XlV NATIONAL CONGRESS MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Plenary session 1* ITACA-S (INTERGROUPTRIALOF ADJUVANT CHEMOTHERAPY IN ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE STOMACH) TRIAL: COMPARISON OF A SEQUENTIAL TREATMENT W1TH llUNOTECAN (CPT-n) + 5-FLUOROURACIL (5FU)/FOLINIC ACID (LV) FOLLOWED BY DOCETAXEL AND CISPLATIN VERSUS A 5-FUILV REGIMEN AS POSTOPERATIVE TREATMENT FOR RADICALLY RESECTED GASTRIC CANCER Bajetta E.1, Floriani 1. 2, di Bartolomeo M.3, Labianca R.4, Falcone A.5, Di Costanzo F.6, ComeIla G.7, Amadori 0 8 , Martoni A.9, Tortora G.10, Nitti 0. 11 , Daniele B.12, Mini E.6, Rulli E.2, Cropalato Di Tullio M.2, 8antoro A.13, Casaretti R.7, Boni C.14, Pinotti G. 15, Bidoli P.16, Rosati G.17, Ravaioli A.1S, Cantore M.19 on behalf of ITACA-8 8tudy Group IIstituto di Oncologia del Policlinico di Monza, Monza ; 2Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri", Milano; 3Fondazio ne IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milano; 40spedali Riu niti, Bergamo; 5Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, Pisa; 6Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, Firenze; 7IRCCS Studio Nazionale dei Tumori-Fondazione G. Pascale, Napoli; 8IRCCS-Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori-IRST, Meldola; 9Policlinico Sant'Orsola Malpighi, Bologna; /OAzienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata, Verona; "Azienda Ospedaliera, Padova; 12Azienda Ospedaliera G. Rum mo, Benevento; 13Istituto Clinico Humallitas, Rozzano; 14Arcispe dale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS, Reggio Emilia; 15Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi, Varese; 16Azienda Ospedaliera San Gerardo di Monza, Monza; 17Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo, Potenza; 180spedale Infermi, Rimini; 190spedale Civico, Carrara PLENARY'<SESSION SI deaths (HR 1.00; 95% CI 0.83-1.20; P = 0.99). Toxieity was con sistent with literature. Given the data observed, both under the originai hypothesis and the current D.·end, the probability to reach statistieally signifieant results at the target events is <0.000 l. ConcIusions. The results of this stùdy suggest that a postoper ative chemotherapy in gastric eancer with more intensive regi men does not result in a signifieant prolongation of both DFS and OS when eompared to boluslinfusion FUILV regimen . 2* PARA.j\10UNT: FINALOVERALLSURVIVAL(OS) RESULTS OF THE PHASE ID STUDY OF MAINTENANCE PEMETREXED (PEM) PLUS BEST SUPPORTIVE CARE (BSC) VERSUS PLACEBO (PLB) PLUS BSC IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING INDUCTION TREATMENT WITH PEM PLUS CISPLATIN (CIS) FOR ADVANCED NON-SQUAMOUS (NS) NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER (NSCLC) Gridelli C.1, de Marinis F.2, Dediu M.3, Thomas M.4, Pujol J.L.5, Bidoli P.6, Molinier 0. 7, Laack E.s, Reck M.9, Chella A.10, Amoroso 0. 11 , Fasola G. 12, Bearz A.13, Boni C.14, Grossi F.15, Maione p'1, Ricciardi 8. 2 , Cortinovis 0. 6, Corral J.16, Melemed 8Y, John WY, Chouaki N.1S, Zimmermann A.18, Russo F.19, Paz-Ares L.16 ISG Moscati Hospital, Avellino; 2San Camillo-Forfanini Hospital, Roma; 3Institute of Oncology, Bucharest, Romania; 4ThoraxKlinik, University of Heidelberg, Germany; 5Montpellier Academic Hospi tal, Montpelliel~ France; 6San Gerardo Hospital, Monza; 7Le Mans Regional Hospital, France; 8University Hospital, Hamburg Eppen dorf, Germany; 9Hospital Grosshansdorf, Germany; JOCisanelio Hospital , Pisa; 1/ Lido di Camaiore Hospital, Viareggio; 12Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Udine; J3CRO, Aviano; 14Ar_ cispedale S. Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia; 15IST, Genova; 16Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, Seville, Spain; 17Eli Lilly and Com pany, Indianapolis, USA; 18Eli Lilly and Company, Suresnes, Hauts de Seine, France; 19E1i Lilly and Company, ~esto Fiorentino, Italy Background. Following radical resection of gastric or gastro esophageal junction (GEl) adenocarcinoma, a meta-analysis of individuai data demonstrated better survival in patients treated with fluoropyrimidine regimens compared to surgery alone. ITA CAoS trial is an Italian, no-profit, multicenter, randomized, open label, superiority phase III study aimed at evaluating whether a more intensive postoperative chemotherapy has a better efficacy, when replaces fluoropyrimidine. Background. As previously reported, the PARAMOUNT trial showed that pem continuation maintenanee therapy after pem cisplatin induction therapy significantly redueed the risk of dis ease progression over placebo (HR 0.62; 95% CI 0.49-0.79; P = 0.00007) in patients with advanced non-squamous NSCLC. Here we present the fi~al OS data. Methods. Patients radically resected for gastric or GEl adeno carcinoma, with <!:DI-Iymphadenectomy, node involvement (pN+) or pNO with pT2b-3-4 withio 3-8 weeks after surgery were eligible. Treatment consisted in CPT-1I 180 mg/m 2 on dI, LV 100 Methods. In a double-blind, plaeebo-controlled study, 939 pts were treated with induction therapy [four cyc1es of induction pem (500 mglm2 ) and Cisplatin (75 mglm2 ) on day I of a 21-day cyc\e] , after whieh 539 pts who had not progressed and had an Eastem Co operative Oneology Group performance status (PS) of 01 1 were ran mg/m 2 dI-2, 5-FU 400 -600 rng/rn 2 dI-2, qI4; for " cycles, dOrrllzed (2: 1; stratified for PS , induction response, rusease stage) to maintenanee pem (500 mglm 2 , day 1 of a 21-day cyc1e) plus BSC (FOLFIRI regimen) fo\1owed by docetaxel 75 mg/m 2 dI, cis- ',' platin 75 mg/m2 dI, q 21; for 3 cyc\es (arm A) vs LV 100 mglm2 dl-2, 5-FU 400-600 mglm 2 dl-2, q 14 for 9 cyc\es (arm B). The primary hypothesis on disease-free survival (DFS) requires 636 events (first recurrence or death for any cause) to detect an haz ard ratio (HR) of 0.80, with 2-sided 5% significance level for the log-rank test and a power of 80%. Results. From February 2005 to August 2009, 1106 pts were randomized and 1100 were inc\uded in the analysis (562 arm A, 538 arm B; 6 major violations) by 104 Italian centers. By Aprii 2012, with a median follow-up of 49 months (quartile range: 36 62) we observed 562 events for DFS (HR 0.99; 95% CI 0.84 1.17; P =0.91) accounting for 88% of the target number and 444 (n = 359) or plaeebo plus BSC (n = 180) unti! disease progression. AlI pts reeeived vitamin B 12 , folie aeid, and dexamethasone. After 390 deaths, the final analysis of OS was done on randomized pac tients and was based on a nominal alpha level ofO.0498. Results. Patients characteristies were balanced between arms: medjàn age = 61 years; 58% male; 32% PS O; 91 % stage N; 95% Caueasian; 86% adenocarcinoma; and 45% complete/partial re sponse (CRlPR) to induction. Median number of cyc1es was 4 for pem (range 1-44) and 4 for placebo (range 1-38), with 37% of ptsl completing>6 cyc1es on pem vs 18% on placeb6. Among the 359 pts randomized to continuation maintenance with pemetrexed, there was a statistically significant increase in OS over the plaeebo arm (hazard