what’s on | churches guide | museums guide | dining | shopping | entertainment VENICEMAGAZINE VeniceMagazine mensile di informazione turistica e cultura - Anno 4 - N.26 gennaio 2005 - euro zero - sped a.p. 45% art. 2 comma 20/b legge 662/96 - DCI VE the city guide Focus on: CARNIVALESQUE VENTURES Special: THE VENICE STAGE Tips: ULTIMATE SHOPPING USEFUL PAGE . . NIO adv Cuba Caracollilo Rounded bean, full-bodied taste, low acidity. With its persistent hint of chocolate, Cuba Caracollilo Crystal Mountain is the proposed winter cru from Caffè del Doge. For every season there is an appropriate aroma. The “Carta dei caffè”, offered in the best restaurants, gives an idea of the philosophy that inspires us. Old-style roasting, blending process with cooled beans. To many people they are only subtle hints; to us they’re everything. Chicco rotondo, gusto corposo, bassa acidità. Persistente vena di cioccolata: è il Cuba Caracollilo Crystal Mountain, il cru proposto per l’inverno da Caffè del Doge. Perché per ogni stagione ci sia il giusto aroma. Perché la “Carta dei caffè”, offerta nei migliori ristoranti, dia un senso alla filosofia che ci muove. Tostatura artigianale, miscelazione a freddo. Per molti sono solo sfumature, per noi è tutto. CAFFE’ DEL DOGE NEW YORK TOKIO FRANKFURT WIEN BUDAPEST VENEZIA Calle dei Cinque Ponte del Lovo www.caffedeldoge.com NIO adv 15 January 05 / 15 February 05 CONTENTS © Agenzia Errebi Magazine-guide Anno IV , n°26, Gennaio 2005 mensile di informazione turistica www.venicemagazine.com [email protected] Bulgari - 1930 Platinum ring realized by Sotirio Bulgari Mixed cut diamonds 2,00kt Oval cut natural Ceylon sapphire, top gem quality 6,54kt Editore: Andrea Carnio Società editrice: NIO s.r.l. Direttore responsabile: Giovanni Mazzonetto Caporedattore: Samuele Costantini Sviluppo grafico: Nicola Bernardi Coordinatore marketing: Antonio Varisco ON SHOW Hanno collaborato: Alegk, Riccardo Bon, Gianluca Codognato, Giorgia Gallina, Andrea Heinrich, Gianluca Mastini, Caterina Sopradassi, Barbara Zanon, Thejra Tonetto, Alberto Toso Fei, Nicoletta Consentino, Carlo Romeo Bono. The intertwining of science and art. L’incontro fra scienza e arte. Redazione ed Amministrazione: NIO s.r.l. via A. da Mestre, 19 30172 Venezia - Mestre tel./fax +39.041.5454536 [email protected] Stampa: Firma Gruppo Poligrafico s.r.l. via Friuli Venezia Giulia, 77 - Pianiga (Ve). Distribuzione e Logistica: NIO s.r.l. via A. da Mestre, 19 30172 - Venezia-Mestre. Kiev, Russia 1908-1917 Fotografia: Archivio VM, Archivio APT, Archivio Storico Comunale “Fondo Giacomelli”, Archivio Fotografico Resini, Archivio Magistrato delle Acque, Archivio Procuratoria di San Marco, Archivio Accademia, Archivio PIero Zanotto. In the atelier LE ZOIE you feel a real love for art and beautiful things. Passionate antiques collector, Michele Dal Bon, offers a wide choice of jewellery, watches, icon paintings and antique silver. Nell'atelier LE ZOIE si respira l'amore per l'arte e per il bello. Appassionato collezionista di antiquariato, Michele Dal Bon propone un'ampia scelta di gioielli, orologi, icone e argenti antichi. SPECIAL CARNIVAL Registrazione presso il Tribunale Civile e Penale di Venezia n°1403 del 14/11/2001 Registrazione presso il Registro Nazionale Stampe e Periodici per il Garante nelle Comunicazioni n° 8189. Si ringrazia per la collaborazione: Calle dei Boteri, 1566 San Polo, Venezia tel/fax 041 2758694 www.lezoieantiques.com AVA AVAL FOCUS ON Carnivalesque Ventures. Given the fact that gambling was allowed only during Carnival, thousands of ... Azzardi Carnascialeschi. Per via della possibilit di giocare d azzardo solo durante il Carnevale... 8 8 9 MUSEUMS GUIDE Philip-Lorca di Corcia. Photographs 1975-2003 Tiepolo s coppers 10 ON SHOW The intertwining of science and art. The theatre of bodies: the most conspicuous and remarkable... L incontro fra scienza e arte. Il teatro dei corpi: il pi consistente e straordinario atlante anatomico... 16 CHURCHES GUIDE The Martyrdom of San Lorenzo by Tiziano 16 17 The church of Santa Maria Assunta dei Gesuiti Traduzioni: Elisabetta Carraro Jaipur, India 1870 4 14 Agenda Area Vendita: NIO s.r.l. via A. da Mestre, 19 30172 Venezia - Mestre tel./fax +39.041.5454536 [email protected] Netherlands XVIII century table CATeV All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly prohibited. VENICEMAGAZINE the city guide is registered trademark of NIO s.r.l., makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. The choice of the advertising texts has been made at the discretion of the Venice Magazine staff. FOCUS ON Carnivalesque Ventures. Azzardi Carnascialeschi. 24 SPECIAL CARNIVAL The Venice stage. Carnival transforms Venice into the world capital of entertainment and disguise... Il palcoscenico di Venezia. Quando arriva Carnevale Venezia diviene una delle capitali mondiali... 32 SHOPPING GUIDE 35 Ultimate Shopping 38 38 40 45 DINING GUIDE Restaurant Canova Carnival tricks At table with patricians and plebeians 48 SERVICE GUIDE 50 MAINLAND GUIDE 50 Ottocento Veneto: il trionfo del colore 51 Events and curiosity outdoor Given the fact that gambling was allowed only during Carnival, thousands of “foreigners” thronged Venice, attracted by the intense theatrical season, by feasts, entertainment and gambling. di Nicoletta Consentino Per via della possibilità di giocare d’azzardo solo durante il Carnevale i “foresti”, richiamati dall’intensissima stagione teatrale, dalle feste, dai divertimenti e dal gioco, accorrevano a migliaia. F eats, masquerades, colourful costumes and more. In the XVII and XVIII century Carnival in Venice used to last much more than it does today. It officially started on December 26th – although celebrations usually started in the first days of October – and lasted until Ash Wednesday. It was the only period in which the Venetian state allowed gambling although only in the “Ridotto Pubblico” – public gaming rooms. The “Ridotto”, inaugurated in 1638 in Palazzo Dandolo in San Moisè – close to Saint Mark –, can be considered a sign of the inability of the Serenissima Republic to tackle the widespread phenomenon of gambling. Threats, prohibitions and bans imposed in the previous years didn’t produce any result. Gambling had become an integral part of the life of the Venetian society: “ridotti”, casinos, private houses as well as osterias, shops, warehouses, squares and “calli” had become meeting points for illegal gambling for all social classes. Venice tried to contain and regulate the phenomenon by channelling in state coffers part of the large amount of money circulating in the hands of gamblers. Indeed, the “Ridotto” imposed precise rules: the patricians were the only ones who could distribute cards, they had to don robe and wig but F este, balli in maschera, costumi variopinti, ma non solo. Il Carnevale, che nel XVII e XVIII secolo durava a Venezia ben più di oggi, protraendosi ufficialmente dal 26 dicembre (ma in realtà i festeggiamenti cominciavano dai primi di ottobre) fino alle Ceneri, era anche l’unico periodo nel quale lo Stato veneziano permetteva il gioco d’azzardo, anche se solo nel Ridotto Pubblico. Inaugurato nel 1638 all’interno di Palazzo Dandolo a San Moisè (vicino a San Marco), il Ridotto può essere considerato quasi come un’ammissione di impotenza della Serenissima di fronte al dilagante fenomeno del gioco: minacce, proibizioni e divieti emanati negli anni precedenti avevano sortito ben poco effetto, il gioco era ormai diventato parte integrante della vita della società veneziana, e ridotti, casini, case private, ma anche osterie, botteghe, magazzini, piazze e calli, erano usati da tutte le classi sociali come ritrovi da gioco clandestini. Venezia volle così arginare e regolamentare il fenomeno, facendo inoltre convogliare nelle sue casse parte del fiume di denaro che scorreva dalle mani dei giocatori. Il Ridotto aveva infatti regole ben precise: solo i patrizi potevano tenere banco (ovvero distribuire le carte), indossando toga, parrucca e 2 THE BAUTA The Bauta was the Venetian mask par excellence. It wasn’t a mere Carnival costume but a gown to be worn in the Ridotto or at the theatre. It consisted of a black veil (“zendaletto”) which covered ears, hair and neck, a wide mantel (“tabarro”), a three-pointed hat and a white mask (“larva”) which used to cover the higher part of the face and thanks to its protruding shape it was able to change the voice timbre of the person wearing it. LA BAUTA La Bauta era la maschera veneziana per eccellenza, non un costume per il Carnevale ma un abito da indossare al Ridotto e a teatro. Era costituita da un velo nero (zendaletto) che copriva le orecchie, i capelli ed il collo, un ampio mantello (tabarro), un cappello a tre punte e una maschera bianca, la “larva”, che copriva la parte superiore del viso e consentiva, con la sua forma sporgente, di modificare il timbro di voce di chi la indossava. 1. Pietro Longhi - Il ciarlatano - oil on canvas Museo del Settecento Veneziano, Ca' Rezzonico - Venice 2. Pietro Longhi - Colloquio tra baute (particolare) - oil on canvas Museo del Settecento Veneziano, Ca' Rezzonico - Venice FOCUS ON Carnivalesque Ventures Azzardi Carnascialeschi they were not allowed to wear a mask, whereas players were obliged to don the “Bauta” – typical Venetian mask used by Venetians during Carnival. Gambling was allowed in appropriate halls, tables could not be reserved nor hot food be eaten in the halls, and it was officially prohibited to play without money. The fact that game gambling was authorized only during Carnival attracted a large number of foreigners. Thousands of travellers thronged Venice attracted by the intense theatrical season, by feasts, entertainment and gambling. The Ridotto can rightly be defined the pivot of the city’s ludic life, the place which everyone visits sooner or later, at least to experience the crowded and noisy atmosphere of the “camera lunga” – long entrance hall – which was in con- a volto scoperto, mentre i giocatori erano obbligati ad indossare la Bauta; il gioco era permesso solo nelle sale apposite, e nessuno poteva riservare i tavoli o consumare nelle sale cibi cotti; ufficialmente non era consentito giocare sulla parola. Il fatto che si potesse giocare solo durante il Carnevale, attrasse in gran numero gli stranieri. I viaggiatori, richiamati dall’intensissima stagione teatrale, dalle feste, dai divertimenti e dal gioco, accorrevano a migliaia. Il Ridotto può essere a ragione definito il fulcro della vita ludica cittadina, il luogo in cui tutti prima o poi mettevano piede, anche solo per respirare quell’atmosfera affollata e rumorosissima della “camera lunga” (l’ampio salone d’ingresso) così in contrasto con il silenzio quasi religioso che regnava nelle 4 3. Francesco Guardi - Il Ridotto, 1755 - oil on canvas Museo del Settecento Veneziano, Ca' Rezzonico - Venice 4. Pietro Longhi - Il rinoceronte, 1751 - oil on canvas, 62 x 50 cm. Museo del Settecento Veneziano, Ca' Rezzonico - Venice salette in cui i giocatori puntavano. E perdevano. Un’atmosfera in realtà molto diversa da quella che caratterizzava i casini, o ridotti, privati. Luoghi di incontro, di conversazione piacevole e galante, ma anche, in alcuni casi, di discussioni politiche, artistiche e letterarie, i casini erano piccoli e appartati, ricavati nei mezzanini dei palazzi padronali o da case situate, rispetto a questi, più vicine al centro cittadino e prese in affitto dai patrizi. Sempre di più, nella gaudente e civettuola società veneziana del ‘600 e del ‘700, la nobiltà sentiva il bisogno di un punto di riferimento per incontrare gli amici e consumare i riti mondani di cui la società della maschera e del Carnevale si nutriva: raffinati, eleganti, riscaldati da maliziosi caminetti e arredati con un gusto che portava in primo piano la comodità (che a sua volta favoriva gli amabili colloqui), i casini erano veri e propri “luoghi di delizie”, che denotano una ricerca di intimità certo non possibile nei grandi, freddi palazzi. Intimità riscontrabile nell’esistente Casino della Procuratessa Venier, situato tra Rialto e San Marco, sopra il ponte dei Baretteri. Alzando gli occhi, dal ponte, si nota ancora sulla facciata di un anonimo palazzo il “liagò”, sorta di terrazzo coperto dal quale si potevano ammirare, non visti, i cortei di maschere che si dirigevano verso la Piazza. L’interno conserva deliziosi stucchi e pitture, specchi e caminetti intagliati, porte ed armadi lavorati con gusto e perizia, ma anche uno spioncino che, situato nel salone centrale, permetteva di vedere chi era nel sottoportego, e di sfuggire così gli indesiderati testimoni di giochi d’azzardo e svaghi proibiti. 5 THE DELETERIOUS VICE OF GAMBLING The closing down of the Ridotto Pubblico by the Republic of Venice in 1774 – owing to the continuous spreading of “the deleterious vice of gambling” – caused a slump in the selling of masks. Tradesmen protested since the sale of masks – which were compulsory in the ridotti – was directly linked to the number of visitors. Moreover the disposition had the only effect of increasing and spreading the vice of gambling. The number of private casinos increased to 136, 114 of which were located close to Saint Mark’s square. IL VIZIO FUNESTO DEL GIOCO Quando il Ridotto Pubblico fu chiuso dalla Repubblica, nel 1774, perché il “vizio funesto del gioco” continuava a crescere, ci fu un crollo verticale nella vendita delle maschere. I commercianti protestarono vivacemente, essendo i loro incassi direttamente proporzionali al numero dei frequentatori del ritrovo, che dovevano indossare la maschera obbligatoriamente. Inoltre la chiusura del Ridotto non fece altro che moltiplicare e diffondere il vizio del gioco: il numero dei casini privati crebbe a 136, di cui 114 erano situati nelle vicinanze di Piazza San Marco. 6 5-6. Johan Heinrich Tieschbein - I giocatori al ridotto (details) Mid XVIII century - Milano, private collection Thanks to Musei Civici Veneziani, Filippo Pedrocco, Camillo Tonini, Monica da Cortà Fumei and Alessandro Paolinelli. FOCUS ON FOCUS ON 3 trast with the almost religious silence of the small rooms in which players bet, and normally lost. A completely different atmosphere from the one of the casinos or private ridotti, which were the venue for meetings, delightful and gallant conversations but, at times, also of political, artistic and literary discussions. They were small and isolated, usually built out of the mezzanines of private palaces or out of houses rented from the patricians, usually closer to the city centre than the first ones. The nobility of the hedonistic and flirtatious Venetian society of the 17th and 18th century felt increasingly the need for a place where to meet friends and experience social rites which nurtured the society of the mask and of Carnival. Refined, elegant, heated by malicious fireplaces and furnished in a way that gave priority to comfort, the casinos were places of real delight denoting the search for intimacy which could not be found in large and cold palaces. The same intimacy can be found in the existing Casino of Procuratessa Venier, situated between Rialto and San Marco, above the Baretteri bridge. By looking up from the bridge one can still see the “liagò” on the façade of an anonymous palace. It is a sort of covered terrace from which the procession of masks heading towards the square could be admired unnoticed. The interior of the casino treasures marvellous stuccos and paintings, mirrors and engraved fire-places, doors and wardrobes decorated with gusto and expertise, as well as a eyehole situated in the central hall. It enabled to see who was in the “sottoportego” and thus to elude undesired eyewitnesses of gambling and prohibited pleasures. Museums Theatres Galleries Exhibitions City Listing Musei Teatri Gallerie Esposizioni Listing tematico Contents Specials of the month: Bevilacqua La Masa: Philip-Lorca di Corcia Ca’ Rezzonico: Tiepolo’s coppers Agenda: Not to miss Highlight: THE INTERTWINING OF SCIENCE AND ART The theatre of bodies: the most conspicuous and remarkable Renaissance anatomic atlas on display at the Biblioteca Marciana. Appuntamenti del mese: Bevilacqua La Masa: Philip-Lorca di Corcia MUSEUMS guide Ca’ Rezzonico: I rami del Tiepolo Agenda: Da non perdere Editoriale: QUANDO LA SCIENZA INCONTRA L’ARTE Il teatro dei corpi: il più consistente e straordinario atlante anatomico rinascimentale giunto intatto fino ai giorni nostri, in mostra alla Marciana. FONDAZIONE BEVILACQUA LA MASA PHILIP-LORCA DI CORCIA - PHOTOGRAPHS 1975-2003 One of the most outstanding artist-photographers of our BEVILACQUA LA MASA time. He can be considered the “continuum” of “street phoSan Marco, 71 tography” which half a century ago included remarkable ph. +39.041.5207797 photographers like Frank, Egglestone and Adams. TwentyFrom 20 January five years of private life are gathered up in seventy-six photo 4 April tos forming “A Storybook Life”, the chapter at the basis of the show: from friends to life, from happiness to pain, surprise and enchantment. The lives of young street boys pictured in the Hollywood of the first 90s are narrated in the section “Hustlers”. The alienation of the inhabitants of large European and American cities emerges from the pictures of passers by and of single figures that have formed the most recent collections “Streetwork”, “Two hours” and “Heads”, with large impersonal portraits. PHILIP-LORCA DI CORCIA - FOTOGRAFIE 1975-2003 Uno dei più significativi artisti-fotografi del nostro tempo. Il “continuum” della cosiddetta “street photography”, quella che mezzo secolo fa annoverò fotografi del calibro di Frank, Egglestone e Adams. Venticinque anni di vita privata sono raccolti in settantasei scatti a formare “A Storybook Life”, il capitolo fondante della mostra: dagli amici alla famiglia, dai viaggi alle città, con un particolare accento a ritrarre bello e brutto della vita, la felicità e il dolore, la sorpresa e l’incantamento. Vite di giovani ragazzi di strada ritratti nella Hollywood primi anni ’90 sono narrate invece nella sezione “Hustlers”, mentre l’alienazione degli abitanti delle grandi città europee e americane emerge dalle foto fatte a gruppi di passanti, o a singole figure, a formare i più recenti insiemi di “Streetwork”, “Two Hours” e “Heads” dai grandi ritratti impersonali. TIEPOLO’S COPPERS wo outstanding show cycles at the Musei Civici Veneziani , launched in summer 2004, end with two exhibitions. The focus is again on the Bicentenary of Giandomenico Tiepolo’s death and on Ca’Rezzonico hosting the second and last exhibition. After the extraordinary exhibition on the Drawings organized by Attilia Dorigato, it is now the turn of “I Rami per le acqueforti dalle collezioni del Museo Correr”, organized by Camillo Tonini (on view until February 9th). The Correr Museum treasures thirty-three copper-plates etched by the Tiepolos: seven by Giambattista, twenty-five by Giandomenico and one by Lorenzo. The displayed works come from the collections of Teodoro Correr (after whom the museum was called) that he decided to leave to the future generations as a symbol of the greatness of the artists who have contributed to the splendour of Venice. It was an attempt to collect information about a glorious past which was to be overcome by the nineteenth century Neoclassicism. Despite the exiguous number of works, this precious collection is fundamental for the study of the etching technique used by Tiepolo, to understand the procedure of the single prints and the relation and often complex artistic exchanges between the father-master and the sons. The “dell’adorazione dei Magi” deserves particular merit, the series of “Heads” include the self-portrait and portrait of the father Giambattista. Given the concomitance of outstanding initiatives on the Carpaccio, within the exhibition “Recent Restorations” Carpaccio’s “Madonna col Bambino” – recently restored by “Save Venice Inc” – can be admired at the Ducale Palace until March 13 in the Sala degli Scarlatti. T MUSEO DI CA’ REZZONICO Museo del Settecento Veneziano Dorsoduro, 3136 Info: +39.041.2410100 10am - 5pm until 9th February2005 I rami del Tiepolo ue mostre chiudono due importanti rassegne ai Musei Civici Veneziani avviate nell’estate 2004. Ritornano i riflettori sul Bicentenario della morte di Giandomenico Tiepolo e su Ca’Rezzonico che ne ospita il secondo e ultimo appuntamento espositivo. Dopo la splendida mostra sui Disegni curata da Attilia Dorigato è ora il momento de “I Rami per le acqueforti dalle collezioni del Museo Correr”, a cura di Camillo Tonini (fino al 9 febbraio). Il Museo Correr conserva infatti un nucleo di trentatré lastre in rame incise all’acquaforte dai Tiepolo: sette per mano di Giambattista, venticinque di Giandomenico e una di Lorenzo. Si tratta di un fondo proveniente dalle raccolte che Teodoro Correr (dal quale il museo prende il nome), nel tentativo di raccogliere memoria di un passato che avrebbe presto lasciato il passo al Neoclassicismo ottocentesco, decise di lasciare ai posteri a futura memoria dei grandi artisti di cui Venezia si avvalse nei momenti di maggior splendore. Si tratta di un fondo davvero prezioso nonostante l’esiguità delle opere: fondamentale non solo per lo studio dell’acquaforte usata dai Tiepolo, ma anche per la conoscenza dell’iter delle singole stampe con i successivi stati e, più in generale, per una riflessione sui rapporti e gli scambi, spesso complessi, intercorsi tra i figli e il padre-maestro. Da segnalare su tutti lo splendido esempio “dell’Adorazione dei Magi” , mentre tra le “Teste” figurano anche l’autoritratto e il ritratto del padre Giambattista. A Palazzo Ducale invece, vista la concomitanza con altre importanti iniziative sul Carpaccio, sempre per la rassegna “Restauri Recenti” sarà possibile ammirare fino al 13 marzo in Sala degli Scarlatti la sua “Madonna col Bambino” dopo il restauro a cura di “Save Venice Inc”. D MUSEUMS guide Museums guide Quando la scienza incontra l’arte Il teatro dei corpi: il più consistente e straordinario atlante anatomico rinascimentale giunto intatto fino ai giorni nostri, in mostra alla Marciana. MUSEUMS guide G The intertwining of science and art The theatre of bodies: the most conspicuous and remarkable Reinassance anatomic atlas, preserved in perfect conditions by time, on display at the Biblioteca Marciana. irolamo Fabrici d’Acquapendente, medico, visse tra il 1533 e il 1619 e fu per cinquant’anni insegnante di anatomia all’Università di Padova. Per meglio insegnare ai suoi studenti e, in generale, per realizzare un’opera mai concepita e portata a termine da alcuno, l’esimio studioso fece realizzare una serie di grandi tavole anatomiche – le cosiddette “pitture colorate d'anatomia” – che avrebbero dovuto rappresentare nei minimi particolari il corpo umano e le fattezze anatomiche di alcuni animali. L’ambizioso progetto, intitolato “Totius animalis fabricae theatrum”, non fu mai concluso, nonostante nel 1600 fossero già state realizzate più di trecento tavole. Molte di queste – invero più di duecento – in gran parte inedite, sono oggi conservate presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana di Venezia. La mostra “Il teatro dei corpi - Le pitture colorate d’anatomia di Girolamo Fabrici d’Acquapendente” (Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Marciana dal 17 dicembre 2004 all’8 maggio 2005) ideata e curata da Maurizio Rippa Bonati, intende presentare proprio queste tavole fabriciane come il più consistente e G 2 3 MUSEUMS guide irolamo Fabrici d’Acquapendente, doctor, who lived between 1533 and 1619, was anatomy professor for fifty years at the Padua University. To better teach his students and, more in general, to create a work never conceived nor completed by anyone, the scholar ordered the creation of a series of large anatomic boards – known as “paintings coloured with anatomy” which had to portray the human body in detail as well as the anatomic features of certain animals. This ambitious project, entitled “Totius animalis fabricae theatrum”, was never completed, even if in 1600 more that three hundred boards had been created. Many of them – more than two hundred – are preserved at the “Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana” of Venice. The show “Il teatro dei corpi – Le pitture colorate d’anatomia di Girolamo Fabrici d’Acquapendente” – “The Theatre of the Bodies - paintings coloured with anatomy by Girolamo Fabrici d’Acquapendente”, in the “Sale Monumentali” of the “Biblioteca Marciana” from 17th December to 8th May 2005 – conceived and organized by Maurizio Rippa Bonati, aims at displaying the Fabrici’s bo- straordinario atlante anatomico rinascimentale giunto intatto fino ai giorni nostri, realizzate, come sono, a colori, a grandezza naturale e secondo una modalità tridimensionale. Il termine “teatro” che ricorre nel titolo vuole ricordare come esso sia il luogo dove si effettuano le dissezioni anatomiche: il più antico dell’università di Padova venne costruito proprio durante il periodo in cui insegnò il Fabrici. Ma con questo termine, secondo una diffusa tradizione rinascimentale, era definita qualsiasi forma di esposizione, sia fisica che “virtuale”, come l’opera a stampa che aveva in mente il medico patavino. La mano è stata elevata a logo simbolo della rassegna e la scelta non poteva non essere più felice poiché questo arto, dalla particolarità distintiva del genere umano, è stato studiato con la muscolatura che ne manovra le dita - non solo dagli anatomisti ma anche dagli artisti, si citi l’esempio di Leonardo da Vinci o dei Tiepolo. La mostra è ospitata nella Sala dei Filosofi o del Sansovino, dal nome dell’architetto che realizzò il progetto della Libreria. Dodici grandi vetrine accolgono i preziosi volumi e le tavole sciolte, il tutto esaurientemente esplicato da dodici pannelli che, unitamente alle didascalie sveleranno il significato di ogni prezioso pezzo esposto. 1. Hand portrayed from the back. 2. Head and neck muscles. 3. Particulars of the right eyehole and of the face skeleton. 4. Upper right limb muscles. MUSEUMS CITY LISTING MUSEUMS Paolo Veronese: miti, ritratti e allegorie. From13 February to 29 May. PALAZZO DUCALE MUSEO DI STORIA NATURALE map: F5 - S.Marco, 1 - Tickets: € 11.00 ph. +39.041.2715911 - Opening: 9 - 17 map: D3 - Fondaco dei Turchi, 1730 ph. +39.041.2750206 - Tickets: Free Opening: 10 - 16 (Saturday - Sunday) Recent restoration A rediscovered Carpaccio Museums Foundations Art Galleries Private Galleries The following list describes famous and interesting museums, theatres and galleries in Venice. Full of useful and detailed information. Musei Fondazioni Gallerie d’arte Gallerie private ph. +39.041.2405211 - Opening: 9 -17 The museum was founded on the bequeath of noble Venetian families who operated in the old colonial trade markets. It is located in the building of Procuratie Nuove in St. Mark’s Square and contains Roman and Greek finds dating from the 5th century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D. Permanent exhibition: collections of bronzes, ceramics, jewels and coins and very beautiful sculptures with many original Greek and Roman pieces. BIBLIOTECA NAZIONALE MARCIANA Sale Monumentali The symbolic seat of Venetian power, formerly the seat of the Doge and State Magistratures, the Palace is the supreme embodiment of Venetian civilisation. A masterpiece of gothic architecture, it reveals a grandiose stratification of constructive and ornamental elements. The interiors, superbly decorated by legions of artists, including Tiziano, Veronese, Tintoretto, Vittoria and Tiepolo, offer a range of different experiences: from the vast halls of political power to the refinement of the Doge's chambers, from the gloom of the prison cells to the luminosity of the loggias overlooking the Piazza and the lagoon. Temporary exhibition: Recent restoration - a riscovered Carpaccio: Madonna Adoring the Christ Child with the Infant St. John the Baptist. Until 13 March. map: F5 - Piazza S. Marco - Tickets: € 11.00 ph. +39.041.2407211 - Opening: 9 -17 map: D5 - Dorsoduro, 3136 ph. +39.041.2410100 - Opening: 10 -17 Closing day: Tuesday - Tickets: € 6.50 MUSEO CORRER map: F5 - S.Marco, 52 - Tickets: € 11.00 ph. +39.041.2405211 - Opening: 9 -17 I Tiepolo I rami per le acqueforti nelle collezioni del Museo Correr The exhibition is divided into three sections: the neo-classical part, the historical part of Venetian civilisation and the Venetian picture gallery. Visitor will discover the political, social and military history of Venice’s Serenissima Republic. Permanent exhibition: collections of weapons, games, marble and bronze sculptures, coins and medals. Paintings by Carpaccio, la Trasfigurazione by Giovanni Bellini, statues and sketches by Canova. Temporary exhibition: Turner and Venice. Until 23 January. This splendid baroque palazzo was restructured and decorated several times. It still preserves beautiful frescoes by Tiepolo on the ceilings of the noble floors. It is furnished with precious original furniture. Permanent exhibition: paintings by Tiepolo, Canaletto, Guardi, Rosalba Carriera, Pietro Longhi, and Piazzetta. Collections of furniture, Chinese and Venetian vases. Collection of wooden statues by Brustolon. Temporary exhibition: The Tiepolo Etchings plates from the Museo Correr collections. Until 9 February. MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO NAZIONALE Museo Marciano map: F5 - S. Marco, 52 - Tickets: € 4.00 Permanent exhibition: unique extant copies of Murano glass, and Renaissance pieces from the collections of Correr, Moli and Cicogna. MUSEO DEL MERLETTO Burano, Piazza Galuppi ph. +39.041.730034 - Opening: 10 - 16 Closing day: Tuesday - Tickets: € 4.00 Museum entirely dedicated to Burano laces and their history. It is adjacent to the school of this art. Permanent exhibition: numerous laces made by the annexed school, important designs, photographic and iconographic examples CASA GOLDONI map: F4 - S.Polo, 2794 ph. +39.041.2759325 - Opening: 10 - 17 Closing day: Sunday - Tickets: € 2.50 A partial reopening of the Venetian Museum (closed for restoration) offers visitors a chance to view the renovated hall dedicated to the historical Ligabue Expedition (1973) and, on the ground floor, a new acquarium with more than 50 species of fish and animals. Temporary exhibition: I fossili di Bolca. Tesori dalle rocce. From 22 January to 20 April. CA' REZZONICO Museo del Settecento Veneziano Il seguente listing descrive famosi ed interessanti musei, teatri e gallerie della città. Completo di informazioni utili e dettagliate. The building, designed by J. Sansovino, houses the precious book collection of Venice’s Serenissima Republic. Permanent exhibition: La Sapienza by Tiziano and the Sala della Libreria decorated with twenty-one tondos on the arched ceiling and philosophers’ portraits by Tintoretto and Veronese on the walls. Temporary exhibition: Il teatro dei corpi. Le pitture colorate d’anatomia. Until 8 May. MUSEO STORICO NAVALE map: H5 - Castello, 2148 ph. +39.041.5200276 - Opening: 8.30 - 13 Closing day: Sun., holidays - Tickets: € 1.50 The museum contains relics from various regional navies and Italian navy history. The 2nd floor has a room dedicated to the Bucintoro, the gilded ceremonial sea craft of the Doge, used in the solemn ceremonies like Venice’s marriage with the sea. Permanent exhibition: collections of original documents, remains and models of boats of several forms and sizes. MUSEO DEL VETRO Art glass Museum map: L2 - Murano, F.ta Giustinian ph. +39.041.739586 - Opening: 10 - 16 Closing day: Wednesday - Tickets: € 4.00 Located in the palace of the Torcello Bishop, it is a typical gothic Venetian building. Important private collections were added to the ancient pieces. Re-opened to the public on 27th October 2001, Palazzo Centani is the building where the famed Venetian playwright Carlo Goldoni was born. This delightful gothic palazzo today houses a sparkling new, high-tech museum devoted to the playwright’s work and includes a host of documents and projections of historical theatrical performances. Permanent exhibition: Venetian theatrical relics and many texts, original manuscripts and theatrical works of several eras. MUSEO FORTUNY map: E5 - S. Marco, 3780 ph. +39.041.5200995 - Tickets: € 4.00 Opening: 10 - 18 Closing day: Monday Mariano Fortuny Viaggio in Egitto Located in a Gothic palazzo, this is a particularly charming museum which, by respecting the initial destination given by Mariano Fortuny, who created his own atelier of photography, sets and staging. It organizes all exhibitions under the theme of visual communication. Permanent exhibition: collection, ordered for big themes (painting, light, photography, textile workers), representing the results of the artist’s investigations. Mariano Fortuny: Journey to Egypt - An Artist's Photographic Notebook. 4 MUSEUMS guide MUSEUMS guide ards – the most real and extraordinary Renaissance anatomic atlas handed down to us intact – just as they are, in colours, full-sized and with a three-dimensional modality. The word “theatre” mentioned in the title underlines that it is the place where anatomic dissections are carried out: the most ancient one of the Padua University was build in the period in which Fabrici worked as a professor. The word, according to a widespread Reinassance tradition, indicated any kind of exhibition, both physical and “virtual”, like the work conceived by the Paduan doctor. The symbol chosen to represent the show is the hand, which couldn’t be more fitting since this limb – with the musculature manoeuvring fingers – has been studied both by anatomists and by artists (painters and sculptors) in the attempt to portray it in the most faithful way: let us only think about Leonardo da Vinci and the Tiepolos. The show is hosted in the “Sale Monumentali” of the “Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana”, precisely in the “Sala dei Filosofi” also “Sala del Sansovino”, which has been named after the architect who designed the Library. The precious volumes and the single boards are placed in twelve large glass cases, all of them exhaustively explained by twelve panels with legends explaining the meaning of each precious work. map: E3 - S. Croce, 1992 ph. +39.041.2410100 - Opening: 10 -16 Closing day: Monday - Tickets: € 4.00 frontation, in which cultural, scientific and artistic knowledge, ideas, and experiences can be exchanged. Temporary exhibition: Glass in the World. Today. Until April 3. MUSEO DIOCESANO DI ARTE SACRA map: G5 - Castello, 4312 ph. +39.041.5229166 - Opening: 11 - 19 Closing day: Monday - Tickets: free The eighteenth-century building contains a splendid series of polychrome marbles, frescoed ceilings depicting the exploits of the Mocenigo family, which provided the Venetian Republic with seven Doges. The building houses the seat of the Study Centre for the History of Textiles and Costume. Permanent exhibition: a selection of rare items - textiles and costumes - of special value and an important library specialising in this sector. Temporary exhibition: Garments of power. Until 30 April. MUSEO EBRAICO map: D2 - Cannaregio, 2902/b ph. +39.041.715359 - Opening: 10 - 18 Closing day: Saturday - Tickets: € 3.00 The museum contains many finds of Venetian convents and churches and is located in the St. Apollonia convent (12th-13th century). A rare jewel of Romanic architecture, the cloister contains the Lapidario Marciano with Roman and Byzantine stone fragments. Permanent exhibition: works of art, furnishings and holy furniture. Paintings by Palma il Giovane, Pellegrini, Luca Giordano and Moretto. FOUNDATIONS SPAZIO CULTURALE SVIZZERO Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi map: D6 - Campo S. Agnese, 810 ph. +39.041.5225996 Opening: Mon-Fri 11-17, Sat-Sun 11-18 Closing day: Tuesday - Tickets: Free A new Swiss Cultural space has been opened in Venice since February 2002. It is considered as an extension of the Swiss Institute in Rome. The multivalent hall, open to the Swiss Cultural Institutions operating in Italy, hosts artistic manifestations, expositions, exhibits, meetings, conferences and concerts. Temporary exhibition: Kurt Blum and Italy, photography show. From 27 January to 12 March. FONDAZIONE BEVILACQUA LA MASA map: F5 - San Marco, 71 ph. +39.041.5207797 - Opening: 12 - 18 Closing day: Tuesday - Tickets: € 5.00 On strolling through Campo del Ghetto Nuovo - the site of the museum which bears witness to the constant and productive presence of the Jewish community in Venice - and Campo del Ghetto Vecchio, you will come across five synagogues, three of which are open to the public. Permanent exhibition: collections of furniture, texts and wedding contracts, woven of liturgical use, ornamental silvers, fabrics and curtains. Temporary exhibition: Luigi Rocca: a new experience: Jerusalem-New YorkVenice. Until 28 February. VENETO INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, LETTERS AND ART map: D5 - Campo San Vidal, 2945 ph. +39.041.2407711 - Opening: 14 -19 Closing day: 24,25,26,31 December and 1 January 2005 - Tickets: € 7.00 Philip-Lorca di Corcia Photographs 1975-2003 Gallery and Museums CUBE GALLERY San Marco 1655 - ph. +39.041.5288135 Tuesday to Saturday 4 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. Open since September 27, 2002, the Cube Gallery came about with the collaboration of Massimiliano Bugno and Paolo Vincenzi, after 12 years of experience with the Bugno Art Gallery. The Cube Gallery differs from the former in its dedication for the most part to artists emerging from the Venetian scene both local and international. Its intention is to restore the relationship between young artists and private galleries, who have in the last few years given preference to established artists, with few exceptions. The aim of the gallery is also to be space of convergence and comparison between these artists who in the past have had difficulty in finding spaces in which to gather and exhibit, which meant they leaned towards a sometimes unproductive individualism. Inaugurata il 27 settembre 2002 la Cube Gallery nasce dalla collaborazione di Massimiliano Bugno e Paolo Vincenzi e dall’esperienza maturata in dodici anni di attività nella Bugno Art Gallery, rispetto alla quale la Cube si differenzierà dedicandosi maggiormente ad artisti emergenti del panorama veneziano, nazionale ed internazionale, con l’intento di ricucire una relazione tra i giovani artisti e le gallerie private, che negli ultimi anni, salvo pochissime eccezioni, hanno privilegiato la tradizione degli artisti già storicizzati. Obiettivo della galleria é anche quello di essere luogo di confronto per gli stessi artisti, che nella difficoltà di disporre di spazi espositivi e di aggregazione hanno teso a rinserrarsi in individualismi non sempre produttivi. VENEZIAORIENTE S. Marco - Calle dei Fabbri, 4662 ph. +39.041.5239715 - www.veneziaoriente.com A foundation that has the aim of spreading and increasing knowledge of contemporary art, it dedicates particular attention to young artists. With its main location in Saint Mark’s Square, it will soon become a place for looking up books, CD-Roms and other rare material. Temporary exhibition: Philip-Lorca di Corcia, photographs 1975-2003. From 20 January to 4 April. MUSEUMS guide FONDAZIONE CINI map: G6 - Isola di S.Giorgio ph. +39.041.2710228 - Opening: 10 - 18.30 Closing day: Monday - Tickets: € 9.50 A vital centre of promotion and con- The Giorgio Cini Foundation was instituted on 1951 by Count Vittorio Cini in memory of his son Giorgio. It hosts conferences and congresses of scientific and cultural organisations from Italy and abroad offering an unparalleled urban and monumental context. Hotei , ca 1890, made of Satsuma porcelain (cm 45x48), Japan, portraying one of the seven of fortune . Hotei , 1890 c.a. In porcellana Satsuma (cm 45x48), giappone. Rappresenta uno dei sette della fortuna . 05 JANUARY FEBRUARY da non perdere not to be missed BUGNO ART GALLERY S. Marco 1996 - ph. +39.041.5231305 Open daily 10.30 a.m. - 12.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. Closed Sunday morning and Monday morning Born in 1990 from the collaboration between Massimiliano Bugno and Davide Samueli, the Bugno Art Gallery (formerly known as Bugno And Samueli) can be found in the main gallery space situated in Campo S. Fantin (a few hundred meters from Piazza San Marco and exactly in front of la Fenice theater). Since 1990, works by major contemporary artists both Italian and international have been shown, from Arman to Schifano, Ben Vautier to Ugo Nespolo, Pizzinato to Guidi, giving space at the same time also to new artistic reality. Nata nel 1990 dalla collaborazione di Massimiliano Bugno e Davide Samueli, la Bugno Art Gallery (ex Bugno & Samueli) ha esposto in questi anni nella sede espositiva principale sita in Campo S. Fantin (a poche centinaia di metri da Piazza S. Marco ed esattamente di fronte al Teatro La Fenice) opere dei maggiori artisti contemporanei italiani e non, da Arman a Schifano, da Ben Vautier a Ugo Nespolo, da Pizzinato a Guidi, dando spazio allo stesso tempo anche a nuove realtà artistiche. The Eastern culture right at the heart of Venice. Lucia Zurlo, owner of the Gallery “Venezia Oriente” has been devoted to the choice of high-level Eastern antiques for 30 years. At the moment she is exhibiting a fine collection of Bronzes, Shibayama, Netsuke and Okimomo ivories, Satsuma porcelains of the Meiji period, XIX century. Khmer, Burma and India Art sculptures, Chinese and Tibetan furniture. The exhibition, organized with passion and precision, unfolds charm and history. La cultura d'Oriente nel cuore di Venezia. Lucia Zurlo, titolare della galleria "VENEZIA ORIENTE" da 30 anni si dedica alla scelta di oggetti di alto antiquariato orientale. In questo periodo propone una collezione di Bronzi, avori Shibayama, Netsuke ed Okimomo, porcellane Satsuma del periodo Meiji (XIX secolo). Sculture di Arte Khmer, Birmania, India. Arredi cinesi e tibetani. Il fascino e la storia raccolta in una esposizione scelta con cura e passione. FONDAZIONE QUERINI STAMPALIA Permanent exhibition: paintings by map: F5 - Castello, 5252 ph. +39.041.2711411 - Opening: 10 - 18 Friday and Saturday until 22 Closing day: Monday Tickets: € 6.00 Tintoretto, Veronese, Giorgione, Bellini, Tiziano, Tiepolo... Temporary exhibition: Carpaccio. Painter of History. Until March 13. The Foundation was set up upon the bequeath by Earl Giovanni Querini Stampalia. This well preserved building is built in perfect and original Venetian style and contains a full library and fascinating picture gallery. FONDAZIONE GUGGENHEIM map: E6 - Dorsoduro, 701 ph. +39.041.2405411 Opening: 10 - 18 Saturday 10 - 22 Closing day: Tuesday - Tickets: € 8.00 The Foundation was created by Peggy Guggenheim, who was deeply in love with Venice, where she lived for more than thirty years. Permanent exhibition: extensive collection of 19th century paintings. GALLERIA FRANCHETTI CA' D'ORO map: E3 - Cannaregio, 3933 ph. +39.041.5238790 - Opening: 8.15-19.15 Monday 8.15-14 - Tickets: € 5.00 Ca' D'oro, an enchanting gothic palace on the Grand Canal. It owes its name to the gold leaf which, in the past, decorated its elegant façade. Permanent exhibition: a wide collection of coins, medals, ceramic and many paintings by the Flemish School. PALAZZO GRASSI map: E6 - San Marco, 3231 ph. 199.139.139 - Opening: 10 -19 Closing day: 24,25,31 December and 1 January 2005 - Tickets: € 10.00 TELECOM FUTURE CENTRE map: F4 - San Marco, 4826 ph. +39.041.5213206 - Opening: 10 - 18 Closing day: Monday - Tickets: Free The most advanced international research centres have reconsidered the historical and social elements of this city. Permanent exhibition. ART GALLERIES GALLERIA INTERNAZIONALE D'ARTE MODERNA CA' PESARO map: E3 - Santa Croce, 2070 ph. +39.041.5240695 - Opening: 10 - 17 Closing day: Monday - Tickets: € 5.50 One of the most important buildings facing onto the Grand Canal. Designed in 1740 by Massari, it was restored in 1985 by the architects Gae Aulenti and Antonio Foscari. It houses temporary exhibitions of ancient civilisations, Renaissance paintings, and works by 20th-century artists. Temporary exhibition: Dalì. From 12 September to 16 January. PRIVATE GALLERIES BUGNO ART GALLERY map: E5 - San Marco, 1996/d ph. +39.041.5231305 One of the most important international modern art galleries in Italy, it contains a wealth of paintings, sculptures, etchings and drawings by renowned contemporary artists of many countries. It is located in a magnificent Venetian patrician palazzo and contains a masterpiece by B. Longhena. Bugno Art Gallery has been exhibiting in these years works by the most interesting italian and foreingn contemporary artists. GALLERIE DELL'ACCADEMIA map: F5 - S. Marco, 101 ph. +39.041.2770151 map: D6 - Dorsoduro, 1055 ph. +39.041.5222247 - Opening: 8.15-19.15 Monday 8.15-14 - Tickets: € 6.50 ANTICHITÀ GIANFRANCO FOTI map: E4 - San Polo, 412/413 ph. +39.041.2770384 GALLERIA SAN MARCO 101 GALLERIA MARINA BAROVIER map: D5 - S.Marco, 3216 ph. +39.041.5226102 Personal exhibition: Lino Tagliapietra GALLERIA CA' REZZONICO map: D5 - Dorsoduro, 2793 ph. +39.041.5280035 GALLERIA RAVAGNAN map: F5 - San Marco, 50/a ph. +39.041.5203021 The Accademia picture galleries provide a very complete overview of Venetian art history through the ages. Found at the foot of the Accademia bridge, on Tuesdays only visits can be made to the rich warehouses on the top floor of the monastery designed by Palladio. GALLERIA SEGUSO VIRO map: L2 - Fond.ta Venier, 29 - Murano ph. +39.041.5275353 FLORA BIGAI map: G6 - S. Marco, 1652 ph. +39.041.5212208 MUSEUMS guide MUSEO DI PALAZZO MOCENIGO Storia del tessuto e del costume Churches guide The church of S. Maria Assunta dei Gesuiti di N. C. Churches Schools Monuments City Listing In 1606 Pope Paul V asked to judge personally two Venetian priests who had committed common crimes, which was unconceivable for the city that had always brought to the court its citizens. Nel 1606 Papa Paolo V pretese di giudicare due preti veneziani che avevano commesso dei reati comuni, cosa intollerabile per la città, che aveva sempre portato davanti ai propri tribunali i suoi cittadini, anche se preti. A SANTA MARIA ASSUNTA DEI GESUITI Contents “THE MARTYRDOM OF SAN LORENZO” BY TIZIANO San Lorenzo’s raised hand, in the centre of the painting, is illuminated by a celestial ray of light promising Special of the month: redemption, thanks to the dreadful martyrdom he is suf- Gesuiti: “The Martyrdom of San Lorenzo” Convento di S.Salvador: Telecom Future Centre fering. Tiziano, with an unmistakable mastery, is able to Highlight: THE CHURCH OF SANTA MARIA ASSUNTA DEI GESUITI Pope Paul V asked to judge personally two Venetian priests who had committed common crimes, which was unconceivable for the city... communicate the man’s pain, burnt alive on a gridiron, at the behest of Imperator Valeriano, for having shared the church’s treasure with poor people to avoid it going in his hands. At the look of the body rotation one cannot but feel a shiver intensified by the splendid nocturnal effect, by the dark and the sparkling light of flames and of the torches producing a sinister atmosphere. Tiziano painted it for his friend Lorenzo Masolo who wanted on his tomb an episode of the life of the eponymous saint. It is dated 1558. CHURCHES guide “IL MARTIRIO DI SAN LORENZO” DEL TIZIANO Appuntamento del mese: La mano alzata di San Lorenzo, al centro del dipinto, è illuminata da un raggio di luce Gesuiti: “Il Martirio di San Lorenzo” Convento di S.Salvador: Telecom Future Centre celeste che gli promette la redenzione, grazie a quel tremendo martirio che sta sub- Editoriale: LA CHIESA DI SANTA MARIA ASSUNTA DEI GESUITI ro della chiesa tra i poveri per non farlo cadere nelle sue mani. Osservando la torsio- Papa Paolo V pretese di giudicare due preti veneziani che avevano commesso dei reati no al tutto un’atmosfera sinistra. Eseguito per l’amico Lorenzo Massolo, che voleva comuni, cosa intollerabile per la città... church with an imposing, ponderous Baroque façade situated in a peripheral, totally outlying area. Two clashing aspects that do not match. The reason for this jarring are to be found in the history of the Serenissima Republic. Indeed, this reality testifies to the ancient grudge existing between the Republic and the Jesuit – order to which the church belongs – guilty of having supported the Pope against the interests of Venice. In 1606, Pope Paul V asked to judge personally two Venetian priests who had committed common crimes, which was unconceivable for the city that had always brought to the court its citizens. He also claimed the right to designate the Patriarch, duty which had rested for centuries with Venice. Two requests going against the freedom of the Republic that did not tolerate papal interference in state and justice affairs. This was the match that sparked off endo. Tiziano, con la solita maestria, riesce a comunicare il dolore dell’uomo, arso vivo su una graticola per ordine dell’imperatore Valeriano perché aveva diviso il tesone del corpo non possiamo non provare un brivido, accentuato dallo splendido effetto notturno, dal buio e dalle luci guizzanti delle fiamme e delle torce che conferiscosulla sua tomba un episodio della vita del santo eponimo, è datato 1558. na chiesa dall’imponente, pesante, facciata barocca, in una posizione periferica, completamente decentrata. Sono due aspetti che stridono, che non vanno d’accordo, ma i motivi di questa stonatura sono da ricercare nella storia della Serenissima. Il tutto testimonia infatti l’antico rancore esistente tra la Repubblica e i Gesuiti, ordine cui la chiesa appartiene, colpevoli di aver appoggiato un Papa contro gli interessi di Venezia. Nel 1606 papa Paolo V pretese di giudicare due preti veneziani che avevano commesso dei reati comuni, cosa intollerabile per la città, che aveva sempre portato davanti ai propri tribunali i suoi cittadini, anche se preti. Il papa rivendicava inoltre il diritto di designare il Patriarca, un diritto che Venezia manteneva da secoli. Due cose che andavano assolutamente contro la libertà della Repubblica, che non volle mai subire ingerenze papali negli affari di stato e di giustizia. Fu questa la miccia U CHURCHES guide Chiese Scuole Monumenti Listing tematico che fece scoppiare le tensioni esistenti ormai da tempo causando l’interdetto del Papa contro tutta la città. La Repubblica non poteva accettare l’opposizione interna dei Gesuiti in un momento così delicato, e li scortò perciò fino ai confini dello Stato, per sempre. In realtà le cose andarono diversamente: circa cinquanta anni dopo, l’ordine dei frati Crociferi, cui apparteneva la zona vicino alle Fondamenta Nuove, fu soppresso, e tutti i beni, grazie ad un favore di papa Alessandro VII, furono incamerati dalla Repubblica. Non fu un buon affare per i veneziani, che per ricambiare il favore furono costretti, nel 1657, a riammettere in città i Gesuiti, relegandoli però lontano dai centri del potere e del commercio, e per di più con un permesso di soggiorno da rinnovarsi ogni tre anni. Solo nel 1715, riacquistata l’antica sicurezza, i Gesuiti iniziarono il rinnovamento della sede, durato circa 15 anni. Per la nuova costruzione si seguì la tradizionale tipologia gesuitica (un’unica navata con volta a botte), con una forte attenzione all’acustica e all’uso scenografico della luce, per ricreare quel “teatro liturgico” alla base dei loro insegnamenti. All’interno le pareti sembrano essere completamente ricoperte da tappezzerie damascate, e solo avvicinandosi ci si accorge che il sontuoso e permanente addobbo è in realtà realizzato da marmo bianco e verde antico lavorati a disegno di broccato. Sulla volta prevale l’oro, che ricopre gli stucchi in un insieme brillante e solenne. CHURCHES CITY LISTING CHURCHES BASILICA DI SAN MARCO map: F5 - Piazza San Marco ph. +39.041.5225205 - Tickets: free the church, € 2,00 La Pala, € 2,50 il Tesoro. Opening: 10.00-17.00; Sunday 14.00-17.00 nave contains the old choir stalls for the friars, the only example of a chorus which has maintained its original position and structure. To see: the ascona Madonna di casa Pesaro and L'Assunta by Tiziano, La Vergine col bimbo by Bellini, graves of Dogi and of captains of arms, monuments dedicated to Canova and Tiziano. SAN POLO map: D4 - Campo San Polo ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 The most famous Basilica or cathedral in Venice, it is one of the greatest monuments in Europe. The exterior façades are decorated in Byzantine style, with columns, bas-reliefs and coloured marble. On the terrace stand four imposing gilded bronze horses. All the arches of the doorway are decorated with mosaics from different artistic periods. The building has five large domes. The church is decorated inside with gilded mosaics and treasures representing stories from the Bible. The floors are decorated with Cosmati floor mosaics. To see: La Pala d'Oro, il Tesoro. SAN EUSTACHIO - VULGO S. STAE map: E3 - S.Polo, Campo S. Stae ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00 -17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 Founded in the 12th century, it was rebuilt during the 17th century. At the beginning of the 18th century the orientation was also modified with the construction of the façade by Domenico Rossi facing the Grand Canal. The church contains a veritable compendium of Venetian 18thcentury paintings including an early work by Tiepolo. To see: works by Tiepolo, Ricci, Piazzetta. BASILICA DEI FRARI map: D4 - S. Polo, 3072 ph. +39.041.2728611 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 9.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 This church is one of the most famous Venetian monuments because of the masterpieces and historical interest contained within. It is an example of Gothic architecture in Venice between the 14th and 15th century and is laid out in the form of a Latin cross, composed of three naves and divided by twelve huge pillars; the central Thanks to: Associazione Chiese di Venezia The Foundation for the Churches of Venice A short description of the important churches, schools, places of worship and city's monuments accompanied with timetables, prices and events. Una breve descrizione di importanti chiese, scuole, luoghi di culto e monumenti della città accompagnata da orari, prezzi e manifestazioni. ness to this building's long history. To see: La Crocifissione by Paolo Veneziano, la pala by Lorenzo Lotto, and the eucharistic theme cycle by Jacopo Palma il Giovane. MADONNA DELL'ORTO map: E1 - Cannaregio, 3511 ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 Built in the middle of the 12th century, it was rebuilt starting from 1399 and during the following century. It is one of the typical Venetian Gothic religious buildings. The façade is rather like a basilica and the very luminous interior is composed of a nave and two aisles. It was Tintoretto’s parish and he is buried there. To see: works by J.Palma il Giovane and many prodigious works by J.Tintoretto. Bishop of Oderzo. It is one of the earliest of eight churches built in the lagoon during the 7th century. In the 12th century it was rebuilt in the form of a Greek cross. The shape underlines the resettlement begun in 1492 by Mauro Codussi, the leading architect of the early Venetian Renaissance. Codussi left it unfinished on his death. In the interior, a striking play of lights emphasises the centrality of the church and the interesting vaults and domes. To see: the famous Polittico by J. Palma il Vecchio, The Last Supper by Leandro Bassano S. MARIA DEL GIGLIO map: E5 - C.po S.M. Zobenigo ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2,00 Opening: 10.00 -17.00; Sunday;13.00 -17.00 SAN PIETRO DI CASTELLO This church, built in the 9th century, was renovated between the end of 1300 and the beginning of the 14th century according to late gothic models. In 1804 the church was extensively restructured under the supervision of architect Davide Rossi. These works were so costly that, after escaping the Napoleonic expropriations, the church found itself having to sell off many of its works of art. In 1930, after renovation and restoration works, the splendid wooden ceiling shaped like a ship's hull was returned to its former splendour. The possibility of comparing the works by G.B. and Giandomenico Tiepolo - father and son - is particularly interesting. To see: The Apparition of the Virgin before Saint Giovanni Nepomuceno by G.B. Tiepolo, Il ciclo della Via Crucis by Giandomenico Tiepolo. SAN GIACOMO DALL’ORIO map: D3 - Santa Croce ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 This church was probably built in the 9th-10th century in the area called “Luprio” from which - through various phonetic evolutions - the current name of Orio derives. The facade is Romanesque and the interior is laid out as a Latin cross with three naves and a large transept. the enchanting wooden ceiling is particularly interesting, with its ship's hull shape and decorated beams. The church contains several works belonging to various periods, bearing wit- map: L5 - C.po S. Pietro di Castello ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 Legend has it that the church was built on the ancient Olivolo island, which was the first settlement of the inhabitants of Venice. The church is of great historical importance and was Venice’s cathedral until 1807. The façade is by Smeraldi, the interior is in the form of a Latin cross, with one nave and two aisles and a large dome in the centre of the transept. To see: Il Castigo dei Serpenti by Pietro Liberi and the mosaic ancona Tutti i Santi by A.Zuccato. SANT’ALVISE map: D1 - Cannaregio, 3282 ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 It was built starting from 1388, after the miraculous appearance of St. Louis Bishop of Toulouse, called Alvise by Venetians, to a noble woman called Antonia Venier. The interior is a typical example of a convent church. It is composed of one nave with the ancient 15th century bark supported by columns and barbicans, which directly connects with the convent nuns. To see: the ceiling entirely frescoed by Torri and P. Ricci and the Ascent to Calvary, juvenile work by Tiepolo. The façade, built from 1678 to 1682 is one of the most characteristic creations of Baroque Venetian art. The interior is composed of a single nave of a simple appearance, but it turns out to be a magnificent art shop window. To see: Abramo che spartisce il mondo masterpiece by A.Zanchi, La Sacra Famiglia ascribed to P.P.Rubens. Remarkable are The Stations of the Via Crucis, works by several painters of the 18th century. SANTISSIMO REDENTORE map: E7 - Giudecca, 195 ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 S. MARIA FORMOSA map: G4 - Castello, 5263 ph. 041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00 - 17.00; Sunday 13.00 - 17.00 According to legend, the church was founded in 639 AD by St. Magno, One of the greatest examples of Palladio’s architecture and by some considered his masterpiece. It is a votive temple, devoted to the Redeemer. It was built as a result of a motion car- CHORUS Museum of the city info: +39.041.2750462 CHORUS CHURCHES: Santa Maria del Giglio S. M. Gloriosa dei Frari Madonna dell’Orto Santo Stefano San Polo S. Pietro di Castello Santa Maria Formosa San Giacomo dall’Orio SS. Redentore S. Maria dei Miracoli San Stae Gesuati S. G. Elemosinario Sant’Alvise San Sebastiano Chorus - The foundation for the churches of Venice - invites you to visit the works of art treasures in the churches of the town. The rooms of the most incredible "museum" in Venice are now available to see you through an exciting discovery of more than one thousand years of Venetian art and history. You will be able to admire the pictorial and architectural masterpieces of the great masters such as Veronese, Titian, Tintoretto, Palladio, Codussi in the very places they had been conceived for, with common and continuous visiting hours. You will become part of an ambitious project aimed at preserving the cultural heritage of the town. The proceeds collected from the sale of the tickets will help in the restoration of the churches of Venice. Chorus Vi invita a visitare i tesori d'arte conservati nelle chiese della città. Le sale del più incredibile "museo" di Venezia sono a Vostra disposizione per un viaggio entusiasmante alla scoperta di più di mille anni di arte e storia. I capolavori pittorici e architettonici creati dai più grandi Maestri, come Veronese, Tiziano, Tintoretto, Palladio, Codussi da ammirare nei luoghi per cui erano stati pensati. Ora queste opere, e le sedi che le custodiscono, sono facilmente visitabili con orari comuni e continuati: un ambizioso progetto che Vi renderà protagonisti di un importante recupero del patrimonio culturale della città. I proventi realizzati sono utilizzati infatti per il restauro delle chiese di Venezia. CHURCHES guide CHURCHES guide the long-time existing tensions that caused the Pope’s interdict against the entire city. The Republic could not accept the inner opposition of the Jesuits in such a delicate moment and they were exiled from the state, forever. Things went, however differently. Fifty years later, the order of the Cross friars, to which the area close to the Fondamenta Nuove belonged, was abolished and their goods, thanks to Pope Alexander VII’s favour, were confiscated by the church. It wasn’t a good deal for the Venetians who, to return the favour, had to readmit in 1657 the Jesuits in the city confining them however far from the centres of power and trade and with a residence permit that had to be renewed every three years. It was only in 1715 that, after having regained the ancient security, they were able to start the renewal of their own seat which lasted around 15 years. The new construction was built following the traditional Jesuitical structure – one single nave with barrel vault – paying particular attention to acoustics and to the scenographic use of light so as to create the ‘liturgical theatre’ underlying their teaching. The inner walls are entirely covered with damask tapestry. Only by taking a closer look one notices that the sumptuous and permanent decorations consist of an ancient white and green marble decorated with brocade drawings. Gold prevails on the vault, covering stuccos that produce a bright solemn effect. ried by the Senate after the plague that struck Venice in 1575. The classical façade is placed at the top of a great flight of steps. The interior is very sober, but impressive and solemn. To see: works by D. Tintoretto, F. Bassano Events: every year, the third Sunday of July, the temple is the destination of a Venetian pilgrimage. made of Carrara marble, is an example of the Baroque Venetian style; the interior is composed of one nave whose beautiful vault, which collapsed in 1915 because of the explosion of an Austrian bomb, was frescoed by Gianbattista Tiepolo. To see: sculptures, gilt and polychromatic decorations and the fine marbles. SANTA MARIA DEI MIRACOLI BASILICA DEI SS. GIOVANNI E PAOLO map: F4 - Cannaregio, 6063 ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2.00 Opening: 10.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 The church was built between 1481 and 1489 by Pietro Lombardo to house the miracle-working image of the Virgin by Nicolò di Pietro venerated by Venetian people for her thaumaturgic power. The façade is covered with carefully selected coloured marbles and porphyry panels. The high altar (the only altar) is decorated with statues. To see: the vault with its decorated caissons represents Profeti e Patriarchi, work by V.delle Destre, Lattanzio da Rimini, Pier Maria and Gerolamo Pennacchi. BASILICA DELLA SALUTE map: E6 - Dorsoduro, 1 ph. +39.041.5225558 - Tickets: free Opening: 9.00-12.00 / 15.00-18.00 On 22 October 1630 the Venetian Senate decreed the building of a large temple devoted to the Virgin to give thanks for the survival of Venice after the plague. The design is by B. Longhena. The church is built in the form of a central plan, dominated by a huge dome with great arches. A magnificent stairway leads up to the entrance. The polychrome marble floor converges on a central circle of five roses suggesting the decades of the rosary. To see: Nozze di Canaan by J. Tintoretto, Pentecoste by Tiziano, Byzantine Madonna of the 13th century. Events: every year on 21 November the Venetians pay homage to the Virgin who saved Venice from the plague. DEGLI SCALZI CHURCHES guide map: C3 - Cannaregio, 54 ph. +39.041.715115 - Tickets: free Opening: 9.00-11.50 / 16.00-18.00 S. M. DELLA PIETA' VIVALDI’S CHURCH map: G4 - Castello, 6363 ph. +39.041.5237510 - Tickets: free Opening: 9-12.30 / 15.30-18 Sun. 15.30 -18 map: G5 - Castello, 3701 ph. +39.041.5231096 Opening: See programme It was built between the 14th and 15th centuries and is the largest church in Venice. Its particular atmosphere may be inherited from the time when it was used for the obsequies and burials of the Doges. Because of that, the church is called the Venetian Pantheon. The façade has an impressive portal; the magnificent interior space is in the form of a Latin cross, has three naves and a polygonal apse. To see: Monumento al Doge Pietro Mocenigo by T. Lombardo. The 15th century original church was rebuilt in the middle of the 18th century by Massari. The classical façade with an impressive portal and the interior, built in the form of an oval plan, with an arched ceiling is one of the most beautiful churches of the 18th century. Thank to the cooperation of I Virtuosi dell'Ensemble di Venezia and Le Putte Veneziane di Vivaldi, the church can be used as a concert hall. Music is also the theme of the superb frescoes on the ceiling. To see: La Carità sculpture by E. Marsili and, on the ceiling, Le Virtu' Cardinali and a beautiful fresco representing Il Paradiso by G.B.Tiepolo. SANTO STEFANO map: E5 - San Marco, 3825 ph. +39.041.2750462 - Tickets: € 2,00 Opening:10.00-17.00; Sunday 13.00-17.00 This is a magnificent example of Venetian Gothic art. The 14th century façade is decorated with a splendid marble portal attributed to Bartolomeo Bon. The interior is divided into three wide longitudinal Greek marble naves, the presbytery has an interesting inlaid wooden choir stalls and the ceiling is shaped like an inverted ship’s hull. To see: La Lavanda dei Piedi and Cristo nell'Orto by J. Tintoretto, Il Battesimo di Cristo by Paris Bordone. BASILICA DI S.MARIA E DONATO map: L2 - Murano, c.po S. Donato 11 ph. +39.041.739056 - Tickets: free Opening: 09.00-12.00 / 15.30-18.30 One of the most beautiful VenetianByzantine buildings of the 12th century. The exterior of the hexagonal apse is very interesting, both for its architectural beauty and the wealth of its decorative elements. Five columns of Greek marble divide the interior into three naves. The wooden ceiling looks like an overturned ship’s hull. To see: the mosaic floor with decorative patterns and symbolic pictures of animals. SAN ZACCARIA map: G5 - Castello, 4593 ph. +39.041.5221257 Opening: 10.00-12.00 / 16.00-18.00; Sunday 16.00-18.00 - Tickets: € 2,00 The old church, which belonged to the nuns of the convent of the same name, is located near the main church, which was built by Codussi between 1480 and 1500. The new façade is a typical example of Venetian Renaissance. Columns with beautiful capitals divided the interior into three aisles. The great altar is surmounted by a cross-vault and hemispheric dome. The stunning interior is literally covered with paintings. map: G6 - Isola di S. Giorgio ph. +39.041.5227827 - Tickets: free Opening: 9.30-12.30 / 14.30-18.00 It is a magnificent work of holy architecture by Andrea Palladio, built bet- in original 18th century costumes. SCUOLA GRANDE DI S. MARCO map: G4- San Marco, campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo One of the Scuole Grandi and one of the most important examples of Lombard Renaissance in Venice. Almost completely destroyed by a fire in 1485, it was rebuilt, first under the direction of Pietro Lombardo and then under the architect by Mauro Codussi, who created the interior main stair and the upper part of the façade. After the additions and the enlargement of the back part, designed by J. Sansovino, the building is almost intact and today houses Venice’s public hospital. SCUOLA GRANDE DI S. MARIA DELLA CARITÀ map: D6 - Dorsoduro, 1050 La Scuola della Carità represents one of the ancient Venetian non-denominational institutions: founded in 1260, it received the apellation Grande (formerly Scuole dei Battuti, that imposed flagellation to the faithful, were Grandi). Like all the other Scuole, this one too was closed by Napoleon’s edict in 1806, when the building became the Accademia di Belle Arti (Academy of Fine Art). SCUOLA GRANDE DI S. TEODORO map: F4 - S. Marco, 4810 ph. +39.041.5287227 - Tickets: free Opening: 9.30-12.00 Closing day: Saturday, Sunday SCHOOLS SCUOLA GRANDE DI S.GIOVANNI EVANGELISTA SCUOLA GRANDE DELLA MISERICORDIA map: D4 - S.Polo, 2454 ph. +39.041.718234 Isola di Torcello - ph. +39.041.730084 Tickets: € 3.00 - Opening: 10.00-17.00 SAN GIORGIO MAGGIORE Events: Orchestra di Venezia concerts, The sixth of the Scuole Grandi in Venice to be built and it was founded in 1530 by the brothers of the Confraternity of Saint Theodore, who was a Greek Saint chosen as the first patron of the city. It is a wide building with a 17th-century façade decorated by four statues: “Saint Theodore and Four Angels” by B. Falcone. Events: cultural meetings, exhibitions and concerts. LA CATTEDRALE An 11th-century Venetian-Byzantine building in the form of a Romanic Basilica. This is the oldest monument of this type preserved in the lagoon. The simple and solemn interior is made up of precious marble and gilt mosaics. To see: the mosaics of the small apse on the right side and of the triumphal arch. Built by the Carmelites and dedicated to Saint Mary of Nazareth, it was designed by B. Longhena. The church was consecrated in 1705. The façade, ween 1566 and 1610. The interior is in the form of a Latin cross and it is laid out in three naves, a central dome, a transept, and an arched ceiling. The high altar, with the chorus behind it, is splendid and solemn. To see: The Lost Supper and Manna from Heaven by J.Tintoretto, the ancona La Purificazione della Vergine by J. Palma il Giovane map: E2 - F.ta della Misericordia La Scuola della Misericordia unlike the other scuole is not near a church and it has not been restored. The imposing brick building was never completed. It was built on the other side of the Rio della Sensa. During the 20th century it began a sports building. Full restoration works currently under way will allow it to be used again. A JOURNEY into the future Un viaggio nel futuro Exhibition Space - Gli Spazi Espositivi he Church and the Convent of San Salvador have witnessed the birth of this city, through the period of the intensive trade and commerce of the 16th century right up to today, developing into a symbol of avant-garde technological innovation. The history of the former convent of San Salvador, of its two cloisters and of the refectory that gave home to the Augustinian friars, is Venetian history. Rebuilt to its current state between 1506 and 1534, the ecclesiastic structure was completely integrated into the hustle and bustle of the city. Splendid in its architectonic complex and in the interior decorations, halfway through the 1980s became a symbol for communications in the future with a set up of the new telephone exchange with digital electronic commutator. This is just a first step forward. Today, Telecom Italia Lab, located inside the two cloisters, the monumental halls, and the refectory of the former monastery has mounted the exhibition Telecom Future Centre. A gateway to the future and to the new communication technologies. The experimental frontiers and research into innovation displayed in this show use theme itineraries to help the visitors open a ‘new’ gateway to this magnificent city. T a chiesa e il convento di S. Salvador hanno visto crescere la città, l'hanno seguita nel periodo degli intensi traffici commerciali del '500 e ora sono diventati il simbolo dell'innovazione tecnologica. Quella dell’ex convento di San Salvador, dei suoi due chiostri e del refettorio che ospitava i Canonici regolari di Sant’ Agostino, è la storia di Venezia. Ricostruito come lo si vede fra il 1506 e il 1534 il complesso ecclesiastico è completamente inserito nelle dinamiche cittadine. Splendido nel suo disegno architettonico e nei decori interni, il convento di San Salvador è diventato, a metà degli anni Ottanta, un simbolo della comunicazione del futuro con l'inserimento della nuova centrale telefonica numerica con commutatore digitale elettronico. Solo un primo passo. Oggi Telecom Italia, all'interno dei due chiostri, delle sale e del refettorio dell'ex convento ha allestito Telecom Future Centre. Una porta sul futuro, sulle nuove tecnologie della comunicazione. Frontiere sperimentali e ricerche sull'innovazione esposte in questa mostra che, attraverso percorsi tematici, aiutano il visitatore ad aprire una "nuova" porta di questa città. L SCUOLA GRANDE DI S.ROCCO One of the Scuole Grandi and because of its history, art and Venetian culture it is considered one of the greatest. The building is a splendid Renaissance architecture example. The elegant double stairway inside, lit with large arched windows, was built by Codussi. The beautiful exterior Renaissance iconostasis with its carved decoration was designed by P. Lombardo. To see: the ceiling with visions of the Apocalisse, works of great teachers (G.B. Tiepolo, Diziani, Marieschi). map: D4 - San Polo, 3054 ph. +39.041.5234864 - Tickets: € 5.00 Opening: 10.00-16.00 The 16th century Renaissance building, designed by Bartolomeo Bon, lodges the school dedicated to Saint Roch the protector of sick and plague stricken people. Saint Roch Arch confraternity’s seat is still very active in the organisation of cultural meetings and concerts. To see: an extraordinary collection of works by Tintoretto, the numerous art treasures of the 15th century, the historic Nacchini organ. Events: cultural meetings and concerts. IL BEL RUMORE Poesie al Telecom Italia Future Centre 14 gennaio 2005 - Fabrizio Gifuni Rumori di diverse luci: P. Pasolini e A. Bertolucci San Marco, 4826 Campo San Salvador 30124 Venezia Opening: 10 am - 6 pm Closing Day: Monday Free Entrance 31 gennaio 2005 - Sara Bertelà Arrivando a Venezia: da Goethe a Nietzsche 19 febbraio 2005 - Giulia Lazzarini La parola piena; una vita in teatro 25 febbraio 2005 - Riccardo Held La memoria e la voce: Rilke, Celan, Benn VENETIAN ITINERARIES - ITINERARI VENEZIANI With brief virtually animated films in 3D on real backgrounds, 15 of the main Venetian characters for customs, and art in Venice, tell their stories. Attraverso dei brevi filmati di animazione virtuale in 3D su sfondi reali, 15 personaggi tra i più famosi della storia, del costume e dell’arte a Venezia, raccontano le loro vicende. SPACE FOR GAMES - SPAZI DI GIOCO Telecom future Centre offers a play space where one can experiment freely with new games, participating and exchanging ideas using the fixed and mobile telecommunication systems. Telecom Future Centre offre uno spazio ludico dove sperimentare liberamente i nuovi giochi, che le telecomunicazioni fisse e mobili rendono partecipativi e scambievoli. CALL THE VOICES - LE VIE DELLA VOCE The visitor can speak to a modern oracle that can foresee the day ahead. A place where famous people such as Einstein can be interviewed or one can sail the trimarano with Giovanni Soldini. Il visitatore può parlare con un oracolo contemporaneo: una postazione che permette di intervistare personalità come Albert Einstein o di guidare il trimarano di Giovanni Soldini. WATER SHOW - TEATRO DELL’ACQUA An amazing water display to stimulate emotions and reflect on the value of water itself set up by Stefano Boeri. Una installazione di Stefano Boeri, che alterna paesaggi acquatici in rapida e cangiante successione. THE COFFEE SHOP - LA BOTTEGA DEL CAFFE’ A space for new technology inserted in a typical Venetian context. From the 8th. century “cafè veneziano” to the internet cafè. Uno spazio per le nuove tecnologie inserito in un contesto tipicamente veneziano. Dal settecentesco caffè veneziano all’internet cafè. TWO STRIDES INTO THE FUTURE - DUE PASSI NEL DOMANI The apparatus allows one to draw without ink on a surface with a digital pen or again do some shopping by touching products virtually. Apparati consentono di disegnare senza inchiostro con una penna digitale, fare la spesa toccando oggetti virtuali e riconoscere gli oggetti attraverso una mano artificiale. THE “CENACOLO” (Dining hall) - IL CENACOLO The themes in object are: Developing an intelligent home, mobility trends, and tourism. I temi trattati sono: “Gli sviluppi della casa intelligente”, “Le tendenze della mobilità”, “Il turismo”. SPECIAL The Venice stage THE INFINITE CARNIVAL Under the Republic there seemed to be a constant tendency for revelry, celebrations and transgression. It was a way to celebrate both significant war victories and the escape from a disaster or a pestilence. Hence a rite. Indeed Carnival in Venice lasted for months. According to sources, masks were allowed from the day after Christmas Day – Boxing Day – throughout Carnival – excluding the Day of Circumcision and Purification – until Ash Wednesday excluded – which marked the beginning of Lent –, over the 15 days of Ascension and then from Ascension Day to 10th June. It was allowed at the time of the coronation of Doges, of solemn public banquets and extraordinary feasts: from 5th October to Advent Sunday, i.e. 16th December: namely all the year round. UN CARNEVALE INFINITO La tendenza al bagordo, al festeggiamento e alla trasgressione pare fosse una costante del passato di Venezia. Un modo per celebrare importanti vittorie belliche e per festeggiare la salvezza da qualche sciagura o dalle pestilenze. Quasi un rito, dunque. Ed in effetti a Venezia il “carnevale” durava mesi. Si permetteva l’uso della maschera da Santo Stefano a tutto il Carnevale, escluse le feste della Circoncisione e della Purificazione, fino al Mercoledì delle Ceneri (naturalmente escluso) che segnava l’inizio della Quaresima. Ma anche nei 15 giorni dell’Ascensione e dal giorno dell’Ascensione fino al 10 giugno; all’epoca dell’incoronazione dei dogi, dei solenni banchetti pubblici e delle feste straordinarie, nonché dal 5 ottobre al 16 dicembre, ossia la prima domenica di Avvento: in pratica tutto l’anno. Carnival’05 di Riccardo Bon arnival transforms Venice into the world capital of entertainment and disguise. Everyone wishes to go to the lagoon city to be photographed in St. Mark’s square and feasts and masquerades are organized throughout the period. However, these customs, are not recent, they are a deeply rooted tradition dating back to the origin of the Republic, as is clear from a large number of factors, from masks first of all. Famous costumes of the period of the “Commedia dell’Arte” can still be admired today in the city’s alleys. There they are, Arlecchino and Pantalone, two worldfamous characters. The first one – who actually comes from Bergamo, city that was part of the mainland dominion of the Republic – has been brought to the fore by Carlo Goldoni in the 17th century. Known for his characteristic dress with colourful patches, he is a credulous, superstitious and shrewd character, always in trouble and he is the servant of the Venetian mask “Pantalone de’ Bisognosi”, as Goldoni him self called him. Pantalone has a red dress and a black mantel, a pointed goatee and a mask. He always laments himself of being poor, although he is an honest – as well as stingy and suspicious – merchant. His name seems to derive C 28.01-8.02 uando arriva Carnevale Venezia diviene una delle capitali mondiali del divertimento e del travestimento. Tutti vogliono accorrere in laguna, sfilare in Piazza San Marco per farsi fotografare e le feste, le serate in maschera si susseguono per tutta la sua durata. Ma queste usanze in realtà non rappresentano un’invenzione recente, rispecchiano piuttosto una tradizione che affonda le sue radici fin alle origini della Repubblica. Ciò si nota in mille situazioni, nelle maschere anzitutto. Ancor oggi si possono infatti ammirare per le strade della città alcuni popolari travestimenti, già della Commedia dell’Arte. Ecco Arlecchino e Pantalone, due personaggi conosciuti a livello mondiale. Il primo, portato alla ribalta da Carlo Goldoni nel Settecento, è in realtà originario di Bergamo (città che faceva parte del dominio di terraferma della Repubblica): dal caratteristico vestito a “toppe” colorate è un personaggio dal carattere credulone, superstizioso e scaltro, si trova sempre in mezzo ai guai, ed è appunto il servitore della maschera veneziana Pantalon de’ Bisognosi, come lo chiamò ancora il Goldoni. Pantalone, dal vestito rosso con mantello nero, pizzetto aguzzo e maschera, piange sempre miseria anche se si Q SPECIAL Il palcoscenico di Venezia tratta di un onesto (ma taccagno e sospettoso) mercante. Sembra che anticamente il nome di questa maschera derivi da “pianta-leoni”, ovvero dall’usanza dei comandanti della Serenissima di piantare stendardi con leoni marciani in ogni terra conquistata. Un’altra popolarissima maschera che possiamo trovare spesso per le calli di Venezia è quella di Pulcinella, veste bianca con cappello a cono e maschera nera sul volto, dall’umore mutevole, anche se pauroso e triste, la cui unica preoccupazione è il cibo. Altri frequenti travestimenti sono quelli delle cortigiane, ovvero le amanti dei nobili alle quali si consentiva solo una volta l’anno (durante il Carnevale appunto) di frequentare ufficialmente l’amante in particolari circostanze; dei nobili o nobildonne patrizie con parrucche, fogge dorate e gonne voluminose; c’è anche Casanova, dal classico vestito corto con parrucca e tricorno, a ricordare il personaggio realmente vissuto e fuggito miracolosamente dai Piombi di Palazzo Ducale ai quali era stato condannato nel 1755 con l’accusa di spionaggio. Ma la maschera veneziana forse più conosciuta è la “bauta”, che ritroviamo spesso qua e là oggi, dall’inconfondibile tricorno nero, il velo o tabarro scuro e l’inquietante e asessuato volto bianco. Oggi, tra l’altro, a seguito dell’istituzione del Carnevale di Venezia avvenuta nel 1983, dopo il boom del turismo di massa, ci si può imbattere in spettacoli e feste organizzati dalle cosiddette “Compagnie della Cal- Costumes, balls, entertainment. Venice transforms itself. With it also its masks, symbol of a still existing tradition… I costumi, i balli, il divertimento. Venezia si trasforma. E con essa le maschere, le icone di una storia che continua ancora oggi… tural associations that have brought to the fore the value of Venetian tradition taking inspiration from the ancient companies of young nobles. Since 1442, these had the task of entertaining the city with the organization of public and private events to honour the presence of outstanding hosts visiting Venice. A way to underline that Carnival, with its shapes and customs, with its rituals and symbols is a deeply rooted feast in Venice. The regulation of the use of masks in Venice under the Republic goes back to 1268, when maskers where banned to play at throwing eggs, which was a typical trick played during Carnival. The first mask to perform this act was the one of Mattaccino, which was characterized by a pointed hat with feather, a face mask with a beak-shaped nose and a redsuit. Today stink-bombs with the same unpleasant smell of eggs are still thrown around Venice during Carnival. The meaning of Carnival is presently enhanced through the organization of shows and theme feasts: like last year’s “Oriental Express” in the memory of Marco Polo’s trip to Catai, “Casanova” in 2002, “Travels and Travellers” in 2001 or the “999 years of feast and Carnival in Venice”. 2005 sees a return to tradition with “Il liston delle maschere e la festa dei teatri”. za” – I Nuovi Cortesi o I Antichi (quelli del poeta erotico Settecentesco Giorgio Baffo) – si tratta di gruppi privati o di associazioni culturali che hanno riproposto il valore della tradizione veneziana rifacendosi alle antiche compagnie di giovani nobili che sin dal 1442 avevano lo scopo di tenere in festa la città per eventi pubblici e privati e di onorare importanti ospiti stranieri in visita a Venezia. Come dire che il Carnevale, con le sue forme e tradizioni, i suoi rituali e i suoi simboli è una realtà ben radicata a Venezia. La regolamentazione dell’uso delle maschere durante la Repubblica risale infatti al lontano 1268, quando si proibisce ai mascherati di giocare alle “ova”. A lanciare le uova era una tipica maschera veneziana, la prima registrata ufficialmente, quella del Mattaccino (che aveva una piuma con un berretto appuntito, una maschera con il naso a becco e una tuta rossa) e nel 2005 si continuano a lanciare le famigerate e pestilenziali “fialette”. La tendenza attuale è quella di dare un significato al carnevale, con un filone di spettacoli, maschere e feste a tema: come avvenuto lo scorso anno con “Oriental Express” e il ricordo del viaggio di Marco Polo nel Catai, con “Casanova” nel 2002; con “Viaggi e Viaggiatori” nel 2001, con i “999 anni di feste e Carnevali a Venezia”. Quest’anno si ritorna alla tradizione con “Il liston delle maschere e la festa dei teatri”. Photos by Francis Glorieus taken from “Venezia. Il carnevale”, per gentile concessione di Vianello Libri. SPECIAL SPECIAL from the words “piantaleoni” – planting lions – i.e. from the usage of the commanders of the Serenissima of planting a banner portraying the St. Mark’s Lion (the symbol of Venice) in each conquered land. A further famous mask that can often be found in the calli of Venice is the one of Pulcinella: white dress, conical hat, black mask on the face. His only concern is food, he is moody, fearful and unhappy. Further frequent costumes are the ones of the courtiers, the noble’s lovers who were allowed to meet their beloved only once a year – during Carnival – in particular circumstances; or the ones of the noble male and female patricians with wigs, golden suits and voluminous gowns; or the one of Casanova consisting of the famous short suit, wig and three-cornered hat that pays tribute to the character who was really sentenced for spying in 1755 and imprisoned in the Piombi of the Ducale Palace from which he miraculously escaped. However, the perhaps most famous Venetian mask is the “Bauta”, often still found around Venice, consisting of the unmistakable black three-cornered hat, dark veil and mantel and the disquieting asexual face. After the institution of Carnival in Venice in 1983 and after the boom in mass tourism, today one can encounter shows and feasts organized by the “Compagnie della Calza” – the “Nuovi Cortesi” and “I Antichi” –, the ones described by the 18th century erotic poet Giorgio Baffo. They are private clubs or cul- Ladies and gentlemen, let the balls open Carnival sweeps away the dust of time from Venetian palaces restoring their ancient magnificence. And dances start again… SPECIAL B alls, bacchanals and revelries as well as stuccos, mirrors and candles to recall the time in which Venice seemed to consist only in that. Carnival opens the historical palaces, the old patricians’ dwellings that often remain close all the year round. Ca’ Zanardi, Palazzo Papafava, Palazzo Pisani Moretta, only to cite a few. Time has changed. The glittering names of the Venetian nobility more and more converted to a bourgeois way of life seem to carry the burden of the ancient palaces: high management costs and large spaces to fill. Families become smaller, as well as the rooms of their dwellings. Inheritors prefer mezzanines, i.e. the smaller parts of buildings, the ones that were ones lived by the numerous servants. At Carnival the dust of time is removed, the large halls regain their magnificence and the balls open. Dressed like in those times and with the same spirit. Rented clothes, sure, but equally fascinating and ‘complicated’ perhaps not totally suited for the erratic movements of modern dances. No matter if a Casanova dances with a Colombina, or if a pirate abandons himself to effusions with a lady of the eighteenth century: they will all be hidden by masks that conceal both the face and the shapes. In the shadow everything flattens out and differences shade. Just like in the seventeenth century, when the servant kissed a patrician in an ephemeral lasciviousness or a consol had political discussions with the gondolier. Carnival, feasts and balls enable the stopping of time in the hope that dawn never arrives. © Interpress Il Carnevale toglie la polvere del tempo dai palazzi veneziani restituendoli agli antichi sfarzi. E si ricomincia a ballare... B alli, baccanali, gozzoviglie. E ancora stucchi, specchi, candele. Tutto per ricordare i tempi andati, quando Venezia era fatta quasi solo per questo. Il Carnevale apre i palazzi storici, le vecchie dimore dei patrizi che, spesso, rimangono chiuse per tutto l’anno. Ca’ Zanardi, Palazzo Papafava, Palazzo Pisani Moretta, solo per citarne alcuni. I tempi sono cambiati. I nomi luccicanti della nobiltà veneziana, sempre più imborghesita sembrano portare il peso dei vecchi palazzi. Costi altissimi di gestione e spazi enormi da riempire. Le famiglie si riducono in numero, come i locali delle loro abitazioni. Gli eredi preferiscono i mezzanini, le parti più piccole degli edifici, quelli che una volta erano abitati dalla numerosa servitù. E allora, a Carnevale, si toglie la polvere del tempo, i grandi saloni si restituiscono agli antichi sfarzi e si comincia a ballare. Vestiti come allora, con lo stesso spirito di allora. Costumi noleggiati, certo, ma non meno affascinanti e complicati che forse poco si addicono ai movimenti scomposti delle danze moderne. Ma poco importa se un Casanova ballerà con una Colombina, o se un pirata si lascerà andare in effusioni con una dama del Settecento: saranno tutti nascosti dalla maschera, che oltre ai volti nasconde anche le forme. E nell’ombra tutto si appiattisce, le differenze sfumano. Così, proprio come nel Settecento quando la serva baciava il patrizio in una effimera lascivia, o il console si intratteneva in discussioni politiche con il gondoliere. Il Carnevale, la festa, il ballo, servono a questo: a sospendere il tempo sperando non arrivi mai l’alba. Palazzo Contarini della Porta di Ferro - Castello, 2926 - Info: +39.340.2310284 © Agenzia Errebi Hotel Bauer LE MENUET h. 21 Gala-dinner and masked ball SATURDAY 29 JANUARY Palazzo Cà Papafava CARNEVALANDO 2005 h. 20.15 Gala-dinner and masked ball Events organization by Atelier Marega - Info: +39.041.717966 [email protected] SPECIAL L'intrigante e malizioso spirito di Casanova incarnato nel Maestro di Cerimonie ironico ed irriverente aleggerà sul divertimento e sulla meraviglia di questa notte in cui il piacere dei sensi trasformerà le Vostre fantasie dietro la maschera con il coinvolgimento di oltre cinquanta artisti MONDAY 31 JANUARY Caffè Quadri CENA IN COSTUME h. 20.30 Gala-dinner and masked ball TUESDAY 1 FEBRUARY Hotel Bauer LE MENUET h. 21 Gala-dinner and masked ball THURSDAY 3 FEBRUARY “…here the wife and there the husband, everyone goes wherever he likes; everyone runs to some invitations, someone to play and someone to dance...” “...long live the Carnival, what pleasure it give us.Carnival which so much means, which makes hearts rejoice”. Palazzo Albrizzi GRAN GALA À LA BELLE-EPOQUE: “ALLA OMBRA DELLE FANCIULLE IN FIORE” h. 21 Gala-dinner and masked ball Events organization by Acit Onlus Info: +39.041.5232544 SUNDAY 6 FEBRUARY SATURDAY 29 JANUARY Piazza San Marco GRAN CORTEO STORICO h. 11 Caffè Quadri CIOCCOLATA IN COSTUME h. 16 Piazza San Marco VOLO DELL'ANGELO h. 12 Hotel Danieli SUNDAY LUNCH "LA COLOMBINA" h. 13 Canal Grande CORTEO ACQUEO h. 16 Piazza San Marco SFILATA DI MASCHERE VENEZIANE IN COSTUME SETTECENTESCO h. 16.30 Cannaregio FESTA VENEXIANA h. 17 Hotel Bauer LE MENUET h. 21 Gala-dinner and masked ball WEDNESDAY 2 FEBRUARY MONDAY 7 FEBRUARY Gran Caffè Lavena COCKTAIL IN COSTUME h. 17.30 Palazzo Pisani Moretta GRAN GALA INTERNAZIONALE DI FINE CARNEVALE h. 20 Gala-dinner and masked ball FRIDAY 4 FEBRUARY Palazzo Ca' Zenobio I SEGRETI DI VENEZIA h. 20.30 Gala-dinner and masked ball Ca' Zanardi I BALLI DELLA VENEZIA STRAVAGANTE h. 21 Gala-dinner and masked ball Gran Caffè Lavena COCKTAIL IN COSTUME h. 17.30 TUESDAY 8 FEBRUARY TUESDAY 1 FEBRUARY Ca' Zanardi OMAGGIO A VENEZIA LA LEGGENDA VIVENTE DI TUTTI I TEMPI h. 21 Gala-dinner and masked ball Piazzale Stazione Santa Lucia CICHETANDO TRA CALLI E CAMPIELLI h. 10 SUNDAY 30 JANUARY Palazzo Pisani Moretta MASCHERANDA h. 20.15 Gala-dinner and masked ball Events organization by Tragicomica Info: +39.041.721102 TUESDAY 8 FEBRUARY SUNDAY 6 FEBRUARY Caffè Quadri CIOCCOLATA IN COSTUME h. 16 MONDAY 31 JANUARY Palazzo Papafava CARNEVALE DEGLI ARTISTI h. 21.30 Masked ball Piazzale Stazione Santa Lucia CICHETANDO TRA CALLI E CAMPIELLI h. 10 Gran Caffè Lavena COCKTAIL IN COSTUME h. 17.30 Palazzo Labia CENA DI GALA DI BENEFICENZA h. 20 Gala-dinner and masked ball Palazzo Pisani Moretta BALLO TIEPOLO h. 20.30 Gala-dinner and masked ball Palazzo Contarini della Porta di Ferro IL BALLO DEI SOSPIRI h. 20.30 Gala-dinner and masked ball Events organization by Venice Masquerade - Info: +39.340.2310284 Chiesa San Vidal CONCERTO DI MUSICA BAROCCA IN COSTUME h. 11 Piazza San Marco SFILATA DI MASCHERE VENEZIANE IN COSTUME SETTECENTESCO h. 16.30 Palazzo Pisani Moretta IL BALLO DEL DOGE h. 20.30 Gala-dinner and masked ball The intriguing and malicious Casanova spirit embodied by the ironical and irriverent Master of Ceremony will flutter over the fun and the wonder of this night where the pleasure of the senses will change your fantasy behind the mask and more than fifty artists will delight you Gran Caffè Lavena COCKTAIL IN COSTUME h. 17.30 Burano APERTURA DEL CARNEVALE DE BURAN 2005 h. 16 SATURDAY 5 FEBRUARY The frivolities of the 18th Century come to new life in the Grand Gala at Palazzo Albrizzi. Under the notes of W.A. Mozart, performed by the Royal Quartet, the outstanding figures of the ballet ‘Le Petits Riens’ will wave their love games for the choreography by Clara Santoni, unpayable Maitre de Danse who will lead ladies and gentlemen into the graceful carousel of Gavottes and Minuets. Special guests the Countertenor Johannes Reichert and the soprano Margitta Ronsales. SATURDAY 5 FEBRUARY Piazza San Marco FESTA DELLE MARIE E CORTEO STORICO h. 15.30 Palazzo Pisani Moretta IL BALLO DI CASANOVA h. 20.15 Gala-dinner and masked ball Events organization by Tragicomica Info: +39.041.721102 Palazzo Albrizzi THE GLORIES OF THE SETTECENTO: LOVE AND PASSION, ART AND INTEMPERANCE h. 21 Gala-dinner and masked ball Events organization by Acit Onlus Info: +39.041.5232544 FRIDAY 28 JANUARY Gran Caffè Lavena COCKTAIL IN COSTUME h. 17.30 Caffè Quadri CIOCCOLATA IN COSTUME h. 16 THURSDAY 3 FEBRUARY Burano SFILATA DI MASCHERE h. 10.30 Piazza San Marco SFILATA DI MASCHERE h. 16 FRIDAY 4 FEBRUARY Burano CACCIA AL TESORO h. 15 Piazza San Marco SFILATA E PREMIAZIONE DELLA MIGLIORE MASCHERA h. 16 Gran Caffè Lavena COCKTAIL IN COSTUME h. 17.30 More than fifty artists will delight you in this magical night where, within the fancy dress, wrapt in the mistery of your own mask , you'll dance in the midst of both venetian and foreign masks in the great game of transgression and seduction Oltre cinquanta artisti Vi coinvolgeranno in questa magica serata dentro l'abito sognato, nel mistero di stare dentro la propria maschera, ove danzerete in mezzo ad altre maschere veneziane e foreste, nel gran gioco della trasgressione e della seduzione SPECIAL FRIDAY 28 JANUARY STREET PARTIES - FESTE IN PIAZZA AGENDA 28.01-8.02 CARNIVAL 2005 PRIVATE PARTIES - FESTE A PALAZZO Masks in the shadow Maschere nell’ombra SALE & RENTAL SERVICE Bluemoon Mask Workshop of production of the traditional Venetian paper mache masks decorated with different materials: colours, gold and silver leave, feather, fabrics, macramé, Swarovski crystal and leather. We procuce traditional masks and, modern models. Dorsoduro, 2312 - ph./fax +39.041.715175 www.bluemoonmask.com [email protected] La Bottega dei SPECIAL Mascareri Oscar Wilde said: “A mask tells more than a face” Please come to our shops and see for yourself. Venezia - S.Polo, 80 (Rialto) - ph./fax +39.041.5223857 T L a tradizione, il costume, la cultura. Venezia riscopre la sua storia attraverso la maschera. Un’arte che riporta all’antica scuola dei maschereri, ripresa e rivisitata oggi nelle botteghe artigiane del centro storico. Il Carnevale era un tempo un momento magico che investiva tutta la città. La libertà, la trasgressione nei confronti delle gerarchie e delle regole che venivano imposte fino alla fine del Settecento dalla Serenissima Repubblica. Ma in realtà la maschera era usata per sei mesi l’anno. Portata dai signori, nei caffè, nei “ridotti” della città, dalle dame alle numerose feste di palazzo dell’aristocrazia veneziana. Serviva anche al popolo, per poter confondersi fra la folla. Calava un’atmosfera di mistero in quel tempo. Mantelli neri, i famosi “tabari”, e bianche baute che davano alla figura un aurea di mistero. La maschera, insomma, rendeva tutti uguali. Saltimbanchi, prostitute, nobiluomini e ciarlatani. Ma era anche strumento di lavoro. Come quella a “naso lungo” usata dal “medico industrioso”: il medico della peste che si copriva il volto per non farsi riconoscere dal popolo che lo avrebbe evitato. Una tortura deve essere stato indossare la “muta”, una maschera, solitamente nera, portata dalle signore e che si reggeva in volto attraverso un “boccaglio” da serrare fra i denti. Nel corso della storia la maschera subisce una evoluzione. Prima è accessoria al vestito, poi, nelle occasioni carnevalesche, prende le forme della commedia dell’arte. In un modo o nell’altro il mistero resta intatto nel tempo. SPECIAL COSTUMES & ACCESSORIES radition, costume, culture. Venice rediscovers its history through costume. Costume creation is an art that takes us back to the ancient school of mask makers, taken up again and to be seen anew in the craft shops in the historic centre. Carnival was once a magic moment that enveloped the whole city, standing for liberty and trangression against the regulations imposed by the Most Serene Republic until the end of the eighteenth century. Yet masked costume was worn for six months of the year. It was used by gentlemen in the cafés and gambling places and by the ladies at the innumerable parties in the palaces of the Venetian aristocracy. Costume was also worn by the ordinary people, so that they could merge into the crowd. An air of mystery descended over the city in those times. The famous tabari, black Venetian cloaks and the white baute, white robes, made their wearers look enigmatic. The mask, in fact, made everyone the same: tumblers, prostitutes, noblemen and charlatans. But it was also a tool, like the mask with the long nose used by the industrious physician, the plague doctor who covered his face not to be detected by the people, who would have avoided him. It must have been a torture to wear the muta, a ladies’ mask, usually black, held over the face by means of a mouthpiece that had to be clenched between the teeth. Masks underwent a process of change during the course of history: first they were dress accessories, then they were used on all occasions, and then they took on the form of Commedia dell’Arte characters for Carnival occasions. One way or the other, the mystery remains intact in time. © Agenzia Errebi SHOPPING guide Accessories Antiques Jeweller’s shops Boutiques & Griffes Handicraft Foot wear ANTIQUES ANTICHITA’ CESANA Calle XXII Marzo - S.Marco, 2070 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5227789 LE ZOIE Calle dei Boteri - S.Polo, 1566 map: E4 - ph. +39.041.2758694 SALVIATI Calle XXII Marzo - S. Marco, 2088 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5231191 SEGUSO GIANNI F.ta Serenella, 3 - Murano map: L3 - ph. +39.041.739005 VENINI Piazza San Marco, 314 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5224045 In the atelier 'Le Zoie' you feel a real love for art and beautiful things. Passionate antiques collector, Michele Dal Bon, offers a wide choice of jewellery, watches, icon paintings and antique silver. GLASS ART Cotton Silk & Cashmere KITON BORRELLI BALLANTYNE INCOTEX shopping info Opening hours: 10 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. The listing proposes a directory of the best and original stores, organized in product categories. It is a complete list, edited by the VM staff, able to satisfy all your requirements. I negozi sono aperti dalle 10 a.m. alle 7.30 p.m. Segue una selezione dei migliori e particolari esercizi commerciali divisi per categoria merceologica. Una vasta panoramica in grado di rispondere a qualsiasi esigenza: il tutto garantito da VM. ACCESSORIES FRUTTAEVERDURA BORSALINO FEDELI TRUZZI CAMICIE ATTOLINI A wide collection of coloured accessories! COCCINELLE San Salvador - San Marco, 4833 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.2770460 Mercerie - San Marco, 4958 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.2770658 Calle XXII Marzo - S.Marco, 2400/a map: E5 - ph. +39.041.2777852 www.sermonetagloves.com TRICKER’S LE PERLE NIO adv - foto: Moreno Gallo San Marco, 1231 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5285614 MANDARINA DUCK Mercerie - San Marco, 193 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5223325 P.zza Ferretto, 40 - Mestre ph. +39.041.971308 Coccinelle is the brand that offers today’s woman the most suitable array of coordinated accessories for every occasion. BOTTEGA VENETA San Marco, 1337 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5228489 MI.BA. ART San Polo, 1589 map: E4 - ph. +39.041.5244395 BOOKS & MUSIC Piazza San Marco, 145 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5229338 LIBRERIA MONDADORI Fondamenta Vetrai, 68 - Murano map: L3 - ph. +39.041.736266 On show the collection “Time Flies” realized with the American designer John Drake-Moore. San Marco, 1345 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5222193 CLOTHING AL DUCA D'AOSTA Mercerie - S. Marco, 4945/46 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5220733 BLACK WATCH BARBINI Calle del Forno - San Marco, 4594 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5231945 Fondamenta Venier, 44/48 - Murano map: L2 - ph. +39.041.739270 CAMICERIA S. MARCO ERCOLE MORETTI & F.LLI Calle Vallaresso - S. Marco, 1340 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5221432 Fondamenta Navagero, 42 - Murano map: L2 - ph. +39.041.739083 CERIELLO FORMIA Campo SS.Filippo e Giacomo, 4275 map: G5 - ph. +39.041.5222062 Fondamenta Vetrai, 138 - Murano map: L2 - ph. +39.041.739285 FIORELLA GALLERY Campo S. Stefano - S. Marco, 2806 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5209228 Sermoneta gloves HIBISCUS Calle de l’Ogio - San Polo, 1060 map: E4 - ph. +39.041.5208989 Offering you innovative and colourful womens wear; hand-made jewellery, scarves, bags and many “one-off” pieces. FURLA SERMONETA GLOVES F.ta Serenella, 5/6 - Murano map: L3 - ph. +39.041.736077 PALESA GALLERY C.po SS.Apostoli - Cannaregio, 4451 map: F3 - ph. +39.041.2411572 Calle del Lovo - San Marco, 4822 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.2411945 VIVARINI Venezia Calle XXII Marzo 2400/A tel./fax 39 041 2777852 LA COUPOLE MAN A tour amongst the fires to participate in the birth of Formia glassware. SEGUSO VIRO Piazza San Marco, 289-305 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.2770739 Exhibition of contemporary art glass works, unique and limited editions. MAZZEGA F.ta da Mula, 147 - Murano map: L2 - ph. +39.041.736888 PAULY & C. Piazza San Marco, 73 Calle XXII Marzo - S.Marco, 2366 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5224243 Roma Piazza di Spagna 61 tel. 39 06 6791960 fax. 39 06 6797167 LA COUPOLE WOMAN Calle XXII Marzo - S.Marco, 2414 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.2960555 LA COUPOLE BABY Calle XXII Marzo - S.Marco, 2254 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5231273 LA TOUR Calle Larga S. Marco, 287 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5225147 MARLY’S www.sermonetagloves.com Milano via della Spiga 46 tel. 39 02 76318303 fax. 39 02 76318993 SHOPPING guide BLACK WATCH SHOPPING guide Fondamenta Serenella, 12 - Murano map: L3 - ph. +39.041.739878 Calle XXII Marzo - S.Marco, 2088 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5244395 LINEA VETRO DI SIMONE CENEDESE NASON & MORETTI MA.RE At Palesa galleries you will find a wide collection of original products of the ancient Murano traditions. S. Marco, 4594 - Venezia ph. +39.041.5231945 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5235484 VOGINI STYLE / LORO PIANA C. de l’Ascension - S. Marco, 1257/A map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5222573 BOUTIQUE - GRIFFE ARMANI JEANS Calle Goldoni - S. Marco, 4485 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5236948 AGNONA San Marco, 1316 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5205733 BLUMARINE Calle XXII Marzo - S.Marco, 2031 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5232754 BRUNO MAGLI Frezzeria - S. Marco, 1583/85 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5223472 BRUNO MAGLI Venezia Paris Mercerie San Marco, 4958 tel. 041.2770658 326, Rue St. Honor tel. 01.44553211 S. Marco, 1302 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5227210 Verona Singapore CALVIN KLEIN JEANS Via Mazzini, 56 tel. 045.592051 Milano Via Manzoni, ang. via Bigli tel. 02.76028161 London 13, Duke of York Square tel. 020.77307657 Paragon # 03-02 tel. 068.874947 Singapore Raffles City - 1F tel. 063.396214 Tokyo Shin-Kokusai Building 1F, 3-4-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku tel. 03.34783003 Calle Goldoni - San Marco, 4599 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5202164 DIESEL STORE Salizada Pio X - San Marco, 5315/6 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.2411937 DOLCE & GABBANA Mercerie - San Marco, 223/226 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5287933 EMPORIO ARMANI Calle dei Fabbri - S. Marco, 989 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5237808 SHOPPING guide The first european specialist of sunglasses www.solaris.fr C. delle Ostreghe - S. Marco, 2359 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5232162 MAX MARA Mercerie - San Marco, 268 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5226688 MAX & CO Mercerie - San Marco, 5028 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.5230817 MISSONI Calle Vallaresso - S. Marco, 1312/N map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5205733 PAL ZILERI Campo S. Moisè - S. Marco, 1469 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5283966 ROBERTO CAVALLI Calle Vallaresso - S. Marco, 1316 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5205733 SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Calle XXII Marzo - S. Marco, 2098 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.2778509 TRUSSARDI UOMO DONNA Spadaria - San Marco, 695 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5285757 VALENTINO Corte Foscara - S. Marco, 1473 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5205733 VERSUS Frezzeria - S. Marco, 1725 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5289319 JEWELLERS BULGARI GIORGIO ARMANI Calle XXII Marzo - S. Marco, 2282 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.2410553 Calle Goldoni - S. Marco, 4412 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5234758 GIOIELLERIA BONCOMPAGNI GUCCI Piazza San Marco, 131/132 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5224563 Mercerie - San Marco, 258 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5229119 CARTIER HENRY COTTON’S Campo S.Zulian - S. Marco, 606 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5222071 Campo S. Luca - S. Marco, 4574 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5228485 GIOIELLERIA CODOGNATO HERMES San Marco, 1295 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5225042 Procuratie Vecchie - S. Marco, 127 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5210117 DAMIANI KENZO Salizada S. Moisè - S. Marco, 1494 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.2770661 Ramo dei Fuseri - S. Marco, 1814 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5205733 GANESHA KRIZIA Ruga Rialto - S. Polo, 1044 map: E4 - ph. +39.041.5225148 Mercerie - San Marco, 4948 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5212762 MISSAGLIA LACOSTE Piazza San Marco, 125 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5224464 C. L. de l’Ascension - S.Marco, 1255 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5224500 LUISA SPAGNOLI Mercerie - San Marco, 741 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5237728 IDEE ORIGINALI PER IL VOSTRO SHOPPING. PRADA STORE S. Marco, 1474 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.2778532 LOUIS VUITTON ULTIMATE shopping ORIGINAL IDEAS FOR YOUR SHOPPING. Mercerie - San Marco, 4928 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5229020 FENDI Mercerie - San Marco, 218 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5237678 VENEZIA: San Marco, 5044 C.po S. Bartolomeo ph. +39.041.2413818 MALO 1 2 3 4 5 1|KIEV, 1908-1917 IN THE REIGN OF NIK II Matches box in gold 585/000 and siberian jade nephrite with Romanov’s imperial symbol in diamonds and sapphires. ATELIER LE ZOIE Calle dei Boteri 1566, San Polo - Venezia 2|DOGE COLLECTION Tasteful gift idea by Caffè del Doge’s excellent blends. CAFFE’ DEL DOGE Available in all Caffè del Doge’s coffee shops 3|AUTUMN/WINTER 2004-2005 COLLECTION Renee bag, a strong piece of the collection: modern, urban and sporty. COCCINELLE Mercerie 4958, S. Marco - Venezia 4|BOTTEGA VENETA The ultimate 2005 collection by “Bottega Veneta” SOLARIS C.po S.Bartolomeo - S. Marco, 5044 - Venezia 5|FIORELLA MANCINI’S ALTERNATIVE FASHION Velvet coats painted by Fiorella Mancini FIORELLA GALLERY Campo S. Stefano - S.Marco, 2806 6|CRISTAL This 3D face-scan lasers your face into glass as a souvenir for the eternity. GALLERIA CRISTALLO Calle dei Fabbri 1037, San Marco - Venezia SALVADORI Mercerie - San Marco, 5022 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.5230609 SWATCH STORE Mercerie - San Marco, 4947 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5228532 TOKATZIAN 6 7 7|VENICE. THE CARNIVAL A stunning collection of colourful photos. EDIZIONI GRAFICHE VIANELLO Available in all major bookshops ULTIMATE San Marco, 1321 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5223851 Lamps, ethnic necklaces, Venetian mirrors, candles, etc. EYEWEAR IL CANOVACCIO SOLARIS Ganesha Castello, 5369/70 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.5210393 C.po S.Bartolomeo - S. Marco, 5044 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.2413818 Ruga Rialto ¥ San Polo 1044 ¥ Venice 30125 ¥ Italy tel/fax 0039 041 5225148 ¥ e-mail: [email protected] BECCARELLO via Villabona n.87 - Venice - Italy ph. +39.041.920400 - fax +39.041.931636 www.beccarello.it - [email protected] Legend has it that once, in Piazza San Marco, there was a wine banquet that during the summer moved after the shade of the bell’s tower. Each of the glasses sold could not contain less than 100ml. This is the origin of the name “ombra” under which all Venetians call even today a glass of wine. A tradition reflecting the nature and the scent of this marvellous and unique city. Today, in the Doges’ city 50,000 ‘ombre’ are drunk everyday. A substantial figure for a city of no more than 75,000 inhabitants. L’ombra di Venezia is a homage to the long-standing Venetian tradition. In front of a glass of wine new friendships are formed and old ones are reinforced, deals are clinched and communicating becomes easier. Venice, its nature, history, the character of its inhabitants are centred on this rite. L’ombra di Venezia enshrines all these characteristics. The Pinot Grigio, preserved here, is 100% Venetian because is produced, in limited quantity, with a true Venetian passion in the same earth that provided wine for the Palazzo Ducale centuries ago. Its essence is characterized by the scents of Italy. Its colour is the result of the sun that has ripened the grapes. Thanks to this extraordinary wine, you can breath the cordiality and friendship which can still be found today on the shades of the Campanile. With L’ombra di Venezia you can savour the true Venetian tastes, experience the atmosphere, history and tradition of an almost imaginary city. Holding your own bottle of wine and drinking it from your own glasses means possessing a tiny part of that wonder. Indeed, bottles and glasses are created by a famous master glassmaker of Murano. Unique and matchless pieces produced in a limited edition of 999 samples each different from one another. The glass The bottle of “L’ombra di Venezia”, made of Murano glass, has been created with the ancient technique of the mosaic melted at high temperature. The sand has been given its shape and colour by the fire. While the rest, the soul of this type of Murano glass, derives from the technique and experience of the master glassmaker who has created it by blowing on the shapeless amalgam. This particular glass has been therefore created out of that blow, out of the technique enshrined in the inviolable secrets of the furnace. Unique and inimitable. The origin certificate and the ‘murrina’ set in the glass guarantee its quality and originality. The wine The Pinot Grigio “L’ombra di Venezia” is produced in the Italian farm ‘La Vigna del Cason Brusà’ and is the result of an accurate analysis of the “terroir” carried out in cooperation with the ‘Istituto Sperimentale’ of Conegliano. Different clones of Pinot Grigio– from two to five – have been planted in the same vineyard, so as to emphasize their best characteristics. The harvested product, unique in its characteristics, undergoes a treatment which respects both the tradition and the quality of the grapes. A hard and intense process for a unique top quality. “L’ombra di Venezia” – ‘ombra’ meaning glass of wine in the Venetian dialect – reflects the professional ability of the enterprise renowned in Italy and abroad. PINOT GRIGIO igt Veneto Organoleptic description: white coppery bright colour with delicate and definite scents, fluid, rich in salts, a wine famous for its delicacy. Analytic data: alcohol 12% vol., acidity 6,7-7,5‰ ca Gastronomic suggestions: ideal for fish starters, white meat, delicate recipies. Service: 10° in Murano glasses Refinement: in stainless steel casks and in bottles. Average quality rise: 2 years For details: +39.335.5622535 Wide and colorful collection of venetian masks. Solaris, leader in optics field: a selection of the best brand of sun-glasses with more than 1000 models and 70 different marks. MICROMEGA OTTICA San Marco, 2436 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.2960765 OTTICA URBANI S. Marco, 1280 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5224140 ATELIER MAREGA F.ta dell’Osmarin - Castello, 4968 map: G5 - ph. +39.041.5223036 BLUE MOON Campo S.Lio - Dorsoduro, 2312 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.715175 HOME WARE FRETTE LINGERIE Calle XXII Marzo - S. Marco, 2070/A map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5224914 LA PERLA RUBELLI S. Salvador - S. Marco, 4828 map: G5 - ph. +39.041.5226459 JADE MARTINE Frezzeria - San Marco, 1645 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5212892 San Marco, 3877 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5236110 Exclusively designed jewels, handcrafted with an array of precious gems, exotic and unique Ganesha an unforgettable experience! CHILDREN’S SHOPS Come and visit us at RIALTO heart of the Venetian Venice... DISNEY STORE HANDICRAFTS C.po S.Bartolomeo - S. Marco, 5267 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.5223366 VENETIA STUDIUM MAMMOLO Calle XXII Marzo - S. Marco, 2403 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5236953 San Marco, 4461 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5226328 FOOT WEAR CALZATURIFICIO MAGLI Calle XXII Marzo - S. Marco, 2288 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5208280 F.LLI ROSSETTI Calle Larga Mazzini - S. Marco, 4800 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.5230571 Thruogh an alert resilience, here is an extraordinary collection comes from the artistic partimony left by Fortuny. GALLERIA CRISTALLO Calle dei Fabbri - San Marco, 1037 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5211237 FOOT LOCKER Mercerie - San Marco, 4944 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.5220803 TRAGICOMICA MASKS & COSTUMES PASTIFICIO GIACOMO RIZZO San Polo, 80 map: E4 - ph. +39.041.5223857 IL MERCANTE DI VENEZIA Cannaregio, 2223 map: E3 - ph. +39.041.716084 Ruga Rialto near Rialto bridge S. Polo 1060/1061 30125 Venezia tel/fax: +39.041.5208989 Mercerie - San Marco, 186 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5237480 TOD'S CALZATURE LA BOTTEGA DEI MASCARERI OFFERING YOU INNOVATIVE AND COLOURFUL WOMENS WEAR; HAND MADE JEWELLERY, SCARVES, BAGS AND MANY ONE-OFF PIECES POLLINI The precision of the ultimate laser technique generates with microscopic image dots an artistic 3D object of fascinating beauty into hand polished glass of the highest purity. Highest quality guaranteed. Calle dei Nomboli - S. Polo, 2800 map: D4 - ph. +39.041.721102 www.tragicomica.it A trip into a colourful world Calle XXII Marzo - S. Marco, 2251 map: E5 - ph. +39.041.5206603 GOURMET FOOD Cannaregio, 5778 map: F4 - ph. +39.041.5222824 WINE SHOPS MILLEVINI map: F4 - S. Marco, 5362 ph. +39.041.5206090 - Closed Sundays Wide selection of Italian and French wines right in the heart of the city. SHOPPING guide L’ombra di Venezia Piazza San Marco, 18 map: F5 - ph. +39.041.5233821 HIBISCUS The “shade” of Venice exclusive of Restaurants Bacari Pizzerie Pastry-shops & the City Listing CITY LISTING Traditional Cuisine International Cuisine Bacari & Hostarie Pizzerie Coffee & Pastries Cucina Tradizionale Cucina Internazionale Bacari & Hostarie Pizzerie Caffé & Pasticcerie TRADITIONAL CUISINE AL GRASPO DE UA map: F4 - S. Marco, 5094 ph. +39.041.5200150 - Closed Mondays A list, edited by the VM staff, of suggestions for gourmets: a careful selection of original and best appreciated restaurants, bacari, pizzerias and wine bars in town. Each listing gives useful information for an appropriate choice. La guida per i buongustai: una accurata selezione, proposta dalla redazione di VM, dei più originali e apprezzati ristoranti, bacari, pizzerie ed enoteche dell’isola. Ogni scheda è corredata dalle informazioni utili a una scelta azzeccata. the same level as its gastronomic art, with the dual proposal of exquisitely local cuisine and international class. DE PISIS map: F5 - S. Marco, 1459 ph. +39.041.5207022 - Open daily CANOVA RESTAURANT - LUNA HOTEL BAGLIONI DINING guide Venice is famous around the world for the superb quality of its restaurants but when you ask a food conoisseur, the Canova Restaurant remains one of the city’s top addresses. Located at the renowed 5 star deluxe Luna Hotel Baglioni, a few steps away from St. Mark’s square, the award winning authentic Venetian Canova Restaurant invites you to experience its sophisticated cuisine in a friendly and unintimidating atmosphere with excellent service. The Canova Restaurant Chef Cosimo creates dishes that are local favourites and a special menu reminiscent of Venice and the region. Each meal includes hearth-baked bread and rolls made fresh throughout the day. The menu offers many choices in all categories : from the fine venetian appetisers to all kinds of home -made pastas, to delicious sea-food and meat main courses. The strongest attractions are the dessert menu, which offers all fancy homemade confections, and the exquisite italian wine list. Dining at the Canova Restaurant sets the mood for an unforgettable evening rich with pleasure and romance. Join us and experience our Chef’s outstanding talent because no visit to Venice is complete without a visit to the Canova where you can enjoy a relaxing, leisurely lunch or a romantic dinner. A must amongst tourists and locals alike. Venezia è famosa in tutto il mondo per l’ottima qualità dei suoi ristoranti. Ma se domandate un parere a un intenditore di buone tavole, non farà altro che citare il Ristorante Canova come uno dei migliori della città. Allestito all’interno del rinomato Hotel Luna Baglioni, a pochi passi da Piazza San Marco, l’elegante spazio vi accoglie in un ambiente di grande pregio e con un servizio impeccabile. Sarà lo chef Cosimo ad offrire agli ospiti la sua scelta, fatta di piatti tipici e un menu speciale che richiama le vecchie tradizioni venete e veneziane. Senza dimenticare il pane, che prepara ogni giorno. Ottimi gli antipasti alla veneziana, la pasta fatta in casa i piatti a base di pesce o carne, i dessert freschi preparati in cucina e una ben fornita cantina di vini italiani. Ma molte delle proposte del Canova hanno il pregio della raffinatezza mantenendo l’impronta della genuinità casereccia. Un luogo invitante, dunque, che giova dell’atmosfera romantica di una Venezia invernale, ma anche della passione con la quale la direzione del ristorante avvolge gli ospiti. Ristorante A historical Italian restaurant located short walk from the Rialto Bridge, it offers traditional Venetian dishes. A LA VECIA CAVANA map: F3 - Rio Terà SS.Apostoli, 4264 ph. +39.041.5287106 - Closed Mondays Brand new management in an historical restaurant located five minutes walk from Rialto bridge. Guests will sample a classy venetian and typical cuisine. Amazing wine and spirits list. LA COLOMBA map: F5 - S. Marco, 1665 ph. +39.041.5221175 - Open daily Extraordinary Seafood Dishes Traditional & Venetian Cuisine Catering Service Rio Ter SS. Apostoli, 4624 - ph. +39.041.5287106 - fax +39.041.5238644 www.veciacavana.it - [email protected] Our Gourmet Restaurant De Pisis, recently rated as the best in Venice, has become a world-renowned destination for Venetians as well as for visitors. In an intimate and elegant setting Chef Giovanni Ciresa offers an original cuisine based on international cooking enriched by local Mediterranean traditions, always considering the use of raw materials and the refinement of the ingredients in season. DO' FORNI map: F5 - S. Marco, 457 ph. +39.041.5232148 - Open daily Do Forni restaurant is located in the historical heart of Venice. It features traditional Venetian cuisine: different kinds of fish, mussels and shellfish from the Adriatic Sea. RISTORANTE CANOVA C/O LUNA HOTEL BAGLIONI map: F5 - San Marco, 1243 ph. +39.041.5289840 The award winning “Canova Restaurant” is inviting you to experience its exquisite cuisine in a most sumptuous surrounding and impeccable service Dinning at the Canova sets the mood for an unforgettable evening rich of pleasure and romance. LA RIVISTA map: E5 - San Marco, 2398 ph. +39.041.2401425 - Closed Mondays An “artistic” meeting place for over fifty years, home of the prize for painting in post-war Italy in 1946.The refined and stimulating artistic and cultural company of the restaurant is on Design restaurant with Depero original painting. Modern cuisine with some Venetian dishes. Carefully selected Italian wines. CARPACCIO map: G5 - Castello, 4088/4089 DINING guide Dining guide DINING Serenissimi Sapori RESTAURANT CANOVA Galani Carnival “tricks” Carnival “tricks” Gli “scherzi” del carnevale di Andrea Heinrich I THE RECIPE GALANI DINING guide Ingredients 300g of superfine flour 60g refined sugar 2 eggs 60g of butter 1 small glass of grappa a few tablespoons of milk, salt oil (or suet for frying) Place the sieved flower on the table, add a pinch of salt. At the centre of the flour add the eggs, butter, sugar, milk and grappa. Work the whole until you obtain a soft and smooth dough. Roll it out and cut it with a cutting-wheel into strips or rhombuses . Heat plenty of oil , or suet, in a wide pan and dip in the pastries, fry them until they become slightly brown. Once you have taken them out from the oil and let them dry sprinkle with plenty ice-sugar. i dice che il momento ideale per gustare la vera pasticceria veneziana sia il Carnevale e uno dei più diffusi dolci sembra quasi esser stato inventato per rafforzare il noto proverbio: “a Carnevale ogni scherzo vale”, poiché i Galani non sono altro che semplicissime, sottili fettucce di pasta fritta cosparse di zucchero a velo. Vera e propria burla gastronomica, se ne possono consumare decine senza mai saziarsi, tant’è vero che in molte regioni italiane ricevono nomi che rammentano l’inganno, come frottole, bugie, chiacchiere o cenci. Tradizione vuole che vengano preparate per i bambini nelle cucine delle famiglie veneziane. Hanno a volte il profumo di limone, vaniglia, grappa o liquore e vengono fritte nello strutto bollente (ora sostituito con un più leggero olio di semi, prendendo forme più o meno accartocciate, quindi cosparse di leggerissimo zucchero a velo. Il nome Galani (pronunciato con la tipica “elle” muta dei veneziani, in realtà una “e” brevissima di legatura dal suono molto gutturale e molto chiuso, che solo i veneziani pronunciano correttamente) deriva probabilmente dalla parola gala che in dialetto significa “nastro”: a Venezia i Galani si usano preparare molto sottili, quasi un foglio di carta, in modo tale da mantenerne la fragranza. S "Scopriteci per i vostri business lunch... ritornerete con i vostri amici" Il Ristorante Canova, premiato dal Gambero rosso, intimo ed elegante, offre una raffinata cucina. Grazie all’estro dello chef Cosimo Giampaolo, abbina i migliori piatti della tradizione veneta a portate nazionali. Contesto adatto per meeting, colazioni di lavoro e occasioni importanti, è al tempo stesso il punto di ritrovo ideale per cenare tra amici o per una romantica serata a lume di candela. CANOVA San Marco, 1243 - Bocca di Piazza ph. +39.041.5289840 - fax +39.041.5287160 [email protected] Cannaregio, 3217 ph. +39.041.5244029 fax +39.041.2757952 www.residenzacannaregio.it LA RICETTA GALANI Ingredienti 300g di fior di farina 60g zucchero semolato 2 uova 60 g di burro 1 bichierino di grappa qualche cucchiaio di latte sale, olio (o strutto per friggere) Alla fontana di farina setacciata, aggiungere il pizzico di sale e nel cratere le uova, il burro lo zucchero semolato, il latte e la grappa. Lavorare l’impasto fino ad ottenere un composto molto morbido e liscio. Tirare a sfoglia sottilissima la pasta e tagliarla con una rondella a strisce o a losanghe. Scaldare l’abbondante olio, o lo strutto, in una padella larga e immergervi le sfoglie fino a quando hanno acquistatato un leggero colore. Una volta tolte dall’olio e asciugate, cospargerle con abbondante zucchero a velo. IN A NEW CONCEPT DESIGN RESTAURANT, OUR CHEF IVANO BARDELLA WILL BE PLEASED TO SUGGEST YOU THE TYPICAL VENETIAN CUISINE PRODUCTS. NEL RISTORANTE DAL DESIGN DI NUOVA CONCEZIONE LO CHEF IVANO BARDELLA SARÀ LIETO DI PROPORVI I PIATTI TIPICI DELLA CUCINA LAGUNARE. DINING guide t is said that the ideal time to savour true Venetian patisserie is Carnival, and one of the most eaten sweets seems to have been invented to reinforce the famous proverb “a Carnevale ogni scherzo vale” – at Carnival all tricks are allowed –, since the “Galani” are nothing but very simple thin slices of fried pastry sprinkled with ice-sugar. A fullblown gastronomic mockery. One can eat dozens of them without ever feeling full up, indeed in various regions of Italy they have been given names that recall the “trick”, like ‘frottole’ – fibs; “bugie” – lies; “chiacchiere” – chatters or “cenci” – tatters. Tradition has it that they are prepared for children in the kitchens of Venetian families. They smell either of lemon, vanilla, “grappa” or of liquor, they are fried in boiling suet (today sunflower oil is used instead) taking different, more or less curled shapes and then sprinkled with ice-sugar. The name “Galani” – pronounced with the typical mute “l” which in reality is a guttural, closed and short “e” that only Venetian can pronounce correctly – probably comes from the word “gala” which in the Venetian dialect means “ribbon”. Indeed, in Venice they are usually very thinly cut, almost as thin as a sheet of paper to maintain the fragrance. Along the riva Schiavoni, situated in the heart of Venice. An elegant retreat with a terrace and two inner dining rooms with a splendid view of the S. Mark’s basin. RISTORANTE AL BRINDISI Outdoors, at this intimate and elegant locale, customers enjoy a view towards the horizon and the wide terraces of the Giudecca Canal. map: D2 - Cannaregio, 307 ph. +39.041.716968 - Open daily dients for a quality cuisine: only home made pasta & desserts. Venetian and Italian recipes featuring fish or meat. More than 50 labels of Italian wines. Water and service charge off your bill. AL MASCARON island. It is well - known for the creativity of its dishes and for the collection of paintings on the walls. LE BISTROT DE VENISE AI GONDOLIERI map: F5 - S.Marco, 4685 ph. +39.041.5236651 - Open daily map: G4 - Castello, S. M. Formosa 5225 ph. +39.041.5225995 - Closed Sundays RISTORANTE AL BUSO Traditional Venetian cuisine right in the historical centre of the city, facing the lovely campo S.Geremia. Easy reachable in five minutes walk from the station. BACARO LOUNGE BAR map: F5 - S.Marco, 1345 ph. +39.041.2960687 - Open daily map: F4 - S. Marco, 5338 ph .+39.041.5289078 - Open daily A unique chance to sample Venetian cuisine just by the water under the Rialto’s bridge shadow. Selected fresh fish prepared according to the oldest Venetian tradition. AL MONDO NOVO map: F4 - Castello, 5801 ph. +39.041.5227220 Closed Sundays and Mondays ETHNIC CUISINE Chinese IL GIARDINO DI GIADA The Restaurant-Bar à Vins offers its patrons carefully recreated ancient recipes from the last six centuries of Venetian cuisine and Venetian folk cuisine and a highly-selective wine list featuring top grapes from Veneto region. Open for late night dinner or drinks only. LA PISCINA map: D6 - Dorsoduro, 780-782 ph. +39.041.2413889 - Closed Mondays Arabian FRARY'S map: D4 - San Polo 2558 ph. +39.041.720050 - Closed Tue. evenings Chinese NANCHINO map: F5 - Calle dei Fabbri 1016 ph. +39.041.5223753 - Closed Mondays Closed Mondays RISTORANTE DA IVO Dorsoduro 780-782, Zattere - Venezia Ph. +39.041.2413889 - +39.041.5206466 Fax +39.041.5227045 [email protected] - www.lacalcina.com map: E5 - San Marco, 1809 ph. +39.041.5285004 - Closed Sundays Indian SHRI GANESH LA FELUCA map: D4 - San Polo, 2426 ph. +39.041.719804 - Closed Wednesdays map: F4 - Castello, 5409 ph: +39.041.5286252 - Open daily FIASCHETTERIA TOSCANA map: F4 - Cannaregio, 5719 ph. +39.041.5285281 Closed Mondays and Tuesday noons U R O Vino e cucina 9am - 1am Hosteria MURO Restaurant & Bar Venezia Rialto S. Polo 222 ph. +39.041.5237495 map: L2 - C.po S.Stefano, 3 - Murano ph. +39.041.739662 - Open daily Restaurant in the ancient historical centre of Venice. Tasteful and intimate premises, in which you can admire paintings of italian and foreign artists. Venetian cooking with preference for fish of Adriatic sea. A wine list of great prestige. Outside a fine garden with over 60 seats. LA CARAVELLA RISTORANTE AGLI ALBORETTI TRATTORIA DA LELE map: E5 - Via XXII Marzo, 2398 ph. +39.041.5208901 - Open daily map: D6 - Dorsoduro, 882 ph. +39.041.5230058 RISTORANTE RIVIERA ANTICHE CARAMPANE map: C6 - Dorsoduro, 1473 ph. +39.041.5227621 - Closed Mondays Galileo cucina tipica veneziana S.Marco, 3593 Campo S. Angelo Tel. 041.5206393 Closing day: Tuesday Booking request On the Zattere, near to S. Basilio, Monica and Luca will be delighted to serve to you specially prepared dishes from their kitchen. Their pasta is homemade and the great menu includes fish specialties in addition to an excellent wine list. Outdoors, at this intimate and elegant locale, customers enjoy a view towards the horizon and the wide terraces of the Giudecca Canal. www.residenzacannaregio.it map: D1 - Cannaregio, 3217 ph. +39.041.5244029 - Open daily LOCAL CUISINE MURO RESTAURANT & BAR map: E4 - S. Polo, 222 ph .+39.041.5237495 - Closed Sundays Located between the fish and the vegetable market. Exclusively fresh ingre- Warm and intimate “trattoria”, the enticing menu is based on classic cuisine blend to create a truly memorable dining experience. The restaurant’s gracious outdoor terrace provides the opportunity to dine under the stars when weather permits. AVOGARIA map: C5 - Dorsoduro, 1629 ph. +39.041.2960491 - Closed Tuesdays La tradizione della buona cucina nel cuore della città storica. A 5 minuti dalla stazione ferroviaria. map: D2 - Cannaregio, 1122 ph. +39.041.715284 Closed Friday evenings and Saturdays Magic place with magnificent view over the Giudecca canal. Tea room with home made buiscuits and cakes. Freshly prepared snacks, sandwiches, salads and fruit options. This intimate restaurant offers simple and traditional mediterranean cuisine. DA POGGI map: E2 - Cannaregio, 2103 ph. +39.041.721199 - Open daily Japanese MIRAI map: C3 - Cannaregio, 227 ph. +39.041.2206517 - Open daily Mexican IGUANA map: E2 - Cannaregio, 2515 ph. +39.041.713561 - Closed Mondays Cannaregio, 307 Campo San Geremia - 30121 Venezia tel. 041.716968 fax 041.795585 www.albrindisi.it [email protected] RISTORANTE CARPACCIO Two intimate and elegant dining rooms Tables in the open-air overlooking St. Mark basin Syrian and Egyptian SAHARA map: E2 - Cannaregio 2519 ph. +39.041.721077 - Open daily BACARI & HOSTARIE map: D4 - Rio terà Carampane 1911 ph. +39.041.5240165 Closed on Sun. afternoon and Mon. AL PIRON A traditional Venetian cuisine in the historical centre of the city. A short stroll away from the railway station. Kosher GAM GAM Not simply a bar... not an overly - formal restaurant... M DINING guide map: E3 - San Polo, 1659 ph. +39.041.721673 - Open daily Brand-new Club fit with modern and graceful touch design! It offers a wide selection of cocktails, international cuisine dishes and typical venetian dishes. map: E5 - S. Marco, 3648 ph. +39.041.5235678 - Open daily map: E6 - Dorsoduro, 366 ph. +39.041.5286396 - Closed Tuesdays ALLE TESTIERE AQUARAMA REST & COFFEE LOUNGE Former paper-store now brilliantly transformed into a modern restaurant-bar with a lovely Venetian touch. Its mezzanine-floor gives warm and welcoming feeling while maintaining an elegant atmosphere. Dorsoduro, 1473 Zattere - Tel. 041.5227621 UtÜ Vtyy¢ exáàtâÜtÇà map: H5 - Castello, 2185 ph: +39.041.5231993 - Open daily map: C6 - Dorsoduro, 1414 ph. +39.041.5206601 - Closed Tuesdays Locale intimo e raffinato, all’esterno i clienti possono godersi il tramonto nell’ampia terrazza sul Canale della Giudecca. _t c|áv|Çt SAN GIORGIO HOSTARIA GALILEO map: E5 - C.po S.Angelo 3593 ph. +39.041.5206393 - Closed Tuesdays Just 2 mins walk from Venice Casino towards S.Lucia station. Typical Venetian cuisine lovely served by chef Stefano. Home-made pasta, desserts and unmissable fish dishes accompanied by a classy wine list. Booking appreciated. AL COLOMBO map: F4 - San Marco, 4619 ph. +39.041.5222627 - Open daily AL GATTO NERO Burano, Fond.ta Giudecca 88 ph. +39.041.730120 - Closed Mondays It is a restaurant located in Burano At the Galileo our chefs offer you traditional Veneto Italian cooking accompanied by a fine selection of Italian wines. Charming is the stallage right in Campo S.Angelo. AL PARADISO PERDUTO map: D2 - Cannaregio, 2640 ph. +39.041.720581 Castello, 4088/4089 - Riva degli Schiavoni Tel. 041.5289615 / 041.5224168 - Fax 041.5224191 www.ristorantecarpaccio.com - [email protected] DINING guide ph. +39.041.5289615 - Open daily ALLA BOTTE map: F4 - San Marco, 5482 ph. +39.041.5209775 - Closed Thursdays map: C4 - S. Croce, 81 ph. +39.041.710636 - Open daily A tavola fra patrizi e plebei DEVIL’S FOREST PUB map: F4 - S.Marco, 5185 ph. +39.041.5200623 - Open daily OSTERIA AL PORTEGO map: F4 - San Lio, 6015 ph. +39.041.5229038 - Open daily OSTERIA AL PANTALON A real idiosyncrasy between plebeian and patrician cuisine has never truly existed in Venice. map: D5 - Dorsoduro, 3958 ph. +39.041.710849 - Open daily OSTERIA LA PATATINA map: D4 - San Polo, 2741/a ph. +39.041.5237238 - Open daily BACARO JAZZ map: F4 - San Marco, 5546 ph. +39.041.5285249 - Closed Wednesdays A welcoming restaurant with a beautiful inside garden situated between Rialto and S. Mark’s. Here one can taste typical fish and meat dishes. Tra Rialto e San Marco accogliente ristorante con suggestivo giardino interno. Potete gustare piatti tipici a base di pesce e carne. Ristorante Al Mondo Novo OSTERIA ALLE BOTTEGHE map: E5 - S. Marco, 3454 ph. +39.041.5228181 - Open daily OSTERIA PANE VINO English style pub located 1 min. walk from Rialto bridge. Hosts will sample the plain Guinnes draught line. Food served for breakfast and lunch, snacks available until late night. Backgammon, sky sport tv live and videomusic are also good reasons to pop in… CAFÉS map: E4 - C.lle dei Botteri - S.Polo,1544 ph. +39.380.4108446 - Closed Tuesdays CAFFÈ FLORIAN Cosy wine-bar located close to the Rialto fish market towards the rail station. It delivers top wines, specialities and delicatessen from the Friuli region (do not miss the “Prosciutto crudo S. Daniele”). Open till late. CAFFÈ QUADRI NEMESIS WINE BAR map: D4 - San Polo, 2565 ph. +39.041.5238891 - Open daily map: F5 - Piazza San Marco, 56 ph. +39.041.5205641 - Open daily map: F5 - Piazza San Marco, 120 ph. +39.041.5200041 - Open daily GRAN CAFFÈ LAVENA map: F5 - Piazza San Marco, 133 ph. +39.041.5224070 - Open daily CAFFÈ LA PISCINA map: D6 - Dorsoduro, 780-782 ph. +39.041.2413889 - Closed Mondays Magic place with magnificent view over the Giudecca canal. Tea room with home made buiscuits and cakes. This intimate restaurant offers simple and traditional Mediterranean cuisine. LA CAFFETTERIA CAFFÈ DEL DOGE Newly opened wine-bar opposite the Frari church. Original proposes by hosts Christian and Ivan. map: E4 - C.lle dei Cinque-S.Polo, 608 ph. +39.041.5227787 - Open daily LA COLOMBINA map: D2 - Cannaregio, 1828 ph. +39.041.2750622 - Open daily DO MORI map: F4 - S. Polo, 429 ph. +39.041.5225401 - Closed Sundays BAGOLO DINING guide map: D4 - Santa Croce, 1584 Al Mondo Novo ph: +39.041.717584 - Closed Mondays Open daily Aperto tutti i giorni PIZZERIE & PUB Venezia, Castello Salizzada S. Lio, 5409 ph. +39.041.5200698 ph. +39.041.5286252 fax +39.041.5207031 LINEADOMBRA map: E6 - Dorsoduro, 19 ph: +39.041.2411881 BORA BORA International selection of 100% Arabic coffees. On site pastry shop, sweet and savory treats. Coffee based gelato and pastries, “Oriental” mineral waters and boutique. PASTRY & ICE SHOPS PASTICCERIA DAL MAS map: C3 - Lista di Spagna, 150/a ph. +39.041.715101 - Closed Tuesdays AE OCHE Two mins walk from S.Lucia station towards Rialto. 37 years experience in home made pastries, cakes, and all the Venetian specialities. Open up to 9:00 p.m. map: D4 - S. Croce, 1552 ph. +39.041.5241161 - Open daily GELATERIA PAOLIN BRASSERIE VECCHIA BRUXELLES map: E5 - S.Marco, 2962 ph. +39.041.5225576 - Open daily map: F4 - S.Marco, 5251 ph. +39.041.5236583 - Open daily A Venezia non è mai esistita una reale idiosincrasia tra cucina plebea e patrizia. At table with patricians and plebeians n Venice, more than anywhere else, gastronomy is culture, an integral part of the most ancient popular traditions, as well as the manifestation of its history. Its genuine and delicious cuisine keeps telling us about a great people and fascinating us with its dishes – characterized by an harmonious coexistence of contrasting tastes, sweet and savoury – that reveal ancient cultural bonds between East and West, North and South, lagoon islands and mainland, sometimes between poor and rich. Venetian gastronomy is the very history of the city, the social cohesion which has always distinguished it. Its cuisine is characterized by a deep popular influence: perhaps for the use of ingredients available to all or for a homogeneous inclination for “tasty” flavours and a real idiosyncrasy between plebeian and patrician cuisine that have never truly existed in Venice. The bond between class and culinary ingredients powerfully emerges only in the Renaissance period. The populace largely used fish, given its abundance. However, the most refined dishes were those prepared with meat, in particular with fowl. In the seventeenth century a new ‘trend’ emerges, God can be honoured also at table and gluttony stops being a feared sin. A wedding, the visit of a foreign ruler, the signing of a treaty were occasions for the organization of sumptuous processions in the city before dazzled subjects. All celebrations were solemnly closed with banquettes, and habit has it that remnants, especially sweets, were distributed among citizens. The Doge personally paid for five banquettes a year, and the most admired show in the ‘Sala del Maggior Consiglio’ was the setting of the table at which members of the government, the nuncio and the ambassador of France sat by right: the Murano glass and the decorated silvers sparkled on the precious Venetian laces. Cuisine in popular feasts of religious nature, a tradition that continues today, was an opportunity to meet other people and for entertainment, especially for lowest classes that were excluded from other social manifestations. I iù che altrove, in Venezia la gastronomia è cultura, parte integrante delle più antiche tradizioni del popolo, rappresentazione della sua storia. La sua genuina e gustosissima cucina continua a raccontarci di un grande popolo e ad affascinarci con i suoi piatti, ove coesistono armoniosamente sapori contrastanti, dolce e salato, che ci rivelano le antiche commistioni culturali tra Oriente ed Occidente, tra nord e sud, tra isole della laguna ed entroterra, talvolta tra plebe e patriziato. La gastronomia veneziana rappresenta la storia della città, la coesione sociale che l’ha caratterizzata da sempre. La sua cucina è caratterizzata dal rilevante ascendente popolare: sarà per l’utilizzo di materie prime disponibili a tutti o, forse, per un’omogenea propensione ai “sapori forti” e una reale idiosincrasia tra cucina plebea e patrizia che a Venezia non è mai realmente esistita. La relazione ceto-ingredienti culinari emerge prepotentemente solo in epoca rinascimentale: il popolo minuto faceva un largo uso di pesce, data l’abbondanza, ma i piatti più ricercati e raffinati erano quelli di carne, specialmente pollame. Il sedicesimo secolo lancia la tendenza di onorare Dio a tavola: il peccato di gola non apparirà più a nessuno tanto spaventoso. Un matrimonio, la visita di un sovrano straniero, la conclusione di un trattato erano l'occasione per organizzare davanti alla meraviglia dei sudditi sontuose processioni per la città. Di ogni festa la conclusione solenne era il banchetto, i cui resti, specie dolciumi, era consuetudine distribuire ai cittadini. Il doge pagava di tasca propria cinque banchetti solenni ogni anno, ma nella sala del Maggior Consiglio lo spettacolo più ammirato era quello dell'apparecchiatura della tavola, a cui sedevano di diritto i membri del governo, il nunzio apostolico e l'ambasciatore di Francia: sui preziosi pizzi veneziani scintillavano i vetri di Murano e gli argenti cesellati. La cucina delle feste popolari di carattere religioso, la cui tradizione continua ancora oggi, rappresentavano un momento di collettività e svago soprattutto per le classi più basse che erano escluse dalle altre manifestazioni sociali. P DINING guide Closed Wednesdays, Tuesdays Venetian Tales LEGGENDE VENEZIANE di Alberto Toso Fei KIDS IN SEARCH OF LOVE Da oltre settant'anni ritrovo e cenacolo di artisti, sede del primo premio di pittura dell'Italia del dopoguerra nel 1946, le sale di questo ristorante hanno ospitato i pittori protagonisti del rilancio dell'arte italiana ed europea. Oggi continua la tradizione... For over 70 years it has been a meeting place and a artistic coterie, including in its membership the best italian painters since 1946. The "Colomba" has encouraged the protagonists of the rebirth of italian and european art. Today continues the tradition... San Marco 1665 - Piscina di Frezzeria - Tel. 041 5221175 - Fax 041 5221468 © Vito Vecellio I BAMBINI IN CERCA D’AFFETTO Alberto Toso Fei, from Murano, was born in Venice in 1966. Traveller and journalist, he comes from one of the oldest glass blowing families on the island. A passionate researcher of history and local custums, he has activated an internet site (www.venetianlegends.it) where one can contribute to the discovery and circulation of hidden or unknown legends. “Venetian legends and ghost stories” (translated in English and French) and “Veneziaenigma” (available only in the original Italian version) can be found in libraries. Alberto Toso Fei, muranese, è nato a Venezia nel 1966. Viaggiatore e giornalista, discende da una delle antiche famiglie di vetrai dell'isola. Appassionato studioso di storia e costume locale, ha attivato un sito internet (www.venetianlegends.it) dove chiunque può contribuire alla scoperta e diffusione di leggende nascoste. Leggende veneziane e storie di fantasmi (tradotto anche in inglese e francese) e "Veneziaenigma" (presente attualmente nella sola edizione italiana) sono i suoi due libri dati alle stampe. Oltre trent’anni fa, in casa Tintoretto (sulla fondamenta dei Mori, a Cannaregio), alloggiò un uomo, Giuseppe R., che vi abitò per circa tre anni e fu protagonista di alcune straordinarie esperienze, condivise in parte con la figlia Anna. L’uomo, ad esempio, raccontava spesso alla figlia come esistesse lo spettro di un uomo sconosciuto che si manifestava in determinate ore del giorno e della notte, senza recare disturbo, apparendo sempre nei medesimi luoghi della casa, che si dice sia stata anche orfanotrofio, ad un certo punto della sua lunga storia. Le esperienze più impressionanti, in effetti, avvennero con i fantasmi di bambini. Al pianterreno – così come lungo la scala – avveniva infatti spesso di sentire distintamente il rumore di piccoli passi sull’impiantito. Più e più volte Giuseppe, inoltre, si sentì prendere per mano da minuscole manine che lo accompagnavano da un piano all’altro; le prime volte l’uomo era spaventatissimo, ma col tempo questo fatto divenne quasi una abitudine. Per Giuseppe i passettini e le manine invisibili che stringevano la sua divennero una dolce consuetudine: sembrava che quelle piccole anime fossero alla ricerca di una figura che le proteggesse, una sorta di papà in carne ed ossa che probabilmente non avevano mai avuto nella loro breve vita. In particolare un episodio vide protagonista anche la figlia dell’uomo, che una sera d’inverno – nel giardino innevato – stava chiacchierando col padre: improvvisamente, davanti ai loro occhi, sul lieve manto nevoso, assistettero al formarsi dal nulla di piccole impronte. Le orme di un bambino. VENETIAN Tales ristorante LA COLOMBA Over thirty years ago, the Tintoretto house was inhabited by a man, Giuseppe R.. He lived there for around thirty years and experienced extraordinary events, partly shared with his daughter Anna. The man often told her daughter that there was the ghost of an unknown man who appeared at a certain time of the day or night, without disturbing, always in the same places of the house, which it is said to have also been an orphanage at a certain point of its long history. The most striking experiences were those had with the ghosts of the children. On the groundfloor, as well as along the stairs, the noise of small step could be plainly heard. Moreover, several times Giuseppe felt tiny hands taking him by the hands and accompanying him from one floor to the other. At start he was very scared but then this event became almost normal. The small steps and the tiny invisible hands holding his had become a sweet custom: those small spirits seemed in search of a figure that would protect them, a sort of bodily father they probably never had during their short lives. One event in particular involved also the daughter of the man, who, on a winter day, was talking with her father in the snow-covered garden. Suddenly, before them, on the blanket of snow, small footprints materialized. The footprints of a child. INTERNET point SERVICE &UTILITIES guide www.venetiannavigator.com ALL COMPUTER SERVICES: e-m@il service, colour & laserprints, laptop connection, download from any digital camera, sell CD & Floppy, etc. INTERNATIONAL CALLING: Collect calls, Credit Card calling & International phone cards. SERVICE CITY LISTING VENETIAN N@VIGATOR NETHOUSE map: E5 - Campo S.Stefano, 2958 ph. +39.041.5208128 VENETIAN NAVIGATOR map: F4 - Castello, 5300 ph. +39.041.2771056 VENICE INTERNET POINT map: C3 - Cannaregio, 149 ph. +39.041.2758217 ph. +39.041.5415030 ph. reservations 199-100133 BLITZ map: B4 - Santa Croce, 522 ph. +39.041.5227251 TOURS ASSOCIAZIONE GUIDE TURISTICHE map: F5 - S. Marco, 750 ph. +39.041.5209038 CONSORZIO BATTELLIERI Apt - Padova ph. +39.049.8766860 map: D2 - Cannaregio, Strada Nova 1520 Opening: 8 am - 11 pm CURRENCY EXCHANGE MACCORP ITALIANA map: A3 - Isola del Tronchetto, 1 ph. +39.041.5281527 TRAVELEX map: F4 - S. Marco, 5126 ph. +39.041.5287358 LIMOUSINE SERVICE BELT LIMOUSINE SYSTEM Via Trento, 66 - Mestre ph. +39.041.926303 INTERNATIONAL LIMOUSINE SERVICE map: B4 - P.le Roma, 468/b ph. +39.041.5206565 RENT A CAR SERVICE guide HERTZ map: B4 - P.le Roma, 496/e ph. +39.041.5284091 Aeroporto M. Polo ph. +39.041.5416075 ph.Reservetions 848-867067 AVIS map: B4 - P.le Roma, 496/g ph. +39.041.5237377 Aeroporto M. Polo map: F5 - S. Marco, 4930 ph. +39.041.5208722 Corso del popolo, 90 - Mestre ph. +39.041.5312500 DA ALFREDO ARENA TOURIST Via Battisti, 2 - Mestre ph. +39.041.981552 ph. +39.045.7210277 www.heirateninitalien.com TAXI MAINTENANCE & SERVICING CONSORZIO MOTOSCAFI AIGGE TAXI - AUTO PUBBLICHE map: E4 - S. Marco, 4179 ph. +39.041.5222303 via Porciglia, 34 - Padova ph. +39.049.8760233 Any kind of maintenance for private properties, shops or hotels. 24 hours service flying squad. Special rates for yearly contracts. EXPRESS COURIERS TURISTICA PENZO GYMNASIUM REAL ESTATE AGENCIES HOUSE DEAL CONSULTING FITNESS POINT map: G4 - Castello, calle del Pestrin 6141 ph. +39.041.5209246 Opening: 9 am - 10 pm map: F4 - Castello, 5274/a ph. +39.041.5209352 HAIR & BEAUTY MESTRE 2 IMMOBILIARE CENTRO BENESSERE DA TIZIANA Viale S. Marco, 70/a - Mestre ph. +39.041.5060220 map: D5 - S.Tomà, calle del Traghetto ph. +39.041.5241845 Opening: 9 am - 10 pm VENICE AGENCY VIEWS ON VENICE BEAUTY CENTER TONY’S map: E5 - S. Marco, 4267/c ph. +39.041.5210632 BACINO ORSEOLO map: F5 - San Marco ph. +39.041.5289316 map: E6 - San Marco ph. +39.041.5222073 JANE SCOTT BUCINTORO GONDOLA S. MARIA DEL GIGLIO map: D3 - Cannaregio, 1632/a ph. +39.041.5244394 www.veniceapartment.com map: F5 - San Marco, 1471 ph. +39.041.5200844 map: B4 - P.le Roma, 496 ph. 199.199.345 Opening: 8.30 am - 6 pm map: D5 - Cannaregio ph. +39.041.5205275 RENT APARTMENTS AMERICAN EXPRESS DHL SAN TOMA’ map: F5- S. Marco, 1130 ph. +39.041.5210622 TRAVELS AGENCIES map: D2 - Cannaregio, 1414 ph. +39.041.2759534 Cannaregio, 149 Tel. +39.041.2758217 Fax +39.041.716185 [email protected] www.ve-nice.com map: F5 - San Marco ph. +39.041.5228637 VENICE REAL ESTATE map: E5 - S. Marco, 4267 ph. +39.041.2411149 www.viewsonvenice.com MAIL, BOXES, ETC. Just 2 minutes walk from the train station CONSORZIO GONDOLIERI map: D3 - Cannaregio, 1632/a ph. +39.041.5244394 www.veniceagency.com VENICE APARTMENT 30122 VENEZIA - Castello 5300 - Casselleria - Tel. e Fax 0412771056 map: C6 - Dorsoduro, 1303/a ph. +39.041.5238194 - Closing: Sunday map: B4 - P.le Roma, Venezia ph. +39.041.5237774 Via degli Armeni, 1 - Cavallino ph. +39.041.5300597 SPEEDY WASH COKA CLUB map: C2 - Cannaregio, 3068 ph. +39.348.0339974 GRUPPO BATTELLI DEL BRENTA LAUNDRY KELE & TEO map: C5 - Dorsoduro, 2545 ph. +39.340.1787220 map: F5 - S. Marco, Frezzeria 1761 ph. +39.041.5237117 FRANCO LA FENICE map: E5 - S. Marco, calle Minelli 1886 ph. +39.041.5287847 Opening: 9.30 am - 6 pm Closing: Sundays and Mondays HAIR TECNART SALVO map: D4 - S. Polo, calle dei Saoneri 2719 ph. +39.041.716765 Opening: 9.30 am - 6.30 pm CAR PARKING MUNICIPAL CAR PARK map: B4 - Dorsoduro ph. +39.041.2727301 GARAGE SAN MARCO map: B4 - Dorsoduro ph. +39.041.5232213 TRONCHETTO CAR PARK map: A3 - Isola del Tronchetto ph. +39.041.2727301 FUSINA TERMINAL Fusina - Venezia ph. +39.041.5479133 SERVICE guide INTERNET POINT OPEN NON STOP from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Events and OUTDOOR Curiosity Mainland guide Mestre Riviera del Brenta Jesolo Treviso Cortina Asolo... OTTOCENTO VENETO: IL TRIONFO DEL COLORE. Treviso, Casa dei Carraresi. Until 27 February 2005 MAINLAND guide Revealing the extraordinary and original contribution made by artists from Venice and the Veneto region to modern art. That is the objective of the exhibition “Ottocento veneto. Il trionfo del colore” – The Nineteenth century in Veneto. The triumph of colour –, hosted by ‘Casa dei Carraresi’ until the end of February. The exhibition, promoted by ‘Fondazione Cassamarca di Treviso’ and edited by Giuseppe Pavanello and Nico Stringa, exhaustively displays – thanks to an innovative organization – a still unexplored artistic itinerary, though richly influenced by modern pictorial movements. It investigates the art of an area by retracing a civilization that is at the basis of our history. The exhibition route unfolds in seven sections: “Il Ritratto” – The Portrait; “La veduta” – The View, “La pittura di genere” – Genre painting; “I Maestri del vero” – The masters of the real, “Vita quotidiana: la vita in famiglia, il gioco, il mercato, il lavoro”; – Everyday life: life within the family, game, market, work; “Venezia”. On display works by artists like Grigoletti, Zona, Stella, Molmenti, Favretto, Bresolin, Caffi, Ciardi, Selvatico, Nono, Bosa as well as by many other less-renowned ones. CASA DEI CARRARESI via Palestro, 33 Treviso - Until 27 February Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday 9am - 7pm; Friday and Saturday 9am - 9pm; closed on Mondays Info: ph. +39.0422.513150/513185 [email protected] Far conoscere lo straordinario e originale contributo che gli artisti veneziani e veneti hanno dato all’arte moderna. E’ questo lo scopo della rassegna, dal titolo “Ottocento veneto. Il trionfo del colore”, ospitata nella Casa dei Carraresi fino alla fine di febbraio. La grande esposizione, promossa dalla Fondazione Cassamarca di Treviso e curata da Giuseppe Pavanello e Nico Stringa, grazie ad un innovativo allestimento, presenta in maniera esaustiva un itinerario artistico ancora poco esplorato, eppure ricco di influenze e ricadute sulle correnti pittoriche moderne. La mostra indaga sull’arte di un territorio, ricostruendo una civiltà che sta alle nostre spalle e che è alle radici della nostra storia. Il percorso espositivo si articola in sette sezioni: “Il Ritratto”; “L’Artista nello studio”; “La Veduta”; “La Pittura di Genere”; “I Maestri del vero”; “Vita quotidiana: la vita in famiglia, il gioco, il mercato, il lavoro”; “Venezia”. In tali sezioni e’ possibile ammirare opere di artisti quali Grigoletti, Zona, Stella, Molmenti, Favretto, Bresolin, Caffi, Ciardi, Selvatico, Nono, Bosa e molti altri meno noti. Palazzo Zabarella, Padova. Until 29 May 2005 The extraordinary exponent of the Belle Époque and of its brilliant protagonists. Giovanni Boldini started off in the experimental environment of the ‘Macchiaioli’ and soon confronted the international scene following his own route characterized by an entirely personal way of painting, still susceptible to the new and at the same time deeply rooted in the tradition of Italian and European art, from Velazquez to Tiepolo. On display the selection of one hundred and twenty works, chosen among Boldini’s large collection, coming from major museums – like the Rome ‘Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna’ , the Naples ‘Capodimonte’ , the Paris ‘Musée d’Orsay’, the New York ‘Metropolitan Museum’ and ‘Philadelphia Museum’ – and from private European and American collections. Info: +39.049.8753100 Il magnifico interprete della Belle Epoque e dei suoi brillanti protagonisti. Giovanni Boldini, partendo dall’ambiente sperimentale dei macchiaioli, si è presto confrontato con la ribalta internazionale seguendo un suo percorso attraverso un modo del tutto personale di dipingere, ancora sensibile al nuovo ma altrettanto radicato nella tradizione dell’arte italiana ed europea, tra Velazquez e Tiepolo. Della enorme produzione pittorica di Boldini, sono state selezionate circa centoventi opere, provenienti dai maggiori musei (la Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna di Roma, Capodimonte a Napoli, il Musée d’Orsay di Parigi, il Metropolitan Museum di New York, il Philadelphia Museum) e collezioni private europee e americane. Info: +39.049.8753100 KANDINSKY AND THE RUSSIAN SPIRIT. Palazzo Forti, Verona. Until 30 January 2005 The irresistible fascination of the existential experiences and the aesthetic journeys lived by the artists of the nineteenth and twentieth century are at the basis of Kandinsky and the Russian spirit’: the result of the close cooperation of Palazzo Forti and the Russian State Museum of St. Petersburg. The exhibition displays around one hundred thirty extraordinary works of art among the most significant in the history of Russian art from the 1800 to today, that have rarely been available in the western world and that have never been displayed in such a complete way: from the nineteenth century “itinerant” painters, to the avant-gardes of Kandinsky, Malevich, Larinov, Goncharova, to the visionary iconography of the present days. Il fascino irresistibile delle esperienze esistenziali e dei percorsi estetici degli artisti vissuti fra Ottocento e Novecento sono alla base della mostra “Kandinsky e l’anima russa”, un grande evento espositivo nato dalla stretta collaborazione fra Palazzo Forti ed il Museo di Stato Russo di San Pietroburgo. La mostra propone circa centotrenta opere di straordinaria intensità, fra le più significative della storia dell’arte russa dall’Ottocento ad oggi, raramente giunte in Occidente e mai presentate secondo un progetto espositivo così completo ed aderente ai propri intenti: dai pittori “ambulanti” dell’800, alle avanguardie dei Kandinsky, Malevich, Larionov, Goncharova, fino alla visionaria iconografia dei nostri giorni. RENAISSANCE BRONZES. THE VOK COLLECTION. Civici Musei agli Eremitani. Until 06 February It is one of those rare occasions: the possibility to admire an extraordinary private collection that for the first time ever leaves the familiar dimension to confront itself with one of the most significant public collections. The Collection is the result of the acquisition of three generations of a mid-European family (the members of the Vok family live in Slovenia, Austria and Italy) and it displays around fifty bronzes of extraordinary quality, often unique works of art of the protagonists of the renaissance bronze sculpture inaugurated in Padua by Donatello’s works for the “Basilica di Sant’Antonio”. The exhibition has been organized in the area of the museum dedicated to temporary exhibitions, adjoining the outstanding collection of Paduan bronzes of the Art Museum – Musei Civici, so as to foster a comparison between the two collection of undeniable quality and beauty. E’ una rara occasione: ammirare un’eccezionale collezione privata che esce per la prima volta dalla dimensione assolutamente familiare per confrontarsi con una delle più importanti collezioni pubbliche. La Collezione, frutto delle acquisizioni di tre generazioni di una famiglia mitteleuropea (i Vok vivono tra Slovenia, Austria e Italia), concentra una cinquantina di bronzi di qualità elevatissima, spesso pezzi unici di protagonisti della superba stagione rinascimentale della scultura bronzea inaugurata a Padova dalle opere di Donatello per la Basilica di Sant’Antonio. La mostra viene proposta negli spazi per esposizioni temporanee del museo, attigui alla importantissima raccolta di bronzi padovani del Museo d’Arte - Musei Civici, proprio per invitare a un confronto tra due raccolte di assoluta qualità e bellezza. MAINLAND guide and the city listing BOLDINI. © Apt GUIDA ALLA TERRAFERMA jan 05 - feb 05 Mestre Mestre Via Einaudi, 17 - Mestre ph. +39.041.957687 - Open daily LAGUNA RESTAURANT Viale Ancona, 2 - Mestre ph. +39.041.8296111 - Open daily Mestre Mestre Via Verdi, 97 - Mestre ph. +39.041.984681 - Open daily ALL'AMELIA Via Miranese, 111 - Mestre ph. +39.041.913955 - Closed Wednesdays Mestre AUTOESPRESSO Mestre Via Torre Belfredo, 110/112 - Mestre ph. +39.041.953042 - Closed Mondays A well-known restaurant which serves meat-dishes. The wine list is excellent. Paolo and Davide (the chef) wait you in a lovely environment. Mestre AL CASON Via Gatta, 112 - ph. +39.041.907907 Closed Sunday evenings and Mondays Traditional cuisine Meat and fish menu Local wines Typical Indian cuisine in an elegant atmosphere located right in the city centre. Feauturing amazing top dishes, tandoori bread and meat and a vegetarian à la carte menu. Mestre Via Fiume, 42 - Mestre ph. +39.041.974932 - Closed Sundays “DANTE” MAHARANI Via Fratelli Bandiera, 34 - Marghera ph. +39.041.930214 - Closed Sundays HOSTERIA ALLA PERGOLA Ristorante - Hostaria FIOR DI LOTO More than 60 years of successful management for the Foltran family. Al Cason is famous for its wide range of Adriatic sea fish dishes. Immersed in the green countryside, just 10 minutes drive from Venice towards Treviso. Mestre DIETRO LE QUINTE P.tta C. Battisti, 9 - Mestre ph. +39.041.985653 - Open daily ZEN CAFE’ Via Dante, 53 - Mestre ph. +39.041.959421 - Closed Sundays A well-known restaurant appreciated for its meat and fish menù prepared with special care in a original atmosphere. Mestre FRAL CAFE Viale Garibaldi, 175 - Mestre ph. +39.041.611145 - Closed Sundays Minimalist trendy interiors design. Wide range of international cocktails, excellent champagne/wine list, juices, frappes, infuses, teas. Breakfast available from 7:00 a.m., snacks served up to 2:00 a.m. Mr. Renato will be happy to receive you in his new restaurant. He offers meat, fish and vegetables dishes from typical and international cuisine. Classy wine list. Mira RISTORANTE POPPI Via Romea, 80 - Mira ph. +39.041.5675661 - Open daily MAINLAND guide Mestre PANBISCOTTO via Dante, 53 - Mestre (VE) ph. +39.041.959421 - www.hostariadante.it RISTORANTE L’INVITO C/O HOTEL HOLIDAY INN Via Nazionale, 403 - Mira Porte ph. +39.041.420114 Viale della Resistenza, 18 - Quarto d’A. ph. +39.0422.703822 Mira Mogliano Veneto Piazza Vecchia, 36 - Mira ph. +39.041.5675335 Via Marignana, 45 - Mogliano V.to ph. +39.041.942444 VECIA BRENTA ANNA & OTELLO DA BEPI EL CIOSOTO Via Malcanton, 3 - Mira ph. +39.041.698997 Mira RISTORANTE MARGHERITA Riviera del Brenta IL BURCHIELLO Via Venezia, 40 - Oriago ph. +39.041.472244 Closed Mondays and Tues. evening Riviera del Brenta RISTORANTE DA GIORGIO Via Riviera del Brenta, 222 - Fiesso d’A. ph. +39.041.5160204 Dolo ANTICA HOSTERIA ALLA CORONA RISTORANTE BUCINTORO Mogliano Veneto Via Don Bosco, 25 - Mogliano V.to ph. +39.041.5902008 Ristorante Specialità pesce Treviso Chiuso Domenica sera e Lunedì RISTORANTE PIZZERIA AI PORTICI TRATTORIA DA CELESTE Via A. Diaz, 12 - Venegazzù ph. +39.0423.620445 closed: Mon. evening and Tuesday Mestre CLOTHING Via Romea, 41 ph. +39.041.5470026 - Closed Tuesdays Mestre Dolo Via Poerio, 31 - Mestre ph. +39.041.972553 Via Matteotti, 6 - Dolo ph. +39.041.412600 Mestre Scorzè P.zza Ferretto, 77 - Mestre ph. +39.041.980982 Via Canonici, 3 - Mirano ph. +39.041.432777 - Open daily Restaurant-relais immersed in the magic landscape of Riviera. Executive-chef Gianni delivers top dishes from Venetian typical, Folk and international cuisine. Warm and cosy place, lovely furnishing and orna- FINE SELECTION OF WINES V.le Garibaldi, 66 - Mestre ph. +39.041.5340858 CA’ ROMEA GRILL&PIZZA Via Moglianese, 37 - Scorzè ph. +39.041.5840991 Closed Saturday noons and Sundays SPECIALITA’ PESCE CALLEGARO GIOIELLI Riviera del Brenta OSTERIA RISTORANTE PERBACCO www.alcason.it JEWELLER’S SHOPS Mestre RISTORANTE VILLA GOETZEN via Gatta, 112 Mestre - Venezia ph. +39.041.907907 It is a renowned restaurant serving local cuisine. The opportunity of tasting dishes prepared with special care in a pleasant atmosphere. Via Dauli, 26 - Dolo ph. +39.041.411608 Open daily LEON D’ORO It is the ideal place for those who appreciate good Venetian cooking. Its positions Via Ghebba, 65 - Oriago ph. +39.041.5631402 - Open daily Quarto d’Altino Mirano Piazza XXVII Ottobre, 40 - Mestre ph. +39.041.953399 - Closed Mondays www.panbiscotto.it PIZZERIA AE OCHE Mira Porte Via Nazionale, 312 - Mira ph. +39.041.420879 P.zza IV Novembre - Marcon ph. +39.041.5950068 - Closed Mondays Hostaria Dante Via Colombara, 211/a - Malcontenta ph. +39.041.5385035 Mestre LA OSTERIA Venetian and international cuisine, unmissable fish dishes appaired with a high standard wine list is main temptation at Panbiscotto. Pizza available at brunch time also. Warm but essential design has made this place been appreciated by VIP since last few years. TANTRA CAFE Mira DANTE HOSTERIA ments make Leon d’Oro a new datum point in the Venice mainland. Oriago Malcontenta Zen Cafe is a non-smoking lounge bar, with a thoroughly pleasurable and unique atmosphere. The menu offers Carpacci, sushi, cheese boards accompanied by jams and conserves and other delicacies. Marcon Located by the city theatre, the restaurant offers Venetian cuisine, Veneto and national delicatessen, selected meat and quality Italian wines. Particularly appreciated since the 80’s by theatre companies. Open until 1 am. only a few kilometres from the sea ensures a plientiful supply and wide variety of fresh shellfish and fish at all times. GIOIELLI LEONARDO Via Piave, 119 - Mestre ph. +39.041.935076 J. BYRON Tangenziale MIRA PD S.S. 11 Riviera del Brenta Naviglio Brenta Municipio Ristorante ANNA & OTELLO 35 years experience in haute venetian cuisine extraordinary choices of raw fish dishes PIAZZA VECCHIA Chioggia Ravenna fresh ingredients and quality fish Piazza Vecchia, 36 - Mira - Venezia ph./fax +39.041.5675335 Chiuso il lunedì e il martedì a pranzo CAPPELLETTO Mestre 8MARZO P.zza Ferretto - Mestre ph. +39.041.983796 Mestre AL DUCA D'AOSTA P.zza Ferretto - Mestre ph. +39.041.983888 Mestre BLACK WATCH P.zza Ferretto, 8 - Mestre ph. +39.041.971308 Il ritrovo degli artisti ad un passo dal Teatro Toniolo Piazzetta C. Battisti, 9 - Mestre - Ph. +39.041.985653 MAINLAND guide RESTAURANT-WINE BAR dal 1967 S.S. 309 Romea CITY LISTING Mestre Riviera del Brenta Padova Treviso Asolo... Novissimo MAINLAND Art & Culture Shopping Dining Entertainment USEFUL page ESSENTIAL INFORMATION FOR GETTING AROUND RIFERIMENTI UTILI PER DESTREGGIARSI IN CITTA’ A USEFUL NUMBERS Police Emergency Carabinieri Fire Departmet Accident and Emergency Breakdown Service Road Police Harbour Office Customs Airport info Railway info 113 112 115 118 116 +39.041.2692311 +39.041.5205600 +39.041.5287866 +39.041.2609260 848.888.088 CONSULATES USA Austria Belgium Brazil Chile Cipro Czech Republic +39.02.290351 +39.041.5240556 +39.041.5224124 +39.041.976439 +39.041.5093062 +39.041.2911911 +39.041.5210383 B +39.041.5200822 +39.041.5260930 +39.041.5224319 +39.041.5237675 +39.041.5237260 +39.041.5239408 +39.041.5241131 +39.041.5222644 +39.041.5283416 +39.041.5231345 +39.041.2750788 +39.041.5223446 +39.041.5232548 +39.040.307855 +39.041.5233254 +39.041.5227049 +39.041.5225996 +39.041.5241599 +39.041.5230707 +39.041.5227207 Denimark Finlandi France Germany Greece Hungary Lituania Malta Netherlands Norway Panama Portugal Russia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland South Africa Turkey United Kingdom C D HOSPITALS Civile - Venezia Fatebenefratelli Umberto I - Mestre +39.041.5294111 +39.041.783111 +39.041.2607111 A.C.T.V. WATER TRANSPORT Call center +39.041.2424 RADIOTAXI P.le Roma Lido di Venezia Mestre Marcon Aeroporto Marco Polo +39.041.5237774 +39.041.5265974 +39.041.936222 +39.041.5952080 +39.041.5416363 TOURIST INFORMATION APT Tourist Board Dolo Highway Hotels Association VE Hotels Association Lido +39.041.5298711 +39.041.413995 +39.041.5228004 +39.041.5261700 E Hotels Association Mainland Flight Info Uff. Bagagli Aeroporto +39.041.930133 +39.041.2609260 +39.041.2609222 WATER TAXI Consorzio Motoscafi Venezia Airport +39.041.5222303 +39.041.5415084 PORTERAGE Piazzale Roma Train Station +39.041.5223590 +39.041.715272 DRINKING & DRIVING - AUTOMOBILE SPEED LIMITS Allowable alcohol quantity in blood while driving an automobile is 0,5 g/kg. Highway: 130 km/h, Main Roads: 90 km/h, Populated Areas: 50 km/h. INTERNATIONAL CODE NUMBER Australia 0061 Malta Austria 0043 Messico Belgio 0032 Monaco Brasile 0055 Holland Canada 001 Polonia Danimarca 0045 Portogallo Francia 0033 Rep. Ceca Germania 0049 Romania Giappone 0081 Spagna Gran Bretagna 0044 Sudafrica Grecia 0030 Svezia Hong Kong 00852 Svizzera Irlanda 00353 Ungheria Lituania 00370 USA TAX FREE SHOPPING Foreigners are entitled to receive back the value added tax that they paid if their purchases are above. CREDIT CARDS Credit card usage is widespread in Italy and most stores and restaurants accept several major credit cards. F G H I CENTRALINO OPERATIVO 24h con sistema GPS ph. +39.041.5222303 00356 0052 00377 0031 0048 00351 00420 0040 0034 0027 0046 0041 0036 001 NOLEGGIO MOTOSCAFI LUSSO PER CONGRESSI, TRANSFER, ESCURSIONI, TRASPORTO DISABILI. L S.A lvis e Sacca S.Alvise C nt Po nta me Fo nd a tina Capp S.Gius delle Calle zzo Mua e le Gor ne - Biblioteca Marciana Riv a et te M ar rg io io S. G i le i Radi E ONDELLO d. L. Fon NAL avagero .N .A nd Fo CA terie d. Co n Ca lle Co ll I AN AR M EI D LE A N A C Viale Piave Isola di Santa Maria della Grazia elo ng ela E ich Chiesa della Croce eM Co Gra rte nd e o lic a nn b ub Bie iP nt din Stadio P.L.Penzo Campo dell'Indipendenza e Croc della F.ta Ostello F.ta S.G iacomo D Campo D. Grappa Chiesa delle Zitelle ll Ca C Z Tre iar Redentore lle de le Via in e Lo ng Darsena di Sant'Elena Biennale di Venezia iG de F.ta Pont Chiesa del Redentore B Teatro Verde 6 Chiesa di S.Giuseppe di Castello Viale 24 Maggio rd F.ta lle ite Consulenza Immobiliare a Venezia Campo S.Giuseppe ia nca om le P pe sep le Pala Pic co o A S.G eri F G H Via le S.Elena I VAENICE GENCY C.l a .Giu .S G Pon te lo Sacca S.Biagio 7 F.ta lle tava Quin rin Ma Via F.ta o Secc d Fon ni Chiesa di S.Eufemia Fond. da Mula Fond. D. Manin ro Calle Isola di S.Giorgio Maggiore Za S.Piet Calle S.Anna C. Sc tir i Chiesa di S.Francesco da Paola Via Garibaldi de iS Chiesa di S.Giorgio Maggiore Calle S. Francesco Chiesa di S.Pietro Viale 4 Novembre Museo Navale le C.lle Correra Dio na Campo S.Pietro Campo Ruga Campo della Tana e C.lle d. Ancor se di a Ar Cà Viale Garibaldi S.Zaccaria Riv a 5 Calle Larga S.Pietro hia vo n Calle de la M alva sia an iov ite Ba C.po S. Martino Chiesa di S.Giovanni in Bragora C. del Forno Campo Bandiera e Moro Fond. d. Madonna Chiesa della Pietà Arsenale VeniceAgency is specialized in quest, sale and tenacy of fashinating real estate! It offers a full advice in buying, selling and managment of real estate in the most beautiful city of the world, from little but cosy flat to luxurious apartment on the “Canal Grande”. Fon d.d Chiesa di S.Giorgio dei Greci Riva degli Schiavoni C.te S.Angelo C. dei Furlani S.B Con vert Vi a C. S . Cip rian o uccin e C. d. Rasse C. Albanesi 4 Chiesa di S.Giovanni di Malta io delle Fond. dei Vet rai A SER ES DI T llo de Calle lto ia CANALE nti iM e ue nd ro ica a ell St Sq lle Ca de lle Ca R. ri te ot de lle Fondamenta Soranzo C. Zucchero Rio - Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa Bacini Chiesa di S.Francesco della Vigna Dogana elle www.motoscafivenezia.it - [email protected] Colonna tia Salizada dei Greci Chiesa di Campo S.Zaccaria S.Zaccaria Chiesa della Salute Zit S. Marco, 4179 - 30124 VENEZIA - Tel. 041.2406711 - Fax 041.2406700 Celes iag F.ta d. le he S. Mic i Pozz due Ve le an Dr ag r rne Co lle Ca Ruga lle de lle Ca M tto pe im i rin ca Te rà Fo s Me F.t a Calle ce ta S.F eli et ch nta Ra c me lle Ca Fo nd a oc en ig .S .S o ta e iB Salizada S.G.Grisostomo o d. A se C.lle gio lM e de lle Ca liz .R uele S.Sam lie rav ig n isa C. Tre v Sa Ca C. Vis cig C. a Co Lar nt ga ar ina go Bor F.ta di F.ta Ere mite ar ta S.M Fo nd Fe r lo co Pic n eo S. Sim io il as B S. F.ta nico adin llo Rie lle na ag Sp di ta Lis ro via az io S. ne Lu F ci F.S a S St Fe rr ov ia ze ra en om Sc le na Ca Fond. dei Bari zzo Cà Re F.ta Bra g ria re Ce lle a ttim ari eM ion taz oS cin lla ne i ier ch ec a Sp ari ad rie - Palazzo Ducale - Museo Archeologico re tte Chiesa dello Spirito Santo ffa Giu d. Sp rce Me - Basilica di S.Marco o Terà ni Rio cume Cate Rio Terà S.Vio Calle d. Lion F. Osmarin Piazza S.Marco sso Chiesa di S.Moisè Salute uer . Sq C. d C.llo degli Incurabili dei Canale della Giudecca Campo S.Moisè . Saliz i Zorz Salizada S.Provolo re Valla S.Maria del Giglio Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra - Museo Correr Calle S.Gregorio Fondazione F.ta Venier Guggenheim Chiesa di S.Agnese C S.D alle omen ico Fiu arco PEGGY GUGGENHEIM COLLECTION Campo S.Vio b lle Ca S.M Canal Grande Piscina S. Agnese P a er Calle a Larg Calle Marzo XXII Fondazione Querini Stampalia ria oli Frutar d. C.po S.Gallo Ponte dell'Accademia dell'Accademia Campo S.Agnese zze Fre Chiesa di S.Maria Campo del Giglio S.Maurizio Campo S.Maria Zobenigo C. i t re CONSORZIO MOTOSCAFI VENEZIA Chiesa di S.Lorenzo Campo S.Lorenzo Borgoloco S.Lorenzo C. i C. d. Teatro La Fenice Campo S.Stefano Chiesa di S.Vidal C.po Pisani br Chiesa di S.Stefano Fuseri Calle dei Campo Chiesa di S.Fantin S.Fantin Campo S.Angelo ab iF Chiesa di S.Angelo Campo Manin de Calle della Mandola Calle degli Avvocati Campo S.Luca Piazzale della Colonna Faro WATER TAXI Real Estate Trading in Venice Campo S.Francesco della Vigna Chiesa di S.Maria Formosa lle Campo S.Benedetto Ca Museo Fortuny Campo S.Maria Formosa Calle de la Casseleria Telecom Italia Future Centre 2 ale Chiesa dell'Ospedaletto C. Lunga S.M. Formosa S.L io Chiesa di S.Salvador n Fo ed aria d. To le Campo S.Salvador o sp Scuola Grande di S.Marco a n bo ar lC de a Teatro Riv Carlo Goldoni da se Chiesa di S.Maria del Pianto Barb Chiesa di S.Lio liza Calle del Paradiso Mu i eo n C. Miotti re H Campo S.Marina Sa a Lo O Ospedale Civile Campo SS.Giovanni e Paolo Teatro Malibran Scuola Grande di S.Teodoro a Riv 3 Chiesa di S.Lazzaro dei Mendicanti g Ru Ba Serenella No ve Chiesa dei SS.Giovanni e Paolo Chiesa di S.Maria dei Miracoli Ponte S.Donato Palazzo Trevisan Museo del Vetro lle olo Ca osc S.Pietro F U. Martire Sacca Serenella en te Loren z Basilica di S.Maria e Donato ng Fo nd Se nd Fo lli va Ca Chiesa di S.Luca in lV de Corte della Vida .V en ie Da r Mul a Palazzo Da Mula ense arm Venier C.P am Calle Larga G.Gallina Campo S.Maria Nova Chiesa di S.Giovanni Crisostomo . nd Fo r rovie . nd Fo i fic re .O D .ta le C.po S.Samuele Palazzo Grassi Chiesa dei Zat tere Gesuati ere F.t a ilves S.S Salizada S.Samuele Zatt Mulino Stucky Campo S.Silvestro gelo à om S.T Chiesa di S.Maria della Visitazione Sacca Fisola Calle dei Cavalli n S.A Ac ca Scuola Grande dem ia di S.Maria della Carità Campo Gallerie Carità Campo S. Trovaso C.llo Widmann Chiesa di S.Canciano Campo S.Bartolomio C.l ti Campo S.Aponal iso Zat tere ad ar lP silio Ven ie Cimitero de S.Ba C. Stazione Marittima a Fis ola Campo Rialto Nuovo tro Calle Toletta Chiesa di S.Trovaso C.llo d. Cason Campo SS.Apostoli Ponte di Rialto a san Calle Chiesa dei SS.Apostoli Campo S.Giacomo g Ru nis Ca de lle la iB rg ott a eri rol d'O O G. C. Santa Maria degli Angeli Fo nd Rio Barba Terà Frutta Galleria Franchetti Cà d'Oro Chiesa di S.Giovanni Elemosinario rtego Sotopo doneta de la Ma eri on Sa Casa del Goldoni Campo S.Tomà Cà Rezzonico a ov N F.ta Og a lle Ca Chiesa di S.Pantalon C.llo Sqellini No ve r Campo della Pescaria Chiesa di S.Aponal trin Chiesa degli Ognissanti a di S. Basegio Sacc 6 Campo S.Polo Chiesa di S.Polo Campo dei Frari Chiesa dei Frari en Campo Gesuiti ro Campo S.Cassiano sa es lP de Ospedale Giustinian ie le C.l C Corte dei Morti Ch am C.llo Stella Cà Campiello Albrizzi Campo hetto C. d. Trag S.Barnaba Chiesa di S.Barnaba i Cerchier C.lle d. Calle Lunga S.Barnarba ria ga Avo alle C. Fo nd Chiesa dei Gesuiti te Chiesa di S.Cassiano Calle del Scaleter F.ta Rezzonico Chiesa dei Carmini d ra in ar sei ni Campo S.Sebastiano Chiesa di S.Sebastiano C.lle Nave Banchin rciale Banchina Porto Comme M agu le R ia rd F.ta cco So d. St Rio ini ua rso C.po dei Carmini ier à S.Tom ti Campo S.Margherita Scuola Grande di S.Maria dei Carmini Chiesa di S.Felice Campo Museo di S.Stae Palazzo Mocenigo Chiesa di Cà Pesaro S.Stae ez Campo S.Giacomo dell'Orio C.l sa os F.R a Rio Terra ie ar cc Be le de lle Ca Ca Ca a in ch lent .ta To o ti ria Chiesa di S.Fosca Casinò Campo S.M. MaterDomini Pre Campo S.Pantalon Sp Chiesa di S.Caterina Scuola Grande della Misericordia ale n No ve s . Fond . S o er ag av i t ut Bat dei ac Fond S.Marc o Chiesa rbarig dell'Angelo Raffaele Terà Campo S.Rocco Rio No vo .B nd Fo Chiesa dei Servi Te rà Ma Campo S.Stin C Ch .llo iov ere dei ia Chiesa della Maddalena Chiesa di S.Giacomo dell'Orio Cà Foscari iG de esc di P ca lle C. C.llo d. Isola Scuola Grande di S.Giovanni Evangelista aL ac Ca te rd Campo S.Fosca a Campo S.Giovanni Decollato Ruga Bella Ramo Campazzo Corte Gallo en ico S.S tae Corte Anatomia dell Scuola Grande di S.Rocco am Mis a cuol C. Cazza Rio Fond.Ba Campo Angelo Raffaele heri F.ta F Rio .ta d No el vo Cazziola C. e se Tere lle .de nd ron Fo d.T Fon C.llo Tron gior Campiello delle Orsoline ag te M Campiello Longhi Rizzi enta Fondam atie Procur delle Fond.ta i i Cerer ta de en Fondam Cor Fond. a S.Mart Terà i Rio ch Sec dei lle Corte Amai Fon d.M Fon ino d.d tto el G afa ro Fond.ta S.M Fond. Maggiore Ca C.llo Dario lla rte C. Sagr edo N Gio a Campo della Lana Rio S.M ar Campo Riello Campo N.Sauro l Ca e Chiesa dei Tolentini aria ri a iB de ta Lis Chiesa di S.Simeon Grande rt de Fo nd 1 IA . .G .S nd Fo a lle io Co nta i dd as di Bi Riva Chiesa di S.Simeon Piccolo me er Campo S.Marcuola Campo S.Simeon Profeta iM or da Chiesa di S.Marcuola Biasio Riva de Ponte degli Scalzi o ard eon Rio Terà S.L Chiesa di S.Geremia e Lucia via rro Fe Campo dei Tolentini ica Fabr .de la Fond Tabacchi dei le rchiel lle Bu de Fond.ta ieri i Pens rà de Rio Te de Fon sen Gu Ve glie nie r ta ro ite Cimuovo N MAR o en Ponte delle Guglie li Fo nd . Ma m na Giardini Papadopoli i . le d gio Isola di S.Michele igiano r do rna . Be C. S Sinagoga C.llo d. 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