Dear Colleagues and Friends:
On behalf of the European Association for Transactional Analysis I’m honoured to
welcome you in Rome, at the first TA Conference devoted to Research and Theory
When TA appeared on the stage of psychotherapeutic approaches, in the ‘60s of last
century, it brought a breath of fresh air, due to its innovative philosophy, its pragmatic
attitude and its new and effective methods.
Its founder, Eric Berne, was an exceptional, learned man, with a huge humanistic
and professional background, combined with an uncommon cross-cultural sensitiveness.
While he was fully accounting the scientific tradition of psychiatry and psychoanalysis,
he was also aware of the need to develop something absolutely new, solidly based on
research and clinical observation.
TA originated from his first studies on intuition that he drew with accurate research
projects, and always maintained and valued his researching attitude during the whole
span of his professional life, as witnessed by several published and unpublished articles
he wrote, which can be found in his fascinating archives at the San Francisco University,
actually on the way to be completely published online. Beside his research-based
approach, he always committed himself to continuous theoretical development, and
asked his followers since the very beginning to do the same. One of the rules of the San
Francisco Seminars, established on February 18th 1958, stated that “inventions only”
were admitted: only new ideas were accepted in the debate, in order to promote
creativity, the main resource for a true theoretical development.
So, the EATA initiative to devote a whole conference to research and theoretical
development, with the aim of repeating it every third years, is a way to reconnect TA
with its original Bernean roots: new ideas, “invention only”, and validation through
In the professional world of today, the need for a validated evidence based efficacy
of an approach can’t be postponed anymore: governmental and scientific institutions are
more and more looking for proves in order to recognize the scientific reliability of
theories and professional approaches, and we must be able to ensure this accreditation
to TA.
I wish to express EATA’s and my personal gratitude to all the researchers who are
making this service to our community, and who will present the results of their work
during our conference.
The conference theme, “Beyond Limits: verifying the development of TA theory through
research”, expresses well our needs and our goals, and the commitment of so many TA
I wish to express the same gratitude to the organizers, and to their coordinator
Alessandra Pierini, who made a great effort to ensure the realization of our project, and
to the Scientific Committee of the conference, and its chair Laura Bastianelli, who did an
incredible job to look for the best way to promote the presentation of updated TA
researches and theoretical developments.
I’m specially happy to welcome all of you, dear participants, in the eternal city, Rome,
that beside being the wonderful town everybody knows, has been one of the most
important places for the establishing of TA in Europe, where it has been studied and
applied since the early ’70, and one of the places where TA found from it’s beginning a
sound place in the academia and research.
I hope you will enjoy this first European conference on research and theory
development, with the pride to be part of a new step for the future of TA.
Marco Mazzetti
EATA President
Dear Delegates,
On behalf of the Conference Committee, I have the great pleasure to welcome you
to Rome. Thank you for coming to this 1st TA Theory Development and Research
Conference “Beyond limits. Verifying the development of TA Theory through Research.”
The Conference has been designed to provide an innovative and comprehensive
overview of the latest developments of theory and research in all the four fields of TA
application: Psychotherapy, Counselling, Education, and Organisation.
The theme of this Conference, “Beyond limits”, specifically was proposed by the 7
Italian Associations (AIAT, AUXIMON, CPAT, IAT, IANTI, IRPIR, SIMPAT) that
have organised this event in a productive and collaborative joint venture. This
collaboration is in itself an example of going beyond limits, e.g. beyond their own
membership organization boundaries, beyond conflicts, beyond the personal way to
think and use TA. With this metaphor we would like to point out that research and
development consist in overcoming the limits of the "already known".
I would say this element is in our DNA (or in our script), as transactional analysts.
Berne, our founder, spent his life looking for new ways of understanding personal and
interpersonal human dynamics. He was brave in going beyond the known and approved
theories of his time, beyond a formal academic language and in creating an innovative,
complex, original, effective theory.
With his example and based on his legacy we are still developing TA with new ideas,
integrations, and updates, with qualitative and quantitative research.
Attending this Conference you will have the opportunity to take a close look at the
latest developments across each of the four fields of Transactional Analysis.
Many noted speakers from around the world have joined us in this Conference,
together with insightful although less famous, TA practitioners.
Papers will be presented in the form of plenary sessions, workshops, round tables,
panels and posters: presentations that were carefully selected by the Scientific
Committee from the many abstracts. Some of these studies are outcomes of long and
structured research, on-going research, or new perspectives on old concepts, or new
concepts stemming from discoveries and needs of the present days.
I would also like to invite you to take part in the rich social program: to attend the
books launches, to experience the social dreaming, to visit the gorgeous city of Rome by
bus and a walking tour through the downtown streets, to join the Gala Dinner in a
wonderful location over the famous Gianicolo hill, enjoying a fantastic view of the
eternal city.
I do hope that you will appreciate the Conference and that your interaction with
colleagues from many different countries will stimulate a creative exchange of ideas for
new developments and research.
Alessandra Pierini
Conference Chair
Organizing Associations
Organizational Committee
Alessandra Pierini (Chair)
Tiziana Aceti (Assistant)
Silvia Bartocci (AUXIMON)
Orlando Granati (IAT)
Massimo Gubinelli (IRPIR)
Emanuela Lo Re (CPAT)
Roberta Musso (SIMPAT)
Isabella Nuboloni (IANTI)
Laura Quagliotti (AIAT)
Scientific Committee
Laura Bastianelli (Chair)
Enrico Benelli
Günther Hallistein
Roland Johnsson
Susanna Ligabue
Barbara Loi
Günther Mohr
Trudi Newton
Steering Committee
Carla de Nitto
Peter Eichenauer
Maria Elena Guarrella
Marco Mazzetti
Alessandra Pierini
Eva Sylvie Rossi
Magdalena Sekowska
Key Note Speakers
John McLeod is Emeritus Professor of Counselling at the University
of Abertay Dundee.
He is committed to promoting the relevance of research as a means of
informing therapy practice and improving the quality of services that
are available to clients. His enthusiastic search for finding ways to
make research interesting and accessible for practitioners has resulted
in a teaching award from the students at his own university and an
award for exceptional contribution to research from the British
Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. His writing has influenced a generation
of trainees in the field of counselling and psychotherapy, and his books are widely
adopted on training programmes across the world.
Dr. Omar Gelo is Associate Professor for Dynamic Psychology at
the Department of History, Society and Human Studies of the
University of Salento (Italy), where he is director of the Bachelor and
Master Program in Psychology. He is also director of the
International Ph.D. Program in Psychotherapy Science at the
Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Austria).
His research interests concern: (a) the epistemological reflection on the scientific status
of psychotherapy and psychological intervention; (b) the methodological reflection on
the application of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods in psychotherapy and
clinical research; (c) the empirical investigation of the psychotherapeutic process in
different therapeutic schools (comparative process-outcome research); (d)
psychotherapy integration; and (e) the application of dynamic systems theory to the
study of psychotherapy; (e) the investigation of psychotherapeutic development.
Thursday the 9th of July
Plenary Room - Tiziano
Welcome to the delegates by Marco Mazzetti President of the EATA
and by the Presidents of the seven Italian TA Associations
9:30 – 11:00
Key Note Speech
Scientific Validation of TA theory - Theory construction and scientific recognition of basic concepts
Prof. John McLeod
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 13:00
Workshops (90’) and Presentations (30’) in parallel sessions
Psychotherapy – Presentations
Chairperson: Mara Scoliere
Raffaella Leone Guglielmotti, Federica Guglielmotti
The bilateral nature of game(s): where protocol communicative projective identification processes meet
Francesca Vignozzi
The reign and the exile: Narcissism and transference in psychotherapy
Andrea Marconcini, Anna E. Tangolo
Exploration of personality and the role of psychotherapy training
Tintoretto 1
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Evita Cassoni
Promoting and sustaining the family resilience: an action-research
Tintoretto 2
Psychotherapy –- Workshop
Carla de Nitto, Susanna Bianchini
Beyond case formulation: therapist and client, co-protagonists of a common scenario in the therapy room
Caravaggio 1
Counselling - Workshop
Marina Farina, Milly De Micheli
Coaching and counselling: connections and differences
Caravaggio 2
Educational - Workshop
Cesare Fregola
Learning outcomes in a strokes village
Caravaggio 3
Inter-fields- Workshop
Mandy Lacy, Mark Widdowson
CTA Written Exam - the opportunity and doorway for on-going: research, TA professional practice
and pedagogical development and research based learning decision making
Caravaggio 5
Inter-fields - Workshop
Stefan Sandstrom
A research model of ego states
Caravaggio 6
Inter-fields - Workshop
Sari Van Poelje
Team agility
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Roland Johnsson
The Scientific Practitioner - the mutually beneficial process of research and practical work
Caravaggio 8
Psychotherapy – Presentations
Chairperson: Barbara Loi
Gunther Mohr
TA research on a systemic background
Dmitri I. Shustov, Alexei V. Merinov, Sergey A. Novikov, Eugene A. Shitov, Ilya
A. Fedotov, Olga D. Tuchina
Alcoholic Script Diversity – Various Forms of Suicidal and Non-suicidal Self-destructiveness
Daniela Viale, Davide De Villa, Elisabetta Loi, Maria Carla Montixi
The concept of integration: Social-Cognitive Transactional Analysis and interpersonal Neurobiology.
13:00 - 14:30
14:30- 16:00
Round Table - Workshops (90’)
Round Table: Creating a network: Transactional Analysis in Universities
Moderator: Maria Teresa Tosi
Discussants: Enrico Benelli (ITA-P), Kristina Brajovic Car (SRB-P), Carla de Nitto
(ITA-P), Cesare Fregola (ITA-E), Henning Schulze (DE-O), Mark Widdowson (UK-P)
Caravaggio 1
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Elyane Alleysson
Conflicts and impasses
Caravaggio 5
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Jennie Miller
How to work relationally with a couple within a structured frame and launching research on the
effectiveness of TA couples work
Caravaggio 6
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Caradonna Castrenza
The development of the redecision therapy
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Maurizio Martucci
Dia-gnosis: a research and knowledge path "between two"
Caravaggio 8
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Giovannella Errigo
Preventing emotional and psychological disorders in Developmental Dyslexia: a key understanding and
intervention with Social-Cognitive Transactional Analysis
16:00 - 16:30
16:30 – 18:30
Workshops (120’) and Panel (120’) in parallel session
Panel: Social-Cognitive Transactional Analysis (SCTA)
Discussant: Cinzia Messana
Maria Teresa Tosi, Maria Luisa De Luca, Massimo Gubinelli
Researching in the TA Community
Davide Ceridono
Towards an operational definition of TA concepts in relational terms: a trans theoretical resource for
research, theory and practice
Laura Bastianelli and Silvia Tauriello
TA treatment in a clinic center: heart rate variability as outcome measure related to ego state profile
Davide Ceridono, Natalia. L. Perotto, Ela Baca, Susanna Bianchini, Cinzia
Messana, Emilio Riccioli, Maria C. Montixi, Elisabetta Loi
The outcome of TA psychotherapy in training clinics according to the SCTA model: pre to post change
and six month follow-up in self ego states and in CORE-OM measures
Caravaggio 1
Counselling - Workshop
Maria Jacomini, Mario Augusto Procacci
Paths of Transactional Analysis and Art-Therapy
Caravaggio 2
Educational - Workshop
Antonio Ferrara
From the limits of the structure to the natural states of mind: from the ‘puppet’ to the spontaneity of
Caravaggio 3
Organizational - Workshop
Anette Dielmann
Practical Application of TA Theory Using Functional Fluency in Organizational Development –
Making Teamwork work
Caravaggio 5
Inter-fields - Workshop
Anne De Graaf, Henk Tigchelaar, Matti Sannen, Marian Timmermans
Beyond the limit of research
Caravaggio 6
Inter-fields - Workshop
Olivier Montadat
TA and epistemology: Adult revisited- what science teaches us about reality and free will
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Gloria Noriega
Codependency: A Trans-generational Script
Caravaggio 8
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Marco Sambin, Francesco Scottà
TA and intensive short term dynamic psychotherapy: integration of models and comparison of techniques
through psychotherapy videos
Tintoretto 1
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Moniek Thunnissen, Pierre Sebregts
Research and practice of a TA-based inpatient program for patients with personality disorders
Tintoretto 2
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Iolanda Angelucci, Valentina Adorno
For the love of food: Personal stories and cultural influences. Promoting body-mind health through
witnesses and interpreters of their own history
Social Program - Reading Corner
Social Program - Toward Rome tour...
Friday the 10th of July
8:00 – 9:00 Social Program: Social Dreaming
9:00 – 9:30 Presentations (30’) in parallel sessions
Caravaggio 1
Educational - Presentation
Claudia Matini, Daniela Pavan
Relationship among personality characteristics, ego states and perception of utility of Cooperative
Learning (CL) in primary and secondary teachers involved in a Cooperative Learning (CL) training.
An exploratory study
Caravaggio 2
Organizational - Presentation
Luca Fornari, Giulia Bussi
Impasse and organizational scripts: a research hypothesis for the organizations
Caravaggio 3
Inter-fields - Presentation
Antonella Buccione, Giuseppe Crea, Federica Iesce, Francesca Nappa,
Guglielmo Somma
Relationship between ego states and psychopathology disease
Caravaggio 5
Inter-fields - Presentation
Francesca Giordano
“Decontamination during Emergency”: a Transactional Analysis perspective on a fieldwork with
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) after earthquake
Caravaggio 6
Psychotherapy - Presentation
Anna Santa Settanni
“Alien in my body”: an agonizing integration path between sexual identity and gender identity
Caravaggio 7
Inter-fields - Presentation
Gunther Mohr
QCA (Qualitative Comparative Analysis) as a new research method for TA
Tintoretto 1
Psychotherapy –- Presentation
Simona Spagnolo
The script of Jewish Culture and trans-generational transmission of traumatic experiences
Tintoretto 2
Psychotherapy - Presentation
Cristina Piccirillo, Salvatore Ventriglia
A Soul in the Research: an EATA research project for practitioner/researcher Transactional Analysts
9:30 – 11:00
Plenary Room - Tiziano
Keynote Speech
Scientific Validation of TA theory –
How can basic TA concepts be empirically validated to reach scientific recognition?
Prof. Omar Gelo
Dissertation about the research work to support the validation of a theory
11:00 -11:30
11:30 – 13:00
Coffee Break
Workshops (90’) and Presentations (30’) in parallel sessions
Psychotherapy - Presentations
Chair: Roberta Musso
Maria Spinelli, Cristina Capoferri, Stefano Morena
Hermeneutic single-case efficacy design for treatment of depression in adolescents: The I.T.A.C.A.’s
Enrico Benelli, Francesco Scottà
TA Treatment of Depression: an outcome-oriented case study research – Penelope
Désirée Boschetti
TA Treatment of Depression: an outcome-oriented case study research – Luisa
Caravaggio 1
Counselling - Workshop
Stefania Chisari
Transactional Analysis’s counselling in a horticultural therapy’s setting with children who have evolutive
disharmony and difficulties in social relations
Caravaggio 2
Educational - Workshop
Eleonore Lind
“Who is really in the room!” - comparing some research done on what mediators in Restorative Justice do
and how that could be explained in TA terms
Caravaggio 3
Organizational - Workshop
Lynda Tongue
Cultural competence - concepts for leading change
Caravaggio 5
Inter-fields -Workshop
Mandy Lacy
Trans-Disciplinary teams making sense of technology that is changing the traditional way of doing things
- a transactional analysis perspective
Caravaggio 6
Inter-fields - Workshop
Anne De Graaf, William Cornell, Monik Thunnissen, Trudi Newton
Into TA
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Zefiro Mellacqua
When Spirit Comes to Mind: Fundamentals for Advancing TA Theory and “Research” on
Spirituality and Religious Psychopathology
Caravaggio 8
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Maria Teresa Tosi
Dialogue on Transactional Analysis procedures and active ingredients
Tintoretto 1
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Sonia Gerosa
Dialoging with the Hidden pole: a proposal for a new representation of impasse
Tintoretto 2
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Antonella Fornaro, Sylvie Rossi
Dependence and co-dependent relationships
13:00 – 14:30
14:30-16:00 Round Table - Workshops (90’)
Round Table: Emergent Theory: the on-going evolution of TA theory
Moderator: William Cornell
Discussants: Giles Barrow (UK-E), Maria Luisa De Luca (ITA-P), Sabine Klingenberg
(DE-O), Sylvie Monin (CH-C)
Caravaggio 1
Inter-fields - Workshop
Ariela Casartelli, Andrea Nespoli
What mark do I get? Training programs that stimulate personal growth
Caravaggio 2
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Federica Panella, Giuseppe Cherri, Beatrice Piermartini
Think about the mind: the relationship as path repairer of traumatic experiences in Borderline
Personality Disorder
Caravaggio 5
Inter-fields- Workshop
Luca Ansini e Antonella Loreti
The “Way walk” as "setting of the helping relationship." TA in action in a new context
Caravaggio 6
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Erika Cardeti, Maria Livia Seriani
The use of humor in psychotherapy: the work with the transactional analysis
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Bernard Gentelet
Paradoxical alliances: a research on an efficient tool for curing anxiety attacks and some phobias
16:00 – 16:30
16:30 – 18.30
Workshops (120’) and Panel (120’) in parallel sessions
Panel: HSCED
Discussant: Mark Widdowson
Giorgio Cristiano Cavallero, Elisabetta Berdini, Emanuela Moretti, Francesca
TA treatment of depression: three case study research- Liliana, MD, BIA
Roberta Musso, Sara Filanti
TA treatment of depression: an outcome – oriented case study research- the SIMPAT case
Maddalena Bergamaschi
TA treatment of depression in adolescence: an outcome – oriented case study research – fireworks
between clinic and research
Barbara Revello, Cristina Piccirillo
TA treatment of depression: an outcome – oriented case study research- Sara
Caravaggio 1
Counselling - Workshop
Milly De Micheli, Vittorio Soana
Counseling process in action: trilateral vision of counseling process based on interconnection between
counselor’s interventions and client’s intrapsychic process and outcomes
Caravaggio 2
Educational - Workshop
Simona Ramella Paia, Alessandra Braga
The prevention of sexual abuse by a TA key
Caravaggio 3
Organizational - Workshop
Ugo Danilo De Ambrogio, Ariela Casartelli
Organizational culture, roles and cooperation
Caravaggio 5
Inter-fields - Workshop
Emanuela Lo Re, Daniela Cristofori
Playback Theatre: a dynamic tool in supervision
Caravaggio 6
Inter-fields - Workshop
Massimo Gaudieri
From Psychoanalysis to transactional analysis: a theory evolution by games
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Emilia Corrias, Sabrina Mameli, Annarita Onnis, Barbara Bodano, Laura
Safety system: an activation protocol for ego states linked to integration and well-being
Caravaggio 8
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Alessandra Pierini, William Cornell
The treasures and tragedies of script protocol: The non-conscious foundations of one’s personality
Tintoretto 1
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Antonella Liverano, Rosanna Giacometto, Mara Adriani, Tiziana Frazzetto
Hoarding Syndrome: Theoretical perspectives, clinical interventions and research
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Moniek Thunnissen
The development of script (in DSM-5 terms: personality disorders) illustrated with film-fragments
Social Program: Toward Gala Dinner...
Saturday the 11th of July
8:00 – 9:00 Social Program: Social Dreaming
9:00 – 11:00 Workshops (120’)
Caravaggio 1
Psychotherapy - Workshop
John McLeod
How to integrate research skills and awareness into basic psychotherapy training
Caravaggio 2
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Biljana van Rijn
How do we demonstrate TA psychotherapy practice in effectiveness research. Exploration of an
adherence questionnaire in relational TA psychotherapy
Caravaggio 3
Inter-fields - Workshop
Rosanna Giacometto, Trudi Newton
Learning and training in TA: Positive practice through Learning Imagoes theory and Social-Cognitive
Transactional Analysis
Caravaggio 5
Inter-fields - Workshop
Mil Rosseau, Rik Rosseau, Mark Widdowson
Application of Redecision therapy in executive coaching workshops: Part 1
Caravaggio 6
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Maria Luisa De Luca, Raffaele Mastromarino, Cinzia Messana, Mara Scoliere
Redecision in Transactional Analysis and EMDR: toward a possible integration
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Silvia Attanasio Romanini, Paolo Maggio, Raffaella Sasso
Redecision process and states of consciousness: multidisciplinary connections and methodological
developments in T.A. according to the bio-psycho-social-existential
Caravaggio 8
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Stefano Iapichino, Nadia Fratter, Iris Anfuso
Developing resilience in critical incidents: a theoretical and practical approach
Tintoretto 1
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Lilia Marsala, Aurora Mineo
Working on Dreams in clinical practice: analytic psychodrama dances with Transactional Analysis
Tintoretto 2
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Heike Anna Koch
Biographical Writing and TA
11:00 – 11:30
11:30- 13:00
Coffee Break
Workshops (90’) and Presentations in parallel sessions
Interview to Wilma Bucci, led by William Cornell
Caravaggio 1
Panels: New Books
Discussant: Alessandra Pierini
Gloria Noriega, Antonella Fornaro, Marco Mazzetti, Eva Sylvie Rossi
“The Codependency Script in the Couple Relationship: Diagnosis and Treatment”.
Michele Novellino, Silvia Attanasio, Enrico Benelli, Giorgio Cavallero, Marco
Mazzetti, Marco Sambin, Rino Ventriglia
“Teaching Dictionary of Transactional Analysis”.
Caravaggio 2
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Maria Assunta Giusti
New prospects in attachment theory and its correlations with T.A. and with Integrative T.A.
Caravaggio 3
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Daniela Allamandri, Mario Augusto Procacci
TA supervision: new ideas and quality control of the process
Caravaggio 5
Inter-fields - Workshop
Mil Rosseau, Rik Rosseau, Mark Widdowson
Application of Redecision therapy in executive coaching workshops: part 2 - A qualitative exploration
of partecipant’s changes
Caravaggio 6
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Antonella Liverano, Cristiana Zedda, Tiziana Aceti
Borderline Personality and Trauma: An integrated intervention. TA, EMDR, Affect regulation and
Neurosciences: presentation of a clinical case
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Cinzia Chiesa
“Home is where we start from” Psychotherapy with children as a context for understanding and
researching places of origin
Caravaggio 8
Psychotherapy - Workshop
Silvia Barrera, Daniela Di Legge
Redecision Therapy: reflections on its effectiveness from the perspective of Neuroscience
13:00 – 14:30
14:30 – 15:30
Posters and Presentations (30’) in parallel sessions
Posters all fields
Moderator: Laura Bastianelli
Kristina Brajovic Car, Milica Ilic, Ganna Golovan
Report on EATA Survey results
Maria Luisa De Luca, Rossella Greco, Enea Slavic, Cinzia Messana, Alfredo
Altomonte, Marco Tineri, Giuliano Grossi, Camilla Gossetti
The "Grief & Growth therapy" in a transactional analysis framework: the results of a preliminary study
Silvia Tauriello, Davide Ceridono, Davide De Villa, Raffaela Barbon, Rita Inglese,
Paola Fulignoli, Iolanda Angelucci
Systematic collection of data in training clinics according to the Social-Cognitive Transactional Analysis
(SCTA) model: a data base for TA psychotherapy research and a resource for clinic and training
Paola Cimellaro, Giuseppe Iraci, Cecilia Mecenate, Flaminia De Rossi, Rosanna
Giansanti, Aurelia Pichi, Emanuele Pofilio, Ilaria Raichi
Single-case study research methodology: a description of setting, processes and results from the analysis of
a clinical case according to the Social-Cognitive Transactional Analysis
Massimo Vasale, Lucio D'Alessandris, Francesca Focà, Raffaella Franza ,
Federico Tonioni
Social-Cognitive Transactional Analysis (SCTA) and addiction: comparison between Self Ego States
profiles of a sample of patients with Alcoholism, Internet Addiction and Eating Disorders
Letizia Vibi
Early relationships and microtrauma: an empirical research in view of Social-Cognitive Transactional
Anna Laura Cadeddu, Daniela Viale
A pre-to-post study in a psycho-educational group of carers of patients with dementia
Caravaggio 1
Inter-fields – Presentations
Chair: Marina Farina
Orlando Granati
The interrupted words: communicating through psychotic language. An experience
Alessandro Barelli, Maria Grazia Bocci, Gloria Palmintieri
Using the Transactional Analysis (TA) model to improve teacher student relationship during debriefing
Caravaggio 2
Organizational – Presentations
Chair: Sari van Poelje
Vanessa Paparelli
The organizational script: from Rosa Krauz’s model to a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators to
track business change. A case study from a service company
Antonella Severino, Cecilia Achilli, Silvia Li Puma
The 3D Influence: a Leadership model
Caravaggio 3
Inter -Fields – Presentations
Chair: Roberta Musso
Raffaella Leone Guglielmotti, Mara Morelli, Roberto Baiocco
Parental reaction to son/daughter coming out
Jane Costa
An action research project aimed at raising social consciousness amongst women attending transactional
analysis group psychotherapy in Brazil
Caravaggio 5
Inter-Fields – Presentations
Chair: Laura Quagliotti
Giorgio Cristiano Cavallero
Quality Assurance in psychotherapy training
Alessandro Roccia, Giuseppe Crea, Annalisa Mantovan, Pamela Palazzolo
Perception of self and ego states
Caravaggio 6
Psychotherapy – Presentations
Chair: Alessandra Braga
Emilio Riccioli, Rita Inglese
States (United) of Ego: The subject between States democracy and Ego-cracy
Rita Inglese, Emilio Riccioli
Work with - in - through the body: transforming physicality into bodiliness, the sign in symbol. Ideas to
rethink the Child Ego States
Caravaggio 7
Psychotherapy – Presentations
Chair: Massimo Gubinelli
William Cornell
Another Kind of Evidence: The place of Subjectivity in Human Science
Anna Emanuela Tangolo, Silvia Rosa
Group imago and dreamwork in group therapy
Caravaggio 8
Psychotherapy – Presentations
Chair: Silvia Bartocci
Giuseppe Crea
The predictive effect of injunctions on personality disorders in a group of outpatients
Giuseppe Crea, Fiorenzo Laghi, Giovanni Greco
Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of The Ego-State Questionnaire Revised in Italian context
Tintoretto 1
Psychotherapy - Presentations
Chair: Isabella Nuboloni
Barbara Esperide, Silvia Miandro
Psycho-Oncology and Transactional Analysis compared: some reflections
Provvidenza Pistritto, Emilio Riccioli, Graziana Zaccarello, Valentina Adorno,
Valentina Fiorica
The script as perfect future: an old age for a new prospective
Tintoretto 2
Psychotherapy - Presentations
Chair: Tiziana Aceti
Paola Maria Tenconi
Thinking of somatic illness: a theoretical approach to impasse theory
Sara Foschi, Marianna Contrada, Giuseppe Crea, Valentina Errigo, Rachele
Graziani, Carmela Romeo
Ego States and injunctions/drivers: a study using ESPERO and ESQ-R
15:30 – 17:00 - Plenary Room - Tiziano
Structured Discussion.
Time for sharing our findings for the 4 fields:
How theory and research can strengthen each other.
Moderator: Susanna Ligabue
17:00 - 17:30
Conclusion and goodbyes
Alessandra Pierini and Laura Bastianelli
Social Program
Reading Corner Thursday 9th 18:30 -­‐ 19:00 Books’ Launch
AA.VV., Colloquio sul modello socio-cognitivo degli stati dell'io di Pio Scilligo, [Pio Scilligo's
social-cognitive ego states model Colloquium]
Psicologia, Psicoterapia e Salute, Vol. 20; N.1/2/3), 2014.
The book will be presented by Maria Luisa De Luca
Giles Barrow, Trudi Newton (editors), Educational TA: an international guide to theory
and practice, 2015
The book will be presented by the authors.
Evita Cassoni (editor), La famiglia tra clinica e ricerca [Families: Clinical Work and
Research], La Vita Felice, Milano 2014
The book will be presented by the author.
Bill Cornell, Anne de Graaf, Trudi Newton, Moniek Thunissen (editors)
Into TA: a comprehensive textbook of transactional analysis, 2015
The book will be presented by the authors.
Alessandra Pierini, Da grande farò il ventilaio. L’Analisi Transazionale nella cura dei
bambini. [TA in the children Therapy], Alpes, Roma, 2015
The book will be presented by the author.
Anna Rotondo (editor), Vivere e pensare le organizzazioni. Una ricerca possibile [Living and
thinking to organizations. A possible research], La Vita felice, Milano, 2015
The book will be presented by Emanuela Lo Re.
IAT Journal, biannual Journal of Istituto di Analisi Transazionale e Centro Studi e
Ricerche per l’integrazione in Psicoterapia, Psichiatria, Consulenza psico-sociopsicopedagogica e organizzativa.
The number 0 will be presented by Cesare Fregola (Scientific Director) and Eva Sylvie
Rossi (IAT President).
Social Program
The Rome Theory and Research City Tour is
an opportunity to discover stories and places
less known to mass tourism, to walk through
Thursday 9th the streets and to observe monuments that
19:30 – 23:30 marked the life of the city over the centuries.
The tour will start from the Teatro Marcello,
ancient Roman theater used for centuries as the
palace of the noble families of the city, now a
symbolic access to the historic district of St. Angelo. In the streets of the Ghetto, one of
the oldest in Italy, it will be possible to experience the tradition of people who for
centuries have kept the historical and the culinary culture of the city.
Passing over the church of San Carlo of Catinari and the popular via Dei Giubbonari
you will reach Piazza Campo dei Fiori, known for its daily market and for the youth
entertainment at night. The characteristic square, dominated by the monument to the
philosopher Giordano Bruno, is adjacent to the Piazza Farnese, where you will admire
the namesake building, an architectural masterpiece of Michelangelo.
The tour will end in Piazza Navona, built on the Stadium of Domitian, a place
dedicated to the triumph of the Roman Baroque with the famous Fountain of the
Rivers by Bernini and the architectural complexity of S. Agnese in Agone of
After the tour guests will have free time to enjoy the beauty of the city at night and dine
at their leisure in one of the many shops in the center.
Rome City Tour Program:
19.30 - Meeting at the Lobby of the Marriott Park Hotel with the tour guide.
- Transfer by bus to the city.
20.00 - Guided Tour - 1h30 min
21:30 to 23:00 - Free walk through the city
23.00 - Meeting in front of the Justice Palace, Piazza dei Tribunali (reachable from the
Umberto I Bridge).
- Transfer by bus to the Park Hotel Marriott
23:30 - Arrival in Hotel
Price: 15,00 Euro per person
The price includes: Guided tout, bus transfers, city map.
Social Program
Social Dreaming Friday 10th -­‐ Saturday 11th 8:00 – 9:00 The others’ dreams
From dreamer to dream: brief social
dreaming experience
The social dreaming is a technique used with groups that is able to rise up the
contribution that dreams can offer to the social reality comprehension. It has in itself a
double nature: a systemic one and an analytic one. It’s interested in unconscious
processes and in group thinking processes, in its change and in the transformative
aspects, instead of studying the individual.
During the EATA Conference on research we might use our dreams to better
understand the social and institutional reality that we are sharing in these days.
The dream shows us something impossible to see when awake, and helps us to get the
“unthinkable”, in a new perspectival view.
After a brief introduction for giving basic information, we will share our dreams both on
Friday and Saturday.
On Saturday we will close our meeting with a brief creative report.
The social dreaming will be run by Gaetano Sisalli.
Social Program
Gala Dinner Friday 10th Grand Hotel Gianicolo 19:30 – 23:30 The 4 star Grand Hotel Gianicolo located on Gianicolo Hill, is a fantastic location with a
taste of old style Italian flair, just a few minutes walk from the city centre and just above
Trastevere, one of Rome’s most treasured and wonderful areas.
There will be an aperitif by the pool ......
.... and the dinner in the winter garden where you have an exceptional view of Rome by
Then let’s dance with live music by the pool!
Let’s meet at 19:30 in the Marriott Lobby.
A private free shuttle will be available for our transfer.
6th floor

Dear Colleagues and Friends: On behalf of the European