Glocale. Rivista molisana di storia e scienze sociali
Direttore: Gino Massullo
([email protected])
Comitato di redazione: Rossella Andreassi, Antonio Brusa, Oliviero Casacchia, Renato
Cavallaro, Raffaele Colapietra, Gabriella Corona, Massimiliano Crisci, Marco De
Nicolò, Norberto Lombardi, Sebastiano Martelli, Massimiliano Marzillo, Gino Massullo,
Giorgio Palmieri, Roberto Parisi, Rossano Pazzagli, Edilio Petrocelli, Antonio Ruggieri,
Saverio Russo, Ilaria Zilli
Segreteria di redazione: Marinangela Bellomo, Maddalena Chimisso, Michele Colitti,
Antonello Nardelli, Bice Tanno
Direttore responsabile: Antonio Ruggieri
Progetto grafico e impaginazione: Silvano Geremia
Questa rivista è andata in stampa grazie al contributo di:
Provincia di Campobasso
Unioncamere Molise
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Novembre 2011
Argilli / Casacchia / Chieffo / Chiodi / Colucci / Costa / Crisci /
De Clementi / De Luca / De Martino / Di Rocco / Di Stasi / Faonte /
Izzo / N. Lombardi / T. Lombardi / Marinaro / Martelli / Massa /
Massullo / Melone / Palmieri / Pazzagli / Pesaresi / Piccoli / Pittau /
Presutti / Ruggieri / Scaroina / Spina / Tarozzi / Verazzo
In copertina:
Berga, Gli emigranti, tecnica mista, tela, 110 x 140 cm, 2012
© 2013 Glocale. Rivista molisana di storia e scienze sociali, Edizioni Il Bene Comune
Tutti i diritti riservati
Registrazione al Tribunale di Campobasso 5/2009 del 30 aprile 2009
/ 4 / 2011
Andreina De Clementi
Southern Italy Emigration after World War II
After the Second World War the Italian post-fascist state tries to solve the
problem of high unemployment rates, fostering mass migration abroad.
Moreover, the Italian state makes the effort to rule the whole process,
through the means of bilateral agreements between states.
The weak responses given to the need of agrarian reform generate mobilization of unskilled workers masses, especially from the south. After US borders get closed permanently, the final destinations of these workers firstly
become the traditional Southern American landing places; then Western Europe prevails, together with emerging countries such as Canada, Australia
and Venezuela. Later on, the overall picture of Italian migration flows gets
even more complicated because of the economic boom, when northern industries become capable to attract peasants from the south.
In the southern areas, remittances gained through these multiple possibilities give way to a diffused access to consumer society, even though the solid
background of an economic structural development is lacking.
Michele Colucci
Governments, political parties, trade unions: migration policies
The paper gives an overview on trade unions and political parties opinion
about mass emigration in Italy after the Second World War. Migration policies were an highly discussed issue during the years of post-war reconstruction, also within same political alignments. The analysis of the migration
phenomenon given by the ruling class of that time provides some long lasting guide lines.
Norberto Lombardi
People from Molise between transoceanic vocations and continental appeal
The migration of people coming from the Italian region of Molise, that took place in the second half of the 20th century, is presented for the first time
in a detailed and organic way. The analysis includes details about the new
migratory flows after WWII towards transoceanic countries where migrations had taken place previously, and towards European countries, a quite
/ 4 / 2011
new destination for migrants from Molise. At the same time, the analysis describes the setting down of migratory flows towards new transcontinental
destinations like Canada, Venezuela, and Australia – which will play a significant role as for the migratory choices of the Molisani – and a new phase
in terms of European migration: the consolidation of flows towards Switzerland and Germany. The migration towards these destinations anticipates
long-haul migrations that will develop in the last decades of the century and
that is apparently becoming stronger nowadays.
The numbers of the people from Molise present in the different destinations is accounted through the use of Ministry sources and AIRE (Registry
of Italians Residents Abroad) and also quality aspects are enlighten.
The essay ends with a reference to NGOs, the analysis of the adopted legislation and of the initiatives promoted by Regione Molise and by other local
authorities with reference to the essays and writings dealing with the migrations of people from Molise in the last decades.
Cristiano Pesaresi
Exodus from Molise between 1952 and 1980.
New destinations and socio economic consequences
In this paper, the migration process recorded in Molise between 1952 and
1980 is analyzed, both for the flows towards other Italian regions and those to
the major foreign countries. Attention is particularly focussed on the period
1962-1968, which saw important variations in migrant numbers, and on the
year of maximum outflow (1967), because the detailed nature of the data allowed us to make an exhaustive quantitative and distributive description of the
situation. Also, input is provided on the causes and the socio-demographic,
economic, productive, emotional and perceptual consequences of these migratory flows, of which Molise Region continues to pay a heavy price.
Oliviero Casacchia e Massimiliano Crisci
The silent migration: People from Molise on global routes
In recent decades, geographical mobility has diversified and led to more
complex and unstable shapes. In Southern Italy, the revival of “traditional”
migration to the central and northern regions is occurring in addition to new
migratory behaviours with largely submerged characteristics.
Labour migration is increasingly marked by temporary migration, which
does not leave administrative traces and shows itself in forms of weekly, seasonal or intermittent long-distance commuting, and into a plurality of resi-
dence places, i.e. in the development of strategies to extend the living space
and to reconcile work and family needs.
Molise is a regions among the most affected by these forms of migration,
particularly widespread among young people with a good level of education.
The silent migration of young people from Molise indicates that the ageing
process of the regional workforce is even higher than the official figures attest.
Inadequate knowledge of the temporary migration phenomenon does not show
clearly the real social and economic costs to Molise society and families.
Renato Marinaro e Franco Pittau
Foreign Immigration in Molise: presences, social and employment aspects
Despite Molise is one of the smallest Italian region – with a low number of
immigrants – it is still an interesting research field for Migration scholars.
This is the topic presented by the authors of this paper, the two of them
strongly aware that besides the importance of big urban cities migratory dynamics also small communities ones are to be seriously taken into account.
Indeed, it is in this context that people relate to each other more directly and
the integration process – when achieved – is more deep.
Starting with the statistical data on current presences (about 6.500 regular
immigrants) the authors first examine the main historical and cultural markers, then analyze the employment and business issues, and finally they deal
with the regional indexes of integration that, in comparison with the other
Italian region, place Molise region in the mid-range, in spite of the lack of its
available resources. However, significant problems are enlighten in relation
with the immigrants reception procedures in the region.
Thus spoke Mons. Bregantini – archbishop of Campobasso – on this topic:
“Immigrants should be granted an extraordinary residence permit. We
should revise our Labor Law and we must all be united because none of us
have easy solutions. We should create host centers in small rural villages to
redistribute small groups of immigrants. They could repopulate our depopulated countries, as happened during the XVI-XVII centuries. It could be a
winning plan and is the only solution I see”.
Sebastiano Martelli
Literature as autobiography: Rimanelli writing across the ocean
The paper traces the history of Giose Rimanelli literary production. As for
any other Italian-American writer, the theme of emigration represents also
for him an ‘inevitable narrative stumble’.
/ 4 / 2011
Inside his all literary journey – from his first works during the fifties until now – Rimanelli created stories, words, images, that have supplied his
own writing for more than sixty years building a significant bridge across
the Ocean.
Atypical features, originality, vitality, passion, freedom and misery have
thus met to bind in the intellectual tranche de vie and in Rimanelli writing
two worlds, two languages, two cultures.
Atipicità, originalità, vitalità, passione, libertà e sofferenza si sono così incontrate a legare nella tranche de vie intellettuale e nella scrittura di Rimanelli due mondi, due lingue, due culture.
Antonio Ruggieri
Human resources
A debate chaired by Antonio Ruggieri
Human resources are the inhabitants, the population of any community; the
aim they endeavour to achieve, as well as the tools they have to put them to
good use.
For Molise, human resources have become an emergency; they have
formed the basic issue which has accompanied and somehow interpreted its
Emigration and immigration, (important) outgoing flows and (reduced) incoming flows make up a diagram which describes the modern condition of
the region under a number of aspects. In order to discuss thoroughly about
this topic in occasion of a debate chaired by Antonio Ruggieri, we have invited in our editorial office Gino Massullo, historian and director of Glocale,
Alberto Tarozzi, Dean of the master’s degree course in social policies and
social service at the University of Molise, Antonio Chieffo, Regional councillor for emigrants from Molise, Don Silvio Piccoli, Caritas coordinator for
social work and ecumenism in the Termoli-Larino diocese, Loredana Costa,
President of the association “Dalla parte degli ultimi” and Norberto Lombardi, expert in the history of emigration and editor of Glocale.
Paola Melone
Identity, emigration and anthropological positivism
This paper is part of a PhD research project in “Intercultural Relationships
and Processes” at the University of Molise. From an historical and sociological point of view, the author discuss the Anthropological Positivism theory which arises during the Italian national identity building process. This
theory affirms significant ethnic and cultural differences between Southern
and Northern Italians which change social relationships and how individuals
perceive themselves. Moreover, this discrimination reaches the United States
where the numbers of Southern Italians is prevalent. On this regard, the author point out the impact of this theory on the cultural inclusion process of
these early emigrants in the host society as well as the consequences on the
Italian-American identity of future generations.
Jacopo Maria Argilli
Women and guilds in medieval Italy
A detailed analysis of legal sources and statues of medieval Italian guilds – as
well as of the studies devoted to this topic – lets the author presents a preliminary research about the relationship between female workers and craft corporations in medieval Italy.
A gradual exclusion of the female component from craft guilds during the
shift from Middle to Modern Age is enlighten by the study of women’s role
in the manufacturing reality of different Italian cities such as Rome, Florence, Bologna or Piacenza: a situation highly different from that of the other
European countries (France, Germany, England).
An insight on the city of Florence will stress the main issue: the condition
of subjection of women in the Italian guilds world doesn’t mean a female absence from the work scene. Rather, it implies a women legalized minority
status deeply rooted inside the social conscience as well as inside the production system of the country.
Giorgio Palmieri
Historiography and bibliography. Notes about “books on books”
Inspired by the recent publication of a book devoted to the exceptional literary production of the historian Giuseppe Galasso, the article remarks the
importance of bibliographies as tools of understanding and interpretation.
The analysis of bibliographies of the works of some of the greatest contemporary historians of Southern Italy (Alfredo Zazo, Augusto Placanica,
Raffaele Colapietra, Tommaso Pedìo, Renato Lalli) allows reflections and
considerations on the role and function of Bibliography (intended as discipline) within today’s system of knowledge storage and diffusion and, in particular, on the relationship between Bibliography and History.
A dialogue between the two disciplines, based on common methods and
shared projects, could achieve unexpected results.
Finito di stampare
nel mese di gennaio 2013
da Arti Grafiche Solimene s.r.l.
Via Indipendenza, 23 - Casoria
per conto
delle Edizioni Il Bene Comune

Glocale. Rivista molisana di storia e scienze sociali Direttore: Gino