INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy The Challenge of Climate Science Antonio Navarra Centro EuroMediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici INGV Raffello, la Scuola di Atene Aristotele INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy De#"$"%&%'%()*+, Meteorologica !" However, all the'(( mouths of the Nile, with./($, the single of $23$4)/"0 that at Canopus, are obviously artificial !"#$%$&, )*$ µ"+)*, "- )*$ #/)*exception )*$ ,/01($ "- )*') ') 5'0"4+,, '&$ and not"6%/"+,(7 natural. And'&)/-/3/'( Egypt was nothing than what called #', Thebes, as Homer, shows, though '08 0")more 0')+&'(. 908is:174) 0")*/01 µ"&$too, )*'0 #*')modern /, 3'(($8 he is in relation)*"+1* to such*$ changes. ;*$6$,, ', !"µ$&, )"", ,*"#,, µ"8$&0 /, /0 &$(')/"0 )" ,+3* 3*'01$,. < (...)< (…) ;*/, *'44$0$8 )" )*$ ('08 "- 9&1", '08 =73$0'$ /0 >&$$3$. ?0 )*$ )/µ$ "- )*$ ;&"@'0 #'&, )*$ This happened to theµ'&,*7 land of Argos and Mycenae in Greece. In the time of the Trojan wars the)*$ Argive 9&1/%$ ('08 #', '08 3"+(8 "0(7 ,+44"&) ' ,µ'(( 4"4+(')/"0, #*$&$', ('08land "was=73$0'$ marshy and could only support a small population, whereas the land of Mycenae was in good condition. #', /0 1""8 3"08/)/"0. A+) 0"# )*$ "44",/)$ /, )*$ 3',$, -"& )*$ &$',"0 #$ *'%$ But now the opposite the case, *', for the reason3"µ4($)$(7 we have mentioned: land of #*/($ Mycenae become µ$0)/"0$8: )*$ ('08 "- is =73$0'$ 6$3"µ$ 8&7 '08the 6'&&$0, )*$has 9&1/%$ ('08 completely dry and barren, while the Argive land that was formerly barren owing to the water has now )*') #', -"&µ$&(7 6'&&$0 "#/01 )" )*$ #')$& *', 0"# 6$3"µ$ -&+/)-+(. ."# )*$ ,'µ$ 4&"3$,, become fruitful. Now the same process that8/,)&/3) has takenµ+,) place6$ in ,+44",$8 this small district must be to be )*') *', )'B$0 4('3$ /0 )*/, ,µ'(( )" 6$ 1"/01 "0 supposed "%$& #*"($ going on over whole countries and on,3'($.< a large scale. 3"+0)&/$, '08 "0 ' ('&1$ (...)< (…) '08 )*$ #"&(8 /, $)$&0'(, )*') 0$/)*$& )*$ C" /) /, 3($'&, ,/03$ )*$&$ #/(( 6$ 0" $08 )" )/µ$ So it is clear, since there will'(#'7, be no end6$$0 to time and the6+) world is )*$ eternal, that #*$03$ neither the Tanais nor#', the Nile ;'0'/, 0"& )*$ ./($ *', -("#/01, )*') &$1/"0 )*$7 -("# "03$ has always been flowing, but that the region whence they flow was once dry: for their effect may be fulfilled, 8&7: -"& )*$/& $--$3) µ'7 6$ -+(-/(($8, 6+) )/µ$ 3'00"). 908 )*/, #/(( 6$ $D+'((7 )&+$ "- '(( but time cannot. And this will be equally true of all other rivers. But if rivers come into existence and perish ")*$& &/%$&,. A+) /- &/%$&, 3"µ$ /0)" $2/,)$03$ '08 4$&/,* '08 )*$ ,'µ$ 4'&), "- )*$ $'&)* and same parts ofµ"/,), the earth always moist, the sea must needs change correspondingly. if the #$&$the 0") '(#'7, )*$were ,$' not µ+,) 0$$8, 3*'01$ 3"&&$,4"08/01(7. 908 /- )*$ ,$' /, And '(#'7, sea is always advancing in one and receding in another it is clear that)*$ the ,'µ$ same parts of "the)*$ whole earth '8%'03/01 /0 "0$ 4('3$ '08place &$3$8/01 /0 '0")*$& /) /, 3($'& )*') 4'&), #*"($ are not always$/)*$& either sea land, but6+) that )*') all this changes in course of $'&)* '&$ 0") '(#'7, ,$'or"& ('08, '(( )*/, 3*'01$, /0 time. 3"+&,$ "- )/µ$.< INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy T.S. Eliot The Waste Land I. The Burial of the Dead April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade, we went. Il Sistema Clima Atmosfera Precipitazioni Evaporazione Ghiaccio Marino BIOSFERA Fiumi Umidita’ del Suolo Oceani The Climate Machine Solar Radiation Earth Radiation INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy Carbon dioxide Valori massimi di anidride carbonica Afro-Indian Sector: INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy Mid-latitude Regimes Indian Monsoon Planetary waves and Westerlies Summer Indian Monsoon Sahel Region InterTropical Convergence Zone The challenge of climate change Strongly science-based problem. A special responsibility for scientists to provide honest, accurate, sound science Global scope and complex interactions INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy A scientific consideration of climate (I) Crucial experiments like the famous experiment of Michelson e Morley are not possible in climate science How is it possible a scientific investigation of climate ? A scientific consideration of climate (II) INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy We can male experiments if we represent the climate system via a set of mathematical relations: the equation of climate. The equation of climate are very difficult, but they can be solved by numerical methods. We can then treat very complex mathematical equations, paying the price of a enormous number of elementary operations. Le Equazioni di Navier-Stokes INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy The next generation of numerical models will be like new, more powerful, telescopes or particle accelerators and they will allow us to look further into the working of the Earth climate more accurately, extensively and reliably. INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy The Structure of the CMCC INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy Numerical Methods Agricultural Impacts: Forests Climate Research Software Development Numerical Simulations Impacts: Energy and Economy Agricultural Impacts: Crops Impacts: Mediterranean Sea Impacts: The Coastal Zone Impacts: Health LAN 1 Gbit/s Scalar/Parallel Supercomputer IBM Sp6 ~ 1000 cpu NEC Vector/Parallel Supercomputer 4 SX-8R + 5 SX-9 3,2 TBytes RAM 18 TFlops 110 cpu. 3 TBytes RAM 11,2 TFlops Storage Area Network 12 Gbit/s aggregated Archive/Backup HA Cluster Server Disk Storage ~ 500 TBytes Tape Library 1800 Mbytes/sec 3 PBytes CMCC Centro EuroMediterraneo per i Combiamenti Climatici IPCC standard resolution (T63) INGV-IPCC runs T106 resolution T106 INGV-IPCC run resolution (~ 120Km) Next INGV-CMCC model resolution (~ 60Km) THE SCENARIO SIMULATIONS INGV(CMCC) SXG IPCC Experiments: 1pccto4x [150y] 1pccto2x [150y] CO2 1771 1870 1900 2000 picntrl [100y] 20c3m [130y] 2100 sres a1b [100y] sres a2 TOT: [100y] [730y] THE SCENARIO SIMULATIONS global mean surface temperature anomaly SCENARIO: A2 – 20C INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy A2(2001-2050) – 20C(1951-2000) JFM A2(2001-2050) – 20C(1951-2000) JAS precipitation A2(2051-2100) – 20C(1951-2000) JFM A2(2051-2100) – 20C(1951-2000) JAS mm/day SCENARIO: A2 – 20C INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy A2(2001-2050) – 20C(1951-2000) JFM A2(2001-2050) – 20C(1951-2000) JAS 2m-Temperature A2(2051-2100) – 20C(1951-2000) JFM A2(2051-2100) – 20C(1951-2000) JAS °C Il modello ad alta risoluzione permette anche di esplorare la frequenza, intensita’ e dislocazione degli uragani tropicali. TCs Number in ingv-sxg 1-2-4xCO2 exp. pre-ind ingv-sxg [30y] 2xCO2 ingv-sxg [30y] 4xCO2 ingv-sxg [30y] CIRCE Climate Change and Impact ResearCh: the Mediterranean Environment INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy An FP6 Project of the European Union Chair: Antonio Navarra and Laurence Tubiana The project will investigate how global and Mediterranean climates interact, how the radiative properties of the atmosphere and the radiative fluxes vary, the interaction between cloudiness and aerosol, the modifications in the water cycle. The economic and social consequences of climate change shall be evaluated by analyzing direct impacts on migration, tourism and energy markets together with indirect impacts on the economic system. CIRCE will moreover investigate the consequences on agriculture, forests and ecosystems, human health and air quality. The variability of extreme events in the future scenario and their impacts will be assessed. The integrated results discussed by the project CIRCE will be presented in the first Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean area. CIRCE Strategy Impacts Climate Dynamics Policy Social Dynamics Case Studies What can we do ? Mitigation: remove the causes of climate change, i.e. emissions Adaptation: prepare for the coming climate change Mitigazione e Adattamento, Entrambi necessari, Entrambi limitati Mucche olandesi, dopo l’adattamento INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy Mitigazione e Adattamento, Entrambi necessari, Entrambi limitati Elements for Post-Kyoto Regime Effective – Capable of realizing significant emission reduction Empowering – Allowing emerging countries to continue their development path Fair – Recognizing the historical responsibility of mature economies Shared – A large societal consensus is needed to implement effectively the policies Coalition Building INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy General Social Survey USA (I) •! 86% - Satisfied of their job •! 76% - Satisfied of their income •! 62% - Expect their position to improve within the next three years •! 65% - Over all satisfied of their lives INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy General Social Survey USA (II) •! 25% - Think the country is not “on the right track” •! 80% - Think the Congress has accomplished nothing •! 60% - Expect next generation will be worst off INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy ”Happiness Gap” US citizens ( probably typical of other countries) are happy with their lives, but they feel the threat of outside forces beyond their control (climate change, terrorism, credit crisis) and they are doubt of the government capability to handle them effectively There is a private-public happiness gap INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy Policy ? In this situation the demand on policymakers is to devise a policy to tackle with determination these large problems, but without touching the sphere of private satisfaction of the individual. Is it possible to define a policy addressing these demands ? INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Italy Ottimisti ma preoccupati