ISTITUTO PROVINCIALE PER LA RICERCA E LA SPERIMENTAZIONE EDUCATIVA Via Tartarotti 7 -‐ 38068 Rovereto (TN) Tel. 0461 494500 -‐ Fax 0461 499266 -‐ [email protected] The European, International, Intercultural and Pluri-Linguistic Component of Quality in Education: A “Generational” Right to Education 28 settembre 2015 Luciano Covi – Iprase Discussant for the contributions by Mònica Pereña i Pérez and Brigitte Jörimann The contributions of both speakers include some aspects that are absolutely relevant for our Province as well, concerning the intercultural and the multilingualism components of our local education system. I would like to stress three of these aspects. 1. I’ll start from the situation of second-generation foreign students, that is students born in Italy of foreign parents, because, according to national tests on learning, in our Province (but also in many other Italian regions) second-generation pupils at primary school (in the second and fifth grade) perform worse than first generation pupils of their age, both in Italian and maths. This situation is reversed in higher school levels (lower and upper secondary school). It’s a strange situation. It seems that in pre-school years, the social and family background, which is very important for educational processes, is less effective for ISTITUTO PROVINCIALE PER LA RICERCA E LA SPERIMENTAZIONE EDUCATIVA 1 pupils born in Italy compared to pupils who are not born in Italy. Why this happens? Is it due to language reasons or to cultural reasons, or to other reasons? For example, how the inclusion process in child cares or nursery schools happen? 2. A second connected aspect regards the importance of expanding the language diversity, within an intercultural approach, since the early childhood of the pupils. Neuroscience clearly tells us that multilingualism is a lifetime skill, but it’s better you have to start learning early, already in the womb. Jeffrey Kluger, Time, July 29, 2013 ISTITUTO PROVINCIALE PER LA RICERCA E LA SPERIMENTAZIONE EDUCATIVA 2 Therefore we have to work a lot in pre-school settings (like child cares, nursery schools), but also in family settings, for to improve the multilingualism, for to facilitate the contacts between the mother-tongue and other languages. But yet we have a problem: we have a fairly good knowledge of what happens (or doesn’t happen) at school but we know very little about what happens in out-of-school contexts, especially in social and family ones, which are very important from a cultural and language viewpoint, for example regarding code-switching which is used between two or more languages, between one’s mother language and other languages. In Italy, studies on the inclusion of foreigners focussed a lot on social and economic aspects and much less on issues related to language aspects, which are very important. 3. There is a third observation I would like to make after listening to speakers this morning and it is a question: how much will European education systems be ready to adopt a multilingual curriculum in a structural way? I think that they are not really ready, definitely not in Italy. For example, we don’t know what language skills are learned more solidly when you study at the same time several languages and how can we establish a multilingual vertical curriculum which is in line with the development stages of pupils At the same time, despite the limitation of international and national test, we have a lot of data about how good our pupils perform in Italian literacy, in maths and science, but we know virtually nothing about their multilingualism performance. In March of this year, PISA announced that it would introduce in 2018 a test also for a second language, but now this idea has been set aside. In Trentino we have a “Trilingual Plan” which introduces trilingualism curriculum in ISTITUTO PROVINCIALE PER LA RICERCA E LA SPERIMENTAZIONE EDUCATIVA 3 the Education system for the next years. Our Institute is realizing how difficult it is to test these skills in a general, serious and scientific way. There are very few international experiences we can refer to. The topic of language assessment involves more external certification agencies than education systems, that in my opinion aren’t completely ready for a intercultural curriculum yet. References A.A.V.V, Le prove INVALSI nell’Istruzione e Formazione Professionale: esiti, problematiche e prospettive dopo la prima somministrazione nell’a.s. 2012/13 Working Paper, Iprase, 2015 C. Tamanini, I risultati delle prove Invalsi 2014/2015 in Trentino: le principali evidenze, Iprase, 2015 INVALSI, Rilevazioni nazionali degli apprendimenti 2014/2015, Luglio 2015 J. Kluger, Understanding How the Brain Speaks Two Languages, Time, April 23, 2013 J. Kluger, The power of the bilingual brain, Time, July 29, 2013 ISTITUTO PROVINCIALE PER LA RICERCA E LA SPERIMENTAZIONE EDUCATIVA 4