Rovelli, D., Bustelli, I., Moretti, M., Besomi, A., Mondada, M., Turchetti, M., Mari, F., Maddalena, T., and Solari-Storni, C. Metodi di custodia e perdite di bestiame minuto nel Cantone Ticino (Svizzera) - Risultati dell'inchiesta svolta nella primavera 2000 dalla Commissione dell'Unione Contadini Ticinesi "Allevamento e grandi carnivori". 1-12. 2000. Allevamento e grandi carnivori. Keywords: 8CH/Canis lupus/husbandry/livestock/Malme/mortality/Ovis spp./questionnaire survey/survey/Tessin Abstract: In the prospect of an eventual return of the wolf to the Canton Ticino (Switzerland), a survey was initiated in order to know how breeders guard their small livestock and how many losses they have per year. The results showed that from spring to autumn, livestock was highly exposed to eventual wolf attacks. The sheep and goats were neither watched by shepherds nor guarded by dogs. The percentage of losses was 4.8% for sheep and 3.8% for goats. A fifth of all losses was due to dogs.