Phrases: Academic | Main Body
Main Body : Agreeing
Parlando in termini generali,
mi trovo in accordo con la tesi
sostenuta da... dato che...
D'une façon générale, je suis
d'accord avec... parce que...
Used when in general
agreement with someone
else's point of view
Si è inclini ad appoggiare la
tesi sostenuta da... in
On pourrait facilement tomber
d'accord avec... parce que...
Used when in general
agreement with someone
else's point of view
Si può comprendere il punto
di vista di...
Je comprends son point de
Used when you believe
someone else's point of view
is valid, but you do not fully
Sono pienamenre d'accordo
sul fatto che...
Je suis entièrement d'accord
Used when in complete
agreement with someone
else's point of view
Sostengo l'idea secondo la
Je cautionne entièrement
l'idée que...
Used when in complete
agreement with someone
else's point of view
Parlando in termini generali,
mi trovo in disaccordo con la
tesi sostenuta da... dato che...
D'une façon générale, je ne
suis pas d'accord avec...
parce que...
Used when in general
disagreement with someone
else's point of view
Si è inclini a confutare la tesi
sostenuta da... in quanto...
On pourrait facilement tomber
en désaccord avec... parce
Used when in general
disagreement with someone
else's point of view
Nonostante le numerose
riserve, si può comprendere il
punto di vista di...
Je peux l'entendre, mais je ne
suis pas d'accord avec ce
point de vue.
Used when you understand
someone else's point of view,
but you do not agree with it at
Sono pienamenre in
disaccordo sul fatto che...
Je ne suis pas du tout
d'accord avec...
Used when in complete
disagreement with someone
else's point of view
Mi oppongo fermamente alla
tesi secondo la quale...
Je suis fermement opposé à
l'idée que...
Used when in complete
opposition to someone else's
point of view
... e ... si
assomigliano/differiscono in
riferimento a...
...and... sont
similaires/différents au regard
An informal way of stating
specific similarities or
comparisons between two
A differenza di..., ... mostra...
En opposition avec...,
Used when wanting to
emphasize the difference
between two things
In contrasto con..., .... è...
..., par contraste avec...,
Used when wanting to
emphasize the difference
between two things
... è simile a ... in quanto
...est similaire à... en ce qui
Used when wanting to
emphasize and explain a
similarity between two things
... e... differiscono in termini
di... diffèrent en termes de...
Used when wanting to
emphasize and explain a
Il primo, a differenza del
secondo termine di
Le premier..., a contrario, le
Used when wanting to
emphasize the difference
Main Body : Disagreeing
Main Body : Comparisons
1/3 Phrases: Academic | Main Body
difference between two things
Une des principales
similarités/différences entre...
et... est que...
Used when stating specific
similarities or comparisons
between two things
Fra le altre, una delle
differenze fra ... e ... è che...
Une différence est
que..., tandis que...
Used to highlight a difference
between two things, can be
the start of a long list of
Si potrebbe dunque affermare
Je dirais que...
Used to give a personal
opinion, of which you are not
fully confident
Si potrebbe considerare
valida l'ipotesi secondo la
Il me semble que...
Used to give a personal
opinion, of which you are not
fully confident
Secondo il mio punto di
À mon sens...
Used to give a personal
Da una prospettiva
prettamente personale...
Selon mon point de vue...
Used to give a personal
Sono dell'idea che...
Je suis d'opinion que...
Used to give a personal
Ci sono numerose ragioni che
inducono a ritenere ciò. Fra
Je crois qu'il y a plusieurs
raisons. Premièrement,...
Used when wanting to list
many reasons for something
Ritengo di poter affermare
con certezza che... in
Je suis persuadé intimement
que... parce que...
Used to give a personal
opinion that you are sure of
and an explanation of said
Spostando l'attenzione
Used when changing subject
and to start a new paragraph
Avendo confermato questo
punto, è possibile ora
concentrarsi su...
Il est désormais clair que... .
Tournons notre attention sur...
Used when changing subject
and to start a new paragraph
È, inoltre, necessario
prendere in considerazione
una fondamentale
argomentazione contro...
De plus, on ne peut pas
ignorer ce contre-argument :
Used when adding important
information to an already
developed argument
Pur ammettendo che..., non
bisogna dimenticarsi che...
De l'avis général..., mais...
Used when conceding a
counter-argument, but
wanting to suggest further
analysis of your own
Pur essendo vero che...,
rimane aperta la domanda se
Il est vrai que..., il n'en
demeure pourtant pas moins
Used when conceding a
counter-argument, but
wanting to suggest further
analysis of your own
Posto che..., non bisogna
dimenticarsi che...
Il va de soi que...,
Used when conceding a
counter-argument, but
wanting to suggest further
analysis of your own
Al contrario...
Au contraire, ...
Used when correcting a
mistaken belief, after said
Da un lato...
D'un coté...
Used to introduce one side of
an argument
Una delle
similitudini/differenze più
evidenti fra ... e ... si
between two things
Main Body : Opinions
Main Body : Connecting Elements
2/3 Phrases: Academic | Main Body
belief has been stated
D'un autre côté...
Used to show another side of
an argument. Always used
after "on the one hand…"
A dispetto di...
En dépit de...
Used when making an
argument, which goes against
certain data or beliefs
Nonostante si ritenga che...
En dépit du fait que...
Used when making an
argument, which goes against
certain data or beliefs
ent parlant...
Used when referring to
science or past events in
A tal proposito...
À propos de...
Used when an additional point
is thought of that can support
your analysis
En outre...
Used when developing a point
to a high analytical level
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Phrases: Academic | Main Body (Italian-French)