Ravenna 2010: Conferenza Int.le sulla
Ravenna, Oct. 1, 2010
L’Impegno ENEA per la Sostenibilità
Dr. Ing. F. Vettraino
ENEA-Nuclear Fission Division, Bologna, ITALY
ENEA Legal Framework
Legge 23 Luglio, 2009 n. 99, “Disposizioni per lo sviluppo e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese, nonché in
materia di energia” (pubblicata in GU No. 176, 31.7.2009)
Art. 37: l’ENEA (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente) diventa Agenzia
Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico
La definizione e il processo organizzativo dell’Agenzia saranno finalizzati con Decreto ad hoc del
MSE (da adottarsi).
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA Tasks
Activities and support to national Government policies are in the field of:
Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Fusion
Renewable energies
Energy efficiency
Advanced energy technologies
Sustainable and Economic development
Characterization, prevention and environmental remediation
Environmental technologies
Seismic protection
Radiobiology and human health
Sustainable development and agro-industrial system innovation
New Technologies
Radiation applications
Materials technology
Energy and environmental modelling
Technology diffusion and transfer
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA & Energy Sustainability
Contribute to the national objective to implement a national
sustainable Low-carbon energy system able to comply with Int.l
Agreements (Kyoto protocol, EU 20-20-20).
Develop duties on Nuclear Fission and Fusion R&D as well as on
Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, as the path leading to
strong reduction of GHG emissions in energy generation in the midlong term.
Support Government Policy aimed at diversification of the energy mix
by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and electricity imports.
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA & Energy Sustainability (cont.)
ENEA is fully involved in the “Italian nuclear
program” as candidate TSO (Technical Support
Organization) of ASN (Nuclear Safety Agency) and
for the qualification of the industrial domestic
ENEA actively participates in several national,
European and international R&D nuclear projects,
by providing: professional skills, laboratories,
tests facilities and specific expertise, and by
sharing RD&D results on advanced nuclear
technologies (materials, simulation & modelling,
safety & security, experimental testing, etc.),
Generation IV and SMR (Small Modular Reactors),
innovative fuel cycles, etc.
Strong cooperation with international nuclear
agencies as IAEA and NEA, and bi-lateral
agreements with foreign countries (France, USA,
Russian Federation, etc....)
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
Contribute to the development of
advanced/innovative nuclear systems able to
compete in the perspective of the national
energy mix re-arrangement expected to take
place in the years ahead;
Support the Government for the selection of a
suitable site for final disposal of Low-Medium
Radioactive Waste and long-term storage of
High Level Nuclear Wastes;
Contribute to renaissance and sustain growth of
necessary competence and industrial
capabilities, through participation to realfounded R&D international/European
Sustain the effort required to national industry
for keeping the pace at world and domestic
Advice to national authorities and, in particular,
to the Nuclear Safety Agency.
ENEA & Energy Sustainability – NUCLEAR FISSION (cont.)
Small-Medium GEN-III+
Reactors IRIS
Generation IV Reactors
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA & Energy Sustainability – NUCLEAR FISSION (cont.)
Technical Support to
the Safety Authority for
the Licensing of the
selected advanced GENIII Reactors in Italy
Education & Training
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA & Energy Sustainability (cont.)
ENEA attributes highest importance to continue nuclear
fusion R&D. The program covers the next decade and
consists of the following main items:
- Construction of FAST (Fusion Advanced Studies Torus),
an experimental facility intended as European satellite
to ITER;
- Participation, together with industries, to ITER
- Participation in the activity included in the Eu-Japan
bilateral agreement called ‘Broader Approach’.
Based on the know how developed in the past decades,
ENEA is going to play an important role in ITER
construction and the completion of the related R&D,
also in cooperation with industry. The most remarkable
examples are:
- the construction of the superconductive cable for the
magnetic system;
- the fabrication of the plasma facing component;
- the metrology and vision system based on laser
ENEA is also involved in the realization of the neutron
diagnostics (Radial Neutron Camera).
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
Supply of system and
components in cooperation
with the national industry
Design and development of
prototypical component
manufacturing for the
JT60-SA (Japan) machine
and for the IFMF
experimental facility
Participation at joint
research activities for the
design and development
of High Tech components
to be deployed to the
above projects
Inertial fusion
ENEA & Energy Sustainability (cont.)
Solare Fotovoltaico
Celle Si cristallino, tecnologie film sottili, fotovoltaico a concentrazione, qualificazione moduli FV
Solare Termodinamico
Progettazione componenti-impianti, prove funzionamento componenti e impianti, caratterizzazione Sali-fusi,
ottica collettori solari, film ottici speciali, STD alta temperatura. Archimede
Solare Termico
Qualificazione componenti solari
Tecnologie microalghe, ecologia microbica, colture agricole a scopo energetico, facility gassificazione,
caratterizzazione e controllo processi, biodiesel,
Centro Studi valutazioni ambientali
Piani e progetti per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili.
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA & Energy Sustainability (cont.)
ENEA-Progetto Archimede
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA & Energy Sustainability (cont.)
Miglioramento rendimenti energetici in fase di produzione e usi finali
Sistemi sensoriali per robotica industriale
Sistemi tecnologici, componenti e processi per l’impiego sostenibile dei combustibili fossili
Prove sperimentali dedicate a sviluppo tecnologie e prodotti innovativi per l’industria
Celle a combustibile per cogenerazione
Sostenibilità del condizionamento e illuminazione per residenziale e terziario
Diffusione di tecnologie elettriche innovative negli usi finali
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA & Energy Sustainability (cont.)
Governo, Gestione e Sviluppo del sistema elettrico nazionale
– Nuovo Nucleare da Fissione
– Accumulo energia
Produzione di energia elettrica e Protezione dell’ambiente
– Produzione elettrica locale da biomasse e scarti
– Celle fotovoltaiche innovative
– Potenziale energetico delle correnti marine
– Uso pulito dei combustibili fossili e cattura CO2)
Razionalizzazione e risparmio nell’uso dell’energia elettrica
– Tecnologie per l’efficienza energetica nel settore dei servizi
– Tecnologie per il risparmio elettrico nell’illuminazione pubblica
– Tecnologie per il risparmio elettrico nel settore civile
– Utilizzo dell’energia elettrica e solare per la climatizzazione estiva
– Nuovi materiali e componenti innovativi per i mezzi di trasporto
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
ENEA & Sustainable and Economic Development
Caratterizzazione, prevenzione e risanamento ambientale
Caratterizzazione in campo e in laboratorio, monitoraggio nell’ambito degli interventi di bonifica, biotecnologie
microbiche applicate al bio-risanamento di suoli contaminati, produzione di energia da biomasse, conservazione e
restauro del patrimonio artistico; riduzione dei rischi legati ai fenomeni naturali (terremoti, frane ecc.) e loro
mitigazione, sviluppo applicazioni GIS, studi e ricerche a supporto politiche di pianificazione per la gestione dei rischi
Tecnologie Ambientali
Gestione ciclo rifiuti, gestione risorsa idrica, Eco-innovazione processi produttivi, Bonifiche e riqualificazione
ambientale, Strumenti per la gestione e certificazione ambientale e eco-progettazione, Scenari e modelli per la
valutazione dell’inquinamneto atmosferico
Protezione Sismica
Sviluppo sistemi e tecnologie antisismici, Modelli di calcolo e loro implementazione, Prove sperimentali qualifica su
sistemi e strutture antisismici, studi e indagini finalizzati ai piani di ricostruzione post-terremoto)
Radiobiologia e salute dell’uomo
Biologia delle radiazioni ionizzanti e non ionizzanti, Biomedicina, Tossicologia, Biotecnologie e biofarmaci
Sviluppo sostenibile e innovazione del sistema agro-industriale
Biotecnologie verdi, gestione sostenibile degli agrosistemi, Metodi e materiali di riferimento per la qualità di test
chimici e biologici, Innovazione del sistema agro-industriale.
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
Nuclear Option Revival in Italy
• Italy, after an about 20 year stop, is the only G8 country w/o its own nuclear
power and world largest importer of electricity with prices some 40% above EU
• Government’s objective is to restructure the national electric energy mix currently
heavily based on fossil and imported electricity both accounting for more than
• The perspective is to diversify energy sources, enhance security of supply and
curb CO2 emissions.
• In order to that the Governmental Plan announced in 2008 aims at building an
electricity generation mix by 2030 with:
• 50 %
• 25%
• 25 %
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
Nuclear Option Revival in Italy
• A 20 GWe nuclear power park, in the current Italy’s energy mix,
would represent roughly 100 Mil. t CO2 reduction (equivalent to
20% reduction of total amount, same as required by 2020 target
under the EU Agreement “20-20-20”)
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
Nuclear Option Revival in Italy
• Current national electric energy mix is 72% fossil, 16% renewables (mostly hydro),
12% imports (most nuclear from France).
• With some 25% electricity from nuclear Italy would get closer to EU average
where about 1/3 of electricity comes from nuclear.
One 1600 MWe EPR would:
Produce 12,6 Billion kWh/yr electricity (about 3 Million families at 4000 kWh/yr)
Avoid 7.5 Mt CO2 /yr (some 8% of total reduction target at 2020)
112 Meuro/yr at current emission costs
3.5 Billion m3 gas/yr or 4. Mt coal/yr to be imported and burnt
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
Nuclear Option Revival in Italy
A 20 GWe NPP park would:
require about 2200 tU/yr
• Produce about 500 t spent fuel/yr
• Produce some 30000 t spent fuel during the 60 yrs operation lifetime
• Spent fuel could be temporarily dry-stored on surface for a minimum 50
yrs cooling time by making easier following steps (handling/processing,
geological disposal)
• Surface needed to store dry casks: about 0.2 ha/yr
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010
Figure 1. Scenario 1-High
Figure 2. Scenario 1-Low
ICAPP ’10, San Diego, CA, USA, June 13-17, 2010
Figure 1. Scenario 1-High
Figure 2. Scenario 1-Low
ICAPP ’10, San Diego, CA, USA, June 13-17, 2010
Thanks for the attention!
Ravenna 2010, Oct.1, 2010

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