste management education
Chairs / Presidenti: Rainer Stegmann (DE), Cristina van der Westhuyzen (ZA)
The purpose of this workshop is to explore new aspects and channels of education within waste management. Education has always played an essential role
in building knowledge and in raising the awareness of the public towards waste
issues. This we know. It has taken different forms in response to the different
socio-economic and cultural environments and in some parts of the world it is still
completely lacking. We believe there is a need for innovative approaches able to
reach further into the consciousness of people, capable of shifting behaviours and
making each one of us a participant in the solution, right where the problem starts.
Introductory lectures:
R. Stegmann (DE), C. van der Westhuyzen (ZA)
What role does waste-to-art play in education?
M. Alamgir (BD), S. Kalambura (HR)
Education in waste management for developing countries
M.C. Lavagnolo (IT)
A bottom-up educational project in Yaoundé, Cameroon
M. Holen (NO)
The LOOP foundation
Wednesday October 7 - morning / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION A7 - Central Hall
Mechanical biological treatment
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Kai Münnich (DE)
E. Binner, A. Pukhnyuk, P. Lechner, M. Huber-Humer (AT)
Carbon sink MBT-landfill - Expected carbon content after aerobisation
A. Białowiec, J. Pulka, S. Stegenta (PL)
The comparative modeling of mass flow in different options of MBT of MSW in
Polish conditions
M.C. Di Lonardo, S. Pantini, I. Verginelli, G. Costa, F. Lombardi (IT)
Assessment of the leaching behaviour of treated biowaste: comparison between
compost and mechanically-biologically treated MSW
A. Pizarro, M. Münster, R. Salvucci, M. Ljunggren Söderman, H. Ravn (DK)
What is the future potential for imports of combustible municipal waste to countries with extensive district heating networks? - A case study of Denmark
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION A8 - Central Hall
Co-composting and quality control
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Erwin Binner (AT)
M. Quintern (NZ)
Case studies of industrial scale vermicomposting of organic wastes from primary
industries in combination with municipal sewage sludge
C. Asquer, G. De Gioannis, G. Orrú, M. Piredda, D. Spiga (IT)
Biomass ash characterization and perspectives for their reuse in composting
T. Okayama (JP)
Case study on cyclical use of sewage sludge in Higashi - Mikawa region in Japan
A. Dall’Ara, S. Serranti, G. Bonifazi, C.G. Izquierdo (IT)
Production of a new fertizer from compost, organic farm residues and biochar
R. Kolar (CH)
Anaerobic Digestion - Press water free waste treatment in a plug-flow-digester
Wednesday October 7 - morning / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION B7 - Central Hall/2
Synthetic liners
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Abbas El Zein (AU)
D. Cazzuffi, S. Baravalle (IT)
Present situation of geosynthetics standards: from European regulations on construction products to national technical regulations
E. Kavazanjian Jr., A. Gutierrez (US)
Large scale centrifuge test of a geomembrane-lined landfill subject to waste settlement and seismic loading
J.P. Giroud, E. Kavazanijan Jr. (US)
Methodology for evaluation of the impact of geomembrane holes on leakage rate
through liner systems
R.L.S. Izzo, F. Feltrim, J.L. Rose, A.M. Reis, W. Texeira (BR)
Study of the effect of the landfill leachate in the traction strength of the LDPE
plastic over time
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION B8 - Central Hall/2
Top cover structure
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Anders Lagerkvist (SE)
M. Riot (FR)
Behaviour of semi-permeable draining geosynthetics for landfill capping systems:
first results
D. Cazzuffi, P. Recalcati (IT)
Drainage systems for landfills capping: experimental tests for a proper technical
advancement and a correct design
P. Lightbody, H. Kers (AU)
Characterisation of mixed waste “trommel” fines from RDF production Assessment of suitability for reuse as landfill cover
L.T. Zhan, Q.W. Qiu, Y.B. Yang, W.J. Xu, Y.M. Chen (CN)
Numerical simulation for moisture and gas coupling flow in loess final covers for
landfills of municipal solid wastes
Wednesday October 7 - morning / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION C7 - Panorama Hall
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Organic waste management in developing countries
Chair / Presidente: Pinjing He (CN)
S. Diener, C. Lalander, C. Zurbruegg, B. Vinneras (SE)
Opportunities and constrains for medium-scale organic waste treatment with fly
larvae composting
G. Feuillade-Cathalifaud, C. Baccot, M. Tcha Tom, V. Pallier (FR)
Valorization of organic matter extracted from municipal solid waste leachate as agricultural soil enrichment: impact on the characteristics of soils from Togo and France
M.A. Tony, A.M. Tayeb, Y.Q. Zhao (EG)
Recent advances in potable water-works sludge management: pilot field solar
sludge minimising demonstration
S.N. Monteiro, V.S. Candido, L.H.L. Louro, C.M.F. Vieira (BR)
Sugarcane bagasse waste recycling as ballistic armor composites
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION C8 - Panorama Hall
Waste management in different countries
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Werner Bidlingmaier (DE)
K. Watanabe, T. Okayama, S. Khadijah, C. Lim, T. Araki, I. Mateo-Babiano, P.
Tjiptoherijanto, A. Licos (JP)
An exploratory study on waste management in southeast Asian megacities and
A. Read, C. Hoy, M. Kahlon (GB)
Waste management needs and opportunities in Riyadh - Lessons from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
D. Gómez, D. Castro-Frontana, F. Robles (MX)
Analysis of integrated solid waste management in Mexico City metropolitan area
using geographic information systems
R. Chifari, M. Giampietro (ES)
Integrated assessment of urban solid waste management systems: a quantitative characterization of the situation in Naples
M. Struk (CZ)
Efficiency factors in municipal solid waste management
Wednesday October 7 - morning / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION D7 - Naturista Room
Alternatives in LFG management
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Joseph Patrick Hettiaratchi (CA)
S. Robinson, G.M.L. Baxter, M. Askin, D. Xhaja (GB)
ACUMEN project. Approaches to managing gas at closed landfills as gas quality
and quantity decrease: sharing our findings
S. Dever, R. Stuetz, M. Welsh (AU)
Landfill gas management in Australia: a review
G. Salihoglu, I. Cankurt Yigit (TR)
Investigation of the factors affecting the gas generation and energy production
at a landfill in Turkey
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION D8 - Naturista Room
Emission of odour from landfills
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Yan Zhao (CN)
L. Capelli, S. Sironi, F. Lucernoni (IT)
A comparison of different approaches for the estimation of odour emissions from
landfill surfaces
Y. Liu, H. Wang, D. Li (CN)
Estimation of volatile compounds emissions from the working face of large anaerobic landfills in China
J.T.F. Wong, X.W. Chen, W.Y. Mo, A.O.W. Leung, M.Y. Xie, C.W.W. Ng, M.H.
Wong (HG)
16S rRNA-based t-RFLP analysis of soil microbial community in newly established and aged landfill final cover soils
Y. Long, D. Shen (CN)
Effect of iron on H2S emission behaviour in landfill with leachate recirculation
Wednesday October 7 - morning / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION E7 - Le Dune Room
Plastic recycling
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Giuseppe Bonifazi (IT)
A. Kumar, V. Choudary, R. Khanna, R. Cayumil, M. Ikram-Ul-Haq, V. Sahajwalla
Transforming polymeric waste from electronic and automotive sectors into value
added commercial products
A. Fråne, Å. Stenmarck (SE)
Nordic improvements in plastic collection and recycling
F. Takahashi, S. Suzuki, Y. Matsufuji (JP)
A low biased method to evaluate unwillingness we feel in PET bottle disposal
processes based on pairwise comparison and outsourcing costs
I. Barbarias, J. Alvarez, A. Arregi, G. Lopez, M. Amutio, M. Artetxe, M. Olazarr
Hydrogen production from pyrolysis-catalytic steam reforming of HDPE: influence of operating conditions
K. Pivnenko, L.G. Jakobsen, M.K. Eriksen, A. Damgaard, T.F. Astrup (DK)
Challenges in plastics recycling
G. Bonifazi, S. Serranti, F. Potenza, V. Luciani, F. Di Maio (IT)
Gravity separation and chemical imaging based techniques for plastic packaging
final waste recovery
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION E8 - Le Dune Room
LCA of resource recovery from waste
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Anders Damgaard (DK)
A. Beylot, O. Hugonnot, B. Boitier, S. Vaxelaire, N. Lancesseur, J. Payet, J. Villeneuve (FR)
Analyzing the links between French household consumption, waste generation
and environmental impacts: a synthesis of recent developments on waste inputoutput analysis
M. Munster, A.R. Pizarro, H. Ravn (DK)
Joint optimisation of the future Danish waste and energy system
J. Levis, M. Barlaz, J. Decarolis, R. Ranjithan (US)
A systematic evaluation of the costs and environmental impacts associated with
future municipal solid waste management
L.A.C.R. De Paula, M.A. Figueiredo, J.A.B. Fernandez (BR)
Analysis of sustainability cultural dimension on solid waste management in
Ugrhi 12
Wednesday October 7 - morning / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION F7 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 9:00 - 10:40
IWWG Workshop: Education in waste management - Modern methods in waste management education and training
Chair / Presidente: Ian D. Williams (GB)
The need to reduce the negative impacts of waste treatment and disposal and
to use resources more efficiently will require dynamic changes within the sector.
This will result in further changes to the composition of the workforce and different training and education will be required.
The first half of the workshop, led by Simon Kemp, will deal with the use of social
media and student engagement to deliver waste management education and
training: delegates will learn how to develop learning activities using social media
and active engagement with learners.
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION F8 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 11:10 - 12:50
IWWG Workshop: Education in waste management - Modern methods in waste management education and training
Chair / Presidente: Ian D. Williams (GB)
The second half of the workshop on “Education in waste management”, led by
Peter Shaw and Ian Williams, will deal with “Working with local authorities to
deliver waste management education and training”. Delegates will be involved
in an interactive session that will tease out the practical implications, impacts,
advantages and disadvantages of collaborative working from an educational and
local authority point of view.
Wednesday October 7 - morning / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION G7 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Landfill siting
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Giovanni De Feo (IT)
Landfill siting is a complex process, because it needs a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates natural, physical-social sciences, politics, and ethics. The
landfill siting process con be conveniently developed combining spatial techniques, such as geographical information systems (GIS) and multi-criteria decision
analysis (MCDA). The workshop intends to bring together researchers involved
in all these fields with an “open approach” that takes into account the different
points of view of all the involved stakeholders. Particular emphasis will be given
to social opposition and public opinion involvement.
Introductory lecture:
V. Kumar, A.K. Tangri, P. Kumar, (IN)
Landfill site selection for solid waste disposal in part of Lucknow city, India, using
remote sensing, GIS and AHP method
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION G8 - Pineta Room
h. 11.10 - 12.50
IWWG Workshop: Lessons learned from landfill aeration projects What are the main criteria for successful approaches?
Chair / Presidente: Marco Ritzkowski (DE)
Landfill aeration is one of the most important techniques for promoting sustainable bio-stabilisation of MSW landfills. However, results coming from different
aeration projects are not always concordant.
The workshop will consist of some brief presentations, followed by interactive
group discussion in order to identify similarities and discrepancies between landfill aeration projects.
Introductory lectures:
M. Rodighiero, P. Pizzardini, R. Raga, R. Cossu (IT)
Low pressure in situ aeration: preliminary tests for real scale implementation
E.M. Bartholameuz, J.P.A. Hettiaratchi, P.A. Jayasinghe (CA)
Selecting aeration configurations to maximize aerobic landfill performance
C. Brandstätter, D. Laner, J. Fellner (AT)
C- and N- balances from a landfill aeration experiment
C. Pacheco, M. Kranert (CO)
Advantages and disadvantages of oxygen supply to old landfills injection of H2O2
in solution
Wednesday October 7 - morning / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - mattina
SESSIONE H7 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Workshop: Problematiche ambientali delle discariche precedenti
al D.Lgs. 36/2003
Chair / Presidente: Piero Simone (IT)
Durante il workshop verrà affrontato l’esempio applicativo di una bonifica con
rimozione di rifiuti interrati sotto il sedime di una discarica autorizzata in fase di
coltivazione e contestuale verifica delle caratteristiche prestazionali del sistema
di impermeabilizzazione rimosso.
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSIONE H8 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
Recupero e valorizzazione di rifiuti e biomasse
h. 11.10 - 12.50
Chair / Presidente: Francesco Di Maria (IT)
U. Arena, F. Ardolino, F. Di Gregorio (IT)
Sostenibilità di un processo di riciclo per prodotti igienici assorbenti post-consumo
M. Cesetti, L. Placentino, G. Pinese, M. Libralato, P. Nicolosi (IT)
Identificazione e selezione dei rifiuti mediate tecnologia iperspettrale nel vicino
E.G. Facci, S. Drigo, I. Bientinesi, C. Rossi, A. Marchegiani (IT)
Come recuperare l’olio vegetale esausto e trasformarlo in energia termica ed
V. Cutraro, P. Cinnirella, A. Durso, L. Lezzerini (IT)
Scarti di cibo e rifiuti alimentari: trattamento di essiccazione per ottenere una
Biomassa (B.O.E.D.) da utilizzare come CSS-Combustibile in caldaie a biomassa, nella produzione di mangimi, concime/fertilizzante e recupero dell’acqua di
condensa per uso agricolo e zootecnico
Wednesday October 7 - afternoon / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION A9 - Central Hall
AD - Anaerobic digestion: processes
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Werner Bidlingmaier (DE)
B. Yan, A. Selvam, J.W.C. Wong (HG)
Controlling the acidogenic metabolic pathways towards the production of target
products during two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste
S. Fiore, B. Ruffino, G. Campo, M.C. Zanetti (IT)
Evaluation of scale effect of the anaerobic digestion of food - Processing industrial wastes
E.M. De Leon, R. Gregory (GB)
A simple but effective AD model
B.Y. Xiao, J.X. Liu, X. Chen (CN)
Bioelectrochemical enhancement on anaerobic digestion of thermal-alkaline pretreated sludge
F.M. Pellera, K. Dementi, E. Gidarakos (GR)
Study on the operational parameters for anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION A10 - Central Hall
AD: design and operation
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Jonathan Wong (CN)
F. Brück, S. Geipert, H. Geipert, U. Theilen, H. Weigand (DE)
Design of a novel reactor for the anaerobic digestion of biowaste: radial substrate
mixing in a rotary drum fermenter
N. Engler, F. Scholwin, R. Sutter, A. Nelles (DE)
Performance enhancement of biogas digesters by post-treatment and recirculation of digestate
L. Weitze, M. Klauss, E. Kraft (DE)
Strengths and weaknesses of measurement and control technology for small
anaerobic digestion plants - Decision support for evaluation processes using the
example of a pilot plant, Germany
Y. Tian, X. Gao, J.H. Ko, Q. Xu (CN)
Comparison of biogas recovery from MSW using different aerobic-anaerobic
operation modes
E. Thorin, S. Schwede, J. Lindmark, T. Ahrens, T. Freidank (SE)
Dry digestion pilot tests using residual municipal waste as substrate
Wednesday October 7 - afternoon / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION B9 - Central Hall/2
LFG extraction and utilization
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Peter Kjeldsen (DK)
W.H. Stachowitz (DE)
Optimizing of gas extraction/collection systems for a better climate; decrease the
CO2-potential by minimising the methane emissions over the surface
R. Rosendal (DK)
Landfill gas from horizon sub-surface drainage wells at Glatved landfill, Denmark
E. Timmermans, M. De Jonge, H. Geusebroek, T. Hillebregt (NL)
Innovative gas extraction system Multriwell - Evidence of 5 years research
L. Lombardi, E. Carnevale, A. Paradisi, S. Rossi (IT)
Landfill gas processing for improving methane content
P. Mostbauer, A. Knapp, W. Müller, H. Insam, S. Tertsch, M. Fernández-Delgado, A. Bockreis (AT)
Removal of hydrogen sulphide from biogas - Results of the Neustift pilot plant
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION B10 - Central Hall/2
LFG mitigation: methane oxidation systems
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Peter Kjeldsen (DK)
P. Hettiaratchi, P. Jayasinghe, S. Gunasekara, E. Bartholameuz, S. Yadev (US)
Lessons learned from long-term operation of field-scale methane biofilters
J. Gebert, C. Harms, B. Steinert (DE)
Full-scale implementation of methane oxidation windows on a mono-landfill:
technical design and monitoring concept
O. Bour, I. Zdanevitch, A. Huyard, A. Akerman, G. Lacour, T. Chassagnac (FR)
Passive biomitigation of diffuse landfill gas emissions on 12 French landfills: return of experience on design criteria used
C. Geck, H. Scharff, J. Gebert (DE)
Validation of a simple model to predict efficiencies of methane oxidation systems
M.S. Schulte, M.A. Jochmann, T.C. Schmidt, T. Gehrke, M. Denecke (DE)
Horizontal profiling of microbial methane oxidation in a batch reactor system by
stable isotope analysis
Wednesday October 7 - afternoon / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION C9 - Panorama Hall
Waste management: case studies
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Andreas Bartl (AT)
B.S. Tawabini, O.K.M. Ouda, S.A. Raza (SA)
Investigating waste to energy potential as a renewable energy resource in AlHasa region, Saudi Arabia
Ç. Ün, K. Aydin, H. Seriin, M. Özcanli (TR)
Biological treatment applications in Adana metropolitan municipality, Turkey
R. Lisi, A. Ciacci, R. Rossi, S. Di Polito (IT)
The approach zero waste in waste management in a tourist town
N. Mannie, H. Viviers (ZA)
Municipal solid waste planning - Attributes for successful and sustainable waste
management in a city
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION C10 - Panorama Hall
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Waste management in developing countries’ cities
Chair / Presidente: Roland Ramusch (AT)
J. Palfreman, M. Clark (ZA)
Mapping out waste characteristics in Mombasa, Kenya
F. Dalmonte, A.S. Hursthouse, C.R. Priadi, G.A. Kristanto (GB)
A scenario for GHG reduction through improved municipal solid waste (MSW)
management in Jakarta, Indonesia
E. Lovat, E. Bollettin (SV)
Waste management problematic in the department of Sonsonate, El Salvador
(Centro America)
M.R. Sarder, M.Z. Haque, M. Alamgir, M.A.K. Salim (BD)
Performance study of solid waste management system adopted in Kuet Campus
of Bangladesh
G. García, D. Castro-Frontana (MX)
Environmental information system about the situation of urban solid waste within
the Mexican municipalities
Wednesday October 7 - afternoon / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION D9 - Naturista Room
LCA in Resource Recovery
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Charlotte Scheutz (DK)
D. Laner, H. Rechberger, T.F. Astrup (AT)
Exergy-based evaluation of resource recovery from municipal solid waste
U. Arena, M. Caruso, F. Di Gregorio, P. Vitale (IT)
End-of-life phase of a residential building: C&D waste management from a life
cycle perspective
C.S.G. Penteado, L.P. Rosado, A.A. Lopes (BR)
Life cycle assessment of construction and demolition waste from small generators
U. Arena, F. Ardolino, F. Di Gregorio (IT)
Sustainability of an integrated recycling process of absorbent hygiene products
K.A. Lyng, I.S. Modahl, A. Stensgård (NO)
Optimal use of solid organic waste resources: assessment of environmental impact and economic sustainability of actors in the biogas value chain
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION D10 - Naturista Room
LCA in Resource Recovery (cases)
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Rafal Lewicki (GB)
G. De Feo, N.G. Giordano, M. Poletto (IT)
Environmental, economical and sociological analysis for the recovery of materials from MSW in the Amalfi coast
M.C.B.R. Oliveira, A. Magrini (BR)
Evaluation of reverse logistics of lubricant oil plastic containers based on life
cycle assessment - A case study of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A. Farina, M.C. Zanetti, E. Santagata, G.A. Blengini (IT)
Crumb rubber from end-of-life tires in road pavements: life cycle assessment
(LCA) applied to case studies in Piedmont (Italy)
J. Poldnurk (EE)
Optimisation tool for the municipal waste management in rural area
W. Chebbi, O. Yazoghli- Marzouk, L. Lumiere, M. Dauvergne, A. Jullien (FR)
Environmental assessment of EAF slag use scenario
Wednesday October 7 - afternoon / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION E9 - Le Dune Room
Construction & Demolition waste I
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Giovanna Cappai (IT)
A. Di Maria, M. Dubois, K. Van Acker (BE)
Downcycling vs recycling practises for construction & demolition waste: the case
of concrete aggregates
S. Serranti, R. Palmieri, G. Bonifazi (IT)
Quality control of recycled aggregates from demolition waste by advanced sensing technology
F. Kleemann, J. Lederer, J. Fellner (AT)
Characterization of the material composition of buildings
F. Di Maria, F. Bianconi, C. Micale, S. Baglioni, M. Marionni (IT)
Quality assessment for recycling aggregates from construction and demolition
waste: the determination of the particle size distribution by an image analysis
O. Yazoghli-Marzouk, A. Jullien, N. Boussiouf (FR)
Management of pavement waste containing PAH: an overview
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION E10 - Le Dune Room
Construction & Demolition waste II
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Silvia Serranti (IT)
F.D. Faraci, M. Bergonzoni, D. Vannini, F. Bisceglie, M. Magnoni (IT)
Experimental for the recovery mud and inert waste, product from soil washing
J. García- Navarro, A. De Guzmán- Báez, M. Rodríguez- Quijano, A. JiménezRivero (ES)
Gypsum to Gypsum (GtoG): the European LIFE+ project that aims to transform
the gypsum waste market
G. Cappai, G. De Giudici, D. Medas, A. Muntoni, A. Nieddu, G. Orrù, M. Piredda (IT)
Accelerated carbonation of different types of construction and demolition waste
A.O. Iscaro (IT)
GY.ECO, the new sistem of recycling gypsum scraps
X. Chen, W. Lu, H.D. Wang (HG)
Prospects and challenges of big data in construction waste management: a Hong
Kong study
Wednesday October 7 - afternoon / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION F9 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Workshop: Recycling strategies for sustainable raw materials
Chair / Presidente: Matthias Franke (DE)
Due to the current drastic global growth of raw material demand, the sustainable
supply to industrialized countries of minerals and metals for high-tech and future
applications like PV-boards, wind power plants, consumer electronics etc. is currently of concern. The workshop will address main issues like the:
• estimation of the raw material demand of specific industries,
• criticality of the needed raw materials,
• identification of alternative supply chains from MSW and production residues,
• development or optimization of recycling technologies for recovery of critical
raw materials.
Introductory lectures:
M. Franke, S. Knoop, M. Mocker, M. Faulstich (DE)
Recycling strategies for a sustainable raw material supply of high-tech industries
J. Gruenes, M. Nelles (DE)
Recycling of phosphorus from organic waste and residues – Status, potentials and
perspectives in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION F10 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Workshop: The EU LIFE programme - Good practice & technology
Chair / Presidente: Carlos De La Paz (BE)
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment. LIFE
contributes to the implementation, updating and development of environmental
policy and legislation by co-financing pilot or demonstration projects with European added value. The workshop will present good technologies and methods
that have been developed by LIFE Programme projects on sustainable waste
management. The session will cover the following themes:
• recycling solutions for specific waste streams;
• landfill management: site restoration and carbon capture;
• waste prevention;
• waste-to-energy initiatives.
Introductory lecture:
C. De La Paz (BE)
The EU LIFE programme: over 20 years upgrading waste management in Europe
Wednesday October 7 - afternoon / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION G9 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Urban mining and landfill mining I
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chairs / Presidenti: Jakob Lederer, Johann Fellner (AT)
The workshop intends to bring together researchers in the fields of so-called urban mining and landfill mining. Selected presentations as well as a group discussion among workshop participants will focus on the definitions and concepts of
urban mining and landfill mining, the methods for the exploration and prospection
of anthropogenic material flows and stocks for urban mining and landfill mining,
the evaluation of anthropogenic material flows and stocks for urban mining and
landfill mining. The expected outcome of the workshop is the definition of one
(urban and landfill mining) or two (urban mining, landfill mining) task groups potentially to be installed in the International Waste Working Group (IWWG).
Introductory lectures:
V.S. Rotter, S. Downes, J. Huisman, P. Wäger, D. Cassard (DE)
ProSUM - Prospecting secondary raw materials in the urban mine and mining
waste - Data sources and data requirements
A. Winterstetter, D. Laner, H. Recheberger, J. Fellner (AT)
Evaluating and classifying landfill mining in analogy to natural deposits
K. Kuchta (DE)
Mining critical metals in e-waste and incineration slags/ashes
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION G10 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Urban mining and landfill mining II
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chairs / Presidenti: Jakob Lederer, Johann Fellner (AT)
In Session G10 the discussion started in the previous session G9 will be continued.
Wednesday October 7 - afternoon / Mercoledì 7 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSIONE H9 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Workshop: Rifiuti e materiali contenenti amianto
Chair / Presidente: Giuseppe Bonifazi (IT)
Le recenti esperienze nella gestione dei Rifiuti Contenenti Amianto hanno messo
in luce incongruità significative tra quanto previsto dalla Norma europea e nazionale e quanto avviene con la sua applicazione reale. Nel workshop verranno
presentati e discussi dati in merito alla classificazione dei manufatti contenenti
amianto ab-origine, ai principali prodotti industriali e alle criticità nelle modalità di
gestione e smaltimento. Il tema dei materiali contenenti amianto è stato anche
recentemente al centro delle attività del Comitato Tecnico Terreni Contaminati
(CTTC). La normativa nazionale attuale è infatti lacunosa e scarsamente aggiornata rispetto agli standard internazionali. Saranno presentate soluzioni tecniche
percorribili, a costi sostenibili, ispirandosi anche a normative straniere.
Relazioni introduttive:
F. Paglietti, B. Conestabile Della Staffa, S. Bellagamba, S. Malinconico, P. De
Simone (IT)
Le problematiche inerenti la gestione dei rifiuti contenenti amianto in Italia
R. Pedron (IT)
Proposte normative e linee guida del CTD per i materiali di scavo contenti amianto
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSIONE H10 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Caratterizzazione dei rifiuti e raccolta differenziata
Chair / Presidente: Giulia Costa (IT)
G. De Feo, C. Iuliano, A. Grosso (IT)
LCA delle attività di trasporto e gestione dei materiali da raccolta differenziata: il
caso studio di Baronissi (SA)
C. Robu (IT)
Raccolta porta a porta e alternative di smaltimento in Italia: analisi di una funzione di costo medio
G. De Feo, R. Iannone, C. Scaffidi Domianello (IT)
Ottimizzazione di sistemi di raccolta differenziata domiciliare attraverso un sistema di supporto decisionale
M.C. Di Lonardo, S. Pantini, I. Verginelli, G. Costa, F. Lombardi (IT)
Valutazione delle proprietà di lisciviazione di rifiuti biologici trattati: confronto tra
rifiuti solidi urbani trattati meccanicamente/biologicamente e compost
Thursday October 8 - morning / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION A11 - Central Hall
Waste combustion
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Dezhen Chen (CN)
O. Vekemans, J-P. Laviolette, J. Chaouki (CA)
Novel waste derived fuel as partial substitute for coal to improve environmental
performance of existing coal power plants
V. Trinkel, H. Rechberger, J. Fellner (AT)
Comparing the utilization of waste plastics in hot metal and cement production
E. Naamansen, E. Lund (DK)
Case study: a burn out quality of bottom ash from waste incineration of less than
0,02% organic carbon is achieveable
C. Cord’homme, F. Matos (FR)
Fact checking about energy from waste plants vs myths and hoaxes!
M. Keunecke (CH)
Energy form waste - Improvements in energy efficiency
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION A12 - Central Hall
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Umberto Arena (IT)
D. Chen, X. Ma, J. Zhao, W. Yao, P. He (CN)
Pyrolysis of wastes in China: reliability of technology and economics based on
full scale practices
S. Breyer, B. Haut (BE)
Production of a heavy fuel by co-pyrolysis, at limited temperature, of plastic waste and used lubrication oil
J. Alvarez, I. Barbarias, A. Arregi, G. Lopez, M. Amutio, M. Artetxe, M. Olazar (ES)
Bio-oil characterization from the fast pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a conical
spouted bed reactor
D. Shankar Pandey, J.J. Leahy, W. Kwapinski (IE)
Simulation of municipal solid waste gasification processes using neural networks
Thursday October 8 - morning / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION B11 - Central Hall/2
Landfill leachate: quality and treatment
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Dimitrios Komilis (GR)
R.B. Brennan, E. Clifford, L. Morrison, M.G. Healy (IE)
Impact of the landfill leachate loading on the performance of two wastewater
treatment plants
T. Robinson (GB)
Use of pilot-scale treatability trials in design of leachate treatment plants
L.N.A. Sackey, K. Meizah (GH)
Assessment of the quality of leachate at Sarbah landfill site at Weija in Accra
M. Capodici, D. Di Trapani, G. Viviani (IT)
Co-treatment of landfill leachate in SBR system: lab-scale case study report
D. Di Trapani, G. Mannina, G. Viviani, K. Babikova (IT)
A quantity-quality mathematical model for municipal solid waste landfill: model
calibration and sensitivity analysis
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION B12 - Central Hall/2
Landfill leachate treatment
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Howard Robinson (UK)
S. Bolyard, D. Reinhart, D. Lozinski (US)
Effect of leachate organic matter on wastewater effluent quality
R.B. Brennan, M.G. Healy, L. Morrison, S. Hynes, D. Norton, E. Clifford (IE)
Impact of the European Union Directives on landfill leachate concentration, volume produced and treatability
M.A. Gandini (CO)
Efficiency of leachate treatment costs in Latin America
K. Jönsson, E. Heander, M. Hammar, S. Boström, P. Bodin, K. Svensson, K.
Ahlqvist (SE)
A leachate network - for experience sharing and knowledge exchange
R. Cossu, M.C. Lavagnolo, L. Morello, R. Raga (IT)
Reverse osmosis concentrate recirculation in lab-scale anaerobic and aerobic
landfill simulation reactors
Thursday October 8 - morning / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION C11 - Panorama Hall
Landfilling in developing countries
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Yasushi Matsufuji (JP)
A. Mavropoulos, C. Velis, N. Mavropoulos, M. Tsakona (GR)
Identification of the world’s 50 biggest dumpsites
H. Mishra, V. Yadav, S. Karmakar, R. Kumar (IN)
Quantification of human health risk to MSW landfill leachate contamination under
uncertainty: an application to the Turbhe landfill, Navi Mumbai, India
P. Andráš, I. Turisová, J. Ladomerský, E. Hroncová (SK)
Ľ ubietová - Podlipa dump-field as a source of the heavy metal pollution
K. Matern, H. Kletti, T. Mansfeldt (DE)
Chemical and mineralogical characterization of chromite ore processing residue
from two Indian disposal sites
A.F Ali, R.J. Young, A.I.Tanko (NG)
Distribution of dumpsites as a threat to sustainable urban environment in Nigeria
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION C12 - Panorama Hall
AD: pre-treatment of substrates
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Bernd Bilitewski (DE)
M.R. Boni, A. Polettini, R. Pomi, A. Rossi (IT)
Effect of ultrasonic treatment on anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass
X. Kong, S. Xu, J.G. Liu (CN)
Extrusion as a pretreatment technology for enhancing anaerobic digestion performance of food waste
F. Lü, J. Cai, L. Shao, P.J. He (CN)
Biochar serves as a versatile additive for waste anaerobic digestion
Y.H. Liu, F. Lü, L.M. Shao, P.J. He (CN)
Carbon-chain elongation from acetic acid under ethanol reducing atmosphere
Thursday October 8 - morning / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION D11 - Naturista Room
Waste characterization: analytical methods
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Andre van Zomeren (NL)
C. Bozinovski (AU)
Engineering geotecnical properties of waste for beneficial applications
M. Cesetti, L. Placentino, G. Pinese, M. Libralato, P. Nicolosi (IT)
Waste identification and selection by means of hiperspectral NIR technology
R. Zmemla, P. Chaurand, M. Benjdidia (TN)
Characterization of Tunisian phosphogypsum
T. Scharzbock, J. Fellner, S. Soacek, P. Aschenbrenner (AT)
Sample preparation of refused derived fuels - (Ir)relevant for determining their
climate impact?
C. Wünsch, G. Ilinykh, D. Borisov (DE)
Determination of waste compositions by the identification of fraction specific material surfaces by near infrared-technology and the allocation of appropriate basis surface weights
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION D12 - Naturista Room
Landfilling of special waste
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Toshihiko Matsuto (JP)
H.A. van der Sloot, D.S. Kosson, A. Garrabrantsi, S. Thorneloe (NL)
Relationships between laboratory testing and field observations to guide waste
management choices for landfill and beneficial use
Y. Xia, H.X. Pu, Q.F. Yu, H. Zhang, L.M. Shao, P.J. He (CN)
Leaching characteristics of major elements from MSWI bottom ash in simulated
landfill conditions
I. Pecorini, F. Baldi, A. Corti, M. Menichetti (IT)
Evaluation through column leaching tests of metal release from hazardous waste
under different landfill conditions
M. Yamada, T. Yamaguchi (JP)
Landfilling of cement solidified municipal solid waste incineration residues: a
case in Japan
Thursday October 8 - morning / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION E11 - Le Dune Room
Mechanical properties of recycled products
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Giuseppe Bonifazi (IT)
L. Francesconi, F. López Gayarre, L. Pani (IT)
Properties of precast hollow concrete blocks using recycled concrete aggregates
M. Bergonzoni, I. Moggi, F. Bisceglie, F. D. Faraci (IT)
Experimentation in the recovery of aerated autoclaved concrete in the production
of double layered inter-locking bricks
F. Lopez Gayarre, P.J.F. Arias, C. Lope-Colina Perez, M.A. Serrano Lopez (ES)
Influence of ceramic recycled aggregates on the properties of prestressed precast concrete elements
D.S. Wanigaratne, K.M.L.A. Udamulla (LK)
Stabilized bio-solids with admixtures as an alternative material for embankment
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION E12 - Le Dune Room
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Waste recycling: economic and financial aspects
Chair / Presidente: Matthias Franke (DE)
C.M. Robu (IT)
Size and density economies in the Italian municipal solid waste sector
M. Fosberry, I.D. Williams, G. Williams (GB)
“Bin it to win it”: investigating the impact of financial incentives on household
recycling behaviour
A.G. Baez, A.J. Rivero, M.R. Qujiano, J.G. Navarro (ES)
Defining best practices indicators for deconstruction of gypsum based products
towards an effective recycling closed-loop
E. Kuhn, M. Simoni, S. Rubli, R. Wagner, R. Tavrtna, P. Hofer (CH)
Urban mining potential of gypsum in Switzerland
Thursday October 8 - morning / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION F11 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Workshop: Life-cycle Assessment - Waste collection and material recovery
Chairs / Presidenti: Morton Barlaz (US), Anders Daamgard (DK)
There are many alternatives for the management of solid waste including recycling, biological treatment, thermal treatment and landfill disposal. In many
cases, solid waste management systems include the use of several of these
processes. Solid waste life-cycle assessment models are often used to evaluate
the environmental consequences of various waste management strategies. The
foundation of every life-cycle analysis is the development and use of process
models to estimate the emissions from solid waste unit processes. The objective
of this workshop is to describe the state-of-the-art for the modeling of the solid
waste processes and to identify opportunities for improvement and the need for
additional research.
Four sessions (F11, F12, F13, F14) are devoted to this workshop. The first part
of each session will be used to explain the state-of-the-art for a given solid waste process model and the remainder of the time will be devoted to input and
Introductory lectures:
M. Barlaz (US)
Introduction and Workshop Objectives
J. Levis (US)
Life-cycle modeling of solid waste collection
A. Damgaard (DK)
Life-cycle modeling of solid waste material recovery facilities
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION F12 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Workshop: Life-cycle Assessment - Waste combustion and combustion residues
Chair / Presidente: Morton Barlaz (US), Anders Damgaard (DK)
Introductory lectures:
T.F. Astrup (DK)
Life-cycle modeling of solid waste combustion and combustion residues
A. Damgaard (DK)
Remanufacturing Offsets and systems interaction
Thursday October 8 - morning / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION G11 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Hybrid landfill bioreactors
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chairs / Presidenti: R. Cossu (IT), D.B. Yue (CN)
This workshop aims at discussing different kinds of bioreactor landfills, with particular strength on hybrid technologies. A bioreactor landfill can be defined as a
landfill where a more suitable environment for degradation processes is created
by applying liquid and/or air injection, leachate recirculation and other treatments
with purpose of biochemical kinetics control, nitrification, adjustment of pH, control of redox conditions and moisture content. Three main types of landfill bioreactors are generally considered: anaerobic, aerobic, and hybrid. A hybrid bioreactor consists of a sequence of aerobic and anaerobic conditions, which can be
planned one after the other, or sequencing air injection, or short-term cycles.
Introductory lectures:
R. Cossu (IT), D.B. Yue (CN)
Hybrid landfill bioreactor
H. Woelders, H. Oonk (NL)
Sustainable landfill management at the landfill De Kragge II (Netherlands)
E. Pasparakis, F-M. Pellera, E. Gidarakos (GR)
Sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid
waste and lignocellulosic materials in laboratory-scale landfill-bioreactors
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break
SESSION G12 - Pineta Room
h. 11:10 - 12:50
IWWG Workshop: Longterm efficiency of methane oxidation systems - Can natural analogies be used for long-term evaluation?
Chairs / Presidenti: Marion Huber-Humer (AT), Julia Gebert (DE)
Sustaining microbial methane oxidation in landfill covers, or its enhancement in
specifically designed methane oxidation systems, as a cost-effective technology
for controlling and mitigating landfill gas emission is still an integral research and
technical issue in waste management. Natural habitats in which organic matter is
degraded under anaerobic conditions (wetlands, peat bogs etc.) are a significant
global source of methane, too. In these systems the extent of emitted methane is
also modulated by the methane oxidation process in the upper aerated layers. One
main purpose of the workshop is thus to extract and discuss the comparability of
engineered and natural methane oxidation systems. Based on emission and oxidation data for natural methane-influenced habitats it shall be discussed if oxidation performance and methane emissions in natural systems can be used to derive
target values for acceptable emissions from “anthropogenic habitats” like landfills.
Introductory lectures:
M. Huber-Humer (AT)
What can we learn from natural methane oxidation systems? We suppose that
the processes and mechanisms are similar - But are we right?
J. Gebert (DE)
Which monitoring approaches and controlling levels are acceptable for “remaining”
methane emissions from engineered oxidation systems compared to natural ones?
Thursday October 8 - morning / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - mattina
SESSIONE H11 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
Rifiuti da C&D
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Giovanni De Feo (IT)
U. Arena, M. Caruso, F. Di Gregorio, P. Vitale (IT)
Fase di fine vita di un edificio residenziale: gestione dei rifiuti da C&D in una
prospettiva di ciclo di vita
S. Serranti, R. Palmieri, G. Bonifazi (IT)
Analisi d’immagine iperspettrale per il controllo di qualità di aggregati riciclati da
scarti da costruzione e demolizione
A.O. Iscaro (IT)
GY.ECO, il nuovo sistema di recupero degli scarti a base di gesso
M. Bergonzoni, I. Moggi (IT)
Sperimentazione per il recupero di calcestruzzo aerato autoclavato per la produzione di autobloccanti a doppio strato
G. Cappai, G. De Giudici, D. Medas, A. Muntoni, A. Nieddu, G. Orrù, M. Piredda (IT)
Carbonatazione accelerata di differenti tipologie di rifiuti da costruzione e demolizione (C&D)
A. Di Maria, M. Dubois, K. van Acker (IT)
Downcycling vs recycling per rifiuti da costruzione e demolizione: il caso dei residui del calcestruzzo
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSIONE H12 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
Sedimenti e fanghi di dragaggio
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Giorgia De Gioannis (IT)
S. Cappucci (IT)
Proposte normative e linee guida del CTTC in materia di sedimenti
F. Ugolini, L. Massetti, F. Sabatini, G. Masciandaro (IT)
Un futuro alternativo per i sedimenti dei canali navigabili
G. Masciandaro, S. Doni, C. Garcia, M.T. Hernandez, P. Rocchio, M. Losa, C.
Macci (IT)
Tecnologia innovativa per il recupero di sedimenti fluviali contaminati (CLEANSED LIFE 12 ENV/IT/000652)
A. Rapisardi, G. Preda, R. Galessi, R. Macchini, R. Salvetti, E. Slavik , D. Vanni (IT)
Minimizzazione della produzione e massimizzazione del riutilizzo nella gestione
dei sedimenti di dragaggio: risultati di attività sperimentali su scala pilota
Thursday October 8 - afternoon / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION A13 - Central Hall
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Bottom ash: characterization and resource recovery
Chair / Presidente: Hans van der Sloot (NL)
K. Phoungthong, H. Zhang, L.-M. Shao, P.J. He (CN)
Characteristics and associated toxicity of bottom ash from a municipal solid waste incinerator
B. Barnes, B. Bone, S. Hornby (GB)
A comparison of laboratory leaching test data to field trial data for incinerator
bottom ash aggregate
M. Šyc, P. Kameníková, K. Svoboda, A. Krausová, M. Pohořelý, B. Zach, M.
Punčochář (CZ)
Resource recovery potential of the bottom ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration in the Czech republic
V. Funari, J. Salminen, J. Mäkinen, R. Braga (IT)
Metal recovery from municipal solid waste incinerators ash by acid leaching and
M. Fontsere Obis , P. Germain , O. Troesch , M. Spillemaecker, H. Benbelkacem (FR)
Use of MSWI bottom ash for biogas desulfurization
O. Holm, N. Bandow, U. Kalbe, F.G. Simon (DE)
Innovative treatment trains of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration
(MSWI) in Germany
17:10 - 17:40 Coffee break
17:40 - 18:00 Poster discussion
SESSION A14 - Central Hall
Fly ash: treatment and utilization
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Alessandra Polettini (IT)
A. Dalla Rosa Johann, N.C. Consoli (BR)
Key parameters controlling strength of soil-fly ash-lime mixtures
J. Fellner, J. Lederer, A. Purgar, D. Laner (AT)
Economic evaluation of zinc recovery from air pollution control residues of European waste to energy plants
J. Lederer, H. Rechberger, J. Fellner (AT)
The utilization of MSWI fly ashes in cement production and its impact on heavy
metal contents in cement
H. Kitamura, F. Takahashi (JP)
Impact of secondary generated minerals on toxic element immobilization for
MSWI fly ash particles
N. Rodella, L. Benassi, M. Pasquali, F. Bilo, L. Borgese, N. Bontempi, G. Tomasoni, L.E. Depero, E. Bontempi (IT)
Beyond waste: new sustainable fillers from fly ashes stabilization, obtained by
low cost raw materials
S. Zhang, B. Liu, D. Pan, W. Fan, T. Ingraham (CN)
Study on the production of glass-ceramics using MSW incinerator fly ash
Thursday October 8 - afternoon / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION B13 - Central Hall/2
Landfill aftercare
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Timo J. Heimovaara (NL)
R. Gregory, E. De Leon (GB)
Late life landfill management: options and economics
O. Hjelmar, R.M. Rosendal, S. Nielsen, S.D. Nygaard (DK)
Assessing the aftercare duration at a landfill: theoretical considerations and practical issues
D. Laner, C. Brandstätter, J. Fellner (AT)
Intensified monitoring as a basis for documentation and evaluation of landfill aftercare
E. Lund, N.E. Houe, M. Hoffmann Nielsen (DK)
Transformation of a hazardous waste landfill into a cohesive natural area for the
public’s benefit
X.W. Chen, J.T.F. Wong, W.Y. Mo, A.O.W. Leung, C.W.W. Ng, M.H. Wong
The soil microbial community in the topsoil of a sanitary landfill after 15 years of
J. Santos, M.G. Martinho, L. Amaral (PT)
Assessing landfill stabilization options in a sustainable perspective using MaterS
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION B14 - Central Hall/2
Landfill in situ aeration
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Masato Yamada (JP)
T.J. Heimovaara, H. Oonk, H. Scharff (NL)
Multi-phase modelling of in situ aeration of sanitary landfills
T. Wohlhuter, T. Gisbert, A. Åkerman, C. Bloquet, P. Bastide, O. Isorni (FR)
Application of the in-situ aerobic stabilization technology: first results after 8 months of operation of the first French full-scale pilot
M. Ritzkowski, R. Stegmann, B. Walker (DE)
In situ aeration and moisturisation of the Teuftal landfill (CH)
M. Hrad, S. Lenz, M. Huber-Humer (AT)
Stabilization of an old landfill by in-situ aeration - Performance control after aeration completion
R. Stegmann, K.U. Heyer, K. Hupe (DE)
Landfill aeration in the course of the German climate protection initiative
Thursday October 8 - afternoon / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION C13 - Panorama Hall
AD: co-digestion
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Maarten Siebel (NL)
P.K. Pratapchandran, C.Vijayaraghavan (IN)
Codigestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste with dairy effluent for
enhanced carbon extraction
T. Fitamo, C. Scheutz, I. Angelidaki, A. Boldrin (DK)
Combined anaerobic digestion of green waste with waste water treatment plant
mixed sludge in continuous stirred tank reactor (CSRT)
E. Fathi Aghdam, V. Kinnunen, J. Rintala (DK)
Mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge
M.C. Silva, N.R.M. Arantes, N. Engler, A. Schüch (DE)
Co-fermentation of bagasse as waste of the ethanol industry in different mixtures
and pretreatments to enhance the efficiency of the anearobic digestion
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION C14 - Panorama Hall
AD: special substrates
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Fan Lu (CN)
V. Paolini, F. Petracchini, E. Guerriero, S. Drigo (IT)
Biomethane production from olive mill effluents, using an automatized baffled
reactor followed by a vacuum swing adsorption on natural zeolites from tuffs
E. Ortega, G. Ruiz-Filippi, A. Donoso-Bravo (CL)
Kinetic assessment of the anaerobic degradation of olive-oil production solid waste
A. Nsair, I. Atamaniuk, M. Al-Addous, C. Class, K. Kuchta (DE)
Use of field crops residuals in Jordan to produce biogas
S. Herbert, J. Heynemann, T. Luthardt-Behle, U. Theilen, H. Weigand (DE)
Recycling and energy recovery incontinence waste (INKOCYCLE) - anaerobic
treatment of adult diapers
J. Heynemann, S. Herbert, T. Luthardt- Behle, H. Weigand, U. Theilen (DE)
Anaerobic digestion of incontinence waste: energy balance and logistcs concept
with regard to CO2- emissions
Thursday October 8 - afternoon / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION D13 - Naturista Room
Landfill leachate treatment: biological methods
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Karin Jönsson (SE)
K. Wilson, H. Robinson, T. Robinson, R. Sibley, M. Carville (GB)
Treatment of leachate from a closed landfill in West Sussex, UK
K. Knox, P. Kowlesser, V. Rampersad (GB)
A case study of leachate management at tropical landfills: Mare Chicose, Mauritius
H. Robinson, T. Robinson, C. Dussek, S. Ivanec, J. Olufsen (GB)
Removal of toxic metals during biological treatment of landfill leachates
L. Constans, A. Huyard, L. Lacoste, B. Barillon, M. Crest, J.M. Audic (FR)
Evaluation of microalgae-based treatments for removing nitrogen and phosphorus from WWTP effluents
B. Siziric Yildiz (AE)
Assesment of iron oxide coated sand filter for landfill leachate treatment
J. Olsson, I. Krustok, A. Anbalagan, S. Schwede, E. Thorin, E. Nehrenheim (SE)
On the advantage of microalgae cultivation for removal of valuable nutrients from
wastewaters and leachates
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION D14 - Naturista Room
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Landfill leachate treatment: chemical methods
Chair / Presidente: Keith Knox (GB)
R. Greco, S. Bilardi, P.S. Calabrò, N. Moraci (IT)
Innovative reactive materials for landfill leachate pre–treatment
C. Baccot, V. Pallier, G. Feuillade-Cathalifaud (FR)
Physical pretreatment of a municipal solid waste leachate by ultrafiltration: impact on its biochemical methane potential
Z. Cai, A.K. Rovik, C.A. Thuesen, F. Dahl, R. Olsen (DK)
A new and intelligent way of treating leachate
D. Yue, Y. Zhang, H. Gao (CN)
Polycondensation of organic matter in landfill leachate via abiotic humification in
the presence of enhancing additives
S. Ramaswami, S.D. Selabi, J. Behrendt, R. Otterpohl (DE)
Evaluation of chemical precipitation in combination with membrane processes
for ammoniumremoval cum recovery from methanogenic leachates
J.L. Da Paixão Filho, D. Silva, F.F. S. José, A.L. Tonetti (BR)
Formation of struvite by chemical precipitation of landfill leachate ammonia: important aspects for agriculture use
Thursday October 8 - afternoon / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION E13 - Le Dune Room
WEEE: Batteries, CRT, lamps
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Ricardo Gabbay De Souza (BR)
M. Bergonzoni, A. Giuliani, A. Segalini, M. Donati (IT)
Recycling of photovoltaic panels: technical, environmental and economic
Y. He, T. Zhang, H. Wang, F. Wang, W. Zhang, J. Wang, G. Zhang (CN)
Recovery of electrode materials from spent lithium-ion batteries by fenton reagent-assisted flotation
M.J. Chen (CN)
Cathode ray tube glass recycling: a review
F-S. Zhang. M. Xing, A. Erzat (CN)
Efficient recycling of lead from e-waste
T. Fujita, G. Dodbiba, H. Oshikawa, J. Ponou, K. Haga, A. Shibayama (JP)
Assessment of recycling system for spent led light bulbs
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION E14 - Le Dune Room
Potential impacts of recycling
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Fabio Tatano (IT)
M. Van Praagh, M. Modin (SE)
Mobility of organic pesticides from recycled concrete
R. Rosendal (DK)
Investigation and documentation of contamination in construction and demolition
waste (CDW) from Danish recycling stations
O. Hjelmar, J. Hyks, E.A.A. Hansen, L. Gravesen, J.K. Jensen (DK)
Recycling of crushed asphalt for use in road construction: assessment of the
potential impact on groundwater and surface water
K. Pivnenko, E. Eriksson, T.F. Astrup (DK)
Chemicals in material cycles
Thursday October 8 - afternoon / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION F13 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Workshop: Life-Cycle Assessment - Biological treatment
Chairs / Presidenti: Morton Barlaz (US), Anders Damgaard (DK)
There are many alternatives for the management of solid waste including recycling, biological treatment, thermal treatment and landfill disposal. In many
cases, solid waste management systems include the use of several of these
processes. Solid waste life-cycle assessment models are often used to evaluate
the environmental consequences of various waste management strategies. The
foundation of every life-cycle analysis is the development and use of process
models to estimate the emissions from solid waste unit processes. The objective
of this workshop is to describe the state-of-the-art for the modeling of the solid
waste processes and to identify opportunities for improvement and the need for
additional research.
Four sessions (F11, F12, F13, F14) are devoted to this workshop. The first part
of each session will be used to explain the state-of-the-art for a given solid waste process model and the remainder of the time will be devoted to input and
Introductory lectures:
J. Levis (US)
Life-cycle modeling of biological treatment of the organic fraction of municipal
solid waste: composting
A. Damgaard (DK)
Life-cycle modeling of biological treatment of the organic fraction of municipal
solid waste: anaerobic digestion
T.H. Christensen (DK)
Life-cycle modeling of Use-on-land of bioresidues
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION F14 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Workshop: Life-Cycle Assessment - Landfilling
Chairs / Presidenti: Morton Barlaz (US), Anders Damgaard (DK)
Introductory lectures:
M. Barlaz (US)
Life-cycle modeling of solid waste landfilling
A. Damgaard (DK), J. Levis (UK)
Managing uncertainty in for Life-Cycle Assessment models
Thursday October 8 - afternoon / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSION G13 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Heat utilization from landfills
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Giorgio Mannina (IT)
Heat is a primary by-product of landfilling of municipal solid waste. Long-term
elevated temperatures have been reported for MSW landfills under different operational conditions and different climatic regions around the world. An opportunity
exists to extract heat from landfill systems for beneficial use as an alternative
energy source. Approaches to evaluate feasibility and potential for extracting
heat from landfills will be outlined and discussed in the workshop.
Introductory lectures:
N. Yesiller, J.L. Hanson, E.H. Yee, K.B. Kopp (US)
Assessing approaches for extraction of heat from MSW landfills
J. Faitli, A. Erdélyi, J. Kontra, T. Magyar, J. Várfalvi, A. Murányi (HU)
Pilot scale decomposition heat extracting and utilization system built into the
Gyál municipal solid waste landfill
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee break
Poster discussion
SESSION G14 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Experiences in China
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Hongtao Wang (CN)
Being China the guest country of this 15th edition of the Sardinia Symposium,
during this workshop we will take a dive into the waste management experiences
of the Dragon Country.
Introductory lectures:
L. Zhan (CN)
Regulations and standards for MSW landfilling in China
K. Shih (HK)
Sludge management in Hong Kong
F. Zhang (CN)
Kitchen waste recycling in China
D. Yue (CN)
Leachate treatment in China
P.J. He (CN)
Introduction on ARB and its future plan
Thursday October 8 - afternoon / Giovedì 8 Ottobre - pomeriggio
SESSIONE H13 - Chiesa Room
Gestione sostenibile dei rifiuti
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Giovanna Cappai (IT)
R. Lisi, A. Ciacci, R. Rossi, S. Di Polito (IT)
L’approccio rifiuti-zero nella gestione dei rifiuti in una città turistica
C.M. Robu (IT)
Economie di scala e di densità nel settore dei rifiuti solidi urbani in Italia
M. Peroni, V. Mulas, P. Carrera, F. Garré Concordia (IT)
Recycling Project - Ship dismantling e gestione rifiuti
G. Benedetto, S. Carrus, D. Carboni (IT)
Life Cycle Assessment come strumento di supporto alla gestione dei rifiuti
17:10 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
Coffee Break
Poster discussion
SESSIONE H14 - Chiesa Room
Workshop: Esempi di Progetti EU LIFE
h. 18:00 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Silvia Serranti (IT)
Durante il workshop saranno introdotte le possibilità offerte dal programma di
finanziamento europeo LIFE+ nel settore dei rifiuti solidi. I due progetti RESAFE
e SEKRET, attualmente in corso, verranno presentati nei loro principali aspetti:
attività programmate, dati tecnici, progressi e risultati fino ad ora raggiunti.
A. Dall’Ara - ENEA UTTMATF, Centro Ricerche Faenza (IT)
A. Polettini - University of Rome “La Sapienza” (IT)
R. Pomi - University of Rome “La Sapienza” (IT)
C. Raspi - CGS Ricerca e Innovazione Pisa (IT)
S. Serranti - University of Rome DICMA (IT)
Friday October 9 - morning / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION A15 - Central Hall
h. 9:00 - 10:40
LCA: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from waste sectors
Chair / Presidente: Thomas H. Christensen (DK)
T. Schwarzbock, H. Rechberger, J. Fellner (AT)
Determining national greenhouse gas emissions from waste to energy using the
balance method
A. Maalouf, M. El-Fadel, M. Abou Najm, I. Alameddine (LB)
Impact of management alternatives on emissions from the waste sector: a comparative assessment of GHG accounting models
A. Anthouli, I. Koukosia, M. Jofra Sora, I. Garcia Vega (GR)
Life EWAS: efficient & sustainable waste management methodologies using ICT
tools enabling GHG emissions reduction
H. Kaysi, S. Ghanimeh, M. El Fadel (LB)
Carbon footprint of introducing a food waste disposer policy in MSW management
G. De Feo, C. Iuliano, A. Grosso (IT)
LCA of the management and transportation of materials produced with the separated collection: the case study of Baronissi, Italy
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION A16 - Central Hall
LCA: New developments
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Morton A. Barlaz (US)
T.H. Christensen, T.F. Astrup, L. Brogaard, V. Bisinella, A. Damgaard (DK)
Recent LCA developments in waste management
A. Damgaard, B. Zarrin, D. Tonini, T. Astrup (DK)
Capabilities for modelling of conversion processes in life cycle assessment
V. Bisinella, T.F. Astrup, T.H. Christensen (DK)
Understanding uncertainty propagation in life cycle assessment of waste management systems
A. Damgaard, L. Kai-Sørensen Brogaard, T.F. Astrup, A. Boldrin (DK)
Life cycle assessment modelling considering uncertainty - The more robust recommendation
M. Maimoun, S. Bolyard, K. Madani, D. Reinhart (US)
Evaluating the water footprint of common municipal solid waste management
Friday October 9 - morning / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION B15 - Central Hall/2
Landfill mining I
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: René Møller Rosendal (DK)
M. Franke, M. Mocker, I. Löh , M. Faulstich (DE)
Resource potential of landfill mining in Germany
N. Johansson, J. Krook, P. Frändegård (SE)
A new dawn for the buried garbage? An investigation of the marketability for
previously disposed waste
L. Umans, K. Van De Wiele, T. Behets, E. Wille (BE)
Mining of waste from old landfill sites for re-use or recycling : results of some
specific separation techniques of material from landfill sites (Flanders)
R. Raga, R. Cossu (IT)
Landfill conditioning in view of landfill mining
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION B16 - Central Hall/2
Landfill mining II
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Roberto Raga (IT)
K. Münnich, S. Wanka, A. Zeiner, K. Fricke (DE)
Landfill mining - Recovery and re-use of the fine material
C. Heußner, P. Harborth, K. Fricke (DE)
Recovery and treatment of phosphate from old landfills
L. Umans, K. Van De Wiele, T. Behets, P. Nagels, E. Wille, S. Lambert, M. Van
Acoleyen (BE)
Economic aspects on mining of waste from old landfill sites in relation to landfill
site management: analysis of relevant parameters and the relevance of a specific management tool
R. Rosendal (DK)
The economics of landfill mining - Focus on the length of the aftercare
Friday October 9 - morning / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION C15 - Panorama Hall
AD: biomass characterization
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Raffaella Pomi (IT)
J. Lee, T. Koo, B. Hwang, S. Hwang (KR)
Temporal variation in bacterial communities of full scale anaerobic digester treating food waste-recycling wastewater
T. Koo, S.G. Shin, J. Lee, W. Kim, S. Hwang (KR)
Methanogenic community analysis and comparison using 454 pyrosequencing in
two full-scale anaerobic digesters treating municipal sludge
F. Di Maria, M. Barratta (IT)
Organic fraction of waste: correlation among digester environment, performances and microbial ecology
L.H. Ren, B.X. Li, Y.K. He, P. Wang, Y.F. Nie (CN)
The influence of cultivation condition on liquid biofertilizer from the effluent of
restaurant garbage
B. Szatkowska, B. Paulsrud (PL)
Mapping and characterization of organic wastes for anaerobic digestion in the
Polish Pomeranian region
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break
SESSION C16 - Panorama Hall
AD: bio-H2 production
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: William P. Clarke (AU)
G. Cappai, G. De Gioannis, A. Muntoni, A. Polettini, R. Pomi, D. Spiga (IT)
Effect of inoculum to substrate ratio (ISR) on hydrogen production through dark
fermentation of food waste
G. De Gioannis, M. Friargiu, M. Gioia, A. Muntoni, A. Polettini, R. Pomi, D. Spiga (IT)
Effect of inoculum to substrate ratio (ISR) and pH on fermentative hydrogen production from cheese whey
M. Zubkova, V. Maslikov, M. Fedorov, A. Chusov (RU)
Landfill waste in Saint Petersburg as a resource of hydrogenous fuel for efficient
system of usage
J. Gómez Romero, E.I. García Peña (MX)
Designing of continuous biohydrogen production by anaerobic codigestion based on pyrosequencing analysis of bacterial community structure
Friday October 9 - morning / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION D15 - Naturista Room
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Landfill leachate treatment: constructed wetlands
Chair / Presidente: Dongbei Yue (CN)
K. Ryan, A.R. Allen, P.A. Meere, K. Knox (IE)
Treatment of landfill leachate using low technology passive treatment systems
H. Robinson, J. Olufsen, K. Thomas, M. Reed (GB)
The use of reed bed systems for methane removal from landfill leachates
Y. Ogata, T. Ishigaki, Y. Ebie, N. Sutthasil, C. Chiemchaisri, M. Yamada (JP)
Investigation on flow control of landfill leachate on constructed wetland in tropical
M.C. Lavagnolo, F. Garbo, M. Malagoli, R. Cossu (IT)
Leachate irrigation of different oleaginous plants
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break
SESSION D16 - Naturista Room
Incineration: different substrates
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Dezhen Chen (CN)
M. Smol, J. Kulczyck, A. Henclik, Z. Wzorek (PL)
Towards zero waste in sewage sludge incineration
K. Shih, C. Liao, Y. Feng (HG)
Quantify fluorine transformation in PFCS during the thermal treatments of limeconditioned sewage sludge
J. Pulka, K. Bułajewska, A. Białowiec (PL)
The phytotoxicity of biocarbons derived from RDF, and sewage sludge
S. Černi, S. Kalambura, M. Grozdek, M. Kreč (HR)
Energy recovery of hazarodus wooden railway sleepers - Experimental investigation in Croatia
Friday October 9 - morning / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION E15 - Le Dune Room
Companies forum I
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Vincenzo Longo (IT)
The primary goal of these forums is to create a balance in the event between
the scientific content and the industry contributions, in order to foster exchanges
between practitioners and the academics, to promote novel solutions to today’s
challenges in the area of Waste Management, and to provide practitioners in the
field an early opportunity to evaluate leading-edge research and present their
own products and services.
Ample time will be given to discussion and networking.
Companies presentations:
J. Millard (US)
Extending Renewable Electricity Generation for Decades at Closed Landfill Sites
with Gas below 30% methane
M. Keunecke (CH)
Hitachi Zosen Inova - A Leading Company for Energy from Waste Solutions
S. Blanco (DE)
The use of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) drones in the measurement of
landfill volume and compaction rate and the use of GPS-base machine control
for the correct compacting of the refuse.
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION E16 - Le Dune Room
Companies forum II
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Vincenzo Longo (IT)
In Session E16 the discussion started in the previous session E15 will be continued with exhibitors and supporters.
Friday October 9 - morning / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION F15 - Ex Wine Bar Room
Workshop: ELV - End of Life Vehicles
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Maria Chiara Zanetti (IT)
In the last 20 years the automotive industry has noticeably expanded thus determining the increase of End of Life Vehicles (ELVs) and the related wastes
production. In the CE about the 80% of the total weight of vehicle is recycled; the
remaining 20% is mainly formed by the so called Automotive Shredder Residue
(ASR). The CE Directive 2000/53/CE establishes that before the end of 2015 the
maximum amount of ELV wastes that may be landfilled is equal to the 5% b.w.
and the maximum amount that may be incinerated is the 10% b.w. Particularly
the demolition phases of a vehicle are the following: safety procedures, separation operations in order to optimize recycle and final crushing operations. In order
to reach the aims of the mentioned Directive it is important to optimize the vehicle
dismantling operations and to increase the recyclable components in new vehicles. In this workshop the problems related to ASR production and treatment are
shown and also the alternative solutions for end of life tyres treatment and recycle keeping into account the feasability and the environmental sustainability.
Introductory lectures:
A. Bartl, E. Hauser, M.P. Wistuba (AT)
End-of-life vehicle recycling: new possibilities for the fiber fraction in asphalt pavements
M. Bergonzoni, E.V. Rossetti (IT)
Recycling and enhancement of ELVs padding materials for sustainable products
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION F16 - Ex Wine Bar Room
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Workshop: Challenges in material recovery from WEEE
Chair / Presidente: Francesco Vegliò (IT)
Waste Management Journal (WM Journal), the official journal of the International Waste Working Group (IWWG), published by Elsevier, will publish a Special
Issue on “WEEE: Booming for Sustainable Recycling” based on a set of selected papers from Sardinia 2015 - Fifteenth International Waste Management and
Landfill Symposium.
This workshop,aims at presenting the project and discussing selected contributions. The following topics will be dealt with:
• Collection& Management Strategies for WEEE
• Recent Developments in Recycling Technologies
• Environmental Impact
• Waste to Resource: Recovery and Reuse of WEEE
• Critical Metals in WEEE
• Life Cycle Assessment
• International Reports, Critics and Best Practice Guidelines
Friday October 9 - morning / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - mattina
SESSION G15 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Disaster waste management
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Roland Ramusch (AT)
Introductory lectures:
S. Garcia-Torres, R. Kahhat, S. Santa-Cruz (PE)
Debris management in residential areas after a seismic event: a case study of
Tacna city, Peru
M. Peroni, V. Mulas, P. Carrera, F. Garré (IT)
Concordia recycling project - Ship dismantling and waste management
A. Denot, L. Cantegrit, L. Eisenlohr (FR)
Prevention and management of waste resulting from natural disasters: from anticipation to management
M. Staudner, R. Ramusch (AT)
Waste management challenges in ship dismantling with focus on China
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSION G16 - Pineta Room
Workshop: Resilient WM against flood in Asia
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Tomonori Ishigaki (JP)
This session will report the challenges to a model of resilient and adaptable SWM
against flood in Asian tropical/pluvial countries, in order to adapt to frequent flood
events that would be influenced by climate change. It has been partially executed
under the Research Project supported by Asia-Pacific Network on Global Change
Research (Annual Regional Call for Research Proposal, ARCP2013-21NMY).
Introductory lectures:
M. Yamada (JP)
Coordination of investigation on flood waste management in Southeast Asia
T. Ishigaki, K. Kawai (JP)
Evaluation of resiliency of solid waste management against flood
P.K. Lieu (VN)
Technical and administrative countermeasures for flood waste in Hue, Hanoi
K. Wangyao (TH)
Guideline for flood waste management in Bangkok
R. Tajima (JP)
Capacity building for local administration officers on flood waste management
Friday October 9 - morning / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - mattina
SESSIONE H15 (in italiano) - Chiesa Room
Residui di combustione
h. 9:00 - 10:40
Chair / Presidente: Alessandra Polettini (IT)
C. Asquer, G. De Gioannis, G. Orrú, M. Piredda, D. Spiga (IT)
Caratterizzazione delle ceneri da incenerimento di biomassa e prospettive per il
loro riutilizzo ai fini del compostaggio
V. Funari, J. Salminen, J. MäKinen, R. Braga (IT)
Recupero di metalli da ceneri di combustione di rifiuti solidi urbani mediante lisciviazione acida e biologica
L. Benassi, M. Pasquali, L.E. Depero, E. Bontempi (IT)
Oltre il rifiuto: nuovi filler sostenibili prodotti da ceneri leggere inertizzazione
M. Di Gianfilippo, G. Costa, I. Verginelli, F. Lombardi (IT)
Analisi di rischio per la risorsa idrica relativa allo smaltimento e riutilizzo di diverse tipologie di scorie da trattamento termico di rifiuti
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
SESSIONE H16 - Chiesa Room
Workshop: Animal Waste
h. 11:10 - 12:50
Chair / Presidente: Raffaello Cossu (IT)
Animal waste, both in terms of manure and slaughterhouse residues, should be
seen as a valuable resource to exploit.
The farming sector is still a vital component of the global economy and it is constantly evolving. Livestock units increase year by year and, consequently, the generated amount of animal waste. When these animals are processed in the food
industry, a huge amount of ‘food residues’ is generated. Animal waste can be
exploited as a precious resource to produce fertilizers, energy, and by-products.
The main issues, opportunities and current challenges in animal waste management will be presented and discussed during the workshop.
Introductory lecture:
F. Girotto, R. Cossu (IT)
Animal Waste: opportunities and challenges
Friday October 9 - afternoon / Venerdì 9 Ottobre - pomeriggio
h. 15:30 - 17:30
Waste Management in the Mediterranean Area: technical, social
and economical issues, refugees camps, emergency situations,
densely populated areas
Chair / Presidente: Rainer Stegmann (DE)
The Mediterranean area and related countries are facing a critical situation related to economic development, social and political instability, emergencies and
wars, refugee camps and mass immigration.
This critical situation is severely involving the entire world. Waste Management
is paradigmatically representing all the difficulties which have to be faced in the
This workshop will discuss this issue outlining some possible contributions that
scientists and technicians may offer.
Poster presentations will be accessible to Symposium delegates at all times.
Poster discussion will take place in the presence of authors in the afternoon from
Monday to Thursday from 17:40 to 18:00.
Le presentazioni poster saranno sempre accessibili ai partecipanti al Simposio.
La discussione dei poster avverrà alla presenza degli autori dal lunedì, al giovedì
pomeriggio dalle 17:40 alle 18:00.
A. Waste management policies and strategies
A01 - E. Sánchez Salina, M.L. Ortiz Hernández, A. Rodríguez, M.L. Castrejón
Godínez (MX)
Waste management in institutions of higher education as a tool for environmental
A02 - J.A.B. Fernandez, A.A. Lopes, T.R. Vieira, C.S.G. Penteado (BR)
Strategies for sustainability in management of green waste
A03 - L.N. Adjiri Sackey, K. Meizah (GH)
Using GIS to determine waste transfer stations in relation to location of landfill
sites in the Accra metropolis
A04 - V. Starostina, A. Damgaard, M. K. Eriksen, T. H. Christensen (RU)
Environmental assessment of future waste management scenarios in the Irkutsk
region, Siberia, Russia
A05 - W. Pfaff-Simoneit, A. Nassour, M. Nelles (DE)
Appropriate separate collection concepts in developing countries to promote employment, resource efficiency and climate protection
A06 - A. M. Abdelgawad (EG)
Assessment of municipal solid waste system at Asyut governorate, Egypt
A07 - A.A. Lopes, C.S.G. Penteado, S.Z. Falone, J.A.B. Fernandez, R.A.G.
Batistelle (BR)
Proposals to face challenges of Brazilian national policy of solid waste
A08 - L. Dogaru, A. Dogaru (RO)
Effects of climate change
A09 - A.L.V. Cubas, A.R.A. Dutra, E.H.X. Moecke, M.M. Machado (BR)
Environmental education: mobile science promoting sustainable solutions in waste treatment
B. Resource recovery and recycling
B01 - J.C. Mora Barrantes, M. Navarro Morge, G.E. Hernandes, J.V. Gonzalez
Application of a sulfur removal hydrometallurgical process in a lead-acid battery
Poster sessions / Sessioni poster
recycling plant in Costa Rica
B02 - T. Uchiyama, T. Okayama, Y. Ide, (JP)
Electric power generation from sewage by using a micro-hydraulic turbine
B03 - B. Liu, S. Zhang, D. Pan, B. Guo (CN)
Hypoxia thermal de-painting technology and equipment for aluminum scrap
B04 - R.M. Deus, R.A.G. Battistelle, G.H.R. Silva, A.A. Lopes (BR)
Recycling program for a Brazilian small municipality: impacts on energy and greenhouse gas emissions
B05 - C.M.F. Vieira, R.M. Pinheiro, R.J.S. Rodriguez, D. Souza, S.N. Monteiro,
V.S. Candido (BR)
Paper sludge recycling by incorporation into clay ceramic - Case study in Brazil
B06 - A.S.C. Morais, C.M.F. Vieira, S.N. Monteiro, V.S. Candido (BR)
Environmental and technical benfits of fluorescent lamp glass waste incorporation into clay ceramic
B07 - C.M.F. Vieira, M.M. Ribeiro, E. Saitovitch, S.N. Monteiro, V.S. Candido (BR)
Recycling solution for the sintering particulae residues generated in steel-making
B08 - I. Birloaga, I. De Michelis, V. Innocenzi, F. Vegliò (IT)
An overview on the last decade technologies for rare materials extraction from
the feedstock of “Urban Mine” industry
B09 - V. Lopez Fernandez (ES)
RECLAIM Project: Recovery of Yttrium and Europium from electronic waste, a
new hydrometallurgical process
B10 - M. Cesetti, G. Pinese, M. Libralato, L. Placentino, P. Nicolosi (IT)
Wood recycling by NIR technology
B11 - Y. Matsufuji, A. Tachifuji, S. Tateishi, F. Girotto (JP)
Sustainable new system of resource recovery from disposable diapers using leachate for dehydration
B12 - Q.H. Jiang, S. Suzuki, F. Takahashi (JP)
Comparison of unwillingness we feel to act recycle-friendly actions in PET bottle
disposal and real action ratios
B13 - S.L. Lin, M.Z. Song, F. Takahashi (JP)
The effect of apatite-synthesized coal fly ash amendment on soil water holding
capacity with different phosphorous/calcium ratios
B14 - T. Izumi, Q.H. Jiang, S. Suzuki, F. Takahashi (JP)
The effect of trash bin design on CAP removal action in PET bottle disposal
Poster sessions / Sessioni poster
B15 - M.Z. Song, S.L. Lin, Y. Li, L.F. Liu, F. Takahashi (JP)
Effect of coal fly amendment on water holding capacities of natural soils and river
sand: its soil particle size dependency
C. Industrial waste management
C01 - A. Le Floch, K. Liger, M. Troulay, P. Guichardon (FR)
Tritrium trapping by metal oxides in radioactive wastes
C02 - C. Földi, T. Mansfeldt (DE)
Mercury in blast furnace sludge - Mobility and volatilization
C03 - A. Marcilla, A. Nuria Garcia, M. Loon, L. Catala (ES)
Thermal behaviour of rendering products
C04 - R. Yokoyama, T. Hirata (JP)
Introduction of huge closed system disposal facilities for industrial waste in Kagoshima, Japan
C05 - S.R. Castro, G.L. Carvalho (BR)
Management in a polyurethane foam industry designed to meet the automotive
sector: a Brazilian study case
D. Leachate treatment
D01 - F.M. Costa, J.C. Campos, F.V. Da Fonseca, D.M. Bila (BR)
Ecotoxicological evaluation (Lytechinus variegatus and Vibrio fischeri) of landfill
leachate after fenton and solar photo-fenton processes
D02 - A. Mansur, D.M. Bila, J.A. Ferreira, J.C. Campos (BR)
Molar mass distribution of leachate before and after treatment with wetland
D03 - J.A. Ferreira, T. Cormack, D.M. Bila (BR)
Geobag use as a component of landfill leachate treatment system: a case study
in Rio das Ostras landfill, Brazil
D04 - T.T.N. Dieu, J.L. Vasel, T.T. Canh (VN)
Removal of COD and nitrogen in leachate in a MBR by using attached growth
combined with anoxic process
D05 - A.V. Mansur, F. Braile, D.M. Bila, J.A. Ferreira (BR)
Assessment of efficiency of sub superficial constructed wetland as polish unit of
effluent from activated sludge treatment of leachate
D06 - M.A. Maria, S.R. Castro, L.C. Lange (BR)
Toxicological evaluation and leachate characterization of a closed landfill from
D07 - C.R. Klauck, L.B. da Silva, M.A.Si. Rodrigue, L. Bacher (BR)
Toxicity evaluation of landfill leachate treated by different technologies with the
use of Allium Cepa
Poster sessions / Sessioni poster
D08 - L.S.M.S. Lima, D.M. Bila, J.C. Campos, B.R. Quintaes (BR)
Evaluation of treatment techniques for humic substances removal in leachate
from Gericinó Landfill, Rio De Janeiro City, Brazil
E. Landfilling
E01 - H.S. Altan (TR)
Underlying meanings of metabolic activities in sanitary landfill sites
E02 - W.H. Stachowitz, M. Mattern (DE)
Small-scale flares and booster stations for special on-site tests and/or training of
the staff to enable them to operate the gas extraction system
E03 - G. Biolatti (IT)
The “piggyback” technique: new landfills leaning on old landfills
E04 - J. Liu, B. Chen, W. Song, Y. Zhou, X. Liu (CN)
The application and development of the sanitary landfill technology in China
F. Waste characterization
F01 - A. Nagalli, A. Erbs, V.A. Mymrin, R.L.S. Izzo (BR)
Mechanical and physical properties of plasterboard waste
F02 - D. Over, L. Koroglu, E. Ayas, Y. Guney (TR)
Mechanical properties of cement mortar containing calcined borax waste
F03 - M. Lega, O. Maio, P. Bishop (IT)
Building the inventory of soil pollutant emissivity markers through IR thermography
F04 - A.L.V. Cubas, M.M. Machado, A.R.A. Dutra (BR)
Spent batteries final treatment using thermal plasma
G. Emissions from waste treatment and landfilling
G01 - J.C. Campos, A.M. Costa, A.F. Lourenço, B.R. Quintaes (BR)
Evaluation of leachate from household solid waste and health care solid waste
deposited in experimental cells
G02 - W.J. Ding, L. Li, J.X. Liu (CN)
Odors and VOC emission during sewage sludge drying process: characteristics,
transfer and transformation
G03 - L. Constans, A. Huyard, L. Lacoste, B. Barillon, M. Crest, J. M. Audic (FR)
Evaluation of microalgae-based treatments for removing nitrogen and phosphorus from WWTP effluents
G04 - J.C. Campos, L.S.M.S. Lima, D.M. Bila (BR)
Methodologies for quantification of humic acids in landfill leachate
G05 - A. Nielsen, P. Kjeldsen, P. Binning (DK)
Poster sessions / Sessioni poster
Applicability of heat and gas transport models in biocover design based on a
case study from Denmark
H. Biowaste to energy
H01 - H. Azaizeh, U. Shanas, Y. Gerchman (IL)
Hydrolysis of mixed agricultural wastes to sugars for bioethanol production
H02 - E. Hroncová, J. Ladomerský, P. Andráš, A. Király (SK)
Co-composting of sewage sludge with wood - Energy utilisation and CO2 emissions
H03 - A. Arregi, I. Barnarias, J. Alvarez, M. Amutio, M. Artetxe, G. Lopez, M.
Olazar (ES)
Steam reforming of biomass pyrolysis volatiles on a nickel catalyst
H04 - R.L. Grando, A.M.R.S. Antunes, F.V. Da Fonseca (BR)
Technology foresight of the biogas production chain: state-of-the-art analysis
H05 - J. Heerenklage, K. Sahm, D. Rechtenbach, I. Röske, T. Voss, G. Antranikian, K. Kuchta (DE)
Development of a method to produce standardised inocula suitable for storage
before biomethane potential tests
I. Thermal Waste to Energy
I01 - F. Di Maria, G. Bidini, S. Contini, A. Boncompagni, M. Lasagni (IT)
An analysis of the energetic efficiency of an existing incineration: possible solutions for achieving the R1 status
I02 - E. Hroncová, J. Ladomerský, A. Király, P. Andráš (SK)
Proposal of the WTE plants development strategy on regional scale
I03 - Y. Hu, F. Chen, D. Chen, X. Dai (CN)
Pyrolysis of fly ash blended sewage sludge for co-disposal: effect of ferrous/
ferric sulphate additives
J. Contaminated sites remediation
J01 - T. Mansfeldt (DE)
Isotopic fingerprints of iron–cyanide complexes in contaminated wastes and
J02 - C.C. Amorim, L.N. Andrade, P.R. Frade, M.M.D. Leão (BR)
Reuse of steel waste: an innovative media to remediate chromium contamination
using a system of permeable reactive barriers
J03 - C.C. Amorim, L.N. Andrade, P.R. Frade, M.M.D. Leão (BR)
Feasibility study of the use of steel plant sludge in a permeable reactive barriers
system for Cr(VI) removal in groundwater
J04 - A.F. Ali, A.S. Kovo (GB)
Poster sessions / Sessioni poster
Evaluation of groundwater quality around a solid waste dumping site in Kaho
metropolis, Nigeria
J05 - M.M. Ahmed, N. Al-Dousari, A.M. Al-Dousari (KW)
Application of plant feeds on native plant desert plants as agricultural improvement techniques for land reclamation
K. Biological treatment
K01 - B.S. Pereira, R.A.G. Batistelle, E.J. Scoton (BR)
Evaluation of the co-composting of sewage sludge and restaurant waste food
through gas analysis in hermetic rotary reactor
K02 - R.M. Deus, R.A.G. Battistelle, G.H.R. Silva, A.A. Lopes (BR)
Environmental impacts of composting in municipal solid waste management
International Workshop on Waste Architecture /
Rehabilitation of Landfills
Round tables on EU project proposals
Parallel event / Tuesday October 6
International Workshop on Waste Architecture / Rehabilitation of Landfills
Tuesday 6 october, Belvedere di Villa del Parco
h. 09:00 - 10:40
Chairs / Presidenti: Elena Cossu, Anna Artuso (IT)
09:00 - 09:20 Welcome Addresses
09:20 - 10:40 Opening Lectures
I. Sánchez Fabra - Batlle i Roig Architects (ES)
Waste landfill environmental restoration at the Garraf’s Natural Park, Barcelona
G. Maciocco - Department of Architecture, Design and Planning / University of
Sassari (IT)
Lecture on urban development planning
I. Alba - Israel Alba Estudio (ES)
A recovered landfill in the construction of a metropolis: Valdemingómez Forest
Park, over time
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
Waste Architecture perspectives
h. 11:10 - 11:40
E. Ambasz (video message)
Masterplan for the Portisco area on the Emerald Coast
A. Artuso, E. Cossu (IT)
Requalification of the Portisco area. Waste, energy and water management for a
new eco-sustainable tourist village
Chair / Presidente: Maria Cristina Lavagnolo (IT)
11:40 - 13:00
A. Bortolotti, M. Ranzato (IT)
Wasteland rehabilitation in rural landscape: a project in the Verona plain
K. Ryan, D. Bosonnet (IE)
Tramore Valley Park - vision to delivery: the rehabilitation of an old landfill site
E.Cossu, A. Artuso (IT)
Phytoremediation of leachate, in situ aeration and energy crops. An innovative
project for the requalification of an old landfill site in Northern Italy
W. Song, Y. Zhou, H. Su (CN)
The application of Chinese traditional culture in landscape design of landfill closure
Parallel event / Tuesday October 6 - Wednesday 7 October
h. 15:30 - 17:10
Chair / Presidente: Israel Alba (ES)
J. Bishop (UK)
Working with Communities: Faster, Cheaper, Better!
P. Simone, M. Vercesi , L. Nettuno, C. Zaninelli (IT)
Community planning activities for rehabilitation projects in Italy. The positive
case of the children participatory design on the area of Vergomasco landfill in
Odolo, Brescia
X. Wang, J. Guo, D.Yue (CN)
Rehabilitation of dumping sites via excavation: a case study in Beijing
M.Ç. Akkuş, Ç. Ün, K.Aydin, H. Serin, M. Özcanli (TR)
Rehabilitation studies of an old landfill area in Adana, Turkey
P. Lightbody, H. Kers (AU)
Redevelopment of 3ha MSW landfill into inner urban sports and community facilities
17:10 - 17:40
Coffee break
h. 17:40 - 19:40
Chair / Presidente: Jeff Bishop (GB)
S. Dalzero (IT)
Rejected Landscapes - Recycled Landscapes. Waste disposal and recycling sites - perspectives and contemporary approaches
W. Mak (CN)
Tseung Kwan O - A new town that grows with landfills
K.J. Cwiertka (NL)
‘Dream Island’ and ‘Sea Forest’: the afterlife of Tokyo’s landfills
C. De Simone, V. Cristallo, S. Cappucci (IT)
Multifunctional structure made with beached biomasses for requalification of landfills
M. Pryor, Y. Chen (CN)
Landfill after use: planning for acceptance
B.S. Yildiz (AE), B. Tansel (US)
Repurposing closed landfills for renewable energy generation: screening methodology
Wednesday 7 october, Belvedere di Villa del Parco
09:00 - 19:40
A practical landscape design lab session will be coordinated by Giovanni Maciocco, Professor Emeritus of the University of Sassari (IT), Raffaello Cossu,
Professor of the University of Padova with the collaboration of Studio Arcoplan
and Israel Alba, Professor at Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (ES).
This session will give participants the opportunity to apply theoretical notions and
share their views with colleagues and experts within their working groups.
Parallel event / Tuesday October 6
Round-table meetings on EU project proposals
Following the high number of proposals received for presentation during the workshop on “EU proposals and projects”, scheduled for the afternoon of Monday
5th October, it has been organized a full-day parallel event entirely devoted to
in-depth discussion of ideas received. On Tuesday 6th, roundtable meetings will
be organized and 40 minutes allocated to presentation and discussion of each
one of a number of proposals.
Roundtables are primarily conceived as a networking opportunity to develop ideas and find potential collaboration on specific issues.
Facilitators will be present to give information about suitable calls, answer questions linked to call areas and provide details on legal and procedural conditions.
1st MEETING - Sale Castello Mimose+Margherite h. 09:00 - 09:40
Table 1 - R. Cossu (IT)
GREENLEADS - GREen ENergy from LEAchate and Decontamination of Soil
Table 2 - H. Boysen (DE)
Utilization of residues from biogas plants to generate valuable products within a
microalgae-based biorefinery concept
Table 3 - P. Hennebert (FR)
Classification of waste: Validation of concentration limits of ecotoxicological tests
for hazard property HP 14
Table 4 - A. Bartl (AT)
Recovery of glass fibers from end-of-life thermosetting composites
2nd MEETING - Sale Castello Mimose+Margherite
h. 10:00 - 10:40
Table 1 - S. Ramaswami (DE)
Integrated and sustainable technologies for the treatment of methanogenic landfill leachate
Table 2 - C. Ün (TR)
The usability of Municipal waste plastic and medical waste plastic fuel production
at transport
Table 3 - D. Numata (JP)
Well arrangement of the updated information of deposit-refund systems
Table 4 - A. Otsuki (FR)
Integrated process for the critical/valuable metal extraction and plastic valorization from waste printed circuit boards
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee break
Parallel event / Tuesday October 6 - afternoon
3rd MEETING - Sale Castello Mimose+Margherite
h. 11:10 - 11:50
Table 1 - P. Novak (CZ)
Calibration of GHG emissions estimates from landfills by an inovative direct measurement
Table 2 - F. Petracchini (IT)
Improving anaerobic digestion chain with natural zeolites
Table 3 - M. Gharfalkar (GB)
Modelling and simulation tools to quantify material flows and “circularity” for greater resource efficiency in manufacturing and society
Table 4 - C. Ün (TR)
The waste electrical and electronic equipment collection system for Adana
4th MEETING - Sale Castello Mimose+Margherite
h. 12:10 - 12:50
Table 1 - Rafal Lewiki (GB)
ACUMEN 2 - Managing gas at closed landfills
Table 2 - V. Cutraro (IT)
Food waste: drying treatment to obtain a biomass (B.O.E.D.) to be used as CSSfuel
Table 3 - D. Chen (CN)
Carbon paper from straw and other herbaceous wastes as filtration material for
particulate separation
12:50 - 15:30 Lunch break
5th MEETING - Sale Castello Mimose+Margherite
h. 15:30 - 16:10
Table 1 - M. Lavagnolo (IT)
SUSESL - Scailing Up Sustainable and Ecological Sanitation Locally
Table 2 - E. Gidarakos (GR)
Development and optimization of European network and data base for hazardous waste transport and treatment
Table 3 - L. Pfennig (DE)
Linking the chains - Impact of impurities on polymers from post-consumer plastics to enhance recycling and market value
6th MEETING - Sale Castello Mimose+Margherite
h. 16:30 - 17:10
Table 1 - R. Cossu (IT)
Role of landfilling as a final sink in circular economy strategies
Table 2 - H. Aurinko (FI)
On-line Landfill Risk Assessment - LARAS
Table 3 - R. Kumar Dutta (IN)
A pilot scale study on efficient wastewater treatment using metal oxides and
metal sulphide nanoparticles
17:10 - 17:40
Coffee break