[prima della Rinascente]
1865 - 1915
la Rinascente’s Tales
Authors’ biographies
Giorgio Bigatti
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
The rising city
Enrico Bordogna
Politecnico di Milano
New Architectural Types for New Functions
Giorgio Bigatti, Giorgio Bigatti, director of the Isec
Foundation (Institute of Contemporary History),
teaches Economic History at the Università Bocconi. He is the author of essays and volumes on the
history of Industry and Technical-scientific Culture
in Milan and Lombardy. Lately, together with Giuseppe Lupo he has edited an anthology: Fabbrica
di carta. I libri che raccontano l’Italia Industriale/
The Paper Factory. The Books that Tell the Story of
Enrico Bordogna has been a Professor of Architectural Composition at Milan Polytechnic since 1995.
He has collaborated, edited or published the following works: La periferia storica nella costruzione
metropolitana (The Historic Suburbs in Metropolitan
Construction), a book resulting from research on
the structure of the city of Milan, in collaboration
with the group directed by Canella and Acuto, published by Edilizia Popolare in 1978; Guido Canella.
Architetture 1957-87 (Guido Canella. Architectures
1957-87) published by Electa in 1987; Composizione,
progettazione, costruzione (a cura di) (Architectures Composition, Design, Construction - editor),
containing texts of lectures by Aymonino, Canella,
Polesello, Raboni, Semerani, Tentori, published by
Laterza in 1999. He has taken part in various contests with Guido Canella’s group, among which
those for the Park-Cemetery in Rho in 1997 (winner),
and for the new Municipal Hall in Bari, 1998-99 (winner). Over the years, his research has involved the
study of figures and experiences in contemporary
architecture, investigations into the main types of
life functions, associated with the study of the characters of architecture and settlement in the Milan
area. His writings and projects have appeared in
renowned Italian and foreign magazines.
Industrial Italy (2013) and the edition of the Notizie
naturali e civili su La Lombardia del 1844/Natural
and Civil Notices on the Lombardy of 1844, in the
national edition of the works of Carlo Cattaneo
(2014, 2 volumes). With Maria Canella he edited
the volume “Pagine Politecniche. La Biblioteca Leo
Finzi del Collegio degli ingegneri e architetti di Milano”/Politechnic Pages. The Leo Finzi Library of the
Engineers’ and Architects’ College of Milan, Skira,
Milano 2014.
Maria Canella
Università degli Studi di Milano
Towards an Italian Fashion
Maria Canella, PhD in History of European Society, is a lecturer in “History and Documentation of
Fashion” and “Fashion Communication and Publishing” at Milan University. President of the “Memoria e Progetto” Association, Maria Canella is a
member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Collegio degli Ingegneri e Architetti di Milano
(Foundation-Board of Engineers and Architects of
Milan), as well as a member of the Board of the
Società Storica Lombarda (Lombard Historical Society) and of the Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano (Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento). She is also the Secretary of the
Research Centre for the History of Publishing and
the MIC “Fashion, Image and Consumption” Interdepartmental Centre of Milan University. Moreover, she is Coordinator for Lombardy in the national
project “Fashion Archives in the Twentieth Century”
and the “Book City Milan” event.
Among her recent publications are: Paesaggi della
morte, Riti, sepolture e luoghi funerari tra Settecento e Novecento (Scenes of Death, Rites, Burials and
Funeral Sites between the 18th and 20th Centuries), published by Carocci, Rome 2010; Sport e stile.
150 anni d’immagine al femminile (Sport and Style.
150 Years of Image for Women), published by Skira, Milano 2011; Gli archivi delle donne 1814-1859.
Repertorio delle fonti documentarie femminili negli archivi milanesi (Women’s Archives. A Record of
Documentary Sources for Women in the Milan Archives), published by Edizioni di Storia e Letteratu-
ra, Rome 2012; Verso uno “stile nazionale”. Temi e
figure di storia del territorio, della città e delle tipologie funzionali (Towards a “National Style”. Themes
and Historical Figures in the Territory, the City and
Functional Types), published by Nexo, Milan 2012;
La città che cambia. Nuove tipologie per le funzioni del modern (The Changing City. New Shapes
for Modern Functions), published Edizioni di Storia
e Letteratura, Rome, 2014; Pagine politecniche. La
Biblioteca Leo Finzi del Collegio degli ingegneri e
architetti di Milano (Polytechnic Pages. The Leo Finzi Library of the Milan Board of Engineers and Architects), published by Skira, Milano, 2014.
Salvatore Carrubba
Il Sole 24 ore
The Milan of the Sole 24 Ore
Salvatore Carrubba. A graduate in Law from Milan
State University and professional journalist.
At present he is: President of the College Foundation of the Milan universities; president of the Piccolo Teatro in Milan; President of the Centro Luigi Einaudi of Turin; president of the Milan Committee of
the Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento; feature writer in the Sole 24 Ore and presenter
of a book programme on Radio 24; member of the
Board of Directors of the Iulm University of Milan, at
which in 2014/15 he teaches a course on Policies for
Culture, another on Art Publishing and another on
History of the Publishing Industries and New Cultural Platforms; vice president of the Iulm Foundation,
President of the School of Communications at the
same university; member of the Watch Committee
of the Internal Affairs Institute in Rome; member of
the Committee of Honour of the National Observatory on Women’s Health; member of the directing
Committee of the Quartetto Society of Milan; vicepresident of Aiam, the Italian Association for Musical Activities; member of the Keepers Congregation of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana; director of the
Vittoriali degli Italiani; president of the International
Board of the Associazione Diplomatici, which works in the sector of training using the UN simulation
In the past he has been: director of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi for political and economics studies
in Rome (1978-1990); managing director of Mon-
do Economico (1990-1993); managing director of
Sole-24 Ore; editorial director of the Gruppo Sole24 Ore (1997); Minister (standing as an Independent) of Culture and International Relations at the
Milan Council (1997-2005); president of the Board
of Directors of the Educandato Statale Emanuela
Setti Carraro della Chiesa, in Milan; president of the
Accademia of the Teatro della Scala; director for
editorial strategies of the Sole-24 Ore (2005-2010);
president of the Accademia di Brera in Milan (20112013); member of the Trilateral Commission.
He has published: “La Scuola di Public Choice”/The
Public Choice School (with Domenico Da Empoli,
Le Monnier 1981); “La trasparenza difficile. Storia di
due giornali economici: Il Sole e 24 Ore”/Difficult
Transparency. The History of Two Economics Newspapers: Il Sole and 24 Ore (with Piero Bairati, Sellerio 1990); “Una bussola per il Nord”/A Compass
for the North (Sellerio 1993); “L’Arte della Libertà/
The Art of Freedom (with Flavio Caroli, Mondadori
2004); “Post-Milano – Riflessioni senza pregiudizi su
una città che vuole rimanere grande”/Post-Milan
– Unprejudiced Reflections on a City that wants to
stay Great (Mondadori 2005); “Il buono dell’economica – Etica e mercato oltre i luoghi comuni”/Goodness in Economics – Ethics and Market beyond
the clichés (Università Bocconi Editore 2010); “Il
cuore in mano – Viaggio in una Milano che cambia (e non lo sa)”/Heart on its Sleeve – a Voyage
in a Milan that is Changing (and doesn’t realise it)
(Longanese 2012); “Il museo spiegato ai ragazzi”/
The Museum – as explained to Kids” (Francesco
Brioschi Editore 2012).
Ali Filippini
Università Iuav di Venezia
Imagining and Communicating Rinascente
Ali Filippini, Researcher in Design at the Iuav in Venice, where he specializes in history of display preparation in the commercial sector. He has been working for more than ten years as a publicist journalist
for sector reviews, and has also participated in
editorial projects dedicated to the history and criticism of design. At present he teaches History of
Design at the University of San Marino-Iuav and Turin Polytechnic. He also lectures on the course of
Master of Product Design at the Scuola Politecnica
in Milan.
Raimonda Riccini
Università Iuav di Venezia
The Birth of Industrial Design
Raimonda Riccini, PhD in Design, is a professor at the
Iuav University of Venice, where she is Coordinator
of the PhD course in Science of Design and is director of the “Museology of design” research unit.
She is active in theoretical and historical design research and founding member of AISDesign (the Italian Association of Design Historians) and editor of
the e-journal “AISDesign. Storia e ricerche” (www.
She has curated many exhibitions. As member of
the scientific committee of the XX Triennale di Milano (2001-04), she created Gli occhiali presi sul serio. Arte, storia, scienza e tecnologie della visione
(Glasses taken seriously. Art, history, science and
the technology of vision), 2002; Nanni Strada Abitare l’abito (Nanni Strada. Living the garment), 2003;
Design in Triennale. Percorsi fra Milano e Brianza
1947-68 (Design in Triennale. A journey between
Milan and Brianza 1947-68), 2004. She also curated
Made in Iuav. L’università del design fra ricerca e
progetto (Made in Iuav. The University of Design
between research and design), a collateral event
of the XI Architecture Biennale, Arsenale Novissimo,
2008. She was involved in the project and scientific coordination of the Copyright Italia. Brevetti,
marchi, prodotti 1948-1970 (Copyright Italia. Trademarks, brands, products 1948-1970) exhibition,
at the State Central Archive of Rome (March-July
2011) for the 150th anniversary of the Italian unification. Recent writings: Un’impresa aperta al mondo.
Conversazione con Tomás Maldonado (An Enterprise Open to the World. Conversation with Tomás
Maldonado), published in Comunicare l’impresa
(Communicating Enterprise), edited by G. Bigatti
and C. Vinti, Milan 2010; History from Things. Notes on
History of Industrial Design, in The Designed World,
edited by R. Buchanan, D. Doordan, V. Margolin,
New York 2010; Pensare la tecnica. Progettare le
cose. Storie dal design italiano (Think of Craft. Design Things. Stories of Italian Design), Bologna 2012;
G. Anceschi, R. Riccini, Il guizzo e la griglia. Macchi
Cassia designer, Turin 2013; Il corpo sulla scena degli oggetti (The body in the objects’ interaction), in
Il corpo sulla scena del design (The body in design),
edited by M. Ciammaichella, Padua 2015.
Giangiacomo Schiavi
Corriere della Sera
The Milan of the “Corriere”
Giangiacomo Schiavi, became a journalist with
the “Libertà” in Piacenza, where he worked from
1977 to 1981. Moving to the Resto del Carlino as
Features editor and at the central office, from
1984 to 1987 he was parliamentary correspondent in the Rome office of the Carlino and Nazione. From 1987 to 1989 he was at the Corriere della
Sera in the post of deputy chief reporter. He then
moved to Milan to become chief editor and head
reporter, between 1996 and 2004, after which he
was leader writer and head reporter from 2004 to
2009. He wrote up a trip he made in a camper
van around the districts of Milan, and the resulting
book won the Ambrogino d’oro prize awarded by
Milan City Council in 2007. From May 2009 to May
2015 he was deputy director of the Corriere and
author of the Manifesto di Milano, an essay on the
pride of the Lombard capital.
His many publications include “Nucleare all’italiana”/The Italian Nuclear (1986), Ho ammazzato Gigi
Rizzi/I killed Gigi Rizzi (1996), il piccolo Maracanà/The
Little Maracanà (1999), Sani per scelta/Healthy by
Choice (2005, with Edoardo Boncinelli), Controvento/Into the Headwind (2005, with Ambrogio Fogar),
Medici umani, pazienti guerrieri/Humane Doctors,
Warrior Patients, with Gianni Bonadonna, Buzzati, the secret journal. “Scoop”, stories of front page
journalists (2014); Ancora giovani per essere vecchi;
Buone notizie/Still too young to be old; Good News
(2015). He has now returned as a leader writer for
the Corriere.

Authors` biographies la Rinascente`s tales