Biol. Mar. Mediterr. (2011), 18 (1): 309-311 F. Frau, M.F. Cinti, B. Paliaga, I. Guala* Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area - 09049 Villasimius, Italia. [email protected] *Fondazione IMC, International Marine Centre Onlus - 09072 Torregrande (OR), Italia. PROTECTED SPECIES ACCORDING TO THE SPA/BIO PROTOCOL (BARCELONA CONVENTION) PRESENT IN THE MARINE PROTECTED AREA CAPO CARBONARA LE SPECIE PROTETTE DEL PROTOCOLLO SPA/BIO (CONVENZIONE DI BARCELLONA) PRESENTI NELL’AREA MARINA PROTETTA CAPO CARBONARA Abstract - Based on literature data, the list of coastal and marine species present in the Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area was updated highlighting the species of special conservation interest. Overall, 951 species were recorded, 153 of them are listed in the main international conventions and directives; 49 are protected according to the SPA/BIO protocol (Barcelona Convention). Such a high number of species of conservation interest makes the Capo Carbonara MPA an eligible candidate to be part of the SPAMI list. Key-words: marine parks, conservation, species, biodiversity, Mediterranean Sea. Introduction - In the Mediterranean Sea 132 coastal and marine species are considered of priority interest for conservation according to the SPA/BIO protocol (Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean, Barcelona Convention), that lists all endangered or threatened species (Annex II) and the species whose exploitation must be regulated (Annex III) (Relini and Tunesi, 2009). The presence of rare, threatened or endemic species and a high species diversity are among the main criteria necessary to be eligible for inclusion in the SPAMI (Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Interest) List (Anonymous, 1999). In order to meet these criteria, this study aims to update the overall status of species within the Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area (CCMPA) with an emphasis on species of conservation interest. Materials and methods - The study was carried out at the CCMPA (39° 07’ N, 09° 32’ E) managed by the Municipality of Villasimius (SE Sardinia, Italy). An extensive survey on the existing data, including grey literature, was carried out to list the presence of coastal and marine species, protected or not. Sixty-three documents on fauna and flora species, dating since 1997 to 2010, were explored: 13 papers on specialized scientific journals, 5 abstracts or congress presentations, 3 master or PhD thesis, 1 feasibility study, 41 technical reports on monitoring activities carried out at the CCMPA or in the municipality of Villasimius. The presence of species observed by local divers or fishermen, but not identified in any documents, were verified by land, boat and/or skin and scuba diving. For each protected species according to the SPA/BIO protocol, when possible, an assessment of abundance and conservation status were pointed out. Results and conclusions - Overall, 951 species were detected: 801 fauna species (153 coastal, 648 marine) and 150 flora species (78 coastal, 72 marine). With reference to species of conservation interest, 104 species are listed in the main international agreements and conventions on the conservation of nature also covering the sea (i.e. Berna and Washington conventions, Habitat and Birds directives); 49 (25 Invertebrates, 20 Vertebrates and 4 Plants) are considered protected species according to the SPA/ BIO protocol (Tab. 1). F. Frau, M.F. Cinti, B. Paliaga, I. Guala 310 Tab. 1 - Protected species detected in the CCMPA. A=abundance (c=common; p=present; s=sporadic); C=conservation status (e=excellent; g=good). Specie protette nell’AMP Capo Carbonara. A=abbondanza (c=comune; p=presente; s=sporadico); C=stato di conservazione (e=eccellente; g=buono). sp. plur. sp. plur. sp. This work highlighted the presence of other 34 protected species over those identified in a previous survey carried out on sublittoral rocky bottoms (Guala et al., 2010). Such a large number of protected species makes the CCMPA of great relevance not only for the conservation interests but also for scientific, aesthetic and cultural aspects. As a consequence the CCMPA, should reasonably be considered an eligible candidate to be part of the SPAMI list. However, this work highlights the significance of more detailed investigations, and the needs of quantitative investigations in order to assess the magnitude of biodiversity in the CCMPA and to get useful tools for conservation purposes. References ANONYMOUS (1999) - Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean. Official Journal of the European Communities, L 322/34, 14/12/1999: 15 pp. GUALA I., BOI S., MURGIA R., IANNUZZI A., MANCA L., BAROLI M. (2010) - Monitoraggio di habitat e specie di interesse conservazionistico e delle specie aliene nell’Area Marina Protetta di Capo Carbonara (Villasimius, Sardegna orientale). XIX Congresso del gruppo per l’ecologia di base G. Gadio “Il ruolo delle aree protette per la tutela della biodiversità”. Olbia, 21-23 maggio 2010. RELINI G., TUNESI L. (eds) (2009) - Le specie protette del protocollo SPA/BIO (Convenzione di Barcellona) presenti in Italia. Schede descrittive per l’identificazione. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 16 (Suppl. 2): 1-433. Ulteriore documentazione è disponibile nell’Annex allegato. Protected species according to the SPA/BIO protocol present in the Marine Protected Area Capo Carbonara 311 Annex ADDIS P., CECCHERELLI G., MURENU M., FARCI S., FERRARI A., OLITA A., ORTU A., POMA S., CANU B., CASU D., GRECO S., SECHI N. 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(2007) - Conservazione ex situ e in situ della biodiversità vegetale dell’Area Marina Protetta di Capo Carbonara (Sardegna sud-orientale). Fitosociologia, 44 (1): 157-164. BUIA M.C., GIUNTA G., GUALA I., IACONO G., MONTELLA R., SILVESTRE F., TIBERTI L. (2005) - State of Posidonia oceanica meadows around the Sardinian coasts. In: Ozhan E. (ed), Proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Medcoast 05. 25-29 October 2005. Kusadasi, Turkey: 431-439. CASOLA E., LARICCIA M., SCARDI M. (2008) - La pesca nelle aree marine protette italiane. Unimar. Roma 2008, 147: 9 pp. FRAU F., CINTI M.F., TOCCHETTI M. (2009) - Proposta di un protocollo di monitoraggio di Tursiops truncatus nell’Area Marina Protetta di Capo Carbonara, Villasimius. VIII Congresso Nazionale sui Cetacei e sulle Tartarughe - Centro Studi Cetacei, Pescara 29-30 Ottobre 2009. GUALA I., VACCA S., ISOLA R., BOI S., DIAGO M.C., BUIA M.C., SILVESTRE F., FLORIS B., ANEDDA R., MURA L. (2009) - Posidonia oceanica monitoring programme in Sardinia: methodology and findings of the first year of surveying. Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop. Hvar (Croatia), 6-10 Settembre 2009. LECCA L., LENAZ R., LEONE F., ROSSI S., ULZEGA A. (1979) - La piattaforma continentale della Sardegna sud-orientale: indicazioni metodologiche e primi risultati. Atti Conv. P.F. Oceanografia C.N.R. MO G. (2000) - Sighting spurs government action. In: Johnson W.M., Schnellmann M. (eds), The Monachus Guardian, 3 (2): 14-15. MOSSA L., CURRELI F., FOGU M.C. (2000) - La vegetazione degli habitats terrestri della riserva marina protetta di Capo Carbonara (Sardegna sud-orientale). Rendiconti Seminario Facoltà di Scienze Università di Cagliari, 70: 23 pp. MURENU M., ORTU A., CORRIAS S., SABA T., PORCU C., CAU A. (2006) - Mappatura delle biocenosi bentoniche nella zona “A” dell’Area Marina Protetta di Capo Carbonara (Sardegna sud-orientale). Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 13 (1): 481-484. 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