Ca s o s tu d i o : 1 9 Ap a r tm e n ts a n d a co m m e r ci a l o ffi ce i n th e B o l i vi a S tr e e t, B a r ce l o n a
S i to we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a /
19 Apartments and a commercial office in the Bolivia Street,
Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Nuo va co struzio ne
Tipo di edificio : Co ndo minio di altezza
inferio re a 50 m
Anno di co struzio ne : 20 12
Zo na climatica : Cfb
Superficie utile calpestabile : 1 9 23 m 2
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 5
0 78 6 9 4 €
Numero delle unità funzio nali : 19
Co sti/m2 : 2 6 41 €/m 2
Co sti/Appartamenti : 26 7 30 0
, 0 8 0 18 Barcelo na, España
// Descrizione
The program includes 19 public housing and a store in the ground floor.
Functionally, the building is organiz ed in a bottom body (ground floor) containing the corresponding use 22 @ T with
dual access from the street and from Bolivia Passage Local Marqués de Santa Isabel, forecasting space for the
location of an ET, and access to the main hall of the apartment building, and an upper body fragmented in section (2
floors and 5 floors) where homes are resolved. Access to the lobby defines the location of the community hall,
cabinets and counters and an area for pneumatic waste collection. At the end of the lobby there are staircase and lift
providing access to the upper floors of houses and to the lower floor or basement, where the technical room of the
pneumatic waste collection is, there is also Districlima room (substation) and maintenance workshop or warehouse.
The proposal includes 9 properties with two double bedrooms, 5 apartments with a single bedroom and a double
bedroom, 3 apartments with two double bedrooms and one single bedroom, and 2 bedroom homes adapted for
disabled people.
The façade development is necessary to resolve the housing typology (medians future existentesy). Housing are
organiz ed with an inner corridor that optimiz es the core of vertical communications, only one single core access is
needed to get to all homes and it is located tangent to the dividing of greater height.
Despite the irregularity of the solar and the volumetric complexity demanded from planning, we choose to solve the
floors through the same or regular elements to allow the use of industrializ ed building systems and materials.
Maggio ri de t t agli sul pro ge t t o : m/#!__pro j-hab-12/bo l%EDvia (...)
At t e ndibilit à de i dat i :
Auto -dichiarazio ne
// Stakeholders
No me : nsarquitectes
ma.negre@co, +0 0 34 9 3 439 78 21
Sito web : m
No me : Fundació Fo ment de l'Habitatge So cial
0 0 34 9 3 30 2 71 9 7 funhabitatge@habitatgeso cial.o rg
Sito web : http://www.habitatgeso cial.o rg
Structures calculist
No me : M10 3 - Jo rge Blasco
administracio n@m10
Impresa di costruzioni
No me : AiA, Instal·lacio ns arquitectò niques
9 34120 514
No me : Jo an Gurri Do nada
Direttore dei lavori
No me : Villa-Reyes, S.L.
Facility manager
No me : Aguirre Newman - Gerardo Giménez Ruiz
Impresa di produzione
No me : Pnel OmegaZeta
Sito web : http://panelo m
T ipo lo gia co nt rat t uale :
Altri meto di
Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : The po sitio n within the ho using ensures pro per sunlighting
o f each o f the units. The o ptimum o rientatio n o f the ho using allo ws so lar energy during the co ld seaso ns. It has pro jected an
area between the ho using and the o utside (terrace) that generates an adjustable filter that impro ves the climatic co nditio ns
inside the ho using. In the façade, mo bile shutters and the air chamber can temper the building and ensure pro per lighting
co ntro l thro ugho ut the year.
All ho mes have cro ss ventilatio n thro ugh a hybrid system that features adjustable ventilatio n o n the fro nt, fixed vents between
ro o ms and vertical extractio n to co ver.
The o paque façade o f the building is a ventilated façade system. Apart fro m the climate system impro vement achieved, the
recyclability o f the facade is guaranteed when the life o f the building is finished (bo th substructure and the o uter panels).
The shutters sunscreens are mo dular and industrialized elements that were manufactured in the wo rksho p and assembled o n
site. They are therefo re remo vable and reusable elements.
The ro o f o f the building is made o f a material and to tally reusable system: slab Filtro n. The lo wer deck has been reso lved with
a landscaped system (eco lo gical sistemaTF) and high co ver with a system fo r maintenance passable (TF system).
The inner partitio ning o f dwellings and suspended ceilings are made o f plasterbo ard. The lo bby co atings are trespa and dyed
A heating inno vative system was designed to implement the heat pro ductio n with the urban netwo rk (Districlima) that reuses
the energy pro duced by the po wer plant that burns waste fro m the city o f Barcelo na and surro undings.
De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : The vo lume o f the building was established by the planning. The po sitio n within the ho using
ensures pro per sunlighting o f each o f the units. The o ptimum o rientatio n o f the ho using allo ws so lar energy during the co ld
seaso ns. It has pro jected an area between the ho using and the o utside (terrace) that generates an adjustable filter that
impro ves the climatic co nditio ns inside the ho using. In the façade, mo bile shutters and the air chamber can temper the
building and ensure pro per lighting co ntro l thro ugho ut the year.
All ho mes have cro ss ventilatio n thro ugh a hybrid system that features adjustable ventilatio n o n the fro nt, fixed vents between
ro o ms and vertical extractio n to co ver.
The o paque façade o f the building is a ventilated façade system. Apart fro m the climate system impro vement achieved, the
recyclability o f the facade is guaranteed when the life o f the building is finished (bo th substructure and the o uter panels).
The shutters sunscreens are mo dular and industrialized elements that were manufactured in the wo rksho p and assembled o n
site. They are therefo re remo vable and reusable elements.
The ro o f o f the building is made o f a material and to tally reusable system: slab Filtro n. The lo wer deck has been reso lved with
a landscaped system (eco lo gical sistemaTF) and high co ver with a system fo r maintenance passable (TF system).
The inner partitio ning o f dwellings and suspended ceilings are made o f plasterbo ard. The lo bby co atings are trespa and dyed
A heating inno vative system was designed to implement the heat pro ductio n with the urban netwo rk (Districlima) that reuses
the energy pro duced by the po wer plant that burns waste fro m the city o f Barcelo na and surro undings.
// Energia
Energy consumption
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria :
19 ,70 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e :
8 2,30 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Me t o do di calco lo : RD: 47/20 0 7
CEEB : 0 kWh PE / €
Co nsum o di e ne rgia f inale :
14,0 0 kWh FE/m 2 /year
Performance dell'involucro
T rasm it t anza : 0 ,32 W.m -2 .K-1
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : Slab: The hearth interio r flo o r is do uble and is fo rmed by a flo o r 15 cm armed with mesh
diameter 8 mm every 15 cm, a thermal insulato r 5 cm (XPS) and ano ther slab o f 15 cm armed with mesh diameter 8 mm
every 15 cm.Facade (o paque): ventilated facade so lutio n co mpo sed o f an inner lining with light drywall partitio n
(plasterbo ard 46 + 13 + 13) including thermal and aco ustic insulatio n, maso nry unaho ja (14 cm + Gero is pro po sed stucco sided), a ventilated air chamber (partially o ccupied by a 4 cm layer o f o rganic cellulo se thermal insulatio n designed
ECOMARC) i finish with an o uter skin panels "o megazeta" prestressed 30 mm armo r micro cemento temiladas i grafitadas
o f 3 mm diameter mo unted o n galvanized tubular steel substructure every 50 cm.Facade (o penings): The vacuum fo rce is
clo sed by aluminum frames with glass in the transparent areas and sandwich panel cladding in the o paque areas. All these
elements will set o n metal galvanized steel subframes 10 0 x50 x4 and Iran fixed to the lo wer flo o rs (with a height adjustment
system co nsisting o f pro files "L"), to the upper flo o rs and vertical elements resistant. The aluminum frames are sliding,
sliding with upper lo wer fixed o r hinged, depending o n type. All ho mes feature aerato rs.Facade (so lar pro tectio n and views)
they have been designed slats o r lo uvers fixed, as required, fixed blade, pro jectable o f ho ritzo ntal o r swing axis, as
appro priate, with the co mpany TAMILUZ.Lo sl sets o f slats are framed by lintels, jambs fo o tro pes and galvanized steel
structural clo sing the air space o f the ventilated façade and enable secure them, because they are ancho red to the slab
edges. These fences are reso lved by bent sheet metal, ho t dip galvanized, 8 mm thick. The jo ints are welded and
galvanized. There have also been co rrespo nding expansio n jo ints.Co ver 1: The flat ro o f o ver height is so lved by a
trafficable inverted INTEMPER (slab "Filtro n"). The layers and co nstructio n pro cess is as fo llo ws: o n the ro o f slab based
mo rtar is prepared by regulatio n (30 mm). Up o ne “antipunzo namente “layer (felt feltemper-30 0 P) is installed, then an
impermeable membrane Rheno fo l CG Intemper and finally "slab Filtro n" Intemper 9 0 mm.Co ver 2: The flat ro o f o ver height
is achieved by a landscaped inverted INTEMPER (slab "Filtro n"). The layers and co nstructio n pro cess is as fo llo ws: o n the
ro o f slab based mo rtar is prepared by regulatio n (30 mm). Up o ne antipunzo namente layer (felt feltemper-30 0 P) is installed,
then an impermeable membrane Rheno fo l CG Intemper then "slab Filtro n" Intemper 9 0 mm. Finally o rganic vegetable
substrate selected flo o rs.
// Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti
Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o :
Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria :
Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o :
Nessun sistema di raffrescamento
Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne :
Ventilazio ne naturale
Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
// Prestazioni ambientali
GHG emissions
Em issio ni di Gas se rra in f ase di ut ilizzo :
13 8 52,40 KgCO 2 /m 2 /year
// Prodotti
Pro dut t o re : Panel OmegaZeta
Co nt at t o : 0 0 34 9 3 8 6 3 40 27
Sit o we b: http://panelo m
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere di finitura / Partizio ni, iso lamento
Co m m e nt i:
The ΩZ Panel is a panel o f micro -mo rtar with two -way high-strength prestressing. This material is 10 0 % waterpro o f,
lightweight, high strength and fire (A-1). The Panel ΩZ kno wn fo r being versatile, mo dular, durable, custo mizable, fully
recyclable and do es no t require maintenance. ΩZ Panel inco rpo rates the electro -pho to nic functio nal pro perties that allo w it to
acquire bactericidal capabilities, plus a high resistance firepro o f, amo ng o thers. Its applicatio n allo ws a co nsiderable energy
saving is a unique building and enviro nmental pro tectio n. This panel is based o n techno lo gy and co nstructio n pro cess
develo ped by Circa Omega Zeta and its applicatio n in bo th dry wo rk and traditio nal co nstructio n pro vides advantages to
industrialized building.
// Costi
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 5 0 78 6 9 4 €
Construction and exploitation costs
Co st o t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio :
5 0 78 6 9 3,9 0 €
// Qualità della pianificazione urbana
Am bie nt e urbano : The building is lo cated in the Can Ricart (22 @) Barcelo na. It is included within the urban impro vement
Plan PERI UA1 Central Parc (delrecinto preservatio n o f Can Ricart). The urban classificatio n o f the land is 22 @ T @ gro und
flo o r and 22@HS o n the upper flo o rs.
// Qualità ambientale dell'edificio
Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Co mfo rt (visivo , o lfattivo , termico )
// Concorsi
Categorie del concorso
Fo nti di energia rinno vabili , Co nfo rt

19 Apartments and a commercial office in the