documento Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica DISCIPLINARE NA.02 Ed 01 Rev.00 Titolo: DISCIPLINARE PER LA BIO ECO COSMESI INDICE 1. INTRODUZIONE .....................................................................................................................................2 2. SCOPO....................................................................................................................................................2 4. CAMPO DI APPLICAZIONE.....................................................................................................................3 5. RIFERIMENTI NORMATIVI PRINCIPALI.................................................................................................3 6. MATERIE PRIME ....................................................................................................................................4 6.1 SOSTANZE CONTENUTE ...................................................................................................................................4 6.2 MATERIE PRIME VEGETALI................................................................................................................................4 6.3 MATERIE PRIME ANIMALI ..................................................................................................................................4 6.4 MATERIE PRIME INORGANICHE ........................................................................................................................5 6.5 MATERIE PRIME CHIMICHE ...............................................................................................................................5 6.6 OGM .............................................................................................................................................................5 6.7 IRRADIAZIONE .................................................................................................................................................5 7. IMBALLAGGI:...........................................................................................................................................5 8. ETICHETTATURA ....................................................................................................................................6 9. MARCHIO .................................................................................................................................................6 10. ALLEGATI...............................................................................................................................................6 ALL.1- LISTA DELLE SOSTANZE DA NON UTILIZZARE PER OTTENERE IL MARCHIO BIOECOCOSMESI AIAB…7 ALLEGATO 2 - MATERIALI VIETATI PER L’IMBALLAGGIO .........................................................................................186 Redazione CS AIAB Verifica CS AIAB Micheloni C. Approvazione CD AIAB Vizioli V. Tipo di revisione emissione Zappaterra M. Micheloni C. Vizioli V. parziale Luisa De Marco Riccardo Anouchinsky Ferrante A. totale Gruppo di lavoro AIAB - Produttori Data GENNAIO 2002 LUGLIO 2003 OTTOBRE 2006 Pagina/e Ed. Rev.e 00 00 6-59 00 01 TUTTE 01 00 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 1. INTRODUZIONE L’Associazione Italiana per l’Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB) e l’Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed Ambientale (ICEA), in collaborazione con un gruppo di Produttori intenzionati alla produzione di BioEcoCosmesi ha elaborato il seguente disciplinare per dar modo a tutti i soggetti interessati di accedere alla certificazione dei propri prodotti, con l’obiettivo di poter esporre in etichetta la dicitura di conformità “Cosmetico Bio – Ecologico AIAB” e l’apposito LOGO previsto dal Regolamento per l’uso dei marchi collettivi AIAB (punto 5.1 bis) e/o il marchio qualità della stessa Associazione di produttori. La certificazione ed il controllo verranno effettuati da un Organismo di certificazione esterno ed indipendente, che tramite i propri tecnici verificherà l’osservanza di questo disciplinare da parte dei produttori richiedenti. Il presente disciplinare deve essere visto come un’indicazione in continua evoluzione, soggetto a continui aggiornamenti e miglioramenti. In particolare, l’allegato 1, è stato elaborato utilizzando l’inventario delle materie prime cosmetiche presente nella Decisione della Commissione Europea alla data del 9 febbraio 2006 (2006/257/EC), quindi successive integrazioni o modifiche da parte della Commissione Europea, di tale inventario, comporteranno ulteriori elaborazioni e valutazioni da parte della Commissione di Certificazione dell’ Organismo di Controllo. Per le materie prime non incluse in questo inventario alla data su indicata dovranno essere valutate dall’apposita Commissione di Certificazione dell’ Organismo di Controllo. 2. SCOPO L’Associazione Italiana per l’Agricoltura Biologica e le parti in causa sopraindicate, attraverso questo disciplinare perseguono i seguenti obiettivi: a) Permettere anche nel campo della cura del corpo di utilizzare prodotti a basso impatto ambientale ed in grado di esprimere la massima tutela possibile per la salute del consumatore, oltre che di soddisfarne le aspettative tramite una definizione corretta, trasparente e completa di BioEcoCosmesi. b) Definire i requisiti minimi per i prodotti di "BioEcoCosmesi”, a cui concedere il marchio identificato nel capitolo 2, punto V. c) Promuovere: • l' utilizzo di materie prime da agricoltura biologica o da raccolta spontanea • l’assenza nei prodotti di materiali discutibili dal punto di vista ecologico, sian nel prodotto stesso che né nell’imballaggio • l’assenza di materie prime non vegetali considerate “a rischio”, ovvero allergizzanti, irritanti o con evidenze di probabili danni per la salute dell’uomo • la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale dovuto agli imballaggi superflui (confezioni singole) o non riciclabili (si promuovono imballaggi da materie prime rinnovabili, materiali riciclabili o collegati ad un sistema di restituzione dei vuoti) • la produzione tramite le più moderne tecniche ecocompatibili • il consumo di cosmesi naturale e biologica, permettendo al consumatore il facile e immediato riconoscimento dei cosmetici veramente naturali • la creazione di una banca dati che consenta il reperimento di materie prime biologiche o da raccolta spontanea sul territorio nazionale. Pagina 2 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 3. PRINCIPI Fattori prioritari nella scelta delle materie prime da inserire nella lista delle sostanze da non utilizzare per ottenere la certificazione ICEA a marchio BioEcoCosmesi AIAB sono stati: • scarsa dermocompatibilità • tossicità e effetti indesiderati sull’uomo • scarsa eco-compatibilità • origine sintetica Nella lista delle sostanze da non utilizzare si sono considerate ed incluse alcune classi di sostanze: • PEG, PPG derivati (tensioattivi, solubilizzanti, emollienti, solventi, etc.); • composti etossilati (tensioattivi, emulsionanti, solubilizzanti, etc.); • tensioattivi notoriamente aggressivi e poco dermocompatibili; • sostanze che possono provocare danni ambientali ed ecologici; • composti che possono dare origine a nitrosammine (sostanze cancerogene); • derivati animali come collagene, sego, placenta, ecc.; • siliconi e derivati siliconici; • polimeri acrilici (emulsionanti, modificatori reologici, filmanti, agenti antistatici, etc.); • conservanti come la formaldeide ed i suoi cessori, tiazolinoni, derivati del fenilmecurio, carbanilidi, borati, fenoli alogenati, cresoli alogenati; • coloranti di origine sintetica; • derivati dell’alluminio e del silicio di origine sintetica; 4. CAMPO DI APPLICAZIONE I prodotti oggetto del disciplinare di produzione sono quelli rientranti nel campo di applicazione della legge 713/86 e successive modifiche ed integrazioni. Rientrano altresì nel campo di applicazione coadiuvanti, ingredienti, materie prime, ausiliari, semplici sostanze naturali che possano venir utilizzate in campo cosmetico, o che possano rientrare nella formulazione dei prodotti cosmetici. 5. RIFERIMENTI NORMATIVI PRINCIPALI - Legge 713/86 e successive modifiche - Decisione della Commissione Europea del 9 febbraio 2006 (2006/257/EC) I.N.C.I. Pagina 3 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 6. MATERIE PRIME Per ogni prodotto deve essere compilato un modulo reso pubblico sul sito web dell’Organismo di Controllo con una dichiarazione completa dei componenti, con le loro denominazioni INCI. La procedura di certificazione può essere avviata solo a dichiarazione avvenuta. Nel caso di dubbi sul processo a monte delle materie prime utilizzate, l’ente certificatore potrà richiedere ulteriori spiegazioni che ne garantiscano l’innocuità e l’ecologicità. Per ulteriore tutela del consumatore il produttore si fa carico di comunicare gli eventuali additivi presenti nelle materie prime prima del loro utilizzo, come ad esempio i conservanti. Questo servirà anche all’organismo di controllo in sede di verifica a valutare la eventuale presenza di sostanze non dichiarate in base ai dati forniti nel dossier cosmetico. Per quanto concerne gli olii essenziali vegetali utilizzati come profumazioni nei cosmetici, essi possono non essere dichiarati, come consentito dalla legge che permette di denominarli “Parfum”, senza specificarne la natura o la percentuale. Tutti i profumi, essenze, fragranze, aromi e loro miscele utilizzati devono essere comunque accompagnati da apposita dichiarazione del fornitore e/o produttore che ne attesti la conformità delle stesse all’allegato 1 ad esclusione, ovviamente, di quelle sostanze presenti naturalmente negli olii essenziali. 6.1 Sostanze contenute Si ricorda che materie prime naturali hanno avuto un’evoluzione nel tempo che è andata di pari passo con quella dell’uomo, e pertanto possono presentare un tasso di rischio tossicologico infinitamente inferiore per l’organismo umano. Questa motivazione sta alla base dei punti a seguito elencati. La trasformazione di materie prime dovrebbe dare come risultato prodotti finiti poco aggressivi ed ottenuti con contenuti procedimenti chimici. Ogni prodotto finito deve soddisfare i criteri sotto elencati per essere certificato. 6.2 Materie prime vegetali Le materie prime vegetali, intese come piante o parti di esse, devono essere da agricoltura biologica o raccolta spontanea certificata. Il metodo di produzione biologico deve essere certificato sulla base di un Sistema di Controllo e Certificazione regolamentato (es. Reg. EU 2092/91, NOP, JAS, ecc.) o volontario purchè conforme ai basic standard e criteri IFOAM. La Commissione di Certificazione dell’Organismo di Controllo di volta in volta potrà accettare eccezioni soltanto nel caso in cui non è possibile trovare sul mercato nazionale l'ingrediente certificato. Per ogni prodotto cosmetico certificato ai sensi del presente Disciplinare deve essere utilizzata almeno una materia prima proveniente da agricoltura biologica certificata. In ogni caso sono escluse materie prime vegetali geneticamente modificate o irradiate con radiazioni ionizzanti. Sono altresì escluse parti o parti di esse quando il loro utilizzo possa contribuire a porle a rischio di estinzione; è consentito l’uso di queste materie prime se sicuramente provenienti da coltivazione. L’utilizzo della glicerina vegetale è consentito. 6.3 Materie prime animali Le materie prime prodotte da animali devono essere certificate da agricoltura biologica in modo che venga sicuramente garantito il benessere dell’animale. Il metodo di produzione biologico deve essere certificato sulla base di un Sistema di Controllo e Certificazione regolamentato (es. Reg. EU 2092/91, NOP, JAS, ecc.) o volontario purchè conforme ai basic standard e criteri IFOAM. La Commissione di Certificazione dell’Organismo di Controllo può ammettere eccezioni soltanto nel caso in cui non sia possibile trovare l'ingrediente certificato. Pagina 4 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Non possono essere utilizzati materie prime da animali quando questo ne comporti la soppressione. Sono ammesse materie prime da fermentazione batterica. E’ vietato l’uso della glicerina di origine animale. E’ vietato l’uso di collagene, cheratina, chitosano, chitina, ceramidi, elastina, eparina, acido ialuronico, acidi nucleici ed enzimi (e i loro derivati) di origine animale. 6.4 Materie prime inorganiche Materie prime inorganiche sono generalmente ammesse, ad eccezione di quelle elencate negli allegati. Quando il prodotto cosmetico è composto esclusivamente da materie prime inorganiche naturali (ad esempio ‘sali da bagno’, ‘argilla’, ‘acque termali’, ecc.) la Commissione di Certificazione dell’Organismo di Controllo potrà concedere la conformità al presente Disciplinare esclusivamente ai fini del completamento di linea di tali prodotti 6.5 Materie prime chimiche Le materie prime prodotte tramite processi chimici sono ammesse soltanto nei casi in cui non esistono valide alternative e devono soddisfare i seguenti criteri: - non è ammessa l’ etossilazione della materia prima. - non è ammesso l’utilizzo di filtri solari chimici. - non sono ammesse le materie incluse nelle classi di sostanze di cui al punto 2 ed indicate negli allegati (lista delle sostanze da non utilizzare per ottenere la certificazione) - ai fini del completamento della linea cosmetica certificata di volta in volta la Commissione di Certificazione dell’Organismo di Controllo potrà ammettere l’utilizzo di ‘caprylyl glycol’ come conservante del prodotto cosmetico per una concentrazione massima pari all’1% o di ‘etidronic acid’ solo nel caso di prodotti cosmetici a base di oleati basici (saponi solidi) per una concentrazione massima pari allo 0,15% o l’utilizzo di ‘guar hydroxypropyltrimonium chloride’ per una concentrazione massima pari allo 0,1%. 6.6 OGM E' vietato l'utilizzo di ingredienti geneticamente modificati. L’organismo di controllo dovrà espletare particolari verifiche di filiera al riguardo dell’uso di ingredienti derivanti da materie prime come mais, patate e soia ed altri fortemente a rischio di contaminazione da OGM. 6.7 Irradiazione E' vietata l'irradiazione del prodotto finito con radiazioni ionizzanti e l'utilizzo di ingredienti con essi irradiati a scopo germicida o battericida/fungicida. 7. IMBALLAGGI: Per il condizionamento primario (a contatto con il cosmetico, flaconi, bombole ecc.) sono ammessi solo contenitori riciclabili, preferibilmente ammessi per alimenti; non sono ammessi materiali pericolosi per la salute e che rilasciano monomeri pericolosi per l’ambiente Per il condizionamento secondario, oltre a non essere ammessi materiali pericolosi per la salute, si richiedono imballaggi ridotti ed ecocompatibili, preferibilmente da materie prime naturali e rinnovabili, garanzia di scelte rispettose delle risorse naturali. Il materiale di condizionamento deve essere il più ridotto possibile, salvo questo non sia necessario in funzione delle caratteristiche del prodotto e della comunicazione al consumatore. Tutti i materiali usati per nel condizionamento del prodotto cosmetico devono Pagina 5 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 essere valutati espressamente ed approvati dalla Commissione di Certificazione dell’Organismo di Controllo ai fini dei principi del presente punto. Non sono ammessi per nessun tipo di condizionamento i materiali contenuti nell'allegato II. Alcuni esempi di corretta applicazione dei criteri sopra indicati sono: - etichetta e tappo dello stesso materiale del flacone per consentire il corretto riciclaggio; - uso di dispositivi spruzzatori o dosatori monomateriale; - nel caso di prodotti che prevedono, nel contenitore, la pompetta spruzzatrice o dosatrice plurimateriale (es. contenente elementi metallici) è auspicabile commercializzare tale articolo anche nella versione “ricarica” e invitare il consumatore, mediante visibili diciture in etichetta, all’utilizzo il più possibile ripetuto della pompetta. La presenza del metallo infatti, impedisce un corretto riciclaggio. 8. ETICHETTATURA Per la migliore consapevolezza e informazione del consumatore è assolutamente auspicabile indicare in etichetta le materie prime certificate e la loro percentuale quantitativa sul prodotto finito. L’ etichetta deve contenere indicazioni sufficienti che aiutino il consumatore a capire di che ingrediente si tratta, per consentirgli la corretta interpretazione (es: “decyl glucoside”, nella spiegazione, che segue o precede la completa dichiarazione INCI, può essere indicato come “tensioattivo”, “potassium sorbate” può essere indicato come “conservante”). L’etichetta deve risultare leggibile, specie la parte riguardante gli ingredienti. Qualora non sia possibile specificare queste informazioni in etichetta, è necessaria la diffusione di materiale informativo adeguato. Tutte le etichette ed tutto il materiale informativo relativo ai prodotti certificati BioEcoCosmesi devono riportare loghi e diciture conformi al presente Disciplinare e devono essere valutati espressamente ed approvati dalla Commissione di Certificazione dell’Organismo di Controllo. Prodotti che riportano il marchio di qualità senza essere dovutamente certificati devono essere ritirati dal mercato a spese del produttore. 9. MARCHIO Il marchio “BioEcoCosmesi” viene concesso a: • prodotti che soddisfanno i requisiti di questo disciplinare e fanno parte di una linea di prodotti certificati. • Nel caso in cui la ditta produca anche cosmesi non certificata, la linea di "eco-biocosmesi" deve avere un marchio commerciale ed una veste grafica ben distinta dai prodotti non certificati, in modo che il consumatore riesca a distinguere immediatamente i prodotti certificati da quelli non certificati. Nel caso tuttavia delle aziende dove il marchio commerciale corrisponda al nome stesso del produttore, al fine di non creare svantaggio, si consente il mantenimento dello stesso marchio commerciale, purchè la linea certificata sia immediatamente riconoscibile dal consumatore rispetto ai prodotti non certificati. 10. ALLEGATI Periodicamente verrà aggiornato il campo di applicazione del disciplinare e l’elenco delle materie prime non ammesse ed ammesse. Pagina 6 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI I suddetti elenchi sono stati elaborati utilizzando l’inventario europeo degli igredienti cosmetici adottato con la Decisione della Commissione Europea del 9 febbraio 2006 (2006/257/EC). Le sostanze non riportate in tale inventario che si vengono ad aggiungere dovranno essere sottoposte alla valutazione specifica della Commissione di Certificazione dell’Organismo di Controllo secondo i principi di cui al punto 3 del presente Disciplinare. ALLEGATO 1 – LISTA DELLE SOSTANZE DA NON UTILIZZARE PER OTTENERE LA CERTIFICAZIONE ICEA A MARCHIO BIOECOCOSMESI AIAB NOME INCI 1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDRO-6NITROQUINOXALINE 1,2,4-BENZENETRIACETATE 1,2,4-TRIHYDROXYBENZENE NOME CHIMICO / IUPAC Quinoxaline, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-6-nitroBenzene-1,2,4-triyl triacetate. Benzene-1,2,4-triol. 1,2,6-HEXANETRIOL Hexane-1,2,6-triol. 4,4'-[1,3-propanediylbis(oxy)]bisbenzene-1,31,3-BIS-(2,4-DIAMINOPHENOXY) PROPANE diamine. 1,5-NAPHTHALENEDIOL Naphthalene-1,5-diol (CI 76625). 1-ACETOXY-2-METHYLNAPHTHALENE 1-Naphthalenol, 2-methyl-, acetate 1-NAPHTHOL 1-naphthol (CI 76605). 2- HEPTYLCYCLOPENTANONE 2-heptylcyclopentanone. 2- METHYLRESORCINOL 1,3-Benzenediol, 2-methyl2,2'-THIOBIS(4-CHLOROPHENOL) Phenol, 2,2'-thiobis[4-chloro2,3-NAPHTHALENEDIOL Naphthalene-2,3-diol. N° CAS FUNZIONE 106-69-4 agente stabilizzante colorante per capelli colorante per capelli umettante / solvente / modificatore reologico / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle 81892-720 83-56-7 1386868 90-15-3 137-03-1 608-25-3 97-24-5 92-44-4 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli solvente colorante per capelli antimicrobico colorante per capelli 613-03-6 533-73-3 2,4-DIAMINO-5-METHYLPHENETOL HCl 1,3-benzenediamine, 4-ethoxy-6-methyl- 11371525-6 colorante per capelli 2,4-DIAMINO-5METHYLPHENOXYETHANOL HCl 2,4-DIAMINODIPHENYLAMINE 2,4-DIAMINOPHENOL 2,4-DIAMINOPHENOL DIHYDROCHLORIDE Ethanol, 2-(2,4-diamino-5-methylphenoxy)-, dihydrochloride 1,2,4-benzenetriamine, N-phenyl2,4-diaminophenol. 2,4-Diaminophenol dihydrochloride 11371527-8 136-17-4 95-86-3 137-09-7 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli 2,4-DIAMINOPHENOL HCl 4-hydroxy-m-phenylenediammonium dichloride. 137-09-7 colorante per capelli 2,4-DIAMINOPHENOXYETHANOL HCl 2-(2,4-diaminophenoxy)ethanol dihydrochloride. 66422-955 colorante per capelli 2,4-dimethylcyclohex-3-ene-1-carbaldehyde. 68039-496 tonico 2,4-DIMETHYL-3-CYCLOHEXENE CARBOXALDEHYDE 2,6-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHOXY)-3,5PYRIDINEDIAMINE HCl 2,6-DIAMINO-3-((PYRIDIN-3YL)AZO)PYRIDINE 2,6-DIAMINOPYRIDINE Pyridine, 3,5-diamino-2,6-bis(2hydroxyethoxy)-, dihydrochloride 2,6-Pyridinediamine, 3-(3-pyridinylazo) Pyridine-2,6-diyldiamine. 11790742-3 28365-084 141-86-6 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli 2,6-DIAMINOPYRIDINE SULFATE 2,6-DICARBOXY PYRIDINE 2,6-Pyridinediamine, sulfate (2:1) 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid 14699797-9 499-83-2 colorante per capelli chelante 2,6-DIMETHOXY-3,5-PYRIDINEDIAMINE HCl 3,5-diamino-2,6-dimethoxypyridine dihydrochloride. 2,6-DIMETHYL-7-OCTEN-2-OL 2,7-NAPHTHALENEDIOL 2,6-dimethyloct-7-en-2-ol. Naphthalene-2,7-diol (CI 76645). 2-AMINO-3-HYDROXYPYRIDINE 2-AMINO-3-NITROPHENOL 2-aminopyridin-3-ol. 2-amino-3-nitrophenol. 56216-285 18479-588 582-17-2 16867-031 603-85-0 2-AMINO-4HYDROXYETHYLAMINOANISOLE 2-[(3-amino-4-methoxyphenyl)amino]ethanol. 83763-477 Pagina 7 di 186 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli solvente colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 2-AMINO-4HYDROXYETHYLAMINOANISOLE SULFATE 2-AMINO-6-CHLORO-4-NITROPHENOL 2-AMINOBUTANOL (3-ammonio-4-methoxyphenyl)(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium sulphate. 2-amino-6-chloro-4-nitrophenol. 2-aminobutan-1-ol. 83763-488 1628499 96-20-8 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli agente tampone 2-AMINOMETHYL-p-AMINOPHENOL HCl 2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE-1,3-DIOL Phenol, 2-aminomethyl-4-amino-, dihydrochloride 1,3-Propanediol, 2-bromo-2-nitro- 13504364-0 52-51-7 colorante per capelli conservante 2-CHLORO-5-NITRO-N-HYDROXYETHYL pPHENYLENEDIAMINE 2-[(4-amino-2-chloro-5nitrophenyl)amino]ethanol. 50610-281 colorante per capelli Phenol, 2-chloro-6-(ethylamino)-4-nitro2-chloro-p-phenylenediamine. 13165778-8 615-66-7 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli 1,4-Benzenediamine, 2-chloro-, sulfate 6219-71-2 colorante per capelli 1-hydroxy-2-.beta.-hydroxyethylamino-4,6dinitrobenzene 99610-727 66095-816 2-CHLORO-6-ETHYLAMINO-4NITROPHENOL 2-CHLORO-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE 2-CHLORO-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE SULFATE 2-HYDROXYETHYL PICRAMIC ACID 2-HYDROXYETHYLAMINO-5NITROANISOLE 2-[(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl)amino]ethanol. colorante per capelli colorante per capelli Phenol, 4-amino-2-methoxymethyl-, 2-METHOXYMETHYL-p-AMINOPHENOL HCl hydrochloride 2-METHYL-1-NAPHTHOL 2-Methyl-1-naphthol 29785-475 7469-77-4 2-METHYL-4-HYDROXYPYRROLIDINE 2-METHYL-5HYDROXYETHYLAMINOPHENOL 5-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-o-cresol. 55302-960 2-NITRO-5-GLYCERYL METHYLANILINE 3-[3-(methylamino)-4-nitrophenoxy]propane1,2-diol. 2-NITRO-N-HYDROXYETHYL-p-ANISIDINE 2-NITRO-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE Ethanol, 2-[(4-methoxy-2-nitrophenyl)amino]2-nitro-p-phenylenediamine (CI 76070). 80062-313 57524-535 5307-14-2 2-NITRO-P-PHENYLENEDIAMINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE 2-Nitrobenzene-1,4-diamine dihydrochloride 18266-529 colorante per capelli 2-OLEAMIDO-1,3-OCTADECANEDIOL 2-t-BUTYLCYCLOHEXYL ACETATE 2-(9(Z)-octadecenylamido)-1,3octadecanediol 2-tert-butylcyclohexyl acetate. 54422-456 88-41-5 condizionante per la pelle solvente 2-t-BUTYLCYCLOHEXYL OXYBUTANOL 3,4-DIAMINOBENZOIC ACID Cyclohexane, 1-(4-hydroxybutoxy)-2-(1,1dimethylethyl)3,4-diaminobenzoic acid. 3,4-METHYLENEDIOXYANILINE 3,4-METHYLENEDIOXYPHENOL 3,4-(methylenedioxy)aniline. 3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenol. 619-05-6 14268-667 533-31-3 3-AMINOPROPANE SULFONIC ACID 3-aminopropane-1-sulphonic acid. 3687-18-1 3-BENZYLIDENE CAMPHOR 1,7,7-trimethyl-3(phenylmethylene)bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one. 15087-248 filtro UV 3-ETHYLAMINO-p-CRESOL SULFATE Bis[ethyl(4-hydroxy-o-tolyl)ammonium] sulphate. 68239-792 condizionante per capelli 3-HEXENOL 3-METHYLAMINO-4-NITROPHENOXYETH ANOL Cis-hex-3-en-1-ol. 3-NITRO-4-AMINOPHENOXYETHANOL 3-NITRO-pHYDROXYETHYLAMINOPHENOL 4,4'-DIAMINODIPHENYLAMINE Benzenamine, 2-nitro-4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)4-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-3-nitrophenol. 4,4'-iminodianiline (CI 76120). 928-96-1 59820-632 50982-746 65235-316 537-65-5 4,5-DIAMINO-1-((4-CHLOROPHENYL)ME THYL)-1 H-PYRAZOLE-SULFATE 1 H-Pyrazole-4,5-diamine,1 -[(4chlorophenyl)methyl]-, sulfate (2:1) 4-pyrrolidinol, 2-methyl- 2-[3-(methylamino)-4-nitrophenoxy]ethanol. Pagina 8 di 186 16318300-4 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli igiene orale / rinfrescante / condizionante per la pelle colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli solvente colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli surfactante / agente idrofilo solvente / umettante / modificatore reologico colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 4,5-DIAMINO-1-METHYLPYRAZOLE HCl 1H-pyrazole, 4,5-diamino-1-methyldihydrochloride 20055-010 colorante per capelli 4,6-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHOXY)-mPHENYLENEDIAMINE HCl 4-AMINO-2-HYDROXYTOLUENE Ethanol, 2,2'-[(4,6-diamino-1,3phenylene)bis(oxy)]bis-, dihydrochloride 5-amino-o-cresol. 94082-856 2835-95-2 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli 4-AMINO-2-NITRODIPHENYLAMINE-2'CARBOXYLIC ACID 4-AMINO-3-NITROPHENOL 4-AMINO-m-CRESOL 4-CHLORO-2-AMINOPHENOL 4-CHLORORESORCINOL 4-HYDROXYINDOLE 1,4-Benzenediamine, 2-nitro-N(1 )-(2carboxyphenyl)4-amino-3-nitrophenol. 4-amino-m-cresol. 2-Amino-4-chlorophenol 1,3-Benzenediol, 4-chloro4-hydroxyindole. 11790743-4 610-81-1 2835-99-6 95-85-2 95-88-5 2380-94-1 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli 4-HYDROXYPROPYLAMINO-3NITROPHENOL 1-hydroxy-3-nitro-4-(3-hydroxypropylamino)benzene 92952-813 colorante per capelli 4-METHOXYTOLUENE-2,5-DIAMINE HCl 1,4-benzenediamine, 2-methoxy-5-methyl-, dihydrochloride 56496-889 colorante per capelli 4-METHYLBENZYLIDENE CAMPHOR 4-NITROGUAIACOL 4-NITRO-m-PHENYLENEDIAMINE 4-NITRO-o-PHENYLENEDIAMINE (.+-.)-1,7,7-trimethyl-3-[(4methylphenyl)methylene]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan2-one. 2-methoxy-4-nitrophenol. 4-nitro-m-phenylenediamine (CI 76030). 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine (CI 76020). 36861-479 / 3810262-4 3251 -56-7 5131-58-8 99-56-9 filtro UV colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli 4-nitrobenzene-1,2-diamine dihydrochloride 4-NITRO-o-PHENYLENEDIAMINE HCl (CI 76020). 4-NITRO-O-PHENYLENEDIAMINE SULFATE 1,2-Benzenediamine, 4-nitro, sulfate (1:1) 4-NITROPHENYL AMINOETHYLUREA 1-(.beta.-ureidoethyl)amino-4-nitrobenzene 6219-77-8 269-476-7 27080-428 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli 10433303-1 colorante per capelli 163183-01 -5 colorante per capelli 5-AMINO-2,6-DIMETHOXY-3HYDROXYPYRIDINE 3-pyridinol, 2,6-dimethoxy-5-amino- 5-AMINO-4-FLUORO-2-METHYLPHENOL SULFATE Phenol, 5-amino-4-fluoro-2-methyl-, sulfate (2:1) (salt) 5-AMINO-6-CHLORO-o-CRESOL 3-amino-2-chlor-6-methylphenol. 5-BROMO-5-NITRO-1,3-DIOXANE 6-AMINO-m-CRESOL 5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane. 6-amino-m-cresol. 6-AMINO-o-CRESOL 6-HYDROXYINDOLE Phenol, 6-amino-2-methyl1 H-indol-6-ol 6-METHOXY-2,3-PYRIDINEDIAMINE HCl 6-methoxypyridine-2,3-diamine dihydrochloride. 6-NITRO-2,5-PYRIDINEDIAMINE 6-NITRO-o-TOLUIDINE 2,5-diamino-6-nitro-pyridine 6-nitro-o-toluidine. 94166-628 69825-838 570-24-1 7-ETHYLBICYCLOOXAZOLIDINE 7a-ethyldihydro-1H,3H,5H-oxazolo[3,4c]oxazole. 7747-35-5 ACETAMIDE MEA N-2-hydroxyethylacetamide. 142-26-7 ACETAMIDOETHOXY BUTYL TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Butanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-4-(2acetamidoethoxy), chloride 22137578-6 conservante agente antistatico / umettante agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per capelli ACETAMIDOPROPYL TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE ACETAMINOPHEN 3-(acetylamino)-N,N,N-trimethyl-1 propanaminium chloride Acetamide, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- 12377656- 7 103-90-2 agente antistatico agente stabilizzante ACETAMINOSALOL ACETANILID ACETONE Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 4(acetylamino)phenyl ester Acetanilide. Acetone. 118-57-0 103-84-4 67-64-1 antimicrobico agente stabilizzante denaturante / solvente ACETYL HEXAMETHYL INDAN 1,1,2,3,3,6-hexamethylindan-5-yl methyl ketone. 15323-350 fragranza Pagina 9 di 186 84540-501 30007-477 2835-98-5 17672-229 antimicrobico / colorante per capelli conservante colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ACETYL HEXAMETHYL TETRALIN 1 -(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-3,5,5,6,8,8-hexamethyl2-naphthyl)ethan-1-one. ACETYLATED GLYCOL STEARATE 2-acetoxyethyl stearate. ACETYLATED HYDROGENATED LANOLIN Lanolin, hydrogenated, acetylated. 22613-510 91053-41 7 emolliente ACETYLATED HYDROGENATED LARD GLYCERIDE Glycerides, lard mono-, hydrogenated, acetates. 93572-317 ACETYLATED HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLYCERIDE Glycerides, tallow mono-, hydrogenated, acetates. 68990-589 ACETYLATED HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLYCERIDES Glycerides, tallow mono-, di- and tri-, hydrogenated, acetates. 91723-329 ACETYLATED LANOLIN Lanolin, acetate. 61788-485 ACETYLATED LANOLIN ALCOHOL Acetic acid, esters with lanolin alcs.. 61788-496 ACETYLATED LANOLIN RICINOLEATE 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, (9Z, 12R)-, esters with lanolin alcohols, acetates ACETYLATED LARD GLYCERIDE Glycerides, lard mono-, acetates. ACETYLMETHIONYL METHYLSILANOL ELASTINATE Elastin, reaction products with N-acetylL-methionine and methylsilanetriol 22720023-9 emolliente agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli ACID BLACK 1 Disodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-(4nitrophenylazo)-6-(phenylazo)naphthalene2,7-disulphonate (CI 20470) 1064-48-8 colorante per capelli ACID BLACK 52 Chromium, 3-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1naphthalenesulphonic acid complex (CI 15711). 5610-64-0 colorante per capelli ACID BLUE 1 Hydrogen [4-[4(diethylamino)-2',4'disulphonatobenzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene]diethylammonium, sodium salt (CI 42045). 129-17-9 colorante per capelli ACID BLUE 3 Bis[hydrogen [4-[4(diethylamino)-5'-hydroxy-2',4'disulphonatobenzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene]diethylammonium], calcium salt (CI 42051). 3536-49-0 colorante per capelli ACID BLUE 62 Sodium 1-amino-4-(cyclohexylamino)9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxoanthracene-2sulphonate (CI 62045). 4368-56-3 colorante per capelli ACID BLUE 74 Disodium 5,5'-(2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-2Hindazol-2-ylidene)-1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3one)disulphonate (CI 73015). 860-22-0 colorante per capelli ACID BLUE 9 Dihydrogen (ethyl)[4-[4-[ethyl(3sulphonatobenzyl)]amino]-2'sulphonatobenzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene](3sulphonatobenzyl)ammonium, disodium salt (CI 42090). 3844-45-9 colorante per capelli ACID BROWN 13 Disodium 3,3'-[sulphonylbis[(2-nitro-pphenylene)imino]]bis[6anilinobenzenesulphonate] (CI 10410). 6373-79-1 colorante per capelli Pagina 10 di 186 1506-02-1 22699578-4 68990-556 fragranza emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente emolliente / emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante agente antistatico / emolliente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ACID GREEN 1 Trisodium tris[5,6-dihydro-5-(hydroxyimino)-6oxonaphthalene-2-sulphonato(2-)N5,O6]ferrate(3-) (CI 10020). 19381 -501 colorante per capelli ACID GREEN 25 Disodium 2,2'-(9,10-dioxoanthracene-1,4diyldiimino)bis(5-methylsulphonate) (CI 61570). 4403-90-1 colorante per capelli ACID GREEN 50 Hydrogen [4-[4-(dimethylamino).alpha.-(2-hydroxy-3,6-disulphonato-1 naphthyl)benzylidene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1 ylidene]dimethylammonium, monosodium salt (CI 44090). 3087-16-9 colorante per capelli ACID ORANGE 24 Sodium 4-[[3-[(dimethylphenyl)azo]-2,4dihydroxyphenyl]azo]benzenesulphonate (CI 20170). 1320-07-6 colorante per capelli ACID ORANGE 3 Sodium 2-anilino-5-(2,4dinitroanilino)benzenesulphonate (CI 10385). 6373-74-6 colorante per capelli ACID ORANGE 6 Sodium 4-(2,4dihydroxyphenylazo)benzenesulphonate (CI 14270). 547-57-9 colorante per capelli ACID ORANGE 7 Sodium 4-[(2-hydroxy-1naphthyl)azo]benzenesulphonate (CI 15510). 633-96-5 colorante per capelli ACID RED 14 Disodium 4-hydroxy-3-[(4sulphonatonaphthyl)azo]naphthalenesulphon ate (CI 14720). 3567-69-9 colorante per capelli ACID RED 14 ALUMINUM LAKE 1-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-[(4sulfo-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-, aluminium complex (CI 14720:1) 84238-073 colorante per capelli ACID RED 18 Trisodium 1 -(1 -naphthylazo)-2hydroxynaphthalene-4',6,8-trisulphonate (CI 16255). 2611-82-7 colorante per capelli ACID RED 18 ALUMINUM LAKE Aluminium, 7-hydroxy-8-[(4-sulfo-1naphthalenyl)azo]-1,3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid complex (CI 16255:1 ) 12227-644 colorante per capelli ACID RED 195 Chromium, 4-[(4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1phenyl-1 H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-3hydroxynaphthalene-1 -sulphonic acid complex ACID RED 27 Trisodium 3-hydroxy-4-(4'sulphonatonaphthylazo)naphthalene-2,7disulphonate (CI 16185)). 915-67-3 colorante per capelli ACID RED 33 Disodium 5-amino-4-hydroxy-3(phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulphonate (CI 17200). 3567-66-6 colorante per capelli ACID RED 35 Disodium 5-(acetylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-[(otolyl)azo]naphthalene-2,7-disulphonate (CI 18065). 6441 -93-6 colorante per capelli ACID RED 51 Disodium 2-(2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-6-oxido-3oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate (CI 45430). 16423-680 colorante per capelli ACID RED 52 Hydrogen 3,6-bis(diethylamino)-9-(2,4disulphonatophenyl)xanthylium, sodium salt (CI 45100). 3520-42-1 colorante per capelli ACID RED 73 1,3-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 7-hydroxy-8[[4-(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-, disodium salt (CI 27290) 5413-75-2 colorante per capelli ACID RED 87 Disodium 2-(2,4,5,7-tetrabromo-6-oxido-3oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate (CI 45380). 17372-871 colorante per capelli Pagina 11 di 186 colorante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ACID RED 92 3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-2-(1,4,5,8-tetrabromo-6hydroxy-3-oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoic acid (CI 45410). 18472-872 colorante per capelli ACID RED 95 Disodium 2-(4,5-diiodo-6-oxido-3oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate (CI 45425). 33239-199 colorante per capelli ACID VIOLET 43 Sodium 4-[(9,10-dihydro-4-hydroxy-9,10dioxo-1-anthryl)amino]toluene-3-sulphonate (CI 60730). 4430-18-6 colorante per capelli ACID VIOLET 9 Hydrogen 9-(2-carboxylatophenyl)-3-(2methylanilino)-6-(2-methyl-4sulphoanilino)xanthylium, monosodium salt (CI 45190). 6252-76-2 colorante per capelli ACID YELLOW 1 Disodium 5,7-dinitro-8-oxidonaphthalene-2sulphonate (CI 10316). 846-70-8 colorante per capelli ACID YELLOW 23 Trisodium 5-hydroxy-1 -(4sulphophenyl)-4-(4sulphophenylazo)pyrazole-3-carboxylate (CI 19140). 1934-21-0 colorante per capelli ACID YELLOW 3 1H-Indene-1,3(2H)-dione, 2-(2-quinolinyl)-, sulfonated, sodium salts. 95193-832 colorante per capelli ACID YELLOW 73 SODIUM SALT Disodium 2-(3-oxo-6-oxidoxanthen-9yl)benzoate (CI 45350). 518-47-8 colorante per capelli ACRYLAMIDE/SODIUM ACRYLATE COPOLYMER 2-propenoic acid, sodium salt, polymer with 2propenamide 25085-023 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno ACRYLAMIDES COPOLYMER 2-propenamide, polymer with 2butenamide and/or alkylpropenamide agente antistatico / agente filmogeno ACRYLAMIDES/ACRYLATES/DMAPA/METH OXY PEG METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno ACRYLAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE/ACRYLATES COPOLYMER Propenamidopropyltrimethylammonium chloride, polymer with propenoic acid, butenoic acid, and/or alkyl propenoates ACRYLATES COPOLYMER 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, polymer with ethyl 2-propenoate and methyl 2-methyl-2propenoate ACRYLATES/ACETOACETOXYETHYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno 25133-975 agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno agente filmogeno ACRYLATES/ACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER Propenamide, polymer with propenoic acid, butenoic acid, and/or alkyl propenoates agente filmogeno ACRYLATES/AMMONIUM METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER Ammonium butenoate, polymer with propenoic acid, butenoic acid, and/or alkyl propenoates agente antistatico / agente filmogeno ACRYLATES/C10-30 ALKYL ACRYLATE CROSSPOLYMER C10-C30 alkyl propenoate, polymer with propenoic acid, butenoic acidand/or alkyl propenoates, product with propenyl sucrose ether or propenyl 2,2-dihydroxymethyl-1,3propanediol ACRYLATES/CARBAMATE COPOLYMER ACRYLATES/CETETH-20 ITACONATE COPOLYMER Copolymer formed from the half ester of methylenebutanedioic acid and poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl),, and one or more monomers of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters Pagina 12 di 186 agente filmogeno condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI ACRYLATES/CETETH-20 METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Copolymer formed from the half ester of methacrylic acid and po ly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl),, and one or more monomers of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters modificatore reologico ACRYLATES/DIACETONEACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico ACRYLATES/DIMETHICONE COPOLYMER Polydimethylsiloxane, copolymer with one or more monomers of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters modificatore reologico / legante / agente filmogeno ACRYLATES/DIMETHYLAMINOETHYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER Copolymer formed from the ester of methacrylic acid and dimethylaminoethanol and one or more monomers consisting of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters legante / agente filmogeno ACRYLATES/ETHYLH EXYL ACRYLATE COPOLYMER Copolymer formed from ethylhexyl acrylate, and one or more monomers of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters agente filmogeno ACRYLATES/ETHYLH EXYLACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, polymer with 2propenoic acid and N-(2-ethylhexyl)-2propenamide agente filmogeno ACRYLATES/PVP COPOLYMER 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, polymer with 1ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone and ethyl 2-methyl-2propenoate ACRYLATES/STEARETH-20 ITACONATE COPOLYMER Copolymer formed from the half ester of methylenebutanedioic acid and poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl),, and one or more monomers of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters modificatore reologico ACRYLATES/STEARETH-20 METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER Stearyl alcohol, product with oxirane, butenoate ester, polymer with propenoic acid, butenoic acid, and/or alkyl propenoates modificatore reologico 26589-264 ACRYLATES/STEARETH-50 ACRYLATE COPOLYMER agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico 25067-021 ACRYLATES/VA COPOLYMER ACRYLATES/VA CROSSPOLYMER ACRYLATES/VINYL ISODECANOATE CROSSPOLYMER agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico agente filmogeno agente filmogeno / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico ACRYLIC ACID/ACRYLONITROGENS COPOLYMER 2-Propenenitrile, homopolymer, hydrolyzed 61788-407 agente filmogeno ADEPS BOVIS Tallow. An animal fat. Contains primarily glycerides of C16-18 fatty acids. 61789-977 emolliente ADEPS SUILLUS Lard. The purified internal fat of the hog. It consists primarily of stearin, palmitin and olein. 61789-999 emolliente ADIPIC ACID/DIETHYLENE GLYCOL/GLYCERIN CROSSPOLYMER Hexanedioic acid, polyester with 2,2'oxybisethanol and 1,2,3-propanetriol 26760-543 agente filmogeno ADIPIC ACID/DIETHYLENETRIAMINE COPOLYMER Hexanedioic acid, polyamide with N-(2aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine 25085-205 agente filmogeno ADIPIC ACID/DIMETHYLAMINO HYDROXYPROPYL DIETHYLENETRIAMINE COPOLYMER Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 1-(bis(2aminoethyl)amino)-3-(dimethylamino)-2propanol 133184-01 -7 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno Pagina 13 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI ADIPIC ACID/EPOXYPROPYL DIETHYLENETRIAMINE COPOLYMER ADIPIC ACID/ISOPHTHALIC ACID/NEOPENTYL GLYCOL/TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE COPOLYMER Hexanedioic acid, polymer with chloromethyloxirane and N-(2-aminoethyl)1,2-ethanediamine Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 25212-195 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno 25950-349 agente filmogeno ADIPIC ACID/ISOPHTHALIC ACID/NEOPENTYL GLYCOL/TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE COPOLYMER 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, 2-ethyl-2(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol and hexanedioic acid 25950-349 agente filmogeno ADIPIC ACID/NEOPENTYL GLYCOL/TRIMELLITIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMER Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 1,3dihydro-1,3-dioxo-5-isobenzofurancarboxylic acid and 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol 28407-730 agente filmogeno ALCLOXA Aluminum, chloro[(2,5-dioxo-4imidazolidinyl)ureato]tetrahydroxydi- 1317-25-5 antimicrobico / astringente ALDIOXA Aluminum, [(2,5-dioxo-4imidazolidinyl)ureato]dihydroxy- antimicrobico 5579-81 -7 / astringente ALLANTOIN PABA Urea, (2,5-dioxo-4-imidazolydinyl)-, compound with 4-aminobenzoic acid (1:1) 4207-42-5 ALLYL METHACRYLATES CROSSPOLYMER 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 1,2-ethenediyl ester, polymer with 2-propenyl 2-methyl-2propenoate ALLYL STEARATE/VA COPOLYMER Propenyl stearate, polymer with ethenyl acetate ALMOND OIL PEG-6 ESTERS Oils, almond, ethoxylated, 6 mol EO 12404650-0 emolliente ALMONDAMIDE DEA Almond amides, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- 12404618-0 surfactante ALMONDAMIDOPROPALKONIUM CHLORIDE Almond alkyl amidopropyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride 12404603-3 agente antistatico ALMONDAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Amides, almond, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]- 16558699-2 ALMONDAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE ALUMINUM ACETATE Amides, almond, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-, N-oxide Acetic acid, aluminum salt (3:1 ) 12404620-4 139-12-8 ALUMINUM BEHENATE ALUMINUM BENZOATE Aluminium tridocosanoate. Aluminium tribenzoate. 18990-722 555-32-8 ALUMINUM BROMOHYDRATE ALUMINUM BUTOXIDE Dialuminium bromide pentahydroxide. 2-Butanol, aluminium salt 39431-986 2269-22-9 ALUMINUM CAPRYLATE Aluminium trioctanoate. 6028-57-5 ALUMINUM CAPRYLOYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Hydrolyzed collagen, product with caprylic acid, aluminum salt ALUMINUM CHLORIDE Aluminium chloride. 7446-70-0 ALUMINUM CHLOROHYDRATE Dialuminium chloride pentahydroxide. 12042-910 Pagina 14 di 186 18221241-5 56266-376 16580056-6 filtro UV agente stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico agente filmogeno agente antistatico surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente antimicrobico opacizzante / modificatore reologico antimicrobico antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente agente stabilizzante agente stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ALUMINUM CHLOROHYDREX PEG Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, reaction products with aluminium chloride hydroxide (Al2Cl(OH)5) 24281276-6 antitraspirante / astringente ALUMINUM CHLOROHYDREX PG 1,2-Propanediol, reaction products with aluminium chloride hydroxide (Al2Cl(OH)5) 24509052-2 ALUMINUM CITRATE ALUMINUM DIACETATE 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, aluminium salt (1:1) Bis(acetato-O)hydroxyaluminium. 813-92-3 142-03-0 antitraspirante / astringente antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente antimicrobico ALUMINUM DICETYL PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, bis(hexadecyl)ester, aluminium salt 26527-548 ALUMINUM DICHLOROHYDRATE Aluminum hydroxide chloride (Al2(OH)4Cl2) ALUMINUM DICHLOROHYDRATE Aluminum hydroxide chloride (Al:Cl 1:1) 10284-647 stabilizzante emulsione antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente ALUMINUM DICHLOROHYDREX PEG Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, reaction products with aluminium chloride hydroxide (AlCl(OH)2) 24281279-9 antitraspirante / astringente ALUMINUM DICHLOROHYDREX PG 1,2-Propanediol, reaction products with aluminium chloride hydroxide (AlCl(OH)2) 24509053-3 ALUMINUM DILINOLEATE 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-, dimer, aluminum salt 53202-372 ALUMINUM DIMYRISTATE Hydroxybis(myristato-O)aluminium. 56639-511 ALUMINUM DISTEARATE Hydroxyaluminium distearate. 300-92-5 ALUMINUM FLUORIDE ALUMINUM FORMATE Aluminium fluoride. Aluminium triformate. 7784-18-1 7360-53-4 13682-923 antitraspirante / astringente stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico igiene orale / antiplacca antimicrobico ALUMINUM GLYCINATE Dihydroxyaluminium glycinate. ALUMINUM HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLUTAMATE L-Glutamic acid, N-(hydrogenated tallowacyl) derivatives, aluminium salts ALUMINUM ISOSTEARATE Isostearic acid, aluminum salt ALUMINUM ISOSTEARATES/ STEARATES Isostearic acid, stearic acid, mixture, aluminum salt ALUMINUM ISOSTEARATES/LAURATES/ PALMITATES Isostearic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, mixture, aluminum salt ALUMINUM ISOSTEARATES/LAURATES/ STEARATES Isostearic, lauric, stearic acids mixture, aluminum salt ALUMINUM ISOSTEARATES/MYRISTATES Isostearic acid, myristic acid, mixture, aluminum salt ALUMINUM ISOSTEARATES/PALMITATES ALUMINUM LACTATE Isostearic acid, palmitic acid, mixture, aluminum salt Aluminium trilactate. Pagina 15 di 186 72277-759 18917-91- agente tampone surfactante stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico agente stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico agente stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico agente tampone / AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ALUMINUM LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, aluminum salts. 4 85005-396 ALUMINUM METHIONATE Tris[.mu.-[methanedisulphonato(2)]]dialuminium. 52667-159 ALUMINUM MYRISTATE Tetradecanoic acid, aluminium salt 4040-50-0 ALUMINUM MYRISTATES/PALMITATES Myristic, palmitic acids, mixture, aluminum salt ALUMINUM PCA Tris(5-oxo-L-prolinato-N1,O2)aluminium. 59792-81 astringente 3261-93 ALUMINUM PHENOLSULFONATE Aluminium tris(hydroxybenzenesulphonate). 1300-35-2 ALUMINUM SESQUICHLOROHYDRATE Aluminum chloride hydroxide (Al4Cl3(OH)9) 11089-922 antimicrobico / deodorante antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente ALUMINUM SESQUICHLOROHYDREX PEG Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, reaction products with aluminium chloride hydroxide (Al2Cl1.5(OH)4.5) 24281286-8 antitraspirante / astringente ALUMINUM SESQUICHLOROHYDREX PG 1,2-Propanediol, reaction products with aluminium chloride hydroxide (Al2Cl1.5(OH)4.5) 24509060-2 ALUMINUM STARCH OCTENYLSUCCINATE Starch, hydrogen octenylbutanedionate, aluminum salt antitraspirante / astringente assorbente / modificatore reologico / modificatore 9087-61 -0 reologico ALUMINUM STEARATE Dihydroxyaluminium stearate. 7047-84-9 ALUMINUM STEARATES Aluminum distearate and aluminum tristearate ALUMINUM SULFATE Aluminium sulphate. ALUMINUM TRISTEARATE Aluminium tristearate. 637-127211-27 ALUMINUM UNDECYLENOYL COLLAGEN AMINOACIDS Collagens, hydrolyzates, reaction products with undecenoyl chloride, aluminum salts 16226009-5 ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM OCTACHLOROHYDRATE Octaaluminium zirconium octachloride icosahydroxide. ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM OCTACHLOROHYDREX GLY Complex reaction product obtained from the reaction of aluminium zirconium octachlorohydrate (Al8Zr(OH)20Cl8.xH2O) and glycine ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM PENTACHLOROHYDRATE Octaaluminium zirconium pentachloride tricosahydroxide. ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM PENTACHLOROHYDREX GLY Complex reaction product obtained from the reaction of aluminium zirconium pentachlorohydrate (Al8Zr(OH)23Cl5.xH2O) and glycine ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLOROHYDRATE Tetraaluminium zirconium tetrachloride dodecahydroxide. Pagina 16 di 186 10043-013 98106-559 17451458-0 98106-548 12591322-6 98106-526 astringente emulsionante / surfactante modificatore reologico modificatore reologico / stabilizzante emulsione agente stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico colorante / modificatore reologico emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico antitraspirante / deodorante emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLOROHYDREX GLY Complex reaction products obtained from the reaction of aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrate (Al8Zr(OH)12Cl4.xH2O) and glycine 13491086-4 antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLOROHYDREX PEG Zirconium, chloro hydroxy polyethylene glycol, aluminium complexes. Co-ordination complex prepared from the reaction of aluminium zirconium chloride hydroxide (Al4ZrCl4(OH)12) and polyethylene glycol 24686710- 7 deodorante ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLOROHYDREX PG Aluminium zirconium chloride hydroxide, Al4ZrCl4(OH)12, reaction products with propylene glycol 23543335-9 ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TRICHLOROHYDRATE Tetraaluminium zirconium trichloride tridecahydroxide. ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TRICHLOROHYDREX GLY Complex reaction product obtained from the reaction of aluminium zirconium trichlorohydrate (Al8Zr(OH)13Cl3.xH2O) with glycine ALUMINUM/MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE STEARATE Aluminum magnesium hydroxide and stearic acid AMINO BISPROPYL DIMETHICONE AMINOETHANESULFINIC ACID AMINOETHYL PROPANEDIOL AMINOETHYL SULFATE 98106-537 deodorante antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente 13437599-8 antitraspirante / deodorante / astringente 1,1 '-iminobis(3(tris(trimethylsiloxy)silyl)propane Ethanesulfinic acid, 2-amino2-amino-2-ethylpropanediol. 2-aminoethyl hydrogen sulphate. 24384222-0 300-84-5 115-70-8 926-39-6 stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante / condizionante per capelli agente riducente agente tampone surfactante AMINOETHYLACRYLATE PHOSPHATE/ACRYLATES COPOLYMER AMINOMETHYL PROPANEDIOL AMINOMETHYL PROPANOL 2-propenoic acid, 2-aminoethyl ester, polymer with 1,2-propanediol mono-2propenoate, phosphate (salt) 2-amino-2-methylpropane-1,3-diol. 2-amino-2-methylpropanol. 57450-972 115-69-5 124-68-5 AMINOPROPYL LAURYLGLUTAMINE L-Glutamine, N2-(3-aminopropyl)- N2dodecyl- AMINOTRIAZINE PENTANE CARBOXAMIDE MIPA AMINOTRIMETHYLENE PHOSPHONIC ACID 22138916-8 5-(2-Amino-1,3,5-triazin-4-yl)pentanamide, reaction products with 2hydroxypropylamine Nitrilotrimethylenetris(phosphonic acid). condizionante per la pelle 6419-19-8 AMMONIUM ACRYLATES COPOLYMER AMMONIUM ACRYLATES/ACRYLONITROGENS COPOLYMER AMMONIUM ALUM 2-Propenenitrile, hydrolyzed, ammonium salts Aluminium ammonium bis(sulphate). 7784-25-0 AMMONIUM C12-15 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-15-alkyl esters, ammonium salts. 68815-612 AMMONIUM C12-15 PARETH SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, C12-15-alkyl ethers (1-4 mol EO average molar ratio) AMMONIUM C12-16 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-16-alkyl esters, ammonium salts. AMMONIUM C9-10 PERFLUOROALKYLSULFONATE C9-C10 alkanes, perfluoro-, sulfonic acid, ammonium salts AMMONIUM CAPRYLETH SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ammonium salt (1-4 mol EO average molar ratio) Pagina 17 di 186 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno agente tampone agente tampone agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli 12530189-5 90583-123 chelante agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico antitraspirante surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante /agente schiumogeno / detergente surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante 52286-187 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 AMMONIUM CAPRYLETH-3 SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ammonium salt (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 52286-187 AMMONIUM COCOMONOGLYCERIDE SULFATE Glycerides, coco mono-, sulfated, ammonium salts 61789-035 AMMONIUM COCO-SULFATE Sulfuric acid, coco alkyl mono-ester, ammonium salt AMMONIUM CUMENESULFONATE Ammonium cumenesulphonate. 90989-983 37475-880 AMMONIUM DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL SULFATE Dimethylsiloxane, polymer, mono((15hydroxy-1,3-dimethyl-1-(3-(2-(2-(2(sulfooxy)ethoxy)ethoxy)ethoxy)propyl)-3((trimethylsilyl)oxy)-2,7,10,13-tetraoxa-1,3disilapentadec-1-yl)oxy)-terminated, ammonium salts. AMMONIUM DODECYLBENZENESULFONATE Ammonium dodecylbenzenesulphonate. AMMONIUM FLUORIDE Ammonium fluoride. AMMONIUM FLUOROSILICATE Ammonium hexafluorosilicate. AMMONIUM ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, ammonium salt AMMONIUM LAURETH SULFATE Dodecan-1-ol, ethoxylated, sulfates, ammonium salts, 1-4 mol EO (average molar ratio) 32612-489 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente AMMONIUM LAURETH-12 SULFATE Dodecan-1-ol, ethoxylated, sulfates, ammonium salts, 12 mol EO (average molar ratio) 32612-489 surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno AMMONIUM LAURETH-5 SULFATE Dodecan-1-ol, ethoxylated, sulfates, ammonium salts, 5 mol EO (average molar ratio) 32612-489 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente AMMONIUM LAURETH-6 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (carboxymethyl)-. omega. -(dodecyloxy)-, ammonium salt (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 41051-949 surfactante / detergente AMMONIUM LAURETH-7 SULFATE Dodecan-1-ol, ethoxylated, sulfates, ammonium salts, 7 mol EO (average molar ratio) 32612-489 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente AMMONIUM LAURETH-8 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),.alpha.(carboxymethyl), ammonium salt (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 41051-949 surfactante / detergente AMMONIUM LAURETH-9 SULFATE Dodecan-1-ol, ethoxylated, sulfates, ammonium salts, 9 mol EO (average molar ratio) 32612-489 AMMONIUM LAURYL SULFATE Ammonium dodecyl sulphate. 2235-54-3 AMMONIUM MYRETH SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ammonium salt 27731-619 AMMONIUM MYRISTYL SULFATE Ammonium tetradecyl sulphate. 52304-219 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente AMMONIUM NONOXYNOL-30 SULFATE 4-Nonylphenol, ethoxylated, sulfates, ammonium salts, 30 mol EO (average molar ratio) 31691-971 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente Pagina 18 di 186 13038111-2 1331-61-9 12125-018 16919-190 19188049-6 surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente surfactante / agente idrofilo surfactante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente igiene orale / antiplacca igiene orale / antiplacca emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 AMMONIUM NONOXYNOL-4 SULFATE 4-Nonylphenol, ethoxylated, sulfates, ammonium salts, 4 mol EO (average molar ratio) AMMONIUM PALM KERNEL SULFATE Alcohols, palm kernel-oil, mono-ester with sulfuric acid, ammonium salt 22370548-4 AMMONIUM PHENOLSULFONATE Ammonium hydroxybenzenesulphonate. 61886-531 AMMONIUM POLYACRYLATE 2-propenoic acid, homopolymer, ammonium salt AMMONIUM POLYACRYLDIMETHYLTAURAMIDE 1-Propanesulfonic acid, 2-methyl-2-[(1-oxo-2propenyl)amino]-, monoammonium salt, homopolymer 31691-971 2594383 62152-141 AMMONIUM STYRENE/ACRYLATES COPOLYMER AMMONIUM VA/ ACRYLATES COPOLYMER AMMONIUM XYLENESULFONATE Ammonium xylenesulphonate. AMNIOTIC FLUID Naturally occuring substances - bovine amniotic fluid AMODIMETHICONE Dimethylsiloxane, polymer, (((3-((2aminoethyl)amino)propyl)dimethoxysilyl)oxy)-terminated AMODIMETHICONE HYDROXYSTEARATE 3-(2-Aminoethylamino)propylsiloxane, polymer with dimethylsiloxane, 12hydroxyoctadecanoates AMODIMETHICONE/DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL AMP-ACRYLATES COPOLYMER 26447-109 71750-806 antimicrobico / deodorante surfactante / agente stabilizzante agente stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico opacizzante agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno surfactante / modificatore reologico / agente idrofilo idratante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli condizionante per capelli 3-(2-Aminoethylamino)propylsiloxane, polymer with dimethylsiloxane, ethoxylated, propoxylated agente antistatico / emolliente agente filmogeno AMP-ACRYLATES/DIACETONE ACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER AMP-ACRYLATES/DIMETHYLAMINOETHYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno agente filmogeno Copolymer of dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate and a 2-methyl-2-amino-1propanol salt of a monomer consisting of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or one of their simple esters agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli AMPD-ACRYLATES/DIACETONE ACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno AMPD-ISOSTEAROYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Collagen, hydrolyzates, isostearoyl, compounds with 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3propanediol 16959082-3 emulsionante AMPD-ROSIN HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Collagens, hydrolyzates, resin acyl, compounds with 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3propanediol 16959084-5 emulsionante AMP-ISOSTEAROYL GELATIN/KERATIN AMINOACIDS/ LYSINE HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Gelatins, polymers with keratin hydrolyzates and L-lysine, 2-hydroxy-N,N,N- trimethyl-1propanaminium chloride, reaction products with isostearoyl chloride, compounds with 2amino-2-methyl-1-propanol 15671541-2 AMP-ISOSTEAROYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Collagen, hydrolyzates, isostearoyl, compounds with 2-amino-2-methyl-1 propanol 22240036-4 Pagina 19 di 186 surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / emolliente / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 AMP-ISOSTEAROYL HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN Protein hydrolyzates, soya, reaction products with isostearoyl chloride, compounds with 2amino-2-methyl-1 -propanol 15671545-6 AMP-ISOSTEAROYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN Protein hydrolyzates, wheat, isostearoyl-, compounds with 2-amino-2-methyl-1 propanol 22240035-3 AORTA EXTRACT Aorta Extract is an extract derived from animal aorta 22523442-4 APRICOT KERNEL OIL PEG-6 ESTERS Fats and glyceridic oils, apricot kernel, ethoxylated, 6 mol EO (average molar ratio) APRICOTAMIDE DEA Amides, apricot kernel oil, N,N-bis(2hydroxyethyl)- 1-propanaminium, 3-amino-N-ethyl-N,NAPRICOTAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM dimethyl-, N-apricot-oil-acyl derivs.,ethyl ETHOSULFATE sulfates emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle 18512336-8 condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno 11534078-8 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 69071-701 ARACHIDETH-20 Eicosanol, ethoxylated, 20 mol EO (average molar ratio) ARACHIDYL GLYCOL Icosane-1,2-diol. ARACHIDYL GLYCOL ISOSTEARATE 1,2-eicosanediol, 1-isostearoyl- 17239914-3 emolliente ARTEMIA EXTRACT Artemia Extract is an extract of the brine shrimp (Artemia salina) 22523440-2 condizionante per la pelle ASCORBYL METHYLSILANOL PECTINATE ascorbic acid, polymer with pectin and methylsilanol ASPARTAME 3-Amino-N-(1-carboxy-2-phenylethyl) succinamic acid, N-methyl ester AVOCADAMIDE DEA Avocado amides, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- 12404621-5 fragranza emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno AVOCADAMIDOPROPALKONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-Nphenylmethyl-3-[(1-oxoavocado)amino]-, chloride 12404604-4 agente antistatico AVOCADAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Amides, avocado oil, N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl] 22699425-8 agente antistatico AVOCADO OIL PEG-11 ESTERS Oils, avocado, ethoxylated, 11 mol EO (average molar ratio) 10381944-9 emolliente AZELAMIDE MEA Nonanoic acid, 9-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9oxo-, 24213261-2 surfactante / schiumogeno / modificatore reologico BABASSUAMIDE DEA Babassu amides, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- 12404624-8 surfactante / schiumogeno BABASSUAMIDOPROPALKONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-Nphenylmethyl-3-[(1-oxobabassu)amino]-, chloride 12404605-5 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli BABASSUAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Amides, babassu oil, N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]- 22370787-8 BABASSUAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Propane, 1-dimethylamino-3-[(1oxobabassu)amino]-, N-oxide 12404626-0 BAKUCHIOL Phenol, 4-(3-ethenyl-3,7-dimethyl-1,6octadienyl)-, (E)- 17015-600 antimicrobico BASIC BLUE 26 [4-[[4-anilino-1 -naphthyl][4(dimethylamino)phenyl]methylene]cyclohexa2,5-dien-1-ylidene]dimethylammonium chloride (CI 44045). 2580-56-5 colorante per capelli Pagina 20 di 186 26636-395 39825-939 surfactante umettante antiossidante / modificatore reologico 22839-470 agente antistatico surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI BASIC BLUE 3 3,7-Bis(diethylamino)phenoxazin-5-ium chloride 33203-826 colorante per capelli BASIC BLUE 41 2-[[4-[ethyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]phenyl]azo]6-methoxy-3-methylbenzothiazolium methyl sulphate (CI 11154). 12270-132 colorante per capelli BASIC BLUE 47 9,10-Anthracenedione, 1-amino-4-[[4[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenyl]amino]-, monohydrochloride (CI 61111) 67905-560 colorante per capelli BASIC BLUE 6 9-(dimethylamino)benzo[a]phenoxazin-7-ium chloride (CI 51175). 966-62-1 colorante per capelli BASIC BLUE 7 [4-[4-(diethylamino)-. alpha. -[4-(ethylamino)1-naphthyl]benzylidene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1ylidene]diethylammonium chloride (CI 42595). 2390-60-5 colorante per capelli BASIC BLUE 9 Phenothiazin-5-ium, bis(dimethylamino)-, 61-73-4 colorante per capelli BASIC BLUE 99 3-[(4-amino-6-bromo-5,8-dihydro-1-hydroxy8-imino-5-oxo-2-naphtyl)amino]-N,N,Ntrimethylanilinium chloride (CI 56059). 68123-137 colorante per capelli BASIC BROWN 16 [8-[(p-aminophenyl)azo]-7-hydroxy-2naphthyl]trimethylammonium chloride (CI 12250). 26381 -419247-640 9 colorante per capelli BASIC BROWN 17 [8-[(4-amino-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-7-hydroxy-2naphthyl]trimethylammonium chloride (CI 12251). 71134-979 colorante per capelli BASIC BROWN 4 1,3-Benzenediamine, 4,4'-[(4,4methyl1,3phenylene)bis(azo)]bis[6-methyl- (CI 21010) 4482-25-1 colorante per capelli BASIC GREEN 1 [4-[4-(diethylamino)benzhydrylene]cyclohexa2,5-dien-1-ylidene]diethylammonium hydrogen sulphate (CI 42040). 633-03-4 colorante per capelli BASIC ORANGE 1 1,3-Benzenediamine, 4methyl-6-(phenylazo)-, monohydrochloride (CI 11320) 4438-16-8 colorante per capelli BASIC ORANGE 2 4-Phenylazophenylene-1,3-diamine monohydrochloride (CI 11270) 532-82-1 colorante per capelli BASIC RED 118 2-Naphthalenaminium, 8-[(4-amino-2nitrophenyl)azo]-7-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride (CI 12251:1) 71134-979 colorante per capelli BASIC RED 2 3,7-diamino-2,8-dimethyl-5phenylphenazinium chloride 477-73-6 colorante per capelli BASIC RED 22 5-(4'-dimethylaminophenylazo)-1,4-dimethyltriazolium chloride 12221 -52colorante per capelli 2 BASIC RED 46 1H-1,2,4-triazolium, 1,4-dimethyl-5-[[4[methyl(phenylmethyl)amino]phenyl]azo]-, bromide (CI 110825) 12221-691 BASIC RED 76 [7-hydroxy-8-[(2-methoxyphenyl)azo]-2naphthyl]trimethylammonium chloride (CI 12245). 68391 -300 colorante per capelli BASIC VIOLET 14 (4-(4-aminophenyl)(4-iminocyclohexa-2,5dienylidene)methyl)-2-methylaniline hydrochloride (CI 42510). 632-99-5 colorante per capelli BASIC VIOLET 4 [4-[bis[4-(diethylamino)phenyl]methylene]-2,5cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]diethylammonium chloride (CI 42600) 2390-59-2 colorante per capelli 3,7chloride Pagina 21 di 186 (CI 52015) (CI 50240). colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 BASIC YELLOW 11 2-(2-((2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)amino)vinyl)1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium chloride (CI 48055). 4208-80-4 colorante per capelli BASIC YELLOW 28 2-[[(4methoxyphenyl)methylhydrazono]methyl]1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium methyl sulfate (CI 48054) 54060-923 colorante per capelli BASIC YELLOW 57 BATYL ALCOHOL 3-[(4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1 -phenyl-1 Hpyrazol-4-yl)azo]-N,N,N-trimethylanilinium chloride (CI 12719). 1,2-Propanediol, 3-(octadecyloxy)- 68391-311 544-62-7 colorante per capelli emolliente BATYL ISOSTEARATE Isostearic acid, 3-octadecyloxy-2hydroxypropyl ester 17075420-8 BATYL STEARATE Stearic acid, 2-(octadecyloxy)-3hydroxypropyl ester 13232-263 BEHENALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzyldocosyldimethylammonium chloride. 16841-148 emolliente agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli BEHENAMIDE DEA Docosanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- 70496-398 surfactante / schiumogeno BEHENAMIDE MEA N-(2-hydroxyethyl)docosanamide. 94109-054 surfactante / schiumogeno BEHENAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]docosanamide. 60270-339 BEHENAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE BEHENATE Docosanoic acid, compound with N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]docosamide (1:1) 12580404-8 agente antistatico / emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli BEHENAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compound with N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]docosanamide (1:1) 22144654-4 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli BEHENAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N,Ndimethyl-N-ethyl-3-[(1-oxodocosanyl)amino]-, ethyl sulfate 68797-659 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli BEHENAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-(2,3dihydroxypropyl)-3-[(1-oxodocosanyl)amino]-, chloride 13692010-0 BEHENAMINE OXIDE N,N-dimethyldocosylamine N-oxide. 26483-352 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente BEHENETH-10 Docosanol, ethoxylated, 10 mol EO (average molar ratio) 26636-408 emulsionante BEHENETH-20 Docosanol, ethoxylated, 20 mol EO (average molar ratio) 26636-408 emulsionante BEHENETH-25 Docosanol, ethoxylated, 25 mol EO (average molar ratio) 26636-408 emulsionante BEHENETH-30 Docosanol, ethoxylated, 30 mol EO (average molar ratio) 26636-408 emulsionante BEHENETH-5 Docosanol, ethoxylated, 5 mol EO (average molar ratio) 26636-408 emulsionante BEHENOXY DIMETHICONE Poly(oxy (dimethylsilylene)),. alpha. -docosyl-. omega. -(docosyloxy)- BEHENOYL PG-TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 2-hydroxy-3-[(1oxodocosyl)oxy]propyltrimethylammonium chloride. 69537-388 BEHENTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Docosyltrimethylammonium chloride. 17301-530 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli conservante / condizionante per capelli BEHENTRIMONIUM METHOSULFATE Docosyltrimethylammonium methyl sulphate. 81646-131 agente antistatico / surfactante / Pagina 22 di 186 19389243-2 emolliente emolliente AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI condizionante per capelli BEHENYL ISOSTEARATE Isostearic acid, docosyl ester 18149625-3 BEHENYL/ISOSTEARYL BEESWAX BENZALDEHYDE Fatty acids, beeswax, esters with docosanol and 16-methylheptadecanol Benzaldehyde. 23543332-6 100-52-7 emolliente emolliente / emulsionante / agente filmogeno solvente BENZALKONIUM BROMIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C8-18-alkyldimethyl, bromides. 91080-294 conservante / agente antistatico BENZALKONIUM CETYL PHOSPHATE Complex mixture of the products formed by the reaction of C8-18alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride with 1-hexadecyl dihydrogenphosphate BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C8-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides. 63449-412 / 8001 54-5 conservante / agente antistatico BENZALKONIUM SACCHARINATE BENZALPHTHALIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, salts with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (1:1). 3-benzylidenephthalide. 68989-015 575-61-1 conservante / agente antistatico filtro UV BENZETHONIUM CHLORIDE BENZISOTHIAZOLINONE Benzenemethanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-[2-[2-[4-(1,1,3,3,tetramethylbutyl)phenoxy]ethoxy]ethyl]-, chloride 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one. 121-54-0 2634-33-5 conservante antimicrobico BENZOIC ACID/PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE/ PENTAERYTHRITOL /NEOPENTYL GLYCOL/PALMITIC ACID COPOLYMER BENZOPHENONE BENZOPHENONE-1 1,3-Isobenzofurandione, polymer with 2,2bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol and 2,2dimethyl-1,3-propanediol, benzoates hexadecanoates Benzophenone. 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone. 68647-392 119-61-9 131-56-6 agente filmogeno filtro UV filtro UV BENZOPHENONE-10 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxy-4'methylbenzophenone 1641-17-4 filtro UV BENZOPHENONE-11 BENZOPHENONE-12 BENZOPHENONE-2 BENZOPHENONE-3 Bis(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methanone and bis(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)methanone 2-Hydroxy-4-octyloxybenzophenone 2,2',4,4'-tetrahydroxy benzophenone. 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone 1341-54-4 1843-05-6 131-55-5 131 -57-7 filtro UV filtro UV filtro UV filtro UV BENZOPHENONE-4 5-Benzoyl-4-hydroxy-2methoxybenzenesulfonic acid 4065-45-6 filtro UV BENZOPHENONE-5 Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-benzoyl-4hydroxy-2-methoxy-, monosodium salt 6628-37-1 filtro UV BENZOPHENONE-6 BENZOPHENONE-7 BENZOPHENONE-8 2,2'-dihydroxy-4,4'-dimethoxybenzophenone. 5-chloro-2-hydroxybenzophenone. 2,2'-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone 131-54-4 85-19-8 131-53-3 filtro UV filtro UV filtro UV BENZOPHENONE-9 BENZOTRIAZOLE BENZOXIQUINE Disodium carbonylbis[4-hydroxy-6methoxybenzenesulphonate]. Benzotriazole. 8-Quinolyl benzoate 76656-365 95-14-7 86-75-9 filtro UV antimicrobico antimicrobico BENZOXONIUM CHLORIDE Benzenemethanaminium, N-dodecyl-N,N-bis (2-hydroxyethyl)-, chloride 19379-909 antimicrobico BENZYL HYALURONATE BENZYL LAURATE Hyaluronic acid, phenylmethyl ester Benzyl laurate. 11174492- 4 140-25-0 condizionante per la pelle / umettante emolliente BENZYL NICOTINATE 3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid, phenylmethyl ester 94-44-0 agente antistatico Pagina 23 di 186 antimicrobico / deodorante 3,3'- AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI BENZYL TRIETHYL AMMONIUM CHLORIDE Benzyltriethylammonium chloride. BENZYLHEMIFORMAL Methanol, (phenylmethoxy)- 56-37-1 14548-608 BENZYLIDENE CAMPHOR SULFONIC ACID Alpha-(2-oxoborn-3-ylidene)toluene-4 sulphonic acid 56039-588 BENZYLIDENECAMPHOR HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN SULFONAMIDE BENZYLPARABEN Collagens, hydrolyzates, [[4-[(4,7,7trimethyl-3-oxobicyclo-[2.2.1 ]-hept-2ylidene)methyl]phenyl]sulphonyl] Benzyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. 22240012-6 94-18-8 BENZYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Collagens, hydrolyzates, N,N,N-trimethylbenzenemethanaminium salts 11308956-8 BERBERINE CHLORIDE Benzo[g]-1,3-benzodioxolo[5,6a]quinolizinium, 5,6-dihydro-9,10dimethoxy-, chloride BHA BHT Tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol. 2,6-di-tert-butyl-P-cresol. BIS-DIGLYCERYL POLYACYLADIPATE-1 Hexanedioic acid, 3-(2,3-dihydroxypropyloxy)2-hydroxypropyl diester, esters from reaction with a mixture of octanoic, decanoic, isooctadecanoic and 12-hydroxyoctadecanoic acids 22272206- 7 BIS-DIGLYCERYL POLYACYLADIPATE-2 Hexanedioic acid, 3-(2,3-dihydroxypropyloxy)2-hydroxypropyl diester, esters from reaction with a mixture of octanoic, decanoic, isooctadecanoic, octadecanoic and 12hydroxyoctadecanoic acids 13095-601 BIS-HYDROXYETHYL BISCETYL MALONAMIDE Propanediamide, N,N'-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)N,N'-bis(hexadecyl)- BIS-HYDROXYETHYL COCOMONIUM NITRATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkylbis (hydroxyethyl)methyl, nitrates (salts) BIS-HYDROXYETHYL DIHYDROXYPROPYL 1-octadecanaminium, bis(2-hydroxyethyl)STEARAMINIUM CHLORIDE (2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-, chloride 633-65-8 25013-165 128-37-0 14959138-8 agente antistatico conservante filtro UV condizionante per capelli / agente protettivo antimicrobico agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli antimicrobico antiossidante antiossidante emolliente emolliente agente protettivo / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli 71487-008 agente antistatico 50744-860 agente antistatico agente antistatico BIS-HYDROXYETHYL RAPESEEDMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, rapeseed alkylbis (hydroxyethyl)methyl, chlorides (salts) 223707-41 -3 BIS-HYDROXYETHYL TALLOWMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydroxyethyl)methyl tallow alkyl, chlorides 67784-774 BISMUTH CITRATE BISMUTH OXYCHLORIDE Bismuth citrate. Bismuth chloride oxide (CI 77163). 813-93-4 7787-59-9 BISMUTH SUBNITRATE Bismuth nitrate, basic. 1304-85-4 agente antistatico agente tampone / chelante colorante assorbente / opacizzante BISPHENYL HEXAMETHICONE Tetrasiloxane, 1,1,1,7,7,7hexamethyl-3,5-diphenyl-3,5bis[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]- 18758-913 antiagente schiumogeno / emolliente BOMBYX EXTRACT Bombyx Extract is an extract obtained from crushed silk worms (Bombyx) 91079-162 condizionante per la pelle BOMBYX LIPIDA Bombyx Lipida are the lipids obtained from crushed silk worms 22699442-9 10043-353 condizionante per la pelle BORIC ACID Boric acid. BORNELONE 3-Penten-2-one, 5-(3,3dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ylidene)- Pagina 24 di 186 119375 antimicrobico filtro UV AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI condizionante per la pelle / opacizzante / assorbente BORON NITRIDE Boron nitride. 10043-115 BRAIN EXTRACT Brain Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian brain 84539-855 agente protettivo BREVOORTIA OIL Brevoortia Oil is the fixed oil obtained from the small North Atlantic fish, menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannis) 8002-50-4 emolliente / solvente BRILLIANT BLACK 1 Tetrasodium 1 -acetamido2-hydroxy-3-(4-((4-sulphonatophenylazo)-7sulphonato-1-naphthylazo))naphthalene-4,6disulphonate (CI 28440). colorante per capelli BROMOCHLOROPHENE BROMOCINNAMAL 2,2'-methylenebis(6-bromo-4-chlorophenol). 2-bromocinnamaldehyde. 2519-30-4 15435-297 5443-49-2 BROMOCRESOL GREEN Phenol, 4,4'-(3H-2,1 -benzoxathiol-3ylidene)bis[2,6-dibromo-3-methyl-,S,S-dioxide 76-60-8 colorante BROMOTHYMOL BLUE Phenol, 4,4'-(3H-2,1 -benzoxathiol-3ylidene)bis[2-bromo-3-methyl-6-(1 methylethyl)-, S,S-dioxide 76-59-5 colorante BUBULUM OIL Bubulum Oil is the fixed oil obtained from the feet of cattle BUMETRIZOLE Phenol, 2-(5-chloro-2Hbenzotriazol-2-yl)-6-(1,1 -dimethylethyl)-4methyl- BUTADIENE/ ACRYLONITRILE COPOLYMER BUTANE 2-propenenitrile, polymer with 1,3-butadiene Butane. BUTETH-3 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 8002-64-0 729335 9003-18-3 106-97-8 conservante fragranza emolliente / solvente filtro UV agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico propellente 10760034-0 surfactante BUTOXY CHITOSAN BUTOXYDIGLYCOL BUTOXYETHANOL BUTOXYETHYL ACETATE Chitosan, butoxylated 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol. 2-butoxyethanol. 2-Butoxyethyl acetate 112-34-5 111-76-2 112-07-2 agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico solvente solvente solvente BUTOXYETHYL NICOTINATE 3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid, 2-butoxyethyl ester 13912-806 condizionante per la pelle BUTOXYNOL-19 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),[4-(1,1 dimethylethyl)phenoxy]-, (18 mol EO average molar ratio) 10490982-2 emulsionante BUTOXYNOL-5 CARBOXYLIC ACID BUTOXYPROPANOL Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),[4-(1,1dimethylethyl)phenoxy]-, (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 1 -butoxypropan-2-ol. 10490982-2 5131-66-8 emulsionante umettante BUTYL ACRYLATE/ HYDROXYETHYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-hydroxyethyl ester, polymer with butyl 2-propenoate 30600-432 agente filmogeno 25767-479 agente filmogeno 2-Propenoic acid, butyl ester, polymer with BUTYL ACRYLATE/STYRENE COPOLYMER ethenylbenzene BUTYL BENZOIC ACID/ PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE/ TRIMETHYLOLETHANE COPOLYMER 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)benzoic acid, polymer with 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic anhydride and 2-methyl-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3propanediol 68814-197 BUTYL ESTER OF ETHYLENE/MA COPOLYMER 2,5-Furandione, polymer with ethene, butylated 68954-392 Pagina 25 di 186 agente filmogeno agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI with Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 BUTYL ESTER OF PVM/MA COPOLYMER 2-butenedioic acid (Z)-, polymer methoxyethene, monobutyl ester 25119-680 94109-076 97-88-1 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno BUTYL ISOSTEARATE BUTYL METHACRYLATE Butyl 16-methylheptadecanoate. Butyl methacrylate. BUTYL METHOXYDIBENZOYL METHANE BUTYL PHTHALYL BUTYL GLYCOLATE 1 -[4-(1,1 -dimethylethyl)phenyl]-3-(4methoxyphenyl)propane-1,3-dione. Butoxycarbonylmethyl butyl phthalate. BUTYLATED POLYOXYMETHYLENE UREA Urea, polymer with formaldehyde, butylated 70356-091 85-70-1 68002-197 BUTYLATED PVP BUTYLENE GLYCOL 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, homopolymer, butylated Butane-1,3-diol. 26160-963 107-88-0 BUTYLENE GLYCOL DICAPRYLATE/DICAPRATE 1,2-butanediol, diesters with octanoic and decanoic acids BUTYLENE GLYCOL MONTANATE BUTYLENE/ETHYLENE COPOLYMER Fatty acids, montan-wax, esters with 1,3butanediol. Butene, polymer with ethene 93763-203 9019-29-8 BUTYLOCTANOIC ACID BUTYLOCTANOL 2-Butyloctanoic acid 2-butyloctan-1-ol. 27610-920 735273 BUTYLOCTYL BEESWAX Fatty acids, beeswax, esters with 2butyloctanol 15166198-2 BUTYLOCTYL BENZOATE 1-Octanol, 2-butyl-, benzoate 18803897-3 emolliente plasticizzante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente / solvente BUTYLOCTYL CANDELILLATE Fatty acids, candelilla wax, 2-butyloctyl ester 22699403-2 modificatore reologico BUTYLOCTYL OLEATE (Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid, 2-butyloctyl ester 13411237- 1 emolliente BUTYLOCTYL SALICYLATE BUTYLPARABEN Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 2-butyloctyl ester Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. 19008541- 7 94-26-8 condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / solvente conservante C10-11 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, iso-, C10-11 24653875-0 solvente C10-13 ALKANE Alkanes, C10-13 emolliente modificatore reologico filtro UV agente filmogeno agente filmogeno agente filmogeno umettante / solvente emolliente emolliente modificatore reologico surfactante / detergente / emulsionante umettante C10-13 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, C10-13-iso-. 12981366- 7 68551-177 C10-14 ALKYL BENZENESULFONIC ACID Benzenesulfonic acid, mono-C10-14-alkyl derivs.. 85117-493 C11-12 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, iso-, C11-12 C11-13 ISOPARAFFIN C11-15 ALKANES/ CYCLOALKANES Alkanes, iso-, C11-13 Alkanes and cycloalkanes, C11-15 C11-15 PARETH-12 Alcohols, C11 -15, ethoxylated (12 mol EO average molar ratio) C11-15 PARETH-12 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl), C11-15alkyl ethers (12 mol EO average molar ratio) C11-15 PARETH-15 Alcohols, C11-15, ethoxylated (12 mol EO average molar ratio) 17324448-9 emulsionante C11-15 PARETH-20 Alcohols, C11-15, ethoxylated (20 mol EO average molar ratio) 17324448-9 emulsionante / surfactante C11-15 PARETH-3 Alcohols, C11-15, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 17324448-9 emulsionante Pagina 26 di 186 24653876-1 24653878-3 17324448-9 68891-258 solvente solvente surfactante / agente schiumogeno solvente solvente solvente emulsionante / surfactante emolliente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 C11-15 PARETH-3 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[(9Z)-1oxo-9-octadecenyl], C1115-alkyl ethers (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653804-5 C11-15 PARETH-3 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl), C11-15alkyl ethers (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 68891-258 C11-15 PARETH-30 Alcohols, C11-15, ethoxylated (20 mol EO average molar ratio) 173244/48/ emulsionante / 9 surfactante C11-15 PARETH-40 Alcohols, C11-15, ethoxylated (20 mol EO average molar ratio) 17324448-9 surfactante / detergente C11-15 PARETH-5 Alcohols, C11-15, ethoxylated (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 17324448-9 emulsionante C11-15 PARETH-7 Alcohols, C11-15, ethoxylated (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 17324448-9 emulsionante C11-15 PARETH-7 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),. alpha. (carboxymethyl)-. omega. -hydroxy-, C11-15alkyl ethers (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 24615957-9 emulsionante / surfactante C11-15 PARETH-9 Alcohols, C11-15, ethoxylated (9 mol EO average molar ratio) 17324448-9 emulsionante C11-15 SEC-PARETH-12 Alcohols, C11-15-secondary, ethoxylated (12 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-408 surfactante / emulsionante C11-21-PARETH-10 Alcohols, C11 -21, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653882-9 emulsionante / surfactante C11-21-PARETH-3 Alcohols, C11-21, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653882-9 C12-13 ALCOHOLS C12-13 ALKYL ETHYLHEXANOATE Alcohols, C12-13. Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, C12-13-alkyl esters. C12-13 ALKYL LACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-13-alkyl esters. C12-13 PARETH-10 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 66455-149 emulsionante C12-13 PARETH-10 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, mono-C12-13-alkyl ethers, phosphates (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 68130-450 emulsionante / detergente C12-13 PARETH-12 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, C12-13alkyl ethers (11 mol EO average molar ratio) 70750-173 surfactante / detergente C12-13 PARETH-15 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (15 mol EO average molar ratio) 66455-149 emulsionante C12-13 PARETH-2 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (2 mol EO average molar ratio) 66455-149 surfactante / emulsionante C12-13 PARETH-23 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (23 mol EO average molar ratio) 66455-149 emulsionante C12-13 PARETH-3 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 66455-149 emulsionante C12-13 PARETH-4 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 66455-149 emulsionante C12-13 PARETH-5 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 66455-149 surfactante / emulsionante C12-13 PARETH-5 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. carboxymethyl-. omega. -hydroxy-, C12-13alkyl ethers (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 70750-173 surfactante / detergente C12-13 PARETH-7 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 66455-149 emulsionante Pagina 27 di 186 75782-864 emolliente / emulsionante emolliente emulsionante emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico emolliente emolliente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI C12-13 PARETH-8 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, C12-13alkyl ethers (7 mol EO average molar ratio) C12-13 PARETH-9 Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (9 mol EO average molar ratio) Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 70750-173 emulsionante C12-14 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, C12-14-iso-. 66455-149 68551-199 C12-14 PARETH-12 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (12 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-509 emulsionante C12-14 PARETH-3 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-509 emulsionante C12-14 PARETH-7 Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated, (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-509 C12-15 ALCOHOLS Alcohols, C12-15. C12-15 ALKYL BENZOATE Benzoic acid, C12-15-alkyl esters. emulsionante solvente emulsionante emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico C12-15 ALKYL ETHYLHEXANOATE Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, C12-15-alkyl esters. 63393-828 68411-278 90411-668 C12-15 ALKYL LACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-15-alkyl esters. 93925-361 C12-15 ALKYL SALICYLATE Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-15 alkyl esters 22272222- 7 C12-15 PARETH-10 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, mono-C12-15-alkyl ethers, phosphates (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 68071-352 emulsionante / detergente C12-15 PARETH-11 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated (11 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-395 emulsionante C12-15 PARETH-12 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated (12 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-395 surfactante C12-15 PARETH-12 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[(9Z)-1oxo-9-octadecenyl], mono-C12-15-alkyl ethers (12 mol EO average molar ratio) 67784-967 emolliente C12-15 PARETH-2 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated (2 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-395 emulsionante C12-15 PARETH-2 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, mono-C12-15-alkyl ethers, phosphates (2 mol EO average molar ratio) 68071-352 emulsionante / surfactante C12-15 PARETH-3 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-395 emulsionante C12-15 PARETH-4 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-395 emulsionante C12-15 PARETH-5 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-395 emulsionante C12-15 PARETH-7 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-395 emulsionante C12-15 PARETH-7 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. carboxymetyl-. omega. -hydroxy-, C12-15alkyl ethers (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 88497-589 surfactante / detergente C12-15 PARETH-8 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. carboxymethyl-. omega. -hydroxy-, C12-15alkyl ethers (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 88497-589 emulsionante Pagina 28 di 186 emolliente emolliente emolliente agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 C12-15 PARETH-8 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2- ethanediyl),, mono-C12-15-alkyl ethers, phosphates (2 mol EO average molar ratio) 68071-352 emulsionante / detergente C12-15 PARETH-9 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated (9 mol EO average molar ratio) 68131-395 emulsionante / surfactante C12-15 PARETH-9 HYDROGENATED TALLOWATE Fatty acids, tallow, hydrogenated, esters with polyethylene glycol mono-C12-15-alkyl ethers (9 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653868-1 emulsionante / surfactante C12-16 PARETH-6 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, mono-C12-16-alkyl ethers, phosphates (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 24615955- 7 emulsionante / detergente C12-20 ACID PEG-8 ESTER Fatty acids, C12-20, ethoxylated (8 mol EO average molar ratio) C12-20 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, C12-20-iso- C13-14 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, iso-, C13-14 C13-16 ISOPARAFFIN 68908-689 22240021- 7 emulsionante condizionante per la pelle / emolliente / solvente Alkanes, C13-16-iso-. 24653879-4 68551-202 solvente C14-15 ALCOHOLS Alcohols, C14-15 75782-875 emulsionante / agente stabilizzante C14-15 PARETH-11 Alcohols, C14-15, ethoxylated (11 mol EO average molar ratio) 68951-677 emulsionante C14-15 PARETH-13 Alcohols, C14-15, ethoxylated (13 mol EO average molar ratio) 68951-677 emulsionante / surfactante C14-15 PARETH-4 Alcohols, C14-15, ethoxylated (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 68951-677 surfactante / emulsionante C14-15 PARETH-7 Alcohols, C14-15, ethoxylated (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 68951-677 emulsionante C14-15 PARETH-8 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. carboxymethyl-. omega. -hydroxy-, C14-15alkyl ethers (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 11914775-0 surfactante / detergente C14-16 GLYCOL PALMITATE Hexadecanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-C14-16-alkyl ester C14-17 ALKANE Alkanes, C14-17 C14-18 GLYCOL C14-18-alkane-1,2-diol C14-20 ISOALKYLAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl3-[(1-oxo-C18-22-isoalkyl)amino]-, ethyl sulfate (salt) C1-5 ALKYL GALACTOMANNAN Galactomannan polysaccharide, C1-5-alkyl ethers C15-18 GLYCOL Glycols, 1,2-, C15-18. C16-36 ALKYL STEARATE C16-36-alkyl octadecanoate 22323995-0 condizionante per la pelle C18-20 GLYCOL ISOSTEARATE Isostearic acid, 2-hydroxy-C18-C20 alkyl ester 24716905- 7 emulsionante C18-22 ISOALKYLAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-3[(1-oxo-C18-C22-alkyl)amino]-, ethyl sulfate (salt) C18-28 ALKYL ACETATE Acetic acid, C18-C28-alkyl esters Pagina 29 di 186 24615940-0 90622-472 22323996-1 emolliente / solvente emulsionante solvente agente stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 70750-402 legante / emulsionante / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 22272213-6 emolliente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 C18-30 GLYCOL C18-30 alkane-1,2-diol 22323997-2 agente stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente C18-36 ACID Fatty acids, C18-C36 13562017-6 emulsionante C18-36 ACID GLYCOL ESTER Fatty acids, C18-36, esters with ethylene glycol. C18-36 ACID TRIGLYCERIDE Triglycerides, C18-36. C18-38 ALKYL BEESWAX Fatty acids, beeswax, C18-C38-alkyl esters 22370617-0 emolliente C18-38 ALKYL C24-54 ACID ESTER Fatty acids, C24-C54, C18-C38-alkyl esters 22370622- 7 modificatore reologico C18-38 ALKYL HYDROXYSTEAROYL STEARATE Octadecanoic acid, 12-(12-hydroxy-1oxooctadecyloxy)-, C18-38-alkyl esters 22272218-1 emolliente C18-70 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, C18-70-iso- C20-24 OLEFIN Alkenes, C20-24 .alpha.- C20-30 GLYCOL C20-30 alkane-1,2-diol 22323998-3 emolliente / agente protettivo condizionante per la pelle agente stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente C20-30 GLYCOL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-C20-C30alkyl esters 25132013-5 emolliente C20-40 ALCOHOLS Alcohols, C20-40 22240016-0 emulsionante / agente stabilizzante C20-40 ALKYL BEHENATE Docosanoic acid, C20-C40-alkyl ester 22272215-8 emolliente C20-40 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, iso-, C20-40 24653881-8 emolliente / solvente C20-40 PARETH-10 Alcohols, C20-40, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653883-0 emulsionante C20-40 PARETH-3 Alcohols, C20-40, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653883-0 emulsionante C20-40 PARETH-40 Alcohols, C20-40, ethoxylated (40 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653883-0 C22-24 PARETH-33 Alcohols, C22-24, ethoxylated (33 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653884-1 C24-28 ALKYL METHICONE Siloxanes and silicones, C24-28-alkyl methyl C24-28 OLEFIN Alkenes, C24-28 .alpha.- C29-70 ACID Fatty acids, C29-C70 C30-45 ALKYL DIMETHICONE Poly[oxy(dimethylsilylene)],. alpha. -(C30-45)alkyldimethylsilyl-,.omega.-(C30-45)-alkyloxy- C30-45 ALKYL METHICONE Siloxanes and silicones, C30-45-alkyl methyl 24686488-0 emolliente C30-45 OLEFIN (C30-45)-alk-1-enes 22240022-8 condizionante per la pelle C30-50 ALCOHOLS Alcohols, C30-50 22240017-1 emulsionante / agente stabilizzante C30-50 ALKYL BEESWAX Fatty acids, beeswax, C30-50-alkyl esters 22370719-5 condizionante per la pelle C30-50 ALKYL STEARATE C30-50-alkyl octadecanoate 22323994-9 condizionante per la pelle Pagina 30 di 186 94944-953 91052-083 24653880- 7 93924-108 emolliente emolliente emulsionante emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante 158061emolliente 44-0 93924-11 - condizionante per la 9 pelle 22240014-8 emulsionante condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI C30-50 PARETH-10 Alcohols, C30-50, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653885-2 emulsionante C30-50 PARETH-3 Alcohols, C30-50, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653885-2 emulsionante C30-50 PARETH-40 Alcohols, C30-50, ethoxylated (40 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653885-2 emulsionante Fatty acids, C40-C60 22240015-9 emulsionante C40-60 ALCOHOLS Alcohols, C40-60 22240019-3 emulsionante C40-60 ALKYL STEARATE C40-60-alkyl octadecanoate 22323993-8 condizionante per la pelle C40-60 PARETH-10 Alcohols, C40-60, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653886-3 emulsionante C40-60 PARETH-3 Alcohols, C40-60, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 24653886-3 emulsionante C40-60 ACID C7-8 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, C7-8-iso-. 24653869-2 70024-929 C8-10 ALKYL ETHYL PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, mixed decyl and Et and octyl esters 68412-602 C6-14 POLYOLEFIN Alkenes, C6-14, polymerised C8-9 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, iso-, C8-9 C9-11 ALCOHOLS Alcohols, C9-11. 24653871-6 emulsionante solvente modificatore reologico solvente emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico C9-11 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, C9-11-iso-. 66455-172 68551-166 C9-11 PARETH-3 Alcohols, C9-11, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-463 emulsionante C9-11 PARETH-6 Alcohols, C9-11, ethoxylated (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-463 emulsionante C9-11 PARETH-6 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. carboxymethyl-. omega. -hydroxy-, C9-11 alkyl ethers (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 17412527-0 surfactante / detergente C9-11 PARETH-8 Alcohols, C9-11, ethoxylated (8 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-463 emulsionante C9-13 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, iso-, C9-13 24653872- 7 C9-14 ISOPARAFFIN Alkanes, iso-, C9-14 24653873-8 C9-15 ALKYL PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, mono- and di-C9-15-alkyl esters 19045407-0 C9-15 FLUOROALCOHOL PHOSPHATES C9-16 ALKANES/CYCLOALKANES CALCIUM CYCLAMATE Perfluoro-C9-15-alkanol, esters with phosphoric acid Alkanes and cycloalkanes, C9-16 Calcium bis (cyclohexylsulfamate) 22323992- 7 CALCIUM DISODIUM EDTA Calciate(2-), [[N,N'1,2-ethanediylbis[N(carboxymethyl)glycinato]](4-)N,N',O,O',O(N)-,O(N')-]-, disodium CALCIUM FLUORIDE CALCIUM LIGNOSULFONATE Calcium fluoride. Lignosulfonic acid, calcium salt CALCIUM MONTANATE Fatty acids, montan-wax, calcium salts. Pagina 31 di 186 139-06-0 62-33-9 solvente solvente solvente surfactante / detergente / emulsionante condizionante per la pelle solvente fragranza chelante igiene orale / 7789-75-5 antiplacca 8061 -52-7 emulsionante 68308-225 modificatore reologico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI CALCIUM PANTETHEINE SULFONATE Thiosulfuric acid, S-(2-((3-((2,4dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutyl)amino-1oxopropyl)amino)ethyl) ester, calcium salt (2:1), (R)- CALCIUM SACCHARIN 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide, calcium salt. CALCIUM XYLENESULFONATE Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 34644-003 condizionante per capelli Calcium xylenesulfonate 6485-34-3 28088-633 igiene orale / fragranza surfactante / agente idrofilo CALCIUM/SODIUM PVM/MA COPOLYMER 2,5-Furandione, polymer with methoxyethene, calcium sodium salt 94290-138 agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli CALF BLOOD EXTRACT Calf Blood Extract is an extract obtained from bovine blood 68070-906 condizionante per la pelle CALF SKIN EXTRACT Calf Skin Extract is an extract obtained from bovine skin 91081-639 surfactante CALF SKIN HYDROLYSATE Bovine calf skin, hydrolysed 246539-11 -7 condizionante per la pelle CAMPHOR BENZALKONIUM METHOSULFATE Methyl N,N,N-trimethyl-4[(4,7,7-trimethyl-3-oxobicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2ylidene)methyl]anilinium sulphate. 52793-972 filtro UV CAMPHYLCYCLOHEXANOL Cyclohexanol, (1,7,7trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl)- 68877-292 solvente CANOLAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-ethyl-N,Ndimethyl-, N-canola-oil acyl derivatives, ethyl sulfates 22370493-6 CAPRAMIDE DEA N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)decan-1-amide. 136-26-5 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli CAPRYLETH-4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -octyl-. omega. -hydroxy- (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 27252-751 surfactante / emulsionante CAPRYLETH-4 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl) (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 53563-705 emulsionante CAPRYLETH-6 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl) (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 53563-705 emulsionante CAPRYLETH-9 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl) (8 mol EO average molar ratio) 53563-705 emulsionante CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE PEG-4 ESTERS Glycerides, mixed decanoyl and octanoyl, reaction products with polyethylene glycol (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 24686439-1 emulsionante CAPRYLYL GLYCOL Octane-1,2-diol. CAPRYLYL PYRROLIDONE Pyrrolidone, N-octyl- CARBOMER CARBON DIOXIDE 2-Propenoic acid, polymer with 2,2bis(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol 2propenyl ether Carbon dioxide. CARBOXYETHYL AMINOBUTYRIC ACID 4-[(2-carboxyethyl)amino]butyric acid. CARBOXYMETHYL ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL MORPHOLINE Morpholinium, 4(carboxymethyl)-4-(3-((1 oxoisooctadecyl)amino)propyl)-, inner salt CARPRONIUM CHLORIDE 1-Butanaminium, 4-methoxy-N,N,N-trimethyl4-oxo-, chloride Pagina 32 di 186 emolliente / umettante / condizionante per 1117-86-8 capelli surfactante / detergente / agente 2687-94-7 schiumogeno agente stabilizzante 9007-20-9 emulsione / / 9003-01 - modificatore reologico / gelificante 4 124-38-9 propellente condizionante per la pelle 908055 24721439- 7 13254-336 surfactante / agente schiumogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 22592734-4 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente CASTOR OIL BENZOATE Castor oil, benzoate CASTOR OIL/ IPDI COPOLYMER Castor oil, polymer with 5-isocyanato-1(isocyanatomethyl)-1,3,3trimethylcyclohexane CERA MICROCRISTALLINA Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, microcryst.. A complex combination of long, branched chain hydrocarbons obtained from residual oils by solvente crystallization. It consists predominantly of saturated straight and branched chain hydrocarbons predominantly greater than C35. CERESIN Ceresin. A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the purification of ozocerite with sulfuric acid and filtration through bone black to form waxy cakes. legante / stabilizzante emulsione / 63231-60- opacizzante / 7 modificatore reologico agente antistatico / legante / agente stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico / condizionante 8001 -75-0 per capelli CERIA/SILICA Carbonic acid, cerium (3+) salt, calcination products with silica 243133-71 -3 filtro UV CERIA/SILICA TALC Carbonic acid, cerium (3+) salt, calcination products with silica and talc (Mg3Al2(SiO3)4) 24313370-2 filtro UV CETALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzenemethanaminium, N-hexadecyl-N,Ndimethyl, chloride 122-18-9 conservante CETEARALKONIUM BROMIDE Benzenemethanaminium, (C16-C18-alkyl)-, bromide CETEARETH-10 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) CETEARETH-10 PHOSPHATE C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated, phosphates (10 mol EO average molar ratio) CETEARETH-100 68955-908 agente filmogeno N,N-dimethyl-Nconservante 68439-496 emulsionante 10623309-4 surfactante / detergente C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (100 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 surfactante CETEARETH-11 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (11 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-12 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (12 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-13 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (13 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-15 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (15 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / surfactante CETEARETH-16 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (16 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-17 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (17 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / surfactante CETEARETH-18 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (18 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-2 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (2 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-2 PHOSPHATE C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated, phosphates (2 mol EO average molar ratio) 10623309-4 surfactante / detergente CETEARETH-20 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (20 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / surfactante CETEARETH-22 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (22 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-23 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (23 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-25 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (25 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / surfactante Pagina 33 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 CETEARETH-25 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (carboxymethyl)-. omega. -hydroxy-, C16-18alkyl ethers (24 mol EO average molar ratio) CETEARETH-27 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (27 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / surfactante CETEARETH-28 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (28 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-29 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (29 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / detergente CETEARETH-3 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-30 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (30 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / surfactante CETEARETH-33 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (33 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-34 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (34 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / detergente CETEARETH-4 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-4 PHOSPHATE C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated, phosphates (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 10623309-4 surfactante / detergente CETEARETH-40 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (40 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 surfactante CETEARETH-5 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-5 PHOSPHATE C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated, phosphates (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 10623309-4 surfactante / detergente CETEARETH-50 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (50 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante / surfactante CETEARETH-55 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (55 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 surfactante CETEARETH-6 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-60 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (60 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-60 MYRISTYL GLYCOL Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),.alpha.-(2hydroxytetradecyl),.omega.-C16-18-alkyloxy-, (60 mol EO average molar ratio) 24313367- 7 surfactante / emulsionante CETEARETH-7 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-8 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (8 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 emulsionante CETEARETH-80 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (80 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 surfactante CETEARETH-9 C16-18 alcohols, ethoxylated (9 mol EO average molar ratio) 68439-496 CETEARTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, C1618-alkyltrimethyl, chlorides 68002-620 CETEARYL DIMETHICONE/ VINYL DIMETHICONE CROSSPOLYMER Dimethylsiloxane/cetearylmethylsiloxane copolymer, polymer with vinyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane. 24313750-0 emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / conservante agente filmogeno / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico CETEARYL ISONONANOATE Isononanoic acid, C16-18-alkyl esters 11193703- 2 emolliente Pagina 34 di 186 24615937-5 surfactante / detergente AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI CETEARYL METHICONE CETETH-1 Poly{oxy[(C16-18)-alkylmethylsilylene]}, trimethylsilyl terminated 2-(hexadecyloxy)ethanol. 22720032-0 2136-71-2 condizionante per la pelle emulsionante CETETH-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante CETETH-10 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, phosphate (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 50643-204 surfactante / detergente CETETH-12 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante / surfactante CETETH-14 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante / surfactante CETETH-15 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante / surfactante CETETH-16 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante / surfactante CETETH-2 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante CETETH-20 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante / surfactante CETETH-24 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante / surfactante CETETH-25 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante / surfactante CETETH-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante CETETH-30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante CETETH-4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante CETETH-45 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 surfactante / detergente CETETH-5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante CETETH-6 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), mol EO average molar ratio) 9004-95-9 emulsionante CETETH-8 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, phosphate (8 mol EO average molar ratio) 50643-204 CETETHYL MORPHOLINIUM ETHOSULFATE 4-ethyl-4-hexadecylmorpholinium ethyl sulphate. Pagina 35 di 186 78-21-7 emulsionante antimicrobico / agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI CETETHYLDIMONIUM BROMIDE Hexadecylethyldimethylammonium bromide. 124-03-8 antimicrobico / agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante CETOLETH-10 Alcohols, C16 and C18-unsaturated, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 68155-011 surfactante / emulsionante CETOLETH-11 Alcohols, C16 and C18-unsaturated, ethoxylated (11 mol EO average molar ratio) 68155-011 emulsionante CETOLETH-15 Alcohols, C16 and C18-unsaturated, ethoxylated (15 mol EO average molar ratio) 68155-011 surfactante CETOLETH-20 Alcohols, C16 and C18-unsaturated, ethoxylated (20 mol EO average molar ratio) 68155-011 surfactante / emulsionante CETOLETH-22 Alcohols, C16 and C18-unsaturated, ethoxylated (22 mol EO average molar ratio) 68155-011 emulsionante CETOLETH-24 Alcohols, C16 and C18-unsaturated, ethoxylated (24 mol EO average molar ratio) 68155-011 surfactante / detergente CETOLETH-25 Alcohols, C16 and C18-unsaturated, ethoxylated (25 mol EO average molar ratio) 68155-011 surfactante / detergente CETOLETH-6 Alcohols, C16 and C18-unsaturated, ethoxylated (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 68155-011 surfactante CETRIMONIUM BROMIDE 1-Hexadecanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-, bromide 57-09-0 conservante CETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-Hexadecanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride 112-02-7 CETRIMONIUM METHOSULFATE Hexadecyltrimethylammonium methyl sulphate. 65060-028 CETRIMONIUM SACCHARINATE Hexadecyltrimethylammonium, salt with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (1:1). 2478-29-7 CETRIMONIUM TOSYLATE Hexadecyltrimethylammonium toluene-psulphonate. 138-32-9 conservante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / antimicrobico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / antimicrobico antimicrobico / agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli CETYL C12-15-PARETH-9 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(2(hexadecyloxy)-2-oxoethyl).omega.-hydroxy-, C12-15-alkyl ethers (8 mol EO average molar ratio) 119481 73-1 emolliente CETYL DIMETHICONE Siloxanes and silicones, hexadecyl methyl, dimethyl 19104449-2 emolliente CETYL DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL Siloxanes and silicones, hexadecyl methyl, dimethyl, polymers with ethoxylated propoxylated dimethyl siloxanes 25132026-0 CETYL GLYCOL 1,2-Hexadecanediol 6920-24-7 CETYL GLYCOL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 2-hydroxyhexadecyl ester CETYL ISONONANOATE Hexadecyl isononanoate. 24723239-9 84878-331 CETYL PPG-2 ISODECETH-8 CARBOXYLATE CETYL PYRROLIDONYLMETHYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE CETYL RICINOLEATE BENZOATE emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per capelli emolliente emolliente Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monoisodecyl ether, oxidised, hexadecyl esters (8 mol EO, 2 mol PO average molar ratios) 24615928-4 1-Pyrrolidinemethanaminium, Nhexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-2-oxo, chloride 11561297-0 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-(benzoyloxy)-, hexadecyl ester, (9Z, 12R)- 19927763-9 condizionante per la pelle Pagina 36 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI CETYL TRIETHYLAMMONIUM DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHTHALATE Dimethylpolysiloxane, ethoxylated, propoxylated, 2-carboxybenzoate esters, hexadecyltrimethylammonium salts CETYLAMINE HYDROFLUORIDE Hexadecylamine hydrofluoride 3151-59-5 condizionante per capelli igiene orale / antiplacca Decanamide. N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-NCETYL-PG HYDROXYETHYL DECANAMIDE (3-hexadecyloxy-2-hydroxypropyl)- 14337876-1 condizionante per la pelle CETYL-PG HYDROXYETHYL PALMITAMIDE Hexadecanamide, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N(3-hexadecyloxy-2-hydroxypropyl)- 11048307-3 CETYLPYRIDINIUM CHLORIDE 1-Hexadecylpyridinium chloride 123-03-5 condizionante per la pelle antimicrobico / agente antistatico / deodorante / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli CHIMYL ALCOHOL (S)-3-(hexadecyloxy)propane-1,2-diol. 506-03-6 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente CHIMYL ISOSTEARATE Isostearic acid, 3-hexadecyloxy-2hydroxypropyl ester CHIMYL STEARATE Octadecanoic acid, 3-hexadecyloxy-2hydroxypropyl ester 10921083-5 emulsionante CHLORAMINE-T Benzenesulfonamide, N-chloro-4-methyl-, sodium salt 127-65-1 antimicrobico CHLORHEXIDINE N,N"-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino2,4,11,13-tetraazatetradecanediamidine 55-56-1 conservante CHLORHEXIDINE DIACETATE N,N"-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino2,4,11,13-tetraazatetradecanediamidine di(acetate) 56-95-1 conservante CHLORHEXIDINE DIGLUCONATE D-gluconic acid, compound with N,N''bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino-2,4,11,13tetraazatetradecanediamidine (2:1 ). 18472-510 conservante CHLORHEXIDINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE CHLOROACETAMIDE CHLOROBUTANOL CHLOROPHENE N,N"-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino2,4,11,13-tetraazatetradecanediamidine dihydrochloride 2-chloroacetamide. 1,1,1-trichloro-2-methyl-2-propanol Phenol, 4-chloro-2-(phenylmethyl)- 3697-42-5 79-07-2 57-15-8 120-32-1 CHLOROTHYMOL CHLOROXYLENOL CHLORPHENESIN Phenol, 4-chloro-5-methyl-2-(1 -methylethyl)Phenol, 4-chloro-3,5-dimethyl1,2-Propanediol, 3-(4-chlorophenoxy)- 89-68-9 88-04-0 104-29-0 CHOLESTERYL CHLORIDE 3-.beta.-chlorocholest-5-ene. CHOLESTERYL DICHLOROBENZOATE Cholest-5-en-3.beta.-yl 2,4-dichlorobenzoate. CHOLESTERYL ISOSTEARATE Cholest-5-en-3-ol (3-beta)-, isostearate Cholest-5-en-3-ol (3.beta.)-, isooctadecyl CHOLESTERYL ISOSTEARYL CARBONATE carbonate emolliente 910-31-6 conservante conservante conservante conservante antimicrobico / denaturant / deodorante / igiene orale / antiplacca conservante conservante condizionante per la pelle 32832-012 83615-241 condizionante per la pelle 12751293-0 condizionante per la pelle emolliente CHOLESTERYL LANOLATE CHOLESTERYL NONANOATE Fatty acids derived from lanolin, esters with cholest-5-en-3.beta.-ol Cholest-5-ene-3-beta-yl nonanoate. 22370699-8 1182-66-7 condizionante per la pelle emolliente CHOLETH-10 (3beta)-Cholest-5-en-3-ol, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 27321-966 emulsionante CHOLETH-15 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[(3.beta.)cholest-5-en-3-yl] (15 mol EO average molar ratio) 27321-966 surfactante / emulsionante CHOLETH-20 (3beta)-Cholest-5-en-3-ol, ethoxylated (20 mol EO average molar ratio) 27321-966 emulsionante Pagina 37 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 CHOLETH-24 (3beta)-Cholest-5-en-3-ol, ethoxylated (24 mol EO average molar ratio) CHROMIUM HYDROXIDE GREEN CHROMIUM OXIDE GREENS Dichromium trioxide (CI 77289). Dichromium trioxide (CI 77288). 27321-966 12001-999 1308-38-9 CI 10006 Sodium tris(1,2-naphthoquinone 1-oximatoO,O')ferrate(1-). 16143-809 colorante CI 10020 Trisodium tris[5,6-dihydro-5-(hydroxyimino)-6oxonaphthalene-2-sulphonato(2-)N5,O6]ferrate(3-). 19381-501 colorante CI 10316 Disodium 5,7-dinitro-8-oxidonaphthalene-2sulphonate and its permitted lakes and salts 846-70-8 colorante CI 11680 2-[(4-methyl-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-Nphenylbutyramide. 2512-29-0 colorante CI 11710 2-[(4-chloro-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-N-(2chlorophenyl)-3-oxobutyramide. 6486-23-3 colorante CI 11725 CI 11920 CI 12010 CI 12085 CI 12120 2-[(4-methoxy-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-N-(otolyl)butyramide. 4-(phenylazo)resorcinol. 4-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)azo]naphthol. 1-[(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthol. 1-(4-methyl-2-nitrophenylazo)-2-naphthol. 6371 -96-6 2051 -85-6 6535-42-8 2814-77-9 2425-85-6 colorante colorante colorante colorante colorante CI 12370 3-hydroxy-N-(o-tolyl)-4-[(2,4,5trichlorophenyl)azo]naphthalene-2carboxamide. 6535-46-2 colorante CI 12420 N-(4-chloro-2-methylphenyl)-4-[(4-chloro-2methylphenyl)azo]-3-hydroxynaphthalene-2carboxamide. 6471 -51 8 colorante CI 12480 4-[(2,5-dichlorophenyl)azo]-N-(2,5dimethoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxynaphthalene-2carboxamide. 6410-40-8 colorante CI 12490 N-(5-chloro-2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-[[5[(diethylamino)sulphonyl]-2methoxyphenyl]azo]-3-hydroxynaphthalene-2carboxamide. 6410-41-9 colorante CI 12700 2,4-dihydro-5-methyl-2-phenyl-4-(phenylazo)3H-pyrazol-3-one. 4314-14-1 colorante CI 13015 Disodium 2-amino-5-[(4sulphonatophenyl)azo]benzenesulphonate. 2706-28-7 colorante CI 14270 Sodium 4-(2,4dihydroxyphenylazo)benzenesulphonate. 547-57-9 colorante CI 14700 Disodium 3-[(2,4-dimethyl-5sulphonatophenyl)azo]-4hydroxynaphthalene-1-sulphonate and its permitted lakes and salts 4548-53-2 colorante CI 14720 Disodium 4-hydroxy-3-[(4sulphonatonaphthyl)azo]naphthalenesulphon ate. 3567-69-9 colorante CI 14815 Disodium 6-[(2,4-dimethyl-6sulphonatophenyl)azo]-5hydroxynaphthalene-1-sulphonate. 3257-28-1 colorante CI 15510 Sodium 4-[(2-hydroxy-1naphthyl)azo]benzenesulphonate and its permitted lakes and salts 633-96-5 colorante CI 15525 Calcium disodium bis[2-chloro-5-[(2-hydroxy1-naphthyl)azo]-4-sulphonatobenzoate]. 5850-80-6 colorante Pagina 38 di 186 emulsionante colorante per capelli colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 CI 15580 Barium bis[4-[(2-hydroxy-1 -naphthyl)azo]-2-methylbenzenesulphonate]. 5850-87-3 colorante CI 15620 Sodium 4(-2-hydroxy-1naphthylazo)naphthalenesulphonate. 1658-56-6 colorante CI 15630 Sodium 2-[(2hydroxynaphthyl)azo]naphthalenesulphonate. 1248-18-6 colorante CI 15800 Calcium bis[3-hydroxy-4-(phenylazo)-2naphthoate]. 6371 -76-2 colorante CI 15850 Disodium 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-methyl-2sulphonatophenyl)azo]-2-naphthoate and its permitted lakes and salts 5858-81 -1 colorante CI 15865 Disodium 4-[(5-chloro-4-methyl-2sulphonatophenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-2naphthoate and its permitted lakes and salts 3564-21-4 / 5280-660 colorante CI 15880 Calcium 3-hydroxy-4-[(1 -sulphonato2-naphthyl)azo]-2-naphthoate. 6417-83-0 colorante CI 15980 Disodium 6-hydroxy-5-[(3sulphonatophenyl)azo]naphthalene-2sulphonate. 2347-72-0 colorante CI 15985 Disodium 6-hydroxy-5-[(4sulphonatophenyl)azo]naphthalene-2sulphonate and its permitted lakes and salts 2783-94-0 colorante CI 16035 Disodium 6-hydroxy-5-[(2-methoxy-4sulphonato-m-tolyl)azo]naphthalene-2sulphonate and its permitted lakes and salts 25956-176247-36 colorante CI 16185 Trisodium 3-hydroxy-4-(4'sulphonatonaphthylazo)naphthalene-2,7disulphonate and its permitted lakes and salts 915-67-3 colorante CI 16230 Disodium 7-hydroxy-8phenylazonaphthalene-1,3-disulphonate. 1936-15-8 colorante CI 16255 Trisodium 1 -(1 -naphthylazo)-2hydroxynaphthalene-4',6,8-trisulphonate. 2611-82-7 colorante CI 16290 Tetrasodium 7-hydroxy-8-[(4-sulphonato-1 naphthyl)azo]naphthalene-1,3,6trisulphonate. 5850-44-2 colorante CI 17200 Disodium 5-amino-4-hydroxy-3(phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulphonate and its permitted lakes and salts 3567-66-6 colorante CI 18050 Disodium 5-acetylamino-4-hydroxy-3(phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulphonate. 3734-67-6 colorante CI 18130 2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3((4-cyclohexyl-2-methylphenyl)azo)-4hydroxy-5-(((4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl)amino)-, disodium salt 10236-370 colorante CI 18690 Hydrogen bis[2-[(4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo1 -phenyl-1 H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]benzoato(2)]chromate(1-). 5601 -29-6 colorante CI 18736 Disodium hydrogen bis[5-chloro-3-[(4,5dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1 -phenyl-1 Hpyrazol-4-yl)azo]-2hydroxybenzenesulphonato(3-)]chromate(3-). 6408-26-0 colorante CI 18820 Sodium 4-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4phenylazopyrazol-2-yl)benzenesulphonate. 6359-82-6 colorante Pagina 39 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 CI 18965 Disodium 2,5-dichloro-4-(5-hydroxy-3-methyl4-(sulphophenylazo)pyrazol-1yl)benzenesulphonate. 6359-98-4 colorante CI 19140 Trisodium 5-hydroxy-1 -(4sulphophenyl)-4-(4sulphophenylazo)pyrazole-3-carboxylate and its permitted lakes and salts 1934-21-0 / 1222521-7 colorante CI 20040 N,N'-(3,3'-dimethyl[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'diyl)bis[2-[(2,4-dichlorophenyl)azo]-3oxobutyramide]. 5979-28-2 colorante CI 20470 Sodium 4-amino-5-hydroxy-3-(4nitrophenylazo)-6-(phenylazo)naphthalene2,7-disulphonate. 1064-48-8 colorante CI 21100 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-3oxobutyramide]. 5102-83-0 colorante CI 21108 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(4-chloro-2,5dimethoxyphenyl)-3-oxobutyramide]. 5567-15-7 colorante CI 21230 2,2'-[cyclohexylidenebis[(2-methyl-4,1 phenylene)azo]]bis[4-cyclohexylphenol]. 6706-82-7 colorante CI 24790 CI 26100 Disodium 4,6-dihydroxy-3-[[4-[1 -[4-[[1 -hydroxy-7-[(phenylsulphonyl)oxy]-3sulphonato-2naphthyl]azo]phenyl]cyclohexyl]phenyl]azo]na phthalene-2-sulphonate. 1-(4-(phenylazo)phenylazo)-2-naphthol. 13421-539 85-86-9 colorante colorante CI 27755 Tetrasodium 6-amino-4-hydroxy-3-[[7sulphonato-4-[(4-sulphonatophenyl)azo]-1naphthyl]azo]naphthalene-2,7-disulphonate. 2118-39-0 colorante CI 28440 Tetrasodium 1 -acetamido2-hydroxy-3-(4-((4-sulphonatophenylazo)-7sulphonato-1-naphthylazo))naphthalene-4,6disulphonate. 2519-30-4 colorante CI 40215 Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2'-(1,2ethenediyl)bisD5-nitro-, disodium salt, reaction products with 4-D(4aminophenyl)azonbenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salts. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 40215. 50814-318 colorante CI 42045 Hydrogen [4-[4(diethylamino)-2',4'disulphonatobenzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene]diethylammonium, sodium salt. 129-17-9 colorante CI 42051 Bis[hydrogen [4-[4(diethylamino)-5'-hydroxy-2',4'disulphonatobenzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene]diethylammonium], calcium salt. 3536-49-0 colorante CI 42053 Dihydrogen (ethyl)[4-[4-[ethyl(3sulphonatobenzyl)amino](4-hydroxy-2sulphonatobenzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene](3sulphonatobenzyl)ammonium, disodium salt. 2353-45-9 colorante Pagina 40 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 CI 42080 Hydrogen (benzyl)[4-[[4[benzylethylamino]phenyl](2,4disulphonatophenyl)methylene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene](ethyl)ammonium, sodium salt. 3486-30-4 colorante CI 42090 Dihydrogen (ethyl)[4-[4-[ethyl(3sulphonatobenzyl)]amino]-2'sulphonatobenzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene](3sulphonatobenzyl)ammonium, disodium salt and other permitted lakes and salts 3844-45-9 colorante CI 42100 Hydrogen [4-[(2chlorophenyl)[4-[ethyl(3sulphonatobenzyl)amino]phenyl]methylene]cy clohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene](ethyl)(3sulphonatobenzyl)ammonium, sodium salt. 4857-81 -2 colorante CI 42170 Hydrogen [4-[(2chlorophenyl)[4-[ethyl(3sulphonatobenzyl)amino]-o-tolyl]methylene]3-methylcyclohexa-2,5-dien-1ylidene](ethyl)(3sulphonatobenzyl)ammonium, sodium salt. 4 227-513 -4 colorante CI 42510 (4-(4-aminophenyl)(4-iminocyclohexa-2,5dienylidene)methyl)-2-methylaniline hydrochloride. 632-99-5 colorante CI 42520 4-[(4-amino-m-tolyl)(4-imino-3methylcyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene)methyl]o-toluidine monohydrochloride. 3248-917221-831 7 colorante CI 42735 Hydrogen [4-[[4(diethylamino)phenyl][4-[ethyl[(3sulphonatobenzyl)amino]-o-tolyl]methylene]3-methylcyclohexa-2,5-dien-1ylidene](ethyl)(3sulphonatobenzyl)ammonium, sodium salt. 6505-30-2 colorante CI 44045 [4-[[4-anilino-1 -naphthyl][4(dimethylamino)phenyl]methylene]cyclohexa2,5-dien-1-ylidene]dimethylammonium chloride. 2580-56-5 colorante CI 44090 Hydrogen [4-[4-(dimethylamino).alpha.-(2-hydroxy-3,6-disulphonato-1 naphthyl)benzylidene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1 ylidene]dimethylammonium, monosodium salt. 3087-16-9 colorante CI 45100 Hydrogen 3,6bis(diethylamino)-9-(2,4disulphonatophenyl)xanthylium, sodium salt. 3520-42-1 colorante CI 45190 Hydrogen 9-(2-carboxylatophenyl)-3-(2methylanilino)-6-(2-methyl-4sulphoanilino)xanthylium, monosodium salt. 6252-76-2 colorante CI 45220 Hydrogen 9-(2,4-disulphonatophenyl)-3,6bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethylxanthylium, monosodium salt. 5873-16-5 colorante CI 45350 Disodium 2-(3-oxo-6-oxidoxanthen-9yl)benzoate and its permitted lakes and salts 518-47-8 colorante CI 45370 4',5'-dibromo-3',6'dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'[9H]xanthene]-3-one and its permitted lakes and salts 596-03-2 / 4372-025 colorante Pagina 41 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 CI 45380 Disodium 2-(2,4,5,7-tetrabromo-6oxido-3-oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate and its permitted lakes and salts 17372-871 colorante CI 45396 3',6'-dihydroxy-4',5'dinitrospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'[9H]xanthene]-3-one. 24545-866 colorante CI 45405 Dipotassium 3,6-dichloro-2-(2,4,5,7tetrabromo-6-oxido-3-oxoxanthen-9yl)benzoate. 6441 -77-6 colorante CI 45410 3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-2-(1,4,5,8-tetrabromo-6hydroxy-3-oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoic acid and its permitted lakes and salts 18472-872 colorante CI 45425 Disodium 2-(4,5-diiodo-6-oxido-3oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate and its permitted lakes and salts 33239-199 colorante CI 45430 Disodium 2-(2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-6oxido-3-oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate and its permitted lakes and salts 16423-680 colorante CI 47000 1,3-Isobenzofurandione, reaction products with methylquinoline and quinoline. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 47000. 8003-22-3 colorante CI 47005 1H-Indene-1,3(2H)-dione, 2-(2-quinolinyl)-, sulfonated, sodium salts and other permitted lakes and salts 8004-92-0 / 9489132-4 colorante CI 50325 Hydrogen 9-[(3methoxyphenyl)amino]-7-phenyl-5(phenylamino)-4,10disulphonatobenzo[a]phenazinium, sodium salt. 6837-46-3 colorante CI 50420 CI acid black 2, sulfonated nigrosine spirit soluble 2229872 colorante CI 51319 CI 58000 8,18-dichloro-5,15-diethyl-5,15dihydrodiindolo[3,2-b:3',2'm]triphenodioxazine. 1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone. 6358-30-1 72-48-0 colorante colorante CI 59040 Trisodium 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6trisulphonate. colorante CI 60724 CI 60725 1-anilino-4-hydroxyanthraquinone. 1-hydroxy-4-(p-toluidino)anthraquinone. 6358-69-6 19286-750 81 -48-1 CI 60730 CI 61565 Sodium 4-[(9,10-dihydro-4hydroxy-9,10-dioxo-1-anthryl)amino]toluene3-sulphonate. 1,4-bis(p-tolylamino)anthraquinone. 4430-18-6 128-80-3 colorante colorante CI 61570 Disodium 2,2'-(9,10-dioxoanthracene-1,4diyldiimino)bis(5-methylsulphonate). 4403-90-1 colorante CI 61585 Sodium 3,3'-(9,10-dioxoanthracene-1,4diyldiimino)bis(2,4,6trimethylbenzenesulphonate). 4474-24-2 colorante CI 62045 CI 69800 Sodium 1-amino-4-(cyclohexylamino)9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxoanthracene-2sulphonate. 6,15-dihydroanthrazine-5,9,14,18-tetrone. 4368-56-3 81-77-6 colorante colorante CI 69825 7,16-dichloro-6,15-dihydroanthrazine5,9,14,18-tetrone. 130-20-1 colorante CI 71105 Bisbenzimidazo[2,1-b:2',1'i]benzo[lmn][3,8]phenanthroline-8,17-dione. 4424-06-0 colorante Pagina 42 di 186 colorante colorante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 CI 73000 2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-2H-indazol-2-ylidene)1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3-one. 482-89-3 colorante CI 73015 Disodium 5,5'-(2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-2Hindazol-2-ylidene)-1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3one)disulphonate and its permitted lakes and salts 860-22-0 colorante CI 73360 6-chloro-2-(6-chloro-4-methyl-3oxobenzo[b]thien-2(3H)-ylidene)-4methylbenzo[b]thiophene-3(2H)-one. 2379-74-0 colorante CI 73385 CI 73900 5-chloro-2-(5-chloro-7-methyl-3oxobenzo[b]thien-2(3H)-ylidene)-7methylbenzo[b]thiophene-3(2H)-one. 5,12-dihydroquino[2,3-b]acridine-7,14-dione. 5462-29-3 1047-16-1 colorante colorante CI 73915 CI 74100 5,12-dihydro-2,9-dimethylquino[2,3b]acridine-7,14-dione. 29H,31 H-phthalocyanine. 980-26-7 574-93-6 colorante colorante CI 74160 291-1,31 H-phthalocyaninato(2-)N29,N30,N31 ,N32D copper. 147-14-8 colorante CI 74180 Disodium [29H,31 Hphthalocyaninedisulphonato(4-)-N29,N30,N31 ,N32]cuprate(2-). 1328-51-4 colorante CI 74260 CI 75470 CI 77163 Polychloro copper phthalocyanine. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 74260. Carmine. Bismuth chloride oxide. 1328-53-6 1328-60-5 7787-59-9 colorante colorante colorante CI 77267 CI 77288 Charcoal, bone. A fine black powder obtained by burning animal bones in a closed container. It consists primarily of calcium phosphate and carbon. Dichromium trioxide. CI 77289 Dichromium trioxide. 8021 -99-6 colorante 1308-38-9 colorante 12001-999 colorante CICLOPIROX OLAMINE 6-Cyclohexyl-1 -hydroxy-4-methylpyridin-2(1 H)-one, compound with 2-aminoethanol (1:1) 41621-492 antimuffa antimicrobico CINOXATE 2-Propenoic acid, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, 2ethoxyethyl ester 104-28-9 filtro UV CLIMBAZOLE 2-Butanone, 1-(4-chlorophenoxy)-1-(1 Himidazol-1-yl)-3,3-dimethyl- 38083-179 conservante CLOFLUCARBAN Urea, N-(4chlorophenyl)-N'-[4-chloro-3(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]- 369-77-7 antimicrobico / deodorante CLOTRIMAZOLE 1 H-Imidazole, 1 -[(2chlorophenyl)diphenylmethyl]- 23593-751 COCAMIDE DEA Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl). 68603-429 COCAMIDE MEA Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl). 68140-001 COCAMIDE MIPA Amides, coco, N-(2-hydroxypropyl). 68333-824 Pagina 43 di 186 / antimuffa / antimicrobico emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 / schiumogeno agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli COCAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Amides, coco, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]. 68140-012 COCAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE DIHYDROXYMETHYL PROPIONATE Amides, coco, N-(3(dimethylamino)propyl), 3-hydroxy-2(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpropanoates 68920-763 COCAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Collagen hydrolyzates, salts with N-(3dimethylaminopropyl) coco-amides COCAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Amides, coco, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl], lactates 68425-423 COCAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE PROPIONATE Amides, coco, N-(3-(dimethylamino)propyl), propionates 68425-434 COCAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINO HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(3-aminopropyl)-, N-coco-acyl derivs., 3hydrolyzed collagen derivs. surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli COCAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMMONIUM C8-16 ISOALKYLSUCCINYL LACTOGLOBULIN SULFONATE Lactoglobulin, sulfonated, reaction products with 2-(C8-16-alkyl)butanedioic anhydride, salts with 3-(dimethylamino)propyl cocoamides agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli COCAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N-ethyl-N,Ndimethyl-3-[(1-oxococo-alkyl)amino]-, ethyl sulfate (salt) COCAMIDOPROPYL MORPHOLINE Morpholine, N-(3-coco-acylaminopropyl)- COCAMIDOPROPYL MORPHOLINE LACTATE Morpholine, N-(3-coco-acylaminopropyl)-, lactates agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)N,N-dimethyl-3-[(1-oxococo-alkyl)amino]-, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, triester with N-(2,3dihydroxypropyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3-[(1 oxococo-alkyl)amino-1 -propanaminium chloride COCAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Amides, coco, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl], N-oxides. COCAMIDOPROPYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(3-aminopropyl)-, N-coco-acyl derivs., 3hydrolyzed collagen derivs., chlorides COCAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-3-[(1oxococo-alkyl)amino]-, chloride COCAMINE Amines, coco alkyl. 61788-463 COCAMINE OXIDE Amines, coco alkyldimethyl, N-oxides. 61788-907 emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / condizionante per capelli COCAMINOBUTYRIC ACID Butanoic acid, 3-amino-, N-coco alkyl derivs.. 68649-058 emolliente / surfactante / Pagina 44 di 186 68155-099 surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 detergente emolliente / surfactante / detergente COCAMINOPROPIONIC ACID .beta.-Alanine, N-coco alkyl derivs.. 84812-942 COCETH-10 Alcohols, coco, ethoxylated (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 61791-137 emulsionante COCETH-3 Alcohols, coco, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 61791-137 emulsionante COCETH-4 GLUCOSIDE Alcohols, coco, ethoxylated, reaction products with glucose (4 mol EO average molar ratio) COCETH-5 Alcohols, coco, ethoxylated (5 mol EO average molar ratio) COCETH-6 Alcohols, coco, ethoxylated (6 mol EO average molar ratio) COCETH-7 Alcohols, coco, ethoxylated (7 mol EO average molar ratio) COCETH-7 CARBOXYLIC ACID Alcohols, coco, ethoxylated, oxidized (7 mol EO average molar ratio) COCETH-8 Alcohols, coco, ethoxylated (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 61791-137 COCOALKONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzylcoco alkyldimethyl, chlorides. 61789-717 COCODIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED CASEIN 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(coco-alkyl)-, 3-hydrolyzed casein derivs., chlorides agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCODIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(coco-alkyl)-, 3-hydrolyzed collagen derivs., chlorides agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCODIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED KERATIN 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(coco-alkyl)-, 3-hydrolyzed keratin derivs., chlorides agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCODIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED RICE PROTEIN 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(coco-alkyl)-, 3-hydrolyzed rice protein derivs., chlorides COCODIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED SILK 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(coco-alkyl)-, 3-hydrolyzed silk., chlorides agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCODIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(coco-alkyl)-, 3-hydrolyzed soy protein, chlorides agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCODIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(coco-alkyl)-, 3-hydrolyzed wheat protein, chlorides COCODIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL SILK AMINOACIDS 2-Hydroxy-1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-(coco-alkyl)-, 3-silk-amino-acids, chlorides COCO-ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkylethyldimethyl, Et sulfates. 68308-645 COCO-MORPHOLINE OXIDE Morpholine, 4-coco alkyl derivs., 4-oxides. 68784-656 COCOTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkyltrimethyl, chlorides. 61789-182 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / agente idrofilo / condizionante per capelli conservante / antimicrobico / agente antistatico / surfactante Pagina 45 di 186 surfactante / agente schiumogeno 61791-137 emulsionante 61791-137 surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 COCOTRIMONIUM METHOSULFATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkyltrimethyl, Me sulfates 68002-608 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCOYL BENZYL HYDROXYETHYL IMIDAZOLINIUM CHLORIDE Imidazolium compounds, 1benzyl-4,5-dihydro-1-(hydroxyethyl)-2norcoco alkyl, chlorides. 61791-524 agente antistatico / surfactante COCOYL HYDROXYETHYLIMIDAZOLINIUM PG-CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE Phosphoryltrioxy-tris{2-hydroxy-3-[2-cocoalkyl-3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1imidazolinium]propyl}trichloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli COCOYL POLYGLYCERYL-4 HYDROXYPROPYL DIHYDROXYETHYLAMINE Glycerol homopolymer, alpha- coco-acyl,omega-2-hydroxy-3-(bis(2hydroxyethyl)amino)propyl- (4 mol glycerol average molar ratio) agente antistatico COCOYL SARCOSINAMIDE DEA Amides, coco, N-[2-[bis(2hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-oxoethyl]-N-methyl. 68938-056 CONCHIORIN POWDER Conchiorin Powder is the powder obtained from pearl oyster 11028-721 CONNECTIVE TISSUE EXTRACT Connective Tissue Extract is an extract of animal connective tissue 90990-015 COPPER ACETYL TYROSINATE METHYLSILANOL N-Acetyl-dl-tyrosine, reaction products with methylsilanol, copper salts 13104477-4 COPPER PCA METHYLSILANOL 5-Oxo-L-proline, reaction products with methylsilanol, copper salts 13104478-5 CORN OIL PEG-6 ESTERS Corn-oil, ethoxylated (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 61789-251 CORN OIL PEG-8 ESTERS Corn-oil, ethoxylated (8mol EO average molar ratio) 61789-251 CORN STARCH/ACRYLAMIDE/ SODIUM ACRYLATE COPOLYMER Corn-starch, reaction products with 2propenamide and sodium 2-propenoate emolliente agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / condizionante per capelli / fissante per capelli / agente stabilizzante CRUSTACEA EXTRACT Crustacea Extract is an extract of crustacean hemolymph condizionante per la pelle / fragranza CURRY RED Disodium 6-hydroxy-5-[(2methoxy-4-sulphonato-mtolyl)azo]naphthalene-2-sulphonate (CI 16035). CUTANEOUS LYSATE Protein hydrolyzates, skin CYCLOCARBOXYPROPYLOLEIC ACID 5(or 6)-carboxy-4-hexylcyclohex-2-ene-1 octanoic acid. COLLODION 25956-176247-36 abrasive idratante / condizionante per la pelle umettante umettante emolliente / emulsionante colorante per capelli idratante protettivo / agente 53980-884 modificatore reologico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / solvente solvente CYCLOETHOXYMETHICONE CYCLOHEXANE Methylethoxysiloxane cyclic polymer Cyclohexane. 110-82-7 CYCLOHEXANEDIAMINE TETRAACETIC ACID Cyclohex-1,2-ylenediaminetetra(acetic acid). 482-54-2 CYCLOHEXASILOXANE Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane 540-97-6 CYCLOHEXYLAMINE Cyclohexylamine 108-91-8 CYCLOMETHICONE CYCLOPENTANE CARBOXYLIC ACID Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane Cyclopentanecarboxylic acid. 556-67-2 3400-45-1 Pagina 46 di 186 surfactante / schiumogeno legante / agente filmogeno chelante condizionante per capelli / emolliente / solvente anticorrosive / agente tampone agente antistatico / emolliente / umettante / solvente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per capelli surfactante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 condizionante per capelli / emolliente / solvente condizionante per capelli / emolliente / solvente condizionante per capelli / emolliente / solvente CYCLOPENTASILOXANE Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane 541-02-6 CYCLOTETRASILOXANE Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 556-67-2 CYCLOTRISILOXANE Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane 541 -05-9 DEA-C12-13 ALKYL SULFATE Bis-(2-hydroxytheyl)ammonium (C12-13)alkylsulfate 24313368-8 surfactante / detergente DEA-C12-13 PARETH-3 SULFATE Bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)-.alpha.-(C12-13), (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 24313369-9 DEA-C12-15 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, C12-C15-alkyl ester, 2,2'iminobisethanol salt surfactante / detergente surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente DEA-C8-18 PERFLUOROALKYLETHYL PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, esters, compounds with diethanolamine 223239-91 -6 DEA-CETEARETH-2 PHOSPHATE Alcohols, C16-18, ethoxylated, phosphates, bis(2-hydroxyethyl) ammonium salts (2 mol EO average molar ratio) 16256777-3 emulsionante DEA-CETYL PHOSPHATE 1-Hexadecanol, phosphate, compd. with 2,2'iminobis[ethanol] (1:1). 69331-391 surfactante / emulsionante DEA-CETYL SULFATE Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium hexadecyl sulphate. 51541-516 surfactante / emulsionante DEA-COCOAMPHODIPROPIONATE Beta-alanine, N-(2-aminoethyl)-N-[2-(2carboxyethoxy)ethyl]-, N-coco acyl derivs., 2,2'-iminobisethanol salts DEA-CYCLOCARBOXYPROPYLOLEATE 5(or 6)-carboxy-4-hexylcyclohex-2-ene-1octanoic acid, compound with 2,2'iminodiethanol. 84195-788 surfactante / emulsionante DEA-DODECYLBENZENESULFONATE Dodecylbenzenesulphonic acid, compound with 2,2'-iminodiethanol (1:1). 26545-539 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente DEA-HYDROLYZED LECITHIN Lecithins, reaction products with diethanolamine. 91053-519 DEA-ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, compound with 2,2'-iminodiethanol (1:1). 93920-286 DEA-LAURAMINOPROPIONATE N-dodecyl-.beta.-alanine, compound with 2,2'iminodiethanol (1:1). 65104-361 DEA-LAURETH SULFATE Dodecanol, ethoxylated, sulfates, bis(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium salts (1-4 mol EO average molar ratio) 58855-360 DEA-LAURYL SULFATE Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium dodecyl sulfate. 143-00-0 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente DEA-LINOLEATE (9Z,12Z)-octadeca-9,12-dienoic acid, compound with 2,2'-iminodiethanol (1:1). 59231-424 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / emulsionante DEA-METHOXYCINNAMATE P-methoxycinnamic acid, compound with 2,2'iminodiethanol (1:1). 56265-464 DEA-METHYL MYRISTATE SULFONATE Tetradecanoic acid, 2-sulfo-, ester, 2,2'-iminobisethanol salt DEA-MYRETH SULFATE Tetradecanol, ethoxylated, sulfates, bis(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium salts (1-4 mol EO) Pagina 47 di 186 1-methyl surfactante / emulsionante surfactante / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / detergente emulsionante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli filtro UV surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DEA-MYRISTATE Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium myristate. 53404-390 DEA-MYRISTYL SULFATE Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium tetradecyl sulphate. 65104-612 surfactante / emulsionante surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno DEA-OLETH-10 PHOSPHATE (Z)-9-Octadecanol, ethoxylated, phosphates, bis(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium salts (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 58855-633 emulsionante / surfactante DEA-OLETH-20 PHOSPHATE (Z)-9-Octadecanol, ethoxylated, phosphates, bis(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium salts (20 mol EO average molar ratio) 58855-633 emulsionante / surfactante DEA-OLETH-3 PHOSPHATE (Z)-9-Octadecanol, ethoxylated, phosphates, bis(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium salts (3 mol EO average molar ratio) 58855-633 emulsionante / surfactante DEA-OLETH-5 PHOSPHATE (Z)-9-Octadecanol, ethoxylated, phosphates, bis(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium salts (5 mol EO average molar ratio) 58855-633 emulsionante / surfactante 1-Decene, polymer with 1-butene 30973-934 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. phosphono-. omega. -(decyloxy)- 26183-528 9004-80-2 / 5201936-0 DEA-STYRENE/ACRYLATES/DVB COPOLYMER DECENE/BUTENE COPOLYMER DECETH-10 DECETH-3 opacizzante DECETH-4 DECETH-4 PHOSPHATE DECETH-5 26183-528 DECETH-6 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. phosphono-. omega. -(decyloxy)- 9004-80-2 DECYL ISOSTEARATE Decyl isooctadecanoate. 84605-083 DECYLAMINE OXIDE DECYLOXAZOLIDINONE N,N-dimethyldecylamine N-oxide. 2-Oxazolidinone, 4-decyl- 2605-79-0 7693-82-5 DECYLTETRADECANOL DECYLTETRADECETH-30 2-decyltetradecanol. 58670-896 DECETH-6 PHOSPHATE DECETH-7 CARBOXYLIC ACID DECETH-8 DECYLTETRADECYLAMINE OXIDE 1-Tetradecanamine, 2-decyl-N,N-dimethyl-, N-oxide DEDM HYDANTOIN 1,3-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-5,5dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione. DEDM HYDANTOIN DILAURATE DENATONIUM SACCHARIDE 2,4-imidazolidinedione, 1,3-bis(2decanoyloxyethyl)-5,5-dimethylBenzenemethanaminium, N-[2-[(2,6dimethylphenyl)amino]-2-oxoethyl]-N,Ndiethyl-, salt with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)one 1,1-dioxide Pagina 48 di 186 14679333-1 26850-248 modificatore reologico emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante emolliente agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno antimicrobico emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo antimicrobico antimicrobico denaturante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DEODORIZED KEROSENE Kerosine (petroleum). A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C9 through C16 and boiling in the range of approximately 150[0]C to 290[0]C (320[0]F to 554[0]F). DEPROTEINIZED SERUM Blood, ext., deproteinated. 8008-20-6 90989-734 DEQUALINIUM ACETATE 1,1'-(decane-1,10-diyl)bis[4-amino-2methylquinolinium] diacetate. 4028-98-2 DEQUALINIUM CHLORIDE Quinolinium, 1,1'-(1,10decanediyl)bis[4-amino-2-methyl-, dichloride 522-51-0 DEXTRAN HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE DIACETONE ALCOHOL Dextran, 2-hydroxy-3(trimethylammonio)propyl ether, chloride 4-hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one. 83855-792 123-42-2 DIAMINOPYRIMIDINE OXIDE 2,4-Pyrimidinediamine, 3-oxide 74638-769 condizionante per capelli solvente condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli DIAMMONIUM EDTA Diammonium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate. 20824-560 antiossidante / chelante DIAMMONIUM LAURAMIDO-MEA SULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, 1-[2-[(1oxododecyl)amino]ethyl] ester, diammonium salt 922-80-5 79-74-3 surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo surfactante / agente idrofilo / detergente / schiumogeno antiossidante DIAMMONIUM DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL SULFOSUCCINATE DIAMMONIUM OLEAMIDO PEG-2 SULFOSUCCINATE DIAMYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE DIAMYLHYDROQUINONE Sodium 1,2bis(pentyloxycarbonyl)ethanesulphonate. 2,5-di-tert-pentylhydroquinone. DIAZOLIDINYL UREA 1 -[1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2,5dioxoimidazolidin-4-yl]-1,3bis(hydroxymethyl)urea. DIBEHENAMIDOPROPYLDIMETHYLAMINE DILINOLEATE 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-, dimer, compounds with N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]docosanamide (1:2) DIBEHENYL METHYLAMINE N-methyldidocosylamine. DIBEHENYL/DIARACHIDYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Methanaminium, N-methyl-N,N-bis(mixed docosyl and eicosyl)-, chloride DIBEHENYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-docosanaminium, N-docosyl-N,N-dimethyl-, chloride DIBEHENYLDIMONIUM METHOSULFATE DIBENZOTHIOPHENE DIBENZOXAZOYL NAPHTHALENE 1-docosanaminium, N-docosyl-N,Ndimethyl-, methyl sulfate (salt) Dibenzothiophene. 2,2'-(Naphthalene-1,4-diyl)bis(benzoxazole) antimicrobico / deodorante antimicrobico / igiene orale / antiplacca / deodorante 78491 -028 conservante 17103949-9 61372-916 26597-364 DIBENZYLIDENE SORBITOL Bis-O-(benzylidene)-D-glucitol. 132-65-0 5089-22-5 32647-679 DIBROMOHEXAMIDINE ISETHIONATE 2-hydroxyethanesulphonic acid, compound with 4,4'-[hexane-1,6-diylbis(oxy)]bis[3bromobenzenecarboxamidine] (2:1). 93856-838 Pagina 49 di 186 solvente condizionante per la pelle condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / emulsionante antiossidante filtro UV modificatore reologico conservante AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI DIBROMOPROPAMIDINE DIISETHIONATE Ethanesulfonic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compound with 4,4'-[1,3propanediylbis(oxy)]bis[3bromobenzenecarboximidamide] DIBUTYLENE TETRAFURFURAL 1,4,4a,5a,6,9,9a,9b-octahydrodibenzofuran4a-carbaldehyde. DI-C12-13 ALKYL MALATE Butandioic acid, hydroxy-, bis-(C12-C13-alkyl) esters DI-C12-13 ALKYL TARTRATE DI-C12-15 ALKYL ADIPATE Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy- [R(R*,R*)]-, C12-14-branched and linear alkyl esters. Hexanedioic acid, bis(C12-C15-alkyl) esters DI-C12-15 ALKYL FUMARATE DI-C12-15 PARETH-10 PHOSPHATE DI-C12-15 PARETH-2 PHOSPHATE DI-C12-15 PARETH-4 PHOSPHATE DI-C12-15 PARETH-6 PHOSPHATE DI-C12-15 PARETH-8 PHOSPHATE 614-87-9 126-15-8 94095-064 Butenedioic acid (e), bis(C12-C15-alkyl) esters antimicrobico modificatore reologico / antiossidante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente solvente / emolliente emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle DI-C12-18 ALKYL DIMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, di-C1218-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 68391-059 DI-C14-15 ALKYL TARTRATE Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-[R-(R*,R*)]-, di-C14-15-alkyl esters 14914486-5 DICAPRYL/DICAPRYLYL DIMONIUM CHLORIDE DICETEARETH-10 PHOSPHATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, di-C810-alkyldimethyl, chlorides. 68424-953 DICETYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE DICHLOROBENZYL ALCOHOL DICHLOROMETHANE Dihexadecyldimethylammonium chloride. 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Dichloromethane. 1812-53-9 1777-82-8 75-09-2 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante /emulsionante / condizionante per capelli conservante solvente DICHLORO-m-XYLENOL 2,4-dichloro-3,5-xylenol. 133-53-9 antimicrobico / deodorante DICHLOROPHENE Dichlorophen. 97-23-4 antimicrobico / deodorante DICHLOROPHENYL IMIDAZOLDIOXOLAN 1,3-dioxolane, 2-[(1 (2H)imidazolyl)methyl]-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4[4-(4ethoxycarbonylhexahydropyrazinyl)phenyl]ox ymethyl- 85058-431 DICOCAMINE Amines, dicoco alkyl. 61789-762 DICOCODIMETHYLAMINE DILINOLEATE Amines, coco alkyl, N,N-dimethyl, salts with linoleic acid dimer DICOCODIMONIUM CHLORIDE DICOCOYLETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE DICYCLOHEXYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, dicoco alkyldimethyl, chlorides. 61789-773 Sodium 1,4-dicyclohexyl sulphonatosuccinate. 23386-529 Pagina 50 di 186 antimicrobico emolliente / emulsionante / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / detergente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DICYCLOPENTADIENE/T-BUTYLCRESOL COPOLYMER DIDECENE Tricyclo[5,2,1,0(2,6)]deca-3,8-diene, polymer with methyl(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol 1-decene dimer 22099766-0 DIDECYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Didecyldimethylammonium chloride. 7173-515230-5 antiossidante emolliente agente antistatico / surfactante / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli DIETHANOLAMINE BISULFATE Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium hydrogen sulphate. 59219-566 agente tampone DIETHANOLAMINO OLEAMIDE DEA 9-octadecenamide, [bis(2hydroxyethyl)amino]-, N,N-bis(2hydroxyethyl)- DIETHOXYETHYL SUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, bis(2-ethoxyethyl) ester 26962-298 DIETHYL PHTHALATE DIETHYL TOLUAMIDE DIETHYLAMINE Diethyl phthalate. N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide. Diethylamine. 84-66-2 134-62-3 109-89-7 Fatty acids, coco, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl esters. 85631-352 DIETHYLAMINOETHYL STEARATE DIETHYLAMINOMETHYLCOUMARIN DIETHYLENE GLYCOL 2-(diethylamino)ethyl stearate. 7-(diethylamino)-4-methyl-2-benzopyrone. 2,2'-oxydiethanol. 3179-81-5 91 -44-1 111-46-6 DIETHYLENE GLYCOL DIBENZOATE Oxydiethylene dibenzoate. 120-55-8 solvente denaturante / agente filmogeno / solvente / plasticizzante / condizionante per capelli agente protettivo agente tampone surfactante / schiumogeno / detergente surfactante / emulsionante / detergente surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno agente antistatico / emulsionante / agente schiumogeno / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente agente stabilizzante solvente emolliente / plasticizzante DIETHYLENE GLYCOL DIETHYLHEXANOATE /DIISONONANOATE Oxybis(2-hydroxyethyl), diesters with 3,5,5trimethylhexanoic acid and 2-ethylhexanoic acid DIETHYLENE GLYCOL DIISONONANOATE Oxydiethylene dinonanoate. 106-01-4 emolliente emolliente / plasticizzante / condizionante per capelli surfactante / schiumogeno DIETHYLAMINE LAURETH SULFATE DIETHYLAMINOETHYL COCOATE DIETHYLAMINOETHYL PEG-5 COCOATE DIETHYLAMINOETHYL PEG-5 LAURATE DIETHYLENE GLYCOLAMINE/EPICHLOROHYDRIN /PIPERAZINE COPOLYMER DIETHYLENE TRICASEINAMIDE Casein, product with bis(2-aminoethyl)amine DIETHYLENETRIAMINE PENTAMETHYLENE PHOSPHONIC ACID [[(Phosphonomethyl)imino]bis[ethane-2,1diylnitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakisphosphonic acid DIETHYLHEXYL BUTAMIDOTRIAZONE Benzoic acid, 4,4'-[[6[[4-[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)amino]carbonyl]phenyl]amino]-1,3,5triazine-2,4-diyl]diimino]bis-, -bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester Pagina 51 di 186 agente filmogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 15827-608 chelante 15470215-5 filtro UV AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI DIETHYLHEXYLAMINE Bis(2-ethylhexyl)amine. DIETHYLHEXYLCYCLOHEXANE 1,3-bis(2-ethylhexyl)cyclohexane. Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 106-20-7 84753-082 DIGLYCOL/CHDM/ ISOPHTHALATES/SIP COPOLYMER emolliente agente filmogeno DIGLYCOL/ISOPHTHALATES/SIP COPOLYMER 5-Sulfo-1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid and 2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethanol DIHEPTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE Sodium 1,4-diheptyl sulphonatosuccinate. DIHYDROABIETYL METHACRYLATE 1 -phenanthrenemethanol, dodecahydro1,4a-dimethyl-7-(1 -methylethyl)-, 2-methyl-2propenoate DIHYDROCHOLESTERYL ISOSTEARATE DIHYDROCHOLETH-15 DIHYDROCHOLETH-20 DIHYDROCHOLETH-30 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli Cholestan-3-ol, isooctadecanoate, (3.beta., 5.alpha.)- 24081859-1 4680-44-8 agente filmogeno surfactante / schiumogeno / detergente / agente idrofilo modificatore reologico 87677-905 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante DIHYDROGENATED C16-18 AMIDO BENZOIC ACID Benzoic acid, 2-[bis(hydrogenated-C16-C18alkyl)]aminocarbonyl- DIHYDROGENATED PALMOYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2hydroxyethyl)-N-methyl, diesters with hydrogenated palm oil fatty acids, methyl sulfates, (salts) DIHYDROGENATED TALLOW BENZYLMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzylbis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)methyl, chlorides. 61789-739 surfactante / emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli DIHYDROGENATED TALLOW BENZYLMONIUM HECTORITE Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzylbis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)methyl, salts with montmorillonite 97952-686 agente antistatico / gelificante / modificatore reologico DIHYDROGENATED TALLOW HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, di(hydrogenated tallow-alkyl) 2-hydroxyethyl methyl, methosulfates 91995-812 DIHYDROGENATED TALLOW METHYLAMINE Amines, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)methyl. 61788-634 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli DIHYDROGENATED TALLOW PHTHALATE 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di(hydrogenated tallow alkyl) esters 99035-593 emolliente / surfactante DIHYDROGENATED TALLOW PHTHALIC ACID AMIDE Benzoic acid, 2-[bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)]aminocarbonyl- DIHYDROGENATED TALLOWAMIDOETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM CHLORIDE Ethanaminium, 2-amino-N-(2-aminoethyl)-N(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methyl-, N,N'bis(hydrogenated tallow acyl) derivs., chlorides. 91673-131 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli DIHYDROGENATED TALLOWAMIDOETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Ethanaminium, 2-amino-N-(2-aminoethyl)-N(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methyl-, N,N'bis(hydrogenated tallow acyl) derivs., Me sulfates (salts). 68953-593 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli DIHYDROGENATED TALLOWDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, chlorides. 61789-808 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli DIHYDROGENATED TALLOWETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N-bis[2(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)ethyl]-N-methyl-, methyl sulfates (salts) Pagina 52 di 186 22313663-8 emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DIHYDROGENATED TALLOWOYLETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N-bis[2-(1oxohydrogenated tallow alkyl)ethyl]-N-methyl, me sulfates (salts) DIHYDROXYETHYL C12-15 ALKOXYPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis-, N-[3-(C12-15alkyloxy)propyl] derivs., N-oxides. DIHYDROXYETHYL C8-10 ALKOXYPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis-, N-[3-(C8-C10alkyloxy)propyl] derivs., N-oxides DIHYDROXYETHYL C9-11 ALKOXYPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis-, N-[3-(C9-C11alkyloxy)propyl] derivs., N-oxides DIHYDROXYETHYL COCAMINE OXIDE Ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis-, N-coco alkyl derivs., N-oxides. 61791-477 DIHYDROXYETHYL LAURAMINE OXIDE Dodecylamine, N,N-bis(2-hydroxethyl)-, Noxide 2530-44-1 DIHYDROXYETHYL SOYAMINE DIOLEATE 9-octadecenoic acid, diester N-(soya alkyl)-iminobisethanol DIHYDROXYETHYL STEARAMINE OXIDE Ethanol, 2,2'-(octadecylimino)bis-, N-oxide 14048-772 DIHYDROXYETHYL TALLOW GLYCINATE Tallow alkylaminium, Ncarboxymethyl-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, hydroxides, inner salts 61791-251 DIHYDROXYETHYL TALLOWAMINE HCl Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated, hydrochlorides 68132-785 DIHYDROXYETHYL TALLOWAMINE OLEATE 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-, compd. with Ntallow alkyl-2,2'-iminobis[ethanol]. 68439-430 DIHYDROXYETHYL TALLOWAMINE OXIDE Ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis-, N-tallow alkyl derivs., N-oxides. 61791-466 DIHYDROXYETHYL TALLOWAMINE/IPDI COPOLYMER Ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis-, N-tallow alkyl derivatives, polymers with 5-isocyanato-1 -(isocyanatomethyl)-1 ,3,3trimethylcyclohexane 22370529-1 DIHYDROXYETHYLAMINO HYDROXYPROPYL OLEATE DIHYDROXYINDOLE 9-octadecenoic acid, 3-[bis(2hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-hydroxypropyl ester 1H-indole-5,6-diol 3131-52-0 DIHYDROXYPROPYL PEG-5 LINOLEAMMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE 9,12-Octadecadienaminium,N,N-bis(.alpha.hydropoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)-N-2,3dihydroxypropyl), phosphate triesters, chlorides DIIODOMETHYLTOLYLSULFONE DIISOBUTYL ADIPATE p-[(Diiodomethyl)sulphonyl]toluene. Diisobutyl adipate. DIISOBUTYL OXALATE Di-sec-butyl oxalate. DIISOBUTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE Sodium 1,2diisobutoxycarbonylethanesulphonate. DIISOCETYL ADIPATE Bis(2-hexyldecyl) adipate. DIISODECYL ADIPATE Diisodecyl adipate. DIISONONYL ADIPATE Diisononyl adipate. Pagina 53 di 186 71486-823 with agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / schiumogeno surfactante / agente antistatico / schiumogeno surfactante / agente antistatico / schiumogeno agente antistatico / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / schiumogeno surfactante / stabilizzante emulsione / schiumogeno / agente antistatico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / surfactante / schiumogeno surfactante / schiumogeno / agente antistatico surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / schiumogeno agente filmogeno / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle colorante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 20018-091 141-04-8 13784-899 127-39-9 57533-901 27178-161 33703-081 antimicrobico emolliente chelante surfactante / schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle emolliente emolliente emolliente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI DIISOPROPYL METHYL CINNAMATE 2-propenoic acid, 3-[2,4-bis(1methylethyl)phenyl]-, methyl ester DIISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL EPOXYPROPYLMONIUM CHLORIDE Propanaminium, 3-(1oxoisooctadecyl)amino-N-methyl-Noxiranylmethyl-N-(3-(1 oxoisooctadecyl)aminopropyl, chloride Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 32580-715 22063745-6 DIISOSTEAROYL TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE SILOXY SILICATE DIISOSTEARYL ADIPATE DIISOSTEARYL DIMER DILINOLEATE agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle Hexanedioic acid, bis(16-methylheptadecyl) ester DIISOSTEARYL FUMARATE 2-butenedioic acid (e), bis(16methylheptadecyl) ester DIISOSTEARYL GLUTARATE Pentanedioic acid, bis(16-methylheptadecyl) ester DIISOSTEARYL MALATE filtro UV Bis(16-methylheptadecyl) malate. 62479-361 11238509-8 67763-182 DILAURETH-10 PHOSPHATE DILAURETH-4 DIMONIUM CHLORIDE DILAURETH-4 PHOSPHATE DILAURETH-7 CITRATE DILAUROYL TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE SILOXY SILICATE DILAURYL ACETYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Dodecanaminium, N-carboxymethyl-N,Ndimethyl-, dodecyl ester, chloride DILAURYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Didodecyldimethylammonium chloride. DILINOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE DILINOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHOSPHATE emolliente emolliente emolliente emolliente emolliente / surfactante surfactante / emulsionante agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emolliente condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per 3401 -74-9 capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / condizionante per 138698capelli 34- 7 DILINOLEIC ACID/ETHYLENEDIAMINE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno DILINOLEYL ALCOHOL/IPDI COPOLYMER DILITHIUM OXALATE 9-12-Octadecadien-1-ol, (9Z, 12Z)-, dimer, polymer with 5-isocyanato-1 (isocyanatomethyl)-1 ,3,3trimethylcyclohexane Dilithium oxalate. DIMETHICONE Dimethicone DIMETHICONE BISAMINO HYDROXYPROPYL COPOLYOL Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, 3-(3-amino-2-hydroxypropoxy)propyl group terminated, ethoxylated propoxylated 24405869-3 condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL Siloxanes and silicones, di-me, hydroxy-terminated, ethoxylated propoxylated 64365-237 agente antistatico / emolliente / antiagente schiumogeno 22494876-9 553-91-3 9006-65-9 / 6314862-9 agente filmogeno chelante antiagente schiumogeno / emolliente DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL ACETATE umettante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL ADIPATE umettante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente Pagina 54 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente umettante / emolliente DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL ALMONDATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL AVOCADOATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL BEESWAX DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL BEHENATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL BENZOATE Ester of dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer and benzoic acid DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL BISHYDROXYETHYLAMINE Siloxanes and silicones, 3-[3-[bis(2hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-hydroxypropoxy]propyl methyl, dimethyl, 3-hydroxypropoxy methyl, ethoxylated propoxylated DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL BORAGEATE Ester of dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer and the fatty acid derived from Borago officinalis seed oil condizionante per la pelle 24405865-9 umettante / idratante DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL BUTYL ETHER DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL COCOA BUTTERATE emolliente DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL CROSSPOLYMER Crosspolymer of dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer crosslinked with a polyethylene glycol diallyl ether DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL DHUPA BUTTERATE Ester of dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer and the fatty acids derived from Dhupa butter modificatore reologico condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL HYDROXYSTEARATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL ISOSTEARATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL KOKUM BUTTERATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL LAURATE Ester of dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer and the fatty acids derived from Kokum butter DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL MANGO BUTTERATE Ester of dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer and the fatty acids derived from Mango butter DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL METHYL ETHER DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL MOHWA BUTTERATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL OCTYLDODECYL CITRATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL OLIVATE umettante / emolliente umettante / emolliente condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente umettante / emolliente condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente 68951-973 Ester of dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer and the fatty acids derived from Mohwa butter Mixed ester of citric acid and dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer and 2octyl-1-dodecanol DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHOSPHATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHTHALATE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL SAL BUTTERATE condizionante per capelli condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente Ester of dimethylsiloxane-glycol copolymer and the fatty acids derived from Sal butter DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL SHEA BUTTERATE Pagina 55 di 186 umettante / idratante condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emolliente umettante / emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL STEARATE 13377914-3 DIMETHICONE COPOLYOLAMINE DIMETHICONE HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Silicones and siloxanes, dimethyl, 3-[2hydroxy-3-(trimethylammonio)propoxy]propyl methyl, chlorides 13377910-9 DIMETHICONE PROPYL PG-BETAINE DIMETHICONE PROPYLETHYLENEDIAMINE BEHENATE 13220730-8 DIMETHICONE SILYLATE DIMETHICONE/MERCAPTOPROPYLMETHI CONE COPOLYMER DIMETHICONE/PHENYL VINYL DIMETHICONE CROSSPOLYMER Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, polymers with [(dimethylphenylsilyl)oxy]- and [(ethenyldimethylsilyl)oxy]-terminated dimethyl siloxanes 243137-51 -1 DIMETHICONE/SODIUM PGPROPYLDIMETHICONE THIOSULFATE COPOLYMER umettante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente umettante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle umettante / condizionante per la pelle agente filmogeno / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico agente filmogeno / condizionante per la pelle DIMETHICONE/VINYL DIMETHICONE CROSSPOLYMER Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, polymers with mono[(ethenyldimethylsilyl)oxy]terminated dimethyl siloxanes DIMETHICONOL Poly[oxy(dimethylsilylane)], DIMETHICONOL BEESWAX Reaction product of beeswax and po ly[oxy(dimethylsilylene)],. alpha. -hydro,. omega. -hydroxy 22720035-3 condizionante per la pelle DIMETHICONOL BEHENATE Reaction product of docosanoic acid and po ly[oxy(dimethylsilylene),. alpha. -hydro,. omega. -hydroxy 22720034-2 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente DIMETHICONOL BORAGEATE Reaction product of the fatty acids derived from Borago officinalis seed oil and poly[oxy(dimethylsilylene),.alpha.hydro,.omega.-hydroxy 22699445-2 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente DIMETHICONOL DHUPA BUTTERATE Silicones and siloxanes, dimethyl, hydroxyterminated, esters with Vateria indica fatty acids 243981 39- 7 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente 24313753-3 31692-792 DIMETHICONOL FLUOROALCOHOL DILINOLEIC ACID DIMETHICONOL HYDROXYSTEARATE DIMETHICONOL ILLIPE BUTTERATE DIMETHICONOL ISOSTEARATE DIMETHICONOL KOKUM BUTTERATE modificatore reologico antiagente schiumogeno / emolliente / idratante condizionante per la pelle emolliente Reaction product of the fatty acids derived from Illipe (Bassia latifolia) butter and poly[oxy(dimethylsilylene),. alpha. hydro,.omega.-hydroxy Reaction product of the fatty acids derived from Kokum butter and poly[oxy(dimethylsilylene),.alpha.hydro,.omega.-hydroxy Pagina 56 di 186 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emolliente 22699448-5 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI DIMETHICONOL LACTATE Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, hydroxyterminated, 2-hydroxypropanoates 22720033-1 condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente DIMETHICONOL MOHWA BUTTERATE Silicones and siloxanes, dimethyl, hydroxy teminated, esters with mowrah (mohwa)-oil fatty acids 22523388-5 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente DIMETHICONOL SAL BUTTERATE DIMETHICONOL STEARATE Reaction product of the fatty acids derived from Sal butter and po ly[oxy(dimethylsilylene),. alpha. -hydro,. omega. -hydroxy DIMETHICONOL/IPDI COPOLYMER Poly[oxy(dimethylsilylene)], with 5isocyanato-1-(isocyanatomethyl)-1,3,3trimethylcyclohexane DIMETHICONOL/SILSESQUIOXANE COPOLYMER Siloxanes and silicones, di-Me, polymers with Me silsesquioxanes, hydroxy-terminated DIMETHICONOL/STEARYL METHICONE/PHENYL TRIMETHICONE COPOLYMER DIMETHOXYSILYL ETHYLENEDIAMINOPROPYL DIMETHICONE condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emolliente 19328167-3 68554-676 Polymer formed from poly[oxy(methylstearyl)silylene, .alpha.trimethylsilyloxy, . omega. -trimethylsilyl, poly[oxy(phenyl-trimethylsilyloxy)silylene,. alpha. -trimethylsilyloxy,. omega. trimethylsilyl, and poly[oxy(dimethylsilylene),. alpha. hydro,.omega.-hydro 71750-806 21542-961 agente filmogeno condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente stabilizzante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente antistatico propellente / solvente DIMETHYL BEHENAMINE N,N-dimethyldocosylamine. DIMETHYL COCAMINE DIMETHYL ETHER Amines, coco alkyldimethyl. Dimethyl ether. DIMETHYL HEXAHYDRONAPHTHYL DIHYDROXYMETHYL ACETAL Spiro[1,3-dioxane-5,2'(2H)-napthalene], hexahydro-2,5'5'-trimethyl- DIMETHYL HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE Amines, (hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl. DIMETHYL HYDROXYMETHYL PYRAZOLE 3,5-dimethyl-1 H-pyrazole-1 -methanol. DIMETHYL IMIDAZOLIDINONE 1,3-dimethylimidazolidin-2-one. 80-73-9 DIMETHYL LAURAMINE DIMETHYL LAURAMINE DIMER DILINOLEATE Dodecyldimethylamine. 112-18-5 antimicrobico umettante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 70729-872 emolliente emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione DIMETHYL LAURAMINE ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, compound with N,N-dimethyldodecylamine (1:1). Pagina 57 di 186 61788-930 115-10-6 73979-869 / 7397984-7 73970-384 / 7397040-8 61788-952 85264-331 tonico emulsionante / agente antistatico / agente stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DIMETHYL LAURAMINE OLEATE DIMETHYL MEA 9-octadecenoic acid, compound N,N-dimethyl-1-dodecanamine 2-Dimethylaminoethanol with DIMETHYL MYRISTAMINE Dimethyl(tetradecyl)amine. 112-75-4 DIMETHYL OCTYNEDIOL 3,6-dimethyloct-4-yne-3,6-diol. DIMETHYL OXAZOLIDINE 4,4-dimethyloxazolidine. 78-66-0 51200-874 108-01-0 DIMETHYL OXOBENZO DIOXASILANE agente antistatico / modificatore reologico agente tampone agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / solvente conservante condizionante per la pelle DIMETHYL PABA ETHYL CETEARYLDIMONIUM TOSYLATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, N-C16C18-alkyl-N-[2-(4dimethylaminobenzoyloxy)ethyl]-N,Ndimethyl-, salt with 4methylbenzenesulfonic acid DIMETHYL PALMITAMINE Hexadecyldimethylamine. 112-69-6 DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Dimethyl phthalate. 131-11-3 DIMETHYL SOYAMINE Amines, dimethylsoya alkyl. 61788-918 DIMETHYL STEARAMINE DIMETHYL SULFONE 1-Octadecanamine, N,N-dimethylDimethyl sulphone. 124-28-7 67-71-0 DIMETHYL TALLOWAMINE DIMETHYLAMINO METHYLPROPANOL DIMETHYLAMINOETHYL METHACRYLATE Amines, dimethyltallow alkyl. 2-(Dimethylamino)-2-methylpropan-1-ol 2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate. 68814-697 7005-47-2 2867-47-2 filtro UV agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli agente filmogeno / solvente / plasticizzante agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli solvente emolliente / emulsionante / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli anticorrosive modificatore reologico DIMETHYLAMINOPROPYLAMIDO PCA DIMETHICONE Polymer formed from poly[oxy(dimethyl)silylene] and poly{oxy[(3{4-[({3-[dimethylamino]-propyl}amino)carbonyl]2-oxo-1 pyrrolidinyl}propyl)methyl]}, .alpha.trimethylsilyloxy, .omega.-trimethylsilyl 17900502-8 condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle DIMETHYLAMINOSTYRYL HEPTYL METHYL THIAZOLIUM IODIDE DIMETHYLHYDROXY FURANONE Thiazolium, 3-heptyl4-methyl-2-[2-(4dimethylaminophenyl)ethenyl]-, iodide 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethylfuran-2(3H)-one. 3658-77-3 DIMETHYLIMIDAZOLIDINONE CORN STARCH Product obtained by the reaction of 1,3-dimethyl-4,5-dihydroxy-2-imidazolidinone with corn (Zea mays) starch DIMETHYLIMIDAZOLIDINONE RICE STARCH Product obtained by the reaction of 1,3-dimethyl-4,5-dihydroxy-2-imidazolidinone with rice (Oryza sativa) starch DIMETHYLOCTAHYDRO-2NAPHTHALDEHYDE Octahydro-8,8-dimethylnaphthalene-2carbaldehyde. 68738-943 tonico DIMETHYLOL ETHYLENE THIOUREA 1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)imidazolidine-2-thione. 15534-959 condizionante per capelli DIMETHYLOL UREA/PHENOL/ SODIUM PHENOLSULFONATE COPOLYMER Benzenesulfonic acid, hydroxy-, monosodium salt, polymer with N,N'bis(hydroxymethyl)urea and phenol Pagina 58 di 186 antimicrobico tonico assorbente / modificatore reologico 22323990-5 22060423-9 assorbente / modificatore reologico modificatore reologico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI 12895218-1 DIMETHYLSILANOL HYALURONATE DINONOXYNOL-4 PHOSPHATE DINONOXYNOL-9 CITRATE Hyaluronic acid, dimethylsilylene ester DINONYL PHENOL Dinonylphenol. DIOCTYLDODECETH-2 LAUROYL GLUTAMATE Bis[2-[(2-octyldodecyl)oxy]ethyl] (1 -oxododecyl)-L-glutamate. DIOLEOYL EDETOLMONIUM METHOSULFATE 1-Propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N-[2-[(2hydroxypropyl) [2-[(1-oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]propyl]amino]ethyl]-Nmethyl-N-[2-[(1-oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]propyl]-, methyl sulfate (salt) DIOLEOYL EDTHP-MONIUM METHOSULFATE DIOLEOYLAMIDOETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE DIOLEOYLISOPROPYLDIMONIUM METHOSULFATE Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 N- 1323-65-5 umettante / idratante emulsionante surfactante condizionante per la pelle 94291-937 surfactante / emolliente 11103096- 7 1-propanaminium, 2-(9-octadecenoyloxy)-N(2-hydroxypropyl)-N-methyl-N-[N-(2hydroxypropyl)-N-(9octadecenoyloxypropyl)amino]ethyl-, methyl sulfate (salt) (2-Hydroxyethyl)methylbis[2-[(1-oxooctadec9-enyl)amino]ethyl]ammonium methyl sulfate 92888-374 1-Propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-2-[(1-oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-N-[2-[(1-oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]propyl]-, (Z,Z)-, methyl sulfate 11206530-2 DIOLETH-8 PHOSPHATE DIOLEYL EDTHP-MONIUM METHOSULFATE 37838-383 agente tampone / surfactante / emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli DIOLEYL TOCOPHERYL METHYLSILANOL Silane, ((3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-1 benzopyran-6-yl)oxy)methylbis (9octadecenyloxy)-; DIPA-HYDROGENATED COCOATE Fatty acids, coco, hydrogenated, salts with bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine DIPA-LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, compds. with isopropanolamine. 85536-465 DIPALMITAMINE Dihexadecylamine. 16724-633 DIPALMITOYLETHYL DIMONIUM CHLORIDE Dimethylbis[2-[(1 oxohexadecyl)oxy]ethyl]ammonium chloride 97158-311 DIPALMITOYLETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Hexadecanoic acid, diester with N,N,N-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)methanaminium methyl sulfate agente antistatico / / condizionante per capelli DIPALMOYLETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE DIPHENOLIC ACID Fatty acids, palm oil, diester with N,N,Ntris(hydroxyethyl)methanaminium methyl sulfate 4,4-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)valeric acid. 126-00-1 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / modificatore reologico DIPHENYL CARBOMETHOXY ACETOXY NAPHTHOPYRAN 2-H-Naphtho[1,2-b]pyran-5-carboxylic acid, 6-(acetoxy)-2,2-diphenyl-, methyl ester 16968222-8 DIPHENYL DIMETHICONE DIPHENYL METHANE Diphenylmethane. 101-81-5 filtro UV emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente / condizionante per capelli solvente DIPHENYLMETHYL PIPERAZINYLBENZIMIDAZOLE 2H-benzimidazole, 1 -[3-[4(diphenylmethyl)-1 -piperazinyl]propyl]- 65215-545 filtro UV Pagina 59 di 186 13098604-8 antiossidante / agente protettivo / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI DIPOTASSIUM EDTA DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL Dipotassium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate. 1,1'-oxydipropan-2-ol. DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL CAPRYLATE Octanoic acid, 2-(2-hydroxypropoxy)-1methylethyl ester DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL DIBENZOATE Oxydipropyl dibenzoate. DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL SALICYLATE DIPROPYLENETRIAMINE 2001 -94-7 chelante 110-98-5 solvente 2-(2-hydroxypropyl)-1 -methylethyl salicylate. 3,3'-iminodi(propylamine). 22060416-0 27138-314 68683-318 / 749114-7 56-18-8 emolliente surfactante / modificatore reologico / tonico agente tampone DIRECT BLACK 51 Disodium 5-[[4-[(7-amino-1 hydroxy-3-sulphonato-2-naphthyl)azo]-1naphthyl]azo]salicylate (CI 27720). 3442-21 5222-35 colorante per capelli DIRECT BLUE 86 Disodium [29H,31 Hphthalocyaninedisulphonato(4-)N29,N30,N31,N32]cuprate(2-) (CI 74180). 1328-51-4 colorante per capelli DIRECT RED 23 Disodium 3-[(4-acetamidophenyl)azo]4-hydroxy-7-[[[[5-hydroxy-6-(phenylazo)-7sulphonato-2naphthyl]amino]carbonyl]amino]naphthalene2-sulphonate (CI 29160). 3441-14-3 colorante per capelli DIRECT RED 80 Hexasodium 7,7'(carbonyldiimino)bis[4-hydroxy-3-[[2sulphonato-4-[(4sulphonatophenyl)azo]phenyl]azo]naphthalen e-2-sulphonate] (CI 35780). 259604 colorante per capelli DIRECT RED 81 Disodium 7-benzamido-4hydroxy-3-[[4-[(4sulphonatophenyl)azo]phenyl]azo]naphthalen e-2-sulphonate (CI 28160). 259636 colorante per capelli DIRECT VIOLET 48 Disodium [.mu.-[[7,7'-iminobis[4-hydroxy-3[[2-hydroxy-5-(Nmethylsulphamoyl)phenyl]azo]naphthalene-2sulphonato]](6-)]]dicuprate(2-) (CI 29125). 37279-542 colorante per capelli DIRECT YELLOW 12 Disodium 4,4'-bis[(4ethoxyphenyl)azo]stilbene-2,2'-disulphonate (CI 24895). 2870-32-8 colorante per capelli DISODIUM ASCORBYL SULFATE L-ascorbic acid, sulfate monoester, disodium salt DISODIUM AZACYCLOHEPTANE DIPHOSPHONATE (hexahydro-2H-azepin-2ylidene)bis(phosphonic) acid. 57601-566 chelante DISODIUM BISETHYLPHENYL TRIAMINOTRIAZINE STILBENEDISULFONATE Disodium 4,4'-bis[[6-anilino-4(ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]stilbene2,2'-disulphonate. 24565-137 surfactante antiossidante DISODIUM C12-15 PARETH SULFOSUCCINATE DISODIUM CETYL PHENYL ETHER DISULFONATE Disodium salt of the product formed by the reaction of disulfonated diphenyl ether with .alpha.-hexadecene DISODIUM COCAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, C-(2-coco amidoethyl) esters, disodium salts. 68784-087 DISODIUM COCAMIDO MIPASULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, C-(2-coco amido-1methylethyl) esters, disodium salts. 68515-651 Pagina 60 di 186 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente 22323989-2 surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / detergente surfactante / detergente / emulsionante / agente idrofilo surfactante / detergente / condizionante per la pelle / agente schiumogeno surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli / detergente surfactante / condizionante per capelli / detergente surfactante / condizionante per capelli / detergente / schiumogeno DISODIUM COCAMIDO PEG-3 SULFOSUCCINATE DISODIUM COCAMINOPROPYL IMINODIACETATE 1,3-propanediamine, N,N-bis(carboxymethyl), N'-coco alkyl derivs DISODIUM COCOYL BUTYL GLUCETH-10 SULFOSUCCINATE DISODIUM DECETH-5 SULFOSUCCINATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(3-carboxy-1 -oxosulfopropyl), disodium salt 68630-977 DISODIUM DECETH-6 SULFOSUCCINATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(3-carboxy-1 -oxosulfopropyl), disodium salt 68630-977 / 6831103-5 DISODIUM DECYL PHENYL ETHER DISULFONATE Disodium salt of the product formed by the reaction of disulfonated diphenyl ether with .alpha.-decene DISODIUM DICARBOXYETHYL COCOPROPYLENEDIAMINE Amines, N-C8-22-alkyltrimethylenedi-, acrylated, sodium salts. 97659-502 DISODIUM DISTYRYLBIPHENYL DISULFONATE Disodium 2,2'([1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'diyldivinylene)bis(benzenesulphonate). 27344-41 - surfactante / 8 modificatore reologico DISODIUM EDTA Disodium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate. 139-33-3 chelante / modificatore reologico DISODIUM EDTA-COPPER Disodium [[N,N'-ethylenebis[N(carboxymethyl)glycinato]](4-)N,N',O,O',ON,ON']cuprate(2-). 14025-151 chelante / astringente DISODIUM HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLUTAMATE Glutamic acid, N-tallow-acyl derivs., disodium salts surfactante DISODIUM ISODECYL SULFOSUCCINATE Disodium C-isodecyl sulphonatosuccinate. surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / detergente / agente schiumogeno DISODIUM ISOSTEARAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, 1-ester with N-(2hydroxyethyl)isooctadecanamide, disodium salt surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / agente schiumogeno DISODIUM ISOSTEARAMIDO MIPASULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, 1-ester with N-(2hydroxypropyl)isooctadecanamide, disodium salt surfactante / agente schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle 22323988-1 DISODIUM DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL SULFOSUCCINATE 37294-498 Isooctadecanamide, N-[2-(N-(2carboxymethyl)-N-(2-(2carboxymethoxy)ethyl)amino]ethyl-, disodium DISODIUM ISOSTEAROAMPHODIACETATE salt DISODIUM ISOSTEAROAMPHODIPROPIONATE Disodium 1 -[2-(2-carboxyethoxy)ethyl]-1 (2-carboxyethyl)-4,5-dihydro-2-(15methylhexadecyl)-1-H-imidazolium hydroxide. DISODIUM ISOSTEARYL SULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, 1-isooctadecyl ester, disodium salt Pagina 61 di 186 surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente / emulsionante / agente idrofilo surfactante surfactante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente 95046-336 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISODIUM LANETH-5 SULFOSUCCINATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(3-carboxy-1 -oxosulfopropyl), ethers with lanolin alcs., disodium salts 68890-926 DISODIUM LAURAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Disodium 1-[2-[(1oxododecyl)amino]ethyl] sulphonatosuccinate. 25882-444 DISODIUM LAURAMIDO PEG-2 SULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, c-[2-[2-[(1-oxododecyl)amino]ethoxy]ethyl] ester, disodium salt 2- 56388-444 DISODIUM LAURAMIDO PEG-5 SULFOSUCCINATE surfactante surfactante / agente schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / agente schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / agente schiumogeno DISODIUM LAURETH SULFOSUCCINATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(3carboxy-1-oxo-3-sulfopropyl), disodium salt 39354-455 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente DISODIUM LAURETH-12 SULFOSUCCINATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(3carboxy-1-oxo-3-sulfopropyl) , disodium salt 39354-455 surfactante DISODIUM LAURETH-5 CARBOXYAMPHODIACETATE surfactante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(3carboxy-1-oxo-3-sulfopropyl) , disodium salt 39354-455 DISODIUM LAURETH-9 SULFOSUCCINATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(3carboxy-1-oxo-3-sulfopropyl) , disodium salt 39354-455 DISODIUM LAURIMINODIPROPIONATE Disodium N-(2-carboxyethyl)-N-dodecyl.beta.-alaninate. 3655-00-3 DISODIUM LAURYL PHENYL ETHER DISULFONATE Benzene, dodecylphenoxy-, disulfo derivative, disodium salt 40795-560 surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / emulsionante / agente idrofilo DISODIUM METHYLENE DINAPHTHALENESULFONATE 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 6,6'methylenebis-, disodium salt 26545-584 / 1485790-0 agente stabilizzante / surfactante / agente idrofilo DISODIUM MYRISTAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, 2-[(1oxotetradecyl)amino]ethyl ester, disodium salt 37767-423 surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno DISODIUM NONOXYNOL-10 SULFOSUCCINATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(3carboxy-1-oxo-2(or 3)-sulfopropyl), disodium salt 67999-579 surfactante DISODIUM OLEAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Disodium (Z)-[2-[(1-oxooctadec-9enyl)amino]ethyl] 2-sulphonatosuccinate. 68479-641 DISODIUM OLEAMIDO MIPASULFOSUCCINATE Disodium 4-[1-methyl-2-[(1-oxooctadec-9enyl)amino]ethyl] 2-sulphonatosuccinate. 67815-887 Disodium (Z)-4-[2-[2[(1 -oxooctadec-9-enyl)amino]ethoxy]ethyl] 2sulphonatosuccinate. 56388-433 DISODIUM LAURETH-6 SULFOSUCCINATE DISODIUM LAURETH-7 CITRATE DISODIUM OLEAMIDO PEG-2 SULFOSUCCINATE DISODIUM OLETH-3 SULFOSUCCINATE surfactante surfactante surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante surfactante DISODIUM PALMITAMIDO PEG-2 SULFOSUCCINATE surfactante / detergente DISODIUM PALMITOLEAMIDO PEG-2 SULFOSUCCINATE surfactante / detergente DISODIUM PEG-10 LAURYLCITRATE SULFOSUCCINATE surfactante Pagina 62 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISODIUM PEG-4 COCAMIDO MIPASULFOSUCCINATE surfactante DISODIUM PEG-8 GLYCERYL CAPRYLATE/CAPRAT E DISODIUM PEG-8 RICINOSUCCINATE surfactante / emulsionante surfactante / detergente DISODIUM PPG-2-ISODECETH-7 CARBOXYAMPHODIACETATE surfactante DISODIUM RICINOLEAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE DISODIUM SITOSTERETH-14 SULFOSUCCINATE Disodium 1 -[2-[(12-hydroxy-1 -oxooctadec9-enyl)amino]ethyl] 2-sulphosuccinate. DISODIUM STEARAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Disodium C-[2-[(1 oxooctadecyl)amino]ethyl] sulphonatosuccinate. DISODIUM STEARIMINODIPROPIONATE Disodium N-(2-carboxyethyl)-N-octadecyl.beta.-alaninate. DISODIUM TALLAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, 2-[(1-oxo tall oil alkyl)amino]ethyl ester, disodium salt DISODIUM TALLOW SULFOSUCCINAMATE Butanoic acid, 4-amino-4-oxo-2-sulfo-, Ntallow alkyl derivs., disodium salts. DISODIUM TALLOWAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, C-(2-tallow amidoethyl) esters, disodium salts. DISODIUM TALLOWAMPHODIACETATE Sodium N-(carboxymethyl)-N-[2[(2-hydroxyethyl)(1 oxooctadecyl)amino]ethyl]glycinate. DISODIUM TALLOWIMINODIPROPIONATE .beta.-Alanine, N-(2-carboxyethyl)-, Ntallow alkyl derivs., disodium salts. DISODIUM TETRAPROPENYL SUCCINATE Disodium (tetrapropenyl)succinate. DISODIUM TRIDECYLSULFOSUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, sulfo-, 1-tridecyl ester, disodium salt DISODIUM UNDECYLENAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE Disodium 4-[2-[(1 -oxoundec-10enyl)amino]ethyl] 2sulphonatosuccinate. DISODIUM UNDECYLENAMIDO PEG-2 SULFOSUCCINATE DISODIUM WHEAT GERMAMIDO MEASULFOSUCCINATE surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / detergente surfactante / emulsionante surfactante / detergente / foam 85081-55- boosting / agente 6 idrofilo agente antistatico / surfactante / 20716-30- condizionante per 7 capelli / detergente surfactante / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / detergente surfactante / 90268-48- schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / detergente 7 surfactante / schiumogeno / 90268-41 - detergente / agente 0 idrofilo surfactante / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / detergente / 93804-76- condizionante per 3 capelli surfactante / agente antistatico / 61791-56- condizionante per capelli / detergente 8 94086-609 surfactante surfactante / agente 83147-64- idrofilo / schiumogeno 2 / detergente surfactante / schiumogeno / 26650-05- detergente / agente 5 idrofilo surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo 65277-545 Amides, wheat-germ-oil, N-(2hydroxyethyl)-, esters with sulfobutanedioic acid, disodium salts DISODIUM WHEAT GERMAMIDO PEG-2 SULFOSUCCINATE DISOYADIMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, dimethyldisoya alkyl, chlorides. 61788-929 DISOYAMINE Amines, disoya alkyl. 68783-233 Pagina 63 di 186 surfactante / agente idrofilo / schiumogeno / detergente surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISOYOYLETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2hydroxyethyl)-N-methyl-, diesters with soya fatty acids, methyl sulfates (salts) DISPERSE BLACK 9 2,2'-[[4-[(4aminophenyl)azo]phenyl]imino]bisethanol (CI 111301) 20721 -500 DISPERSE BLUE 3 9,10-Anthracenedione, 1,4-diamino-, N,N'-mixed 2-hydroxyethyl and Me derivs.. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, C.I. 61505 (CI 61505). 2475-46-9 colorante per capelli DISPERSE BLUE 7 1,4-dihydroxy-5,8-bis[(2hydroxyethyl)amino]anthraquinone. 3179-90-6 colorante per capelli DISPERSE BROWN 1 DISPERSE ORANGE 3 2,2'-[[3-chloro-4-[(2,6-dichloro-4nitrophenyl)azo]phenyl]imino]bisethanol (CI 11152). 4-[(4-nitrophenyl)azo]aniline (CI 11005). 23355-648 730-40-5 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli DISPERSE RED 11 1,4-diamino-2-methoxyanthraquinone (CI 62015). 2872-48-2 colorante per capelli DISPERSE RED 15 1-amino-4-hydroxyanthraquinone (CI 60710). 116-85-8 colorante per capelli DISPERSE RED 17 DISPERSE VIOLET 1 2,2'-[[3-methyl-4-[(4nitrophenyl)azo]phenyl]imino]bisethanol. 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone (CI 61100). 3179-89-3 128-95-0 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli DISPERSE VIOLET 4 1-amino-4-(methylamino)anthraquinone (CI 61105). 1220-94-6 colorante per capelli DISTEARDIMONIUM HECTORITE 1-Octadecanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-Noctadecyl-, chloride, reaction products with hectorite 97280-961 agente stabilizzante / modificatore reologico Dimethylbis[2-[(1 DISTEAROYLETHYL DIMONIUM CHLORIDE oxooctadecyl)oxy]ethyl]ammonium chloride 67846-688 surfactante / condizionante per capelli / emolliente surfactante / emolliente / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli DISTEAROYLPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-Propanaminium, N,N,Ntrimethyl-2,3-bis[(1-oxooctadecyl)oxy]-, chloride 220609-41 -6 DISTEARYL EPOXYPROPYLMONIUM CHLORIDE (2,3-Epoxypropyl)-methyldioctadecylammonium chloride 29681-285 DISTEARYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Dimethyldioctadecylammonium chloride. 107-64-2 DITALLOWDIMONIUM CELLULOSE SULFATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(tallow alkyl)dimethyl, cellulose sulfates 23543327-9 DITALLOWAMIDOETHYL HYDROXYPROPYLAMINE Amides, tallow, N,N'-[[(2hydroxypropyl)imino]di-2,1-ethanediyl]bis-. 68920-865 22323987-0 DISTEARETH-2 LAUROYL GLUTAMATE DISTEARETH-5 LAUROYL GLUTAMATE DISTEARETH-6 DIMONIUM CHLORIDE DISTEARYLDIMETHYLAMINE DILINOLEATE Pagina 64 di 186 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI DITALLOWAMIDOETHYL HYDROXYPROPYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE DITALLOWDIMONIUM CHLORIDE DITALLOWETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N-methyl-N,Nbis(2-aminoethyl)-, N',N''-bis tallow acyl derivs., methyl sulfate Quaternary ammonium compounds, dimethylditallow alkyl, chlorides. 68783-788 Fatty acids, tallow, reaction products with triethanolamine, di-Me sulfate-quaternized. 93334-157 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 88-58-4 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli antiossidante DITALLOWOYLETHYL HYDROXYETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE DI-t-BUTYLHYDROQUINONE Quaternary ammonium compounds, methyl(2hydroxyethyl)bis(tallow acyloxyethyl), methyl sulfate (salts) 2,5-di-tert-butylhydroquinone. DI-TEA-OLEAMIDO PEG-2 SULFOSUCCINATE 4-[2-[(2-hydroxyethyl)(1-oxooleyl)amino]ethyl] hydrogen 2-sulphosuccinate, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotri[ethanol] (1:2). DI-TEA-PALMITOYL ASPARTATE L-aspartic salt with DITHIAOCTANEDIOL DITHIOMETHYLBENZAMIDE 2,2'-ethylenedithiodiethanol 2,2'-dithiobis[N-methylbenzamide] DITRIDECYL ADIPATE Bis(tridecyl) adipate. 85480-940 acid, N-(1-oxohexadecyl)-, 2,2',2''-nitrilotrisethanol (1:2) 5244-34-8 2527-58-4 16958-922 DITRIDECYL DIMER DILINOLEATE DITRIDECYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE Sodium 1,2bis(tridecyloxycarbonyl)ethanesulphonate. DITRIDECYL THIODIPROPIONATE Di(tridecyl) 3,3'-thiodipropionate. DITRIDECYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Tridecanaminium, N-tridecyl-N,N-dimethyl-, chloride DM HYDANTOIN 5,5-dimethylhydantoin. 2673-22-5 10595-729 77-71-4 DMAPA ACRYLATES/ACRYLIC ACID/ACRYLONITROGENS COPOLYMER surfactante / detergente condizionante per la pelle antimicrobico emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / idratante / ammorbidente surfactante / schiumogeno / detergente / agente idrofilo antiossidante agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli modificatore reologico / condizionante per capelli agente filmogeno DMDM HYDANTOIN 1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione. DMHF Formaldehyde, polymer with 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-imidazolidinedione 6440-58-0 conservante 9065-13-8 antimicrobico / agente filmogeno DODECANEDIOIC ACID/CETEARYL ALCOHOL/GLYCOL COPOLYMER Dodecylbenzenesulphonic acid. 27176-870 DODECYLBENZYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 4-dodecylbenzyltrimethylammonium chloride. 19014-052 / 133085-4 DODECYLHEXADECYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-Hexadecanaminium, 2-dodecyl-N,N,NTrimethyl-, chloride DODECYLBENZENE SULFONIC ACID surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo DODECYLTETRADECANOL Tetradecanol, 2-dodecyl- DODECYLXYLYLDITRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Benzene, dodecyl-1,3bis(trimethylammoniomethyl)-, dichloride Pagina 65 di 186 10380718- 7 59012-601 agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico surfactante / detergente antimicrobico / agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente agente antistatico / surfactante / AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI condizionante per capelli DODOXYNOL-12 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (dodecylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-92-0 emulsionante / surfactante DODOXYNOL-13 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(tributylphenyl) (13 mol EO average molar ratio) 2610274 surfactante / emulsionante DODOXYNOL-5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (dodecylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-92-0 emulsionante / surfactante DODOXYNOL-6 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (dodecylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-92-0 emulsionante / surfactante DODOXYNOL-7 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (dodecylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-92-0 emulsionante / surfactante DODOXYNOL-9 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (dodecylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-92-0 emulsionante / surfactante 538-71-6 2440-22-4 antimicrobico / deodorante / igiene orale / antiplacca filtro UV DOMIPHEN BROMIDE DROMETRIZOLE Domiphen bromide. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-p-cresol. DROMETRIZOLE TRISILOXANE Phenol, 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4methyl-6-[2-methyl-3-[1,3,3,3-tetramethyl-1 [(trimethylsilyl)oxy]disiloxanyl]- DROMICEIUS OIL Dromiceius oil is the fixed oil obtained from the fat of the bird emu (Dromiceius) EDTA 1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N,N',N'tetrakis(carboxymethyl)- EMBRYO EXTRACT Embryo Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian embryo skin EPOXIDIZED SOYBEAN OIL Soybean oil, epoxidized. EQUUS EXTRACT Horse, ext. Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, inorganic ions, etc. obtained from Equus caballus. 98999-134 ERUCALKONIUM CHLORIDE ETHANE ETHANOLAMINE Benzenemethanaminium, N-13docosenyl-N,N-dimethyl-, chloride Ethane. 2-aminoethanol. 90730-680 74-84-0 141-43-5 ETHANOLAMINE DITHIODIGLYCOLATE Acetic acid, 2,2'-dithiobis-, 2hydroxyethylamine salt (1:2) ETHANOLAMINE GLYCEROPHOSPHATE ETHANOLAMINE HCl Phosphoric acid, mono(2aminoethyl) mono(2,3dihydroxypropyl)ester, monohydrate, (R) 2-hydroxyethylammonium chloride. 35907-347 2002-24-6 ETHANOLAMINE THIOGLYCOLATE (2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium mercaptoacetate. 126-97-6 ETHIODIZED OIL ETHOXYDIGLYCOL ETHOXYDIGLYCOL ACETATE Fatty acids, poppy seed, iodinated, ethyl esters 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)ethanol. 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)ethyl acetate. 8008-53-5 111 -90-0 112-15-2 ETHYL BUTYLACETYLAMINO PROPIONATE ETHYL CYANOACRYLATE Ethyl N-acetyl-N-butyl-.beta.-alaninate. Ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate. 52304-366 7085-85-0 emolliente umettante / solvente solvente surfactante / condizionante per la pelle agente filmogeno ETHYL DIHYDROXYPROPYL PABA Ethyl 4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amino]benzoate. 58882-170 filtro UV Pagina 66 di 186 15563354-8 filtro UV emolliente 60-00-4 91081-617 2232918 chelante idratante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / plasticizzante condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli propellente agente tampone agente riducente condizionante per la pelle agente tampone agente depilante / agente riducente / prodotti per capelli AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI ETHYL DIISOPROPYLCINNAMATE Ethyl 3-[2,4-bis(1 methylethyl)phenyl]acrylate. 32580-726 ETHYL ESTER OF HYDROLYZED ANIMAL PROTEIN Protein hydrolyzates, et esters, hydrochlorides 68951-893 2-butanedioic acid (Z)-, monoethyl ester, polymer with methoxyethene 25087-063 ETHYL ESTER OF PVM/MA COPOLYMER ETHYL GUIAZULENE SULFONATE ETHYL HEXANEDIOL 2-ethylhexane-1,3-diol. 94-96-2 ETHYL HYDROXY PICOLINIUM LACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compound with 2ethyl-6-methyl-3-pyridinol (1:1) 22061055-9 ETHYL HYDROXYMETHYL OLEYL OXAZOLINE ETHYL ISOSTEARATE 4-ethyl-2-(8-heptadecenyl)-2-oxazoline-4methanol. Isooctadecanoic acid, ethyl ester 68140-987 ETHYL MENTHANE CARBOXAMIDE ETHYL METHACRYLATE N-ethyl-2-(isopropyl)-5methylcyclohexanecarboxamide. Ethyl methacrylate. ETHYL METHOXYCINNAMATE ETHYL METHYLPHENYLGLYCIDATE Ethyl p-methoxycinnamate. Ethyl 2,3-epoxy-3-phenylbutyrate. ETHYL MINKATE Oils, mink, Et esters. ETHYL MORRHUATE Cod-liver oil, Et esters. 39711-790 97-63-2 99880-645 77-83-8 91079-082 73049-588 ETHYL TOSYLAMIDE ETHYLENE BRASSYLATE ETHYLENE CARBONATE N-ethyltoluene-2-sulphonamide. 1,4-dioxacycloheptadecane-5,17-dione. Ethylene carbonate. 1077-56-1 105-95-3 96-49-1 ETHYLENE DIHYDROGENATED TALLOWAMIDE ETHYLENE DILINOLEAMIDE ETHYLENE DIOLEAMIDE ETHYLENE DISTEARAMIDE Amides, tallow, hydrogenated, N,N'ethylenebis-. 68647-789 N,N'-ethane-1,2-diylbisoleamide. N,N'-ethylenedi(stearamide). 110-31-6 110-30-5 ETHYLENE/ACRYLIC ACID COPOLYMER ETHYLENE/ACRYLIC ACID/VA COPOLYMER ETHYLENE/CALCIUM ACRYLATE COPOLYMER 2-propenoic acid, polymer with ethene 9010-77-9 26713-188 26445-965 ETHYLENE/MA COPOLYMER 2,5-furandione, polymer with ethene ETHYL PEG-15 COCAMINE SULFATE 9006-26-2 ETHYLENE/MAGNESIUM ACRYLATE COPOLYMER ETHYLENE/PROPYLENE COPOLYMER 9010-79-1 ETHYLENE/SODIUM ACRYLATE COPOLYMER 25750-827 ETHYLENE/VA COPOLYMER Acetic acid ethenyl ester, polymer with ethene Pagina 67 di 186 24937-788 filtro UV agente antistatico / emolliente /condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli surfactante solvente condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente tonico modificatore reologico filtro UV modificatore reologico emolliente emolliente agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante /detergente / condizionante per capelli agente filmogeno / plasticizzante tonico / fragranza solvente emulsionante / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / opacizzante agente filmogeno agente filmogeno / opacizzante legante / agente filmogeno agente filmogeno agente filmogeno / volumizzante / abrasive agente filmogeno / stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / legante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 filmogeno ETHYLENE/ZINC ACRYLATE COPOLYMER ETHYLHEXETH-3 CARBOXYLIC ACID agente filmogeno surfactante / detergente ETHYLHEXYL DIMETHICONE ETHOXY GLUCOSIDE surfactante / emulsionante ETHYLHEXYL DIMETHYL PABA 2-ethylhexyl 4-(dimethylamino)benzoate. ETHYLHEXYL ISONONANOATE 2-ethylhexyl isononanoate. ETHYLHEXYL ISOPALMITATE 2-ethylhexyl isohexadecanoate. ETHYLHEXYL ISOSTEARATE ETHYLHEXYL METHOXYCINNAMATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl ester 2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate. ETHYLHEXYL NEOPENTANOATE 2-ethylhexyl pivalate. 21245-023 71566-499 93843-324 81897-258 5466-77-3 16387-181 ETHYLHEXYL TRIAZONE ETIDRONIC ACID Benzoic acid, 4,4',4''-(1,3,5-triazine2,4,6-triyltriimino)tris-,tris(2-ethylhexyl) ester Phosphonic acid, (1-hydroxyethylidene)bis- 88122-990 2809-21-4 filtro UV chelante ETOCRYLENE 2-Propenoic acid, 2-cyano-3,3-diphenyl-, ethyl ester 5232-99-5 filtro UV FAST GREEN FCF Dihydrogen (ethyl)[4-[4-[ethyl(3sulphonatobenzyl)amino](4-hydroxy-2sulphonatobenzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5dien-1-ylidene](3sulphonatobenzyl)ammonium, disodium salt (CI 42053). FIBRONECTIN Fibronectins. 2353-45-9 86088-837 colorante per capelli condizionante per la pelle FISH GLYCERIDES FLEXIBLE COLLODION Glycerides, fish-oil. 10008540-3 8050-70-2 FLUORINE YEAST DERIVATIVE FLUORO C2-8 ALKYLDIMETHICONE FLUOROSALAN FORMALDEHYDE Benzamide, dibromo-2-hydroxy-N-[3(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]Formaldehyde. GADI IECUR OIL Gadi Iecur Oil is the fixed oil expressed from the fresh livers of codfish (Gadus spp., Gadidae). It consists primarily of the glycerides of C14-C18 and C16-C22 unsaturated fatty acids GALLUS EXTRACT Gallus Extract is the extract obtained from the enzymatic decomposition of rooster (Gallus) cockscomb GELATIN Gelatins. A complex combination of proteins obtained by hydrolysis of collagen by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments, bones, etc. GELATIN/LYSINE/ POLYACRYLAMIDE HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N,Ntrimethyl-, 3-ginseng derivs., chloride Pagina 68 di 186 emolliente emolliente emolliente filtro UV emolliente emolliente agente filmogeno condizionante per la pelle emulsionante 3,5- GELATIN/KERATINAMINO ACIDS/LYSINE HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE GINSENG HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE filtro UV 1050591 50-00-0 antimicrobico conservante 8001 -69-2 emolliente idratante / condizionante per la pelle 9000-70-8 modificatore reologico / agente filmogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 GLUCAMINE 1 -amino-1 -deoxy-D-glucitol. 488-43-7 umettante / condizionante per capelli GLUTAMYL HISTAMINE GLUTARAL (S)-4-amino-5-[2-(1 H-imidazol-4yl)ethylamino]-5-oxopentanoic acid Pentanedial 16928381-2 111 -30-8 condizionante per capelli conservante GLYCERETH-12 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2, 31694-550 umettante / solvente / modificatore reologico GLYCERETH-17 COCOATE Poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl),.alpha.,.alpha'.,.alpha".-1,2,3propanetriyltris[.omega.-hydroxy- (17 mol EO average molar ratio), ester with fatty acids derived from coconut oil surfactante / emulsionante GLYCERETH-17 TALLOWATE Poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl),.alpha.,.alpha'.,.alpha".-1,2,3propanetriyltris[.omega.-hydroxy- (17 mol EO average molar ratio), ester with fatty acids derived from tallow surfactante / emulsionante GLYCERETH-20 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2, 31694-550 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,3propanetriyltris[.omega.-hydroxy- 31694-550 GLYCERETH-20 STEARATE GLYCERETH-25 PCA ISOSTEARATE GLYCERETH-26 GLYCERETH-26 PHOSPHATE GLYCERETH-31 Poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl),.alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha."-1,2,3propanetryiltris[.omega.-hydroxy- (31 mol EO average molar ratio) 31694-550 umettante / solvente / modificatore reologico emulsionante / chelante condizionante per la pelle / umettante / modificatore reologico / surfactante emulsionante / solvente / emolliente GLYCERETH-5 LACTATE GLYCERETH-6 LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .omega., .omega.', -dihydroxy-. omega. "-[(1oxododecyl)oxy]-. alpha.,. alpha.',. alpha. "1,2,3-propanetryiltris- (6 mol EO average molar ratio) GLYCERETH-7 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2, 18653761-1 31694-550 GLYCERETH-7 BENZOATE GLYCERETH-7 DIISONONANOATE GLYCERETH-7 HYDROXYSTEARATE /IPDI COPOLYMER umettante / modificatore reologico emulsionante / emolliente emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle Poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl)],.alpha.,.alpha'.,.alpha".-1,2,3propanetriyltris[.omega.-hydroxy-, ester with 12-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, polymer with 5-isocyanato-1(isocyanatomethyl)-1,3,3trimethylcyclohexane (7 mol EO average molar ratio) Pagina 69 di 186 surfactante / emulsionante umettante / solvente / modificatore reologico emulsionante / solvente / agente stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle 12580415-1 emulsionante / emolliente / solvente 16273024- 7 agente filmogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 GLYCERETH-7 TRIACETATE GLYCERETH-7/IPDI COPOLYMER emolliente Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),.alpha., .alpha.', .alpha."-1,2,3-propanetriyltris [.omega.hydroxy-, polymer with 5-isocyanato-1(isocyanatomethyl)-1,3,3trimethylcyclohexane (7 mol EO average molar ratio) 51606-338 GLYCERETH-8 HYDROXYSTEARATE GLYCERIN/OXYBUTYLENE COPOLYMER STEARYL ETHER condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico / agente filmogeno emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / emolliente emolliente GLYCERYL DIISOPALMITATE Isohexadecanoic acid, diester with 1,2,3propanetriol GLYCERYL DIISOSTEARATE Di(isooctadecanoic) acid, diester with glycerol. GLYCERYL ETHYLHEXANOATE DIMETHOXYCINNAMATE 2-propenoic acid, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, diester with 1,3-dihydroxy-2-(2-ethyl-1oxohexyl)oxypropane GLYCERYL ISOPALMITATE Isohexadecanoic acid, monoester with glycerol. 94248-665 GLYCERYL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, monoester with glycerol. 66085-005 / 3205714-0 GLYCERYL ISOSTEARATE/MYRISTATE Isooctadecanoic acid, monoester with 1,2,3-propanetriol monotetradecanoate GLYCERYL ISOSTEARATES Mixture of branched chain C18-alkanoic acids, monoesters with 1,2,3-propanetriol GLYCERYL ISOTRIDECANOATE/ STEARATE/ADIPATE Octadecanoic acid, mixed esters with 1,2,3-propanetriol, isotridecanoic acid and hexanedioic acid GLYCERYL MONTANATE GLYCERYL POLYACRYLATE GLYCERYL POLYMETHACRYLATE Glycerides, montan-wax. GLYCERYL TALLOWATE Glycerides, tallow mono- GLYCOFUROL Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(tetrahydro2-furanyl) GLYCOL Ethane-1,2-diol. GLYCOL CETEARATE 1,2-ethanediol, mixed esters with stearic and palmitic acids GLYCOL DIBEHENATE Ethylene didocosanoate. GLYCOL DIETHYLHEXANOATE Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, 1,2-ethanediyl diester Pagina 70 di 186 68958-485 emolliente emolliente / emulsionante / opacizzante filtro UV 12653955- 7 emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante condizionante per la pelle / emolliente / surfactante / emulsionante condizionante per la pelle / emolliente / surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante 68476-380 61789-137 9004-76-6 / 3169285-0 emulsionante agente filmogeno modificatore reologico condizionante per la pelle / emolliente / surfactante / emulsionante solvente / modificatore reologico solvente / modificatore reologico / umettante stabilizzante emulsione / emolliente / agente stabilizzante / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / opacizzante / 79416-55- modificatore reologico 0 / 344-64- / condizionante per la 8 pelle emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle 107-21-1 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 GLYCOL DILAURATE Ethylene dilaurate. 624-04-4 GLYCOL DIOLEATE 1,2-ethanediyl dioleate. 928-24-5 GLYCOL DISTEARATE Ethylene distearate. 627-83-8 GLYCOL DITALLOWATE Fatty acids, tallow, 1,2-ethanediyl diester GLYCOL ETHYLHEXANOATE Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, 2-hydroxyethyl ester GLYCOL HYDROXYSTEARATE 2-hydroxyethyl hydroxyoctadecanoate. 33907-469 GLYCOL MONTANATE Fatty acids, montan-wax, ethylene esters. 73138-451 GLYCOL OLEATE 2-hydroxyethyl oleate. 4500-01 0224-80 GLYCOL PALMITATE 2-hydroxyethyl palmitate. 4219-49-2 GLYCOL RICINOLEATE GLYCOL SALICYLATE 2-hydroxyethyl ricinoleate. 2-hydroxyethyl salicylate. 106-17-2 87-28-5 GLYCOL STEARATE 2-hydroxyethyl stearate. 111-60-4 GLYCOL/BUTYLENE GLYCOL MONTANATE GLYOXAL GLYOXYLIC ACID Fatty acids, montan-wax, mixed diesters with 1,2-propanediol and 1,3-butanediol Glyoxal. Glyoxylic acid. 107-22-2 298-12-4 GORGONIA EXTRACT Gorgonia Extract is an extract of horny coral (sea whip) of the family Gorgonaria 24405854-6 GUAR HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Guar gum, 2-hydroxy-3(trimethylammonio)propyl ether, chloride HC BLUE NO. 10 1-[(2',3'-dihydroxypropyl)amino]-2-nitro-4[methyl-(2'-hydroxyethyl)amino]benzene and salts HC BLUE NO. 11 1-[(2'-methoxyethyl)amino]-2-nitro-4-[di-(2'hydroxyethyl)amino]benzene GLYCOL STEARATE SE Pagina 71 di 186 65497-292 emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / opacizzante / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / modificatore reologico / opacizzante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / opacizzante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / opacizzante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / opacizzante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle filtro UV emolliente / emulsionante / opacizzante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle antimicrobico agente tampone condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle 10276727-1 colorante per capelli 23920-152 colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI HC BLUE NO. 12 1-(. beta. -Hydroxyethyl)amino-2-nitro-4-Nethyl-N-(. beta. -hydroxyethyl)aminobenzene HC BLUE NO. 14 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 10451693-0 colorante per capelli 9,10-Anthracenedione, 1,4-Bis[2,3,Dihydroxypropylamino]- 99788-757 colorante per capelli HC BLUE NO. 2 2,2'-[[4-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-3nitrophenyl]imino]bisethanol. 33229-344 colorante per capelli HC BLUE NO. 4 9,10-anthracenedione, N-methyl-1,4diamino-, product with chloromethyloxirane and 2-aminoethanol HC BLUE NO. 5 1,4-benzenediamine, 2-nitro-, products with chloromethyloxirane and 2,2'iminobisethanol 68478-648 colorante per capelli HC BLUE NO. 6 1-methylamino-2-nitro-4-(methyl-2,3dihydroxypropyl)aminobenzene hydrochloride 77291-234 colorante per capelli HC BLUE NO. 7 6-methoxy-N2-methylpyridine-2,3-diamine dihydrochloride. 83732-723 / 9081734-8 colorante per capelli HC BLUE NO. 8 1-[(3-aminopropyl)amino]-4(methylamino)anthraquinone. HC BLUE NO. 9 1-[(2',3'-dihydroxypropyl)amino]-2-nitro-4[ethyl-(2'-hydroxyethyl)amino]benzene 22366-990 114087-41 -1 / 11408742-2 HC BROWN NO. 1 3-[[4-[[diamino(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-1naphthyl]azo]-N,N,N-trimethylanilinium chloride. 83803-989 colorante per capelli HC BROWN NO. 2 3-[[4-[[diamino(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-mtolyl]azo]-N,N,N-trimethylanilinium chloride. 83803-990 colorante per capelli HC GREEN NO. 1 2-[[4-[bis(2hydroxyethyl)amino]phenyl]amino]-5-[(2hydroxyethyl)amino]cyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4dione. HC ORANGE NO. 1 p-[(o-Nitrophenyl)amino]phenol. 52136-251 54381-087 HC ORANGE NO. 2 1-(2-aminoethyl)amino-4-(2-hydroxyethyl)oxy2-nitrobenzene 85765-486 colorante per capelli HC ORANGE NO. 3 HC RED NO. 1 1-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)oxy-3-nitro-4-(2hydroxyethyl)aminobenzene 2-nitro-N-phenylbenzene-1,4-diamine. 81612-546 2784-89-6 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli HC RED NO. 10 1-amino-2-nitro-4-(2',3'dihydroxypropyl)amino-5-chlorobenzene and 1,4-bis-(2',3'-dihydroxypropyl)amino-2nitro-5-chlorobenzene 95576-899 colorante per capelli HC RED NO. 11 1,4-bis-(2',3'-dihydroxypropyl)amino-2-nitro-5chlorobenzene 95576-924 colorante per capelli HC RED NO. 13 HC RED NO. 3 2,2'-[(4-amino-3-nitrophenyl)imino]bisethanol hydrochloride. 2-(4-amino-2-nitroanilino)ethanol. HC RED NO. 7 2-(4-amino-3-nitroanilino)ethanol. 94158-131 354656 24905-871 colorante per capelli HC RED NO. 8 1 -[(3-aminopropyl)amino]anthraquinone, monohydrochloride. 97404-143 / 1355629-1 colorante per capelli HC RED NO. 9 [6-[[3-chloro-4-(methylamino)phenyl]imino]-4methyl-3-oxocyclohexa-1,4-dien-1 -yl]urea. 56330-882 colorante per capelli HC VIOLET NO. 1 Ethanol, 2-[(4-amino-2-methyl-5nitrophenyl)amino]- 82576-758 colorante per capelli Pagina 72 di 186 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 HC VIOLET NO. 2 1-(3-hydroxypropylamino)-2-nitro-4-bis(2hydroxyethylamino)benzene 10422619-9 colorante per capelli HC YELLOW NO. 10 1,5-bis(.beta.-hydroxyethyl)amino-2-nitro-4chlorobenzene 10902383-8 colorante per capelli HC YELLOW NO. 11 1-(.beta.-hydroxyethyl)amino-2-hydroxy-4nitrobenzene 73388-542 colorante per capelli HC YELLOW NO. 12 1-chloro-3-nitro-4-(.beta.hydroxyethyl)aminobenzene 59320-137 colorante per capelli HC YELLOW NO. 13 HC YELLOW NO. 2 4-(2'-hydroxyethyl)-amino-3-nitrotrifluoromethyl-benzene 2-[(2-nitrophenyl)amino]ethanol. 10442-838 4926-55-0 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli 2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-5-nitrophenol. 52551-674 / 5982043-8 56932-446 HC YELLOW NO. 4 colorante per capelli HC YELLOW NO. 5 2-(2-amino-4-nitroanilino)ethanol. HC YELLOW NO. 6 4-(2',3'-dihydroxypropyl)amino-3-nitrotrifluoromethylbenzene 10433300-8 colorante per capelli HC YELLOW NO. 7 1-(4-aminophenylazo)-2-methyl-4-bis(.beta.hydroxyethyl)aminobenzene 10422621-3 colorante per capelli HC YELLOW NO. 8 N-[6-[(2-chloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)imino]-4methoxy-3-oxo-1,4-cyclohexadien-1yl]acetamide. 66612-111 colorante per capelli HC YELLOW NO. 9 1-methoxy-3-(.beta.-aminoethyl)amino-4nitro-benzenehydrochloride 86419-694 colorante per capelli HDI/TRIMETHYLOL HEXYLLACTONE CROSSPOLYMER colorante per capelli modificatore reologico HEART EXTRACT Heart Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian heart 84540-001 condizionante per la pelle HEART HYDROLYSATE Heart Hydrolysate is the hydrolisate of animal heart tissue derived by acid, enzyme or other methods of hydrolysis N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenediaminetriacetic acid. 150-39-0 condizionante per capelli chelante / opacizzante / volumizzante / assorbente / modificatore reologico HEDTA HEMATIN Dihydrogen hydroxy[3,8,13,17tetramethyl-7,12-divinyl-21H,23H-porphine2,18-dipropionato(4-)-N21 ,N22,N23,N24]ferrate(2-). 15489-904 HEPTANE Heptane. 142-82-5 HEPTYLUNDECANOL 2-heptylundecanol. 5333-44-8 HEXACOSYL GLYCOL Hexacosane-1,2-diol. 97338-120 HEXACOSYL GLYCOL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, ester with 1,2hexacosanediol HEXADECYL METHICONE HEXADIMETHRINE CHLORIDE Poly[(dimethylimino)-1,3propanediyl(dimethyliminio)-1,6-hexanediyl dichloride] HEXAHYDROHEXAMETHYL CYCLOPENTABENZOPYRAN 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8hexamethylindeno[5,6-c]pyran. 1222-05-5 HEXAMETHYLDISILOXANE Hexamethyldisiloxane. 107-46-0 Pagina 73 di 186 68393-497 condizionante per capelli solvente / colorante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle umettante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico antiagente schiumogeno antiagente schiumogeno / emolliente / agente antistatico / AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI condizionante per la pelle HEXAMIDINE Benzenecarboximidamide, 4,4'-(1,6hexanediylbis(oxy))bis- 3811-75-4 HEXAMIDINE DIISETHIONATE 2-hydroxyethanesulphonic acid, compound with 4,4'-[hexane-1,6diylbis(oxy)]bis[benzenecarboxamidine] (2:1). 659-40-5 HEXAMIDINE PARABEN p-Hydroxybenzoic acid, compound with p,p'-[hexane-1,6diylbis(oxy)]bis(benzamidine) (2:1 ). 93841-839 HEXANEDIOL BEESWAX Fatty acids, beeswax, ester with 1,6hexanediol HEXANEDIOL DISTEARATE Hexamethylene distearate. HEXANETRIOL BEESWAX Fatty acids, beeswax, ester with 1,2,6hexanetriol 26730-927 conservante conservante / emolliente / antiagente schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle conservante umettante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / modificatore reologico / solvente / condizionante per la pelle umettante / modificatore reologico surfactante / umettante / emolliente HEXETH-4 CARBOXYLIC ACID HEXETIDINE 5-Pyrimidinamine, 1,3-bis(2ethylhexyl)hexahydro-5-methyl- 141-94-6 HEXYL ISOSTEARATE Hexyl isooctadecanoate. 94247-253 HEXYL METHICONE Poly[oxy(hexylmethylsilylene)],. alpha. trimethylsilyl),. omega. -[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]-. 56746-862 HEXYLDECETH-2 Hexyldecanol, polymer with oxirane (1:2) HEXYLDECETH-20 Hexyldecanol, polymer with oxirane (1:20) HEXYLDECYL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 2-hexyldecyl ester 69247-843 HEXYLENE GLYCOL 2-methylpentane-2,4-diol. 107-41-5 emulsionante / umettante / solvente condizionante per la pelle solvente / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle HIRUDO EXTRACT Hirudo Extract is an extract obtained from leeches (Hirudo) HOMOSALATE Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 3,3,5trimethylcyclohexyl ester 118-56-9 condizionante per la pelle / fragranza filtro UV / condizionante per la pelle HOPLOSTETHUS OIL HYDROCHLOROFLUOROCARBON 142B HYDROCHLOROFLUOROCARBON 22 HYDROFLUOROCARBON 152A Hoplostethus Oil is the oil obtained from the subcutaneous fat of the deep sea fish orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane. Chlorodifluoromethane. 1,1-difluoroethane. 75-68-3 75-45-6 75-37-6 HYDROGENATED BUTYLENE/ETHYLENE/STYRENE COPOLYMER HYDROGENATED C6-14 OLEFIN POLYMERS Pagina 74 di 186 conservante / solvente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emulsionante / solvente / antiagente schiumogeno / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente propellente propellente propellente emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL HYDROXYSTEARATE Octadecanoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, esters with hydrogenated castor oil HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, esters with hydrogenated castor oil Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL PEG-8 ESTERS HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL TRIISOSTEARATE Mixture of branched chain C18-alkanoic acids, triesters with the end product of the controlled hydrogenation of castor (Ricinus communis) oil HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL TRIISOSTEARIN ESTERS Complex mixture formed from the transesterification of the mixture of branched chain 1,2,3-propanetriyl-C18-alkanoates and the end product of the controlled hydrogenation of castor (Ricinus communis) oil HYDROGENATED DITALLOWAMINE Amines, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl). condizionante per la pelle /modificatore reologico 61789-795 condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle 91078-954 emolliente / modificatore reologico / agente stabilizzante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle 22699350-6 HYDROGENATED ETHYLENE/PROPYLENE/STYRENE COPOLYMER HYDROGENATED FISH OIL Oils, fish, hydrogenated. emulsionante / agente stabilizzante HYDROGENATED LANETH-20 HYDROGENATED LANETH-25 HYDROGENATED LANETH-5 HYDROGENATED LANOLIN Lanolin, hydrogenated. HYDROGENATED LANOLIN ALCOHOL Alcohols, lanolin, hydrogenated HYDROGENATED LARD Lard, hydrogenated. HYDROGENATED LARD GLYCERIDE Glycerides, lard mono-, hydrogenated. HYDROGENATED LARD GLYCERIDES Glycerides, lard mono-, di- and tri-, hydrogenated. HYDROGENATED MENHADEN ACID Fatty acids, menhaden-oil, hydrogenated HYDROGENATED MENHADEN OIL Oils, menhaden, hydrogenated. Pagina 75 di 186 emulsionante / agente stabilizzante emulsionante / volumizzante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante 8031 -44-5 per capelli agente stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / 73138-67- condizionante per la pelle 7 91744-55- emulsionante / 7 / 8040- condizionante per la 05-9 pelle emulsionante / 91744-48- condizionante per la pelle 8 emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emolliente / solvente / 93572-53- condizionante per la pelle 3 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI HYDROGENATED MICROCRYSTALLINE WAX Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, microcryst., hydrotreated. A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from residual oils by solvente crystallisation and treated with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of saturated straight and branched chain hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C25. HYDROGENATED MINK OIL Oils, mink, hydrogenated HYDROGENATED ORANGE ROUGHY OIL Oils, orange roughy, hydrogenated HYDROGENATED PALM KERNEL AMINE OXIDE Amines, (hydrogenated palm-kernel alkyl) dimethyl, N-oxides Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 92045-766 23360335-5 HYDROGENATED PALM/PALM KERNEL OIL PEG-6 ESTERS HYDROGENATED PALMTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Alkyltrimethylammonium chloride, alkyl groups derived from hydrogenated palm (Elaeis guineensis) oil HYDROGENATED POLYDECENE 1-Decene, homopolymer, hydrogenated 223707-51 -5 68037-014 HYDROGENATED POLYISOBUTENE Propene, 2-methyl-, homopolymer 40921-866 / 6169308-1 HYDROGENATED SHARK LIVER OIL Oils, shark-liver, hydrogenated HYDROGENATED STYRENE/BUTADIENE COPOLYMER 66070-584 HYDROGENATED STYRENE/METHYL STYRENE/INDENE COPOLYMER HYDROGENATED TALLOW Tallow, hydrogenated. HYDROGENATED TALLOW ACID Fatty acids, tallow, hydrogenated. HYDROGENATED TALLOW ALCOHOL Alcohols, tallow, hydrogenated HYDROGENATED TALLOW AMIDE Amides, tallow, hydrogenated. Pagina 76 di 186 2239276 61790-383 61790-316 modificatore reologico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / schiumogeno emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / surfactante / agente stabilizzante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / conservante emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico emolliente / emulsionante / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / opacizzante / detergente / surfactante emolliente / agente stabilizzante / schiumogeno / surfactante / emulsionante / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / opacizzante / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 HYDROGENATED TALLOW BETAINE Methanaminium, N-methyl-Ncarboxymethyl-N-(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)- HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLYCERIDE Glycerides, tallow mono-, hydrogenated. 61789-091 HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLYCERIDE CITRATE Glycerides, tallow mono-, hydrogenated, citrates. 68990-590 HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLYCERIDE LACTATE Glycerides, tallow mono-, hydrogenated, lactates. 68990-067 HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLYCERIDES Glycerides, tallow, hydrogenated. 92128-502 / 6830854-3 HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLYCERIDES CITRATE Glycerides, tallow mono-, di- and tri-, hydrogenated, citrates. 91723-330 HYDROGENATED TALLOWALKONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, chlorides. 61789-728 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMIDE DEA Fatty acids, tallow, reaction products with diethanolamine. 68440-324 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE Amines, hydrogenated tallow alkyl. 61788-452 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE OXIDE Amines, (hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, N-oxides. 61788-941 HYDROGENATED TALLOWETH-12 HYDROGENATED TALLOWETH-25 HYDROGENATED TALLOWETH-60 MYRISTYL GLYCOL HYDROGENATED TALLOWOYL GLUTAMIC ACID Glutamic acid, N-(hydrogenated tallow acyl) derivs. HYDROGENATED TALLOWTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, (hydrogenated tallow alkyl)trimethyl, chlorides. HYDROLYZED ACTIN HYDROLYZED CONCHIORIN PROTEIN Protein hydrolyzates, conchiorin HYDROLYZED GADIDAE PROTEIN Pagina 77 di 186 61788-781 surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico / detergente / schiumogeno / modificatore reologico emolliente / emulsionante / agente stabilizzante / surfactante emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle conservante / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / schiumogeno / modificatore reologico / agente stabilizzante emulsionante / surfactante / agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / agente stabilizzante agente antistatico / surfactante / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / detergente / modificatore reologico emulsionante / surfactante / agente stabilizzante / modificatore reologico emulsionante / detergente / surfactante emulsionante / agente stabilizzante / surfactante detergente / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / conservante condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Gelatins, hydrolyzates. Enzymatic digest produced by hydrolysis of gelatin. 68410-457 HYDROLYZED HEMOGLOBIN Hemoglobins, bovine. 91052-914 condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle HYDROLYZED HUMAN PLACENTAL PROTEIN Protein hydrolyzates, placenta. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of placenta composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin. 91080-012 agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli HYDROLYZED PLACENTAL PROTEIN Protein hydrolyzates, placenta. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of placenta composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin. HYDROLYZED GELATIN HYDROLYZED HAIR KERATIN 91080-012 HYDROLYZED RED BLOOD CELLS HYDROLYZED RETICULIN HYDROLYZED ROE Eggs, fish, hydrolyzed HYDROLYZED SERUM PROTEIN agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN/DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL ACETATE Polydimethylsiloxane, copolymer with polyoxyethylene and polyoxypropylene, acetylated, reaction products hydrolyzed soy protein condizionante per capelli HYDROLYZED SPINAL PROTEIN Protein hydrolyzates, spinal cord. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of spinal cord composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin. agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN/DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL ACETATE Polydimethylsiloxane, copolymer with polyoxyethylene and polyoxypropylene, acetylated, readion products hydrolyzed wheat protein 91080-056 condizionante per capelli umettante / condizionante per la pelle / agente filmogeno HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN/DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHOSPHATE COPOLYMER HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN/PEG-20 ACETATE COPOLYMER Protein hydrolyzates, wheat, reaction products with polyethylene glycol bis(chloroacetate) (20 mol EO average molar ratio) Pagina 78 di 186 22240037-5 condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI HYDROXYANTHRAQUINONEAMINOPROP YL METHYLMORPHOLINIUM METHOSULFATE 4-[3-[(9,10-dihydro-4-hydroxy-9,10dioxoanthryl)amino]propyl]-4methylmorpholinium methyl sulphate. HYDROXYBENZOMORPHOLINE HYDROXYBENZOXATHIOLONE 3,4-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-6-ol. 1,3-Benzoxathiol-2-one, 4-hydroxy HYDROXYBUTYL METHYLCELLULOSE Cellulose, hydroxybutyl methyl ether HYDROXYCETETH-60 HYDROXYCETYL HYDROXYETHYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE (2-hydroxyethyl)(2hydroxyhexadecyl)dimethylammonium chloride. HYDROXYCETYL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 2-hydroxyhexadecyl ester HYDROXYETHYL BEHENAMIDOPROPYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-(2hydroxyethyl)-3-(1 -oxodocosyl)amino, chloride HYDROXYETHYL CARBOXYMETHYL COCAMIDOPROPYLAMINE 1,3-propanediamine, N-coco-acyl derivs., N,N'N'-(mixed (2-hydroxyethyl) and carboxymethyl)- HYDROXYETHYL CETYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Hexadecyl(2hydroxyethyl)dimethylammonium chloride. HYDROXYETHYL CETYLDIMONIUM PHOSPHATE Hexadecyl(2hydroxyethyl)dimethylammonium dihydrogen phosphate. HYDROXYETHYL DIPHENYL IMIDAZOLINE 2-imidazoline, 1 -(2-hydroxyethyl)-4,5diphenyl HYDROXYETHYL HYDROXYPROPYL C1215 ALKOXYPROPYLAMINE OXIDE 1 -propylamine, 3-(C12-C15-alkyloxy)-N-(2hydroxyethyl)-N-(3-hydroxypropyl)-, N-oxides HYDROXYETHYL LAURDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-Dodecanaminium, N-(2hydroxyethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, chloride HYDROXYETHYL PALMITYL OXYHYDROXYPROPYL PALMITAMIDE Hexadecanamide, N-[3-(hexadecyloxy)-2hydroxypropyl]-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)- Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 38866-205 26021-578 95-18-1 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli antiossidante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico 9041 -56-9 / agente stabilizzante surfactante / detergente 84643-538 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno / detergente agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per 24625-03- capelli / colorante per 4 capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / 85563-48- condizionante per 0 capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per 2271 -92-3 capelli 220828-91 -1 11048307-3 emolliente / umettante HYDROXYETHYL PEI-1000 solvente / modificatore reologico HYDROXYETHYL PEI-1500 solvente / modificatore reologico HYDROXYETHYL STEARAMIDE-MIPA N-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)propyl]stearamide. 93842-810 HYDROXYETHYL TALLOWDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Ethanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,Ndimethyl-N-tallow-alkyl, chlorides 223707-31 -1 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / opacizzante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli HYDROXYETHYL-2,6-DINITRO-pANISIDINE 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)amino-4-methoxy-2,6dinitrobenzene 122252-11 -3 colorante per capelli HYDROXYETHYL-2-NITRO-p-TOLUIDINE 1-methyl-3-nitro-4-(.beta.hydroxyethyl)aminobenzene 10041833-5 colorante per capelli HYDROXYETHYL-3,4METHYLENEDIOXYANILINE HCl 2-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylamino)ethanol hydrochloride. 81329-900 colorante per capelli Pagina 79 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI HYDROXYETHYLAMINOMETHYL-pAMINOPHENOL HCl Phenol, 4-amino-2-[(2hydroxyethylamino)methyl]-, hydrochloride Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 11095246-0 HYDROXYETHYLBUTYLAMINE LAURETH SULFATE colorante per capelli surfactante / detergente HYDROXYETHYL-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE SULFATE HYDROXYLAMINE HCl 3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-p-phenylenediammonium sulphate. Hydroxylammonium chloride. HYDROXYLAMINE SULFATE Bis(hydroxylammonium) sulphate. 93841-248 1304222 10039-540 HYDROXYLATED LANOLIN Lanolin, hydroxylated. 68424-668 HYDROXYMETHYL DIOXOAZABICYCLOOCTANE 1H,3H,5H-oxazolo[3,4-c]oxazole-7a(7H)methanol. 6542-37-6 HYDROXYPHENYL GLYCINAMIDE 2-[(3-hydroxyphenyl)amino]acetamide. 7228-00-4 HYDROXYPROPYL BIS(NHYDROXYETHYL-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE ) HCl 1,4-benzenediamine, N(4)-(2hydroxyethyl)-N(1),N'(1)-[2hydroxypropanediyl]- colorante per capelli HYDROXYPROPYL BISCETEARYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1,3-propanediaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N'bis(C16-C18-alkyl)-N,N,N'N'-tetramethyl,chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli HYDROXYPROPYL BISISOSTEARAMIDO PROPYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1,3-propanediaminium, 2hydroxy-N,N'-bis[(1oxoisooctadecyl)amino]propyl-N,N,N',N'tetramethyl-, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli HYDROXYPROPYL BISOLEYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1,3-propanediaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N'bis(9-octadecenyl)-N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli HYDROXYPROPYL BISSTEARYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1,3-propanediaminium, 2-hydroxyN,N'-bis(octadecyl)-N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli HYDROXYPROPYL BISTRIMONIUM DIIODIDE 1,3-Propanediaminium, 2-hydroxyN,N,N,N',N',N'-hexamethyl-, diiodide 123-47-7 Propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl, 3-honey ethers, chlorides 22370579-1 HYDROXYPROPYL GUAR HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM AMYLOPECTIN/GLYCERIN CROSSPOLYMER HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM GELATIN HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HONEY HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED CASEIN HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED KERATIN Pagina 80 di 186 colorante per capelli antiossidante antiossidante agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante / agente filmogeno / condizionante per la pelle / legante antimicrobico antiseborroico condizionante per capelli antimicrobico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED RICE BRAN PROTEIN Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle 1-propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N,N,Ntrimethyl-, 3-(rice bran protein hydrolyzates) derivs., chloride HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED SILK HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED VEGETABLE PROTEIN HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN 822-89-9 schiumogeno / colorante per capelli 106-15-0 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / colorante per capelli HYDROXYPYRIDINONE Hydroxyl-2-pyridone. HYDROXYSTEARAMIDE MEA 12-hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)octadecan-1 amide. HYDROXYSTEARAMIDOPROPYL TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, 3-[(1-oxo-12hydroxyoctadecyl)amino]-N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli HYDROXYSTEARAMIDOPROPYL TRIMONIUM METHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, 3-[(1-oxo-12hydroxyoctadecyl)amino]-N,N,N-trimethyl-, methyl sulfate (salt) agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli HYDROXYSTEARYL METHYLGLUCAMINE D-glucitol, 1 -deoxy-1 -[methyl(2hydroxyoctadecyl)]amino- agente antistatico ICHTHAMMOL Ichthammol. A complex product obtained by the sulfonation and ammoniation of the distillation product from bituminous schists. It may contain saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, nitrogen bases and thiophene derivatives. IMIDAZOLIDINYL UREA IODIZED CORN PROTEIN N,N''-methylenebis[N'-[3-(hydroxymethyl)-2,5dioxoimidazolidin-4-yl]urea]. Proteins, corn, iodinated IODIZED GARLIC Allium sativum, garlic, iodinated IODIZED GARLIC EXTRACT Allium sativum, garlic, ext., iodinated IODIZED HYDROLYZED EXTENSIN IODIZED HYDROLYZED ZEIN Glycoproteins (specific or class), extensins, hydrolyzates, iodized Protein hydrolyzates, zeins, iodinated IODOPROPYNYL BUTYLCARBAMATE 3-iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate. ISOAMYL LAURATE Isopentyl laurate. ISOAMYL p-METHOXYCINNAMATE ISOBUTANE Isopentyl p-methoxycinnamate. Isobutane. ISOBUTOXYPROPANOL ISOBUTYL ACETATE ISOBUTYL BENZOATE 1 -isobutoxypropan-2-ol. Isobutyl acetate. Isobutyl benzoate. ISOBUTYL MYRISTATE Isobutyl myristate. Pagina 81 di 186 8029-68-3 39236-469 22240059-1 55406-536 antimicrobico conservante ammorbidente condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle ammorbidente conservante emolliente / condizionante per la 6309-51 -9 pelle 71617-102 filtro UV 75-28-5 propellente solvente / 23436-19- surfactante / 3 modificatore reologico 110-19-0 solvente 120-50-3 conservante / solvente emolliente / 25263-97- condizionante per la 2 pelle AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI ISOBUTYL PALMITATE Isobutyl palmitate. 110-34-9 ISOBUTYL PELARGONATE Isobutyl nonan-1-oate. 30982-037 ISOBUTYL STEARATE Isobutyl stearate. 646-13-9 ISOBUTYL TALLOWATE Fatty acids, tallow, iso-Bu esters. 68526-501 ISOBUTYLATED LANOLIN OIL Oils, lanolin, 2-methylpropanoate. 85005-476 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli ISOBUTYLENE/MA COPOLYMER 2,5-furandione, polymer with 2-methyl-1 propene 26426-802 modificatore reologico / fissante per capelli / agente filmogeno ISOBUTYLENE/SODIUM MALEATE COPOLYMER ISOBUTYLPARABEN ISOBUTYRIC ACID Isobutyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. Isobutyric acid. 857259 79-31-2 ISOCETEARETH-8 STEARATE ISOCETETH-10 ISOCETETH-10 STEARATE ISOCETETH-20 ISOCETETH-30 agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico conservante agente tampone emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle ISOCETYL ALCOHOL Isohexadecanol. 36311-349 ISOCETYL BEHENATE Isohexadecyl docosanoate. 94247-286 ISOCETYL ETHYLHEXANOATE Hexanoic acid, 2-ethyl-, isohexadecyl ester 12580419-5 ISOCETYL ISODECANOATE Isodecanoic acid, isohexadecyl ester 12958805-2 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle ISOCETYL ISOSTEARATE Isohexadecyl isooctadecanoate 52006-458 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente ISOCETYL LAURATE Dodecanoic acid, isohexadecyl ester 89527-286 ISOCETYL LINOLEOYL STEARATE Octadecanoic acid, 12-(1-oxo-9,12octadecadienyloxy)-, isohexadecyl ester ISOCETYL MYRISTATE Tetradecanoic acid, isohexadecy ester 83708-661 ISOCETYL PALMITATE Hexadecanoic acid, isohexadecyl ester 12777027-8 ISOCETYL SALICYLATE Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, isohexadecyl ester ISOCETYL STEARATE Isohexadecyl stearate. 25339-097 ISOCETYL STEAROYL STEARATE Isohexadecyl 12-[(1oxooctadecyl)oxy]octadecanoate. 97338-288 condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / solvente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle Pagina 82 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ISODECYL CITRATE 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, isodecyl ester. ISODECYL COCOATE Fatty acids, coco, isodecyl esters ISODECYL ETHYLHEXANOATE Isodecyl 2-ethylhexanoate. 34962-919 ISODECYL HYDROXYSTEARATE Octadecanoic acid, hydroxy-, 3,7dimethyloctyl ester 29383-275 Isodecyl 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoate. 59231-355 / 4139589-5 emolliente / emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / plasticizzante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle Isodecyl laurate. 94247-106 / 1477993-2 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle ISODECYL MYRISTATE Isodecyl myristate. 51473-246 / 1767091-6 ISODECYL NEOPENTANOATE Propanoic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-, isodecyl ester 60209-827 ISODECYL OLEATE Isodecyl oleate. 59231-344 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle ISODECYL PALMITATE Isodecyl palmitate. 59231-333 / 1477995-4 ISODECYL SALICYLATE Isodecyl salicylate. 85252-251 ISODECYL STEARATE ISODECYLPARABEN Isodecyl stearate. Benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-, isodecyl ester ISODODECANE hydrocarbons, c4, 1,3-butadiene-free, polym., triisobutylene fraction, hydrogenated 93685-815 emolliente / solvente ISODODECENE 2-(2,2-dimethylpropyl)-4,4-dimethylpent-1ene. 141-70-8 emolliente / solvente ISOEICOSANE hydrocarbons, c4, 1,3-butadienefree, polym., pentaisobutylene fraction, hydrgenated 93685-791 ISOHEXADECANE hydrocarbons, C4, 1,3-butadiene-free, polym., tetraisobutylene fraction, hydrogenated 93685-804 ISOHEXYL LAURATE Sec-hexyl laurate. 55194-053 ISOHEXYL NEOPENTANOATE Propanoic acid, 2,2-dimethyl, 2-ethylbutyl ester 13114170-3 ISOHEXYL PALMITATE Hexadecanoic acid, 1-methylpentyl ester 55194-917 ISODECETH-2 COCOATE ISODECETH-4 ISODECETH-5 ISODECETH-6 ISODECYL ISONONANOATE ISODECYL LAURATE Pagina 83 di 186 90605-177 31565-385 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle antimicrobico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / solvente emolliente / solvente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle ISOLAURETH-10 ISOLAURETH-3 ISOLAURETH-6 ISOLAURYL BEHENATE Docosanoic acid, isododecyl ester ISOLONGIFOLENE EPOXIDE Octahydro-4,4,8,8-tetramethyl-4a,7-methano4aH-naphth[1,8a-b]oxirene. 67999-568 fragranza ISOLONGIFOLENE KETONE EXO (2. alpha. ,4a. alpha. ,8. alpha. )-hexahydro1,1,5,5-tetramethyl-2H-2,4amethanonaphthalen-8(5H)-one. 29461-141 fragranza ISONONAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N-ethylN,N-dimethyl-3-[(1-oxoisononyl)amino]-, ethyl sulfate 61886-484 ISONONYL FERULATE 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propenoic acid, 3,5,5-trimethylhexyl ester ISONONYL ISONONANOATE ISOOCTANE 3,5,5-trimethylhexyl 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoate. 2,2,4-trimethylpentane ISOOCTYL THIOGLYCOLATE Isooctyl mercaptoacetate. ISOPENTANE ISOPENTYLCYCLOH EXANONE 2-methylbutane. Cyclohexanone, isopentyl- 20819064-1 59219-715 / 4213125-9 540-84-1 25103-097 78-78-4 ISOPENTYLDIOL ISOPROPANOLAMINE 3-methylbutane-1,2-diol. 1 -aminopropan-2-ol. 50468-229 / 256833-4 78-96-6 ISOPROPANOLAMINE LANOLATE ISOPROPANOLAMINE NITRITE Fatty acids, lanolin, compds. with isopropanolamine. (2-hydroxypropyl)ammonium nitrite. 85536-465 1999285 ISOPROPYL C12-15-PARETH-9 CARBOXYLATE ISOPROPYL CRESOLS 4-isopropyl-m-cresol. ISOPROPYL DIBENZOYLMETHANE 1 -[4-(1 -methylethyl)phenyl]-3phenylpropane-1,3-dione. 63250-259 ISOPROPYL ESTER OF PVM/MA COPOLYMER 2-butenedioic acid (Z)-, polymer with methoxyethene, 1-methylethyl ester 31307-956 ISOPROPYL ISOSTEARATE Isopropyl isodecanoate. 68171-335 / 3147884-9 ISOPROPYL LANOLATE ISOPROPYL METHOXYCINNAMATE Fatty acids, lanolin, iso-Pr esters. Isopropyl p-methoxycinnamate. 63393-931 5466-76-2 485076 ISOPROPYL HYDROXYBUTYRAMIDE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL ISOPROPYL PPG-2-ISODECETH-7 CARBOXYLATE Pagina 84 di 186 agente antistatico condizionante per la pelle / emolliente agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle solvente prodotti per capelli propellente / solvente / modificatore reologico fragranza solvente agente tampone surfactante / detergente / solvente anticorrosive emolliente / condizionante per la pelle conservante filtro UV agente antistatico / legante / agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli umettante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / legante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante / legante / condizionante per la pelle filtro UV emolliente / solvente / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 92456-967 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / legante prodotti per capelli ISOPROPYL TALLOWATE ISOPROPYL THIOGLYCOLATE Fatty acids, tallow, iso-Pr esters. Acetic acid, mercapto-, 1 -methylethyl ester ISOPROPYL TITANIUM TRIISOSTEARATE Tris(isooctadecanoato-O)(propan-2olato)titanium. 61417-490 emolliente / emulsionante ISOPROPYLAMINE Isopropylamine. 75-310200-860 agente tampone ISOPROPYLAMINE DODECYLBENZENESULFONATE Dodecylbenzenesulphonic acid, compound with isopropylamine (1:1). ISOPROPYLBENZYL SALICYLATE [4-(1 -methylethyl)phenyl]methyl salicylate. 26264-051 94134-937 ISOPROPYLIDENE DIPHENOL BISHYDROXYPROPYL PEG-180 ISOPROPYLPARABEN Oxirane, [(1methylethylidene)bis(4,1phenyleneoxymethylene)]bis-, polymer with. alpha.,2-ethanediyl) (180 mol EO average molar ratio) Isopropyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. 37225-266 4191-73-5 ISOSTEARAMIDE DEA N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)isooctadecan-1amide. 52794-793 ISOSTEARAMIDE MEA Isooctadecanamide, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)- 54536-435 ISOSTEARAMIDE MIPA Isooctadecanoic acid, compound with 1aminopropan-2-ol (1:1). 55738-539 legante conservante agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno / surfactante agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno / surfactante agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno / surfactante ISOSTEARAMIDOMORPHOLINE STEARATE Morpholine, 4-(1-oxoisooctadecyl)-, salt with octadecanoic acid ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE 1-propanaminium, N-carboxymethylN,N-dimethyl-3-(1-oxoisooctadecylamino)-, hydroxide, inner salt 63566-370 surfactante / emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli / detergente ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]isooctadecan-1amide. 67799-046 agente antistatico ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE GLUCONATE Isooctadecanamide, N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]-, gluconate (salt) agente antistatico ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE GLYCOLATE Isooctadecanamide, N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]-, hydroxyacetate (salt) (1:1) agente antistatico ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-16methylheptadecanamide (1:1) 55852-158 agente antistatico ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL EPOXYPROPYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE (2,3-epoxypropyl)dimethyl[3-[(16methylheptadecanoyl)amino]propyl]ammoniu m chloride. 94349-356 agente antistatico ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL EPOXYPROPYLMORPHOLINIUM CHLORIDE Morpholinium, N-(3-(1 oxoisooctadecyl)aminopropyl)-Noxiranylmethyl, chloride 220895-61 -4 condizionante per capelli ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE Ethyldimethyl[3-[(1oxoisooctadecyl)amino]propyl]ammonium ethyl sulphate. 67633-630 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLMORPHOLINIUM ETHOSULFATE Morpholinium, 4-ethyl-4-[3-(1 oxoisooctadecyl)amino]propyl-, ethyl sulfate (salt) Pagina 85 di 186 surfactante / detergente filtro UV agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL LAURYLACETODIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N-carboxymethylN,N-dimethyl-3-[(1-oxoisooctadecyl)amino]-, dodecyl ester, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL MORPHOLINE Isooctadecanamide, N-[3-(4morpholinyl)propyl]- agente antistatico ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL MORPHOLINE LACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with N-[3-(4morpholinyl)propyl]isooctadecanamide (1:1) 72300-244 / 8014509-1 agente antistatico ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL MORPHOLINE OXIDE Isooctadecanamide, N-[3-(4morpholinyl)propyl]-N-oxide surfactante / agente idrofilo / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli / detergente ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)N,N-dimethyl-3-[(1-oxoisooctadecyl)amino]-, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli ISOSTEARAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Isooctadecanamide, N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]-, N-oxide surfactante / agente idrofilo / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli / detergente ISOSTEARAMINOPROPALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzyldimethyl[3-[(1oxoisooctadecyl)amino]propyl]ammonium chloride. 67633-594 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli ISOSTEARETH-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. isooctadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 52292-178 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente emulsionante / surfactante ISOSTEARETH-10 STEARATE ISOSTEARETH-11 CARBOXYLIC ACID ISOSTEARETH-12 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. isooctadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 52292-178 emulsionante / surfactante ISOSTEARETH-2 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. isooctadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 52292-178 emulsionante / surfactante ISOSTEARETH-20 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. isooctadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 52292-178 emulsionante / surfactante ISOSTEARETH-22 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. isooctadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 52292-178 emulsionante / surfactante ISOSTEARETH-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. isooctadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 52292-178 emulsionante / surfactante ISOSTEARETH-50 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. isooctadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 52292-178 ISOSTEARIC ACID Isooctadecanoic acid. 30399-849 / 272458-5 ISOSTEARIC/MYRISTIC GLYCERIDES Glycerides, isooctadecanoic and tetradecanoic mixed ISOSTEAROYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Proteins, hydrolyzates, leather, products with isostearoyl chloride ISOSTEAROYL ISOSTEARYL STEARATE Octadecanoic acid, 12-(1oxoisooctadecyloxy)-, isooctadecyl ester emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante legante / emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli / detergente emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle ISOSTEAROYL PG-TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE [2-hydroxy-3-[(1 oxoisooctadecyl)oxy]propyl]trimethylammoniu m chloride. ISOSTEARETH-6 CARBOXYLIC ACID Pagina 86 di 186 reaction 11117463-1 94689-368 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 ISOSTEARYL ALCOHOL Isooctadecan-1-ol. 27458-931 ISOSTEARYL AVOCADATE Fatty acids, avocado-oil, isooctadecyl esters. 90990-060 ISOSTEARYL BEHENATE Docosanoic acid, isooctadecyl ester ISOSTEARYL BENZOATE Benzoic acid, isooctadecyl ester ISOSTEARYL BENZYLIMIDONIUM CHLORIDE 1 -benzyl-4,5-dihydro-1 -(2-hydroxyethyl)-2(15-methylhexadecyl)-1 H-imidazolium chloride. ISOSTEARYL DIGLYCERYL SUCCINATE Butanedioic acid, esters with isooctadecanol and glycerol dimer ISOSTEARYL ERUCATE 16-methylheptadecyl (Z)-docos-13-enoate. 84625-605 97259-853 1-isooctadecanaminium, N-ethyl-N,NISOSTEARYL ETHYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE dimethyl-, chloride ISOSTEARYL ETHYLHEXANOATE Isooctadecyl 2-ethylhexanoate. ISOSTEARYL ETHYLIMIDONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-isooctadecanaminium, N-ethyl-N,Ndimethyl-, ethyl sulfate (salt) 69247-832 ISOSTEARYL GLYCERYL PENTAERYTHRITYL ETHER ISOSTEARYL HYDROXYETHYL IMIDAZOLINE 4,5-dihydro-2-isoheptadecyl-1H-imidazole-1ethanol. ISOSTEARYL ISONONANOATE Hexanoic acid, 3,5,5-trimethyl-, isooctadecyl ester ISOSTEARYL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecyl isooctadecanoate. 41669-301 ISOSTEARYL LACTATE Isooctadecyl lactate. 42131-282 ISOSTEARYL LAURATE Dodecanoic acid, isooctadecyl ester 72576-795 ISOSTEARYL LAURDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Isooctadecanaminium, N-dodecyl-N,Ndimethyl, chloride 22089568-1 ISOSTEARYL MYRISTATE Tetradecanoic acid, isooctadecyl ester 72576-819 ISOSTEARYL NEOPENTANOATE Propanoic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-, isooctadecyl ester 58958-604 ISOSTEARYL PALMITATE Isooctadecyl palmitate. 72576-808 ISOSTEARYL STEAROYL STEARATE Octadecanoic acid, 12-[(1oxooctadecyl)oxy]-, isooctadecyl ester 93385-127 ISOTRIDECYL ISONONANOATE Isotridecyl 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoate. 59231-377 Pagina 87 di 186 68966-381 emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / legante agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per capelli legante / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico emolliente / legante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / legante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / legante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 88332-303 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli N-2-hydroxyethyllactamide. 5422-34-4 colorante per capelli agente antistatico / umettante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli LACTAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N,N,Ntrimethyl-3-[2-hydroxy-1-oxopropyl]amino-, chloride 93507-518 LACTOYL METHYLSILANOL ELASTINATE ester of elastin and methylsilanol lactate LANETH-10 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 LANETH-10 ACETATE Lanolin, ethoxylated, acetate 65071-989 ISOTRIDECYL MYRISTATE Tetradecanoic acid, isotridecyl ester LACCAIC ACID 1,2-anthracenedicarboxylic acid, 3,5,6,8tetrahydroxy-9,10-dioxo-7-[2-hydroxy-5-(2acetamidoethyl)phenyl- LACTAMIDE MEA LANETH-15 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated LANETH-16 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 / 8465019-1 61791-206 LANETH-20 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 LANETH-25 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 LANETH-40 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 LANETH-5 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 LANETH-50 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 LANETH-60 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 LANETH-75 Alcohols, lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-206 LANETH-9 ACETATE Lanolin, ethoxylated, acetate 65071-989 LANETH-4 PHOSPHATE Pagina 88 di 186 agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / modificatore reologico / surfactante emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / modificatore reologico / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / modificatore reologico / detergente / surfactante emulsionante / detergente / surfactante / modificatore reologico emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / modificatore reologico emulsionante / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / modificatore reologico emulsionante / detergente / fragranza / modificatore reologico / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 LANOLIN Lanolin. Fat-like substance derived from sheep wool. Contains a complex combination of esters and polyesters, consisting chiefly of cholesteryl and isocholesteryl esters of the higher fatty acids. LANOLIN ACID Fatty acids, lanolin. LANOLIN ALCOHOL Alcohols, lanolin. A complex combination of organic alcohols obtained by the hydrolysis of lanolin. LANOLIN CERA Lanolin, wax. Wax obtained by fractionation of anhydrous lanolin. LANOLIN LINOLEATE 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-, lanolin alkyl esters. LANOLIN OIL Lanolin Oil is the liquid fraction of lanolin LANOLIN RICINOLEATE 9-octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, lanolin alcohol esters LANOLINAMIDE DEA Fatty acids, lanolin, compds. with diethanolamine. LANTHANUM CHLORIDE Lanthanum chloride, anhydrous. agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli / 8006-54-0 surfactante emolliente / emulsionante / 68424-43- detergente / 1 surfactante agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli / modificatore 8027-33-6 reologico / legante agente antistatico / emolliente / emulsionante / agente filmogeno / condizionante per capelli / condizionante 68201 -49- per la pelle / legante / 0 schiumogeno agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per 85049-81- capelli / condizionante 6 per la pelle agente antistatico / emolliente / solvente / 70321-63- condizionante per 0 / 8038- capelli / emulsionante / legante 43-5 agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / 85408-88- surfactante / 4 modificatore reologico 10099-588 astringente LAPYRIUM CHLORIDE Pyridinium, 1-[2-oxo-2-[[2-[(1oxododecyl)oxy]ethyl]amino]ethyl]-, chloride 6272-74-8 LARD GLYCERIDE Glycerides, lard mono-. 61789-104 LARD GLYCERIDES Glycerides, lard mono-, di- and tri-. 91744-466 antimicrobico / agente antistatico emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico LAURALKONIUM BROMIDE Benzyldodecyldimethylammonium bromide. 1965463 conservante / agente antistatico LAURALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzododecinium chloride. 139-07-1 LAURAMIDE DEA N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)dodecanamide. 120-40-1 LAURAMIDE MEA N-(2-hydroxyethyl)dodecanamide. 142-78-9 Pagina 89 di 186 conservante / agente antistatico agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno / surfactante agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / surfactante / schiumogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 LAURAMIDE MIPA N-(2-hydroxypropyl)dodecanamide. 142-54-1 LAURAMIDE/MYRISTAMIDE DEA Amides, C12-14, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl). 97926-108 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / surfactante / schiumogeno surfactante / agente antistatico / schiumogeno / modificatore reologico LAURAMIDOPROPYL ACETAMIDODIMONIUM CHLORIDE LAURAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE (2-amino-2-oxoethyl)dimethyl-3-[(1oxododecyl)amino]propylammonium chloride. N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]dodecanamide. 68259-018 3179-80-4 agente antistatico agente antistatico LAURAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE PROPIONATE Propionic acid, compound with N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]dodecanamide (1:1). 67801-621 agente antistatico LAURAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)N,N-dimethyl-3-(1-oxododecylamino)-, chloride LAURAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE LAURAMINE N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]dodecanamide Noxide. Dodecylamine. 61792-312 124-22-1 LAURAMINE OXIDE Dodecyldimethylamine oxide. 1643-20-5 LAURAMINOPROPIONIC ACID 3-dodecylaminopropionic acid. 1462-54-0 LAURDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN LAURDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN Dodecanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N(3-(wheat-protein-hydrolysate)propyl)-, chloride LAURETH-1 2-(dodecyloxy)ethanol. LAURETH-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 4536-30-5 9002-92-0 / 6540-994 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 LAURETH-12 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36dodecaoxaoctatetracontan-1-ol. 3056-00-6 / 9002-920 LAURETH-12 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, (11 mol EO average molar ratio) 27306-907 LAURETH-13 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 LAURETH-10 CARBOXYLIC ACID LAURETH-11 LAURETH-11 CARBOXYLIC ACID LAURETH-13 CARBOXYLIC ACID LAURETH-14 LAURETH-14 CARBOXYLIC ACID Pagina 90 di 186 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / detergente / agente idrofilo / schiumogeno agente antistatico agente antistatico / surfactante / modificatore reologico / detergente / agente idrofilo / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante surfactante emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 detergente LAURETH-15 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 LAURETH-16 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 2-[2-(dodecyloxy)ethoxy]ethanol. 3055-93-4 / 9002-920 emulsionante / surfactante LAURETH-2 ACETATE LAURETH-2 BENZOATE emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente LAURETH-2 ETHYLHEXANOATE emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / surfactante LAURETH-17 CARBOXYLIC ACID LAURETH-2 LAURETH-20 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 LAURETH-23 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 LAURETH-25 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 LAURETH-3 2-[2-[2-(dodecyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethanol. 3055-94-5 LAURETH-3 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. dodecyl-. omega. -hydroxy-, phosphate 39464-669 / 2585245-3 LAURETH-30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 3,6,9,12-tetraoxatetracosan-1-ol. 5274-68-0 LAURETH-4 PHOSPHATE Bis[3,6,9,12-tetraoxatetracosyl] hydrogen phosphate. 20297-056 LAURETH-40 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 LAURETH-5 3,6,9,12,15-pentaoxaheptacosan-1-ol. 3055-95-6 3,6,9,12,15,18-hexaoxatriacontan-1-ol. 3055-96-7 3,6,9,12,15,18,21-heptaoxatritriacontanol. 3055-97-8 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9002-92-0 / 3055-989 LAURETH-3 CARBOXYLIC ACID LAURETH-4 LAURETH-4 CARBOXYLIC ACID LAURETH-5 CARBOXYLIC ACID LAURETH-6 LAURETH-6 CARBOXYLIC ACID LAURETH-6 CITRATE LAURETH-7 LAURETH-7 CITRATE LAURETH-7 PHOSPHATE LAURETH-7 TARTRATE LAURETH-8 Pagina 91 di 186 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / emulsionante / detergente surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / fragranza / agente antistatico surfactante emulsionante / detergente / surfactante surfactante / fragranza / detergente emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente emulsionante / detergente / surfactante surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI LAURETH-8 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -dodecyl. omega. -hydroxy-, phosphate LAURETH-9 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27nonaoxanonatriacontan-1-ol. 39464-669 3055-99-0 / 9002-920 LAUROYL PG-TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, 2-hydroxyN,N,N-trimethyl-3-[(1-oxododecyl)oxy]-, chloride 53171-043 LAURTRIMONIUM BROMIDE Dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide. 1119-94-4 LAURTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride. 112-00-5 LAURTRIMONIUM TRICHLOROPHENOXIDE Dodecanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl, with 2,4,5-trichlorophenol salt surfactante / detergente emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / conservante / condizionante per capelli conservante / agente antistatico / emulsionante antimicrobico / agente antistatico agente filmogeno / schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle LAURYL ACRYLATE/VA COPOLYMER LAURYL ACRYLATE/VA CROSSPOLYMER 2-Propenoic acid, dodecyl ester, polymer with diethenylbenzene and ethenyl acetate LAURYL AMINOPROPYLGLYCINE N-[3-(dodecylamino)propyl]glycine. 34395-727 LAURYL DIETHYLENEDIAMINO GLYCINE Glycine, N-[2-[[2(dodecylamino)ethyl]amino]ethyl]- 6843-97-6 LAURYL DIMETHYLAMINE CYCLOCARBOXYPROPYLOLEATE 2-cyclohexene-1-octanoic acid, 5-carboxy-4hexyl-, salt with N,N-dimethyldodecanamine (1:1) LAURYL ETHYLHEXANOATE Dodecyl 2-ethylhexanoate 56078-387 LAURYL GLYCOL Dodecane-1,2-diol. 1119-87-5 LAURYL HYDROXYETHYL IMIDAZOLINE 4,5-dihydro-2-undecyl-1H-imidazole-1 ethanol. 136-99-2 LAURYL ISOQUINOLINIUM BROMIDE 2-dodecylisoquinolinium bromide. 93-23-2 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / surfactante antimicrobico / agente antistatico / surfactante / deodorante LAURYL ISOQUINOLINIUM SACCHARINATE Isoquinolinium, 2-dodecyl-, salt with 1,2benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one-1,1-dioxide LAURYL ISOSTEARATE LAURYL METHACRYLATE Dodecyl isooctadecanoate. Dodecyl methacrylate. 93803-851 142-90-5 antimicrobico / agente antistatico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico LAURYL METHACRYLATE/GLYCOL DIMETHACRYLATE COPOLYMER 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 1,2-ethanediyl ester, polymer with dodecyl 2-methyl-2propenoate 61181-291 2-pyrrolidinone, 1-dodecyl- 2687-96-9 15212978- 7 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli LAURYL METHYL GLUCETH-10 HYDROXYPROPYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE LAURYL POLYGLYCERYL-6 CETEARYL GLYCOL ETHER LAURYL PYRROLIDONE Pagina 92 di 186 abrasive agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle / emolliente agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente filmogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / detergente / condizionante per AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 capelli LAURYLAMINE DIPROPYLENEDIAMINE N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3diamine. 2372-82-9 LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED CASEIN Collagens, hydrolyzates, [3(dodecyldimethylammonio)-2-hydroxypropyl], chlorides 13038097-1 LAURYLPYRIDINIUM CHLORIDE 1-dodecylpyridinium chloride. 104-74-5 LECITHINAMIDE DEA Lecithins, reaction products with diethanolamine. 91053-519 LEUKOCYTE EXTRACT Leukocyte Extract is an extract of white blood cells 225234-41 -3 LINOLEAMIDE DEA (9Z,12Z)-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)octadeca9,12-dien-1-amide. LINOLEAMIDE MEA (9Z,12Z)-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)octadeca-9,12dien-1-amide. LINOLEAMIDE MIPA 2-aminopropyl (9Z,12Z)-octadeca-9,12dienoate. LINOLEAMIDOPROPA LKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzenemethanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-[3-(1-oxo-9,12octadecadienyl)amino]propyl-, chloride LINOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE 9,12-octadecadienamide, N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)- LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED KERATIN LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED SILK LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN LAURYLMETHICONE COPOLYOL LINOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE DIMER DILINOLEATE LINOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / condizionante 56863-02- per capelli / 6 schiumogeno agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno condizionante 68171 -52- / 8 per capelli agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno / 71685-98- condizionante per 8 capelli / surfactante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 81613-561 12580410-6 9,12-octadecadienamide, N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)-, 2hydroxypropanoate Pagina 93 di 186 condizionante per capelli / modificatore reologico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli emolliente / emulsionante antimicrobico / agente antistatico / surfactante / deodorante agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 LINOLEAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N-ethyl-N,Ndimethyl-3-[1-oxo-9,12-octadecadienylamino], ethyl sulfate (salt) LINOLEAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE 1-propanaminium, 2,3-dihydroxy-N,Ndimethyl-N-[3-(1-oxo-9,12octadecadienylamino)propyl]-, 3phosphate triester, trichloride LINOLEAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE DIMETHICONE Propanaminium, 2,3-dihydroxy-N,N-dimethylN-[3-(1-oxo-9,12octadecadienylamino)propyl]-3-phosphate triester, trichloride, reaction products with polydimethylsiloxane LITHIUM GLUCONATE Lithium D-gluconate 24366249-9 60816-708 LITHIUM HYDROXIDE Lithium hydroxide. 1310-65-2 LITHIUM MAGNESIUM SILICATE Silicic acid, lithium magnesium salt. 37220-909 agente tampone / agente depilante legante / modificatore reologico / volumizzante LITHIUM MAGNESIUM SODIUM SILICATE Silicic acid, lithium magnesium sodium salt. 53320-868 modificatore reologico / volumizzante 99542-231 agente antistatico LITHIUM OXIDIZED POLYETHYLENE LITHIUM STEARATE Lithium stearate. agente depilante LIVER EXTRACT 8002-47-9 LIVER HYDROLYSATE Protein hydrolyzates, liver. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of liver composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin. 91079-946 LYSINE THIAZOLIDINE CARBOXYLATE MAGNESIUM BROMIDE Lysine, mono-4-thiazolidinecarboxylate Magnesium bromide. 7789-48-2 MAGNESIUM COCO-SULFATE Alcohols, coco, sulfated, magnesium salts (2:1) MAGNESIUM FLUORIDE Magnesium fluoride. MAGNESIUM FLUOROSILICATE Magnesium hexafluorosilicate. 7783-40-6 16949-658 MAGNESIUM LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, magnesium salts. 85005-409 MAGNESIUM LAURETH-16 SULFATE MAGNESIUM LAURETH-5 SULFATE MAGNESIUM LAURETH-8 SULFATE Pagina 94 di 186 agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico opacizzante / modificatore reologico / modificatore reologico / legante condizionante per la pelle Lithium sulphide, anhydrous. Liver Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian liver MAGNESIUM LAURETH-11 CARBOXYLATE condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle 944493 12136-582 LITHIUM SULFIDE MAGNESIUM LAURETH SULFATE agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle surfactante / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico surfactante / detergente igiene orale / antiplacca igiene orale / antiplacca emulsionante / surfactante / modificatore reologico / modificatore reologico surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI MAGNESIUM LAURYL HYDROXYPROPYL SULFONATE Propanesulfonic acid, 2-hydroxy-3dodecyloxy-, magnesium salt (2:1) MAGNESIUM LAURYL SULFATE Magnesium dodecylsulphate. 437412 MAGNESIUM MYRETH SULFATE MAGNESIUM NITRATE Magnesium nitrate. 10377-603 MAGNESIUM OLETH SULFATE MAGNESIUM PEG-3 COCAMIDE SULFATE surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente condizionante per capelli surfactante / detergente surfactante MAGNESIUM POTASSIUM FLUOROSILICATE Silicate(2-), hexafluoro-, magnesium potassium salt MAGNESIUM SODIUM FLUOROSILICATE Silicate(2-), hexafluoro-, magnesium sodium salt MAGNESIUM TALLOWATE Fatty acids, tallow, magnesium salts. MAGNESIUM/TEA-COCO-SULFATE m-AMINOPHENOL m-AMINOPHENOL HCl Sulfuric acid, coco-alkyl monoesters, salts with magnesium and tris(2hydroxyethyl)amine 3-aminophenol (CI 76545). 3-hydroxyanilinium chloride (CI 76545). 22699499-6 591-27-5 51-81-0 surfactante colorante per capelli colorante per capelli m-AMINOPHENOL SULFATE Bis[(3-hydroxyphenyl)ammonium] sulphate (CI 76545). 68239-816 colorante per capelli MAMMARIAN HYDROLYSATE Protein hydrolyzates, mammary gland. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of mammary gland composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin. 84082-713 MAMMARY EXTRACT Mammary Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian mammary gland 85883-825 abrasive abrasive emulsionante / surfactante / 68953-41 - modificatore reologico 3 / volumizzante MANGO SEED OIL PEG-70 ESTERS MARGARITA POWDER Margarita Powder is the dried powder obtained from fresh water pearls MARMOTA OIL Marmota Oil is the oil obtained from the fatty tissues of the marmot (Marmota) MARROW EXTRACT m-CRESOL MDM HYDANTOIN Marrow extract is an extract of mammalian bone marrow Phenol, 3-methyl1-hydroxymethyl-5,5-dimethylhydantoin. MEA-BENZOATE Benzoic acid, compound with 2-aminoethanol (1:1). MEA-BORATE 2-aminoethanol, monoester with boric acid. MEA-DICETEARYL PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, bis(C16-C18-alkyl) esters, 2-aminoethanol salt abrasive 22523413-9 condizionante per capelli 108-39-4 116-25-6 condizionante per la pelle antimicrobico antimicrobico 4337-66-0 10377-818 Protein hydrolyzates, silk, product with 2aminoethanol MEA-IODINE 2-Aminoethanol, compound with iodine Pagina 95 di 186 conservante agente tampone surfactante condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli MEA-HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN MEA-HYDROLYZED SILK agente protettivo agente protettivo / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle 94349-345 antimicrobico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Ethanol, 2-amino-, compd. with ,2-ethanediyl) (1:1) 68184-043 MEA-LAURYL SULFATE (2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium dodecylsulphate. 4722-98-9 MEA-o-PHENYLPHENATE [1,1'-biphenyl]-2-ol, compound with 2aminoethanol (1:1). 84145-040 MEA-SALICYLATE Salicylic acid, compound with 2-aminoethanol (1:1). 59866-705 conservante MEA-THIOLACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-mercapto-, compound with 2-aminoethanol (1:1) 54266-385 prodotti per capelli MEA-UNDECYLENATE MEK Undec-10-enoic acid, compound with 2aminoethanol (1:1). Butanone. 56532-402 78-93-3 conservante / detergente solvente MELAMINE/FORMALDEHYDE RESIN MENTHYL ANTHRANILATE 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine, polymer with formaldehyde Menthyl anthranilate. 2594531 134-09-8 agente filmogeno filtro UV MEROXAPOL 105 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (7;22) 2594628 MEROXAPOL 108 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (7;91) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente MEROXAPOL 171 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (12;4) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante MEROXAPOL 172 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (12;9) 2594628 MEROXAPOL 174 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (12;23) 2594628 MEROXAPOL 178 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (12;136) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente MEROXAPOL 251 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (18;6) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante MEROXAPOL 252 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (18;14) 2594628 MEROXAPOL 254 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (18;34) 2594628 MEROXAPOL 255 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (18;51) 2594628 MEROXAPOL 258 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (18;163) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente MEROXAPOL 311 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (21 ;7) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante MEROXAPOL 312 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (21 ;15) 2594628 MEROXAPOL 314 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (21;39) 2594628 MEA-LAURETH SULFATE MEA-LAURETH-6 CARBOXYLATE MEA-PPG-6-LAURETH-7-CARBOXYLATE MEA-PPG-8-STEARETH-7 CARBOXYLATE METHACRYLOYLETHYL BETAINE/ACRYLATES COPOLYMER METHENAMINE 1,3,5,7-Tetraazatricyclo[ (3,7)]decane Pagina 96 di 186 surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente conservante surfactante / detergente emulsionante / detergente 87435-356 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli 100-97-0 conservante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI METHENAMMONIUM CHLORIDE METHICONE METHOXY PEG-10 METHOXY PEG-100 METHOXY PEG-16 METHOXY PEG-17/DODECYL GLYCOL COPOLYMER METHOXY PEG-22/DODECYL GLYCOL COPOLYMER METHOXY PEG-40 METHOXYINDANE METHOXYISOPROPANOL METHOXYISOPROPYL ACETATE Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 3,5,7-triaza-1-azoniatricyclo[,7)]decane, 1-methyl-chloride Poly[oxy(methylsilylene)] 9004-73-3 Oxirane, decyl-, polymer with oxirane, monomethyl ether (17 mol EO, 1 mol decyl oxirane, average molar ratios) 88507-000 Oxirane, decyl-, polymer with oxirane, monomethyl ether (22 mol EO, 7 mol decyl oxirane, average molar ratios) 88507-000 Indan-1-yl methyl ether. 1-methoxypropan-2-ol. 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate METHOXYMETHYLBUTANOL METHOXY-PEG-7 RUTINYL SUCCINATE 1006-27-5 107-98-2 108-65-6 56539-663 agente antistatico agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle umettante umettante umettante emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle agente stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico umettante fragranza solvente solvente solvente surfactante METHOXYPROPYLGLUCONAMIDE D-Gluconamide, N-(3-methoxypropyl)- METHYL 3-METHYLRESORCYLATE METHYL ANTHRANILATE Methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-m-toluate. Methyl anthranilate. METHYL DICOCAMINE METHYL DIISOPROPYL PROPIONAMIDE Amines, dicoco alkylmethyl 12609421-1 33662-587 134-20-3 61788-623 condizionante per la pelle / umettante METHYL GLUCETH-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with methyl .beta.-dglucopyranoside (4:1) 68239-429 emulsionante / umettante / idratante METHYL GLUCETH-20 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with methyl .beta.-dglucopyranoside (4:1) 68239-429 fragranza fragranza agente antistatico fragranza METHYL GLUCOSE ISOSTEARATE D-glucopyranoside, methyl, isooctadecanoate METHYL GLUCOSE SESQUIISOSTEARATE METHYL HEXYL ETHER D-glucopyranoside, methyl, isododecanoate (2:3) 1-methoxyhexane. METHYL HYDROXYCETYL GLUCAMINIUM LACTATE D-glucitol, 1 -deoxy1 -(N-methyl-N-(2-hydroxyhexadecyl)amino)-, 2-hydroxypropanoate METHYL HYDROXYMETHYL OLEYL OXAZOLINE 2-(8-heptadecenyl)-4-methyl-2-oxazoline-4methanol. 14408-425 METHYL ISOSTEARATE METHYL METHACRYLATE CROSSPOLYMER Isooctadecanoic acid, methyl ester 68517-102 umettante / idratante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle solvente agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle METHYL MORPHOLINE OXIDE METHYL PYRROLIDONE METHYLAL 4-Methylmorpholine 4-oxide monohydrate. 1-methylpyrrolidine. Dimethoxymethane. 7529-22-8 872-50-4 109-87-5 agente filmogeno surfactante / schiumogeno / detergente surfactante solvente METHYL GLUCETH-20 BENZOATE Pagina 97 di 186 1040030 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 METHYLBENZETHONIUM CHLORIDE Methylbenzethonium chloride. METHYLBUTENES 2-Methylbutene METHYLCHLOROISOTHIAZOLINONE 5-chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one. METHYLDIBROMO GLUTARONITRILE METHYLENE DI-T-BUTYLCRESOL 2-bromo-2-(bromomethyl)pentanedinitrile. 6,6'-Di-tert-Butyl-2,2'-Methylenedi-p-cresol 25155-184 26760-645 26172-554 35691-657 119-47-1 METHYLENEBIS TALLOW ACETAMIDODIMONIUM CHLORIDE METHYLETHANOLAMINE Ethanaminium, N-(tallow alkyl)-N,Ndimethyl-2-oxo-2-amino-, N,N'-methylenebis2-methylaminoethanol. 109-83-1 METHYLGLUCAMINE METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE METHYLPROPANEDIOL D-Glucitol, 1 -deoxy-1 -(methylamino)2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one. 6284-40-8 2682-20-4 antimicrobico / agente antistatico / deodorante / surfactante solvente conservante conservante antiossidante METHYLSILANOL ACETYLMETHIONATE L-methionine, N-acetyl-, dihydroxymethylsilyl ester 10588343-0 METHYLSILANOL ACETYLTYROSINE L-tyrosine, N-acetyl-o-(dihydroxymethylsilyl)- 10588345-2 agente antistatico agente tampone condizionante per capelli conservante solvente agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle METHYLSILANOL ASCORBATE L-Ascorbic acid, 6-O-(dihydroxymethylsilyl) 18799139-5 antiossidante METHYLSILANOL CARBOXYMETHYL THEOPHYLLINE 7H-purine-7-acetic acid, 1,2,3,6-tetrahydro1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-, dihydroxymethylsilyl ester 10588342-9 condizionante per la pelle METHYLSILANOL CARBOXYMETHYL THEOPHYLLINE ALGINATE reaction product of methyl-silanol carboxymethyl theophylline and alginic acid METHYLSILANOL ELASTINATE elastins, esters with hydroxy-terminated hydroxy Me siloxanes 13310179-8 condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle METHYLSILANOL GLYCYRRHIZINATE Alpha-d-glucopyranosiduronic acid, (3beta,20beta)-20-carboxy-11 -oxo-30norolean-12-en-3-yl 2-o-beta-dglucopyranosyl-, dihydroxymethylsilyl ester METHYLSILANOL HYDROXYPROLINE L-proline, 5-hydroxy-, dihydroxymethylsilyl ester 10588344-1 METHYLSILANOL MANNURONATE Siloxanes and Silicones, alpha-Dmannopyranuronoyl-oxy Me, hydroxyterminated 12897371- 7 METHYLSILANOL PCA L-proline, 5-oxo-, dihydroxymethylsilyl ester 10588341-8 agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle umettante / condizionante per la pelle METHYLSILANOL PEG-7 GLYCERYL COCOATE Fatty acids, coco, 3-esters with polyethylene glycol dihydroxymethylsilyl 2,3-dihydroxypropyl ether 10604046-4 emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle METHYLSILANOL SPIRULINATE Proteins, Spirulina, reaction products with methylsilanetriol 18801254-6 condizionante per la pelle METHYLSILANOL TRI-PEG-8 GLYCERYL COCOATE Fatty acids, coco, ester with .alpha., .alpha.',.alpha."-(methylsilylidyne)tris (.omega.-(2,3-dihydroxypropoxy)poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl)) 12897372-8 emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle METHYLSTYRENE/VINYLTOLUENE COPOLYMER MIBK Benzene, ethenylmethyl-, polymer with (1-methylethenyl)benzene 4-methylpentan-2-one. METHYLSILANOL HYDROXYPROLINE ASPARTATE Pagina 98 di 186 9017-27-0 108-10-1 condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico denaturante/ solvente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI MILKAMIDOPROPYL AMINE OXIDE Amides, milk-fat, N-[3(dimethyloxidoamino)propyl] MINERAL SPIRITS Ligroine. A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum. This fraction boils in a range of approximately 20[0]C to 135[0]C (58[0]F to 275[0]F). MINK OIL PEG-13 ESTERS Oils, mink, ethoxylated MINKAMIDE DEA Amides, mink-oil, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- MINKAMIDOPROPALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzenemethanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-[3aminopropyl]-, N-mink-oil acyl derivs., chlorides MINKAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE 1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-Ncarboxymethyl-3-amino-, N-mink-oil acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salts MINKAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Amides, mink-oil, N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]. MINKAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-ethyl-3amino-, N-mink-oil acyl derivs., ethyl sulfate (salts) MINKAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE 1,3-propanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-, N'-minkoil acyl derivs., N-oxides Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 18855051-8 8032-32-4 10381945-0 condizionante per capelli solvente emolliente / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / schiumogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / schiumogeno / detergente / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / 68953-11 - emulsionante / 7273-187 surfactante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / agente idrofilo / detergente / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli surfactante / detergente MIPA C12-15 PARETH SULFATE MIPA-BORATE (2-hydroxypropyl)ammonium dihydrogen orthoborate. 68003-134 modificatore reologico MIPA-DODECYLBENZENESULFONATE P-dodecylbenzenesulphonic acid, compound with 1-aminopropan-2-ol (1:1). 54590-522 / 4250446-1 surfactante / detergente MIPA-LAURETH SULFATE Lauryl alcohol, polymer with oxirane, sulfuric acid ester, 2-hydroxy-1-aminopropane salt MIPA-LAURYL SULFATE MIXED CRESOLS (2-hydroxypropyl)ammonium decyl sulphate. Phenol, methyl- MIXED IONONES 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-ene-1-yl)-but-3ene-2-one / 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2cyclohexen-1-yl)-3-buten-2-one / ionone. 83016-766 / 906204-8 21142-289 1319-77-3 14901-076 / 690197-9 / 8013-90-9 MIXED ISOPROPANOLAMINES 1,1 ',1 ''-nitrilotripropan-2-ol / 1-aminopropan2-ol. 122-20-3 / 78-96-6 agente tampone MIXED ISOPROPANOLAMINES LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, compds. with isopropanolamine / Fatty acids, lanolin, compds. with triisopropanolamine. 85536-465 / 8553647-6 emulsionante / surfactante MIXED ISOPROPANOLAMINES LAURYL SULFATE (2-hydroxypropyl)ammonium decyl sulphate / decyl hydrogen sulphate, compound with 1,1 ',1 ''-nitrilotripropan-2-ol. 68877-258 emulsionante / surfactante MIXED ISOPROPANOLAMINES MYRISTATE (2-hydroxypropyl)ammonium myristate / tris(2-hydroxypropyl)ammonium myristate. 64012-062 / 8329227- 7 MONTAN ACID WAX Fatty acids, montan-wax. 68476-039 Pagina 99 di 186 surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente antimicrobico fragranza emulsionante / surfactante agente antistatico / legante / modificatore reologico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI MONTAN CERA MUSCLE EXTRACT MUSK KETONE Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Montan wax. Wax obtained by extraction of lignite. 8002-53-7 Muscle Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian muscle 91053-757 agente antistatico / legante / opacizzante / modificatore reologico MUSTELA CERA Mustela Cera is the solid fraction derived from the mink (Mustela) oil MUSTELA OIL Mustela Oil is the oil obtained from the subdermal fatty tissues of the mink, Mustela, Mustelidae 8023-74-3 agente protettivo fragranza emolliente / agente filmogeno / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli MYRETH-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 27306-792 emulsionante MYRETH-2 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 27306-792 MYRETH-2 MYRISTATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxotetradecyl)-. omega. -(tetradecyloxy)- 59686-689 MYRETH-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 27306-792 emulsionante emolliente / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle MYRETH-3 LAURATE 2-[2-[2-(tetradecyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethyl laurate. 84605-130 MYRETH-3 MYRISTATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxotetradecyl)-. omega. -(tetradecyloxy)- 59686-689 MYRETH-3 PALMITATE 2-[2-[2-(tetradecyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethyl palmitate. 84605-141 emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / detergente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle MYRETH-4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 27306-792 / 3903424- 7 emulsionante MYRETH-5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 27306-792 MYRETH-3 CAPRATE MYRETH-3 CARBOXYLIC ACID 125804-11 -7 MYRETH-3 ETHYLHEXANOATE MYRETH-5 CARBOXYLIC ACID MYRISTALKONIUM CHLORIDE Myristalkonium chloride. 139-08-2 emulsionante surfactante / detergente conservante MYRISTALKONIUM SACCHARINATE Benzyldimethyl(tetradecyl)ammonium, salt with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (1:1). 23661-758 / 6898901-5 conservante 7545-23-5 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno N-(2-hydroxyethyl)myristamide. 142-58-5 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno N-(2-hydroxypropyl)myristamide. N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]myristamide. 10525-141 45267-19- agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno agente antistatico MYRISTAMIDE DEA MYRISTAMIDE MEA MYRISTAMIDE MIPA MYRISTAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)myristamide. Pagina 100 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI 4 MYRISTAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHOSPHATE 13714536-9 surfactante MYRISTAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, salts with N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]tetradecanamide MYRISTAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]myristamide Noxide. 67806-104 MYRISTAMINE OXIDE N,N-dimethyltetradecylamine N-oxide. 3332-27-2 MYRISTAMINOPROPIONIC ACID N-tetradecyl-.beta.-alanine. 14960-088 MYRISTYL ISOSTEARATE Tetradecyl isooctadecanoate. 94247-264 MYRISTYL NEOPENTANOATE 2,2-dimethylpropanoic acid, tetradecyl ester MYRISTYL/CETYL AMINE OXIDE Amines, N-(C14-C16-alkyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, Noxides surfactante / detergente agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / detergente / agente idrofilo / schiumogeno agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo agente antistatico / surfactante / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli / detergente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / condizionante per capelli / detergente / agente idrofilo / schiumogeno MYRISTYL-PG HYDROXYETHYL DECANAMIDE MYRTRIMONIUM BROMIDE Decanamide, N-(2hydroxyethyl)-N-(2-hydroxy-3tetradecyloxypropyl)Tetradonium bromide. 1119-97-7 condizionante per la pelle conservante MYTILUS EXTRACT Mytilus Extract is an extract of the sea mussel, Mytilus edulis 94465-788 condizionante per la pelle N,N'-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)-2-NITRO-pPHENYLENEDIAMINE 2,2'-[(2-nitro-1,4phenylene)diimino]bisethanol. 84041-770 colorante per capelli N,N-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)-pPHENYLENEDIAMINE SULFATE N,N-DIETHYL-m-AMINOPHENOL (p-ammoniophenyl)bis(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium sulphate. 3-diethylaminophenol. 54381-167 / 5826244-5 91-68-9 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli N,N-DIETHYL-m-AMINOPHENOL SULFATE Bis[(diethylhydroxyphenyl)ammonium] sulphate. 68239-849 colorante per capelli N,N-DIETHYL-P-PHENYLENEDIAMINE SULFATE 1,4-Benzenediamine, N,N-diethyl-, sulfate (1:1) 6283-63-2 colorante per capelli N,N-DIETHYLTOLUENE-2,5-DIAMINE HCL N5, N5-diethyltoluene-2,5-diamine monohydrochloride 2051 -79-8 colorante per capelli N,N-DIMETHYL 2,6-PYRIDINEDIAMINE HCl 2,6-pyridinediamine, N,N-dimethyl-, mono(or di-) hydrochloride N,N'-DIMETHYL-N-HYDROXYETHYL-3NITRO-p-PHENYLENDIAMINE N,N-DIMETHYL-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE 2-[N-methyl-4-(methylamino)-3nitroanilino]ethanol. 4-amino-N,N-dimethylaniline (CI 76075). 10228-032 99-98-9 N,N-DIMETHYL-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE SULFATE N-CYCLOPENTYL-m-AMINOPHENOL 4-amino-N,N-dimethylaniline sulphate. Phenol, 3-cyclopentylamino- 6219-73-4 NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DICAPRATE 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediyl didecanoate. Pagina 101 di 186 colorante per capelli 27841-061 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 with emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DICAPRYLATE/ DIPELARGONATE/DICAPRATE Fatty acids, C8-C10, diesters 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DICAPRYLATE/DICAPRATE Decanoic acid, mixed esters with neopentyl glycol and octanoic acid. 70693-322 NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DIETHYLHEXANOATE 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediyl dioctanoate. 31335-747 / 2851023-8 NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DIISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3propanediyl ester NEOPENTYL GLYCOL DILAURATE 2,2-dimethylpropane-1,3-diyl dilaurate. 10525-390 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle N-ETHYL-3-NITRO PABA 4-ethylamino-3-nitrobenzoic acid 2788-74-1 colorante per capelli / filtro UV NEURAL EXTRACT Neural Extract is an extract of mammalian neural tissue NICKEL GLUCONATE Bis(D-gluconato-01,02)nickel NICOMETHANOL HYDROFLUORIDE NITROCELLULOSE NITROMETHANE NITROPHENOL 3-pyridinemethanol, hydrofluoride Cellulose, nitrate Nitromethane. Phenol, mononitro- NITROUS OXIDE Dinitrogen oxide. 10024-972 propellente N-METHOXYETHYL-pPHENYLENEDIAMINE HCl N-METHYL-3-NITRO-pPHENYLENEDIAMINE NONETH-8 N-(2-methoxyethyl)benzene-1,4-diamine dihydrochloride. 72584-599 / 6656648-1 colorante per capelli NONOXYNOL-1 2-(nonylphenoxy)ethanol. NONOXYNOL-10 29-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27nonaoxanonacosanol. 2973-21 -9 colorante per capelli surfactante 27986-363 emulsionante 27177-088 / 901645-9 emulsionante NONOXYNOL-10 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl) 28212-444 NONOXYNOL-100 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 surfactante / detergente NONOXYNOL-11 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante / surfactante NONOXYNOL-12 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante / surfactante NONOXYNOL-12 IODINE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(nonylphenyl), compd. with iodine 11096-427 antimicrobico NONOXYNOL-120 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante / detergente NONOXYNOL-13 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante / surfactante NONOXYNOL-14 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante / surfactante NONOXYNOL-15 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante / surfactante NONOXYNOL-18 NONOXYNOL-2 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy2-[2-(nonylphenoxy)ethoxy]ethanol. 9016-45-9 27176-93- emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / N-methyl-2-nitrobenzene-1,4-diamine. condizionante per la pelle 71957-078 62756-449 9004-70-0 75-52-5 NONOXYNOL-10 PHOSPHATE Pagina 102 di 186 umettante igiene orale / antiplacca agente filmogeno anticorrosive colorante per capelli surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente / agente idrofilo AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI 8 surfactante NONOXYNOL-20 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 surfactante / detergente NONOXYNOL-23 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 surfactante / detergente NONOXYNOL-25 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),. alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 (ge ne ric) surfactante NONOXYNOL-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante NONOXYNOL-30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 surfactante / detergente NONOXYNOL-35 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante / detergente NONOXYNOL-4 2-[2-[2-[2-(4nonylphenoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethanol. 7311-27-5 / 9016-959 emulsionante / surfactante NONOXYNOL-40 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 surfactante / detergente NONOXYNOL-44 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- NONOXYNOL-5 14-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12tetraoxatetradecan-1-ol. 9016-45-9 26264-028 / 901645-9 NONOXYNOL-5 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (carboxymethyl)-. omega. -(nonylphenoxy)- 28212-444 surfactante / detergente NONOXYNOL-50 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 surfactante / detergente NONOXYNOL-6 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (nonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9016-45-9 emulsionante / surfactante NONOXYNOL-6 PHOSPHATE 17-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15pentaoxaheptadecan-1 -yl dihydrogen phosphate. NONOXYNOL-7 20-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18hexaoxaicosan-1-ol. NONOXYNOL-8 23-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18,21 heptaoxatricosan-1-ol. NONOXYNOL-8 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (carboxymethyl)-. omega. -(nonylphenoxy)- NONOXYNOL-9 26-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24octaoxahexacosan-1-ol. 28212-444 26571-119 / 901645-9 NONOXYNOL-9 IODINE 26-(p-nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24octaoxahexacosan-1-ol, compound with iodine. 94349-403 / 1109642- 7 antimicrobico NONOXYNOL-9 PHOSPHATE 26-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24octaoxahexacosan-1-yl dihydrogen phosphate. 66197-782 surfactante / detergente / agente idrofilo NONOXYNYL HYDROXYETHYLCELLULOSE NONYL NONOXYNOL-10 29994-443 27177-033 / 901645-9 27177-055 / 901645-9 14344773-8 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (dinonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-93-1 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (dinonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-93-1 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (dinonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-93-1 NONYL NONOXYNOL-10 PHOSPHATE NONYL NONOXYNOL-100 NONYL NONOXYNOL-15 PHOSPHATE NONYL NONOXYNOL-150 NONYL NONOXYNOL-24 PHOSPHATE Pagina 103 di 186 surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente / agente idrofilo emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante agente filmogeno surfactante surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 detergente NONYL NONOXYNOL-49 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. (dinonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-93-1 NONYL NONOXYNOL-5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (dinonylphenyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9014-93-1 emulsionante NONYL NONOXYNOL-7 PHOSPHATE 20-(dinonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18hexaoxaicosyl dihydrogen phosphate. 66172-789 surfactante / detergente NONYL NONOXYNOL-9 PHOSPHATE 26-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24octaoxahexacosan-1-yl hydrogen phosphate. 66172-825 surfactante / detergente NOPYL ACETATE Bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene-2-ethanol, 6,6dimethyl-, acetate 128-51-8 fragranza NORDIHYDROGUAIARETIC ACID N-PHENYL-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE 4,4'-(2,3dimethyltetramethylene)dipyrocatechol. N-(4-aminophenyl)aniline (CI 76085). 500-38-9 101-54-2 antiossidante colorante per capelli N-PHENYL-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE HCl N-phenylbenzene-p-diamine monohydrochloride (CI 76085). 2198-59-6 colorante per capelli N-PHENYL-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE SULFATE Bis(N-phenylbenzene-p-diamine) sulphate (CI 76085). 4698-29-7 colorante per capelli 25035-045 modificatore reologico / volumizzante opacizzante / modificatore reologico / volumizzante NYLON-11 NYLON-12 Azacyclotridecan-2-one, homopolymer NYLON-12/6/66 COPOLYMER 6-Aminohexanoic acid, 12aminododecanoic acid, 1,6-hexanedioic acid, 1,6-hexanediamine copolymer 25038-748 agente filmogeno 25038-544 NYLON-6 surfactante / detergente modificatore reologico / volumizzante opacizzante / modificatore reologico / volumizzante colorante per capelli NYLON-66 o-AMINOPHENOL Poly[imino(1,6-dioxo-1,6-hexanediyl)imino1,6-hexanediyl] 2-aminophenol (CI 76520). o-AMINOPHENOL SULFATE o-CRESOL Phenol, 2-amino-, sulfate (2:1) (salt) Phenol, 2-methyl- 32131-172 95-55-6 67845-798 95-48-7 OCTACOSANYL GLYCOL Octacosane-1,2-diol. 97338-11 - emolliente / agente 9 stabilizzante OCTACOSANYL GLYCOL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 2-hydroxyoctacosyl ester OCTADECENE/MA COPOLYMER 2,5-furandione, polymer with 1-octadecene OCTADECENYL-AMMONIUM FLUORIDE 9-octadecenamine, hydrofluoride OCTAMETHYLTRISILOXANE Octamethyltrisiloxane. OCTOCRYLENE 2-Propenoic acid, 2-cyano-3,3-diphenyl-, 2ethylhexyl ester OCTOXYNOL-1 colorante per capelli antimicrobico emolliente 25266-028 modificatore reologico / agente stabilizzante igiene orale / 2782-81 -2 antiplacca condizionante per la 107-51-7 pelle Ethanol, 2-[4-(1,1,3,3tetramethylbutyl)phenoxy]- 6197-30-4 2315-67-5 / 9002-931 emulsionante / surfactante OCTOXYNOL-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante OCTOXYNOL-11 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante OCTOXYNOL-12 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante Pagina 104 di 186 filtro UV AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI OCTOXYNOL-13 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante OCTOXYNOL-16 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethy lbutyl)phenyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante / detergente OCTOXYNOL-20 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- 9002-93-1 OCTOXYNOL-25 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / detergente OCTOXYNOL-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethy lbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante OCTOXYNOL-30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante / detergente OCTOXYNOL-33 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / detergente OCTOXYNOL-40 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante / detergente OCTOXYNOL-5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethy lbutyl)phenyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante OCTOXYNOL-7 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante OCTOXYNOL-70 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- 9002-93-1 emulsionante / surfactante / detergente OCTOXYNOL-8 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethy lbutyl)phenyl].omega.-hydroxy- OCTOXYNOL-20 CARBOXYLIC ACID OCTOXYNOL-9 OCTOXYNOL-9 CARBOXYLIC ACID OCTRIZOLE OCTYLDODECETH-10 OCTYLDODECETH-16 OCTYLDODECETH-2 26-(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24octaoxahexacosan-1-ol. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3tetramethylbutyl)phenol. 3147-75-9 filtro UV 70801-079 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli Decanaminium, 2-octyl-N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -(2octyldodecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- , (10 mol EO average molar ratio) 32128-657 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),.alpha.-(2octyldodecyl) , (30 mol EO average molar ratio) 32128-657 OCTYLDODECETH-25 Pagina 105 di 186 emulsionante / surfactante surfactante agente antistatico OCTYLDODECETH-20 OCTYLDODECETH-30 emulsionante / surfactante 9002-93-1 42173-900 / 900293-1 OCTYLACRYLAMIDE/ ACRYLATES/BUTYLAMINOETHYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER OCTYLDECYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE emulsionante / detergente surfactante / detergente surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / detergente emulsionante / detergente surfactante AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI OCTYLDODECETH-5 OCTYLDODECYL ISOSTEARATE 2-Octyldodecyl isooctadecanoate OCTYLDODECYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE o-CYMEN-5-OL 1-dodecanaminium, 2-octyl-N,N,N-trimethyl-, chloride 4-isopropyl-m-cresol.. OLAFLUR Ethanol, 2,2'-[[3-[(2hydroxyethyl)octadecylamino]propyl]imino] bis-, dihydrofluoride OLEALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzyldimethyloleylammonium chloride. OLEAMIDE DEA N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-(Z)-9octadecenamide OLEAMIDE MEA N-(2-hydroxyethyl)oleamide. OLEAMIDE MIPA OLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE N-(2-hydroxypropyl)oleamide. N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]oleamide. OLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE GLYCOLATE Acetic acid, hydroxy-, compound with N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-9octadecenamide (1:1) 485076 emulsionante condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli conservante 6818-37-7 37139-994 igiene orale / antiplacca / fissante per capelli condizionante per capelli 93803-873 93-83-4 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno 111 -58-0 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno 111 -05-7 109-28-4 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli OLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN OLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compound with N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]-9-octadecenamide (1:1) OLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE PROPIONATE Dimethyl[3-(oleoylamino)propyl]ammonium propionate. OLEAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, 3-[(1-oxo-9octadecenyl)amino]-N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate (1:1) (salt) OLEAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, 3-[(1-oxo-9octadecenyl)amino]-N-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)N,N-dimethyl-, chloride OLEAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-9octadecenamide N-oxide. 25159-404 OLEAMIDOPROPYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN OLEAMINE (Z)-octadec-9-enylamine. 112-90-3 OLEAMINE BISHYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 3,3'-(9-octadecenylimino)bis[2hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium] dichloride. 94133-514 OLEAMINE OXIDE OLEOSTEARINE N,N-dimethyloleyl N-oxide. Glycerides, tallow Pagina 106 di 186 67801-610 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico 14351-509 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / schiumogeno / detergente / agente idrofilo / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli / detergente / agente idrofilo emolliente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 OLEOYL PG-TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE (Z)-2-hydroxy-3-[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]propyltrimethylammonium chloride. OLETH-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 19467-380 9004-98-2 / 2487134-9 OLETH-10 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (Z)-, phosphate 39464-692 surfactante OLETH-12 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante / surfactante OLETH-15 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante / surfactante OLETH-16 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante / surfactante OLETH-2 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante / surfactante OLETH-2 BENZOATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. benzoyl-. omega. -[(9Z)-9-octadecenyloxy]- (2 mol EO average molar ratio) OLETH-2 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (Z)-, phosphate OLETH-10 CARBOXYLIC ACID 24147061-1 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente condizionante per la pelle / emolliente 39464-692 emulsionante OLETH-20 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 surfactante / detergente OLETH-20 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (Z)-, phosphate 39464-692 surfactante OLETH-23 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 surfactante / detergente OLETH-25 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 surfactante / detergente OLETH-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 OLETH-3 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (Z)-, phosphate 39464-692 OLETH-30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- OLETH-4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 9004-98-2 / 5353-264 OLETH-4 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (Z)-, phosphate 39464-692 surfactante OLETH-40 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante / detergente OLETH-44 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- OLETH-5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 9004-98-2 / 5353-275 OLETH-5 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (Z)-, phosphate 39464-692 surfactante OLETH-50 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 surfactante / detergente OLETH-3 CARBOXYLIC ACID Pagina 107 di 186 emulsionante surfactante / detergente surfactante emulsionante / detergente emulsionante surfactante / detergente emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante surfactante / detergente OLETH-7 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante OLETH-8 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante OLETH-9 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -9octadecenyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-98-2 emulsionante OLEYL EPOXYPROPYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Oxiranemethanaminium, N,N-dimethylN-9-octadecenyl-, chloride (Z) OLETH-6 OLETH-6 CARBOXYLIC ACID OLEYL LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, 9-octadecenyl esters OLIVAMIDE DEA OLIVAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Olive oil, reaction products with diethanolamine. Amides, olive-oil, N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)- OLIVAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Amides, olive-oil, N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-, compounds with 2-hydroxypropanoic acid (1:1) OLIVAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Amides, olive-oil, N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-, N-oxides OLIVE OIL PEG-10 ESTERS Olive oil, ethoxylated OLIVE OIL PEG-6 ESTERS OMENTAL LIPIDS o-PHENYLPHENOL Olive oil, ethoxylated Lipids, bovine omentum Biphenyl-2-ol. OSTREA SHELL EXTRACT Ostrea Shell Extract is an extract of the shells of oyster, Ostrea edulis OSTREA SHELL POWDER o-TOLYL BIGUANIDE Ostrea Shell Powder is a powder obtained from the shells of the oyster, Ostrea edulis 1-o-tolylbiguanide. OXIDIZED POLYETHYLENE 13445112-0 condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / emolliente 97043-793 surfactante / schiumogeno agente antistatico 12404631- 7 10381946-1 10381946-1 90-43-7 94465-799 93-69-6 68441-178 68649-581 148-24-3 OXIDIZED POLYPROPYLENE OXYQUINOLINE Quinolin-8-ol. OXYQUINOLINE BENZOATE Benzoic acid, compound with quinolin-8-ol (1:1). OXYQUINOLINE SULFATE Bis(8-hydroxyquinolinium) sulphate. OZOKERITE PABA Hydrocarbon waxes (petroleum), chemically neutralized. A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by a treating process to remove acidic materials. It consists predominantly of saturated straight chain hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C20 through C50. 4-aminobenzoic acid. 64742-332 / 8021 55-4 150-13-0 PALM KERNELAMIDE DEA Amides, palm kernel-oil, N,Nbis(hydroxyethyl). 73807-155 Pagina 108 di 186 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / detergente emolliente / emulsionante / surfactante emolliente emolliente conservante abrasive / condizionante per la pelle abrasive antiossidante modificatore reologico agente filmogeno agente stabilizzante 7091 -57-8 antimicrobico antimicrobico / stabilizzante 134-31-6 emulsione legante / stabilizzante emulsione / opacizzante / modificatore reologico filtro UV emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PALM KERNELAMIDE MEA Amides, palm kernel-oil, N-(hydroxyethyl). PALM KERNELAMIDE MIPA Amides, palm kernel, N-(2-hydroxypropyl)- PALMAMIDE DEA Amides, palm-oil, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- PALMAMIDE MEA Amides, palm-oil, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)- PALMAMIDE MIPA Amides, palm-oil, N-(2-hydroxypropyl) emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)hexadecan-1-amide. 7545-24-6 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno PALMITAMIDE DEA 92201-291 PALMITAMIDE MEA Hexadecanamide, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)- 544-31 -0 PALMITAMIDOHEXADECANEDIOL 1,3-hexadecanediol, 2-(1 oxohexadecyl)amino- PALMITAMIDOPROPYL DIETHYLAMINE Hexadecanamide, N-[3-(diethylamino)propyl]- 12942619-3 67806-137 PALMITAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]hexadecan-1amide. 39669-971 PALMITAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Hexadecanamide, dimethylamino)propyl-, hydroxypropanoate PALMITAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE PROPIONATE Hexadecanamide, N-(3dimethylamino)propyl-, propanoate PALMITAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE PALMITAMINE Hexadecanamide, N-[(3dimethylamino)propyl]-, N-oxide Hexadecylamine. 67806-126 143-27-1 PALMITAMINE OXIDE Hexadecyldimethylamine N-oxide. 7128-91-8 PALMITOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE 7-hexadecenamide, dimethylaminopropyl)-, hydroxypropanoate PALMITOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE PROPIONATE 7-hexadecenamide, N-(3-aminopropyl)-, propanoate condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico agente antistatico N-(32agente antistatico agente antistatico agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo agente antistatico agente antistatico / surfactante / foam boosting / agente idrofilo / condizionante per capelli / detergente N-(32- Pagina 109 di 186 agente antistatico agente antistatico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PALMITOYL HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM AMYLOPECTIN/GLYCERIN CROSSPOLYMER condizionante per la pelle 1-propanaminium, N,N,Ntrimethyl-2-hydroxy-3-(1-oxohexadecyloxy)-, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle PALMITYL TRIHYDROXYETHYL PROPYLENEDIAMINE DIHYDROFLUORIDE p-AMINOPHENOL p-AMINOPHENOL HCI 1,3-propanediamine, N-hexadecyl-N,N'N'tris(2-hydroxyethyl)-, dihydrofluoride 4-aminophenol (CI 76550). 4-hydroxyanilinium chloride (CI 76550). 123-30-8 51-78-5 igiene orale / antiplacca colorante per capelli colorante per capelli p-AMINOPHENOL SULFATE Bis[(4-hydroxyphenyl)ammonium] sulphate (CI 76550). 63084-980 colorante per capelli PANTETHINE [R-(R*,R*)]-N,N'-[dithiobis[ethyleneimino(3oxopropane-3,1-diyl)]]bis[2,4-dihydroxy-3,3dimethylbutyramide]. 16816-674 emolliente / condizionante per capelli PANTHENYL HYDROXYPROPYL STEARDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-octadecanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N[2-hydroxy-3-[2,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-4-oxo4-(3-hydroxypropyl)amino]butyl]-, chloride PARAFFIN Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes. A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum fractions by solvente crystallization (solvente deoiling) or by the sweating process. It consists predominantly of straight chain hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C20 / Paraffin waxes (petroleum), hydrotreated. A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treating a petroleum wax with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst. It consists predominantly of straight chain paraffinic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of about C20 through C50. 8002-74-2 / 6474251-4 PARAFFINUM LIQUIDUM Paraffin oils. Liquid hydrocarbons from petroleum. 8012-95-1 PCA DIMETHICONE p-CHLORO-m-CRESOL p-CHLOROPHENOL p-CRESOL 3-(4-Carboxy-2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)propyl methyl siloxane, polymer with dimethylsiloxane, trimethylsilyl- terminated Chlorocresol. 4-chlorophenol. Phenol, 4-methyl- PEANUT OIL PEG-6 ESTERS Peanut oil, ethoxylated 17900503-9 59-50-7 106-48-9 106-44-5 68440-493 PEANUTAMIDE MEA Fatty acids, peanut-oil, compds. with ethanolamine. 93572-055 PEANUTAMIDE MIPA PEG/PPG-125/30 COPOLYMER Amides, peanut-oil, N-(2-hydroxypropyl) Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane PEG/PPG-150/30 COPOLYMER Oxirane, methyl, polymer with oxirane (150 mol EO, 30 mol PO average molar ratio) PALMITOYL PG-TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE PALMITOYL SYNTHOPEPTIDE Pagina 110 di 186 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 2594628 emolliente / modificatore reologico agente antistatico / emolliente / solvente / agente protettivo condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle conservante antimicrobico antimicrobico emolliente emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emolliente 9003-11 -6 emulsionante / (ge ne ric) surfactante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PEG/PPG-17/6 COPOLYMER PEG/PPG-18/4 COPOLYMER PEG/PPG-23/50 COPOLYMER PEG/PPG-296/57 COPOLYMER PEG/PPG-300/55 COPOLYMER PEG/PPG-35/9 COPOLYMER Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane 2594628 2594628 2594628 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane 2594628 2594628 PEG-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), PEG-10 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-10 COCAMINE PEG-10 COCOATE Amines, coco alkyl, ethoxylated 25322-683 61791-126 61791-148 PEG-10 COCO-BENZONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-10 COCONUT OIL ESTERS PEG-10 DIOLEATE PEG-10 GLYCERYL OLEATE PEG-10 GLYCERYL PIBSA TALLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 2595236 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester, polymer with . alpha. -hydro-. omega. hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 68889-496 PEG-10 GLYCERYL STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol monooctadecanoate (2:1) PEG-10 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated. PEG-10 HYDROGENATED LANOLIN Lanolin, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-10 HYDROGENATED TALLOW AMINE Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated 51158-088 61788-850 (ge ne ric) 68648-271 61791-262 PEG-10 ISOLAURYL THIOETHER Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2(dodecylthio)ethyl] 13081-340 PEG-10 ISOSTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxoisooctadecyl) PEG-10 LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, ethoxylated solvente solvente solvente solvente surfactante emolliente umettante / solvente emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante agente antistatico / emolliente emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante PEG-10 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated 56002-143 68459-507 61790-816 PEG-10 LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-81 -3 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 PEG-10 OLEATE PEG-10 OLIVE GLYCERIDES PEG-10 POLYGLYCERYL-2 LAURATE PEG-10 PROPYLENE GLYCOL PEG-10 SORBITAN LAURATE PEG-10 SOYA STEROL PEG-10 SOYAMINE Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane 2594628 Sorbitan, monododecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-64-5 Amines, soya alkyl, ethoxylated 61791-240 emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente umettante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante agente antistatico / emulsionante PEG-10 STEARAMINE PEG-10 STEARATE emulsionante / surfactante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-10 STEARYL BENZONIUM CHLORIDE Pagina 111 di 186 9004-99-3 emulsionante / surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-10 SUNFLOWER GLYCERIDES Glycerides, sunflower, ethoxylated. PEG-10 TALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, ethoxylated 18025452-8 (generic) / 18651105-7 (generic) 61791-002 PEG-10 TALLOW AMINOPROPYLAMINE Amines, N-tallow alkyltrimethylenedi-, ethoxylated 61790-850 emulsionante PEG-100 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), PEG-100 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-100 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated umettante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante surfactante PEG-100 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated 25322-683 61791-126 61788-850 61790-816 PEG-100 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante 3-Isocyanatomethyl-3,5,5-trimethylcyclohexyl isocyanate, polymer with ethylene oxide homopolymer (100 mol EO) 39318-451 PEG-11 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 61791-126 legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico agente antistatico emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante PEG-11 COCAMIDE Fatty acids, coco, reaction products with ethanolamine, ethoxylated 61791-080 emulsionante / surfactante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 emulsionante emulsionante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico emulsionante 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33undecaoxapentatriacontane-1,35-diol. 6790-09-6 / 2532268-3 PEG-100/IPDI COPOLYMER PEG-105 BEHENYL PROPYLENEDIAMINE PEG-11 AVOCADO GLYCERIDES PEG-11 OLEATE PEG-11 TALLOW AMINE PEG-115M PEG-11BABASSU GLYCERIDES PEG-12 PEG-12 BEESWAX umettante / solvente emulsionante PEG-12 CARNAUBA Carnauba Wax, ethoxylated (12 mol EO average molar ratio). 22370569-6 stabilizzante emulsione PEG-12 DILAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- 2595081 emulsionante PEG-12 DIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 2595236 emulsionante PEG-12 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- 2595268 emulsionante PEG-12 DITALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, diester with polyethylene glycol PEG-12 GLYCERYL DIOLEATE PEG-12 GLYCERYL LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,, monododecanoate PEG-12 ISOSTEARATE PEG-12 LANOLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxoisooctadecyl) acids, lanolin, ethoxylated. Pagina 112 di 186 61791-013 57107-978 emulsionante 59070-563 emulsionante 56002-143 emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PEG-12 LAURATE PEG-12 OLEATE PEG-12 PALM KERNEL GLYCERIDES Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-81 -3 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 emulsionante emulsionante 9004-99-3 61791-002 emulsionante emulsionante 2595268 emulsionante PEG-12 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-12 TALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, ethoxylated PEG-120 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol monooctadecanoate (2:1) 51158-088 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with methyl d-glucopyranoside 2,6-bis[(Z)-9octadecenoate] (2:1) 86893-198 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 PEG-13 SUNFLOWER GLYCERIDES Glycerides, sunflower, ethoxylated. 70377-912 (ge ne ric) / 18651105-7 (generic) emolliente / emulsionante PEG-135 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 umettante / solvente Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 PEG-14 LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-81 -3 emulsionante PEG-14 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante PEG-120 GLYCERYL STEARATE PEG-120 JOJOBA ACID PEG-120 JOJOBA ALCOHOL PEG-120 METHYL GLUCOSE DIOLEATE PEG-120 PROPYLENE GLYCOL STEARATE PEG-120 STEARATE PEG-13 DIPHENYLOL PROPANE PEG-13 ETHYLHEXANOATE PEG-13 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMIDE PEG-13 MINK GLYCERIDES PEG-14 PEG-14 AVOCADO GLYCERIDES PEG-14 STEARATE PEG-14 TALLATE PEG-140 GLYCERYL TRISTEARATE PEG-14M PEG-15 BUTANEDIOL PEG-15 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-15 COCAMINE PEG-15 COCAMINE OLEATE/PHOSPHATE Amines, coco alkyl, ethoxylated 61791-126 61791-148 PEG-15 COCOATE Fatty acids, coco, ethoxylated 61791-295 PEG-15 COCOMONIUM CHLORIDE Pagina 113 di 186 surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante umettante / solvente emulsionante emulsionante agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 agente antistatico / emulsionante antimicrobico antimicrobico PEG-15 COCOPOLYAMINE PEG-15 DEDM HYDANTOIN PEG-15 DEDM HYDANTOIN STEARATE PEG-15 GLYCERYL ISOSTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol mono(16-methylheptadecanoate) (2:1) 68958-587 emulsionante PEG-15 GLYCERYL LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,, monododecanoate 59070-563 emulsionante PEG-15 GLYCERYL OLEATE 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester, polymer with,2-ethanediyl) 68889-496 emulsionante PEG-15 GLYCERYL RICINOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,, [r-(Z)]-12-hydroxy-9octadecenoate PEG-15 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE PEG-15 HYDROXYSTEARATE PEG-15 JOJOBA ACID PEG-15 JOJOBA ALCOHOL Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated 51142-519 61791-262 PEG-15 LANOLATE PEG-15 OLEAMINE Fatty acids, lanolin, ethoxylated 68459-507 PEG-15 OLEAMMONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-15 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- PEG-15 SOYAMINE Amines, soya alkyl, ethoxylated 9004-96-0 61791-240 emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante agente antistatico / emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante emulsionante PEG-15 STEARAMINE PEG-15 STEARMONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-15 TALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, ethoxylated. PEG-15 TALLOWAMINE Tallow amines, ethoxylated (15 mol EO average molar ratio) 61791-262 (ge ne ric) PEG-15 TALLOW AMINOPROPYLAMINE Amines, N-tallow alkyltrimethylenedi-, ethoxylated 61790-850 emulsionante 63601-332 agente antistatico / emulsionante 25322-683 legante / umettante / solvente PEG-15 TALLOW POLYAMINE agente antistatico PEG-150 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), PEG-150 DILAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- 2595081 emulsionante PEG-150 DIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 2595236 emulsionante PEG-150 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- emulsionante / surfactante / modificatore reologico PEG-150 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated 2595268 61790-816 PEG-150 LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-81 -3 surfactante PEG-150 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 PEG-150 PENTAERYTHRITYL TETRASTEARATE emulsionante surfactante emulsionante Pagina 114 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-150 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 PEG-16 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 PEG-16 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated. PEG-16 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL PEG-16 OLEATE PEG-16 SOYA STEROL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated 61788-850 PEG-16 TALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, ethoxylated 61791-002 PEG-175 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- 2595268 surfactante umettante / solvente emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante / modificatore reologico Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 PEG-18 PALMITATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxohexadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-94-8 emulsionante PEG-18 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 emulsionante PEG-180 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), PEG-2 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-2 COCAMINE Amines, coco alkyl, ethoxylated PEG-18 PEG-18 CASTOR OIL DIOLEATE PEG-18 GLYCERYL OLEATE/COCOATE 25322-683 61791-126 61791-148 PEG-2 COCO-BENZONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-2 COCOMONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-2 DIETHYLHEXANOATE PEG-2 DIISONONANOATE PEG-2 DILAURATE PEG-2 DIMEADOWFOAMAMIDOETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE PEG-2 DISTEARATE PEG-2 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL PEG-2 HYDROGENATED TALLOW AMINE PEG-2 LACTAMIDE PEG-2 LAURAMINE PEG-2 LAURATE PEG-2 LAURATE SE Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkylbis(hydroxyethyl)methyl, chlorides. Oxydiethylene bis(2-ethylhexanoate). 70750-479 72269-524 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- 2595081 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[bis(2aminoethyl)methylammonio]ethyl]-. omega. hydroxy, N,N'-di-Limnanthes alba seed oil acyl derivatives, methyl sulfates (salts) (2 mol EO average molar ratio) Oxydiethane-1,2-diyl distearate. 22699592-2 109-30-8 Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated 61791-262 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha'.[(dodecylimino)di-2,1 -ethanediyl]bis[.omega.hydroxy- (2 mol EO average molar ratio) 2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl laurate. 31017-831 141-20-8 PEG-2 MILK SOLIDS PEG-2 OLEAMIDE (Z)-N-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl]-9octadecenamide. PEG-2 OLEAMINE 2,2'-(octadec-9-enylimino)bisethanol. Pagina 115 di 186 20429-338 25307-179 umettante / solvente emulsionante emulsionante umettante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante umettante agente antistatico schiumogeno emulsionante emulsionante agente antistatico / emolliente emulsionante emulsionante / AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Bis(hydroxyethyl)methyloleylammonium chloride. 2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl monooleate. 18448-652 106-12-7 2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl (R)-12hydroxyoleate. 5401-17-2 PEG-2 SOYAMINE PEG-2 STEARAMIDE CARBOXYLIC ACID Amines, soya alkyl, ethoxylated 61791-240 PEG-2 STEARAMINE 2,2'-(octadecylimino)bisethanol. 10213-782 PEG-2 STEARATE PEG-2 STEARATE SE 2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl stearate. 106-11-6 PEG-2 OLEAMMONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-2 OLEATE PEG-2 OLEATE SE PEG-2 RICINOLEATE PEG-2 SORBITAN ISOSTEARATE 60687-878 PEG-2 STEARMONIUM CHLORIDE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 PEG-20 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 61791-126 PEG-20 COCAMIDE Fatty acids, coco, reaction products with ethanolamine, ethoxylated PEG-20 PEG-20 ALMOND GLYCERIDES PEG-20 BEESWAX PEG-20 COCAMINE PEG-20 CORN GLYCERIDES Amines, coco alkyl, ethoxylated 61791-080 61791-148 agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante surfactante agente antistatico / emulsionante emulsionante / opacizzante emulsionante agente antistatico / emulsionante umettante / solvente emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante PEG-20 DILAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- 2595081 emulsionante PEG-20 DIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 2595236 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- 2595268 emulsionante PEG-20 DISTEARATE PEG-20 EVENING PRIMROSE GLYCERIDES emulsionante PEG-20 GLYCERYL ISOSTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol mono(16-methylheptadecanoate) (2:1) 68958-587 surfactante PEG-20 GLYCERYL LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,, monododecanoate 59070-563 emulsionante PEG-20 GLYCERYL OLEATE 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester, polymer with,2-ethanediyl) 68889-496 emulsionante PEG-20 GLYCERYL RICINOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,, [r-(Z)]-12-hydroxy-9octadecenoate 51142-519 emulsionante PEG-20 GLYCERYL STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol monooctadecanoate (2:1) 51158-088 emulsionante PEG-20 HEXADECENYLSUCCINATE PEG-20 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -hydro. omega. -hydroxy-, monoester with 2hexadecenylbutanedioic acid (20 mol EO average molar ratio) Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated 17825404-1 61788-85- emulsionante emulsionante / Pagina 116 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI 0 surfactante PEG-20 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL ISOSTEARATE Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated, isostearic acid ester. emulsionante / modificatore reologico PEG-20 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL TRIISOSTEARATE Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated, isostearic acid triester. PEG-20 HYDROGENATED LANOLIN Lanolin, hydrogenated, ethoxylated emulsionante / modificatore reologico emolliente / emulsionante 68648-271 PEG-20 HYDROGENATED PALM OIL GLYCERIDES PEG-20 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated PEG-20 LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, ethoxylated PEG-20 LANOLIN PEG-20 LAURATE PEG-20 MANNITAN LAURATE PEG-20 METHYL GLUCOSE DISTEARATE Lanolin, ethoxylated Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with methyl dglucopyranoside (4:1), dioctadecanoate 61791-262 68459-507 61790-816 emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / 9004-81 -3 surfactante emulsionante 11983119-5 PEG-20 METHYL GLUCOSE SESQUICAPRYLATE/ SESQUICAPRATE PEG-20 METHYL GLUCOSE SESQUILAURATE emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with methyl .beta.-dglucopyranoside (4:1), octadecanoate (2:3) 68389-708 PEG-20 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1-oxo-9octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-20 PALMITATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxohexadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-94-8 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-20 METHYL GLUCOSE SESQUISTEARATE PEG-20 MYRISTATE PEG-20 SORBITAN BEESWAX PEG-20 SORBITAN COCOATE 1,4-Anhydro-D-glucitol, ethoxylated, esters with beeswax (20 mol EO average molar ratio) 66794-589 PEG-20 SORBITAN ISOSTEARATE PEG-20 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / umettante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante Fatty acids, tall-oil, ethoxylated 9004-99-3 61791-002 PEG-20 TALLOWATE Fatty acids, tallow, ethoxylated 68153-640 emulsionante PEG-200 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), PEG-200 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 25322-683 61791-126 umettante / solvente emulsionante / surfactante PEG-200 GLYCERYL STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol monooctadecanoate (2:1) 51158-088 surfactante PEG-200 GLYCERYL TALLOWATE Glycerides, tallow mono- and di-, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-200 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated 68553-117 61788-850 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante 68476-04- emolliente emulsionante PEG-20 TALLATE PEG-20 TALLOW AMMONIUM ETHOSULFATE agente antistatico PEG-200 HYDROGENATED GLYCERYL PALMATE PEG-200 MONTANATE Pagina 117 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI 0 PEG-200 TRIHYDROXYSTEARIN Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 PEG-22/DODECYL GLYCOL COPOLYMER Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), hydroxydodecyl)[(12hydroxydodecyl)oxy]- (4,5;22) 78336-319 PEG-23 GLYCERYL LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,, monododecanoate PEG-20M PEG-20-PPG-10 GLYCERYL STEARATE PEG-23 OLEATE PEG-23 STEARATE emulsionante / surfactante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico emulsionante .alpha.-(12- Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 59070-563 9004-96-0 emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico PEG-23M Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 68648-271 emulsionante 61790-81 6 emulsionante PEG-24 HYDROGENATED LANOLIN Lanolin, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-24 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated PEG-240 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), PEG-25 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 25322-683 61791-126 PEG-25 GLYCERYL OLEATE 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester, polymer with . alpha. -hydro-. omega. hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 68889-496 emulsionante PEG-25 GLYCERYL STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol monooctadecanoate 51158-088 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-25 GLYCERYL TRIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,[(1 -oxo-9-octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z,Z)- 68958-645 61788-850 emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante PEG-25 DIETHYLMONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-25 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL PEG-25 PABA PEG-25 PHYTOSTEROL PEG-25 PROPYLENE GLYCOL STEARATE PEG-25 SOYA STEROL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated Polyoxyethylene ethyl-4-aminobenzoate (25 mol EO average molar ratio) PEG-25 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-250 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl) -oxooctadecyloxy)-, (250 mol EO average molar ratio) PEG-25M Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 11624227-4 9004-99-3 filtro UV emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante detergente / surfactante PEG-26 CASTOR OIL PEG-26 JOJOBA ACID PEG-26 JOJOBA ALCOHOL Castor oil, ethoxylated 25322-683 61791-126 PEG-27 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated 61790-816 Pagina 118 di 186 umettante emulsionante / surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante umettante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-28 GLYCERYL TALLOWATE Glycerides, tallow mono- and di-, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-29 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 68553-117 61791-126 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 PEG-3 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 61791-126 PEG-3 COCAMIDE Fatty acids, coco, reaction products with ethanolamine, ethoxylated PEG-3 COCAMINE Amines, coco alkyl, ethoxylated PEG-3 DIOLEOYLAMIDOETHYLMONIUM METHOSULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[Nmethyl-N,N-bis[2-[[(9Z)-1-oxo-9octadecenyl]amino]ethyl]ammonio]ethyl].omega.-hydroxy, methyl sulfate (salt) (3 mol EO average molar ratio) PEG-3 DIPALMITATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxohexadecyl)[(1 oxohexadecyl)oxy]- PEG-3 DIROSINATE Resin acids and rosin acids, diesters with polyethylene glycol (3 mol EO averal molar ratio) PEG-3 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- PEG-3 LANOLATE PEG-2M PEG-3 2,2'-DI-p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE 61791-080 61791-148 22494878-1 32628-061 24281290-4 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico colorante per capelli emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico Fatty acids, lanolin, ethoxylated 2595268 68459-507 emulsionante emulsionante PEG-3 LAURAMIDE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[(1 -oxododecyl)amino]ethyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- 26635-756 emulsionante PEG-3 LAURAMINE OXIDE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),'.-[(dodecyloxidoimino)di- (3 mol EO average molar ratio) agente antistatico / surfactante surfactante / emulsionante PEG-3 OLEAMIDE PEG-3 OLEATE 2-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl oleate. 10233-144 emulsionante PEG-3 SORBITAN OLEATE Sorbitan, mono-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs., (Z)- 9005-65-6 emulsionante PEG-3 SORBITAN STEARATE Sorbitan, monooctadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-67-8 emulsionante PEG-3 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 umettante PEG-3 TALLOW AMINOPROPYLAMINE Amines, N-tallow alkyltrimethylenedi-, ethoxylated 61790-850 emulsionante PEG-3 TALLOW PROPYLENEDIMONIUM DIMETHOSULFATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, N,N,N'tris(hydroxyethyl)-N,N'-dimethyl-N'-tallow alkyltrimethylenedi-, bis(Me sulfates) (salts). 93572-635 agente antistatico PEG-30 CASTOR OIL PEG-30 DIPOLYHYDROXYSTEARATE Castor oil, ethoxylated 61791-126 PEG-30 GLYCERYL COCOATE Glycerides, coco mono- and di-, ethoxylated 68201-467 PEG-3/PPG-2 GLYCERYL/SORBITOL HYDROXYSTEARATE /ISOSTEARATE Pagina 119 di 186 emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-30 GLYCERYL ISOSTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol mono(16-methylheptadecanoate) (2:1) 68958-587 surfactante PEG-30 GLYCERYL LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,, monododecanoate 59070-563 emulsionante PEG-30 GLYCERYL OLEATE 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester, polymer with,2-ethanediyl) 68889-496 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-30 GLYCERYL STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol monooctadecanoate (2:1) PEG-30 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante PEG-30 HYDROGENATED LANOLIN Lanolin, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-30 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated PEG-30 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated 51158-088 61788-850 68648-271 61791-262 61790-816 PEG-30 OLEAMINE PEG-30 SORBITAN TETRAOLEATE PEG-30 SORBITOL TETRAOLEATE LAURATE PEG-30 SOYA STEROL emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante PEG-30 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-32 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 umettante / solvente PEG-32 DILAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- 2595081 emulsionante PEG-32 DIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 2595236 emulsionante PEG-32 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- 2595268 emulsionante PEG-32 LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-81 -3 surfactante PEG-32 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 PEG-32 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 61791-126 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante PEG-33 CASTOR OIL PEG-35 ALMOND GLYCERIDES Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-35 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-35 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-35 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated 61791-126 61788-850 61790-81 6 emulsionante PEG-35 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-350 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), legante / solvente emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante PEG-36 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 25322-683 61791-126 PEG-36 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 Pagina 120 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-36 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-4 3,6,9-trioxaundecane-1,11-diol. PEG-4 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 9004-99-3 112-60-7 / 2532268-3 61791-126 PEG-4 DIHEPTANOATE Oxybis(ethane-2,1-diyloxyethane-2,1-diyl) bisheptanoate. 70729-689 emulsionante PEG-4 DILAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- 2595081 emulsionante PEG-4 DIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 2595236 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- 2595268 emulsionante emulsionante PEG-4 DISTEARATE PEG-4 ETHYLHEXANOATE emulsionante / surfactante umettante / solvente emulsionante / surfactante PEG-4 ISOSTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxoisooctadecyl) PEG-4 LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, ethoxylated 56002-143 68459-507 PEG-4 LAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- emulsionante / 9004-81 -3 surfactante PEG-4 OLEAMIDE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)amino]ethyl].omega.-hydroxy- 26027-372 emulsionante PEG-4 OLEATE 2-[2-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethyl oleate. 10108-255 emulsionante PEG-4 OLIVATE Fatty acids, olive oil, ethoxylated (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 226708-41 -4 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with oxybis[propanediol]dioctadecanoate (2:1) (4 mol EO average molar ratio) 86360-249 Amines, rape-oil, N-(hydroxyethyl), ethoxylated 85536-238 PEG-4 POLYGLYCERYL-2 DISTEARATE PEG-4 POLYGLYCERYL-2 STEARATE PEG-4 PROLINE LINOLEATE PEG-4 PROLINE LINOLENATE PEG-4 RAPESEEDAMIDE PEG-4 STEARAMIDE PEG-4 STEARATE 2-[2-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethyl stearate. PEG-4 TALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, ethoxylated PEG-40 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), PEG-40 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-40 GLYCERYL COCOATE Glycerides, coco mono- and di- ethoxylated PEG-40 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated 25322-683 61791-126 68201-467 61788-850 PEG-40 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE PEG-40 JOJOBA ACID PEG-40 JOJOBA ALCOHOL Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated 61791-262 PEG-40 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated 61790-816 emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente emolliente modificatore reologico surfactante 106-07-0 emulsionante 61791 -002 emulsionante PEG-40 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL PCA ISOSTEARATE Pagina 121 di 186 emulsionante umettante / solvente emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-40 OLIVE GLYCERIDES PEG-40 RICINOLEAMIDE emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante PEG-40 SORBITAN DIISOSTEARATE PEG-40 SORBITAN LANOLATE Sorbitan, ethoxylated, esters with lanolin fatty acids (40 mol EO average molar ratio) 8036-77-9 emulsionante PEG-40 SORBITAN LAURATE Sorbitan, monododecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-64-5 emulsionante surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante Sorbitan, monooctadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-67-8 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 PEG-40 SORBITAN PERISOSTEARATE PEG-40 SORBITAN PEROLEATE PEG-40 SORBITAN STEARATE PEG-40 SORBITAN TETRAOLEATE PEG-40 SORBITOL HEXAOLEATE PEG-40 SOYA STEROL PEG-40 STEARATE PEG-42 BABASSU GLYCERIDES PEG-44 CASTOR OIL PEG-44 SORBITAN LAURATE PEG-45 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL PEG-45 PALM KERNEL GLYCERIDES PEG-45 SAFFLOWER GLYCERIDES PEG-45 STEARATE PEG-45 STEARATE PHOSPHATE PEG-45/DODECYL GLYCOL COPOLYMER Sorbitan, monododecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 emulsionante / surfactante surfactante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), hydroxydodecyl)[(12hydroxydodecyl)oxy]- (11 ;45) 78336-319 stabilizzante emulsione PEG-5 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated 61791-126 PEG-5 COCAMIDE Fatty acids, coco, reaction products with ethanolamine, ethoxylated PEG-5 COCAMINE Amines, coco alkyl, ethoxylated PEG-5 COCOATE Fatty acids, coco, ethoxylated PEG-5 COCOMONIUM METHOSULFATE PEG-5 DEDM HYDANTOIN PEG-5 DEDM HYDANTOIN OLEATE 61791-080 61791-148 61791-295 68989-037 PEG-5 DITRIDECYLMONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-5 ETHYLHEXANOATE 57107-978 PEG-5 GLYCERYL SESQUIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol monooctadecanoate (2:1) 51158-088 PEG-5 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL PEG-5 HYDROGENATED CORN GLYCERIDES Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated 61788-850 PEG-5 HYDROGENATED LANOLIN Lanolin, hydrogenated, ethoxylated 68648-271 PEG-5 GLYCERYL TRIISOSTEARATE Pagina 122 di 186 surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante .alpha.-(12- 25322-683 PEG-5 GLYCERYL STEARATE emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante 9005-64-5 61788-850 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), PEG-45M PEG-4-PPG-7 C13/C15 ALCOHOL emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante surfactante emulsionante umettante surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante agente antistatico antimicrobico antimicrobico agente antistatico / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emolliente / emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PEG-5 HYDROGENATED TALLOW AMINE Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated PEG-5 ISODECYLOXYPROPYLAMINE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha'.-[[[3(isodecyloxy)propyl]imino]di-2,1ethanediyl]bis[. omega. -hydroxy]-, (5 mol EO average molar ratio) Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 61791-262 agente antistatico PEG-5 LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, ethoxylated PEG-5 LANOLIN PEG-5 LANOLINAMIDE Lanolin, ethoxylated 68459-507 61790-816 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[(1 -oxododecyl)amino]ethyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- 26635-756 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -[2-[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)amino]ethyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- 26027-372 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 PEG-5 LAURAMIDE PEG-5 OLEAMIDE PEG-5 OLEAMIDE DIOLEATE PEG-5 OLEAMINE PEG-5 OLEATE PEG-5 PENTAERYTHRITYL ETHER 66794-589 PEG-5 SORBITAN ISOSTEARATE PEG-5 SOYA STEROL PEG-5 SOYAMINE Amines, soya alkyl, ethoxylated 61791-240 emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante agente antistatico / emulsionante PEG-5 STEARAMINE PEG-5 STEARATE emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 PEG-5 STEARYL AMMONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-5 STEARYL AMMONIUM LACTATE PEG-5 TALL OIL STEROL ETHER PEG-5 TALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, ethoxylated PEG-5 TALLOWAMIDE Amides, tallow, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-5 TALLOW BENZONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-5 TRICAPRYLYL CITRATE PEG-5 TRICETYL CITRATE PEG-5 TRIDECYL CITRATE PEG-5 TRILAURYL CITRATE PEG-5 TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE TRIMYRISTATE PEG-5 TRIMYRISTYL CITRATE PEG-5 TRISTEARYL CITRATE emulsionante / surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante agente antistatico 61791 -002 emulsionante 68155-248 / 805161-4 emulsionante agente antistatico / surfactante emulsionante emolliente emolliente emolliente 61791-126 61788-850 emulsionante emolliente emolliente emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante PEG-50 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-50 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-50 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL ISOSTEARATE Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated, isostearic acid ester. emulsionante / modificatore reologico PEG-50 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL SUCCINATE Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated, succinic acid ester. emulsionante / modificatore reologico PEG-50 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated PEG-50 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated Pagina 123 di 186 61791-262 61790-816 emulsionante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-50 SHEA BUTTER PEG-50 SORBITOL HEXAOLEATE emulsionante emulsionante agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante PEG-50 STEARAMINE PEG-50 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-50 TALLOWAMIDE Amides, tallow, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-54 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-54 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-55 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-55 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-55 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated 9004-99-3 68155-248 / 805163-6 61791-126 61788-850 61791-126 61788-850 61790-81 6 PEG-55 PROPYLENE GLYCOL OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.'-(1-methyl-1,2ethanediyl)bis[.omega.-[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 86481-085 PEG-5M PEG-6 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),,6,9,12,15-pentaoxaheptadecane-1,17-diol. 25322-683 2615-15-8 Mono- and diglycerides, almond oil, ethoxylated (6 mol EO average molar ratio) 22699390-4 emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante 61791-080 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-6 ALMOND GLYCERIDES PEG-6 BEESWAX PEG-6 CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC GLYCERIDES emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante modificatore reologico legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico umettante / solvente PEG-6 COCAMIDE Fatty acids, coco, reaction products with ethanolamine, ethoxylated PEG-6 DILAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- 2595081 emulsionante PEG-6 DIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 2595236 emulsionante PEG-6 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- 2595268 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2(dodecylthio)ethyl] 13081-340 PEG-6 ISOSTEARATE PEG-6 LANOLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxoisooctadecyl) acids, lanolin, ethoxylated. 56002-143 PEG-6 LAURAMIDE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[(1 -oxododecyl)amino]ethyl]-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-6 ISOLAURYL THIOETHER PEG-6 ISOPALMITATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 26635-756 9004-81-3 / 2370-641 PEG-6 METHYL ETHER Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9004-74-4 PEG-6 OLEAMIDE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)amino]ethyl]. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-6 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- PEG-6 LAURATE PEG-6 LAURATE/TARTARATE Pagina 124 di 186 26027-372 9004-96-0 / 6034426-5 emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante solvente emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-6 PALMITATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxohexadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-6 SORBITAN BEESWAX 1,4-Anhydro-D-glucitol, ethoxylated, esters with beeswax (6 mol EO average molar ratio) PEG-6 SORBITAN OLEATE Sorbitan, mono-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs., (Z)- 9005-65-6 emulsionante PEG-6 SORBITAN STEARATE Sorbitan, monooctadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-67-8 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 emulsionante antimuffa / surfactante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 Castor oil, ethoxylated 61791-126 PEG-6 STEARATE PEG-6 UNDECYLENATE PEG-60 PEG-60 ALMOND GLYCERIDES PEG-60 CASTOR OIL PEG-60 CORN GLYCERIDES PEG-60 EVENING PRIMROSE GLYCERIDES PEG-60 GLYCERYL ISOSTEARATE PEG-60 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-60 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated PEG-60 SHEA BUTTER GLYCERIDES Glycerides, shea butter, ethoxylated (60 mol EO average molar ratio) PEG-60 SORBITOL TETRASTEARATE emulsionante / surfactante Sorbitan, monooctadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 68958-587 61788-850 61790-81 6 PEG-7 COCAMIDE umettante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante 9005-67-8 surfactante emulsionante emulsionante Sorbitol, tetraester with stearic acid, ethoxylated. emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, (7 mol EO average molar ratio) Fatty acids, coco, reaction products with ethanolamine, ethoxylated surfactante emulsionante / surfactante 22699383-5 PEG-66 TRIHYDROXYSTEARIN PEG-7 PEG-7 BETANAPHTHOL emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with 1,2,3propanetriol mono(16-methylheptadecanoate) (2:1) PEG-60 SORBITAN STEARATE PEG-60 SORBITAN TETRAOLEATE PEG-60 SORBITAN TETRASTEARATE 9004-94-8 umettante / solvente modificatore reologico 61791-080 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-7 GLYCERYL COCOATE Glycerides, coco mono- and di-, ethoxylated PEG-7 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-7 LANOLATE Fatty acids, lanolin, ethoxylated 68201-467 / 6610529-1 61788-850 68459-507 PEG-7 OLEAMIDE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)amino]ethyl]. omega. -hydroxy- 26027-372 emulsionante PEG-7 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-7 RICINOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(12hydroxy-1 -oxo-9-octadecenyl), [r-(Z)]- 9004-97-1 emulsionante PEG-7 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl) 9004-99-3 emulsionante Pagina 125 di 186 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-7 TALLOWAMINE PEG-70 HYDROGENATED LANOLIN PEG-70 MANGO GLYCERIDES PEG-75 PEG-75 CASTOR OIL PEG-75 COCOA BUTTER GLYCERIDES emulsionante Lanolin, hydrogenated, ethoxylated Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), oil, ethoxylated 68648-271 25322-683 61791-126 emulsionante emulsionante legante / umettante / solvente emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante PEG-75 DILAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- 2595081 emulsionante PEG-75 DIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- 2595236 emulsionante / surfactante PEG-75 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- PEG-75 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated PEG-75 LANOLIN OIL Oils, lanolin, ethoxylated 2595268 61790-816 / 803909-6 68648-384 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-81 -3 surfactante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante PEG-75 SORBITAN LANOLATE Sorbitan, ethoxylated, esters with lanolin fatty acids (75 mol EO average molar ratio) 8051-13-6 emulsionante PEG-75 SORBITAN LAURATE Sorbitan, monododecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-64-5 surfactante PEG-75 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-78 GLYCERYL COCOATE Glycerides, coco mono- and di-, ethoxylated 9004-99-3 68201-467 PEG-7M Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), surfactante emulsionante / surfactante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico PEG-75 LANOLIN WAX PEG-75 LAURATE PEG-75 OLEATE PEG-75 PROPYLENE GLYCOL STEARATE PEG-75 SHEA BUTTER GLYCERIDES PEG-75 SHOREA BUTTER GLYCERIDES PEG-8 PEG-8 BEESWAX PEG-8 BEHENATE PEG-8 C12-18 ESTER PEG-8 CAPRATE PEG-8 CAPRYLATE PEG-8 CAPRYLATE/CAPRATE PEG-8 CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC GLYCERIDES 3,6,9,12,15,18,21 -heptaoxatricosane-1,23diol. PEG-8 CASTOR OIL Castor oil, ethoxylated PEG-8 COCOATE PEG-8 DI/TRIRICINOLEATE PEG-8 DICOCOATE PEG-8 DIISOSTEARATE Fatty acids, coco, ethoxylated PEG-8 DILAURATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -[(1 -oxododecyl)oxy]- Pagina 126 di 186 25322-683 5117-19-1 / 2532268-3 61791-126 61791-295 2595081 emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante umettante / solvente emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PEG-8 DIOLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- PEG-8 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- PEG-8 DITALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, diester with polyethylene glycol Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,, monododecanoate 59070-563 PEG-8 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE Amines, tallow alkyl, ethoxylated 61791-262 emulsionante PEG-8 ISOLAURYL THIOETHER Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2(dodecylthio)ethyl] 13081-340 emulsionante PEG-8 ISOSTEARATE PEG-8 LANOLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1oxoisooctadecyl) acids, lanolin, ethoxylated. 56002-143 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxododecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- emulsionante / 9004-81 -3 surfactante emolliente emolliente emulsionante PEG-8 GLYCERYL LAURATE PEG-8 HYDROGENATED FISH GLYCERIDES PEG-8 LAURATE PEG-8 LINOLEATE PEG-8 LINOLENATE PEG-8 MYRISTATE PEG-8 OLEATE 2595236 emulsionante 2595268 emulsionante 61791-013 emulsionante PEG-8 RICINOLEATE PEG-8 SESQUILAURATE PEG-8 SESQUIOLEATE 9004-96-0 emulsionante Fatty acids, coco, ethoxylated, propoxylated 12664598-5 emulsionante / surfactante 9004-97-1 surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / umettante / surfactante agente antistatico Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(12hydroxy-1 -oxo-9-octadecenyl), [r-(Z)]- PEG-8 SORBITAN BEESWAX PEG-8 SOYAMINE Amines, soya alkyl, ethoxylated PEG-8 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- PEG-8 TALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, ethoxylated PEG-8 TALLOWAMIDE PEG-8 UNDECYLENATE Amides, tallow, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-8/SMDI COPOLYMER PEG-80 GLYCERYL COCOATE Glycerides, coco mono- and di-, ethoxylated PEG-80 GLYCERYL TALLOWATE Glycerides, tallow mono- and di-, hydrogenated, ethoxylated PEG-80 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL PEG-80 JOJOBA ACID PEG-80 JOJOBA ALCOHOL PEG-80 METHYL GLUCOSE LAURATE PEG-80 SORBITAN LAURATE emulsionante emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- PEG-8 PALMITOYL METHYL DIETHONIUM METHOSULFATE PEG-8 PROPYLENE GLYCOL COCOATE emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante 61791-240 9004-99-3 / 7080240-3 61791 -002 emulsionante 68155-248 emulsionante emulsionante 39444-876 agente filmogeno 68201-46- emulsionante / 7 surfactante Castor oil, hydrogenated, ethoxylated 68553-117 61788-850 Sorbitan, monododecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-64-5 Pagina 127 di 186 emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante surfactante surfactante emulsionante surfactante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PEG-80 SORBITAN PALMITATE Sorbitan, monohexadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs. PEG-85 LANOLIN Lanolin, ethoxylated PEG-9 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 9005-66-7 61790-816 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante Castor oil, ethoxylated 25322-683 61791-126 Mono- and diglycerides, coconut oil, ethoxylated. 67762-350 (ge ne ric) PEG-9 DISTEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)[(1 oxooctadecyl)oxy]- 2595268 emulsionante PEG-9 LAURATE 26-hydroxy-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24octaoxahexacos-1-yl laurate. 106-08-1 emulsionante PEG-9 OLEAMIDE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[(1-oxo-9-octadeceny l)amino]ethyl] 26027-372 emulsionante PEG-9 OLEATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 9004-96-0 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(12hydroxy-1 -oxo-9-octadecenyl), [r-(Z)]- 9004-97-1 surfactante emulsionante PEG-9 STEARATE 26-hydroxy-3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24octaoxahexacos-1-yl stearate. 5349-52-0 / 9004-993 emulsionante PEG-90 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 umettante / solvente PEG-90 STEARATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1 oxooctadecyl)-. omega. -hydroxy- 9004-99-3 PEG-90M Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 25322-683 Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer Aziridine, homopolymer 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 9002-98-6 91053-622 106-02-5 PEG-9 CASTOR OIL PEG-9 COCOATE PEG-9 COCOGLYCERIDES PEG-9 DIETHYLMONIUM CHLORIDE PEG-9 RICINOLEATE PEG-9 STEARAMIDE CARBOXYLIC ACID PEG-9M PEG-CROSSPOLYMER PEI-10 PEI-1000 PEI-1400 PEI-14M PEI-15 PEI-1500 PEI-1750 PEI-250 PEI-2500 PEI-275 PEI-30 PEI-35 PEI-45 PEI-7 PEI-700 PELLIS LIPIDA PENTADECALACTONE Lipids, skin. Pentadecan-15-olide. Pagina 128 di 186 umettante / solvente emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante surfactante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico agente filmogeno modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico modificatore reologico emolliente fragranza AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PENTADECYL ALCOHOL Pentadecan-1-ol. PENTADOXYNOL-200 629-76-5 emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione 40160-927 / 3934674-2 emolliente PENTAERYTHRITYL ISOSTEARATE/ CAPRATE/CAPRYLATE/ADIPATE Isooctadecanoic acid, mixed esters with pentaerythritol, octanoic acid, decanoic acid and hexanedioic acid PENTAERYTHRITYL STEARATE/ ISOSTEARATE/ADIPATE/HYDROXYSTEAR ATE 2,2-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol, mixed esters with octadecanoic acid, isooctadecanoic acid, hexanedioic acid, and 12-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid. PENTAERYTHRITYL TETRAISONONANOATE 2,2-bis[[(1 -oxoisononyl)oxy]methyl]-1,3propanediyl diisononanoate. 93803-895 PENTAERYTHRITYL TETRAISOSTEARATE PENTANE 2,2-bis[[(1 -oxoisooctadecyl)oxy]methyl]-1,3propanediyl bis(isooctadecanoate). Pentane. 62125-228 109-66-0 emolliente emolliente / emulsionante / surfactante propellente / solvente PENTASODIUM AMINOTRIMETHYLENE PHOSPHONATE Pentasodium hydrogen C,C',C''nitrilotris(methylphosphonate). 2235-43-0 chelante PENTASODIUM ETHYLENEDIAMINE TETRAMETHYLENE PHOSPHONATE Pentasodium trihydrogen, ethylenedinitrilotetrakis(methylphosphonate). PENTASODIUM PENTETATE Pentasodium (carboxylatomethyl)iminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tet raacetate. 140-01-2 chelante PENTETIC ACID PERFLUORODECALIN Ncarboxymethyliminobis(ethylenenitrilo)tetra(ac etic acid). Naphthalene, octadecafluorodecahydro- 67-43-6 306-94-5 chelante PERFLUORODIMETHYL CYCLOHEXANE Cyclohexane, 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,6-decafluoro-4,6bis(trifluoromethyl)-. 335-27-3 solvente emolliente 22240048-8 condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico chelante / modificatore reologico PERFLUOROMETHYL CYCLOPENTANE Cyclopentane, nonafluoro(trifluoromethyl)-. 1805-22-7 condizionante per la pelle / solvente PERFLUOROPERHYDROBENZYL TETRALIN 2-[Difluoro(undecafluorocyclohexyl)methyl]1,1,2,3,3,4,4,4a,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8aheptadecafluorodecahydronaphtalene. 11626566-8 condizionante per la pelle / solvente PERFLUOROPERHYDROPHENANTHRENE Tetracosafluorotetradecahydrophenanthrene. 306-91-2 condizionante per la pelle / solvente Hexafluoropropene, oxidized, oligomers, reduced, reaction products with methanol, reduced, reaction products with ethylene oxide and phosphoryl trichloride, hydrolyzed 16256774-0 agente stabilizzante PERFLUOROPOLYMETHYLISOPROPETH PHOSPHATE PERFLUOROPOLYMETHYLISOPROPYL ETHER emolliente PERFLUOROTETRALIN Naphthalene, 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,6,7,8dodecafluoro-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- PETROLATUM Petrolatum. A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a semi-solid from dewaxing paraffinic residual oil. It consists predominantly of saturated crystalline and liquid hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C25. Pagina 129 di 186 161625 agente antistatico / 08/03/8009 emolliente AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PETROLEUM DISTILLATES Petroleum. A complex combination of hydrocarbons. It consists predominantly of aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It may also contain small amounts of nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur compounds. This category encompasses light, medium, and heavy petroleums, as well as the oils extracted from tar sands. Hydrocarbonaceous materials requiring major chemical changes for their recovery or conversion to petroleum refinery feedstocks such as crude shale oils, upgraded shale oils and liquid coal fuels are not included in this definition / Petroleum gases, liquefied. A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C3 through C7 and boiling in the range of approximately -40[0]C to 80[0]C (-40[0]F to 176[0]F). 68476-857 antiagente schiumogeno / solvente PG-HYDROXYETHYLCELLULOSE COCODIMONIUM CHLORIDE agente antistatico PG-HYDROXYETHYLCELLULOSE LAURYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE agente antistatico PG-HYDROXYETHYLCELLULOSE STEARYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHENACETIN Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-, PHENETHYL DIMETHICONE 2-Phenylethyl methyl siloxane, polymer with dimethylsiloxane, trimethylsilyl- terminated PHENETHYL DISILOXANE Disiloxane, 1,1,2,2,2-pentamethyl-1 -(2phenylethyl)- PHENOXYETHYLPARABEN PHENOXYISOPROPANOL PHENYL BENZOATE PHENYL DIMETHICONE PHENYL MERCURIC ACETATE PHENYL MERCURIC BENZOATE 2-phenoxyethyl p-hydroxybenzoate.. 1 -phenoxypropan-2-ol. Phenyl benzoate. 1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-1,3-diphenyldisiloxane. Phenylmercury acetate. Phenylmercury benzoate. PHENYL MERCURIC BORATE Dihydrogen [orthoborato(3-)O]phenylmercurate(2-). PHENYL METHICONE PHENYL METHYL PYRAZOLONE 3-methyl-1 -phenyl-5-pyrazolone. 102-98-7 63148-583 89-25-8 PHENYL SALICYLATE Phenyl salicylate. 118-55-8 PHENYL TRIMETHICONE 1,1,5,5,5-hexamethyl-3-phenyl-3[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]trisiloxane. 2116-84-9 PHENYLBENZIMIDAZOLE SULFONIC ACID 2-phenyl-1 H-benzimidazole-5-sulphonic acid. PHENYLISOHEXANOL 3-methyl-5-phenylpentanol. PHENYLMETHYLPENTANAL Pentanal, 3-methyl-5-phenyl-. PHENYLPARABEN PHENYLPROPANOL PHENYLTHIOGLYCOLIC ACID PHLOROGLUCINOL Phenyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. Phenylpropanol. (phenylthio)acetic acid. 1,3,5-Benzenetriol Pagina 130 di 186 62-44-2 67762-827 agente antistatico agente stabilizzante emolliente antiagente schiumogeno 55468-887 770-35-4 93-99-2 56-33-7 62-38-4 94-43-9 27503-817 55066-483 55066-494 17696-627 1335-12-2 103-04-8 108-73-6 antimicrobico / conservante conservante / solvente conservante emolliente conservante conservante conservante / agente tampone emolliente colorante per capelli antimicrobico / denaturante antiagente schiumogeno / agente antistatico / emolliente filtro UV fragranza deodorante / fragranza conservante solvente antiossidante colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE/ADIPIC ACID/CASTOR OIL/NEOPENTYL GLYCOL/PEG-3/TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE COPOLYMER PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE/BENZOIC ACID/TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE/BUTYL BENZOIC ACID/PROPYLENE GLYCOL COPOLYMER agente filmogeno PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE/GLYCERIN/ GLYCIDYL DECANOATE COPOLYMER agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico agente filmogeno PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE/TRIMELL me ANHYDRIDE/GLYCOLS COPOLYMER PICRAMIC ACID 2-amino-4,6-dinitrophenol (CI 76540). PIDOBENZONE L-proline, 5-oxo-, 4-hydroxyphenyl ester PIGMENT BLUE 15 96-91-3 agente filmogeno colorante per capelli condizionante per la pelle [29H,31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)N29,N30,N31,N32] copper (CI 74160). 147-14-8 colorante per capelli PIGMENT GREEN 7 Polychloro copper phthalocyanine. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, (CI 74260). 1328-53-6 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 112 3-hydroxy-N-(o-tolyl)-4-[(2,4,5trichlorophenyl)azo]naphthalene-2carboxamide (CI 12370). 6535-46-2 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 172 ALUMINUM LAKE 2-(3,6-dihydroxy-2,4,5,7-tetraiodoxanthen-9yl)benzoic acid, aluminium salt (CI 45430). 12227-780 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 4 1-[(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthol (CI 12085). 2814-77-9 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 48 Disodium 4-[(5-chloro-4-methyl-2sulphonatophenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-2naphthoate (CI 15865). 3564-21 4222-64 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 5 N-(5-chloro-2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-[[5[(diethylamino)sulphonyl]-2methoxyphenyl]azo]-3-hydroxynaphthalene-2carboxamide (CI 12490). 6410-41-9 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 57 Disodium 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-methyl-2sulphonatophenyl)azo]-2-naphthoate (CI 15850). 5858-81 -1 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 57:1 Calcium 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-methyl-2sulphonatophenyl)azo]-2-naphthoate (CI 15850). 1234986 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 63:1 Calcium 3-hydroxy-4-[(1 -sulphonato2-naphthyl)azo]-2-naphthoate (CI 15880). 6417-83-0 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 64:1 PIGMENT RED 83 Calcium bis[3-hydroxy-4-(phenylazo)-2naphthoate] (CI 15800). 1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone (CI 58000). 6371 -76-2 colorante per capelli 72-48-0 colorante per capelli PIGMENT RED 90:1 ALUMINUM LAKE Dialuminium tris[2-(2,4,5,7-tetrabromo-6oxido-3-oxoxanthen-9-yl)benzoate] (CI 45380). 15876-398 colorante per capelli PIGMENT VIOLET 19 5,12-dihydroquino[2,3-b]acridine-7,14-dione (CI 73900). 1047-16-1 colorante per capelli PIGMENT VIOLET 23 8,18-dichloro-5,15-diethyl-5,15dihydrodiindolo[3,2-b:3',2'm]triphenodioxazine (CI 51319). 6358-30-1 colorante per capelli PIGMENT YELLOW 12 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'diyl)bis(azo)]bis[3-oxo-N-phenylbutyramide] (CI 21090). 6358-85-6 colorante per capelli Pagina 131 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PIGMENT YELLOW 13 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-3oxobutyramide] (CI 21100). 5102-83-0 PIGMENT YELLOW 73 2-[(4-chloro-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-N-(2methoxyphenyl)-3-oxobutyramide (CI 11738). 13515-407 PIPERYLENE/BUTENE/ PENTENE COPOLYMER 1,3-Pentadiene, polymer with butene and pentene PISCES Fish cartilage extract PISCES EXTRACT Pisces Extract is an extract obtained from mixed fish PISCUM CARTILAGE EXTRACT Piscum Cartilage Extract is an extract obtained from fish cartilage PISCUM IECUR OIL Piscum Iecur Oil is the fixed oil expressed from the fresh livers of mixed fish. It consists primarily of the glycerides of unsaturated C14-C18 and unsaturated C16C22 fatty acids PISCUM OVUM EXTRACT Piscum Ovum Extract is an extract of fish eggs PLACENTAL LIPIDS Lipids, placenta. 91053-611 emolliente PLACENTAL PROTEIN p-METHYL ACETOPHENONE p-METHYLAMINOPHENOL p-METHYLAMINOPHENOL SULFATE Placenta, ext. Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, inorganic ions, etc. obtained from mammalian placenta. 4'-methylacetophenone. 4-methylaminophenol. Bis(4-hydroxy-N-methylanilinium) sulphate. 84195-595 122-00-9 150-75-4 55-55-0 umettante fragranza colorante per capelli colorante per capelli POLOXAMER 101 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (2; 16) 2594628 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (11;16) 2594628 POLOXAMER 108 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (46;16) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 122 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (5;21) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 123 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (7;21) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 124 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (11;21) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 181 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (3;30) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 182 POLOXAMER 182 DIBENZOATE Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (8;30) 2594628 POLOXAMER 183 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (10;30) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 184 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (13;30) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 185 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (19;30) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 188 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (75;30) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 212 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (8;35) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 105 POLOXAMER 105 BENZOATE Pagina 132 di 186 22121560- 7 97615-946 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli legante / modificatore reologico condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle / idratante condizionante per la pelle 8009-00-5 emolliente condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 POLOXAMER 215 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (24;35) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 217 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (52;35) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 231 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (6;39) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 234 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (22;39) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 235 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (27;39) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 237 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (62;39) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 238 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (97;39) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 282 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (10;47) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 284 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (21 ;47) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 288 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (122;47) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 331 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (7;54) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 333 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (20;54) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 334 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (31 ;54) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 335 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (38;54) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 338 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (128;54) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 401 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (6;67) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 402 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (13;67) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 403 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (21 ;67) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMER 407 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (98;67) 2594628 emulsionante / surfactante POLOXAMINE 1101 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (21 ;3) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1102 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (21 ;7) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1104 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (21 ;19) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1301 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (25;3) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1302 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (26;8) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1304 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (26;24) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1307 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (23;74) 11111-345 emulsionante Pagina 133 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 POLOXAMINE 1501 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (30;4) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1502 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (30;10) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1504 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (32;28) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 1508 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (22;122) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 304 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (4;3) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 504 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (8;7) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 701 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (12;2) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 702 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (13;4) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 704 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (14;12) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 707 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (19;47) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 901 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (18;2) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 904 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (19;16) 11111-345 emulsionante POLOXAMINE 908 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with (1,2-ethanediyldinitrilo)tetrakis (propanol) (22; 122) 11111-345 POLYACRYLAMIDE 2-propenamide, homopolymer POLYACRYLAMIDOMETHYL BENZYLIDENE CAMPHOR Polymer of N-{(2 and 4)-[(2-oxoborn-3ylidine)methyl]benzyl}acrylamide 2594446 113783-61 -2 POLYACRYLAMIDOMETHYLPROPANE SULFONIC ACID POLYACRYLIC ACID 2-propenoic acid, homopolymer POLYAMINOPROPYL BIGUANIDE Poly(methylene), .alpha.,.omega.bis[[[(aminoiminomethyl)amino]iminomethyl]a mino]-, dihydrochloride 2594322 70170-615 / 2875747-3 emulsionante agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno filtro UV agente filmogeno legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico conservante POLYBETA-ALANINE/GLUTARIC ACID CROSSPOLYMER agente filmogeno POLYBUTENE POLYBUTYL ACRYLATE legante / modificatore reologico legante / agente 1-butene, homopolymer Poly[1-(butoxycarbonyl)ethylene]. Pagina 134 di 186 9003-28-5 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 filmogeno POLYBUTYLENE TEREPHTHALATE POLYCHLOROTRIFLUOROETHYLENE 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, polymer with 1,4-butanediol Ethene, chlorotrifluoro-, homopolymer POLYCYCLOPENTADIENE POLYDECENE POLYDIETHYLENEGLYCOL ADIPATE/IPDI COPOLYMER Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 5-isocyanato-1 -(isocyanatomethyl)-1 ,3,3trimethyl cyclohexane and 2,2'oxobis(ethanol) 26062-942 9002-83-9 68132-003 37309-583 55636-505 POLYDIMETHYLAMINOETHYL METHACRYLATE agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico agente filmogeno modificatore reologico legante agente filmogeno agente filmogeno POLYETHYLACRYLATE 2-propenoic acid, ethyl ester, homopolymer 9003-32-1 POLYETHYLENE Ethene, homopolymer 9002-88-4 legante / modificatore reologico agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno agente antistatico / legante / agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4phenylenecarbonyl) 25038-599 agente filmogeno 2-Butenedioic acid (2Z)-, polymer with ethene, 1-methylethyl ester, ester with,2ethanediyl) and[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], graft 2-propenoic acid, ethyl ester, homopolymer 22458087-4 9003-42-3 Di(isooctadecanoic) acid, diester with oxydi(propanediol). 13373823-5 67938-210 / 908207-9 Di(isooctadecanoic) acid, diester with oxydi(propanediol). 67938-210 Di(isooctadecanoic) acid, diester with oxydi(propanediol). 67938-210 POLYDIPENTENE POLYETHYLENE/ISOPROPYL MALEATE/MA COPOLYOL POLYETHYLMETHACRYLATE POLYGLYCERYL-10 DIISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-10 ISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-2 DIISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-2 ISOPALMITATE POLYGLYCERYL-2 ISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-2 LANOLIN ALCOHOL ETHER POLYGLYCERYL-2 SESQUIISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-2 TETRAISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-2 TRIISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-2-PEG-4 STEARATE emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante POLYGLYCERYL-3 DIISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-3 ISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-3 TRIISOSTEARATE agente stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico legante emulsionante Isooctadecanoic acid, triester with triglycerol POLYGLYCERYL-4 ISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYL-4-PEG-2 COCAMIDE POLYGLYCERYL-5 ISOSTEARATE Pagina 135 di 186 emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante 85666-928 emulsionante 12751263-4 emulsionante emolliente / 6608243-7 emulsionante 91824-883 emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI POLYGLYCERYL-6 ISOSTEARATE POLYGLYCERYLMETHACRYLATE POLYISOBUTENE POLYISOPRENE 1-propene, 2-methyl-, homopolymer 1,3-butadiene, 2-methyl-, homopolymer POLYMETHACRYLAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONI UM CHLORIDE emulsionante agente filmogeno legante / agente filmogeno / 9003-27-4 modificatore reologico 9003-31 -0 emolliente 68039-134 Sulfuric acid, dimethyl ester, compound with N-(3POLYMETHACRYLAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONI (dimethylamino)propyl)-2-methyl-2propenamide homopolymer UM METHOSULFATE POLYMETHACRYLIC ACID POLYMETHOXY BICYCLIC OXAZOLIDINE POLYMETHYL ACRYLATE POLYMETHYL METHACRYLATE Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, homopolymer POLYMETHYLGLUTAMATE POLYMETHYLSIL SESQUIOXANE agente antistatico / agente filmogeno agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / condizionante per capelli 18178804-5 25087-267 modificatore reologico 56709-138 antimicrobico 9003-21 -8 agente filmogeno 9011-14-7 25086-162 68554-701 POLYOXYISOBUTYLENE/METHYLENE UREA COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico legante emolliente agente filmogeno 68611-643 9078-70-0 POLYOXYMETHYLENE UREA POLYPENTENE Urea, reaction products with formaldehyde. Pentene, homopolymer POLYPERFLUOROISOPROPYL ETHER Oxirane, trifluoro(trifluoromethyl)-, homopolymer POLYPERFLUOROPERHYDROPHENANTH RENE Tetracosafluorotetradecahydrophenanthrene, polymers. POLYPROPYLENE 1-propene, homopolymer 9003-07-0 agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico POLYQUATERNIUM-1 Poly[(dimethylimino)-2-butene-1,4-diyl chloride], .alpha.-[4-[tris(2hydroxyethyl)ammonium]-2-butenyl]-. omega. -[tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium]-, dichloride 75345-276 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-10 Cellulose, 2-(2-hydroxy-3(trimethylammonium)propoxy)ethyl ether, chloride 81859-247 / 5356866-4 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-11 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2(dimethylamino)ethyl ester, polymer with 1ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone, compd. with diethyl sulfate 53633-548 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-12 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, [1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5,6,10,10a-decahydro-1,4adimethyl-7-(1 -methylethyl)-1 phenanthrenyl]methyl ester [1r-(1 alpha,4abeta,4balpha,10aalpha)]-, polymer with 2-(diethylamino)ethyl 2methyl-2-propenoate, ethyl 2-methyl-2propenoate, quaternised with dimethyl sulfate. 68877-509 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-13 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2(diethylamino)ethyl ester, polymer with ethyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate and (Z)-9octadecenyl-2-methyl-2-propenoate compd. dimethyl sulfate 68877-474 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno Pagina 136 di 186 modificatore reologico emolliente condizionante per la pelle agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ethanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(2-methyl1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]-, methylsulfate, homopolymer Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 27103-908 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-15 35429-197 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-16 95144-244 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-14 POLYQUATERNIUM-17 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-18 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-19 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-2 Urea, N,N'-bis[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-, polymer with 1,1'-oxybis(2-chloroethane) 68555-362 / 6345127-4 agente antistatico / emolliente / agente filmogeno agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-20 POLYQUATERNIUM-22 53694-170 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-24 10798723-5 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-27 13195448-8 POLYQUATERNIUM-28 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-29 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-30 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-31 13650502- 7 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-32 35429-197 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-33 69418-264 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-34 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-35 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-36 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno 26161-331 POLYQUATERNIUM-37 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-39 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-4 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-42 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-45 Glycine, N-methyl-N-[2-[(2-methyl-1 -oxo-2propenyl)oxy]ethyl]-, polymer with 2(dimethylamino)ethyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, compound with dimethyl sulfate 22122518-9 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli POLYQUATERNIUM-46 1H-Imidazolium, 1-ethenyl-3-methyl-, methyl sulfate, polymer with 1-ethenylhexahydro-2Hazepin-2-one and 1-ethenyl-2-pyrrolidone 17476116-1 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno /fissante per capelli Pagina 137 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI POLYQUATERNIUM-47 1-Propanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-3-[(2methyl-1-oxo-2-propenyl)amino]-, chloride, polymer with methyl 2-propenoate and 2propenoic acid Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 19796951-0 agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle POLYQUATERNIUM-5 Ethanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[(2-methyl1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]-, methyl sulfate, polymer with 2-propenamide 26006-224 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-6 2-propen-1-aminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-2propenyl-, chloride, homopolymer 26062-793 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-7 2-propen-1-aminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-2propenyl-, chloride, polymer with 2propenamide 26590-056 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-8 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno POLYQUATERNIUM-9 POLYSILICONE-1 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno umettante POLYSILICONE-10 POLYSILICONE-11 POLYSILICONE-2 POLYSILICONE-3 POLYSILICONE-4 POLYSILICONE-5 Polydimethylsiloxane, methyltrimethylsilyloxy3-hydroxypropoxysilyl terminated, ethoxylated, diester with perfluoroalkyl hydrogen dilinoleate Cyclosiloxanes, dimethyl, polymers with dimethyl, methyl hydrogen siloxanes and vinyl-group terminated dimethylsiloxanes antiagente schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli 22699290-1 POLYSILICONE-6 14663209-9 POLYSILICONE-7 14663208-8 agente filmogeno umettante emolliente emolliente emolliente agente filmogeno antiagente schiumogeno / agente antistatico POLYSILICONE-8 3-Thiopropyl methyl siloxane, polymer with dimethylsiloxane, S-ester with polymer of 2propenoic acid and methyl 2-methyl-2propenoate POLYSILICONE-9 Silicones and siloxanes, 3-aminopropyl methyl, dimethyl, reaction products with 2ethyl-4,5-dihydrooxazole homopolymer, ethyl sulfates POLYSORBATE 20 Sorbitan, monododecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-64-5 POLYSORBATE 21 Sorbitan, monododecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-64-5 emulsionante POLYSORBATE 40 Sorbitan, monohexadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-66-7 emulsionante / surfactante POLYSORBATE 60 Sorbitan, monooctadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-67-8 emulsionante / surfactante POLYSORBATE 61 Sorbitan, monooctadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. 9005-67-8 emulsionante POLYSORBATE 65 Sorbitan, trioctadecanoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs. emulsionante / 9005-71 -4 surfactante POLYSORBATE 80 Sorbitan, mono-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs., (Z)- POLYSORBATE 80 ACETATE POLYSORBATE 81 Sorbitan, mono-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs., (Z)- Pagina 138 di 186 antiagente schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli 16544518-1 9005-65-6 89964-078 9005-65-6 fissante per capelli emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 POLYSORBATE 85 POLYSTYRENE Sorbitan, tri-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2ethanediyl) derivs., (Z,Z,Z)Benzene, ethenyl-, homopolymer 9005-70-3 9003-53-6 POLYTETRAFLUORO ETHYLENE ACETOXYPROPYL BETAINE Poly(difluoromethylene), .alpha.-[2-(acetyloxy)-3[(carboxymethyl)dimethylammonio]propyl].omega.-fluoro-, inner salt 12317168-6 POLYVINYL ACETATE Acetic acid ethenyl ester, homopolymer 9003-20-7 POLYVINYL ALCOHOL Ethenol, homopolymer 9002-89-5 POLYVINYL BUTYRAL POLYVINYL CHLORIDE Vinyl acetal polymers, butyrals Ethenyl chloride, homopolymer. 63148-652 POLYVINYL IMIDAZOLINIUM ACETATE POLYVINYL LAURATE POLYVINYL METHYL ETHER Ethene, methoxy-, homopolymer 2594563 POLYVINYLCAPROLACTAM POLYVINYLFORMAMIDE 2H-Azepin-2-one, 1-ethenylhexahydro-, homopolymer Formic acid, ethenyl amide, homopolymer. emulsionante / surfactante agente filmogeno condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / legante / agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico agente filmogeno agente antistatico / agente filmogeno legante / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno 25189-837 agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli fissante per capelli PONCEAU SX Disodium 3-[(2,4-dimethyl-5sulphonatophenyl)azo]-4hydroxynaphthalene-1-sulphonate (14700). 4548-53-2 colorante per capelli 6-methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4(3H)-one dioxide, potassium salt. 2,2- POTASSIUM ACESULFAME 55589-623 igiene orale / fragranza POTASSIUM ALUMINUM POLYACRYLATE POTASSIUM BIPHTHALATE POTASSIUM BORATE POTASSIUM BROMATE 2-propenoic acid, homopolymer, aluminum potassium salt Potassium hydrogen phthalate. Dipotassium tetraborate. Potassium bromate. assorbente / modificatore reologico agente tampone agente tampone agente ossidante POTASSIUM BUTYLPARABEN Potassium butyl 4-oxidobenzoate. 67785-562 877-24-7 1332-77-0 2139594 38566-948 POTASSIUM C9-15 ALKYL PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, C9-C15-alkyl esters, potassium salts POTASSIUM CARBOMER Carbomer, potassium salts POTASSIUM CUMENESULFONATE Potassium 4-(2-propyl)benzene sulfonate. surfactante agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico surfactante / agente idrofilo POTASSIUM CYANATE Potassium cyanate. 590-28-3 condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli / emolliente POTASSIUM CYCLOCARBOXYPROPYLOLEATE Potassium 5-carboxy-4-hexylcyclohex-2-ene1 -octanoate. 68227-509 surfactante POTASSIUM DECETH-4 PHOSPHATE Decanol, ethoxylated, phosphates, potassium salts (4 mol EO average molar ratio) emulsionante POTASSIUM DIHYDROXYETHYL COCAMINE OXIDE PHOSPHATE Phosphoric acid, monoesters with coco-alkylbis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine N-oxides, dipotassium salts surfactante POTASSIUM DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PANTHENYL PHOSPHATE conservante umettante Pagina 139 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 POTASSIUM DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHOSPHATE POTASSIUM DODECYLBENZENE SULFONATE Potassium dodecylbenzenesulphonate. 27177-771 POTASSIUM EDTMP {Ethylenebis[nitrilobis(methylene)]}tetrakispho sphonic acid, potassium salt. 34274-301 POTASSIUM FLUORIDE Potassium fluoride. POTASSIUM FLUOROSILICATE Dipotassium hexafluorosilicate. 7789-23-3 16871-902 chelante igiene orale / antiplacca igiene orale / antiplacca POTASSIUM GLYCOL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, mono(hydroxyethyl) ester, potassium salt modificatore reologico emulsionante / surfactante umettante POTASSIUM LAURYL SULFATE Potassium dodecyl sulphate. 4706-78-9 POTASSIUM METHOXYCINNAMATE 2-propenoic acid, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, potassium salt 86636-966 68891-736 13707-658 100-67-4 POTASSIUM OCTOXYNOL-12 PHOSPHATE POTASSIUM o-PHENYLPHENATE POTASSIUM PHENOXIDE Potassium 2-biphenylate. Potassium phenolate. POTASSIUM PHENYLBENZIMIDAZOLE SULFONATE 2-Phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid, potassium salt POTASSIUM PROPYLPARABEN Potassium propyl 4-oxidobenzoate. POTASSIUM TALLOWATE POTASSIUM THIOCYANATE Fatty acids, tallow, potassium salts. Potassium thiocyanate. POTASSIUM TOLUENESULFONATE Potassium toluene-4-sulphonate. POTASSIUM TRISPHOSPHONOMETHYLAMINE OXIDE Nitrilotris(methanephosphonic acid) N-oxide, tripotassium salt POTASSIUM TROCLOSENE 1,3-Dichloro-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6(1 H,3H,5H)trione, potassium salt POTASSIUM XYLENE SULFONATE Potassium xylenesulphonate. filtro UV emulsionante / surfactante conservante antimicrobico filtro UV 25608-122 84930-165 61790-327 333-20-0 16106-448 POTASSIUM POLYACRYLATE surfactante 22124987-2 modificatore reologico conservante emulsionante / surfactante agente stabilizzante surfactante / agente idrofilo chelante PPG-10 CETYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], hexadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-10 CETYL ETHER PHOSPHATE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],, phosphate antimicrobico / agente 2244-21 -5 ossidante 30346-73- surfactante / agente 7 idrofilo emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente / solvente emulsionante / surfactante / emolliente / condizionante per la 9035-85-2 pelle emolliente / surfactante / 111019detergente / 03- 5 emulsionante PPG-10 GLYCERYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,3propanetriyltris(.omega.-hydroxy-) 25791-962 Alcohols, lanolin, propoxylated 68439-532 PPG-1 TRIDECETH-6 PPG-10 BUTANEDIOL . alpha. - PPG-10 JOJOBA ACID PPG-10 JOJOBA ALCOHOL PPG-10 LANOLIN ALCOHOL ETHER Pagina 140 di 186 emulsionante / emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / emolliente / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PPG-10 METHYL GLUCOSE ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],, ether with methyl .beta.-d-glucopyranoside (4:1) PPG-10 OLEYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],, (Z)- Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 61849-727 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 52581-712 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], octadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- . alpha. - PPG-11 STEARYL ETHER 25231-214 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -hydro-. omega. -hydroxy- . PPG-12 PPG-12 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-10-BUTETH-9 PPG-10-CETEARETH-20 25322-694 . 9003-13-8 PPG-12/SMDI COPOLYMER PPG-12-BUTETH-12 PPG-12-BUTETH-16 PPG-12-LANETH-50 PPG-12-PEG-50 LANOLIN Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9042-82-4 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 Lanolin, ethoxylated, propoxylated 68458-888 PPG-12-PEG-65 LANOLIN OIL PPG-13 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], (13 mol PO average molar ratio) PPG-13 DECYLTETRADECETH-24 2-Decyltetradecan-1-ol, ethoxylated, propoxylated (24 mol EO, 13 mol PO average molar ratios) PPG-14 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-14 LAURETH-60 ALKYL DICARBAMATE C2-8-alkanedicarbamic acid, diester with propoxylated ethoxylated dodecanol (60 mol EO, 14 mol PO average molar ratios) 22699482- 7 PPG-14 PALMETH-60 ALKYL DICARBAMATE C2-8-alkanedicarbamic acid, diester with propoxylated ethoxylated palmkernel-oil alcohols (60 mol PO average molar ratio) 22699469-0 PPG-15 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -hydro-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-15 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-15 ISOSTEARATE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2--ethanediyl)], .alpha. -(1 oxoisooctadecyl) (15 mol PO average molar ratio) Pagina 141 di 186 emolliente emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / fissante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / agente filmogeno emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle 17601938-8 9003-13-8 . emolliente / condizionante per la pelle 25322-694 . 9003-13-8 22135475-2 emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico modificatore reologico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PPG-15 STEARATE PPG-15 STEARYL ETHER PPG-15 STEARYL ETHER BENZOATE PPG-15-BUTETH-20 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.(1 -oxooctadecyl) (15 mol PO average molar ratio) 25190-527 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], octadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 25231-214 . alpha. - Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 PPG-15-PEG-11 HYDROGENATED LAURYL ALCOHOL ETHER PPG-16 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9003-13-8 PPG-17 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. -hydro-. omega. -hydroxy- 25322-694 PPG-17 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-17 DIOLEATE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-(1 -oxo-9-octadecenyl)[(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z)- PPG-17-BUTETH-17 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 26571-493 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 PPG-18 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9003-13-8 PPG-1-CETETH-1 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-1-CETETH-10 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-1-CETETH-20 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-1-CETETH-5 PPG-1-PEG-9 LAURYL GLYCOL ETHER PPG-2 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- . 9003-13-8 . 9003-13-8 PPG-2 COCAMINE PPG-2 HYDROGENATED TALLOWAMINE PPG-2 ISOCETETH-20 ACETATE PPG-2 ISOSTEARATE PPG-2 LANOLIN ALCOHOL ETHER Alcohols, lanolin, propoxylated Pagina 142 di 186 68439-532 emolliente emolliente emolliente agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico emolliente / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 capelli PPG-2 METHYL ETHER 1-(2-methoxypropoxy)propan-2-ol. 13429-077 / 3459094-8 PPG-2 MYRISTYL ETHER PROPIONATE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-(1-oxopropyl) .(tetradecyloxy)- 74775-067 PPG-2 PROPYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], (2 mol PO average molar ratio) 29011-163 PPG-20 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -hydro-. omega. -hydroxy- 25322-694 PPG-20 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9003-13-8 PPG-20 LANOLIN ALCOHOL ETHER Alcohols, lanolin, propoxylated 68439-532 PPG-20 METHYL GLUCOSE ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],, ether with methyl .beta.-d-glucopyranoside (4:1) 61849-727 PPG-20 METHYL GLUCOSE ETHER DISTEARATE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],[(1 -oxooctadecyl)oxy]-, 2,6ether with methyl d-glucopyranoside (2:1), ether with[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)]- (1:2) 93821-740 PPG-20 OLEYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],, (Z)- 52581-712 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 emolliente agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1) 51258-152 emulsionante / detergente emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle PPG-2 TALLOWAMINE . PPG-20 METHYL GLUCOSE ETHER ACETATE PPG-20-BUTETH-30 PPG-20-DECYLTETRADECETH-10 PPG-20-GLYCERETH-30 PPG-20-PEG-20 HYDROGENATED LANOLIN solvente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle solvente emulsionante / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / legante / umettante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle umettante / condizionante per la pelle PPG-22 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], . alpha. butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9003-13-8 PPG-23 OLEYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],, (Z)- 52581-712 PPG-24 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9003-13-8 emolliente emulsionante / emolliente emolliente / emulsionante surfactante / condizionante per la pelle PPG-24-BUTETH-27 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per la PPG-23-PEG-4 TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE PPG-23-STEARETH-34 Pagina 143 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 pelle PPG-24-GLYCERETH-24 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1) 51258-152 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-[2-(diethylmethylammonio)methy lethyl]-. omega. -hydroxy-, chloride 9042-76-6 PPG-24-PEG-21 TALLOWAMINOPROPYLAMINE PPG-25 BUTYL ETHER PHOSPHATE PPG-25 DIETHYLMONIUM CHLORIDE 68238-813 / 3731100-5 emulsionante / detergente emulsionante / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / emulsionante / surfactante agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli 9003-13-8 emulsionante / modificatore reologico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle 31394-715 emolliente PPG-26-BUTETH-26 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 agente filmogeno / plasticizzante agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle PPG-27 GLYCERYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,3propanetriyltris(.omega.-hydroxy-) 25791-962 emulsionante / emolliente PPG-28 CETYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], hexadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-28-BUTETH-35 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 PPG-2-BUTETH-2 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 PPG-25-LAURETH-25 PPG-26 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -hydro-. omega. -hydroxy- . PPG-26 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-26 OLEATE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-(1 -oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- 25322-694 . PPG-26/TDI COPOLYMER PPG-2-BUTETH-3 PPG-2-CETEARETH-9 . alpha. - PPG-2-CETETH-1 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether PPG-2-CETETH-10 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether Pagina 144 di 186 9035-85-2 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-3 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL Castor oil, hydrogenated, propoxylated 11187068- 9 PPG-3 METHYL ETHER 1 -[2-(2-methoxy-1 -methylethoxy)-1 methylethoxy]propan-2-ol. 20324-338 / 3728664-9 PPG-3 MYRISTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], tetradecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 63793-602 PPG-2-CETETH-20 PPG-2-CETETH-5 PPG-2-DECETH-10 PPG-2-ISODECETH-12 PPG-2-ISODECETH-4 PPG-2-ISODECETH-6 PPG-2-ISODECETH-9 PPG-2-PEG-6 COCONUT OIL ESTERS . alpha. - PPG-3 TALLOW AMINOPROPYLAMINE PPG-30 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. -hydro-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-30 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-30 CETYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], hexadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-30 ISOCETYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. PPG-30 LANOLIN ALCOHOL ETHER Alcohols, lanolin, propoxylated PPG-30 OLEYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],, (Z)- PPG-30-BUTETH-30 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 52581-712 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 PPG-33 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], (33 mol PO average molar ratio) 25322-694 PPG-33 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-33-BUTETH-45 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9003-13-8 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 PPG-34 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], 25322-694 Pagina 145 di 186 25322-694 . 9003-13-8 . alpha. 9035-85-2 . 93596-793 68439-532 emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / surfactante / emolliente solvente emolliente / emulsionante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli emolliente surfactante / emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PPG-35/PPG-51 GLYCERYL ETHER/IPDI CROSSPOLYMER 5-Isocyanato-1-(isocyanatomethyl-1,3,3trimethylcyclohexane, polymer with propylene oxide (35 mol PO) and propoxylated 1,2,3propanetriol (51 mol PO) PPG-36 OLEATE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-(1 oxo-9-octadecenyl), (Z)- PPG-36-BUTETH-36 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 66101-642 plasticizzante / condizionante per la pelle Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 31394-715 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 emolliente / emulsionante PPG-37 OLEYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], . alpha., (Z)- 52581-712 emolliente PPG-38-BUTETH-37 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 PPG-3-BUTETH-5 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 PPG-3-MYRETH-11 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monotetradecyl ether 37311-049 PPG-3-MYRETH-3 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monotetradecyl ether PPG-4 BUTYL ETHER 2,5,8,11-tetramethyl-3,6,9,12tetraoxahexadecan-1-ol. 37311-049 70927-252 / 900313-8 PPG-4 C13-15 PARETH-15 Alcohols, C13-15 , ethoxylated, propoxylated (15 mol EO, 4 mol PO average molar ratios) PPG-3-DECETH-2 CARBOXYLIC ACID PPG-3-ISODECETH-1 PPG-3-ISOSTEARETH-9 PPG-3-LAURETH-9 20313339-5 emulsionante emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle 9064-14-6 63793-602 emolliente / emulsionante PPG-4 JOJOBA ALCOHOL PPG-4 LAURETH-2 PPG-4 LAURETH-5 PPG-4 LAURETH-7 PPG-4 MYRISTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], tetradecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-4 TRIDECETH-6 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monotridecyl ether (6 mol EO; 4 mol PO average molar ratios) 65150-814 emolliente / emulsionante PPG-40 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], . alpha. butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9003-13-8 agente antistatico / condizionante Pagina 146 di 186 . alpha. - umettante / emulsionante agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / detergente emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante / surfactante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle PPG-4 JOJOBA ACID PPG-4 LAURYL ETHER emolliente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 per la pelle PPG-40 DIETHYLMONIUM CHLORIDE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-[2(diethylmethylammonio)methylethyl], chloride 9042-76-6 / 9076-431 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 PPG-40-PEG-60 LANOLIN OIL PPG-4-BUTETH-4 PPG-4-CETEARETH-12 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-4-CETETH-1 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether PPG-4-CETETH-10 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether PPG-4-CETETH-20 Oxyrane methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 PPG-4-CETETH-5 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-4-DECETH-4 PPG-5 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- . PPG-5 C9-15 PARETH-6 Alcohols, C9-15, ethoxylated, propoxylated (6 mol EO, 5 mol PO average molar ratios) 9003-13-8 22240027-3 PPG-5 LANOLATE PPG-5 LANOLIN ALCOHOL ETHER Alcohols, lanolin, propoxylated 68439-532 PPG-5 LANOLIN WAX Lanolin, wax, propoxylated 71990-255 PPG-5 LANOLIN WAX GLYCERIDE PPG-5 PENTAERYTHRITYL ETHER agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante emulsionante / emolliente emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per capelli emolliente / emulsionante / modificatore reologico PPG-50 CETYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], . alpha. hexadecyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9035-85-2 surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / emolliente PPG-50 OLEYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)],, (Z)- 52581-712 emolliente PPG-51 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], (51 mol PO average molar ratio) 25322-694 PPG-51/SMDI COPOLYMER 9042-82-4 Pagina 147 di 186 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente filmogeno / condizionante per capelli / fissante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 PPG-52 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9003-13-8 PPG-53 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha. butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- 9003-13-8 PPG-55 GLYCERYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,3propanetriyltris(.omega.-hydroxy-) 25791-962 PPG-5-BUTETH-5 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 PPG-5-BUTETH-7 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-5-CETETH-10 PHOSPHATE PPG-5-CETETH-20 68439-510 PPG-5-LAURETH-5 PPG-6 C12-15 PARETH-12 PPG-6 C12-18 PARETH-11 PPG-66-GLYCERETH-12 Alcohols, C12-15 , ethoxylated, propoxylated (12 mol EO, 6 mol PO average molar ratios) 68551-133 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, ether with 1,2,3-propanetriol (3:1) 51258-152 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], (69 mol PO average molar ratio) 25322-694 PPG-68-PEG-10 TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE PPG-69 PPG-6-DECETH-4 PPG-6-DECETH-9 PPG-6-DECYLTETRADECETH-12 PPG-6-DECYLTETRADECETH-20 PPG-6-DECYLTETRADECETH-30 PPG-6-LAURETH-3 56449-059 56449-059 PPG-6-SORBETH-245 PPG-6-SORBETH-500 PPG-7 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], (7 mol PO average molar ratio) PPG-7 LAURYL ETHER 25322-694 9064-14-6 PPG-7/SUCCINIC ACID COPOLYMER Pagina 148 di 186 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / emolliente / solvente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione agente antistatico / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante emolliente / emulsionante / modificatore reologico emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / umettante / legante emolliente / umettante / legante condizionante per la pelle / solvente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per capelli / agente filmogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 modificatore reologico / emulsionante condizionante per la pelle PPG-75-PEG-300 HEXYLENE GLYCOL PPG-77 TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE ETHER PPG-7-BUTETH-10 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether PPG-8 DECETH-6 PPG-8 POLYGLYCERYL-2 ETHER 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-8-CETETH-1 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether PPG-8-CETETH-10 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether PPG-8-CETETH-2 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether PPG-8-CETETH-20 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-8-CETETH-5 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, hexadecyl ether 9087-53-0 / 3731101-6 PPG-9 Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -hydro-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-9 BUTYL ETHER Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], alpha. -butyl-. omega. -hydroxy- PPG-9 DIETHYLMONIUM CHLORIDE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-[2(diethylmethylammonio)methylethyl]-. omega. -hydroxy-, chloride . 25322-694 . 9003-13-8 9042-76-6 PPG-9 DIGLYCERYL ETHER PPG-9 LAURATE Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-(1 -oxododecyl) PPG-9-BUTETH-12 agente antistatico / emulsionante emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle / stabilizzante emulsione emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monobutyl ether 9035-84-1 9038-95-3 / 9065-638 agente antistatico / emulsionante PPG-9-STEARETH-3 p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monooctadecyl ether P-phenylenediamine (CI 76060). 9038-43-1 106-50-3 emolliente colorante per capelli p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE HCl Benzene-1,4-diamine dihydrochloride (CI 76060). 624-18-0 colorante per capelli p-PHENYLENEDIAMINE SULFATE Benzene-1,4-diammonium sulphate (CI 76060). 16245-775 PREGNENOLONE ACETATE PRISTANE Pregn-5-en-20-one, 3-(acetyloxy)-, (3.beta.)2,6,10,10-tetramethylpentadecane. 1778-02-5 1921-70-6 colorante per capelli condizionante per la pelle emolliente / idratante PROPAGERMANIUM PROPANE 3,3'-(1,3-dioxo-1,3-digermoxanediyl) dipropionic acid. Propane. 12758-406 74-98-6 condizionante per la pelle propellente PROPYLENE CARBONATE Propylene carbonate. 108-32-7 solvente / modificatore reologico Pagina 149 di 186 emolliente AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PROPYLENE GLYCOL Propane-1,2-diol. 57-55-6 PROPYLENE GLYCOL ALGINATE Alginic acid, ester with 1,2-propanediol PROPYLENE GLYCOL BEHENATE Docosanoic acid, 2-hydroxypropyl ester PROPYLENE GLYCOL BUTYL ETHER 2-Butoxy-1-propanol PROPYLENE GLYCOL CAPRETH-4 PROPYLENE GLYCOL CAPRYLATE Octanoic acid, 2-hydroxypropyl ester PROPYLENE GLYCOL CETETH-3 ACETATE 3,6,9,12-tetraoxaoctacosan-1-ol, 11-methyl-, acetate 93385-036 PROPYLENE GLYCOL CITRATE Citric acid, monoester with propylene glycol. 85252-240 PROPYLENE GLYCOL COCOATE Fatty acids, coco, esters with propylene glycol. PROPYLENE GLYCOL DICAPRATE Propylene didecanoate. PROPYLENE GLYCOL DICAPROATE 9005-37-2 27923-611 15821-837 PROPYLENE GLYCOL CETETH-3 PROPIONATE umettante / solvente / condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico legante / modificatore reologico emolliente solvente emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / umettante 67784-832 56519-723 emolliente Hexanoic acid, 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl ester emolliente Propylene di(octanoate). 7384-98-7 emolliente / modificatore reologico PROPYLENE GLYCOL DICAPRYLATE/DICAPRATE Decanoic acid, mixed diesters with octanoic acid and propylene glycol. 68583-517 / 5874827-9 / 9062-04-8 emolliente PROPYLENE GLYCOL DICOCOATE Fatty acids, coco, esters with propylene glycol. 67784-832 / 6895319-5 emolliente / emulsionante PROPYLENE GLYCOL DIETHYLHEXANOATE 1 -methylethylene 2-ethylhexanoate. 93981-976 / 5651971-2 emolliente PROPYLENE GLYCOL DIISONONANOATE Isononanoic acid, 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl ester PROPYLENE GLYCOL DIISOSTEARATE 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl diisooctadecanoate. 68958-543 emolliente PROPYLENE GLYCOL DILAURATE PROPYLENE GLYCOL DIOLEATE Propylene dilaurate. 1 -methyl-1,2-ethanediyl dioleate. 22788-198 105-62-4 emolliente / modificatore reologico emolliente PROPYLENE GLYCOL DIPELARGONATE Propylene dinonanoate. 41395-839 emolliente / modificatore reologico PROPYLENE GLYCOL DICAPRYLATE modificatore reologico / emolliente PROPYLENE GLYCOL DISTEARATE Propylene distearate. PROPYLENE GLYCOL DIUNDECANOATE Isopropylene undecanoate. 68227-474 PROPYLENE GLYCOL HYDROXYSTEARATE Hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, monoester with propane-1,2-diol. 33907-470 Ethanol, 2-[2-[2-[2(isohexadecyloxy)propoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]-, acetate 93385-138 PROPYLENE GLYCOL ISOCETETH-3 ACETATE PROPYLENE GLYCOL ISODECETH-12 PROPYLENE GLYCOL ISODECETH-4 Pagina 150 di 186 emolliente 1564276 emolliente / modificatore reologico / opacizzante agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico / emolliente emolliente / emulsionante / opacizzante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente emulsionante emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PROPYLENE GLYCOL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, monoester with propane-1,2-diol. PROPYLENE GLYCOL LAURATE Lauric acid, monoester with propane-1,2-diol. emolliente / emulsionante / opacizzante emolliente / 27194-74- emulsionante / 7 / 142-55- stabilizzante 2 emulsione PROPYLENE GLYCOL LAURETH-6 Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane, monododecyl ether (6 mol EO, 1 mol PO average molar ratios) 68238-813 / 3731100-5 PROPYLENE GLYCOL LINOLEATE 9,12-octadecadienoic acid, 2-hydroxypropyl ester PROPYLENE GLYCOL LINOLENATE 9,12-, 15-octadecatrienoic acid, 2hydroxypropyl ester PROPYLENE GLYCOL MYRISTATE Myristic acid, monoester with propane-1,2diol. PROPYLENE GLYCOL MYRISTYL ETHER 68171-380 Propanol, 2-tetradecyloxy- 29059-243 63793-602 PROPYLENE GLYCOL MYRISTYL ETHER ACETATE 1-propanol, 2-(tetradecyloxy)-, acetate 93385-025 PROPYLENE GLYCOL OLEATE Oleic acid, monoester with propane-1,2-diol. 1330-80-9 emulsionante emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / emulsionante emolliente PROPYLENE GLYCOL OLETH-5 PROPYLENE GLYCOL PROPYL ETHER 1 -Propoxypropan-2-ol 1569-01-3 emolliente emolliente / emulsionante emulsionante / opacizzante emolliente / emulsionante solvente PROPYLENE GLYCOL RICINOLEATE (R)-12-hydroxyoleic acid, monoester with propane-1,2-diol. 26402-313 emolliente / emulsionante PROPYLENE GLYCOL SOYATE Fatty acids, soya, esters with propylene glycol. 67784-796 PROPYLENE GLYCOL STEARATE Stearic acid, monoester with propane-1,2diol. 1323-39-3 PROPYLENE GLYCOL STEARATE SE PROPYLPARABEN Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. PROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN emolliente / surfactante emolliente / emulsionante / opacizzante emulsionante / opacizzante conservante agente antistatico / / condizionante per capelli PROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / PROPYLENE GLYCOL OLEATE SE 94-13-3 PROPYLTRIMONIUM HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN PTFE PVM/MA COPOLYMER 9002-84-0 2,5-furandione, polymer with methoxyethene 13639267-1 PVM/MA DECADIENE CROSSPOLYMER PVP 9011-16-9 2-pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenyl-, homopolymer Pagina 151 di 186 9003-39-8 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / legante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / legante / agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli legante / agente filmogeno agente antistatico / legante / agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI PVP/ACRYLATES/LAURYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER 1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone, polymer with dodecyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, methyl 2methyl-2-propenoate and 2-propenoic acid Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 24081889- 7 PVP/DECENE COPOLYMER PVP/DIMETHICONYL ACRYLATE/ POLYCARBAMYL/POLYGLYCOL ESTER PVP/DIMETHYLAMINOETHYLMETHACRYL ATE COPOLYMER 30581-590 PVP/DIMETHYLAMINOETHYLMETHACRYL ATE/POLYCARBAMYL POLYGLYCOL ESTER fissante per capelli legante / agente filmogeno legante / agente filmogeno / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / condizionante per capelli legante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico / agente filmogeno PVP/DMAPA ACRYLATES COPOLYMER 1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone, polymer N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)-2-propenamide and 2methyl-2-propenamide PVP/EICOSENE COPOLYMER 2-pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenyl-, polymer with 1eicosene 28211-189 2-pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenylhexadecyl-, homopolymer 63231-812 fissante per capelli agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico / agente protettivo agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico / agente protettivo legante agente antistatico / legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli PVP/HEXADECENE COPOLYMER PVP/POLYCARBAMYL POLYGLYCOL ESTER PVP/VA COPOLYMER Acetic acid, ethenyl ester, polymer with 1 -ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone 25086-899 PVP/VA/ITACONIC ACID COPOLYMER Butanedioic acid, methylene-, polymer with ethenyl acetate and 1-ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone 68928-723 PVP/VA/VINYL PROPIONATE COPOLYMER agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico / fissante per capelli PVP/VINYL CAPROLACTAM /DMAPA ACRYLATES COPOLYMER 1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone, polymer with 1Ethenylhexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one, N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)-2-propenamide, 2propenoic acid and methyl 2-propenoate PVP-IODINE 2-pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenyl-, homopolymer, compd. with iodine 25655-41 8 antimicrobico PYRICARBATE 2,6-Pyridinedimethanol, bis(methylcarbamate) (ester) 1882-26-4 QUATERNIUM-1 (2-cyanoethyl)ethyl[bis[2-[(1 oxooctadecyl)amino]ethyl]ammonium ethyl sulphate. 67633-776 QUATERNIUM-14 Dodecyl(ethylbenzyl)dimethylammonium chloride. 24364382-5 QUATERNIUM-15 Methenamine 3-chloroallylochloride. 27479-283 4080-31-3 / 5122978-8 QUATERNIUM-16 Quaternary ammonium compounds, tris(hydroxyethyl)tallow alkyl, chlorides. 64425-883 Pagina 152 di 186 fissante per capelli chelante agente antistatico antimicrobico / agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli conservante agente antistatico / condizionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 per capelli QUATERNIUM-18 Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, chlorides. 61789-808 agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-18 BENTONITE Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, salts with bentonite. 68953-582 modificatore reologico / gelificante QUATERNIUM-18 HECTORITE Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, chlorides, compds. with hectorite. 71011-273 modificatore reologico / gelificante QUATERNIUM-18 METHOSULFATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, Me sulfates. 61789-819 agente antistatico QUATERNIUM-18/BENZALKONIUM BENTONITE Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydrogenated tallow alky)dimethyl, compounds with bentonite and C8-C18alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride QUATERNIUM-22 3-(D-gluconoylamino)propyl(2hydroxyethyl)dimethylammonium chloride. QUATERNIUM-24 Decyldimethyloctylammonium chloride. modificatore reologico / gelificante agente antistatico condizionante 51812-80- / 7 per capelli antimicrobico / agente 32426-11 - antistatico / surfactante 035-5 QUATERNIUM-26 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(2hydroxyethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-mink-oil acyl derivs., chlorides. 68953-640 QUATERNIUM-27 Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1 -(2-tallow amidoethyl), Me sulfates. 68122-861 QUATERNIUM-30 Benzenemethanaminium, N,N,N-tris(2hydroxyethyl)-4-isododecyl-, chloride 50978-319 QUATERNIUM-33 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-ethyl-N,Ndimethyl-, N-lanolin acyl derivs., Et sulfates. 72102-400 QUATERNIUM-43 1-propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N(aminocarbonylmethyl)-3-(1-oxococo alkyl)amino-, chlorides QUATERNIUM-45 3,4-dimethyl-2-[2(phenylamino)vinyl]oxazolium iodide. 21034-173 agente antistatico QUATERNIUM-51 2-[2-[(5-bromo-2-pyridyl)amino]vinyl]-1-ethyl6-methylpyridinium iodide. 1463-95-2 agente antistatico QUATERNIUM-52 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-[(octadecylnitrilio)tri2,1 -ethanediyl)tris(. omega. -hydroxy)-, phosphate (1:1) (salt) agente antistatico / surfactante / 58069-11 - condizionante per capelli 7 QUATERNIUM-53 Ethanaminium, 2-amino-N-(2aminoethyl)-N-[2-[2-(2hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethyl]-N-methyl-, N,N'-ditallow acyl derivs., Me sulfates (salts). 68139-322 QUATERNIUM-56 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-60 1-propanaminium, N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-3amino-, N-(mixed lanolin acyl and isooctanoyl) derivs., ethyl sulfates agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-61 9,12-octadecadienamide, dimer, N,N'-bis(3-ethyldimethylammoniopropyl)-, ethyl sulfate (salt) (1:2) agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli Pagina 153 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 QUATERNIUM-62 (2,3-epoxypropyl)dimethyl[3-[(16methylheptadecanoyl)amino]propyl]ammoniu m chloride. 94349-356 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-63 Benzenemethanaminium, N-(3-aminopropyl)N,N-dimethyl-, N-(hydrogenated C18-unsatd. dimer acyl) derivs., chlorides 10305146-3 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-70 Dimethyl[3-[(1-oxooctadecyl)amino]propyl][2oxo-2-(tetradecyloxy)ethyl]ammonium chloride. 68921-835 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-71 (Z,Z)-(dimethyl)[3-[(1 -oxo-9,12octadecadienyl)amino]propyl][2-oxo-2(tetradecyloxy)ethyl]ammonium chloride. 93762-186 agente antistatico QUATERNIUM-72 (Z,Z)-2-(8-heptadecenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1 methyl-1 -[2-[(1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)amino]ethyl]-1H-imidazolium methyl sulphate. 70206-245 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-73 3-heptyl-2-[(3-heptyl-4-methyl-3H-thiazol-2ylidene)methyl]-4-methylthiazolium iodide. 15763-481 agente antistatico QUATERNIUM-75 Quaternary ammonium compounds, ethyl(2hydroxy-C14-C16-alkyl)bis[3(ethyldimethylammonio)propyl]-, ethyl sulfates (salts) (1:3) QUATERNIUM-76 HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN QUATERNIUM-77 1-propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N-ethyl-N,Nbis(2-aminoethyl)-, N',N''-bis(mixed octadecanoyl and hexadecanoyl) derivs., ethyl sulfates (salts) (1:1) QUATERNIUM-78 1 -propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-N-ethyl-N-(2hydroxypropyl)-N-[2-(2aminoethyl)aminoethyl]-, N',N''-(mixed octadecanoyl and hexadecanoyl) derivs., ethyl sulfates (salts) (1:1) QUATERNIUM-79 HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN QUATERNIUM-79 HYDROLYZED KERATIN QUATERNIUM-79 HYDROLYZED MILK PROTEIN QUATERNIUM-79 HYDROLYZED SILK QUATERNIUM-79 HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN QUATERNIUM-79 HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN QUATERNIUM-8 Quaternary ammonium compounds, alkyldimethyl(ethylbenzyl), Ncyclohexylsulfamates QUATERNIUM-80 Pagina 154 di 186 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli antimicrobico / agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 QUATERNIUM-81 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-, reaction products with diethylenetriamine, di-Me sulfatequaternized. 97953-167 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-82 [2-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amino]ethyl]bis(2hydroxypropyl)(methyl)ammonium methyl sulphate, dioleate (ester). agente antistatico / 65059-61 - condizionante per 2 capelli QUATERNIUM-83 Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-2(hydrogenated nortallow alkyl)-1-[2(hydrogenated tallow amido)ethyl]-1-methyl, Me sulfates. 91723-556 QUATERNIUM-84 Quaternary ammonium compounds, (oxiranylmethyl)dimethyl(mixed octadecenyl and hexadecyl and hexadecenyl), chlorides agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli QUATERNIUM-85 QUATERNIUM-86 Protein hydrolizates, wheat, reaction products with acetyl chloride and ethoxylated propoxylated dimethyl siloxanes, 2chloroethanol-quaternized RAPESEED AMIDOPROPYLBENZYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Benzenemethanaminium, N-(3-aminopropyl)N,N-dimethyl-, N-rape-oil acyl derivs., chlorides. RAPESEED AMIDOPROPYLEPOXYPROPYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N-(oxiranylmethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-3-amino-, N-rape-oil acyl derivs., chlorides RAPESEED AMIDOPROPYLETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-ethyl-N,Ndimethyl-, N-rape-oil acyl derivs., Ethyl sulfates. 94552-41 7 agente antistatico RAYON Cellulose, regenerated. The product obtained by treating cellulose with caustic soda, reacting this with carbon disulfide, dissolving this in a dilute alkali solution and extruding into an acid to form a continuous viscose tube. 68442-853 / 900602-4 RED PETROLATUM RESORCINOL Petrolatum. A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a semi-solid from dewaxing paraffinic residual oil. It consists predominantly of saturated crystalline and liquid hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C25. Resorcinol (CI 76505). RESORCINOL ACETATE 3-hydroxyphenyl acetate. emolliente / filtro UV / 08/03/8009 idratante 108-46-3 colorante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per 102-29-4 capelli RICINOLEAMIDE DEA [R-(Z)]-12-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-9octadecenamide. 40716-425 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / 94552-12- surfactante / 2 305-457- condizionante per 2 capelli 24509044-2 agente antistatico RICINOLEAMIDE MEA (R)-12-hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)oleamide. 106-16-1 RICINOLEAMIDE MIPA 9-octadecenamide, 12-hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxy1 -methylethyl)- 40986-296 RICINOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE [R-(Z)]-N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-12hydroxy-9-octadecenamide. 20457-754 Pagina 155 di 186 modificatore reologico / volumizzante agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI RICINOLEAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with [r-(Z)]-N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-12hydroxy-9-octadecenamide (1:1) RICINOLEAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-3[(12-hydroxy-1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)amino]-, ethyl sulfate (1:1) (salt) agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli RICINOLEAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-3[(12-hydroxy-1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)amino]-, chloride RICINOLEAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONIUM METHOSULFATE [R-(Z)]-3-[(12-hydroxy-1 -oxo-9octadecenyl)amino]propyltrimethylammonium methyl sulphate. 85508-389 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli antimicrobico / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli RICINOLEIC ACID/ADIPIC ACID/AEEA COPOLYMER Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 2-[(2aminoethyl)amino]ethanol and (9Z, 12R)-12hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid 22127830-4 11860859-6 RICINOLETH-40 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli modificatore reologico emulsionante / surfactante ROSIN ACRYLATE Rosin, reaction products with acrylic acid. 83137-137 SACCHARIN 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide. 81-07-2 SACCHAROMYCES/ FLUORINE FERMENT Saccharomyces/Fluorine Ferment is the fermentation product of Saccharomyces in the presence of fluorine ions. condizionante per la pelle SACCHAROMYCES/ GERMANIUM FERMENT Saccharomyces/Germanium Ferment is the fermentation product of Saccharomyces in the presence of germanium ions. condizionante per la pelle SAFFLOWER AMIDOPROPYLETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-propanaminium, N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-3amino-, N-safflower acyl derivs., ethyl sulfates agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli SALMO OIL Salmo Oil is the fixed oil expressed from the salmon (Salmo, Salmonidae). It consists primarily of the glycerides of C14-C18 and C16-C22 unsaturated fatty acids 68991-435 emolliente / condizionante per la pelle SALMO OVUM EXTRACT Salmo Ovum Extract is an extract obtained from the eggs of the salmon (Salmo spp., Salmonidae) 94944-920 condizionante per la pelle SCYLLII PELLIS EXTRACT Scyllii Pellis Extract is an extract obtained from the skin of the spotted dogfish (Scyllium spp.) 22523443-5 condizionante per la pelle SEPIA EXTRACT Sepia Extract is an extract of the nidamental glands of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis 92202-227 SERUM Serum is serum derived from calves SERUM ALBUMIN Albumins, blood serum. 9048-46-8 SERUM PROTEIN SESAMIDE DEA Amides, sesame-oil, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- SESAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Amides, sesame-oil, N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)- Pagina 156 di 186 12404635-1 agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli igiene orale / fragranza condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle / agente protettivo umettante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle umettante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / schiumogeno / modificatore reologico surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico / fissante per capelli emolliente / agente filmogeno / condizionante per capelli / legante / condizionante per la pelle emolliente condizionante per capelli SESAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Amides, sesame-oil, N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)-, N-oxides SHELLAC Shellac. A resin secreted by Laccifer lacca, Coccidae. SHELLAC CERA SILANEDIOL SALICYLATE Schellac Cera are waxes and waxy substances obtained from shellac 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid, dihydroxysilyl ester 97766-502 SILANETRIOL Methylsilanetriol 2445-53-6 SILANETRIOL ARGINATE L-arginine, dihydroxymethylsilyl ester 19027068-9 emolliente SILANETRIOL GLUTAMATE L-glutamic acid, 5-(dihydroxymethylsilyl) ester 19027072-5 emolliente SILANETRIOL LYSINATE L-lysine, dihydroxymethylsilyl ester 19027074- 7 emolliente SILANETRIOL TREHALOSE ETHER .alpha.-D-Glucopyranoside, .alpha.-DGlucopyranosyl 2-O-(dihydroxymethylsilyl)- 19027070-3 SILICA DIMETHYL SILYLATE Silane, dichlorodimethyl-, reaction products with silica. 9000-59-3 68611-449 SILICA SILYLATE SILICONE QUATERNIUM-1 emolliente antiagente schiumogeno / emolliente / modificatore reologico / stabilizzante emulsione antiagente schiumogeno / emolliente / modificatore reologico / stabilizzante emulsione agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli SILICONE QUATERNIUM-11 Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, 3hydroxypropyl methyl, ethers with polyethylene glycol mono[[dodecylbis(2hydroxyethyl)ammonio]acetate], chlorides 22699288- 7 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli SILICONE QUATERNIUM-12 Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, 3hydroxypropyl methyl, ethers with polyethylene glycol mono[[(3-cocoamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]acetate], chlorides 14265760-1 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli SILICONE QUATERNIUM-13 Siloxanes and silicones, 3-(3-carboxy-1oxopropoxy) methyl, dimethyl, 3hydroxypropyl methyl, esters with (2R)-2,4dihydroxy-N-(3-hydroxypropyl)-3,3dimethylbutanamide, ethers with polyethylene glycol mono[[dimethyl[3-[(1oxotetradecyl)amino]propyl]ammonio]acetate] , chlorides 22720029-5 SILICONE QUATERNIUM-2 13714537-0 SILICONE QUATERNIUM-3 Pagina 157 di 186 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / agente schiumogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle SILICONE QUATERNIUM-4 SILICONE QUATERNIUM-5 SILICONE QUATERNIUM-6 SILICONE QUATERNIUM-7 SILICONE QUATERNIUM-8 SILICONE QUATERNIUM-9 SILK WORM LIPIDS Lipids obtained from silk worms SILOXANETRIOL ALGINATE Alginic acid, esters with siloxanetriol SILOXANETRIOL PHYTATE Siloxanes and silicones, hydroxy Me, hydroxy-terminated, esters with myo-inositol hexakis(dihydrogen phosphate) SILVER MAGNESIUM ALUMINUM PHOSPHATE Silver oxide, reaction products with phosphorus pentoxide, magnesium oxide and aluminum oxide SIMETHICONE SODIUM ACRYLATE/VINYL ALCOHOL COPOLYMER SODIUM ACRYLATES COPOLYMER SODIUM ACRYLATES/ACROLEIN COPOLYMER 2-propenoic acid, polymer with ethenol, sodium salt 19045404- 7 condizionante per la pelle volumizzante emolliente / condizionante per capelli / antiagente schiumogeno / condizionante per la 8050-81 -5 pelle agente antistatico / legante / agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente 27599-56- filmogeno / modificatore reologico 0 legante / opacizzante legante SODIUM ACRYLATES/VINYL ISODECANOATE CROSSPOLYMER Ethenyl isodecanoate, copolymer with 2propenoic acid, 2-methyl-2-propenoic acid, methyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, and 2,2-bis(2propenyloxymethyl)-1,3-bis(2propenyl)propane, sodium salts SODIUM ALUMINUM CHLOROHYDROXY LACTATE Aluminum, chloro hydroxy lactate sodium complexes. SODIUM ALUMINUM LACTATE agente stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico Aluminum, lactate sodium complexes, basic. 97660-247 / 803893-5 68953-695 antitraspirante / deodorante agente tampone / astringente SODIUM BISCHLOROPHENYL SULFAMINE Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2'-(1,2ethenediyl)bis[5-[[[4-[(3,4dichlorophenyl)sulfonyl]amino]phenyl]sulfonyl] amino]-, disodium salt 58727-018 modificatore reologico SODIUM BISGLYCOL RICINOSULFOSUCCINATE 9-octadecenoic acid, 12hydroxy-8-[1,2-bis(2-hydroxyethoxycarbonyl)1-sulfo]ethyl-, sodium salt SODIUM BORAGEAMIDOPROPYL PGDIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE Propanaminium, 2,3-dihydroxy-N,Ndimethyl-N-[3-(borage-oil-acylamino)propyl]-, 3-sodium hydrogen phosphate ester, chloride Pagina 158 di 186 surfactante / emulsionante / detergente 22699597- 7 agente antistatico / detergente / schiumogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 SODIUM BORATE SODIUM BROMATE Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous. Sodium bromate. SODIUM BUTOXYETHOXY ACETATE Sodium (2-butoxyethoxy)acetate. 1330-43-4 / 1303-964 7789-38-0 67990-174 SODIUM BUTYLPARABEN Sodium butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. 36457-202 conservante SODIUM C10-14 ALKYL BENZENESULFONATE Benzenesulfonic acid, C10-C14-alkyl-, sodium salts 68603-236 emulsionante emulsionante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / emulsionante SODIUM BUTOXYNOL-12 SULFATE SODIUM C10-15 PARETH SULFATE SODIUM C11-15 PARETH-7 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM C12-13 ALKYL SULFATE 91783-232 detergente / surfactante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl), C12-13alkyl ethers, sodium salts (11 mol EO average molar ratio) 68908-985 emulsionante / surfactante 68908-985 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante / detergente surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl), C12-13alkyl ethers, sodium salts (4 mol EO average SODIUM C12-13 PARETH-5 CARBOXYLATE molar ratio) SODIUM C12-13 PARETH-8 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM C12-14 OLEFIN SULFONATE Sulfonic acids, C12-14-alkane hydroxy and C12-14-alkene, sodium salts. SODIUM C12-15 ALKOXYPROPYL IMINODIPROPIONATE 1-propanamine, 3-(C12-C15alkyloxy)-N,N-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-, sodium salts (1:1) SODIUM C12-15 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-15-alkyl esters, sodium salts. 85536-125 68890-700 SODIUM C12-15 PARETH SULFATE SODIUM C12-15 PARETH-15 SULFONATE SODIUM C12-15 PARETH-3 SULFONATE SODIUM C12-15 PARETH-6 CARBOXYLATE 70632-063 SODIUM C12-15 PARETH-7 CARBOXYLATE 70632-063 SODIUM C12-15 PARETH-7 SULFONATE SODIUM C12-15 PARETH-8 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM C12-18 ALKYL SULFATE agente tampone surfactante / emulsionante Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-13-alkyl esters, sodium salts SODIUM C12-13 PARETH SULFATE SODIUM C12-13 PARETH-12 CARBOXYLATE agente tampone agente ossidante Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-18-alkyl esters, sodium salts. This substance is identified by SDA Substance Name: C12-C18 alkyl alcohol sulfuric acid sodium salt and SDA Reporting Number: 16-062-04. Pagina 159 di 186 68955-191 surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / emulsionante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante emulsionante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 SODIUM C13-15 PARETH-8 BUTYL PHOSPHATE SODIUM C13-15 PARETH-8 PHOSPHATE SODIUM C13-17 ALKANE SULFONATE Sulfonic acids, C13-17-alkane, sodium salts. Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl), C14-15alkyl ethers, sodium salts (7 mol EO average SODIUM C14-15 PARETH-8 CARBOXYLATE molar ratio) 93763-929 11914776-1 SODIUM C14-15 PARETH-PG SULFONATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),.alpha. C14-15-alkyl, .omega. 2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyloxy, sodium salt SODIUM C14-16 OLEFIN SULFONATE Sulfonic acids, C14-16-alkane hydroxy and C14-16-alkene, sodium salts. 68439-576 SODIUM C14-17 ALKYL SEC SULFONATE Sulfonic acids, C14-17-sec-alkane, sodium salts. SODIUM C14-18 ALKANE SULFONATE Sulfonic acid, C14-18-alkane, sodium salts 97489-151 85409-296 SODIUM C14-18 OLEFIN SULFONATE Sulfonic acids, C14-C18-alkane hydroxy and C14-C18-alkene, sodium salts SODIUM C16-18 OLEFIN SULFONATE Sulfonic acids, C16-18-alkane hydroxy and C16-18-alkene, sodium salts. 91722-280 SODIUM C16-20 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, mono-C16-20-alkyl esters, sodium salts. 91648-554 Sulfuric acid, mono-C8-10-alkyl esters, sodium salts 85338-427 SODIUM C4-12 OLEFIN/MALEIC ACID COPOLYMER SODIUM C8-10 ALKYL SULFATE SODIUM C8-16 ISOALKYLSUCCINYL LACTOGLOBULIN SULFONATE SODIUM C9-11 PARETH-6 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM C9-22 ALKYL SEC SULFONATE SODIUM CAPRYLETH-2 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM CAPRYLETH-9 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (carboxymethyl)-. omega. -hydroxy-, C9-11 alkyl ethers, sodium salts (5 mol EO average molar ratio) Sulfonic acids, C9-C22-sec-alkane, sodium salts SODIUM CARBOMER SODIUM CARBOXYETHYL TALLOW POLYPROPYLAMINE SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYL COCOPOLYPROPYLAMINE SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYL OLEYL POLYPROPYLAMINE Pagina 160 di 186 17412528-1 68188-181 emulsionante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / detergente surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante detergente / surfactante surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente detergente / surfactante surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico detergente / surfactante surfactante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente surfactante surfactante modificatore reologico / gelificante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 antistatico SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYL TALLOW POLYPROPYLAMINE 33939-650 SODIUM CETETH-13 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM CHITOSAN METHYLENE PHOSPHONATE Chitosan, N-(phosphonomethyl), sodium salt 18131461-4 SODIUM CHLORATE Sodium chlorate. 2146053 SODIUM CHONDROITIN SULFATE Chondroitin, hydrogen sulfate. 9007-28-7 Propanaminium, 2,3-dihydroxy-N,Ndimethyl-N-(coconut-alkyl)-, 3-sodium hydrogen phosphate ester, chloride 223707-61 -7 SODIUM COCETH SULFATE SODIUM COCO PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE SODIUM COCO/HYDROGENATED TALLOW Sulfuric acid, mixed coco and SULFATE hydrogenated-tallow esters, sodium salts SODIUM COCOMONOGLYCERIDE SULFATE Glycerides, coco mono-, sulfated, sodium salts. 61789-046 SODIUM COCO-SULFATE Sulfuric acid, monococo alkyl esters, sodium salts. 97375-274 SODIUM CUMENESULFONATE SODIUM CYCLAMATE SODIUM CYCLOPENTANE CARBOXYLATE Cumene, monosulpho derivative, sodium salt. Sulfamic acid, cyclohexyl-, monosodium salt Cyclopentanecarboxylic acid, sodium salt 32073-226 139-05-9 SODIUM DECETH SULFATE SODIUM DECETH-2 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM DECYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, monodecyl ester, sodium salt 142-87-0 SODIUM DECYLBENZENESULFONATE Sodium decylbenzenesulphonate. 1322-98-1 SODIUM DERMATAN SULFATE SODIUM DICARBOXYETHYLCOCO PHOSPHOETHYL IMIDAZOLINE SODIUM DICETEARETH-10 PHOSPHATE SODIUM DIETHYLAMINOPROPYL COCOASPARTAMIDE 1-propanamide, 3carboxy-3-amino-N-(3-(diethylamino)propyl)-, N-coco-acyl derivs., sodium salts SODIUM DILAURETH-7 CITRATE SODIUM DIOLETH-8 PHOSPHATE Sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate. 25155-300 SODIUM EDTMP [ethylenebis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakispho sphonic acid, sodium salt 22036-777 SODIUM ETHYL 2-SULFOLAURATE Sodium 2-sulphonatoethyl laurate. SODIUM ETHYLHEXYL SULFATE SODIUM FLUORIDE Sodium etasulfate. Sodium fluoride. SODIUM DODECYLBENZENESULFONATE SODIUM DVB/ACRYLATES COPOLYMER Pagina 161 di 186 2001899 126-92-1 7681-49-4 surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente antistatico emulsionante / surfactante chelante agente ossidante / deodorante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente agente antistatico / detergente / schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / emulsionante surfactante / agente idrofilo fragranza surfactante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante surfactante / emulsionante detergente / agente schiumogeno / surfactante surfactante / detergente / emulsionante condizionante per la pelle surfactante / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante surfactante / condizionante per capelli surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante surfactante / emulsionante agente filmogeno chelante surfactante / detergente surfactante / emulsionante igiene orale / AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI SODIUM FLUOROSILICATE Disodium hexafluorosilicate. Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 16893-859 SODIUM GLYCERETH-1 POLYPHOSPHATE SODIUM HEXETH-4 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM HYALURONATE CROSSPOLYMER Hyaluronic acid, polymer with 1,1'sulfonylbis[ethene] SODIUM HYALURONATE DIMETHYLSILANOL Hyaluronic acid, sodium salt, compd. with dimethylsilanediol SODIUM HYDROGENATED TALLOW Glutamic acid, N-(hydrogenated tallow acyl) GLUTAMATE derivs., sodium salts SODIUM HYDROXYMETHANE SULFONATE Sodium hydroxymethanesulphonate. SODIUM HYDROXYMETHYLGLYCINATE Sodium N-(hydroxymethyl)glycinate. 16297550-0 10877504-8 / 57601-566 870-72-4 70161-443 SODIUM ISOOCTYLENE/MA COPOLYMER SODIUM ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, sodium salt SODIUM ISOSTEARETH-11 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM ISOSTEARETH-6 CARBOXYLATE 64248-799 antiplacca igiene orale / antiplacca surfactante / chelante / modificatore reologico surfactante umettante / condizionante per la pelle umettante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / detergente agente riducente conservante legante / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico detergente / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / agente schiumogeno detergente / emulsionante / surfactante SODIUM ISOSTEAROAMPHOACETATE Isooctadecanamide, N-[2-[N(2-hydroxyethl)-N-carboxymethylamino]ethyl-, sodium salt SODIUM ISOSTEAROAMPHOPROPIONATE 1-(2-carboxylatoethyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-(2hydroxyethyl)-2-isoheptadecyl-1 Himidazolium. 68630-966 SODIUM ISOSTEAROYL LACTATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 1-carboxyethyl ester, sodium salt 73231-046 SODIUM ISOSTEAROYL LACTYLATE Sodium 2-(1 -carboxylatoethoxy)-1 -methyl-2-oxoethyl isooctadecanoate. 66988-043 emulsionante SODIUM LACTATE METHYLSILANOL 2-[(dihydroxymethylsilyl)oxy] propionic acid, mono sodium salt SODIUM LANETH SULFATE Lanolin, ethoxylated, sulfated, sodium salt 68919-233 condizionante per la pelle surfactante / stabilizzante emulsione SODIUM LAURAMIDOPROPYL HYDROXYPHOSTAINE 1-propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-3phosphonooxy-N,N-dimethyl-N-[3-(1oxododecyl)aminopropyl]-, hydroxide, inner salt, monosodium salt SODIUM LAURAMINOPROPIONATE Sodium N-dodecyl-.beta.-alaninate. SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 53610-029 SODIUM LAURETH-11 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM LAURETH-12 SULFATE 3546-96-1 9004-82-4 / 1335-724 Sodium 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36dodecaoxaoctatetracontyl sulphate. 66161-577 / 900482-4 33939-649 SODIUM LAURETH-13 CARBOXYLATE Pagina 162 di 186 surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / emulsionante surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 SODIUM LAURETH-14 CARBOXYLATE 33939-649 SODIUM LAURETH-17 CARBOXYLATE 33939-649 SODIUM LAURETH-3 CARBOXYLATE 33939-649 SODIUM LAURETH-4 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM LAURETH-4 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. dodecyl-. omega. -hydroxy-, phosphate, sodium salt 42612-522 33939-649 SODIUM LAURETH-5 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 9004-82-4 Sodium 3,6,9,12,15,18,21heptaoxatritriacontyl sulphate. 33939-649 66197-759 / 900482-4 SODIUM LAURETH-8 SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 9004-82-4 SODIUM LAURIMINODIPROPIONATE Sodium N-(2-carboxyethyl)-N-dodecyl-.beta.alaninate. 14960-066 SODIUM LAUROAMPHO PG-ACETATE PHOSPHATE 1-propanaminium, 2-hydroxy-3phosphonooxy-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-Ncarboxymethyl-N-[3-(1oxododecyl)aminopropyl]-, hydroxide, inner salt, sodium salt SODIUM LAUROYL METHYLAMINOPROPIONATE Sodium N-methyl-N-(1 -oxododecyl)-.beta.alaninate. 21539-582 SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE Sodium dodecyl sulphate. SODIUM LIGNOSULFONATE Lignosulfonic acid, sodium salt 151-21-3 8061 -51 6 SODIUM MA/DIISOBUTYLENE COPOLYMER 2,5-Furandione, polymer with 2,4,4trimethylpentene, sodium salt 37199-818 SODIUM MAGNESIUM FLUOROSILICATE Silicate(2-), hexafluoro-, sodium magnesium salts SODIUM LAURETH-5 SULFATE SODIUM LAURETH-6 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM LAURETH-7 SULFATE SODIUM LAURETH-7 TARTRATE surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno SODIUM MANNURONATE METHYLSILANOL SODIUM METHACRYLATE/ STYRENE COPOLYMER SODIUM METHYLNAPHTHALENE SULFONATE 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, sodium salt, polymer with ethenylbenzene Sodium methylnaphthalenesulphonate. Pagina 163 di 186 surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / agente schiumogeno 33970-455 26264-584 surfactante / emulsionante denaturante / emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno surfactante agente filmogeno modificatore reologico / abrasive / assorbente / opacizzante umettante / condizionante per la pelle opacizzante surfactante / agente idrofilo AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI SODIUM MILKAMIDOPROPYL PGDIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE SODIUM m-NITROBENZENESULFONATE Propanaminium, 2,3-dihydroxy-N,Ndimethyl-N-[3-(milk-fat-acylamino)propyl]-, 3sodium hydrogen phosphate ester, chloride Sodium 3-nitrobenzenesulphonate. Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 127-68-4 SODIUM MYRETH SULFATE agente antistatico / detergente / schiumogeno modificatore reologico emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente SODIUM MYRISTYL SULFATE Sodium tetradecyl sulphate. SODIUM NONOXYNOL-1 SULFATE Sodium 2-(nonylphenoxy)ethyl sulphate. 1191-50-0 96097-153 / 901490-8 SODIUM NONOXYNOL-10 SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 9014-90-8 surfactante / emulsionante SODIUM NONOXYNOL-25 SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 9014-90-8 emulsionante SODIUM NONOXYNOL-3 SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 9014-90-8 emulsionante SODIUM NONOXYNOL-4 SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 9014-90-8 emulsionante / surfactante SODIUM NONOXYNOL-6 PHOSPHATE Disodium 17(nonylphenoxy)-3,6,9,12,15pentaoxaheptadecan-1-yl phosphate. 12068-198 surfactante / emulsionante SODIUM NONOXYNOL-6 SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 9014-90-8 emulsionante SODIUM NONOXYNOL-8 SULFATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, sodium salt 9014-90-8 emulsionante surfactante / emulsionante Sodium 2-[2-[2-[4-(1,1,3,3tetramethylbutyl)phenoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]etha nesulphonate. 2917-94-4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),[4-(1,1,3,3tetramethylbutyl)phenoxy]-, sodium salt 12627-382 SODIUM OLETH-7 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (Z)-, phosphate, sodium salt 57486-096 SODIUM OLETH-8 PHOSPHATE SODIUM o-PHENYLPHENATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (Z)-, phosphate, sodium salt Sodium 2-biphenylate. 57486-096 132-27-4 Chondroitin, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt, reaction products with palmitoyl chloride Thiosulfuric acid (H2S2O3), S-[2-[[3[(2,4-dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1 - 226-99563-7 34644-036 SODIUM NONOXYNOL-9 PHOSPHATE SODIUM OCTOXYNOL-2 ETHANE SULFONATE SODIUM OCTOXYNOL-2 SULFATE SODIUM OCTOXYNOL-6 SULFATE SODIUM OCTOXYNOL-9 SULFATE SODIUM OLETH SULFATE SODIUM PALMITOYL CHONDROITIN SULFATE SODIUM PANTETHEINE SULFONATE Pagina 164 di 186 surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante detergente / agente schiumogeno / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante / agente schiumogeno / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente conservante condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI SODIUM PARABEN oxobutyl)amino]-1 oxopropyl]amino]ethyl]ester, monosodium salt, (R)Sodium 4-hydroxybenzoate. SODIUM PCA METHYLSILANOL Sodium 5-oxo-L-prolinate, methylsilane-triol compound SODIUM p-CHLORO-m-CRESOL SODIUM PEG-3 LAURAMIDE CARBOXYLATE Sodium p-chloro-m-cresolate. SODIUM PEG-4 LAURAMIDE CARBOXYLATE SODIUM PEG-6 COCAMIDE CARBOXYLATE SODIUM PEG-8 COCAMIDE CARBOXYLATE Dodecanamide, ethoxylated, oxidised, sodium salts (4 mol EO average molar ratio) Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 114-63-6 99035-504 15733-229 conservante umettante / condizionante per la pelle antimicrobico emulsionante detergente / emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / emulsionante emulsionante Sodium peroxometaborate / sodium perborate. 7632-04-4 / 1512021-5 SODIUM PHENOLSULFONATE SODIUM PHENOXIDE Sodium hydroxybenzenesulphonate. Sodium phenoxide. 1300-51-2 139-02-6 antimicrobico / deodorante antimicrobico SODIUM PHENYLBENZIMIDAZOLE SULFONATE 1 H-benzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid, 2-phenyl-, monosodium salt 5997-53-5 filtro UV SODIUM PHTHALATE STEARYLAMIDE SODIUM PICRAMATE Benzoic acid, 2[(octadecylamino)carbonyl]-, monosodiuum salt Sodium 2-amino-4,6-dinitrophenoxide. 86432-237 831-52-7 SODIUM POLYACRYLATE 2-propenoic acid, homopolymer, sodium salt 2594415 SODIUM PERBORATE SODIUM PG-PROPYL THIOSULFATE DIMETHICONE SODIUM POLYACRYLATE STARCH SODIUM POLYDIMETHYLGLYCINO PHENOLSULFONATE 54193-361 / 2508662-8 agente ossidante umettante / condizionante per capelli emulsionante colorante per capelli modificatore reologico / legante / agente filmogeno agente filmogeno / assorbente / stabilizzante emulsione / legante / modificatore reologico surfactante / chelante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico / opacizzante agente stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / agente idrofilo agente stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno / surfactante / modificatore reologico SODIUM POLYMETHACRYLATE 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, homopolymer, sodium salt SODIUM POLYNAPHTHALENE SULFONATE Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, sodium salt SODIUM POLYSTYRENE SULFONATE Benzenesulfonic acid, ethenyl-, homopolymer, sodium salt 9003-59-2 Sodium 4-propoxycarbonylphenoxide. 35285-699 conservante 1340-06-3 agente filmogeno condizionante per la pelle surfactante / antimuffa 2624059 SODIUM PROPOXYHYDROXY PROPYL THIOSULFATE SILICA SODIUM PROPYLPARABEN volumizzante SODIUM PVM/MA/DECADIENE CROSSPOLYMER SODIUM SCYMNOL SULFATE SODIUM SHALE OIL SULFONATE Ichthyolic acid, sodium salt. Pagina 165 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI SODIUM SILICOALUMINATE SODIUM STEARETH-4 PHOSPHATE Silicic acid, aluminum sodium salt. SODIUM STEAROYL CHONDROITIN SULFATE Chondroitin, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt, reaction products with octadecanoyl chloride SODIUM STEARYL SULFATE SODIUM STYRENE/ACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER Sodium octadecyl sulphate. Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 1344-00-9 22240050-2 1120-04-3 abrasive / modificatore reologico / volumizzante emulsionante condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / detergente / emulsionante agente filmogeno / opacizzante SODIUM STYRENE/ACRYLATES /PEG-10 DIMALEATE COPOLYMER SODIUM STYRENE/ACRYLATES COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / opacizzante agente filmogeno / opacizzante SODIUM STYRENE/ACRYLATES/DIVINYLBENZENE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / opacizzante SODIUM STYRENE/PEG-10 MALEATE/ NONOXYNOL-10 MALEATE/ACRYLATES COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / opacizzante SODIUM SULFANILATE Sodium sulphanilate 515-74-2 SODIUM TALLOW SULFATE Tallow, sulfated, sodium salt. 8052-50-4 antiossidante / colorante per capelli surfactante / detergente SODIUM TALLOWAMPHOACETATE Glycine, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-(2aminoethyl)-, N-tallow-acyl derivs., sodium salts SODIUM TALLOWATE Fatty acids, tallow, sodium salts. 8052-48-0 surfactante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / schiumogeno Sodium toluenesulphonate. 12068-030 SODIUM TRIDECETH-12 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl), sodium salt 61757-593 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente SODIUM TRIDECETH-3 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (carboxymethyl)-. omega. -tridecyloxy)-, sodium salt 61757-593 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente SODIUM TRIDECETH-6 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl), sodium salt 61757-593 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente SODIUM TRIDECETH-7 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl), sodium salt 61757-593 surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente SODIUM TRIDECETH-8 CARBOXYLATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl), sodium salt 61757-593 SODIUM TRIDECYL SULFATE Sodium tridecyl sulphate. 3026-63-9 SODIUM TRIDECYLBENZENE SULFONATE Sodium tridecylbenzenesulphonate. 26248-248 SODIUM TAURIDE ACRYLATES/ ACRYLIC ACID/ACRYLONITROGENS COPOLYMER SODIUM TOLUENESULFONATE SODIUM TRIDECETH SULFATE SODIUM TRILAURETH-4 PHOSPHATE Pagina 166 di 186 agente filmogeno surfactante / agente idrofilo emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / emulsionante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI SODIUM UNDECETH-5 CARBOXYLATE SODIUM XYLENE SULFONATE SODIUM/MEA LAURETH-2 SULFOSUCCINATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.(carboxymethyl), sodium salt (4 mol EO average molar ratio) Sodium xylenesulphonate. Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 84647-789 1300-72-7 emulsionante / surfactante agente idrofilo surfactante / detergente agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli 68920-592 agente antistatico / surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle stabilizzante emulsione / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / detergente / condizionante per capelli SODIUM/TEA-LAUROYL COLLAGEN AMINO ACIDS SODIUM/TEA-LAUROYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN SODIUM/TEA-LAUROYL HYDROLYZED KERATIN SODIUM/TEA-LAUROYL KERATIN AMINO ACIDS SODIUM/TEA-UNDECYLENOYL ALGINATE Alginic acid, 10-undecenoyl derivatives, sodium tris(2-hydroxyethyl)amine salts SODIUM/TEA-UNDECYLENOYL CARRAGEENAN Carrageenan, 10-undecenoyl derivatives, sodium tris(2-hydroxyethyl)amine salts 22458093-2 224580-91 -0 SODIUM/TEA-UNDECYLENOYL COLLAGEN AMINO ACIDS SODIUM/TEA-UNDECYLENOYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN SODIUM/TEA-UNDECYLENOYL HYDROLYZED CORN PROTEIN Hydrolysed maize protein, 10-undecenoyl derivatives, sodium tris(2-hydroxyethyl)amine salts 22240008-0 condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle SODIUM/TEA-UNDECYLENOYL HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN Hydrolysed soya protein, 10-undecenoyl derivatives, sodium tris(2-hydroxyethyl)amine salts 222400-11 -5 condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle SODIUM/TEA-UNDECYLENOYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN Hydrolysed wheat protein, 10-undecenoyl derivatives, sodium tris(2-hydroxyethyl)amine salts 22240010-4 condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle SOLVENT BLACK 3 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-6-[[1-naphthyl-4(phenylazo)]azo]-1H-perimidine (CI 26150). SOLVENT BLACK 5 CI 50415 4197-25-5 11099-039 colorante per capelli SOLVENT GREEN 3 1,4-bis(p-tolylamino)anthraquinone (CI 61565). 128-80-3 colorante per capelli SOLVENT GREEN 7 SOLVENT ORANGE 1 Trisodium 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6trisulphonate (CI 59040). 4-(phenylazo)resorcinol (CI 11920). 6358-69-6 colorante per capelli 2051 -85-6 colorante per capelli SOLVENT RED 1 1-[(2-methoxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthol (CI 12150). 1229-55-6 colorante per capelli SOLVENT RED 23 SOLVENT RED 3 1-(4-(phenylazo)phenylazo)-2-naphthol (CI 26100). 4-[(4-ethoxyphenyl)azo]naphthol (CI 12010). 85-86-9 6535-42-8 colorante per capelli colorante per capelli SOLVENT RED 43 2-(3,6-dihydroxy-2,4,5,7-tetrabromoxanthen9-yl)-benzoic acid (CI 45380). 15086-949 colorante per capelli Pagina 167 di 186 colorante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 SOLVENT RED 48 2',4',5',7'-tetrabromo-4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-3',6'dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'[9H]xanthene]-3-one (CI 45410). 13473-262 colorante per capelli SOLVENT RED 72 4',5'-dibromo-3',6'dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'[9H]xanthene]-3-one (CI 45370). 596-03-2 colorante per capelli SOLVENT RED 73 3',6'-dihydroxy-4',5'diiodospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'[9H]xanthene]-3-one (CI 45425). 38577-978 colorante per capelli SOLVENT VIOLET 13 1-hydroxy-4-(p-toluidino)anthraquinone (CI 60725). 81 -48-1 colorante per capelli SOLVENT YELLOW 29 2,2'-[cyclohexylidenebis[(2-methyl-4,1 phenylene)azo]]bis[4-cyclohexylphenol] (CI 21230). 6706-82-7 colorante per capelli SOLVENT YELLOW 33 1,3-Isobenzofurandione, reaction products with methylquinoline and quinoline. This substance is identified in the Colour Index by Colour Index Constitution Number, (CI 47000). 8003-22-3 colorante per capelli SOLVENT YELLOW 44 6-amino-2-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-1Hbenz[de]isoquinoline-1,3(2H)-dione (CI 56200). 2478-20-8 colorante per capelli Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. -hydro. omega. -hydroxy-, ether with d-glucitol (6:1) 53694-158 SORBETH-30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with D-glucitol (6:1) 53694-158 emulsionante SORBETH-40 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with D-glucitol (6:1) 53694-158 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, ether with d-glucitol (6:1) 53694-158 SORBETH-20 SORBETH-3 ISOSTEARATE SORBETH-6 SORBETH-6 HEXASTEARATE SORBITAN DIISOSTEARATE Sorbitan, diisooctadecanoate. SORBITAN ISOSTEARATE Sorbitan, isooctadecanoate. SORBITAN SESQUIISOSTEARATE Sorbitan, isooctadecanoate (2:3) SORBITAN TRIISOSTEARATE Sorbitan, triisooctadecanoate. SORBITYL SILANEDIOL D-glucitol, 1,3-O-(dimethylsilylene)- 68238-879 71902-017 71812-389 54392-277 22134675-4 SOY DIHYDROXYPROPYLDIMONIUM POLYGLUCOSE SOYA HYDROXYETHYL IMIDAZOLINE 1H-Imidazole-1-ethanol, 4,5-dihydro-, 2norsoya alkyl derivs.. 70024-770 SOYAETHYL MORPHOLINIUM ETHOSULFATE Morpholinium, 4-ethyl-4-soya alkyl, Et sulfates. 61791-342 SOYAMIDE DEA SOYAMIDOETHYLDIMONIUM/TRIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN Amides, soya, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl). Hydrolysed wheat protein, reaction products with 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride and soyaalkyldimethyl ammonium chloride SOYAMIDOPROPALKONIUM CHLORIDE SOYAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE 1-propanaminium, 3-amino-N,N,N-trimethyl, N-soybean-acyl derivs., chlorides Amides, soya, N-(3-(dimethylamino)propyl) Pagina 168 di 186 68425-478 solvente emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emulsionante emolliente agente antistatico surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / emulsionante emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno 22240009-1 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 68188-30- agente antistatico emulsionante / AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI 7 SOYAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-ethyl-N,Ndimethyl-, N-soya acyl derivs., Et sulfates. 90529-570 SOYAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Amides, soya, N-[-3(dimethylamino)propyl], N-oxides 22370770-8 SOYAMINE SOYAMINOPROPYLAMINE Amines, soya alkyl. 1,3-propanediamine, N-soya alkyl SOYDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN 61790-189 surfactante agente antistatico / surfactante detergente / agente schiumogeno / surfactante agente antistatico / emulsionante emulsionante agente antistatico agente antistatico 68308-67- / condizionante per capelli 8 agente antistatico / emulsionante / conservante / surfactante / 61790-41 - condizionante per capelli 8 SOYETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, ethyldimethylsoya alkyl, Et sulfates. SOYTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, trimethylsoya alkyl, chlorides. SPINAL CORD EXTRACT Spinal Cord Extract is an extract obtained from animal spinal cord condizionante per la pelle SPINAL LIPID EXTRACT Spinal Lipid Extract is an extract obtained from animal spinal lipids emolliente SPLEEN EXTRACT Spleen Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian spleen 84540-147 condizionante per la pelle SPLEEN HYDROLYSATE Protein hydrolyzates, spleen. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of spleen composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin. 91080-067 condizionante per la pelle SQUALI IECUR OIL Squali Iecur Oil is the fixed oil expressed from the fresh livers of various shark species (Squaliformes). It consists primarily of the glycerides of C14-C18 and C16-C22 unsaturated fatty acids STANNOUS FLUORIDE Tin difluoride. STARCH DIETHYLAMINOETHYL ETHER Starch, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl ether emolliente / / condizionante per la pelle igiene orale / 7783-47-3 antiplacca agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / condizionante per la 9041 -94-5 pelle 68990-636 STARCH/ACRYLATES /ACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER legante / agente filmogeno STEAPYRIUM CHLORIDE 1-[2-oxo-2-[[2-[(1oxooctadecyl)oxy]ethyl]amino]ethyl]pyridinium chloride. STEARALKONIUM BENTONITE Benzenemethanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-Noctadecyl-, reaction products with bentonite STEARALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzyldimethyl(octadecyl)ammonium chloride. STEARALKONIUM DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHTHALATE Siloxanes and silicones, di-Me, ethers with ethyleneglycol, propylene glycol copolymer mono(hydrogen phthalate), N,N-dimethyl-Noctadecylbenzenemethanaminium salts Pagina 169 di 186 14492-683 / 134108-8 antimicrobico / agente antistatico 122-19-0 modificatore reologico / gelificante conservante / agente antistatico / surfactante condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI STEARALKONIUM HECTORITE Benzenemethanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-Noctadecyl-, chloride, reaction products with hectorite / Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, chlorides, compds. with hectorite. 94891-335 / 7101126-2 modificatore reologico / gelificante STEARAMIDE AMP Octadecanamide, N-(2-hydroxy-1,1dimethylethyl)- 36284-863 modificatore reologico / schiumogeno STEARAMIDE DEA N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)stearamide. 93-82-3 STEARAMIDE DEA-DISTEARATE [(1-oxooctadecyl)imino]diethane-1,2-diyl distearate. STEARAMIDE DIBA-STEARATE Octadecanoic acid, hydroxymethyl-3-(1oxooctadecyl)aminopropyl ester 51325-394 2- agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno opacizzante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno opacizzante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno N-(2-hydroxyethyl)stearamide. 111 -57-9 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno 2-[(1 -oxooctadecyl)amino]ethyl stearate. 14351-407 agente antistatico / opacizzante / modificatore reologico STEARAMIDE MIPA N-(2-hydroxypropyl)stearamide. 35627-964 STEARAMIDOETHYL DIETHANOLAMINE N-[3-[bis(2hydroxyethyl)amino]propyl]stearamide. 55819-540 STEARAMIDOETHYL DIETHYLAMINE N-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]stearamide. 16889-148 STEARAMIDOETHYL DIETHYLAMINE PHOSPHATE N-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]stearamide phosphate. 68133-346 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli STEARAMIDOETHYL ETHANOLAMINE N-[2-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethyl]stearamide. 141-21-9 agente antistatico / emulsionante STEARAMIDOETHYL ETHANOLAMINE PHOSPHATE [2-[(2hydroxyethyl)ammonio]ethyl](stearoyl)ammon ium hydrogen phosphate. 68134-134 agente antistatico STEARAMIDOPROPALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzyldimethyl[3-[(1oxooctadecyl)amino]propyl]ammonium chloride. 65694-102 agente antistatico STEARAMIDOPROPYL CETEARYLDIMONIUM TOSYLATE 1-propanaminium, N-(mixed octadecyl and hexadecyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3-(1 oxooctadecyl)amino-, 4methylbenzenesulfonate STEARAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHICONE Siloxanes and silicones, dimethyl, methyl 3-[(1-oxooctadecyl)amino]propyl STEARAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]stearamide. STEARAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Dimethyl[(3-stearoylamino)propyl]ammonium lactate. STEARAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE STEARATE Octadecanamide, N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl), octadecanoate STEARAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE Ethyldimethyl[3-[(1oxooctadecyl)amino]propyl]ammonium ethyl sulphate. STEARAMIDE MEA STEARAMIDE MEA-STEARATE Pagina 170 di 186 agente antistatico 227200-31 -9 2100549 55819-539 67846-166267-36 anticorrosive / agente filmogeno agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 STEARAMIDOPROPYL MORPHOLINE Octadecanamide, N-[3-(4-morpholinyl)propyl]- 55852-136 agente antistatico STEARAMIDOPROPYL MORPHOLINE LACTATE 4-[3-(stearoylamino)propyl]morpholinium lactate. 55852-147 agente antistatico STEARAMIDOPROPYL PG-DIMONIUM CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE Phoshoric acid, 2hydroxy-3-[3-(1 oxooctadecylamino)propyldimethylammonio]p ropyl triester, trichloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli STEARAMIDOPROPYL PYRROLIDONYLMETHYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, N-[(2-oxo-1pyrrolidinyl)methyl]-N,N-dimethyl-3-(1 oxooctadecyl)amino-, chloride agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli STEARAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONIUM METHOSULFATE Trimethyl-3-[(1 oxooctadecyl)amino]propylammonium methyl sulphate. 19277-884 STEARAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE STEARAMINE N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]stearamide Noxide. Octadecylamine. 25066-200 124-30-1 STEARAMINE OXIDE N,N-dimethyloctadecylamine N-oxide. 2571-88-2 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno / agente idrofilo agente antistatico agente antistatico / surfactante / agente idrofilo / detergente / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno STEARDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED CASEIN agente antistatico STEARDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN agente antistatico STEARDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED KERATIN agente antistatico STEARDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED RICE PROTEIN agente antistatico STEARDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED SILK agente antistatico STEARDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED VEGETABLE PROTEIN agente antistatico STEARDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN STEARETH-10 agente antistatico Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 STEARETH-10 ALLYL ETHER/ ACRYLATES COPOLYMER emulsionante / surfactante / agente filmogeno STEARETH-100 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 surfactante / gelificante STEARETH-11 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante STEARETH-13 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante STEARETH-14 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante STEARETH-15 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante / detergente STEARETH-16 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante / detergente Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 STEARETH-2 STEARETH-2 PHOSPHATE STEARETH-20 Pagina 171 di 186 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emulsionante / surfactante / detergente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 STEARETH-21 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 STEARETH-25 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante / surfactante / detergente emulsionante / surfactante / detergente STEARETH-27 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 surfactante / detergente STEARETH-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 STEARETH-30 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 STEARETH-4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 STEARETH-40 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 STEARETH-5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 STEARETH-50 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / gelificante / detergente STEARETH-6 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 9005-00-9 emulsionante emulsionante STEARETH-80 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. -octadecyl. omega. -hydroxy-(80 mol EO average molar ratio) 9005-00-9 STEAROXY DIMETHICONE Siloxanes and silicones, di-me, (octadecyloxy)-terminated 68554-530 STEAROXYTRIMETHYLSILANE Trimethyl(octadecyloxy)silane. 18748-986 surfactante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle STEAROYL PG-TRIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-propanaminium, 2-hydroxyN,N,N-trimethyl-3-[(1-oxooctadecyl)oxy]-, chloride STEARTRIMONIUM BROMIDE Trimethyloctadecylammonium bromide 1120-02-1 STEARTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE Trimethyloctadecylammonium chloride. 112-03-8 STEARTRIMONIUM METHOSULFATE Trimethyl(octadecyl)ammonium methyl sulphate. 18684-112 STEARTRIMONIUM SACCHARINATE 1-Octadecanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-, salt with 1.2-benzisothiazol-3 (2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (1:1) 2870-63-5 STEARYL DIMETHICONE Siloxanes and silicones, di-me, me stearyl 67762-838 STEARETH-5 STEARATE STEARETH-7 STEARETH-8 STEAROXYMETHICONE /DIMETHICONE COPOLYMER STEARTRIMONIUM HYDROXYETHYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Pagina 172 di 186 emulsionante surfactante / gelificante / detergente emulsionante surfactante / gelificante / detergente agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / conservante conservante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI STEARYL ETHYLHEXYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE 1-octadecanaminium, N-(2-ethylhexyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, chloride STEARYL ETHYLHEXYLDIMONIUM METHOSULFATE 1-octadecanaminium, N-(2-ethylhexyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, methyl sulfate STEARYL GLYCOL Octadecane-1,2-diol. STEARYL GLYCOL ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, 2-hydroxyoctadecyl ester STEARYL HYDROXYETHYLIMIDONIUM CHLORIDE 2-heptadecyl-4,5-dihydro-1,3-bis(2hydroxyethyl)-1 -H-imidazolium chloride. Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli 20294-762 93783-427 STEARYL METHICONE STEARYL/AMINOPROPYL METHICONE COPOLYMER 11072064-4 emolliente emolliente agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli emolliente / condizionante per la pelle / agente protettivo emolliente agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico STEARYLVINYL ETHER/MA COPOLYMER 2,5-furandione, polymer with 1(ethenyloxy)octadecane 28214-644 STOMACH EXTRACT Stomach extract is an extract obtained from mammalian stomach 84540-158 STRONTIUM ACETATE Strontium di(acetate). STRONTIUM CHLORIDE Strontium chloride. STRONTIUM HYDROXIDE STRONTIUM PEROXIDE STRONTIUM SULFIDE Strontium hydroxide. Strontium peroxide. Strontium sulphide. 543-94-2 10476-854 18480-074 / 131110-0 1314-18-7 1314-96-1 STRONTIUM THIOGLYCOLATE Mercaptoacetic acid, strontium salt. 38337-950 agente tampone agente sbiancante agente depilante agente depilante / agente riducente / prodotti per capelli STRUTHIO OIL Struthio Oil is the oil rendered from the fatty tissue of the ostrich (Struthio) 225234-11 -7 condizionante per capelli 2-propenamide, polymer with ethenylbenzene 24981-133 STYRENE/ACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER STYRENE/ACRYLATES COPOLYMER condizionante per la pelle igiene orale / rinfrescante igiene orale / rinfrescante opacizzante opacizzante STYRENE/ACRYLATES/ ACRYLONITRILE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico STYRENE/ACRYLATES/ AMMONIUM METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / opacizzante STYRENE/ALLYL BENZOATE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico STYRENE/BUTADIENE COPOLYMER STYRENE/DVB COPOLYMER Benzene, ethenyl-, polymer with 1,3butadiene 9003-55-8 9003-70-7 opacizzante opacizzante STYRENE/ISOPRENE COPOLYMER Benzene, ethenyl-, polymer with 2-methyl1,3-butadiene 25038-328 STYRENE/MA COPOLYMER 2,5-furandione, polymer with ethenylbenzene 9011-13-6 agente filmogeno / opacizzante legante / stabilizzante emulsione / agente filmogeno STYRENE/METHYLSTYRENE/INDENE COPOLYMER 1H-Indene, polymer with ethenylbenzene and (1methylethenyl)benzene 14961390-1 agente filmogeno / opacizzante STYRENE/PVP COPOLYMER 2-pyrrolidinone, 1-ethenyl-, polymer with ethenylbenzene 25086-297 agente filmogeno / opacizzante STYRENE/VA COPOLYMER Acetic acid ethenyl ester, polymer with ethenylbenzene 25213-290 agente filmogeno / opacizzante Pagina 173 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI SUCROSE ACETATE ISOBUTYRATE Sucrose di(acetate) hexaisobutyrate. Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 126-13-6 agente filmogeno / plasticizzante SUCROSE BENZOATE/SUCROSE ACETATE ISOBUTYRATE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico SUCROSE BENZOATE/SUCROSE ACETATE ISOBUTYRATE/BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico SUCROSE BENZOATE/SUCROSE ACETATE ISOBUTYRATE/BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE/METHYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / modificatore reologico SULFURIZED TEA-RICINOLEATE 12-(R)-Hydroxy-9-(Z)-octadecenoic acid, tris(2-hydroxyethyl)amine salt, sufurised SUNSET YELLOW Disodium 6-hydroxy-5-[(4sulphonatophenyl)azo]naphthalene-2sulphonate (CI 15985). 2783-94-0 colorante per capelli SUS EXTRACT Sus Extract is an extract from the skin of the pig (Sus) 91081-639 condizionante per la pelle SYNTHETIC BEESWAX Beeswax, synthetic. The complex reaction product of blended acids and blended alcohols which simulates the composition of natural beeswax. It consists primarily of C1830-alkyl ester of C16-32 fatty acids, C16-32 fatty acids and C22-34 alkanes. SYNTHETIC CANDELILLA WAX Waxes, candelilla, synthetic SYNTHETIC CARNAUBA SYNTHETIC FLUORPHLOGOPITE Waxes, carnauba, synthetic SYNTHETIC JAPAN WAX Waxes, japan, synthetic SYNTHETIC JOJOBA OIL Jojoba oil, synthetic legante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione modificatore reologico emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione emolliente / condizionante per la pelle SYNTHETIC WAX Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes. A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum fractions by solvente crystallization (solvente deoiling) or by the sweating process. It consists predominantly of straight chain hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly greater than C20. TAED N, N'-ethylenebis[N-acetylacetamide] 8002-74-2 10543-574 agente antistatico / legante / emolliente / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico TALL OIL BENZYL HYDROXYETHYL IMIDAZOLINIUM CHLORIDE Imidazolium compounds, 1-benzyl-4,5dihydro-1-(hydroxyethyl)-2-nortall-oil alkyl, chlorides. 68309-342 TALLAMIDE DEA Amides, tall-oil fatty, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl). 68155-204 TALLOW ACID Fatty acids, tallow. 61790-372 agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emolliente / emulsionante / detergente / condizionante per la pelle TALLOW ALCOHOL Alcohols, tallow. 99561-043 emolliente / emulsionante Pagina 174 di 186 222721 88-2 71243-511 condizionante per capelli agente sbiancante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 93455-700 61790-338 TALLOW AMIDE Amides, tallow. TALLOW AMINE Amines, tallow alkyl. TALLOW BETAINE Methanaminium, N-methyl-Ncarboxymethyl-N-tallow-alkyl-, hydroxides, inner salts TALLOW DIHYDROXYETHYL BETAINE Betaines, bis(hydroxyethyl)tallow alkyl. TALLOW GLYCERIDE Glycerides, tallow mono-. 70750-468 61789-137 TALLOW GLYCERIDES Glycerides, tallow mono-, di- and tri-. 91723-307 TALLOW HYDROXYETHYL IMIDAZOLINE 1H-Imidazole-1-ethanol, 4,5-dihydro-, 2nortallow alkyl derivs.. 90411-997 TALLOW TRIHYDROXYETHYL AMMONIUM ACETATE Quaternary ammonium compounds, tris(2hydroxyethyl)tallow-alkyl, acetates TALLOWALKONIUM CHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyldimethyltallow alkyl, chlorides. 61789-751 TALLOWAMIDE DEA Amides, tallow, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl). 68140-089 TALLOWAMIDE MEA Amides, tallow, N-(hydroxyethyl). 90640-292 / 6815363-9 TALLOWAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-tallow acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salts. TALLOWAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Amides, tallow, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]. 91783-174 68425-503 TALLOWAMIDOPROPYL HYDROXYSULTAINE Amides, tallow, N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl], alkylation products with sodium 3-chloro-2hydroxypropanesulfonate. 70131-576 TALLOWAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Amides, tallow, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl], N-oxides. 68647-778 TALLOWAMINE OXIDE Amines, tallow-alkyldimethyl, N-oxides Pagina 175 di 186 emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / surfactante / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente emolliente / emulsionante emolliente / emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico agente antistatico / conservante / surfactante agente antistatico / emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno agente antistatico / emulsionante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante surfactante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / schiumogeno agente antistatico / surfactante / agente idrofilo / detergente / schiumogeno agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno / agente idrofilo / detergente / schiumogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI TALLOWAMINOPROPYLAMINE Amines, N-(C14-18 and C16-18-unsatd. alkyl)trimethylenedi-. This substance is identified by SDA Substance Name: N-C14C18 and C16-C18 unsaturated alkyl propylene diamine and SDA Reporting Number: 04-032-00. TALLOWDIMONIUM PROPYLTRIMONIUM DICHLORIDE Quaternary ammonium compounds, pentamethyltallow alkyltrimethylenedi-, dichlorides. Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 68439-736 68607-294 61791-284 TALLOWETH-6 Alcohols, tallow, ethoxylated TALLOWOYL ETHYL GLUCOSIDE Ethyl-D-glucopyranoside, esters with tallow fatty acids TALLOWTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE t-BUTYL HYDROQUINONE Quaternary ammonium compounds, trimethyltallow alkyl, chlorides. 2-tert-butylhydroquinone. 8030-78-2 1948-33-0 TEA-ABIETOYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Proteins hydrolyzates, reaction products with abietoyl chloride compds. with triethanolamine 68918-774 22370632-9 TEA-ACRYLATES/ACRYLO NITROGENS COPOLYMER emulsionante agente antistatico / emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante detergente / surfactante agente antistatico / conservante / surfactante / condizionante per capelli antiossidante agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / agente protettivo condizionante per capelli / agente filmogeno TEA-C10-12 ALKYL SULFATE 2,2',2''-nitrilotrisethanol, C10-C12-alkyl sulfate (salts) TEA-C10-14 ALKYL BENZENESULFONATE Benzenesulfonic acid, mono-C10-14-alkyl derivs., compds. with triethanolamine. TEA-C10-15 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, C10-C15-alkyl esters, compounds with 2,2',2''-nitrilotrisethanol TEA-C12-13 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-13-alkyl esters, compounds, with triethanolamine 22370469-6 TEA-C12-14 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-14-alkyl esters, compounds, with triethanolamine 90583-189 TEA-C12-15 ALKYL SULFATE Sulfuric acid, mono-C12-15-alkyl compds. with triethanolamine. 68815-258 TEA-CANOLATE Fatty acids, canola-oil, compounds with triethanolamine emulsionante / agente schiumogeno TEA-COCOATE Fatty acids, coco, compds. with triethanolamine. modificatore reologico / gelificante emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente TEA-COCO-SULFATE Sulfuric acid, monococo alkyl esters, compounds with triethanolamine TEA-COCOYL GLUTAMATE L-Glutamic acid, N-coco acyl derivs., compds. with triethanolamine (1:1). 68187-291 TEA-COCOYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Acid chlorides, coco, reaction products with protein hydrolyzates, compds. with triethanolamine 68952-169 TEA-COCOYL HYDROLYZED SOY PROTEIN Protein hydrolyzates, soya, N-coco-acyl derivs., products with triethanolamine esters, surfactante / agente schiumogeno 90194-426 TEA-CARBOMER Pagina 176 di 186 61790-645 surfactante / agente schiumogeno surfactante / agente schiumogeno detergente / agente schiumogeno / surfactante detergente / agente schiumogeno / surfactante surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / agente schiumogeno surfactante / condizionante per capelli / detergente agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli / detergente agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 TEA-COCOYL SARCOSINATE Glycine, N-methyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., compds. with triethanolamine TEA-DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL PHOSPHATE Siloxanes and silicones, di-Me, ethers with ethylene glycol / propylene glycol copolymer mono(dihydrogenphosphate), triethanolamine salts TEA-DODECYLBENZENESULFONATE Dodecylbenzenesulphonic acid, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol (1:1). 27323-41 - surfactante / agente 7 schiumogeno TEA-EDTA TEA-HYDROCHLORIDE Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium trihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate. Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium chloride. 60544-709 637-39-8 TEA-HYDROGENATED TALLOW GLUTAMATE TEA-HYDROIODIDE Glutamic acid, N-(hydrogenated acyl) derivs., compounds with triethanolamine 2,2',2''-nitrilotrisethanol hydroiodide. TEA-ISOSTEARATE Isooctadecanoic acid, compound with 2,2',2''nitrilotriethanol (1:1). tallow 68411-961 surfactante / detergente / condizionante per capelli / agente schiumogeno umettante / surfactante chelante modificatore reologico TEA-LAURAMINOPROPIONATE N-dodecyl-.beta.-alanine, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol (1:1). surfactante / condizionante per capelli / detergente 7601 -53-8 agente tampone emulsionante / surfactante / 88120-12- condizionante per 1 capelli surfactante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle / detergente umettante / 20475-12- condizionante per la pelle 1 emulsionante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / surfactante / 14171-00- condizionante per capelli 7 TEA-LAURATE Lauric acid, compound with 2,2',2''nitrilotriethanol (1:1). 2224-49-9 TEA-LAURETH SULFATE Ethanol, 2,2',2''-nitrilotris-, compd. with ,2-ethanediyl) (1:1) 27028-826 N-(1-oxododecyl)-L-glutamic acid, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotrisethanol (1:1). 53576-491 TEA-ISOSTEAROYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN TEA-LACTATE Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium lactate. TEA-LANETH-5 SULFATE TEA-LAUROYL COLLAGEN AMINOACIDS TEA-LAUROYL GLUTAMATE TEA-LAUROYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN TEA-LAUROYL KERATIN AMINOACIDS TEA-LAUROYL LACTYLATE Dodecanoic acid, 2-(1 -carboxyethoxy)-1 methyl-2-oxoethyl ester, compound with 2,2 ',2''-nitrilotrisethanol (salt) TEA-LAUROYL METHYLAMINOPROPIONATE .beta.-Alanine, N-methyl-N-(1-oxododecyl)-, compounds with 2,2',2''-nitrilotris[ethanol] (1:1) Pagina 177 di 186 emulsionante / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli surfactante / condizionante per capelli / detergente surfactante / condizionante per la pelle agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / detergente / condizionante per capelli emulsionante / surfactante 89353-559 detergente / surfactante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 TEA-LAUROYL SARCOSINATE TEA-LAURYL ETHER N-methyl-N-(1-oxododecyl)glycine, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotri(ethanol) (1:1). 2,2'-[[2-(dodecyloxy)ethyl]imino]bisethanol 16693-531 1733-93-3 TEA-LAURYL SULFATE Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium dodecylsulphate. 139-96-8 TEA-MYRISTAMINOPROPIONATE N-tetradecyl-.beta.-alanine, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol (1:1). 61791-988 TEA-MYRISTATE Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium myristate. 41669-403 TEA-MYRISTOYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN 69430-235 agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno agente antistatico emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno agente antistatico / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / detergente agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle emulsionante / surfactante / detergente agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle Oleic acid, compound with 2,2',2''nitrilotriethanol (1:1). 2717-15-9 TEA-OLEOYL SARCOSINATE (Z)-N-methyl-N-(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)glycine, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotri(ethanol) (1:1). 17736-082 TEA-OLEYL SULFATE 18-sulphooleic acid, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol (1:1). 68698-782 TEA-PALM KERNEL SARCOSINATE Glycine, N-methyl-, N-C10-18-fatty acids derivs., compds. with triethanolamine. 73049-986 TEA-PALMITATE Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium palmitate. 49719-600 TEA-PCA 5-oxo-DL-proline, compound with 2,2',2''nitrilotriethanol (1:1). 55901-207 TEA-PEG-3 COCAMIDE SULFATE Ethanol, 2,2',2''-nitrilotris-, compds. with polyethylene glycol hydrogen sulfate 2-(coco acylamino)ethyl ether 73246-943 umettante / agente protettivo emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno / agente idrofilo TEA-PHENYLBENZIMIDAZOLE SULFONATE 1 H-benzimidazolesulfonic acid, 2-phenyl-, sodium salt, compd. with 2,2',2''nitrilotris(ethanol) 73705-007 filtro UV TEA-POLYPHOSPHATE Polyphosphoric acids, esters with triethanolamine. 68131-715 emulsionante TEA-ROSINATE Resin acids and Rosin acids, compounds with triethanolamine 61790-655 detergente / surfactante TEA-SALICYLATE Salicylic acid, compound with 2,2',2''nitrilotriethanol (1:1). 2174-16-5 conservante TEA-SORBATE TEA-Sorbate is the triethanolamine salt of 2,4-hexanedienoic acid TEA-STEARATE TEA-SULFATE Stearic acid, compound with 2,2',2''nitrilotriethanol (1:1). Bis[tris(hydroxyethyl)ammonium] sulphate. TEA-TALLATE Fatty acids, tall-oil, compds. with triethanolamine. antimicrobico / conservante emulsionante / surfactante / 4568-28-9 detergente 7376-31 -0 agente tampone emulsionante / 68132-46- surfactante / detergente 7 TEA-TRIDECYLBENZENESULFONATE Tridecylbenzenesulphonic acid, compound with 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol (1:1). 61886-597 TEA-OLEATE TEA-OLEOYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Pagina 178 di 186 agente antistatico / surfactante / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / agente schiumogeno agente antistatico / surfactante / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / detergente surfactante / detergente AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 detergente / surfactante / conservante antimuffa / agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle TEA-UNDECYLENATE Undec-10-enoic acid, compound with 2,2',2''nitrilotriethanol (1:1) (salt) 84471-250 TEA-UNDECYLENOYL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN Protein hydrolyzates, reaction products with 10-undecenoyl chloride, compds. with triethanolamine 68951-917 TELMESTEINE 3,4-Thiazolidinedicarboxylic acid, 3-ethyl ester, (R)- TEREPHTHALIC ACID/ISOPHTHALIC ACID/SODIUM ISOPHTHALIC ACID SULFONATE/GLYCOL COPOLYMER 1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 5-sulfo-, sodium salt, polymer with 1,3benzenedicarboxylic acid, 1,4benzenedicarboxylic acid and 1,2-ethanediol 10467782-9 / 88473-410 TEREPHTHALYLIDENE DICAMPHOR SULFONIC ACID 3,3'-(1,4-phenylenedimethylene)bis[7,7dimethyl-2-oxo-bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-1methanesulfonic acid] 90457-822 Testicular Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian testes 84540-192 TETRABUTYL AMMONIUM BROMIDE Tetrabutylammonium bromide. 1643-19-2 antimicrobico / agente antistatico TETRAHYDRODIFERULOYL METHANE TETRAHYDROFURFURYL ACETATE TETRAHYDROFURFURYL ALCOHOL 3,5-Heptanedione, 1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3methoxyphenyl) Tetrahydrofurfuryl acetate. Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol. 36062-041 637-64-9 97-99-4 antiossidante solvente solvente TESTICULAR EXTRACT TETRABUTOXYPROPYL TRISILOXANE TETRAHYDROFURFURYL RICINOLEATE TETRAHYDROXYETHYL ETHYLENEDIAMINE TETRAHYDROXYPROPYL ETHYLENEDIAMINE 12294643-4 antiossidante agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli filtro UV condizionante per la pelle emolliente 9-(Z)-Octadecenoic acid, 12-(R)-hydroxy, (tetra hydro-2-furanyl)methyl ester 22136334-4 emolliente 2,2',2'',2'''-ethylenedinitrilotetraethanol. 140-07-8 agente tampone 1,1 ',1 '',1 '''-ethylenedinitrilotetrapropan-2-ol. 102-60-3 chelante TETRAMETHYL TETRAPHENYL TRISILOXANE TETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM CHLORIDE 1,3,3,5-tetramethyl-1,1,5,5tetraphenyltrisiloxane. Tetramethylammonium chloride. 3982-82-9 75-57-0 emolliente modificatore reologico TETRAPOTASSIUM ETIDRONATE TETRASODIUM EDTA Tetrapotassium (1 hydroxyethylidene)bisphosphonate. Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. 14860-538 64-02-8 TETRASODIUM ETIDRONATE Tetrasodium (1hydroxyethylidene)bisphosphonate. 3794-83-0 THENOYL METHIONATE THIABENDAZOLE L-methionine, N-(2-thienylcarbonyl)1 H-Benzimidazole, 2-(4-thiazolyl)- 60752-638 148-79-8 THIMEROSAL THIODIGLYCOL THIOLANEDIOL Mercurate(1-), ethyl[2-mercaptobenzoato(2-)O, S]-, sodium Thiodiglycol. 3,4-thiophenediol, tetrahydro-, cis- THIOMORPHOLINONE Thiomorpholin-3-one. THUNNUS EXTRACT Thunnus Extract is an extract obtained from the tuna fish, Thunnus spp. THURFYLNICOTINATE HCL 3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid, (tetrahydro-3furanyl)methyl ester, hydrochloride THYMUS EXTRACT Thymus Extract is an extract of thymus gland Pagina 179 di 186 54-64-8 111 -48-8 3976-75-8 20196-218 chelante chelante chelante / stabilizzante emulsione / modificatore reologico agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli antimicrobico conservante antiossidante solvente antiossidante emolliente 22136335-5 condizionante per la pelle 8057-54-3 condizionante per la pelle AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 THYMUS HYDROLYSATE TIOXOLONE Protein hydrolyzates, thymus gland. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of thymus gland composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin. 1,3-Benzoxathiol-2-one, 6-hydroxy- TIPA-LAURETH SULFATE 2-propanamine, N,N-bis(1-methylethyl)-, compd. with ,2-ethanediyl) (1:1) TIPA-LAURYL SULFATE Decyl hydrogen sulphate, compound with 1,1',1''-nitrilotripropan-2-ol. 66161-602 TIPA-STEARATE Stearic acid, compound with 1,1',1''nitrilotri(propan-2-ol) (1:1). 10042-678 TOCOPHERSOLAN TOLUENE Butanedioic acid, mono[3,4-dihydro2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12trimethyltridecy)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-yl] ester, polymer with oxirane (1:22) Benzene, methyl- 30999-065 108-88-3 TOLUENE SULFONIC ACID TOLUENE-2,5-DIAMINE Toluene-4-sulphonic acid. 2-methyl-p-phenylenediamine (CI 76042). 104-15-4 95-70-5 2-methyl-p-phenylenediamine sulphate (CI 76042). 4-methyl-o-phenylenediamine (CI 76042). 615-50-9 496-72-0 TOSYLAMIDE/FORMALDEHYDE RESIN Benzenesulfonamide, 4-methyl-, polymer with formaldehyde 25035-716 agente filmogeno TRACHEA HYDROLYSATE Protein hydrolyzates, trachea. Substance obtained by acidic, alkaline, or enzymatic hydrolysis of trachea composed primarily of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. It may contain impurities consisting chiefly of carbohydrates and lipids along with smaller quantities of miscellaneous organic substances of biological origin. 91080-136 condizionante per la pelle TRANEXAMIC ACID Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid, 4(aminomethyl)-, trans- 1197-18-8 TRIBUTYLCRESYLBUTANE 4,4',4''-(1-methylpropanyl-3-ylidene)tris[6-tertbutyl-m-cresol]. 1843-03-4 astringente agente filmogeno / solvente / plasticizzante TRI-C12-13 ALKYL CITRATE 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, tris(1-methyl-C11-17-alkyl) esters. 93573-194297-554 emolliente 91080-11- condizionante per la 4 pelle 4991 -65-5 astringente 10760036-2 TOCOPHERETH-10 TOCOPHERETH-12 TOCOPHERETH-18 TOCOPHERETH-5 TOCOPHERETH-50 TOLUENE-2,5-DIAMINE SULFATE TOLUENE-3,4-DIAMINE TOSYLAMIDE/EPOXY RESIN Pagina 180 di 186 surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno emulsionante / surfactante / detergente surfactante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / condizionante per la pelle antiossidante solvente surfactante / agente idrofilo colorante per capelli colorante per capelli colorante per capelli agente filmogeno AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI TRI-C14-15 ALKYL CITRATE 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2hydroxy-, tris(C14-15-alkyl)esters TRICETEARETH-4 PHOSPHATE 222721 94-0 emolliente / plasticizzante 11941585-3 surfactante 71-55-6 surfactante agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli solvente TRICETETH-5 PHOSPHATE TRICETYLMONIUM CHLORIDE TRICHLOROETHANE Hexadecanaminium, N-methyl-N,Nbis(hexadecyl)-, chloride 1,1,1-trichloroethane. TRICLOCARBAN TRICLOSAN 1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-3-(3,4dichlorophenyl)urea 5-Chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol 10 -220292 3380-34-5 TRIDECETH-10 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 emulsionante TRIDECETH-10 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, phosphate 2610033 emulsionante TRIDECETH-11 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 emulsionante TRIDECETH-12 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 emulsionante / surfactante TRIDECETH-15 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 emulsionante TRICONTANYL PVP 24938-918 / 6841255-5 TRIDECETH-15 CARBOXYLIC ACID TRIDECETH-19 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[2-[(2hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-oxoethyl], mono-C13-15-alkyl ethers TRIDECETH-20 TRIDECETH-21 TRIDECETH-3 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), (21 mol EO average molar ratio) 2-[2-[2-(tridecyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethanol. TRIDECETH-3 CARBOXYLIC ACID TRIDECETH-3 PHOSPHATE surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno 24938-91 8 emulsionante TRIDECETH-2 TRIDECETH-2 CARBOXAMIDE MEA conservante conservante filmogeno / umettante Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, phosphate TRIDECETH-4 CARBOXYLIC ACID 10762804-6 24938-91 8 modificatore reologico / schiumogeno emulsionante / detergente 24938-918 914544 surfactante / detergente emulsionante 24938-918 / 6841255-5 surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno 2610033 56388-966 emulsionante surfactante / detergente / agente schiumogeno TRIDECETH-5 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 emulsionante TRIDECETH-50 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 emulsionante / detergente TRIDECETH-6 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 emulsionante / surfactante TRIDECETH-6 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, phosphate TRIDECETH-7 2610033 surfactante 24938-91 8 emulsionante surfactante / detergente / agente TRIDECETH-7 CARBOXYLIC ACID Pagina 181 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 schiumogeno TRIDECETH-8 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 TRIDECETH-9 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), 24938-918 TRIDECYL ISONONANOATE Hexanoic acid, 3,5,5-trimethyl-, tridecyl ester TRIDECYLBENZENESULFONIC ACID TRIETHANOLAMINE Tridecylbenzenesulphonic acid. 2,2',2''-nitrilotriethanol. TRIETHONIUM HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN ETHOSULFATE TRIETHYLENE GLYCOL Protein hydrolyzates, leather, di-et sulfate-quaternized 2,2'-(ethylenedioxy)diethanol. N,N-di-et, 11117464-2 112-27-6 TRIETHYLENE GLYCOL HYDROGENATED ROSINATE Resin acids and Rosin acids, hydrogenated, esters with triethylene glycol 68648-533 TRIISOCETYL CITRATE Trihexadecyl citrate. 4560-68-3 TRIISONONANOIN Propane-1,2,3-triyl 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoate. TRIISOPALMITIN TRIISOPROPANOLAMINE 1,2,3-propanetriyl triisohexadecanoate. 1,1 ',1 ''-nitrilotripropan-2-ol. 56554-531 68957-799 122-20-3 TRIISOPROPYL CITRATE 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy, tris(1 -methylethyl) ester 74592-760 TRIISOPROPYL TRILINOLEATE 9,12-octadecadienoic acid trimer, methylethyl triester TRIISOSTEARIN 1,2,3-propanetriyl triisooctadecanoate. 26942-950 Trioctadecyl 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3tricarboxylate. 7775-50-0 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha. ,.alpha. ',.alpha. '' 31800-905 102-87-4 TRIMETHOXYCAPRYLYL SILANE Trimethoxyoctylsilane 3069-40-7 emulsionante agente antistatico legante / ammorbidente TRIMETHYL PENTANYL DIISOBUTYRATE 1 -Isopropyl-2,2-dimethyltrimethylene diisobutyrate 6846-50-0 plasticizzante 12580418-4 25496-019 102-71-6 TRIFLUOROMETHYL C1-4 ALKYL DIMETHICONE TRIISOSTEARIN PEG-6 ESTERS TRIISOSTEARYL CITRATE TRIISOSTEARYL TRILINOLEATE TRILANETH-4 PHOSPHATE TRILAURETH-4 PHOSPHATE TRILAURYLAMINE Pagina 182 di 186 emulsionante / surfactante emulsionante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle surfactante / agente schiumogeno / detergente agente tampone agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle solvente emolliente / modificatore reologico umettante / condizionante per capelli / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / solvente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente agente tampone emolliente / solvente emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / solvente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente / modificatore reologico / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico AIAB NA.0201 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI TRIMETHYL PENTAPHENYL TRISILOXANE emolliente agente antistatico / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle TRIMETHYL SILYLAMODIMETHICONE TRIMETHYLPENTANEDIOL/ ISOPHTHALIC ACID/TRIMELLITIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMER TRIMETHYLSILOXYSILICATE TRIOCTYLDODECYL BORATE Boric acid, octyldodecyl triester agente filmogeno antiagente schiumogeno / emolliente / condizionante per la pelle emolliente TRIOLEIN PEG-6 ESTERS Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.''-1,2,[(1 -oxo-9-octadecenyl)oxy]-, (Z,Z,Z)- 68958-645 emolliente / surfactante / condizionante per la pelle TRIOLETH-8 PHOSPHATE Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.,.alpha.',.alpha.'', (Z,Z,Z)- 56565-663 emulsionante TRIPABA PANTHENOL Benzoic acid, 4-amino-, triester with 2,4-dihydroxy-N-(3-hydroxypropyl)-3,3dimethylbutanamide agente antistatico / filtro UV emolliente / condizionante per la pelle TRIPHENYL TRIMETHICONE TRIPOTASSIUM EDTA Tripotassium hydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate. TRIPROPYLENE GLYCOL CITRATE TRIS(HYDROXYMETHYL)NITROMETHANE 1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, triester with 1,2-propanediol Nitromethylidynetrimethanol. TRIS(NONYLPHENYL) PHOSPHITE Tris(nonylphenyl) phosphite. 126-11-4 26523-784 TRIS(TRIBUTOXYSILOXY)METHYLSILANE Trisiloxane, 1,1,1,5,5,5hexabutoxy-3-methyl-[(tributoxysilyl)oxy]- 67060-848 emolliente TRISODIUM EDTA Trisodium hydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate. 150-38-9 chelante TRISODIUM HEDTA Trisodium 2(carboxylatomethyl(2hydroxyethyl)amino)ethyliminodi(acetate). 139-89-9 TRISODIUM LAUROAMPHO PG-ACETATE PHOSPHATE CHLORIDE TRISODIUM NTA Phosphoric acid, 2-hydroxy-3-[Ncarboxymethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-[2-(1oxododecyl)aminoethyl]ammonio]propyl triester, trisodium salt, trichloride Trisodium nitrilotriacetate. TRISTEARYL PG-PHOSPHATE DIMONIUM CHLORIDE TROMETHAMINE TROMETHAMINE ACRYLATES/ACRYLONITROGENS COPOLYMER Phosphoric acid, 2-hydroxy-3[N,N-dimethyl-N-octadecylammonio]propyltriester, trichloride 1,3-Propanediol, 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)- 17572-973 chelante emolliente / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico antiossidante chelante agente antistatico / surfactante / condizionante per capelli / agente idrofilo / schiumogeno / detergente 5064-31 -3 chelante 77-86-1 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli agente tampone agente filmogeno TROMETHAMINE MAGNESIUM ALUMINUM SILICATE Smectite-group minerals, products with 2amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol 66456-459 modificatore reologico TROXERUTIN 4H-1 -Benzopyran-4-one, 2-[3,4-bis(2hydroxyethoxy)phenyl]-3-[[6-O-(6-deoxy-. alpha. -L-mannopyranosyl)-. beta. -Dglucopyranosyl]oxy]-5-hydroxy-7-(2hydroxyethoxy)- 7085-55-4 condizionante per la pelle Pagina 183 di 186 AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI UDDER EXTRACT UMBILICAL EXTRACT UNDECETH-5 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 Udder Extract is an extract of mammalian udder Umbilical Extract is an extract obtained from mammalian umbilical cord condizionante per la pelle 98654-161 condizionante per la pelle emulsionante UNDECETH-5 CARBOXYLIC ACID Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), . alpha. (carboxymethyl)-. omega. -(undecyloxy)- (4 mol EO average molar ratio) UNDECYLENAMIDE DEA N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)undecenamide. 25377-644 UNDECYLENAMIDE MEA N-(2-hydroxyethyl)undec-10-enamide. 20545-920 UNDECYLENAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE 10-undecenamide, N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]-, N-oxide UNDECYLENAMIDOPROPYLTRIMONIUM METHOSULFATE Trimethyl-3-[(1 -oxo-10undecenyl)amino]propylammonium methyl sulphate. 94313-914 UNDECYLPENTADECANOL Isohexacosyl alcohol. 68444-337 detergente / surfactante antimuffa / antimicrobico / agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli antimicrobico / agente antistatico / modificatore reologico / condizionante per capelli / schiumogeno surfactante / schiumogeno / condizionante per capelli / agente idrofilo antimicrobico / agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli antimuffa / antimicrobico antimicrobico emolliente / condizionante per la pelle UREA/MELAMINE/FORMALDEHYDE RESIN Urea, polymer with formaldehyde and 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine 25036-139 modificatore reologico 17353674-8 UNDECYLENETH-6 UNDECYLENOYL PEG-5 PARABEN VA/BUTYL MALEATE/ISOBORNYL ACRYLATE COPOLYMER VA/CROTONATES COPOLYMER 13639268-2 2-butenoic acid, polymer with ethenyl acetate 25609-896 VA/CROTONATES/METHACRYLOXYBENZ OPHENONE-1 COPOLYMER agente filmogeno agente antistatico / legante / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli VA/CROTONATES/VINYL NEODECANOATE Neodecanoic acid, ethenyl ester, polymer COPOLYMER with 2-butenoic acid and ethenyl acetate 58748-382 / 5535321-4 agente antistatico / agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli VA/CROTONATES/VINYL PROPIONATE COPOLYMER 2-butenoic acid, polymer with ethenyl acetate and ethenyl propanoate 25035-261 agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli 2-Butenoic acid, polymer with ethenyl acetate and oxirane, graft. (20000 mol EO average molar ratio) 20870753-3 VA/CROTONOTIKO ACID/PEG-20M COPOLYMER VA/DBM COPOLYMER agente filmogeno agente filmogeno VA/ISOBUTYL MALEATE/VINYL NEODECANOATE COPOLYMER agente filmogeno VA/VINYL BUTYL BENZOATE/CROTONATES COPOLYMER agente filmogeno / fissante per capelli VAT RED 1 VINYL ACETATE 6-chloro-2-(6-chloro-4-methyl-3oxobenzo[b]thien-2(3H)-ylidene)-4methylbenzo[b]thiophene-3(2H)-one (CI 73360). Vinyl acetate. Pagina 184 di 186 2379-74-0 108-05-4 colorante per capelli agente filmogeno AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI VINYL CAPROLACTAM/PVP/ DIMETHYLAMINOETHYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER VINYLDIMETHICONE Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006 WHEAT GERMAMIDE DEA Amides, wheat germ, N,N-bis(2hydroxyethyl)- 12404639-5 agente filmogeno / condizionante per la pelle modificatore reologico surfactante / condizionante per la pelle WHEAT GERMAMIDOPROPALKONIUM CHLORIDE Benzenemethanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-(3aminopropyl)-, N-wheat germ acyl derivs., chlorides 12404609-9 agente antistatico WHEAT GERMAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE Amides, wheat germ, N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)- surfactante WHEAT GERMAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE LACTATE Amides, wheat germ, N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)-, 2hydroxypropanoates surfactante WHEAT GERMAMIDOPROPYL EPOXYPROPYLDIMONIUM CHLORIDE Propanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-Noxiranylmethyl-3-amino-, N-wheat germ acyl derivs., chlorides agente antistatico WHEAT GERMAMIDOPROPYLAMINE OXIDE Amides, wheat germ, N-(3dimethylaminopropyl)- N-oxides agente antistatico / surfactante 10297264-5 WHEAT GERMAMIDOPROPYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPYL HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN agente antistatico agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli agente antistatico / condizionante per la pelle / condizionante per capelli WHEATGERMAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN WHEATGERMAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN WHEATGERMAMIDOPROPYL ETHYLDIMONIUM ETHOSULFATE XYLENE 1-propanaminium, N-ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-3amino-, N-wheat germ acyl derivs., ethyl sulfates Xylene. XYLENE SULFONIC ACID ZINC BORATE Xylenesulphonic acid. Boric acid, zinc salt. ZINC BOROSILICATE Glass, borosilicate, an amorphous substance of imprecise composition formed by the fusion of silica in the presence of significant levels of boron oxide, sodium oxide and zinc oxide ZINC DIBUTYLDITHIOCARBAMATE Zinc bis(dibutyldithiocarbamate) ZINC FORMALDEHYDE SULFOXYLATE Zinc bis(hydroxymethanesulphinate). 136-23-2 24887-067 ZINC NEODECANOATE Zinc neodecanoate. 27253-298 ZINC PENTADECENE TRICARBOXYLATE 5-tetradecenedioic acid, 3-carboxy-, zinc salt (1:1) ZINC PHENOLSULFONATE Zinc bis(4-hydroxybenzenesulphonate). 127-82-2 agente riducente opacizzante / modificatore reologico / modificatore reologico surfactante / condizionante per la pelle / modificatore reologico antimicrobico / deodorante / astringente Pyrithione zinc. 13463-417 conservante / antiseborroico ZINC PYRITHIONE Pagina 185 di 186 1330-20-7 25321-419 1332-07-6 agente antistatico / condizionante per capelli solvente surfactante / agente idrofilo antimicrobico volumizzante antimicrobico / antiossidante AIAB NA.0201 DISCIPLINARE PER I COSMETICI BIO ECO COSMESI Allegato 2 - Materiali vietati per l’imballaggio Polivinilcoruro e suoi derivati Bachelite Materie plastiche che liberano diossine nel processo di combustione Pagina 186 di 186 Ed. 01 Rev.00 OTTOBRE 2006