la Cittadina s.r.l. 25040 Gianico (BS) Italy - via Pasture, 3 tel. 0364.531830 - fax 0364.534961 - [email protected] cataloghi dépliants edizioni commerciali fiscali C.F./Part. IVA e Iscr. Reg. Impr. BS n. IT 02094410988 R.E.A. n. 416762 - Capitale Sociale € 100.000,00 i.v. our environmental policy In acknowledgement of its role and responsibilities towards the community and the environment, la Cittadina s.r.l. is committed to being compliant with environmental regulations in force preventing the sorrounding environmental pollution gradually reducing its impact on the environment favouring the purchase of sustainable paper raw materials, vegetable-based printing inks, low environmental impact solvents and auxiliary products; la Cittadina collaborates with its providers to get better results la Cittadina pursues all these goals through the constant control of environmental implications on both strategical decisions and individual operations through the optimization of raw materials, auxiliary products and energy resources through the purchase of paper raw materials from FSC ® and PEFC™ certified providers by avoiding the purchase of paper raw materials from illegal origin, from places with no respect of civil rights, from areas where high conservation value forests are in peril, where forests are converted into plantations or where GMO are used by adopting energy-saving and low-pollution technologies by valuing environmental implications during the designing phase of new activities, processes, products and installations by training and responsibilizing the personnel and sensitizing the providers with the communication of its environmental performances For this purpose, la Cittadina s.r.l. is committed to adopt an environmental management system complying with ISO 14001:2004 requirements and to apply and follow international certification standards as FSC ® and PEFC™. The management guarantees the human and economic resources necessary to its fulfilment. la Cittadina s.r.l. Paolo Pellegrinelli