GRAMMAR THE or LANGUAGE ITALIAN BY FERDINAND GICILONI FLORENCE PUBLISHIO BY RIC0B9I 1838 AN" C' '. ^"J" ixii^ "" '^f /? " ' t^i/. 7/a.^k^ A^AOiiAd/', ..*..., \ r AWTBD IT riuz XJB MomnuL avd Ci " " Signer provetta^ Si Non stati questi la del di pub pie- di tali lei di a le lin- grazie nuove di nella ma una elevaV ei rawisa lei di coraggio sua obbligazione giudizio in comparire origi- alia contribui a pubblico, cost tribute offrirle un ^ V di di opportunith ai di ammirazione rispetto al lo spinta precetti ne ingegno quale gli porge sua ottiene Non il di dh ficare la sieno amnzamenti. ardito gli che Vhanno qualunque, Siccome farlo quale labbra. sue tezza cose s'inse- nellapiu armoniosa/ra grammatica il chi a Vautore che medesimi viventij dalle il presentarsi Ella cui libro questo lusingarsi osa tant'altezza ora in in giudicarne. namente gue unafavella che e deggiono gna, ne di elementi Gli e a, lei talentij lei carattere, di lei testi- bonth: e le la sua quali rendono UnUliss. Servo F. divotissimo, CICILONI. IPlEBViifil of Italy has giren in this eoontrf No of the in spurious itself in of name is maniflBSt Veneroni its Toluminousness been and compilation heterogeneous, confused, hardly irhidi Italian in of bBB made pubiisbed for of Jonnier; deamess, of at the and a void, paralleled;still that compilation, abandon many all tiie labours study this to encumber the the concise which and to the and of path perfonned correct is, the purpose however by are rules, end, without a are as of the woAs aPractical too lose half theipr value exemplifications; annexed egregious the obstruction. remove of tiie most One still repeatedly reprobated: despair,continues literature, after others to hi to be that by being hare is indeed decided any defects, Miuch so ratum. deside- yet a^ieared suiBciently sali- reputation, as spiteof its ele- to teach adcaowledged an established have pie-emioeBce in use, left has one siSactoryto UBder improved work an 9 language Italian grammars to several birth still been has meat$ modern of the the cnliiTation Although these, often by instead Rules" wanting of placed together in refierence. ce absen- the a being mass, G PREFACE. A recent more much also possesses for useful; and, what the in publicationsof Other and merits of Galignani, lies under objection superfluousalong with for is worse, dialect Florentine the merit, but collected having the Grammar one, the teachingfrequently place of the the kind have Italian language. their respective imperfections,which it is not cumbent in- to discuss. pretensionsof The in small useful compass, towards the present are, of what more knowledge a with greater perspicuity and been done of Italy,will complete and comprise, is essential Italian, exposed precision,than Soave's, the standard be found in several it " of pointsof difference specification might extensive and feature be said, that in this grammar systematicview of the of every in which language, and is taken of a a consists and that the a fuller much in which nent promi- numerous and explicationof of the the sired, de- more language, Augmentatives Diminutives; that it contains Pronouns, mars gram- exact. " any has respectsless " Were and former. in any Corticelli's and Even of to difficulty Italian is dundant; re- IrregularYerbfi PBKFACE^ more are dMindlj armiged wdl redaoed refereneey as as dassificatioo. dkHU It of Italian CDitaHiDg w"Nrd8 England, Italy,has of those its a copioi" to a more at to their be compenthat the loo termination, cessary has the grammars pnblished confonndmg intricacyin regulationsbetter zed methodi- for many who however been may use this be work; led to introduce nnne^ the with yersant with a Some in what few the con- to the Italian the are delled mo- language, English on regards the yerb. finities things haying various grammatical af- be familiar different to the student peculiar articulation of syllables obserred, difference from presented under are they may is to be particularyiew requires some this head ying ha- them. it definitions, These thor au- them, partly conformity with general usage, partlyfrom experienced their utilityfor pupils less As a deariy derelc^ied, definitions will doubtless Grammatical which of tables detailed in and in with and in be noticed might practice highly necessary in but treated summarQy in 7 of m the aspects that each. letters and language is acquired with ease by oral but yrith great dilBculty, instruction, and never a 8 PRtfFACS. perfectly, by Italian. and than since, ef the most is besided oidy as to the is induced under the whose examination sanction it in in En* masters are it may words ted omit- be combining combinations of of the sounds prefix these in himself author observations jvdge, competent most a work tfie and undergone, whose they decl"e. much or treatise. (the press it has Italian component supervising to accompaniment on that in engaged being abroad) an year: snperffluoiis. syllables and through (pinion of a in fiicitUale. person its progress iannmerable difficult in precepts ndeS'oanoeming and it better teach Italians bat far attempied namerons inadequate of peculiar The As the pertons collection giyen will of silent volume enunoiatkMi, tiot A a E^lish glandy is here none speaking; preceptor A hcMir an iwiUcni, to Prosody, obscurity metrical part it, a of a and subject hitherto The mistake. pronunciation prosody, is in treatise wifl be of paration prevolved in- centuation, ac- words a , induded in ABBREVIATIOff AU Aee" " , IN WQBK THIS Ahiilwe Mas, Mafcoline Accosatsire No Nnmber Adjeetiire N " . , USED AS} Nominative , Adw, Adverb P. Penon Comimettve Pert Penonal Dmtiwe Plo Plural Ex Esample Pret Present Fca Feaioine Pron Pronoan IiM Indicative InC, Iflfioitive " . " , " Gmij. D. dat. or . . Siog. ' indieatef tbet Snb|aiictite IN THE EXERCISES llie word is USED MABXS Singnlar .... Sn)^ alike Ilalian id aod EogMi. tndiettes = is ( ) Eojlish bjr those The how placed th" between in words Bumher thej are the to 4 WAS diffisrent transposed , 1 parentheses over be to are two wider word which it is placed are be to translated under. placed words Englisli Italian. vords numbers When fsme in expressed not the that be in phrase same expressed in words English Italian. marked are by ooe word 4 very much afraid show j temeva moUo, with : as, the OP THE LANGUAGE ITALIAN I# LESSON ITALIAN A ALPHABET PRONUNCIATION, AND Ba be bi bo " 9 bu. 9 , ci| B Ca^ ce, G Da^ de, diy dOj du. D Fa,fe,fi, E Gra,ge,gi,go,gu. F Ja, je, ji,jo,ju. G La^ H Ma cu. co, fo,fu. le^ li; I09 lu. mi me y mo 9 I Na; ne, ni^ nOy J Pa; "pCf pi; po; L Qua ; M Ra; N Sa ; que si se 0 Ta,te;tl;to, P Va, Q Za; R Giia 26; ; Zi, gne ; ; ru. 8U. TO; TU. ZO; gni zu. , S Sea; 8che; schi; T Scia; see; quo. ; tu. Vi; TC; pu. rO; 80 ; " mu. nu" qui , ri; re; f ; gno sco; , gnu. sou. 6ci; 8cio; sciu. PRONUNCIATION. 1 2 with pronounced Gli is U in liquidsound, a and neglzgere, V except Z rivatives,- in Angli glicanoy Gliceraj a de- its An^ Angliy ^ and other few a words. hene Bastone Camera, gnoy hirra , hue. bocca , y , cheto, chiedere, cena, cibo, compa- curare. debito Dare , , Fame 9 9 duro. dono y y ferire, fine, fosso, Gastigo, gondola digniti fuso. gherminella, giro, ghiro, genera, gusto* Jattanza, jeri,jonico,jugero. Madre, meridionale, misto Naye, Nestore, nibbio, LaTare" Padre, nome" muro. nume. lena, lino, logorare, luglio. piselli,ponte, pera, Quadro, puro. querela, quindici,quotidiano. Rabbia , Santo, morigerato, , rodere riso remo , senno, rustico. , , simulare, seno, sono, sonno, suddito: Tarlo, tenere, Vanagloria , yena timone, togliere,tuffare. yirt" , yolont4 , yulcano. , Zattera, zelo, zingaro, zolfo, zucchero. Gladiatore, gleba, gliele,figlio,globo, glutinoso, gnafife, figlia, guadagnare, compagna, cam- giugnere, ignudo, ignorante, negligente, negletto,negligere,negligenza, Angli. pagna, Sciame, scimunito, scena, sciorinare, sciuga- i3 paOKUMCiATioir. jo, to scheitio^scliinarey scarare; scoxjEonare; scusare* citt4 di Sorrento Nella U di undid Tasso quato quecento U trasferito esso ed famiglia sua marxo del miUe yiyere per , qualitidi primo segretarioera fin dalFanno madre di mille da concessione Sansererino, Principe di Salerno in ayyolto, quasi per nel secolo decimo PARTS Parts in Italian , stantiye, in Napoli Tasso tro- della corso as or Noun. Adyerb. Conjunction.9. 2. The 7. The sta- in e fis- dimora* sua SPEECH. distributed , yiz. The Pronoun. The sua II* OF Speech are in English tra- dalla fortuna. quarto la of Adjectiye. 4. 6. The La a hESSOBf The il tutto cui chiamato, procacciarsiun decente fuori di Bergamo la noUle, oye , tempi potente assai, famigliade'Tassi sata ayeya ad che de'Bossi, noUle Porsia fu casi, nei quail Bernardo yita, il costrinsero alcuni steftOy Ferrante Btato , UUmento cin* di Berrixj a famiglia originariadi Pistoja che piantata fa grandemente fayorita yossi Tor* cinqnecento trent'uno* Torquato Gli ayyersi si a studji dopo a'suoi liberal fu latta ne luce di , alia alia nardo quattro. 11 padre di lui, Ber- quaranta erasi renne : " " i into The . Article. 5. The 3. nine SubThe Verb. Preposition* 8. The Interjection. 1 4 SUBSTANTIVES. small yery are con- are is the KODN, or of name thing. any Suhstantiyes and into The names. common and sorts; tWo former such places : per prothe are Gugliel^ as ter latThe InghUterra^ England. of kinds or species of things names , William; J are the animal; animaley as, diyided are of persons names mo parts, which Italian. SUBSTANTIVE, A termination, English language , in the in the siderahle of in tlie sereral otlier variations and changes tlie inflexions, or But uomOy : man. GENDERS. Every All of names Men, ing their dignitiesor Andrea y peratore 2. or All ; poet professionsapplied EratOy regina , 3. With which masculine a or queen and ; cameriera to they terminate genders. other line mascu- be may : im- Thomas; of nouns them , of that regard of the are poet. , the express^ nouns termination a to whatever muse as TommasOy of Women, names gender, as their Andrew; emperor , Well as callings, gender, whatever as, the gender. feminine 1. in Italiajn is of noun are of final vowel name; dignities the nine femibe may : m^r^re, mother; servant-maid. , nouns, commonly the vowel determines in their l5 SUMTAVTITKfl. Moans as 9 ending tavola^ Greek: table* a of the are Except gender feminine derived some from : the as; Some fev their Tary in nouns their rary meanings IFrammay \ as they : ^ Drama _ genders is masculine. ^ r% ' i.. " LDram''Wetgnef is ' p " feminine. is masculine. f Theme , ' is feminine. iFeary is masculine. f To-morrow f _^. ' y^Breai of day of a wound, f Cuticle . Margine, is feminine. ^ X^^i^j^^ ^^ margin, \s "eniinine" is masculine. is masculine. rj/iFtA:ee;;er, ^ ^ ' t Army , is feminine. l6 SOBOTANTITBd. Tlie general rules in liable to the are e Nouns 4. costume in Jame 5. me gender of ing end- nonnt exceptions. most generallymasculine; are as , custom. y But for the , Nouns h\xu"eT ; speme in re hope^ , feminine. are generally masculine: are as, dotore^ pain. The following being polvercy dust; 6. ending in nte for are the carcercy most part mind; current; correntey sor-- people, (feminine) :yro"/tf, ;ybn^c, fountain, (of both genders.) source; forehead gentey Fine, end; tras^ey beam, mi ashes; derbolt; thun- mountain. montCy Except mentCy gente, rule, tower. ^ cenercy genders. as, this m;fol"orey of both Nouns masculine: re aere^ leprey hare; are tor ax; scure, arborcy tree; prison , from .'/eWre, fever; coltrey coverlet; feminine But deviate nouns lie, thousand, in the 7. Nouns in / ; as, : Genesi ^ minine singular,fe- are for the most part minine: fe- toast (in metropoliy metropolis. drinking'; Tamigiy in i genders: plural* Except barbagianni compounds of both in the is masculine ending as, are y owl; brindisiy Thames; eclissi , eclipse; d\y day, and and numerals dieciy ten; quindiciy fifteen. Genesis; is of both genders. its ding en- n furtlier distinguished by Laving ivr"^ ject, obthe Singular,which Numbers, implies one and the Plural which impliestwo or more , objects. Italian Nouns have their plural formed ently differfrom their singular with few exceptions. Nouns are , SCBSTARTIVES. Noans 1 1* haTing in the change not ifiaestd J accented^ last vowel their plural: as king; re^ under comes which do lable monosylall Italian rule, this 1) kings; re, or majesties. Eyery inajestjy noun words 1 monosyllables being accented are pronunciation. in Nouns 13. their of the termination plural: maestro as, Feminine i3" letter into climes; i4" Nouns in feminine or , and ca require in the final yowel, for the the harsh sound be of the lost by and c the g masculine h an before^ the; preserving which would wise other- , change of monarchic monarch; monarcUj of houses. case, plural sake this change in a, whether ga, masters; dog, cani, dogs. cane, house; casaj X\\ii for i an maestri, ending as, whatever singular,change into master; nouns e.* an number ^ clima,c\ime;climi, gender, j be in the ma of this last yowel the masculine the Ex. vowel. monarchs; lega, league; legke, leagues. ending in Nouns without into an any e; as, cia accent and gia pronounced short, the upon minacciaj /, change threat; minacce, spiaggia, shore; spiagge, shores; of these terminations the in which the but la ats; threnouns i is accented , or as, sensiblypronounced, provincial province magia, incantation; follow ; the general ruk: /7row//ic/e proTinces; magle, , incantations. SUBSTANTIVES. 20 i5. Mouns the in plural: e ending numher in that pretty priest; pretty priests; as, mother; madrcj change into ntadriy mothers. which le, rowel have Except variation no those either in specie, species; requie rest ; JLcie,surface; harharie^ CTxielty ; progenie as, : in t an super^ , geny; pro- j serie, series; ejffigie, efiigy. But moglie and wife; , Millcj thousand, 1 for the Nouns 17. in into vowel that Except variation no which its in smoke; call , as, the have makes plural of ajo have in oi: on the the Nouns in I,) make contraction to tion abbreviathe word caligine) ["rom testudi- plural uomini their , men. and plural in aiy diSyportinajOj porter; porti- naiy porters, strettojOy press; 19. , hands. plural. its , in by caligOy (from as, plural: maniy terminated , man in the hand; mano, testudini Those also plural by changing giniy plur.; testudo ; mille hypotheses. their thus in oyo, those .* originalform: Uomo 18. 1 always ) tortoise ne form o nouns , but plural. ipotesiyhypothesis and as, in the make ox, mila; makes in / have 6. Nouns an buoi, plural mogli, is used bue^ strettoiypresses. short, (that is, their plural in in/ is, however tempioy temple, tempj) or ii , accented not orj more at option, used : tempiiy temples. as, ai SUBSTANTIVES. in io TluMe 30* their centedy) h"ye morioj but in poetry Nouns ai. the which makes 9 in cio, plural in Gods^ in prose; used. chio^ ^ioy glio, short, make ciliegioy cherry-tree; ciliegi, cherry-trees; occhioy "on mor- chi, gi, gli; as, cacioy cheese; cif cheeses; caciy ac* Except murmurs. Dei^ is also Dii^ i is in ii: as^ plural always 9 the in which mormorii^ mtirmur, God DiOy long y (or eye; occhiy figlio^ eyes; ifigliysons. Nouns 11. their in plural in and co gOy of two make syllables, chiy ghii ksyluogo, place; luoghif places ;^co, ^g;Jichi,figs. "xcept|/7orco,pig;GrecOy Greek; Those take in no co and h in the gOy of The Aatico, aprico, briaco^ "bbrtaea, beccairco, carico , cadnco, , catalogo-. h in the two lables, syl- plural: as, amicOy friend; following) howerer, the than more atniciy friends; teologOySLdiyine caattgo make Greet. porciy 23. which formation are ; ^eo/o^/,divines. exceptions, of their mitting ad- plural. expedient, sacrilegioui, wild. unloading, trajfic. ^4* Nouns terminating united, consonant and ghi: as Some then in nouns change a o alter ghi^ their form in the feminine ther ano- plural in inns. plural in a^ and in the masculine plural: example hundred; centiaaja, hundreds. thousand; migliaja, thousands- miglia, miles, migliajo" a migllo, mile ; for moggie, a "taio, bushel; "("]"# bushels, pair; V^\^" pair, egg; nova, eggs. pa jo, uovo " 26. the measure Other nouns are are used In than " braccio, in masculine ring, arm, two terminations in i and latter in a : in feminine; but the feminine in the for* termination, and one " , following list,the less used in the A cello the have it both preferably those denote o masculine, the in another. Uy in plural"forming mer moggia corn; chi hifolchi^ploughmen; ; gender, being their singular^ and CentiDajo, their hifolco^ploughman , go, with and co make albergOy inn; 25. in asterisk some some will plural in i. anelli and anella. bracci, braccia. bndelio" bowel, badelli, budella. calcagao, heel, calcagni^ calcagna. in a3 SUBSTANTIVES. EXERCISE FOR TBB PITPIL TO falsehood, FMtk, WftlTB DOWV tBI TLVUlU pecdiiai bee. duke. prato. meadow, fligoore gentleman, cielo heaven, gregge, ftoek. pianeta" dace , , , planet. 24 follow SUBSTANTIVES. t;he rules 00 the nouns. ^6 ARTICLE. grammarians Italian judges who in the z^i^ro il the the and rule the with riy of such Gods the and g/i, use ii zero; versal uninot ", nouns, gU ziiy gli zaffi-- article plural gli instead the Gods; used hefore gender beginning elision of the handle; the eye; is used with la Zo 2. oy of nouiis vowel a the imperoy masculine the suffers hut then the love; Velsa, , /' amore, as, any the ni,the a or empire; occhioy the V noun feminine vowel : "s, la beginning marinay Stella, the star; la industriay in both is contracted /' as, hefore consonant any navy; La I* with of the Gods. degli Dei, uditOy the hearing. V Za the takes gli Deiy is also Lo other numbers vowel singular; as, the elision takes /' uomOy the man; the before the dustry. in- an idols. Before idol; gV idoliy the idoloy the place only gli uomi^ men. is contracted as', V arnica V the zeroy , of ii as, in zio, the uncle; is, however, practice to plural , I.* il of nouns etc. Dei an il It sugar. , 'ii hefore singular: as, classic modern good some using sapphire ; , Aero 2 i/cc in concur of example of opinion , kind, that the and writers, (i),the (I) Bttommattei the y ; " in the singular friend; and CorticeUi j " * Soave. before before an a: ati in the e 1*7 ARTICLE. plural J I'-epoehe 89, it is better la ie epocuj contrary for; although examples it in the with; con, followed when upon, joined to as , , the to a the by noao that ukes slug, artiele,are e that Ukes Before nooik the takes la plur, ting, GoUo C co' " a that flouD arficte lo. plur, Bj col^coi or Before ibe article U. the if espreMed in; per, m, following way* Belbre With stances in- found. prepositions suj other in epochs: \\ie give this article entire to amiche^ are The 3. y plur. ting. colia COgU or coUe or lo con (cott gli la con le COD , In if the etprefsed1^7neLnei J^or the if esprcffcd by On if the or pel^ peior eipreffedBy ful,f oi or negii nella,iielle pe' perlo per glipef la per fe fa' |f olio fu gli | f alia f uile no' nello Examples 'With the book, eol libro; the bell with In the the the hell , On nel the libro $ in the Boife" nello Bulla strepito; in the f'tfr lo streptlo; for , sul lihrog'on the rock sullo , tcoglio; the on eampana, elisions same uomOy It is proper writers strepito; la eampana. per Collo, collay collcj nello neir lo eampana. book, pel lihro; for the noife^ , the noife, eon eampana, the book bell eolla book, bell,nella for " with use as the f etc. are articles when that the liable alone : to Ex. sull'uomo. to remark most exact , the first only of these formations of 28 ARTICLE. the con article with lo, lay con also words are in con, cogli heing signification , of other cogliercyand colloycoUa, inflexion of the verb an prefer rest, which le, to the gli,con con and word, oue collcy being substantives^ 4* Diy the ay J of nature of da with indefinite an article manner a English particlesofy to Londra \ Of Looaon. A the but Loodoa. To begiuning with noons " of Londra t aod , da : as Londra From / London. , 6. The Definite Article to dual ecco have dined zato con 6" Names drea, general here V with uomo you, and men che drew. An- ployed em- indivi^ an to one cation, signifior more mortal, gli uomini are is the being of their limited An- to from of ves substanti- common full extent when also mortali, , An before in the specificobjects:as, nished da , taken and sono Andrea, , teration al- Andrea, ad in Italian a is used meaning when both conyey "r , Andrew; drew; ad; without remains a """"? become* a , Da that partly in * 'f'^l ""t"^^ '. , in corresponding with from. y Before Di partly nouns, , prepositions,in the used are whom man puniste gli uomini ; che you the men pu^* that hannopran* s^oi. of cottntries kingdoms, provinces,etc. of great extent, are empires, generally used with ARTICLE. the article; aSf Russia definite Russia la 9asto un e precise rule No regard is tliis head for Cipro 9 the only make di Spagna 8. and definite of names empires in the taken not there when il is is full extent dalV F'ado 9. 1/1/ We to, must they 10. as, Proper go Paris, vediamo dianw a Parigi ^ are as, into is expressed Germany, countries some to not see Asia, in generally take Peru, andiamo towns, we Cina, villages, article: go Peter, vedo to the PerU; al dalla the take Parigi; I meaning: into case of persons, places, do they Consequently, from them, we only China, s^engono names when Italy " us before etc. or which America let suppressed re Germania, in except from come small and see : il Spain ^ Spagna, of their from go Italia Africa, and article I as, of , put the prepositions. In this by we , in Francia, motion a it gives king della re kingdoms France, egli^ is in he Malta; ^ which the as, article , ;/'J?/^a9 personal title followed a country not , The is of di: use as, Cuba. there of the name article: Malta reject itras, Cyprus; Cuba, Whenever 7. by others the Sardinia laSicUia^SicHj ;laSardegnaf and be fixed with can take some , Elba; large country, a paese. on islands to 2Q as, we Paris, an- Pietro. 3o 4KTICLC. With 1 1. is used : il vecchio Giacomo; Iddio tente or , The 3. 1 followed article is by Qenerale names: proper 5. The words indeterminate preposition are , as : he ogni corte lazzo. goes , mese; But we the 6. When without court to two Holland, il ignore Smith; the definite month palazzo il in a a cle artialia va , palace, andate form nouns preceded by the eyery vedo say Miss, or taken soyereign's,) and it is taken palace,because 1 used go MrS;. ; manner to il Hill, contadoy country; church; corte, court; house casa^ palazzOy palace, (meaning an Onnipo^ Hie Carlo. Mr. il S James, If. bottegay shop; chiesa, in il as, Smith, l* an personal titles Signora^ rule: preceding Mr. Signor Holland; Mrs. N.j la Signor a 1 aS; old General as, JliU; Ring Charles, the follow : before placed 4* (i) S ignore y Mr.; 1 place preceded by or Almighty God, Onnipotente, Dio article II Tasso, definite article the adjectivetakes the ^ of person name lioweTer, name, sls, II Petrarca A. 12. family a I , a see determinate the pa* the sense. denomination with se regard to its use, the first of thein English is (being employed adjectiyely,) , placed the second in Italian,goyerned by da? as, of a thing , (l) Signore is contracted or an J coaionaat but the before / a impura. doud begioniog with a TOwel, 3 AJITICLX. bed-room^ "i una da camera baitiglia da .tie,una 17. When teito; f wine-boi- a vino. designatea thing or per* son according to matter quality,or countrj^the noun specifyingthis quality etc* irliich is often in like manner the first in English employed , adjectirely9 is also the, second in Italian 1 but gotwo nouns , ^ iremed by Florence dit i^ine^i^inodi 18. Firenze d'oro; school-master^ ; sl di scuola^ maestro un oriuolo gold watcji^ un as^a ther employed adjectiTclybefore anodefine a thing in English to describe noun or of according to its form 9 shape or particularity construction in the is transposed in Italian as , two foregoing rules , but goremed by a.- as^ a a tant-bebell-lamp^una lampada a campana; lettiera a padiglione. (i) steady una A noun , 19. When is the mentioned^ birth, his country or y io tliMo modes tbat tbe two of town of a thing instead or languages the j a when accessary laundry , noun stanza folding-door porta , has tjbeother employing one other ; or d$l " bucato dua Inghil- variation / winding imposts. as gio* form always unilanguage having the designation adjectiveor : a not for two an are that caccio Boc- England: quest expression sometimes person; of the lavatojoJ Utmaca sipgleivord a of d' \^#^o//a , sometinies place of or Cerlaldo, da ; person a native signifya of native a be observed three to of Certaldo is to It (l) if the Boccaccio town: Astolfo, terra da, it takes of province or di; it takes native, a 9 nation a participle wash-house , , stair-case tC4da , a 3 ARTICLl. a ^ da non vane this Sardegna di Cremona of in the noun a pane give J bread? me del of what pane? the bat mentioned vino, e pane, certain if number 1 particular portion kind is intended or limitation shall We sono marinari; then " eat no is u^d saik^rs, captain has the because punito the In i). we last mean that though ra^at, no are ^ee you sold at alcuni of them a nuiriber specified. The . English Indefinite Article expressed by is tion por- bread, wine, and beer, selb birra. article any certain a substance ^ be not hare soldiers, il capitano ha some the del you no those soldati, (or example datewU meaning came; yedete quellieke punished 2 fore becase, will without as, he : mangeremo dei dinia. Sar- of accnsatiTe aS) , article is used vende bread; is mentioned: is meant be any: or some volete to some or i natire a rather but ; nominatiye Englished by non is not (i) Dely dellOf della^ deiy degliydeiUy 20. are Pa via of nor , anzi Pavia; female yoang , da nd Cremona^ before a noun a 2; before un, or der beginning (I) Some iin una , masculine ra, than uno, the with s a a Uno un\ is used , beginning with a of the noun vowel impura, , or an or or any z; s same other una, impugen-, nant conso- before a gramioarians have ("Qed the article ihos appliedPmrtitwt, 34 ARTICLE* with is the of number noun Italian expressed in lo, la, etc.: The ^4. he as, yende pound, measufu: sells due before placed shillingsa scellini la libbra. apposition,or in noun a i7, two sugar lo zucchero Article Definite the hy weight, or , , it expresses immediately following another, of which a quality is suppressed in Italian : as il Signor Grant, of John, Mr. Grant, the son , , Cardinal figliodi Giovanni; the of Louis minister i3th, lieu,primo piinistro EXERCISE received Sh" the in riceve pensione garden. "Where the letter Date day to of hanks the sponda armies The the suono fa casa (the arrivera on the people, and the encamped were of noise the strepito istrumento c* A bomha in Italian the from on (he roof. cadde be the sentire They sent some tetio, mandarono placed before genitive follows dti padre, via. the house hearing di impedirono shell fell ed genie (hindered us) English the genitivemay governing it; ministers? vrill arrive army instruments discorso. fio^sa , The Danube. (4) king'sspeech. In the accampaii Danubio. of sound erano esercito iapettore. to-morrow.) princesyreve carrozza V altro, diman (I) prince. The carriagesof the sono letiera after the inspector. The the Rules. principe, are Oye decimpterzo, preceding the Riche^ il Cardinale Luigi from pennon giardino, Give di on a Richelieu, the prime the noon the : of the father. snbstantirt at" the father's '35 IKTICLE. soldi ert diversi Do throw not non to the II teatro. the appleson the /urono ioro table. Tho gods deaf were sordi Three Gods. the Tie volonta sacrificed were the on suo will of The preghiera bnlls is iappeto. of the wicked. prayers book carpet. mela getiate ^ His the different theairei. into the Gods. to The of the unfortunate wives sventurati immolati 2 prisoners sent the petition to a prigioniere Lions Emperor. i not are Leone supplica 2 ferocious so ianio/eroee Iron is is Wine quiet. a The Ring Naples with the from the 20th on yenii = from came is Prussia. of Emperor comes me from We receive China. writing-table^ten tcrivere Do the letters died of left the lascialo orders from Congress. ^Congresso. the captain. ordine yon Vi viene a The capital has ha Spain. out) capitate (fem.) Russia rieeviamo Te Paris. to Torino is in (shallset partiremo is the Piemonle. Tea We go Turin vennero He to " -^" The (shallgo) andro " I shall London. Piedmont. I Vienna. at fratello. govematore Portugal England. governor's bTot!:er. Polonia cosa. IngJdlterra.Portogallo Napoli tranquillo. Poland in caroprezzo ci thing. necessary a necessaria dear is earo" is Denaro tigre. quanto dear. JFerro Money tigers. as i like Madeira Madera piace wine-bottJes , wine? Give Vaiemi and w\ coffee-spoons, sei cajje cucchiarino. 36 ARTICLE. iron due I have guns. lo cannone. I wine. ho Where is the i is He ? of the house not home. at in padrone shall He court. to go from palace? He court. at was in casa, (went out) alia comes Toscana. da 2 We of of) Tuscany. native of) Paris. native (a cenammo master (a di N. supped with Mrs. We N. par Ian do stava botUe a Recaleci catena, Mr. lost perduto (Bring as) goldchain. a speaking to was have cucchiajo, Ecco tv^o We (Here is)ihe silver-spoon. pens. gome of He house. the usci They town. D. Captain the the in are of Mr. son Is he shop. N., is the church. at now in I adesso to go church. The merchants wedding. a negoziante ifo friend a at were (He who) court. at say truth. the Is man. Di verita. dice he What a his siete Marchioness Marchesa the navy.) and not Are fish. fitime pesce, a sembra is an a Ger- Irishman. Irlandese. no , stranger. She is you a Lady Countess. poet? donna of the a slraniero. He is Capiain (in a di We have every day some ogni giorno poeta. The am Contessa. e marina, river a always yoi f (No^ sir,) he Signor I you? are dress)he (appears lo me) mi not = paese Scotchman? u^/r abii(i does couit vive Scozzese. (By at countr^^man che has nozze. lives chi He Lake, logo a poem. poema. A treatise trailato on 37 ARTICLE. been I have eloqaence. Marseilles at Martiglia eloquenza* Toulon.) braudy ? j^ou sell Do Tolone. a fine a , t hella (GWe sir. aequavitef St, vendete = = Tes (near town vieino then) a me dalemene of it. glass (mas.) hicchiere = LESSON Y. ADJECTIVE. An 1. of Adjectiyeis Substantiye, a word a and expressing the with agrees lity qua- it in gen, and der 2. haye the change those in their into o and e i ftliccy happj of both Italian this point which upon must classics been it ; amount in ; and Re be^ donna man; after be with giyen by to the the number rules in specting re- nouns. generallybe placed may niceties some follow of that and before there haye Ex. genders. plural they but as e: Those 1. feminine feliccj happy 4. Adjectiyesin of the the and ficent king; regina benefica, bene- the formation are in o woman. their both for a an uomo queen; For termination are neficoybeneGcent 3. chieflyin adjectiyesend Italian few some o number. their of substantiyes the language on ding acquired by the rea- attention. different following : Such rules Grammarians ; 38 ADJECTIVE. AdjecXiYCSo" shape adjectives y those that elements four of the and tion, and weather their stantives sub- 5i It is oratofs, un man, uomo damp that whenever , we directingthe special attention of reader or liat; acquafredda; water, observed be to English the gr^teinl et round a umido. tempo , desirous cold ; y verdi; scarpe Inglesi ; riconoscente to 6. When placed be adjectivehas an after is detached and substantives of the the noun. reference a are adjectiveused, epithet or an adjectiveshould this after rotondo capptllo un fiSy shoes, hearer conyersa- 9 oratori gli quality any common , epistolarystyle put : green express in are , verbal nation; colour, y to ral seve- them from by , a it is verb , put in the plural ; if genders, the adjectiveis and : as, vallies and telli del several with an it valli ie hills e of erano your the proper so ne in the without sono were last : as, without /' time and ora ed place. a il verb, be priety impro- belle the y e contentiy the friend sculine, ma- should ifra' thers bro- pleased. adjectivebe placed immediately substantives the be ferent of dif- are beautiful,* le sorelle are sisters can used masculine le colli amico vostro and If substantive last whenever placed 7 the they it may after agree luogo opportune y ii) iDJECTiyC. EXERaSE. The richt The rich. The The is rich. sister brothers brother rich. were is cool. water is rich. The Give red some Prendete joa) me green Telyet. verde velluto'. a French of white (shall give of darb yi A gratefollady. signora. to red She traveller. English an viaggiatore, How general. bottles wine. bianco I master. graiefill generale. oaany were shoes. domani sposb How A to-morrow parlerb mairied sisters nero (shall speak) I ind glass a of hlack pair rosio the were hiccJiiere A shoes. sisters brothers Jreseo, Take The officers many shall yon? (adj.) quanta wine have ( wedrink) ? She has heremo friends. (a great many) (adj.) moUo will have yon? table This friend. Questa arnica, have He is a (adj.)riyalL pochi sincere rivals. How is too sincere Sriend. sincero amico, has had too much has he gonna, These mandatifVoitro "White trooble. Questo handkerchiefs India " ^" JazzoUtto Your sent? paper. carta. gown. swords many spada specchio brother is She corio. looking-glasses many How short. troppo They (adj.) troppo (a few) enemies. (too many) I have are coarse. ordinario. A black a 4o ADJECTIVE. LESSON VI. COMPARATIVES. As 8. adjectiyesexpress stantiyes;and we the either may of qualities increase diminish or these qualitiesin different ways; hence degrees of comparison ; the positive^ tivCy and adjectiyetaken called /70MViVe/ in in the comparatives superlative.* as il arise the compara' superlative. The is sul"- pillricco, in its higher a highest lower or or y degree, degree lowest " rich ; piii ricco ricco , the simple signification richer , richest; ricchissimoy most; ,* or rich. very An 9. adjectiyein English hecomes tive compara- heibre the pohy placing the adverh more sitive or adding er to it. In Italian the comparative " is expressed hy the adverh piii, and the adjective:as, more industrious;/ym industrioso; wiser, piitsavio. Menoy lesS; and in making egli e meno with this a meglio, better comparison: aS; affabile; we are transaction noi he di questa Than 10. is siamo acquainted meglio infor^ faccenda^ expressed 2d. 3d. By St. afiable, better By del, dello, della, By di. I also used is less ; mati are ; che. dei^ degli,delle. 4^ IDJECtlVE. wlien ad\^"T*bs; and it precedes a preposition: as he e^li k piu forlunato by a is than speak be to che silent, i meglio paHare in Rome prudent tban piU be emente; in Florence che Roma 5. Thany nitiye mood, 1 is forti di We che As . . . So . . (i)Asmucb . " . . . . much So stimato piu a verb not in che non^ or stronger tban are credetCj non the di infi- qttei^ belieye, you siamopiu or^ eredete, quello che . by expressed by pillforti siamo esteemed more was Firenze, followed Ex. lo che. i6. in che coraggiosa^ egli era ^ in to courage^ously thaii more tbey bebayed prudently, si comportarono eke se, wi- than savio; it is better tacere; mente lucky more , govertied noun as"^^ Ctanto . .quanta ijuanto . asf J 1 asj c as^ jco5h . " . come che i \altrettanto . CD So much . So many As As -3 " . " . " as much many . V ( | /^ as g f tanto "- " \ is as . cautious Egli ^ Egli ^ cauto (1) When tanto followed as cauto a father; padre\ padre. quanto quanto by the il participte. quant quanta u He . il o 4^ Adjective. "gli i Egli i altrettanto We cauto cost rewarded ricompensati eravamo tanto JVoi eravamo ricompensati Noi eravamo cosi We work mucli as lavoriamo Noi has He as much as ha "gli In these latter placed Much 17. 9 amiable vie y The The before ne 9oi. avete tanto tanta ^ y in Italian he more as via^ Pi{^ 9 correct be the used he more lavora, much as^ much more with compara- for gains instance. Exercises in or^ piit lavora piii guadagna. Note, be must y piii guadagna; quanto ^ etc.; English; it is in Italian , vie: or eiL- etc. cannot works is comparative a piu amabilcy article rendered more you* quanta piii grande assai greater tiyes as examples^ pressed by assai^ molto^ 18. voi. omitted. he may che voi, quanto prudenza two voi. come you. prudence tanta voi, o voi. quanto ricompensati tanto . quant ricompensati altrettanto eravamo padre. jou. as Noi Noi il che cauto much as were padre. il come tanto " upon this at placed logcili^r and , the end the foUoiviog Lessons of the Grammar, " are 44 ADJ"CTiyC. LESSON VII. SUPERLATIVES. 19. ; with 20. The the superlative any object; The the assaiy absolute is not relative etc. of the before compared is. is made by positive into by placing or the the adverbs issimOj onesto, assai onesto ging chan- moltOy positive: as, onestissimoymolto tive rela- or , onesto, honest. very 21. Tliis superlative by annexing arci.' or absolute either superlative absolute very, ; the last vovrel issimay honest superlativeis the to positivethe particlesstray belloy handsome; as, cibelloy very handsome. of expression by no means 2a. strabelloy But these noble duplication of the The expressed is sometimes or are ar- modes elegant. the positivehas superlative:as, buono buonoy ex-* tremely good;grande grandcy exceedinglygreat; force nuoyo of this perfectlynew. nuovOy 23, Adjectives in thQ plural,take as, and co 24* Adjectives in changing simoy yerj 25. The io issimOy issimay it also before jriccOyrich; ricchissimo into io issimo: req[uiringan go , very in etc.: rich. superlativesby become as, h savioy -whcsavis- wise. superlativerelative is expressedby il 4^ ADJECTIVE. piit, lapii, 26. If etc.: French 1 active most in Those the who the imitate il (as, , : soldatOf attwo article from follow placed between soldier,il piu pill attivoy) deyiate piu forte. , should be is to piU aiiivo. repeating the il strongest il soldato or 1 article no y the the superlatiye relatiye a substantiye asy as, genius of the soidaio the lian Ita- language. 27. , fra This the or Uy collerico 28. delle or sisters; superlatiyetakes after it the genitive prepositionstrayfra : as, la piiihella the most delta sorelUj the handsomest passionate in the of the family,ilpiic famiglia. Adjectiveswhich of their are irregularin comparatives and mation for- superlatives. Comparative, Positive. the Superlative. adjective,adverb. Good huono migliore meglio oUimo, Bad catliyo peggiore peggio pessimo, Small piccolo minore meno Great grande maggiore huoniaimo. or minimo, or cattivistimo. or piccolissimo. maisimo^ot granditsimo. Acrid ucre aeerrimo. Celebrated celebre celeberrimo. Salubrious salubre aaluberrimo. Upright integro integerrimo. Miserable misero mi$er rimo, ox miser They take the comparative and the method superlative in the common grande , piiigrande y il piiigrande. ittimo. relative also: as, 46 LESSON CARDINAL VIII. NUMBERS. ORDINAL AND Ordinal. 4 St Primo. 2d Secondo. 3d Terzo. 4th 5ih Quarto. Quiato. 6ih Sesto. 7lh SettinK). 8lh Ottavo. 9lb NoDO. "lOth Decimo. iith decimo Uodecimo, nndicesimo^ or primo. 12th Duodecimo^ dodiceaimo, cimo de- or secondo. 43lh Decimo terzo, tredicesimo. 44th Decimo quarto, quatiordicesimo. iSih. Decimo quiato, quindicesiaao. i 6ih Decimo 47ih Decimo sesto, sedicesimo. settimo, diciassetteaimo. 48th Decimo ottavo, 49lh Decimo nonotdicianoovesimo. 20th 248t Ventesimo, or vigesimo. Yentesimo primo, or vigesimo primo. 30th Treiitesimo, 40th Qnarantesimo, or 50lh CinquaDtesimo^orquinquagesinio. 60th 80ih Sessantesimo,or sessageaimo. Settantesimo,or settuagesimo. Otiantesimo,or ottuagesimo. 90ih Novantesimo,or nooagesimo. 70lh 400th Centesimo. 4000lhMillesimo. 200 Dogento, or due or diciottesimo . trigesimo. qiiadragesimo. 47 miMNCBS* Cardinal, ColleeUve* j 300 Treceiuo. 400 Qaaitrocento. Una decina, half Miklc Una doazina, Una veutina, 4^000 2^000 Due 400,000 \ Un mila. Cento mila. 4,000/)00 Un miliooe. 2,000,000 Due miliooi. pajoj a Una pair. teore, a dotem, a a score, treutina, of numher /^ fo thirty. Una io quaraotioa, of numher the forty, r Ad JDislrihutive, ad noo noo Una hy one , Un cinquaDtiaa, ha]f a hundred. oj cenlinain,to the numher one. ^ doe A trc a hundred. due, a three; and to Uo two, three ire, a hy two to migliajo, hy the of numhtr a thousand. A od. A centinaja, hy migliaja,hy Millanta, hundreds, thousands, thousands thoU' upon sands, 1. XJnOy una^ when a be cannot Numeral the ho ne UnOf 2. four, or me, daste darb s jou hare e voi annexed the then we ricevuto I $cudi will to use to as^ete uno, number, be res requi- in the the of the give you icudi as, one. lar: singu- crowns; But if number, is plural : thirty-one crowns i trenluno veniur^o. phrase; (oTij'One pounds. make the a twenty-one substantive but Article: an of a tions contrac- same ne to scudo^ , received ho end and liifbra article, or prefixed, " the , s^eniuno quarantuna have at followingsubstantive as, the it is when quattro, una the to as contracted I hare lo is liable you che twenty-one mi crowns I as, sent man" sfi , 48 NIJBIBERS. * One 3. of years: the thousand year one neir anno is y are number In 6. speaking ordinal before the Carlo quinto. The 7. il primOy ; z7,ai, second with the to first hors^ 8. In 1 tre It is three I shall see is etc. English expressed // // and ; ai sup^ we fifth, the Charles third the numbers. mentioning s^edrb la first;i7,ai, i, or li tre, or , prima bat' horses, i primi ; prime battaglie. as, month as, as due, and are so lows: folthe on , rable prefe- //. Sono Vi number: the cardinal i and substantive: the article, placed in of the date agree , kings, princes, the in Italian press of and declinable first battles, le the cavalli; already seen. have battle; the first first the ty, twen- except , with primo ca\^allOy the tagliay indeclinable we as numbers and gender and in venti, cento are milione^ Ordinal 5. otto numbers y uomini; cento men, eight hundred mille mille uno hundred one as, 4* Cardinal il tkou^andy or expressed in Italian, with the cardinal number; is the conjunction a/t^ in the notation nor not in hundred a, before or , a the ore, or o'clock quattro you at time of day, we sono le tre say, ; : ore, four may or alle o'clock quattro; ' : 5o AVGMENTATITES kind general classes denominated angmentaXiyeSy and diminutiviy di- t ii^i y minutiyes each ; , of wieh that Nouns 2. change chest cassa, in o^^o, and o^/a tadinottOy y a stout a their last vowel etta: as, end degree of principey casUy the a con^ house; en- fTince y ; part, change most e//o, ella; inOyina; prince; (i) contadino peasant; large. for into a y peasant; Diminutives, 3. contadiho somewhat house Others smaller a nine: femi- be gios^ancya youth; giot^anottOy youth; grown a indicate one great book; a large chest. a 9 as, from increase; well cassohcy ; into ne of the masculi- are libroHCj librOy book; as, sou their last vowel primitiye word the gender^ though a its suhdivisions. has augmentatives. They hecome of thtf nouns of two consist resci ace The words. aid of other the tifigto principino y ettOy young a contadinclloy peasant; a peasant; contadina, country woman; contadinella, a country lass;/jowero, poor;(2)/?o- young vertttOy little poor a diminutives many a poor AccfuUy (I) Contadino (a) Poveretto acquerugiola water; //iro, book; formed are more bitrarily: ar- from as, of poverettUy man; woman. 4. But sense little libercoloysmall is not a dimiautiTe masc. Denote as wel compassion. Pwarttjta fem. as slightrain; book: but , y a priroitireword. smallness endearment and a old PecchiOy vecchiayOlA 5 DIMtNtTlVES. AND ji'tfccAicre/Za, poor woman 5. Tbe y has language of badness and accia^ another class in Tbej baseness. or astro astra: laccioy large bad Allied nouns end in accio , poet; colul- knife. tbem to an conyej -paltry poet: coltello, knife; J a of poeta, as, j poetastro eating; little bed. letticciuolo 9 idea ; old woman; /y^^g/ora^iVi rilifjing,whicb called man nice in one gkiottoHe, glatton;ghioiterello, dog; cagnuoloy little dog; cancy lettOf bed; old vecchierellOy poor man; I is a class of terminations in which and umCy denote a collection aglia, ante or quantity c^ irhat is signifiedbj the primitive in a simple sense but sometimes word, more or frequently in a sense of rilifying contemning. J ^ COLLECTIVE. SIMPLY From anticOf ancient; besliUj beast; .erde, green; COLLECTIVE fie".., .mmuteness.s VILIFYLNG. ^ S minuzzaelia, ^ v^P*'*^ ^ i of scraps, ( any S pacciame^ tmpaccw, "^ people! rabble; J-;-^'j-^'a . mi/iusza V^^^ .e"/"".,j" AND " . anticaglia , SLniinmiies; bestiamcy cattle; nuisance, } a sort heap | 'l,acciume, \ dirt. ; of 5^ AUGMENTATIYSS 6. Of the dimension diminutir^Sysome : as little omettOj to , small casetta, apply simply Others, which house; libretto^little book,* msLn;donn"ttay termeA arc contemptuousness omicciatto , : as little woix^n. press dispregiatiyi,ex- , paltry fellow donnisciuola low ; woman , ; doctor. doitorettOf insignificant Others, again, called vezzeggiatii^i are. playfulor caressingnature fratellinoj dear sorellina of y dear : as a , little brother; little sister. , second 7. A from the diminutiye first : as is frequently formed from , casiettayMxxXe case;casseitinaf very little case; little man; omettoloj very little man. omettOy 8. In like their have formation: new omaccioy 9. The be a as, to a from all in man; varied or by a omaccione, of variations singleword common fying vili- from worthless easuy augmentative and increased force great number given not the manner which will appear may in the house; which, however, use , though all found in lowing folare the dictionary. (Note) Poueraccio, or maic. Means poor fellow io grodness of temper. J'Qyeraccia, fem. a sense bolh of passion com- AND Diminotivi. 53 DIMIMVTIVES. Peggioraiivi. Accvefctiivi. Casettaf casotta caseitinOy casotio, casoccia. casone, casuccina. casaggioj casalone. casaccia. f casettina y casella , caserellay casolare. casamento , caserellinay catolaraccio. casellina casucciaccia. , caseilino, DitpreggutiyS. casinay casile, caiinoy casipola* casinina, casupoia. cascrino. casuccia" casuzza. "ome lo* kind of of the Italjrdifferent difference any ion no because synonimous, are y of instance dottorettOy and dottorellOy tiyes and tliis parts prerail, without signification ; for Adjectiyesalso of in different terminations are dot" equally of doitore. disparaging deriyatiyes 1 1. of words formations formed are Diminutiyes, with into Augmentayarieties of signification. AUGMENTATIVE. From belloy handsome grande ; be Hone some mighty handgrandaccio and y large ; grandonaccio y enormously large* ; y 54 AUGMENT AND ATIVES DlMINI}Tiy"9. DIMINUTIVE , In simple a sense. tungOf long; lunghettOy From grandcj rather large; grandicellOy gialloyyellow ygial I ogno, rather and yellowish long; giallognolo. faded yellow , and red; ross'gno rossOf brunOy hrown; In ; rossiccio, reddish. brunazzo brownish. ^ endearing playful or a large* sense* tristOj malicious; tristarelloj From tristarellinoy somewhat cattivOy (i) had; malicioti^. catlivelloj roguish t^emiigliuzzo: labbra i^ermigliOfvermilion; vermigliuzze ; lips finelyvermilion; y ly brillantej hrilliant;brillantuzzOy beautifulbrilliant. 12. Even , benonCy the 3. As and and capricious them must reading, sufficient (x) O^Uw9 to masc. the and which be to rules, be these mations, for- has the mentative aug- a more notice the intimate from of ous vari- too are subjected to acquired this of diminutive, bcnino, of this kind formations of invariable degeof partake example, bene^ well, for 1 Adverbs some sion preci- knowle- conversation them will facilitate. Means also a prisooer of war. Odtiva f"ra. be 55 X^ LESSON PRONOUNS. A l^ronoun instead employed word id A of a noun. In "is* there Italian Personal, Conjunctire 9 stratiTe, Relative Some of these tives, and stand in the in the some Possessiye Interrogative, and , ^ Demonf Indefinite. of Suhstan- natnre of nature Pronouns of sorts aered are Adjectives;and subject,like them, to distinctions of number, and gefider,with of formation* variations case, Some tion; Pronouns, however, undergo no variaare but serve unaltered for the different bers, num- etc. Personal Pronouns being divided All person. person, other their PERSONAL further nature distinction, first,second, and Pronouns are of third third the agree in person Antecedents. AiTD Personal imnation, the the a which except the AelatixfCy with %. into have PRONOUNS. CONJUNCTIVE Pronouns, agreeably to their denoexpressive of Persons, are of Substantives : when put and into are of que obli- led governed hj verbs, thej are calConjunctive Pronouns, having, as such, a eases, and peculiar variation Pronouns of form. of the first person are intended to si- 56 PRONOUNS. gnify the are with associated Those persons, or person^ of to persons, whom the speak, or who speaker, Jo, I; noiy the second the who signifythe person speech is addressed, we. or , tu, thou; voiy you. Those of the spoken elleno, fem. third, some other person, or sons, per- of, egli, he; eiia, she; eglino, mas. they. AW. From roi stesso Da yourself Plural. N. Yourselves Voi G. Of yourselves Di D. To A Ace. Yourselves Abl. From yourselves stessi voi stessi voi stessi Voi stessi yourselves'D^ THIRD Vi. Vi. siessi yo\ PERSON. Singular^^Masculine. N. Himself Egli G. Of himself Di D. To A Ace. himself Himself Abl. From Da Se himself se stesso stesso stesso se Si. Si. stesso stesso se Plural. N. Themselves Eglino G. Of themselves Di D. To themselves A Ace. Themselves Abl. From Se themselvesDa, se stessi stessi stessi se stessi se stessi Si. Si. 6 PAONOUNS. 1 ConjonctWe. Plural. Elleno If. Themselves G. Of themselves Di D. To themselves A Ace. Themselves Abl. From 3" Personal Si. stesse se the in Protionns Si. stesse se Da themselves 8te8se se Se stesge stesse nominatire case expressed (as in English)^or omit^ ted and understood (as in Latin). It is preferable, tically boweyer, to suppress tbeniy unless used emphabe may either for the them , required or of specialattention for hearer the distinctness to to prevent ambiguity. 3. These m the dative In they may spoke to then , a low. precede or folthey are usually either conversation common P^t before the He accusative or "erb;which conjunctivewhen case governed by become pronouns verb: me ; mi parlb. I saw her; la vidi. 63 PROKOUNS. A 4* verb He coDJanctire always joinedto is speaking was to me tbe after placed pronoiin it : ; parlavami. I her; saw uidila. When tedy tlie verb tbe initial letter doubled ; as Give of tbe dammi. He tell tbe of ail yowels 9 considered moodj write In can To writing bave ; bim ; written or in tbe participle a ^ are to scriverglL posso scrivendogli. bim , Having written , verb a joined: bim to to gerund a placed after, and I monosyllables are coming w.itb pronouns, infinitive tbis from be accented. to 5. Tbese is ine;parlonimi. to exempted not diggli. only pronoun bim, dtgliy and tbat Note acc^Mi- annexed pronoun spoke is tbe rule: vowel a , me; Gli in terminates to bim; avergli scritto. scriltogliyor Oi^endogli scritlo. 6. Witb verb a in tbe imperative mood, if ployed em- tbe conjunctive affirmatively, pronoun placed after, if negatively,precedes; Speak Do An not to 'Speak to exception is better placed lateci. par ns; to is non us; tbis before affirmatively employed, rule an ci parlale. is,tbat tbe pronoun imperative verb, wben in tbe tbird eved per- ' 63 PHONOUNS. 'Wm tliiM : The 7. let him united to is correct in rre^ condurre , we t-^ final and if the is cut re conduct can when , loses the final e^ pronouns, the Italian. in6nitiye mood examples giren above; ends nitire the of these any the in of present him, preferable to "af ^u:tff/t,whichyhowevery to as gli dica, y them infi- off: as, , in possiamo condurlL EccOy 8. word a beholdy has of it, if it as of frequent use conjunctivepronoun a were verb, a phrases : eccomij behold eccoei, 9. TVith by and teco; themselves y me^ /e, con ^ith con is me by #eco, He took with co lui* (I) Con also with him ; the Ueo con reTival of eon , wWeb are iiaa been , writcri, Mre bot ffvrae; are in which and con are affectationa notco, con to "Osco, etc. thee, by con use. the verb, con luij condusse seco^ be more pressed ex- lei, con WjbII loro as (1):as, seco, reprobated2 ference re- are or amm ^e- used be antiquated modes attempted hy aome atill ; her^eif, with properly, as mi am /Ae/n, having of more milar si- I with cannot jconjuDCtive'pronouns meco, preision with luiy^eco leijseco seco The her, "till usually,by 1.0. eccoti, , preferablyto and me which nominative the loro: scy with to here or me, elegantlythan more to following and are; himself seco, con him, we sense annexed expressed bjfmecoj with by behold here us, tlie in the in of ex- modern * M#ce iotolerable. i G4 PROKOUIIS. any is intended; I case and and me^ him; iopunitco voije not not her to ;pa^late a lui. non non e me, lei, a vi lo to emphaus or as, punish jou, Speak contradistinGtiaii where in would puniscOf parlatemi, the AU 11. conjunctiye pronouns Taried, for different numbers different as^eie Le sentiva They in different sentence, also: cant as for in the proper. im- serve, un- for of them you spoken them numbers, eyen her? to sing" employed by good and cases some be example, I heard are; sometimes are and' cases, parlato? Hare Le here writers in the same following : Reslandogli (dat. sing.)la speranza d'oppri- mergli (ace. plur.) The hope Ilia 12. a consonant, in see of oppressing them used as a lofty style, than him ; // vedo , and stimo conjunctiyepronoun it is not (when or remaining in s impurayhnX to him* before rather I conyersation; common lo s^do, I esteem him ; lo il stimo, not , i3. a ra, or accusatiye Glij as yerb beginning a z.* plural,is used with a as, I honour them; gli onoro. I esteem them; gli stimo. ifowely and only fore be- simp^ 65 PRONOUNS. I will But 1 we Parlate The but may dissi luif egli k I said to him with leii as, ; to respect (in the nominative) which vero; be may : as it , expressed, egli^ justas well. s^ero^ without XI. LESSON PERSONAL , employed expletively in of ii sense verb, a singular. is sometimes the neutral lui and is less usual in the as to loro; speak to them. a with lui; a first mode Egli is true; prepositiona: be done or dative the as loro, or parlate this pronoun i5. used the same the li yedo* , he may zomberb. gli them see j without or lo I say Loro 4- with bang them; AWD PRONOUNS CONJUNCTIVE costisufd Singular. Masc. Fern. Essoj He. "'55^, She. MtdesimOj Self. Medesima, Self. DessOf Own-self. Dessa, Own- Plural, Ma"c, Fem. Essi, Esse Medesimiy Med Dessi, Desse, They. J est me Selves. ^ Own-selves. self. i 60 PAONODRS. three Tliese oblique employed, i. as egli; but is tbe same monstratiye Esso is ratber Cambierebbe anche essa; "ssi e isperano; soffrono non suffer and Esso 2. do number or nothing "Con Con without of Un a in its V Rispettate cura him" in e Con , mezzo in the essa non , that , I is not clothes nature frequently ^ /ei, with di esso the fice of- examples: unafontana ; o/it ; who fountain. a colui prudente be y performs in these her. them. us, you as che non ; does not care prudent. panni furono troi^ati,e The is esso middle Bespect public opinion ; for tbe in but opinione pubblica di of expletiye: pronoun and garden, si an ned gover- yariation , oblique cases, relatiye giardinOj A used then ^oi, loro; with noi, EssOy 3. change. , pronoun lui, with esso bis road. on hope. not ; it is than more esso de- joined to personal pronouns is demonstratire a noun, pro- more she too would by tbe preposition con gender personal a Reentered in cammino; . jof as : entro They the in cliango not cases. Esso 1. do pronouns found, were con and essi, i denart; with the those ^ money. ;itx Medesimdf and stesso, which both signify 68 PRONOUNS. lasciati JHe hanno Se egli non Non La not che so I know . viene, does If he n'e morte is at let him else can alone. us danno; che to come us. but us barm. spalle,- "e sovra expect altro riuscirne what left aspetti; ne comey possa not Death soli; tbey have hacks. our . afftttine spronarono nefurono guida; avari JVon e sa, Wot affections avaricious terprize,and IVe 2. is to were spurred as a relative antecedent some the to us ; and en- suhstantive then ferring re- pronoun, , of discourse intpre- guide. our employed alia ject sub- signify to serves or rit, them, of, to, for,from, by, with, about" or him, her, Ltheni* ij inutile ilparlame, Se volete If you I sing Se ne They Ne conceive quando ho when ne I harve of it. voglia; inclinationybrit. parlerebbe per would about talk ; idea the it. un continuo; anno it for a whole year. hofattopiii disegni,fra quail u'^piaciuto uno I have which Ha Videa meglio concepime will better Canto speaking of it isuseless nel ; made one cor several of them drawings of is tantofuoco it , amongst approved. che tut to ne arde; 69 PROyOt'NS. has He his in ^vith burning Tante illuminated Was udl ne He no of her news any J y into ne hai d'un If thou desirest Queste pere sono These pears are ne fine will often to, helmet, buone: good or ployed em- require substituted ne find another voiete? will you : altro; un Ne have one. ho. any? (of (of them). some va to ; to he donzella The go with neutral verbs of away. come is away. going affrighteddamsel was necessary q^. away. spaventata Fu.necessario It thus when elmofinOy troi^ane employed ; Venirsene; La added heard had he as, Andarsene Se a I hare 3. iTe is much motion: non them: desir them). che day. a English, he to some^ for, of it J of Se for many propriety of language , one instantlj,although rendering In piiidi sien novella* her knew air the that them. by subitOy benche conohhe La che d* intorno lamps appeared around many is ali he it, lampade apparirono ne/u lucida; Varia So fire^ that such heart che i that was venwa ne coming capitani the ; se ne captains on, levassero should ve mo- ; I*RONOURS. 70 In be this mode of speech generallyto seems expletive; but, haying always an place mentioned some it; namelj, this 4. ne j To to understood, means/rom or that or reference placCy whateyer and gire emphasis ayoid it maybe. repetition,nc be also may to with rence refesense employed in the same adrerbs signifyingthis place, t hat place Partite di Depart from partitene subito; e qua, this, and departyrom Uscite di Idy ed uscitene Go out of that, and 19. Ci and He Se will abandon not If that misfortune paghero I will Scusatemi Excuse me avvenuta happened not ; to us, together. speak to of discourse to , libertd; con with you They are employed as antecedent referring to some relative upon|?V I shall think freedom. pronouns, substantive, signify of, to, for, at, in, or ; fosse ci a. Ci pensero the ; non y'lparlo if I in pronouns insieme; all se directly. us. had tutto pay^OM it : quella disgrazia F'i of out ci abbandonerd non directly. employed are following examples Egli go it subito; conjunctive personal As 1. ci ." o/it. or bject su- "".' FHONOtJNS. lo darb ci for ci We shall I furoisb shall I remedy it. Noi Mi rimedio; 1 7 ci compenso; it* find good eomppnsatioii "/i alfine risoluio ; #oifo last resoWed at am buon troveremo Ascoltai que$te parole 1 listened these to it. upon rispondery'i; senza words without replying to them. 3. They adverbs th4s or both much used instead for it tOy in^ or from locality, y of question),ci haying the sense of in place also are Mi \^i of there place 9 ^ ricordo d'esserci I remember Non 80 I cannot haying ridir ben well to yi here , place: it (thisplace). entrai; I entered how recount (the venuto; come come that or it ot (that it place), yenni allora in Roma quattro I came then ci e , mesi; Rome, to have and been already. city)four months i pieno di gente; Quel balcone navali: ujjfiziali That balcony is full of people; I nayal other yi see in it (this t^edo due in it two officers. 4- f^i and each gid ttato sono in ci are such sometimes phrases repetitionof either to , substituted preyent in diflerent an senses: for ward awkas. PRONOUNS. "72 vi ci Egli conduct will He it is mucli But of mode Egli you to better to expression, ambiguity well as it use adrerb; an for he other or aToid to cases, cacophony: cold; vicondurrt; w (that place). such in as condurrd vi ttan rather condurrdy instance, conduct will all you there. 5. These tly,with in verbs which in being too n*d; there JYon ce ne There sono, or some un uomo vi Sufficient serve things employed nation in all ; the established much is by stom cu- of it. none non sono; ne ve there are of adverbs as rimedio; instances in relative the gender " was " there who. man a is othwer no medy. re- of the conjunctivepronouns used personally,have person, the preceding lesson. They irrational or which there che; in asfverhj i quali'^^; alcuni sono third presented been or altro e of the also vi are era ao. not be may of them. sonoy Non though instances, ce Vi expletives,and mere JYon Ci are some: none to are many of them in employed, indiflFerenof speaking, impersonal modes in they omitted use words tfWo and , beings : accusative reference with pronouns as such , only, number ^ as but they are with va* follows: 73 PROZfOUHS Plural. SioguUr. Here is the Ecco book; I shall read it; il librOf lo leggerd. the box, and send it to Take Prendete !a scatola, e Mr. Jones maiidatela al ; Signer Jones. Do yon F'edete Eat the see horses i casfalli? these pears Mangiate ^ ? I li i^edo, to La signora pare The lady appears JSfon mai 8ono non I hare and is ^ geloso ; ttato been never be jealous;I io effetto; in reality* lo sono e , am meet with any of the other foregoing examples. united sometimes not and so, so. (viz.lOyla, li,gli,le,or then i in non W/, tiy ci, vifsi,change their they the of it: giovinetta^e\o young require lo sarbt I will not "i. buone. sometimes will instead so^ good; le troverete queste percj be rendered find them will you Proprietyof language /o, them; see , e when conjunctivepronouns ne,)"" in several The as i into one two are pronouns word, of before a verb: me "e lOf or li,or melo cell direte^you will tell it me darcte, you will give them ; to us; 74 PRONOUIfS. parlerdy i^ene or ney ve will be speak to you of it. it is better But tbey loy vencj cela is verb a When But or be tbe direte; curtailed: wbicb tey or me in must giyen uncurtailedy mela^ meliy melcy Gliy 22. in tbis in order of le Glielo tbe avoid to le loy feminine lay dissi tbe le so send : of le lo dissi as well as tbe l" la , , always etc. it to is used line, mascu- disagreeableconcurrence liy le le; I said ; Mandategliele Instead added e an by /o, /a, /i,/e, or it^yand for case bas ^ followed wben dative in tbe quently fre- a8" place take cannot witb bare parlerete. men contraction le united all substantives; are conjoined,tbey thus are final yowel tbe mc- atid i^elo is botb* ; tbey Mel tcluy meluy cency separately, as produce ambiguity,for otberwise may tbem write to to as, ber. tbem to ber: Tbis mandaielele, ce licen- y is also ne used before parlai being gliene parlai , more to object. tbose and , POSSESSIVE Are elegant unnecessarily;le signify I spoke LESSON I. but ne, wbicb correct to her tban of it. XIT. PRONOUNS. imply tbe possessionof an 'jQ PRONOUNS. moria^ and a of action verb hope^ paura, "ear,} motion, are expressed by speranzUj memory, or and the deBnite loroj) w, stantive: sub- the placed before article is the in corresponding conjunctiye pronouns datiyecase, (viz. in*, a", gliy Uy ci, the as, I broke bis I broke my arm leg ; 6. Consonant gli ruppi ; mi expressed by si, if tbey bave same as person or persons by gli le, loro, if J otber or person Peter persons Peter il braccio. take tbe number I have F^idi sua Their the loro madre a ; ha I saw to his quaranta kindred, is in noun excepted vostro penknife immedia-' of or that alone temperino the title article, if ; Maestd mother of noun a given loro La This il dato some ; are possessive'j)ronouns by singular to as gli ruppe tely followed tbey do not Ho reference (John's)arm tbe and nominative, bis broke 7. When tbe tbe to il braccio, si ruppe Pietro reference are bis (o'Wn) arm; broke Pietro : his, her, their, a tbey bave gamba. la ruppi tbis rule, to il braccio. : padre your ; father. Majesty, cinque anni. old. forty-five years rule, however, is disregardedin elevated style and in is poetry. PRONOUNS. 8. The article in the plaral ; when either number, // brothers Saluiaie da the Make // nostra Our la e f 9. A madre; compliments balla dances of title possessive pronoun is bene to your takes the as ; well. kindred or well sister; Si' mother* good singular as Tour " ; il vostro buona vostra fratellino noun in me. dell* ax^vocato little brother in the tradito betrayed counsellor's and father have parte padre gnor diminatire a as, vostrifratellim'hanno Your kindred or or signore adjectire; an interrenes; ngnoruy or is noun when possessive a of title noun a that or when required before comes pronoan is 77 place plural, after article when the it: sorella^ \^08tra the or la sorella sfostra. Possessive 10. the when of they follow belonging to : Questo II M. his own; own ; libro miOy d mio own my il nostrOy il loro their , own; il a del he sua; the or takes ticle ar- sense is mine. own ; il sua , i^ostro, your employed ; are , cur be^ in thy tivelyto signifysubstance Ha to il tito^ our own verb this book -, ; the dispense with pronouns property; care of substanas, his own (property). .12. Imici, i tuoi, i suoi, i nostri, i yottri i , 78 PAONOUNS. loro, his our , to signify substantively wiy, their fjrour relations , thy^ friends , ibllo- , etc.: wers, II used are comando generate a* suoi d*attacare il ne- mico. The ordered general his troops the attack to enemy. i3. When his, her, their, hare in not noun his, nominatiye either expressed or the di by by reference they case, suoi, suOySua, lui; her, by di to a be may ioro; sue, di lei; their, by Ioro.' as" Noi stimiamo di la lei We esteem But it will Signora figlia; Mrs. be glia He [alia than sed by amici, miei (1) In and even and "ubttantive. hr di the common to o" of mine, amico, uno , use. leijiglia;(1) Mrs. N. and her daugh* figlia ^oixXi. daughter). iacorrect best avoid to de*iuoi thine, But to put di this is writers, aocieat lui, erroneous and rather is ei.pres- etc. amico, tuo un his to mean dei uno or amici. EDgKsh-IlaliaDOnmmars tome di , alia mio un lei , lei, or A. friend 4* 1 her to di lui alia presents sua di use doni makes ten or daughter. her to proper necessary dei di N. and figlia, sua e ambiguity: as, Signora N. ed allafi'" Ioro, whenever Eglifa JV. la it it laid di Ioro di lei , , modern to b" inelegMit , belwmo the , bitirle the practice Iteingeslabiishrd j aud, ^h"it ia more, by PRONOUNS. 79 Many Italians, especiallytbe Tuscans, i5. speaking f^entUman make use of tbe writing or to a Yfiili Yfhom they ^ of title of tbe a third person: superior ^ yiz. ella is now manner not are gender, Fou 2. case, wbicb, wing follo- in the : {Madam^ According to (l) ii which , Peri. Pron N. and i^o"- or ladyship,)for generally substituted a familiar signoria^ nostra or ^ , feminine signoriayijovLTlordship,or lady a in qt this mode bwrJ ff""|u*i"t'y being an Sir) Ella in ronTWWtion of Con . j.Pror (i) addressing etwi in inaccurary of lan^uajja,ibould tb" per- noniiniliT* ba avoid"4. . 80 PRONOtNS. Signorie le sons 9 and gentlemen verb 3. The do How Come do, do. do How Come for do, you or ? or come sta ella? come sta ella ? Gentlemen or Signorie^ le loro stanno : as, Madam? Signora , both Sir? ignore? you sta used put in tbe tbird person is to be you do How be may ladies. stay S Come loro Ladies? le or Signorie loro? ' with adjective oxA participleagree 4. The the title: as, Are 5. soddisfatta? ella E (Sir, you Your baying J il by give me Signora , I have Ho read /' ordine 6. Gentlemen, 7. This sejes hyjdi is pressed ex- lei: as, ; il di ordine, lei , or di lei, expressed by both order JTour, relatingto Signoriy or person^ i siioi orecchini. ordine suo one ear-rings; your your il to etc. sua^ dia mi letto reference suOyla Madam, satisfied ? Madam) or la il loro, loro in the la more or lorOy etc* persons, as stima mi mode of third person i di gran addressing is , is of great value esteem your Italian r wo tome: pregio. persons feminine of is very 8 PRonouiis* 1 perplexing to foreigners; itis^ however, so far from being general, tliat in some parts of Italy, with being somewhat of an it is taxed tion: affecta(i) the second person pluralmay therefore indecorum. and without naturally, used in many parts by the best educated and politeof the Italians. used be It is most (I) It adopted more from have to sccmt been tlio language of tbe and Italy, of th" lixteenlh innoTalion an bare cenlury, Spaniardi afler they bad oblaioed been before, a" absolutelyunknown of it are found in tbe earlier Italian writers ; tbeynever traeea DO nsiag erince Tbis elU from is manifest the to respect, but always voi, IbUowing paaeage of D^nte, in wbicb be represenis bimself speaking d*)ttdtuao wilh in Teneration to one Dal m to of bia ancestors foi cbe prima Ricomminciaron ber siete il padre mio, Foi date Foi loTate si cb' io mi a baldessa parlartutla alwaysaddresses , piiicb' son io. " respectfully, employs tbe Laura voi : tfonttantly ^ " 'SB*^ proffertoil cor Boccaecfo too his characters in tbe parolemie. Fbi mi Petrarcb, wbo to t sofferie Roma le lo comminciai " , wbo address describes tbetr , tbe vol piece. turn " of real life, makes manners equals and style: Monsignore, a ma superiors" of whatever di maraviglia mi ditsj is one instance out of an infinity. Many otber examples in corroboration, might be adduced same m io bo gran all rank, cio cbe voi w from , tbe best aatborities. Tbe by the voi is bit Italian used frequently personages;and tragicdrama, nor in Goldoni's tbe eUa into poetry, even scenes has never of modern of been genteelcomedy introduced limes. 6 , into 32 PROITOIJNS. LESSON XIII. DEMONSTRATIVE The I. show or they consist very conducive the dicate who to first class The called pronouns point out to PRONOUNS. demonstrative objects.In of three tbe serve guage lan- Italian classes,(i) which are perspicuityof meaning. is composed of those which proximity of the objectto an in-* person speaks. second The which of those class the indicate , object to the person spojien to.. dicate inthird class comprehends those which of an the remoteness object both from the spoken to and the person speaking. arranged in their present these pronouns proximity of The person We an respective classes. ^8t Glass. 2d j^S^^^i^.^iSr iSfesto/S Q""lW3;que Q-""t"' \c^t^^'I 1 , /t-otesta, This. (1) There three are Pronouns; (2) In Qass. 3d Cotesti, Quest!, Questa Class. the Qwella J ^^^^ classes of Adverhs for which plural quegliis , see used (3 (fem.) , correspondingto ^hat part of speech. before a vowel, an s these impura of Demonstrative impura t or a s/ beginningwith queU* before a consonant, a yowel; quel before except s impura mkI ^ noun a a m. x or , zjfjuei before any other consonansj quelU at the end of a phrase. (3) In the singular, guellois used at the end of a phrase , before s a, an ne masculi- 84 PRONOUNS. Oggi quesio iuogo, domani in in this To-day place to-iaorrow coiesti panni in dosso J^edendovi those Seeing Partite y clothes upon tbat.^ iu ; yon. cotesti;depart from da quelio,- those (persons). Stamane^stamattinay\\nsx"LOTn\u^; 5. this sera, erening; of St a This 6. questa mattina^ mancj tractions con- que- notte. of mine coat sta^ to-night; are sianottCy questa questa sera, horse that of yours, y mio expressed hj questo are in abitOy etc., cotesto vo^ cavallo. stro He and she followed by a relative are expressed by coluiy quegli or queip pronoun coleiy colorOy quegli or quei: 7. y they , , y He who is Quegli y mio officers is parla agli uffizialiOlandesiy che it who know il Coloro Costuiy costei y them to in Mandate via Cacciate via writing;and without tried it have che sanno plurals In Dutch e zio. They chcd the to uncle; my 8. speaking I'hanno have an with their idea of contempt spective re- atta- conversation: common colei provato. coluiy coleiy y ; ; send that costui; dirve in solemn woman this fellow discourse^ they conveying Such idea. away. away. are ployed em- 85 PRONOUNS. Cotestuiy cotestei, cotestoro, are now solete, though employed by classic writers 9. CodcstOy only from codesta, cotesiOy Cestui 10. ortbograpliy costoro^coluiy , merly. for- etc. cotesta^ costei ^ differ in etc. ob- colei, co- lorOfVaajhe employed in elevated diction , as without ^fi: genitivegoverned by a noun, the // coHui piacere or pleasure of this il piacere di cestui; , The Al colei At the cry ThiSy 11. things Do corse; of that female that he this meaning J ran. thing that j pressed by questo, cid, quello: tell him that ; non gli dite cib. ct are not What 11. grido man. this? means Quest o meanings dir vuol used is often questo^ alone in ; with I chc reference to as, some a variety of substantive understood: In questo At this Jo sono I Mi hanno They 1 3. venuto have to (momenta sopravenne she (moment) come am ella up. questo (fineor a this (end condotto conducted TVhaty used came a or stood); under- effetto); purpose). questo (stato); me to this (state). independently, without refe- 86 PRONOUNS. to rence a substantiye, and expressed by che^ is I know wbat See wbat not be to {cosa tbink; things betingunderstood:) non done baye may what meaning che so pensarc. s^edete ; che abbia fatto. LESSON XIV. PRONOUNS. RELATIVE Relatwe A I. preceding some II I quale Quale 3 i discourse; Quali which. What , whom. Whose Cui which. Who quali y \ Cbe , That [U cbe 1. botb Tbe quale y to persons i according i stag wbicb il cervo to you wbicb al y is , gender employ is varied of tbe killed ; ; ammazzaste. I devote quale mi myself; dedico. applied in tbe antecedent: quali impiegate. quale , trade tbe you Tbe // mcsttere what. wbicb tbings y and to wbom men uominiy Tbe which, quali y wbo^ and Gli II , Which. II article that. which Who } |jQue?cbe " of to Plur. Sing. ^ subject or noun reference a its antecedent. is called wbicb bas pronoun 87 PRONOUNS. Sette donnCi Seven ladies the Chcy who, 3. nominative and genders: alone who God The degli sees whom persons the hearts you saw; for numbers uomini of tion. men- serves hoth of accusative solo s^ede i cuori che Dio that, which, whom, and the I will of whom names " quali raccontcrb; delle i nomi ; men. chc le persone vedeste. The dog The hares that barks; it that 4. Cuij whose, both and numbers le run; che cane lepri che whom, abbaja. corrono. unvaried, serves, in except genders for all cases It is employed in the genitive note without prepositionsto deor , the nominative. and dative, with them: Yesterdayarrived will receite Jeri you youi* orders; Vuffizialeda arrivb whom officer from the riceverete cut i vo- itri ordini. The Gli uomini When used determined noun dative to men whom a it is in the , or cui par without by you the spoke ; last its one, on case is left to depending context; genitive, accusative. e. a verb, on be a it is in the 8^ PRONOUrVS. In the genitive9 it may after the substantive on Wbose di courage, il cui cuif Tbe the The man, Cui vins^ del col quale quale Le which it cui dareie della etc. onde which che "fT I do which ITon che preferred. it precedes : trunks. vanquished. in lofty style for qualiy delle quali, it bound. am reference the to to a general precedes , is stantive subrule expressed ^ libro, I have book what know so I yhaiYing pronouns) not coraggio, ai^into; sono (in exception quale coraggio give our anger dei : bauli; will y or , Jf^haty 'which of relative depends employed with chains 6. hy as il accusative, you quale : , be to i nostri whom J cui il are I'ira; whom catene The di on is often Onde 5. or and to depends rendered, dative verb L*uom0y y it be examples in the Wben may before placed wbich coraggio first two be JVon or read qual so ; libro abbia ietto. when But used be cannot the What TVhaty cib chcy I know or a phrase admirative, ^uale : fine meaning he man ! che that which belVuomo! is y quel che what is expressed by : has done j so quel che hafatto* 89 PRONOUNS. What you is yery say true ; cid che dite i i'e- rissimo. 7. the TVhichy haying reference antecedent^ is expressed by cosa to sentence a il che la or as qual : have They which does surpriseme ; ancora punito il masnadiere; mi sorprende, hanno Non che 8. non A not relatire omitted which pronoun , understood and expressed The yet punished the highwayman; not in Italian: houses you in sold ; le Are Chi? who? Che? vendeste. PRONOUNS. used pronouns che case XV. INTERROGATIVE " frequently English^ is always as^ LESSON I is in asking questions; whose whom? ? what? Quale, sing,qualijifuai?jln.what^ Quanta, quanta! sing,how much? Quantij quante? plu. how a. Chi is applied to Whom do Whose stores Di chi iono you persons want? are Chi il many? only : as s^olete? these ? questi magazzini? , which? PRONOUNS. 90 3. Che is substantive Che Che done? you which is have vessel avete have or detached ? prdso ? taken you 4. Quale and quanta ^ joinedto be may are is this ? bicchieri; qual prenderb? i vostri Here stantive sub- ? reasons your a it; from Qual giorno ^ questo? what day le vostre ragioni? Quail sono are "What ; ? hastiniento What fatto? avete cosa vulgar incorrectness) a done you Che Ecco a ax^etefatto? avetefatto? (not cosa What without : hare What and with both employed wine-glasses; which your shall I take? Quanti libri avete? how many books have avete com- you? La i bellitsima: seta quanta ne prato? The silk you is very fine : of it hate XVI. INDEHNITE A much bought? LESSON I. how pronoun way that PRONOUNS. indicates is called objects in indefinite. an determi in- PRONOUNS. 9^ altrui Nonfart Do not to te per thou ; likest not thyself. for vile Altrui To other 3. L^ me a J caro; people yile^ to altrui used property of others Abbiate Take cur a Dobbiam dell* altrui; property. to togliere r altrui; di guardarei ought the means : of other's care dear. me suhstantiyely, J We vuoi non which that one any che quel be careful take to not another's property. 4* Altro, altra, pronoun Per y himself show to altro d'essere mostrarsi In order employed by itself referring to persons : is che an non be other quale soleva to as definite in- era; than he Was. IVon dii^enta altra ma , does She used It is a. and to Per By la the an but another become what she ^ be. joined with voi in emphasis not ; the personal pronouns for the expletire manner j : pratica che noi practice which altri we Noi altri Jtaliani; Voi altri Inglesi; you we abbiamo; have. Italians. English. sake noi of 93 PEONOUIfS. adjectirelywith 3. It is connected kind of eyery TC" altra Quasi : bella another if As substanti- si trovasse; gia\^ane non handsome girl were be to not found. // tempo The chiede allri pensierij altri requires other time lament thoughts ^ i; other la* mentations* 5" jiltrOf substantireljemployed, conyeys meaning of something else^ any thing elset Volete tf/^ro? Facendo you hare di rider at something sembiante Pretending But will laugh to repeated when in the one repetition signifies di e as, else? altro: else. the sentence same thing thing any the another , , thing y or different things: two ^ Altro adempirej altro " promettere; fulfil is one thing " to promise, anotlier. To 6. Altro, is 9 meaning by che, in employed adverbiaUy of except Niuna saw Non 7. both V : uno nuvole e nothing except clouds pub It cannot che altro cosa esse re altro che be otherwise e Whateyer and conveys tence sen- the otherwise: vedeva niuna negatire a , altro cosa or He followed V altro the article or ec. and sea. utile; than ^ veda'a, mare one useful. and the other, prepositionmay be 94 PRONOUNS. witb employed be must uno, witb repeated altro.' of botb; I speak I speak against Parlo contro L*uno c tbe rerb L'uno I'altrOf in tbe one and c coniro the delVaUro. e tbe otber ; Vallro. nominatiye, hare may singubir : I'altro c Botb tbe Vuno in tbe delPuno parlo merit and one a tbe considerazione otber ; considera- merit tion. 8. JVe y I'uno Non baye speak tbe neitber ne delVuno of one nor ne delV : as, verrd of tbem V altro placed will ne come. ; otber. tbe altro; of tbem. of neitber neitber ni I'uno tbe nor before placed I' altrojneiiher parlo For one verrdt^^non V altro voglio ne I will wben not ne ni Vuno Non tbe I'alirOyneitber but yerb, a iVe I n^ requires a negative particlewben otber after Vuno tbem^ ne Vuno per nS per V altro. V 9. L'un used tbe altro, accusatiyel genitive 9 Eteocle e Eteocles or J only altro a Polynices slew Vun Tbey against eacb contro anotber, is sometimes in preposition: si uccisero Agiscono act witb one y governed by Polinice and otber, eacb Vun one V altro, otber ; V altro anotber. ; gS PRONOUNS. Those brothers two distrust Quel duefratelli O lo. each Vuno have ; Vuno lutti Take di per uno, : quest i libri, ma due; e other or one deiraltro. other; notice to Valtro o otber; Vun or one peculiarity o non difjidano Valtroy o no Prendete si eacli of these books but not , both. Ho questi facchini a promesso due lire per uno; I haye and gender I be may to the ysltj the referred and Indians liyres two altrOj uno, according they the saw porters senses, number which to res these all In these promised each. their substanti- : both Americans; warlike; are f^idi gli gVIndiani altri I hare gli Americani; e gli uni e but I bellicosi, sono the received tables and chairs , do Ho like not either ricevuto le piacciono n^ Vuno Jnabile tavole le Both of them e to unable le ni une (masc.)^ (referring them; of sedie^ le alt Valtra different from ma mi re, {{em,) sexes,) age. non per eta. 90 PRONOUNS. XVII. LESSOir PRONOUNS INDEFINITE OOVTIVUBD. Fem. Masc. AlcunOy alcuni; Alcuna y Some, alcune, any. rSome Qaalcheduno Qualcuno Qualcbeduna Qualcuna NessuDo Nessuna Nissuno Nissuna Niuno Niuna Veruno Veruna NuUo Nulla N^ pur Vi un one. ^ Somebody. \,Any body. \ Nobody, f/fone. Not una pur one. IRVARIABLB. Some Qualche Nulla \ Niente j the All Some an antecedent of pronouns 9 11. one J are confined the first. excepting some, which plurality,are any is ^ coUectiye, or rendered visitato gli uffiziali,e qualcuno /crito ; ve expressi- by qualcuno by , the to reference having (fualcheduno in the singular, or the the plural, agreeing with gender: Ho any. Nothing, aboye singular number to , , alcuno antecedent ne ho troyato or in in PAONoims. some of some of seen wounded. them Hare delle Ai^eie I have guides? guide ? Ne any you Did officers ^ and yisited the I hare 9*7 qualcuna. merchants the see you ho some. I ? saw them. i vedulo Avete negozianti? veduti ho Ne al- cuni. The 11. with connexion in of noun a genitire: cogliendo alcunif or qualcuni Stasia rami ad I shall speak SotnCf substantire de* vostri alcun to any of the some J know you Prendete Take See^ 2 9 some amici; of your one any alcune or pere ^ or qualche but when pera ; pears. 20; page 32, art. page other modes of some, any, the ; news. i4* NessunOy nissuno, niuno, not novitd alcuna in require friends. coupled adjectiyelyvith a nature are same expressed " by i/ualchejor alcuno; Se sapete qualche j If questi branches. of these gatheringsome was i3. di ; Parlerb art. equally employed pluralityfollowing in the them I are pronouns same negative /lo/i, when they precede the 69; end of mdloy verunOf they follow, yerl): 7 9^ paoNOUHs. mi Nessuno JVessun conosce ; nobody mai campofu knows me. ubertoso tantp quanta il mio; field No JVon was conosco fertile so erer mine. as I do nessuno; know not any body. 1 5. These oi.any bodjTy any of any kind Del quale Of figliuolo; remained. profittoveruno; bringing any profit. recare Unworthy The di ottener obtain to same doubtful in patto; verun compact. any used pronouns negative, a body, child any Immerite\^ole without ce negative senten- a nullo rimase non not Without 16 jin fication signi- : whom Senza the necessarilytake pronouns after a rerb, phrases expressing mething so- conditional, signifyany or any: Auete veduio have nessuno? seen you any body? 17. a JVi pur jiegative placed unoy but not when after the verb, before it : , abbiamo Non We found Nepur 18. uno Niente trovato not one venne; and nepur of your not nulla one come uno as de' requires , vostri; friends. came. under the same PRONOUNS. lOO (Some body. one Taluna faluno Some Plural. Sin{" Tutti Tutto J (m.) , 1 whole. All J (f.) J Tutta Tutte Quanto Quanta Quanti, Tanto Tantij (m.) , much (m.) Quante, (f.) {As As much {So , Tanta Xante many. Altrettanto Altrettanta Altrettantiy (m.) f-^* AltrettantCy ^f.)\As many much. Alquanto Alquanta Alquantiy (ui.)I Alquante^ (f.) J Of Quah ,. Qualsisia QualsiyogUa (f.) , Some. Genders. both ^ y as, many So , as rFVhaisoei^er, f . . siano SI ^ QuaUsiTOgUano^^^-^;;^;; Tale Tali Such. Co tale Cotali Such as. Altrettale Altrettali Such other. Invariable. Each Ogni J Chiunque Cliicchessia Chi che Cb^cchessia C "^ "- - - -\ Whoever y^Any person J S What 1 J y TVhosoever "* Cbecche every. lAny , whatever. rywhal soever thing whatever. eve Qualunque Whatever. Quantunque Whatsoever. y PRONOUNS. like is used Tutio 31. in tbe all Tulti the article, of a^et^ , body tutli; he said a It is used a. pronoun a cosi; all think pensano diceva Lo as sense 9 101 the to so the of sense itself, : thus. all. and suhstantirelj,with in by without whole every j thing: il tutto; So I know the Iddioconoice tutto; Farb di per I will do Tutti All quel noi adjective with thing. personal plural : vol tuttiy tutti, tutti all of you, the In erery satisfyyou. to an noi or knows compiacervi; of us, singular it is loro; all of them. joined with cid che, che: Ditcmi Tell all that me quel All that Ecco he tutto This aid che tutto Tutto 5. as in the pronouns God thing eyerj It is used 3. 4" tutto whole. che Tutto is quel che like All the lo studio study done. approved so ; ; of. ; I hnow. a//, substantives, having Tutto have ^ approvato does y fatto you fa is all that avete e and is used the tutte article adjectiyelywith placed after it: le opere; all the works. PRONOUNS. 102 article 6. The after tuttOy in the howeyer well as the employed so entire willi ^ .* j giorno Tutto a//, when as of the whole sense dispensed be may all notte; tutta e and day all night. In Corfu tutto and all Corfu, In Era f agreeing She all was like all, is used Tutto with entirely, te, Malta tutta it in with participle a gender all alone. solo; he was Ella era tutta pallida ; He is all 8. Tutto to of the one Tutti one she ella all quant persons i tutto Here is every 10. quanto things in question: or perished. ne morsel posseggo I possess ; of it. expletively after all three. tre; T'li^^o is phrases: lieta; o conjunction c is put tutti, coupled with a numeral: e pale. joyful. The Tutti tutta all perirono; of them Ecco 9. was joined with it by way of exception, every signifyall without quant Every and sad, has emphasis, ed she qui^ adjective, or number: tutto mestOy of sense and era i tutto joy. in the Egli Egli ; in all Malta. gioja ; tutta 7. in e employed as, in a variety of bial adver- lo3 PRONOUNS. Al del tuUOj totally:per tutto; tut to; erery where. CiascunOj each, every one, is ciaschedunOy without any other 32. from them. to persons only ; regina licenzib La The dismissed queen Comandb che ; n'andasse se each that fers re- one. every ciascuno commanded He ciascheduno distinction itself it employed hy When between ahhreviated a should go casa. away home. It is applied adjectivelyboth to persons and things: soldato; each Ciaschedun Ciascheduna Ciascun 23. each donna; Ciaicuna prato Ogni is only: Ogni day. every each ; lady. each cosa; soldier. thing. meadow. applied properly uotno; man. every the to Ogni singular giorno; to admit followingexpressions it seems exceptions in being applied to the plural; but In the of spazio di, space of is to be understood: , day ; ogni due giorni. Every third day ; ogni tre giorni. Every fortnight;ogni quindici giorni* Every other ^4* Ognuno apply to , persons, chiunque y and are chi ckicchessia y used chc, substantively: I04 PRONOUI^S. Every ]"odj praises him; I hare one is at o di every pari Ho Whoever vol mi Whoever he W^hoevcr you he to any sivoglia or ; chiunque egli sia. ; che voi si ate. whatever (jualsisiaor things; they suhstanti a chi person qualvogliasi and ; ; chicchessia. a Qualunquey Any sorelle^ed vostre speak he may male Nonfate with ^ pub parlare. may harm persons U tulle a may vide Chiunque i5. and sisters jour pleased ; nie saw no all to you ^ contcnta. ognuna Do of spoken lo loda, ognuno ve qualsiasiy qual^ ai'e properly more than hoth applied are ^ alone used to pled cou- : whatever; person Qualsisia persona ^ qualurufue qualsivoglia persona. feel Whatever pain you persona is merited ^ by or your imprudence. voi provate Qualunque pena vostra imprudenza; 26. Checchessiaj checcki^ without a , Checchi sifaccia chessia il ht Whatever say, substantive and suo may e are e doi^uta alia by selves them- used : si dica checchS di segno do, whatsoever e chisc- , , nol y and euro; whatever be his design^I he cai'C may not. PRONOUNS 5 I O much Quantunque is an indeclinable pronoun used by the early writers to signify^Aa- tevtr^ whatioes^tr^ how 27. Tra whatever Quantunque many: leggiadre donne; quantunque Amongst how much^ y graceful ladies. pub how naiura; much nature can. This pronominal obsolete and of quantunque use it is has me beco- employed only conjunction signifyinghowei^erf although, ; now as a 9 Tale 28. J diridual itself by signifies one^ individuals or known or , Tal che rite some^ unknown. dopo picciol tempo pi anse One laughed who after a Tale venne injigura del del re d* Inghilterra ; little time One the in the came one Tali Some in that of the refused Tale reference Talefu is used to some mia Francia^ king tale of France ^ accontentirono a ; relative pronoun preceding statement cruda wept. consented. some as di ; king of England. rifiutaronOftali 9 2. figureof re in- an sorte; such was ^ having : my cruel lot. 3. It is often joined with another proqoun, and iaid: tigai"esparticular same^ or said persons. Quelle tali penone ; those , 1 06 PRONOUNS. tali Cotesti Such folks s* immaginano those as imagine. in yocabolo Otie quel Ricevere ; quclla tale n- gnificazione ; To particular word such receiTe such in ticular par- signification. 4- It like the phrases eke Scrive He writes 5. Tale Tale tal un that , or of ho Oggi To-day Disse^ a as to It is used sono brought. me. in mary sum- tution in substi- do tali eose^ e such and such things. tale, guardate: 7. tale tali to said; Mistress A see particular thing, or fare He being always : : Madonna dolorCy now you a I haye such sort any adjectiyely,like iuch^ name da doctor. vedete; mi a is used allusion in y tity coming together^ signifyidenof Precisely such Tale certain term medice; certain a quale quale English following: resemblance or 6. the to answers such a alone, having as casOy take one, case; a heed. substantive affanno, affliction; something derstood, un- tion; tribula- disastrous meant: giunto; to such (plight) I am I Od PRONOUNS. Insuliai^a insulted He as sono sono miseri many how 2. (females) as many feliciJ Quanii How venivano; quante a in ultima who in in old adjectivelywith quanti ! died miserable are It is used infasce! vecchiezza happy are many morti came. infancy! age ! substantives of kind: any Quante quantifiumi How 3. how employed by It is having the Quanta So long and la vita as mi durerd ^ the singular, time, tood: unders- last. employed in like manner d\j days, understood, ad with much 9 ; Quanta vi piace; as long as Quanta ^ chc siete qua ? How long is it that you are 4* It how waters tempo life shall my ! itself in substantiye mare^ separate us! riyers many 9 quanta acqucj ci separano mountains many sea ed montagne you please. here ? in the is plural, sometimes anni, years: A quanti What siamo day 33. Tanta tively:as, of the is del mese? month employed is it ? for the most part adjec- PRONOUNS. Tanto It used 18 Vi to There make persons che were so 09 iuperbo; will tanti erano d proud. me occasionallyhy referring 9 far honor So much 1. mi onor 1 itself in the ral plu- : non posso that many nominarli I cannot tutli ; them name all. 3. It is used kind any substantiyelyto 4* Both quanta in ^ in a dard mi shall If heaven 5. give me and tanto so are i^ita; much of life. employed bially adver- varietyof significations. The them as is shown correlatives in J\i. page 16. 34* Alquanto^ and di tanto employment of forming a comparison ^ art. of extent : il cielo Se denote the article some, is used 9 compounded by itself in of quanio reference to persons: Ne uccisero alcjuanti; they slew of some them. Di alquante dirb; of some (females)I will say. 2. It is applied adjectivelyto things as persops well : Dopo alquanto spazio; after some space. as PRONOUNS. no industry of The 3. It is used quantity Con portion A A. from many much and FirenzCj di e Florence, from went and etd; aitrettanta corresponding adverbially to age. signify welly as as .* altrettanto; Altrifaranno Others 36. used a Bologna. di donna used signify altro of di andarono knights is It him. much: as hundred of riconfortb; refreshed compounded altrettanti; lady il adverbially to Bologna Una he manyj cavalieri as small a somewhat. as signifies Cento of sense vino wine is used AltrettantOy tanto, singular^having in the buon good some while, 35. the : di alquanto 4. Alquanto littlt men. understood, or With some adjectivelyin substantive a alquanti uomini; di industria L* do will another CotantOy as a pronominal of greater fu Cotanla Such Cotanto was just the just as much, force la his is also sua of compound same. tanto, adjective, having than its primitive: che ajfflizione affliction thing some- that he morl; ne died of it. employed adverbially. is PRONOUNS. 1 1 I REMARKS. Several ried use tewed y belong to seem languages being employed 9 tliat, 80 all in pronouns under which is ; Besides them the foregoing Distributive of designate parts show that Degli qual ro; arditOy uomini Of buono^ e tal ^ there men others some that , used to distributire a which tence, sen- to serre may applicable that to " i avventurato i chi ^ mise^ si tutto the are good, are to love some questi part and bad; ^ tutto hate complaining. the ; tunate; unfor- several this too da- another weeps one , ever di una lagna;*^ fortunate timid; troppo e piange^ uno odia: altri tal malvagio; timido; troppo t/uegli di laughs ; of tion denomina- when are qual ama^ part ring, chi the , English: in nouns. pro- j ride; altri pagOf in portions than in divisions general pronouns in Italian use larly particu- ^ following more tLey ^ abundant so Partitive or or the in as and distinguished by are some 9 aspects classes ya- relations; , Italian in different different to different in of are ^ is ever tented con- 113 XIX. LESSON VERB. verb A 1. is elistingyacting Vivere^ Esser part of speech which a , live; recare^ to Verbs and Passive Active includes The of three called The V allievo ammonisce ^ active, expressing the passive sufferingof the that agent upon ; but the a is the preposition : agent aS; agent is the of the the as, the is the is put into minative no- verb action. receiving also the and object and object that an object becomes the verb: admonishes, expresses and and tion. ac- pupil. action, and some acts, verb, and this by verb the nature the allievo; pupil , the , accusative: of the V master, y nominative, accusative admonishes the maestro A termed object of an the ammonisce master ; is called the // maestro 4* kinds; something acted, expresses agent and an agent objectis // VERBS. Neuter. active verb A which OF , J 3. bring; to KINDS therefore are as, brought. be to recatOy DIFFERENT 2. action: sustaining an or signifies infers is nominative the or an acted of ablative, pupil is admoniiBhed The Thas actiye is turned an object of tbe making instead natiTe Tcrb 5. A which the agent: aS| of the neuter to such placed but which from monish y do verb di"rence the other: thing J to sleepis a neuter person 7. In take the all Vivere Ire un passes in the word over una the to ter neu- former an from the latter there is not of action. Every person for instance thing or verb^ nor , a to languages; the doy to a verb: to its and to can to say whereas , cannot we ad" say to to sleep a thing. however , of noun verbs neuter corresponding as, vitafolice;to yiaggio lungo; we person; because yet of ^ as ^ because verbs admonish accusative meaning with in object; does not admit of either ; by it is easy to distinguishthe one active are a sleepa in the after it in the accusative neater a the being transitive;and passing over or admits active rerb be or ^ of is confined because ; object and transfer a the nomi- as state a called are transferred an by sleep. to , is action passiveverb a stand the verb intransitive verbs into expresses verbs tlie master. agent. subjectof 6. Actiye maestro; by action Dormire; agent dal i ammoniio L* allievo 3 f 1 YKI115. to live go a happy life. long journey. a 8 Il4 8. YVMMS. the Wben agent Qorotnattye or the to Terb in a moral objectof action whether of the pronoun accnsatiye an or physicalsense is attached to corresponding to the nominatire is also the y y the yerb, which is then called reflected a yerb: as^ lo mi pent Catone Both si repent mjself. uccise; Cato and actiye I o; 9. their are form than inflected other any inoods, tenses, of signifydifferent to and numbers VERB. part of speech , being as so A greater yariations subject to modlBed or OF PARTS Verbs reflected. y^rbs beoome neuter DIFFERENT himself. slew ^ persons. MOODS. The 10. the moods which yerb, by different 1 1. A verb has The the its four of is declared in the moods; serves to indicatiye,the the indicate infinitiye. its certainly: Aeco, a modiflcations meaning subjunctiye,and indicatiye ning directlyand being different manners. imperative, 12. are I bring; positivedeclaration, is in this mood. mear ii6 YERBa Imperfect. Reca\^ay I past a Preterite. Reeaiy to Future. act be past and Recherd, I will tention Condi I bringing; represents during its performance. brought; denotes the act was of bring; signifies an acting at signifiesthe intent have Present, brought ; time f A^^eva or recato, an act antecedent to by a of the Ebbi Preterite. the period I had act an at or an I cently re- minate indeter- unfinished. brought; other some preterite,or at a presses ex- time time the pressed expound com- present. recato more fied speci- a ffo recato, completed ^ but in expresses completed, Imperfect. lity practicabi- or TENSES. the of bring; (i) COMPOUND Compound in- time. could or acting hereafter case, 20. future a I would TIONAL./iccAcrei, of finished. same I had as notes brought; dethe imperfect, as definitely to time. (x) According to rigid grammarians, this tense, recherei, belongs that properlyto the subjunctiveor conditional mood; but the facility of the indicative, to the future is given to the learner by placing it oezt to which to it has so great depart from an aflSnityhas , induced grammatical rigour in that many modem particijar. chers tea- VERBS. (i) Avrb FuTURS. I shall recatOj denotes ght; future a another to hare after Avrei brou* action be to it. I should recaio could , brought; signiGesthe possibilitjof done cedent ante- action , haye 7 ^ performed Conditional. I 1 time some in ago or been haying act an intent specified a ease* The I. a fewer other tenses compound compound. ; Each a2. the : the tense; donna has imperatiye subjunctiye,two the infinitiye has tense cant a only simple one , the ^ in require two single and one responding plural,cor- nouns : sings; is woman ple sim- one and singular and a numbers those to La moods, by their nature, in the singular number. donne Le the cantano , is in the sing; Women plural number. a3. Each number corresponding yerned in of tenie it by the the expressed or "i) Tlus Future, each those called pronoun, either to in lome a tense of has three and pronouns, three by nominatiye persons, some to is gonoun the or yerb, understood: gnnmariaDi called the Preterite of the ii8 VERBS. Plural. Singular. lo f Pers. First 11 Nouns singest. understood only which gerund, (i) (2) as tied, with pie present they , as performs (2) Although often , ple, partici- hoth are meaning quaiiyerbs by hand performs \he office of participle present the in of the Latin nature become participle present form of that has not snbtlantiTes entirely been or has been equaUy employed as both): for instance, cafftoAle,doesnot participle tinging $ but th" substantive singer g ammnU, the for the hut the substantive ^ fore been useless participleloving thought right not and , sake erroneous of a addition yery few general disuse. to burden of a this Grammar lover. have expreu does not It has with participlepresent exceptionswhich preserved so| for adjectives, (many are express partici' English gerund. form the in it have words of them its , of son per- connected. are , the in Itidian the on or modifications, the their in other the ihrid in the which in Italian somelimes that expressed singing; and sung; y gerund ( x) The the cantando, ^^ cantata which other two determined or persons impersonal yerbs. has A. yerb 26. the in second pronouns employed are called are sing. theirs. for i5. Verbs cantano. nominatiyes first and person must ate sing. They as enly : the necessarily haye third cant Ellcno a, stand can sing, Yuo {Ella She sings, 24* We y cant Third, cantiamo Voi caniij \ Thou , Not J sing, Tu \ Second canto to a there- pedantic, every verb survived accidentally VERBS* 17. The latter tbe but different rariatioii la its form; no varies its termination and genders like numbers partakes of and suffers former tbe 1[) 1 of nature to adjective^ an otber in one express re-: spects. SCantatOfrxuksc. SSnff S \%\^^\ Cantati masc" ^ fem. CONJUGATIOfiJS. ad. language^ verbs In most termed classes divided are conjugations wbicb difference by guished distin- are " , of termination into in tbe nitive infi- mood. Tbe ItaUon Tbe 29. three firsfj second " the from 3i. are of verb a and called bear. variations are of its infinitive which 9 be its root parts of effected believe, to j tbe by tbe esserey to is primitive form. or is to inflect it moods, tenses, numbers, Some have, which inflexions love, to , credere ere; \ conjugatea verb, its several are ; amare Lire;sentire, to to To" 32. in tennination considered TCrb ending All the 30. a"njugations; Tare J third to bas and trough persons. conjugation of aid of two others, be, which for auxiliaryverbs they are employed are ; and the called every avert that tenses j son rea- in compound i'^O VERBS. in tenses, wbicli participleof the These 33. with the auxiliaries,therefore, entering formation the they are associated verb conjugated. of all verbs, the are first to into be learnt. 34* The greater number uniformly, according sereral those to conjugations, are that deyiate in in their regular rerbs; the from way cted infle- being model one called any called established,are yerbs of model irregular yerbs. xions following tables exhibit all the infleof the seyeral .conjugationsboth of the ficulty regular and irregular yerbs, by which eyery difThe 35* on this hiead AFERE, to INFINITIVE f Gerund, Compound of the , have, MOOD. Present Participle remoyed. will be to Ayendo, hailing. Avuto had. , , JPresent jGerund, jkyere avuto, Avendo INDICATIVE avuto, MOOD. Simple Tense,^^Present. Singular. / have. lo ho , Tu thpu hai , kai^e. Ayere, hast. to haye,had. having had* 121 YBRBS* ^ !*- ^l \^' Ella Plaral. Noi abbiamO; Voi ayete, \^^^^y EUeno have, 4V6 Compound you hai^e, they ha\^e. ^*^P Tense resent. Siogolar. lo bo Tu / have aruto hai thou aTuto Egli ba had. 9 had. hast y he avutOi had. has Plural. Noi abbiamo Vol ayete EgUno amtOy avato, hanno aruto have we had. have you had. have they , had. Simple Tense.^-^Imperfect. Singular. lo or ayeya Tu I had. (1) thou ayeyiy Egli ayeya (I) Though ia ayeyo^ a tad he hadst. had. j the firit person in 0, tbt tMpunalion siDgnlarof in a this if considered termioatci teaso to be both preferable. 1^2 ySRBS. Plaral. Noi Voi avevate, Eglino had*, we arevamo, had, you had. they ayevano; Compound Tense.'^Imperfece. Singular. lo Ta I had avuto, ayeva ayeyi thou ayuto, "gli ayeya had, he ayuto, hadst had had. had. Floral. Noi ayeyamo Voi ayeyate Eglino ayato, ayuto^ you Simple Tense. had. had they ayuto, ayeyano had we had, had had. ^^Preterite, Singular. / had. lo ebbi 9 Tu thou ayesti, Egliebbe, hadst. he had, Plaral. Noi Voi ayemmo ayeste Eglino we , had. you , ebbero y they had, had^ I2l4 YEHBS. Plural. Noi ayremo Voi arrete Eglino aruto^ arutoy ayuto^ ayranno Simple "-Conditional. Tense* Singular. " !"""""" Tu f / should^ could, } OT might hai"e. . would, ayresti, "gli ayrebbcy Pl^ral. Noi Voi ayremmo , ayreste Eglino , ayrebbero , Tensci^-^Conditional, Compound SingaUr, T lo Tu S I ^^ould. \ . arm aruto ayresti Egli ayrebbe , ^ ayato; ayuto^ Plural. Noi ayremmo Voi ayreste ayato, ayuto Eglino ayrebbero , ayuto ^ ^ could .^^; ^^^^ y would, ^^ itkS VERBS. MOOD. IMPSIUTIVE SiDgulax. Abbi hai^e ttt. thou. let him have^ let htr have. Plural. AbbiaxQO Abblate let noi, have roi^ ino, \ ^.P/ Elleno, Abbiano has^e, us ye y let them SUBJUNCTIVE ox you. have* MOOD. Tente^^^Present Simple SingoUnr. Cbe io abbia, Che tu that abbi^ or abbia^ (i) that Ch'egli abbia, that I may have, thou he have. mayst have. may Plural. Che noi abbiamo; that Che Toi abbiate, that you that they Ch'eglino abbiano , Tense^f^P Compound we have, may have, may may have. resent. Singular. Che io abbia that aruto y Che tu abbi ayuto^ Ch'egliabbia (i) Abbi is more avuto^ elegant. I may have had. 1 1 26 VERBS. Plaral. Che noi abbiamo Che yoi ahbiate ayuto, ayuto Ch'eglino ahbiano Simple , ayuto, Tense. Imperfect, " SinguUr. rthat Che 10 Che tu ayessi " , ayessi I had, mighty could {^shouldhav^e. that I y would. 9 Ch'egliayesse. Plaral. ayessimo^ Che noi Che yoi ayeste, Ch'eglino ayessero. Imperfect, Tense." Compound Singular. rthat Che 10 Che tu ayessi ayessi ayuto , k ayuto, Plaral. Che noi ayessi Che yoi ayeste mo Ch'eglino ayessero had. might,could {^should have had. that ayuto, Ch'egli ayesse I had ayuto, ayuto, ayuto, I j would, * VERBS. 137 ESSEREytobe. MOOD. INFINITIVE Present, Essere. Gerund Essendo. J Participle State. Compound i Present^ Essere ofthe IGerund, Essendo INDICATIVE Simple (1) f itato^ to stato^ have having been, been. MOOD. -^Present. Tense. Siogalar. lo 8ono, lam. Tu thou seiy he Egli i, art. is. Plural. I9oi siamo we j Voi siete are. are. you , Eglino sono^ they Compound Tense. are. Present, " Sinfjular. lo Tu / have stato gone sei stato, Egli ^ \i) Stato (a man) Noi stato sono (women) been. , thou he hast has been. ; in agrees lo stato , siamo gender and (a woman) state. number sono stata been. with t Noi tlie nominaliirei (men) siamo fo "t"ti j Compound Tense.'-Imperfect, Singular. lo Tu I had stato, era eri stato, Egli thou stato era been, he , hadst had been, been. Plural. Noi eravamo stati , Voi erayate Eglino erano stati, stati, we had you (hey had had been, been, been. 1^9 VEABa* Simple Tense .-^Preterite. Sinjpilar. lo Tu fuiy thou fosti wast, y he Eglifu, was. PloraL Noi fummo wc y Voi foste were, you , Eglino furonoy were, they:were. Tense, *^Preierite. Compound Singular. lofui stato^ Tu / had fosti stato Eglifu thou hadst j he stato been, had been, been. 9 Plaral. Noi fammo Voi stati, foste we stati you j Eglinofurono they static Simple had Tense. been, had been, been. had -^Future. Singalar. lo I shall saro , Tu or will be. sarai , Eglisarii; 9 i3o ysiUBs. Plural. Noi saremoy Voi sarete^ Eglino saraimo; Tense^^^Future. Compound Siogular. lo Ta / ihall statoy flaro or haye been, will sarai stato^ Egli sari s%a\o, Plural. Noi saremo Voi sarete Eglino stati, stati, stati, saranno Simple Tense. ^^Conditional. Singularr I losam, Ta could J I should 1 might be. , J saresti , Egli sarebbe^ Plural. Noi saremmo Voi sareste^ , Eglino sarebbero; , would , or 1 3a YEKBS. Plural. Che noi that siamo we , Che voi siate, that you Ch'eglinosiano^or sieno, that they Compound Tense. be. may may be. be. may --^Present. Singular. io sia stato Che Che tu That , sii stato I may ha^e been} ^ Ch'egli sia stato, Plaral. Che Che noi voi siamo stati, siate stati , Ch' eglino siano, ort sieno \ stati, Simple Tense. ^Imperfect. Singular. Che Che 10 tu {^^^^ fossi , i ^ could, '^^''^ would Plaral. Che Ch' noi fossimo Toi ^ should f or might be. " , 1 i fossi, Ch'egli fosse, Che '^^^ " , foste, eglinofossero, f 1 VERBS. Compound 1 Tense. 33 ^Imperfect. Singular. I had rthat Che io fossi stato^ should " tu could ^ Lmight Che been; that j have I would, or been. fossi stato , Ch'eglifosse stato ^ Plural. Che noi fossimo Che Yoi foste Ch' stati, static eglino fossero stati. EXPLANATIONS Relating I. that the The the to the letter tense R andavij andavano. regular ; : it is placed indicative be mood so and denotes R like the at andare, formed will show andai^a, of F'erbs. is formed for instance^ the ijing that tense to the regular inflexions va, of Irregular means where regular yerhs of the Tables perfect im- signl- table the of , it to andavamo, be anda- andas^ate^ 1 34 VERBS* The 2. solere letter has in third is use yerh of these with the that tense from the third the infinitive: cendeste other only it to as in is given, all the preterite of lar, singu- numbers three med forof persons of inflexion in accendere y*^^ accendemmo y , ac- from primitives follow their restare these from applies than more all the persons one ved derietc. tables. verbs which dijSfer from but not those primitives:for instance, rianare , general principlesof mentioned; are This bes^iyetc. bcOy beiy in the compound mode. is lar singu- derived are there have y first person persons when is noted 4. The and tense. first person the regular both, bevo deviation inflexion dare the bevOj beoy which Any which to formation from their where tenses, according each algercj accesero. , In the other accese , y of in that of both example accendesti Accesi the instance regular manner the follow the , the persons it; while from for have verhs ked. mar- , persons irregular in indicative the other no so is defectiye indicative the singular of for instance, tenses tense a specified; as, having 3. Most in several part of any person that defectiye: means inflexions no When part 0 noticed as differingfrom 1 TBRBS. 35 contraffarej disfare, rifarcy being conjugated like Jare throughout, and andare noticed. not are considerable number of their terminations some poetry, in ita- Lucere, caggio, 6. A to distinguishedby being printed are as confined inflexions receiyed haying Ucs, being wholly poeticaliand yerbs 5. Some these but stare; inflected in of yerbs and infinitiye, haye in are two quence conse- conjugations:for two stance in- " Applaudercj The former is applaudire^ iico)in the third, Adempiere compire^ of y the in which it is most adempircy and fulfil; compter to the take of the cond se- used. third Cj xions infle- regular the conjugation,from second termination, in the regularly inflected (in is complete; to applaud: defectiye irregular and conjugation; but to (inisco)from one the other. " Amongst third the yerbs conjugation,it tire has chuse, its inflexions elect J or like sentircp when share taking is to be in isco both by lot; used in a that obseryed when it and of forms the sor^ to signifies is inflected military sense : 1 36 / VKRB8. nemici The The conjugations according nitiye to of different io in termination of some isco in "uniting. third inflexion of infi- their of these pre- and modes combinations us. in second the different assume against out those verbs irregular 7. nois inflexions and conyersation" in sally cong1i:^ts to di contra frecp"ently enemy TossirCj Tail souenie soriono haying several , verbs each belonging them to inflected difibrentlf from other. A here of view the with given of whole a these combinations verb corresponding is of , inflexion; variety of k)wing Tables* by way of index to the every fol- i38 VttBS. IRREGULAR OF TERMINATIONS VERBS. COKJUGATIOV SBCOSD GOHTIHUSD. chieclere ^ascondere ^ ledere fiedere tee" Ondere see^fondere ^ riedere lereie " " fierere . Iggere *- figgere /'comprimsre Orgere dirimere S esimere " Indere logeie Ignere " Onere i I " lovere " " Istere ^_^cporre Iponere see Ogliere Orrere Bcindere Oscere " . I lagnere stringere Otere " Ovcre " distinguere Uadere piovere XJcere " Uggere iiere Orre " arrogere " ccogliere i Ugnere Olcere molcere " Olere Istmggere TlDgere TJlgere " Umere " icolere dolersi allndere see icorre i doyeftt suggere (godere' crodere potere rlacere Udere Odere coaoscere \ rilucere {ficrivere vivere Ivere correre snadere assistere " Ogere porgere " I Tincere ___ccingere I mordere " Owe Orre torcere " Ordere ^^redimere Incere assorbcKC "~. dirigere lesigere J Imere Orbere Orcere ( Igeie 'rispondeK Ungere i Uguere ) " ffnlgere " mdlgere (rlfdlgere aMumere giimgere solere Olgere " "olere Uocere volgere TJoCere Tassolvere I risolvere Olyere Qmpere " . I caocere " tniiooere " "~- Uovere TJrgere I solvere TJrre i Vvolvepe Ucere ) roinpere Bcnotere " muovere " surgere addnrre " XJtere " difcatere 1 VERBS. TERMINATIONS OF THISD IRREGULAR 39 VERBS. COHXUGATlOir. aebeniire tee ATYertire " idire gire ire olire " boUire " " compire " aprire " morire " ( conatmire Icostruire udire ^ if uggire _^ I muggire uicire " i4o nUUEGULAA * RiMndaro, to again go is , VERBS irregular like JUandare andaro. to examios, u , , regular. (I) JVbfe. " The Terb is siaro also used , habitation. " Exp : Where do you liTe? Dove to express staU yoif the place of abode " , i4i OF t*Bistare, to FIRST THE stop , irregular " like CONJUGATION stare. Hectare, to remain " regular. l43 UtREGCLAK VERBS Indicative PreseDt Mood. of the Present. InfinitiTe. ; Iraperf. Preterite. acoesi hindie. lo Condit. Fntpre. " i" addossi . ' addaresti addosse ' addnrrci addnrro addoccTa addacemmo ^ adduceste aUedge. to . addnssero ALGBRB to 1st ulm.^^"''. " 1 pers. sing,alsi 3d pers. sing, tdse allusi to tUbide, 2d p. sing. applandesti "id p. sing. to applause p. plur, applaudeste 3"f p. plur, applausero 2d applaud. arsi to l"um. 3d ARROGBRB, to pers.sing. arrosi arrogeva add. arrogg also, its dipendertt propendere, are regular, like participle impeso and impenduto excepted. All other nation, as " Prtnderg^ tendere, difendere, etc. are irregular,like credere; verbs aeeendere. impen^ of this toau* 1 Ot THE 43 CONJUGATION. SECOND arso arroto t Tka infinitive mott thov^h tennination ueere, of their ii^fiexionsare in derived this and from it. other verbi , obi. ia obaolete, aL 43 1 IRBEGULAE * Prtnder^y dipenderet propendert, also, its participle impeso and nation , as VERBS tendert, are regular, like impenduto excepted. All di/endere, etc. arc irregular,like other credere terbt j impendtr* of this tanki- acctndere, \ 1 * 44 Except lABEGYJLAR in the preteriteand TERBS assidersi participle , is not used; but sedere. OP THE BKOSO 145 COITJVGATION. 10 i4G IRREGULAR VSRBS In^catiTe Prefcnt Mood. of the InBnilive. ioyUid. chero cheri CHERBRKf to ash. chert 3d p. pint. cherono I "CB cbiMi to ask. fCOrOKBSf ciasa to gird. colgo,coglio cogli coglie COCLl to i. cogUeTa coglianio gather. cogliete colgono or coglioDO cogiiero colli " or \vorship. compreui compress "j conocssi to * t For or cooD"llci connet. Richiedere verbs has the ending cogrlierei ^ correi cmtvaoi to or corro COLhw, to . participleHchieduto in tringere, see and richiesto. stringere. OF "" Qme^ttn if TBI SECOND CONJUGATION. 1 47 i" in anUqoaled : ewieepirt , wich if regubr VSuJlntn, n"e. 1 48 IRIUBGULAR Indicative Present * YCRBS Stridere , to shriek^ is regular. Mood. OF THE SECOND tiO CONJUGATION. Subjuoclive Mood. ImperatiTe. Gernocl. Present. Particip. Imperf. cona- sciuto corse a cresciuto cuoca cooct cuoca cnoca cuoca cociamo cociamo cocela cociate coocano cuocano coceui cocendo cotto decUo a diretto R discusto A disd'iilo ID. i5o lARKGULAR VERBS l52 IRREGULAR VERBS "rmAivGsiiE, * verhs Other ending in iggere make only issi hut afftggere^crocifiggere, pre/iggeremake participle: f ** and See Its uso genu/lettereand compounds in the have in tfat UUt preterite, their participle in iMfc in the riflettere. only participle. the irregulartermiBaVioi^s^^ '^^ ^ pTCUpla" OF SECOND THE l53 CONJUGATION. SulijunrliveMood. Imporalive. Prcicnt. /tra 3d p. 3d p. fera sing,fera plu./rroAO fera 3d p. plur. ferano " "!" fitto fiito fifO flesto fuso B foodulD frank) n ^naflaMo % Angtrty lodicaiive. to griere, bat Present j and no inflnion is confined to except tffi^, 3d pert. sio^. of poetry. feUow genufleUertt rtflsUerMdijSTen. II ClrwnjltiUr* and tnjtettert ibe l52 IRREGULAR VERBS Ifusi or B melL to fuudei I I to fransi B mAGHE- or break. FDLGERE, to shine. |] GBinjto bend the knee. " Tcrls other ending in iggere make only isst in the prtfiggeremake participle:hut affiggere,crocifiggere , and rifUttere. f See genuflettere "" and Its uso in the have only participle. compound* the preterite,tuo their termifiationsml irregular participlein In Ihe in tia is$^ pi"l|pit^ OF SECOND THE i53 CONJUGATION. Subjunctive Mood. Iniporative. Gfruod. Prcicnt. Impcrf. Particip. ', /era 3d p. 3d p. g'lng. /era plu./eroAO /era /era 3d /eruto plur. /erano p. "^t^mi fine fisto g Angertj to ffriere,hat lodicaiive. Present*!and no inflnioo is confined II OroenflttUr* and in/UUtn to except tfngv, 3d pert. sio^. of lb" poetry. fellow genuJleUerer rifletUn iiibn* i54 IRREGULAR VERBS Indicaltve Mood. Present of the Infinitive i Present. Imperf. Preterite. Condit. Future. giaccio giaci ttiACBBB giace 9 to B giacqui giacciaroo giacete giacciono toliedown. ' tnjoy. ClUGHBBXi godero godro or goderei or godrei giunsi to omVe. to invade. I iavasi 3d p. to sing. lece^ (obsolete) be lawful. (itis lawful) to offend. lesi letsi to read. Verbs follows " as ending , in giungere un^ere or may transpose tli# g* and n" wliea m " giugnerej giunge or giugne, giungi or giugni. or aa i OF t JUlucer" if THK employedip SECOND proie. CONJUGATION. 1 55 i56 IRREGULiiR VERBS Indicative Present Mood. of the Present. InBnilive. | Iroperf. Preterite. misi, to put. 2d MOLCERE, to U p. siog. " ^^f^. 3^1 p assuage. ^^^/^g Future. Coadit or meliei, linfre- meski )qucut. molceva ^^f^^i molceva morsi Mle. muovo mossi muovi movesti I mosse muove motero : oioTeTa nioviamo to moTerei movemmo . move. .movele moveste .muovono mossero ooccro oocerea parro panel n R I Go laREGtJLAR TERBS OF THE SECOND iGl CONJUGATION. 11 i6:3 " Prescindere IRREGULAR is regular;dlscindere VERBS , rescindere are irregular. OF IiDperaUvtf. aappi asppia aappiaino sappiaU sappiaoo ' acegUa seegliamo aceUa, elieU acMiieta acelgaoo , acegliaoo THE SECOND CONJUGATION. G3 1 64 * X was The maEGVLAR simple lenses wanting, are \Tont,/ui solitoj I shall be wont, yZBBS aad supplied by participle sard tolitOgetc* at" ansiliaffy: OF SECOfTD THE l65 CONJUGATION. SabjttocUveMood. ImperatiTC. Geniod* Present Partictp. Imperf. "erpa "er(Ni "erpa serpiaaio 3dp, pi, terpano icrpiamo amrpmao foglia "oglia toglia toglbmo SOI lito logliate M^liano ,^,m^^mmtmmmmm^tmmm^"mm*m sdttto "^iMi"i"aH"Mi speoga,//Mf/r" tptfoga , spegna spenga, sp^niamo "p"gaeie "peogaoo jp"y"", poeC. sp^niamo tpegniale , sprgnano , poet. fpenganof "r fp"gnflDO K stret %i.. lu iG4 IRREGULAR VERBS;' '' Indictt? PreseDt J^oo^- of the to Inperf. Present. InBnitiTe. creep. serpo serpeva terpi serpevi serpe seqMTa Coadit. Future. ^ente. "S1 3p p. pL serpono serr fveUi \ftvellesti sojiio tyelse SUoIi .1 "uole, sogliamr be wont. to sof /''* /emr .'^/*r "T";iM" svellero svellerri Iprro lenrct sTcUeramo ""ellcste iveUero so / ro foo V suast v^^^f sursi leoDi O I hill torsi * dtsvetleret disverrty divegherCt diperrep Disvegfierie f convelUre U is makes regular . tbc fultow convelicij the participleconyulsoj preterite " t%"dUre: in olber part" i66 * YEKBS Disvegfiere, disvef/ere, disverre, divegHere^ diverre^ convel/ere it is lUUSfitLAA makes rc(||uUr. the conrellcij the preterite follow st"e/lere.' convui*oj in other participle, parts OF SSCOMO THS 167 CQMJUOATION. Hood. SubjoDdiTf Geraod* Imperative. Partidp. Jmparf. Pcweol. struUo " sTella , I sTelga svelg^ tvelB "T"lla ""alia, svelga flTella, trelffi dftdliaoio freDjamo ""ellete ivelliale ""ellaoo, stalgaao svellano i "' II' I , I Jl"^! , svelleisi fv^lendo ivelto iTelgano mimm^m^^mf T'""-T suaso StttlO ""1" tenga tenga tMm tMiiaiDO tenianao 1"DeU lamata UDgano teogano tetiulo tesio ' I pocti ;", 'J t ib;^s"nf(bllowf^/yicnf. '. - i66 " laBEGtJLAR irSRBS disvel/ere, disverre, diyegfiere, diperrOf Disifeg/iere f convel/ere it is X makes rr^lar. the follow CQWultoj preteriteconreilcij the parlici2"le, Si*eilere.' in olber parts OF SECOND THE 1C7 CQfilJUaATlON. SubjuDCliTf Mood. Gernnd. Inpentive. Partidp. Iff"p"rf. PceMD^ "IruUo "" I """ 1 1 'W" I- sTelIa"sTelga flvella, iTelga svelletii tTl4l"lldo ffeUJamo tTelto svelliale ""dleU svellano trelgano , ^' 1^ ' p "" w pH"l " "" " l"I^H suaso lutlo " JV II III tenga tenga teo|t. temamo temano teneto leniate tengano tasgano "rsr tesiuto teiio i ' pOflti ." t S9rgtr0kXkw"porgtr9* " . i66 " msaBS Disvegfiere,disvef/eref disverret divegfieret diverrtf convellere it is l"RBGtLAR makes rr^Iar. ibc convellci s preterite the follow participleCQiwultcj " st^etlere: in other parts OF CQMJUOATION. 3ECOM0 THE 1 67 Moodf SubjoDcUTf Gernnd. Inip"raUt". Partkip. Inpflrf. Pr"f"nt. "IruUo I svella I I inn ?elga svelg^ "vella, trelga f , flT"lla, ""dB tvelletti tvMleDdo iveltc "ve])i"ino STcllete svelliate STellaoo, tTcl svellaoo ^' 1^ , tvelgano "I"I"|IH p "uaso surio " U I P IPl tenga tanga temiino taoianoo teneto laniate tengano tcDgane rrjr teisulo lesto " r pOflti |k .' . tJ .1 foUowf t tSbf^gwrf ;wyY"rt. ^" .. " 66 * is YKRta Disvegfiere, disveffere, dist^erre, divegHere^ diverre^ convellere U IBBBGtlLAR makes rr^lar. Ibe follow conyuUoj conveiicij the participle preterite " M%*ellere: in other parts 68 1 IRREGULAR VKRB9 Indicative Pretcnt Mood. of the Preterite. Imperf. Present. laSniliTe. Fntnre. Condit. traggo to drtnv. irai, tnggi traui irae, traetti trag|;e traiamo, traggiaiao traste tnera trarro traete traeste traggoDO, trassero trarrei trauio "II m I "" Talgo,vaglio vak Tale Yaliamo to TBlai varr6 ndi vedio "arm bewortk. "alete TalgtNIO, "aglioDO "edo, T^so, Teggto T"' or "edi , Tede "ediamo. to "edeto Tcdono, Teg" gonOfYeg' giono \"- "msi tOIHUUfldsh. " * dr^s TiTTo JMkf9ief^ the "iTefior " TiTercter TttSI toUv. othw mtf^edtrsti Hiftdtn of conpoitfidi ^oder$s mak* i3m in erd 9 fatnr* In d!rd" Um cnl. ,Tin"i conditknil OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION. 169 IAE"GUUUl 170 VEftB^ Mood. IjidicaliTe Present ufthe lofinitife to be fvoLmiy to * poetry mm. VM if for that Ibe proper of voUr$. praiBiite ot ten 9cl"mfi Im* ^cft v " " / r OF SECOND THE CONJUGATION. 171 "olio t tnvoiifere, dtvtt^trt maka (ba participla , tvoiver"p travoher9, make riy^Uo, wolto, IravoUo, InvbTuh, det^cfuht rivofvtre, I '72 IRREGULAR VERBS IiidicatiT" Mood. Prcfent of the loBnitive. appariflco apparisci apparisce, appare 'AAim, to appear, to open. ' appariamo apparite apparisrono, appajono i ' apro * I avTerto, AwnrrmBi to avvertisco I warn. convert", to " a" convert. deficiencies ot artttre may Tlie not , | \ convertisco ofinmo , anicnte , belong or abbiamo lo ardere, Ije supplied l"josartt ardimento , to baro. we dare, or jtrdiamo, avere ardimento: ardiafe , ardendo, 173 OF THI THIRD CONJUGATION. 174 * Costruiref t Emplsret cond VERBS IRHEGCLAR istmire to are preferredto fiU|rkmpier^, conjagBtion. to constntfre, instniire, both regularly declined refill; are in the fe- 176 * IRREGULAR Saliamo , boing an iuflexion of ja/are" TCRBS to salt , u used for sagliamo, improperly. Of THIIID the COHVVGATION. 77 Kood. 8iil*f"iicUte Gorand. IflifMrttive. Prtfeat. """i* " noora mmon inaora , maoja , muoja muora maoja mitoia noriamo, iDoo|aoio^ moriamo, muojamo iDaora , , moriate BHMrite mnoniio* , mnojano poet. offerifci , ofTri ^MmM^aMkKBM^^BaV profiffiaci """ Bill h II morttr muojate moujaDo niDggisca no^gisci muggt, lUttorano, Particip. Imperf. mugga,pott. ofieriaca,oflVa offerto M"ki * profi"rifca profierito profferto ii saiga salifta , sail,faliatri ialgat laKsca "agliaoio fafile taiga salisra saiga salisca , , sagliamo talpoo, saligcano s"gUate salgano taliscano Kbenifcty tcbcrD" tehenUeat tcli"ro" , y IS 178 * re, Its and IMtlGOLAft eomponnds , eonseguire, regularly like /Aire/ , etc are TEBB8 eoDjogated tkis laltar OMdea u both irregularly like segtiipraferable. , OF THE THUD CORJVGATION. "79 i8o VERBS. IRREGULAR OF Those tables hare to of shown, to COBJUGATIOV. numerous, may be they may as the foregoing ced considerably reduvariety, hy observing that, amongst there is uniformity in their them, irregularity,so these 8BC0HD verbs, though as many THB VERBS that rules; of which the be classed ding accor- general most ar four. I. Such indicative of them as present in ggo, and in the preterite, in the following: " have into the 6rst person change tt in the the gg o"the into ss participle,as id VERBS. The following, though like the their IL mode of variation Such verbs indicative d,) m make $0: preceding, " as present the the preserre cted constru- analogy of ;" have in exactly not I the first persons doy (with preteritein #i, and a vowel the of the before participle 1 82 yBKBS. Deviation Chiedo III. that the the Participle. cliiesi Those tense in in wLich endoy participlein sOy chiesto Laye make the the first person of preteritein siy and dropping the ft.*f" " 1 84 IV* TXRIS. IjityPy and baring Verbs before tense^ make ticiplein tOy tbe tbe of one last tbese three syllablein tbat preteritein sijand retainingsucb liquid: " liquids, person tbe par* i85 ^ome Tlie the tew in mo take following are participle:"* tlds formation exceptions with :" regard to 86 1 VERBS. both Exceptions preteriteand in participle.'r- Rimango rimasi rimasto Pongo posi posto tenni Tengo (and their compounds Other would rules require student they mode better manner.) being yerhs reduction any much rather of them to and minuteness pear ap- , be to of therefore may where Tables the general ; complicated too the in like of those Tariations peculiar than tenuto adequate be benefit referred and are exposed of becoming die to to nse^ , familiar as with them. LESSON XIX CONTINUED. PERSONS I verb A . regard Francis a. agreeing plural, person The // nire. and out; goes pupils went there are When in the its nominatire governed by number to The is VERBS. OF verb Francesco uscirono. than nominatives more is put esce. gli scolari whether person, as, person: out; in with in the the one singular plural of or that : mason muratorc and ed shoemaker il cannot calzolajo non come possono .* ve- : VERBS. Iiere noininatiyes The singalar person third if the rent persons first or yerb the nominatiyes in the second if the'dstabilished and and I shall 4* When plebe in the ; II in the yerb all of poi ; egli go is in the one first person be of first: this ; the being languages: io andremo. ed ed io andremo. eglino andrete, i^oi ed ; diffe* first,if should nominatiye is singular noun a esercito; crowd, folia; mob, army, generally put popolo Eat being in the singular person thou not an but singular meat; ellipticalmode ti pregOj mangiar came. is used neyer non hospitable; are "5 ospitale. qiicsto paese negatiye, a comandOf non di country infinitiye mood second of the yrith of this people 5. The di third Italian: The ti as ; will the coUectiye, go go thej of the of the one order I shall and You no either in the of them one and person, be of are put plural; should , He is then person the You nominatiyes , of 'cond the put , seyeral second . of is therefore yerb the both being 87 plural. person 3. But 1 in Italian instead of the without: as mangiar in which imperative ^ ^ carne; is understood , ti esorto, or li consiglio, 88 1 TEAIIS. HOOD. INDICATIVE continued progressiye or A I. Englisliby tbe is expressed in dare verb Italian tbe witb lo sio scriyendo; lo sto leggendo; vo To slava I I If tbe io andava I an^ or cercando,- looking for. was andare if it does stare stare^ looking for. am implies motion, used, and verbs , reading. am leggendo ^ act participlein ing writing. am reading, was the in as, I I cercando; Jo bj gerund: J and be to expressed act; is most not, perly pro- in tbe as ex* amples giyen. Tbe a. imperfect implies continuance of action ; tbcrefore wbenever Englisb may be turned into in ingy or into usedy it tbe imperfect in Italian tense I looked alteringtbe meaning, ged I^was into it may be For looking for rendered tbe same lo be is to y : tbe by if, witboat tbus , used in ciple parti- rendered for may or yerb tbe and ^vas, ration reite- or to be cban- look for cercava* reasons, in speaking of moral or properties of tbings no qualitiesof persons, tbe longer existing,tbe imperfect is used, wben of tbeir continuance of is considered Cesare era existence at tbe time spoken : clemente; Qesar was merciful. y VERBS. Cariagine ifenti citid una di miglia tre Carthage But era was miles when it is intended our ricea^ ed 89 as^eva circuUo; rich a three in 1 had city, and twenty in circumrerence. days, own indicate their to the istence non-ex- he preterite must used: Cesarefu Caesar 3. The was preterite(which is also termed definite)expresses determinate a great warrior. a perfect or at guerriero; gran time, time or the simple action an beyond a done lar particu- period: Avanti jeri I wrote to Troja a of Helen the Was of compound done at period not I* ho lo di of the cause siege Troy. 4* The action day before yesterday. fu cagione delC assedio ; rape of the you d* Elena // ratio The scrissi; w the present indeterminate an an signifies time , finished veduto or within : oggi y questo mese^ questo anno; I have seen him to-day, this year. A\^ete Hare {^eduto you seen il mio my carojlglio, dear son? month, this TSHBS. IQO 5* Tbe tHe conjunctions comey preteriteis used subito as; chcy after as when; che^ hardly; quandoy append as; of the compound soon dopo chcj after: 6. In it is common future time to a the he perrete come you simple ceneremo piU shall we , When spoken. yerh a ring refer- present I haye done Italian or , one it is compound: or pat .. tempo; per earlier. sup avrbjinito di Quando had the in in tense future , If for conjunctions;hut of those he SideT ; present tense, preceded hy of the compound Se parlato English, to into ebbe che Dopo ui ascoiiero; scrwcre^ shall I writing listen to you. Lofarb 7. The the of and to Italians future with hope make potrb; se with yerhs to of the Forse gli Perhaps Credo belieye has detto di told sard ; when of the compound avrd he che ahle. am commonly use the compound the adyerhybr^c, perhaps, , use it if I denoting uncertainty,as credere ; I will do him non not arrivato; the I English present: uscire to sperare^ go think as, ; out. he is ar- riyed. 8. did Do y expressed J etc, in Italian: used as, as auxiliaries, are not iQl TERBS. XX. LESSON MOOD. SUBJUNCTIVE Verbs 1. expressing doubt J tlie require ^ of tbe nominatives) persons : as che tbe second venga is put tbe verb tbe Temo che present, I fear be so abbia may come. j is tbe same^ die. to tbe in tbe subjunctive preceding verb in first verb tbe requires if be sent pre- subjunctive tense, to past a is in tbe be time if a in tbe re futupound com- actr or come. may ch'egli vii^a; wisb always che verb I fear ; ma ^ of it sempre Temo I wisb signified ; and venga Bramerb I sball diilere^at to verbs simple present be act or be tbis wben future of tbe I know : be in tbe time Non tbat to , to the infinitive: tbe of tense indicative or I wish morire; conform must ; in tbe Desidero Tbe refer subject of both tbe wben in subjects(tbat is^the verbs two be to ; Desidero But tbe y treaty suspicioHyen- yerb following sidfjunctis^moody when de^ , willj permission^ command, sire 2. surprise f ear ^ tbat be perduto bave lost I* abbiate che voi not wbetlier you molti mucb live. may quattrini; money. inteso; may bave beard it. f93 VEABft this first verb 3. When tenses^ yerb re according the past the subjanctiimperfect simple or compound it refers as of one conditional,then be in the must " the in the or is in the to future or past: fosse I venisse ;^che y , venutos'^ was fearing 1 might '^ che iemerei temei Temevaj come I should 1 feared ; " that fear that he was "^ EallTneeetiario V ^^ 10, ^ J Occorrere, to he 9 , come* needful be necessary JEssere espedientCj to be Essere megliOy to be better Essere to be possible Essere possibile impossibile to be impossible Essere giustOj ingm-)\o expedient be just,unjust, stOfbuonOfprobabilef] good, probable require the following rerb ctive mood pronoun to in Italian, with in terrenes che^ however , be in the when a subjuft'^ noun expressed : It is better L meglio It is better E for jou che voi for him meglio cVegli speak ; parliate. to to sene go away ; vada. 13 in or glish En- ig4 VERBS. I mast Thou He must The J r go / 5. Credere in the firm persuasion^ admits in the he it to tu indicative the vada it andiamo voi andiate eg lino vadano conyiction that yerh follo^rs the suhjunctiye to fancy or y he is sick. mood; when being required only ch * of ahsolute tense f or che che bisogna ^ bisogna 1 go ust m io vada che noi f-pressedSbisogna go must che fare e^-^jbisogna ch'egli s^ada go must You i go must We (bisogna i bisogna \ go means suspect, there I beKeve Credo I 6. vi k che credo Jo che is in J doubt y a of phrase require tlie second the subjunctii^e niunoy nulla^ veruno, nessunoy desire, or ; is, I suspect helieye^ that niente God. a ammalato sia Chiy alcuno, Dio; un negation and followed verb of the condition j ^ by a sentence relative, to be in .- ifi^ alcuno IVon There Se vi is e If there f^i e Desidero I wish nobody alcuno any che there be che conosea; knows mi conosea; any body mi me. that knows me. conosea? who body vi sia may mi that che should alcuno Is there che be knows alcuno ? me che somebody mi who conosea knows ; me. 195 TEMS. it follows Cke^ when 7. chicchessia^ checches^ slay checch^j requiresthe following verb eubjunctiye: as you chicchessia Of whomsoever TVhoj with which me Mandatemi is,but what (i); and language Per the be may pot have (that poted che ere be 9 of as , ; siafedele. expressing require not tive subjunc- the rendering them in lian Ita- the idioms of the little there be. of one ; however whatever abbia; power che poco pud o possa pud o possa etsere: he subjunctiveis piu The (1) Called by ricco richest some che man per avere,) also used after a : II , : che The sia che \Sy per potere mode carrying condition, : poco Per 10. che whatever may as : is faithful , what may Italian uomo and when pro\^isOj or who un However 9. of man a thatj y idea ; speak. may you subjunctivein the Send par Hate che J an ; say. may whom them require dictate che Di 8. the y Checchessia Whatever in io conosca ; I know. in gramiiMriaDSihe potential (his tense. lative super- 196 VERBS. In II. Italian 9 other in as languages , tbere the particular conjunctions wbich goyem refer to that part of subjunctive ; for these we are speech. 1 LESSON XXI. INFINITIVE MOOD. verbs Some goyem . mood in6nitiye following yerb a without yerbs other a , the after preposition; a y in preposition is required with the depending upon do* infinitive. following or Infinitives 2. to i/ere, be incumbent; able; bisognare, be vedere, feel; and to when do take I ought require Egli to means to speak permit: to leave me to did not lascib di parlare leave oif ire, to behold; ; speaking. to as, you. lasciarey as, speak. ojf'ythey as, non ling; wil- preposition: after one y listen; inten- to no parlare; allow preposition di: He etc. to to re be to sent mirare, y it hear; to as, allow to means when not volere^ ascoltarey parlarvi; Lasciatemi But ; understand; They it look io udire, do; pole to need; to verbs, y Io debbo 3. see; similar guardare dere, to y"re, take the VERBS. do 4* They wlien it how: as lo able, leggere so how when sapere read and follows dif if it has minatiye of such denj haying lo nego lo of the 6. An the be " sition prepo- hist sense narrare^ others, some suhjector the to and if to a no* ferent dif- preposition:as, a it io (myself). il padrone done has master innocente essere be ; it. ; innocent. voi innocente; to you may innocente* that essere I know which done (myself)to so and take averlofatto d* 1 know dire^ negarcy not in- d*aiferl0fatto; nego so (in the , preceding yerh, subject;does deny sapere reference a rejectsa or conoscere, ^ the know, to rule. next after affermarcj provarcj lo know write. it takes the to 9) credere mentioned I skilledy to simply means infiuitire 5. An I be to sapere^ scrivere; e to according lo after one 9 finitiye which take be to I know But require not means igj be innocent r so che equally eipressedt^-^/o so che voi siete innocent sono e*^"iXiA so rest. infinitiye of the with mind; a as yerb expressing an desiderarcj to fection af- desire. 1 98 VERBS. place re to to J hope; please, godere, vergognarsi ashamed be to enjoy; fear; increscere^ to iemere, to to takes etc. sperare, regret, di before ^ f it: aSy Temo I dispiacervi,- afraid to displeaseyou. after Infinitives 7. di: am di the following verbs take " AccadeJre to happen Accennare to beckon Accordare to to Ammonire |to grant warn admonish refrain Astenersi to Avvertire to warn Cessare to cease Xurarsi to care Comandare to command Concedere to grant Concludere to conclude Convenire to agree Degnarsi to Dimandare to Dimenticarsi Dubitare to Immagi- i narsi j to mind imagine Impedire Imporre Ingegnarsi to hinder to bid to strive Intendere to intend to flatter one's self to meditate deign Minaeciafe to menace ask Mostrare to show Osare to dare Parere to appear doubt Pentii'si to repent ayoid Pexmettere to permit Presumere to presume Pretendere to pretend Procurare to endeavour Proibire to prohibit Proporre to propose favor to pretend to feign tofinish tofix Fissare Guardarsi in Meditare Favorire Finire to tofail to Fingere Gloriarsi fudge glory Mancare Evitare to to Lusingarsi to/or get to |Giudicare 300 VERBS. GonsigUare to advise Esortare to exhort Esser to be | \ accustomed so- lito Obbligare \^oofferone's Pensare jJ^'!'\''^^ f to intend Persnadere oblige. to Offrirsi persuade supplicate to Snpplicare to qffro a guidarvi di notte e di giorno/ and by day. I offer myself to guide you by nigbt Si oJfrXdi difenderla da ogni pericolo ; To mi He offered bimself ber defend to from erery peril. Per qual cagione For wbat do reason To vi consiglio Essere 10. and I a Ai^ere infinitive F'oi : before a tbey io.sto a : as it. tbe a express of action or do lowing folpro- , cenare; molio baye Dare Vol mi You make Datemi requires a da or tbe before next as, avete Ifou 12. cenarcy to quiet? supping. am 11. wbieb of be you require stare zitto? stare to me I adyise continuance jgressionor sono advise you afarlo; infinitiye lo consigliate di mi a a great fare deal requires a dale me da ^ to credere a believe bere ; do. da: or as. molte a great give me fare; da or cose; many tbings. sometbing to drink. 20 VERBS. 1 the witli the a as a govern cannot former the that its nature the same a in the but be of much always can latter the which sentence as it is to so it such as the in manner preserves that verb, noun English ; in Italian, employed , participlepresent observed , : // {sincere The le difficult the this and is the governs as a the difficult,and preserving it sincere the as to accusative case more things being nominative is also nominative the of , which consen^arCf be would instance, used, stands vinte; cose conquering In difficile,c piii difficileil sarebbe conservare il in substantive in mood is prefixed, article of nature tlie infinitire in A. verb 3. 1 quered. con- vely substanti- sarehbe; to used, substantively sarehbe by understood, virtue of its nature verb. // sollevare i poveri i un' opera da buon CH^ stiano; The relievingof the poor is work a for a good Christian. Lafama cese The delV approssimarsi Vesercito Fran^ the French ; news of the approaching of army. U"re approssimarsi takes the genitiveas a sub- VERBS. 202 gorerned by stantiye as it goyerns yerb, a i4" The as tbe noun accusatiye of with masculine, used Piu used article wben an preceding with nouns: affaticarsi per The , noun a ming co- subject to tbe example, the than more che : of molesting fatiguingof is rules same il molestarlo e mitigarlo and terrifying in6nitives tbese gios^a lo spaventarlo V while , it. after always a him profits self to one's gate miti- him. infinitiye i5. The is generally used is used present L' di ora Dopo let to; aver di Desirous For She J Senza 6. An in hour for eating. having read. haying for it fatto averlo per , sapere ; done vegghiare{\) watching with ; ; he without infinitiye (1) Vegliare, : the after fabbricare commonly participle gratifyinghim. from came the compiacergli ; yenis^ada Spese da lo doing Ella 1 of far English in preposition, a Italian,where mangiare; Desideroso Per in with mood, takes spent una con a s^icina; neighbour. in fabricating. knowing. goyerned a it. by the passive sense: preposition aoi VBRBS. da JVon era IVon i da Non ne I not am 17. credere Infinitires riprendere, Italian in expressed Sajingy il se ell a; ma but she. govcmed by for it , are ^ palafreno he that Rupondevaj had the in as an answered the dover non Enrico But subito ought disse^ suddenly Henry palfre,y. dubitare; he that vinto; aver won , Ma belieyed. understood or ted. doub- language: DicendOf He be to be to not was reprehended be to it it is not ; io da son accusative Latin dubitare; im not to port are that said^ doubt. poco; it imported little. 18. These inGnitiyes writers, of each what il la aggiungersi They certo ; " considered ; added " of spoken Consideravano dersi Latin clause been has the after that ; the that also are or re a employed by at the manner, statement; lian Itaginning be- detailing conceiyed: essere carestia poco capace^^; de*danarh " ; re/i- etc. that the king scarcity of they were to was money make little capable^ to was sure " be etc. ao4 VERBS. LESSON XXII. GERUND. It is used absolutely(thatis, "without being ce governed by another word), but haying referento some preceding subject or nominative I. : Egli mandd Sono stato I have // pregando been in thief, hearing Hearing 2* or la mi a he before with is it in , Not disse osservazioncy connected nominative, which and pericolo; ; said. , It is often Italian gran noise, fled. a observation my praying. strepitoy/uggl ; udendo udendo in sent, great perilgoing. , Egliy he camminando ladro The ; udendo il J a separate subject always placed after English : dichiarammo popolo it in ; , people hearing we declared. /o, dormendo egliyaprii la porta; He sleeping, I opened the door. The , 3. It governs words inflexion other derived the verb it like on from which any it is : Accusative* // of dependent Confortandolo " quale y her. riconoscendola ; comforting ; who, him. sing recogni- :3o5 VERBSF. il Chiamando di notne Giovan Galeazzo , alzando c le the Proclaiming raising bis Genitive bandierf; sue of John name and banners. delle Ricordandosi " Galeazzo, ingiurie che gli avevafattes Recollecting tbe injuriestbat be bad done bim. Datiue^^Restandogli JVon attendtnda Not attending Mood Indicative ; remaining I pare a the to re to d* opinion Alfonso; of Alfonso. Jffirmando " bim. che tra^^ era dito. Affirming tbat be Subjunctive Jl Papa " ncziani sbould desiderando do il medesimo desiring 7 tbe che tbat tbe ; Venetians same. -^Stimando importare assai; Infinitive Deeming it to import mucb. volendo JVon potendo a non andare Being unable or unwilling to go. 4* and Tbe gerunds re esse are tbe of often nature by tbe a number of tbe or noun and Latin to tbem gender : used avere and tbe y alone , ablative pronoun ; auxiliary verbs elegantlyomitted participles belonging tbe i Ve~ ^ facessero Pope Tbe betrayed. was of absolute wbicb (in wed ,)follo- tbey take I ao6 VERBS. of avendo Cid detto, parti,(instead departed,{instead o/ haTing said, he That ciddetto); said that). essendo pioggiay (insteadof pioggia); rain haying ceased. la Finita la The finiia PARTICIPLE. for of a verh haying avere participle that is,unvaried; auxitiarymay he used absolutely, 5. The with agree may or with connected the accusative it: Egli ci ha Ecco I Here are Ho yeduto datteri or ho col che voi m* for essere nominatiye Ella e hy Noi They seen us. colli; or gathered. mangiate le susine, che mandato avevate the or mandate; plums which you had of a verh conjugatedwith participle with its its auxiliaryalways agrees : stimata da tntti; she is esteemed all. ci siamo Elleno to he has me. The 6. or alreadyeaten sent ; the dates that I have gid mangiato I have veduti sono have pentiti;we cadute nelle fallen into the have mani repented. del tiranno; tyrant'shands. 208 VERBS. with bat pasftiyeverb; a tenses: in vengo itimato; Hato stimaio; compauiid as, lo I stimatOj sono or esteemed. am sono iDTariabIjr.^10 But its nerer hare I esteemed. been In instances, but some of andare tenses : as in tbe employed are same ner man- , Jo i^ado I yemed dalle y alia soggetto tbe subject to am Tbe 2. rarely,tbe simple more of podagra; gout. is verb generallygo" hj da, dalj dalloy dalla, daiy dagU, and seldom hj per.- as, agent ^ Egli passive a rispettato da leiy dagli e amid /lo- 8tri; He is respected by ber, 3. One y nominative tely as are people^ they in rendered si, witb to Italian tbe if tbere , an be verb ^ and we, indefini- neuter verb, in or tbe tbe accusative no employed active by friends. our conjunctivepronoun tbird : as , One believes; people, tbey believe; One says One ; people , they say ; si a phrase of the third of this kind, persons in si crede. dice. sleeps; people, they sleep;si 4. If , in gular sin- person dorme. tbere be an English "it cusative ac- be- 26g VERBS. in Italian tlie nominatiye comes conforms it in number to They They a see ten the 5. Sbould ased but us of , witb the in the yerb y Uno (because i as 8. When in creduto* people ^ as^ of this the sort si of it, etc. occurs, conjunctiye is changed into , They a uno: sono people repent: be said.) pente cannot phrase a ne, pronoun nan si pente; si si 7* If in biasimato. is expressed by be personalpronoun passive voice : sarb puniio. reflected^one; are cond se- sucb 6. When yerb or si cannot you; me; ^^Xi "e io , They will punish me; People blame me , sono People do not belieye the uomini, be of the first theej me, nominatiye tbe died , accusatiye as person, uomo* un si vedono men tlie rerb ^ ; si "ede man see as : and ^ do not to of it; tene^ cene, meney phrase, the order speak yerb ayoid is used non vene in the sene parla. occur in such passiye yoice, the inconyenient They will Mene saranno They will giye me Mene sard data giye me two date They spoke to due one una us junctionof pounds of it; libbre. pound^ofit ; libbra. of it; cene fu parlato. 14 sit YERBS. 2IO 9. All rerhs witli The compound of spoken them joined to si in the essere hare J Imving jugated con- tensest i si you; are di parlato voi: Or we may the to stato si Mi w^ had It is 10. to spoken to oione those believe dicCy si crede, allowed si y or the Thus 11. te be to voi. voi; it said, was it expressions equiyalent belies^esjpeople rendered in the say^ same : Si mi one di of you. other saysj participle preferably, or ^ are manner di me etc. y voiy it is believed saidy beliesfed,and was di the parlato stato 9 parlato stato era They i phrase: as parlato era add siy and suppress proibiscey mi phrases I vien or mi permesso di I. TAKING Active tenses Ho are with avere: incoraggiato I have am si permet^ restare. XXIVf AUXILIARIES. DIFFERENT verbs J y expressed in Italian, iproibito; mi U"SSOTi VERBS si credeva. forbidden am be remain, may to diceva^ si conjugated in the as, il popolo ; encouraged the people. pound com- VSBB8. Reflected s^erbs Mi E : I liave yerbs take is as^ rained. difficulty attending the the employment of essere some to as repented. essere,* pio^^uto;it lias 3. There s^erbs essere pent it o; sono Impersonal a. take 311 ter neuor avere. Neuter place i^erbs (i) take y Sono to E andato 4" AH in to or take Egli ^ that become^ he is gone may and ammagrito; a because ffo a well. Norvegia; an in he to Norway. be Englished by adjective or participle goyems although the thin. is grown verb neuter requiresavere, actiye to essere: 5. When essere: or pozzo; verbs neuter , it nel from as^ fallen into the grow, ye^ essere: caduto I hare indicatingmotion former accusati- an it otherwise takes it becomes case : passato il ponte^ sono or sul passato ponte; I haye (l) not Bnt passed the bridge^ eammlnart, iocluded in thii paiteggiare, mi*, and take to or oyer the walfcj baltare, avere io tbcir to bridge. dance } coropovod (ensea. art VEBBS. 212 Neuter VERBS Piovigginare to Dim cohjugated drizzle o] are Digbiacciare to thaw ESSERE. Giacere to lie do^vn Biuscire to succeed Uianguidire to languish Cadere Didiacciare Lampeggiare Folgorare Aggiomarsi with to lighten ^^ ^^ I to/all Cascare fall Tomare to Tombolare side Accadere to happen to devolve -_ Annottare day-light ^^ \ Annottarsi I \ dark grow Scadere tofall be to to necessary to pas to care Sorvenire Importare to concern Bincrescere to be Bastare sorry to suffice to go come Sopravve- Gire upon tofall out to happen to happen Addiyenire Andare ire to com^ Ayrenire Bisognare Calere unexpect- edly nire y Venire up- down to come come upon . to Rivenire to come again be Convenire Uscire to go Entrare to enter Stare to be Diyenire Bistare to stop Diyentare Bestare to stay Syenire Bimanere to remain I agree to to to J proper lobe out to sary neces- become faint to be to to spring perish to vanish to appear born Nascere Scaturire to to Piacere to Dispiacere to spring issue Perire Syanire please displease Apparire y 2l3 TERBS. / Gompaiire to appear }before gohjugatbd ESSERE to Correre to run to grow to to up to recoi^er I Fassare to Partire I Pascere f Bisolyere part depart tofeed be skilled Vivere go to descend lis^e to die to kill to return Tomare to Balenare to lighten Spruzzolare to drizzle to to happen Tonare to alight Nevicare to go down Fioccare Kacciare tofreeze be day-light up follow out to Aggiornare to GUacciare dispatch resolve Scendere Smontare to ted sally worth Ritornare Salire Seguire elect be pas$ to to to Jo to to make to Morire ( to gush flee cure be. allot to shun to Gnarire to issue Valere , both Spicciare \to Fuggire to belong to AVERE, Sortire bring ) with sink * Grescere I AHD Affondare . / disappear Appartenere verbs ^^ , {judge Neutbr | Sparire the to thunder snow Graudinare to hail Piovere to rain 2l4 y"KBS. LESSON VERBS I Some i in Verbs goyern the CASES. genitwe case* Italian^ whatever and tbey always governing tbe may genitive: "" to Bammen- to remembery Arrossire blush call Conoscersi be mind Giovarsi tarsi Kicordarsi to Sovvenirsi recollect Hallegrarsi rejoice Accendersi be avail versed one's self Approfittarsiprofit i** ^^"^'^ Ibe piqued pretend OfFendersi inflamed Piccarsi be Innamorarsi some Englisli. in govern DIFFERENT GOTBunsG verbs dative tbe XXV# Confidarsi enamoured trust los^e Curarsi Invagbirsi Accorgersi fall Avvedersi perceive Empiere Attristarsi grieve Caricare load Beffarsi make Adornare adorn Bidersi laugh Incolpare inculpate Crucciarsi be angry be in abound Abbondare aware game at Maravigliarsi ^vonder fill furmsh Fornire . Adagiare Contentarsi be content Cibarsi Fentirsi repent be ashamed Nutrirsi Yergognarsi care accommodait feed live Pascersi 3l6 TERBS. Fldarsi confide to j Godere to 9 Kascere genitiFe or dative, genitiye or accasatiTC. j enjoy , be born to 9 , Partirsi to depart XJscire to go out, Ubbidire^ to obey, Soddisfare^ to satisfy, datire RibelLarsi^ to rebel, datiye Fuggire flee, to 10 mind Abbattersi, | )to wait \ to light upon, ablatiye. ci abbattemmo in lui; IS J Prepo8rt.on -we ... met with him. that verbs and in them sometimes. compounded of a preposition prepositionprefixed,have that same repeated after, for the government connected witb m.- /-ta^iefraor tra generally; J ^ observable the take ] to Inframmettersi^ \ rintermeddle,\ Trammettersi, L Intrammettersi;J It ablatire. or \ \to meet vi^ith, Incoutr^vsi,] to/all in with, Frammettersi, or for, accusatiye. Ayyenirsi, JVoi accusatiye. Idatiye. , Attendere^ or gen.y acc.9 attend, to ablative. genitiyeor of a noun : place. Congratularsi con uno; to congratulate one. into danger. in un pericolo; to run Incorrere kAdurre ad un Frdimmeltersi To luogo; fra due interposebetween This, however, to convey to a rivali; two rivals. is though frequently, far frosui 2 VERBS. 1 7 "beinginTaiiablydone: tlie principal exception the case arises from being often regulated solely primitiye verb, the by the of different;supersedes that when * which, its annexed * preposition: Dipendo A of government da yoi; I depend you. upon XXYI. LESSON ADVERB. 1. of with adverb An is verb, a an regard to Word that the meanqualifies ing adverb, adjective,or another a place, or manner, time* Many Italian adverbs are formed from adjectives to them, as in English by by adding mente mode from or manner: Ijr,signifying as, Prudente; prudent. Prudentemente ; dently. pru2. 3. If by an adjectiveend a vowel, the final is annexed : Facile; as easy. Particolarmente In e /e, is cut in or re, off when ded precemente , Parlicolare; 4* in Facilmente; easily. particular. ; particularly. adjectiveshaving a different termination :ai8 ADVERBS. the gender, eacli for feminine termination adopted in forming the adverb: as, Savioj (mas.) sas^ia^(fem.)wise; is from sanamente, wisely. 5. Adyerbs the degree by changing into ]^ositive Ones the 6. Should A in iOy io is chasi- as^ ; very wisely.- most or and that go, also before take issima-^ as, ; Rich, ricchissimamente very or most following adverbial 8. The viz. ^^ne,well; little, pochissimo both has often, mente honestly. most or wise. Ricco poco^ tive adjec- as^ Adjectivesendiqg in co in the plural,require it mente: stiperiatiTe of the yowel adjectiveend Savissimamente an very, ; issimamente: Savio, 7. last the honest. to; into in issimamente: Onestissimamente ged formed be may y very richly. are superlatives regular; ir- benissimo^ very well; little; spessoy very , spessissimo and spessissima- often. Note, ihaLt pocOy are ; used pochissimOf adjectivelyas spessOy well as simo, spessisbially. adver- 2 ADV"fiBS. ADVERBS, 4n" Appunto 1' appunto Per I \ Adesso Anticamente Innanzi Anzi r addietro addietro In ayyenire 1' avyenire Appresso | In | appresso AUora in D'allora bell' " formily ] for time the past henceforth for the future afterguards time that at , qua that since slowly at agio , gently leisure also, likewise, yet, Ancora Anehe j Altresi j , D'assai Tolte altronde Affatto Appieno much, hyfar very, many times , I j from sufficiently else elsewhere, besides quite, entirely fully still even elsewhere, somewhere Altrove Altronde likewise also Assai D' | then Adagio Assai f behind In A this my faith instant rather no Addietro Per upon f J Avanti che exactly so, actually in times of yore of old on forward, hereafter, before rather, on the contrary Attttalmente Per just now Anzi 9 EXPRESSIONS. ADYEEBIAL faith Affd 1 "DV"RBS"t 220 Abbastanza I enough sufficienzaj Almeno | Almauco j A sufficiently y least at Alqaanto somewhat Altrimenti otherwise a y or , Avyertitameiite Aryertentemente | j openly } D' attomo In alto above Bene well bene entirely y breye Breyemente breye Fra Bel I briefly j shortly ' in bello A boccal A voce about y below In round about Abbasso Ben else advisedlyy warily Apertamente Attomo little a short very minutely time softly by word of mouth J REMARKS. Alia Francese all* Inglese y alia SpagnuO' la; etc.y after tlie Frencb, English,Spanish manner bial or fashion, etc. The adjectiyein such adverphrases is always used in the feminine. y When rather precedes an ciplepasty it is expressed by the adjectiyemay be placed che no: as. adjective or parti-^ anzi between che noy anzi and and 221 ADVERBS. che acerbeeta i anzi Ella Slie is rather ella ^ is to say or ami sby. XXVII. LESSON Certamente certainly surely truly Certo certo Di ^ acerbetta; cheno Per no certo that Cioi Ciod dire a to is that wt y Grca , incirca Air Di thereabout nearly Incirca shortly corto Continuamente Al ceasing without continuo Del Di continually continuo continuo Costl thercy Costi in that place CoU Di contra Di contro opposite from Dianzi a dianzi Fur qui innanzi Da qua in ayanti Da quell'ora Da ^uel punto poi little while ago be/ore Dinanzi Da oppositeside shortly y before dianzi Poco the hereafter for the y in from that time, future since Dentro Di dentro within Entro Per entro Addentro within, far Eziandio also, Egualmente equally alike frankly plainly Francamente in even , , In fatti really, in effect Di f atto Forse Di perhaps recently newly fresco , Frattanto in the mean Finora Fino ad ora Tnfino ad till now ora Frequentemente Di freqaeote frequently time , lately 2^4 in Intaato Imraantinente f Incontanente y the while mean immediately Interrottamente interruptedly Ivi there Intorno i D'intorno i about round J Inoltre besides moreover Jeri Jer I'altro Jer mattina about y yesterday the day beforeyesterday yesterday morning yesterday evening last night Jersera Jernotte LassA tJiere above Laggiii there below Lentamente Lungamente A lungo A dilungo I slowly at large for a long at large time Li , there I L^ Di hence qua hiter , thence thither y Lontano I LuDgi Da Da Da Di un far lato qaesto lato quel lato gran lunga side on one on this side on that side by far Meno less Senza meno Senz' altro \ without Mica i not Wiga ] not fail i at all used only with a \negatireparticle 2:25 ^VBRB8. Mentre while che Mentre quel In mentre . thereupon^Just Molto much, Mai never Blanco less ogni modo Ad Senza modo Senza misura Oltre misura very J then great deal a ever y by all means excessively Medesimamente likewise Male badly badly cruelly very badly not Malamente well , , Malissimo No no, Non Per niente Per nulla for nothing Miente affatto Nulla del tutto m pure Vi manco Ni meno Di nascosto or not nothing at all neppure not even secretly, under Nascostamente hand Celatamente A destra^ mano or dritta A mano manca; sinistra A destra A dritta A sinistra A manca on the right hand on the lefthand or on, or to the right on, or to the left 15 ^^6 ADYERBS. REMARKS. Gid indeed: to indeed and used before it that phrase No Non ; other See at the cases non io che Never. a negatiw pray he phrases, they see you him. negative, placed in beginning is used or end of ; you. rimarrd worked or o ; remain. it does hofatigato if I have mean negative: as, a shall not piace^ no; se mai; ti prego; quello non for that F'edete vado non the as it is I who mi gentleman? vedete; if ever lo son ; question, a ignore? Mai; without manner ,* in S doubtful or JVo ; per No go ; employed IVo; answering verb, they require a never mai detached for it. sorry in that employed is am , conditional No I quel seen vith as : I Se generallyeqaiyafent as, yoa When if for the dispiaccia; ne me veduto Have every it is giammaiy never: Jvete In che gid Not Maif expletiye, an as, JVon means as empliasis,wben of sake used is sometimes not no; no. pleaseme, no* a a ADVEBBS. verbs the After s\ take 227 dire, rispondere^ etc. and wo di: / Egli disse di Ella rispose forbidding, their of eke 1 fear that is i^ietd che hindered He Dubitav They denying, is wo/i pleonasticall^ negation or gid smarrito; si non che suspected astray. gone il petto passasse from forte fearing, : already him an yes. effecting any sia he answered , purport non no. doubting, without Temo Gli si; she di preventing or introduced, alteration no; of rerbs After said he stabbing ; himself. gl'ingannasse non strongly that he ; deceived them. This phraseology, and books critical it to ; be and examples di che apprehend might, three with all as fear presto that first both common not' the in approved best by in the show- writers f seguitati; essere in were Dubito the : unnecessary They In is conversation, Temei^ano I though being followed. of la perderei; I should soon lose examples, therefore, propriety, be omitted. it. the non 228 ADVERBS. XXIX" LESSON Or now Ora Or Just now, ora Ora. .. " Or. " . ora presently sometimes . . . sometimes or always Ognora Omai now Orraai at this time Oggimai at last Oggidl Oggi a Onde to^ay now-a^^ays this day se^nnight whence, therefore Donde vi^hence Ore where Oltremodo very Oltre otto much^ excessii"ely cio besides Oltraccio moreover^ Ottimamente perfectly AU'opposto on Piuttosto ^ Pi" \ presto the well contrary rather y sooner Prima before firstssooner Peggio worse y Pessimamente badly very ^most Parimente Al Del A likewise pari pari posta A bella posta I on j with purpose a design wretchedly ADVERBS. di Faor K In In proposito proposito palese pubblico Paiesemente 23y preposterously,improperly to time in (he purpose, openly, publicly , etc. Pubblicamente properly precisely, exactly at all, a hit, not^ Fropriamente Precisamente Punto A dipresso an Presso poco a | | Pressocbe Presentemente kl | \ presente Poco poco fa Poc' anzi Qnalcbe Alcun A at present I { | I poco poco poco poco a io passato Qoando in a a little while a little while little and by the time informer short time ago little past , days almost iwhen che Quindi Qiiind In as near shortly, Quasi In , possible almost, nearly as or Per thereabout nearly, little Poco Fra no questo questa quello In qiiella IKpiJi sia Isome it is time, day or other thence, afterwards hence thereupon, during this, during this time In at that time besides, moreosfer :3o ADVERBS. Foscia Poi tkertyajlerwards Dipoi Dappoi Presto quickly, Prestamente softly low softly, very gently Piano Plan y piano Passo passo AlpiJi at iat Per lo pi" II piikdelle A parte In Da una Per In Da Da In a y apart , parte on la piu parte la maggior parte etc side one \ mostly J \for the most part partly from me, thee, etc. from somewhere when Quando whenever , sometimes Quando... quando ! now quando Qualvolta Ogni Tolta Di Qui Qua Quiyi Quassu Quaggiii by through parte parte parte mia, tua, parte di qualcbe parte party mostly most times most disparte parte slowly mosty Ifor the volte very most aside Da Per soon in che quando now sometimes . . . . " . y now and then ^vhenever here' there here above y here below up here ADVERBS. Spesso Spesse fiate Spesse Yolte ses^eral times Soyente Sempre always , every for es^er^ continually quickly not just now long J Mai sempre Sempre mai n" Speditamente Teste ago Tostamente Tosto soon J quick Tantosto Tardi late Tuttora incessantly^stillyalways Tuttayia Di tratto Di taoto in tratto in tanto and now Talora then^ sometimes Talyolta Per tntto Da per Tanto Troppo A mio, taoy where every tntto much so muchy too sno^ etc. according talento etc. Sxx ydown exceedingly immediately Soyercliio SoYcrcIiiamente Smisnratamente Al tutto Del wish under Sotto tutto too I j Snfficientemente myjthy,hisy to above upf Sopra too to the bottom , y much entirely J all together enough, sufficiently a33 ADTUBS. Solo only Soltanto Solamente Scarsameute scarcely f sparingly Siccome as Similmente likewise A bello Alia Di ^ studio on purpose y openly secretly by stealth sccperta under y soppiatto wilfully hand, Veramente In Yerit" In in truth truly y vero Una yolta Una Gata AUe volte once times tat Qualcbe yolta Ogni yolta Pa y sometimes Cilery time , whenever several times often volte y Unquemai Unqaanco I Ultimamente never lately y Per ultimo at In ultimo Da vicino Volentieri Mai volentieri voglia volentieri Di mala voglia Adverbs close just by only, singularly Unicamente Di buona last at last neary Qui vicino Ben ever y willingly willingly , much with pleasure !very willingly unwillingly i with y ill will denoting localityin a manner cokre- 2^4 ADYCUBS* spooding pronouns ye GUm. Second Where ipeaker the Where or "^ Qasf. Pint classes of demonstratU the three with the person ad- writer it. G)stl , Here Distant ii dressed Qui Qaas. Thiid cotesti There ' a both. coli Uj j {referring to from spe^ cificplace) G"st^y cotestA Qu" Here lets determi^ (in a verbs grammarians are of opinion that of place , II, qui, cosii,conyey a should former town kingdom attended ; be used and etc. 9 but in common to in speaking of the this etc.: cosld: Id, fjua, than meaning lage, There sense) naie Some 00I" Uk^ latter of distinction a a the ad^ mited li- more the that house, yil- proyince, is not much conyersation. XXXI. LESSON PREPOSITION. A I. has the parts also prepositionis an of to power speech connect of indeclinable word, which varying to which words the meaning of other it is applied: it with one senres another, and 235 PIUBP08ITI0NS. /?a^ before the words its as it is Italian some deviate from position,being placed after allowed are of rule which ly common- joined , however^ are^ which tions with It is denotes. name There a. them. between relation tbe show to and in poetry they goyern, preposi** the general the in elevated nouns style in prose. 3. Prepositionsare the employed principallyin of cases the infinitives of verbs of them with and nouns adjectives many and pronouns and, by the ; verning go- , association adverbial modes ^ of speech 4* The effected. are and signification of the Italian but such be prepositions may there da two, are variety and of employment and per^ most red: easilyacquiwhich in theirs,as peculiarity have demand explication. some DA. 1. or Sono I have Una A like is used Da agency : deceived been lettera da da ingannato stato scritta letter written Ferito tality instrumenby^iox signifying una by saelta by da lui; him. lei; her. ; wounded by an arrow. 2 36 p"EPOsiTions. It is used 2. separation or rence^ La to likey/'oi7", marina The da sera Da morte Siete a Tortosa from evening from sulla to momiDg. life. to lui; different giace Gaeta. to death da assai dUEe- Gaeta; a vita; from yery are ; tenn^ sort: Keggio mattina a diverse You Reggio from sea-coast Da of any denote him. casta ^ nove miglia nine miles da Tripoli; Tortosa the lies apon coast from ^ TripoU. 3. It is used Noi prendemmo We took Fu tenuto He Was 4. cient ahout in kept It is used or Dated da venti in died da prigione prison prigionieri; prboners. twenty in signifyabout: to ahout mesi; which signifyingthat enough 5. It is much in suffi^ question is : supper. in casa; mangiare is months. ten requisitefor the purpose da cena; gire us some F'i k da There numerals with to eat employed the tude^ capahility, in the house. signifyfitness^aptiinfinitive of/are or of some equivalentverh being Quel signore " uomo That gentleman is a to understood da man : molto: of ability. ^237 PREPOSITIONS. Egli He i uomo a man non is not da fit for that tiene Questa signora This lady lias two 6. It is used per which and Si comportb He behaved not as I to I tell you the and in protestation a brother. soldier. bensl ma da vo" ; as a physician, but ly mere- friend. I uomo am ; honest an man. d^onore; uomo faith the natura contro medico galant' upon like valiant a y gli accident Tutti incidents e of a i di questa da romanzo; of this of honor. man play commedia are sono unnatural romantic. 7. Used or da good as in valoroso; like yon you da dico All da giuro swear Vi answer your mentioned; him I lore soldato amico pro* : himself buon stro F^i da rispondo vi Non becomings frequent employment dafratello; amo is character the averments V I do duefiglie da maritani; marriageable daughters* to it has sense appointment. signifywhat to peculiar or J quell*impiego; with it signifies infinitives^ expediency or duty: necessity 9 propriety La gratitudine i sommamente da dare; Gratitude is highly to be commended. commen-' 38 3 PBSPOSITIQNS. *$"/credeva believed He himself with 8. It is used of another person cavalcare be to for stout primitive signifyalone to da forte essere the thing : or venni; did not come. , Molte malattie Many maladies 9. It is used To his house To her house To our house your their : house house dal senatore, I shall go to Jndremo daUo maestro " me (da habitation, me, or mi casa a be without a a tua sua sua nostra nostra loro * the ablatire article n pronomi , date, the (that is^ del senatores) easa a senator's. zio del mio maestro , (that is" a casa del zio del mio J shall go The f the (i) " Jndrb We to i If ibe substantive as motion father's, my \da te, or a casa \da lui,or a casa I are Jda lei,or a casa " expres( sed by Ida noi,or a casa \da voiyora casa \ \daloroyor a casa j thy nsed a to house To (I) is go \ my To padre; or as, person: a house To To of sS/ per brevityat, in^ signifywith mio there When da themselves. by cure to da Jndate sense. guariscono habitation the to in this is added per nouns pro- intervention y Egli risposeyda nie non He replied by myself I Sometimes riding. personal or without ; mode etc. to of is my master's uncle's. signifyingto not to be used my on house ^ to thy house all occasions, ^ etc. by "*f indiscriminately, a4o PBXPOsiTioiirs. PER. is used Per I. to signifymotire, end, infinitlyes : particular! J with Fard quanta potrdper contentarvi or ject ob- ; I will do much as I as ; in order can to content you. Servird It will F'i dar per giye to serTe sample. a ricordo dicoquesto per tliis for the I tell you and saggic un nonperconsiglio; e of recollection purpose of adyice. not Employed with an infinitiye after esse re or it signifies si are something to be impending or : expected intended or threatened Stoperdir\felo; I am going to tell it you. Egli si a per cadere; he is in danger of falling. Egliistatoper morirejhe has been near d^ng. justgoing. Eglifu per andare; he was 1. y , Quella signora That lady is about 3. It is used Divenne He quasi per le di cinli cause per , or means vergogna : ; for shame. era che ri tarsi; married. mute Catone cose ma be mutolo almost gloria to denote to became La std per non quella celebre meno di Cesare per le militari; The glory of famed than Cato for civil affairs that of Caesar for was not military. less 2^1 PREPOSlTlOns. Impazzisce per gelosia; of jealouay. He is gettingmad out Per le continue pioggie , ogni rii^o e unfiume; By the continued t ^ is used in the loro meno manner same instrumentalityor Apparecchieranno le I rivulet every me is beco- river. a 4" Per rains divenuio agency noting in de- da as : che i^hande per Par- imposte; saranno the They will prepare required of them victuals that shall by Parmeno. Le iue ossafurono sepolteper Ottas^iano; buried His bones were by Octavian. si potrebbe muo^^ere non Que St o sasso per This stone could 5. It is used of or not with be moved six. horses. signify space to nouns by of me, ti- place: piu dl dimorando Remaining there Per un giorno nore Let sei Hi; cava Per be quiifi ; for many days. s'attribuisca a /'o- ciascuno ; honor the be attributed to each for one day. E per mare e per terra ^ tultopien e di peri-- COlO; Both by land and by sea^ all is full of 16 peril. 2^^ PREPOSITIONS. Passeremo shall We 6. It has Se non a^esse If he not Essendo for per moglie a dama una prudent lady for a stato morte been Sbagliano had for il vizi mistake o for in in man Per V di Dio; Ti prego thee I pray 8. It is , of any accident Per minuto; Per the that love e; by abjurations: love che God. of ti which joined with various to signifythe mode thing : Per Per for quell'aniore by life, in death virtue. supplications and per in virtii; in amor vita^ saint. a per vice wife. uomo is used 7. It way pru' santo; per very a reputed is pessimo un riputato e Haying They cheat. him ; had he character or truff'atore; per exposed dente nature things : palesato He Pisa. by or signifythe to and of persons / through, pass serves L'ha Pisa per porto; I bear nouns in bial adver- an method , thee. , or ner man- accident. by detail. vicenda; by turn. giorno; daily. 9. It takes the sense of however y ^luiteverj 243 PREPOSITIONS. with sobstantiyes adjectiyes^and or yerb a in subjunctiyemood: the Per pochi Per potere ch'ella che Whateyer Ni Nor for that he tears in the faces- ducati uomo; per ducats ten him. loose of distribution: sense died she would make^ receiyed They che lamentations or groans, ; could Riceverono lamenti o sciogliere; any It is used 10. gemitiy , lo voile se, haye, she lacrime be. they abbia; power per few howeyer sieno; a man. PREPOSITIONS, WITH The THE first case THEt CASES GOVERV. specifiedis the most one rally gene- used. Accanto near-by Dallato near, by^ Addosso*!^": Addosso '^P^'^ I fronte A " ncj about and , denart eipr""sionfas, elr. me, ihe at the ^^^^^ Non being nodcrstood). of tbe terond tio denarl D. ^^^^'l-n i^against o^^er I carry turned addosso D. mon"yai"out mcj personal pronoun preposition {addosso) addostoj side at opposite, tocb In about, goyernstheD. j into is an G. I have suppressed adviirb: (thai is, addosso m, a no mo- in I Lilian Jo porta me, a me 344 PREPOSITIONS* ^^ K j modo soUj before Apple at ^PP^ I the Dayanti Innanzi Dinanzi Prima Attorno comparison, | D'intorno / elegant 9 in pronoun D. G" j of J}. of Ji. AccG-. tiye, and mi F'oi gli You are of Instead a considered language be sometimes sta turned being pronoun goyemed Egli the to preposition goyerning a personal the datiye, with a yerb neuter in the Italian,the all Ace. next D. a phrase, may to , peculiarityof a But by near jAccir. to \ Intorno torno G. foot before,in the presence beforeyinthe presence |before, ) in the presence of before Ayanti in Ace. with, Appresso be \ ) Anzi Bj compared to, by the appresso; siete attorno about him egli sta into he appresso stays il whole a adyerb conjunc- as, tutlo the made then yerb: an near me. giorno; day: me;^voi siete at^ lui. this sort of transposition is prepositions -, for instance not applicable rimaneva ^-.^^gli 245 PRKPOSITIONS. ambaiciadore dor to lui; he remained appo him rimaneva be ";annot :"" ambasciatore strange and ambasBa* transposed appoj to -wieb egii gli would be improper. LESSON XXXII. PREPOSITIONS covTiyrtD. about Circa Contro Contra !concerning (against against f Dietro behind Dentro within Dili on that Di on this side qa" Dopo far after Entro within Discosto f G. Ace. AbL side in J Eccetto but except J Sino Insino until ^till, f Fino as far to as, Infino beside Foori i out besides outside y except Infuori except Inverso j , Paorcbi Incontro D. over against Ace. but excepted opposite Abl. f f f about towards , D. A cc. G. !l4^ PREPOSITIONS. i tQ^^^^g nirer, In Acc.G. (i)J ver Lontano j \far Lungi ) Lunge Lungo along y hun^liessoaiongf Abl.D. G. Acc.D. near Ace. it near REMARKS. placed after the case it t re infuori; e^ceft three. is Infuori Da Lohianoanddiscosto and to Sianio (prep.) dalla lontano (adj.)dalla far from are the become : as : an substantiye the reference it has which lontani We with agree each may goyems or as, jective, adnoun pro- , torre, or iiamo torre; tower. XXXIII. LESSON PREPOSITIONS C0HT15UCD. within v Tra {between I Infra \ besides \ Intra \ A 1 Fra In Da f mezzo mezzo mezzo (I) CootracUon the i*^ p^* J among |in ) govern i the middle Ace. JD. I Ace. of invcrso^ G. Aco. a^S PREPOSITIONS. is declinable Satvo Perdemmo tut to salvia la Soyra See is -page La itimaj [nostra or thing but your esteem. poetical. joinedwith the cle" arti- 27. may declinable: be " vicina nave as. al portOy or la i nave w- al porto; cino The la stima; preposition Su tbe Vicino saho j nostra lost eyery We also: as, ship is near harbour. the XXXIV* LESSON CONJUNCTION. conjunctionis an indeclinable stands abridged expression which words two or phrases. word A E and O or, Oyyero, o Oppure, Ossia, o ", Non o sia . . a link either ^^^^ ' ) or \not che . pure aft or ) S not , Nonche vero , onlvy not merely. ' only but , not except an tween be- ^49 CONJUNCTIONS. Non " " " Ifon. " . se . altro clie altra cosa " Non " . non " . I nothing nothing but j but else che Pare Nondimeno NuUadimeno ho'wever Nientedimeno nei^ertheleis notwithstanding for all thaty yet ^ Nonpertanto Con Ci6 ci6 tutto ostante non Tattaria m noFf Adunqne Dunque then therefore consequently In conseguente Per neither conseguenza Posciaclid \since after y PoichA since Giacchi since !Jrom Dacchd y the from the timcj moment but Ma Laonde I therefore for which Pereii Per la qual cosa reason Pertanto Perciocchd because Perocchi ^for Perch* Non Peri prima che no sooner .... however^ than "" . . therefore l5o CONJUNCTIONS. REMARKS. E before rowel a lo ed anciently it O took take may lo od IVon ma is I and Antonio; d in expressed he. or affirmative an of different mattina One in the walk in the but e di tanta is of such only tender the On which when ffo hope there at la piu alio; any but women not only hour the of comforts has it is i vinto donne; le tenere stoutest che non ha conquered men. applied that to considerable of different circumstances, the is di ma che che that power sentence negative: gli conforta speranza posa shade non contrary, is most Nulla era even che nan il sole potenza fortissiniiuomini not ombray higher. Uamore Love rable conside- is least adduced: all* qualora morning, was sun its correlative, circumstances ma might for which andare poleva 81 having sentence, understood or applied to sigulfythat Vi Anthony: vowel: before'^'a egli; I chCf as" t, a a letter d: the take may minor respite them : mai non che di pena; or even (farfrom of the less pain ever hope of respi- 25 CONJUNCTIONS. te^ not of Se much so pain di Nkj if Io n^ neither pensai; non eyes of many, (I should not eyen ^ to I belieyey only not hare ved). belie- rerb^ requiresanother the you lui n^ voi ; him. nor nor did I think* expletively,giveselegantemphasis phrase: as, Dite quel pur what Say, now Andate pure; Pure, followed Lo crederlo, it: as^ amo Pure, used but di mol^ say, JVe io a the it : but written before I love to write placed after non we di occhi ventured have hardly hare by seen still less to negative But heen not should not mitigation a scriverlo; If it had and dagli io ardissi eke tif appena che veduto stato of hope them). comforts erer fosse non the as 1 too so che voleie; will. you do go. by troppo, too means 4ve//, well: pur troppo; I know it but too well. 252 CONJUNCTIONS. LESSON XXXV. CONJUNCTIONS GOTBRnSG TOB fUBJUKCTlTB MOOD. Quantunque Ancorchi AyyegDachi^ Comechd although Sebbene Bencbd che Prima che Innanzi sooner than cbe Ayanti Senza before y clie Che without that order in that J end Aceioccli" to Affinchd in order that PercU in order that, although Se i/yalthoughySincCyAvhether the that Purche Solo clie Qaalora Quando provided^ if providedyify^^henever^when ifypros^ided Doye ify provided Oye Dopo Subito Tosto clie after cbe cbe as soon as InfinattaDtochi InsiDattaDtochd che Infino }till,until Insinoche Insinchi Finche Sinchd Posto che Posto il Date il ^^Pf^'^ che caso I '" che case P"^ ^ ^^'^' . , '^ , ^^'^ REMARKS. Sebbene benchi and sometimes^ also may heing applied to tive indica- the take of matter a cer- tainty: as, Benche ta id tu delta thoa below of the not be he both in , , : us of it. piu $orda; no longer la deaf to pace^ che); peace fearing or deprive may guages lan- expressed; particularly in Italian negation y sia is doubting si conchiudesse innanzi Before of fear mi Pray (tliat)she Innanzi and rerb a ceneprM;! non degradest thyself thou man^ conjunction 9 a sentence Pregate tot- beast. as after Temo a understood often a art a C^Ae, that, in di al degradi bestia; Altliough and ti uomo^pur should be concluded* me. (instead of ^54 coNJimcTioNs* requires the Se according When tbe to indicative sense it goes to or tlie subjunctiy^ in wliich it is employed. express tbe yerbs expected circumstance, it are always Se andatCj in tbe present voi (or i^erro) con If you with If you Se io like, I stay, when resterd; or will stay. or agreeable se refers to to I will go. you, contingency altogether a imaginary, or merely possiblebut 9 not or easy to following it of the that avessi If I had Sefossi If I Se is conditional leale^ wings ricco were conoscessi put the the into verb the doubtful rerb mediatel im- imperfect connected with : volerei; I would , fly. yjabbricherei rich, Tcrj effect, then subjunctiye,and into the Se I will , andro'. If it will be remote i^engo campagna^ ; to, res J vorrete, But with you. vol etc Se or indicatiTC: {or will go) into tbe country go go in connected future or (or andrete) natural, sure, a I would build un a bel palazzo fine palace. quel signore, gli chiederei ; un favore; If I knew favour. that gentleman I would , ask him a a56 CONJUNCTIONS. che Subito soon tlie as giftswere che Subito king doni molti arriyedy was fu^ soon as will be a great many distributed. arrivij subito or tlie che molti si distribuiranno re, As fu arrivatOj re distribuiti; rono As il arriverd ii doni,- king arrives, a great manj^ gifts distributed. XXXYI. LESSON INTEEJECTION. An an interjectioois emotion of tbe an exclamation soul* ah! Ab! prompted ha! oh! ho Abi! Aime! ! Abime Oime Obime alas ! ! Bene well Ebbene Bravo bravo J Gosi \fery veil thus Deb! alas , Eb! Ecco loy behold Gnai Ob! prithee , oh pray by 257 (abbreviatedfrom Lasso as even lassi! the lassato) is declinable ^^-tbus interjection according to the gender an persons ^ the whom from A/ lassa! and number a ahi of exclamation may proceed. ADDITION Tbe rule 20 will be J the more ARTICLE. THE respecting the according to art. ON Partitii^e ven gi- ; method common clear article , and Zi page j complete by the followingexplication. The genitive article del^ etc. before 17 a noun 258 INTl"RJ^CTIOMS. withoat which would article after ye yerh yerb a actiye" is passiye, Englished part; porzione, portion; the nominati- accusatiye or some or any after .' word some or in Italian being understood kind he y y to a parte, of the that goyern genitiye. LESSON XXXVII. EXPRESSIONS, IDIOMATIC sete [ thirsty x fame I hungry I \cold I persons jfreddo jcaldo g "^ (ashamed JJ /vergogna Jpaura " \afraid "^ Iduey tre, Itwo^threCySix years sei anni fin ragione torto Ayer Ayer Ay \ yoglia Averla ere per Clie avete? ha? Che genio l.^ V" male alle mani , ai piedi,etc. z. '"*" s is the matter Fare umido to hands ^ be Jbr my thy with feet cold \ one -^" what ^ my etc, *"""* is the matters caldo ' mind^'wishy what (freddo u/ wrong he angry ivith to be in a humour di etc. freddo a old right to male a Ayere Ho o yena^ the in the haue to uno con to / jwarm 4, applied (cold \warm I damp i bel tempo I fine weather Vcattiyo tempo \bad weather , etc, ou? him? an IDIOMATIC 25c) EXPRESSIONS. ihsxt/arefreddo, caldo^ umido, said In speaking of only of the weatber. thing else essere only is used; as, Note, are any , La ifredda^ came Essere Jggj^trt Essere ridotto mi- Essere di Essere padrone Essere bene / con Essere male ^ Essere pace "* i to be reduced \di i pari una become to be welcome to be in to to cosa to / cannone circumstances %ood to } to uno is cold. to dis^ great Iress di or , su in Essere ^^ ' seria Essere ^^ I in tlie meat of good terms'\\vitk J one be out be to {at ei^en one*s apply be within play) selfto a thing gun-shot pis, ^ tiro^di a pistola,etc" tol, Siete voi? is it you? Sono 10 it is I c'e? Cbe what Andarne la rita, (A Andar A ndare Questo Battersi \ *""S^" | #a genio ' non Addossarsi d'un 11' for dorersi) ya la detto it to go and to please ^ to a0are le guance be take care di ^/ to / be to not or io upon of repent an a slake" " , to , ' at a honour call right this is to cura ?^ ' ^ ^ A ndare matter? //"/" *{/^9 "/^' honour i to have life J % -,:"" 't' uno per is the ^ i*onore,etc. /,i"ii.. 1 ii' shot etc, at slake one like proper be said one's self the afj'air :26o IDIOMATIC Darla testa^ sulle suUa He, spa di Dar etc. piglioa tor to ^ ragione J /il buon ^ g o S I "^ to , capo \il buon il ben Darsi buon d flo lay the \to say one j ^.,^ ^^ giorno to wish to bid yenuto jOrbel tempo ^o nel Dar on blame dttole la testa on right is ^ ^ ^^^ one welcome one live a life merry trouble one's to incline to self about *^'* { "'^ '"'M ''^*":""^/ pain in i - arsi I Far capitale ad Farla to d'uno f to step towards to rely 1 uno Accocargliela con Eassarsela ^"^ Luna giro passeggiata alle scale '^ * J converse to say to take a turn to take a walk to come ]"nthi"^ company to '""^^ Affrjciarsil i'"" Bnest^ra Farsi '""^*t " ""^ V^ keep motto Faref "# ^'"^ one one upon uno \ Far y \j Uo*e."goorf/erm5J uno con etc. s )'^ , Farla approach ". uno yerso * head my Midolgonoglioccbiietc./iix eyes ache, r ^ good morning a to I T? one '^'^^ pensiero di Darsi hold lay J anno Dare m io yinta Dare Dar seek/or a drunken t/uarrd to yield^^ogive up the dispute the headyshoulto strike on , \ dersy etc, il pel neiruoyo Cercare Dar EXPRESSIONS. ^vord a ^"^ ^/'^^ upon w"W(hv the stairs IDIOMATIC Farsiallaporta,airu8cioto go -I rapugni ^^y^ Fare 1 Fa alle tu se 2G1 EXPIIESSIONS. the door to J pugna sai do your in "PJ'^Vjg toempfxiUel/] ivorst ^^ Far focc di f Tista -p ^^ I Fare a Venir 1/0 pretend j make di sembiante to to go halves fatto to happen /o"ow ''^' ^YaTla^' '''''^'*'' }^^'^^^^ il denaro Talere Far Insidiare alia ta la vi- a ^* a Insidiare onore -. Mancar / un S tomake to have 1 uomo^ i f \to have j^**^ j alF ' di ,. di \ , parola Mancare al Mancare alia lezione II denaro Le Non forze the money to turn to good use attempts i upon a designs i man^slife suo mi mi si puo designs upon importa one's honour I f to break one*s word |^^disappoint dorere y to neglect onc*s duty to miss manca Jam mancano my fare 1 scrivere Ithere the letrson short of money strength/ails me I doing is no parlare ' Non ^^^^'^ / Insidiare onore ^'^^'^ '"^"^^ \ Tita di Insidiare if^ believe meti Th^r}^^"**^ at Jwriting 'speaking it does not signify 2G2 Clie IDIOMATIC importa Che monta Che vi fa? a voi? | voi ? etc. a phrases What is it to you tavola a vada cloth to sit down to to sell Mettere hottega to set Mettere in c far r"on conto cale to ^^^ cervello ) to 'a S del to 1 sesto Dar Jcosa ad jto una ad una cosa le mani fuoco Morir di neglect ^ force right be do to one \vhat is loser a put thing a Morir di fame Morir di sete sul " find ^ to swear K to take ^ , in order , ^ remedy for a oath an long for to starve thing a it to to with it on hunger " \'^ . di sete ^ {to voglia Struggersi care , J sesto Metterne to | sesto Porre Trovar partito suo in Mettere shop a up K tt Metter auction ^ i f^ot \ M by table -^ 1 j" di 1. ? to aU'incanto t^ cold? there Mcttere non suhjunctive depart lay the to la tavola Mettersi yoiu? to XXXVIIf. in cammino IVIetter the if I go LESSON Mettersi is that govern ch'io V* importa Che !what ' last These EXPRESSIONS. , ^^ , , . "^hoahng with . , , . thirst 26J\. dal Tenere servitik sacro cbe to UDO COD mi poco \ fonle Lerare have 1/ teogo I DOD Appena Ir "* clie noD Saper di did bn-ihe si tcDoe I I smoky, taste | sweet d'agro^etc. ) sour , etc. j thejiddle |the flute 1 the guitar \ \ il flauto Ito la chitarra ) play upon ] carte f- j till | to til * ^^opV^^^^ not fumo, di dolce, yiolino n ^/tl^esttb- _ I point EgH poD .-i #i.^verbin .. P^'?'/!? to not. one -^i^ to .- ^ or \ great a mind I che tenni mi god'-father, godmother to with be acquainted stand ito battesimo Tenerea Per EX.PRESSIONS. idiomatic t cards Ialle "'^ccSUplayatUhess a i onare .j t^^j^jj^,^ il Toccare ^draughts dama ^^ colj. Cielo j'^ dito sul Toccare la Toccare Toccare, Tocca \ ^^ y a sta or me^ a Itti etc. _ a '^"^* * ^ shake ad uDO/o maDO i.^"^ ,',^ ^"''^ ^^'W^ orl vivo nel te yivo, , *^ drum ^^ ^^^ *r ^^^ s ^^ hands " with i drii^e 1 . one ismy^thy^histurnorduSy \it belongs to me,thee,him^ic. ( it 9 ,1 t ^"'^* o/i 1 , . IDIOMATIC Torre ) -r"" } I. i. ( /o bear . di nno 'jSpXnnbastimento I I ' | suspect or to borrow to hire a H casa ad ne, pigio-j a yeder Tora mill* anni Venir alle mani Venire Venire a be angry to laugh ai, not to value long, to be anxious, impatient to come to incur in mente Venire a Venire Venir Venir e sano a salyo ^ \ safely, |to arrive \ to thrive ^^ *"''' \ ^^ I da Vdl grande signore per di / ^^^^ to be live i ) \ safe or sound ""* ^^^P^^' convenient mouth water one's I estate, to j i. ^'"'^ ' and ( upon I alia *"" one's make "N \ Viyere * '"'" ^ tunity, j 8UO * come ^" *'''^''''""'' to Wa displeasure oj |to \ | rdel the j bene destro destro one blows to * '^ salyamento with '""""' s^ Arriyare ^ } cuore Cadere one to | disgraziadi in j^^^^ jto Parer one, . ( amtto con nno Pigliarsela Pigliarea gabbo Non to vessel a nolo una grudge ^ ^ a I mira Pighare j "ad imprestito V Q" 2G5 EXPRESSIONS. or own income nobly f like \from Vorrei cbe / wish that Vorrei potere / wish J could a gentleman hand to mouth 2 66 EXPRESSIONS. IDIOMATIC Volerebenea male Volere dire Voler _- a Voler (fordorersi) ir cauti VuoUi to hate one to wish to ^i^^eaten to be relates as tbe to say to , mean rain rain to right or proper ought to be cautious, we grammatical weii one (fit would as ^^ COLLOCATION The to ^ j piovere Volersi love \to look . - wish to WORDS. op of eonstraction of goyemment words, them as with far spect re- gender, number, case, time, etc. has several in the been already shown parts of speech so fullj, that nothing essential of that to kind remains few A explanation. collocation however, may, and of words, Conjunctive Pronouns, of the which dative, or (accusative ,) in which much the most they frequently, the two a matter In Varchi's of the conjanclive desire never work, L*"jto/ano, philological to learn yet been prononns; concerning and them completelyreduced after to an all, much is not former there. rules of is of the reverse is gether to- occur cases being justthe usually placed first, have is two one would particularly gether, tocome conjunctive pronouns serving for an oblique case, (genitive, ablative,) the other for the objective, When . (l) added be nicety.( i) some I for observations the upon of , extensive that a lysis ana- student Perhaps they position. position they commonly English. of treating take when this have of Examples which to pronoans; 267 WORDS. OF COLLOCATION expressed appeared in the following be added: may Mi si He threw Non gtitto ai piedi himself Every at feet. my bring himself not Ognuno ; indun^isi; sapea He could la concede s^e to it. ; yieldsit to you. Concedaglisi ; be it granted to him. IVon ci si \"orrd piUfar rimprovero No one will more Cassio aimed in occur as the of in these Veniva He order us. it. ; in from rule which harshness it. of position it is altered , ayoiding vedermivi a to Innanzi 3. from general cases to ambiguity: or instances^ came Before this to few sake made dissuadinghim at some be ; ; dissuadernelo a Exceptions 1. him averted Mirava He reproach lo dislraeva ne Cassius for in agli his in me see occhi eyes he Without any is sometimes licence: aS; ; se it, (in that place) gli preseniava presented himself such " ; to expediency, the inverted by poeticalor him. usual torical rhe- 208 COLLOCATION disse Lo mi Lo gli diede; Instead of, deviations ; OF he said it to he j But and confined to is found in are sucb diction. elevated 4* A. general exception the him: glieio diede. frequent; not arc me. it to gave lo disse me ^ORDS" oi placing after ne adjunctsof the the rule to and le, passive, other neuter, nal pronomireflected or verb: Se ne lay par for both happen 5. It may the renders which verb is then 51 pronoun il Mediante 6. which It to oblique them Le Nel In la si one learn may for together come be ne parlai; placed che caso any for it. Cke te I two both nepare; ted reflecjunctive con- ; conjunctive serving in the the instances thus ear directs : spoke altri one si it. , to the other pud imparare happen also or in , in which case case as quale means may pronouns : the preceded by Le being one case, passive, neuter,. , By levar- to pronouns accusative objectiveor that viene^ ne se etc. seney the vadoy ne me her to gliene should how of it. desse biasimo; attach blame appears it to to you? him COLLOCATION By 7. of of those one language9 from taken OF 369 WORDS. peculiaritiestermed conjunctirepronoun a tlie verb wliicli idioms is sometimes it longs properly beand placed before a preceding yerb : I io piacere^ mifarebbe diletto; Credendovi light. deThinking to please you it would give me di Mostrb uolersi seemed He be to to lei vendicare; di willing to himself revenge of her. order The period" or rather arrangement or rhetoric to be it may wholly far as Tn Italian than the words the sometimes of idiom. force 9 therefore are , or them I. prose in common writers familiar The or verb ; leave to less neverthe- the subject sometimes sentence direct order; and the the of the nature expedient often are dom free- fluency of diction, and speaking regulatethem grammatical rule; a few best to From To writing. of a inversions these clearness , positionsapproaching of the Latin for tence sen- a arbitrary belongs grammar and simple most take language y to in here. ^ preserve it is as acceptablenot unnoticed of words is as well beyond examples will, however, help as reach the from to in the render the student. bject frequently put before its sunominative, in any part of a period. is COLLOCATION 370 the At Soileyarono These ; gli gli animi const di Guicciardini. " stirred counsels new WORDS. beginning. ffuestinuoui Italia tutta OF the minds all of Italy. Diede il to. di conto re qui Thus Jn il mio service libri The e divisa objectireor the before opera- tlie end. correre puo far my tre 1. a^eva Sarpi. " At Fin che quelle verb accusative intoppi che iraversano ,"*" had They quest*opera, le tutte Corticelli. is often put : la strada dai duris- imprese umane at- Monti. the already cleared which obstacles " case it refers gid sgombrata j4veifano simi extend. may which to servigio;^-MontL way of the lent vio- all human oppose en- terprizes. satebbe Non vol It medesimo would show to reasonable precede " should you yourself. the verb are also it: Delia ; to intendo leggiadrianon Tasso. gracefulness I intend not a J'^Tslsso. that governed by cases gionare Of be not Genitive."- %'oi dissimile che vi dimostriate yourself dissimilar 3. Other made ragionevole to argue. di ra^ COLLOCATION ^-ja alle Gid He Proruppe in da sceva what from It is into to his place of abode. la riflettuto had separated by quale no- avea; exclamation an he Guicc. era/-" esclamazione una cid che burst WORDS. ritomato case sue already retarned was He OF which arose reflected. a clause of several words interyening: le furono preservate If on de* soldati mani " The dalle che fosseroj non di Barbara esempi chiese brutti con late. deso- feritdy spogliatee Davila. norainatiye is the put between participle and auxiliary: Vvi^fXo Fu fatto office The 6. A. precedes the Genitive. tore Egli " ,v" solo potrd He alone my Come noun the genitiveor dative in connexion with delle Essendo guerre king. frequently it : rimasto uinci- Guicciard. delle esser giudicej be can ragioni e della vostre judge " of fede mia Monti. your reasons and of fidelity. di faccia It deserves a re; performed by was in the noun dal very gravissima menzione to have calamity merita se ne ;^^ldem. mention gi^eat calamity. made of it as of OF COLLOCATION Dative. All' " util 273 WORDS, avrb i^ostro riguardo;^ Tasso. preyaleva alio sdegno la cupi^ pontefice esaiiazione ditd sfrenata deW de'Jigliuoli; IVel Guicciardini. " In the boundless pontiff; of his desire children prerailed ABBREVIATION retrenchment The for the ment. resent- oyer WORDS. of of tion exalta- initial vowel the of a practisedhj the early Italian writers, The curtailment has long been disused. of but is general and common; word at its termination a and to be required in many seems cases by the word was of the nature language. In speaking often retrenched even is these at consonant regulated by I. A. word vowel a and along the ending with curtailed four writing Italian, a vowel the end of a word,and sometimes when it. The ctice pra- following principles. a vowel it is liquids,I, niy with is n^ may have preceded by r. 18 one that of 374 ABBRBVIATIOH EXAMPLES. / after I e a I O ' cluoIo..dQol U inale..inal cieIo..cieI vne..vU faUle.."Ul fedele..fed"l wilb .gtnlil fig1iaolo...6gU" gentile, cnrtailmcnt nol u ever diaino..dijHn direino..direm amiaiiio.amiam s"mo.sem(poe- with {before an nomo. m,noretrench" is and* with is made ment ticallyfor/io- niw none .uom an befoit hardlT /is H b^ m mo) n n" leno.. inTano..inTaD appieno.appienmatlino sen ntto..aD saono..snon .mat- perdono.perdonalcuncalcu tin mare, .mar andar"..aDdar bere..ber dire..dir 6ore..fior pensiere..pen- desire. .deiir doLore.. dolor pure, .pur, ii the ODiy aIlora..allor sier word car- tailabiewilb this vowrl without of' fending(be ear !"""" PoeU ictfuroM. EXCEPTIONS. I. No curtailment singular of persons the be it would indicatiye: pcrdono to wrong , made in the first though al- therefore , substantiye the be can may say io be perdon led curtaifor io perdono. (i) (I) Tasso layunder line of his great poem ( Amico until grace J the censure of the critical for this elision ins : hai vinto i -^ io U perdon j " perdona ) latelythat the grammatical fault has been turned into a poetical by the taste and iugennity of Pcrticart in making it the brokcB ariiculati"n of , an expiringperson. or There is io ^or 2. for io can feminine -writing and of a be muclc in consequently, la Roman sol voUa^ una are improper: Loth matro^ speaking require la Roniana volta. sola una by Yet error common a , sol una s^olta is so" said. metimes and 3. Masculine or curtailed^ unless nerer is tolerated nrhich plurals in feminine rather ; II. When /, the tion restric- tono. curtailment any this terminations; matrona^ naj from singleexemption a son , 2^5 WORDS. n, as Caval in the Trar the for dom sel- three quids li- terminating yowel, syllableis sometimes following words: (no), andran poetry of the (lo)yfiumicel Van the are ce hy poetical licenthan approved. consonant precedes r, of entire double a i, ched; retren- (Io),Tcssil (io),fanciul (no), den (no), pon (Io). (no), (in- deggiono, possono). (re),seer (re),scior (re),(for Iraere, scc^ gliercy sciogliere). But this retrenchment of an entire syllable almost exclusivelyto poetry, with exception of the third plural of verbs, as persons han^ dan^fany daran,Jaran, sa~ san, ai^ran^ belongs prany and etc.; which common even retrenchments in prose. are allowable 27O ABBREVIATION The in plural of but poetry, in /// is also nouns in different a abbreTiated augelli^ manner: capelliyioT instance, being reduced angeif to capei. III. There wilhout Frate words four are regard to ment -subjectto curtailforegoing rules yiz. the tofraj brother; : when (monastic appellations^) with proper a rotea in other : si fece frate the former the though Anastasia when an latter is , this word , disse; Sant* as is yet nor andarono Roma a , before vedcre per vowel: But abbreviated San to a Antonio. is not , : an as stance for in- il santo or nine femi- (the holy father): , Grande, as, plural,)to or re, gran vowel a (whether great, singular before curtailed not are Do- suor j appellativebefore a vowel, thxiSyfrate Alberto, suor Sant* Francesco, adjective , conjunction Giovanni suora and consonant, a padre : in sister; ^ (substantive masculine) saint San la Minore^ , as, thej cases suor : Santo before used as/ra name, to suora it gran may masculine gran before regina, either be gran sonant: con- a cose: contracted to grand* ingiuria, or or grande mogrande ingiuria; grand* uomo, initial e, it will naturallybe conbefore mo: an contracted, grand* eroe. grand' or given at full: as, Of Some IV. and de: {roxafeee; but tbcy ducible dii both pocoyfh number, : as, fromyj?- diede; pik from from in few are also contracted are and pic^ hardly re" rule. to the In words i^oglio,po* from I'o'from dt other H']'^ WORDS. at rapidityof pronunciation a vowel re of a word will often be suppressed befo, end the another and ; which with met are rowel under come of this kind elisions many rule, being no merely as wholly arbitrary9 and considered of orthography: snch slb^ pot rebb* esse cent'alirij sctt'anni, poc'anzif onest'uomo, The y. cacophony dei as, reij would ear de*tuoij though By y the y yet in would instead, rule is Two suoi to for instance, which ; at the requires de^rei, and so in a less number- sufficiently perceptible, make in word such a when in co\ ne\ pe\ to su\ sui. restrictions that are, article plural contracted general ending any the nei, peij abbreviation words such, therefore instances same coi VI. and tracted con- expedient, sound: iuoiy dai are re, less strong. composition from dei suoi variety of ai, dai, whenever bad or revolt, da' dei ^ de\ a\ da\ to avoid articles plural cence li- a vowel it an word end take cannot which before of the # in licence a in place is accented impura of ; nor if elision consonant, by a'jS VI ATIOW ABBRE of tbe reason liarslmess tbat wliicli would duce pro- be will far perceptible in genii I spirilo^ stretti studio^ fanciul scostumaiOy slan San Stefano, as , ^ must studio full at say, Stefano If, howerer^tbe word end to before in scoglio. curtailment Yowel a it impura: egli e as, will be may , s we strettij stanno scoslumatOj grande y of wbicb length, gentile spirito^fare fanciullo y Santo scoglio: instead gran tbe cause made eren po'stupido; un nan vo' studiare, elision of tbe Tbe and compounds its of these former The VII. admissible rest only diam presto: would preclude necessarily grande so cost y In poetry a pronouns, as mode a exceptions uom become but is to tlie pal direm inyersion , presto nevertheless in an^ the words make them amore , diremo tbe same cost, of , not dolorc; the and contraction lascivo to sentir and an does oyer passes d'onore: azzo, moreorer pause or Giovanni; that the word a stress word, lascivOj gran amor of when Signor chiaro; parlar and restrictions. such in as tlian , contraction upon next, monosyllable rather che articles,in in is considered rowel, orthography of in , anotber before yowel palazzo andiamo. this rule of restriction is qSo abbreviation of awkward eontractions words. and utter to anpleasing " hear. to IX. We three the of out prosodj rola plana their conclusion, in classes of words distinguished is y in remark, raay parol by which haye nature effected hj parola tronca, is prosodaic two lian Ita- f/7aro/a troncajpa- sdtucciola,) a that change a of these accented on any ahbreyiations. The the first last The the on sort, syllable, merci as y second sorty penult or parola last pieid. has the one, as pi ana^ but syllable accent pane, gentile. The third accent by gentil then the syllable but of curtailment becomes piana because the termination, tronca y the accent then rests as on in pan, the last , syllable; piana last or has simile. any parola idrueciola, parota antepenult amanOf as Now the the on two, sort, y rests as and the in aman, on the parola simily last becomes sdrucciola the because syllable but one^ accent 28l ADDITION LETTER A OF to WORDS. By added words to When rerjr and witb an thus $ for the scogliOj in nonisperOf per { of be softening it is but prefixed the sound , st per ringer elegant more di icoglio ^ a ning begin- one may $perOj Utringere has language by per^ as , an non conGned. very followed sake of is sometimes consonant a the impura^ instead tcoglio in is 9 di licence sort number,) latter this ending small the to but is vowel a , which (of y ; Word a etc. con licence opposite an to in c^ say iscO' glio. the When particles aylo; followed immediately a yowel already in ^ a is , from Ed to such ivi preyent concourse presto andare parente. a commonly mentioned order by in word of of hiatus vowels: o^ with them to for (as , those that are or; beginning joined treating the and; e^ particles,) would arise instance ^ le ^"^cominciarono f^nonfece 'motto ad genti amicoy od ad a 282 ACCENTS- Italian In more less sparingly than OTcr a English. in of accent, whose meaning varies which accentuation ced plafalls , when vowel that Balia to power , , (accentuated nurse, 6r/tf, contracted it from the latter Li' accent o the cey upon word marked on first the ^ (') the terminating when that syllahle). guish distin- to lable dissyl- a vowel vowel is accent, grave of pla- syllable poly- every is accentuated in virtu. in the in the' third preterite,and ro; , as, accentuated, viz. J balia monosyllable). a accordinglyused P arid from gii^a^ verh, Caritdy merely perd^ of the , distinguish it from grave pronunciation: It is as : gidy adverb; (the former , the is accute in words yowel difference a accents or prints marks than and in French, acueo,{') the Uaccento upon used sparingly are with and writing 6rst and parts persons third future indicative feme, sentl; parlerby parlerd temerd , : of verbs so singular of persons lar singu- as, temerd, senti^ sentird. , Monosyllables consistingof two vowels which ACCENTS. make ibis accent dlphtliongtake a Towel: 83 2 the orer last aSy " It is also single Towel tbej are monosyllables baring by taken tbe discriminate to a in wbieb different sense sense y from employed tben witbont tbey bear distinguisbed wbicb a tbe tbus accent: are , ^ from (ycrb) is chi si (pron.) tbat che because (conj.) (pron.)bimself *M(cont)-i ld\ se if (conj.) "" (pron.) Mm //a |(adr.)tbere ni Ili nor (conj.) (") dieresis^bas been Spanisb guisb mode editions late syllablesfrom are adopted from printing,and introduced poets in Italy, to distin- wbicb otber blended Conveniente of of tbe words tbose Towels (pron.) us. ne dieresi La tbe (art.)tbe, (pron.) ber,it (pron.) tbem | II ' in conj.)and e ie words into a and in io separate are wbicb diptbong: tbose two as, ^furioio oriente, punizione. , Tbese tbree prescribeany different accents or marks do variety of pronunciation* not Tbe a 84 ACCSNTfl. first U the noticed not all Italian in perhaps in none* language, (i) the last of the it also is in In the second hest , dictionar j is used alone as , of the some and grammars hest recent edition of mark of poetry. ('} the apostrophe "'a/705^rq/i; is a y contraction languages denote to article,has The letter the It is they the the in Italian he to are same with and chiefly with a and familiar. be considered of nature o: to ^ a hard pronounced before as c a Its vowel. a is may in the present head, placed of elision already rendered been h European modern Italian, which in employment the in all the common as der un- mark. a denote before e that and i, in ChetOj chiaro, ghermire^ ghirianda. This letter is annexed moreover to the few the of grammatical for sake following words distinction, without altering their pronunciation : viz. Ho, haiy ha Oh! ahi! ah! O, conj.aiy (I) Alberti's , art. inter j.) rf"rA/( a, prep. 6 Toluroes, (tromai^ere) hannoy 9 4*^* annOy Lncca , subst, 1797" l8o5. de'^ art. EXERCISES will TiiET be more LESSON VI. diligentthan this genlleman. This pen aignore. is not so good the as You other. altro, She is couch as respected eat much as as mangiate the as friend. your it vo"tro They queeo. have as many riapeltata 1 soldiers as 8 had. we Do avevamo, than do. you (line of battle (yatcello =; Albion. You older are so We much. pagseggiate zz. This walk not than da less passeggiamo ship ) is the larger than grande guerrd) have They captain. my walk not so vecchio patience much as required neceaaario pazienza diflicult is undetlaking. impreaa as you ilian thought. There credevate, Vi they fpeak^ and parlano they write. Cicero Cicerone was end an a long and zz so difficulties many di/ficolut^fem.) incontrammo some are persons who wriie better acrivono there ve find not =: to condurre per did We bring to are others who speak belter than ne more eloquent eloquente than Antony. Antonio, It zz 2 EXERCISES. it better late than Friend never. hnrt yon , oor can."c. allanosiracaiua noetic . Why? with speak You Perchef it in hospitality provioces of the otpitalita capital. due happy The his to alia dovuio wine di than di than io^ are we eui have we Aen than foolish yooth. than hope reads In in nelia vosira state in "Why are temere. others? the than yoor sitnation the fear. to da sperare a ^^68' gioveniu downcast osU n He yours. more are your to our del in more more to alia Jblle da more than noUe ^ you is older nonjoste vecchietta this affair is esperienza Ton than ajfare heviamo were yon of experience sua by night. giorno age and drink we che by day kiagdonx regno termination sagacita edalla forta, great a conclusione sagacity sua strength.The old Theie pradence. proyincia Jelice more than maggiore more in the zeal in"nre The lesson you depresto writing are state he exercise Croesus than covetons avaro he is. I take Se belter his. of The io wealthy fossi dovixioso of use more Jo (Were I) as riches my dellemiericchezze = nonjece eglidelle re a farei did) dormouse. (in summer). make) thao more beve dT estate. (would drinks ghlro. d'inyerno Creso (he a dormite I He mia than sleep more ( in winter) esercizio mine. della Ton eats. than than scriyendo mangia as eaisier is richer a is man the mo- sue, The more I drink hevo the more thirstyI assetato S Thoa ihe art 1 careless most traicurato is vtrj A popalous. /urioio 1 2 tile though uano sebbene manduste are joo last V anno gHth of were and unripe, are than do. you than worse He is a it?) (Look at) is It o'clock. one son-dial. the oriuolo opera begins at I o'clock. five) (It wants sono think a sole (It I a is a quarter We dine it ehe past .znsono 9 half-past eight. every = left uteii foie man. vni. ineomincia four comporia credo Guardate at behaves 9 1 day Si no"tro. upright very He e siano lour.) The mal- integro. is o'clock. two eat unwho- very ours. (^^j) LESSON ora ei not eonseguenta =: o'clock you ehe Do consequently in is servant (adv.) in apricots ripe. very be not =: The 1 Che Do maturo. domestico (What mer- mercan- set Sicily. handsome. aeerbo Your sano worse six Sieilia. scorso =r pesea lesome. burra$ea coast very yesr, peaches; they any threw albieoeea us) sent storm meridionals bastimenio vain ( southern the on town 1' 9 vessels chant Tioleat, This eheioconotca. =z very popolato. I know. maa joaog the dalla quarter of ball-room ballo six.) (at a quarter be- sola ((t wants ten mino- 5 MERCtdES. of lei (htre teen I eight.) r ho the of del tiamo battle (What a* if the iirft. day quanti di line oT Two z: mete arrived fhipf Cadiz at tweoty-firftof the on artivaronoaCadice " eleven. at veduto this?) It if month him) = 1 He last month. died in hnarj, thonfand one the of twenty*foarth eighthundred ad sixteen. % will nor here be the first of on March, of ^838. Leghorn The Malta monih. prosiimo the gover* 1 next del s= 2d Fe^ Jialia mori eeorto Italyon 4 5th the .^-. of Augost, 4838. lAvomo I hope che epero if (will jou ttarete a o'clock three now , dine and flop (with me) to-daj. It and ( oggi- meeo pranzo shall sit we an hour. The first lime disobliging way, I wrote che (willtell him) gli dirb to (ather my with hallalo and I several at qttellu last parole of lei parecchio with dined liave at in St. Helena SunCElena He times. him lui pranzato poleone nacque ihdi The words. ire o in parlera the 27ih on her poleon (was born) died was few a May. I lia- = volte and a due tcrissl danced twice, I maniera tcortete ve speaks {folta ehe tavoJa time he to metieremo ci table)in half down Ajaccioon the has invited nC ha invitaio only tola una 15lh of me tive Na- once. volla. Na- August, 4 769, = " on tlie 5lh of May, 4824. Carlo =. f Qiarles 10 0 EXERCISES. twelfth, king of SwedeOy the Peter and Svetia of Rossia, two were Spain, and great great Pietro the bom was j emperor " grande Charles oieo. of German emperor the fifth, king Ghent at of twenty-foordi George hundred. the perished in the kings ascended same ladies Both year. the salirono paleo perirono throne Both All jinna alia scaffold. the on five Anne. Queen $uccesse cr thousand one year succeeded first Giorgio three the in February the on Gand of tlie-hall. at were sui stesso LESSON n. % 1 saw your vidi cousin dressed in cugino vettito d* like wiiy. He had a hizzarro hujjo- 11 large red hat, a pair of great 1 1 spectacles, yellow (thickyill-shapedshoes), and giallo wilh pleasantthat poor old ihe admiral. Go the to Andate the country lasses of the vedere mun while 9 How man is, who (is walk- ehe passcggia Quanto lepido quel ing) a small Scarpa 113 piubrella. fie green maniera nesco see buffooo- eitrsvagant and an 18 1 3 merit a wish yolete neighbouriogvillages.Poor compassion. pi eta. you fiera vicino ! be deserves fair, if The villa young to "=1 lit- ggi. marchioness is * i EXERCISES. ^ % take to gooe walk. a "When Jerusalem Delivered la Gerutalcmme fare paneggiata was Liberata uici 1 pilifol rlijmers,and published, many ttlla merit began vaglia si misero talk to ad rashly against ahhajare do ignoranle dog in the vedo seioeehette colle book? He if (poor sillyman.) a uomo. pretty girl sings like donzella canta Go him al side his a long in bad letters on Chi sqtuire, the of and cercatc^ (will easily you lo the wears this on pair a a O little bed. \ A. hell Camerino uied the bell, * meaot tbe quella alto a it called cabio in a campanula, ihin. It is carta. (inconsiderateyoui"g boi^ie This ate giovinc in I h;t\(: (bad paper) awny. libro * (hiiyc nut- Ring that Gettate book). (worthless of $ Throw bello. has tu little table. f i" Hf^e. He crowd. 1 room conosce^ tiene Son little look you alia .moltiludine. mezzo Rest (do piazza. middle tpavenievole. Riposate left the angelo. spada frightfulmusiachios.) ttacchi Whom in sword, lunga zzfianco the in even anche faciltnente rete Ht out,) angel. the to Andate colonnello. find an come colonel. The for)? tue Why street. ilracciato That (liy ttrada. small the with us disturbarci flne-little a (ihoti gone, p^attene disturb not = I see (sillyexpressions.) torn of great men it. Be dieua. contro despicableignorant feiloW) ) you some anche molto luce have even man,) ~ will you W ro- 8 EXERCISES. yoaifelf^if rain yinerete is dirty amico, and i in this art un (bad room;) camera (tallhandsome a an d* consigli dormile Thou of donna. hel umido, woman.) (nasty house) ! * What = sleep not = damp. sporco = Do ndvice the to ascoltate yours. veechio vo9tro il of listen not = se friend old do joa a casa, X. LESSON Marquis, Dear do complain not vi = She him. to We me. have spoken lagnate from received has of France two gold neck."Uces, collana which sent were her to husband. her by He cJie I study and studiare write. I due 1 after dopo la di lie Speak 4 mai speaks Do him. before as. prima di ill of her. They She speaks male pari are to giornija. 3 dined never non di contro of him. well 2 They you. againstus. war dichiarare (two days ago-) $crivere, shall dine declared him with was plays. giuocare cantare and We sings and not speak him. Let thing. She to hene give him us dare venire * a J ^ "ed in Let us not givehim any nulla, ricompensa, to came reward. a see us. Give me a vedere, placed Ilaiian. after what loaf. Giving me a fetla pane. in an admirative slice phraie, ii not eiprn- of EXERCISES. br";aJ, Having giveo a chair do honor. you Having spoken her. Do not tcohl her. He himself flallert We wish much. too know him. thyself.We Dress cannot p^ettire eonoscere, grant and not tlemen with to permitsione gen- lateiare yoo. (He fond is very Gli prudent la I leave these me. punire " Do leave. you accardare They punisliedthemselves Be I deaiderare luiingare ^ lokini. Sgridare iheni? sec you and him Scold onore. I t lober. sedia pane, I C) speaking)of piace molto circumspect,when and of il himself. parlar He speak of yourself. you rUervato if not of master have bii^l^. They padrone been by sent He you. ^z ^ said himself,that within her. 6c lasciare (your neighbour). yourselfand to (part from) not che ira useful would he prossimo (sing.) LESSON XI. s Here is the treaty ; il guaranteed by England* signed last ioltoicritto il was We have not been nor and month, guided by is ava- guidaii guaranii'to rice 1 hy ambition, but by the hand of God. It saved us aalvare from da every danger; it made renders us victorious ; it will vincilcre assist os. ajuiare I O Let EXERCISES. coufiJe us in iu Give soldiers. the to tome Give hiai cOTifidare Do some. give them speak to him Let me. him to give not of speak us Send it. Give any. me them Do some. me. it. of him to to oot as oot Let send not Do me any. Mandate Here are cherries; hay some four of pooncb How them. eiliegia;comprare maijy books thank you will for Open it. I shall buy? you the trunk silk of hope haule, been stockings in shall we fatal We j but court di a wonderful things. by guldalo midable lo his a*suoi Yes, it is he done) potato fare The love of glory produces great produrre led man have 1 ammirahiU men: has Ambition avrebbe non I to-morrow, (could not he , 2 many to Englishmen. it without pair three trovare shall go several there sec him to it. senza so will find yon , Kingraziare They wiU buy twenty. it is very useful his country to da and for- , patria enemies. Who nemico, Chi himself. There (iscoming)? guardiao? My viene? some arc iulore mco, think Jif* who pcnsare ferently. LESSON His house was built last XII. year. It is fabhricato Your soldiers are better disciplinedthan (adv.)disciplinato larger than onrt* grande ours. A friendof la EXERCISES. 2 1 SI left kaod. her A aliot carried sinfstro shoulders. my slogare hands. hreak heart. my She will trinciare Go and a is hands. her washinn Mind h"i" badare tta yoa have spezzare lavare carve; I via You spalla your you legs away. two palla poriare dislocated wash his cat fingers. yoar The executioner tagliare hoja 14 GuL iheir heads The off. speaking with captain was Mra S., . troncare told and her cousin di a away^ his will He seiaiac* little sister is ill;let ni go (and malttto quare see (sqaandrr soon aedere. My properly. down. sit (o her a .J vederla LESSON This penknife shall be xm. given to best yoor popil. Tfiese migliore allievo, iVihles are written elegance. with This is J'nvola which that famous hallle a "which the the enemy's stones pianuroy in the rivulet in 1 nemico are in ruscelletto si deite eelehre cniovove is (was fought];this plain, the (quenched leader generate del these dissetarsi sprinkled(by the) blood ianafjiato and ihirsl); his of our people. Do EXERCISES. 1 13 tlioie curtains take aot a This way. man Tbat word. been keeps mai non has man 2 never cortiue unsnccessful in 3 Iiis manteitere his undertaking. infelice Speak fnore DO to of ihat me ; he man has deceived and me, ingannare who tbose recommended were him. to who He, bis in raccomandato yootb (giveshimself darti to ^onr in cultivate up) pleasore,and to does endea- not preda his proou- mind, will in his old age be deprived of rare relief tbat ia afTorded which sollietfo mho, by study. Let prosperity,threw in his From ttofortuoate. ware relieve him sollet^are recato compassionate a pietOAO gettare ihtt us that woman on eye s guar you those do will receive 2 good advice. this From you woman 1 will receive nothing coii"(^/f.(plu.) non 8 have bim seen this and morning, darmo. /altro che 2 1 shall I mischief. but see bim again tbia eTening. Those des"'rve men riuedere praise, who prefer the public interest to their praprio. anteporre Whose watch own. is this ? It is mine, f^at coat of yours fits stare you well. Those shoes of yours are not shining. bistro 1 tenuint ( to clean di 1 tbem again ). ripulire Tell your 4 1 EXERCISES. LESSON The dog (are feeding) you al cane date quale N., whom Mr. beast. XIV. da wishes table upon The which write you ringhioso = speak lo t^olere cofioscere =: snarling a. mangiare know, you ii to you. = is broken. Send it to the at that rotto. he joiner ; will repair it. The soldier who racdmciare falegmime; battle,received medal. a I will point medaglia. uin that was to tbe you cap- mostrare in that wounded was oat action. comhattimento. I know that you sapere clie 2 will call andare those on gentlemen met yon at the Grenerars t*edere a 1 yesterday. You have disturbed all the people itiquietaretutto in this house. shall I the send who live stare persona letters you have written. scritte. Here is die lady whom Iwi I met a suo secret, sera nfght went to come Mr. N. 's. whose (are prepos- manners preuengono favore. will is voice ovjersera man young I incontrare sesfiing.)William in Last "urmonioso,J^ri tanto There melodious. whose lire sen (so very) sing, and beard yon whom a at I have entrusted with , confidare cui half-pastten. I wrote to him our = to di allow to roe binders wbicb ; hot shore on go I baTO received not those callingon from me 5 1 EXERCISES. an answer ; Confess strangers. dl impedire S candidly what What plotted againstns. yon meritorious a tramare =^ 1 ! deed XV. LESSON of those 'Which "ay? I do will pens him. understand not Di Who? told us? he did ia the at door ? Go and hear you inlendeie I No; io = Who did non what To see. he does grazia N. Mr. What n.e? Pray, capire what give you do not. I'ho inteto. you apply applicare resolntion yourself? What baa he taken riioluzione What ? name are his presa ? amusements dwertimenti What done luiTe you to-day? Whose ? What ia hia ? these ? rings are ? Whoae writing-desk ia that ? icrittojo It hers. is Of what do I On complain? lagnarsi? ground my fondare have shall we Sopra believe I do = ? To whom A I offered fare refnge ? ricoyero Whom hopeK? what an In what = Which ? insult? country shall I take = paete of the two will accompany a mj ? Which l6 EXERCISES. what Under will^reaiaiii? star I born was (worse is ? Wbo pib mal' 1 2 I than fortane treated)by ? am =: trattato XVI. LESSON There generalsat two are of ihe the head arm bolb j, of the testa, age ; but same the ahall either uincere o of the bj unforianate yonr their punishment that as severe merry , of said " others, the he will be not castigo trcufiato so the compatriotto; and (led astray), were I have countrymen; prooesso youngest otii"r. " deW o trial the examined I il die this^or with conquer are poison; cc a la arme Here a and he, showing his sword said " weapons, other the than brave more one to me. Eat, a I " have will nk, dr live and else nothing " , alUgmmente replied I to him and " wish rispondere other di desiderare people's be and property retire. to ritirarsL satisfied with , sptak of death, and die, laugb, and some If cry. two are any differeut person your own. del conteuto To Respect " = things." Some should know wfa"C piangere * hy This pbrase, chi,.,.chi.- and others of (he same chi un' nature, as, Chi Some f/ice say uatt ope cosa, thing , some ultra i another. are expreised also / EXERCISES. have you done, woold jou 1 be longer no cooiidered pih 1 Wby man. do = 1 make not yon great a riffutaio 7 troublef your known to the I have re* esporre Duke ? brother his and Both relieve can you. tolleifare ceived^a great from ciTiHtiei many Mr. Smith hit and father, finezza and grateful am to both -what for they for did Yon me. will di at meet the English the banquet and gentlemen French that , are this in now island. Do speak not politics of either to politica (sing.) 1 1 of them. will I send back you the peaches and wali- rimandare 1 nuts ; both are of a yery bad quality.VTe i S only 3 have two ioli 5 neitlier enemies^and of them will be able (to do us any harm). nuocerci. 1 have not given any = Wliy then do to reason of them either molwo they :=" fly yw^g"** from n:e ? They They wish i^olere to die for scandalize each other. me. diffamwe deceive ingannaie = " another. to one 1 8 EXERCISES. XYII. LESSON is Somebody making When somebody. to he? speak of shall We give zz. sla this letier is who noise; a yoa miod body, any dadare what yoa If say. these of any ladies like volere mandare Some of Take mnsicians. senator i. relations are chiamare a tarines. the for) send your n: of some these the in call him on has he always , che assists nothing. Nothing He me. assists him. discourages tale some uisitare Nobody me. When- country. Q^ni I ta uec- noce persica. ever we , a (shall dance to a nobody. I No tell to istorietta officer i^oL racconiate have done shall ou go scoraggire there without Leghorn. my In shop. no Not do We permission. of oni not your know any ships ( body fe I at in ) legiio ahbatter$i h wi that pirate. Nothing in this lasts world. And he was durare m 1 so del him completely tutto again. that transformed no could one raffigurare sea was quiet and no stars. clouds veiled , nuUo the known , trasmutiao, The have nuhe (fern.) velart E3LCRCISES. 20 (fpbaks ill) of aoj cuiriM HU wb"te?er. man sparlare contro He believe. speak can this is the Mow is the bear, be silent. This may wLiatever. sword Whatever da sicuro you strong, to corazsa protectedagainst any it that he is eloquence wilh justiceof troth, whatever of any thing may whatever. who those king^ that the yMi apply ricof'rere be, (ar" immediately admitted; they may him, whoever to snbito. si ammetlano his goddess do advise who me art, either thoo whoever Gome, presence. Gentlemen, at come =: a shepherdess. zn = hour whatewer home. will like ,* you yon t'i at or , consigliare me virgin a unhappy an am to piace; pleased to stay here (a short time) with Be find me , ul^uanto di piaceieufi . hide and from not celare ehecchh mi = XIX. LESSON We art hunting hares and rtfbbits , with When abounds. drinking your called you heallh. I shall the (look !it)those who pass by. hence, stir di If he knows all arrived, he will be look'og for you over per I am examining were we and qui that you :^ osservare are j muouersi alia I shall cui Vetturino not litUe this which di cacciare island of her. is become what me ihe nursery in order to semenznjo affinedi choose the town. = those plants, EXERCISES. ( 2 opioioo,will tbrive wbieb, tceordiDgto my WbtB ofun Pado"^w6 at w"rfl we went to PadotAa, I oeral the taw and 't tbe foretold t pre dire " Rome, at Marte I Roman ge^^ Marius, and " yonog celebrated most built by Auguttut after the Augusto deatroyed by tbe Romant wat in Philippi.CaHbagc battle of Tbe grandezza, Mart of disiinguere of intrepidity intrepidezza " temple " bimself eignalUed bit future grealoeis. Tbe of era He of Namamk. assedio courage Arpioom at Arpino genitore. eioge Soipione, I I ibe Scipio, tt pro"stors Mario itidotto aoder tbe Me boro wa" iUitertte parcaU. aod obaeare I t Meriui Cajo from pometo. a Ceiae of tliet Uttivertity. li I orchAid. all ignore seeondo k in your 1 wat Filippi. 447 Chritl. The before yeara prima di Crista, tooitbiog.Di4 fare prendente, \ Did ulJ be what you wat Adriano memoria breakfatt be Adriaa of memory the with as- sor- French minister? cplazione my father to wrote the committarj? committai'io I have not had the pleatureof piacere tix leave, month's di iei you. your frienJt. If you (pret.iof.) =: 1 2 a"k teeing mesi un If yott remain the government congedo^ quiet will not grant it printt. We thall retire ritirarsi at to gouerno I will , give you beautiful two trafufuillo, stampa ? the hour (you like). At che uorrete. 20 toon a^ EXERCISES^ the as talk that when of I shall is over, dinner the call penire a captain is on trovare We you. shall rz board. on. He will oo go abhordo. after he shore has given lesson a his to popils. Perhaps he is JForse zr . m not gone the to play. Do enter not perhaps he ; teatro. Do tire not basy. is oceupaio. thai Do man. I scold reply when not thee. annojare 2 I have this year written friends^in (tomy After he considered had little a while, East Indies. Orientale ho che agli amici the 1 he India- answered. pensatq XX. LESSON s I wonder should yon could surprised he afraid)you stand disobeyed the have I temptation. alia resistere poiere sorpreso 1 much. so adulare maraingliarsi was 1 author flatter that orders. (am ho tentazione. he I fear will die of paura that He disease. ig a good malatiia. his servants every master he : always wishes that padrone; should thing.He be satisfied. I wish (would have) me yon may with go the succeed general. in I vorrebbe allow that every one shou'd lell me the truth, thoogh it permettcre hf displeasing.I will spiqceyole, not allow you to neglect yonr trascurare aAirs. 23 SXXIICISES. I grant that joo we be than lacky more are if. He conoedere ^= officer ibonld that every dered or* be board od snn-set. at del sole al tramontar Command that fbould we and fight aod go tball we ob^^y. , iattersif I do doubt BQt but will jon of his approve chenon God'f Vamor do detain not ia better me I : be muft (at the) for bim to Il be waa wilb ge- dcd trattenere o'clock. nine at P^f = del Cielo neral'a k aake For meaaurea. me neceaaary for than with those be to ua silent. (lazyfellows). tfaccendalo. U it possiblefor not yon follow to aderire joat that be should fall,who the waa opinion ? our It was a of cause evils. It is our male. probable he will arrive here before the courier. Where is the corriere. 2 who person dares to contradict roe 4 ? There is no who one 1 1 2 wishes this in drink to body any I Find me nobody see has that chi non more. work. 2 the any who one that knows intention to might help us. boy If you bouse, send a me know him to di office. my There is no man in the world I philosopher who esleera more tlian uffizio. you. world I think had the*e been was a destroyedseveral times. witl (1 rhink) he mi pare ihai the is called 4 2 EXEKCISES. Thoa Francif. art iocredoloot very I do : wish not fmi* to Francesco . I believe thee. tAte I ba?e which "on] a Send is immortal. 2 nie whom soldier a I This trntt. can di is the difficah moat Jidarsi. 1 I haye passage in met erer this work. paxso opera. LESSON enemies forgive our To how know Since is a X^o come I house). my dn soul. great a talent few persons the To possess. artist, make drinking me. wine, althoogh the doctor see from refrain cannot has medico often oi abhoccarsi " that mark a interview)with (have an most Giacche him is give leasonaUy to joa XXI. walking him forbidden me vietare the Rabbins. with to do = = it. I It is necessary to Rabbino. pretend not to see. would He not me see voile them talking together. I piu heard never dhr Let me alone; Lasciatemi Though does not I have care slander yon discorrere neighours. to obey I am in not di stare, told him many me. I hear more. any times pih volte For all I Benchh to male(genit.) = umore. stay at starsene am humour. good a not your hia gli home he , a casa father,I , do 25 SXEACISES. off l"ave not fcokliog bim. He daoee. can Can awim? yoa nuotare but I cao; I able not am twim to dance can (wiihout tlopping, Lour one Hi f"el not pray for tired it). If jou (draw cao ttaiicarmi* senza make to you . sentini spostato and feel I = = (without ftrengih).I to-daj,for segititOf colours) in I , dipingere. me a of thia copy picture. Do fail not to t/uadro. anawtr me by col inquiry) about of return ritorno poat. ri cor king it. The I always forget to (make injor" ere. ordered conclude to me truce a marsi tregua If yoa the enemy. with help effect to me the welfare ej^fettuare my an subjects, history will speak both tudditOf is man That you. , enticingns enticingyon forsake to to virtue. are is person of path honour ; but re- senticro king. a That da the from swerve deuiare yon and me herie t allontanarti member of of I apply myself to from study morn- dalla ing till evening be and alia the the pbys , fool the whole day with to sop- ruzzare blackguards of the neiglibonrhood. He strives monello port bia fiere the mante- family (in a la esteem every-body. I think I pare di Mi your procaooiarti decorotamente, of father, and I love obtain way), and aspires to decorons you as see in yon tenderly tenerameut9 as the image (I did amai of him). lui. 2G EXERCISES. professorteaches This how you an (Iil^e live to da = both science his by dabbene uomo is treasure a to you ; tesoro con mind mao), , He actions. and hoaesr not lose to Glory him. mind the excites perform to fare I great deeds. ba?" been for you waiting all the morning to azioni. take the to you stood He governor's. condurre to bis us inimicarsi the (1 give you pray favour a pro going ado to plenty us call Verrb in from much these lines order you of to you) on da not toascer- Lucca little and baths. I bagno. lo him. leave. drink to of mine. friend a accer- Too congedo. little drink to take to voi and eat parsuade to to ri^a shall great deal a I write noi. con truth. OS would me enemies). (genit.) tarsi give in restore (make tain nentral hardly I ytith yon I eat. wife My have to dissuaded it. I believe had (iaf.) stento all he For to : is assiduous his to al work, (he lavoro, egU business). falti He listen chezza stenta will t*ostn\ to sense his scarcelyget can a be not isteutera wliat he dare armies thou mollo he a It comes. a your = fare is i non- sciac' says. retta LESSOIV The long before about jindale viuete. Nou to livelihood).Go = hast XXII. defeated, the nations icon/iggercj thou hast sub- sag- 28 EXERCISES. LESSON Greekf Tbe XXIII. feared were the by Persians. I alwajs was Persiano. Ly invited If him. yoa do not review the to go they will rassegna punish He yoo. the (stonedto death) by was mountaineers; lapidate but the chiefs of the murder shot the upon dance In men. raramente good health , hot countries. caldo paese, they eat at more will be elected When eletto that the moured; than in crdine. been Corre spilt sparso had di giomo the opera is da spread) in are the They taken college. (It was that fortress a say terra. rn- Si sparse enemies la cf the first blood has Jortezza a great of deal voce both on sides. (I will lo parte. (in day-time).A Jo of (*uWO (A report shore. on = poce class. people si sea member a people = estate per yon time summer D' in are muro. ascoltato seldom They Passions ramparts. melfattore (listened to) by much hanged. impicoato. malefactors the fucilare too and taken were omlcidio capo have montamaro; coward is non allow) people not yoglio eke despised. Cowards to sleep =(sub.) despised. are codardo of (yesterdayevening) they sang a very fine jersera duet. duetto. Two very pretty yezzoso women were beard sing. The EXERCISES. of S"n UiMtre Csrloi it 2g ( tbat large , "o che Carlo teatro pcopU fiiig diftinctly).Thty do diitintamente. com'eni"itztf.(plu.) voce (tbow not genie regard) for reaped) any bark pro- = deal great a =: ibe to rUpettare people si non (tliow aoj not bear nol ritpettare = perty of oiliera. When la = do Tbty deceecy. does ooe do ibey , ahbajare mnch. bite Dot mordere = the We dog-daya do not tbeae answer Tbey mandwe vill Tbey people. tO'day. It ia tbon- one fil di spada a koow not aword with yon tbia eoat on. one* pert = welcome* will Tbey cieala the to pot coil aand graaabop- a in lulian. ao tbe lettera = called bear we canieola(^"\np) poeo, aing. per In People will ua. bate tbee. When aceogliere bene ooracWea abave we io radere baate, (we often fretta,eovenle facea). When f/i#o. pentirti M"o pardon. People terve got great many tbey thinga of apeak not well often; for author one What bim. of bim? tuo fallo tbey do Answer derire can iaulta, we a tbey bim. do not Some see quails were (any more) a ? Do tbia read one of great deal tay of bim knowledge lume trarre from = " aay Let me. de" , Tbey ihalordiio. tatlo nel or our quite atunned. np our eifa un taglio al aincerely repent do we cot seon of tbem. days two ago will Tbey Lot , gire me now the pih charge inoomhenta of it. Tbey will write to na about it. Tbon 3o 1"X"RC1SES. wishett intiff: tonie shall we gWe As some. yoa Siccome volere like you know they spoken been send they will mm, said been (idlestories)have of favour in to bottles ten yon that A man. have there. They will speak h"TC I of it. great many yet spok"n not foU of but composition a they , of fra aggluatamentOf When have we time no One mnch^ do cannot we long). (before it poco. live can molto. well this in they sorry town if have had has one plenty of for consideration no had not the good give to sense what you yon They age. They words. fair him huono accortezza grant our am alia riguardo have I spend. to money Soldiers ask. forbidden are to out go vietare . after the Men retreat. of alone war allowed are to enter . Legno ritirata. that harbour, i not am da approdare guerra allowed time dine. to dare in LESSON XXIV. * What do think you ? Shall of the weather we be able to ~{d"t.)sembrare go out without any danger of snowed this will It ? has rained, hagntvrsi^ = raining, and gettingwet rain morning. till the The evening. storm has It is cold, hindered and me has from 3 EXERCISES. " ileeping.It lightened, thnodered, It hat thif week. thawed not hailed and I already dark, vhen grown him. di robbers some ego. for care mai non It had did Dever honrs two to came paj ladro me kind a visit. has always concerned di misfortunes Divers condition. be whether is better to roe have in come migliorare befallen us. Tell yet gone accadere sventwa me far" gentile, i"i"Ua your It 1 My time. is master not a wish if you out; speak to him, to up. We come had entered satire. the city before He haYO perished am he misery. Although in hopes and thrown crossing into the a river. valicaro 1 in in oseura. born was taken magistrateswere Several dungeon. prigione the become wicked, I I call to is back him virtue. He to fainred in crown us ricondurre my The arms. day glory. The with has at last of symptoms will relapse having disappeared, a ricaduta di the which appeared =: mained Since he should has stayed here remain earth and in this (dat.)i bagni di has watch-chain This alone. sea-bathing.He him pbysieian prescribedfor the vein in the bad good. The of water has people. Your season, magician has , Petrarca never pleased, pleases,and re- mare. belonged it is just has immediately will has please a speech has displeasedthe king. Do to me. that he touched the sprung up. great many not drink 3 EXERCISES. a this of any ftour). The tuined it(lja8 wine, LorizOD rahbu- iHocetire. threatens dim, and come be- is diusteri let Companions . not* us , jarsi p^T' chosen not have been not to with coma children. his "H"lere i d'animo, den I has He lose courage. able to with along go them. have I been do- = obliged him. upbraid to (He dot^ersi rimproverare I'ere for the death cardinal. of the have must We \exed) rattristare able not were been write to to delta him. have They walked. not have We Poor road. strada to has god-son who my he Ulan. quanta visit a pay feeble how man, is We this per Go grown! taken been and ill. ammalarsi. 3 week a guidiref = Jiglioecio sank over camminare passeggiare bad walked i frigates,and enemy's two three (adj.) nem/co" s a What lioe'Of-battle-shipi. misfortune " ! sixty tfaseello fishing pescareceio 1 have boats sunk the near harbour, all hands and barca la genie tutta perished. He give us who information has of run over that enormoos seas^ many will be fish called We ran to the place whence luogo the sails; the wind the voice = came ont. Let onde has increased. able the smisuraio (sio.) to whale. haUna* ns lower ammainart I have brought np and pro* 33 EXERCISES. like him ueud dowD my ton. The looner the mouDtaio. No Hal monte. Non bunters btT" he had not yet down gooe come ttairf , U prima scale , SSI cooipiratorffell than the him upon addosio nealing,I of art k 5 him made in waa orefice (to my come tf goldamith Fiorentino ualere the trucidare thia Florentine clever how heard Having him. murdered gli, 3 6 S 1 and , honae).Had da niellare my me. , (been prayera of any have been they would avail), readmitted t^alcre thia into who aaaembly. Te, lived have comfortable a and agiato voluptnoua youraelvea life, prepare lead to fnoHe died He one. lived. he aa glorioualy I dolorosa gate, use and panting, after and having aacended salt anelante, stanco I reated ataira, went a few minutea that upon up to that him. I followed first,and up the all' firtt plain space. pianerottolo. They have not yet seguitare prima, come the re tcala, (aing.) He reached giungere tired to, and stentato menare painful hard a high degree of glory to which their father grado whose great confusion A arrived. steps you have has followed. That warrior followed,baa died to-dayof the wound pedata le received on ihe ^^^^ head. The nrmy baa taken tise liehl. The tortire in campagna. 34 "XERCISES" mtde besieged (baw due Bortire assediali tbej twice thee to great so zn 1 S alloUed becD hare honoar. an respingere. ToQ been bave uolte, elected has Heayen repulsed. and tallies), two surprising a 2 invincible and courage sorprendente Afler firmness. I mass la fermezza bim.And from departed be would partirsi messa 2 in parted have the two face of Let Roger. us Ruggiero, scostumato 1 2 1 acquaintances, as does one prutiea, from away ran serpe. I me. never ran before away the innanzi bas cured yet recovered. Ask medicine Ims He poisonous serpent. a ill-bred j"liun will and me, those cure yon if ploughmen This enemy. id also. the I have not has emperor hifoleo passed the haie We river. passed Jtime our (in pleasant a piace^fol- wAy). The bas courier passed yet; lejtus not wait for him. mente. Two gentlemen have just or them, and give them ora down gone le smontare these overtake stairs; |Leys. The sjcala; raggiugnere prime has minister chiaue. just alightedfrot^ his horse, and (taken vain hopes j^elieve cair;^di# ? JUiman a Good t iin way) auffiarsi = place.Hoi^ his by to pa""^ who man ihee I , or addio, am verso has fed golpg the to to you with water ahbeyer(we 36 EXERCISES. that the believe me lueciole I am smemorato will perceive his relations by think They it. $ at^olo fool ; t^ecchio will repent they tardif old an ; but late, that the grand-fatherof too troppo if not cheese), and lanterne per (hair-brained man) a of green it made moan and that Caterina di nothing should rimbambito; without Catherine be done dovere him. consulting I have informed been saputo have you glad of am the profitedby lessons will know it. Yon godere of being given before fra useful to long Mr. yon by the desire N.; have I in me his con- rassomiglia He ber saw the at public dotta. her. immediately , fell in love He ducts con- and walk passeggio fell in love with , with my agent's daugliS ter months two and ago, he will I poco resembles brother, who a to her many 1 month. next i7 You laugh at but me; that I will make know bipsh yon (inf-) sapere 2 what have you He done. does for not to come 1 see (any us Ion- piu ger).Do with not some wonder of his at old it ; for he does friends. Be yourselfof my the well thing same pleased with ever what antico I give yon, and avail advice. Thia roan in- eonsiglio. termeddles with other and people'sbusiness, does harm to . a great many with his bad tongue. If I understood precious 37 EXERCISES. ttoufs well ai I do mea, "" be I tbould giojclliere. ^^ He it good judge a of winea. or aculpture. I iosoptiy I do told him pretend 001 tbat jeweHer. good t kuow to phi- oppoaed UDJnitly be scultura. brotber-in-law'a my desigua. He reaeoted it, and left oflT Dutch veiseli 2 Wbat bouae. frcqaentiogoor tboae are Olandese frequentare 1 loaded I tbink with? tbey with loaded are iron gin, , spiritodi ^inepro, htirro, or biUirro ifvine. He Fill tbeae caska cbeeae. aod hotter, formaggio, , ordered tbat the hall botle abould be adoroed $ala piciuiea.Here is gentleman a iFvilh white with adornare whom will you accomnioJiiie quadro. with every thing be The want. may of the treaaurei duke ahbisognare. would not be sufficieol has tare to gratify bit impetuous paisions. tfrenato 13 He does please bis not How friends. handsome 4 5 that cliild bambino i, i* ! 1 resembles it think alia che (dii,l.)ptircre = ing sereicly those (Hit from France revolted who for its aorae motiier. He him. They is persecui- = from He years. left will al partirsi hveak. Why "lieuts, but doat tboo not from fly from ihec. He roe ran ? I away fly from jar from home. 21 stt day* at me not del amuse- Thia 38 EXERCISES. wild in whieh hour is the beatts of their out go fiera order* jour 1 faithful a as taoMt. = % obey I shall dens. ought servant bis obey to deve Those master. killed who brothers two z~. another, (were one , padrone, il brought world) by the into My yoa. happiness depends naequero upon Very you. disturbances great iurholenza 8 brother My ination. does from arose like not assas- Indian these grand seignior three the outlived vis ire succeeded Julius the i5\3, and will, he died buon thing. He Second the on 45th of 4st December, March, Say and is not indole,ov di huona fell in with what you offended pasta, people) (some who seemed to alcnni so'cliers. I fell in with a = who great many beggieg were accattate door to uscio trust of 4521. rr: from the = nulla be Leo years. Leone (a good-natured man), is di any the on salsa. signore gran Giulio at sauces. Indiano visier Tenth as"ss- nascere sinio. The that you Come door. along in do , ::z (any more). When I trust to me. I do not =. thiuk of the He lives upon ingratitudeof pill. my people, life is venire Jjive upon burden a me. injaslidio. vegetablesfor vegetale to a week. The meat. came. poor people of the ^eR"e(sing.) 39 exehci^es. iive mouotaioi neighboariDg generallyon potatoet wicino palata milk. bread, and baa Who Htoleo thy latle ateala my Do you. away from week ago. from hide not all me it from Jier. the ua LESSON has He shall la me actually so.This in times it).He Aa go we ahelter a yore, I forward, shall mention fare menzione forfeit rather the will He behind. bougt n Faith Tersea. this out instant. It all my properly. aeeat the poor rich, fo now waa, of the province. I your diacourse. dei Go hereafter. with on Let We him before. go formerly were I would members bene.^i^Xu.) also college,and same had , thou to tired. am perdere of hnndred two ia gone which town, il ricot^ero cannot I took He pagherai, is of king. XXVI. exactFy off for thee pay it from mente a (1 heart by learnt bide tliat paper ? not of the a newer Eogliah the do I always . horsa Hide pena. segala , He ? purae rye , be good friends. for cautious more We the have left him future. Let us ^uardingo finish our affaira and , ahall we dine afterwards. (I might deiinare then have potei^a that. to Let been dieci av^er us ten go years old).He uillora baa never anni. gently.You recovered since riauersi will do this at leisure. Send Mandare 4o lor EXERCISES. liiitiand also for thoae and me, who I present. were per Lave the yelexamiaed not Some qaeslion. hare Chi Come much. He yoari. did me poco, = ear-rings are far by times many the honour (to di on He me). is not finer orecchino tempo per than These early. very little, some here ; look short time for him call venire a else. At somewhere trovarmi. least I shall be in a entirely recovered. It is nni guarito, an understand thing to easy fully some pas I To-day better. somewhat am you ordered are chastised. hare D.inte. no enough. eaten Do (adv.) stare what We of passages He with told punctuality by me of word , else or mouth will you that there be were oo castigate. fuilher orders. He has always spoken openly to Tlie '. m nlteriore pfiysicianhas allowed hini to go about the in al morning. Recollect to go softlyin on this wish talk to to Mr. N-, let us go affair. below. Your fixed above. (He looks at ben and says, dress " it is he after the German " He manner of the fashion. ancients antica him ben is Giacche ? ? from lo guar head squadra to is that man are do fool) , , entirelyrecovered. Who Tedesco vestire after th(" himself. Since looks s always of the fresco negozio. := you cool Tb^'y dressed 4 EXERCISES. LESSON di on (to pifiyingat billiards) board on che starmeiie higliardo al giuocare gentlemen. There those viih shore XXVIf. prefer staying I Surely ^ thousand one were 1 2 assailants The thereabout. or men nearly were inclrca asialitore = hun- two 1 dred that I door, in order the open continually.I works fifty.He and aeeiocchh within. there I First (rising and leyarsi there coperto then I saw (inf.) porsi midnight. at al daughter speak, the in that silting down) e sheltered potere{%wh\.)stare heard to yon be may Prima hiu beseech do a Go seder place. He will arrire e into when garden my like. yon i^o/ere. There will you find exquisite fruit, some and of flowers frutto,(pl.) the He smell. sweetest warned of before. it He had odore. grato forbidden wai the me day before to go out. Do not fear, for che dl have said so many good a prayers littlewhile (that ago, che need ci be not blsogna afraid).The enemy left the frontiers where we non iliey temere, shortlybefore. assembled had I For the future he leg. I have will be very ridursi severe. My son fell and broke his not had a 42 EXERCISES. iDonieat's with rest tliis I wish Rioce. is He man. his pailare detcripu'on of a his before three and think thou dost Do ? not thou He ehe or will here. reside and ? Tell This business also do that the banks will How of so. His father do How tolerably well. Realiy papers. is he have thoroughly did much, so speak che do ferently dif- spite. If me io ? (subj.) are all be ; to They examine church freqtienllyto goes of out brothers jour he- related this river you What pure = ihera sol- still look z=z ahitare him three doing? thou dost backwards. duke. had thou art Why likest this cottage and come What behind. Perehh, turn the by to-morrow, podere. of ? ZL hind lii or , He estate. descrizione diers il afjari; de*suoi give you and speaking molto will comeback he perhaps affairs); own of gliplace e patience great tiresome, (and fond very nojoso, of have would yoa these die on , scrittwa. is contrary, to better behave there. seen never : within go tell you I frankly and apologise to- , f(areun'apologia,or lives well One him. dare these be sums che is within. Do not equally this to come far troppty divided between (subj.) lately domantoo go qua scusa. in. Make He here ought you fra country ; di perceive we accorgersi arrwato them. it. ne. 13 have been till now against control' in speakiog di (inf.) to him: be io Mi a certain 3 plans. I sometimes our I shall Yoa succeed riesee praise lodarsi di yon to a him. /ui. 44 EXERCISES. serable life rambling I world). Nor tbe graDted doInow(uie Ne lo mondo. tapiniuidoper back) what aboat formerly. And yon not ripi' or iz: far from very gl'are place where the tbe sportsman tbe was dogs began , to (rni St' after) roe-bucks. two The of this industrious little farm pea- capriuolo. guire much is not sant cultivated more than that of steward. onr If Jaltore. have yon nothing sit do, to he down; will be not long cooi' a 31347 ing. Ii is 8 long not tbe since 6 5 physiciancame here. John, che who expected him say so, Giofonni, quite contrary conclusion a tbe was happiest that man to this,as he heard Yoa existed. ever essere. have called sometimes bouse that at (spoken there and , stato ill of di contro I? me). Did Never. yon in with company ^i He Never. married sposare that him see me. gentlemen? those sparlato at^ete woman) (poor worthless , or prendereperJM^Ue will. I shall against my eat Iff* heard t donnicciuola day to voice my taste. crying out "ridare zz wilbout As he was going help. He for failing give the best he , always below. He will m sumptuous a lauLo Joabi is stairs down general of tbe dinner. Ho is wiihoai hanchetto. age. Upon di tfuesto secolo* my faith I da 4^ EXERCISES. lov" j00| dMr my (at foo, much qnanto pleaiet the wbo Lord, if in I do at thence Heaven, and He tha gOTcrna Signore, uoiTerie. it stesso. = me mjielf). As reggere that nt in np rinchiudere tmall a room, and ordered the offing). cella = , 13 not na che to I taw thip (in a (tabj.)ijidi. - the of it. Then out go non On S 4 43lh of per I'alto Angutt he made a aringa 1 2 and enemiet, about a few a pochi limpid a after dayt dl brook. indi He it betidet and tpoke gentleman large on at who had the taken men fear. " Thit not WAt Non at ii contrary, it kingdom all the he by abathed) lind, nor deaf; your ciecOf nesordoi t peaking, time long a there that taid io time bene pritoo. that plant.And to "c me, , far at than powerful more tharp to brusco per her again che pregare 1 del Do not the other. antwer; an behaviour to ting. We 9 1 are not (8ob].)r= is known to non ut. the in del paroline = the on =: gentle (and pretiiettwordt) mott entreated good, , for dolci world, do to desiderio wat me there- are spaurl mica with with a propertiet of , find Ih in' bat He will You =: :r rich. very died. he I'lmpidoruicello. tomo (He agaioat hit ttroog tpeech = He mare. While 3 mtea I am andamenio(^l.)nolo fliet away. fuggire. He taid that he withed more 4G EXERCISES. tLao ever trust me be to to friend a I body. %vy bottom is would a 2 but certainly , rwa. sz no non -" has which sea mad not never 4 5 2 He shore. nor in swimmiog am 13 neither He wanior. the to 1 He extravagant. answered Do no. not answer no. me . strayagante. Have broken you the looking-glass? No, Should sir. yon rompere 1 want thing, write any to immediately. Nothing us root can sradioare 1 that propensity for UDfortunate infelice did sleep not gambling passione at all last ont So his violent the was forte first division, which harassed cruelly diuisione^ that the the left 1 wing battle lasted but a few = not was committed ran 4 atrocious = in even the ages (of barbarism). barbaro misfatto He So minutes. , crime secretly.This away of the straccare 12 a of assault 3 enemy He assalto 2 the heart. dal giuoco night. of (adj.) legislatoris undoubtedly severe, legislatore aud merciful : to severe clemente: merciful (to them t^erso those who contro that i are essere misled). traviati. persist ostinato in vice, and 4? EXERCISES. LESSOrV shall We XXIX. thif work. begin now 4are prinoipio Sometimea barrackt. the "ited a jiiit now fl- pi'omiitei,aometimea he He hai lat^oro. be quartiere. She titreatena. alwaya ia We longer complain. the the end at aie Now aame. of thon aoaldat journey onr 1 S It ia time at (toconform laat telf)to public opinion. I one'a uniformarsi d* 1 aball dine to-day at liable to comeit. Whence the d* me Where they come? do now-a-daya are voi paaaiona. Let aame 2 Men houae. your da know are whence the very was and , pleated.He much : sixty of infantry great number of had he had ships.These Rather to than die would sooner of valry ca- in the harbour moreover placed perfectly picturesare t'Uuato be disgraced.Who arrived first ? disonoralo. = I muiketa? thirtyregiments nawe. well. thou schioppo? (aubj.) a lait. at (iof*) pih He no see him killed than conquered. He acts tfinto. 1 worse (adv.) than he speaks. A dire. lame and most wretchedly dressed 48 "X"AC1S"S. His man. aacestors persecaled by fortune. fine man young I have it done not speaks always to he and uofortunate, were That purpose. on the likewise is Saj purpose. no- ^ leggiadro thing preposterously.He It openly. there goes is pablicly si dic" 1 that reported him gave you (box a the on ear). The laws are schiaffo. not " extortions, and many thing. The same Bascia - without does ' he Mid would He come. is all at i 2 3 crucciato, 5 If dead. not nonpunto S wish you precisely himself showing , 1 *"g"7" non = questo zzz pupil great a. usare (present one) the poco(adj.)angheria, the committed first Bashaw properly applied.The well me (folere 1 at all, and desire di bene punto, will do what I shall tell yon. to saye from n"e compare 2 death, you has He no con- di 1 science all. Tell at me near as , you lost those in as skirmishes. He how possible, is nearly men many ruined. If we sciwamuccia. happy were future. I am in former almost days, decided must ci6 dot^ere^iuf.) to avvenire. thou hope, wilt when make that fear us And marry. for the aftewards ammogliarsi. see those it is who time, pleased in are to go to the because the fire , they (blessed people). Qence beate genti. 49 EXERCISES. hill. the we can -wc opened He he anil thence window, a poggio. himself threw arrive daring haate, sir. wbat will He I water. And this time. be aaw he back great a arrived this here Gome like. yon the into that at Speak soon. lime. and evening, people many do low. Mtike qaickly We shall cene 1 2 garden the to go slowly.Danghter, very walk gently.He andremo be will tliree dnys They most. at yellow, are and for the stare part made most this in He way. mostly is iti guisa* the for part most other each see home. at die in We casa. prince's bo". He palco. took made and aside me this read me Pat paper. this by fogUo. trarre He money. pot his sword into scabbard the and left him , fodero pierced through. They for the are , part avaricioos. most Love trafitto him prompting was on side, anh one honour istigare Your treasures are partly exhausted. leave I the (on dalV altra. you tO'^ay. 1 ? knows Who perhaps shall we 1 each see rii^edere where. in the him. newa not Tell grave He him ^ people seldom that iz(fl(pl o ,) from goes to me will come seldom out. rejoices rallcgrare us. np speak We hear I other). often other again soroe- ci here. of When and us, and now fall we in are of never then with some him; 50 EXERCISES. "ometimet in fountain;sometimes the at the Thou wood. 1 whenever below here sleep wilt thou I likest. desiderare cemaiD starsene 1 by myself, here and love as prompts I sometimes me, make ifwiture and rhymes here. Come embraced herbs. and Mowers the last time. for me strangers latelyarrived the are he There gather I sometimes verses, ? Where does Where live? he di stare casa? Opposite. LESSOIV has be Surely lost (his senses).Bo la It is that true ihy XXX. speak you is often ? earnest testa. is tutor a of great man hot understanding, ^jo he in senno, obstinate,and will act never according to my ad- fare If vice. (uke you f arete sent a to messenger advice), my a us mio will you be He happy. senno, immediately. Since Heaven wishes Giacche that I should tell you. The be for unhappy elector has Do ever. signed the quickly sentence just I what now. Go lelettore quick. Let us make baste , gentlemen, it late. grows Those Jarsi who come late shall dine in the other room. stanza. They esteem 52 E^LERCISES. i i painfal life 1 la gravosa liangs, that if another altenersi, altri does help not it me , aitare z=z 1. % . be) (will soon Jia tosto her out, at the end a =r could tight. Tell him widower a ? Yes And friends his answered nh yes, I of give reading was the but) my esteem? else. Nothing Non che altro it all 1= 4 else (nothing volere I = 12 Co thou . uedouo? 3 wishest I Debho , zz cry Oogltt yes. stretta, remain not corso. suo bo She its coiirse. rwa being throat of Yes, altro. thee. to LESSON XXXI. the The near bride. There master. several were aunt at was warriors the by the side pavilion. padiglione. I do abandon not about money I yon; The me. always am dogs Like man. poor a who man granfuria con is who (are afraid) of him. He put the the bed on no "it addosso act like the side . cradle temono of have dreaming. They sogiuire men I you. furiously barking out came uscirono the near at cuna which he used to sleep. I have desired the pregare widow his to death. excuse He me arrived battery opposite butler ia the to I received you. before camp these day-light.The of the papers French Spaniards. Whjit Spaguuolo. before built I do a is 53 EXERCISES* before I what noifiingto bit crime dispaicheabefore my tbaii bo I jon. confetsed He dinner. "ball read owe ni j, dispaccio about bim. The whole I camp. Jjlnr soe judge, i the departure.He about round country beforo to challenged sfidare partenza. the before enemies two oMiged always Florence them see is beautiful. Fircjize LESSON We about them from received hsve XXXII. thousand ten florins Jiorino gold. He of wrote a satire against Tbon us. art strong a saldo satira I asked againstmisfortunes. shield of wbetlier what him had scudo been said againsthim true. was Within breast my soundi risonare a that voice heart).So within (breaks my a cloud of flowers ttcoorare. a lady appeared to me under a behind We The who me shall remain Russians are till on talking of was this side of on the I heard some ammanto, = woman dress. green other with her the river till us side of the nions. compasun Vistula. set. Aftfr yittola. (clapsof thunder),a many very big and tuoni, gan to fall. He ruled thick spesso over every bail be- grae;nuolii place except sigftoreg'"giare 22 litis ciiy. 54 I EXERCISES^ of you beg Do not set to "ceompanj till oat me tn u spring.He the gate m corered wai of tbe town. with mad di head to (almott dead) him I foand foot. from /ango outside the wails- semwivo Out assembly,cowardly people.Thou of this I She myself. beside am of out was beside art self. thy- (her wits). I senno. fell with in him I as walking along the was rifer. This ez- inconirarsi:=^ ambassadors will ask thingyon cepted, every speaking,I were bis direct opposite was the towards coarse granted to shall be While yon. tbe to far capital.Not the king. He from (be cammino wood you from that will see The river. a her palm-tree when wife waiter's fell daughter palrfia not you stsy an hour 1 longer? is not yet at the (of middle its Look at tbe sao, Guardarezz altro? which sentiment^. XXXUI. a Why senseless. senza LESSON do far not was I course). back came ci'e/o. almost in the middle of the day. He met half us a the middle days. of I shall the do He summer. it for two will be thousand here Venetian P^eneziano way. In mezzo, within a sequins. zecchino. fev He 55 EXfeacisEs. sQeeM"led hefood expectation. Tbej my 9*iu$cire than the from milei taltre Ai town. mia do I aa shall be not able According wilhoot Go arma. hia terminate to no on pert the on aquare this tell him and write they evening. All remigata una without accounta what to pull to fire appeared ia = againat the coffee-^jouae. we \ive" He am. dolente ua, contento rammaricarsi. wretched ao pleased am There complain. not sorte, world the to (I me, sono lot,) and my over for miglio delta in lontani speranza. two with farther not were that he The ua. will be able Christiana sur- conto rendered, condition on that back gave reneiere but war, (bat to all it (Having islands. began for you ceasary to aaved possessed before to board on gone and row; de'remi dare be the potenza a up la snpra went gall(*y) galera, ft will aw.iy. in acqua, go the , Montati they ahoold persone power = two livea le saline They their be ne- via. tree. These evils will fall npoii piombare 2 (As us. waa) I walla of the the on caatle, I armed two saw Stwido 1 men under a looking around will You tree. on the it under find graaa. He the table. hid I himself was in a natcondere small cottage between the moor and the hill. (To Per paludc between ourselves),he fra di noi. hates you. say He went Passare dirla to over ^ ic in Eng- 56 EXERCISES. in land,and tbjself Show he dress poor a humane to bis took always loved have who us London. towards way thee. benigno His this will be companions evening Stay Rome. near near Roma. have nothing. I fear and me, little cottage a Exercises General the near sea. the on PREPOSITIONS. I place (in which) The luogo he where writing was the was near by him. room oue used I dine. to down sat A pei-son Msidersi that stood you compared asleep at on side said my a him? to to I " saw the of beautiful most a kind What a by meadow green me-: man a ire shepherdess fountain,and of two her dormire 1 1 companions (were) likewise asleep (at her dormire on me, bed. and for stood Marseilles, an a quarter ancient of and feet).He called appie di lei. hoflr an noble most the at town, foot of is, as the you Alarsiglia, know, upon situated by poslo sopra the faith, and per my lawful legtttimo the sea-side in Provence. you Prot^enza. marina (by the) I promise love I lo, or pel sovereign,that within hold to portare a you , as to come few days I shall be with * 57 nXEKClSE3. The yoa. of king Jerusalem in with company , Ermtnia, d* placed himaelf 00 high a obferre to tower the the of camp mettere All thii conotrj Craaaderi. Crooiato, went at on board tu per -set sun that mootrcb. one of they and mooey towards Turn She these said atones. sheep wilhio words fostered, and fed, Being iis. nudrire,alletfare, wild lonely and with cell, he cellaf lamented within mountain day and had loss night the grown =: walls of the on up crescere of the a poor from him granted his conoedere infancy. Among infanzia, = S things varioas "ither a 1 of a family delightsin dilettare ohe in his estates own a of nseful great nnmber of which his children in ma ornbra d* r= trees^ to (under all* summer-time potere themselves. divert \" , buotio z=: shade) friend only solo perdita piangere fortune have herself. iolitario Malt^atico the uia lupo. rapace the away tra wolves. rapacioos that took prectons 1 left my I left thee? bafe where ahip, whence mitero! Oime a They portare fall tronki 1 Alas ander paese great many a is All spoke well of but him; the Sici- traitullare liao others amongst praised bim veiy much. The Conte lodare (having got montato on a horseback),arrived cat^allOf Earl after the third day nt hit 58 EXERCISES. friend's (couolrjhouse). t^illa. order that) the acciocche bebind squat GiuVacquatta fiends who are scoglio^ the other on of the side bridge perceive thee. I surrendered conditioir (on that vedere life should be ces but both left the evening) firing fuoco in retired enemy order good , ritirarsi parte, the on The sides. da ambo sore of the dusk In the saved)* AlVimbrunire on my salua la tfita, ceased (in rock, a dim^olo not may Sit field of battle eight thousand wA dead men tra (If 1 wounded. do Se ferito. mistake, not I believe that Si die rivers and la the r= the my that now may a vere. high be) which di che is hidden (blooming vailies)are contrary non in cry gentle breezes. a'soatfi from others. = attrui. eelare ualli al of no advantage V"Uere(pd fine sereno parola, or fauella, , and ed her riconoscere which p. to disposition sia tempra alas ! But lasso! I me: do oo sin.) rainy weather, alia in cold pioggiafid a*gelati 1 I knew uenti. speech, the natural (subj.) t^ita fiorirdi shores piaggia 1 ed il and nMuntains (what sapere piangere and sal^^o or trutl")- to respect XXXIV. know woods life mia due omai self of with m'inganno, fie"n LESSON So or has often again by al her ^=. comforted racconsolatQ face vol my and to heart Co EXERCISES. 2 "dlj corumiued 1 grievoas fault; a You ipdebted are to nevertheless the honours for me dcH^ere possess, I do forgive folio; enorme yon. nevertheless and riches nz (to dared jou make attempts) upon insidiare life. Do then for yoa what me I mi = vriUiogfy for do my To you. la he whom AliUare happy) and ihy mind, Change else hut, nothing answered cc with come I have deserved for me, (1 oonsiglio, = abandon sentii that caUed)j (was stone avesse have What with do to we nome asked Calandrino and ; the answered since name, we know of it?)) Since virtu the will have yon "=. saw kept he me Since you wish that I should re 1 let itb^so. Fron z^ his constantly eyes gli oeehi tenere me. it so, z=L h^ moment the tape 2 property : " del a ' non " huw "c ben Buffalmacco me. " felt never mat didst thou since it. I remain, apes addosso sbail = ke^ yoa (dat.) Riches company. do not only palliate the body^ but also those of the And soul. having = PnnGlo, she bid him towards one of his stories. turned ritfolgere (in a pleasant manner) begin piaeei*olmentec"e(sabj.) dire with For which reason Panfilo began novella. thus. All your words dciio are of difetto coprire the imperfections examined and weighed pesare^ ; tb^efore 6 EXERCISES* I desira be to you caotiout. And iboie 1 ihingf which da pregare iheir defecta show not ourselvei guard not at first are againstthem^ prender guardia do Why you wish we in see us? lire cao- traitor. a Be quiet. Nei- tcdiare threateningus are we tradUore. io the fleets that as di annojarefOV ther daogerouf, for more zitto. by sea, the nor army per already violated has which will makje aoil, our territorio, il col to al hia aov have I neither Sir, u : the esteem father of that but have cranes Ourrade^then family and thigh one He leg. gamha" they 1 How cc but hate the one turhato, one Ug? No had aooner he cut down the plant, ahbutterc than an* one coacia perplexed,aaid: Currado^ friends. nor money gru thigh and piegare giogo. sons. swered neither I yoke. the lo yield us cauaeof the death of the unfortunate two mitero cettOf lovers waa amantt known. apparwe. XXXV. LESSON He (waa not nonsi/eoe hurt at alcun all by male hia nella fal1)#though he fell eadula, 1 3 from a = place = somewhat high. alto. Though he was hungry he G4 EXJBRaSEfi, ward if you jou give (any ihing to) me drink. I do not da I whether know allowed am do to I do it. know not 2 think tlier yon it :=: (dat.)/)arere to proper yoa how know sapere :=: secret what longer. Pro- altro. hint, I a me shall go via, this mix shall I away. =: cenno to hour an 1 give fare 1 convenevole 1 vided stay whe- medicine, provided keep can you comporre will yoa Tell see. that him^ whenever he (dat.) likes to is the coach go oat" ready" If I wish, you leady am piacere pronto 13 8 all walk to Jare a pressed the piedi me stimotare pat end an to to do it yoa obtain kind enoagh volere,ov compiacersi presence, I will invite I all to = your : favour a impetrare are = spendere presto di for gratia honour that I escape, I will Ove with me If it should give yon proofs of hapawe- attachment my attaccamento ihe sovereign. After traveller, who the viaggiatore, sired gate your di nire to If me. = onorare friends. am fsing.) e^li pen time expenses: my (subj)=: provided yoa long a = . ready for have ttrada. to che You w^ty. him to was they had almost given somelhing choaked moriredi stay there the whole with sete, night and to drink thirst, they to de* prethe followingday. "5 VaiCERCISES. will petiliuot Theie Tell them arrived. beheaded was Be as presented I shall soon be there the as No out aet had she said 1 I as of words Bell was campana to than me, leave of (inf.) congedo da taking He can. the s is governor I body. any 4 little lighta the these without journey my as Draw soon as colpo sooner on the as first sound dceapitare heard. soon as Fare and nearer until stay here ^ I have pitiqua, bridled Leave horse. my the in water the until coffee-pot eaJlfettiera it boils. LESSON That XXXVI. interestingyoung who man, surprised us by his interessante knowledge, fell from yesterday his and horse died immc- dottrina. diately.Oh, O father! poor sad I shall thing I longerpay no disgrazia1 attention listen to to me what write you Well more? any or , (go your fate pity not Ha, you. shall 4 get a room faro ho; you have have rogue, the way) own I ; will not I shall vostro; caught thee? I :=: 1 prepared at you corre 3 alle itire won ! modo a hriccone, compiangere i What say. for thee (in(.)=: lotterytwelve lotto at Newgate. " thousand "Ho, " pounds ! I 66 KXfiRCISSS. coDgralnlate yon I and that noibing tee day in wbich Alas! it. on but he before misery born! was lost all I I have Oh me. She possesaeJ^ blessed be henedetto ": pleased ixas sin^ to compiacersi (pret.) to varions OS the at of end of the company, and songs " them of eadi : fall of mirth, ! The " themselves tragedy distingnished this in oat formers per- the last diatinguere tori heard and act times various at the voUa := a/to, ! Bravo " the are interpreterof true giudice, ! laws leggel just exclaimed N inicrpreie in king the out: (inf.) spetiaiore jndge, you Bravo, n crjing spectators , n I bravo Braro " cried hearing him pronoimce very a a Cheer sentence. up, friends. dear my Do let not us lasciare be (beat down) rz firm, by adversity. Courage^ along. come ahhattere =: let companions, enriches Be himself attack as fraud by ! the enemy. Woe to you Woe if him to cIo yon not wdo oome! colla Woe to if I should me dare to ardire how your unfortanate is father I ill. , Ah! his orders happy ! do assist me and open the cere that enemy door for = " as sleepers, you dormiglione, svegliarsi qacr Alai' madamt , O us. Hush infermo. awake, ! di Oh I am contradict I have I wish him. I could (dat.) conquered this cob- w'/i- cruel wild beast! fiera ! 67 EXERCISES. 'Well 1 aid tell you I not would ditagieeable persons nojoto Alssl the sow diMensions in this reduced! jMe]^royself I what yesterdaythat To ! let Oh ! si quiet Be iozzo asleep. are , do not cf^ be quiet. Gently , sir, , ziitino, stare get angry, not andare eollera. in LESSON I piece of a Quiet gentlemen, they figliuolo^ do Cnmily? muoja. child, my " die. me beg Mendicare ridotiol bread tbit la diicordia mettere to before day XXXVII. always thirstyafter (my meals). GiTe something \a am il pasto, eat those to who hungry are thick and of not , who us are saSU' If tiated. cold, put are you tollo. ashamed let to far olde How know us yoni S W cloak. He be? when he is not yon il old Quanti debolezza? sapere Are failings? (How your he may on twenty years is he)! anni old. ha? He was potere siity years old acknowledge I am wrong, died. and Tou have convinoed shall tell my =:(inf.) you are right to act roe: I superiors ihat superior e 1 differently. would not neglect my operare dnty : he is angry with qM} and would avenge vendicare himself with- 69 out SXKftCUKS. rdocianee. aay I mutt "erses: apply I tell what amiss I miself : you in not am to-day somelhing else.. to I do hamonr a wish not hurt to make to Never take What you. is nuoccre the with matter Why you? do yon Has sigh? misfor- any sospirare? befallen tune coder a c What you? is the matter with that gentleman ? e a What is the matter in this house? t Every thing inspii'esbne s^pirare melancholy and It mourning. cold was yesterday and ii is , ttuolo, We to-day. warm shall go this day week (Inio the countrr)) in villeggialura . if it be would weather. fine be better to neighbour Your put off differire weather to-day. How out. My hands are is the weather? Non = cold, give me a to was is (There pair of uscire. He since it , 8 Che fa going it me cavalcata 13 is bad and come till Saturdy riding our told si no pub gloves. guanto. once in good circumstances, great distress. Take an is and from example at present reduced him, ye scialac- ^ thrifts. What will become speud- of that What family? will become qnaiore. of me? And having thanked him for the portmanteau prettare roe, he had valigia r; lent he answered: iiSIr, you are welcome to rlj EXERCISES. no do : yoQ sptse knocked I wont. your stain. the npOD came one no and come , times; (him who) Let makes who He ready. get likes chi zr liox three or butsare pretzare hat two to volere aitempts upon a preparar$L lile should irieud's expelledfrom he the (society of eonsorzio You pretend if as JDg layingsnares wonld yon on umano. notwitfcsCaod- are third is the Thu honour. my and love me, men). time eke you disappointed me. owe yon, lf" etc. wish not miss to on guard di guardia Stay in hen I do shall but surrender, nol arrendersi, Strength hegins to provisions. My want we respect I place,because my := IK the veee We lesson. my in wanting he shoald I fail me, vweri. knd that me warns I gettingold am as life is ourselyes;our you told He me. quarrel. (Let drunken is laid hold of and stick, a I Friends, went those of one make ns slake. at end an Finiamola He aceorlo stake. is at honour your and let Sapere defend liim that Know yaloroso. ns prudent iwfeechiare, avvertire 1)1ave. Be who cal/ed and for seek a it),sir; I yield. "^ , began strike to me the on hattonCf head. I do right. I have not lay the blame yet been not on at the you, do nor president'sto I say wish he him is a presidente happy new year. I wish G'snlleinen . , y^u a good morning. SXERCISEfl. Let wiih and go UB himself trouble Mr. about S. Thif life. ooerry He thinlf does of wine not (infj pale gets fleet is within 1 livinga nulla; dare enemy's good jouroej. a thing; he only any di eurare 7 it as old. grows The nelpallido gun-shot. floiia LESSON The I trees ingraftedeightdays they depart? o'clock must directly. The dinner in set a np shop, and or let for honours cared that has stolen your right. The is for da riches But was manager lay the cloth table. He to (hislivelihood).Yo only and will force I think Put of do to yon loser last year. a have vivere. ^ heart. what dine: gels nor I shall sit down us guadagnare not thriving.At are ago five. Then At ready : is adetto, has XXXVIU. her what things my impresario He in order. wrote it. is am always been fault that man's It is yonr duty starvingwith to do and man; have been remedy a assist me very I was very nOone thirsty, sleepy nobody " offered a me da pity compiangere yoa whom me gave ueilher my for it. Gentlemen , for sake. charity's carita bedt and =: = drink; when dormtre: am 1 was I to avere sleepiness nor , sonno to swear days without two per When he what would great many a we find hunger ; credible a firmlybelleyed^that Through water. I so haj my thirst, "2:ERCiSE" y2 nor hnof^^rmoved my of Oul coaiFislon? to yia qua J varioaa medico "ciaguraio, := di fioally,after pfaysicianibaye The wretches. you place, ihi" consuUations, discovered Ihe of caose illness, aoJ his said consulto , has thai he very alien live Gaelfo what to chiaro him the , apprendcre As ancestors. the that dogs have etempio the lost of his deeds from hears and says (Rtoaldo)Is he Ihat sees "" '- illustrious He UTcr-complaint. Ihe of trace beast wild a melancholy back come ^ and mesto after panling long a aileutiou hail taken me light-house.O the near langhed at She masler. she I do manner a We another. my brethren, take , cast that I perceived anchor our examine whether afterwards me your con- as an honour, action an at innocent. are you , not si^htoi Jraielloy tell and such it in for lantema, sciences losl the (inf.) chiaechiera^ (p^"*) aliendere my Per I have ihy prattling, to having By elc. Jaticoao caccia. anelante paid painful chase, and blush I may which aito afterwards. He his father, and was out put let that of enough be bastare di'unk too for much , in your for lakes He countenance. you. I think you afler have (dat.) = conversation you nothing do di soverchiOi 9 but digress (xom the matter. Gi^e me a glass of iced nevaia 1 water, 'j3 ESLERCISES. I aai I am with clioaked almosl that aware Ihirst. wish ynu Do sift lo thiak yon I I wish me. foulUh? am tutor your ajo accorgersi here was enough are you table. remunerate No king than who man who acquainted, aod boarders, open disgrazia about will erery little from learn very body knows. with S. the always praised and roe Baron that Who stood whom I am , for himself them teaches an in I shall entreat interest to keeps and ventre things godfatherto y.)u? nobly displeasure of Tou me. conceals pro- you, the were " cut t)ai" a 1 incurred che all those lives " bad I conduct, my He us. sooner iubilo art tale. rome Tided Tnoa awe. shall side with We such. as soldiers hundred Two in the inhabitants keep to despised and tor, iwiihia bounds. keep you to Italian and keeps He yon. twelve I have French. a insegnare great mind to dare left Having zz: you. delle "i#"#e(dat.) Florence, they did ready was go away. pariir$i stop until not to they reached di useilo This England. I thrash veal stewed Wines smoky. tastes that itufato di vitella taste sweet do not agree with Let me. ^s eonjarti At what game? giuoco We ? shall play a fare play at chess? Can you game. partita. play on giocare % any instrument iiirumentof f I play on the flute. ftauia. Did you hear the drum 74 EXERUSES. 1 Wbeo beat? smiles she at I me, ("iAl*} parere torridere Id Iiappy. of your parU some I fancy of sermon quae am "/"(inf.) = to-day haw you , predica loacbed with tbe lo ns except the me, It is your major. coachman; on, shook and came deal. Jore, arrive before mast we hands to turn maggiore. tranne Drive all Tbey quick. dare or the le otbeiv. carte. He takes month thing every is full of his house and trust upon of pescivendolo, heecaro^ the began He and bear to gmdge a me simil/atla, = from sort). (the same of each end tbe fishmoogers,botchers, bakers, fomaro^ others at , day wish expressed yom* yon send to to me manifestare France. yoQ I should with angry like us? to Be hire angry house a with near VHtj yours. yourself. If ue cofiler your tcrig^o be full of poondi. I I shall money, long to go borrow I away. from long you thousand two tell him to this foe* andarsene, I nets. that acquaint yon cenda, Jare sound and I have justarrived at this island sapere If I safe. arrive safely,and get by guadagnoda Padua. goods, my It is I shall send to you the =z Univernty of XJniversita merce, their not great a ritrarre profit bnsi- duty to tell him what he has to do: Padova. it is my business to direct dirigerc him. He lives upon hi* eiUte" 75 EXSKCISES. 1 awl He mine. on hac of need no of I nor me him. (Most , La gior di parte wofild tiTe people) those of from hand moalb. to I mag- wish he colore arrive and make not ns wait long. so I wish could I y tanto, useful be think that to friend our he hates wish to a his use show with month 1 contrary, If favour. your to I us; Take the that mean should you dire umbrella, think I it looks to you. omhrello, if it had jou, not credito it us. in interest stare as do the on you, VoJer slay We pleasure. tell iervini well, us with it can we : jon ditposlo yon do , inclined is would I you was no if I going to Do rain. if it it be convenient , opportunity drink? What speaking of is THE that to END. to yoii, What her. if he comes is that here? to