Probing the exciton density of states through the phonon-assisted emission in a GaN epilayer Lucia Cavigli, Riccardo Gabrieli, Massimo Gurioli and Anna Vinattieri Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, LENS,CNISM Università di Firenze Franco Bogani Dipartimento di Energetica, Università di Firenze Eric Feltin, Jean-François Carlin, Raphaël Butté, and Nicolas Grandjean Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland GaN and related nanostructures New generation of opto-electronic devices, in particular Blue/UV emitters Advantages High tunability NUV-NIR High radiative efficiency Low maintenance cost Main problems Piezoelectricity High content of defects Poor control of doping Recent advances in growing epitaxial GaN, with relatively low defect density (down to 107 cm-2) give the opportunity to study fundamental optical processes in a broad temperature range. Our sample is a 3 µm thick non intentionally doped wurtzite GaN epilayer grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on a c-plane sapphire substrate characterized by a threading dislocation density lower than 1x109 cm−2, provided by the group of Prof. Grandjean (EPFL, Lausanne) Exciton-phonon interaction in GaN Importance of the knowledge of electron–phonon interaction for improving the device operation, since interactions of electrons with phonons affect the optical and electrical properties of semiconductors. In GaN the Fröhlich interaction of excitons with longitudinal optical (LO) phonons (a Coulomb interaction between electrons and the longitudinal electric field produced by the LO phonons) due to the ionic nature of III nitrides, causes the appearence of intense phonon replicas (PRs) of the excitonic emission. Under the assumption of a quasithermal exciton distribution Phonon-assisted emission 0 D XA 92 meV XA1S is the energy-dependent probability that an exciton with kinetic energy Ek recombines emitting n phonons XB1S 92 meV XA-1LO XA-2LO is the exciton density of states Zero-phonon line emission (ZPL) 3.30 10 K 3.35 3.40 3.45 Energy (eV) 3.50 B. Segall and G. D. Mahan, Phys. Rev. 171, 935 1968. S. Permagorov, Excitons North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982 Until now For an ideal bulk sample, and a single free exciton band in an isotropic threedimensional system: the energy corresponding to the maximum of the first and second phonon replica depends linearly on T with a characteristic slope: Why not higher T ? Etaloning High quality thin (3 µm thick) GaN epilayer interference effect in the transparent region We compare LO-phonon emission with the corresponding reflectivity spectra @ 10 K Low Temperature!! 5000 3000 20000 2000 10000 1000 3.375 1LO 3.400 3.425 0 Energy (eV) 30000 2000 20000 10000 1000 0 -10000 3.275 3.300 3.325 Energy (eV) The reflectivity spectra exhibit a modulation with a period much larger than the FWHM of the PR lines. No extrinsic effects 3.350 Reflectivity (arb. un.) 3000 PL Intensity (arb. un.) 4000 Reflectivity (arb. un.) PL Intensity (arb. un.) 40000 30000 -20000 2LO Etaloning 10000 250 0 3.375 1LO 3.400 3.425 Energy (eV) 0 3.450 Different colors correspond to different points on sample 30000 250 20000 10000 0 3.275 3.300 3.325 3.350 Energy (eV) Reflectivity (arb. un.) 500 Reflectivity (arb. un.) PL Intensity (arb. un.) 20000 750 PL Intensity (arb. un.) @ 140 K 1000 0 3.375 2LO Different PR lineshapes are found for different points in the sample, denoting a spatially dependent nature of the PR structuring extrinsic effects Given the energy scale of the interference pattern, the modification of the PR lineshape gets more important as T>80 K, when the PR band becomes broad. Etaloning Hence an appropriate correction is required before comparing the experimental PR lineshape and PR energy peak position with the model in the high-temperature range Since the sample acts as a spectral filter for the luminescence below the energy bandgap, we introduce a transfer function TF(E) (proportional to the transmittivity) between the internal PL and the external measured PL 250 PL Intensity (arb. un.) PL Intensity (arb. un.) 1000 750 500 250 0 3.375 3.400 3.425 Energy (eV) 1LO 3.450 200 150 100 50 3.275 3.300 3.325 3.350 3.375 Energy (eV) Lucia Cavigli et al Physical Review B 2010 82 115208 2LO Comparison of our experimental data with model 185 90 1LO 2LO EXA-E2LO (meV) EXA-E1LO (meV) • Red lines are linear fits to the data. • Black lines correspond to the kBT dependence expected model considering only the A exciton band contribution 95 85 180 80 75 175 70 65 0 5 10 kBT (meV) 15 170 0 5 10 kBT (meV) For the 1LO the best fit gives a slope of −1.4 ± 0.1, close to the theoretical prediction of −1.5. For the 2LO we find a slope of −0.70 ± 0.05, against an expected value of −0.5. Clearly experimental data are largely off the theoretical predictions. Lucia Cavigli et al Physical Review B 2010 82 115208 15 0 10 20 30 Energy (meV) 160 K 80 K 34 K ρ W2 (Arbitrary Units) ρW1 (Arbitrary Units) 1LO 160 K 80 K 34 K 40 50 2LO 0 10 20 30 Energy (meV) 40 50 We analyze the quantity quantity ρWn, as obtained from experimental spectra divided by the Boltzmann factor. The zero of the energy scale corresponds to the onset of the replica at the energy EXA−nħωLO. Different temperatures ⇒ same behavior!!! ⇒ validity of the exciton thermalization hypothesis direct information on the intrinsic exciton-phonon interaction can be obtained from the analysis of the PR lineshapes Lucia Cavigli et al Physical Review B 2010 82 115208 0 10 20 30 Energy (meV) 160 K 80 K 34 K ρW2 (Arbitrary Units) ρ W1 (Arbitrary Units) 1LO 160 K 80 K 34 K 40 50 The common model predict: 2LO 0 10 20 30 Energy (meV) 1LO 2LO 40 50 Light blue lines We modified the expression of the density of states, including the contribution of B exciton: where α1=1 and α2=0, and cn=0.5 accounts for the different exciton masses in the A and B bands. With this expression we can reproduce the experimental data!!! 2LO=DOS Dark blue lines in figures! Lucia Cavigli et al Physical Review B 2010 82 115208 Conclusion The simultaneous measurement of PL and R spectra allows us to correct for etaloning effects and to reconstruct the intrinsic PR lineshapes The comparison with existing models to describe the PR lineshape and intensity shows that the complex nature of the exciton band in GaN has to be considered to fully account for the PR energyshift, lineshape, and intensity The analysis of 2LO band provides physical information on the whole radiative and non radiative exciton states