Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Guglielmo Rubinacci
Date of birth
[email protected]
18 April 1952
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Nov 2004 →
Full Professor
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione
Via Claudio, 21, 80125 Napoli (Italy)
11/1990 - 10/2004
Full Professor
Università degli Studi di Cassino
03043 Cassino (Italy)
1988 - 1990
Associate Professor
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
80125 Napoli (Italy)
1985 - 1988
Associate Professor
Università degli Studi di Salerno
84100 Salerno (Italy)
Apr 88 - Sep 88
Occupation or position held
Visiting Scientist
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
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Guglielmo Rubinacci
Net Team, Max Planck Institut fur Plasmaphysik
Garching (Germany)
1982 - 1985
Research scientist
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
80125 Napoli (Italy)
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Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
1979 - 1984
Professor in charge
Università della Calabria
Cosenza (Italy)
1980 - 1981
research assistant - Fulbright-Hays Fellow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge (United States)
Aug 78 - Nov 79
research and teaching assistant
Università degli Studi di Napoli
Napoli (Italy)
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
1971 - 1975
Laurea con lode, Ingegneria Elettronica
Electronic Engineering
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Università degli Studi di Napoli
Napoli (Italy)
Level in national or international
top 1%
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Proficient user
Proficient user
Proficient user
Proficient user
B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user
Proficient user
Proficient user
Proficient user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Organisational skills and competences
Coordinator of the PhD courses in Electrical Engineering, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II,
2009 - 2013
Member of the Engineering panel of experts GEV09 of the Italian Research and University Evaluation
Agency (ANVUR), for the evaluation of the production of the Italian research community in the period
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Università degli Studi di Cassino, 1996-2003.
Member of the Administration Board, Università degli Studi di Cassino, 1993-96.
Chairman of the Centre for Scientific Computing, Università degli Studi di Cassino, 1990-96.
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Guglielmo Rubinacci
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Chairman of the Committee for the Electrical Engineering Curricula, Faculty of Engineering, Università
degli Studi di Cassino, 1990-96.
Chairman of the Institute of Electronic Engineering, Università degli Studi di Salerno, 1986
Conference Chairman:
8th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG, July 1991
Conference Co-chair:
15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, ISEM 2011, September
Chair: Chairman of the scientific advisory board of the CREATE Consortium;
Chairman of the International Standing Committee of the Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation
Workshops (2002-2006),
Chairman of the International Steering Committee of the COMPUMAG International conference on the
Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (1990-1991)
Journal editorial board: International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (1994-2004),
COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic
Co-editor of the Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, a series of volumes published by
the IOS press
International Steering Committee: COMPUMAG, (Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic
Fields), CEFC (Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), ENDE
(Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation Workshops), ICEF '92-Hangzhou, (Int. Conf. on
Electromagnetic field problems and applications), ICEF '96-Wuhan (Third Int. Conf. on
Electromagnetic field problems and applications), ), ISEM 2009, Xi’an, China, ISEM 2007, East
Lansing, MI USA, ISEM Bad Gastein, ISEM-Versailles, ISEM -Sapporo (Int. Symp. on Simulation and
Design of Applied Electromagnetic Systems), ISEM -Seul (Int. Symp. on Advanced Computational and
Design Techniques in Applied Electromagnetic System), ISEM-Tokyo (10th International Symposium
on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics), CAEE’93 (Conference on Computer Aided Engineering
Education) Program Committee, Workshop on Finite Element Methods in Electromagnetic Wave
Technical skills and competences
Awards: 2009 Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Award, with the following motivation: "for
excellence in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, in recognition of outstanding scientific and
technical contribution to research in the field of electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation.
Principal investigator and coordinator of European and national research projects
Author/co-author of more than 150 papers in refereed scientific journals and books and co-editor of
two volumes (in particular: Y. Crutzen, G. Molinari, G. Rubinacci, Editors, Industrial Applications of
Electromagnetic Computer Codes Eurocourses - Computer and Information Science - Kluwer
Academic Publisher, 1990)
His research interests are mainly in
- Computational electromagnetism with particular reference to the interaction of the electromagnetic
fields with complex systems, such as fusion plasmas, superconductors, interconnects, plasmonics
- Plasma engineering in tokamaks. The main part of this activity has been carried out in the frame of
many international projects in the field of Fusion as INTOR, NET, RFX, IGNITOR, ITER, JET.
- Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation and inverse problems.
Professor Rubinacci made several contributions to the field of computational electromagnetism and its
application to the study of thermonuclear fusion devices and non destructive evaluation.
He is the co-author of the computer code CARIDDI, for the computation of the eddy current induced in
complex 3D passive structures. The code is based on an efficient integral formulation that is perhaps
among the most cited papers in its field.
Other skills and competences
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Guglielmo Rubinacci
During his academic career, in the frame of a long institutional teaching experience, professor
Rubinacci gave several seminars on Computational Electromagnetism and applications, in particular,
at the ENEA laboratories, Frascati, Italy, at the Plasma Fusion Center, MIT, USA, at the Ispra JRC,
Italy, at the NET Team, Garching, Germany, at F4E, Barcelona, Spain, at the Padua University. Italy,
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at the Italian PhD school in electrotechnics. Italy.
Annexes Publications
M. d’Aquino, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Three-dimensional computation of magnetic
fields in hysteretic media with time-periodic sources, IEEE Trans. Mag., 50 (2), pp 53-56, 2014
B. Coppi, A. Airoldi, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, F. Bombarda, A. Bianchi, A. Cardinali, G. Cenacchi,
E. Costa, P. Detragiache, G. De Tommasi, A. DeVellis, G. Faelli, A. Ferrari, A. Frattolillo, P. Frosi, F.
Giammanco, G. Grasso, M. Lazzaretti, S. Mantovani, S. Migliori, S. Pierattini, A. Pironti, G. Ramogida,
G. Rubinacci, M. Sassi, M. Tavani, A. Tumino, F. Villone, New developments, plasma physics regimes
and issues for the Ignitor experiment, 2013 Nucl. Fusion 53 104013
F. Calvano, G. Dal Mut, F. Ferraioli, A. Formisano, F. Marignetti, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, A.
Tamburrino, S. Ventre, (2013) "Computation of end-winding inductances of rotating electrical
machinery through three-dimensional magnetostatic integral FEM formulation", COMPEL: The
International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.
32 Iss: 5, pp.1539 – 1551
S. Peruzzo, R. Albanese, P. Bettini, M. Caputano, N. Marconato, M. Mattei, G. Rubinacci; A.Soppelsa,
F. Villone, Integrated Procedure for Halo Current Reconstruction in ITER, IEEE Transactions on
Plasma Science, Vol. 41, pp. 257 – 262, 2013
M. d'Aquino, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Efficient Numerical Solution of Magnetic Field
Problems in Presence of Hysteretic Media for Nondestructive Evaluation, IEEE Transactions on
Magnetics, Vol. 49, pp. 3167 – 3170, 2013
P. Bettini, N. Marconato, M. Furno Palumbo, S. Peruzzo,,R. Specogna, R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci,,S.
Ventre, F. Villone (2013). Numerical modeling of 3D halo current path in ITER structures. Fusion
Engineering And Design, pp. 529–532
P. Testoni,R. Albanese,F. Lucca,M. Roccella,A. Portone,G. Rubinacci,S. Ventre,F. Villone (2013).
Status of the EU domestic agency electromagnetic analyses of ITER vacuum vessel and blanket
modules. Fusion Engineering And Design, pp. 1934 - 1937 Vol. 88,
C. Forestiere, G. Iadarola, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, L. Dal Negro, G. Miano, Surface integral
formulations for the design of plasmonic nanostructures, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 29, Issue 11, pp.
2314-2327 (2012)
F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, Fast methods for shape reconstruction in Electrical
Resistance Tomography. NDT & E INTERNATIONAL, pp.32- 40, Vol.46, 2012
A. Tamburrino, F. Calvano, S. Ventre, G. Rubinacci. Non-iterative imaging method for experimental
data inversion in eddy current tomography. NDT & E INTERNATIONAL, pp.26- 34, Vol.47, 2012.
F. Calvano, G. Dal Mut, F. Ferraioli, A. Formisano, F. Marignetti, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, A.
Tamburrino, S. Ventre, "A novel technique based on integral formulation to treat the motion in the
analysis of electric machinery", International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 39
(2012) 637-643.
R. Albanese, B. Bellesia, R. Palmaccio, A. Portone, F. Rodriguez Mateos, G. Rubinacci, A.
Tamburrino, P. Testoni, S. Ventre, F. Villone, Electromagnetic transient studies in the ITER tokamak.
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 39 (2012) 65-71
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, B. Cannas, A. Fanni, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, G. Sias, S. Ventre, F.
Villone. Modelling and control for plasma disruption avoidance and mitigation. Electromagnetic
transient studies in the ITER tokamak. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and
Mechanics, 39 (2012) 73-79
R. Albanese ,F. Calvano, G. D. Mut, F. Ferraioli, A. Formisano, F. Marignetti, R. Martone, A. Romano,
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G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Coupled Three Dimensional Numerical Calculation of Forces
and Stresses on the End Windings of Large Turbo Generators via Integral Formulation. IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics, pp.875-878, Vol.48, 2012.
P. Testoni,A. B. Oliva,A. Portone,Y. Carin,J. Knaster,F. R. Matheos,R. Albanese,A. Formisano,R.
Martone,G. Rubinacci,F. Villone,M. Roccella. Status of the EU DA electromagnetic analysis
contribution to ITER. Fusion Engineering and Design, pp.1049- 1052 Vol.86, 2011.
P. Martin, J. Adamek, P. Agostinetti, M. Agostini, A. Alfier, C. Angioni, V. Antoni, L. Apolloni, F.
Auriemma, O. Barana, S. Barison, M. Baruzzo, P. Bettini, M. Boldrin, T. Bolzonella, D. Bonfiglio, F.
Bonomo, A. H. Boozer, M. Brombin, J. Brotankova, A. Buffa, A. Canton, S. Cappello, L. Carraro, R.
Cavazzana, M. Cavinato, L. Chacon, G. Chitarin, W. A. Cooper, S. D. Bello, M. D. Palma, R. Delogu,
A. D. Lorenzi, G. D. Masi, J. Q. Dong, M. Drevlak, D. F. Escande, F. Fantini, A. Fassina, F. Fellin, A.
Ferro, S. Fiameni, A. Fiorentin, P. Franz, E. Gaio, X. Garbet, E. Gazza, L. Giudicotti, F. Gnesotto, M.
Gobbin, L. Grando, S. C. Guo, Y. Hirano, S. P. Hirshman, S. Ide, V. Igochine, Y. In, P. Innocente, S.
Kiyama, S. F. Liu, Y. Q. Liu, D. L. Bruna, R. Lorenzini, A. Luchetta, G. Manduchi, D. K. Mansfield, G.
Marchiori, D. Marcuzzi, L. Marrelli, S. Martini, G. Matsunaga, E. Martines, G. Mazzitelli, K. McCollam,
S. Menmuir, F. Milani, B. Momo, M. Moresco, S. Munaretto, L. Novello, M. Okabayashi, S. Ortolani, R.
Paccagnella, R. Pasqualotto, M. Pavei, G. V. Perverezev, S. Peruzzo, R. Piovan, P. Piovesan, L.
Piron, A. Pizzimenti, N. Pomaro, N. Pomphrey, I. Predebon, M. E. Puiatti, V. Rigato, A. Rizzolo, G.
Rostagni, G. Rubinacci, A. Ruzzon, H. Sakakita, R. Sanchez, J. S. Sarff, F. Sattin, A. Scaggion, P.
Scarin, W. Schneider, G. Serianni, P. Sonato, E. Spada, A. Soppelsa, S. Spagnolo, M. Spolaore, D. A.
Spong, G. Spizzo, M. Takechi, C. Taliercio, D. Terranova, V. Toigo, M. Valisa, M. Veranda, N.
Vianello, F. Villone, Z. Wang, R. B. White, D. Yadikin, P. Zaccaria, A. Zamengo, P. Zanca, B. Zaniol,
L. Zanotto, E. Zilli, G. Zollino, M. Zuin. Overview of the RFX fusion science program. Nuclear Fusion,
pp.094023.1- 094023.12 Vol.51, 2011.
R. Albanese, F. Calvano, G. DalMut, F. Ferraioli, A. Formisano, F. Marignetti, R. Martone, G.
Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Electromechanical analysis of end windings in turbo generators.
Compel, pp.1885- 1898 Vol.30, 2011
G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino. Numerical Modeling for Plasmonics. Review Article,
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Volume 35, Number 2, 2011, pp 7991
G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino,, Numerical Modeling for the Analysis of Plasmon Oscillations
in Metallic Nanoparticles , IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Volume: 58, Issue 9
2010, pp: 2920 - 2933
A. Tamburrino, G. Rubinacci, Recent developments of a monotonicity imaging method for magnetic
induction tomography in the small skin-depth regime, 2010 Inverse Problems 26 074016
F. Villone, Y.Q. Liu, G. Rubinacci and S. Ventre, Effects of thick blanket modules on the resistive wall
modes stability in ITER, Nucl. Fusion 50 (2010) 125011 (10pp)
G. Rubinacci, A.Tamburrino, Automatic Treatment of Multiply Connected Regions in Integral
Formulations, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 46 , Issue 8, pp. 2791- 2794, 2010
F. Calvano, P. Raumonen, S. Suuriniemi, L. Kettunen, G. Rubinacci, Size Is in the Eye of the
Beholder: Technique for Non-destructive Detection of Parameterized Defects”, IEEE Transactions on
Magnetics, pp. 3006 -3009, vol. 46, 2010.
G. Rubinacci, R. Albanese, G.Artaserse, T.Bellizio, R. Fresa, B.Viola, M. Furno Palumbo, F. Villone,
Y. Liu and Jet-Efda Contributors, Coupling Plasmas and 3D Passive Structures in the JET Tokamak,
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 33 (2010) 533–540
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, M.F. Palumbo, R. Palmaccio, G. Rubinacci, P. Testoni, F. Villone,
Electromagnetic Disruption Loads on ITER Blanket Modules IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Volume: 46 , Issue: 8, pp. 2935 – 2938, 2010.
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L. Dal Negro, G. Miano, G: Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S.Ventre,. A Fast Computation Method for the
Analysis of an Array of Metallic Nanoparticles. . IEEE Transactions on Magnetics pp.1618- 1621
Vol.45, 2009
G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone, Y. Liu. A fast technique applied to the analysis of Resistive Wall
Modes with 3D conducting structures. Journal of Computational Physics, pp.1562-1572 Vol.228, 2009
M. F. Palumbo, Y. Q. Liu, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone, Application of a SVD-Based Fast
Technique for the Analysis of 3D Instabilities of Fusion Plasmas . IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
pp.1708- 1711 Vol.45, 2009.
R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone, W. Zamboni, Fast Solution of a 3-D Integral Model for
the Analysis of ITER Superconducting Coils. . IEEE Transactions on Magnetics pp.988-991 Vol.45,
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, M. Ariola, M. Cavinato, G. De Tommasi, Y. Liu, M. Mattei, A. Pironti, A.
Portone, G. Rubinacci, G. Saibene, F. Sartori, F. Villone, ITER vertical stabilization system, Fusion
Engineering and Design pp.394- 397 Vol.84, 2009.
Yueqiang Liu, I. T. Chapman, M. S. Chu, H. Reimerdes, F. Villone, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, A. M.
Garofalo, C. G. Gimblett, R. J. Hastie, T. C. Hender, G. L. Jackson, R. J. La Haye, M. Okabayashi, A.
Pironti, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, E. J. Strait,. Progress in physics and control of the resistive wall
mode in advanced tokamaks. Physics of Plasmas, pp.056113- 056113, Vol.16, invited paper, 2009.
C. Forestiere, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, L Dal Negro. Role of aperiodic order in the spectral,
localization, and scaling properties of plasmon modes for the design of nanoparticle arrays, Physical
Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics pp.085404- 085420 Vol.79, 2009.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Fast numerical techniques for electromagnetic nondestructive
evaluation, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Invited paper, 1477-2671, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp
165 – 194 27, 2009
P. Martin, L. Apolloni, M.E. Puiatti, J. Adamek, M. Agostini, A. Alfier, S.V. Annibaldi, V. Antoni, F.
Auriemma, O. Barana, M. Baruzzo, P. Bettini, T. Bolzonella, D. Bonfiglio, F. Bonomo, M. Brombin, J.
Brotankova, A. Buffa, P. Buratti, A. Canton, S. Cappello, L. Carraro, R. Cavazzana, M. Cavinato, B.E.
Chapman, G. Chitarin, S. Dal Bello, A. De Lorenzi, G. De Masi, D.F. Escande,, A. Fassina, A. Ferro,
P. Franz, E. Gaio, E. Gazza, L. Giudicotti, F. Gnesotto, M. Gobbin, L. Grando, L. Guazzotto, S.C.
Guo, V. Igochine, P. Innocente, Y.Q. Liu, R. Lorenzini, A. Luchetta, G. Manduchi, G. Marchiori, D.
Marcuzzi, L. Marrelli, S. Martini, E. Martines, K. McCollam, S. Menmuir, F. Milani, M. Moresco, L.
Novello, S. Ortolani, R. Paccagnella, R. Pasqualotto, S. Peruzzo, R. Piovan, P. Piovesan, L. Piron, A.
Pizzimenti, N. Pomaro, I. Predebon, J.A. Reusch, G. Rostagni, G. Rubinacci, J.S. Sarff, F. Sattin, P.
Scarin, G. Serianni, P. Sonato, E. Spada, A. Soppelsa, S. Spagnolo, M. Spolaore, G. Spizzo, C.
Taliercio, D. Terranova, V. Toigo, M. Valisa, N. Vianello, F. Villone, R.B. White, D. Yadikin, P.
Zaccaria, A. Zamengo, P. Zanca, B. Zaniol, L. Zanotto, E. Zilli, H. Zohm and M. Zuin, Overview of
RFX-mod results, Nuclear Fusion 49 (2009) 104019 (13pp).
A. Maffucci, G. Rubinacci., S. Ventre, F. Villone, W. Zamboni,. Broad-Band Characterization Of Wire
Interconnects Using A Surface Integral Formulation With A Surface Effective Impedance. Applied
Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol. 23, P. 23-30, 2008
A. Portone, F. Villone, Y. Q. Liu, R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci. Linearly Perturbed Mhd Equilibria And 3d
Eddy Current Coupling Via The Control Surface Method. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol.
50, P. 085004-1-085004-12, 2008
F. Villone, Y. Q. Liu, R. Paccagnella, T. Bolzonella, G. Rubinacci. Effects Of Three-Dimensional
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Electromagnetic Structures On Resistive-Wall-Mode Stability Of Reversed Field Pinches. Physical
Review Letters, Vol. 100, P. 255005-1-255005-4, 2008.
G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburino F. Villone, Linearized Fluid Model For Plasmon Oscillations In
Metallic Nanoparticles. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 44, P. 822-825, 2008
R. Albanese, Y. Q. Liu, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone. Coupling Between A 3-D Integral Eddy
Current Formulation And A Linearized Mhd Model For The Analysis Of Resistive Wall Modes. IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 44, P. 1654-1657, 2008
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre. Eddy Current Imaging Of Surface Breaking Defects By Using
Monotonicity Based Methods. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol. 23, P.
46-52, 2008
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre,. An Efficient Numerical Model For A Magnetic Core EddyCurrent Probe. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 44, P. 1306-1309, 2008
G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, W. Zamboni,. Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Analysis Of Cable-InConduit Conductors For Fusion Applications. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol.
18, P. 1500-1504, 2008
G. Rubinacci, W. Zamboni, Broad Band Modeling of A Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
(Smes) Coil. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 18, P. 1593-1596, 2008
Y. Q. Liu, R. Albanese, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, An Analytical Demonstration Of Coupling
Schemes Between Magnetohydrodynamic Codes And Eddy Current Codes. Physics of Plasmas, Vol.
15, P. 072516-1-072516-7, 2008
A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, W. Zamboni, Electromagnetic 3d Analysis Of An Iter Full-Size
Cable-In-Conduit Conductor Sample. Superconductor Science & Technology, Vol. 20, P. 1032-1045,
F. Villone, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, G. Ramogida, F. Alladio, F.
Bombarda, A. Coletti, A. Cucchiaro, G. Maddaluno, G. Pizzicaroli, A. Pizzuto, M. Roccella, M.
Santinelli and B. Coppi. Strategies for the Plasma Position and Shape Control in Ignitor. Fusion
Engineering and Design, Vol. 82, Issues 5-14, P. 1036-1044, 2007.
M. De Magistris, M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Electromagnetic Inspection of
Concrete Rebars. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 26, pp. 389-398, 2007.
G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, and A. Tamburrino, Numerical modeling of the interaction of nanoparticles
with electromagnetic waves, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in
Electrical and Electronic Engineering; 26 Issue:3, pp. 586-599, 2007
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Concrete rebars inspection by eddy current testing,
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Volume 25, Number 1-4, pp. 333–
339, 2007
M. de Magistris, M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Electromagnetic inspection of
concrete rebars, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering; 26 Issue:2, pp. 389-398, 2007
M.Ariante, A. Formisano, F. Marignetti, R. Martone, G. Masullo, A. Matrone, R. Quarantiello, G.
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Rubinacci, F. Sangiorgi, M. Scarano, S.Silvestri, F. Villone, M.Zigon New Perspectives In Hts
Transformer Design. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, P. 845-848, 2006.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, A Broadband Volume Integral Formulation Based on Edge-Elements for
Full-Wave Analysis of Lossy Interconnects, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 54,
no. 10, pp:2977 - 2989, Oct. 2006,
A. Tamburrino, G. Rubinacci , "Fast methods for quantitative eddy current tomography of conductive
materials", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 2017-2028, August 2006
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, and S. Ventre, "Numerical Models with Experimental
Validation of Volumetric Insulating Cracks in Eddy Current Testing", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1568-1576, May 2006
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, W. Zamboni, "Analysis of resistive joints
for superconducting cables for fusion applications", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. vol. 42, no. 4,
pp. 1355-1358, April 2006
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, A 3-D Integral Formulation Coupled to a Rigid Nonaxisymmetric
Plasma Model, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1399–1402, April 2006
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, "Regularization and numerical optimization of a fast eddy
current imaging method", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1179-1182, April 2006
M Ariante, A Formisano, F Marignetti, R Martone, G Masullo, A Matrone, R Quarantiello, G Rubinacci,
F Sangiorgi, M Scarano, S Silvestri, F Villone and M Zigon, "New Perspectives in HTS Transformer
Design", J. Phys.: Conference Series 43 (2006) 845-848
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, M. Ariola, A. Cenedese, F. Crisanti, G. De Tommasi, M. Mattei, F.
Piccolo, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, F. Sartori, F. Villone. Design, Implementation And Test Of The XSC
Extreme Shape Controller In JET. Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 74, Issues 1-4, November
2005, Pages 627-632
A. Portone, R. Albanese, R. Fresa, M. Mattei, G. Rubinacci and F. Villone, Vertical stability of ITER
plasmas with 3D passive structures and a double-loop control system, Fusion Engineering and
Design, Volume 74, Issues 1-4, November 2005, pp 537-542
G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, W. Zamboni, "Validation of a 3-D macroscopic model for superconductors",
COMPEL, The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 546-557 , 2005
R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci and S. Ventre, An eddy current integral formulation on parallel computer
systems”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 62, pp. 1127-1147,
February 2005
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, Numerical Modelling of Volumetric Cracks,
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 19, pp. 345-349, 2004
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, Electromagnetic Analysis of the 3-D Effects of the Metallic
Structures in JET Tokamak, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.40, no.2, pp. 589–592, March 2004
G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, W. Zamboni, Power-Law Characteristic for 3-D Macroscopic Modeling of
Superconductors via an Integral Formulation, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,Vol. 40, no. 2,pp. 900
– 903, 2004
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G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, A Fast 3-D Multipole Method for Eddy-Current
Computation, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,Volume: 40 , Issue: 2 ,Pages:1290 – 1293, 2004
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and F. Villone, “A novel integral formulation for the solution of Maxwell
equations”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Vol. 39, No.3, pp 1578–1581, 2003
G. Pelosi, G. Rubinacci, [Eds.], “The Finite Element Method as Applied to Electrical and Information
Engineering in Italy,” COMPEL, 21 , 3, pp. 472-493, 2002
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, “A numerical approach for current source
detection”, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 14, pp. 507-512,
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, Abstract, “Formulazioni integrali veloci per il
calcolo di campi elettromagnetici” COMPEL, vol 21, no. 3, pp.479-480, 2002.
A. Tamburrino, G. Rubinacci, “A new non-iterative inversion method for Electrical Resistance
Tomography”, Invited, Inverse Problems, vol. 18, pp. 1809-29, 2002.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, “Circuits/Fields Coupling and Multiply Connected
Domains in Integral Formulations” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 581-584, 2002.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, “Fast Computational Methods for Large Scale
Eddy Currents Computation” IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 3099-3103, 2002.
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, M. Ariola, M. Bagatin, P. Bettini, C. A. Borghi, G. Chitarin, E. Coccorese,
A. Formisano, R. Fresa, M. De Magistris, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, R. Martone, A. Pironti, P. L.
Ribani, G. Rubinacci, A. Stella, F. Trevisan, F. Villone, “An integrated approach to the control of
magnetically confined plasmas”, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 56-57, pp. . 705 – 709, 2001
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, “A Fast 3D Eddy Currents Integral
Formulation”, COMPEL, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 317-331, 2001
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, “A fast algorithm for solving 3D eddy current
problems with integral formulations”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 3099-3103,
A. Bernieri, G. Betta, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, “A measurement system based on magnetic sensors for
nondestructive testing”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., Vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 455-459, 2000.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, “Macroscopic Electrodynamic Modeling of Superconductors”,
Cryogenics, vol. 40, no. 8-10, pp. 671-676, 2000.
A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre and G. Rubinacci, “An FFT integral formulation using edge-elements for
Eddy Current Testing”, Int. Jour. of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 141162, 2000.
A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre and G. Rubinacci, “Electrical resistance tomography: complementarity and
quadratic models”, Inverse Problem, Vol. 16, pp. 1585-1618, 2000.
R. Albanese, A. Bossavit, R. Fresa, D. Ioan, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone “Identification of
the B-H curve from external measurements using complementary formulations”, Physica B, vol. 275,
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pp. 228-232, 2000.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, “Phenomenological Approaches Based on an
Integral Formulation for Forward and Inverse Problems in Eddy Current Testing”,Invited, International
Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 12, no. (3, 4), pp. 115-137, 2000.
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, Local Error Bounds for Static and Stationary Fields, IEEE
Transactions on Magnetics., Vol. 36, No. 4, pp 1615-1618, 2000
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, “Time Evolution of Tokamak Plasmas in the Presence
of 3D Conducting Structures”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp.1804-1807, 2000.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, “Three Dimensional Finite Elements Modelling of
Superconductors" IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 1276-1279, July 2000
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, ''Reconstruction techniques for Electrical Resistance
Tomography'',IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 1132-1135, July 2000
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, Non-destructive evaluation in the time domain,
COMPEL, Vol. 18, n. 3, 422-435, 1999
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, An Integral Computational Model for Crack Simulation and
Detection via Eddy Currents, J. Comp. Phys.,Vol 152, 736-755, 1999
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, A Differential Formulation based on a Perturbative Approach
to Solve the ECT Inverse Problems, Invited, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering (CMAME), special issue on Advances in Computational Methods in Electromagnetics,
vol. 169, nos. 3-4, pp. 407-424, 1999
R. Albanese, A. Formisano, R. Martone, F.C. Morabito, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, Analysis of metallic
tubes with ECT and neuro-fuzzy processing, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and
Mechanics, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 325-338, 1998.
R. Albanese and G. Rubinacci:, Finite Element Methods for the Solution of 3D Eddy Current
Problems, Invited, Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, edited by Peter W. Hawkes, Vol.102,
pp. 1-86, Academic Press, 1998.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone: Interpolating Wavelets for the Solution of Maxwell
Equations in the Time Domain, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. MAG-34, no. 5, pp. 2775-2778,
R. Albanese, F. Hantila, G. Preda, G. Rubinacci, A nonlinear Eddy Current Integral Formulation for
Moving Bodies, Invited paper, COMPUMAG-97, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-34, no.
5, pp. 2529-2534, 1998.
R. Pierri, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone:, Nonlinear Inverse Resistivity Profiling by
Eddy Currents, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. MAG-34, no. 5, pp. 2920-2923, 1998
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, Numerical techniques for the inversion of Eddy Current Testing data,
Applied Electromagnetic Society Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp 38-43, 1997.
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, E. Coccorese, F. C. Morabito, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci and S. Scala:
Plasma Current, Shape and Position Control in ITER, Fusion Technology, invited paper on the Special
Issue on Plasma Control. Vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 167-183, 1996.
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R. Albanese, M. Canali, A. Musolino, M. Raugi, G. Rubinacci, S. Stangherlin, Analysis of a Transient
nonlinear 3-D Eddy-Current Problem with Differential and Integral Methods,, IEEE Transaction on
Magnetics, MAG-32, no.3, pp. 776-779, 1996.
R. Pierri, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, A Quadratic Approach for the Reconstruction of Conductivity
Profiles Using Eddy Current NDT, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, MAG-32, no.3, pp. 1310-1313,
R. Albanese, A. Formisano, R. Fresa, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, Numerical Analysis of a
Coupled Problem: Time Evolution of a Tokamak Plasma in Contact with Conducting Wall, invited
paper at COMPUMAG-95, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, MAG-32, no.3, pp. 984-989, 1996.
R. Albanese, F. I. Hantila, G. Rubinacci, A Nonlinear Eddy Current Integral Formulation in Terms of a
Two-component Current Density vector potential, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, MAG-32, no.3, pp.
784-787, 1996
R. Albanese, F. Hantila, G. Rubinacci, Eddy Current Integral Formulation for Nonlinear Media in
Multiply Connected Domains, Revue Roumain Sci. Techn, Tome 40, no. 2, pp 151-158, 1995.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, Solving 3D electromagnetics Field Problems Using Edge Elements,
invited, Currents Topics in Magnetic Research, pp. 281-293, 1994.
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, R. Martone and G. Rubinacci, An Error based approach to the solution of full
Maxwell equations, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol MAG-30, No. 5, pp. 2968-2971, 1994.
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci and L.Verolino, Finite Element Solution of Nonlinear
Maxwell Equations in the Time Domain, COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and
Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering}, Vol. 13, Suppl. A, 257-263, 1994.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, Advances in Electromagnetic Design of Fusion
Devices, (Invited paper INTERMAG '93 (International Magnetics Conference), Stockholm, Sweden,
13-16 aprile 1993, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-29, No. 6, pp 2353 – 2358, 1993.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, Two-component Vector Potential Formulations for Solving Maxwell
Equations In Closed Cavities, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. - Electrotechn. et Energ. (Academie Roumaine,
Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique) 38, no. 1, pp 4552, 1993.
M. Ferrari, L. Pellegrino, G. Rubinacci, G. Simbolotti "Electromagnetic Forces on ITER First Wall and
Blanket" Energia Nucleare, Vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 23-45, 1993.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, Analysis Of Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Fields Using Edge
Elements, Journal of Computational Physics 108, pp. 236-245, 1993.
R. Albanese, L. Bottura, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, "Electromagnetic effects induced by
plasma disruptions in the NET vacuum vessel", Fusion Engineering and Design, 15, pp. 201-221,
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, Numerical Procedures for the Solution of nonlinear electromagnetic
problems, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-28, No 2, 1992.
R. Albanese, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci “Formulazioni agli elementi finiti per l'elettromagnetismo quasi
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stazionario”, Alta Frequenza, Vol IV, No 5, pp 49-64, 1992.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, Periodic solutions of nonlinear eddy
current problems in three-dimensional geometries,.IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-28, No
2, 1992.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, On the Numerical Solution of the
Nonlinear Eddy Current Problem, (invited paper 4th Biennal IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic
Field Computation, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 1990). IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-27,
pp.3990-3995, 1991
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Solution of TEAM Workshop problem 11 (Hollow sphere in a step field)
using integral and differential methods" COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and
Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 9, Supplement A, pp.275-277, 1990.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Analysis of a problem in non-destructive testing (coil above a crack) using
a finite element integral formulation", COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and
Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 9, Supplement A, pp.251-253, 1990.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Eddy Current Computation using the T,
 metho
COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Vol. 9, Supplement A, pp.206-208, 1990
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, "Analysis of the Vertical Stability in an Air Core
Tokamak in the Presence of Three Dimensional Conducting Structures", IEEE Transactions on
Magnetics, Vol. MAG-26, No. 2, 1990.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Treatment of multiply connected regions in two component electric vector
potential formulations", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-26, No. 2, 1990.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Magnetostatic Field Computations in terms of two components vector
potentials", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 29, 515-532, 1990.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "On the formulartion of Eddy Current Problem”, IEE Proceedings, Part A,
Vol. 137, No. 1, pp 16-22, 1990.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, G. Rubinacci., "Plasma modeling for vertical instabilities", Nuclear Fusion,
Vol. 29, No.6, pp 1013-1023, 1989.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "On Certain Properties of the Electric Vector Potential in Eddy Current
Problems. Part 2", IEE Proceedings, Vol. 136, Part A, No 5, pp 255-256, 1989, (correspondence).
Y. Crutzen, G. Rubinacci, "Evaluation of the Electromagnetic Effects on a Tokamak First Wall caused
by a Plasma Disruption Using a Thin Shell Formulation", Fusion Engineering and Design, 11, pp. 293
– 303, 1989.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Integral Formulation for 3D Eddy Current Computation using EdgeElements", IEE Proceedings, Vol. 135, Part A, No 5, pp 457-462, 1988.
E. Salpietro, R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, N. Mitchell, G. Rubinacci, "Next European Torus
Operation Cycle", Fusion Technology, Vol. 14, 1988.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci,"On Certain Properties of the Electric Vector Potential in Eddy Current
Problems", IEE Proceedings, Vol. 134, Part A, No 10, 1987 (correspondence).
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R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Solution of Three Dimensional Eddy Current Problems by Integral and
Differential Methods", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-24, No. 1, 1988.
L. De Menna, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, "Volterra's series Solutions of Free Boundary Plasma
Equilibria", The Physics of Fluids, Vol. 30, N. 2, 1987.
B. Coppi, L. Lanzavecchia ed il gruppo di progetto IGNITOR,"Compact Ignition Experiments: Physics
and Design Issues", Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, part E, Vol. XI, no.1, 1987.
R. Albanese, R. Martone, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, "A T Formulation for 3D Finite Elements Eddy
Currents Computation", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG 21, No. 6, 1985.
F. Gnesotto, G. Miano, G.Rubinacci., "Numerical Analysis of Time dependent Field Perturbations due
to Gaps and Holes in the Shell of a Reversed Field Pinch Device", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
Vol. MAG 21,No.6, 1985.
S. Bobbio, E. Coccorese, G. Fabricatore, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, Passive Control of the Vertical
Instability in INTOR", Fusion Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp 345-360, 1985
S. Bobbio, G. Rubinacci.,"A General Method for Calculating the Self Induced Magnetic Force of an
Axisymmetric Toroidal Current", Journal of Plasma Physics, Vol. 31, part. 3, pp 415-421, 1984.
G. Rubinacci.,"Numerical Computation of the Eddy Currents on the Vacuum Vessel of a Tokamak"
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-19, No. 6, 1983.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, T. Takagi (Editors). Applied Electromagnetics And
Mechanics Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, [n. pag. 587], 2011
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, T. Takagi, S.S. Udpa, Editors, Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation
(II), IOS Press, 1998
Y. Crutzen, G. Molinari, G. Rubinacci, Editors, Industrial Applications of Electromagnetic Computer
Codes Eurocourses - Computer and Information Science - Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1990
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, Y. Crutzen, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci (Eds.): Proceedings of the
Electromagnetic Workshop and Meeting on the Industrial Applications of the Eddy Current Codes,
EUR 12124 EN, published by the Commission of the European Communities, 1989.
Book sections
L. Barbato, S. Minucci, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre (2014). Numerical Behavior of Models
of Composite Materials in E'NDT at 'Low' Frequencies. Studies In Applied Electromagnetics and
Mechanics, pp. 77 - 84 Vol. 39,
F. Caire, G. Granet, D. Prémel, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, (2014). The Simposium
Project: Numerical Modeling of a Carbon on Steel Manufacturing Benchmark Case. Studies In Applied
Electromagnetics And Mechanics, pp. 93 - 100 Vol. 39,
Barbato L., Petrarca C. , Rubinacci G. , Tamburrino A., Ventre S. (2014). Numerical Models for
Composite Materials In E-NDT. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, pp. 47 – 54 Vol.
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38, Joao M.A. Rebello, Fumio Kojima, Tomasz Chady (Eds.)
A. Tamburrino, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre (2014). Noniterative Methods for Real Time Imaging of
Conducting Materials. Studies In Applied Electromagnetics And Mechanics, pp. 74 - 82 Vol. 38,
Joao M.A. Rebello, Fumio Kojima, Tomasz Chady (Eds.)
C. Forestiere, A. Capretti, L. Dal Negro, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, G. Miano (2013). Numerical
Methods for the Electromagnetic Simulation of Complex Plasmonic Nanostructures. In:L. Dal Negro,
Optics of Aperiodic Structures, Fundamentals and Device Applications, Ed. L. Dal Negro, Pan
Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd (2014), pp 311-367.
F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, G.-M. Vasilescu, Salvatore Ventre, “Parallel MGS-QR
sparsification for fast eddy current NDT simulation”, in Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and
Mechanics, Vol. 36, E’NDE, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (XV), B. P. C. Rao et al
(Eds.), pp. 29-36, IOS Press, June 2012
G. Giovinco, G. Rubinacci, A. Russi, A. Tamburrino, Salvatore Ventre, “Design and experimental
testing of a thermographic nondestructive system with induction heating”, in Studies in Applied
Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 36, E’NDE, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (XV),
B. P. C. Rao et al (Eds.), pp. 278-285, IOS Press, June 2012
S. Ventre, F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, Experimental Validation of a Fast Non-Iterative
Imaging Algorithm for Eddy Current Tomography. In:Tomasz Chady, Stanisław Gratkowski, Toshiyuki
Takagi, Satish S. Udpa, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. IOS Press, pp.103110, 2011
F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, “Non-Iterative Imaging Method for Electrical Resistance
Tomography”, in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Vol. 204, pp. 241-246,
F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, “Non-Iterative Imaging Methods for Electrical Resistance
Tomography: comparison between two fast methods”, in Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation
(XIII) , IOS Press, pp 173 - 180, 2010.
F. Calvano, G. Caturano, G. Cavaccini, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, “Crack shape
reconstruction from ECT using Topology Costrained Optimization (TOPCSA) Algorithms”, in
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XIII) , IOS Press, pp 230 - 237, 2010.
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation Of
Reinforced Concrete Rebars. In: A. Tamburrino, Y. Melikhov, L. Udpa (Eds), Electromagnetic
Nondestructive Evaluation (XI). IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Evaluation Of Subsurface Cracks In Riveted
Aluminum Joints Using Industrial Eddy Current Instrumentation. In: A. Tamburrino, Y. Melikhov, L.
Udpa (Eds), Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XI). IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Reconstruction Of Stress Corrosion Cracks
Using Benchmark Eddy Currents Signals. In: A. Tamburrino, Y. Melikhov, L. Udpa (Eds),
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XI). IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci and S. Ventre, Reconstruction of Fatigue Cracks Using Benchmark Eddy
Currents Signals, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (X), S. Takahashi and H Kikuchi (Eds),
pp. 267-274, IOS Press, 2007.
C. Abbate, M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre "A probe array for fast quantitative
eddy current imaging" Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (X), S. Takahashi and H Kikuchi
(Eds), pp. 75-82, IOS Press, 2007.
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P. Joubert, J. Pinassaud, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre "Numerical modeling of a Phase
Sensitive Eddy Current Imaging System" Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (X), S.
Takahashi and H Kikuchi (Eds), pp. 33-40, IOS Press, 2007.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, L. Udpa, L. Xuan and Z. Zeng, "Numerical
Simulation of Magneto-Optic Eddy Current Imaging", Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation
(VII), G. Dobmann (Ed.), pp. 180-188, IOS Press, April 2006
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre and F. Villone, "Aeronautical Structures
Examination Using FLUXSET Type ECT Probe", Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (VII), G.
Dobmann (Ed.), pp. 136-143, IOS Press, April 2006
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, "A non-iterative ECT data inversion algorithm", Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (VII), G. Dobmann (Ed.), pp. 150-156, IOS Press, April 2006
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, and F. Villone, "Volumetric Crack Detection from Eddy
Current Testing Data", Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (IX), N. Bowler and L. Udpa
(Eds.), pp. 67-74, IOS Press, 2005
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre and F. Villone, "Novel Fluxset Sensor Based EC
Probe for Crack Detection in Aluminum Rivet Joints", Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (IX),
N. Bowler and L. Udpa (Eds.), p. 195-202, IOS Press, 2005
M. Buonsanti, S. Calcagno, E. Coccorese, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, R. Martone, A. Formisano, M.
Cioffi, F. Ferraioli, E. Cardelli, A. Faba, M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F.
Villone, P. Di Barba, A. Savini, P. Bettini, A. Stella and F. Trevisan "Solution of the direct and inverse
problems in NDE: the MADEND project", Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (IX), N. Bowler
and L. Udpa (Eds.), pp. 59-66, IOS Press, 2005
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone “Crack Detection in Subsurface Layers
of Riveted Aluminium Structures”, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (VIII), Lesselier et al.
(Eds.), IOS Press, 2004
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone “Reconstruction of 3D Volumetric Defects in
Conductors of Arbitrary Shapes”, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (VIII), Lesselier et al.
(Eds.), IOS Press, 2004.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone “Shape identification in conductive materials by
electrical resistance tomography”, in E’NDE, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (VI), F.
Kojima et al. (Eds.), pp. 13-20, IOS Press, 2002.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, “Crack simulation in the presence of linear ferromagnetic
materials using an integral formulation”, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (V), (J. Pavo et al.
Eds.), pp16-21, IOS press, 2001.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, L. Xuan, B. Shanker, L. Udpa, S. S.
Udpa, I. Elshafiey, A Comparative study of Finite-Element Models for Magneto Optic Imaging
Applications”, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (V), J. Pávó et al. (Eds.), IOS Press, 2001.
J. Pavo, D. Ioan, P. Novotny, A. Razek, K. Richter, G. Rubinacci, D. Rodger, G. Vertesy, Development
of an innovative eddy current material evaluation technique, Invited paper, in Non-linear
Electromagnetic Systems, P. Di Barba et al. (Eds.), pp. 281-284, IOS Press, 2000.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, “Fast Algorithms for Crack Simulation and
Identification in Eddy Current Testing”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation,
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D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti (Eds.), pp. 505-512, American Institute of Physics, 2000.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, “Numerical Techniques for ECT Crack
Retrieval”, in Non-linear Electromagnetic Systems, P. Di Barba et al. (Eds.), pp. 281-284, IOS Press,
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, Quantitative Eddy Current Testing using field measurements,
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (IV), (S.S. Udpa et al. Eds.), pp. 58-64, IOS press, 2000.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Reconstruction of Interacting Cracks in Conductive Materials
by a Communications Theory Approach, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (IV), S. Udpa et
al. (Eds.), pp. 151-158, IOS Press, 2000.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, Effects of crack thickness in eddy current
testing, Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (IV), S. Udpa et al. (Eds.), pp. 25-31, IOS Press,
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, Direct and inverse calculations for cracks of different shapes,
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (III), IOS press, 67-76, 1999.
R. Albanese, M. Federico, A. Formisano, R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, Eddy current effects in the core of a
magnetic field sensor, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (III), IOS press, 1999.
R. Albanese, A. Formisano, R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci: Assessment of Performance for Fluxset Sensor
Core, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (II), R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, T. Takagi and S.S.
Udpa (Eds.), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1998.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, Multiresolution Analysis in Reconstruction of Conductivity
Profiles via Quadratic Models, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (II), R. Albanese, G.
Rubinacci, T. Takagi and S.S. Udpa (Eds.), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1998.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, Reconstruction of Cracks with Integral Methods,
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (II), R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, T. Takagi and S.S. Udpa
(Eds.), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1998.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, “A Second Order approximation for conductivity
imaging”, Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems, V. Kose and J. Sievert (Eds.), IOS Press, pp. 213216, 1998.
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, Assessment of the Accuracy of Electromagnetic Field
Calculations for Non Destructive Testing, Studies in applied electromagnetic and mechanics, Vol XII,
Electromagnetic non destructive evaluation, IOS Pres, 1996.
T. Isernia, V. Pascazio, R. Pierri, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, Reconstruction of Permittivity and
Conductivity Profiles via Quadratic Models, Studies in applied electromagnetic and mechanics, Vol
XII, Electromagnetic non destructive evaluation, IOS Pres, 1996
R. Pierri, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, A Numerical Algorithm for the Reconstruction of 3D
Conducting Profiles Using Eddy Current Testing, IOS Press series Studies in Applied
Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 235-243, 1995
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, G. De Santis, R. Martone, F. C. Morabito, G. Rubinacci, A Neural
Network Based Technique for Non Desttructive Evaluation Exploiting Soft Computing Concepts, IOS
Press series Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 8 (Nondestructive Testing of
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Materials), 1-12, 1995
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, Computational Methods for the Electromagnetic Analysis in Fusion
Devices, in Industrial Applications of Electromagnetic Computer Codes, Y. Crutzen, G. Molinari, G.
Rubinacci (Editors), Eurocurses - Computer and Information Science - Kluwer Academic Publisher,
The INTOR Team, "Transient Electromagnetics" chapter V, INTOR, International Tokamak Reactor,
Phase Two A, Part II, IAEA, Vienna, 1986.
The INTOR Team, "Transient Electromagnetics" chapter VI, INTOR, International Tokamak Reactor,
Phase Two A, Part III, IAEA, Vienna, 1988.
The INTOR Team, "Electromagnetics", chapter X, INTOR, International Tokamak Reactor, Phase Two
A, Part I, IAEA, Vienna, 1983.
S. Atzeni, B. Coppi, G. Rubinacci, "Ignition Experiments with Advanced Fusion Fuels"
Invited, "Unconventional Approaches to Fusion", Proceedings of the Fifth Course of the International
School of Fusion Reactor Technology, Erice, 1981, B. Brunelli and G. G. Leotta Editors, 1982 Plenum
Press, New York.
M. Biggio, F. Farfaletti Casali, M. Rieger, G. Rubinacci, J. Van Renterghem, "Blanket ThermalMechanical Behaviour" in FINTOR-D, W. Izzo and G. Realini Editors, EUR 7322 EN, Commission of
European Communities, 1981, pp 96-98.
M. Biggio, G. Pellucchi, G. Rubinacci. "Stress Analysis of the Magnet Support"
in FINTOR-D, W. Izzo and G. Realini Editors, EUR 7322 EN, Commission of European Communities,
1981, pp 75-78.
Conference or Workshop Items
F. Villone, L. Barbato, S. Mastrostefano, A. Portone, S. Ventre, R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci (2014).
ITER disruption studies including 3D volumetric blanket modules. O5.136- vol. 38F, In:41st EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics. 23 - 27 June 2014, Berlin, Germany,
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, G. De Tommasi, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, G. Ramogida, B.
Coppi (2014). Nonlinear Numerical Modeling of Shape Control in IGNITOR in the Presence of 3D
Structures. BAPS.2014.DPP.CP8.25- vol.59, In:56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma
Physics . October 27-31, 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,
G. Ramogida, F. Villone, G. Rubinacci, B. Coppi (2014). Disruption Studies and Simulations in Ignito.
BAPS.2014.DPP.BP8.74- vol.59, In:56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics .
October, 27-31, 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,
S. Mahaut, P. Meilland, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, D. Elbaz (2014). Simulated Inspection of Wavy
Planar Pieces with an Eddy Current Technique: Application Cases of the Simposium Project. 491.1491.10, In:11th European Conference on NNon-Destructive Testing (ECNDT 2014). October 6-10,
2014, Prague, Czech Republic
A. Tamburrino, G. Rubinacci, L. Barbato, M. D'Aquino, A. Maffucci, G. Miano, S. Minucci, C. Petrarca,
A. Vento, S. Ventre (2014). A Finite Element Integral Formulation for the SIMPOSIUM Project. 1- 1,
In:11th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT 2014). October 6-10, 2014,
Prague, Czech Republic
M. d'Aquino, C. Petrarca, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre (2014). 3D Efficient Simulation of a
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Magnetic Probe for Material Characterization of Ferromagnetic Specimens with Hysteresis and Eddy
Currents. In: 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic NonDestructive Evaluation ENDE2014.
June 25-28, 2014, Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an, China,
E. Demaldent, C. Reboud, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre (2014). The Simposium Project:
Numerical Simulation of Rotating Probe for Eddy Current Testing of Metallic Bore Holes. In:19 th
International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation ENDE'2014 . June 25-28,
2014, Xi?'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an, China,
R. Albanese, C. Caramiello, G. Lupò, C. Petrarca, A. Quercia, G. Rubinacci (2014). Assessment of
the performance of an induction heating furnace for the production of superalloy blades . In:9th IET
International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, CEM 2014. 31 March 2014 through 1
April 2014, London, United Kingdom
M. d'Aquino, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Three-dimensional Computation of Magnetic
Fields in hysteretic media with time-periodic sources, the Nineteenth COMPUMAG Conference on the
Computation of Electromagnetic Fields held between 30 June - 4 July, 2013 in Budapest, Hungary
R. Albanese, B. Carpentieri, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone (2013). Computational techniques for
efficient analysis of large halo current models in fusion devices. 40-41, In:CEM'13 Computational
Electromagnetics International Workshop. 2 August 2013 through 5 August 2013, Izmir; Turkey; ,
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, G. De Tommasi, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, G. Ramogida, B.
Coppi, Nonlinear Numerical Modeling of Fast Controlled Shut-Down in IGNITOR in The Presence of
3D Structures, abstract, 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, November 11–
15, 2013; Denver, Colorado, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Volume 58, Number 16, 2013
C. Forestiere, G. Iadarola, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, L. Dal Negro, G. Miano, Surface Integral
Formulations for the Design of Plasmonic Nanos-structures, Abstract MAR13 Meeting of The
American Physical Society, March 18–22, 2013; Baltimore, Maryland, APS March Meeting 2013,
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Volume 58, Number 1, 2013
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, G. De Tommasi, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, G. Ramogida, B.
Coppi, Operational Space within Power Amplifier Limits for IGNITOR, abstract UP8.00036, 54th
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, October 29–November 2 2012; Providence,
Rhode Island, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Volume 57, Number 12, 2012
B. Coppi, A. Airoldi, R. Albanese, F. Bombarda, A. Cardinali, G. Cenacchi, E. Costa, P. Detragiache,
A. DeVellis, G. Faelli, A. Ferrari, A. Frattolillo, P. Frosi, F. Giammanco, G. Grasso, S. Mantovani, S.
Migliori, S. Pierattini, G. Ramogida, G. Rubinacci, M. Sassi, M. Tavani, A. Tumino and F. Villone, New
Developments, Plasma Physics Regimes and Issues for the Ignitor Experiment, Proceedings of the
24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, USA 8-13 October 2012
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, G. Ramogida, B. Coppi, Toward a
possible mitigation of VDEs in IGNITOR. pp.1- 1, 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma
Physics - November 14-18, 2011 Salt Lake City
E. Azizov, B. Coppi, E. Velikhov, A. Airoldi, F. Bombarda, A. Cardinali, G. Cenacchi, P. Detragiache,
G. Grasso, S. Mantovani, G. Rubinacci. The IGNIS Collaboration in the Broader Context of Fusion
and Space Research. pp.gp9.00067- gp9.00067, 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma
Physics - November 14–18, 2011 Salt Lake City, Utah
R. Albanese, R. Palmaccio, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone, B. Bellesia, A. Portone, P. Testoni , F.
Rodriguez Mateos. Electromagnetic transient studies in the ITER tokamak. pp.167- 168 15th
International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, ISEM 2011, - 6-9 September
2011, Napoli, Italy
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, B. Cannas, A. Fanni, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, G. Sias, S. Ventre, F.
Villone. Modelling and control for plasma disruption avoidance and mitigation. pp.391- 392 15th
International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics - September 6-9, 2011, Napoli,
A. G. Chiariello, S. Mastrostefano, S. Ventre, F. Villone, M. Nicolazzo, G. Rubinacci (2011). "GPUPage 18 / 30 - Curriculum vitae of
Guglielmo Rubinacci
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acceleration of low-frequency electromagnetic computations in fusion devices . pp.393- 394 15th
International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, ISEM 2011, - 6-9 September
2011, Napoli, Italy
F. Villone, A. G. Chiariello, Y. Liu, S. Mastrostefano, M. Nicolazzo, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre (2011).
GPU-accelerated CarMa code for Resistive Wall Modes analysis. pp.p5.088.1- p5.088.4 European
Physical Society (EPS), 38th Conference on Plasma Physics - 27 June - 1 July 2011 Strasbourg,
F. Villone, Y. Liu, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre (2011). ITER passive and active RWM analysis
with the CarMa code. pp.P5.107- P5.107 38th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma
Physics (38th EPS) - June 27th - July 1st, 2011 Strasbourg, France
S. Peruzzo, P.Bettini, N. Marconato, A. Soppelsa, R. Albanese, M. Caputano, M. Mattei, G. Rubinacci,
F. Villone (2011). Integrated procedure for halo current reconstruction in ITER. pp.1- 5 2011
IEEEINPSS, 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering - 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA
G. Giovinco, G. Rubinacci, A. Russi, A. Tamburrino, Salvatore Ventre (2011). Design and
experimental testing of a thermographic nondestructive system with induction heating. pp.113- 114
16th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation - 10-12 March 2011
Chennai (India)
F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, George-Marian Vasilescu, Salvatore Ventre (2011). Parallel
MGS-QR sparsification for fast eddy current NDT simulation. pp.18- 19 16th International Workshop
on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation - 10-12 March 2011 Chennai (India)
R. Albanese, F. Calvano, G. Dalmut, A. Formisano, F. Ferraioli, F. Marignetti, R. Martone, G.
Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and S. Ventre, “Electromechanical Analysis of End Windings in Turbo
Generators” Proceedings of the 14th International IGTE Symposium, Graz, Sept. 2010,
P. Testoni, A. Bonito Olivaa, A. Portone, Y. Tamim, J. Knaster, F. Rodriguez Matheos, R. Albanese,
A. Formisano, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, M. Roccella, Status of the EU DA Electromagnetic
analysis contribution to ITER, Proc. of the XXVI Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT). Porto
(Portogallo), Sept. 2010
R. Fresa, R. Albanese, G. Artaserse, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, B. Viola, A Coupling Procedure for
Plasma, Iron and 3D Eddy Currents in the JET Tokamak. Compumag 2009, 17th Conference on the
Computation of Electromagnetic Fields - 22-26 November 2009 Florianopolis, Brazil
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, Automatic treatment of multiply connected regions in Integral
Formulations. Compumag 2009, 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields - 2226 November 2009 Florianopolis, Brazil
M. Furno Palumbo, R. Albanese, R. Palmaccio, G. Rubinacci, P. Testoni, F. Villone, R. Fresa (2009).
Electromagnetic disruption loads on ITER blanket modules. Compumag 2009, 17th Conference on the
Computation of Electromagnetic Fields - 22-26 November 2009 Florianopolis, Brazil
F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino (2009). Non-Iterative Methods for Locating Inclusions in
Electrical Impedance Tomography. Compumag 2009, 17th Conference on the Computation of
Electromagnetic Fields - 22-26 November 2009 Florianopolis, Brazil
F. Calvano, P. Raumonen, S. Suuriniemi, L. Kettunen, G. Rubinacci (2009). Size is in the Eye of the
Beholder: Technique for Non-destructive Detection of Parameterized Defects. Compumag 2009, 17th
Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields - 22-26 November 2009 Florianopolis,
G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino (2009). Numerical Modeling for Plasmonics. pp.21- 22 Invited
lecture, The14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, ISEM’2009 Page 19 / 30 - Curriculum vitae of
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September 20-24, 2009 Xi’an, China
R. Albanese, G. Artaserse, T. Bellizio, R. Fresa, M. Furno Palumbo, Y. Q. Liu, G. Rubinacci, F.
Villone, B. Viola, Coupling plasmas and 3D passive structures in the JET Tokamak. pp.193- 194 The
14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, ISEM’2009 - September
20-24, 2009 Xi’an, China
F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, Crack Shape Reconstruction from ECT Using
Topology Costrained Optimization (Topcsa) Algorithms. pp.100- 102 The 14th International Workshop
on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, ENDE 2009 - July 21-23 Dayton, OH
F. Calvano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino (2009). Non-Iterative Imaging Methods for Electrical
Resistance Tomography: Comparison Between Two Methods. pp.141- 143, The 14th International
Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, ENDE 2009 - July 21-23 Dayton, OH
G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone , Computational electromagnetism for
plasmonics. ACE’09 – 5th Workshop on Advanced Computational Electromagnetics - 12–14 Jan.
2009 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma
G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, Efficient integral formulations in
electromagnetics. ACE’09 – 5th Workshop on Advanced Computational Electromagnetics - 12–14
Jan. 2009 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma
L. Dal Negro, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, A Fast Computation Model for the
Analysis of an Array of Metallic Nanoparticles. p.70 The Thirteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on
Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2008 May 11 - 15, 2008 , Athens, Greece
M. Furno Palumbo, Y.Q. Liu, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone, Application of a SVD-Based Fast
Technique for the Analysis of 3D Instabilities of Fusion Plasmas. p.185 The Thirteenth Biennial IEEE
Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2008 May 11 - 15, 2008 Athens, Greece
R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone, W. Zamboni, Fast Solution of a Three-Dimensional
Integral Model for the Analysis of ITER Superconducting Coils. pp.220- 220 The Thirteenth Biennial
IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation CEFC 2008 May 11 - 15, 2008, Athens,
A. Portone, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, M. Ariola, A. Brooks, D.J. Campbell, T. A. Casper, M.
Cavinato, V. Chuyanov, G. De Tommasi, M. Ferrara, R. Fresa, H. Fujieda, D. Gates, Y. Gribov, R.
Hawryluk, I. H. Hutchinson, D. Humphreys, A. Kavin, G. D. Loesser, M. Mattei, C. Neumeyer, A.
Pironti, G. Rubinacci, G. Saibene, F. Sartori, F. Villone, ITER Plasma Vertical Stabilization. pp.it_24ra- 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference “Celebrating fifty years of fusion…entering into the burning
plasma era” 13-18 October 2008 Geneva, Switzerland
B. Coppi, A. Airoldi, R. Albanese, A. Bianchi, F. Bombarda, A. Cardinali, G. Cenacchi, A. Coletti, P.
Detragiache, A. Frattolillo, R. Maggiora, S. Migliori, G. Pizzicaroli, G. Ramogida, G. Rubinacci, M.
Sassi, G. Toselli, S. Tosti, F. Villone, Relevant Developments for the Ignitor Program and Burning
Plasma Regimes of Special Interest. pp.FT/P3-23- 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 13-18
October 2008 Geneva, Switzerland
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, M. Cavinato, G. De Tommasi, Y. Liu, M. Mattei, A. Pironti, A. Portone, G.
Rubinacci, G. Saibene, F. Sartori, P. R. Thomas, F. Villone, ITER vertical stabilization system. 25th
Symposium on Fusion Technology September, 2008, Rostock, Germany
F. Bombarda, B. Coppi, E. Paulicelli, G. Pizzicaroli, G. Ramogida, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone. Plasma
Position Control Strategies for Ignitor. pp.P4.073- 35th European Physical Society Conference On
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Plasma Physics June 9-13, 2008, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
F. Villone, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, Y.Q. Liu, A. Pironti, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, RWM control in
ITER including a realistic 3D geometry. pp.P2.080- 35th European Physical Society Conference On
Plasma Physics June 9-13, 2008, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece.
F. Villone, T. Bolzonella, Y. Q. Liu, G. Marchiori, R. Paccagnella, G. Rubinacci, A. Soppelsa, RWM
modelling in RFX-mod including 3D conducting structures. pp.P2.067- 35th European Physical
Society (EPS) conference on Plasma Physics June 9-13, 2008, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone, W. Zamboni, Electromagnetic Analysis of a ITER
superconducting coil Using Three-Dimensional Integral Formulation. 8th. World Congress on
Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) - 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied
Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) June 30 – July 5, 2008, Venice, Italy
A. Maffucci, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F.Villone, Plasmonic, Carbon Nanotube and
Conventional nano-interconnects: a comparison of propagation properties. In: IEEE Workshop on
Signal Propagation on Interconnects SPI 2008. Avignon, France, 12-15 may 2008, p. paper
SPI_2008_S7_2, 2008
G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, W. Zamboni (2007), Three-dimensional electromagnetic analysis of cable-inconduit conductors for fusion applications, MT-20, the 20th International Conference on Magnet
Technology, August 27 - 31, 2007 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. p. 3L01-3L01
G. Rubinacci, W. Zamboni, Broad band modelling of a superconducting magnetic energy storage
(SMES) coil (2007), MT-20, the 20th International Conference on Magnet Technology, August 27 - 31,
2007 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, p. 1G04-1G04.
F. Villone, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, G. Ramogida, F. Bombarda, A.
Coletti, A. Cucchiaro, B. Coppi, Advances in the IGNITOR plasma position and shape control, APS,
49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, November 12–16, 2007; Orlando, Florida,
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Volume 52, Number 11, 2007
G. Ramogida, G. Cenacchi, A. Coletti, A. Cucchiaro, F. Villone, G. Rubinacci, A. Bianchi, B. Coppi,
Design of the IGNITOR plasma start-up and scenarios, APS, 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of
Plasma Physics, November 12–16, 2007; Orlando, Florida, Bulletin of the American Physical Society,
Volume 52, Number 11, 2007
Y. Q. Liu, R. Albanese, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, A New Code for Resistive Wall Mode
Modeling with 3D Conducting Structures, APS, 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma
Physics, November 12–16, 2007; Orlando, Florida, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Volume
52, Number 11, 2007
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, Efficient modeling of the skin-effect in low frequency regime,
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, September 17-21, 2007
Torino, Italy, IEEE, p. 261-264
F. Villone, R. Albanese, Y.Q. Liu, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, 3D effects of conducting structures on
RWMs control in ITER, 34th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw,
Poland, July 2-6, 2007, p. P-5.125-1-P-5.125-4.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino: "A fast imaging method with eddy currents" 4th Workshop on Advanced
Computational Electromagnetics, June 28-30, 2007, Aachen, Germany
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, An efficient numerical model for a magnetic core eddy current
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probe, Compumag 2007, the 16th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic
Fields, June 24-28, 2007, Aachen, Germany
G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and F. Villone, Linearized fluid model for plasmon oscillations
in metallic nanoparticles, Compumag 2007, the 16th International Conference on the Computation of
Electromagnetic Fields, June 24-28, 2007, Aachen, Germany
R. Albanese, Y.Q. Liu, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, Coupling Between a 3D Integral Eddy
Current Formulation and a Linearized MHD Model for the Analysis of Resistive Wall Modes,
Compumag 2007, the 16th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields,
June 24-28, 2007, Aachen, Germany
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and S. Ventre, “Evaluation Of Subsurface Cracks In Riveted
Aluminum Joints Using Industrial Eddy Current Instrumentation”, 12th International Workshop on
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE 07), Cardiff, UK, 19th -21st June 2007
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and S. Ventre, “Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation
Of Reinforced Concrete Rebars, 12th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive
Evaluation (ENDE 07), Cardiff, UK, 19th -21st June 2007
M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and S. Ventre “Reconstruction Of Stress Corrosion Cracks
Using Benchmark Eddy Currents Signals”, 12th International Workshop on Electromagnetic
Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE 07), Cardiff, UK, 19th -21st June 2007
A. Maffucci, G. Rubinacci, S. Ventre, F. Villone, and W. Zamboni, Broad-band Characterization of
Wire Interconnects Using a Surface Integral Formulation with a Surface Effective Impedance,
Proceedings of The Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES),
Verona, Italy, March 19-23, 2007
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and S. Ventre, Eddy Current Imaging of Surface Breaking Defects by
Using Monotonicity Based Methods, Proceedings of The Annual Review of Progress in Applied
Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), Verona, Italy, March 19-23, 2007
A. Maffucci, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre and F. Villone, Fast Low-Frequency Impedance
Extraction using a Volumetric Three-Dimensional Integral Formulation, Proceedings of The Annual
Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), Verona, Italy, March 19-23,
G. Ramogida, R. Albanese, F. Alladio, G. Ambrosino, F. Bombarda, A. Coletti, A. Cucchiaro, G.
Maddaluno, A. Pironti, G. Pizzicaroli, A. Pizzuto, M. Roccella, G. Rubinacci, M. Santinelli, F. Villone,
B. Coppi, Strategies for the plasma position and shape control in IGNITOR, 24th Symposium on
Fusion Technology - 11-15 September 2006, Warsaw, Poland.
F. Villone, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, A. Pironti, G. Rubinacci, A. Coletti, A. Cucchiaro, G.
Maddaluno, A. Pizzuto, G. Ramogida, M. Roccella, M. Santinelli, B. Coppi, Control Optimization for
the Position and Shape of the Ignitor Plasma Column, APS, 48th Annual Meeting of the Division of
Plasma Physics, October 30–November 3 2006; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Bulletin of the American
Physical Society, 2006
F. Villone, G. Rubinacci, Y.Q. Liu, "Inclusion of 3D Effects of Conducting Structures in the Analysis of
RWM" Proc. of 33rd EPS Conference, Roma, June 2006, paper P5.159
G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, W. Zamboni, Non-Matching Grids In Integral Formulations, Proceedings of
the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Sept. 12-16, 2005,
Torino, Italy
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G. Rubinacci and A. Tamburrino An integral formulation for the electromagnetic analysis of lossy
conductors and dielectrics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in
Advanced Applications, Sept. 12-16, 2005, Torino, Italy
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, A volume integral formulation for the broadband solution of Maxwell
equations Advanced Computational Electromagnetism, Seminar, May 30 - June 3, 2005, Tampere,
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, A Fast method for Eddy current Imaging,The Second International
Symposium on Intelligent Artifacts and Bio-systems, January 27-28, 2005, INSA-Lyon.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, On a fast non iterative inversion method for NDE, Relazione ad invito,
Workshop on recent research progress in NDT and related matters, 15-16 September 2005,
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
M. Ariante, A. Formisano, F. Marignetti, R. Martone, G. Masullo, A. Matrone, R. Quarantiello, G.
Rubinacci, F. Sangiorgi, M. Scarano, S. Silvestri, F. Villone, M. Zigon, New Perspectives in HTS
Transformer Design. EUCAS '05 - 7th European Conference on applied Superconductivity. 11-15
September 2005. Vienna, Austria.
F. Villone , R. Albanese , G. Rubinacci , V. Cocilovo , A. Coletti , A. Cucchiaro , A. Pizzuto , G.
Ramogida , M. Roccella , M. Santinelli , B. Coppi Preliminary Analysis of Position and Shape Control
of Ignitor Plasmas, APS, 47th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, October 24–28,
2005; Denver, Colorado, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2005
F. Villone, G. Rubinacci, Y.Q. Liu, Y. Gribov, "Analysis of RWM with a 3D Model of Conducting
Structures"Proc. of 32nd EPS plasma physics conference, Tarragona (Spain), paper P5.049, 2005
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, M. Morozov, “A computational technique for
automated recognition of subsurface cracks in aeronautical structures”, 16th World Conference on
Nondestructive Testing WCNDT 2004, Montréal (Canada), September 2004.
F. Marignetti, A. Formisano, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, M. Scarano, F. Villone, V. Cavaliere,G.
Masullo, A. Matrone, R. Quarantiello, “Some experiences on the design of a 10kVA single-phase HTS
12° Congresso Nazionale sulla Superconduttività ad Alta Temperatura di Transizione, Aprile 21-23,
2004. Roma, Italia.
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre, F. Villone, “Fast multipole method for the solution of eddy
currents problems with an integral formulation in topologically complex domains”, Proc. of Progress in
Electromagnetic Research Symposium PIERS 2004, Pisa (Italy), March 2004.
E. Coccorese, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, S. Calcagno, M. Buonsanti, E. Cardelli, A. Faba, P. Di
Barba, A. Savini, R. Martone, A. Formisano, M. Cioffi, F. Ferraioli, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S.
Ventre, M. Morozov, F. Villone, P. Bettini, A. Stella, R. Specogna, F. Trevisan, “New trends in ECT
applications from the MADEND project”, Proc. of Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium
PIERS 2004, pp. 715-718, Pisa, March 2004
P. Bettini, E. Cardelli, M. Cioffi, P. Di Barba, A. Faba, F. Ferraioli, A. Formisano, R. Martone, F. C.
Morabito, M. Morozov, G. Rubinacci, A. Savini, R. Specogna, A. Stella, A. Tamburrino, F. Trevisan, S.
Ventre, M. Versaci, F. Villone, “Direct and inverse electromagnetic methodologies: the proposal of
MADEND project for ECT analysis”, Proc. of Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium
PIERS 2004, pp. 731-734, Pisa, March 2004,
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G. Rubinacci, Direct and inverse electromagnetic problems in the low frequency limit, invited, MACSInet Workshop on "Optimization and Coupled Problems in Electromagnetism", Napoli, 23th September
A. Tamburrino, G. Rubinacci, M. Soleimani, W.R.B. Lionheart,, “A noniterative inversion method for
electrical resistance, capacitance and inductance tomography for two phase materials”, Proceedings
of 3rd World congress on Industrial Process Tomography, (The Rockies, Alberta, Canada) September
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and F. Villone, “Shape identification of conductive anomalies by a new
ECT data inversion algorithm” Proc. of the 4th International Conference: Computation in
Electromagnetics (CEM 2002), Bournemouth, UK, April 2002.
A. Maffucci, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, “A numerical tool for the analysis of the effects of
conductor losses on interconnect structures”, Proc. of 6th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on
Interconnects, Pisa, May 2002, pp. 101-104
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, S. Ventre and F. Villone, “Fast Solvers for the calculation
of quasi-stationary fields with integral formulations”, V Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di
Matematica Applicata e Industriale (SIMAI), Ischia, June 2000, pp. 150-153.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and F. Villone, “Numerical procedures for ECT based on
edge element integral methods”, Proc. of Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium PIERS
2000, pp. 253, Cambridge, USA, July 2000.
R. Albanese, S. Calcagno, A. Gasparics, V. Mollo, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, “Analysis of Some JSAEM
Benchmark Problems using a Numerical 3D Integral Formulation and the Experimental Facilities of the
Laboratory in Reggio Calabria”, EMSE '99 (International Workshop on Evaluation of Measurement and
Simulation for E'NDE), Sendai (Japan), November 4-5, 1999
R. Albanese, P. Bettini, M. Guarnieri, G. Marchiori, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone, Models for the control of
current, position and shape of fusion plasmas, Proc. of ICEAA Conference, Torino, Italy, 111-114,
G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino. Basic Aspects of ECT Inverse Problems: Open Questions, Panel
Session, COMPUMAG Conference, invited, Sapporo, Japan, 1999
M. Cioffi, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino and S. Ventre, A Distributed Object-Oriented Approach to
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Testing, TRACS User Group Meeting 1999, Computing and
Communications Center of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, 1999.
J. Pávó, A. Gasparics, R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, K. Richter, O. Biro, P.
Novotny, D. Rodger, P. K. Vong, E. Melgoza, P. J. Leonard and H. C. Lai, Identification of a Defect
Using Fluxset Experimental Data, Proc. of DEFEKTOSCOPIE’ 99 Prague, 1999
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, Fast Algorithms for Crack Simulation and
Identification in Eddy Current Testing, Proc. of Q’NDE Conference, Montreal, Canada, 1999
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, Direct and inverse problems for
electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation,IV Congresso nazionale della Società di Matematica
Applicata ed Industriale, Palermo, 1998
R. Pierri, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, Quadratic models for inverse electromagnetic problems:
conductivity retrieval, IV Congresso nazionale della Società di Matematica Applicata ed Industriale,
Palermo, 1998
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R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, J.L. Duchateau, N: Mitchel, G. Reitano, G. Rubinacci, E. Zapritilina,
Effects of eddy currents flowing in the cold structure of the ITER magnetic system, 20th SOFT,
Marseille, France, 1998.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone,Direct and inverse calculations for craks of different shapes, The
4th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation, Paris, 1998
R. Albanese, M: Federico, A. Formisano, R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci, Eddy current effects in the core of a
magnetic field sensor, The 4th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Non-destructive
Evaluation, Paris, 1998
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, F. Villone:, Analysis of TEAM Workshop Problem 15 Using an Integral
Formulation,Proceedings of the TEAM Workshop in the Sixth Round, November 7, 1997, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, pp 7-9
R. Pierri, G. Leone, G. Rubinacci, A.Tamburrino, A Quadratic Approach in Microwave Tomography
and Resistivity Retrieval,, Frontiers in Industrial Process Tomography - II, Delft (Olanda), April 1997
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino, F. Villone, Non destructive testing in the time domain, 7th
IGTE Symposium, Graz, 1998
R. Albanese, F. Hantila, G. Preda, G. Rubinacci, Integral Formulation for 3D Eddy Current
Computation in Moving Bodies,, 7th international IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in
Electrical Engineering, Graz, Austria, September 1996, pp. 286-289.
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, E. Coccorese, R. Fresa, R. Martone, C. Morabito, A. Pironti, G. Reitano,
G. Rubinacci:, Electromagnetic Aspects in ITER: Impact on Magnet Cryogenics, Plasma Diagnostics
and Control System, 19th SOFT (Symposium on Fusion Technology), 1996
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, F. C. Morabito, G. Rubinacci, Identification of Circular Holes
in Thin Plates Using a Neural Network Approach, ISEM, Sept. 1995.
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, R. Martone and G. Rubinacci: Analysis of loaded cavities using the constitutive
error approach, invited, 'ACES Symposium (The 11th annual review of Progress in Applied
Computational Electromagnetics), pp. 350-357, March 1995.
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, G. Rubinacci and S.Ventre:Explicit Time Integration Algorithm for the Finite
Element Solution of Trasmission Lines, 6th international IGTE Symposium, Graz, Austria, September
26-28, 1994, pp.150-155.
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, R. Martone, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci and L.Verolino, Calculation of Transient
pulse Propagation through Nonlinear Magnet Sheets with an Error-based Approach, Conference on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC 1994, Roma, Sept. 1994.
E. Coccorese, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, A;Formisano, R. Fresa, F. Garofalo, R. Martone, C.
Morabito, A.Pironti, G. Rubinacci, S.Scala, S.Ventre, Plasma Engineering and Electromagnetic
Aspects in Iter Design, 18th SOFT (Symposium on Fusion Technology), August 1994, Karlsruhe,
R. Albanese, R. Fresa, R. Martone and G. Rubinacci, On the numerical Solution of Mawell Equations
in the Time Domain using Edge Elements, Int. Conference PIERS 1994, Progress In Electromagnetics
Research Symposium, invited, July 11-15,1994, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
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Y. Crutzen, P. Lorenzetto, W. DAenner, S. Fantechi, F. Farfalletti-Casali, F. Amelotti, A. Martelli,
P.Turroni, M. Ferrari, E. Righetti, M. Zola, F. Gatti, L. Boccacini, M. Roeding, J.Wolters, P. Hertout, R.
Albanese, G. Rubinacci, Dynamic Loading Test Programme to Confirm ITER Components
Performance,, 3rd EMF Worshop, August 1994, Capri, pp. 139-158.
R. Albanese, F. Amato, G. Ambrosino, G. Celentano, E. Coccorese, F. Garofalo, L. Glielmo, O.
Gruber, R. Martone, A. Pironti and G. Rubinacci, Identification of the Plasma Boundary in the
Presence of Eddy Currents in the Passive Structures, 3rd EMF Workshop, August 1994, Capri, pp.
R. Albanese, F.I. Hantila and G. Rubinacci, A Nonlinear Eddy Current Integral Formulation, 3rd EMF
Worshop (International Workshop on Electromagnetic Forces and Related Effects on Blankets and
other Structures Surrounding the Fusion Plasma Torus), August 1994, Capri, pp.75-84.
R. Albanese and G. Rubinacci, Error Estimation in a Transient Nonlinear three Dimensional Eddy
Curent problem (Team problem 10), Fourth International TEAM Workshop, Miami, Florida, Nov. 5-6,
1993, pp.13-17.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, Problemi di elettromagnetismo nello studio di
dispositivi per la fusione termonucleare controllata, Rendiconti della 94 Riunione annuale dell'AEI,
Ancona, 3-6 Oct. 1993, pp. 101-111
R. Albanese, L. Bottura, S. Chiocchio, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci:
Proceedings of the Workshop on Electromagnetic Forces and Related Effects on Blankets and Other
Structures surrounding the Plasma Torus, Naka, Giappone, settembre 1993
R. Albanese, L. Bottura, S. Chiocchio, E. Coccorese, R. Fresa, R. Martone, A. Portone, G. Rubinacci
Experimental Validation of Numerical Procedures for Tokamak Devices, Proceedings of the Workshop
on Electromagnetic Forces and Related Effects on Blankets and Other Structures surrounding the
Plasma Torus, Karlsruhe, Germany, 20-21 October 1992
R. Albanese, I. F. Hantila, G. Rubinacci, "Integral formulation for nonlinear eddy current problems",
Proceedings of thr IGTE Symposium, Oct. 1992, Graz, Austria,
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, G. Celentano, E. Coccorese, F. Garofalo, L. Glielmo, R. Martone, L.
Pironti, G. Rubinacci, "Effects of eddy currents for some design and interpretation problems in a
Tokamak, 17th SOFT Symposium on Fusion Technology, Roma, Sept. 1992, Proceedings
R. Albanese, L. Bottura, E. Coccorese, O. Gruber, K. Lackner, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, E.
Sampietro, "Validation of numerical codes for the analysis of plasma discharges in a fusion device",
17th SOFT Symposium on Fusion Technology, Roma, Sept. 1992, Proceedings
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, Solution of TEAM Workshop problem 10, Proceedings of the Third
International TEAM Workshop, EUR 14173, Sorrento 12-13 July 1991
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Three-dimensional electromagnetic computations in quasi axisymmetric
structures "Solicited paper", 13th IMACS, Dublino, 22-26 July 1991
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, E. Coccorese, G. Rubinacci et al., Transient Electromagnetic Models and
Applications to NET/ITER Design"., 16th Symposium on Fusion Technology, London, Sept. 1990.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, Analysis of Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Fields Using Edge
Elements" (Invited). 4th International IGTE Symposium, Graz, Austria, Oct. 1990.
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R. Albanese, R. Martone, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, Results of TEAM Problem 8., European TEAM
Workshop and International Seminar in Electromagnetic Field Analysis, April 1990, Oxford.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, Nonlinear Eddy Currents and Circuit
Theory, European TEAM Workshop and International Seminar in Electromagnetic Field Analysis, April
1990, Oxford.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, F. Esposito, L. De Menna, R. Martone, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, A.
Sestero., Scaling Laws and Design Criteria for a Press-Supported Compact Tokamak., 15th
Symposium on Fusion Technology, Utrecht, Sept.1988. In "Fusion Technology 1988", A.M. Van Ingen
et al. Eds., Elsevier, 1989, pp. 1791-1798.
L. Bottura, E. Coccorese, R. Albanese, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, 3-D Eddy Current Effects in the
NET Vacuum Vessel Structure, 15th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Utrecht, Sept.1988. In
"Fusion Technology 1988", A.M. Van Ingen et al. Eds., Elsevier, 1989, pp. 1546-1551.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci: Summary of Capri TEAM Workshop (invited),
3DMAG Conference, Okayama, Sept. 1989 (abstract).
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Solution of TEAM Workshop problems 5 and 8 using CARIDDI and
CARDIFF", Proceedings of the TEAM Workshop and Meeting on the applications of Eddy Currents
Computations, Bievres, March 1989, EUR 12256 EN, pp 63-74.
R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, E. Coccorese, F. Garofalo, G. Rubinacci, "An Alternative Approach to the
Active Vertical Stabilization of a Tokamak Plasma" "16th Conference on Controlled Fusion and
Plasma Physics", Venezia, Marzo 1989.
G. Molinari, R. Albanese, A. Boglietti, M. Chiampi, S. Coco, A. Di Napoli, R.Del Zoppo, P. Girdinio, P.
Molfino, M. Repetto, G. Rubinacci, E. Santini, A. Savini, M. Tartaglia, "A Modular Finite Element
Package for Research in Electromagnetic Analysis Developed in a Group of Italian Universities",
"BISEF '88", Beijing, Oct. 1988.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci., "Electromagnetic Analysis of Plasma Facing
Components in a Fusion Reactor using fully 3D Models and Thin Shell Approximations"
BISEF '88", Beijing, Oct. 1988.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, G. Rubinacci, "Computational Methods for Transient Electromagnetic
Studies in Tokamak Devices", BISEF '88", Beijing, Oct. 1988.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, S. Coco, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, "Model Reduction for Eddy Current
Problems", 3rd Int. IGTE Symposium", Graz, Austria, Sept. 1988.
R .Albanese, E. Coccorese, N. Mitchell, G. Rubinacci, E. Sampietro, "Electromagnetics"
Chapter VI, "INTOR Phase IIA, Third part, sections 1, 2, 3 -Critical Issues. European contributions to
the INTOR-Phase IIA Workshop", EURFUBRU/XII-139/88/EDV1, June 1988, Brussels
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Solution of TEAM Workshop Problem 11 (Hollow Sphere in a Step Field)
using CARIDDI, CARDIFF and PROTEUS", "8th Electromagnetic Workshop and Meeting on the
Industrial Applications of the Eddy Current Codes", Capri, Oct. 1988.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Field Computation using Edge-Elements", "Eddy Current Seminar",
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Abingdon, UK, 29-30 March 1988.
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R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "Solution of Some Eddy Current Benchmark Cases using CARIDDI"
International Electromagnetic Workshop, Graz, Austria, August 1987
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, N.Mitchell, G. Rubinacci, E. Sampietro, a) "Electromagnetics"
N. Mitchell, G. Rubinacci, b) "Loop Voltages in the PF Coils due to a Plasma Disruption" in"INTOR
Phase IIA, Third Part, Critical Issues, European Contributions to the 15th Workshop-Meeting", July
1987, EURFUBRU/XII-226/87/EDV20.
G. Rubinacci, "Benchmark Computations for the Electromagnetic Workshop", "International
Electromagnetic Workshop", Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Internal Report, RAL-86-049, Ed. C.R.I.
Emson, March 1986.
E. Coccorese, G. Rubinacci, "Plasma Disruptions".in "INTOR Phase IIA, Third Part, Critical Issues,
European Contributions to the 14th Workshop Meeting", Dec. 1986, EURFUBRU/XII-52/EDV20.
R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, "On the Electric and Magnetic Field Penetration during NET DN Start-Up",
in "INTOR Phase IIA, Third Part, Critical Issues, European Contributions to the 14th Workshop
Meeting", Dec. 1986, EURFUBRU/XII-52/EDV20.
G. Rubinacci, "Current and Forces on the NET DN Vacuum Vessel during a Plasma Disruption".in
"INTOR Phase IIA, Third Part, Critical Issues, European Contributions to the 14th Workshop Meeting",
Dec. 1986, EURFUBRU/XII-52/EDV20.
E. Salpietro, F. Casci, W. Danner, L. Ingala, T. Kaltner, G. Malavasi, N. Mitchell, G. Rubinacci, F.
Farfalletti Casali."NET Vacuum Vessel and Bulk Shield Design", "14th Symposium on Fusion
Technology", Avignon, 1986, Pergamon Press
L.De Menna, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, "Free Boundary Plasma Equilibria in Non Circular Shell"
"12th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics", Budapest, Sept. 1985.
The INTOR Team, "Electromagnetics", "INTOR Phase IIA, Critical Issues, European contribution to
the INTOR Phase IIA Workshop", CEE, Fusion Program, Brussels, August 1985.
R. Albanese, E. Coccorese, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, E. Sampietro, "Analysis of Benchmark
Models", Proceedings of European Contributions to the 10th Meeting of INTOR Workshop,
EURFUBRU/XII-1/84/EDV30, IAEA, Vienna, 1984.
G. Rostagni and the RFX Team, "The RFX Project: a Design Review", "13th Symposium on Fusion
Technology", Varese, 1984, Pergamon Press.
E. Coccorese, M. Biggio, L. Deleanu, A. Inzaghi, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, M. Turri, "Electromagnetic
Forces Distribution and Mechanical Analysis in the First Wall Structure of INTOR/NET", "13th
Symposium on Fusion Technology", Varese, 1984, Pergamon Press.
L. De Menna, G. Miano, G. Rubinacci, "Sull"Equilibrio a Contorno Libero in un Tokamak", IV
Congresso di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Capri, 1984.
F. Gnesotto, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, P. Sonato, "Eddy Currents and Forces on the RFX Vacuum
Vessel after Hard Disruptions", "10th Symposium on Fusion Engineering", Philadelphia, Dec. 1983.
E. Coccorese, L. Egiziano, G. Fabricatore, B.Macchiaroli, G. Rubinacci, "Analysis of the Behaviour of
High Voltage probes for Measurements in Fluidized Beds" "4th International Symposium on High
Voltage Engineering", Athens, 1983.
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S. Bobbio, E. Coccorese, G. Fabricatore, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, "Passive Stabilization in INTOR
Reactor",."XI European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics", Aachen, Sept. 1983.
G. Bonizzoni, A. De Luca, L. Lanzavecchia, G. Rubinacci, D. Scotenna, "La Camera da Vuoto del
Tokamak Ignitor", 'VIII Congresso Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia del Vuoto, L"Aquila,
Aprile 1983.
S. Bobbio, E. Coccorese, G. Fabricatore, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci,"Efficiency of Passive Circuits for
Vertical Stability in INTOR Reactor", "12th Symposium on Fusion Technology", Julich, 1982,
Pergamon Press.
A. De Luca, G. Rubinacci. "Dynamic Analysis of the Vacuum Vessel of Ignitor Experiment", "12th
Symposium on Fusion Technology", Julich, 1982, Pergamon Press.
S. Bobbio, E. Coccorese, G. Fabricatore, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, "Electromagnetics" chapter X,
INTOR Phase IIA, Critical Issues, European Contribution to the INTOR Phase IIA Workshop, Vol. III,
EURFUBRU/XII-132/82/EDV30, 1982, IAEA Vienna.
S. Bobbio, E. Coccorese, G. Fabricatore, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, "Vertical stability and eddy
currents in INTOR", Proceedings of European Contributions to the 5th Meeting of the INTOR Phase
IIA Workshop, EURFUBRU/XII-132/EDV20, Ed. IAEA, 1982, Vienna.
S. Bobbio, E. Coccorese, G. Fabricatore, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, "Numerical Results on the MHD
Stability of the INTOR Plasma to Vertical Axisymmetrix Displacements", in "INTOR Phase IIA,
European Contribution to the 4th Workshop Meeting", Marzo 1982, EURFUBRU/XII-132/82/EDV10
IAEA Vienna.
S. Bobbio, E. Coccorese, G. Fabricatore, R. Martone, G. Rubinacci, "Sulla Stabilità Verticale di un
Tokamak a Sezione Elongata", III Congresso Nazionale di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Como,
Maggio 1982.
S. Bobbio, E. Coccorese, L. De Menna, G. Fabricatore, R. Martone, C. Meola, G. Rubinacci. , "Some
observations on the MHD Stability of the INTOR Plasma to Vertical Axisymmetric Displacements" in
"INTOR Phase IIA, European Contribution to the 3th Workshop Meeting", Dic. 1981, EURFUBRU/XII2/81/EDV70 IAEA Vienna.
G. Rubinacci, "The Thermo-magnetic Transient in the Vacuum Vessel of a High Field Compact
Experiment", "11th Symposium on Fusion Technology", Oxford, 1980, Pergamon Press.
M. Guarnieri, G. Rubinacci, A. Stella, "Poloidal Magnetic System for a Large RFP Experiment", "11th
Symposium on Fusion Technology", Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1980.
L. De Menna, F. Esposito, G. Rubinacci, "Three-Dimensional Structural Analysis of a Compact
Toroidal Fusion Experiment" "Physics of Plasma in Thermonuclear Regimes, Proceedings of the 1979
Workshop, International School of Plasma Physics", Varenna, Sept. 1979, US Dept.of Energy
Publisher, May 1980.
L. De Menna, F. Esposito, G. Rubinacci, "Structural Analysis of a Compact Toroidal Ignition
Experiment", "8th Symposium on Engineering Problems of Fusion Research", S.Francisco, IEEE publ.
no 79CHI44I-5 NPS, 1979.
M. Biggio, G. Casini, F. Farfaletti Casali, M. Rieger, G. Rubinacci, J. Van Renterghem, "Structural
engineering problems in FINTOR Conceptual Design", "5th International Conference on Structural
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Mechanics in Reactor Technology", North Holland Publishing Company, Berlin, 1979.
G. Rubinacci, "Il Transitorio Termomagnetico nelle Bobine di Camp Toroidale di un Tokamak Pulsato
ad Alto Campo", Primo Congresso di Elettronica Quantistica e Plasmi, Frascati, 1978, La Ricerca
Scientifica n. 105, Roma, CNR, 1980.
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