Date of birth
Via Roma n. 366 – 10121 Torino
011 5611800 – 011 542362
011 5064728
[email protected]
• 1995 – 2014
• 2004-2014
Owner of a law firm in Turin, Via Roma n. 366.
Management and administration.
Owner of a law firm in Pinerolo (Turin), V.le Cavalieri d’Italia n. 14.
Management and administration.
• 2010 – 2014
Collaboration in law firm in Milan, Via Cadamosto n. 8
• 2011 – 2014
Collaboration in law firm in Rome, Via Attilio Regolo n. 12/D/A/8
• 2012-2013
Independent member of the Board of Directors of Biancamano S.p.a.
• 2012- 2014
Member of the Management Committee of the Compagnia di San Paolo appointed
by Regione Piemonte
• 2004-2008/ 2010-2012
Member of the “Consiglio Generale” of the Compagnia di San Paolo, appointed by
the Ministry of Equal Opportunities (2004 – 2008), by the City of Turin (2010 –
2012) and by Regione Piemonte (2012)
• 2010-2014
• 2008 - 2014
CEO of Icarus S.c.p.a. appointed by Finmeccanica Group Real Estate s.p.a.
Board Member of FSU S.r.l. holding of IREN S.p.A. appointed by the City of Turin.
• 2003-2014
Board Member of the real estate company Le Rose s.r.l.
• 2002-2014
Consultant of the Committee for the Protection of Italian Holders of Argentine
Sovereign Bonds.
• 2011-2014
Chair of Comitato Unione Nazionale Consumatori (National Consumers’
Association) of Piedmont
• 2010-2014
Chair of Comitato Unione Nazionale Consumatori (National Consumers
Association)of Turin
Professional consultant for Energy TI Group Spa
Professional consultant for Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti (Transport
Professional consultant for Gruppo Zeppieri Costruzioni S.r.l.
Professional consultant for the Consortium Privatassistenza Societa’ Cooperativa
• 2011-2012
Chair of the Board of Directors of Trackysat Srl appointed by Viasat Group spa
• 2006-2012
Board Director of Fondazione Teatro Nuovo per la danza appointed by the Town
of Pinerolo.
Auditor for the Association “Donne nel turismo”
• 2000-2011
Auditor for the Enoteca del Piemonte – Regional Consortium appointed by the
Regione Piemonte
• 2001-2008
Parliamentary Assistant.
Liquidator of private equity firms
• 2001-2003
Chair of the Collegio Regionale dei Probiviri di Forza Italia
Chair of the Association Penelope Donne Europee Associate – Onlus.
• 1999-2000
Consultant at the Assessorato Regionale all’Agricoltura (Regional Council for
Agriculture) and at Eurofidi – Regional Consortium.
• 1994-1995
Law firm of Avv. Sapino in Turin.
Legal practice.
• 1993-1994
Law firm Avv. Fasano in Turin.
Legal practice.
• 1992-1993
• 1990-1992
• 1986-1988
• 1984-1989
Real estate company Carlo Alberto s.a.s.
Management and administration.
Real estate company La Casa s.a.s..
Management and administration.
Scarabosio Notary Firm in Turin.
Notary Practices.
Liquidator of LUSERNESE S.r.l. in liquidation.
• 2014
Speaker at the conference “Finanziare la ripresa – Le sfide del credito alle imprese”
(Financing the Recovery – The Challenges of Credit to Firms), organized by
BancaFinanza and held at Valentino Castle in Turin
Partecipation in the Round Table on “Innovation in Italy” held at the Politecnico of Turin
Speaker at the conference “Frodi alimentari: La Sanità pubblica in campo per la tutela
dei cittadini” (Food Frauds: Public Health for the Protection of the Citizens), held in
Turin at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale (the veterinary institute for experimental
preventive medicine) of Piedmont, Liguria and the Aosta Valley
Participation in the conference “Convivenze tutelate e funzione notarile“ (Protected
Cohabitation and Notarial Function) held at the Auditorium of the premises of Gruppo
24 Ore
• 2013
Speaker at the conference “Privatizzazioni e libero mercato: risparmio reale per i
consumatori?” (Privatizations and Free Market: Real Savings for Consumers?),
organized by Unione Nazionale Consumatori (National Consumers Union)
Participation in Premio Dona 2013 organized by Unione Nazionale Consumatori –
Participation in the Missione Economica di Sistema negli Emirati Arabi (Economic
Mission to the Arab Emirates) organized by Confindustria (confederation of Italian
Participation in the conference “Progetti e proposte per rilanciare i settori strategici del
Paese” (Projects and Proposals to Relaunch the Country’s Strategic Sectors) held at
the Unione Industriale (the industrialists’ union) of Turin
Speaker at the conference “Denaro ai partiti come cambiare? Idee per l’Italia” (Money
to Parties, How to Change? Ideas for Italy), organized by Collegio Carlo Alberto
Participation in the press conference to introduce the conference of 31.05.2013 “Marketing & qualità: binomio conveniente e necessario. Come trasformare la qualità in
business. Le aspettative del consumatore” (Marketing & Quality: Convenient and
Necessary Binomial. How to Turn Quality into Business. Consumer Expectations.) at
the Tourism Department of Regione Piemonte
Speaker at the conference ”Un paese muore senza il credito. Un nuovo intreccio tra
banche, cittadini e notai” (A Country Dies without Credit. A New Interweaving of Banks,
Citizens, and Notaries) at Circolo della Stampa of Turin
• 2012
Speaker at the conference “La compravendita di nuda proprietà” (Buying and Selling
Bare Ownership), organized by FIMAA at ASCOM
Participation in the conference “Pubblicità ingannevole e pratiche commerciali scorrette”
(Deceptive Advertising and Unfair Business Practices), organized by Condacons at
Università degli Studi di Torino – Department of Economics
Speaker at the conference “La vendita della nuda proprietà e dintorni tra richiesta di
flessibilità del mercato e tutela del consumatore” (Sale of Bare Ownership: between the
request for market flexibility and consumer protection) organized by Unione Nazionale
Consumatori (National Consumers Union)
Participation in the course “La conformità alla normativa applicabile” (Conformity to
Applicable Rules and Regulations), organized by Deloitte – Fondazione Marisa
Participation in the conference “Ritocchi alla legge fallimentare: una riforma
incompleta?” (Amendments to the Bankruptcy Law: An Incomplete Reform?) organized
by Associazione Albese
Speaker at the Master “Economia e Management dell’Arte e dei Beni Culturali – Le
Fondazioni Bancarie” (Arts and Cultural Heritage Economics and Management – The
Banking Foundations) organized by “Il Sole 24 Ore”
Speaker at the conference: “Aspetti primari e sguardi agli sviluppi generali nel rapporto
tra ricerca, innovazione e territorio: come opera la Compagnia di San Paolo” (Primary
Aspects and Glances at the General Developments in the Relationship between
Research, Innovation and Territory: How the Compagnia di San Paolo Operates),
organized by the association “Insieme è domani”.
Participation in the conference “Mediobanca incontra le Fondazioni di origine bancaria.
Dal rapporto Mediobanca Securities il valore delle Fondazioni” (Mediobanca Meets the
Foundations of Banking Origin. From the Mediobanca Securities Report, the Value of
Foundations), organized by Mediobanca
Speaker at the conference “Da Sanremo alla Costa Concordia, dai farmaci di fascia C,
ai conti correnti gratuiti: le vittorie e gli appelli a tutela dei consumatori” (From Sanremo
to Costa Concordia, from “C Bracket” Drugs to Free Current Accounts: Victories and
Appeals in the Protection of Consumers), organized by Unione Nazionale di Pinerolo
Daily participation in the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy about questions on legal matters from listeneres.
Weekly participation in the TV program “Sos consumatori” (SOS Consumers) on
Participation in the Opening of the Judiciary Year 2012 of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of
the Piedmont region, organized by the Board of Lawyers of the Ecclesiastical Board of
Participation in the conference “La composizione della crisi da sovra indebitamento:
una risposta all’insolvenza civile?” (The Settlement of the Crisis Due to OverIndebtedness: An Answer to Civil Insolvency?), organized by CSM – Ufficio Referenti
per la formazione decentrata Corte d’Appello (the governing council of the Italian
Participation in the conference “Il professionista e l’impresa in difficoltà: strategie,
responsabilità, obblighi deontologici” (Professionals and the Firm in Trouble: Strategies,
Responsibilities, Deontological Duties), organized by Commissione Scientifica COA
Participation in the conference “Mediazione e codice deontologico” (Mediation and
Deontological Code), organized by A.F.A.P.
Participation in the conference “Avvocati e Codice deontologico” (Lawyers and
Deontological Code), organized by A.F.A.P.
• 2011
Participation to the conference “L’attività contrattuale della P.A. – Aspetti sostanziali e
profili di responsabilità amministrativa” (Public Administration Contracts – Substantial
Aspects and Administrative Responsibility), organized by CERSAP S.R.L.
Participation in the conference “Importanti novità in tema di professione forense”
(Important Innovations in the Legal Profession) organized by Legal Informa
Participation in the conference organized by Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati
(Lawyers’ Bar Association): “Matrimoni misti: nuove frontiere e problematiche per
l’avvocato familiarista” (Mixed Marriages: New Frontiers and Problems for the Family
Participation to the conference organized by the Camera Civile: “Il processo civile fra
semplificazione e sommarizzazione” (The Civil-Law Proceedings: Simplification and
Participation in the conference organized by Auxilia Iuris: “150 anni nel diritto civile”
(150 Years in Civil Law)
Participation to the 8th Seminar on “Questioni attuali sostanziali e processuali di diritto
tributario nazionale e comunitario” (Current Material and Procedural Matters of National
and EC Tax Law);
Participation in the course “Corso multidisciplinare specialistico in tema di
responsabilità civile” (Multidisciplinar Specialty Course in Civil Liability), organized by
Capris S.r.l.;
Participation in the course organized by Capris S.r.l.: “ I contratti” (Contracts);
Participation in the conference organized by Fondazione CRT: “Da Frankenstein a
principe azzurro. Le Fondazioni Bancarie. Passato e futuro” (From Frankenstein to
Prince Charming. Banking Foundations. Past and Future)
Speaker at the opening of the Vercelli premises of Unione Nazionale Consumatori
Participation in the conference organized by Anaci Piemonte: “Leasing in costruendo”
(Leasing in Construction);
Participation in the conference organized by Agenzia Territoriale per la Casa: “Ente
Pubblico Economico, pro e contro – Esperienze e idee a confronto” (Economici Public
Institutions, pros and contras – Experiences and Ideas in Comparison
Partcipation to the conference organized by Banca Alpi Marittime: “Pmi e scelte
strategiche per l’imprenditore: crescere o non crescere?” (Pmi and Strategic Choices
for the Entrepreneur: Growing or Not Growing?);
Participation in the conference organized by Fondazione Bellisario: “ Competenze e
leadership al femminile” (Female Skills and Leadership);
Twice-weekly TV interventions on consumer-related issues.
Participation in the conference “Responsabilità civile amministratori e sindaci” (Thirdparty Liability of Administrators and Mayors) held at Villa Gualino (Turin), organized by
Finpiemonte Partecipazioni
Participation in the Master program “Le malattie professionali. La ricostruzione del
nesso causale” (Professional Illnesses. Establishing Causality), organized by Consiglio
dell’Ordine degli Avvocati (Bar Association) of Turin;
Participation in the conference organized by Capris S.r.l.: “formazione e aggiornamento:
doveri deontologici” (Training and Refresher Courses: Deontological Duties).
Speaker at the conference organized by Gruppo Comunale PDL of Turin on FCT
Holding S.r.l.: “Riordino del gruppo conglomerato della Città di Torino” (Reorganization
of the Conglomerate Group of the City of Turin).
• 2010
Participation in the Italian Economic Mission in Corea (Seul) from 20 to 23 November
2011, organized by Confindustria, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Ministry of
Economic Development) and Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Intervention on the website of “MAP Dispensa – Aggiornamento mensile per
professionisti d’impresa” (MAP Dossier - Monthly Update for Company Professionals),
titled: “Società partecipate e associazioni consumeristiche” (Controlled Companies and
Consumers’ Associations)
Daily participation in the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy with questions from listeners on legal matters.
Interventions on the website of “MAP Dispensa – Aggiornamento mensile per
professionisti d’impresa” (MAP Dossier - Monthly Update for Company Professionals),
“Class action nei confronti della P.A.” (Class Action Against the Public Administration).
“Il Collegato lavoro” (the Law 183/2010 on atypical employment agreements)
“Il ruolo degli amministratori indipendenti nei consigli di amministrazione nelle società
quotate” (The Role of Independent Administrators in Boards of Directors in Listed
Public majority shareholding and management by private individuals: “Il caso di
Farmacie Comunali Torino spa” (The Case of Farmacie Comunali Torino spa).
Participation to the conference organized by Unione Industriale of Turin: “La Cina
motore della ripresa? L’economia cinese e le opportunità per l’imprenditoria italiana”
(China, the Engine for the Recovery? The Chinese Economy and the Opportunities for
the Italian Entrepreneurship)
Participation in the Master’s Program “Diritto del Lavoro e delle relazioni industriali”
(Employment and Industrial Relations Law), accredited by Consiglio Provinciale
dell’Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro of Turin (Provincial Council of Labor
Participation in the Specialization Master’s program “Diritto del Lavoro e gestione del
personale” (Labor Legislation and Personnel Management), organized by Gruppo 24
Participation in the Master’s program “Diritto Sindacale, del lavoro e contrattuale”
(Trade-Union, Labor, and Contract Law), organized by the telematic university
“Leonardo da Vinci”;
Participation in the conference organized by Milan’s Chamber of Commerce: “Il sistema
dei controlli interni nelle società quotate: i risultati di una nuova ricerca” (Internal Control
System in Listed Companies: the Results of a New Research).
Speaker at the conference “La governance dell’impresa e il passaggio generazionale
tra soluzioni tradizionali e meno: Trust, Patti di Famiglia e Fondazioni” (Company
Governance and Intergenerational Passage between More or Less Traditional
Solutions: Trusts, Family Pacts, and Foundations), organized by AIDDA Delegazione
Piemonte Valle d’Aosta.
Articles for the newspaper column “Dalla parte delle donne” (On Women’s Side) on the
newspaper Torino Cronaca Qui:
“Figli naturali riconosciuti dai nonni?” (Illegitimate Children Legally Recognized by the
“Nuova giunta regionale: grande risultato delle donne” (New Regional Council:
Women’s Great Result)
“Il Cinzia gate visto dalla parte di Cinzia” (Cinzia-gate from Cinzia’s Point of View)
“Le donne e la politica francese” (Women and French Politics)
“L’occupazione rosa regala buone notizie” (Women’s Employment Gives Good News)
Participation in the Italian Economic Mission in China (Chongqing, Shanghai, Beijing)
30 May to 4 June 2010, organized by Confindustria (Confederation of Italian Industry),
Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero (National Institute for Foreign Trade) and
Associazione Bancaria Italiana (Italian Banking Association).
Speaker at the conference “Frodi assicurative: chi paga davvero?” (Insurance Frauds:
Who Really Pays?), organized by Turin’s Unione Nazionale Consumatori.
• 2009
Participation in the conference “Scelte di investimento e regole di tutela, il ruolo della
Finanza Comportamentale tra economia, psicologia e diritto” (Investment Choices and
Protection Rules, the Role of Behavioral Finance between Economics, Psychology,
and Law), organized by Associazione Disiano Preite and by CONSOB.
Participation in the course “Diritto Tributario” (Tax Law), organized by Cipris S.r.l.
Participation in “Corso per il nuovo processo telematico” (Course for the New Telematic
Trial), organized by Consiglio dell’Ordine di Torino (Turin’s Bar Association).
Speaker at the Professional Training Conference accredited by Consiglio dell’Ordine
Forense di Torino
NORME IMPERATIVE IN TEMA DI ENTI PUBBLICI?” (State-Controlled Organizations:
Flexibility Tools or Avoidance of Imperative Laws concerning Public Institutions?);
Intervention titled: “Normativa di riferimento delle società costituite e partecipate dagli
enti locali comparata con quella che regolamenta gli enti pubblici territoriali” (Reference
Regulations of the Companies Established and Controlled by Local Authorities
Compared to the one that Rules Local Authorities), organized by Circolo del Buon
Governo di Torino San Carlo.
Speaker at the conference “LO SCUDO FISCALE: pesante balzello o ghiotta
opportunità?” (The Tax Shield: Heavy Toll or Opportunity?), organized by Federfarma.
Daily participation in the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy with questions from listeners on legal matters.
Intervention on the website “MAP Dispensa – Aggiornamento mensile per professionisti
d’impresa” (MAP Dossier - Monthly Update for Company Professionals), titled: “La
privatizzazione dell’acqua” (Privatization of Water-Supplies).
Participation to Training Events:
- “Diritto di famiglia” (Family Law)
- “Italia Europa quali frontiere per la giustizia tributaria? Le novità sostanziali e
processuali nel diritto e nel processo tributario” (Italy-Europe, what Borders for the Tax
Judiciary? Substantive and Procedural Novelties in Tax Law and Procedure)
- “Incontri di aggiornamento sulle modifiche al codice di procedura civile” (Updates on
the Changes to the Code of Civil-Law Procedure)
- Conference organized by the Court of Justice of Alba “Grandi e piccole insolvenze”
(Great and Small Insolvencies)
• 2008
Speaker at the debate held at the TV station Telestudio concerning equal opportunities:
“I principi delle pari opportunità nella legge italiana” (Principles of Equal Opportunities
in Italian Law).
Daily participation in the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy with questions from listeners on legal matters.
Participation in the newspaper column “Approfondimenti” (In-depth Analyses) on the
newspaper Torino Cronaca Qui.
Speaker at the Professional Training Conference accredited by Consiglio dell’Ordine
Forense di Torino, titled “DERIVATI FINANZIARI” (Derivative Financial Instruments).
Title of the intervention: “Qualificazione giuridica degli Strumenti Finanziari Derivati.
Aspetti oggettivi e soggettivi del contratto normativo e dei singoli contratti d’acquisto”
(Legal Qualification of Derivative Financial Instruments. Objective and Subjective
Aspects of the General Contract and of the Individual Purchase Contracts).
• 2007
Speaker at the conference “Turismo: prima risorsa economica del Paese?” (Tourism:
The Country’s First Economic Asset?)
Intervention titled: “Il codice del consumo e la vendita di pacchetti turistici: uno sguardo
d’insieme per la tutela delle imprenditrici” (Code of Consumption and the Sale of
Package Tours: A General Glance to the Protection of Women Entrepreneurs),
organized by Associazione DNT.
Speaker at the conference organized by ”Il Circolo di Torino” on the subject “BABELE
TFR – Che fine faranno le nostre liquidazioni?” (Indemnity Leaving Fund Babel – What
Will Happen to Our Indemnity Leaving Funds?).
Speaker at the cycle of conferences organized by “Donne nel Turismo” (Women in
Tourism) on the subject “Dire ….. e fare per le donne” (Saying…and Doing for Women).
Articles on the monthly magazine “MAP Dispensa – Aggiornamento mensile per
professionisti d’impresa” (MAP Dossier - Monthly Update for Company Professionals),
(Comma 729 – Finanziaria 2007: Si stringono i tempi per il taglio del numero degli
amministratori per le società totalmente partecipate dagli enti locali – I compensi fissati
per legge ecc.) (Paragraph 729 – Finance Bill: Near the Cut of Executive Positions in
Government-owned Companies – Remunerations Set by Law - etc.)
Daily participation in the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy with questions from listeners on legal matters.
Participation in the column of the newspaper Torino Cronaca “L’ Avvocato risponde”
(The Lawyer Answers): questions from the readers concerning legal matters.
Weekly participation to the TV program “L’avvocato risponde” (The Lawyer Answers)
broadcasted by Telestudio within the cycle “E …. state con noi” (And...Stay With Us).
• 2006
Participation in 2° Salone dell’Imprenditoria Femminile (2nd Fair of Female
Entrepreneurship). Speaker at the Workshop: “Donne nella tecnologia: eccellenti ma
poche” (Women in Technology: Excellent but Few). Promoted by Compagnia di San
Participation in the conference organized by Turin’s Chamber of Commerce: “Immobili
da costruire: la nuova normativa per la tutela degli acquirenti” (Buildings: The New Law
on the Protection of Buyers).
Speaker at the conference organized by ”Il Circolo di Torino” titled “TAV un’occasione
da non perdere” (High Speed Train, a Chance not to Be Missed)
Speaker at the conference organized by ”Il Circolo di Torino” titled “Finanziaria 2007 e
decreti Bersani: uno scippo agli italiani” (2007 Finance Bill and Bersani Decrees: a
Theft against Italians)
Speaker at the conference organized by ”Il Circolo di Torino” titled “La sicurezza in
Piemonte una nuova dimensione per nuovi scenari” (Safety in Piedmont: A New
Dimension for New Scenarios).
Articles of administrative law published in the magazine “MAP Dispensa aggiornamento
mensile per professionisti d’impresa (MAP Dossier - Monthly Update for Company
Professionals): Le aziende speciali – La responsabilità degli amministratori degli Enti
Locali ecc. (Special Companies – The Liability of Administrators of Local Authorities –
Daily participation in the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy with questions from listeners on legal matters.
Participation to the column of the newspaper Torino Cronaca “L’ Avvocato risponde”
(The Lawyer Answers): questions from the readers concerning legal matters.
Weekly participation to the TV program “L’avvocato risponde” (The Lawyer Answers)
broadcasted by Telestudio within the cycle “E …. state con noi” (And...Stay With Us).
• 2005
Participation in the conference “Riforma del Diritto Fallimentare” (Reform of Family
Law), organized by Synergia e Formazione (Synergy and Training).
Participation to the conference “La sicurezza in Piemonte. Una nuova dimensione per
nuovi scenari” (Safety in Piedmont. A New Dimension for New Scenarios)
Speaker at the conference “Illegittimità dell’anatocismo: conseguenze e rimedi”
(Unlawfulness of Interests on Interests: Consequences and Remedies), organized by
Speaker at the round table: “Il ‘no’ alla Costituzione europea: quali conseguenze per l’
Italia e per l’Europa?” (No to the European Constitution: What Consequences for Italy
and Europe?), organized by Il Circolo di Torino.
Participation in the 6th International Congress ''Forum Internazionale delle Donne del
Mediterraneo'' (International Forum of Mediterranean Women). Closing speech of the
4th plenary session: “Da una prosperità condivisa ad una realtà di buon vicinato: il caso
Italia” (From a Shared Prosperity to Good Neighborhood: The Case of Italy).
Daily participation in the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy with questions from listeners on legal matters.
Participation to the column of the newspaper Torino Cronaca “L’ Avvocato risponde”
(The Lawyer Answers): questions from the readers concerning legal matters.
• 2004
Speaker at the conference “Divorzio breve e patti prematrimoniali” (Short-term Divorce
and Prenuptial Agreements), organized by Associazione Arte Città Amica.
Participation to “Percorso di aggiornamento tributario” (Tax Law Updates), organized by
Participation in the seminar “La gestione dei conflitti” (Conflict Management) organized
by Associazione Equilibrio & C., the Chamber of Commerce of Turin, and Camera
Arbitrale del Piemonte (Arbitration Chamber of Piedmont).
Participation in the seminar “Misure di protezione delle persone prive in tutto o in parte
di autonomia: Amministrazione di sostegno, Curatela e Tutela” (Protection Measures for
Persons wholly or partly Lacking Autonomy: Support Administration, Custody, and
Guardianship), organized by Associazione Egida.
Participation in the seminar “Il Nuovo diritto societario – I nuovi statuti delle società di
capitali – la nuova disciplina dell’assemblea delle società di capitali – Amministrazione
e controlli nella nuova s.r.l. – Amministrazione e controlli nella nuova s.p.a.” (The New
Company Legislation – The New Bylaws of Stock Corporations – The New Regulations
for the Assembly of Stock Corporations – Administration and Checks of the New
Limited Company – Administration and Checks of the New Public Corporation),
organized by Ipsoa.
Participation in the seminar “Il contratto di appalto” (The Contractor’s Agreement),
organized by AGAT Associazione Giovani Avvocati (Association of Young Lawyers).
Participation in the seminar “Il nuovo codice di protezione dei dati personali” (The New
Code for the Protection of Personal Data), organized by AGAT – AIGI – UAE.
Speaker at the conference “Risparmio tradito: obbligazioni Argentine, Cirio e Parmalat”
(Betrayed Savings: Argentine Bonds, Ciro Bonds, and Parmalat Bonds), organized by
the Association “Il Circolo di Torino”.
Participation in the seminar “Il danno non patrimoniale” (Non-economic Damages),
organized by Camera Civile del Piemonte e della Valle d’Aosta.
Participation in the column of the newspaper Torino Cronaca “L’ Avvocato risponde”
(The Lawyer Answers): questions from the readers concerning legal matters.
Daily participation in the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy with questions from listeners on legal matters.
Weekly participation in the TV program “L’avvocato risponde” (The Lawyer Answers)
broadcasted by Telestudio within the cycle “E …. state con noi” (And...Stay With Us).
Weekly participation as a speaker in TV programs broadcasted by Telestudio on current
political and legal issues
Speaker at the conference “Riforma del Diritto Societario: i nuovi Statuti delle Società
Cooperative e delle Società pubblico-privato” (The Reform of Company Law: the New
Bylaws of Cooperative Associations and Public-Private Companies), organized by
Unione Giovani Commercialisti (Young Accountants Union).
• 2003
Speaker at the conference “Novità fiscali in tema di Sanatorie fiscali e diritto societario.
Riflessi pratici ed opportunità per gli operatori” (New Developments concerning Tax
Amnesties and Company Law. Practical Effects and Opportunities for Operators),
organized by Unione Giovani Dottori Commercialisti (Young Accountants Union).
Speaker at the conference “La riforma del Diritto Societario - La costituzione dei gruppi
cooperativi ed operazioni straordinarie” (Reform of Company Law – The Establishment
of Cooperating Groups and Extraordinary Operations), organized by Collegio Ragionieri
di Torino (Board of Accountants of Turin).
Speaker at the conference “La riforma del diritto societario” (Reform of Company Law),
organized by Serim Cenasca s.c.r.l.
Speaker at the training course for professionals assisting the parties in a settlement
(“Corso di Formazione per professionisti che assistono le parti nella conciliazione”),
organized by Associazione Equilibrio, Camera Arbitrale del Piemonte, and by Aiga.
Participation in the conference “La riforma del diritto fallimentare” (Reform of
Bankruptcy Law), organized by Paradigma S.p.A..
Daily participation to the radio program “Diritti e doveri” (Rights and Duties) of Radio
Energy with questions from listeners on legal matters.
Weekly participation in the TV program “L’avvocato risponde” (The Lawyer Answers)
broadcasted by Telestudio within the cycle “E …. state con noi” (And...Stay With Us).
Weekly participation as a speaker in TV programs broadcasted by Telestudio on current
political and legal issues
• 2002
Speaker at the conference “Il Trust in Italia” (Trusts in Italy), organized by Società
italiana di diritto commerciale (Italian Society of Business Law).
Participation in the conference “Riorganizzazione e riabilitazione del debitore
insolvente” (Reorganization and Rehabilitation of Insolvent Debtors), organized by
Fondazione CESIFIN.
Participation in the conference “Minore, famiglia e giustizia: prospettive che interpellano
tutti” (Minors, Families, and Justice: Prospectives that Consult Everybody), organized
• 2001
Participation in the conference “ Scudo fiscale” (Tax Shield), organized by BANCA DI
• 1999
Speaker at the conference “Giornata sull’arbitrato” (Arbitration Day), organized by
Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti di Torino (Board of Accountants of Turin).
• 1997
Speaker at the cycle of conferences on Civil Law organized by the Association “FIDAPA
• 1996
Speaker at the conference “Cessione di azienda e problematiche connesse alla
successione nell’impresa” (Transfer of Business and Problems Connected to
Succession in a Company), organized by Ordine forense del Tribunale di Alba (Bar
Association at the Town of Alba’s Tribunal).
• 1995
Court of Appeals of Turin
Professional qualification exam for Attorneys at Law and Registration in the Bar
• 1990
University of Miami
Specialization course: “Advanced English for Law”.
• 1989
Scuola di Notariato di Milano (Notarial School of Milan)
Specialization course in Civil Law.
• 1987
Scuola di Notariato di Roma (Notarial School of Rome)
Biannual specialization course in Civil Law.
• 1986
London School of Economics
Specialization course in legal and technical English.
• 1982-1986
Acquired in the course of life
and career but not necessarily
covered by formal certificates
and diplomas.
University of Turin
Law Degree with doctoral thesis in Public Finance titled “La crisi del Welfare State in
Italia” (The Crisis of the Welfare State in Italy), supervision of Prof. Vincenzino
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
Lawyer, registered with the Bar Association since 1995, registered in the professional
roll of lawyers qualified to treat cases before the Court of Cassation since 2007.
Principal of the law firm.
Civil and administrative law with special reference to:
Company, Corporate, Trust Law.
Insurance Law.
Debt Collection.
Labor Law.
Family Law.
Out of court activity: prevention of controversies and consultancy for private
individuals, companies, and public organizations.
Representation, assistance and defense of private individuals and companies
before Judges of Peace, Tribunals, Courts of Appeals, Administrative Courts, Appellate
Administrative Courts, and Court of Cassation on behalf of:
 Industrial and trade companies – Continuing consultancy for small and mediumsized companies (Viasat S.p.A., Speed S.p.A., Movitrack, Elem, Publimedia,
Omnia business, Farmagruppo, Farmagestioni, CAF in l.c.a.)
 Fondo Regionale Sanitario (Regional Health Fund), Public Organizations –
Continuing consultancy (Finmeccanica, Eurofidi, Eurogroup, Enoteca del
Piemonte, Regional Government Departments, Towns and Cities, the Italian Red
Cross, Public Agencies, Associations).
 Newspapers and Radio and TV Networks – Continuing consultancy (Telestudio,
Torino Cronaca, Radio Energy, Map, Primantenna).
 Banks, financial and insurance companies (Banca Alpi Marittime, Banca
Fideuram, Intesa San Paolo Assicura)
 Individual, labor law controversies (private and public employers, Local Health
Units, stock and non-stock companies, employees).
 Administrative procedures.
 Investment companies and real estate brokerage – Continuing consultancy.
 Industrial associations – Continuing consultancy: AIDDA - Associazione
imprenditrici e donne dirigenti d’azienda (Association of Women Entrepreneurs and
Company Managers), DNT Donne nel Turismo (Women in Tourism), Federalberghi
(Italian Federation of Hotel Owners), Federfarma (Italian Federation of
Pharmaceutical Companies).
 Associations for the Progress of Women – Comitato Nazionale Italiano per
l’UNIFEM (Italian National Committee for UNIFEM - United Nations Fund).
 Foundations and Cultural, Art and Entertainment Institutions (Compagnia di San
Paolo, Fondazione TNT, Torino Spettacoli, Fondazione Live Piemonte dal Vivo –
Circuito regionale dello Spettacolo).
Participation in arbitrations.
Board director and liquidator of stock companies.
Accounting auditor in Region-controlled consortia.
President of Collegio Regionale dei Probiviri di Associazione Regionale
(Regional board of arbitrators).
Board director of a banking foundation.
Board director of an art foundation.
Board director of companies controlled by local authorities.
The undersigned authorizes the treatment of personal information according to the Leg. Decree
Turin, 03/07/2014
Patrizia Polliotto

Name POLLIOTTO Patrizia Address Via Roma n. 366 – 10121