172 - 3 PASSION (PALM) SUNDAY HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE We begin Holy Week by focusing in on the Passion of the Lord, this year according to Matthew. On Thursday we will relate the Passion to Sacramental celebration of the gift of the Lord in the Eucharist, on Friday we will zero in on the suffering and death of the Lord, then on Easter we will celebrate the triumph of Eternal Life over Physical Death. The Passion accounts begin with the Agony in the Garden, that horrible evening when Jesus was attacked by the reality of what he was facing. He would be tortured to death as a sacrificial offering to the Father for the sins of the world, everyone’s sins, your sins and my sins. What was going through Jesus’ mind? Did He doubt that He could take upon Himself the sins of the world? Did He fear that He would deny His Father? Was He afraid for his life? Certainly, all of these fears must have attacked Him. But He was not about to give in to the temptation to make everything go away. He would suffer whatever it would take to renew the world. And He would suffer whatever it would take if He were to save only one of us. Christ died for you, and me. He makes all things new. He gives our lives meaning and purpose and eternity. He suffered for us. And what does he ask in return? He asks that we love his Father. He asks that we believe in Him. He asks that we love each other. He asks that we fight for his Kingdom. He asks that live as moral, decent people. He asks little, this Tremendous Lover who has given so much. How can we say no to this man? PASSION (PALM) SUNDAY SATURDAY MARCH 15 5:00 PM English SUNDAY MARCH 16 7:45 AM -Italian 9:00 AM -Italian 10:30 AM -English 12:00 PM -English HOLY THURSDAY THURSDAY MARCH 20 7:00 PM -English 8:30 PM –Italian GOOD FRIDAY FRIDAY MARCH 21 11:00 AM - The Stations of The Cross Bilingual 1:00 PM – English 3:00 PM – Italian EASTER VIGIL SATURDAY MARCH 22 7:30 PM – English 10:00 PM – Italian EASTER SUNDAY SUNDAY MARCH 23 7:45 AM Italian 9:00 AM Italian 10:30 AM English 12:00 PM English EASTER MONDAY MONDAY MARCH 24 9:00 AM Bilingual Knight of Columbus Humber Valley Council # 3945 Spring International Social Saturday April 5th. 2008 St. Norbert Church’s Hall Come and Join us in this spectacular family event. Door prizes; music; entertainment; excellent food, & cash bar Catering by Mastro’s Restaurant For tickets please Francisco at 416-910 6075 Ticket: $30.00 each MARCH 16, 2008 GOOD FRIDAY When we venerate the cross today and kiss the wounds of Jesus, may we be totally committed to Him, repentant of all sins, and zealous for everyone to know our crucified Savior's love. If obedience, repentance, and evangelization are not our responses to Jesus' sacrificial death, the cross of Christ is "rendered void of its meaning" (1 Cor 1:17). The Lord wants us to leave church today willing to suffer anything so as to lead as many as possible to Jesus (1 Cor 9:19). After what Jesus has done for us, we must be willing to die, if only we can lead someone to Him. The greatest need of a starving person is not food but Jesus, the Bread of life. The greatest need of an abused person is not healing but the Healer. It is certainly true that we probably can't evangelize someone with an empty stomach; however, eternal salvation is of the greatest importance. Jesus will provide our daily bread and heal our wounds. “Blessed are they who come in the Name of the Lord!” Are you being called to proclaim Jesus as a priest, deacon, religious brother or sister?, Call Fr. Liborio Amaral (416) 968-0997, or email: [email protected] or Visit www.vocationstoronto.ca. JP2 CLUB EASTER PARTY Saturday April 12 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM Tickets $10.00 per child Due to Spring break our party has been moved. The new date is Saturday April 12 at 3:00 PM Come and pray the Rosary, before decorating Easter eggs. Hit a piñata, play Bingo and then have a yummy dinner. TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BEFORE THE EVENT. TICKETS WON’T BE SOLD AT THE DOOR If your child is interested please see Lenny on March 29 or 30 after the English masses on these dates. IMPORTANT EVENTS AND MEETING INTENTIONS March 18-23- THURSDAY MARCH 27 7:30 PM Social Committee Meeting SATURDAY MARCH 29 10:00 AM St. Norbert’s School 1st Eucharist Family Gathering Parish Hall Le trame del tradimento si vanno componendo, ma Gesù continua il suo cammino: la cena di Pasqua con i Dodici e l’istituzione dell’Eucaristia, le fragili promesse di fedeltà, l’approssimarsi della fine con tutto il suo carico di angoscia, là nel Getsemani. Gesù è solo. Ha invitato i suoi a vegliare, ma non ne sono stati capaci, intorpiditi nel corpo e nello spirito. Al sopraggiungere delle guardie la sola forza che sanno mettere in campo è quella della spada, ma la missione del Figlio di Dio non si difende con le armi. Egli è il servo obbediente che porta fino in fondo la sua vocazione di Salvatore, anche se il prezzo è altissimo. Le autorità e la folla hanno decretato la sua morte. Colpito e deriso è condotto al Golgota e crocifisso in un supplizio devastante, sangue versato in remissione dei peccati. Il dolore patito non genera odio, solo invocazione e affidamento al Padre. L’ultimo contatto terreno di Gesù è con le mani che ne raccolgono il corpo e lo compongono per la sepoltura, gesti di un’antica pietà. Ora è nella terra, in una tomba nuova. Fuori un drappello di inutili guardie. TUESDAY MARCH 18 7:00 PM +Onorio D’Andrea CON la messa del Giovedì santo, nella quale si è convocati per commemorare l’istituzione dell’Eucaristia e del Sacerdozio, ha inizio il triduo pasquale. La comunità cristiana si riunisce intorno alla mensa del Signore, imitando con questo gesto gli apostoli che si riunirono intorno alla tavola del cenacolo. Con gli stessi sentimenti di fede, di riconoscenza, di comunione fraterna partecipiamo alle celebrazioni di questi giorni, seguendo il Signore Gesù che affronta la passione e la morte per dirci tutto il suo amore e riunirci come famiglia di Dio attorno alla mensa del suo corpo e del suo sangue. WEDNESDAY MARCH 19 8:00 AM +Pasquale & Maria Paozzi +Giuseppe Vaccaro +Gaetano Maione SUNDAY MARCH 23 7:45 AM +Michele Giancola +Lucia & Giuseppe Macri +Giovanni Grossi +Virginia Fiorini 9:00 AM +Oto, Immacolata & Angelo Palandra +Pasquale Battist & Defunti Battista +Francesco, Filomena, & Valentino Di Matteo +Alfredo Grossi +Giovanni & Loreta Palozzi 10:30 AM For all the sick of our parish 12:00 PM +Intention available QUEST’OGGI, Venerdì santo, commemoriamo la morte del Salvatore. Dice san Giovanni: «Gesù, dopo aver amato i suoi che erano nel mondo, li amò sino alla fine» (Giovanni 13,1), cioè fino a dare per loro la sua stessa vita. Nella sua grande misericordia Dio ha disposto che la croce su cui spirò il Redentore diventasse per gli uomini sorgente di vita, segno di speranza, promessa di vittoria. Accostiamoci oggi per venerare e baciare la croce, dicendo con fede e devozione: «Ecco il legno della croce al quale fu appeso il Cristo salvatore del mondo. Adoriamo la tua croce, Signore; lodiamo e glorifichiamo la tua risurrezione. Dal legno della croce è venuta la gioia in tutto il mondo». 40th Anniversary Gala Sunday June1 2008 Montecassino Event Venue Parishioners can pre-order their tickets for the 40th Anniversary Gala. The cost of the tickets is $65.00 per person. Call Lenny at 416-636-0213. Anniversario di 40 anni domenica June 1 2008 a Montecassino I parrocchiani possono pre-ordina i loro biglietti per il Gala di Anniversario 40 Il costo dei biglietti è $65,00 per la persona e può essere pre-ordinato chiamando l'ufficio al 416-636-0213.