Agnus Dei: Missa VIII “de Angelis” A ! ! "==‘===’===’’ ’ =’ ==’’ +===’’ ==’‘’ =’ ’ ’ ==’‘’==’’ ’ ==’’ ===’’ ==’’ ==’’ ’;==’’ ==’’ =’’ ’ =’’ ‘’ ‘’’’ ==’’ ’ VI - gnus DeLamb i, * qui tol- lis pec- cá- ta mun- di: of God who takes away the sin of the world mi- se- ré- re have mercy "===’’ ===9=’=‘===’====‘’=’’ ==’+=’’ ’ ’==’=’ ======’’==’’=====’’ ===;=====’’=’’ ’ =’’ =‘’‘’’’ ==’’===’’ no- bis. A- gnus De- us Lamb i, * qui tol- lis pec- cá- ta mun- di: of God who takes away the sin of the world mi- se- ré- re no- have mercy us "’’=’==9===‘===’===’’ ’ =’ ==’’ +===’’ ==’‘’ =’ ’ ’ ==’‘’==’’ ’ ==’’ ===’’ ==’’ ==’’ ’;=’’ ==’’ =’’ ’ ==’’ ‘’ ‘’’’ ===’==’ bis. A- gnus DeLamb of God i, * qui tol- lis pec- cá- ta mun- di: who takes away the sin of the world do- na no- bis pa- grant peace us "’’ =’===9=_______________________________________________’’ ’ cem. F