Using a Generative Lexicon Resource to Compute Bridging Anaphora in Italian: preliminary observations and data Tommaso Caselli Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale – ILC-CNR Pisa Dip. Di Linguistica “T. Bolelli”, Università degli Studi di Pisa {tommaso (dot) caselli (at) ilc (dot) cnr (dot) it} CBA 2008, Barcelona, 14 November 2008 Outline Motivations Bridging in Italian: corpus-study Introducing a Different Resource: PAROLE/SIMPLE/CLIPS Preliminary Experiments and Evaluation Conclusion & Future Work Motivations: Bridging anaphora is a very challenging phenomenon and their resolution is essential to improve the performance of many NLP applications (Q.A.; I.R. & I.E. and Summarizers); So far, the use of (lexical) resources has concentrated on the exploitation of semantic relations (meronymy, synonymy, hyponymy ...) but the results present limitations: the relation between the bridging anaphor and the anchor is not always a semantic relation in classical terms Relations between words are not randomly created by speakers. This calls for resources based on strong theoretical frameworks which may provide accounts on the way words combine and are related Generative Lexicon (G.L.) & G.L.-based resources Bridging anaphora: theoretical assumptions • it is“a type of indirect textual reference whereby a new referent is introduced as an anaphoric not of but via the referent of an antecedent expression” [Kleiber 1999: 339]; • it is a class of required thethe coherence of fridge. Yesterday weinferences went for a pic-nic, buttoI maintain forgot to put beers in the the discourse (Clark 1977); • they give rise to three kinds of presupposition: • the Uniqueness Presupposition; • the Familiarity/Identifiability Presupposition and • the Inferential Presupposition i.e.“the [N1] R [N2]” e.g.: • N1 [the beers], N2 [a pic-nic] R= is_a_member_of). Bridging anaphora: theoretical assumptions (2) • they are a matter of the local focus of the discourse for the identification of their antecedents (Sidner 1979, Poesio 2003); • 3 pragma-cognitive dimensions can be identified for their interpretation (Korzen 2003): • Lexical Semantics Dimension; • Co-textual Dimension (discourse structure); • Con-textual Dimension (scripts, frames, world knowledge). Bridging anaphora: corpus-study METHODOLOGICAL NOTE Two-folded corpus study: corpus of seventeen randomly chosen articles from the Italian 1) General Full Definite Phrases (FDNPs) in Italian; financial corpus-study newspaper “ilon Sole-24 Ore”, aNoun workpackage of the SI-TAL project 2) A study on those cases of FDNPs which are instances of bridging use of processing anaphora in Italian. requirements for the classification both of the FDNPs in general and for bridging anaphors; Minimal vs Maximal NP (MUC-7); all instances of NPs (pronouns – including zero anaphora, lexical expressions), VPs and frames have been considered as probable anchors; pre- and post-nominal modifiers (adjectives, non-finite verb forms, relative clauses and prepositional phrases) have been considered as disambiguating clues. Bridging anaphora: corpus-study (1) Full Definite Noun Phrases in Italian: CLASS NUMBER OF ITEMS PERCENTAGE First Mention 833 58.61% Direct Anaphora 170 12.03% Bridging 299 21.17% Possessives 36 2.54% Idiom 25 1.62% Doubt 49 3.47% Total 1412 100% Bridging anaphora: corpus-study (2) Bridging Anaphora in Italian: CLASS OF BRIDGING FDNPs NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE LEXICAL SEMANTICS > PRAGMATICS > ITEMS DISCOURSE STRUCTURE Lexical 119 39.79% Event 18 6.02% Rhetorical Relation 27 9.03% 109 36.45% • 221 anchors are nominal entities & ~70% have lookback ranging 0-2 • 53.84% (119/221) of the anchors are previous Cbs/Cps (Centering Theory) • 25.33% are proper names • 34.03% are NPs of postmodifying PPs, i.e. the explicit argument of the Inferential Discourse Topic head noun of Lőbner’s FC2 e.g.: 26 8.69% Total 299 100% 4) i due Paesi - i due partner commerciali: I negoziatori dei due Paesi hanno annunciato che i colloqui “informali” in corso da giovedì scorso nella capitale Usa hanno portato all' alba di martedì al compromesso[...]. Doppiato questo scoglio [...] i due partner commerciali hanno promesso di procedere a passo spedito. A Different Resource: PAROLE/SIMPLE /CLIPS As the corpus-study has shown more than 45% of the relations between anchor – bridging anaphor are based on relations which are not strictly lexical. WHY USING (AGAIN) A LEXICAL RESOURCE? SIMPLE is based on Generative Lexicon (Pustejovsky, 1995): formal framework which explains how senses are generated in the lexicon; the basic qualia (telic, constitutive, agentive and formal) enable the description of the meaning of the word & captures orthogonal relations between semantic units; the span of semantic relations in the G.L. framework is much wider and it reduces the need of world/pragmatic knowledge to explain semantic relations between words A Different Resource: PAROLE/SIMPLE /CLIPS (2) PAROLE/SIMPLE/CLIPS is the largest computational lexical knowledge base of Italian language: SEMANTICS Lemmas: verbs common nouns proper nouns adjectives Semantic Units: verbs common nouns proper nouns adjectives 45,437 2,830 14,088 526 1856 57,101 5,351 19,123 873 3,163 A Different Resource: PAROLE/SIMPLE /CLIPS (3) Extended Ontological Qualia Type SEMANTIC UNIT F R E A L T A T U R I O E S N S Synonymy Domain Event Derivation Type Semantic Regular Polysemy Properties A Different Resource: PAROLE/SIMPLE /CLIPS (4) A Different Resource: PAROLE/SIMPLE /CLIPS (5) Qualia structure: the classical 4 qualia have been extended, up to 64 relations finer-grained specification of meaning dimensions from a single keyword it is possible to retrieve and extract a set of semantic units, regardeless of their semantic type, which creates a rich semantic network in the text FORMAL 5 semantic relations CONSTITUTIVE AGENTIVE 35 semantic relations 10 semantic relations TELIC 14 semantic relations PISTOLA (gun) – ARMAMORTE (weapon) (dead) – SUICIDIO (suicide) THESE SEMANTIC RELATIONS ARE TAKEN TO EXPRESS R(oil) ELEMENT BENZINA PROIETTILE (petrol) (bullet) – PETROLIO –THE COLPIRE (shoot) OF SemRel= is_a PRESUPPOSITION SemRel= resulting_state THE INFERENTIAL TO RESOLVE BRIDGING SemRel= SemRel= derived_from used_for ANAPHORS A Different Resource: PAROLE/SIMPLE /CLIPS (6) 1. i prezzi – al consumatore [the prices – the customer]; INFERENTIAL indirect_telic + agent_verb 2. il processo – gli imputati [the trial – the convicted]; INFERENTIAL member_of 3. essersi sparato – il suicidio [to shoot oneself – the suicide]; EVENT resulting_state 4. fatto esplodere – the debris [exploded – the debris]; EVENT result_of 5. condannare – il pubblico ministero [to condemn – the attorney] EVENT relates 6. il voto – l’elezione [the vote – the election] RHET. RELATION purpose Experiments and evaluation Experiment: 129 couple of bridging anaphor – anchor has been selected from the corpus-study, corresponding to the following classes: Lexical Event Rhetorical Relations Inferential Anaphoric relations involving N.E. have been excluded Experiments and evaluation (2) Bridging anaphor Anchor WSD of the bridging anaphor selection of the anchor - automatic retrieval of the semantic relation - maximum 2 semantic arcs allowed SIMPLE - direct connection between the 2 SemU or between the 2 SemType. Experiments and evaluation: results Event Rhet. Relation 22 (17.05%) 11 (50.00%) 7 (31.82%) 2 (9.09%) 2 (9.09%) 19 (14.72%) 12 (63.20%) 5 (26.31%) 2 (10.52%) 0 Resource # Bridging SIMPLE IWN Lexical Inferential Unsatisfactory results BUT still better than using IWN Reason: lots of the extended qualia relations have not been introduced into the resource The classes of Inferential and Rhetorical Relations are mostly resolved by 2 type of qualia: CONSTITUTIVE & TELIC Conclusion & Future Work the use of a GL based resource can be seen as a way of reducing the need of extralinguistic knowledge; the problem of bridging anaphora resolution becomes part of a more general problem of identification of semantic relations between linguistic elements. a resource with GL qualia relations encoded in it should not be compared with a world-knowledge databases. GL-based relations are dynamic: they allow to discover new relations between lexical items and can provide an account for the creative use of language; Conclusion & Future Work (2) qualia relations can represent new features for machine learning approaches; GL pattern induction from a corpus-based study can improve the resource by adding missing relation; extensive exploitation of the SemTypes can overcome the need of introducing single SemUs. ESPLODERE (explode) - MACERIE (debris) ESPLODERE Resulting_state SemU maceria SemType Cause_change_of_state MACERIA result_of SemU esplodere SemType Cause_change_of_state SemType Cause_change_of_state SemU DETRITO SemU ………… Thanks The Model : Main DRS 2) Bill gave a book to Maria. The author is very famous. Bill (Cb), book (Cp), Maria(Cf), Bill(x1) book(x2) Maria(x3) give(x1,x3,x2) ……………. author (Cb) author(y1) famous(y1) DRS 2 Lexical Bridging la pistola (the gun) - l' arma (the weapon)): E poi stupisce che nel tamburo della pistola mancasse un proiettile[…]. Alcune tracce di ruggine, infatti, farebbero pensare che l' arma fu collocata nella cintura dei pantaloni almeno 4 o 5 giorni prima del ritrovamento del corpo . l’esplosivo (the explosive) – la bomba (the bomb): Gli agenti sono risaliti al furgone utilizzato per trasportare l' esplosivo nel garage e alla persona che l' aveva affittato , Salameh. Il suo arresto , anche per aver collaborato alla preparazione della bomba , fu seguito dalla cattura di Ayyad , un chimico Event essersi sparato (to shoot oneself) - il suicidio (the suicide): dopo essersi sparato una prima volta con la sua “Smith e Wesson” calibro 38, carica a proiettili “rafforzati” […]. Ciò non esclude automaticamente l' ipotesi del suicidio , ma avvalora quella di successive manomissioni, effettuate subito dopo la morte. rispose (to answer) - le domande (the questions): Nel 1993 , invece , rispose positivamente alle domande degli inquirenti perché ritenne che il clima politico consentisse di parlare liberamente . Rhetorical Relations il voto (the vote) - l' elezione (the election): il voto di lista maggioritario per l' elezione in assemblea dei componenti del cda (che per altro verranno retribuiti anche in relazione ai risultati ottenuti dalla società) due elementi (two elements) - il voto... (the vote) / i limiti (the limits).. [i tre ministri] che hanno voluto introdurre nello statuto due elementi finora sconosciuti nell' universo italiano delle privatizzazioni: il voto di lista maggioritario per l' elezione in assemblea dei componenti del cda (che per altro verranno retribuiti anche in relazione ai risultati ottenuti dalla società) e, soprattutto, i limiti imposti al tetto azionario che vanno ben oltre il vincolo del 5 per cento. Inferential quattro uomini (four men) - i quattro immigrati (the four immigrants): “Non potrò veder crescere mio figlio perché quattro uomini hanno deciso di far saltare simboli americani” [...]. Neppure la chiusura del processo ai quattro immigrati di origine araba promette però di scrivere la parola fine il tribunale (the court) - il giudice (the judge): La decisione del tribunale era parsa scontata e non ha sorpreso neppure Mohammed Salameh, Ahmad Ajaj, Mahmud Abouhalima e Nidal Ayyad, il gruppo di fondamentalisti islamici sotto processo. “Mi aspetto il massimo della pena” aveva detto Ajaj poco prima di ascoltare il responso del giudice [...]. la Cina (China) – Pechino (Bejing): gli Stati Uniti sono parsi più vicini a trovare una soluzione di compromesso anche sulla controversia con la Cina sui diritti umani. Il segretario di Stato Warren Christopher avrebbe infatti stabilito che Pechino ha soddisfatto richieste specifiche alle quali gli Usa. I terroristi hanno fatto esplodere una potentissima carica di esplosivo nel garage dei piu' alti grattacieli di New York : tra le macerie persero la vita sei persone e altre mille rimasero ferite ,