Nanotechnologies and cultural heritage: From research to public‐private aggregation. Patrizia Livreri, PhD, Professor, Polytechnic School, University of Palermo, Associate Professor, CNR Europe Commission Consultant for the Sicilian Regional Assembly Coordinator and Scientific Director of the Master: Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials for Cultural Heritage Scientific Responsible of the Laboratory: “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials for Cultural Heritage” September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma In 1945 the founder of the National Science Foundation ‐ Vannevar Bush ‐ foresaw that the unbounded frontier of science would have been the premise of the economic development in future decades. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma The new scenario is that of an economic miracle led by scientific research and technology. The innovative production chain starts from the research carried out in university laboratories, where products, services and know‐how are developed and launched into the global market, creating new values and competitiveness applying entrepreneurial efforts, based on start‐ups and spin‐offs and, above all, on public‐private aggregations. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma In order to achieve this goal and intervene on the research‐innovation chain we have bet in some scientific and technological areas where our University is at an1advantage. Specialization is risky but necessary, even in the high tech world. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma Diapositiva 5 1 area where our University is at an advantage = se si intende "aree dove la nostra università è in vantaggio" (nel senso di capacità nell'area scientifica e tecnologica), io cambierei in: areas in where our University excels. Gabriella Alberti; 23/09/2015 Since 2005, we have mainly focused on nanotechnology applied to cultural heritage. At first, by creating the “Public Laboratory of nanotechnology and nanomaterials for Cultural Heritage, BCNANOLAB”, funded for € 2.950.000,00 by the Ministry of the Economic Development, with resolution no. 17 of 2003 CIPE, RS‐19 project, Micro and Nano‐systems district. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma To the 2 aim of increasing the cohesion of the system and having a shared language between • public and private research institutions • technology transfer centers • companies and banks • venture capitalist and business Angels In 2011, I submitted a proposal to create the District of High Technology for the innovation applied to Cultural Heritage, which was funded by a free grant of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) for a total of 13 millions of euros, drawn from the PON R&C funds, 2007‐2013. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma Diapositiva 7 2 To the aim of increasing non ha alcun senso in inglese, forse si intendeva "lo scopo è migliorare la coesione" ? Allora va cambiato in: The aim is increasing the cohesion etc Gabriella Alberti; 23/09/2015 District of High Technology for the innovation oriented to Cultural Heritage A public‐private partnership among: Università di Palermo Università di Catania CNR COIRICH S.c.r.a.l. INSTM CSGI September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma Engineering SpA Hitech 2000 srl IDS & Unitelm srl Syremont Sidercem Pitecnobio The District works within the fields of research, advanced training and services in the conservation, improvement, fruition of cultural emerged and submerged, indoor and outdoor heritage sectors, supporting companies, enhancing excellences, stimulating competitiveness, promoting businesses in the cultural heritage sector creating spin‐offs and start‐ ups, supplying services and attracting private and public funds. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma COMPETENCES The District competences concern: The development of nanostructured materials, the implementation of investigation methodologies based on nanotechnologies, the usage of diagnostic techniques integrated on mobile devices for in situ analyses, vibrational Raman and FT‐IR spectroscopies, X‐Rays, XRF, XRD and SAXS scattering techniques, imaging techniques in tomographies and X‐Rays microphotography, SEM, TEM and THz wavelength application, archaeometric studies, innovative techniques of detection, 3D and virtual representations and and innovative ICT solutions. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma RESEARCH The strategic policies of the District, in terms of purposes: the development of innovative nanostructured materials to be used on historic artefacts; the implementation of investigation methodologies based on nanotechnologies; increasing the usage of diagnostic techniques integrated on mobile devices for in situ analyses, testing the flexibility and technological suitability of nanodevices‐based solutions; the development of virtual representation technologies in order to improve the fruition of the historic‐artistic heritage. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma TECLA (PON03PE_00214_1): Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for cultural heritage The research activity takes advantage of the nanotechnologies potential in order to develop innovative materials and nanomaterials for the stabilisation, protection, cleaning and fruition of Cultural Heritage. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma DELIAS (PON03PE_00214_2): Development and application of innovative materials and processes for diagnostics and restoration of cultural heritage. The undertaken activity aims at developing new materials, innovative processes, analytic methods and new equipment for the diagnostics and monitoring of Cultural Heritage as well as for the certification concerning the same materials and processes. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma NEPTIS (PON03PE_00214_3): ICT solutions for the fruition and “increased” exploration of Cultural Heritage. The activity’s purpose is the realisation of an integrated system prototype aimed at the creation of services and support applications for the fruition of routes, sites and cultural heritage by using advanced ICT technologies. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma TRAINING The District works within the field of Advanced Training, with the training project funded through the MIUR program PON Ricerca & Competitività (Research and Competitiveness): “Researchers and experts of high technology and technological innovation applied to the cultural heritage sector”, This aims at creating highly trained professionals specialised in the nanotechnologies and nanomaterials sector, with specific inter‐disciplinary knowledge. This is done through Masters Degrees, International PhD courses and post‐graduate and post‐doctoral scholarships. September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma September 23rd, 2015 Università di Roma