OUR DEMOCRACY OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM NATIONAL ANTHEM OF ITALY The words of our national anthem were written in 1847 by a young patriot and poet whose name was Goffredo Mameli, the music was composed by Michele Novaro. Since 1946, after the Second World War and the Fascist dictatorship, it has been our national anthem. Italy is a parliamentary, democratic and representative republic. Democracy in our country is indirect and it represented by Parliament, which is divided in: CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI Now our Presidente della Camera dei Deputati is Fausto Bertinotti. People can vote for the Camera dei SENATO DELLA REPUBBLICA Now our Presidente del Senato della Repubblica is Franco Marini. People can vote for the Senate from the age of 25. CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI and SENATO DELLA REPUBBLICA have the same power and tasks, the elections are every five years. SENATORI A VITA They are not elected by the Italian people but they are chosen by the President of the Republic for artistic or scientific reasons, or because they are important and representative personalities for Italy. The ex-presidents of the Republic are all “senatori a THE CONSTITUTION We have a written Constitution, the first was the Statuto Albertino in 1848, but after the Second World War, with the institution of the Republic there is a new constitution. We have had it since 1948. The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state, it describes the most important principles, the organization of the state and all the rights and duties of all citizens. THE PARLIAMENT It has the legislative power (it makes the laws) and it chooses through a secret election the Presidente della Repubblica (the President of the Republic) PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC He remains in office for 7 years. He represents the state, controls the activities and promulgates the laws. Now our Presidente della Repubblica is Giorgio Napolitano. THE GOVERNMENT It has an executive power (for the implementation of the law) and administers the country. The Government is composed of Presidente del Consiglio (Prime Minister chosen by the Presidente della Repubblica) and ministers. Now our Presidente del Consiglio is Romano Prodi CORTE COSTITUZIONALE It controls if the laws made by Parliament are consistent with our Constitution. CORTE DEI CONTI It controls the financial resources of the State. It controls that the bills made by Paliament have the necessary financial backing to become laws of the State. Italy is divided in: 20 REGIONI (regions) 103 PROVINCE (provinces) 8000 COMUNI (councils) TO SUMMARISE PARLIAMENT Legislative power COSTITUZIONE GOVERNMENT Executive power FUNDAMENTA L ORGANS OF THE STATE Camera dei deputati Senato della Repubblica Prime Minister Ministers Presidente della Repubblica Head of State COURT OF MAGISTRATES (MAGISTRATURA) Judicial power CONSTITUTIONAL COURT (CORTE COSTITUZIONALE) Organ of control appoints President of the Republic Government controls elects Parliament Camera dei Deputati Senato della Repubblica elects elects ITALIAN PEOPLE Emanation of directives Direct election Government IN EVERY REGION Government Official Inspection Committee IN EVERY PROVINCE REGIONAL COUNCIL REGIONAL COUNCIL PRESIDENT OF THE REGION PROVINCIAL COUNCIL PREFECT IN EVERY COUNCIL PROVINCIAL COUNCIL PRESIDENT OF THE PROVINCE BOARD OF COUNCILLORS MAYOR LOCAL COUNCIL MAYOR CITIZENS OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC written given by the king Statuto Albertino (1848) characteristics liberal concise flexible written Costituzione Italiana (1948) characteristics voted long rigid social Structure of the Constitution Fundamental Principles (Articles 1-12) Part I (Articles 13-54). Rights and Duties of the Citizens Part II (Articles 55-139). Rules of the Republic Final and Temporary Provisions Comenius Project YEFEC Made by Alice, Maykol and Mattia October 2006