Diploma of maturità classica obtained at Liceo Classico “B. Marzolla” of Brindisi Italy (1989).
Degree in Law at the University of Pisa (Italy), obtained 28th April 1995 summa cum laude.
PhD in Comparative Law at the University of Florence, obtained 10th April with the dissertation “Vecchi e nuovi sistemi di responsabilità statale: dai modelli nazionali al paradigma comunitario”.
Associate Professor in Private Comparative Law at the Scuola Superiore di Perfezionamento S. Anna (Pisa) Italy
Attorney at Law, Member of the Italian State Bar at Brindisi (Italy)
Member of Lider Lab (Laboratorio interdisciplinare Diritti e Regole), Scuola Superiore S.Anna Pisa, Italy
Editor of the Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales
1992­1993: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with Erasmus scholarship at the University of Cadiz (Spain).
1996: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a six­month fellowship from 15.11.1996 to 15.05.1997 obtained from the University of Pisa (Italy) to work on Comparative Law issues at the University of Cadiz (Spagna).
1998: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a six­month fellowship from 14.3.1998 to 14.9.1998, obtained from Consiglio delle Nazionale Ricerca (Italian National Council of Research) to work on the Spanish govermental liability in tort at the University of Cadiz (Spain), under the supervision of prof. Lucía Millán Moro.
2000: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a one year­fellowship from 15.9.2000 to 14.9.2001, obtained from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerca (Italian National Council of Research) to work on the English governmental liability in tort at the “European Private Law Center” of the Faculty of Law of Norwich­East Anglia, under the supervision of prof. S. Banakas.
2000: awarded with an “Emile Noël” scholarship at the “European Union Center” of the Faculty of Law in Harvard (USA), under the supervision of prof. J. Weiler.
2001: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a post­doctoral grant, obtained from Junta de Andalucia to teach Community Law at the Faculty of Law of the University “Pablo de Olavide”, Seville (Spain).
2005: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with tenure track contract at the University “Pablo de Olavide”, Seville (Spain)
2005: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a “Marie Cürie” fellowship at the European University Institute of Florence.
2001­2007: Teacher in charge of Community Law and Politics of the European Union at the University “Pablo de Olavide”, Seville (Spain)
2005: Teacher in charge of International Public Law at the University “Pablo de Olavide”, Seville (Spain)
Participant in General and Specialised Courses at the “Academy of European Law”, in European University Institute (5­16 July 1999);
Assistant in Private Comparative Law at the University of Pisa from 1998 to 2000;
Recipient of a special award by the Italian National Council of Research in 2002
Member of the “Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato”
Member of the “Asociación de Profesores de Derecho Internacional Público”
“Responsabilità medica in occasione del parto. Brevi profili di comparazione”, in Danno e Responsabilità 1996, 2, 195­203.
“Armi da guerra e guerra delle armi: prima condanna italiana per la hybris di Saddam”, in Danno e Responsabilità 1997, 2, 223­232.
“Derecho Comunitario y Derecho Comparado”, comunicazione presentata in occasione delle IIII Jornadas del Gabinete Jurídico de Andalucía, Siviglia, 14 novembre 1997.
“Lotta contro le immunità o contro i mulini a vento? Profili comparatistici della responsabilità oggettiva”, in Rivista Italiana di Diritto Pubblico Comunitario 1998, 2, 315­376.
“‘Eppur si muove!’: Galileo, i giudici e la responsabilità statale per violazione del diritto comunitario”, in Danno e Responsabilità 1998, 3, 334­350.
“Las nuevas perspectivas de responsabilidad del Estado en el derecho comparado y en el derecho comunitario”, in “La responsabilidad del Estado”, Civitas, Madrid­Siviglia, 125­149. “La responsabilità dello Stato legislatore in Inghilterra: la rivoluzione della cross­fertilisation”, in Danno e Responsabilità, 2000, 1187­1202.
“Paradeigma e Logos: la responsabilità del legislatore ed i destini dell’Europa”, in Rivista Diritto Civile, 2002, 109­168.
“La responsabilitá degli Stati nell’edificazione di un diritto uniforme”, in AA.VV., La responsabilità civile. Tredici variazioni sul tema, a cura di G. Ponzanelli, 263 ss.
“La cross­fertilisation y la formación del paradigma comunitario de responsabilidad del Estado: «el esquema de la crisis»”, in Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, gennaio­
aprile, Madrid, 2005, 177­225.
“La responsabilità statale in Diritto Comunitario e nei singoli diritti nazionali”, in Danno e Responsabilità 2007, 153, 151
Monografia: A. LAZARI, Modelli e paradigmi di responsabilità dello Stato, Giappichelli, Torino, 2005.
Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a “Marie Cürie” fellowship at the European University Institute of Florence
awarded with an “Emile Noël” scholarship at the “European Union Center” of the Faculty of Law in Harvard (USA), under the supervision of prof. J. Weiler.
Member of the research project “Informatica e diritto, problematica della privacy”; Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Scientific director: prof. G. Comandè
Member of the research project “Responsabilità civile in Europa”; Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca; Scientific director: prof. F.D. Busnelli
Member of the research project “I danni alla persona in Italia, Spagna, U.K., Portogallo, Svizzera, USA, Nuova Zelanda”, Scientific director: prof. F.D. Busnelli Member since 1996 of the research group “Cuestiones de Derecho Internacional y de Derecho Comunitario” (Spain), Scientific director: prof. Lucía Millán Moro
Mother tongue: Italian
Mother tongue: Spanish
Good level of English
Sufficient Level of French
MAIN FIELDS OF INTEREST: Comparative Private Law, European Union Law, Tort Law, Judicial Cross­fertilization, International Law