Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name / Surname
Date and place of birth
Nicolò Cavalli
[email protected]; [email protected]
23/09/1987 - Mantova, Italy
Occupational field Dentistry - Academic Research
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
February 2012 - Present
General dentistry - Mainly Periodontology and Oral Surgery (Implant Dentistry)
Dental Office Dott.ssa Zanellini Leda in via Valsesia 52 Mantova 46100 MN
February 2012 - Present
Main activities and responsibilities
General dentistry - Mainly Periodontology and Oral Surgery (Implant Dentistry)
Name and address of employer
Dental Office Dott.ssa Zanellini Leda in via Roma 112 Castellucchio 46014 MN
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
February 2012 - June 2013
General dentistry
Dental Office Dental M.A.C. s.a.s. by Borroni Angelo in via Napoli 36 Varedo 20814 MB
February 2012 - November 2012
Visiting Physician
Dental implantology and periodontology attending the Centre for Research in Oral Implantology
directed by Prof. Luca Francetti
Dental Clinic directed by Prof. Roberto Weinstein; Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milano
Education and training
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Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
November 2012 - Present
Phd student in "Physiopathologic, Neuropyschobiological and Auxiliary Sciences of the Life
Università degli Studi di Milano - University of Milan
September 2006- July 2011
Graduation in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics - 107/110
September 2009-July 2011
Internship at the Dental Clinic of the Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute directed by Prof. Roberto
Weinstein, attending all departments for at least one semester and the Centre for Research in Oral
Implantology directed by Prof. Luca Francetti for the whole internship.
Experimental thesis: Valutazione biomeccanica in vitro di due diverse riabilitazioni implantoprotesiche
full-arch - Biomechanical In Vitro Evaluation of two different full-arch implant-supported rehabilitations
Coordinator: Prof. Luca Francetti - Advisor: Dr. Stefano Corbella
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Università degli Studi di Milano - University of Milan
July 2006
Scientific high school diploma
Liceo Scientifico Belfiore - Mantova
Scientific Activity
Scientific publications on national
and international journals
Cavalli N, Corbella S, Taschieri S, Francetti L
Prevalence of Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis in Patients Treated with a Combination
of Axial and Tilted Implants Supporting a Complete Fixed Denture.
The Scientific World Journal - 2015 - Accepted
Francetti L, Cavalli N, Villa T, La Barbera L, Taschieri S, Corbella S, Del Fabbro M
Biomechanical in vitro evaluation of two different implant-supported full-arch rehabilitations
with tilted implants and angulated abutments.
The International Journal Of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants - 2015; Mar-Apr;30(2):419-26
Francetti L, Corbella S, Taschieri S, Cavalli N, Del Fabbro M
Medium- and Long-Term Complications in Full-Arch Rehabilitations Supported by Upright and
Tilted Implants.
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research - Epub 2013 Nov 28.
Cavalli N, Barbaro B, Spasari D, Azzola F, Ciatti A, Francetti L.
Tilted implants for full arch rehabilitations in completely edentulous maxilla: a retrospective
International Journal of Dentistry - Epub 2012 Oct 23.
Azzola F, Mazza F, Leone A, Cavalli N, Rodolfi A, Antifora A.
Riabilitazioni Implantoprotesiche in aree esteticamente rilevanti: il condizionamento dei tessuti
Dental Cadmos - 2013;81(5):279-287.
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Poster presentations
Cavalli N, Corbella S, Pellegrini G, Azzola F, Taschieri S, Francetti L. Prevalence and incidence of
peri-implant mucositis nd peri-implantitis in full-arch fixed restorations supported by four
implants. A retrospective study with up to 10 years of follow-up. Quintessenza internazionale &
JOMI; In Press!- XVII Sidp International Congress on March 5th-7th 2015 in Rimini, Italy
Azzola F, Dellavia C, Cavalli N, Pellegrini G, Di Stefano M, Mazza F, Francetti L. How implantoplasty
modifies plaque accumulation. A pilot study. Quintessenza internazionale & JOMI; In Press!- XVII
Sidp International Congress on March 5th-7th 2015 in Rimini, Italy
Cavalli N, Corbella S, Azzola F, Rodolfi A, Barbaro B, Francetti L. Prevalence of peri-implant
mucositis and peri-implantitis full-arch mandibular restorations supported by four implants. Eur
J Oral Implantol 2015 In Press - SlO Congress XXIII February 6th-7th 2015 in Milan
Cavalli N, Casaroli G, Corbella S, Taschieri S, Galbusera F, VIlla T, Francetti L. Comparative
evaluation of the effect of implant length and crown height in the posterior edentulous maxilla:
three-dimensional finite element analysis. Clinical Oral Implants Research; 2014 Sep; 25 Suppl
10:179!- 23rd EAO Annual Scientific Meeting on September 25th-27th 2014 in Rome, Italy.
Cavalli N, Corbella S, Casaroli G, Galbusera F, VIlla T, Francetti L. Comparative evaluation of the
effect of implant length and crown height in the edentulous maxilla: a three-dimensional finite
element analysis. Quintessenza internazionale & JOMI 2014; 30(4):44!- XVIII Sidp National Congress
on March 13th-15th 2014 in Rimini, Italy
Cavalli N, Mazza F, Rodolfi A, Corbella S, Azzola F, Francetti L. Full-arch fixed rehabilitation
supported by short implants in highly resorbed maxilla: a case report. . Eur J Oral Implantol 2014;
7(Suppl) S9-S79 - SlO Congress XXII February 7th-8th 2014 in Milan
Spasari D, Corbella S, Cavalli N, Qurum Y, Austoni C, Francetti L. Prevalence of technical
complications in full-arch implant-supported rehabilitations and their management. Eur J Oral
Implantol 2014; 7(Suppl) S9-S79 - SlO Congress XXII February 7th-8th 2014 in Milan
Barbaro B, Mazza F, Azzola F, Corbella S, Cavalli N, Francetti L. Survival rate of 6 mm long
implants 1 year after prosthetic loading. Eur J Oral Implantol 2014; 7(Suppl) S9-S79 - SlO Congress
XXII February 7th-8th 2014 in Milan
Cavalli N, Corbella S, Mazza F, Barbaro B, Azzola F, Spasari D, Taschieri S, Del Fabbro M, Francetti
L. Biological and prosthetic complications in full-arch fixed prosthesis supported by four
implants: a 9-years follow-up retrospective study. Clinical Oral Implants Research; 2013 Oct; 24
Suppl 9:179-180!- 22nd EAO Annual Scientific Meeting on October 17th-19th 2013 in Dublin, Ireland.
Cavalli N, Rodolfi A, Mazza F, Corbella S, Del Fabbro, Francetti L. Mechanical complications in
fixed full-arch rehabilitations supported by upright and tilted implants. XX Congresso Nazionale
Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria April 18th-20th 2013 in Rome, Italy
Mazza F, Cavalli N, Rodolfi A, Azzola F, Antifora A, Francetti L. Soft tissue conditioning of implantsupported prosthesis in aesthetic areas - a clinical report. XX Congresso Nazionale Collegio dei
Docenti di Odontoiatria April 18th-20th 2013 in Rome, Italy
Rodolfi A, Mazza F, Cavalli N, Barbaro B, Spasari D, Francetti L. Full-arch rehabilitation of the
extremely atrophic mandible with a fixed prostheses supported by four implants: a case report.
XX Congresso Nazionale Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria April 18th-20th 2013 in Rome, Italy
Cavalli N, Corbella S, Leone A, Rodolfi A, Del Fabbro M, Francetti L. Biological and technical
complications in fixed full-arch rehabilitations supported by upright and tilted implants. Eur J
Oral Implantol 2013; 6(Suppl) S9-S82 - SlO Congress XXI February 8th-9th 2013 in Milan
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Spasari D, Azzola F, Barbaro B, Mazza F, Cavalli N, Francetti L. Prosthetic and aesthetic correction
of a surgical complication. Eur J Oral Implantol 2013; 6(Suppl) S9-S82 - SlO Congress XXI February
8th-9th 2013 in Milan
Cavalli N, Corbella S, Ciatti A, Azzola F, Barbaro B, Spasari D, Leone A, Mazza F, Del Fabbro M,
Francetti L. Tilted versus non-tilted implant-supported full-arch rehabilitations: a biomechanical
comparison. Clinical Oral Implants Research; 2012 Oct; 23 Suppl 7:56-57 - 21st Year EAO
Anniversary Meeting on October 10th-13th 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Cavalli N, Leone A, Azzola F, Corbella S, Barbaro B, Francetti L. Clinical and prosthetic
complications of a full-arch rehabilitation supported by upright and tilted implants. Implantologia
2012; 1:29 - XX Congresso Internazionale SIO 27th-28th January 2012
Cavalli N, Ciatti A, Corbella S, Karang D, Del Fabbro M, Francetti L. Five versus four implants to
support a full-arch rehabilitation: a biomechanical comparison. Implantologia 2012; 1: 29 - XX
Congresso Internazionale SIO 27th-28th January 2012
Participation to Congresses as
speaker - Oral communications
Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology - XVII International Congress
Rimini 5th-7th March 2015
Presentation of the oral communication "Prevalence and incidence of peri-implant mucositis nd periimplantitis in full-arch fixed restorations supported by four implants. A retrospective study with up to 10
years of follow-up" in the session "Research Forum" in English.
Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology - XVIII National Congress
Rimini 13th-15th March 2014
Presentation of the oral communication "Comparative evaluation of the effect of implant length and
crown height in the edentulous maxilla: a three-dimensional finite element analysis" in the session
"Research Forum" in Italian.
Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology - XVI International Congress
Rimini 14th-16th March 2013
Oral presentation of the graduation thesis "Valutazione biomeccanica in vitro di due diverse
riabilitazioni implantoprotesiche full-arch" for having awarded the 2012 "M. Calandriello Prize".
III Giornata DM - Convegno "Cosa servirà al nuovo professionista nel prossimo futuro?"
Milan 1st October 2011
Oral presentation of the thesis "Valutazione biomeccanica in vitro di due diverse riabilitazioni
implantoprotesiche full-arch" that awarded the 2011 "Best University Thesis in Dentistry Prize".
Professional and scientific
Prizes / Grants / Awards
2012-15: Ordinary Member of the SIdP (Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology)
2012-15: Ordinary Member of the SIO (Italian Society of OsseoIntegration)
April 2015: coauthor of the poster which awarded the "Best Poster - Geass Prize" in the "Oral
Surgery - School Session" of the XXII National Congress of the Association of Professors in
Odontologic Disciplines
February 2015: winner of the "SIO 2015 Poster Award" as best poster in the "Clinical Research"
session at the XXIII International Congress of the Italian Society of OsseoIntegration with the poster
entitled "Prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis full-arch mandibular restorations
supported by four implants"
May 2012: winner of the "2012 M. Calandriello prize for the best university thesis" award of the
Sidp Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology.
October 2011: winner of the "2011 DM Prize: Best Dentistry Graduation Thesis" of the journal "Il
Dentista Moderno".
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Personal skills and
Mother tongue
Other languages
European level
Proficient user
C1 Proficient user
Spoken interaction
Proficient user
Spoken production
B2 Independent User C1
Proficient user
I attended a school program for 6 months at Mairehau High School in Christchurch, New Zealand (JulDec 2004) and several language study immersion holidays for 2 weeks in England (1997, 1998, 2002,
2003) and for one month in Vancouver, BC, Canada (2006)
Technical skills and competences
Social and organisational skills and
Computer skills and competences
Driving licence
Personal interests
The internship in the university clinic and working as a freelancer in other dental offices allowed me to
develop theoretical and practical skills in Basic Dentistry and especially in Periodontics, Oral Surgery
and Oral Implantology.
The internship in the university clinic has enhanced my organisational skills about group work. I
consider myself a determined and responsible person, able to achieve the preset goals. Good team
spirit, but also ability to manage independently my work. I developed analytical skills during my Phd
course. I am open-minded and I have a good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained
through my experiences abroad.
Good command of the OS system Windows and Mac Os X.
Good command of the Microsoft Office tools: ECDL Full achieved on the 19th November 2009
Good knowledge and ability in using online scientific database (Pubmed; Scopus)
B Driving Licence
Sport activities, especially tennis (several tournaments played every year), ski, soccer, running.
Volunteer at the Festivaletteratura (Mantova literature festival) in Mantova in 2003, 2005 and 2006.
Date 01/07/2015
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Curriculum Vitae