Egregio Dottore,
Abbiamo il piacere di presentarle il programma scientifico del SECONDO e del TERZO
che si svolgeranno in presso New York University College of Dentistry ed in
Italia nell’ambito del programma “CURRENT
Il College of Dentistry della New York University, oggi la più grande
Scuola privata di Odontoiatria degli Stati Uniti, organizza con successo dal
1980 gli Stage di Specializzazione dedicati a dentisti stranieri. Questi Stage, della durata di una
settimana l’uno, sono articolati in lezioni a didattica frontale che insegnanti del College of Dentistry della NYU o Relatori
di fama espressamente invitati preparano e svolgono su diversi temi odontoiatrici.
Scopo del programma è di fornire al clinico una serie di lezioni di aggiornamento sulle più recenti ed affidabili
innovazioni in ambito ortodontico.
La presentazione di propri casi clinici da parte dei partecipanti, sotto la guida di insegnanti esperti, permetterà al
partecipante di acquisire il know how per una pratica evidence based, confrontarsi con una platea, sostenere le proprie
scelte diagnostiche e terapeutiche, impostare le meccaniche ortodontiche, il follow up e la scelta delle contenzioni.
Teach the Teacher’s Program: I partecipanti dovranno, nel corso del programma,
esercitarsi nella produzione e presentazione dei propri casi clinici, completi di
iconografie di qualità e di procedure evidence based. Scopo del programma è anche
quello di addestrare i partecipanti a parlare in pubblico e sostenere in una panel
discussion le proprie metodiche, raggiungendo la confidenza necessaria con la
materia per proporsi in futuro come relatori, così come molti dei nostri alumni hanno
già fatto a livello internazionale.
Gli Stage sono a numero chiuso e sono organizzati con un servizio di TRADUZIONE IN ITALIANO, dando così la
possibilità di seguire le lezioni anche a chi non parla correntemente la lingua Inglese.
New York University rilascia un attestato di partecipazione alla fine di ogni settimana di lezioni.
Al termine del Programma completo di frequenza ( 2 settimane a New York + 2
incontri in Italia per gli Specialisti e per chi ha frequentato il Corso Annuale del prof.
Lupoli; Chi non rientra in queste specifiche dovrà seguire 4 settimane di frequenza a New
York + 2 in Italia) e la presentazione del FINAL WRITTEN REPORT su due casi
clinici trattati, viene rilasciato ai partecipanti l’International Achievement
Certificate in C l i n i c a l O r t h o d o n t i c s .
La quota di iscrizione ad ogni singolo STAGE A New York è di $ 2.500 ed è
comprensiva di : tasse universitarie, materiali di laboratorio e didattici, coffee-breaks,
pranzi. La quota di iscrizione alle sessioni svolte in Italia (gestite da “Target
Ortodonzia”)ha un costo variabile da € 1.000,00 a € 1.500,00 ( a seconda dei
programmi svolti), mentre la partecipazione agli Annual Meeting 2016 TORINO e
2017 VENEZIA è obbligatoria ma gratuita per gli allievi registrati.
Firenze 14-16 aprile 2016
Giovedì 14 Aprile 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Massimo LUPOLI M.D. Degree in Medicine at the University of Florence, D.D.S. Degree in Dentistry at the
University of Florence, M.S.D. Specialization in Orthodontics at the Catholic University of Rome, Post –Graduate Certificate at
the New York University School of Dentistry, New York, M.S. Specialization in Orthodontics at the Catholic University of Rome,
I.B.O Italian Board of Orthodontics Certificate in 2003, E.B.O European Board of Orthodontics Certificate in 2007, Speaker at
the 98th congress of the A.A.O in Dallas, Texas, Speaker at the 99th congress of the A.A.O in San Diego, California ,Speaker at the
6th congress of the Russian Orthodontic Society, 8-7 October 2004 Moscow Russian Federation, Speaker at the 18th congress of
the Portoguese Orthodontic Society, 6-7-8 October 2011 Azores islands Portugal, Speaker at the 15th congress of the Russian
Orthodontic Society, 30-31 May 2013 Moscow Russian Federation - He has lectured on the S.Wire technique in Italy, USA, Mexico, Spain,
Portugal, Russia, Bulgaria, India and the Czech Republic. Visiting Professor (Lecturer), Department of Orthodontics, University of Bari, in academic
years 1993/1994 and 1996/1997.Visiting Professor (Lecturer), Department of Orthodontics, University of Florence in academic years 2004-2005,
2005-2006 and 2006-2007. Visiting Professor (Lecturer), Department of Orthodontics, University of Cagliari Orthodontics Post –Graduate Program
in academic years 2008-2009, 2009-2010 , 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Visiting Professor (Lecturer), Department of Orthodontics, University of Rome
Orthodontics Post –Graduate Program 2012-201- Co-author of the book "The phenomenon of Low Friction Techniques: State of the Art" published
by the Italian Society of Orthodontics- Author of the book "Contemporary Orthodontics Practice" - published by Quintessence.- Author of the book
“Modern management of transverse discrepancy and molar rotation “published by Quintessence.
Dr. Bruno OLIVA Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia. Specializzazione in Odontostomatologia. Specializzazione in
Ortognatodonzia. Professore a contratto nella Scuola di Specializzazione di Ortognatodonzia dell’Università Cattolica S.Cuore di
Roma. Professore a contratto nella Scuola di Specializzazione di Ortognatodonzia dell’Università degli studi di Brescia. Incarico di
insegnamento di Ortognatodonzia nel Corso di Laurea di Logopedia dell’Università Cattolica del S.Cuore di Roma– sede di
Campobasso anno accademico 2008/2009 e 2009/2010. Docente Master Universitario in Ortognatodonzia clinica dell’Università
Cattolica del S.Cuore di Roma dal 2005. Docente del Corso di Perfezionamento in Diagnosi e Terapia delle disfunzioni delle ATM
svolto presso Università Cattolica del S.Cuore di Roma nell’anno accademico 2005/2006 e 2006/2007 . Docente nel Master di gestione
dell'attività odontoiatrica presso Università degli Studi di Brescia per l'anno 2000, 2001, 2002. Socio attivo S.I.D.O. (Società Italiana di Ortodonzia);
Diplomato IBO (Italian Board of Orthodontics)
Istruzioni per la compilazione di un lavoro scientifico
Come si scrive un lavoro scientifico
Preparazione di una tesi
Evidence base in Orthodontics
Topics di approfondimento clinico
Venerdì 15 Aprile 2016
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Preston Miller
Clinical Professor of Periodontics, Medical University of South Carolina School of Dentistry, Charleston; Former Clinical
Professor, Department of Periodontics, Center for Health Sciences University of Tennessee College of Dentistry, Memphis,
Tennessee; Recipient of the Master Clinician Award and Gold Medal from the American Academy of Periodontology; Former
Private Practice in Memphis, Tennessee, Past President of the American Academy of Periodontology.
"Regenerative and Reconstructive Periodontal Plastic Surgery:
Cosmetic and Esthetic Consideration in Orthodontics"
Periodontal surgery moved from resective techniques to regenerative and reconstructive techniques. Root coverage (reconstruction) with
attachment (regeneration) is not only possible, but routinely predictable in areas of marginal tissue recession using both free and pedicle grafts. A
comparison of various problems connected to ortho treatments and periodontics as well as surgical techniques for root coverage will be presented
in a systemic approach for selection of the proper surgical techniques and prediction of life expectancy of ailing teeth.
Sabato 16 Aprile 2016
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Massimo GALLETTI si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia con lode nel 1984 e si è specializzato in
odontostomatologia nel 1987. Sempre nel 1987 ha ottenuto il diploma dell’EPGET (European Post Graduate Course in
Edgewise Therapy ) e da allora si occupa esclusivamente di ortodonzia, sia dei pazienti in crescita che degli adulti. Ha
trascorso periodi di formazione all’estero (in particolare a Farmington in Connecticut e in Danimarca ad Aahrus).
“Biomeccanica Ortodontica nei Casi Complessi”
Venerdì 23 - Sabato 24 Settembre 2016
XXVII Annual Meeting “NYU in Italy “
Università degli Studi di Torino - Dental School
In cooperation with:
Università degli Studi di Torino - Dental School - Lingotto
with the patronage of:
Venerdì 23 Settembre 2016
Dr. John C. VOUDOURIS, D.D.S., D.Orth., M.Sc.(D) Dr. Voudouris is a Research Scientist, and maintains a
private orthodontic clinical practice in Toronto for over 23 years. He is currently a member of the Division of Biological Sciences as
Visiting Scholar, and teaches Craniofacial Growth and Development combined with Biomechanics at the Orthodontic Graduate
Department, New York University, College of Dentistry, NY., 1997-2007, Associate in Dentistry Instructor, University of Toronto,
Department of Orthodontics 1985-1990. He developed the concept of Growth Relativity for the mechanism of Mandibular Growth
Modification. He received his Doctor of Dental Surgery, DDS, degree in 1983 and his specialty in orthodontics diploma, DOrth, in
1987 both from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. In 1988 he received his Master of Science, MSc(D), degree at
the University of Toronto, Department of Orthodontics in Craniofacial Growth Remodeling and Neuromuscular Activity. Dr.
Voudouris has been honoured with a number of prestigious awards, including the University of Toronto, Department of Orthodontics,
Aaron Posen Award for Clinical Excellence and Creativity, and the most highly regarded American Association of Orthodontists
research prize, The Milo Hellman Research Award. He has been nominated into theEdward H. Angle Northeastern Society. He is Past President of
the Toronto Orthodontic Study Club and the current President of the ISOS. Dr. Voudouris is author of the first formal textbook on Interactive SelfLigation Biomechanics, and has published many clinical and scientific journal articles worldwide. He has lectured extensively in Canada, the United
States, France, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Greece, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. John Voudouris is the researcher and developer of the INOVATION Interactive Self-ligating System and maintains several pieces of intellectual property for new orthodontic technologies.
24 Settembre 2016
Prof. Andrea DEREGIBUS
. M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., M.I.C.C.M.O. University of Torino (Italy)
Department of Surgical Sciences Dental School Clinical Gnathology chair; received his M.D. degree at Torino University, Italy,
on 1979, and his D.D.S. degree on 1982 in the same University. On 1997 Dr. Deregibus received a Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) in
Gnathology at the Dental School always in the Torino University. From 1985 he is Professor in the Orthodontic School at the
Torino University. From 2005 he is a Researcher and Aggregate Professor of Clinical Gnathology at the Dental School of the
Torino University. Furthermore he is responsible of the Gnathological Section and vice responsible of the Orthodontic
Department at the Dental School Città della Salute e della Scienza Hospital in Torino (Italy). Since his graduation he has been involved in clinical
research in orthodontics and Gnathology studies, in collaboration with the Department of Orthodontics and Gnathology at the Dental School of the
same University. Since 1983 he is full member of SIDO (Italian Society for Orthodontic), and from 2003 he is full member of the Store Kro, the most
exclusive Society in the world for the study of Oral Physiology. Furthermore from 1999 he is Master of the I.C.C.M.O. (International College of
Cranio-Mandibular-Orthopedics). He has been involved also in several studies on the use of functional appliance in orthodontic and gnathological
Prof. Dr. Gregor SLAVICECK, Director steinbeis transfer institutes Biotechnology
interdisciplinary dentistry; program coordinator international curricula Biotechnology in
interdisciplinary dentistry (Msc), dental technology and Management (Bsc), innovation dental
technology (Msc).
“The Role of Occlusion in Oral Rehabilitation”
Dr. Dario D'ALESSIO Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentale presso ’Università di Torino . Diploma di
Specializzazione in Ortognatodonzia presso l’Università di Cagliari. Postgraduate University Course in Function and Dysfunction of
the masticatory organ. Donau University di Krems, Austria. Academic Expert in Ortognatodonzia Donau University Krems, Austria.
Master Internazionale in Advanced Studies in Dental Sciences: “Orthodontics in craniofacial dysfunction” Donau University Krems,
Austria e Kanagawa Dental College Yokosuka, Giappone. Diploma di Perfezionamento in Odontoiatria Infantile e Traumatologia
dentale presso l’Università di Cagliari. Diploma d'Ortodonzia e Ortopedia Dento - Maxillo Facciale. Università di Dijon, Bourgogne
Francia Fondatore e Responsabile del Reparto di Ortognatodonzia Intercettiva della Clinica Odontoiatrica dell'Università di Cagliari
dal 2003 al 2006. Docente della Scuola di Specializzazione in Ortognatodonzia presso l’Università di Cagliari. Membro della World Federation of
Orthodontists (WFO).
Dr. Fabio STEFANONI Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università di Parma.
Socio A.N.D.I, A.I.O., A.I.G. (Associazione Italiana di Gnatologia) e I.A.A.I.D (International Accademy of Advanced
Interdisciplinary Dentistry). Ha conseguito nel 2009 il Graduate International Achievement Certificate in IMPLANTOLOGY &
ORAL REHABILITATION presso la New York University. Dal 2010 è Tutor della New York University. Ha conseguito nel 2007 il
Postgraduate University Course in Function and Dysfunction of the Masticatory Organ presso la Donau University (Vienna) con il
Prof. Rudolf Slavicek. Ha conseguito il Master in Posturologia Clinica e il Master in Kinesiologia, Osteopatia e Posturologia
dell'ATM presso Eurocclusion Italia. Ha partecipando al Master in Orthodontics in Craniofacial Dysfunction presso la Donau
University (Vienna) con il Prof. Sadao Sato . Svolge la libera professione nello Studio privato in Bolzano.
"Ortodonzia al bivio: Cosmetica o Funzione?"
Secondo la Scuola ortodontica del prof. Sato si ritiene che sia fondamentale correggere in primis le discrepanze dei mascellari (terapia causale)
intervenendo direttamente sul piano occlusale e non solo l’allineamento dei denti (terapia sintomatica). L’obbiettivo puramente estetico senza quello
funzionale ha come conseguenza una scarsa stabilità dei risultati terapeutici e possibili conseguenze negative sull’equilibrio posturale spesso presenti
ma asintomatiche anche per molto tempo dal termine di una terapia parziale. Nella relazione saranno mostrati diversi casi clinici trattati dal relatore
riguardanti tutte le malocclusioni scheletriche anche molto severe con particolare attenzione ai casi disfunzionali e saranno evidenziati gli obbiettivi
terapeutici a partire da una diagnosi completa che riguardano l’occlusione, le relazioni cranio mandibolari, l’articolazione temporo mandibolare e le
problematiche muscolari e posturali in genere. Ritengo che i concetti di ortodonzia “funzionale” del Prof. Sato abbiano trovato assoluto riscontro nel
piano di trattamento e nella terapia eseguiti sui miei pazienti. Senza dubbio abbiamo a che fare con un approccio ortodontico completo e per molti
aspetti ancora purtroppo inesplorato nel nostro Paese, che, intervenendo sulle cause della malocclusione ci permette di evitare risultati terapeutici di
compromesso ottenendo al contratio una buona estetica ed una buona funzione con remissione di sintomi posturali che vanno dal mal di schiena alle
cefalee fino alle sciatalgie. Inoltre il trattamento secondo il Prof. Sato ci permette di evitare inutili estrazioni dei premolari o la chirurgia dei mascellari
in moltissimi casi e nello stesso tempo ci permette di garantire una stabilità dei risultati grazie al raggiungimento di un equilibrio forma- funzione ,
unico vero obbiettivo di qualunque terapia ortodontica.
Dr. Massimo LUPOLI
“Modern management of transverse discrepancy and molar rotation”
Ottobre 3-7 2016 - NYU College of Dentistry - New York City
Monday, October 3, 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Certificate in Orthodontics, University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, 1973; Certificate in Periodontics, University of
Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, 1972; DDS, Medical College of Virginia, School of Dental Medicine, 1970;Honors/Credentials:
Dale B. Wade Award of Excellence in Orthodontics, American Board of Orthodontics, 2012. President, EH Angle Society Eastern
Component, 2005. Recipient of the Jacob A Salzmann AAO Lecture Award, 2002. Keith Godfrey Visiting Professor, University of
Sydney, 2001-present. Program Chairman, American association of Orthodontists, Philadelphia, 2001. Recipient of the
Mershon AAO Lecture Award, 1992. President, Philadelphia Society of Orthodontists, 1987. Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics,
1983. Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology, 1979.Dr. Vanarsdall is Professor, Department of Orthodontics, and Director of the Postdoctoral
Periodontic/Orthodontic Program.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
DR. Massimiliano DI GIOSIA.................................................................................2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, School of Dentistry, Certificate in Orofacial
Pain (USA), Diplomate, American Board of Orofacial Pain Fellow, European Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine,
Graduate of the University G.d’Annunzio”, School of Dentistry - Chieti, Italy. He completed a three-year residency
program in Orofacial Pain at the University of Kentucky-Orofacial Pain Center, directed by Prof. Jeffrey Okeson, in 2007
and an Orthodontic residency program at the University of Cagliari , Italy, in 2011. He is a diplomate of the American
Board of Orofacial Pain and a certified “expert dentist” by the European Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. Dr. Di
Giosia was appointed clinical assistant professor at UNC in June 2015. Adjunct professor at the University of Cagliari,
School of Dentistry, Italy.
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a collective term embracing different clinical conditions involving the TMJs, masticatory muscles and
associated tissues. TMDs signs and symptoms are quite common in the general population and the orthodontist should have at least a basic
understanding of the etiology, diagnoses and management of these disorders.This presentation will focus on the diagnosis and management of the most
common TMD conditions based on sound scientific principles. LEARNING OBJECTIVES:
- Discuss the common causes and contributing factors to TMD
- Differentiate TMD from other orofacial pain disorders
-Discuss the role of imaging (RMN, CBCT) in the diagnosis of TMD
-Discuss how to perform a complete screening of the TMJs and masticatory muscles on orthodontic patients
- Discuss how to manage TMDs before, during or after the orthodontic treatment
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Ravindra NANDA
Chair and Professor and Head, Department of Craniofacial Sciences and Chair, Division of Orthodontics at the University of
Connecticut in Farmington, Connecticut; Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Orthodontics; Author and Co-author of five orthodontic
books and more than two hundred scientific and clinical articles; Associate Editor of Clinical Orthodontics; Diplomate, American
Board of Orthodontics.
Efficient use of biomechanics plays a major role in designing appropriate mechanics to achieve optimal treatment goals. Esthetics of smile
zone is a major treatment goal along with good functional occlusion. Stability of treatment results is also dependent on mechanics employed
to correct a malocclusion.
This presentation will concentrate
on correction
andof Biomechanics
deep bite, and open bite
and also
problems. Mechanics related to
application of TADs will also be discussed.
Thursday, October 6, 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Orthodontics at Boston University, Goldman School of Dental Medicine, past faculty in the
departments of orthodontics at Tufts and Harvard Universities and the University of Connecticut; Faculty at FACE, Past President of
the Roth/Williams International Society of Orthodontists, Diplomate and Examiner, American Board of Orthodontics, Angle Society,
Fellow, American Academy of Orofacial Pain, Private Practice in Woodstock, Vermont.
“3D CT Scan Imaging in Orthodontic Diagnosis”
(9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.)
CBCT has opened many new possibilities in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. The use of this new technology has given us greater
insight into landmark identification and how “true” anatomical structures may differ slightly, but critically, from traditional 2D cephalometric
analysis. 3D volumetric scans give us a better understanding of the health and stability of the TMJ’s and their importance in facial growth and
attaining orthodontic treatment goals. CBCT also gives us more accurate information on facial asymmetries and transverse skeletal relationships
and how they impact dental arch coordination and the occlusion. We are also gaining a different appreciation of the impact of skeletal
relationships on the airway and treating patients with sleep disordered breathing.
Friday, October 7, 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Martin B. EPSTEIN
Former Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Post-Graduate Division of New York University College of
Dentistry; Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics; Teacher of the Year Award (Post-Graduate Orthodontics) at New York
University College of Dentistry; Presented courses and seminars extensively in Europe, Asia and South America; Written numerous
articles in American and International Orthodontic publications: Manuscript Review Committee for the American Journal of
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics; American Dental Association Certificate of Recognition (Volunteer service in a foreign
country); Private Practice of Orthodontics for 30 years.
“Treatment of Difficult Clinical Situations: Impacted Canine”
Treatment planning for the compromised positioned canines
Diagnosis of canine positions in the developing dentition
Canine exposure: planning and methods of surgical uncovering of impactions
Cone beam technology for diagnosis and the use of diode lasers for soft tissue impactions
Treatment details of cases with various methods of bringing impacted canines into the arch
Use of step-down arches with circles, NiTi coil techniques, piggy-backs
Special Reduced Registration Fees for NYU participants to the :
North Eastern Society of Orthodontics Annual Meeting - New York 7 –9 October 2016
27 – 28 – 29 Aprile 2017 Venezia
XXVIII Annual Meeting “NYU in Italy “
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia; si specializza all’Università La Sapienza di Roma in
Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria;Si specializza all’Università di Cagliari in Ortognatodonzia ; presta servizio quotidianamente
presso il Reparto di Ortodonzia - diretto dal Prof. Giorgio Maj – dell’Istituto per le malattie della bocca Arturo Beretta di Bologna.
Presso tale reparto effettua anche “tirocinio pratico ospedaliero” secondo le modalità e norme fissate dalla Legge 18 aprile 1975
n.148 e dal successivo Decreto Ministeriale 28 ottobre 1975 ,dal 1978 al dicembre 1990 espleta continuativamente attività clinica
e didattica presso la Cattedra di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza (Titolare Prof. Giorgio Iannetti).
Nell’anno accademico 1982-83 è titolare presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli studi de L’Aquila, di un
contratto stipulato ai sensi dell’articolo 25 e 100 ,lettera d), del DPR 11 luglio 1980, n.382 per l’insegnamento di “Ortognatodonzia e Gnatologia” nel
Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria. Professore a Contratto in Ortognatodonzia presso Università degli Studi di Perugia, Roma "La
Sapienza", Ferrara, Siena, Roma-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Nell’ Ottobre 1989 è vincitore del Premio Nazionale Giorgio Maj in occasione
del X Congresso Nazionale S.I.D.O. sotto la Presidenza del Prof. G.B. Garino.Nel Giugno 1998 ha conseguito l’ “European Board of Orthodontists”.
Nel Dicembre 1999 ha conseguito l’ “Italian Board of Orthodontics”.E’ stato Consigliere Culturale della S.I.D.O. per il biennio 1998/1999 sotto la
Presidenza del Prof. Roberto Giorgietti. E’ stato Vicepresidente della S.I.D.O. per il biennio 2002/2003 sotto la Presidenza del Prof. Giuseppe
Sfondrini. E’ stato Vice-Presidente dell’ “Italian Board of Orthodontics” nel biennio 2003/2004 e successivamente Presidente nel biennio 2005/2006.
E’ presidente del Comitato Scientifico dell’Accademia Italiana di Ortodonzia nel 2010.
“Gestione diagnosi e terapia con apparecchi di Herbst”
dott. Mirco RAFFAINI e dott. Massimo LUPOLI
Chirurgo Maxillo Facciale, Si è formato
alla scuola del Prof. R.Brusati lavorando per quasi 20 anni nelle Divisioni di Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale degli Ospedali
Universitari di Parma e S.Paolo di Milano. E' stato consulente dell'Ospedale S.Raffaele di Milano e della Clinica Tecknon di
Barcellona. Ha soggiornato come "fellow" presso vari centri internazionali dove ha potuto approfondire la preparazione in:
chirurgia cranio-facciale Dr. Tessier -Paris, Dr. Ortiz Monasterio-Ciudad de Mexico, Dr. Kawamoto-UCLA; chirurgia della
testa e del collo Prof. Sesenna-Parma; chirurgia ortognatica Dr. Epker-Dallas, Dr. Arnett-S.Barbara, Dr. Wolford-Dallas;
chirurgia maxillo facciale Prof. Delaire-Nantes, Prof. Obwegeser-Zurich; rinoplastica Dallas Southwestern University. Ha insegnato
Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale nelle seguenti Università: Pisa, Parma, Chieti, Milano.Dal 2000 è Professore Associato di Chirurgia Maxillo
Faccialeall'Università di Firenze. A Firenze si dedica prevalentemente alla chirurgia ricostruttiva cranio maxillo facciale presso il C.T.O. ed è
consulente dell'Ospedale pediatrico Meyer per le malformazioni congenite craniofacciali.
“Estetica ortodonzia VS chirurgia ortognatica”
New York City
-NYU College
o f D e n t i s t r y - November 6 - 10, 2 0 1 7
Monday, November 6, 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Greenfield graduated with honors from Howard University College of Dentistry in
1971. After receiving his Master of Science in Orthodontics from Boston University in 1973, he continued as a Clinical Instructor
until 1976. Dr. Greenfield became a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics in 1984 and was invited to exhibit his
board cases at the A.A.O. meeting that same year. Dr. Greenfield has lectured extensively, both nationally and internationally on
his 98.5% nonextraction treatment philosophy entitled; "Coordinated Arch Development." His unique approach was presented at
the American Association of Orthodontists' 1996, 2003, 2004, and 2005 annual scientific sessions. Dr. Greenfield was also asked
to describe his nonextraction approach at the 1992 and 2002 College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics annual
sessions. His clinical textbook on "Nonextraction Orthodontics" was published and reviewed in December, 2010.
“98.5% Nonextraction Therapy Using Coordinated Arch Development”
Dr. Greenfield will illustrate the principles and methods necessary to properly diagnose and treat the most difficult nonextraction cases with the
utmost confidence. If properly timed, clinicians will possess the knowledge to treat greater than 90% of their cases with a time tested (70+
years), nonextraction approach.
Dr. Greenfield has combined his clinical expertise obtained from treating more than 10,000 nonextraction cases in 30+ years of private practice
using the “Coordinated Arch Development (CAD) philosophy & technique, together with his extensive research and exposure to hundreds of Dr.
Norman Cetlin’s successfully treated nonextraction cases more than 25 years out of retention!
Utilizing long term clinical case records, the 10 criteria of the CAD philosophy listed below will be thoroughly illustrated and defined;
1. Incorporate the peak velocity of growth & development to resolve apiocal base
2. Upright & distalize posterior segments simultaneously with light and equal
3. Place the teeth well within cancellous bone.
4. Orient the teeth so the occlusal forces are through their long axes.
5. Control and/or maintain the occlusal plane.
6. Reeducate the surrounding musculature.
7. Place the teeth in their respective “neutral zone.”
8. Take the necessary steps to prevent the extraction of permanent teeth.
9. Develop proper arch forms for maximum intercuspation and optimum function.
10. Create ideal facial and dental esthetics.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Michael GELB
Dr Michael Gelb is a Clinical Professor at NYU College of Dentistry . He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Orofacial Pain. He
is a cofounder of the American Academy of Physiologic Medicine and Dentistry and the non profit Foundation for Airway health . Dr
Gelb is the inventor of AirwayCentric® Dental Education .
“Update on Sleep Apnea and Snoring Devices”
(9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
What is it? AirwayCentric® is not a jaw or condylar position . It is rather a new method of education and thinking
based on the new science of the past 30 years in airway, breathing and sleep medicine.
The dental profession plays a primary role in Airway Sleep Disorders (ASD) because of our involvement everyday with
the mandible, maxilla, tongue, soft palate, and palate. A primary site of airway narrowing is behind the jaws at the
level of the tongue and soft palate.
At night as we fall asleep , the protective reflexes of the genioglossus and submental muscles are diminished and
gravity allows the airway to collapse as the mandible drops down and back along with the tissues in the oro and
hypopharynx including the tongue and soft palate.
The dentist will learn how to recognize and identify Airway/Sleep/Breathing patients who come in everyday for dental
diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Christina CARTER
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry;
Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics; Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry; Private Practice in New York
and New Jersey. President, North Eastern Society of Orthodontics
“Management of Cleft and Craniofacial Patients”
(1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
Nasoalveolar molding (NAM) and presurgical columella elongation is a technique to treat patients born with unilateral and
bilateral clefts of the lip, alveolus and palate. NAM addresses the deformity of nasal cartilages and deficiency of columella
tissue in UCLP and BCLP. The objective of presurgical NAM is to reduce severity of the nasolabial and alveolar deformity,
enhancing conditions for a successful surgical repair. Discussion of the clinical method, development of dentition and
identification and treatment of unique dental issues will be addressed. There will be discussion of the specific dental needs and
anticipatory guidance necessary to effectively treat the special needs of patients with cleft lip and palate.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Martin B. EPSTEIN
Former Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Post-Graduate Division of New York University College of
Dentistry; Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics; Teacher of the Year Award (Post-Graduate Orthodontics) at New York
University College of Dentistry; Presented courses and seminars extensively in Europe, Asia and South America; Written numerous
articles in American and International Orthodontic publications: Manuscript Review Committee for the American Journal of
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics; American Dental Association Certificate of Recognition (Volunteer service in a foreign
country); Private Practice of Orthodontics for 30 years
Treating Class II Malocclusions with Confidence & Precision
Topics to be covered:
 The keys to proper diagnosis
The “ten” distinct types of class II’s
How to achieve superior facial and esthetic results
Diagnosis and “missed the diagnosis”…..common errors in diagnosis and treatment
Know when and how to distalize in the maxilla
The proper use of several different types of distalization appliances
Thursday, November 9, 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Robert S. Glickman is Professor and Chair of the Dr. Anthony S. Mecca Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at New
York University College of Dentistry. He is Director of the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at Bellevue Hospital
Center and Division Chief of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at NYU Langone Medical Center.
In additional to numerous professional assignments, Dr Glickman is a Diplomat and past member of the Examining Committee of
the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and currently an examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
(RCSI). Dr Glickman has numerous publications in refereed journals, lectures locally and internationally, and is involved in
clinical research. He is Chair, Section D, NYU Langone Medical Center Institutional Review Board and is a reviewer for the
Journals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology.
“Virtual Treatment Planning in Orthognathic Surgery”
(9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
Proper patient evaluation
Expectations of surgical corrections
Teamwork with Orthodontic colleagues
Surgical techniques
Medical modeling
Virtual treatment and intraoperative application
 Outcomes
Dr. Massimo LUPOLI
M.D. Degree in Medicine at the University of Florence, D.D.S. Degree in Dentistry at the University of Florence, M.S.D.
Specialization in Orthodontics at the Catholic University of Rome, Post –Graduate Certificate at the New York University School
of Dentistry, New York, M.S. Specialization in Orthodontics at the Catholic University of Rome, I.B.O Italian Board of
Orthodontics Certificate in 2003, E.B.O European Board of Orthodontics Certificate in 2007.Visiting Professor (Lecturer),
Department of Orthodontics, University of Florence in academic years 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. Visiting Professor
(Lecturer), Department of Orthodontics, University of Cagliari Orthodontics Post –Graduate Program in academic years 20082009, 2009-2010 , 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Visiting Professor (Lecturer), Department of Orthodontics, University of Rome
Orthodontics Post –Graduate Program 2012-201- Co-author of the book "The phenomenon of Low Friction Techniques: State of the Art"
published by the Italian Society of Orthodontics- Author of the book "Contemporary Orthodontics Practice" - published by Quintessence.- Author of
the book “Modern management of transverse discrepancy and molar rotation “published by Quintessence.
“The smile from micro to macroesthetic multidisciplinary treatments”
(1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
The smile from micro to macroestetica multidisciplinary treatments
The dental microestetica: Shape and size; - negative spaces, the papillae; - the gingival contour margin
The Smile Miniestetica : Incisors Display - Transverse smile proportions - The smile C are-The gummy smile
The Face - Profile Macroestetica - vertical dimension - lips fullness - sagittal proportion
Friday, November 10, 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Frank CELENZA, Jr.
Clinical Periodontist, Certified Orthodontist, Former Clinical Associate Professor of Postgraduate Orthodontics and Implant
Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry; Past President, Northeastern Society of Periodontics in New York; Private
Practice in New York City.
“Implant Interactions in Orthodontics”
Whereas the advent of successful and predictable implant dentistry has had a pronounced impact on the practice of restorative dentistry, the same might
not be said for the effect implants have had upon the specialty of Orthodontics. However, this presenter feels strongly that a new era of Orthodontic
involvement with implants is upon us, and will illustrate the fascinating ability of implants to facilitate tooth movement. The development of implants as
useful entities to an Orthodontist, both in the techniques of “Direct” and “Indirect Anchorage” will be presented and delineated. Cases in which implants
are used to facilitate treatment by greater expediency, ease of manipulation, streamlined mechanotherapy, elimination of patient compliance and
expanding treatment possibilities will be illustrated. Learning objectives:Gain an appreciation for the power of implants as a source of orthodontic
anchorage;- Understand the difference between “direct” and “indirect anchorage”
& Registration Policy
Lectures held in english will be translated in italian / Le lezioni in inglese saranno tradotte in italiano
Registration fees//Quota di iscrizione: per sessione a NYC $ 2.500,00 , € 1.000,00/ € 1.500,00 per sessione in Italia
La quota di iscrizione potrà subire qualche piccolo cambiamento in rapporto al diverso tasso di cambio € / $ in vigore alla data del corso.
Tutti i programmi e la domanda di ammissione nei nostri siti:
Chairman // Responsabile Scientifico:
Dott. Prof. Saverio Ravazzolo, Adjunct Associate Professor - New York University College of Dentistry
NYU Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program - Italy Program Director
New York University – College of Dentistry- 345 east, 24 street, New York City, (ingresso sulla 24^ strada
all’incrocio con la First Avenue).
Informazioni Iscrizioni :
“New York University College of Dentistry
C.D.E. Italian Graduates Association”
Tel . 333 955 3450
Email : [email protected]
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