SPEAK è usato:
 per esprimere la possibilità, abilità di parlare
They didn't let me speak. Non mi permisero di parlare.
How many languages can you speak?
 nel senso di rivolgere la parola
They haven't spoken to each other since they quarrelled a year ago.
Non si parlano da quando hanno litigato un anno fa.
 nel senso di prendere la parola o comunque parlare in situazioni formali
It's your turn to speak. Tocca a te parlare.
The manager wants to speak to you. (meno formale: to talk to you) Il direttore vuole parlarti.
 per chiedere di parlare con qualcuno al telefono
Can I speak to Mr Burton, please?
Ma: talk on the phone se si sta chiacchierando
TALK è preferito a speak in situazioni meno formali ed è inoltre usato nel senso di conversare,
discutere di qualcosa, chiacchierare.
John, I need to talk to you. John, ho bisogno di parlarti.
We'll talk about that later. Ne parleremo / discuteremo piu tardi.
The problem with my neighbour is that she never stops talking.
Il problema con la mia vicina e che non la smette mai di chiacchierare.
!! In riferimento al contenuto di un testo si usa in genere BE ABOUT.
The book is about a girl who... Il libro parla di una ragazza che...
Per introdurre un discorso diretto si usa generalmente say seguito da to se è espressa la persona a
cui si parla.
"It's closing time," the librarian said (to the few people still reading).
Tell s.body è anche possibile, soprattutto quando viene data un'informazione o un'istruzione.
He told her, "Jack's in hospital."
I told him, "Be careful."
Per introdurre un discorso indiretto si usa:
- tell quando è espressa la persona a cui si parla
Sue told me (that) she had a cold.
- say è usato quando non è espressa la persona a cui si parla.
Sue said (that) she had a cold.
Tell è usato anche nelle espressioni: tell (s.body) a story, tell (s.body) the truth/a lie, tell the time (=
essere capaci di leggere l’ora), tell fortunes (= predire il futuro).
Say è usato nelle espressioni: say yes/no (to s.body), say thank you (to s.body), say hello/goodbye
(to s.body) (= salutare): They didn't even say hello to me. (= Non mi hanno neppure salutato.)
Quando reggono un complemento oggetto, il significato è leggermente diverso a seconda che si usi
say to s.body o tell s.body
Say something to me. Dimmi qualcosa. / Parlami.
Tell me something. Dimmi / Raccontami qualcosa.
He didn't say anything to me.
He didn't tell me anything.
Non mi ha detto nulla.
Non me ne ha parlato.
(= Non me ne ha fatto menzione)
(= Non mi ha raccontato nulla)
 PUT ON è l' atto di indossare.
She's putting on her jacket. Si sta mettendo / Sta indossando la giacca.
WEAR indossare nel senso di portare un certo capo di abbigliamento, essere vestiti in un certo
She was wearing a blue jacket and grey trousers. Portava / Indossava una giacca blu e dei calzoni
Do you have to wear glasses? Devi portare gli occhiali?
Ma: carry a stick / an umbrella
 DRESS vestire – essere vestiti in un certo modo
She usually dresses casually. Di solito si veste in modo informale
She got dressed quickly. Si vestì in fretta.
Notate l’espressione BE DRESSED IN (essere vestito di)
That lady is always dressed in red.
love stories
horror movies
detective stories
sci-fi (science
fiction) films
action films
animated cartoons
war movies
adventure stories
romantic comedies
sit -coms (situation
talk (or chat) shows
quiz shows
sports programmes
soaps (soap operas)
comedy shows
variety shows
reality shows
short stories
historical novels
horror stories
science fiction
love stories
detective stories
adventure stories
A love story is something such as a novel or film about a love affair.
A horror film or story is intended to be very frightening.
A detective novel or story is one in which a detective tries to solve a crime.
A thriller is a film that tells an exciting fictional story about something such as criminal activities or spying.
Science fiction films consists of stories about events that take place in the future or in other parts of the
A documentary is a film, which shows real events or provides information about a particular subject.
An action movie is a film in which a lot of dangerous and exciting things happen. An action hero is the
main character in one of these films.
An animated film or cartoon is a film in which all the characters and scenes are drawn rather than being
real people or objects.
A war movie is a film about a period of fighting or conflict between countries or states.
An adventure story is about an unusual, exciting, and rather dangerous journey or series of events.
A western is a film about life in the west of America in the nineteenth century, especially the lives of
A musical is a film that uses singing and dancing in the story.
A romantic comedy describes or represents a love affair.
The news is a television broadcast which consists of information about recent events in the country or the
Sit -coms are television series about a particular group of characters who deal with situations in a
humorous way.
A talk show is a television show in which famous people talk to each other in an informal way and are
asked questions about different topics.
A quiz show is a show which consists in a game or competition in which someone tests your knowledge
by asking you questions.
A serial is a story which is broadcast on television in a number of parts over a period of time.
A sports programme consists of games such as football and basketball and other competitive leisure
A series of experiences characterized by dramatic displays of emotion. Storylines are intricate, full of
infidelities, romances, secret relationships, coincidences…
A film consists of moving pictures that tell a story, or shows a real situation.
A cartoon is a film in which all the characters and scenes are drawn rather than being real people or objects.
A comedy is a film, or television programme that is intended to make people laugh.
A variety show is a type of entertainment consisting of different short performances, for example people
singing, dancing, and telling jokes.
A reality show is a television programme that does not use professional actors but show real events and
situations involving ordinary people
the art of creating or performing music, that is people singing or playing instruments.
A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully
arranged, often in short lines which rhyme.
A play is a piece of writing which is performed in a theatre, on the radio, or on television.
A novel is a long written story about imaginary people and events.
A short story is a written story about imaginary events that is only a few pages long.
A thriller is an exciting fictional story about something such as criminal activities or spying.
Historical novels describe people, situations, or things that existed in the past.
A horror story is intended to be very frightening.
Science fiction films consists of stories about events that take place in the future or in other parts of the universe.
A biography of someone is an account of their life, written by someone else.
A love story is something such as a novel or film about a love affair.
A detective novel or story is one in which a detective tries to solve a crime.
An adventure story is about an unusual, exciting, and rather dangerous journey or series of events.
A comic is a magazine that contains stories told in pictures.
 vedere (anche nel senso di incontrare qualcuno)
I saw an interesting film last night.
Guess who I saw at the exhibition! Indovina chi ho incontrato / visto alla mostra!
 (andare / venire a) trovare qualcuno
Why don't you come and see us some time? Perché non venite a trovarci qualche volta?
 capire
I see what you mean. Capisco quello che vuoi dire.
 LOOK AT = guardare nel senso di volgere lo sguardo verso qualcosa / qualcuno.
She was looking out of the window. Stava guardando dalla finestra.
 guardare nel senso di seguire con lo sguardo o con attenzione qualcosa che
cambia o è in movimento (ad es. watch football, TV...)
He sat watching the sun go down below the horizon. Sedeva guardando il sole scendere sotto
 osservare, tener d'occhio, sorvegliare
That man has been watching you for some time. Quell'uomo ti sta osservando da un po’.
Two policemen were watching the entrance to the building. Due poliziotti sorvegliavano l'ingresso
"Guardare" può anche essere reso con:
- have a look = dare un' occhiata
- glance = dare un'occhiata veloce
- stare = fissare

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