D I Z ION A It I 0
DEssa Dizionario ~ dedicato ai giovanetti maltesi che
studiano Ie Iingue Italiana ed Inglese.
i~ diretto dall' alfabeto italiano eguale a quello del
vocabolario pubblicato nel 1853, ed ~ compilato unieamente al solo scopo di prestare 101'0 un mezzo
fitcile alla conoscenza di esse due lingue.
Le poche osselTazioni che 10 precedono, dimostre·ranno che la lingua maltese puo essere scritta e letta
senza Ia supposta difficoha, e senza l' ajuto di altro
alfabeto qualunque.
1.0 scrittore cio nonostante non accel'ta, che il suo
1a\"oro sia esatto. Egli, incerto della sua ammissione,
]0 affida alia considerazione £Ii altri scrittori pili abilj
eli lui, e 101'0 prega di emendare cortesi, i difetti.
Se si considerasse talvolta non profittevole al fine
prefisso, 10 scrittore bramerebbe, che coloro i quali
amano di vedere il perfezionamento dell'istrnzione,
s' impegnassero di studiare un altro alfabeto migliore,
guidato dal solo italiano, senza di cui, come sostcnnero i fogli locali, pochi anni sono, Ie due lingue
italialla ed inglese, non possono essere apprese dai
giovanetti maltesi, che con grave fatica.
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Dottrina Cristiana, WUZZINO.
?h inveee di
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Egli dice, di aver usato i
caratteri italiani, per dare la
vera pronuneia aIle parole
maltesi, essendo tutti i caratteri consonanti, i quali fanno
quel suono, che da 101'0 Ia
ramra, brace
'IIaula, cornacchia
Rabel, June
<Daruf, agnello
ny-zel, discendente .
nyzel, calQ
'lendus, toro
Elylt, errore
nandi, io ho
bIr, pozzo
¢alb, cuore
V varda, rosa
W wenwen, vibrare
Bokk, tronco
1E nysre, Jemmine
Dello stesso, seconda edizione.
.fl maallem, maestro
H nabib, amico
H ~obza, un pane
'I 'lendus, bue
11, n,yla, bollt
Q qasba, canna
UI U{emuy, sole
U uerqa, Joglio
3 Bokk, tronco
1E fyddre, argento
U uarnita, polpo
C. 'C..amiema, colomba
t. t.aruf, agneUo
J'mara, flume
(:lsel, ,miele
t?dua, mattinata
Dell' Abate
c;omb, piombo
Ch eheucba, stella
G gamra, brace
Gh' gh'id, pascua
iI liamiema, colomba
X xemx, sole
Z zfunnaria, caroto
i ieit, olio
Del Signor Dr. LUDOVICO
eehdachif, tostocche
gmiel, bellezza
tighu, di lui
jahtieg, vi abbisogna
xeuka, desiderio
C church, chiesa
G giant, gigante
Ch chella, aveva
G granet, giorni
Gh ghama, cieco
H huta, pesce
Q quiecheb, stelle
Z zechzech
t. iakiak
X xita, pioggia
K kalb, cuore
.fl namel, Jeee
Z zeit, olio
In the elempntary lessons in
spelling and reading for the use
of Malta Infant School. 1844.
C' c'par, nebbia
G' g'lied, risse
H holka,detale
K kamal', luna
Q qesra, scorza
X xatt, lido
r rendus, bue
3ar, grotta
FALZON. 1845.
H liauuel, piantare
A L T E 'S I.
G gun, schioppo
H hat, cappello
Y year, anna
K card, biglietto
Del Canonico FORTUNATO
aala, why
chumiena, bag
gidba, lie
lianzir, hog
mij-nun, mad
kash-shetta, box
widna, ear
bat-teyn, two eggs /
carear, verSare
gabar, raccogliere
gemgem, borbottare
harat, arare
kattar, moltiplicare
qaUeb, stonvolgere
xattab, erpicare
zekzek, scivolare
iabar, potare
aabba, c..aricare
.aaiel, filare
imkec..c..iin, cacciati
ang-Iu, angelo
GIJ taglJlim, insegnamento
Ii.. i!tor, altro
I\., ful\., , .sopra _
&C. aktars·e, piuttosto
Del presente DIZIONARIO..1856
Composto per il LICEO dell' Universita. degli studio
chienu, erano
ghandna, abbiamo
hares, guardate
kif, come
maicunuse, non saranno
Z lizied, al piu
,Z illlkazza, benedetta
cabel, corda
matzen, magazzino
U naura, leggo
~ .rein, niente
W bedwi, contadino
d1i , ditemi
ra, piccola
C' c'aula, cornacchia
G' g'beina, Jormaggella
Gh ghendus, bue
Gh' gh'ain, occhio
H' h'att'm, anello
8c' se'ah'am, grasso
Tutte Ie Iettere ommesse
nei diversi alfabeti si pronunciano come nell' italiano.
ABC C' D E ,F G G' Gh Gh'
H . H' I J K L M N o P Q R
SSe' T U V Z.
LE cOl1sonante C', G' colla virgoletta suonano dolce. Esempio, silc',
neve-borg', mucchio.
Senza virgoletta hanno il suono duro. Esempio, uirc, cosciasing, segno.
Ledue consonanti Gh-senza lei virgoletta, sono adottate pel suono
ottuso del ga, go, gu italiano. Es, ghendus, t()ro-ghiifa, sgl:affiatura-ghidba, menzogna.
Le due consonanti Gh' colla virgoletta indicano il suonogutt~rale.
Es. glt'ajn, occhio-gh'omma, caldo.
La consonante H ienza segno mantiene la sua aspirazione natu, rale. Es.fosthom, fra di loro.
La cqnsonante H' colla virgoletta si pronuncia aspirata. Esempio,
sc'juh'ia, vecchiaja.
ES60 h' in fine di parola preceduto da qualunque vocale,ha it
suono piu aspirato. Es. kih', fobdo-giuh', fame.
La lettera J suona due ii.
Es.jasar, schiavhu-h'aja; vita.
Si usa it K quando si vuole un suono duro del C, come in ltalb,
cuorc,in vece di calb-kausalla, arcobaleno, in luogo di causalla.
Le consonanti Sc' colla virgoletta si pl'Onunciano doki. Esempio,
_scemsc', sol~.
Le sillabe see, sci, scia, seio, sciu (adoperate invece del x u:;ato
nei moderni alfabeti) SUOllano come nell' italiano, scesa~ scintilla,
sciabola, sciacco, sciupatore. Escmpio in malte:;e-scebba, llubilescita, pioggla-sciarZ,a, una bevuta-sciqffa, labbro-seilifteill, labbra.
Le sillabe asc, esc, isc,' OSC, usc in mezzo ad in fine di pal'pla,
quando hanno Ia virgoletta suonano dolce, ancorche non sono seguite
da vocale. Es. masc'tura, lllangiatoja-tmintasc', dieciotto-biesc',
acciocche-tk'arisc', non gual'date-mosc't, pettine-It'orosc', asprima nidrusc', non ci facciamo vedere.
La vocale I si sottintende nei casi in cui si rende disaggradevole
la sua pronuncia, ed in sua vece si eposta una virgoletta. Esempio,
scimara, si Iegge se'mara, fiume-gibin, l/bin, fronte-frogia,frog'a,
frittata-eilamita, c'lamita, tegola-seieora, se'cora, sacco.
ABATIA, monasterio, monastery
Abatissa, badessa, abbess
Abazia, badia, abbey
Abbati, abate, abbot
Abbord, abordo, on board
Abbozz, abbo.zzo, draught
Abiat, bianco, white
Abil\t tal bajda, clliaro dell' uovo,
the white of an egg
Abus, abuso, abuse
Accetta, occkiello, button-hole
Acciola, (pesce) acciola, white tun
Ac-tarsc', piuttosto, rather
Addocc, alla rin/usa, confusedly
Adulatur, adulatore, flatterer
Adura, v. adorare, to adore
Af,sappiate, know you
Afda, v. fidare, to trust
Agretta, a,gretta, wood sorrel
Agh'ma, cif!co, blind
Agh'arr,peggio, worse
Ah'bar, notizia, news
Ah'dar, verde, green
Ah'jar, meglio, better
Ah'jar, piu alto, more apt
Ah'jen, piu astuto, more crafty
Ah'mar, rosso, red
Ah'na, noi, \ve
Ah'rasc', severo, severe
Ah'-ua, jratelli, brothers
Ah'-ua-teumin, fratelli gemelli,
Ah'-ua-farsiek, fratelli 0 sorelle
dalla parte paterna 0 materna,
fratelli consanguinei, brothers or
sisters by blood
Ajk, laico, lay brother
Ajkla, aquila, eagle
Ajma, oime, alas
Ajma jommi, voce indicante disprezzo, a voice of contempt
Ajru, aria, air
Akbar, maggiore, larger
Aktar, pia, more, much more
Aktarsc', probahilmente, probably
Ak-lla, piuforte, stroger
Alba, camice, albe
Alka, alga, sea-weed
Alkimia, alckimia, alcbymy
Alia, Dio, God
Alla,jate presto, make haste
AlIa-h'ares, Dioguardi, God forbid
Alonga, alalonga, long finned fish
Altar, altare, altar
Altea, altea, march mallow
AI-uetta, allodola, lark
AI-uisa, aloisia, vervaine
Amarilli, amqrillide, may wort
Amaros, maro, cut-thyme
Amman, sul tardi, verso sera, a
little later in the evening
Ammiral, ammiraglio, admiral
Andar, luogo di terreno dove si ja
l' aja, threshing place
Ang'lu, angelo, angel
Ankas, meno, less
Ankas, neppure, nor, neither
Ankra, ancora, anchor
Annuna, concordemente, with one
Antacciola, bisante, spangle
Antic, antico, ancient
Anzalora, azzeruolo, crab-apple
Apostlu, apostolo, apostle
Appartament,apparlamento, apartment
Appik, da momenta all' altro, a mamenti, in a short time
April, aprile, april
Aptit, appetito, appetite
Arbac', albagio, a kind of woolen
Arblu, albero, the mast of a ship
Arblu, descrizione geneologica di
una jamiglia, albero di f amglia,
genealogical tree
Arcidiacnu, arcidiacono, arch-deacon
Arc'iskof, arcivescovo, arch-bishop
Ardir, ardire, boldness
Ardil, lardo, bacon
Argentier, orefice, silver-smith·
Argnu, argano, capstan
Arguzin, aguzzino, the director of
the galley-slaves
Aringa, (pesce) aringa, herring
Arkova, arcova, alcove
Arlocc', qrologio, clock, watch
Al'Iocc' tas-scemsc', orologio a sole
Arlocc' ta sci-ui, menarrosto, roasting clock
Arloggiar, orologgiere, watch or
Arma, arma, arms
Armariu, armadio, cup-board
Armata, a.rmata, navy, fleet
Armel, vedovo, widower
Armeria, armeria, armoury
Armier, armajuolo, armourer
Armla, vedova, widow
Arra, v. sbagliare, to mistake
Art, terra, earth
Artab, molle, morbido, tenero, soft,
Arteria, alteria, artery
Artiglieria, artiglieria, artillery
Aruka, ruchetta, rocket
Arzel, arzella, muscle
Annell, asinello, cockle
Arznu, pino, pine
Assalt, assalto, assault
Asamm, piu duro, harder
Asc'-jah'h', piu avaro, more covetous
Asma, asma, asthma
Aspersoriu, aspel'sor~ aspersory
AsseJiu, assedio, siege
Astur, astore, buzzard
AUur, attore, plaintiff
Auissu, agosto, august
Auista, (pesce) locusta, lobster
Aulillej, la sera antecedente, lavigilia, the evening before
Aurata, (pesce) orota, dorade
Aminal, urinale, chamber-pot
Autnr, autore, author
Avucat, avvocato, advocate
Avvoglia, nOllostallte, nevertheless
Azzar, accajo, steel
Azzarin,jucile, musket, fire-lock
Azzmu, nonjermentato, unleavened
(pesce) baccala, codfish
Bll.cil, bacile, hason
Bad, v.jare le uova, to lay eggs
Bagol, baulle, trunk, travelling
Bagh'ada, sdegno, ill-will
Bagh'al, mulo, mule
Bag-h'al, spurio, bastard
Bagh'ala, mula, she mule
Bagh'ar, stereo bovino, cow-dung
Bagh'at, v. mandaTe, to send
Bah'ar, mare, sea
Bah'ar il kbir, aceano, ocean
Bah'bah', v. sciacquare, to rinse
Bah'buh'a, ciprea,.. venus's shell
Bah'nanu, sciocco,. ;;ottiRh
Bah'ri, lfU.lrinaro, ;;eaman, sailor
Bah'ria, calab1'One, hornet
Bah'h'ar, v. pnifumare, to perfume
Bajda, un /lOVO, egg
Bajda, bianca, white
Eajdani, bianclliccio, whitish
Bajjad, v. imbiancltire, to whiten
Eajjad, bianckeggiatore, whitewa;;her
Bajtar,jico, fig
~ajtar ta San Giuan, jico primaticcio, green fig
Bajtar ta ghindia, opunzia, prickly
Bakagh', v. rimanere, to remain
Bakbak, v. bollire a scroscio, to boil
Bakka, cimice, bug
Bakkar, v. levarsi a huon ora, to
rise early
Bakkari, cki ..,i alza a buon ora,
an early ri;;er
Bakkun, piccone, pick-axe
Eakla, petecc/tie, red spots
Bakra, vacca, cow
Bakta, latte quagliato, curds
Balag-h', v. ingltiuttire, to swallow
Baljor, bugliolo, bucket, pail
Balla, palla, ball
BalIat, v. percuotere la terra per
assodarla, to beat down
Balhit, quello clte percuote la terra
colla mazzeranga, he who lays
. Ballata, mazzeranga, paving bee.!Ie
Ballottra, donnolfl, weasel
Balzamina, bucckero, vessel to make
odorifemus water in
Bambocc', sciocckerello, simpleton
Ban,june di sparto, grass-rope
Banana, banano, plantain
Banda, parte, lato, side
Banda, banda, band of music
Bandal, v. dimenare una cosa sospesa, to swing
Bandienl,./Jandiera, flag'
Bandla, altalena, swing
Bandoh'ra, altrove, other place
Banin, bagno, bath
Bank, banco, bench
Bank tal knisia, banco, pew
Banketta, bancltetta, stool
Bankina, marcia ,piede, pavement
Baram, v. toreere, to t~ine
Barase', v. ra,sehiare, to scratch
Barba, zio materno, uncle from the
mother's side
Barbagianni, harbagianni, screech
Barbetti, basl!tte, whisket's
Barbier, bar~itonsore, barber
Bard,freddu, cold
Bardase'-se'a, bardassa, wicked
Batjola, herretto di notte, nightcap
Barka, benedizione, benediction
Barklor, bareajuolo, boat-man
Barkun, pontone, pontoon
Bat'ma, torcitura, twisting
Barmil, barri/e, barrel
Bannil, recipiente di doglU! fatto
in tondo per trasporto di eose
liquide, barrile, barrel
Barnns, eapuceio, cowl, monk's
Barra, v. eceettuare, to except
Barra, fiwri, al di fuori, out of
Barrada, giarm in cui i eontadini
eonservano il pane per non dissecearsi, a great earthen jar to
preserve and keep new bread in
Barrag', v. ammueeltiare pietre, to
place stones in heaps
Banum, toreitore, twister
Barra min hau, lddio ce ne liberi,
God forbid
Banani, estero, stranger
Bm'rase'lt, sarchiello, scraper
Barriera, cava da cui si estraggono
le pietre, quarry
Barse'a, seraifio, scratch
Barnard, haluardo, bulwark
Barumbara, eolombajo, pigeonhouse
Barunett,haronetto, baronet
Baruni, barone, baron
Barzakka, giberna, soldier's bag
Basal', v. prevedere, to predict
Base', basso, low
Base', abietto, vile, mean
Basc'-base', sottomano, underhand,
Baseat, v. biseottare, to bake twice
Base'-se'ar, Y. annunziare, to bring
Basla, cipolla, onion
Bassa, peto, eorreggia, fart
Bassar, y. predire l' avvenire, to
fore tel
Bastard, illegittimo, bastard, iIlegittimate
Bastiment, bastimento, ship
Bastun, bastone, stick
Batal, fil batal, in vano, in vain
Bati, lento, slow fire
Battal, disoccupato, free from business
BatbUl, martello di porta, a door
Battaliuh, battaglione, battalion
Battein, due uova, two eggs
Batut, oppresso, oppressed
Bausc'ata, pranzo 0 simile in co- Bekkacc', beccacino, wood cock
mune, picnic
Bekkafic, beccafico, fig peckel'
Bazagh', v. temere, to be afraid
Bekkej, chi piange molto, one that
Bazar, ba;ar, bazar
Bazokka, bisocca, hypotrical wo- Bekkum concltiglia dimare,spidershell
Bazua, ernia, rupture
Belgh'a, sm'so, draught
Bazui, ernioso, hernious
Betba, sciocca, silly woman
Bazzagh', v. impaurire, to frighten Bell, v. bagnare, to wet
Bella, bagrv.ttura, wetting
Bazzar, v. impepare, to pepper
Bazzar, v. concimare, to dung
Belladonna, lauro alessandrino,
night shade
Bebbusc'a, lumaca, suall
Bebbusc'a, lumaca eli mare, peri- Belleh', v, sbalordire, to make mad
Belligh'a, voragine, vortex
Bcej-c'a, particella, bit
Bellus, velluto, velvet
Becciun, piccio1te, p'geon
Bellusa, nastro di seta vellutato,
Bdielu, si pentl, he repented
velveted silk ribbon
Belt, cittii, town, city
Bdil, cambio, change
Bena, v. fabbricare, to build
Bdot, piloto, pilot
Bengel, v. far livido percuolendv,
Beda, v. incominciare, to begin
to make livid
Behlieni, sciocco, l;ottish
muratore, mason
Bej, bej, bey
Bennen, v. cullare, to cradle
Beih', vendita, sale
Bejieh', venditore, seller
Benniena, culla, cradle
Bejjet, v. seminare a buclti, to drill Berah', spalancato, wide open
hole~ for seed
Berah', apertamente) openly
Bejlek-gh'ainek, stale attento, take Berbak,v. scialacquare, to consume
Berbieki,' sciaZacquatore, prodigdl
_Berdgh'a, bardella, pack-saddle
Bein, in mezzo, between
Bein-uih'ed-u-jh'OI', presso a poco, Bedel, v. orlal'e, to hem
quasi, almost, about
Bergamot, bergamotto, bergamotBeit, terrazzo, terrace
Beita, nido, nest
Bergh'ud, puZce, flea
Bejtuh', tentarono contra eli lui, Berg'a, albergo, auberge
they plotted against him
Berka, lampo, lightning
Bejzu, uomo assai grosso, corpulent Berker, v. fiorire, to flower
Berkuk, albicocco, apricot
Beka, v. piangere, to cry
Bekbek, v. bere molto, to drink hard Berrak, v. Zampeggiare, to lighten
Bekbieki, bevitore, drinker
Berred, v. raifreddal'e, to make cold
Ben'en, v. 'succltiellare, to bore with
a wimble
Henina, succ/tiel/o, gimlet
Berritta,ben'elta, cap
Ber-uik, asfodillo, asphodil
Bese'-bese', v. pioviccicare, to rain
Bese'-bese', v. albeggiare, to dlfwn
Bese'-se'a, pioggetta, small rain
Bese'-se'ak, v. aprire alquanto, to
keep half shut the door
Bese'-je-sc'a, inafliatlljo, watering
Betbut, zampognetto di aveua, 0 di
orzo, reed pipe
Beul, piscio, urina, urine
Beusa, bacia, kissBeu-uiela, pisciatqio, water closet
Bezak, v. sputare, to spit
Bezbes, v. ciuffare, to gripe
Bezbuza, ciocca, tuft of hair
Bezgh'a, paura, fear
Bezgh'an, pauroso, fearful, timorous
Bezka, sputo, spit
Bezzula, pappa, mammella, breast,
Bezzun, sottile pane lungo, thin
Bhima, animale quad1'U!)(!de,bestia,
Bhima, uonw senza criterio, a block
head, a beast
Bh'ajra, melonrvo, melon field
Bh'al, a guisa, al pari, as like, SImilar to
. Bh'al-kieku, come se, as if
Bh'al-Ium, come oggi, as at this day
Bh'al-ma, come, as like
Bh'al-sceiu, forse, pe~'haps
Bh'ur, profumo, perfume
Bjad, nocciuolo di bambace llperto,
ripe and open cotton pod
Bibbia, bibbia, bible
Bibblioteca, biblioteca, public librery
Biee'a, pezza, porzione, bit
Bicc'a carta, pezza di carta, piece
of paperBic'-cee', v. tagliare in pezzi, to
cut in pieces
Bie'-e'ar, apertamente, openly
Bie'-cier, macellajo, butcher
Bie'-eiera, irritato, angry
Bid-ded, v. versare, spandere, to
pour, to spill _
BideI, v. permutare, to barter, to
Bidla, cambia, barter, change
Bidu, priucipio, beginning
Bidui, agricoltore, husbandman
Bidui, campagnuolo, eounryman
Bieb, porta, door, gate
Bieb tal belt, porta della cittll; gate
of the city
Bieb tat-trik; porta di fuori, street
Bieha, mollica, crumb
Died, v, far uova, to lay eggs
Biedia, agricoltura, agriculture
Bieg'h'a, un cm,ico di frutt;, 0 di
erba, a load offruit, or vegetables
Biekia, scodellet, porringer
Bies, falcone, falcon
Bilbla, calandrino, a kind of bird
Bilbun, calandro, willow lark
Bili, bile, bile
Bil-katra-il-katra, goccia a goccia,
by drops
Bil-kemm, appena, hardly
Bil-kies,misuratamente,by measure
Billeil, di notte, the night
Billi, per essere. Es. billi gejt ma
g'ara scein, per es·sere venuto non
avvenne niente doi male, owing to
my arrival nothing happened
Bil-maklub, a r~vescio, contrary
Bil moh'bi, di nascosto, secretly
Bil-uisk, abbondantemente, very
Bin,.figlio, son
Bint,.figlia, daughter
Bint-h'ia, jell, bint-oh'ti, figlia di
mio fratello, 0 di mia sorella, nipote, nephew, niece
Bir, pozzo, cisterna, well, cistern
Bired, v. raffreddarsi, to grow cold
Biri'a, hirra, beer
Bir-uin'a, piviere, dottrell
Bis, solamente, only, but
Bisc'-kel, v. complicare, to imbroil
Bisc'-killa, paniere, .basket
Biscott, biscotto, biscuit
Bis-seu-ua, rettamente, justly
Bisuit, di rimpetto, over against
Bith'a, cortile, court-yard
Bittia, hotte, cask
Bittih', melone, bread melon
Bittih' scitui, melone d' invenlO,
winter melon
Biuda, bianchez'za, whiteness
Bizagh', timore, fear
Biz-zejjed, abhastanza, sufficient,
Bizzilla, merletto, lace
Bkaila, spinaee, spinage
Bkia, avanzo, residue
Bla, senza, without
Bla-din; ineredulo, unbeliever
Bla-gh'akal, senza senno, witless
Blakk, blakk, blacking
Bla-kies, fuor di misura, beyond'
Bla-misjur, immaturo, non cotto,
unripe, uncooked
Blanzun, boccia, bud
Blat, rocca, rock .
B1ata, pietra grande, large stone
Blata forma, piatta forma, platform
Blejjeh', scioccarello, simple
Blim-auueg, stortamente, unjustly
Blugh'ia, sciocchezza, foolishness
Bnazzi, calma, calm
Bniedem, uomo, man
Bnin, saporito, savory, well-tasted
Bocc'a, palla da gilwcare, bowl
Bocca tal port, imboccatura del
porto, the mouth of the harbour
Bod-bod, hecco, he goat
Bogh'od, lontano, distant
Boja, carnejice, executionet·
Bokka, sorso, draught
Bokkaport, boccaporto, hatch-way
Bokla, .fibbia, buckle
Bokra, illevarsi a huon ora, early
Boll, (pesce) ferraccia, fire flare
Bolla, bolla, the Pope's bull
Boma, homa, boom
Bomblu, broccone, water-pot
Bont, stelo fiorito come di cipolla,
blossoming stem like that of the
Bordell, bordello, brothel
Burdi, tela vergolata, striped doth Bsakaf, voceper fermare il,qiumento, hold .
Borg', rIlucchio, heap
Btala, vacanza, vacancy
Borka, anitra, duck
Borkom, amnione, amnion
Btala, giorno festioo, holy day
Btell, v. hagnarsi, to 'become wet
BOrIllU, pentola, pipkin
Burra,jiocca di neve, flake of snow Bu, voce di disprezzo, a voice which
Borsa, bursa, purse
Bosc'-Ia, bussolll, compass
Budebbus, orobanclte, chied-weed
BOllC'-la, hussola, the door of an Budina, budina, pudding
Buffura, bufera, storm '
Bugh'adam, falcone, hawk, falcon
Bask, hosco, f0rest
Basta, molti, good many, gt'cat Bugh'addas, tllffatore, diver
Bugh'ar-uien, l«macone, large snail
Bugh'au-uieg', ,qrancltio, cramp
Basta, assai, molto, much
BUjet, tasche, pockets
Botni, pigmeo, dwarf
Baton, (parto) frutto clte si trae Bukal, bocale, jug
dagli anima Ii, breed of animals Bukesc'-rem, verbena, yervain
Bukraik, nottolone, grey partridge
Bozza, bozza, ice pail
Buli, malinconia, melancholy
Bmkk, bracco, setting dog
Bulin, bulino, graving-tool
B~'andi, brandi, brandy
Brankutlu, conchiglia marina, uni- Buliut, lesso, boiled meat
valve shell
Bumerin, (pesce) bue marino, se~ox
Brazz, vitticcio, 8conce for a candle
Brazzoli, bracciuoli, knees
Bumunkar, gm"golione, wevil
Brejbe8, tentatore ,tempter, the devil Bur, ten"eno i,[,colto da pascolare,
uncultivated land
Bria, forfora, dandriff
Brig; brig, brig
Burdlieka, porcellana, purslane
Brigata, brigata, brigade
Burdnar, conduttore di animali da
soma, ass driver
Brilia" briglia, hri!lle
Burkasc', (pesce) boccaccio, chub
Brim, torcitura, twisting
Burrasc'-ka, burrasca, tempest
Brimb, ragno, spider
Bus, obizzo, small gun
Bringiel, melongiana, mad apple
Brise', raschiatura, scraping
Busbies, jinocchio, fennel
Broccli, brocoli, brocoli
Busc'-akka,fascia di seta, striped
band of silk
Brodu, brodo, broth
Brons, bronzo, brass
Busuf, insetto cite distrugge i fiori,
a kind of insect
Broska, scopa di ginestra, broom
Brott, racchetta, rachet
But tal orlogg', borsellino, fob
Brucla, fl'cdde;zza, coldness
Butir, but,:ro, butter
Buttar, bottajo, cooper
Buttuna, bottona, button
\Buzerkum, pipita, pip
Buzille~, ostaculo, " impedimento,
obstacl~, impediment
Buzzel, bozzello, Llock
Buzzieka, vessica, bladder
Buzzun, sorbettiera, ice pail
Bzallu, piccola quantita di bambagia filata I' torta nel fuso, small
Bzar, pepe, pepper
Bzar ah'mar, peperone, red pepper
Bzar ah'dal', pepe dolce, sweet pepper
Bzulia, prontezza, activity
CABOCCI, cavulo capucci, cabbage
Cacciatur, cacciatore, hunter
Cale~, calesse, cala~h
Cale~sier, calessiere, calash-man
Calzetta, calza, stocking
Camla, tign"iuola,. moth
Camra, camera, room, chamber
Camra tal-kad, camera da letto, bed
Camra tal-ikel, camera di pranzo,
dining room
Canape; canape, sufa, sofa
Canal', canarino, canary
Cannella, canella, cinnamon
Cantina, cantina, cellar
Capicciola, filaticcio, silk of secondary quality
Cappar, capperi, caper
Cappell,:capello, hat
Cappestru, capestro, halter
Cappilier, capellier, capillaire
Captan, capitano, captain
Capuccin, capllccino, capuchin
Capuml, caporale, corporal
Caraffina, camj}ina, vial
Carita, carita, charity
Carnival, carnevale, carnival
Carrcttun, carro, cart
Carrettunar, cmTett.iere, carter
Curta, carta, paper"
Curta sciuga, sllccltia carta, blotting paper
Cartocc', cartuc~iu, cornet ofpaper
u~ed by grocers
Cascetta. cascetta, box
Cascetta tal bzar, cascetta del pepe,
pepper box
Catina, catena, chain
Catusa, do~cia, earthen conduit
Caulifiuri, cavolifiori, cauli flowers
Caval, (pesce) sgombro, muckrel
Cejjak, v. pigolare, to pip
Cek-cek, v. dibattere una cosa con
un' altra, to shake
Cekken, v. ~mpiccotire, to diminish
Cella, cella, cell
Cellak, v. imbrattare, to foul, to soil
Cempel, v. suonarepiccolI' campane,
to ring small bells
Cenciela, campanello, little bell
Cens, enjiteusi, lease
Ceph'a, mollaccio, softman
Ceppullazza, (pesce) cepola, sowfish
I Ceppun, veste da donna a guisa di
bllsto gllarnita ri.:cltamente, ri~h
Cercer, v. accattare, to beg
Cerciur, "mendicante, beggar
Cerf, cerllO, Jeer
Cerot, cerutto, plaister
Cerna, (pesc,,) cel'lIia, rock-cod
Cerviola, (pesce) acciola zgh'ejra,
acciola, white tunny fish
Cetrat, cedro, citron
Ceulah', v. strapazzare, to use ill
Ceulih', stracci01ie, ragged
Ceusi, gelso, white mulberry
Cicatrici, cicatrice, scar
Cic'ri, ceci, chick-peas
Cicuta, dcuta, hem-lock
Ciera, sembianza, look
Cifcigh'a,pannoccltia, tender blade
of grass
Ciccu di diu, passera solitaria, the
solitary thrush
Ciknatur, tagliere, trencher
Cik-uejra, cicoria, wild endive
Ckei-ken, piccolo, little
Cirnher, jeu decernbru, dicembre,
Cirnblor, luminello, lamp float Cirrmia, camino, chimney
Cinga, cinghia, girth
Cingna, timido, timid
Cint, riparo di muro, recinto, edge
Cinta, cintura superiore dei calzoni,
e delle sottmte eM allaccia il
ventre, girdle
Cipitotu, piccola trottola, a little
Cipp, ceppo, fetters
Cipre8, cipresso, cypress
Ciprisk, noel' persico, nectarine
Ciralacca, ceralacca, sealing wax
Cirasa, ciri~gia, cherry
Cire', tempo nebbioso con sprllzzaglia, bad weather
Circa, chierica, prie,;t's "haven
Cireu, cerchio, circle, hoop
Cittadella, cittadella, citaJel
Civilta, civiltu, civility
Clamar, calamajo, inkstand
Clamar (pesce) calamaro, cuttle fish
Clieui, arnione, kidneys,
Cocc'la, apoplesia, apoplexy
Cocc'la, ostrica, oyster
Corneta, cometa, comet
Conca, conca, large jar
Conza, coneia, tan
Conzeria, luo,qo dove si conciano ,('
pelli, tan-yard
Coria, col/era, anger
Corv, corvo, crow
Costellazioni, costellazione, constellation
Crafes, selleri, celery
Creatur, creatore, creator
Currat, porru, leek
Curuna, corona, crown
Curuua, corona, rosary
Curunell, colonello, colonel
Custilia, costola, rib
telrgo in cui si attaccano
gli arpioni per porsi Ie imposte
di porte odi .finestre, the chasing
of a door or window
C'aflis,jango, muddine,;s
C'gh'aka, ciottolo, flint
C'ah'ad, v. negare, to deny
C'ah'-h'ad, v. privare alcuno di
qualche cosa, to deprive one of
any thmg
C'ajt, ciarie, chatting
C'ajtier, chiacclterone, tattler
C'ak-c'ak, v. scricchiolare, to crack
C'akkar, villano, rustico, rustick
C'aklak, v. muovere, to move
C'aklak-c'aklak, andare adagio, to
go softly
C'aklik, movimento, motion
C'aklik tal bah'ar, marea, tide
C'alda, 'TTtisura di carbone, chaldron
C'allas, v. imbrattare, to dirty
C'ana, pialla, stru~ento deifalegnami, plane
C'ana, striscie sottilissime levate
dal leg1W, shavings of wood
C'anfal', v.rimproverare,to reproach
C'anfil', rimprovero, reproach
C'anga, tavola dei macellari, butcher's stall
C'angatura, lastra, paving stone
C'angun, pezzo di pietra grande,
large stone
C'appWl, v.sporcare, tofoul, to soil
C'appatina, macchia flincltiostro,
C'appetta, ma1t.iglia, bracelet
C'ar, chiaro, deal'
C'ar, bic'-c'ar, cltiaramente, clearly
C'a~-c'al', v. versare, to spill, to shed
C'arrai, v. lacerare, to teal'
C'arruta, cenc';'o, rag
C'arrnta ~I platti, pezzo di linD
per lavare i piatti, dish clout
C'arruta tat-tfarfil', strofinaccio,
C'ass, immobile, immovible
C'aula, co'rrtacchia, rook
C'avetta, chiavetta, little key
C'fulIal'ia, rotellina, reel
C'kunia, puerizia, puerility
C'lamit, teg~la, brick
C'musa, orlo dei panni, the edges
of cloth
C'nisa, carbone infranto, charcoal
C'off, fiocco di nastro, bow of ribband
C'omb, piombo, lead
C'onk, stroppiato, lame
C'or-c'ara, cascata di acqua, cascade
C'orma, attruppamento di gente,
crowd, multitude
C'par, nebbia, fog
C'raret, cenci, stracci, bits of rags,
or rags
C'uklajta, tabella, rattle
C'ulkana, gonella di cotone, common cotton gown
C'umbin, piombino, silk or thread
C'urkett, circltietto, ring
C'urniena,. saccltetto, a little bag
DABRA, ulcera, ulcer
Dafar, v. intrecciare i capelli, to
weave hair .
Dafal', groppiera, crupper
Dagh'agh', v. bestemmiare, to blas. pheme
Dagh'aj,bestemmiatore, blasphemer
Dagh'-ua, bestemmia, blasphemy
Dahar, dorso, the back
Dah'ak, v. ridere, to laugh
Dah'al, v. entrare, to get in, to
Dah'h'al, v. Jeee entrare, to introduce
Dah'h'an, v. fumicare, to fumigate,
to smoke
Dah'k, riso, laugh
Dah'kien, ridente, laughing
Dah'la, entrata, ingress, entrance
Dah'na, fumosita, smoke
Dak, quello, he, that
Dakk, suono, sound
Dakk, v. suonare, to sound
Dakka, suonata, sonate
Dakkak, suonatore, mm:lician
Dakkar, v. capr~ficare, caprificate
Daks, proporzione, proportion
Dak-scein, pochino, a little
Dalam, v. farsi notte, to gl'OW darK
Dalam, fa notte, it is dark
Dallej, questa nutte, this night
Dal-uakt, subito,adesso, now, presently, at this time
Dal-vieg', questa volta, this time
Daill, sevo, tallow
Damask, damasco, damask
Damm, v. unire insieme, to put together
Damm, v. infilare, come Ie perle,
. to string
Danun, v. separare it cotone dal bozzolo, to separate cotton from the
Dammacc', danno, damage
Dana, questo, this
Dandin, suono della campana, the
. . sound of a bell
Dant, dante, deer skin
Dar, casa, house
Dara, v. assueJarsi, to accustom
Darab, v.ferire, to wound
Darba, una volta, once
Darba, colpo, wound, blow
Darbiet, alcune volte, some times
Darbtein, due volle, twice
Dardar, v. stomacare, perturbare 10
stomaco, to sicken
Dardar, v. intorbidare, to make
Dardir, rivolgimento di stomaco,
sickness of stomack
Dari, era solito, it waS used
Darra, v. assueJare, to accustom
Darrab,feritore, stricker
Darras, v. inasprire, to provoke
Darsa, dente, tooth
Dauk, quelli, those
Daul, lume, light·
Daun, queste, these
Daura, giro, a turn
Dauranir-ras, vertigine, swimming
of the head
Dau-uar, v.far girare, to turn, to
Dau-uara, rota, wheel
Daz-zmien, al presente, at present
Dbabar, ulcere, ulcers
Dbiba, bestia, beast
Dbiel, v. appassire, to dry
Debba, giuml!hta, mare
Debbus,forza,potere, utmost. Es.
kalagh' id-debbus tighu, adope1'0 tuito il suo potere, he did his
Debh'a, ammazzamento del porco,
pig slaughter .
.Decan, decano, dean
D~ff, cassa da telaro, the frame of
a weaver's looin
Deffien, beccamorto, grave-digger
Deffun, terTa di coccio, ground
pottery for ceUlent
Degh'bien, fossa nella pietra viva
fatta naturalmente a lumaca,
winding cave
Deheb, oro, goM
Dehen, giudizio, wisdom
Deher, v. comparire, to appear
Deh-uien, distratto, abstracted,
Deh'-sc'a, sbigottimento, fear
Dejjak, v. stringere, to make narrow, or strait
Dejjak, angusto, narrow, strait
Dejem, sempre, always Dej-jen, v. veudere a credenza, to
sell upon t..ust, or credit
Dejjen, creditore, c..editor
Dein, debito, debt
Dekdek, v. here a sorsi, to drink
a little at a time
Dekkek, v. cuocere eccedentemente,
to over boil
Delfin, delfino, dolphin
Dell, mnhra, shadow
Dell, h'ajt ta dell, muro di ombra,
shady wall
DelJek, v. ungere, to anoint
Dellel, v. accarezzare, to ca..ess
Delli, ombroso, shady
Delit, tramoggia, grain funnel
Demb, coda, tail
Demdim, rimbombo, sound
Demel, letapze, dung
Demgh'a, lagrima, tear
Demla, ulcera, ulcer
Demm, sangue, blood
bemme4' v. letamare, to dung
Dendel, v, appendere, to hang
Denfil, muro d' appoggio, angula..
wall to SUppOl't old building
Deni, llOcumento, ill, hurt
Deni,febbre, fever
Dennes, v. sporcare, to foul, to soil
Dentici, (pesce) dentice, shark
Deputat, deputato, , deputy
Derra, jeu h'ela, v. COllsumare, to
Derra, v. versare, to pour out
Derra, v. sventolare ilgrano, to
wmnow corn
Derra, v. 7'icrearsi, to recreate one'
Derries, trebiatore, thresher
De....iesa, quantita di biade gettate
sull' aja per trebbiarle, a heap of
grain ready for threshing
Desc'-scie-sci, divoratore, glutton
Deumien, indugio, delay
Deu-uak,far gustare, to make oue
Deu-ueb, v. liguefare, to tiquify, to
Deu-ued, v. divenire vermiglioso,
to grow full of worms, to corrupt
Deu-uem, v, perpetuare, to 'perpetuate
Deu-ue.., v. incannare, to thread
upon bobbins
Deu-uiema, girella a vento, weather eock
Deu-uiemi, tanlivo, tardy
Dfin, sotterramento, interment
Dgh'ajsa, barca, battello, boat
Dgh'if, magro, lean
Dh'uli, affabile, insinuating
Dia, sp/endore, splendor, brightness
Diamant, diamante, diamond
Dieb, v. liqueJarsi, to liquefy, to
"Dieda, teda, tede
Diefi, tiepido, tepid
Diehel', evidente, evident
Dieh'es} panericcio, whitlow
Diek, v. gustare, to taste, to try
Diek,luogo angusto, narrow place
Dieka, a.fflizione, sorrow
Dielia, vile, vine
Diem, v. tratteuersi, to delay
Dieni, soggetto alla corruzione, apt
to corrupt
Difa, serenita, serenity
Difen, v. seppellire, to bury, to inter
Difer, unghia, nail
Difna,funerale, funeral
Digment, immediatamente} immediately
Dik, quella, she, that woman
Dikka, stracotto, over done
Dilek, v. ungere, to "rub with oil
or ointment
Din, questa, this
Dineb, v. peccare, to sin
Dinier, piccola moneta, small money less than a grain
Dinia, mondo, world
Dires, v.trebbiare, to thresh
Dirgla, disputa, dispute
Disa mia, novecento, nine hundred
Disa telef, nove mila, nine thousand
Disgh'a, nove, nine
Disgh'in, novanta, ninety
Disgh'in elf, novanta mila, ninety
Dkik,farina, meal
Dispensa, dispensa, pantry
Dispensier, dispensiere, steward
Dlam} oscurita, darkness
Dlik, unzione, unction
Dlonk, immediatamente, directly
Dment, mentre, rJ,urante, while
Dmia, molto sangue, much" blood
Dmir, dovere, duty
Dneu-ua, COlt forza, by force
Dnub, peccato, sin
Dobbiena, mosca, fly
Doh'h'an, fumo, smoke
Doh'h'aniet l'art,fumaria,fumitory
Dokkajsa, il p1'imo prodotto del eapriJico, the first production of
the wild fig
Dollieh', cocomero, water-melon
Domna, medaglia, medal
Dorga, brocca, pitcher,water-cooler
Dorrajsa, re delle api, the king of
Dosa, dose, dose
Dott, (pesce) dotto, sea rock perch
Drabi, di rado, seldom
Dragun,dragone, dragon
Drapp, drappo, aU manner ofstuffs
Dras, denti mascellari, jaw-teeth
Dl'au-ua, assuefazione, custom .
Drieh\ braccio, arm
Dries, trebbiatura, the act of thresh
Dua,medicina, medicine
Duana, dogana, custom-house
Duaniet·, doganiere, collector of
Dual', d'intorno, in giro, circa,
about, near about
Dublett, veste da donna dalla cintola ai piedi, petticoat •
Duca, duca, duke
Ducat, ducato, dukedom
Dud, verme, w/?rm
Duejra, cmneretta, little room
Duh', doga, stave
Dukkaka, huhbola, hoop
Dukk,ar, caprffico, wild fig
Duleb,jrullone, bolting-hutch
Dundian, pollo d' india, turkey
Dussies, juso di jerro, spindle
EBDA, nessuno, nobody
Egh'giubiet, prodigi, prodigies
Egh'nelli, denota il tempo imperjetto del verho dovere, corrie, egh'nelli jigi, doveva ve1tire, he had
to come
Egh'ref, pia dotto, more learned
Egh'zez, pia carv, more dear
Eh'fef, pia leg9iero, lighter
Eh'scen, pia grosso, bigger
Eh~zen, peggio, worse
Eh'zen, pia jurho, more cunning
Ejja, vieni, come
Ejjeu, venite voi, come you
Ek, se, if
Ekreb, piu vicino, nearer
Ekuipagg', equipagyio, crew
Elf, mille, thousand
Elf fejn, due mila, two thousand
EIuf, migliaja, thousands
Emmen, v. credere, to believe
Epifania, jeu gh'id il h'amiem, epijania, epiphany
El,ba bianca, assenzio, wonn \wood
Erbagh', quattro; four
Erbagh', l'erbagh', mercoledl, wednesday
Erba mia, quattro cento, four hundred
Erba-tasc', quattordici, fourteen
Erba-telef, quattro mila, four thou•
Erbgh'in, quaranta, forty
I\rbgh'in elf, quaranta mila, forty
Erh'a,vitella, giovenca, heifer
Erh'ila, va via, be off
Eternita, eternitii, eternity
Eu, ovvero, or, either
Eulieni, primario, first, primary
Eu-uilla,jorse, perhaps
Evangelista, evangelista, evangelist
FACCIOL, simulatore, dissembler
Fadal, v. avanzare, rimanere, to
Faddal, v. accumulare moneta, to
accumulate, to gather up
Fagian,jagiano. pheasant
Fag'ra, emorragia, hemorrhage
Faginn, : ahbondantemente, abundantly
Fagu,jaggio, beech-tt";e
Fah'aI, stallone, stallion,stone-horse
Fah'am, carhone, charcoal
Fah'am tal h'ag'ra, carhon jossile
Fah'h'ar, v. encomiare, to prclise
Fah'h'ari, millantatore, wanter
Fah'sci, osceno, obscene
Fakar, poverta, poverty
Fakas, v. rompere un uovo, to break
an egg
Fakkar, v.jar ricordare, to make
one remember
Fakkar, v, impoverire, to impoverish
Fakkigh'a, giuoco di carta cltefan1to i ragazzi, piegllndola per far
• botto, a fold of paper used by
children as a cracker
Fakkus, cocomerello, small watermelon
Fakma, cld ka it menta p1'olungato,
he who has long pointed chin
Falkun, nibbio, kite
Fallakka, scalo, plank
Falz,falso, n01~ vero, false
Falza, ligna, head scald
Fanal,fanale, lampione, lanthorn
Far, v. bollire strabocchevolmente,
to boil over
Far, topo, sorcio, mouse
Farag', ricreazwne, recreation
Farak,v. zoppicare, andare al quanta zoppo, to go lame, to limp
Farau-na, gallina di faraone, pea- hen
Fard, caffo, dispari, odd number
Fard-siek, fratelli consanguinei,
blood brothers or sisters
Farda, separazwne, separation
Fardal, grhnbiale, apron
Farfar, v. scuotere, sbattere, to
shake, to beat
Farfet, farfalla, butterfly
Farfet il-lejl, nottola, bat
Farka, particella, morsel
Farka tal h'obs, bricciola, crumb,
small bit of bread
Farkizzan, specie difico nero, black
kind of fig
Farrad, v. scompagnare, to unpair,
to unmatch
Fal'radi, dispari, unmatched
FalTag', v. consolare, to console
Farrak, v. sminuzzare, to break in
small pieces
Farru, ognifarina macinata grossolamente per cibare le bestie,
coarse meal
Farsc'a, tavola cke sostiene °l' imposta dell' uscio, board sustaining
thedoor post
Fart, toro, bull
Fartas, calvo, bald
Fasat, v. salassare, cavar sangue,
to bleed, to let blood
Fasc'a,fascia, bandage
Fusc'-jug, grossolano, rough
Fasda, salasso, blood letting
Fassal, v. tagliare un abito, to cut
out a suit of clothes
Fatam, v. slattare, to wean
Fatal', v. pranzare, to dine
Fatat, spettro, spectre
Fatra, pranzo, dinner
Faura, infiammazione di sangue,
sanguinary inHamation
Fau-uara, vena d: acqua sotto terra
cite zampilla, a spring of water
Fazola,fagiuolo, kidney bean
Fdakkll, in una volta, at once
Fdal, il rimanente, residue
Fdat,fedele, honest
Fdeusc'a, lasagna, thin paste cut
in slices
Feda, v. redimere, to redeem
Fedelta, fedelta, faithfulness
Fegg', v. apparire, to appear
Fehem, v. intendere, to intend, to
Fehma, opinione, opinion
Feigel, ruta, rue
Fekruna, tartaruga, tortoise
Fellel, v. tagliare a pez"zetti, to sl ice
Felli, unafella. a slice
Fellus, pulcino, chicken
Felu, polledro, colt
Felnl, porro, wart
Fenek, coniglio, rabbit
Ferah', v. rallegrarsi, to r~joice
Ferak, v. spartire, to divide
Fergh'a, ramo, branch
Ferh'an, allegro, merry
Ferk, sepammento dei capelli, parting of the hair
Ferknn,forcone, pitch-fork
FerIa, ferula, iferza, whip
Fern"esia, frenesia, frenzy
Ferrah', v. vuotare, to empty
Ferresc', v. distendere ugualmente,
to layout
Fesdak, v. cavare i legumi dalguscio, to shell
Festa, giorno difesta, holy day
Fetah', v. aprire, to open
Fetak, v. scucire. to unsew
Feth'a, diarrea, diarrhea, looseness
Fetka, sdrucio, a part nnsewn
Fetka, ernia, rupture
Fettet, v. tagliare in fette, to slice,
to cut into slices
Feug'a, auretta, a gentle gale
Feu-uah',v. spargere odore, to smell
Feu-ueg', v. sqffiare un' aura leggiera, to blow slightly
Fgun, focone, touch-hole
Fh'aiia-talla, ringraziato Iddio,
God be thanked
Fh'aj-jetek, vi ringrazio, I thank
Fiamant, affatto nuovo, quite new
'Fidda, argento, silver
Fidlokkom, borragine, borage
Fid-ua, riscattu, redeeming
Fiehem, v. capacitare, to pen;uade
Fiek, v. guarire, to recover
Fierah', vuoto, empty
Fies, piccoue, pick-axe
Fiesc'? in che? in what? how?
Fietel, tiepido, tepid
Fifra, piffero, fife
Figel, ravanello, raddish
FiI, nel, nello, nolla, etc., in the
Filata, ordine di pietra, range
Filberah', all' aria aperta, in the
open air
Filgh'ascia, la sera, the evening
Filgh'odu, la mattina, the morning
Filiera, numero ordinato di cose,
file, row
Filii, suMto, suddenly
Filiozz, figlioccio, god-son
Filiozza, figlioccia, god-daughter
Filpa,fe1pa, cotton velvet
Fil-uakt, a tempo, timely
Firda, separazione, separation
Fired, v. separare, to separate
Firesc', v. distendfTe, to spread
Firilla, battello, fishing boat
Firjoll,jerrajuolo, cloak
Fir-rol, clliuvistello, bolt
Fis, presto, quickly
Fisc'-kel, v. impacciare, to hinder,
to ~top
Fisc'-kel, v. disturbare, to disturb
Fisc'la, confusione, confusion
Fiskia,fascia da avvolgere i bambini, swathing clothes
Fissed, v. accarezzare, to caress
Fissel', v.descrivere, spiegare, to
describe, to explai~.
Fitt,fitllJ, thick
Fitt, nqjoso, importuno, tedious,
Fittesc', v. cercare, to look for, to
find out
Fiun, fiori, flowers
Fkir, povero, poor man
Flaut,.flauto, flute
Flejguta, piffero, fife
Flien, pronome cke indica persona,
ma non nominata, come se si dicesse, il tale, such a man, such
an one
Flimkien, insieme, together
Flisc'kun, fiasco, bottle
Flisc'kun, botteglia, decanter
Flok, in cambio, invece, instead
Flotta,flotta, fleet
Flus. moneta, denaro, money
Foh'h'ar, creta cotta, clay ware
Foh'ria, millanteria, boasting
foklar,focolare, stove
Folia carta, foglio di carta, sheet
of paper
Folia, calca di genu, crowd, multitude
Fomm, bucca, mouth
Fond, fondo, profondita; bottom
Fond,profando, deep
Fondok,fondaco, shop :for the sale
of provisions
Fonkla, bisbetico, ;whimsical fellow
Fonti,fonte, font
Forg'a,fucina, forge
Forka, patibolo, gibbet, gallows
Forma, forma, modello, forlll' model
Forn,forn, oven
Fornat,fornajo, baker
Forok, v. andare poco zoppo, to go
lame, to limp _
Forrajna,ferrana, green fodder
Forti,forte, fort
Fortificazioni, forti.fic~zl~one, fortification
Fortuna,fortuna, fortune
Fortuna, tempesta, tempest, storm
Fosc'na,forcina, fork
Fosdok tad-dud tal h'arir, bozzolo,
silk cocoon
Foss,fosso, ditch
Fossa, cavita, cavity
Fossa, tal kamh', fossa, foss
Fossa, gemma,pietra preziosa,gem,
Fost;fra, between
Fracassia,fricassea, fricassee
Frak, rottame, crumbs, bits
Feak tal h'obs, bricciole, crumbs
of bread
FraneUa,flauella, flannel
Frar,febbrajo, february
Frauli,fragole, strawberry
Freigata,fregata, frigate
Frenza, frengia, fringe
Friegu,faro, light-house
Friese', letto, bed
Friscatur, bacino, bason
Frog'a,frittata, omelet
Frott,frutto, fruit
Frughja, sciocchezza, silliness
Fsada, sa/asso, blood-letting
Ftah'ar, v. millantarsi, to boast
Ftah'ir, millanteria, boasting
Ftajar, frittel/e, fritters
Ftakad, v. visitare per indlzgare,
to explore
Ftakar, v. ricordarsi, to r~member
Gambetta, gambetta, trip
Gamblu, gamberu, shrimp
Gameu, cammeo, cameo
Gamiema, tortora, turtle dove
Ganc', uncino, hook,
Gandoffia, cltiocciola, cockle
Gandott, canale prcifondo, ditch
Gangmu, gangamu, fishing implement
Ganotill, canutiglia, silver-tinsel
Garagor, scala a lumaca, winding
Gardil, cardellino, gold-finch
Gardiola, garetta, sentry-box
Garni, gichero, wake-robin
Garr, gem-ito dei colombi,cooiilg
Gass, gass, gas
Gattarel, (pesce) gattuccio, small
spotted shark
Gau-ui, gabbiarw, sea gull
Gaziba, birboneria, rogery
Gazzetta, gazzetta, gazette, news
Gazzettier, gazzettiere, editore,
Gazzia, acaccia, acacia
Gebbed, v. stirare, to stretch'
Gebbed, v. procrastinare, to procrastinate, to delay
GABINETT,gaoinetto, closet,cabinet
._~,~-,.Gadett, cadetto, jratello minore, Gebel, pietre, stones - -'
_ younger brother
Gebbierla, parentela, parentage,
Gag'g'a, gabbia, cage
Gajdra, ostrica, bank-oyster
Gedded, v. rinQvare, to renew
Gallaria, oalcone, balcony
Gejj, ven,qo, I come
Gelben, v. gernwgliare, to bud, to
Galletta, gaZetta, biscuit
Gallina; beccaccia, wood-cock
Gelleus, llocciuola, nut
Gallinar, gallinqjo, hen coop
Gelliedi, risossu, litigious, quarre~­
Gallun, gallone, gallon
Galop, galoppo, gallop
Ftakur, v. impoverirsi, to impoverish, to grow poor
Ftama, sZattamento, weaning
Ftar, pranzare, to dine
Ftejta, pezzettu di pane, a little
slice of bread
Ftihem, v. intendersi insieme, ~on­
venire, to agree together
Ftietak, piccoli affari, small affairs
Ftila, stoppino, wick of a candle or
Ftira, focaccia, cake
Ftit, puco, little, somewhat
. Fuar, vapore; vapour
Fuied,je.qato, liver
Fuk, sopra, on, up
Ful, jave, beans
Funeral,juneraZe, funeral
Flintanier,jontaniere, water distributer
Furketta,forcltetta, fork
Fus,juso, axle tree
Fustan,justaino, fustain
Futiana, fascia vergolata cite Sl
usa dai villani, striped band used
by country people
Gemda, anneramento di .filigine,
sootishness, dirtiness
Gemel, camelo, camel
Gemgh'a, raccolta, collection
Gemgh'a, adunanza, meeting
Gemgh'a,jolla 4i gente, crowd of
Gemb, lato, side
Gemba, lato di pane, side ofa bread
Genn, pazzia, madness
Genna, paradiso, pal'adise
Genneb, v.porre a parte, to let aside
Gennen, v. far impazzire, to madden
Gennien, giardiniere, gardener
Gens, razza, race, generation
Gera, v. con'ere, to run
Gerah', v.ferire, to wound
Gel'aniu, geran,io, pigeon-foot
Gerh'a,ferita, wound
Gel'ra, v.far carrere, to make one
Gerejj, colui chefa correre i cavalli,
fantino, racer
Gel'll, cagnolino, lap-dog
Gess, v. tosare la lana, to shear
Geulak, sporta, pannier
Geunah',ala, wing
Geus, 1wce, walnut
Geuuieni, intritUico, domestico, domel>iic, intimate
Geu-uieni, interiora degli animali,
bowels, entrails
Gezzej, tosatore, sheavet'
Giacintn, giacinto, hyacinth
Gibda, a.Dezione, affection, inclination
Gibed, v. tirare, to draw
Gid, ricchezza, riches
Gidd, razza, generazione, race,
Gidm, torso, cabbage turnip
Gidl'i, 1JaJuolo, small-pox
Gie, v. venire, to come, to arrive
Gieb, v. portare, to bring, to carry
Giebia, pozzo ampio, cistern
Giefi, crudele, cruel
Gieh', onesta, buona imputazione,.
Giem, bracchiere, bandage
Gieri, corrente, running
Gies, vesti e supeUettili di sposa,
bride's wardrobe and jewels
Gifa, pigro, lazy, idle
Gifen, vascello, ship of war
Gigna, timido, timid
Gilbiena, veccia, vetch
Gild, pelle, leather
Gilda, pelle, skin
Gilg'lien, sesamo, sesame
Gilju, giglio, lily
Glieda, rissa, quarrel, fight
Gimgh'a, settimana, week
Gimgh'a il kbil'a, settimana santa,
holy week
Giobba, giubba, petticoat
Gips, gesso, chalk
Gil', calce, lime
Gil' virg'ni, calee viva, quick lime
Girasul, girasole, sun flower
Gisem, corpo, body
Gisimin, gessomino, jessamin
Giordien, sorcio, rat
Giurnata, giornata, a day
Giornata tasc'-sc'ogh'01, giomo di
lavoro, working day
Gizi isfar, violetto giallo, yellow
Gorboc', porcUe, pig-sty
Grammatica, grarnatica, grammar
Grampun,arpione, hook
Granatier, granatiere, granadier
Granc', grancltio, crab
Granza, crusca, bran
Gremsc'ula, l/lcerta, lizard
Griezem, gola, throat
Grigal, greco, north-east
Grigiol, crociuolo, crucible
Grillu, grillo, grass-hopper
Gringu, (pesce) grongo, conger
Grise', cr/lSca minuta, fine bran
Grisc'ti, rustico, rustic
Gris, bigiorgray
Grizma, estrema lt1lziolte, extreme
unction ,
Grizma tal iskof, cresima, chrism
Guapp, m'dito, bold
Guarnic', cornice, cornice
Guerra, guerra, war
Guerrier, guerriere, warrior,
Gumna, .90mena, cable
Gundalla, bemoccolo, swelIin::>rr knot
Gurlin, chiarlo, curlew
Gzira, isola, island
cogliere,pigliare dalla
terra, to gather, to pick up
G'agh'al, v. indu1'1"e, to induce, to
cause to do
G'ah'-g'ah', v. camminare debolmente, to walk feebly
G' ah' -g' ah', v. vivere meschinameltte, to live poorly, or hardly
G'amar, brace, live coal
G'amagh', v. cvgliere, to gather
G'undar, ,qltianda, acorn
G'annat, v. rapezzare, to patch
G'ar, vicino, neig'hbour
G'ara,v. accadere, tahappen
G'arab, scabbia, scab
G'arr, v. trasportare, to carry, to
G'arra, brocca, pitcher, water-pot
G'arrab, v. provare, to try, to prove
G'arraf, v. demolire, to demolish
G'arraf, v. jar cadere, to 'make one
G'augh'ar, perle, pearl
Gazra, matassa, skein, reel
G'bam, cataplasma, cataplasm
G'beina, jormaggella, small cheese
G'bin,jronte, fore-head
G'did, 1WOVO, new
G'diem, lebbra, leprosy
G'gant, gigante, giant
G'!ata, brima, white frost
G'latina, gelatina, jelly
G'lekk, giubetto, jacket
G'lepp, siroppo, syrop
G'miel, bellezza, beauty
G'nien, giardino, garden
G'obon, caciu, cheese
G'ografia, geografia, geography
G'ojer, ,qirjelliere, jeweller
G'olgiol, sunaglio, small tinkling
G'ometria, geometria, geometry
G'rad, locusta, l,ocust
G'uf, utero, uterus, womb
G'uniu, giugno, june
G'uej-jed, q/lieto, quiet
G'uej-jef,tardetto, rather slow,tardy
G'uies, companatico, food
G'ummar, ginestra, broom
G'ummiena,fiocco, tassel
GHEDDES, v. ammassarc, to heap
up; to amass
Gheddum, muso, muzzle
Ghed-mej-muna, scimia, monkey
Gheg'-uie-g'a, moltitudine digente,
crowd, of people .
Ghelg!ll, gargo, gush of water
Gllemghem,v. borbottare, to grumble, to mutter .
Ghemghim, brontolamento, grulU, bl~ng, muttering
Gllemcrumi horbottalore oTUlnlJler
Ghendus, taro, bull
Ghendus moh'si, bue, an ox
Gherbeb, v. rotolare, to roll
Ghermed, v. annerare, to blacken
Gherresc', v. fugare, to frighten
Gherzuma, gola, throat
Ghezzez, v. ammassare, to heap up
Ghezuira, veste da donna tessuta a
lisle, wonfan:s striped gown
Ghidba, menzogna, lie
Ghidem, v. marderI.', to bite
Ghidi, capl'etto; kid
Ghi~ma, morso, biting
Ghidma, boccone, mouthful'
Ghifun, impasto che si mette sul
piano delle mum per non penetrare l' acqua, morter, cement
Ghiref, v. graffiare, to scratch
Ghil'ef, v. rubare,to rob
GH'AIIDA, v. caricare, to load
Gh'abbar, v. conlrapesare, 00unterbalance
Gh'abur, piccolo monlone,opecora,
young ram, or sheep
Gh'ac', sete, thirst
Gh'ad, ancora, non ancora, yet, not
Gh'ada, usanza, consuetudine, use,
Gh'ada, abitudine, habit
Gh'ada, domani,tomorrow
Gh'adam, ossa, bones
Gh'adba, collera, anO'er
Gh'adba tal bieb, soglio, threshold
Gh'add, v. contare, to count, to
sum up
Gh'adda, v. passare, to pass over
Gh'addas, tuffatore, diver
Gh'ader, v. compatire, to excuse
Gh'ad-iIli,S1?bbene ,bencltt, altho ugh,
Gh'adira, pozzangllera, marsh
Gh'adu, nemico, enemy
Gh'afas, v. comprimere, to press
Gh'affeg,v. premere coi piedi, 0 colle
mani, to press under the foot or
I Gh'afia, salute, sanitd, health
Gh'afia tal meut, il miglioramenta
prima della morte, any short ammelioration before death
Gh'afrid, crudele, cruel
Gh'afsa, pressione, pressure
Gh'ageb, mastro, monster
Gh'agen, v. illlpastare, to knead
Gh'aggeb, v. recare maraviglia, to
Gh'aggel, v. affrettarsi, to hasten,
to make haste, to do speedily
Gh'aggiebi, esageratore, exagger·
Gh'agina, pasta, paste
Gh'ag'la, sollecitudine, haste
Gh'ag'na, impastatura, kneeding
Gh'aja, stancltezza, weariness
Gh'ajb, disonore, dishonour, shame
Gh'ajdun, diceria, common talk
Gh'ajja, v. stancare, to weary
Gh'aijar, y. annuvulare, to cloud
Gh'ajjat, v. ekiamare, to call
Gh'ajjeb, v. eontrajfare, to counterfeit
Gh'ajjen, v.far mal occMo, to be-'
Gh'ajj{m, stanco, tired
Gh'ajn, oceMo] eye
Gh'ajn, germoglio, bud
Gh'aj-nuna, SOCC01'SO, help '"
Gh'ajr eccetto, except, but only
Gh'ajta, gridoJ cry
Gh'akal, saviezza, wisdom
Gh'akar, densita dell' aria, dampness
Gh'akrusc', lumacone, large snail
Gh'aks, miseria, misery, indigence
Gh'aksa tas-siek, nocca, knuckle
Gh'alak, mignatta, leech
Gh'alak, piccolo manico di cesto,
small handle of a basket
Gh'alef, v, pascolm'e, to feed
Gh'ale-nia, unanimamente, unanimously, with one consent
Gh'alf, foraggio, forage
Gh'alfejn? per dove? when?
Ghal-hekk, laonde, perdu, per tal
motivo, whereupon] therefore, for
which reason
Gh'ali, caro di prezzo, dear
Gh'ali] alto, high, tall
Gh'aliesc'1 percke? pel' qualragione? why?
Gh'aliesc', percTte, per la 1'a,gione
eke, because
Gh'alka, cltiusura, enclosure
Gh'alka, terreno, land
Gh'al-kollosc', al tutto, del tutto,
quite, entirely
Gh'alla, eresta, crest
Gh'allagh', v. innalzal'e, to raise up
Gh'allankas, almeno, at least
Gh'allem, v. insegnare, to teach
Gh'a1!i, per quello cke, for what
Gh'alli-gej, per l' avvenire, for the
Gh'alli-rajt, per 'luello clte vidi, for
what I saw
Gh'al-sc'ejn, per niente, senza motlvo, for nothing, without reason
Gh'am, v. nuotare, to swim
Gh'ama, cecita, blindness
Gh'ama, deco, blind
Gh'amara, mobigtia, furniture
Gh'ambakar] prugna,sllsina, plums
Gh'ambra, ambra, amber
Gh'amel, v.fare, to make
Gh'amm, zio paterno, uncle on the
father's side
Gh'ammar, v. abitareinsiellle, to
to cohabit, to dwell together
Gh'ammar, v. rendere abitato, to
Gh'ammar, parare, addobbare una
casa, to furnish a house
Gh'ammcd, v, battezzare, to baptizeGh'ammesc', v. abbagliarela vista,
to dazzle
Gh'an, v, ajlltare, to aid, to help
Gh'and, da,presso, to, at. Es. mar Gh'arusa, (pesce) donzinella, maid
e-h'and ommu, andli da sua ma- Gh'asar, v. spremere, to squeeze
;lre, he went to his mother
Gh'asc', v. vivere, to live
Gh'anet, v-frettarsi, to make haste, Gh'asc'ar mit-elf,UlI milione,million
to do speeJily
Gh'asc'ar te-Ie£, dieci mila, ten
Gh'ania, canzona, song
Gh'ankbut, ragllatello, cobweb
Gh'asci, sL'enuto, swooned
Gh'ankut, grappolo; bunch
Gh'asc'ra, dieci, ten
Gh'annak, v. abhracciare, to em- Gh'asc'ua, svenimento, swoon
Gh'aseb;' non maritato, celibe, baGh'ansar, scilla, squill
chelor, single
Gh'ant,fodera, sheath
Gh'asel, miele, honey
Gh'anzalora, azzeruolo, crab-apple Gh'asfilr, v. scappare, to run away
Gh'ar, vergoglla, shame
'Gh'asfur tal beit, passero, sparrow
Gh'ar, ,grotta, gr'otto
Gh'aslug', virgulto, twigs
Gh'araf, v. conoscere, to know
Gh'assies, guardiano, guardian
Gh'arak,sudore, perspiration,sweat Gh'at, bench~, though
Gh'arbiel, crivello, sieve
Gh'ata, copertura; cover
Gh'aref, dotto, learned
Gh'atba, soglio dell' uscio, the
Gh'arisc', capanna, cottage
threshold of a door
Gh'arisc'a, ombra della nuvola, the Gh'atas, v. starnutare, to sneeze
shadow of a cloud
Gh'attab, v. storpiare, to maim
Gh'arka, fregatura, friction
Gh'attan, v. ammaccare, to crush
Gh'arkan, sudatu, in a sweat, or Gh'attuka, gallina giovine, young
Gh'arkub, calcagno, heel
Gh'atu, coperchiu, cover, lid
Gh'arma, mucc1tio, heap
Gh'at-ua, breve S01l1tO, short sleep
Gh'arnnk, grue, crane
Gh'a-um, nuoto, swimming
Gh'arraf, v. avvisare, to make Gh'au-uiem, nuutatore, swimmer
known, to give notice of
Gh'azak, v. zappare, to dig
Gh'arram, v. ammOllticc1tiare, to Gh'azel, v..lilare, to spin
, -heap up ,
Gh'azel, v. separare, to separate,
Gh'arrieda, impruvisamente, unexto divide
pectedly, suddenly
Gh'azel, v. scegliere, to choose
Gh'ars, spolaziu, wedding, nuptials Gh'aziz, caro, dear
'Gh'ar-uien, nudo, naked
Gh'azla, separazione, separation
Gh'arukasa, vergogna, shame
Gh'azz, lenticckie, lentils
Gh'arus, sposo, spouse
Gh'azza, fi,qnolo, pimple
Gh'arusa, sposa, spouse
Gh'azzien, pigro, lazy, idle
Gh'azziek, zappatore, digger
Gh'edeu-ua, illimici, enemiel;
Gh'edir, compassione, compassion,
Gh'eg'ubi, maraviglioso, wonderful
Gh'eg'ubia, maraviglia, wonder .
Gh'eja, v. stancarsi, to be wearied,
to be tired
Gh'ela,v. disgustarsi, to be disgusted, to be displeased
Gh'ela, v. bollire, to boil
Gh'ema,v. acciecarsi, to grow blind
Gh'enb il dib, solatro, morel
Gh'eneb, ?tva, grctpes
Gh'ens, becco, he-goat
Gh'era, v. essere nudo, to be naked
Gh'era, nuditli, nakedness
'Gh'erek, v. ~lIdare, to sweat, to
Gh'erek, v. annegarsr, to drown
Gh'erf, dottrina, doctrine
Gh'erk, tendine, tendon
Gh'erk, radice, root
Gh'eri, nudo, naked
Gh'id, pascua, easter
Gh'id il h'amiem, epifania, epiphany
Gh'idilh'amsin, pentecos/e, pentecost
Gh'ira, emlilazione, emulation
Ghodda, strumenti, tools, instruments
Gh'odos, v. atti1Jfarsi nell' acqua,
to dive under warel'
Gh'odua,mattinata,whole morning
Gh'okda, nodo, knot
Gh' og' 01, vitello, calf
Gh'okla, dolore, rammarico, grief,
Gh'oli, altezza, height
Gh'olja, ertez.za, steepness of a hill
Gh'ollieka, legaccia, garter
Gh'olliek, rovo,_bramhle
Gh'omma, caldo, calore, heat
Gh'omor, eta, tempo, 0 corso della
vita, age
Gh'onk, collo, neck
Gh'onnella, gonna, faldetta, gowh
Gh'orok, v stopicciare, to rub
Gh'osfor, cartuTllo, carthamus
Gh'osc'rin, veltti, twenty
Gh'otob, v~ stroppiarsi, to be lame
Gh'usc'u'r, decime, tithes
HARAH, v.fuggire" to run away
Harrab, v. metter in fuga, fugare,
to carry away
Hau, qui, in questo luogo, here
Hebb, v. avventarsi addosso, to run
Hedded, v. minacciare, to threaten
Hejja, v. apparecchiare, to make
ready, to prepare
Hejja, venUe, come
Hejjem, v. accarezzau, to Caress
Heirn, affettazione, mollezza, affectation, delicacy
Hekk, COSt, in questa guisa, so, thus
Hekk, certo, al certo, certainly,
truly, surely
Hemm, angoscia, sorrow, grief,
Hemrn, la, cola, there, in tlUlt place
Hena, consolazione, consolation
Herra, asprezza, sourness
Her-uel, V. far impa.zzire, to make
HellJen, v, delircl1'l', to delirate
Hi, jeu hin, ella, essa, she
Hieni,felice, happy
Hinn, la, cola, there, in that place
Hint, voi, you
Hu, egli, esso, he
Huma, eglinu, elleno, they
Husc'? vero? is it so?
II'addur, v, l'erdeg,qim'e, to be green
H'addara, seguitu di persone cite
accumpagnanu la sposa alla c1iifSa, wedding train
Haddein, guancie, cheeks
H'addel, v. intorbidire, to benumb
H'addem, v. dare lavoro, to give
work to
H'addied,ferrqjo, black smith
H'addiela, torpure, numbne:'1s
H'A, v. prendere, to take
Haddiem, lavoratore, workman
H'abak, basilico, basil
H'adid,jerro, iron
H'abar, mortuorio, the ringing bells II'adm, verde, green
H'adra, invito al pranzo di una
announcing a death
II'abb, v. amarI', to love
sposa, invitation to dinner of a
H'abba, un grano, a grain
spouse, od assistenza nuziale,
nuptial assistance
II'abba tal gh'ain, pupilla, the eye
II'adrani, verdiccio, greenish
ball, pupil
II'abLat, v. battere, to beat, to strike H'afas, migliarini, prickly-heat
H'abbata,martellodiporta,knocker II'afl', v. alleggerirsi, to unburden
one's self, to alleviate
H'abel" corda, rope
H'abez, v. mettere il pane neljorno, H'afen, v. prendere quanto cape un
to bake bread
pu,qno, to take a handful
H'abi, nascondhnento, occultation H'afer, v. incavare, to dig up a hole
H'afi, scalzo, unshod, bare £Joted
H'abib, amico, friend
II'afif, le.qgiero, light
H'abirsc'a, nasturcio, cresses
II'affiefa, pomice, pumice-stone
II'abla, cOllfusione, confusion
H'abrieki, attivo, iudustriosu, ac- H'afna, mo,lto,gran quantita,a great
deal, a quantity
tive, industrious
II'afur, avena, oats
H'abs, prigione, prison
H'abta,colpo, perciJssa, blow, stroke H'ag'a, cosa, thing
H'ag'ar, pietre, stones
H'ad, nessuno, nobody, no one
H'ageb, Giglio, eye-bro\....
H'ada, vicinu, II lato, near
H'agel, pernice, partridge
H'add, domenica, sunday
H'add il passioni, domenica di pas- H'aggeg', v. infiammare, to flame,
to burn
. sione, passion sunday
H'add iz-zebbug', domenica delle H'agg'ar, v. lapidure, to stone
H'ag'ra taz-zlliet,pietrajocqja,flint
palmI', palm sunday
H'addan,v.abb7'l1cciare, to emhrace H'ajjn, vita, life
H'ajjar, v. animal'e, allettare, to
H'ajjat, sartore, tailor
H'ajjen, malizioiSO, malicious
H'ajjen, ingannatore, a cheater
H'ajua, inganno, deciet ,
H'ajra, deside1'io, desire
H'ajt,filo, thread
H'ajt, muro, wall
H'ajt tas-sejjeh', mum a secco, drywall
H'akk, v. grattare, to rub
H'akk, grattamento, scratching
H'akk, giustizia, justice
H'akkek, v. affatticarsi per guadagnare qualcke cosa, to endeavour to any thing
H'ala, dissipamento, dissipation
H'aleb, v. mungere, to milk
H'aler, v. giurare, to swear, to depose
H'aleg, v. sgranare il cotone, to
remove the seed from cotton
H'air, giuraml!nto, oath .
H'alfa, sparto, rush
H'ali, dissipatore, waster
H'alib, latte, milk
H'all, acetu, vinegar
H'all, 'I. sciogliere, to untie
H'alla, bica, stack of corn, or hay
H'allas, v. pagare, to pay
H'alIas, v. pettinare, to comh
H'allas, pagatore, paymaster
H'allas, solvente, able to pay, solvable
H'allat,v. mescolare,to mix together
H'alIicbi, che fa molto latte, milky
H'alliel, ladro, thief, robber
H'alk, bocca, mouth'
II'allla, melma, mud
H'ames, quinto, the fifth
Il'ames mia, cinque cento, five
H'ames telef, cinque mila, five
H'ames mit-elf, cinque cento mila,
five hundred thousand
H'ammeg', v. sporcare, to soil, to
H'ammel, v. pulire, to clean
H'ami, caldo, warm
H'amiem, colombo, pigeon
H'amiem tal bar, piccltio, wood
H'amis, giovedl, thursday
H'amis ic'-circa,gioved1 santo, holyday thursday
H'amla, corrente d'acqua pi,ovana,
current of rain-water
H'ammiela, semenzajo, seed plot
H'amra, rossa, red
H'amrani, rossicio, reddish
H'amria, terra dei terreni, earth
H'amsa, cinque, five
H'amsin, cinquanta, fifty
H'anek, gengiva, gums
H'anfus, scarafaggio, beetle
H'anka, raucedine, hoarseness
H'annieka, collana, neck-lace
H'anin, pietoso, merciful, piteous
H'auut, bottega, shop
H'anzir, porco, hog
H'auzira, porca, sow
H'auzir I'art, porco terrestre, woodlouse
H'auzir il bah'ar, porco di mare,
H'ara, contrada, strada, street
H'arag', pella pecuniaria, penalty,
H'arak, v. abbrugiare, to burn
H'arat, v. (l1'are, to plough
H'arifa autunno, autumn
H'arir, seta, silk
H'arka, pannicello, child's cloth
H'arka, scottatura, scalding
H'arrat, arature, tiller
H'arreg', v. avvezzare, isl1'uire, to
exercise, to instruct
H'arrek, v. muovere, to move
H'arretia, terra arabUe, arable land
H'arrub, carruba, carob.
H'arsa, guardo, look
H'art, aratura, tillage
H'arta, dakka ta h'arta, sc1tiaffo,
H'aruf, agnello, lamb
H'asad, v. mietere, to reap, or mow
. H'aseb,v.pensare,to mind,to intend
H'asel, v. lavare, to wash
H'asc'-ia, vivagno, cloth-list
H'asc'i-sc', erba, grass
H'asc'i-scit-ir-rmied, erba soda, potash grass
H'asi, capone, capon
H'asira, stuqja, mat
H'asla, matassa, schein
H'asla, rimprensione, reprimand,
H'asra, dolore, pena, sorrow, regret
H'ass, lattuga, lettuce
H'assar, v. disordinare, to disorder
H'assar. v. putrefare, to conupt
H'assiela, lavandara, washer woman
H'at, v. cucire, to sew
H'atab, legna, fire wood
H'atar, v. scegliere, to choose
H'atar, bastone, stick
H'att, v. scaricare, to unload
H'att, v. demolire, to demolish
H'attab, mediatore, mediator
H'atem, anello, ring
H'aten, suocero, father in law
H'aten, genero, son in law
H'aten, cognato, brother in law
H'atf, ratto, robbery
H'ati, reo, guilty
H'auh', persico, peach
H'ausla, gozzo, craw
H'aut, pila, stone pot to hold water
H'autiel, ingegnoso, industrious
H'au-uad, v. mescolare, to mix
H'au-uadi, perturbatore, disturber,
H'au-uar,v.condire, to season meat
H'au-uel, v. piantare, to plant
H'au-uief, rondone, martinet
H'au-Il iefa, pornice, pumice-stone
H'azen, malizia, malice
H'azen, v. purre in magazzino, to
store, to place in stote
H'azin, cattivo, bad
H'azna, provisione, provision
H'azz, linea, tirata a penna, line
H'azzem, v. cingere, to gird
H'bubia, amicizia, friendship
H'dasc', undici, eleven
H'dej, vicinu, near
H'eba, v. nascondere, to hide
H'edla, torpore, numbness
H'edma, lavoro, work
H'efa, v. logorare, to wear, to consume
H'effa, agilita, agility
H'ej,fratello, brother
H'ela, v. consumare, to consume, to
H'eles, v. liberarsi, to getaway, to
be off
H'ell, ladroneggio, theft, robbery
H'elu, dolce, sweet
H'emda, silenzio, silence
H'emel, carico di diecijasci, a load
containing ten trusses
H'esrem, agresto, uva acerba, sour
H'las, stipendo, salary, pay
H'ia, mio fratello, my brother
H'jara, cedriuolo, cucumber
H'jata, cucitllra, sewing
H'in, momento, an instant
H'leu-ua, anice, anise
H'leu-ua, buon cuore, good nature
H'lief, eccetto, except, but
H'liefa, loppa, the husk of corn
H'lieka, burla, jest
H'lik, creazione, creation
H'luki,jaceto, lepid
H'mar, asino, jack-ass
H'mara, asina, she ass
H'merla, stoltezza, foolishness
H'meu-ua, aC1'imonia, acrimony
H'miet, Sllocera, mother in law
H'nejja, areo, volta, arch vault
H'nezria, sordidezza, so(didness
H'niek, gengive, gums
H'niena, compassione, compassion,
H'niezer, sC1'ofola, king-evil
H'obb, seno, breast
H'obbeisa, malva, marsh-mallow
H'obla, incinta, big with child
H'obs, pane, bread
H'odbi, gobbo, hump-backed
H'odon,fascio, bundle
II'odon, seno, bosom
H'ofra,fossa, cal'a, hole, cave
H'oggieg'a, fiamma, flame
H'og'or, grembo, lap
H'okrien, oppressione, oppression
H'olka, ditale, thimble
H'olm, sogno, dream
H'olom, v. sognare, to dream
H'ol'l'iek, ortica, nettle
H'osba, 1'oselia, measles
H'osbien, pensieroso, thoughtful
H'osc'lief, fieno, hay .
H'oss, rumore, noise
H'ottafa, rondine, swallow
H'ottafa, apoplesia dei bambini, a
sudden disease of infants
H'ram, ciocclte prowisce la legge,
whatever is forbidden by the law
H'rara, ferv01'e, fervency
H'rik,caldo eccessivo,excessive heat
H'rik, ardore, bruciure, heat, hurning
H'ruscia, asprezza, severity
H'sad, mietitura, harvest
H'sieb, peltsiere, thought, design,
H'tar, v. scegliere, to choose
H'tieg", v. bisognare, to be necessary, convenient, expedient
H'ua-uar, aromati, condiments
H'ug'bein, le ciglia, the eye brows
H'uha, di leifratello, her brother
H'uhom.lorofratello, their brother
H'uh', suo fratello, his brother
H'uk, vostro fratello, your brother
II' ukom, vostro fratello, your brother
H'una, nostro fratello, our brother
H'usc'Jief,jieno, hay
H'ut, pesce, fish
H'utek, vostrifratelli 0 sorelle, your
brothers or sisters
H'utha,fratelli 0 sOl'elle di lei, her
brothers or sisters
H'uti, miei fratelli 0 sorelle, my
brothers or sisters
H'utkom, vostri fratelli 0 s01'elle,
yom brothers or sisters
H'utu, fratelli 0 sorelle di lui, his
brothers or sisters .
H'ziem, cintola, girdle, sash
H'ziez, ampitigine, tetter
H'zunia,filrheria, kn~very
In-BALZMA, v. imbalzamare, to embalm
Ib-basc'-sc'a, v.ahbassare, to lower
Ibbasc'-sc'a, v. umiliare, to humble
Ibblakka, v. dare it nero alle scarpe, to blacken the shoes
Ibbordia,v.bordeggiare, to go about
Iben, .figlio, son
Ibgh'ad, piu lontano, more distant
Ibies, v. indurirsi, to grow hard
Ibleh', sciocco, foolish
Ibusia, durezza, hardness
Ibzel, pia attivo, more active
Ic'-c'ajta, v. hurlare,to jest
Ic'-c'aIlas, v. sporcarsi, to spot
Ic'-c'anga, v. lastricare, to pave
le'-c'ara, v. scltiarire, to clear up
Ic'-c'ar-c'ar, v. spandersi, to be
spilled or shed
Ic'-c'arrat, v. lacerarsi, to be torn,
to lacerate
Ic'-cef-c'ah', v. divenhe cisposo, to
become blear eyed
Ic'-cekken, v. impiccolirsi, to grow
Ic'-ceulah', v • .rendersi misero, to
become miserable
Ic'-ken, pill piccolo, tIle least
Id, mano, hand
Idda, v. risplendere, to shine
Id-dah'-h'an, v. affumic.a1·si, to become smoky
Id-dan-dan, v. abhigliarsi, to dress
one elegantly
Id-dar-dar, y. ini01'Udire, to' grow
Id-dar-dar, v. pe1·turbm'si lo stomaco, to turn one's stomack
Id-dau-uar, v. indugiare, ritardare,
to delay>
Iddeffes, v. ingerirsi, to meddle
Iddejjak, v. inquietarsi, to be til'ed
Iddejjen, v. iudehitarsi, to contract
Iddellek, v. ungersi, to be anointed
Idden, v. cantare del gallo, to crow
Iddenna, v. marci1'e, to be rotten,
to putrefy
Idderra, v. spargersi, to be spilled
Iddeu, di grazia, pe1' carita, pray,
I desire you
Idden-ua, v. farsi medicm'e, to be
Iddeu-ueb, v. liquefarsi, to liquify
Iddeu-ued, v. inverminire, to grow
full of worms
Id-dgh'if tar-rigel, la polpa della
gamba, calf
Id-die-h'ek, v. deridere, to deride,
to laugh at
Idjak, pm siretto, more nanow
Id-disgh'a, nono, the ninth
Id-disc'-sc'a, v. ruttare; to belch
len, io, I
Ifkar, piu povero, poorer
Ig'-gel-gel, v. crepare, screpolare,
to crack
Ig'-gennen, v. impazzire, to grow
Ig'-giddem, v. divenire lebbroso, to
be affected with leprosy
Ig'-gieled, v. ba1'ujJarsi, to q uanel,
to fight
Ikh'al, turchino, blue
Ikkan-krat, cancrenito, gangrened
Ik-kmanda, v. comandare, to command, to order
Ikkocc'lat, apopletico, apoplectic
Ikkonfeffa, v. tramare una cosa in
se,greto,to plot,to conspire against
Ikkonza, v. acconciare, to dress, to
Ikreh', brutto, ugly
II, pronome, il, 10, la, etc., the
II-barra, per fuori, out-wai'ds
II-geu-ua, per dentro, in-wards
II-gimgh'a, venerd'l, friday
II-gh'ab, saliva, spittle
II-gh'ala? perclte? why? for what
lI-gh'aIlc'ra, decimo, the tenth
II-haun, qua, here
Il-h'ames, quinto, the fifth
Il-h'dasc', undecimo, the eleventh
Il-bierah', jeri, yesterday
II-bierah' t'Iura,jer I' altr'o, the day
before yesterday
Il-bierah' fil gh'odu, jeri mattina,
yesterday morning
II-bierah' fil gh'ascia, jeri sera, last
nig'ht, yesterday evening
Il-giem, br'iglia, bridle
I1-lampia, v, vampeggiare, to blaze
. up
II-Iamta, v. inmnidire, to starch
I1-lamtat, inamidito, starched
Il-Iasc'ka, v. allargm'e, to enlarge
Il-li, cite, that, which. Es. il ktieb
illi bgh'atli, illibro eke mi avete
mandati), the book which you
sent me
II-Ium, oggi, to day
I1-lunziata, l' armunziazione, the
annun~iation day
II-ma, acqua, water
II-ment, lamento, complaint
II-menta, v. lamentmosi, to lament,
to complain
II-miliet, natale, cristmas-day
II-punent, poneuie, the west
II-quattru-tempi, le quatiro tempora, ember week
II-Isien, la lingua, the tongue
II-takagh', v. incontrare, to meet
I1-teff, v. coprirsi, to covel'
II-vant, levante, the east
Imbah', v. abbajare, to bark
Imbalagh', v. ingkiottire, to swallow up
Imbaram, v. attorcigliarsi, to be
Imbasta, piega, fold
Imber,jeu decembru, dicembre, december
Imbieh',v. essere venduto, to be sold
Imbih', abbajamentoJ. barking
Imbikkem, muto, dumb
Imbit, vino; wine
Imdellel, v. allevarsi con delicatezza, to be brought up delicately
Imdemmel, v. concimarsi, to be
Imdendel, v. appendersi, to hang
Imgh'allem taliskola, maestro di
scuola, school master
Imgh'aska, zappa, spade
Imgh'azel tal rota, 1'azzi di ruota,
Imh'adda, cuscino, pillow
Imh'akka, grattugia, grater
Imh'allef, giudice, judge
Imh'arrek, convenuto, cited
Imh'at, moccio, snot
Imkadeff, remi, oars
Imkass,forhice, scissar
Imkass-tan-nar, molle, tongs
Im-kiet-gh'a, a cottimo, agreement
to do a thing by the whole
Imlah', pia salso, salter
Imma, pera, ma, but
Immak-dar, disprezzato, despised
Immejjel, inclinato, bent, inclined
ImeIlah', salato, salted
Immermer, corrotto, guasto, rotten,
Immerrak, hrodoso, brothy
Imniefes, narici, nostrils
Imperatur, imperatore, emperor
Imselh'a, scopa, broom
Imtedd, v. coricarsi, to lay down
Imtess, v. toccm'e, to touch
Imtess, v. p1'endere, to take, to
carry off
Imtess, guastarsi (proprio delk
frutta), to begin to waste
Inc'ova, aeciuga, anchovies
Incirata, incerata, oil cloth
) Indaf, v. divenire netto, to become
Indafa, nettezza, cleanliness, neatness
Indafar, v. avvilupparsi, to entangle, to involve
Indah'al, v. intromettersi, to intermeddle, to interpose
Indana, una fila di aiheri, od aitre
cose, row, file
Indarab, v. essere ferito, to wound
Indeh'esc',v. shigottirsi, to frighten
Indell, v. dimagrare, to grow lean
Indeu-ua, umidita, humidity
Indiana, endiana, printed cotton
Indivia, endivia, endive
Indokra, v. guardare una cosa, to
guard, to watch over
Induna, v. accorgersi, to discover
Infag'ar, v. avereemorogia, to bleed
at the nose
Infatam, v. spopparsi, to be weaned
Inferak, v. separarsi, to be separated, to be divided
Infero, inferno, hell
Infetah', v. aprirsi, to be opened
Infetak, v. scucirsi, to be unsewed
Infired, v. separarsi, to be separated, to be divided
Infiscel, v. confondersi, to be confounded, to be embroiled
Inforra, fudera, lining
Ing'ama, v. radunarsi, to meet
Ingerah', v. impiagarsi, to wound
one's self
Ingravata, cravatta, cravat
Inguanti, guanti, gloves
Ingh'at, v. dire, to say
Inh'abb, v· amarsi, to be loved
Inh'akar, v. malt'l'attm'si, to be
vexed, ill used
. Inh'all, v. scioglie1'si, to be untied
Inh'all, v. liqueJarsi, to melt, to
Inh'amel) v. essere tollerato, to be
Inh'anak,v, divenire racuo, to grow
Inh'arak,v. abbrucia1'si, to be bumt
Inh'arat, v. essere arato, to be
Inh'asa, caldaja, kettle
Inh'asat, v. mietersi, to be mown
Inh'aseb, v. essere considerato,ponderato, to be considered, to be
Inh'asel, v. essere lavato, to be
Inh'att, v. scaricarsi, to be unloaded or discharged
Inh'att, v.demolirsi,to be demolished
Inh'ataf, v. essere rapito, to be ravished
Inh'azen, v. porsi in magazzino,
to be placed in store
Inh'eba,v.nascondersi, to hide one's
self some where
Inh'egeb, v. portarsi in solitudine,
to retire into solitude
Inh'eja, v. ravvivarsi, ristorarsi, to
refresh, to confort
Inh'ela,v.rovinarsi,to ruin one's self
Inh'tieg, v. ahbisognare, to be needful, to he necessary
Inkahad, v. essere preso colla mano,
catturato, to he captured, to he
Inkafel, v. cltiudersi a cltiavl', to
he locked
Iukal, v. dirsi, to he said
Inkaleh, v. 1'ivoltarsi, to turn up
side down
Inkara, v. essere letto, to he read
Inkasam, v. divi.dersi, to he divided
Inkasc'-sc'a, v. incassare, to encased
Inkatagh', v. tagliarsi, to he cut
Inkatagh', v. sbi,qottirsi, to he
Inkatel, v. uccidersi, to kill one's
Inkeda, v. servirsi, to he served
Inkedd, v. affatticarsi, to take
pains, to work hard
Inkella, altrimenti, otherwise, else
Inkera, v. affittarsi, to he let, to
he hired
Inkered, v. struggersi, to be ruined,
to be destroyed
Inke-ua, v. arroventire, to be hot
hlkiscef, v. scoprirsi, to uncover
Inkiser, v. 1'ompersi, to hreak
Inkiteb, v. ascriversi, to enroU
Inkorla, v. incollerarsi, to be anger
Inquadru, quadro) picture
Inquina, incudine, anvil
Insalata, ensalata, salad
Intiena, puzza, stink
Invidia, invidia, envy
Irh'am, marmo, marble,
Irkoppa, ginoccldo, knee
Isa, presto, quickly
Ishah', piu bello, more handsome
Isem, nome, name
Isfar, giallo, yellow
Isfar, pallido, pale
{sfar tal bajda, tuarlo, the yolk of
an egg
Isfel, abasso, below
Isgh'ar, piu piccolo, lesser
Isc'-scenef, v.affacciarsi,to look out
Isc'-scerrek, v. associm'si,' to associate with one
Isc'-sciotta, v. asciugarsi, to dry
Iskof, vescovo, bishop
Ismar, bruno, brown
ISrilen, piu pingue, fatter
Iss, zitta, silence
Issa, ora, adesso, now, at present,
at this time
Issa-kaf tal h'alk, il palato, the
Issak-ka, v. adacquarsi, to be watered
Issapnat, insaponato, soaped
Isseb-gh'a, sett-imo, seventh
Issibt, sabato, saturday
Isued, nero, black, dark
Itjeb, migliore, better
It-tielet, terzo, the third
It-tieni, secondo, second
It-dicta, martelli, tuesday
It-tmienia, ottavo, the eighth
It-tnasc', dodicesimo. the twelftl~
It-tnein, lunedl, monday
It-tra, lettera. letter
It-tramuntana, tramontana, the
It-ual, piu alto, taller
Iva, sz, certo, yes, certainly
Izda, ma, but
Izied, piu, di pill, more
JAF, egli sa, he knows
Ja-h'asra, interiezione di dispiaeimento, poor fellow
Jakau,jwse, perhaps
Jalla, Iddio voglia, God grant
J alIa, su via, come up
J annal', gennajo,january
Jnkella oppure, else
J arda, jarda, 'yard
Jasar, schiavitu, slavcl'y
J assu, bravo, well done
Jcbes, dum, hard '
.Tcbusia, caparbita, obstinateness,
J edd, dritto, right
J cgifieri, vale a dire, that is to say,
for instant
.lek, se mai, se per avventura, if
ever, ifby chance
Jek-li-Ie, se non, diversamente, or
else, otherwise
J es, speranza, hope
Jeu, ovvero, or, else,
J omm, a madre, a mot.her
J s-taj-k un, probabilmente, jJuu essere, perhaps, probably, may be
J urn, giorno, day
J zzejell, v. adornarsi, to adam one's·
Jz-zeu-ueg', v. ammogliarsi, t.o
KAnAD, v. premlere, to take, to keep
Kabar, sepultura, grave, tomb
Kabbar, v. ingrandire, to enlarge
Kabbel, v, adattare, to adapt, to
fit, to confront
Kabbel, v. gabellare, to let out
Kabd, l'icn'ere il denaro nell' alto
della vendita, the receiving ready
Kabel, v. convenire, to agree together
Kabel, prima, before
Kabes, v. saltare, to leap, to jump
Kabil, stripe, razza, lineage, race
Kabla, ostetrice, midwife
Kabozza,capotto, capote,great-coat
Kacc'at, v. svettare, to prune, to
cut off the tops of trees, or plants
Kad, mai, giammai, never
Kadded, v. diseccare, to dry up
Kaddej, servo, servant
Kaddes, v. celebrare la messa, to
celebrate mass
Kadef, v. remare, to row
Kaddief, rematore, rower, boat-man
Kaddis, santo, saint
Kadi, servizio, service
Kadja, un servizio, a service
Kadim, vecchio, antico, old, ancient
Kaduma, ascia, axe
Kafas, gabbia, cage
Kafel, v. chiudere, to shut up, to
Kafis, mezzo barile, half a barrel
Kafla, le,gaccia, garter
Kafra, bestemmia coll'invocazione
del diavolo, blasphemy
Kagazza, scoria, dross of metal
Kagh'ud, v. stare, to sit down
Kagh'ada, positura, posture
Kagh'aka, ciambella, cake
Kah'-h'ul, bianclteggiatore, intonacatore, plasterer
Kah' -kah' v. tossire a secco,to caugh
with a dry caugh
Kah'la, turchina, blue
Kah'li, (pesce) occltiata, black tail
Kah'ta, penuria, penury
Kajt, ceppo, irons, fetters
Kajjem, v.levare in alto, to raise up
Kajjem, v. destare, to awake
Kajla, adagio, piano, slowly, gently
Kajman, di mediocre complessione,
of limited powers
Kajman, di mediucre abilita, of limited ability
Kakocc', carciofo, artichoke
Kal, v. dire, to tell, to talk
Kala, baja, bay
Kalagh', v. scavare, svellere, to pull
off, to draw off
Kala, vela, sail
Kalandra, calandm, calender
Kalb, cuore, heart
Kalb tajba, buon cnore, good will
Kalb kbira, coragioso, courageous
Kalba, t'ettuccia, punta tenera dei
rampolli, the top of a shoot
Kalbieni, coragioso; courageous
Kaldarun, caldarone, caldron
Kaleb, v. voltare, to turn, to overturn
Kaleb, v. meltere la minestra nei
piatti, to put the soup into the
Kaleb, v. abbiurare, to embrace
another religion
Kaleb moh'hu', v. impazzirsi, to
grow mad
Kalfut, calafato, calker
Kalil, severo, severe, rigid
KaIl, v. infierocire, to become fierce
Kalla-jamal', piacesse a Diu, please
to God
KaUu, callo, corn
Kalmok, pelone, calmuc
Kalziet, calzonf, pantalone, trousers, pantaloon
Kalziet ta tah't, sotto calzone,
Kalzrat, p1'igioniere, prisoner
Kalzri, calcere, prison
Kalzrier, calceriere, jailor
Kam, v. alzarsi, to rise, to get up
Kamal', luna, the moon
Kamal' mimli, luna piena, full moon
Kamas, v. calcitrare, to kick
Kamel, pidocchio, Ious
Kamh', grano, wheat
Kamh' ir-rum,granone, indian corn
Kammas, calcitrante, kicking
Kampiena, campana, bell
Kampnar, campanile, steeple
Kamrier, cammeriere, valet de
Kancec', v. risparmiare con lavarizia, to be stingy
Kanciec'u, spilorcio, stingy
Kancru, canchero, cancer
Kandlier, candeliere, candlestick
Kandlora, candelora, candlemas
Kanfra, carifora, canphirc
Kanfut, riccio, echimus
Kanna, canna del fucile, the barrel
of a gun
Kanno. miela, canna da zucchero,
sugar cane
Kannata, hrocca, pitcher, water-pot
Kanneb, cunape, hemp
Kannebusa ,cauapuccia, hemp-seed
Kannic', caniccio, hurdle
Kansh'a, ventricolo, ventricle
Kantar, cantaro, qui7ltule, cantar
Kantuniera, an,golo, corner
Kanun, canone, cannon, gun
Kammier, canoniere, gunner
Kanvaz, canaccio, canvas
Kapot, capotto, cloak
KappaI', cappero, caper
Kappamosk, cutrettola, wagtail
KappiIIan, parroco, curate,chaplain
Kara, v. leggere, to read
Karabocc', sagina, indian millet
Karagh', cucuzza, zueca, gourd
Karar, v, confessare, to confess
Karas, v. pizzicare, to pinch, to
nip with the fingers
Karba, sospiro, groan, sigh
Kares, aspro, sour
Karfa,pagliuolo, some peaces straw
Karfusa, sedamo, celery
Kargh'a tal ras, cranio, scull
Kari, lettura, lecture, reading
Karib, viciuo, near
Karib, parente, kinsman
Karkur, pianella, slippers
Karmec', hiscotto, biscuit
Karmuc'a, cartillagine, cartilage
Karmus, fico od alro frutto cite non
matum, fig or other fruit that
not come to maturity
Karn, corno, horn
Karnieria, cimitero comune, charnel
Karnita, polpo, polypus
Karl', v. confessarsi, to confess
Karraba, ampolla, phial
Karrak, v. iugannare, to deceive,
to delude
Karrakka, cavafango, mud engine
Karsa, pizzicotto, pinch
Karsa, agra, sour
Kartalla, cestone, great basket
Kar-uez, v. tosare curto, to shear
Karus, salva denaro, money pot
Kasba, canna, cane
Kasba tas-siek, stincu, shin bone
Kasbar, v. sporcare, to spot
Kaskus, purcellu, pig
Kaskusa, porcella, young sow
Kastan, castagna, chest-nut
Kattus, gatto, cat
Kattusa, gatta, she cat
Kau-gh'ara, cernice, porter's knot
Kau-kau, cacao, cocao
KausaIIa, arco baleno, the rain-bow
Kautiela, pretesto, pretext,pretence
Kazairi, derisore, derider
Kazzola, cassel'ola, souce pan
Kazzola tal benneja, cazzuola,
Kbir, grande, great
Kburi, altero, proud
Kburia, orgoglio, pride
Kcina, cucina, kitchen
Kebbeb, v. gornitolare, to wind
Kebbes, v. accendel'e, to light
Kecc'a, v. licenziare, to send away
Kecic'u, sciacco, foolish
Kedmeimuna, scirnia, monkey
Keff, v. orlare, to hem
Kef£, piatto della bilancia, the scales
or bason of a balance
Kefria, crudelta, cruelty
Kejjel, misuratore, measurer
Kejl, rnisura, measure
Kelb, cane, dog
Kelb tal cacc'a, calle da caccia,
Kelb tal liebru, bmcco, beagle
Kelb livier, leviere, grey-hound
Kelb il bah'ar, pesce cane, sea dog
Kelb, cane 0 mOl'sa delfucile, the
cock of a gun
Kelba, cagna, bitch
Kellem, v. parlare, to speak to
Ke!ma, parola, word
Kemm, quanta, how much, how
Kemmed, v. jomentare.. to foment
Kemmesc',v. increspare, to wrinkle
Kemmun, cominu, cumin
Kemsc'a, pocltino, a little
Kenna, nuora,' daughter-in-law,
son's wife
Kennies, scopatore, sweeper
Keniesa, scopa, brush
Kenun, jocolare, stove
Kera, v. aifittare, to let out
Kera, v. prendere in aifitto, to hire
Kera, aifitto, rent, revenue
Kerg'h'a, brutta, ugly
Kerk, inganno, fraud
Kerkni, pigmeo, pigmy, dwarf
KelTej, inquilino, tenant" dweller
Kerreja, casa di aifittauoli, lodging .
Kesah',v.ra.ffreddarsi, to grow cold
Kesc'-kiesc'a, freddo, juriera di
jebbre, chiiliness
Ke-ua, v. arroventire, to grow red
Keu-kba, stella, star
Keutel, v. addurre seuse, to make
insufficient excuses
KibeI', v. Cl'escere, to grow
Kiber,v.farsi altiero,to grow proud
Kibes, v. aecendersi, to kindle
Kiefer, crudele, cruel
Kiefes, ecclissato, eclipsed
Kiegh'ed, sedente, seduto, sitting
Kieh',jondo, the bottom
Kieku, particella ottativa, che significa allora,certamente,quando
eretta dalla particella Ii, se. Es.
Li kont nigi magh'kom, kieku
ma contuse' tibzgh'u min h'ad,
se io venissi cun voi, allora, certamente non avreste timore di nessuno, if I were to come with you,
tlten, or certainly you should not
be afraid of anyone
Kiel, v. mangiare, to eat
Kien, v. accadere; avvenire, to happen
Kien, serve per jormare l'imperjetto, ed il piucchepeifetto, come
kienjakra, leggeva, he was reading-kien kara, aveva letto, he
has finished reading
Kies, misura, measure
Kiesah' ,jreddo, cold
Kiesah', insipido, insipid
Kif, come, siccome, as, like, similiar
Kif? come? how?
Kigh'a, aja, threshing-floor
Kih' is-siek, la pianta del piede, the
sole of the foot
Kik-kra, clticchera, cup
Kilba,jame canino, canine hunget·
Kilba, ingordigia, excessive avidity
KiIla, sdegno, indignation
Kil-ua, arnione, kidney
Kima, ossequio, respect
Kines, v. scopare, to sweep
Kird in-nah'al, uccelletto elle mangia le api, eat-bee
Kirja, un ajJitto, rent, house-rent
Kirsc'a, trippa, tripe
Kisc'ef, v. scoprire, manifestare; to
discover, to reveal
Kisra, tozzo, jetta di pane, bit of
Kitba, scrittura, scripture, writing
Kiteb, v. scrivere, to write
Kitla, caldaja, kettle
Kittieb, scrittore, scrivano, writer,
Kittien, lino, flax
Kittien, zeit tal kittien, olio di /ino,
linseed oil
Klamar, calamaio, inkstand
Klin, rosmarino, rosemary
Kmieni, per tempo, early
Knisia, chiesa, church
Kobba, gomitolo, clew of thread
Kobor, grandezza, largeness
Kobor, veccltiaja, old age
Kobria, alterigia, pride
Kocc', pochino, a little
Kocc', fignolo, pustle
Kocc'ata, sommita, top
Kocc'la, apoplesia, apoplexy
Kok, cuoco, cook
K0kka, civetta, owl
Kok-kombrajsa, capitombolo, tumble
Kola, coccinella, lady bird
Koll, tutti,ogni,qualunque, every,aIl
Kolla, colla, glue
Kolla, brocca, pitcher, water-pot
Koll darba, ogni volta, every time,
Koll fejn, ovunque, every where
Koll h'ad, tutti quanti, everyone,
every body
Kolljum,giornalmente, daily, evey
Kollma, tutto cio, ciocche, all what,
every thing that, what
Koll meta, ogni volta, every time
Koll min, chiunqur, ognuno, whoever
Kollosc', og1li cosa, ,every thing
Koll-uieh'ed, ciascuno, everyone
Kollu-uieh'ed, tutto 10 stesso, tutt'
uno, it is all the same
Korob, vicino, near
Kork,sandalo ad uso dei villani,sandal worn by the country people
Korrat, porra, leek
Korti, corte, tribunal
Kosbor, curiando1o, coriander
Koton, cotone, cotbn
Kotor, v. crescere, to grow more,
to increase
Krib, sospiro, sigh
Krid, estirpazione, extirpation
Krokka, chioccia, brood-hen
Kromb, cavolo, cole
Kromb tal gidra, cavo1e torsuto,
rape turnip
Kromb il bah'ar, cineraria, sea ragwort
Kronfol, garqfano, pink
Kronfor, garofano, sorta di aromato, clove
Krozza, stambella, crutch
Kruha, bruttezza, ugliness
Krusa, acidita, acidity
Ksajar, alquanto corto, some what
Ksc'nr, cortcfcin, hark
Ksc'ur tal h'obs, corteccia del pane,
crust of bread
Ksc'ur tas-sig'ar, corteccia, scoreia
dell' albero, bark of a tree
Ksc'ura tal bajda, la scorcia dell'
uovo, the egg shell
Ksuh'a,freddezza, coldness
Ktajjagh', tonne, stuo1i, a great
number of persons
Ktajra, goccio1a, a little drop
Ktar, caglio, curd
Ktieb, libro, book
Ktil, uccisione, slaughter
Ktuber,jeu ottubru,ottobre,october
Kuartier, quartiere, caserma dei
sa1dati, quarter
Kuartier, quartiere, parte di citta,
Kubrit, solfo, sulphur
Kubrita, solfarino, match
Kucc'arina, cucchiarina, spoon
Kucc'arun,cucchiarone,table spoon
Kuccieda, pidocchio appena nato,
louse just hatched
Kukkudril, coccodrillo, crocodile
Kunjet, boccetta, phial
Kuntern, quinterno di carta, a quire
of paper
Kurazza,pescemartello, balance-fish
Kurduana, cordovana, spanish leather
Kurketta mara, femminella, eye in
which receives the hook
Kurketta ragel, gangero, hook
Kurrier, corriere, courier
Kus, orciuolo, pitcher
Kutra, coverta, covert
Kutu-kutu, c!lelamente, quietly
K verta, colt,.", coverlet
Kverta tas-suf, coverta di lana,
Kverta bajda, coverta bianca, white
Kverta cuttunata, co~'erta imbottita, q11 ilt
Kverta tal bastiment, coverta di
nave, deck
Kzie-kes, porcelli, small pigs
Kzuzi, nauseoso, nauseous, loathsome
Kzuzla, sporchezza, nastine8s, dirtiness, uncleanness
Lah'am immelIah', carne salata,
salt pork
Lah'lah', v. scialacquare, to rinse
Lah'ma, pezzo di carne, piece of
Laima-il-laillla, adagio, lentamente,
softly, gently
Lakad, non mai, never
Lakagh', v. accogliere, to receive
Lakgh'a, incontro, meeting
Lak-kal, al piil, at most
Lak-kam, v. innestare, to inoculate
Lakkat, v. raccogliere di qua e di
la, to pick up here and there, to
Laksc', rottame, chips of wood, or
LABARDA, labarda, halbard
Lablab, v. ciarlare, to babble
Lakta, percosso, colpo, blow, stroke
Lablab, ciarlatore, babbler
Lala, conjidenza, fmnigliarita, inLabra, ago, needle
timacy, familiarity
Labra tar-ras, spilla, pin
Lamank, almeno, at least
Labsi, ascensione, the ascension
Lambik, tamhicco, Iambic
La darba, giacche, poiche, since
Lampuca, lampuga,
Lagh'ab, v. giuocare, to play
Lamtu, amido, starch
Lagh'-gh'ab, giuocatore, player
Lanc'a, lancia, lance
Lagh'uk, v. leccare, to lick
Landa, latta, tin
Lah'ak, v. giungere, to arrive
Landier, lattajo, tin-man
Lah'am, carne, flesh, meat
Lang'asa, pero, pear
Lah'am tal h'anzir, cm'ne di porco, Lankas, neppure, not even
Lant, fossa bislungo fatto nel terLah'am tal bakra,carne vaccina,beef
reno, an oblong trench cut in the
Lah'am tal muntun, carne di monground
tone, mutton
Lanzit, setola, bristle
Lah'am tal vitelIa, carne di vitella, Lapes, lapis, pencil
Lapsi, ascensione, ascension day
Lah'um misc'-ui, carne arrostita, Laptu, scapolare, scapulary
Laring'a, orangia, orange
roast meat
Lah'am iccapuliat, came hattulo, Lasc'k, raro, rare
minced meat
Lasta, asta, pole
lattiera, milk jug
Lauzar,mercante de lJendi? per strada panni, tele, e simili, pedlar
Lavagna, lavagna, slate
Lazz, laccio, cordella, lace, tape
Lazzarett, lazzaretto, lazzarett
Lbic', vento libeccio, the south west
Lbies, vestimento, clothes
Le, no, no
Lebda, nessuno, nobody, no one
Lebhien, mezzo addormentato,
Leblieb, viluccnio, bind-weed
Leblieba, desiderio incessante, deSIre
Leffa, tanta quantita di lana, bam.bace, e simili, quanta si pua tenere in mana, handful of wool,
cotton, or the like
Leflef, v. divorare, to devour, to
eat greedily
Legiu, legio, reading desk
Le-gh'ad-ekk, nonperciJ, however,
yet, for all that, not on that account
Leheg', v. respirare can affanno,
anelare, to breath short
Leh'en, voce, voice
Leh'h'a, petulanza, importunity
Leh'ja, barba, beard
Leh'ja, mento, chin
Lejl, notte, night
Lein, verso, alla parte tale,; towards
Lemah', v. vedere di passaggio, to
see casually, to glance at
Lembi, mastellone, kneeding pan
Lembia, mastello, large bason
Lembuba, spianat'-do, roller
Lembut, imbuto, funnel
Lemin, destra, the right side
Lankas, il meno, the least
Lenza, cordicella di lino cne si attacca alla lenza, strong hempen
fishing line
L'erbgh'a, mercoled~, wednesday
Lese'-sc'una, zappetta, small spade
Lest, terminato, ready
Leuel pian, il primo piano, the first
Leuliemes, l' altro jeri, the day before yesterday
Lenlieni, il primo, the first
J:.eum, rimprovero, reproof, reproach
Leun, colore, colour
Leusa, mandorla, almond
Leu-uel, da prima, before, previously
Lgh'ab, bava, foam
L'hudi, ebreo, hebrew, jew
L'hudi, (pesce) carpione, carp
L'h'ih',petulante, petulant, troublesome
Li, il quale, la quale, i quali, le
quali, ene, which, that
Liba, il primo laUe dopo il parto,
the first milk after the birth
Libes, v. vestire, to dress
Libes, v. vestirsi, to dress one's self
Libet, v. tacere, non fiatare piil, to
keep silence
Librar, librajo, book seller, book
Libsa, veste, coat
Lida, pestello, pestle
Liebes, vestito, dressed
Liedna, edera, ivy
Ijem, v. redarguire, to reproach
Liema? quall'? qllali? which?
I~iezna, risparnzio, parsimony
Lifgh'a, vipera, viper
Ligi, legge, law
Lil, a, al, to, segno del dativo. Es.
atuh' IiI h'ja, datelo a mio fra, tello, give it to my brother
Limbu, limbo, limbo
Linfa, lampedaro, chandelier
Linguata, (pesce) sogliola, sole
Linka, inchiostro, ink
Lipp, (pesce) lupo, sea tench
Lira, lira, lyre
Lira, una lira, a pound
},isc', liscio, smooth
Lisc'ka, esca, tinder
Lissia, liscivia, lixivium
I..itania, litanie, litany
Liti, processione, procession
Liti, lite, process
Li-ui, contorcimento, contorsion
Liun, leone, lion
Liunfant, elefante, elephant
Livria, liveria, livery
Lizar, lenzuolo, sheet
Lizied, al piu, at the most
Lizz, (pesce) luccio, sea pike
L'min? a chi? per chi? to whom?
for whom?
Locanda, locanda, hotel
Logg'a, loggia, portico, lodge
Logh'ob, giuoco, play, game
Loki, luogo comodo, privy
Lokkata, canocchia, rock
Lokma, tozzo di pane, bit, morsel
of bread
L'sien, lingua, tong'ue
L'sir, schiavo, slave
L'tim, miano, orphan
Lubien, incenso, incens e
Lubien, risvegliato, awaked
Lucerna, lucerna, lamp
Lugliu, luglio, july
Lujem, v. rinzproverare, to reprove,
to reproach
I~uk, pioppio, poplar
Lukket, saliscendo, latch of a door
Lumi, limone, lemon
Lumi laring', arancio dolce, sweet
Lumi tal kuruna, limonello dolce,
sweet lemon
Luminata, limonea, lemonade
Luogotenent general, tenente generale, lieutenant general
Lup, lupo, wolf
Lupa, lupa, she wolf
I..upa, appetito insaziabile, wolfish
Lura, addietro, indietro, back
L'vant, levante, the east
L'vent, agile, nimble, active
MA, non, no, not
Madmad, giogo, yoke
Madonna, la Beata Verqine, our
Lady, the Virgin Mary
Madrab, pilastro nell' uscio delle
masserie, a pilaster in the wall
of a farm house
Maestral, maestrale, north-west
Magh'ad, v. masticare, to chew, to
Magh'dub, adirato, angry
Magh'dud, contato,eomputed
Magh'adur, scusato, excused
Magh'adur, oppresso, oppressed
Magh'fu;;, premuto, pressed
Magh'g'un, impastato, pasted
Magh'iun, ajutatu, helped
Magh'kud, rappigliato, condensed,
Magh'kur, impiagato, wounded
Magh'lub, dimagrato, emaciated
Magh'luk, chiuso, shut up
Magh'mul,fatto, done
Magh'ruf, conosciutu, known
Magh'sur, spremuto, squeezed
Magh'zel,fuso, spindle
Magh'zul, cotonefilato, spun yarn
Magh'zul, filato, spun
Magh'zul, scelto, chosen
Magh'z~z, caro, dear
Magh'zuz, prezioso, precious
Mah'bes, vasa in cui si pone il pane, kneading pan
Mah'bub, amatu, beloved
Mah'bul, pazzo, mad
Mah'bus, quando messo inforno
il pane, put into the oven the
Mah'but, percosso, beaten
Mah'dum, lavorato, worked
Mah'fra, perdono, pardon
Mah'fur, perdonato, pardoned
Mah'kur, maltrattato, ill treated
Mah'leb, vasa in cui si multge il
latte, a vase into which cattle_are
Mah'lub, munto, milked
Mah'lug', cotone sgranato, cotton
cleansed from the seed
Mah'luk, creato, created
Mah'lul, sciolto, untied
Mah'lus, lih_erato, delivered
Mah'lut, grano meschiato, mixed
Mah'mug', sporeo, dirty, nasty
Mah'mul, sopportatu, suffered, to. let'ated
Mah'nuk, rauco, hoarse
Mah'rub, fugitivo, fugitive
M:ah'rud, arato, ploughed
Mah'ruk, abbruciato, burnt
Mah'sub, pensato, thought
Mah'sud, mietato, mown
Mah'sul, lavato, washed
Mah'sus, scosso, shaken
Mah'ta, muccio, snot
Mah'tur, scelto, chosen
Mah'tut, demolito, thrown down,
Mah'zen, magazzino, store house,
Mah'znier, magazziniere, storekeeper
Mah'zun, riposto in magazzino,
laid up, placed in store
Majjal, porco castrato, majale,
gelded hog
Makbud, preso, afferrato, taken,
Makdar, v. disprezzare, to slight,
to despise
Makful, chiuso a chiave, locked
Makjel, bovile, ox stall
Makjus, misurato, measured
Makku, bianchetta, white bait
Maklub, voltato, turned
Maksum, diviso, divided
Maktuh', tagliato, cut off
Maktul, ueciso, killed
Mak tur,fazoletto, handkerchief
Malajr,presto, senza indagio,quickly, immediately, without delay
Malamira, voce unita al verbo sal',
significa malandare tanto in salute, quanto in fortuua, to deteriorate in health, or fortune, to
take a bad turn
Malli, tosto che, subito eke, as soon
as, in the same moment
Malli daka, in quel punto, in that
Malli dana, in questa mentre, ,in this
Malvitz, merlo, black-bird
Mandra, ricettacolo di armenti, a
Mandra, pigro, lazy, idle
Mang-nu, maugano, calender
Mannara, mannaja, hatchet
Mans, mansueto, mild, quiet
Mant, manto, mantle
Mantikilia, manteca, pomatum
Man-uiel, manovale, mason's labourer
Mar, v. andare, to go
Mara, donna, woman
Mara mizzeug'a, donna maritata,
married woman
Marad, v. ammalarsi, to grow sick,
to fall sick
Marbut, legato, bound, tied
Marcier, merciajo, mercer
Mard, malattia, sickness, malady,
Marden, bambacia filata nel fuso,
spindleful of thread
Mardum, sotterrato, buried,intered
Mardum, messo sotto terra, put
under ground
I Margherita, margherita, daisy
Marella, piccola matassa, a little
Maresc'all, maresciallo, marshal
Marg'ni, margine, margin
Marid, ammalato, sick, ill
Markad, letto, bed
Markis, marchese, marquis
Marlocc', manico della zappa, mattock-handle
Marlotz, (pesce) merluccio, cod-fish
Marmalia, popolaccio, the mob ..
Marradi, malaticcio, weakly
Marrara, fiele, gall
Marsus, compresso, presi:led, well
Marsuttin, febbre etica, consump-
Mart-h'ia, moglie di mio fratello,
Mart-iI-kamar, mal caduco, falling
Martek, vostra moglie, your wife
Martel, martello, hammer
Marzebba, mazzeranga, beetle
Marzpan, (pesce) scaro, scarus
Marzu, marzo, march
Masc'at, v. pettinare, to comb
Masc'tura, mangiatqja, manger
Masri, lino, lint, flax
Mastizz, solido, solid
Ma-tanc', non tanto, not much
Matmura, ripostqjo, granary
Mazz, mazzo, bunch
Mazza, mazza, club
Mazzit, sanguinaccio, blood pudaing
Mazzola, mazzuola, pick
Maz-zra, contrapesu, pendulum
Mazzuka, maglio, wooden hammer
Mazzun, (pesce) ghiozzo, gudgeon
Mbagh'ad, pui, allora, after, then,
Mbazzar, letamato, dunged
Mbelleh', impazzito, mad
Mberred, raffreddato, cooled
Mbesc'-sc'ak, socchiuso, half shut
Mbidded, versato, poured
Mbiegh'ed, allontanato, removed
Mbierek, benedetto, blessed
Mbikkem, muto, dumb, mute
Mc'ah'h'ad, privato, deprived
Mc'aklak, mosso, moved
Mc'akIak, mezzo ubriaco, half
Mc'allas, imbrattato, soiled
Mc'armt, stracciato, torn in pieces
Mcercer, cencioso, tattered
Mceulah', ~strapazzato, ill-treated
Mdabbar, ulceroso, ulcerous
,Mdandan, abbigliato, dressed elegantly
Mdanna, suocera, mother-in-law
Mdard!lr, incitato a vomitare, inclined to vomit, sick
Mdejjak, angustiato, grieved, af'flicted
Mdejjen, dato a credenza, given on
Mdellek, unto, anointed
Mdeu-ueb,liqufjatto, melted,liquefied
Mdeu-ued, inverminito, full of
Mdjeheb, dora to, gilt
Mdorri, asslleJatto, accustomed
Meh'ries, mortajo, mortar
Meh'ud, preso, taken
Mejda, tavola, table
Mejjet, morto, dead
Mejjlla, madia, kneading trough
Mejju, maggio, may
Mejlak, cote, whet stone
Meit, vertigine, giddiness
Mek-kuk, spola, shuttle
Mekul, mangiato, eaten
Mekul, corroso, corroded
Mela, v. empire, to fill up
Mela, certamente, yes, certainly
Melles, v. palpare leggermente, to
Melh', sale, salt
Menfah', sqffietto, bellows
Mera, speccltio, looking-glass
Merak, brodo, broth
Mercant, mercante, merchant
Merd-kusc', maggwrana, majoram
Merfuh', alzato, raised
Merfuh', conservato, preserved, set
apart, saved
Mergh'a, miuutopesce, small fishel'i
Merh', frutto prodotto fuor di tempo, any fruit produced out of
Merh'-ba, siate il ben venuto, you
are welcome
Merh'i, rihlsciato, debole, feeble,
Merh'la, greggia, flock, herd
Merill, passera solitaria, blue solitary thrush
Mermel, v. guastarsi, to rot
Mesc'a, v. camminare, to walk
Mesc'-mese', v. sllcchiare·, to suck
Mese'-sc'ej, camminatore, walker
Mess, v. toccare, to touch
Meta, quando, when
Meug',flutto, onde, wave
Meut, morte, death
Mfah'h'ar, encomiato, praised
Mfak-kar,impoverito, impoverished
Mfak-kas, sbucciato dali' uovo,
hatched from the egg
MfaIli,jaliito, broken
Mfarfar, sbattuto, beat
Mfarrad, scompagnato, unmatched
Mfarrag', ricreato, recreated
Mfarrak, sbricciolato, crumbled
Mfartas, calvo, bald
Mfattar, pianato, flattened
Mfau-uar, bollito alquanto, somewhat boiled
Mfejjak, guarito, recovered
Mfekkek, slogato, dislocated
Mfelfel, arricciato, curled
Mferc'ah', sciancato, hipped
Mferfer, dispiaciutissimo, extremely displeased
Mferrah', vuotato, emptied
l\l(ferrak, distribuito, distributed
Mferresc',spiegatoper terra, spread
on the ground
Mfesdak, cavato dal bucello, bucellato, shelled
Mfettet, trinciato sottilmente, cut
into slices
Mfiski,jasciato, swaddled
Mfissed, accarezzato, caressed
Mfittesc', cercato, looked for
Mgedded, rinnovato, renewed
Mgelben, germogliato, budded
Mgemmed, .anerato con filigine,
blackened with soot
Mgenneb, posto a parte, set aside
Mgerrah', impiagato, wounded
Mgeu-ah', ajfamato, hungry
Mg'arraf, demolito, demolished
Mghiddeb, smentito, confuted
Mghiddem, morso, bitten
Mgh'arfa, cocchiaja, spoon
Mharrab,jugato, driven away
Mhedded, minacciato, threatened
Mhejjem, accarezzato, caressed
Mheji, preparato, prepared
Mhendem, diroccato, falling, destroyed
Mhenni, consolato, consoled, happy
Mherri, putrejatto, putrefied
Mher-uel, impazzito, mad
Mhez-hez, scosso, shaken
Mh'abba, ajfezione, affection, love
Mh'abbar, avvisato, advised, acquainted
Mh'abbat, distw'bato, troubled,
Mh'adda, guanciale, pillow
Mh'addan, abbracciato, embraced
Mh'addelll,jaticato, tired
Mh'affef" aliegerito, alleviated
Mh'affer; scavato, dug, digged
Mh'aggeg', infiarnmato, inflamed
Mh'ajjar, desideroso, deflirous
Mh'alIa, naspo, reel to wind thread
Mh'aIlas, pagato, paid
Mh'alIat, rnescolato, mixed
Mh'ammeg',sporcato, dirtied, spotted
Mh'ammel, nettato, cleaned
Mh'anka, collana dei bovi, ox collar
Mh'ares, custodito, watched
Mh'arreg', istruito, instructed
Mh'assar, guasto, corrupted, rotten
Mh'asseb, pensieroso, thoughtful
Mh'at, moccio, mucus
Mh'atra, scommessa, wager, a bet
Mh'au-uel, piantato, planted
Mh'azzem, cinto,fasciato,· girded
Mh'alli, lasciato, left
Mgiarrab, sperimentato, tried, experimented'
Mgiarraf, demolito, demolished
Mgiarraf, caduto, fallen
Mgiba, portamento, behaviour, deportment
Mgiddem, leproso, leprous
Mia, cento, hundred
Mibdi, incominciato, begun, commenced
Mibdul, permutato, permuted, exchanged
Mibegh'da, odio, hatred
Mibgh'ut, mandato, sent
Mibgh'ut, odiato, hated
Mibgh'uh', venduto, sold
Miblul, bagnato, wet
Mibni,jabbricato, built
Mibrum, torto, twisted
Mibrusc', raschiato, scraped
Mibsc'-usc',spruzzato leggermente,
Midfun, sepolto, buried, interred
Midgh'i, maledetto, cursed
Midghien, indebitato, indebted
Midilka, mollaccio, inactive, lazy
Midinba, peccatrice, sinner
Midluk, unto, anointed
Midneb, peccatore, sinner
Midra, tridente, trident
Midrub,ferito, wounded
Miel, v. inclinare, to decline, to
Mielah', salato, salt
Miera, v. contraddire, to contradict
Miet, v. morire, to die
Mieta, tariJfa, tariff
Mifdi, redento, redeemed
Mifresc', letto, bed
Mifrud, diviso, divided
Mifsud, salassato, bled
Mifsud, guasto, rotten
Miftakad, visitato, visited
Miftuk, scucito, unsewed
Miftuk, ernioso, hernious
Miftum, slattato, weaned
Mig'bed, trave per cui si fa girare
il molino, the beam by which the
mill is set in motion
Mig'bud, tirato, drawn
Mig'bur, raccolto, gathered
Migdum, morso, bitten
Miggieled, in contesa, in quarrel
Mig'ja, arrivo, coming, arrival
Migimgh'a, adunanza, assembly,
Mig'jub, portato, brought, carried
Mig'jub, stimato, esteemed, regarded
Mig'nun, pazzo, mad
Mig'ruh',ferito, wounded, hurt
Mig'rur, innaspato, wound into
Mig'-uieh', ajfamato, famished
Migh'i, con me, with me
Migh'ak, con voi, with you
Migh'u, con lui, with him
Mikbus, acceso, kindled
Mikfuf, orlato, hemmed
Miklub, ajfamato insaziabilmente,
having insatiable hunger
Miknus, spazzato, swept
Mikri, affittato, let out
Miksc':uf, scoperto, uncovered
Miksc'-uf, palese, known
Miksur, rotto, broken
Miktub, scritto, written
Mik-ui, rovente, red ,hot
Mil, miglio, mile
Milbus, vestito, usato, old
Milied, natale, cristmas-day
Mi!issa, melissa, balm-gentle
Milkuh', accolto"received
Millunkas, almeno, at least
Milli, da ciu, daquelluche, of that,
which, all that
MiI-liema? da quale? of which ?
MilIum, da o.qgi, d' adesso, from
to day, from this moment
Mils, liscio, smooth
Mil-1ta, matassa, skein
Milza, milsa, spleen
Mimbein, dafra, from among,from
Mimgh'ud, masticato, chewed,masticated
Min? chi? who? whom?
Mina, mina, mine
Min-dak-kiet, talvolta, sometimes,_
now and then
Mindil, umento, omentum
Minfah', mantice, bellows
Minfein? da qual parte? from
Minfes, narice, nostril
Minfud, penetrato, penetrated
Minfuh', gonfio, swelled
Minfuk, tii piu, inoltre, be':ides,
Minfllk, speso, spent
Millgel,falce, sickle
Ming'-uil, belzuino, a kind of odo~iferous resin
:M.ingiur, asciato, squared
Mingus, (pesce) mormo, sparus
Minkeb, gum ito, elbow
Minkeb, angulo, comer, angle
Minkejja, contro la mia volonta,
against one's will, in spite
Min-min? da chi? 'from whom?
Min-nufih', tosto, subito, ditectly
Minsc'ur, sciorinato, exposed in the
open air
Minsc'ur, segato, sawed
Minsi, dimenticato, forgotten
Minsug', tessuto, woven
Min-tah't, di sotto, downwards
Mintuf, pelato, peeled
Mintulek, altu quanto voi, of your
Min-uara, di poi, dopo cite, since,
Min-uara, da dietro, from behind
Mirbuh', vinto, gained
Mirfud, .appoggiato, puntellato,
Mirfus, calpestato, pressed
Mirgh'i, saponato, spumed
Mirgh'usc', arrussito, ashamed
Mirhun, impegnato, pawned
Mirjun, elmo, helmet, casque
Mirkum, abbigliato, embellished
Mirsuh', intirizito di freddo, benumbed with cold
Misbuh', tinto, dyed
Misdud, otturato, stopped, corked
Misc'-gh'ul, accesu, kindled
Misc'-ja, camminata, a walk
Misc'-kuk, spaccato, cleft
Misc'-rub, bevuto, drunk
Mise'-tiek, bramoso, desirous, anxious
Mise'-tla, semeltz(go, semin::J.ry
Mise'-tri, comprato, purchased
Misc)-lli, arrosto, roasted
Mish'un, acqua calda, hot water
Mish'nt, maledetto, exacrated,
Misjub, trovato) found
Mi~jur, cotto, cooked
Misk, muschio, musk
Miskin, poverino, poor fellow
Miskta, mastice, mastick
Misluf, imprestato, lent
Misluh', scorticato, skinned
Misluta, pendente, ear-ring
Misluta tas-serduk, bargigli, cock's
MislllUh', udito, heard
Misnun, affilato, whetted
Mis.rah', piazza grande, large open
Misruk, ruhato, stolen
Misrur, ajJ'ardellato, packed up
Missellef, imprestato, pigliato ad
imprestito, taken in loan, borrowed
Missier, padre, father
Mis-tagh'-geb, maravigliato, wondered
Mis-tei-ker, ritornato in se, restored, recovered
Mistembeh', risvegliato, waked
Mistenni, aspettato, waited for, expected
Mist-h'ajjel, ideato, imagined
Mist-h'arreg', esaminato, examined
Mist-h'ia, vergogna, shame, bashfulness
Mist-ka, mastice, mastic
Mistieden, invitato, invited
Mist-ken'eh', aborito, abhorred
Mistoh'bi, nascosto, hidden
Mistoksi, domandato, asked
Mistoksia, interrogazione, interrogation
. Mistrih', riposo, repose
Mistur, coperto, covered
Mitbuk,cltiuso ben bene,well shutup
Mitein, due cento, two hundred
Mit-elf, cento mila, one hundred
Mitfi, spentu, extinguished
Mit-h'na, molino, mill
Mit-h'un, macinato, ground
Mit-kiegh'ed, collocato, placed
Mit-kub, bucato, bored
Mitlub, pregato, demanded, asked
Mitluf, perduto, lost
Mit/uk, abbandonato, aba~doned
Mitmuh', cibato, fed, nourished
Mitnium, terminato, finished
Mitra, mitra, mitre
Mitrah', materrazzo, mattress
Mitrah' tar-rise', materrazzo di
piume, feather's bed
Mit-ua, subbio, beam
Mit-ui, piegato, folded
Mizbla, letamaju, dung-hill
Mizbuh', !into, dyed
Mizbur, potato, pruned
Mizieb, doccione dei terrazzi, earthen conduit, pipe, gutters
Mizjud, aggiunto, added
Mizirgh'a, seminatura, sowing
Mizmum, trattenuto, kept
Mizruh', seminato, sown
Mizuet, boccello, cod
Mizun, bilanciatu, balanced
Mizz, avente taujo, mouldy smell
Mizze-ueg', ammogliato, married
Mkabbar, altiero, proud
Mkabbaz, coperto cun capotto, covered up
Mkah'h'al, intonacato, plastered
Mkarkar, trascinato, drawn
Mkasbar, sporcato, fouled, spoiled
Mkata, cattivo umore, ill-nature
Mkebba, arcolajo, reel
Mkebbeb, gomitolato, wound up,
Mkebbes, acceso, kindled
Mkecci, cacciato, sent away
Mlakkam, innestato, inoculated
Mlakkat, raccolto di qua e di la,
Mlebleb, bramoso ardentemente, ardently de,;irous
Mleu-uet, lordato daljango, dirtied
Mlibbe!:l, vestito, dres!:led
Mliegh'eb, bavoso, foamy
Mluh'a, salame, salt fi!:lh
Mnaddaf, nettatu, cleaned
Mnaffar, adombrato, frightened;
Mnakkar, beccato, pecked
Mnakkas, diminuito, diminished
Mnakkasc', scolpito, engraved,
Mnalla, per la grazia di Dio, by
the mercy of God, by divine
Mnara,lucerna di terra cotta,earthen lamp
Mnau-uar, ammuffato, 'musty
Mneh'h'i, impiccato, executed
Mneh'h'i, levato via, taken away
Mnein? donde? da qual parte?
from what place?
Mnein-sa-fein, per qual ragione,
by what reason
Mnemmel,jormicolato, full ofants
Mneu-uel, recato, brought
Mnid, dalla mano, da, dal, from
the hand
Mniddi, umettato, moistened
Mniffed, penetrato, penetl°ated
Mniedi, pubblicato, publi!:lhed
Mniegh' el,jerrato, shod
Mnieh'er, naso, nose
Mnikket, tristo, mournful
Mnisc'-:"cef, diseccato, dried up
Mnittef, spelato, plumed, peeled
Mnokki, mondato, cleaned
Moftih', chiave, key
Mogh'mi, acciecato, blinded
Mogh'ni, arricchito, grew rich
Mogh'ti, dato, given
Mogh'za, capra, goat
Mohor, polledro, colt
Moh'ba, nascondiglio, secret place
Moh'bi, nascosto, hidden
Moh'fi, logorato, worn out
Moh'h', cerveUo, brain
Moh'krien,'oppressione, oppression,
Moh'li, dissipato, dissipated
Moh'mi, injocato, hot
Moh'ried, aratro, plough
Moh'si, ca~trato, gelded
Moh'tar, scelto, chosen
Moh'tieg', necessario, necessary,
Mokbejl, la mattina di questo giorno, this morning
Mokdi, servito, served
Mokdief, remo, oar
Mokli, jritto, fried
Mokri, letto, read
terra, thrown violently on the
Mokziez, sozzo, nasty, dirty
Mol, malo, mole
Msaddad, irruginito, rusty
MolIa, moUa, spring
Msah'h'an, riscaldato, warmed
Monakella, carriere, ringed plover Msajjar, cotto, cooked
Mondu, dacche, da quando, since, Msajjar, maturo, ripe
Msak kaf, coperto a tetto, roofed"
from the time in which
Monsc'ur, sega, saw
Msakkar, chiuso a chiave,locked up
Mormi, gettato, thrown
Msallab, crocffisso, crucified
Marl', mirra, myrrh
Msappap, inzuppato, soaked in
Msarraf, scarnbiato, changed
Mon, amaro, bitter
Mosc', morbido, tenero, tender
Msau-uat, bastonato, cudgelled,
Mosc't pettine, comb
Mosfur, giallastro, .yellowish
Msau-uem, digillnato, kept fasting
Most, irmnaturo, unripe
Msejjah', chiamato, called
Mosuaf, peloso, hairy
Mselh'a, scopa, broom
Mpartat, barattato, bartered
Msell, (pesce) aguglia, needle-fish
Mrah'h'as, germogliato, budded
Msellem, salutato, saluted
Mrajjad, malaliccio, sickly, weakly Msellet, s.filato, unwoven
Mrang'ad, rancido, rancid
Msemmen, ingrassato, fattened
Mrar, amarezza, bitterness
. Msemmi, nominato, named
Mmt, manico da girare una Tuota, l\Isemmi, rinomato, renowned
handle that serves to turn a Msenneg', pane duro, stale bread
Mserka, cannello, quill to wind
Mrattab, ammolito, mollified, softhread lipan
Mserrah', riposato, reposed
Mreddgh'a, balia, nurse
l\1seu-ues, tarlato, worm eaten
Mreuh'a, t1entaglio, fan
Mseu-ui, aggiustato, adjusted
Mreu-uah', ventilato, ventilated
Msiefer, partito, dep'lrted, gone
Mrezzah', a.qghiacciato, ben urn lIed
'\vith cold
Msieh'eh, associato, associated,
Msoffi, cuTato, clc3.red up
Mriffed, appoggiato, propped
Msoffi, filtrato, sttained
Mfisc'-tel, scardassato, carded
M:'lokki, adacquato, watered
Mrobbi, educato, brought up
Mtabba, lIIacchiato, plotted
Msabbar, consolata, consoled, con- Mtakkab, bucato, bored
MtalJa, inalzato, raised
Msabbat, gettata con violenza in I Mtamma, speranzoso, full of hope
Mulet, (pesce) cefalo, mullet
Mtejjeg', ammogliato, married
Mtenni, dupplicato, doubled, re- Mulud, nato, born
Muna, annona, provision
Munita, moneta, money
Mterka, scure, hatchet
Mterrah', grano od orzo maturo Munkar, becco, bill
gettato sull' ((ja, corn or barley Munkara, (pesce) zerro, sroare
thrown upon the threshing floor Muntun, montone, mutton
Mtertak, fracassato, broken to Munzel, mucchio) heap
Murina, (pesce) morena, lamprey
Mterter, tremante di freddo, trem- Murliti, moroidi, hemorroids, piles
bling with cold
Mus, coltello, knife
Muagg':J, addolorato, painful
Musbih' illeil, lucciola, glow-worm
Musmar, chiodo, nail
Muah'h'al, attaccato, fastened
Muah'h'ar, tardivo, backward
Musrana, budello, bowels
Muah'h'asc', timoroso, frightened
Musc'tascia, velo, veil
Muakka, caduto, fallen
Mllstardiera,mostardiera, mustardMuarrab, rimosso, removed, set
Mzarg'an, arrogante, arrogant
Muassa, allargato, enlarged
Mzejjen, abbellito, adorned
Muassal, condotto sino al luogo,
MudulllJn, midollo, marrow
N ADDAF, v.pulire, to clean, to polish
Muebbel, indotto afare una cosa, Nadif, netto, pulito, neat, clean
induced to do some thing
Naf, so, I know
Muebbes, indurito, hurdened
Nafar, v. adombrare, to start back
Mllebbe~, ostinato, obdurate
for fear
Ml1eggeh', rispettato, honored, res- Naffari, ombroso, starting
N afra, segno qualunque che accenna
Muelli, rinunziato, renounced
vicino il nemico, any sign which
Muennnen, creduto, believed
indicates the propinquity of an
Mllennes, acompagnato, accompaenemy
nied, waited on
Nafll, 10 canosco, I know him
Muer-uer, sbigottito, frightened
Nafll, sappiamo, we know
Mllettak, fortificato, rassodato, Nag'ar, v. asciare, to cut stones
fortified, strengthened
Nagg'ar, asciatore, stone cutter
Muiddeb, ammonito, admonished
Nagh'gh'al,jeu h'addied, maniscalMuiegh'ed, promesso, promised
co, ferrier
Muielet, nato, born
Nagh'al,ferro di cavallo, the shoe
Muitti, appianato, levelled
ofa horse
Nagh'al, f:uoju, leather
Nagh'ag'a, pecora, sheep
Nagh'as,v .sonnaccltiare, to slumber
Nagh'nieh', menta, mint
Nagh'sa, un sonno, a sleep
Nah'al, ape, bee
Nah'ar, v. russare, to snore
Nah'h'a, banda, parte, side, place
Nab'ka, un rllgghio, a bray
Nab'ra, un russo, a snoring
Naka, v. pulire, to polish, toclean
Nakab, v. bucare, to make a hole,
to bore
NakaI', ciocche trasporta l' acqua
corrente, that which isJcarried
'l\vay by the current
NakaI', v. beccare, to peck
Nakas, v. mancare, to be wanting
Nakasc', v. scolpire, to carve, to
Nakkas, v. diminuire, to diminish
Nakkasc', scultore, stone cutter
Nania, nana, dwarf
Nanna, nonna, grand-mother
N annu, nonno, grand-father
Nar,juoco, fire
N arra, particella per augurare bene
o male ad al~uno, it were
Nasab, v. collocare, to place
Nasab. v. tendere le reti, to spread
Nasba, positura, posture
Naska, odorato, tbe smell
N askata, una presa di tabbacco,
a pinch of snuff
Nassa, rete da penscare, bow-net
N assa, gaMia, cage
N assiesi, mllchinatore, plotter
Naucier, nocchiere, pilot
Nau-uar, v. fiorire, to blossom
Nall-uar, ~. ammujfare, to grow
Naza, v" spogliare, cavare i vestimenta, to undress.
Nebah', v. abbajare, to bark
Nebbeh', v. svegliare, to awake
Nebbiet, pianta spontanea, plant
that grows spontaneously without cultivation
Nefah', v. soffillre, to blow
Nefak, v. spendere, to spend
Nefh'a, gonfiezza, swell
Nefka, spesa, expence
Neh'b'a, v. levare, to take away
Nejba, dente canino, the eye tooth
Nejj, crudo, immaturo, unripe
Nejj, non cotto, crude
Nejj, indigesto (parlando di persona), awkward
Nemel,jorl/l'iche, ants
Nemes,juretto, terret
Nemesc', lentipine, pimple
Nemmiela,jormic(vo,swarm ofants
Nemus, zanzare, gnats
Nemusa, (pesce) acciuga minuta,
small anchovy
Nesa, v. dimenticarsi, to forget
Nespula, nespolo, medlar
Net, ajfatto, del tutto, complete:y,
Net, geu-ua-net, nella parte piu
internll, in the most inward part
Neuh', lllmentu, groan, lamentation
Neul, telajo, loom
Neu-nem, v. essere debole (detto del
lume), to be weak
Neu-uah',v. piangereflebilmente, to
weep mournfully
Neu-uel, v. porgere, to reach
Nikta, macchia, a spot
Neu-uieh', piangente, mourner
Nir, liccio, woof
Nisa, donne,femmine, women
Neveu, navone, turnip
Ngara, ogni cosa chI' reca tedio, Niscef, v.disseccarsi, to be dried up
any thing that cause tediousness Nisc'fa, siecita, siceity
Ngies, mangiare di grasso in un Nisc'-se'a, v. seaturire, to spring
giomo di diJiuno, the eating'l Nisc' -scigh'a, sor!Jente d' acqua,
meat on fast day
spring of water
Ngh'ajsa, sunnicello, a little sleep, I Niseg' v. tessare, to weave
short sleep
~Nisel' generazione, razza, geueraNgh'ama, strllzzo, ostrich
tion, origin
Ngh'ar, giorno, day
Nisg'a, tessitura, weaving
Ngh'as, sonno, sleep
Nisrani, cristiano, christian
- \ va le a d'tre, I N'lsse,I v. d are orzgzne,
. .
N g h"d
I u-a1'
1 nu, ewe,
to gl\'e
that is to say, for instant
Nh'asa, ealdaja, chaldron
Nissieg', tessitore, weaver
! Nitef,"Y. pelare, to pull out the hair
Niam, legna, wood
Nibese', v. provoeare, to provoke Niten, v, puzzare, to stink
Nitfa, pochino, a little
Nibet, v. nascere (per le piante), Nizel v. scendere, to com~ down
to shoot up, to bud
Nizla, scesa, declivity
Nicc'a, nicehia, niche
Nkeja, ad onta, ,in dispettu, in spite
of you
Nida, 'ruggiada, dew
Nidem, v. pentirsi, to repent of, to Nquadru, qlladro, picture
Noffara, spaventacehio, seare"crOW
be sorry f()r
Niedi, umido, humid, damp, wet
Noffata, bollicola, blister
Niegh'el, v. ferrare il cavallo, to Nofs, meta, half
shoe with iron the horse
Nofsia, piatto fondo, scodella, a
Nieka, euna, cradle
deep dish
Nofsinar, mezzo giorno, noon
Niekes, mancante, wanting
Niekes, scemo, sottish, simple
Noh'-h'ala, crusea, bran
Nokkas, mancamento, defect
Nies, gente, populo, men, people
Nokra,fossa d'acqua sorgellte,ditch
Niescef, seeco, dry
Nifed, v. penetrare, to penetrate
of spring water
Nifs,jiato, respiro, breath
Nol, nolo, freight
Novembru, uovembre, november
Nigem, gramigna, dog's grass
Nscief, aridita, aridity
Nigghiesa, pun,qolo, goar
N::;ig' J tessiture, wea ving
Nigza, puntura, pricking
Ntiena, puzza, stink
Niket, duolo, grief
Nuar, germoglio, flower, blossom
Nutar, notaro, notary
Nvell, livello, level
OGH'LA, piu alto, higher
Ogh'la, piu caro.di prezzo, dearest
Ogh'na, piu ricco, richer
Oh'la, piu dolce, sweeter
Oh'ra, altra, another
Oh'rain, aZtri, others
Oh'sc'on, grasso, big
Oh't, sorella, sister
Oh'ti, mia sorella, my sister
OJ, alii, holla
Omm, madre, mother
Onesta, onesta, honesty
Orgni, or,gano, organ
Ors, orso, bear
Ortensia, ortensia, or tense
Ortulan, ortolanu, ortolan
Ostia, ostia, wafer
Ottubru, ottobre, october
PACI, pace, peace
Pagel, (pesce) pagello, rotchel
Pagg'atur, passagio, gallery
Pagru, (pesce) pagro, !:lea bream
Pagun, pavone, pedkcock
Pajjs, paese, country
Pajsan, compatriutta, countryman
Pajsan, (pesce) menula, cockrell
Pal, palo, pale
Pala, paletta, shavel
Palamit, (pesce) salacca, pilchard
Palaz, palazzo, palace
Paletta, paletta, shavel
Paliazza, pannolino g1'OSSO ad I1S0
di cucina, kitchen towel
Paliett, stuqja, mat
Paliu, palio, flag
Palik, deluso, deluded
Palizzata, palizzata, palissa~e
Palk, palco, stnge
Palket, palcltetto, loygia, box
Palumbara, colombaju, pigeon
Pampier, (pesce) organo, piper
Pannel, basto, pack-saddle
, Pannella, orpello, tinsel
Pannu, panno, woolen-cloth
i Pantofli, pianelle, pantofles,slippers
Papa, sommo pontefice, the pope
Papocc', pianella, an oriental slipper
Pappagal, pappagallo, parrot
Papra, anitra, duck
Parank~ paranco, tackle
Parapet, parapetto, parapet
Parc'mina, pergamena, parchment
Pat'eUi, apertamente, openly
Pari, pari, peer
Parir, par'ere, council
Parkan, cuperta di lana, blanket
Parlament, parlamento, parliament
P,urin, padrino, god-father
Parrina, coman!, god-mother
Parrocc'a, parroccltia, paris-church
Par1'Okka, parrucca, wig, perriwig
Parsott, figo progiotto, kind of fig
Partat, v. barattare, to barter
Parter, parterre, ordine di palchetti
nel teatro a pianterreno, the
lower tier of boxes in the theatre
Pasc'-sciut, contento, satisfied, glad
Pass, passo, step
Passaport, passaporlo, passport
Passatur, sco!atqjo, strainer
Passiggier, viaggiatore, passenger,
Passolina, passolina, dry current
PastaI'd, cavolo jiori, cauli flower
Pastas,facehino, porter
Pastiz, pasticcio, pie
Pastizzot, pasticdotto, little pie
Patafiun, abbondanza, abundance
Patata, patata, patuto
Patri,frate, friar
Patt, patto, convenzione, agreement
Patt, condizione, condition
Pavaliun, drappellone, church tapestry work
Pee'-pee' v.filare disuguale, to spin
Pedistal, piedestallo, pedestal
Peduna, calza a mezza gamba,
half stocking
Pejjep, v. pipare,fumare, to smoke
with pipe
Pelican, pelieallo, pelican
Pennun, pennone, streamer
Pepprin, papat'ero, poppy
Pergolata, pergola, wine arbour
Pern, perno, pivot
Perrec', v. mostrare, to put any
thing where it may be seen
Persiana, persiana, lettice
.Perzut, presciutto, ham
'Pespes, v. pigolare, to pip
Pespus, fl'inguello, chaffinch
Pesta, peste, plague
Petpet, v. battel'e gli oechi, to wink
often with the eyes
Pettiros, pettirossa, robin
Piacir, piacere, pleasure
Pianeta, pianeta, priest's cope
Pianela, pianeta, planet
Pianterren, piano terreno, ground
Piattin, piattino, saucer
Piazza, piazza, square
Pinna, penna, pen.
Pinna, penna, feather
PinHa bla it-temprata, penna non
temperata, a quill
Pintlor, puntiruolo, bodkin
Pinzel, pennello, pencil
Pipa, pipa, pipe
Pi~jol, priore, prior
Pisc'-sc'un,polpa della gamba, the
Pisci San Pietru,pesee San Pietro,
Piter dorg-8pad
Pisci spad, pesee spada, sword fish
Piselli, piselli, peus
Pistaccia, pistaeehio, pistacchio
Pitarra, gallina pratojola, wild hen
Pitarrun, galla d'india salvatieo,
wild turkey, bustard
Pitgh'ada, dopo domani, the day
after to-morrow
Pitrava, barbabietola, red and green
Pittaz, quaderno, writting book
Plajja, littorale, lido, littoral
Platt, piatto, plate
Platt tuil, piatto lungo, dish
PIegg', mallevadore, bail
Plejju, puleggio, an herb
Pluviera, piriere, plover
Polz, polzo, pulse
Polza, polizza, bill
Pompa, tromba assorbente, pompa,
Pone', ponce, punch
Poni, piccolo cavallo, pony
RABA, terreno, ground, land
Ponn', pugno, handful
Raba, quarto, the fourth
Ponn, pugno, blow with the fist
v. legare, to tie, to bind
Pont, pOTfte.. bridge
v. allevare, to bring up
Ponta, punta, top
kotba, legatore di libri,
Ponta tal pinna, punta della penna,
the nib of a pen
Radam, v. mettere sotto terra, to
Poppa, puppa, stern
lay under ground
Porga, purga, purge
v. poppare, to suck
Posta, posta, post-office
restitllire, to return, to
Porvli, polvere, gun powder
Porvlista, polveriera, powder maRuddiena, ruota, wheel
Raddiena tal h'alg', ruuta atta a
Praina, piccolo germoglio, a bud
separare il cottone della semenza,
Praspura,partita,purzione, portion
a machine used to separate the
President, presidente, president
ripe cotton from the seed
President tal giuri, primo giurato,
v. alzare, to raise
eke si fa in una caPrezz, valore, value, price
serve di un' altra
Prezz tas-suk, prezzo corrente,
markl.'t price
Priklu, probabilmente, perhaps, Rag'agh', v. ritornare, to come
Ragel, uomo, man
Princep, principe, prince
Ragel mizzeueg', uomo ammogli'ato,
Prininli, pinucchio, pine, kirnels
married man
Pronost-ku, almanacco, almanac
Ragel t'ommi, marito di mia maPrua, prora, prow
dre, step father
Ptanza, pietanza, pittance
Ragg', dckerzo, play, sport
Pullagra, gotta, poditgra, gout
Ragg'agh', v.. far riturnare, to
Pulmun, polmone, the lunghs
cause to return, or come back
Pulptu, pulpito, pulpit
Ragh'da, tuono, thunder
Pum, pomo, pommel
Ragh'an, v. impegnare, to pawn
Punent, pouente, the west
Purgatoriu, purgatorio, purgatory Ragh'an, pegno, pawn
Ragh'asc', v. arrostire, to be
Purpain, propagine, provine
Purtelli tat-tieka, imposte, shutters
Putkal, bottegajo cke vende erba e Ragh'asc'a, rossore, turbamento di
animo, shame
frutta, shop-keeper,green grocer
Ragh'eb,frate, monk, friar
Ragh'-gh'ajj il h'lliezer, pOrCl!jo,
Ragh'-ua, spuma, spume
.Rah'al, casale, villaggio, casal, village
Rah'h'al, pastore, shepherd
Rah'h'as, v. germogliare, to hud,
to blossom
Rah'h'as, v. diminuire di prezzo,
to lower, to diminish
Rah'li, contadinu, country man
Rah's, germoglio, sprout
Raj, condotta, senno, deportamento,
Raj, (pesce) razza, ray
Rakad, v. dormire, to sleep
Rukda, un souno, a sleep
Rakkagh' v. rattoppare, to patch,
to mend
Rakkak, v. assotigliare, to sharpen
Rakmatur, ricamatore, embroiderer
RaknlU, ricamo, embroidery
Ram, ramI', copper
Ram isfar, ottone, brass
Ramel, rena, sabbia, sand
Ramla, luogo arenoso, sandy plaee
Rampil, rampirw, dray-kook
Rand, lauro, laurel
Randan, quaresima, lent
Rang'ad, v. arrancidire, to ,grow
Rapta, obbligazione, obligation
Rapta, legatura, ligature
Ras; capo, testa, head
Ras-ir-randan,primo giurno di quaresima, ash-wednesday
Ras-is-sena, il primo giorno dell'
anno, new year's day
Rase' -Be' ,piccola pio.qgia,small rain
Raspa, raspa, rasp
Rass, v. comprimere, to press
Rassas, v. stringere, cumprirnere
bene, to press with force
Ratal, rotolu, a rotolo
Ratba, molle, tenera, soft, tender
Rant, bovina, cow-dung
Ravanelli, ravanello, radish
Raza, ragia, resina, rosin
Razan, v. rafj'renarsi, to abase
one's self
Razan, v. domare, to check, to
Rbat, legaccia verde 0 di giungo
de serve di legame, green withe
Rdum, burrune, clift
Rehah', v. vincere, to gain, towin
Rebekkin, trapano per usu di furare legnami 0 pietre, succhiellu,
Rebh', guadagno, profit, gain
Rebbieh', vincitore, g'ainer, winner,
Rebbigh'a, primavera, the spring
Recluta, recluta, recruit
Redentur, Redentore, Redeemer;
Redus, stereo di pecore, caprI',
Redus, sterco di coniglio) cro tel
Reggiment, reggimento, regiment
Regina, regina, queen
Registratur, registratore, register
Regh'ba, avidita, avidity
Reg-h'eb, v. divenire avido, to become greedy, coveteons.
Rell'a, v. abbandonare, lasciare,
to leave, to abandon
Reh'jH, pigrizia, laziness
Rei/rna, pieta, misericordia, pity,
Rekka, sottigliezza, subtility
Rekken, v. ammassare denaro, to
lay by, to amass money
Rema, v. germogliare, to bud, to
Rema, v. gettare via, to throw
Renta, eutrata, rendita, revenue
Resah', v. agghiacciarsi, to be benumbed with cold
Resak, v. approssimarsi, to appl'oach, to come nigh
Resh'a,freddo, cold
Reu-uisc'ta, cltiasso, rumore, noise
Reu-uah',v.far vento,to blow,to fan
Reu-uieh'a, ventagl'io, fan
Rfus,abbondantemente,a bundantly,
in great quantity
Rgiulia, curaggio, courage, boldness
Rh'am, marmo, marble
Rh'is, a buon mercato, cheap
Rjal, generoso, liberale, generous,
Ried, v. 'L'olere, to will, to be willing
Riedni, redini, the reins ofa bridle
Riefnu, turbine, whirlwind
Rieh', v. puzzare, to stink
Rieked, addormentato, sleeping
Riesak,v. avvicinarsi, to come near
Rifda, s08tegno, support, prop
Rifda, bas'tanata, strike
Rifed, v. puntellare, to support, to
Rifes, v. calpestal'e, to tread, on
Riffieda,puntellu, prop
Rifs, calcole, weaver's treadies
calpestamento, trampling
under foot
Riga, regolo, rule
Rig'el, gamba, leg
Rig-la, trespolo, trestle
Rignu, origano, origan
Righettier, rigattierp, broker
Ringhiera, fila, row, file
Righ'ed, v. incutere timore, to make
Righ'esc', v. reeare rossore,to make
one ashamed
Rih', vento, wind
Rih'a, odm'e, smell
Rih'an, mirto, myrtle
Rih'i, lentezza, laziness
Rik, saliva, spittle
Rikeb, v. cavalcare, to ride on
horse back
Rekkieba, cavalcatojo, horse block
Rimi,germoglio,the bud ofany plant
Rimi,aborto, abortion, miscarriage
Rimissa, rimessa, coach-house
Rise', piume, feathers
Risc'-tel, v. carda1'e, to card
Risc'-tellu, cancello, grate
Risk, buonafortuna, good fortune
Rita, membrana, membrane
Ritratt, rilmtto, picture
Rizma, risma, ream
Rizza, l'iccio marino, sea echinus
Rka-kat, bagatelle, tJifles
Rkik, sottile, delicato,thin, delicate
Rkobba, ginocchio, knee
Rogh'da, tremore, trembling
Roll'os, v. veltdersi a huon mercato,
to grow cbeap
I Rifsa,
Roh's, huon mercato, low price
Rokgh'a, rapezzatura, patch
Rokna, .angolo, angle, corner
Rommien, melogranato, pome-granate
Romol, v. vedovirsi, to become
RondinelIa, pesce rondine, fly-fish
Rosinjol, rosignuolo, nighting-gale
Ross, riso,~rice
Rota, ruota, wheel
Rmiet, cenere, ashes
Rsipla, risipola, errsipelas
Rtub, umido della mattina, the
morning damp
Ruajgel, giovinetto, little man
Rum, rum, rum
Rumnel, cordicella, cord
Rundun, rondane, martinet
Rusc'-mata, multitudine, great
number of people, multitude
Rusetta, pesce pettine, rasor-fish
Rusetta, rosetta, diamond ring
Russett, airone, heron
SA, fino, infino, till, untilI, as far
as, as long as
Sab, v. trovare, to find
Saba, dito, finger
Saba il cbir, pollice, the thumb
Saba il uerrej, indice, the fore
Saba tan-nofs, il dito medio, the
middle finger
Saba tal h'atem, dito anulare, the
ring finger
Saba iz-zgh'ir, migniuolo, the little
Sabb-tad-dem, dissenteria, dyssentery
Sabar, sofferenza, patience
Sa-bana, del tutto, entirely
Sabbat, v. gettare con violenza per
terra, to throw violently on the
Sabi, ra.qazzo, boy
Sabiesc', affinche, affine di, that,
in order to
Sabih', bello, handsome
Saborra, zavorra, ballast
Sadd, v. otturare, to stop
Sadid, ruggine, rust
Safa, v. rischiarirsi, to clear up
Safein? fin dove? how far?
Saff, ordine, strato, order, series
Safi, limpido, cltiaro, limpid, clear
Sa-flah'-h'ar, aUa fine, at last
Safra, viag,qio, dartenza, voyage,
Safra, gialla, yellow
Safra, pallida, pale
Sagristan, sagrestano, sacristan
Sagristia, sacrestia, sacresty, vestry
Sagh'ar, v. vegliare, to wake, to
Sa-gh'aun,fin qu~, to here, as far
as this ...
Sa-gh'in, fin la, to there
Sagh'tar, timo, thyme
Sah'ak, v. pestare, to pound
Sah'an, v. riscaldarsi, to warm
Sah'an, v, adirarsi, to growanary
Sah'an, v. patire, votarsi, (parlando di grano) to blast
Sah'an-sitra, fintantocche, until
Sah'h', v. 1fettuarsi; to be effectuated
Sah'h'a, salute, health
Sah'h'ar, mago, magician
Sah'h'ara, strega, sorceress
Sah'ra, veglia, watching
Sah'ra, le prime ore della sera, the
first part of the evening
Sah'ta, maledizione, malediction
Sajd, pesca, fishery
Saif, est;;', summer
Sajjar, v. cuocere, to cook
Sajjar, v. maturare, to mature, to
Sajjari, si cuoce presto, easy to be
Sajjed, pescatore, fisher
Sajjem, digiuuato, fasted
Sajjetta, fulmine, thunder-bolt
Sakaf, tetto, roof
Sakka, v. adacquare, to water
Sakkaj, adacquatore, waterer
Sakkar, v. serrare, to shut
Sakkar, v. ubbriacare, to make
Sakku, pagliariccio straw mattress
Sakra, ubbriacltezza, drunkenness
Saksa, v. domandare, to ask
Sala, sala, hal!, parlour
Salab, v. croci}iggere, to crucify
Salah'-h'ar,sino l'ultimo, till the end
Salamun, salmone, salmon
Salankas, sino al minimo, sino ['ultimo, until the last one
Salib, croce, cross
Salina, salina, salt house
Salliera, salliera, salt cellar
Sailurn, sin oggi, sino al prespnle,
until to day
Sallura, (pesce) anguilla, eel
Salmastru, salmastro, saltishwatel'
Salmura, salamoja, brine
Saltna, regno, reign, kingdom
Salvia, salvia, sage
Salvietta, salvietta, napkin
Sam, v. digiunare, to £'1st
Sa-rna, fintantocche, fin cite, until
Samagh' v. sentire, to hear
Samat, v. scottare, scaldare, to
grow warm, or hot
Samma, v.far sentire, to cause one
to hear
Sammagh', v. rpm·tare, to relate,
to refer
Sammar, v. inchiodare, to nail, to
fasten with nail
Samra, bruna, brown
Sanghisuk, miniatta, leech
Sappap, v .inzappare, to sop
Sapun, sapone, soap
Sal', v. maturarsi, to grow flpe,
to ripen
Sal', v.cuocersi, to be cooked
Sal', v. riuscire, to succeed
Saraga, (pesce) salacca, pilchard
Suram, imbarbugliare, to imbroil
Sal'but, .fila, row, file
Sardin, (pesce) sardella, sprat
Sarg', sella, saddle
Sargu, (pesce) sargo, sargus
Sarima, museruola, muzzle
SarI', v. affardellare, to pack up, to
bundle up
San'af, v. cambiare moneta, to
change money
Sarsar, v. p1'ocrastina're, to pro'crastinate, to put off from day
to day
Sa~-sla, sassola, scoop
Sasl;a, jinora, till now
Sutagh', v. avere,potere, to be able,
to have a power to do
Satal, secchia, pail
SaLar, v. coprire, to cover
Satar, v. celare, to keep secret
Satin, raso, satin
SatIa, seccltia, pail
Saum, digiwlO, fUl;ting
Saure!l, (pesce) saurello, horse
Saut, bastone, stick
Saut, nervo, bull'l; pizzle
Sau-uab, v. l'ersare, to pour, to fill
Sau-uat, v. bastonare, to strike, to
Sau-uem, v.far digillnare, to cause
to fust
Sau-uiem, digiunatore, faster
Sbandola,jrombola, a sling
Sbatasc', dieci sette, serenteen
Sbejjah', bellino, somewhat handsome
Sbieh', ". divenire bello, to grow
Sbih', lllirora, ilfaT del giorno, the
morning, the break of day
Sbir, dilazione, delay
Sbuh'"ia, bellezza, beauty
Sbul, spiga, ear of com
Scalora, panico, panik
Scarlat, scarlato, scarlet
Scarpar,calzolajo, sllOelll&.ker
ScarpeJ, scarpello, chisel
Scartocc', cartoccio, cartridge
Scebba, zitella, maid
Scebbah', v. assomigliare, to be like
Scebbeh', v. comparare, to compare,
to make a comparison
Scebgh'a, bastonata, blow
Scebgh'an, sazio, satiated
Scebgh'an, annqjato, tired
Scebh', assomiglianza,resemblance
Sceblek, v. avviticchiare, to twist
Scefak, oriz2onte, horilOn
Scegh'eJ, v. accendere, to light
Scehed, v. jar testimonianza, to
depose, to give witness
Sceher, v. piangere ad alta voce,
to cry aloud
Scehra, pianto con grida, noisy
Sceh'da,javo, honey-comb
Sceh'ta, siccita, siccity
Scemgh'a, candela, candle
Scemsc', sole, sun
Scenata, scompiglio, disturbance,
Scerfia, gonelta nera, black gown
Scerka, sqifocazione, suffocation
Scerkan, sqifocato, suffocated
Scerred, v. spargere, to shed
Scerred, v. divlligare, to devulge,
to publish
Scerrejj, compratore, purchaser
Scerru, scirro, shirrus
Sce-ua, v. arrostire, to roa~t
Sce-uk, spine, thorns
Sce-uka tas-sigra, spina degli alberi, prikle
Sce-uka, desiderio, wish, desire
Sce-ukan, bramoso) desirous of
Sceulah', v. buttare via, to throw
Sci bel', palmo) span
Seibka, rete, net
Sebgh'iri-elf, settanta mila, seventy
Beidia, assello, hor~e-fly
Seierak, cOlt'lJenevole, convenient
Sebuka, sambucu, elder
Seieref, duro, hard
Sedda, corizza, nasal obstruction
Seifa, lesina, a",-l
I Seffud, spiedo,spit
Seifer, arlo, hem
Sefh', distenditura della stame all'
Scihid, testimonianza, deposition
urditura, the extending of the
Scih', vecchio, old
thread in the loom previous the
Seih'a, vecchia, old woman
Sef8ef, v. parlare in segreto, to
Seilpa, (pesce) salpa, salp
Seiolliefa, scheggia di legno, shiver,
splint of wood
Seftur, servo, servant
Seftura, serva, maid-servant
Seipli, magro, lean, weak
Sehem, porzione, portion
Seiref, v. affacciarsi, to look out
Seh-ua, alienazione mentale, menScita, piog,gia, rain
tal ab8ence
Scltan, diavolo, devil
Seh-uien, alienato, distracted
Seitel, piante giovani, new plants
Serttel, v. ripiantare, to plant again Seh'et, v. maledire, to curse
Sejjah', v. chiamare, to call
Seitua, inve1'no, winter
Sejjer, v. andare, to go
Seit-uj, inver-nale, winterly
Sei-ua, ar1'osto diporco, roast-pork Sejf, spada, sword
Seiuftein, labbre, lips
Seka, v. abbeverare, to water
Seker, sparviero, hawk
Seiugaman, sciu,qamauo, towel
Seki, geloni, chilblain
Seorbut, scorbuto, scurvy
Serivan, scrivano, clark
Seksek, v. cercare di sape1'e, to inSendett, scudetto, the plate of the
quire about a thing
key hole
Selah', v. evacuareliquido, to have
Scutella, scudella, porringer
a diarrhoea
Sebah' v. farsi giorno, to be day Selah', v. scorticare, to skin
~v. precedere, to procede, to Self, prestito, borrowing, lending
go first or before
Selh'a, pollina, hen's dung
Sebak, v. sorpa.~sare, to surpass
Selh'a, scorticatura, scratch
Seba mia, sette cento, seven hund- Selh'a, breccia, breach
Selk, bieta, beet
Seba-te-lef, sette mila, seven thou- Sella, v. salutare uno per parte alsand
trui, to give one's complements
Sebbel, v. spigare, to seed
Sella, sella, saddle.
Sebgh'a, sette, seven
, Sellem, v. salutare, to salute
Sebgh'in, settanta, seventy
Sellum, scala di legno, ladder
t/ oloU.Jtt-·
)oJ>CA..vJJ,.. ,-
Serna, cielo, sky, heaven
Semel, butiro, butter
Semma, v. far menzionare, to
Semmen, v. ingrass(ue, to fatten
Sempre viva, sempre viva, house
Sena, anno, year
Senduk, cassa grande, chest
Senduk tas-safar, cassa di viaggio,
travelling chest
Sengh'a, arte, mestiere, art
Senn, v. affilare, to whet
Senneg', v. disseccare malta it pane
nel furno, to over bake bread
SenseI, v. unire insieme, to chain
Sensia, permesso,' permission
Sensiela, catena, chain
Sentenza, sentenza, sentence
Sentinella, sentinella, sentinel
Serak, v. rubare, to take away, to
Serda, umidita della notte, cold,
damp of the night
Serduk,gaUo, cock
Sel'k,jurto, robbery
Serp, serpe, serpent
Serra, segatura, saw-dust
Serrah', v. jar riposare, to give
ripose to one
Serrall, serraglio, seraglio
Serratura, serratura, lock
Serred, tene1'e una cosa all' aria di
notte tempo, to expose any thing
at night air
Setah', terrazino, an open passage
Setta, setta, ,sect
Settembru, settembre, september
Se-ua, v. costare, to cost
Seuda, Itera, black
Seu-ua, v.far giusto, to make just
Seu-ua, v. rappacificare, to pacify
Seu-ua v. castrare, to castrate, to
Sen-ua, ragel seu-ua, uomo retto,
honest man
Seu-ua, vero, truth
Seu-ued, v. far nero, to blacken
Seu-ues, v. tarZare, to be eaten by
Seu-ues, v. aizzare, to set on a
dog to bite
Seu-ues, v. irritare, to provoke
SfaI', v. impallidire, to grow pale
Sfargel, cotogno, quince
Sficc'a? impeto, impetuosity
Sfik, spesso, thick
Sfing'a,jritella, thin pudding
SHask, filaccia per le jerite, lint to
lay on sores
Sfura, giaUore, yellowness
Sh'aba, nuvola, cloud
Sh'ajjen, caldetto, rather warm
Sh'ana, calore, heat
Sh'ana, caldo, hot
Sia, crescione, water-cress
Sibek, v. sfrondare, to dl'aw the
Sibel, v. infuriarsi, to be suddenly
Sibel, spigare, to ear, to spike
Siber, v. dilazionare, to delay
Sibt, sabato, saturday.
Sibt il-gh'id, sabato santo, holy
Sicc' (pesce) seppia, cuttle-fish
Sid, padrone, master
Sider, petta, breast
Sidria,:Jorpetto, waist-coat
Sieber, paziente, patient
Sieclu, secolo, an age
Siefer, v. partire, to sail, to depart
Siegla, funicello, little cord
Sieh', v. chiamare, to call
Sieh'eb, socio, partner
Sieh'eb, v. associare, to associate
Siek, piede, foot
Siekia, acquedotto, aqueduct
Sienia, ruota per tingere l' acqua,
currucola, pulley
Sies, muro dei terreni, earthen wall
Siett, piatto, plate, dish
Sifa, resto della spiga, the beard of
Sigg'u, sedia, chair
Sigg'u tar-pos, poltrona, easy chair
Sigg"u tad-dergh'ain, sedia a braccia, elbow chair
Sig'ra, albero, tree
Sigil, sigillo, seal
Sigh'a, un ora, an hour
Siker, v. ubbriaca1'si, to get drunk
Siket, v. star zitto, to be silent
Sikka, aratura, tillage
Sikket, v. far:quieto, to make quiet
Sikkina, coltello, knife
Sik-kran, ubriaco, drunk
Sik-krana, loglio, darnel
Silc', neve, snow
Silef, v. imprestare, to lend
Silet, v. sfoderare, to draw
Silf, marito della sorelladi mia moglie, , 0 la moglie del fratello di
mia moglie, cognato, brother in
law, the husband ofthe wife's sister, the wife of the wife's brother
Silla, ;;ulla, trefoil
Silta, disputa, quarrel
SimaI', giungo, rush
Simna, grossezza, fatness
Sincerita, sincerita, sincerity
Sing, linea, line
Siniur, signore,' gentleman
Sinna, dente, tooth
Sinsla tad-dahar, spina dorsale, the
Sirratiz, travicello, small beam
Sisa, dazio, tassa, tax
Sitta, sei, six
Sittasc', sedici, sixteen
Sitt-elef, se't mila, six thousand
Sittin, settanta, sixty
Sittin elf, sessanta mila, sixty thousand
Sitt-mia, sei cerdo, six hundred
Si-ui, prezzo, valore, price, value
Skak, vicolo, lane
Skamplu, scampolo, remnant of
Skiet, silenzio, silence
Skolar, scolqre, scholar
Skoll, scoglio, rock
Skomb, limone, lemon
Skont, sconto, deduction
Scorfon, (pesce) scorpione, scorpion
Skuerra, squadra, square, rule
Slejjef, '(vedi) silf
Sliem, saluto, bow, salute
Sliema, salvezza, safely
Smait? avete sentito? did you hear?
Smajtc', servo dei soldati nei quartieri, servant belonging to the
Smar, v.jarsi bruno,to grow brown
Smejjen, grassetto, pretty fat
Smid, fior di farina. meal flower
Smih', udito, the hearing'
Smin, grasso, fat
Smuria, hrunezza, brownness
Snien, denti, teeth
Sodda, letto, bed
Soddieda, turaccio, cork
Sofor, gialli, yellow
Sogh'ba; dispiacere, sorrow
Sogh'bien, dispiaciuto, sorrowful
Sogh'da, cipero, cyperus
Sogh'la, tosse, cough
Sokkra, pezza di legno per impedire che il saliscendo non si alzi,
a piece of wood to hinder the
latch of a door from rising
Sokol', uhhriagezza, drunkenness
Sokor,serramento, shuttingor locking
Sold, soldo, penny
Sollecitatur, sollecitatore, solicitor
Sombor, ottimo, very good
Somma, somma, sum
Sommiena, quaglia, quail
Sonza, sugna, hog's lard
Soppa, zuppa, soup
Soptu, subitaneo, sudden, un~ thought of
Sorra,fardello, fagot, bundle
Sottocoppa, sottocoppa, salver
Spag, spago, pack-thread
SpaUa, spalla, the shoulder
Spaniolet, falco, falcon
Sparlu, (pesce) sparlino, sparns
Spella, v. compitare Ie lettere dell'
alfabeto, to epeU
Spellizza, cotta, surplice
Spiera, cavita cilind1'ica nella pietra, a circular cavity in a stone
Spika, nardo, lavander
Spirant, aspirante, mid ship man
Spiritu Santu, Spirito Santo, Holy
Spisa, spesa, expence
Spiziar, speziale, apothecary
Splinglun, spillettone, large pin
Spnotta, (pesce) spi.fJola, base
Sponza, spugna, sponge
Sprag',asparago, sperage
Sptar, ospedale, hospital
Spunsun, fringella, chaffinch
Squadra, squadra, squadron
Sried,umido di notte,damp night air
Staba!', v. srit/rire, to suffer
Stabat,v. gettarfii con 17iolenza in
terra, to throw one's self down
Stad, v. pescare, to fish
Stadd, v. otturarsi, to be stopped
Staffetti, staffette, stirrups
Stagna, v. stagnare,fermarsi l'acqua sanza carrere, to stagnate,
to be still
Stagna, v. coprire di stagno la superficie dei metalli, to tin over
Stah'a, v. vergognarsi, to be ashamed
Stah'am, v. voltorarsi nel fango,
to grovel in the dirt
Stah'ba, v. nascondersi, to hide
one's self some where
Stah'-ja· v. ristorarsi, to restore
Stak-sa, v. domandare, to ask, to
StalIa, stalla, stable
Stamagh', v. sentirsi, to be heard
Stamat, v. scattarsi, to be burnt
Stampa, v. stampare, to print
Stamperia, tipagrafia, printing office
Stampier, tipografo, stampldore,
Stanga, stanga, bar
Staniata, sta.qniata, tin pot
Stagniata, caffettiera, caffee pot
Stann, stagno, tin, pewter
Stasla, stadera, steel-yard
Stedi.n, invito, invitation
Stei-k er, v. rinvenirsi, to recover
Stembah', v. destarsi, to awake
Stenna, v. aspettare, to wait, to
Sterak, v. essere rubato, to be stolen
Stgh'al, v. profittare, to make good
use of a thin~
Stgh'ageb, v. maravigliarsi, to
Stg-h'ana, v. arriccltirsi, to grow
Sth'akk, v. meritare, to deserve,
to merit, to be worthy of
Sth'ajjel, v. immaginare, to imagine
Sth'arreg', v. scoprire con arte i
fatti altrui, to discover cunningly other people's action
Stieden, v. invitare, to invite, to
desire one to come
Stilef, v. essere imprestato, to be
Stiva, stiva, ballast
St~alT, v. confessarsi colpevole, to
Stkenn, v. mettersi al coperto, to
shelter, to take shelter
Stkerreh', v. abbominare, to abhor
Stmerr, v. rincrescersi, to be sorry for
Stocc', agorajo,asfuccio,nee'lle case
Stomku, stomaco, stomack
Stoppa, stoppa, tow
Strapuntin, strapuntino, small
Strieh', v. riposare, to sleep, to
take repose
Strilja, striglia, horse comb
Strina, strena, new ye:H's gift
Strippa, strepolo, legs of a bed, or
Sturjim, (pesce) storione, sturgeon
Sturnell, stornello, stare
Stuta, spegnitqjo, extinguisher
Stvali, stivali, boots
Suaba tas-siek, dita del piede, the
Suar, bastioni, the walls
Suburten, sllbalterno, subaltern
Subien, lendine, nit
Subien, mgazzi, boys
Suf, lana, wool
Sufa, sofa, so£'t
Suffara, fiscltio, flageret
Suffarel, razzo, rocket
Suffarel, scintilla, spark
Suffeira, itterizia, jaundice
Sufra, sllghero, cork
Suggetta, seggiola, seggeUa, seuan
Sugu, SligO, gravy
Sujed, nerezza, blackness
SUjed il kalb, tristezzlt, sadness
Suk, mercato, market
Suldat, soldato, soldier
Sultan, re, king
Sultan il h'ammiem, cucco, cuckoo
SUl1nara, amo, fish-hook
Supprissat, mortadella, dried sausage
Sur, bastione, bastion
Sura, figura, figure
Surgent, sergente, sargeant
Surtun, soprabito, surtont
Sm;a', tarso, wood-louse
Suttana, sottana, priest's cassoch
Se'ah'se',frantume di pietra, fragments of stone
Sc'ah-se'ah', v. addormentare, to
make one sleep
Se'ah'-seieh', papavero, poppy
Se'ah'ta, penuria, penury
Se'ak, fessura, chink
Sc'ABA, v. saziarsi, to satiate one's Se'akfa, m'inale, chamber pot
Se'akk il gh'arak, v. sudare, to
sweat, to perspire
Sc'f..ba, v. tediarsi, to be tired of
Sc'akk tal pinna, la spaccatura
Se'abagh', sazieta, satiety
della penna, the slit of the pen
Se'akkuf, cocciu, pot shand
Sc'abbagh', v. attediare, to tire, to Sc'akleb, v. versare lutto in una
volta, to throw.down
be tedious
divertimento, picnic, dio'
Sc'abbat, v. mmpicare, to creep up
Se'abla, sciabola, sable
Sc'abo, merletto'che si cuce per or- Se'all, sciallo, shawl
namento della camiGia, the frill Se'ama, cera, wax
Se'ama ta dam, cera di seva, tallow
of a shirt
Se'adin, scimione, large monkey
Se'afra, piccolo coltello, small knife Se'amm, v. odorare, to smell
Se'ammar, v. sbracciarsi, to bare
Se'agh'ar, capelli, hairs
the arms
Se'agh'ar tal gh'ain, palpebre, the
Se'ammem, v. far odorare, to
cause one to smell
Se'ugh'ara, luogo deserto, desert
Se'andar, v. divulgare, to divulge,
to publish
Se'ahar, mese, month
Se'ah'am grasso, fat
Sc'arba, bevuta, drinking
Se'ah'h'am, v. ungere col grasso, to Se'arbitelli, superllettili diverse furgrease
Sc'ah'h'am, v. corrompere uno con Sc'arpa, sciarpa (cintura dei militari) sash
donatici, to bribe
Sc'ah'h'at, v. privare di cia clU! si Se'arrase', fare il siero, to make
pua desiderare, to deprive one
of what he is anxious to posse:;s Se'atba, erpice, harrow
Se'ah'ma, pezzo di grasso, piece of Se'atba tal h'adid, porta diferro,
iron gate
Se'att, marina, lido, sea coast, shore
Se'ah'ma, lento, tardo, idle, lazy
Sc'attab, v. erpicm'si, to harrow
Sc'tara, v. comprare, to buy, to
Sc'au-uata,joccaccia, cake
Sc'bin, compare, god-father
Sc'tarr, v. ruminare, to ruminate,
Sc'bint, cormnare, god-mather
to chew
Sc'far il g-h'ainein, palpebre, eye Sc'teh'ed, v. buttarsi, to throw
one's self down
Sc'goh'ir, orzo, barley
Sc'katlu,pelle di squadro,scale skin Sc'tiek, v. bramare, to desire, to
Sc'katta, v. crepare, to burst
wish, to long for
Sc'kubetta, schioppo, musket
Sc'torob, v. essere bevuto, to have
Sc'kuma, sc/duma, spume
been drunk up
Sc'kumvat, crespelli, fritters
Sc'tur, ineguaglianza degli angoli,
Sc'kupa, scopa, broom
angular irregularity
Sc'kupilja, spazzola, clothes brush Sc'ulscin, scambievolmente, recihair brush
procally, mutually
Sc'lief, lenza, fishing line
Sc'usc'a, capellatura, hair
Sc'lok, scilocco, south-east
Sc'mara, flume, river
Sc'offa, labra, lip
TABA, empiastro, plaister
Sc'okka, tela, cloth linen
Tabacc, tabacco, tobacco
Sc'kora, slicco, bag
Tabacchiera, tabacchiera, scatola,
Sc'orob, v. bere, to drink
Sc'orraf, (pesce) menola, cockrell Tabar, tamburro, drum
Tabbab, v. medicare to medicate
Sc'orrosc', siero, serum
Sc'orta-uah'da, 10 stesso, la stessa Tabbagh', v. macckiare, to spot
cosa, tutt'uno, all one, it is all one Tabib, medico, physician
Sc'ortoh'ra, diversamente, diffe- Tabsc'a, imbroglio, embarassment
Tabtab, v. battere leggermente colle
mani, 0 coi piedi, to tap with the
Sc'ott, asciutto, secco, dry
hand or foot
Sc'prun, sperone, spur
Sc'raf, v, indurire, to become hard Tacc, ckiodetto, small nail
Sc'raf, v. crescere negli anni, to Tafa, v. smorzare, to put out
Tafagh' v. urtare, to shock
grow old
Tafagh', v. scagliare,to throw away
Sc'rara, scintilla, spark of fire
Sc'riek, bancodipietra, stone bench Tafal, creta, clay
Sc'rik, lavorante salariato, jour- Tafia, svcnimento, fainting
ney Ulan
Taftan, talletta, taffety
Sc'rik, socio, partner
Tagen, padella, frying-pan
Tagh'-bia, carico, burden, load
Sc'rop, sciroppo, sirup
Tagh'com, vostl'O, yours
Tagh'lllir, coabitaziol/f', coabitation
Tagh'11a, nostro, ours
Tagh'nik ,'aMraceiamento,embrace
Tagh'-uig:, tortuositt't, tortuosity
Tagh'uig', imbroglio, embarassment, intrigue
Tah'bil, confusione, confusion, disorder
Tah'bit, picchio, kpock
Tah'bit, inquietudine, trouble
Tah'did, discorso, discom!>.
Tah'dida, minaecia, threatening
Tah'dil, torpore, num bness
Tah'fir, scava71lento, digging
Tah'gic', accendimento, kindling
Tah'gir, lapida,zione, lapidation
Tah'h'a, di lui, of her
Tah'h'an, mulinaro, miller
Tuh'h'om, di loro, of them
Tah'jjl, i71lmaginazione, imm:lgination
Tah'lit, mescolanza, mingling
Tah'mig', i71lbrattamento, nastine,;s
Tah'mil, pulimento, polishing
Tah'risc', asprezza, austerity
Tah'sir, putrifazione, corruzione,
rotteness, corruption
Tah't, solto, under
Tah't-nijet, sotto mano, under hand,
Tah'uil, piantaggione, plantation
Tah'uir, condimento di aromi, seasoning
Tah'uit, confusione, confusoin
Tah'zima, fasciatura, ligature
Tajba, buona, good
Tajjar, bambagia, cotton
Tajjeb, buono, good
Tajn, fal/go, dirt, mud
Takab, v. bucare, to bore
Takkalia, legaccia, garter
Ta-kattani, rompicollo, dangerous
Tak rik, inganno, cheating
Takris, sterco bovina diseccato,
dried cow-dung
Taksim, divisione, division
Taktak, v. palpitare, to palpitate
Taktira, goceiolo, drop
Takkun, tacco, heel-piece
Talab, v. domandare, to ask, to beg
Talagh', v. salire, to go up
Tala-han, vieni qui, come here
Talb, acca'tarnento, begging
Taiba, supplica, petition
Tal-enkas, almeno, at least
Tal-gh'ageb, maraviglioso, admirable
Taljola, carrucola, pulley
Talja, tacca, tally
Tallab, mendicante, beggar
Talli, di quello, che e per quel, che
of what, for what
Tama, spenanza, hope
Tamagh', v. dar da mangimoe, to
Tamar, dattero, date
Tambar, v. suonare il tamburo, to
Tambur, tamburo, drum
Tamburlin, tamburino, drummer
Tammagh', v. ita sperm'e, to hold
one in hope
Tames, quaglio, rennet to curdle
Tamigiana, damiggiana, greht flask
covered over with twig
Tapar:;i, fintamente, feigned!y
Tapit, tapeta, carpet
Tapit ta eimnia, tapeta di camino,
Tapizzeria, tappezzeria, tape:<ry
Tapizzier, tappezziere, tapestry
Tapp, turacciolo, cork
Tapp tal gh'uda, cocchiwne, bung
Tappan, v. calcare, to press
Tapsina, pitale di forma piatta
usato dagli ammal,ati in letto,
stood pan
Tar, v. volare, to fly
Tarag', scale, stairs
Tal'ma] bambino, baby, child
Tarf, estremita, extremity
Targ"a, scalino, step, stair
Tari, tenero, tender
Tarrase', v. assonlare, to make deaf
Tartarun, rete da pescare, fishilignet
Tarz-nar, arsenale, arsenal
Tasc'-sc'a, tassa, tax
Tas-seu, in verita, truly, certainly
Tau-ual, v. allungare, to lengthen
Tau-ual, v. prolungare, dijferire,
to prolong, to differ, to delay
Tau-uali, bislungo, oval
Tau-uar, v. m'are can bovi a gran
solchi, preparare la terra aprendola a ricevere l'acqua, to plough
in large furrows
Tavla, tavola, plank
Tazdim, raffreddamento di lIaso,
the stuffing of the nose
Tazza, bicchiere, drinking-glass.
Tbatia, patimento, trouble, grief
Tberbik, scialacfl'wmento, lavishness
Tberik, benedizione, beneLliction
Tbesc'-bisc' ,pioggia leggiera,small
Tbesc'-bisc', alba, the tlawn
Tbettah', v. divenire mal SalW, to
grow unhealthy
Tbezbiza, riprensione, reprimand
Tbidded, v. versare, to be shei
Tbiddel,v.cambia1'si, to be changed
Tbih', minest1'a, soup
Tbikkem, v. ammutire, to become
Tbisc'-kil, intrigo, intrig'ue
Tbissem, v. sorridere, to smile
'Ie, te, tea
Teatru, teatro, theatre
Tebak, v .chiudere bene, to shu t close
Tebgh'a, macchia, spot
Tebka, parte uguale ad' un' altra,
one part equal to another
Tebut, ba1'a, coffin
Teftef, v. andare tentone, to grope
Tefgh'a, u1'to, shock
Tejjeg', v. sposare, to marry
Tekel, v. divenire grave, to grow
Tekla, g1'avezza, weariness
Tektika, leggiera piccldata, gentle
Telak, v. lasciare, to leave off
Telf, perdita, loss
T01f-taz-zmien, perdita di tempo,
loss of time
Telgh'a, salita, rising ground
Telka, rilassatezza, weakness, feebleness
Tellerita, galla d'india salvatico,
wild turkey
Tellief, perditore, loser
Tellisa, saccone in cui si conserva
il grano, orzo, ° simili, large bag
Temm, v. terminare, to finish
Temm, v. consumm"e, to consume,
to waste
Temp, tempo, time
Temp, dispusizione dell' aria, weathel"
Temperosa, tuberoso, tubel"ose
Tempesta, tempesta, tempest
Templ"in, temperino, penknife
Temtem, v. balbettare, to stammer
Temtumi, balbuzieute, stammerer
Tena, v. piegare, to fold up
Tenent, tenente, lieutenant
Tenent curunell, tenente colonello,
lieutenant cOl"onel
Tengh'ud, tetimolo, spurge
Tenna, v. repplicare, to repeat
Tenna, v. riferire, riportare, to relate, to tell
Tenna, v. aspettare, to wait
Teolgu, teologo, professor of divinity
Teptep, v. battere gli occhi spesso,
to wink often with the eye
Terh'a, fascia, band
Terh'a, quantita di biade gettate
sull' ajlt per trebbiarle, a heap
of grain ready for thrashing
Termentina, termentina, turpentine
Terrah', v· gettare sull'aja le biade
mature, to throw corn or barley
upon the thrashing-flool"
Tel"rah', v. spiegare Ie reti, to open
or spread the nets
Terril/a, giaccllio, casting-net
Tertak, v. spezzare, to break into
Terter, v. tremm'e di freddo, to
quake with cold
Tesor, tesoro, treasury
Te"tiera, leUiera, the head-board
ofa bed
Tettiera, tettiera, tea-pot
Teuk, collare, collar
Teum, aglio, garlick
Teumi, gemello, twin
Tfah'-h'ir, millanteria, boasting
Tfajjel,fanciullino, little boy
Tfarrag", v. ricrearsi, to recreate
one's self
Tfartas,v. divenire calvo, to become
Tfek-kika, lassazione, dislocation
Tfiehem, v. intendersi, essere di accorda, to agree
Tfisc'-kil, intoppo, ostacolo, obstacle
Tfulia, ragaz.zata, childish action
Tfur, nettatura di biade che non
abbiano paglia, sifting of any
thing without straw
Tgh'abbar, v. impulverarsi, to be
covered with dust
Tgh'ajjar, v. annuvularsi, to be
Tgh'allel, v. empirsi di malattie, to
grow full of deseases
Tgh'allem, v. imparare, to learn
Tgh'allim, insegnamento, instruction
Tgh'ammad, v. abbendarsi, to be
Tgh'arnmed, v. battezzarsi, to be
Tgh:am-mis, v. amicare a vicenia,
to wink at each other
Tgh'ar-gh'ar, v. soffocarsi, to be
19h'arres, v.farsi sposo, to be newly married
Tgh'atta, v. coprirsi, to cover one's
Tgh'au-ueg', v. incllrvarsi, to grow
Tgh'au-uig', intoppi, obstacles
Tgheddes, v. ammucchillrsi, to heap
Tgheg'-uig', cicaleggio di piu persone, confused talking
Tghem-ghim, brontolamento, grumbling, muttering
Tghen-nen, v. mettersi al coperto,
to get a shelter, to put one's self
under cover
Tgherbeb, v. rotolarsi, to roll down
Tgherfisc', confusione, confusion,
Tghermed, v. imbrattarsi, to grow
Tgherresc', v.aver paura di se stesso
per vergogna, to be afraid of himself through shame
Tghez-iler, v. avvolgersi, to be in- .
Tghiddeb, v. disdirsi, to retract
Tghiddem, v. m01'dersi scambievolmente, to bite one another
Thejja, v. prepararsi, to goet ready
Then-duil, delirio, delirium
Then-nu, v. consolarsi, to be consoled
Then-na, v. felicitarsi, to grow
Therra, v. plltrefarsi, to be putrified, to be rotten
Ther-uel, v. perdere let ragione, to
grow mad
Theu-den, v. delirare, to rave
Th'abbeb, v. amicarsi, to getone's
Th'added, v. parlare, to talk
Th'ajjar, v. invogliarsi, 'toconceive
a desire
Th'anfes,v. principiare a sdegnarsi,
to begin to grow angry
Th'anzer, v. mangiare molto, to eat
Th'arbi-sc'a, graffiatura, scratch
Th'arbit, distruzione, distruction
Th'arreg', v. acqllistare pratica, to
get practice
Th'asc'-ken,v.inchiudersi,to shutin
Th'asc'-ken, v. arricchirsi, to become rich
Th'asc'-lef,v. divenire secco,to grow
Th'assar, v. guastarsi, to rot, to
grow rotten
Th'atteb, v. curvarsi, to become
. hunch-backed
Th'au-uat, v. disturbarsi, to be disturbed
Th'auil, piantaggione, plantation
Th'autil, industria, industry
Th'azzem, v.fasciarsi, to gird one's
Th'azzen, v. divenire scaltro, to
grow cunning or crafty
Th'in, macinatura, grinding
Tiben, paglia, straw
Tic'-pisa, macchia, spot
Tieka,jinestra, window
Tife], ragazzo, boy
TiftH, ragazza, g'irl
Tifuika, rufta, belch
Tigieg'H, gallina, hen
Tkaubel, v. pigliare in affitto un
terreno, to rent a piece of land
Tkadded, v. seccarsi, to be dried up
Tkalfat, v. calajatare una nave, to
calk a ship
Tkancic', spilorceria, sordidness
Tkanna, v. sopportare, to suffer
Tkarben, v. comunicare, to receive
the commuion
Tkaza, v. criticare, to criticise
Tkaza, v. deridere, to deride upon,
to laugh at, to mock
Tkau-ua, v. risanarsi, to recover,
to be well again
Tkell1-mesc', v.incresparsi,to shrink
Tkeutil, insufficienti scuse, vain excuses
Tkil, pesante, heavy
Tletin, trenta, thirty
Tlet mia, treeento, three hundred
Tlet-mit-elf, tre eento mila, three
hundred thousand
Tlet-telef, tre mila, three thousand
Tlieta, tre, three
Tlit-tasc', tredici, thirteen
Tluh' isc'-scemsc', illevarsi del sole, the sun rising
Tmett, v. eoriearsi, to lay one's self
Tmeniil, ottanta, eighty
Tll1en-lllia, ottoe ento, eight hundred
Tmen-mit-elf, otto COtto mila, eight
hundred thousand
Tmen-telef,otto mila,eightthousand
Tmeria, contraddizione, contradiction
Tmicm, compimento, end
Tmienia, otto, eight
Tmih', alimento, food
Tmin-tasc'-ii-elf, dieei otto mila,
eighteen thom;and
Tmontosc', capeccltio, tow
Tll1un, timone, helm
Tmunier, timoniere, steenmlan
Tnalja, tenaglia, pincers
Tnau-um', v. ammuifare, to grow
Tnedia, pubblicazione, publication
Tnehid, sospirv, sigh
Tnein, due, two
Tnell, tina, tub
Tnessa, v. essere dimentieato, to be
Tnidda,v. inumidirsi, to grow moistened
Tnikker, v. lavorare poco, to work
but little
Tnikket, v. divenire rnesto, to grow
Tnissel, v. originare, to draw origin
Toffieh', pomo, mela, apple
Toffieh' t'dam,purnodoro, love apple
Togh'ma, sapore, taste
Tokbu, hueo, hole
Tokk, tocco, ting of a bell
Tokk, luogo pubblieo di adunanza,
a public place where people meet
to chat together
Tokka, pietra di paragone, touchstone
Tokkala, jusajuolo, spindle wheel .
Toklia, soifritto, fried composition
Tokol, peso, weight
Tomba, coZlinetta, hillock
Tombrell, (pesce) scombro, mackerel
Tomna, tumolo, tomolo
Torunia, grano trimestre, corn that
'is sown and matured in three
Tonn, (pesce) tonno, tunny fish
Toppu, ciocca di capelli, toupet
Torba, specie di terra che si adopera nei tetti, a species of earth
used in terrace roofs
Torbia, educazione, -education
Torg'man, dragomannv, dragoman
Torn, tornio, lathe
Torri, torre, tower
Torsc'-scien, sordita, surdity
Torta, turta, tart
Trab, polvere, dust
Trabba, v. allevarsi, to be brought
Traibu, bambolv, puppet
Trang'at"v. rancidire, to grow musty
Trania, fiutti leggieri, light swelling
of the sea
Travu, trave, beam
Treuu, melliloto, melilot
Triaka, triaca, treacle
Trik, strada, street, road
Trinciant, trinciante, carver
Trinciem, trincera, trench
Tripied, trepiede, trevet
Troffa,Justello, bunch
Tl'Omba, cannncchiale, telescope
Tromba, strumento do. fiato musicale, trumpet
Tromba, tarb-ine, whirlwind
Tromba tal ilma. tromba do. tirare
l' aequo., pump
Tmng', cedro, citron
Truppa, truppa, troop
Trusc', sordo, deaf
-Tual, y. allongarsi, to grow long
~fuarrab, v. ritirarsi, to go aside
Tub, zolla, lump of earth
Tudun, colombaccio, ring pigeon
Tuegib, risposta, answer
Tuelid, nascita, birth
Tuemmen, v. farsi credere, to be
Tuennes, v. essere accompagnato, to
be accompanied, or waited on
Tuer-uer, v. sbalordire, to be frightened
Tuerzik, strillo, shrill
Tuezin~ sostegno, help, assistance
Tuieled, v. nascere, to be born
Tuil, lungo, long
Tuissa, v. essere ammonito, to be
Tul, lun.qhezza, length
Tul, indugio, procrastination, delay
Tul, prolissita, prolixity
Tulipan, tulipano, tulip
Turia, manifestazione, manifestation
Tursin, prez;;emolo, parsley
Turtiera, tortiera, baking pan
Tut, moro, mulberry
Tnt abjad, gelso bianco, white mul-.
Tuzzana, dozzina, dozen
Tvalia, tova.qlia, table-cloth
Tverna, taverna, tavern
Tvernar, tavernaJo, tavern keeper
Uebbel, v. suggerire alla mente, to
insinuate principles into the mind
Uebbes, v. indurare, Jar duro, to
UADAB, Jrombola, sling
make hard
Uagg'agh', v. recare dolore, to hurt
Uebbes-rasu, v. ostinarsi, to grow
one's self
Uah'da, una, one
dolore, pain
Uah'h'al, v. attaccare, to hang, to
. Ueg'gh'an, addolorato, painful, sorUah'-h'ar, v. indugiare, to delay I rowful
Uah'-h'asc', v. spaventare, to fright Uegh'da, voto, vow
Uegh'ed, v. promettere, to promise
Uah'-sci, spaveutevole, frightful
v. appiccarsi, attaccarsi,
Uah'-uah', v, parlare con voce rauto
to fasten
. ca, to speak hoarse
to renounce,
Uakaf, v. Jermarsi, to stop
Uakagh', v. cadere, to fall down
Uennes, v. accompagnare, to keep
Uakgh'a, caduta, fall
one company
Uakkaf, v.Jetmare, to stop
Uakt, istante, momenta di tempo, Uens, compagnia, company
instant, moment
U ensi,luogo Jreqnentato,frequented
Uara, dopo, in seguito, after, afterwards
Uera, v. mostrare,' to show
Uaranijet,indietro,backwards,back Uerak,Joglie, leaves
Uard tal passioni, passifiora, pas- Uerc', guercio, squint-eyed
Uer-rek, v. zoppicare, to walk lame
sion flower
Uarda, rosa, rose
Uerriet, erede, heir
Uarrab, v.jar luogo, to make room, Uer-uer, v. sbigottire, to frighten
to give place
Uerzak, v. strillare, to shrill
Uarrani, posteriore, posterior
Uerziek, grillo, cricket
Uasa, ampio, large, wide
Uesgh'a, ampiezza, largeness, widUasagh', v. contenere, to contain
Uasal, v. arrivare, to arrive at
Uetka, sodezza, firmness
Uasla, arrivo, arrival, coming
Uet-tak, v. rassodare, to make
strong, to stengthen
Uassagh', v. allalrgare, to enlarge,
Ugih', dolore, pain
to dilate
Ugih' ta-ras, dolore di testa, headUatar, minugio, gut
Uati, piano, plain, even
Ugih' is-snien, dolore di denti, tooth
Ucciali, occhiale, spectacles
Udigh'a, cosa corrotta, a thing corrupted'
Uh'ida, sola, alone
Uh'idom, soli, sole; they alone
Uh'idkom, voi soli, sole, you alone
Uh'idna, noi soli, sole, we alone
Uicc', faccia, face
Uicc' is-siek, collo del piette, instep
Uiddeb, ~. ammonire, to admonish
Uidna, oreccltio, ear
Uidnein, ,gattani, mumps
Uied, vallone, valley
Uiegeb, v. rispondere, to answer
Uiegh'ed, v. promellere, to promise
Uieh'ed, uno, one
Uiekaf, firmo, still
Uiekaf, rillo, upright
Uieta, v. giovare (detto per lu piil
de't rimediJ to help, to do good
Uiezen, v. appoggiare, dare ajuto
° mano, to help
Uild, prole, son, birth
UiJed, v. parturire, to be delivered
of a child
Ui1g'a, podere grande, large field
Uirdiena, scarafaggio, beetle '
Uirc, coscia, thigh
Uirt, eredita, inheritance
Uisc', bene, prosperita, prosperity
Uisk, molto, assai, much
Uissa, v. ammonire, to admonish,
to advise
Uistani, secondo ,genito, the secondborn
Uita, pianura, even ground
Ut-ta, v. appianare, to level
Uizen, v. pesare, to weigh
Uizgh'a, tarantola, tarantula
Uizna, peso di cinque rotola,a
weight of five rotolo
Uizza, oca, goose
Ukja, oncia, ouncE'
Ukol, anclte, ancora, ah;o, too
Ulied-I'ah'ua, fratelti cugini, first
Ulieda, parto, child birth·
Unguent, unguentu, unguent
Universita, universita, university
Usah', piu largo, more spacious,
Usieh', v. allargarsi, to grow wide
Utajja, panno cite si mette sutto la
sella, saddle-cloth
Utak, pi'aforte, stronger
Utiek, v. diz'ernireforte, to become
Uzin, peso, weight
VAJLORA, ,gorbia, ferrule
Valur jeu siui, valore, valour
Yampa, fiamma, flame
Vapur, vapore, steam-boat
Vara, v. lanciare un bastimento, to
launch, to draw a ship into water
Vara, statua, statue
Vas, vqso, vessel, vase
Vas, vaso, the closet stool pan
Vava, fan ciulla, young girl
Veneu-ua, pavuncella, lapwing
Venven, v. lanciare conforz'a, to
Versal, bersaglio, butt
Viagg', viaggio, voyage
Vial, viale, walk
Vicariu, vicario, vicar
Vicere, vicere, viceroy
Viljakk, astuto, cunning
Vina, vena, vein
Viola, viola (strumento musicale)
1Viola; viola, violet
Violin, violino, violin
1ViolincelJ, violoncello, violoncello
1Virdun, verdone, verdUle
1Virtu, virtu, virtue
1Visikant, vessicante, blister
1Vistu, lutto, mourning
1Vistus, vestito a lutto, in mourning
1Vit, vite, screw
1Vitrar, vetrajo, glazier
1Vizziu, vizio, vice
1Vopi, (pesce) vope, vope;;
ZABAR, v. potare, to prune
Zabbar, potatore, pruner
ZagarelIa, nastro, riband
Zagh'frun, zaferano, saffron
Zagh':wh', giovine, young man
Zahar,fiore, flower
Zakk, pancia, belly
Zak-zik, cicolamento, creeking
Zalliera, saliera, salt cellar
Zalza, salza, sauce
Zalzet, salciccia, sausage
Zamm, v. tenere, to hold
Zanzan, v. ronzare, to buzz
Zap-pun, zappone, mattock
Zaragh', v. seminare, to sow
Zarbun, scarpa, shoe
Zarg'un, sarmento, twig
Zarmuc', piccolo coniglio, small
Zarzir, .fiscltiamento negli oreec.Jti,
tingling' in one's ears
Zatasc', dieci nove, nineteen'
Zatasc' il~lelf, dieci nove mila, nineteen thousand
Zatat, sfacciato, impudent
Zauran, il visitare, vititation, VIsiting
Zbal, abbaglio, mistake
Zbib, zibibbo, rasins
Zbir, v. potare, to prune
Zbir, pota'ura, pruning
Zbirr, sbirro, bailiff
Zbroff, eruzione cutanea, cutaneous
Zdied, v. crescere, to increase
Zebah', v. tingere, to dye
Zebbieh', tillt01'e, dyer
Zebbug, olivo, olives
Zebgh'a, tiuto, dye
Zeblah', v. maltrattare, avvilire,
to despise
Zeffen, v.far ballare, to make one
Zeffien, ballatore, dancer
Zegh'er, v. nitrire, to neigh
Zegh'il, accarezzamento, caress
Zej-jed, superjl:uo, superfluous
Zej-jen, v. adornare, to adorn, to
Zeit, olio, oil
Zejti, olioso, oily
Zelak, v. sdrucciolare, to slip down
Zelka, sdrucciolo, slip
Zembi!, sportone di ginestra, large
basket made of broom
Zen-nuna, 'il becco di ogni vasa cite
usato a ricevere liquido, the
pipe of every vessel which are
u:5ed to receive liquids
Zernak, v. albeggim'e, 10 spuntare
del sole, to dawn
Zerrigh'a, semenza, seed
Zeug', un pajo, a pair
Zeug', calcio, kick
Zirma, natta, wen
Zeugek, tun marito, thy husband
Zmalda, v. dissiparf!', to lavish away
Zeugi, mio marito, my husband
Zmerald, smelardo, emerald
Zeu-neg', v. maritare, ammogliare, . Zmerc', di passaggio, leggermente,
to marry one to
Zmerill, smeriglio, emeril
Zfin, ballo, dancing, dance
Zmien, tempo, time
Zfunnaria, caroto, carrot
Zmien, eta, age
Zgiec', vetro, glass
Zgorbia, sgorbia, a kind of chisel
Zniet, battifoco, steel
Zogh'ran, insetti che si propagano
Zgura, trottola, top
nell'acqua, insects generated in
Zgh'ir, piccolo, small
Zgh'uzia, giotlanezza, adolescence
Zokk, tronco dell'albero, trunck, or
Zibda,fior di latte, cream
Zibel, letame, dung
body of a tree
, Zokka, decrepita, old decrepit WO-"
Zied, v. aggiungere, to adJ to
Zieda, aggiunta, addition
Ziegh'el, v. accarezzare, to caress Zokkor, zucclzero, sugar
Zokra, ombelico, navel
Ziemel, cavallo, horse
Ziemel moh'si, cavallo castrato, Zonkor, pietra dum, hard stone
gelding horse
Zopp, zoppo, lame
Ziemel il bah'ar, cavallo marino, Zorba, sorba, sorb
Zorr, intrattabile, insociable
sea horse
Zrar, petruzze, small stones
Zifen, v.ballare, to dance
Zrih', seminazione, sowing
Ziffa, venticello, breeze
Zrinc', rana, frog
Zifna, danza, dance
Zujeg', sposalizio, marriage
Zift, pece, pitch
Zujel, mondiglia di grano, siftings
Zift mah'lul, pece liquido, tar
Zukkeirera, zuccheri£ra, sugar box
Zjara, visita, visit
Zlieg'a, appannamento degli occhi, Zummara, zampogna, pipe
Zuntier, cimitero, church yard
Zunzan, moscone, calabrone, hornet
Zing'la, concola, little bason
Zurzieka, decliviia, declivity
Zinzel, giuggiolo, jujube
F I N E.
Spiegazioni No.1
A pag. 1
" 23
" 24
"G " 27
" 27
" " 27
"Gh' " 31
H' "
" 36
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" " 53
" 55
"N " 60
" 63
" 74
" " 76
" 80
"U " 83
" 85
Ie consonante
fell a
di lui
Ie consonanti.
di lei.
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D I Z ION A It I 0