ITALIAN TASTER Dr. Piera Carroli, Convener and Lecturer Italian Studies Program Outline • Websites: Italian Studies; SLS; Wattle; – EXCHANGES • Student Perspective – Visual Diary (Continuing student) – Presentation (former Advanced / Siena Exchange student) • Approach to learning language and culture – Greetings and Numbers: Interactive presentation and activities – Questions! 2 Italian studies at ANU • • • • p?id=12790 • p?id=12791 • STUDENT EXCHANGES: ce/exchange/anu-exchange-partners#Italy 3 4 5 Student perspective! Sarah Campbell Julia Smith 6 COME SI SALUTA [How to greet people in Italian] All’arrivo [On arrival] FORMALE INFORMALE Buongiorno Ciao! Buonasera Ciao! Arrival+ Quando si va via leaving [On leaving ] FORMALE INFORMAL IN /FORMALE E Salve! Arrivederla Arrivederci Salve! Arrivederci Ciao! Ci vediamo! 7 SALUTI (FORMALI) e ORARI [Greetings for Different Times of Day] BUONGIORNO 6am – 4-5pm BUONASERA 4-5pm onwards BUONANOTTE When you are going to bed 8 PRESENTAZIONI [Introductions] FORMALE INFORMALE FORMALE INFORMALE Buongiorno, sono la professoressa Carroli Ciao, mi Piacere! Mi chiamo chiamo Io sono Giulia! Paolo, la e tu come profes- Piacere! ti soressa chiami? Miccichè 9 PRESENTAZIONI [Introductions] FORMAL Good morning, (afternoon) I am prof.ssa Carroli INFORMAL FORMAL INFORMAL Hi, my Pleased My name name is to meet is Giulia, you! Paolo, nice I am what’s meeting prof.ssa yours? you! Miccichè 10 PER CHIEDERE COME STA UNA PERSONA [How to ask how someone is doing] Chiedere [asking] FORMALE INFORMALE Buonasera Ciao, signora Stefania, Fabbrini, come stai? come sta? Salve Marco, Salve come sta? Marco, come va? Buongiorno Ciao Daria, professoressa come stai? come sta? Rispondere [replying] FORMALE INFORMALE Non c’è male, Bene, grazie, e e lei? tu?>>Anch’io >Bene, bene, grazie. grazie. Abbastanza Benissimo! bene, grazie. Bene grazie, Non c’è male, e e lei tu Brizzi, come professore, stai? come sta? 11 PER CHIEDERE COME STA UNA PERSONA [How to ask how someone is doing] Chiedere [asking] FORMALE Good evening Ms Fabbrini, how are you? Rispondere [replying] INFORMALE FORMALE INFORMALE Hi, Stefania, how are you? Good, thanks, and you? Mee too, thanks Good day Marco, how is it going? Hi Daria, how Good morning professoressa, how are are you? you? Good day Marco, how are you? Not too bad, and you? >Good, thank you Not too bad, thank you. Fabulous! Not bad, and Very well thank you, and what about you how are you Brizzi? professor….? 12 USI E COSTUMI: Lei (Italian uses and customs) Why do Italians use the polite form of address? The polite form of address "Lei" is feminine because it comes from “La sua Signoria"- His Lordship/Her Ladyship-a feminine noun in Italian 13 Ciao! Origins and transformations The informal greeting CIAO derives from S’CIAO (Veneto dialect): “I am your slave” [at your service/orders!] Used in 1700 Venice by servants when addressing their ‘padroni’ (bosses) 14 ONLINE ACTIVITIES • Greetings: QUIZ • Numbers: Drop and drag activity 15 NUMBERS (1-20) UNO DUE TRE Track08.cda QUATTRO CINQUE SEI SETTE OTTO NOVE DIECI! 16 Activity 1 - Fill in the Gaps INFORMALE Ciao! Come ti chiami? Ciao! Mi chiamo ................E tu? Come stai? Mi chiamo.................. ... Bene, grazie e tu? Benissimo. Ciao Ciao. 17 Activity 2. Rewrite the conversation using formal address. FORMALE Buongiorno. .................... Come si chiama? Mi chiamo.................E ....? Come ............? ......................... Bene, grazie e ......? ......................... .......................... .... 18 Activity 3 Introduce yourself to the student next to you (in class) Practice with a friend (at home, in the library…) 19 QUESTIONS / DOMANDE • Any questions, comments? • [email protected] • Arrivederci ! 20