ARCHITETTURA AD ALGHERO CORSO PER CREDITI LIBERI 13-14 maggio 2010, ore 9:00/13:00 e 14:30/18:30 15 maggio 2010, ore 9:00/13:00 Asilo Sella, Aula c II piano (AIIPc) Lungomare Garibaldi, Alghero CORSO INTENSIVO DI 20 ORE USE OF TIMBER AS A CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL USO DEL LEGNO COME MATERIALE COSTRUTTIVO Corso aperto agli studenti della Facoltà di Architettura e a professionisti architetti e ingegneri. 2 CFU per gli studenti che supereranno un esame scritto finale. Lingua di insegnamento Inglese. Prof. Ian Smith, University of New Brunswick, Canada Visiting Professor at University of Sassari con la partecipazione di Andrè Jorissen, Giorgio Bignotti e Massimo Fragiacomo Issues surrounding the suitability of timber (solid sawn wood structural members) and modern engineered wood-based products as construction materials are addressed in the context of buildings and other structures. Discussion emphasises the importance of linking the technical attributes of the materials to selection of structural form and performance requirements for particular structures. Performance requirements addressed are those associated with suitability of structures for normal use (e.g. control of vibration, control of sound transmission), avoidance of excessive damage or loss of life during catastrophic events (e.g. fire, earthquakes), and durability. Emphasis is also placed on links between durability, service environment and design decisions like choice of construction methods and details. Treatment of topics is conceptual and draws on human experiences from prehistoric to modern times, with emphasis on how social context has shaped those experiences to create contemporary perceptions of timber as a construction material and the rules that regulate its use. Suggestions are made regarding the ability of timber and engineered wood products to serve societal and construction industry needs throughout, and possible beyond, the 21st century. This course is suitable for students with general knowledge of building construction. Deep knowledge of engineering mechanics and materials science is not required. Ian Smith is professor of structural and timber engineering at the University of New Brunswick in Canada. He holds doctor of philosophy and doctor of science degrees from the London South Bank University. The principle that drives his teaching and research is belief that the behaviour of complete structural systems can only be understood through study that integrates knowledge across issues and questions, and across each possible level of dissection. He sits on a number of committees responsible for development and maintenance of building and structural design codes. Ian is author of around 250 papers and reports related to using timber as a construction material. He holds Chartered Engineer status in the United Kingdom, and Professional Engineer status in Canada. He is Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers, the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). His many awards include the prestigious ASCE J. James R. Croes Medal awarded for contributions to engineering science. Andrè Jorissen is Professor of Timber Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, and coordinator of the Eurocode 5, the European regulation for timber structures. Giorgio Bignotti is general manager of Holzbausud Inc., one of the Italian leaders for glue-laminated timber construction, and president of the "Structure Group" within Assolegno, which is part of Federlegno Arredo. Massimo Fragiacomo is Associate Professor of Structural Design at the University of Sassari, and expert of timber construction.