Publikationer i urval, Camilla Bardel Artiklar, bokkapitel och konferensbidrag Bardel, C. (2004). La pragmatica in italiano L2: l’uso dei segnali discorsivi. Albano Leoni, F., Cutugno, F., Pettorino, M. & Savy, R. (Eds.), Atti del convegno nazionale Il parlato italiano, Napoli, 13-15 febbraio, 2003. Napoli: M. D’Auria Aditore. CD–ROM. Bardel, C. (2004). Il progetto InterIta. L’apprendimento dell’italiano L2 in un contesto svedese. Erman, B. Falk, J., Magnusson, G. & Nilsson, B. (Eds.), Second Language Acquisition and Usage. Studier i modern språkvetenskap utgivna i samverkan med nyfilologiska sällskapet i Stockholm. Ny serie, volym 13. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1130. Bardel, C. (2005). L’italiano in Svezia. Diadori, P. Carapelli, S. & Filippon, A. (Eds.), La DITALS risponde 3. Perugia: Guerra Editore, 191-197. Bardel, C. (2006). La connaissance d’une langue étrangère romane favorise-t-elle l’acquisition d’une autre langue romane? Influences translinguistiques dans la syntaxe d’une L3. Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère 24, 149-180. Bardel, C. & Falk, Y. (2007). The role of the L2 in L3 acquisition: the case of Germanic syntax. Second Language Research 23 (4), 459-484. Nystedt, J., Bardel, C. & Gudmundson, A. (2007). Il lessico nella produzione orale dell’italiano L2 e il Vocabolario di Base. Studio pilota su due apprendenti universitari svedesi messi a confronto con un parlante nativo. Linguistica e letteratura XXXII (1-2), 151-183. Bardel, C. & Lindqvist, C. (2007). The role of proficiency and psychotypology in lexical cross-linguistic influence. A study of a multilingual learner of Italian L3. Chini, M., Desideri, P., Favilla, M. E. & Pallotti, G. (Eds). Atti del VI Congresso di Studi dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, Napoli, 9-10 febbraio 2006, 123- 145. Perugia: Guerra Editore. Bardel, C. & Gudmundson, A. (2008). InterIta – un corpus dell’italiano parlato da studenti universitari svedesi. Problemi di trascrizione e di annotazione morfologica. Pettorino, M., Giannini, A., Vallone, M. & Savy, R. (Eds.), La comunicazione parlata. Atti del congresso internazionale Napoli 23-25 febbraio, 2006. Tomo III, 1640-1649. Napoli: Liguori Editore. Bardel, C. (2008). Il ruolo del lessico e dei dizionari in aree diverse dell‟italianistica. Ledgeway, A. & Lepschy, A. L. (Eds.), Didattica della lingua italiana: testo e contesto. Perugia: Guerra Edizioni, 33-59. Falk, Y. & Bardel, C. (2010). The study of the role of the background languages in third language acquisition. The state of the art. International Review of Applied Linguistics and Teaching 48 (2-3), 185-219. Falk, Y. & Bardel, C. (2011). Object pronouns in German L3 syntax: Evidence for the L2status factor. Second Language Research 27 (1), 59-82. Bardel, C., & Lindqvist, C. (2011). Developing a lexical profiler for spoken French and Italian L2. The role of frequency, cognates and thematic vocabulary. Roberts, L., Pallotti, G. & Bettoni, C. (Eds.), EUROSLA Yearbook 11, 75-93. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Lindqvist, C., Bardel, C. & Gudmundson, A. (2011). Lexical richness in the advanced learner’s oral production of French and Italian L2. International Review of Applied Linguistics in language teaching 49 (3), 221-240 Bardel, C. & Falk, Y. (2012). The L2 status factor and the declarative/procedural distinction. Cabrelli, J., Flynn, S. & Rothman, J. (Eds.), Third language acquisition in adulthood. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Bardel, C., Gudmundson, A. & Lindqvist, C. (2012). Aspects of lexical sophistication in advanced learners’ oral production. Vocabulary acquisition and use in L2 French and Italian. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 34 1-22. Bardel, C. (in press) Lexical cross-linguistic influence in third language development. Peukert, H. (Ed.), Transfer effects in multilingual development. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Falk, Y., Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (2015) The role of L1 explicit metalinguistic knowledge in L3 oral production at the initial state. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Available on CJO 2013 doi:10.1017/ S1366728913000552 Redaktörskap Bardel, C. & Lindqvist, C. (Eds.), (2010). Approaches to third language acquisition. Special issue of International Review of Applied Linguistics in language teaching 48 (2-3). Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (Eds.), (2012). The acquisition of French as a second language: New developmental perspectives / L’acquisition du français langue seconde: nouvelles perspectives développementales. Special issue of Language, Interaction, Acquisiton 3 (1). Bardel, C., Laufer, C. & Lindqvist, C. (Eds.) (2013). L2 vocabulary acquisition, knowledge and use. New perspectives on assessment and corpus analysis. Eurosla Monographs Series 2. European Second Language Association. Lindqvist, C. & Bardel, C. (Eds.), (2014). The acquisition of French as a second language: New developmental perspectives. Amstrdam Benjamins.