Thank You We gather to remember, give thanks and celebrate the life of Our family would like to express their deep appreciation and sincere thanks for your attendance today and also for the thoughtfulness and sympathy conveyed to us in so many ways during this time on the passing of our mum and grandmother Giovanna. Giovanna Iuvancigh We will meet continue sharing memories of Giovanna’s life at the Grand View Hotel in Cleveland and you are welcome to join us. Born in Montefosca, Udine, Italy on 12 July 1933 Taken into God’s care in Brisbane, Australia, on 25 May 2014 Carmelite Monastery, Ormiston 30 May 2014 Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we still are. Call me by my old familiar name, Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference in your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Pray, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was, Let it be spoken without effect, without the trace of a shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; there is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval, Somewhere very near, Just around the corner. All is well. Henry Scott Holland 1847 – 1918 Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral, London 2 Order Of Service CELEBRANT Rev. Father Angelo Cagna, Scalabrinian Missionary ENTRANCE HYMN Amazing Grace INTRODUCTION RITE Celebrant: In the name of the Father and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen GREETING C: The grace and peace of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit. SPRINKLING WITH HOLY WATER LIGHTING OF THE CANDLE C: In Baptism, Giovanna received the light of Christ. This light has guided her through life and has placed her gently into the loving arms of the Lord. The Lord has taken Giovanna to her final journey home. A: May she now enjoy eternal light and peace. PLACING OF THE PALL, FLOWERS AND PHOTO EULOGY Anna Iuvancigh, Julius Haranyi, Calum Johnson If anyone else wishes to say a few words about Giovanna, you’re most welcome OPENING PRAYER Celebrant: Let us pray. Creator God, it is our certain faith that your Son who died on the cross, was raised from the dead, the first fruits of all who have fallen asleep. Grant that through this mystery your servant Giovanna who has gone to her rest in Christ, may share in the joy of his resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. A: 14 All: Amen Through the years in Italy, Canada and Australia FIRST READING A READING FROM THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES (3: 1-9) Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. He set the time for birth and a time for death. The time for planting and the time for uprooting what has been planted. The time for joy and the time for sorrow. The time for dancing and the time for mourning. The time for embracing and the time to refrain from embracing. The time for finding and the time for losing. The time for tearing and the time for mending. The time for silence and the time for talk. The time for war and the time for peace. I know whatever God does, endures forever. Nothing can be added to it, nor taken from it. God has made it so. Giovanna in 1963 This is the word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. RESPONSORIAL PSALM THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want; He makes me down to lie In pastures green; he leadeth me The quiet waters by. Giovanna and Mario on their wedding day,7 December 1957 My soul he doth restore again, And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Ev'n for his own name's sake. Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill: For thou art with me, and thy rod And staff me comfort still. My table thou has furnished In presence of my foes; My head thou dost with oil anoint And my cup overflows. With baby Sergio Bruno in Italy, 1958 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me; And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. 4 Canada in 1962 with Anna and Sergio COMMUNION HYMN PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION: GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: (sung) C: Let us pray. Lord, may this Eucharist unite us to you and give us strength in our sorrow at the death of Giovanna, who is now in your loving care. All: Alleluia Alleluia, I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord: he who believes in me will not die forever. Alleluia. We ask this through Christ our Lord. GOSPEL All: Amen. FINAL COMMENDATION AND FAREWELL C: All: C: All: C: The coffin is now sprinkled with holy water. (After the sprinkling, the coffin is incensed) “Do not let your hearts be troubled. C: Into your hands, Father of mercies, we commend our sister Giovanna in the sure and certain hope that, together with all who have died in Christ, she will rise with Him on the last day. Merciful Lord, turn to us and listen to our prayers; open the gates of paradise to your servant and help us who remain to comfort one another with the assurances of faith, until we all meet in Christ and are with You and with our sister Giovanna forever. A: Amen A: May the Angel lead you into Paradise; may the Martyrs come to welcome you and take you into the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her and may she rest in peace. Amen CONCLUDING RITE C: The Lord be with you. All: And with your spirit. The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. A reading from the holy gospel according to St John 15: 1-6 Glory to you, Lord. Trust in God still, and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house; if there were not, I should have told you. I am going now to prepare a place for you, I shall return to take you with me; So that where I am you may be too. Thomas said, “Lord we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus said: “I will not leave you orphans; I will come back to you. In a short time the world will no longer see me; But you will see me, Because I live and you will live. Peace I bequeath to you, My own peace I give you, A peace that world cannot give; this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid” This is the Gospel of the Lord. C: May Almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All: Amen C: The mass is ended, go in pace. All: Thanks be to God. AVE MARIA 12 All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. HOMILY COMMUNION RITE C: At the Saviour’s command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say: PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL: C: For our sister Giovanna let us pray to our Lord Jesus Christ who said I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever lives and believes in me shall live even in death and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. We pray to the Lord. All: Lord hear our prayer. R: We pray that Giovanna is at peace in heaven and grant us the courage to live life as she did. We thank her for the lessons of life she instilled in us, her laughter, her love, her conviction and her dedication to being a wife, a mother, a sister, an aunty and a grandmother. We pray to the Lord. All: Our Father, who art in heaven, / hallowed be thy name. / Thy kingdom come. / Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. / Give us this day our daily bread. / And forgive us our trespasses / as we forgive those who trespass against us, / and lead us not into temptation, / but deliver us from evil. C: Deliver us Lord, we pray, from evil, graciously grant peace in our days, that, by the help of your mercy, we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. All: For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever. THE SIGN OF THE PEACE All: Lord hear our prayer. R: Lord watch over Giovanna always as she is re-united with her loving family, her husband Mario and her son Sergio. We pray that they continue to shine their eternal light upon us always. We pray to the Lord. C: Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles: Peace I leave you, my peace I give you; look not on our sins but on the faith of your Church, and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will. Who live for ever and ever. All: Amen. All: Lord hear our prayer. R: We pray for Anna, Sonia, Calum, Julius, Johann, Roman and Charlotte, her daughters and grandchildren. May they continue to live life with the same strength, courage and love, sharing the memories with their children. We pray to the Lord. All: Lord hear our prayer. R: We pray that our relatives and friends who are unable to be present today are with us in spirit. May the love and friendship they offered Giovanna be an example to us all. We pray to the Lord. All: Lord hear our prayer. C: God our shelter and our strength you listen to the cry of your people; hear our prayer for Giovanna and our departed brothers and sisters; cleanse them of their sins and grant them the fullness of redemption. We ask you this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. 6 C: All: C: The peace of the Lord be with you always. And with your spirit. Let us offer each other a sign of peace. COMMUNION All: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace. C: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb. A: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II OFFERTORY HYMN C: You are holy indeed, o Lord the fount of all holiness. Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray, by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his Passion, he took bread and giving thanks; he broke, and gave it to his disciples, saying: TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND EAT OF IT: FOR THIS IS MY BODY WHICH WILL BE GIVEN UP FOR YOU. In a similar way, when supper was ended, he took the chalice, and, once more giving thanks, he gave it to his disciples, saying: TAKE THIS, ALL OF YOU, AND DRINK FROM IT: FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD, THE BLOOD OF THE NEW AND ETERNAL COVENANT, WHICH WILL BE POURED OUT FOR YOU AND FOR MANY, FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS. DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME. C: The Mystery of faith. All: We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your resurrection until you come again. C: Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial of his Death and Resurrection, we offer you, Lord, the Bread of life and the Chalice of salvation, giving thanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and minister to you. Humbly we pray that, partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit. Remember, Lord your Church, spread throughout the world, and bring her to the fullness of charity, together with Francis our Pope and Mark our Bishop and all the clergy. Remember your servant Giovanna whom you have called from this world to yourself. Grant that she who was united with your Son in a death like his, may she also be one with him in his Resurrection. Remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, and all who have died in your mercy: welcome them into the light of your face. Have mercy on us all, we pray, that with the Blessed, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the blessed Apostles, and all the Saints who have pleased you throughout the ages, we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life, and may praise and glorify you through your Son, Jesus Christ. Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours, for ever and ever. All: Amen 10 OFFERTORY PROCESSION NELLE TUE MANI Nelle tue mani metto le mie mani, Signor, nelle tue mani metto il mio cuor. Tu sei per me rifugio, o mio Signor. Nelle tue mani metto il mio amor. Gesù Signor, ch’io venga sempre a te, ti lodi e t’ami e viva in te! Ti sento sempre vicino a me, Signor, ed in ascolto resto sempre piu Into your hands we commend our spirit, O Lord; into your hands we commend our hearts; for we must die to ourselves in loving you, into your hands we commend our love. Our Fathers trusted, and you delivered them; to you they cried and they escaped; in you they trusted when darkness came their way, and in your goodness you made them free. THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST (In Italian) Celebrant: Benedetto sei tu, Signore, Dio dell’universo; dalla tua bontà abbiamo ricevuto questo pane, frutto della terra e del lavoro dell”uomo; lo presentiamo a te, perché diventi per noi cibo di vita eterna. Celebrant: Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you: fruit of the earth and work of human hands, it will become for us the bread of life. All: Benedetto nei secoli il Signore. All: Blessed be God forever. Celebrant: Benedetto sei tu, Signore, Dio dell’universo; dalla tua bontà abbiamo ricevuto questo vino, frutto della vite e del lavoro dell’uomo; lo presentiamo a te perché diventi per noi bevanda di salvezza. Celebrant: Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation for through your goodness we have received the wine we offer you: fruit of the vine and work of human hands, it will become our spiritual drink. All: Benedetto nei secoli il Signore. All: Blessed be God forever. Celebrant: Pregate, fratelli e sorelle, perché il mio e vostro sacrificio sia gradito a Dio, Padre onnipotente. Celebrant: Pray, brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the Almighty Father. All: Il Signore riceva dalle tue mani questo sacrificio a lode e gloria del suo nome, per il bene nostro e di tutta la sua santa Chiesa All: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good, and the good of all His Holy Church All: Amen PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS (In Italian) Celebrant: Lord, receive the gifts we offer for the salvation of our sister Giovanna. May Christ be merciful in judging her as she believed in Christ as her Lord and Saviour. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Celebrant: Ti offriamo, Signore, questo sacrificio di riconciliazione per la nostra sorella Giovanna, perché possa incontrare come giudice misericordioso il Cristo che ha riconosciuto nella fede come suo Salvatore. Egli vive e regna nei secoli dei secoli. All: Amen All: Amen 8 PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS (In Italian) Celebrant: Il Signore sia con voi. All: E con il tuo spirito. Celebrant: In alto I nostri cuori. All: Sono rivolti al Signore. Celebrant: The Lord be with you. All: And with your spirit. Celebrant: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them up to the Lord. Celebrant: Rendiamo grazie al Signore nostro Dio. Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right and just. All: É cosa buona e giusta. Celebrant: É veramente cosa buona e giusta, nostro dovere e fonte di salvezza, rendere grazie sempre e in ogni luogo a te, Signore, Padre Santo, Dio onnipotente ed eterno, per Cristo nostro Signore. In lui rifulge per noi la speranza della beata risurrezione, e si ci rattrista la certezza di dover morire, ci consoli la promessa dell’immortalità futura. Ai tuoi fedeli, o Signore, la vita non è tolta, ma trasformata; e mentre si distrugge la dimora di questo esilio terreno viene preparata l’abitazione eterna nel cielo. Per questo mistero di salvezza, uniti agli Angeli e ai Santi, cantiamo senza fine l’inno della tua lode. All: Santo, santo, santo il Signore Dio dell’universo. I cieli e la terra sono pieni della tua gloria. Osanna nell’alto dei cieli. Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del Signore. Osanna nell’alto dei cieli. Celebrant: It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God, through Christ our Lord. In him the hope of blessed resurrection has dawned, that those saddened by the certainty of dying, might be consoled by the promise of immortality to come. Indeed for your faithful, Lord, life is changed not ended, and, when this earthly dwelling turns to dust, an eternal dwelling is made ready for them in heaven. And so, with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, and with all the hosts and Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn of your glory, as without end we acclaim. All: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.