‘FENCING AND CLINICAL SPORT PSYCHOLOGY’ Dr. Giovanni Lodetti Dr. Elena Pomesano AIPPS – Association International Psychologie et Psychoanalyse du Sport – Onlus Born in 1994 at Università Statale di Milano www.aipps.it Barcelona, 16th February 2008 AIPPS theoretical framework: Through the observation of defense mechanisms and social interaction during the sport practice it is possible to detect some discomfort signals in order to plan an intervention program through sports practice Sport = place of personality structuring not as competitive game especially between latency period and pre adolescent age Context: intervention on young age discomfort and its prevention Clinical instruments: transactional analysis, projective tests, observation Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS The intervention through sports practice: why? ☞ It has some characteristics useful for the education and interesting characteristics for the children (meeting other children, feeling independent and participating in a pleasant activity). ☞ the rules of the sport allow the person to express freely, in a ‘socially accepted way’, the instincts that in a different context can make one feel guilty. Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS Date: between 2000 and 2001 and repeated in the following years Participants: 1224 kids of the primary schools (between 7 and 11 years old) in Milan and Desio (including children with mental diseases such as Down Syndrome). Sport used: fencing, practiced twice a week for two hours and taught by a fencing master. Clinical operators: two psychologists who observed the children Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS Why fencing It has more interesting aspects related to the management of the self, compared with other sports: ☞ a vis à vis sport ☞ a real fight mediated by the weapon ☞ it requires sophisticated technique and precision ☞ the mask facilitates the instinct expression Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS Phases: 1) Observations during the fencing practice 2) Noting of the behaviours on a grid that associates behaviours to the related defense mechanisms. 3) Projective tests (TAT and Three test) in order to check what was detected in the observation phase. 4) Fencing practice again Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS ACTION NUMBERS MECHANISM No save/direct hit Suppression Violently hitting and then going to comfort the opponent Cancellation Saving without responding Reaction formation Brash behaviour in front of the challenger Denial Attribute the own behaviour to the challenger Projection Self denigration, getting angry with oneself Inversion Reversion to a previous technique Regression Deny the defeat as a painful memory and not feel it as painful Isolation Saying to be unable to hit because of sudden physical reasons Somatization It doesn’t matter if I win or not: I play to entertain the onlookers with my style Sublimation In the sports practice context we inserted and proposed some role playing activity, choosing the role we judged the most appropriate for each single child. ☞ it was possible to act on the most difficult ‘cases’ detected in the previous phase through observation and tests (e.g. aggressiveness or hyperactivity). Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS Fencing practice + role playing improves the following aspects: ☞ consciousness of the behaviour rules ☞ socialization ☞ creativity ☞ attention ☞ character building ☞ ability to manage the own physical self ☞ ability to cope with conflicts Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS We summarized these skills in 4 main items: Self Control 22% 18% Abidance Socialization 32% 28% Autonomy and creativity Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS Future perspective Following the AIPPS studies health managers, psychologists and sports operators, universities, hospitals, professional orders and provinces provided a collaboration network that led to the birth of the ‘clinical sports psychologist’. This specific figure acts on the territory as operator and trainer within the projects related to the young age discomfort prevention, using the sports practice as preferred instrument. Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS ☞ We hope other authorities in psychological and medical field will improve and substain the activity of the clinical sport psychologist on an international level. Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS Dr. Ph. Giovanni Lodetti President of SIPCS (Società Internazionale Psicologi Clinici dello Sport), Scientifical Director of AIPPS, Scientifical Director of the Master course in Psicologia Clinica dello Sport, S.Anna Hospital,Como Responsible of ‘Sportello di Avviamento allo Sport’, Unità Spinale, Hospital Cà Granda Niguarda, Milano Transactional psychoanalyst (Rmet) – President of sports clubs Manager Fis (Federazione Italiana Scherma) Milano Psychologist trainer for CIP (Comitato Italiano Paralimpico) Member of Epee Italian Team (1988-90) in World Cup Fencing master, son of M° Marcello Lodetti (Master of Italian Fencing Team 1960-1980) Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS Dr. Elena Pomesano Psychologist Member of Sipcs Member of Aipps Teacher at the Master in Psicologia Clinica dello Sport, S.Anna Hospital Collaborator with CIP (Comitato Italiano Paralimpico) Fencing player at agonistic level Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS THANKS FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION ! Barcelona, 16th February 2008 Dott. G.Lodetti AIPPS President Dott. E.Pomesano AIPPS